Solar Generation

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Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Part One: SOLAR BASICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Part Two: THE SOLAR POWER MARKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Part Three: THE SOLAR RACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Part Four: THE SOLAR FUTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Part five: THE RIGHT POLICY FOR THE SOLAR GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Note: The currency quoted in this report is mainly the US dollar, with the euro in some sections
on European countries.


The Solar Generation project, conceived in 2000 by Greenpeace and the European Photo-
voltaic Industry Association (EPIA), is entering its next phase, and addresses major
challenges facing the global society:

1. Employment and solar industry

2. Security of affordable energy supplies

3. Poverty eradication

4. Climate change

It has become clear that energy access has become a priority if we are to enable sustainable
and fair development for future generations.

EPIA and Greenpeace have published this third edition of Solar Generation to update our
understanding of the contribution that solar power can make to the world’s energy
supply. The report is a practical blueprint showing that solar power is capable of supplying
electricity to more than one billion people within two decades, even if overall electricity
use doubles in that time.

Solar Generation aims to define the role that solar electricity will play in the lives of a
population born today and growing up as an important energy saving and consumption
group. We have examined how solar electricity will be perceived from both the consumer
and the solar business perspective within the timescale of this single generation. The
report highlights the worldwide benefits of solar energy - for the climate and environment,
social development, the economy and supply chain as well as for industry and


Solar photovoltaics (PV) can and should play an important role within a future sustainable
energy system. PV is one of the key technologies for generating decentralised electricity
for private households around the world, and the technology is currently maturing. The
market has grown by more than 40% a year for almost a decade and the industry is
investing large sums to increase production facilities.

The further development of PV solar electricity from a niche market to a mainstream

technology will be crucial in 2006 and 2007. For the expansion of solar energy to be
successful there must be a clear commitment from governments. The global photovoltaic
industry has already made large investments and to ensure this investment continues
into the future there must be a stable political framework to support it.


Adequate market support programs in a relatively small number of countries has already
led to the first market rush for PV energy. The German Feed In Tariff Act (EEG), for example,
has created long-term conditions to help the PV solar electricity industry become a
remarkable business partner with the potential for major job creation. This is about to
continue when new investments in production facilities for solar silicon cells and modules
are made between 2007 and 2010. The PV solar industry is at a crossroads – once the
supply bottleneck is passed and new facilities are ready to allow for major growth in
production the industry can then become a serious player in the power sector. Phasing-in
PV solar electricity will therefore require a shift from centralised to decentralised power
production, passing far greater control to individual consumers.


As oil, gas and coal prices continue to rise with the supply often coming from politically
unstable countries, the question of an affordable, clean and secure energy supply points
to a need for renewable energies. More and more people see that fossil fuels have a
negative impact on the world’s climate, the economy and our everyday lives. Renewable
energies and energy efficiency can cover future energy needs, but a long-term strategy is
needed if this is to become reality. The shift in the energy sector will takes a least one
generation – the ‘Solar Generation’.

Security of energy supply – both through access to fuels and price stability – is an
increasingly important part of the current global energy debate. If developing countries
base their economic growth on the former model of industrialised countries, our planet
will not be able to support this expansion in a sustainable way. The rapidly increasing
demand for fossil fuels in 2006 propelled the price of crude oil above US$75 per barrel for
the first time, showing that the price of oil will continue to rise sharply for supply to meet
this growing demand. Economies unprepared for diversification of their energy mix will
be particularly affected by these developments in the world oil market.

Solar power is a prime choice in developing an affordable and feasible global power
source that can substitute fossil fuels in all the world’s climate zones. The solar radiation
reaching the earth’s surface in one year provides more than 10,000 times the world’s
yearly energy needs. Whereas large solar thermal power plants can harvest the sun’s
power in dry and hot desert-like areas, PV solar electricity can provide decentralised
energy supply at the very place it is consumed.

SolarGeneration III is a collaboration between EPIA, Greenpeace International and the

German Aerospace Centre (DLR), the largest engineering research organisation in
Germany. Projections on the future pattern of solar energy development have been ex-
trapolated from a larger study of global sustainable energy pathways up to 2050
conducted by DLR for Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC).

Renewable energies and in particular PV solar electricity have long-term potential. The
benefits of solar power are compelling: environmental protection, economic growth, job
creation, secure and distributed generation, diversity of fuel supply and rapid deployment,
as well as the global potential for technology transfer and innovation. Most decisions on
energy made today overlook solar power as a decentralised and modular technology,
which can be rapidly deployed to generate electricity in developing areas.

Poverty eradication is a prerequisite for future peace. Some two billion people currently
live with no access to energy services and this is set to rise if no action is taken. An
essential part of tackling this is developing energy infrastructure, especially in rural areas
of China, India, Africa and South America. PV solar energy already makes decentralised
energy supply economical, which will become even more pronounced with future
reductions in the cost of PV systems. We can envisage an increase from today’s 10% mar-
ket devoted to off-grid rural PV systems to 50% in the coming decades.

Climate change is increasingly accepted as one of the biggest man-made threats to the
planet. We have now reached a point where CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
have already induced excessive floods, droughts and intensified hurricanes and typhoons.
If we do not rigorously change our addiction to fossil fuels we will very soon cross a point
when not only will more floods, droughts and heavier storms occur, but changes in ocean
circulation and the melting of glaciers and artic ice will also produce destructive results
for mankind.

Fortunately, we have technologies at hand – the portfolio of renewable energies – that

could change this downward spiral and lead to a green and sustainable future.

Reports are a useful guide, but it is people’s actions that really change things. We
encourage politicians and policymakers, global citizens, energy officials, companies,
investors and other interested parties to support solar power. By taking the crucial
steps to help ensure that more than a billion people obtain electricity from the sun in
the future we can harness the full potential of solar power for our common good.

September 2006

EPIA Greenpeace


President Renewables Director
European Photovoltaic Industry Greenpeace International
Association (EPIA)



The solar electricity market is booming. In 2005 the cumulative
installed capacity of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems around the
world passed the landmark figure of 5000MWp. Global ship-
ments of PV cells and modules have been growing at an average
annual rate of more than 35% for the past few years.

Such has been the growth in the solar electricity industry that
business only of the European PV industry in 2005 was worth
more than Ð5 billion.

Competition among the major manufacturers has become in- This clear commercial commitment to the expansion of the PV
creasingly intense, with new players entering the market as the industry means that the current surge of activity in the solar
potential for PV opens up. The worldwide photovoltaic industry, electricity sector represents only a foretaste of the massive
particularly in Europe and Japan, is investing heavily in new transformation and expansion expected to occur over the com-
production facilities and technologies. At the same time, politi- ing decades. The target: realisation of a common goal of sub-
cal support for the development of solar electricity has led to stantially increasing the penetration of solar electricity into the
far-reaching promotion frameworks being put in place in a global energy mix while also cutting greenhouse gas emis-
number of countries, notably Germany and Japan. sions.

Since the first issue of Solar Generation was produced in 2001, Much work still needs to be done to turn potential into reality.
the global market has continued to expand at the rate then pre- One crucial step is to bring a far broader range of actors into the
dicted. While some countries, such as the United States, have sector, particularly in the investment finance, marketing and
lagged behind in their expected development, others such as retailing areas. At the same time, there is a need to transmit to
Germany have exceeded expectations. There is also evidence of as wide an ience as possible the message that solar electricity
new enthusiasm for solar power in some of its most promising will bring socio-economic, industrial and environmental bene-
potential world markets, such as China. fits to regions which proactively encourage its uptake.


Numerous qualitative analyses about the potential market de-

velopment of solar photovoltaics have been published in the
past. The aim here has been to compile a detailed quantitative
knowledge base, coupled with clearly defined and realistic as-
sumptions from which extrapolations can be made on the likely
development of the solar electricity market up to 2025 and be-
yond. The results which have emerged from this extensive anal-
ysis point to a technology that is going to have a significant fu-
ture impact on the everyday lives of the population born today.

This the third issue of our global solar PV market forecast Solar Clearly, this transformation will not happen by itself. It will re-
Generation after its first appearances in 2001 and in 2004. Since quire the far-reaching commitment of consumers and industry,
then, our estimates have been proved to be realistic, even a little as well as significant political will. The level of commitment
conservative, as the market grew faster. Compared to the first needed, however, has already been demonstrated in those
market forecast, the market volume in 2005 was three years countries which show the greatest growth in their solar elec-
ahead of schedule, and the market volume in 2010 is now ex- tricity industries. We must learn from them and adapt and de-
pected to be over 5500MW – twice our expectation in 2001.

Annual MW installation capacity: Market versus “SolarGeneration” scenario predictions since 2001
Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Market Result MW] 334 439 594 815 1397

SG I (2001) [MW] 321 408 518 659 838 1060 1340 1700 2150 2810

SG II (2004) [MW] 985 1283 1675 2190 2877 3634

SG III (2006) [MW] 1883 2540 3420 4630 5550

ploy the corresponding catalysts at a global level if solar elec- The scenario is also divided in two ways – into the four main
tricity is to fulfil the potential that we need it to. global market divisions (consumer applications, grid-connect-
ed, remote industrial and off-grid rural), and into the regions of
SOLAR GENERATION: the world as defined in projections of future electricity demand
METHODOLOGY AND ASSUMPTIONS made by the International Energy Agency. These regions are
OECD Europe, OECD Pacific, OECD North America, Latin Ameri-
Taking its lead from Japanese and German success stories, this ca, East Asia, South Asia, China, the Middle East, Africa and the
EPIA/Greenpeace report looks forward to what solar power Rest of the World.
could achieve, given the right market conditions and an antici-
pated fall in costs, over the first two decades of the twenty-first SOLAR GENERATION:
century. As well as projections for installed capacity and energy KEY RESULTS OF THE EPIA/GREENPEACE ANALYSIS
output it makes assessments of the level of investment re-
quired, the number of jobs which could be created, and the cru- The key results of the EPIA/Greenpeace scenario clearly show
cial effect that an increased input from solar electricity will that, even from a relatively low baseline, solar electricity has
have on greenhouse gas emissions. the potential to make a major contribution to both future glob-
al electricity supply and the mitigation of climate change. These
This scenario for 2025, together with an extended projection key results are shown in Table 1.
forwards to 2040, is based on the following core inputs:

Table 1: Key results of the EPIA/Greenpeace analysis

• PV market development over recent years both globally and in
specific regions 2025 2020
• national and regional market support programmes
Global Solar Electricity Output 589 TWh 276 TWh
• national targets for PV installations and manufacturing capacity in 2025:
• the potential for PV in terms of solar irradiation, the availability
Global electricity demand in 2,5 % 1,3 %
of suitable roof space and the demand for electricity in areas not 2025 / 2020 (IEA projection)
connected to the grid.
Global electricity demand in 2025/20 3,5 % 1,7 %
with moderate energy efficiency
The following assumptions have been used: (Greenpeace International Projection)
MARKET GROWTH RATES: The average annual growth rate of the Global Solar Electricity Output 4890 TWh
worldwide PV market up to 2009 is projected to be 35% and 26% in 2040:
between 2010 and 2015. Between 2016 and 2025, the market will Global electricity demand in 16 %
2040 (IEA projection)
slowly consolidate at a high level, growth rates going down to
19% until 2020 and 11% between 2021 and 2025. Although initial Global electricity demand in 2040 24 %
with moderate energy efficiency
growth is expected to be fastest in the grid-connected sector, by (Greenpeace International Projection)
2010 the off-grid sector will play an increasing role.
Detailed Projections for 2025:

ELECTRICITY GENERATION: Figures for the growth in global electric- PV systems capacity 433 GWp 205 GWp
ity demand up to 2020 (on which comparisons with expected
Grid-connected consumers 290 million 135 million
PV development are based) have been taken from projections world wide
by the International Energy Agency. These show total world Off-grid consumers 1.6 billion 900 million
power demand increasing to 23,000 Terawatt hours (TWh) by
2025. DLR has been asked by Greenpeace International and Employment potential, 3,2 million 1,9 million
full-time jobs world wide
EREC to conduct a study on global sustainable energy pathways
up to 2050. The scenarios are based on the reference scenario Investment value
from IEA World Energy Outlook (2004). The energy demand is Average annual investment 45,2 billion Ð 30,9 billion Ð
split up in electricity and fuels. A low energy demand scenario value 2005 - 2025
has been developed based on the IEA reference scenario: For the Investment value in 2025 102,5 billion Ð 76,1 billion Ð
year 2025, the energy efficiency scenario estimates a global
Prices for grid connected PV
electricity demand of 16.845 TWh in 2025. systems; Reduction down to 2 ¤ per Wp

Cumulative carbon savings 2.204 million 851,5 million

CARBON DIOXIDE SAVINGS: Over the whole scenario period it is es- ton.COc ton.COc
timated that an average of 0.6 kg of COc would be saved per Annual COc savings 353 million 165,4 million
kilowatt-hour of output from a solar generator. ton.COc ton.COc

PROJECTION TO 2040: For the period 2025-2040 a moderate annual

growth rate of 15% has been assumed, as well as a very conser-
vative lifetime of 20 years for PV modules.


For the solar production industry, global annual shipments of
PV modules will rise from 1.4 GWp in 2005 to more than 55 GWp
in 2025. This represents an increase by a factor of 40.

For job seekers in 2025, this will contribute considerably to-

wards their employment prospects. On the assumption that
more jobs will be created in the installation and servicing of PV
systems than in their manufacture, the result is that by 2025 it
is likely that more than 3.2 million full-time jobs will have been
created by the development of solar power around the world.
SOLAR GENERATION: Most of those would be in installation and marketing.
SUPPLY By 2025 solar PV would also have had one other important ef-
fect. In environmental terms, it would have reduced annual COc
The EPIA/Greenpeace scenario shows that by 2025 PV systems emissions by 353 million tonnes. This reduction is equivalent to
could be generating approximately 589 TWh of electricity the emissions from Australia AND New Zealand, or 150 coal-fired
around the world. This means that enough solar power would power plants. Cumulative COc savings from solar electricity
be produced globally in twenty years’ time to satisfy the elec- generation between 2005 and 2025 will have reached a level of
tricity needs of 20% of the entire EU-25. Put another way, this 2.2 billion tonnes.
would represent the annual output from 150 coal-fired power

Global installed capacity of solar power systems would reach In order to supply up to a billion people with solar electricity by
433 GWp by 2025. About two thirds of this would be in the grid- 2025, and go on to achieve a global electricity share of 20% or
connected market, mainly in industrialised countries. Assum- more by 2040, a major shift in energy policy will be needed. Ex-
ing that 80% of these systems are installed on residential build- perience over the past few years has demonstrated the effec-
ings, and their average size is 3 kWp, the total number of people tiveness of joint industrial and political commitment to achiev-
by then generating their own electricity from a grid-connected ing greater penetration of solar electricity into the energy mix
solar system would reach 290 million. In Europe alone there at local, national, regional and global levels.
would be roughly 41 million people receiving their supply from
solar electricity generation. A number of key political actions are required.

Although the key markets are now located mainly in the indus- • FIRSTLY, an annual world PV market growth of 5GWp+ by 2010
trialised world, a global shift will result in a significant share – will only be achieved through the extension of best practice sup-
approximately 40 GWp – being taken by the developing world port schemes, appropriately adapted to local circumstances, to
in 2025. Since system sizes are much smaller than grid connect- encourage the uptake of solar electricity amongst consumers.
ed systems and the population density greater, this means that The German and Japanese experiences highlight the impact,
up to a billion people in developing countries would by then be which such actions can have on the global photovoltaics indus-
using solar electricity. This would represent a considerable try.
breakthrough for the technology from its present emerging sta- • SECONDLY, the inherent barriers to the take-up of solar power, and
tus. the subsidies available to fossil and nuclear fuels, which currently
penalise renewable sources, must be removed.
By 2040, the penetration of solar generation would be even • THIRDLY, legally enforceable mechanisms must be implemented
greater. Assuming that overall global power consumption had to secure and accelerate the new market for solar photovoltaics.
by then increased from 16,000 to 36,500 TWh, the solar contri- Particularly in industrialised and emerging economies, the intro-
bution would equal 16% of the world’s electricity output. This duction or expansion of premium feed-in tariffs with guaranteed
would define solar power as an established world energy lifetimes must be a cornerstone of all future promotion mecha-
source. nisms for solar electricity.

Our goal now must be to mobilise the necessary industrial, po-

litical and end-user commitment to this technology and, more
importantly, the service it provides. We must redouble our ef-
forts to ensure that the generation born today benefits from all
the socio-economic and environmental benefits that solar elec-
tricity offers.



There is more than enough solar radiation available around the
world to satisfy the demand for solar power systems. The pro-
portion of the sun’s rays that reaches the earth’s surface is
enough to provide for global energy consumption 10,000 times
over. On average, each square metre of land is exposed to
enough sunlight to produce 1,700 kWh of power every year.

The statistical information base for the solar energy resource is

very solid. The US National Solar Radiation database, for exam-
ple, has logged 30 years of solar radiation and supplementary
meteorological data from 237 sites in the USA.


Figure 1.1: Global variations in irradiation
“Photovoltaic” is a marriage of two words: “photo”, meaning
light, and “voltaic”, meaning electricity. Photovoltaic technolo-
gy, the scientific term used to describe what we use to convert
2000 solar energy into electricity, generates electricity from light.
[kWh / (m2)]

We use a semi-conductor material which can be adapted to re-
lease electrons, the negatively charged particles that form the
basis of electricity. The most common semi-conductor material
1000 used in photovoltaic (PV) cells is silicon, an element most com-
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 monly found in sand.
Source: Gregor Czisch, ISET, Kassel, Germany

All PV cells have at least two layers of such semi-conductors,

The greater the available solar resource at a given location, the one positively charged and one negatively charged. When light
larger the quantity of electricity generated. Tropical regions of- shines on the semi-conductor, the electric field across the junc-
fer a better resource than more temperate latitudes. The aver- tion between these two layers causes electricity to flow, gener-
age irradiation in Europe is about 1,000 kWh per square metre ating DC current. The greater the intensity of the light, the
and year, for example, compared with 1,800 kWh in the Middle greater the flow of electricity.
A photovoltaic system therefore does not need bright sunlight
Figure 1.2 shows the estimated potential energy output from in order to operate. It also generates electricity on cloudy days
solar PV generators in different parts of the world. The calcula- by a rationing of the energy output that depends on the density
tion used here takes into account the average efficiency of mod- of the clouds. Due to the reflection of sunlight, days with slight
ules and converters as well as the correct angle to the sun re- cloud can even result in higher energy yields than days with a
quired at different latitudes. completely cloudless sky.

Figure 1.2: Energy potential from PV around the world Generating energy through solar PV is quite different from how
a solar thermal system works, where the sun’s rays are used to
300 generate heat, usually for hot water in a house, swimming pool
50 etc.
[kWh / (m2)]


• The fuel is free.
-50 150 • There are no moving parts to wear out, break down or replace.
• Only minimal maintenance is required to keep the system running.
100 • The systems are modular and can be quickly installed anywhere.
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Source: Gregor Czisch, ISET, Kassel, Germany • It produces no noise, harmful emissions or polluting gases.

In terms of final demand, the report Solar Electricity in 2010 PV TECHNOLOGY

(European Photovoltaic Industry Association, 2001) shows that The most important parts of a PV system are the CELLS which
only the market segment comprising grid-connected PV roof- form the basic building blocks of the unit which collects the
top systems, the most dynamic growth area in the market, has sun’s light, the MODULES which bring together large numbers of
the potential to generate an average of 16% of electricity con- cells into a unit, and, in some situations, the INVERTERS used to
sumption across the OECD (industrialised) countries. This is convert the electricity generated into a form suitable for every-
roughly equivalent to today’s contribution from hydropower. day use.

PV CELLS AND MODULES Figure 1.3: Cell technology shares in 2005
PV cells are generally made either from thick CRYSTALLINE SILICON,
sliced from ingots or castings or from grown ribbons, or THIN
FILM, deposited in thin layers on a low-cost backing. Most cell
mono c-Si ribbon-/sheet
production (93.5% in 2005) has so far involved the former, while 38,3% c-Si 2,9%
future plans will also have a strong focus on the latter. Thin CIS 0,2%
film technology based on silicon and other materials is expect- a-Si 4,7%
ed to gain a much larger share of the PV market in the future. CdTe 1,6%
This technology offers several advantages such as low material
consumption, low weight and a smooth appearance.

Crystalline silicon is still the mainstay of most PV modules. Al-
though in some technical parameters it is not the ideal material
for solar cells, it has the benefit of being widely available, well
understood and uses the same technology developed for the
electronics industry. Efficiencies of more than 20% have been poly c-Si 52,3%
obtained with silicon cells in the laboratory. Solar cell efficiency
in the production process and the thickness of the solar cell are
Source: “Photon International”, March 2006
important fields for optimisation. Wafers, very thin slices of
silicon, are the basis for crystalline solar cells. Thinner wafers All of these have active layers in the thickness range of less than
mean less silicon needed per solar cell and, as a consequence, a few microns. This approach allows higher automation once a
lower costs per solar cell. The average thickness of the wafers certain production volume is reached, while they all use an in-
could be reduced from 0.32 mm in 2003 to 0.24 mm in 2005. In tegrated approach to the module architecture. This is less la-
the same period the average efficiency could be increased from bour-intensive compared to the assembly of crystalline mod-
14% to 15%. By 2010 the aim is to reduce the wafer thickness to ules by interconnecting a number of individual cells.
0.15 mm while increasing its efficiency to 17.5%.
The temporary shortage of silicon offers the opportunity of in-
THIN FILM creasing market shares for thin film technologies. EPIA expects
Thin film modules are constructed by depositing extremely a growth of the thin film market share up to 12%-20% of the to-
thin layers of photosensitive materials on a low-cost backing tal PV market in 2010.
such as glass, stainless steel or a polymer foil. This results in
lower production costs compared to the more material-inten- There are several new companies working on the development
sive crystalline technology. This price advantage is counterbal- of thin film production based on a roll-to-roll approach. This ap-
anced at the moment, however, by substantially lower efficien- proach means that a flexible substrate, e.g. stainless steel, is
cy rates and less experience of the modules’ lifetime coated in a continuous process with layers as used in one of the
performance. thin film technologies. The successful implementation of such
a production method in the industrial environment offers op-
Several types of thin film modules are commercially available portunities for a significantly higher throughput in the factory
at the moment. These are manufactured from amorphous sili- and lower costs can be expected as a consequence.
con (a-Si), copper indium diselenide (CIS, CIGS) and cadmium
telluride (CdTe) as well as hybrid cells consjsting of an amor- Among these three commercially available thin film technolo-
phous silicon and a microcrystalline layer (a-Si/m-Si) gies, a-Si is the most important in terms of production and in-
stallation (4.5% of the total market in 2005).

Multicrystalline thin film on glass (CSG) is a promising thin

film technology which is now entering industrial production.
Microcrystalline technology, in particular the combination of
amorphous silicon and microcrystalline silicon (a-Si/m-Si), is
another approach with encouraging results.


CONCENTRATOR CELLS focus light from a large area onto a small
area of photovoltaic material using an optical concentrator
(such as a Fresnel lens), thus minimising the quantity of PV
cells required. The two main drawbacks with concentrator sys-
tems are that they cannot make use of diffuse sunlight, and
must always be directed towards the sun with a tracking


SPHERAL SOLAR TECHNOLOGY uses minute silicon beads bonded to
an aluminium foil matrix. This offers a big cost advantage be- GRID CONNECTED
cause of the reduced requirement for silicon. Two companies, This is the most popular type of solar PV system for homes and
from Canada and Japan, are planning to commercialise mod- businesses in the developed world. Connection to the local elec-
ules with spheral solar cells, with one of them already predict- tricity network allows any excess power produced to be sold to
ing a module efficiency of 11%. This represents an excellent ex- the utility. Electricity is then imported from the network out-
ample of the rapid technical progress in photovoltaics. side daylight hours. An inverter is used to convert the DC power
produced by the system to AC power for running normal elec-
MODULES trical equipment.
Modules are clusters of PV cells incorporated into a unit, usually
by soldering them together under a sheet of glass. They can be In countries with a premium feed-in tariff, this is considerably
adapted in size to the proposed site, and quickly installed. They higher that the usual tariff paid by the customer to the utility,
are also robust, reliable and weatherproof. Module producers so usually all electricity produced is fed into the public grid and
usually guarantee a power output of 80% of the nominal power sold to the utility. This is the situation in countries such as Ger-
even after 20-25 years. many or Spain.

When a PV installation is described as having a capacity of 3 OFF-GRID

kWp(peak), this refers to the output of the system under stan- Completely independent of the grid, the system is connected to
dard testing conditions (STC), allowing comparisons between a battery via a charge controller, which stores the electricity
different modules. In central Europe a 3 kWp rated solar elec- generated and acts as the main power supply. An inverter can
tricity system, with a module area of approximately 27 square be used to provide AC power, enabling the use of normal appli-
metres, would produce enough power to meet the electricity ances without mains power. Typical off-grid applications are
demand of an energy-conscious household. industrial applications such as repeater stations for mobile
phones or rural electrification. Rural electrification means ei-
Table 1.1: Module and cell efficiencies ther small solar home systems (SHS) covering basic electricity
needs or solar mini grids, which are larger solar electricity sys-
Type Typical module efficiency (%)
tems providing electricity for several households.
Single crystalline cell [mono c-Si] 12-15

Multicrystalline silicon [Multi c- 11-14 HYBRID SYSTEM

Amorphous silicon [a-Si] 5-7 A solar system can be combined with another source of power
Cadmium telluride [CdTe] 6-7.5
- a biomass generator, a wind turbine or diesel generator - to
ensure a consistent supply of electricity. A hybrid system can be
CIS 9-9.5
grid connected, stand alone or grid support.
a-Si/m-Si 10

Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, GRID-CONNECTED SYSTEMS:

INVERTERS The massive increase of PV markets worldwide is mainly due to

Inverters are used to convert the direct current (DC) power gen- the tremendous growth of grid-connected PV markets world-
erated by a PV generator into alternating current (AC) compati-
ble with the local electricity distribution network. This is essen- Figure 1.4: Grid connected photovoltaic systems – how do they work?
tial for grid-connected PV systems. Inverters are offered in a
wide range of power classes, from a few hundred watts through
the most frequently used range of several kWp (3-6 kWp) up to
central inverters for large-scale systems with severalhundred


Stand-alone (off-grid) PV systems contain a BATTERY, frequently
of the lead acid type, to store the energy for future use. New
high-quality batteries designed especially for solar applications
with lifetimes of up to 15 years are now available. However the
lifetime of the battery strongly depends on the battery man-
agement and the user’s behaviour. The battery is connected to
the PV array via a CHARGE CONTROLLER. The charge controller pro- 1 PV array
2 PV array combiner /
tects the battery from overcharging or discharging, and can junction box
also provide information about the state of the system or en- 3 Grid tied inverter
4 Import / Export meter
able metering and pre-payment for the electricity used. If AC
5 Connection to the grid
output is needed, an INVERTER is required to convert the DC pow- 6 Load
er from the array.

1. DO WE HAVE ENOUGH SILICON? In many cases solar electricity is already cost competitive, especially for
The raw material for pure silicon used in the PV industry is abundantly stand-alone applications where no access to the public grid is avail-
available worldwide. 23% of the earth’s crust consists of silicon. How- able. In southern Europe solar electricity will be cost competitive with
ever, the process of producing the pure silicon needed for crystalline peak power from conventional energy sources before 2010.
solar cells is complex. The period from planning a new silicon factory to 4. DO PV SYSTEMS GENERATE MORE ENERGY OVER THEIR LIFETIME THAN
its first output is approximately two years. The dynamic development IS NEEDED FOR THEIR PRODUCTION?
of the PV market led to a shortage of silicon, and the silicon industry Yes they do. After approximately three years a PV system in southern
reacted to that by building up capacity. As soon as this new capacity is Europe based on crystalline technology will have generated enough
operational, the availability of silicon will improve significantly. energy necessary to have produced and installed all its components. All
2. IS IT POSSIBLE TO RECYCLE PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES? energy produced after these three years is a surplus. Over the PV sys-
Yes, this is possible. All components of a solar module can be recycled. tem’s lifetime of up to 30 years, it produces far more than the energy
The most valuable part are the solar cells itself, which can be recycled used to produce it.
into new wafers, that are again the basis for new solar cells. But the For a thin film system this value is even lower at approximately two
aluminium frames, the glass and the cables can also be recycled. years. It is expected that crystalline systems will also achieve equiva-
lent energy production at two years, and that thin film systems will
reduce the time further to one year.

wide. But it has to be emphasized that all PV market segments rain or serving to shade the interior. During their operation
are growing. The principle of grid-connected PV systems is ex- such systems can also help reduce buildings’ heating loads or
plained in Figure 1.4. assist in ventilation through convection.

The electricity (direct current) generated by the solar cells in the OTHER PLACES WHERE PV CAN BE INSTALLED include the sound barri-
PV modules is transported via normal cables to an inverter. This ers along communication links such as motorways. Also areas
electrical tool, which is often installed somewhere close to the such as former mining land are suitable for large ground based
house’s connection point to the public grid, transforms the di- PV systemsImproving the electricity network
rect current into alternating current in order to make it compat-
ible with the electricity in the house and the public grid. Then For power companies and their customers, PV has the advan-
there are two options: tage of providing relatively quick and modular deployment.
This can offset investment in major new plant and help to
1. In countries with an attractive feed-in tariff for solar electricity strengthen the electricity network, particularly at the end of
(see Feed-in tariffs) all electricity generated will be fed after the the distribution line. Since power is generated close to the point
inverter directly into the grid. The electricity is thereby sold to the of use, such distributed generators can reduce transmission
utility. The amount of electricity fed into the grid will be mea- losses, improve service reliability for customers and help to pro-
sured by a meter in order to get the correct payment from the vide peak power demand..
2. In countries without an attractive feed in tariff for solar electric- PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT
ity (e.g. a feed-in tariff below the usual consumer prices for elec- Solar power involves none of the polluting emissions or envi-
tricity) the electricity is in the first place used to cover the electric- ronmental safety concerns associated with conventional gen-
ity demand in the house. By this the electricity bill can be reduced. eration technologies. There is no pollution in the form of ex-
Only if there is no or not enough demand within the house, the haust fumes or noise during operation. Decommissioning a
surplus electricity will be fed into the grid. system is unproblematic.

THE BENEFITS OF SOLAR POWER Most importantly, in terms of the wider environment, there are
Photovoltaic power systems offer many unique benefits above no emissions of carbon dioxide - the main gas responsible for
and beyond simple energy delivery. That is why comparisons global climate change (see Climate Change and Fuel Choices)
with conventional electricity generation - and more particular- during the operation of a PV system. Although indirect emis-
ly comparison with the unit energy costs of conventional gen- sions of COc occur at other stages of the life-cycle, these are sig-
eration - are not always valid. If the amenity value of the energy nificantly lower than the avoided emissions. Solar power can
service that PV provides, or other non-energy benefits, could be therefore make a substantial contribution towards internation-
appropriately priced, the overall economics of PV generation al commitments to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and
would be dramatically improved in numerous applications, their contribution to climate change (see box The Climate
even in some grid-connection situations. Change Imperative), if governments adopt a wider use of PV in
their national energy generation.
PV is a simple, low-risk technology that can be installed virtu- CLIMATE CHANGE AND FUEL CHOICES
ally anywhere where there is available light. This means that Carbon dioxide is responsible for more than 50% of the man-
there is a huge potential for the use of roofs or façades on pub- made greenhouse effect, making it the most important contrib-
lic, private industrial buildings. PV modules can be used as part utor to climate change. It is produced mainly by the burning of
of a building’s envelope, providing protection from wind and fossil fuels. Natural gas is the most environmentally sound of


THE CLIMATE CHANGE IMPERATIVE all of us. The decisions made here have cleared the way for long-term
The growing threat of global climate change resulting from the build- action. The meeting agreed to do the following.
up of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere has forced national • To start urgent negotiations on a new round of emission reduction
and international bodies into action. Starting from the Rio Earth Sum- targets for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol
mit in 1992, a series of targets have been set both for reducing green- (2013-2017). A special group has been established to ensure that
house gas emissions and increasing the take-up of renewable energy, these negotiations are concluded “as soon as possible”. This is neces-
including solar power. Ten years later, however, the World Summit for sary to ensure the continuity of carbon markets, and to allow gov-
Sustainable Development in Johannesburg still failed to agree on le- ernments to put policies and measures in place to ensure that the
gally binding targets for renewables, prompting the setting up of a new emission reduction targets are met.
“coalition of the willing”. The European Union and more than a dozen • o start now to review and improve the Kyoto Protocol. Mandated
nations from around the world expressed their disappointment with under the existing treaty, this review will formally begin at next
the Summit’s inaction by issuing a joint statement called The Way For- year’s meeting.
ward on Renewable Energy“. Later renamed the Johannesburg Renew- • A Five Year Plan of Action on Adaptation, to assist least developed
able Energy Coalition, more than 85 countries had joined by the time countries to cope with the impacts of climate change. This pro-
of the Renewables 2004 conference in Bonn and in Bejing at the end of gramme will begin to address the fact that climate change already
2005. impacts the world’s poorest people, and that it will get much worse
The 1997 KYOTO PROTOCOL, now ratified by more than 150 nations, has in the coming decades. It is the ethical, political, and legal responsi-
meanwhile committed the world’s industrialised countries to reducing bility of the industrialised countries to provide for this.
their emissions of greenhouse gases by an average of 5% from their OTHER COMMITMENTS PROMPTED BY CLIMATE CHANGE INCLUDE:
1990 levels. Kyoto could not come into force unless it was ratified by • The EUROPEAN UNION has set a target to double the proportion of
countries responsible for 55% of the industrialised nations’ greenhouse energy in the 15 Member States (before the 2004 enlargement) pro-
gas emissions. In June 2004 the proportion had reached 44%, with vided from renewable sources. The aim is to achieve 12% renewable
Russia’s 17% waiting to tip the balance. In October 2004, the Russian energy by 2010. This includes a specific target to achieve 3 GWp of
government ratified the Kyoto Protocol, which came into force on 16 PV capacity.
February 2005. The first historic meeting of the Parties under the en- • The EU also has a target for 1 million solar roofs as part of its renew-
forced Kyoto Protocol took place in December 2005 in Montreal, Cana- able energy “Campaign for Take-Off” by 2010. Other countries
da. This conference has acknowledged the urgency of the threat that around the world have similar targets for large numbers of grid-
climate change poses to the world’s poorest people, and eventually, to integrated PV systems (see “The Solar Race”).

the fossil fuels because it produces roughly half the quantity of can be developed commercially today, only a quarter should be
carbon dioxide than coal, and less of other polluting gases. Nu- permitted to be burnt if ecosystems are not to go beyond the
clear power produces very little COc, but has other major safety, point at which they are unable to adapt.
security, proliferation and pollution problems associated with
its operation and waste products. ENABLING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
PV offers important social benefits in terms of job creation, en-
The consequences of climate change are already apparent today. ergy independence and rural development. Significantly, much
• The proportion of COc in the atmosphere has risen by about one third since of the employment creation is at the installation point (install-
industrialisation began. ers and service engineers), giving a boost to local economies.
• The number of natural disasters caused by the planet’s extreme weather has
trebled since the 1960s. According to insurance company Munich Re the re- Solar power can be easily installed in remote and rural areas,
sulting economic damage has increased by a factor of nine. places that may not be targeted for grid connection for many
• Since 1875 recording has shown that the eight warmest years have been in the years. Installations of transmission and distribution lines are
past 11 years. avoided and remote communities can reduce reliance on ener-
• The mass of inland glaciers has been halved since industrialisation began. gy imports.
• Rainfall in temperate and northern latitudes has increased by 5% since 1950.
• According to a UN study, the economic damage of climate change will reach ENERGY PAYBACK
an annual figure of Ð300 billion by 2050. A popular belief still persists that PV systems cannot “pay back”
• Sea levels have risen by 10-20 centimetres in the last 100 years, 9-12 cm of this their energy investment within the expected lifetime of a solar
in the last fifty years. generator, about 25 years. This is because the energy used, espe-
• According to a WHO study, as many as 160,000 people are dying each year as cially during the production of solar cells, is seen to far out-
a result of climate change. weigh the electricity eventually generated.
• According to a study published in Nature (January 2004), a mid-range level of
warming could result in the extinction of 1,000,000 terrestrial species by the Data from recent studies shows, however, that present-day sys-
middle of this century. tems already have an energy payback time (EPBT) – the time
Because of the time lapse between emissions and their effects, taken for power generation to compensate for the energy used
the full consequences of the climate change to which we have in production – of three to four years, well below their expected
already committed the planet still have to emerge over the lifetime. With increased cell efficiency and a decrease in cell
coming decades, bringing increased danger to the stability of thickness, as well as optimised production procedures, it is fea-
the world’s economy and lifestyle. To effectively stem the green- sible that the EPBT for grid-connected PV will decrease to two
house effect, emissions of COc must therefore be greatly re- years or less for crystalline silicon modules and to one year or
duced. Scientists believe that, of the fossil energy reserves that less for thin film modules.




Solar power is booming. By the end of 2005 the cumulative in- ture of shading and daylight. PV can also be used to supply peak
stalled capacity of all PV systems around the world had reached power to the building on hot summer days when air condition-
the landmark figure of 5000MWp. This compares with a figure ing systems need most energy, thus helping to reduce the max-
of 1,200MWp at the end of 2000, reflecting a more than quadru- imum electricity load.
pling of the total installed capacity in just five years. Shipments
of PV cells and modules around the world have been growing at If a solar electricity system is recognised as an integral part of a
an average annual rate of more than 35% since 1998. building, then the money spent on decorative materials for fa-
cades, such as marble, can instead be invested in solar modules.
Such has been the growth in the solar electricity industry that Solar power doubles up as both an energy producer and a build-
business only of the European PV industry in 2005 was worth ing material. For prominent businesses it can provide the pub-
more than Ð 5 billion. Competition among the major manufac- lic face of their environmental commitment.
turers has become increasingly intense, with new players en-
tering the market as the potential for PV opens up. Although Distributed generation using solar facades or roofs can also pro-
the expansion in recent years has been primarily in the grid- vide benefits to a power utility by avoiding grid replacement or
connected sector, the international PV demand side market di- by strengthening and potentially reducing maximum demand
vides up into four clear sectors. These market categories are for conventional electricity, especially in countries with a high
used throughout this report. cooling load.

DEMAND-SIDE MARKET SECTORS Large-scale grid-connected PV arrays have not so far become a
major part of the market, mainly because of the difficulty in
CONSUMER GOODS AND SERVICES finding enough space in built-up areas. In Europe, however, it
was estimated in 1998 that the potential for integrating PV into
APPLICATIONS noise barriers then planned for construction alongside motor-
Solar cells or modules are used in a wide range of consumer ways and railways was as high as 1,100MWp. Sun-drenched
products and small electrical appliances, including watches, desert regions present good opportunities in the longer term,
calculators and toys, and to provide power for services such as especially as module prices continue to fall, for instance in the
water sprinklers, road signs, lighting and phone boxes. south west United States, Africa and Mongolia.

Typical of a new development is the use of PV to control AIR CON- In Germany, large-scale ground-based systems in the megawatt
DITIONING IN CARS. A small system integrated in the roof keeps class have become a new market in recent years. This offers a
the temperature inside at a constant level by operating a venti- new source of income for farmers, who can rent their land to
lator when the car is parked, especially in the sun during sum- investors in large PV systems, with the advantage of secure rev-
mertime. This results in lower peak temperatures inside the car enue for at least 20 years.
and a much cheaper air conditioning system due to a lower re-
quirement for power. Manufacturers may also be able to save MARKET DEVELOPMENT
on the cost of expensive heat-resistant materials in the vehicle’s This sector is the current motor of the PV boom, with most de-
interior. velopment taking place in the OECD countries. More and more
national governments see PV as an important technology for
MARKET DEVELOPMENT the future and have already established, or are in the process of
As demand for a mobile electricity supply increases, it is likely to establishing, support programmes. While in 1994 only 20% of
continue to grow, especially with the attraction of innovative new capacity was grid-connected, this had grown to over 80%
low-cost solar electricity technologies such as organic solar cells. by 2005.

GRID-CONNECTED SYSTEMS Examples of market stimulation programmes include Japan’s

70,000 rooftop proposal, the 100,000 roofs initiative in Germa-
APPLICATIONS ny, the current Renewable Energy Law in Germany, and the mil-
PV can be installed on top of a roof or integrated into the roofs lion solar roofs programme in the United States, which includes
and facades of houses, offices and public buildings. Private both PV and solar thermal applications. These support pro-
houses are a major growth area for roof systems as well as for grammes will continue to provide an impetus for market
Building Integrated PV (BIPV). A 3 kWp solar electricity system growth for some years to come, and are likely to be followed by
in southern Germany delivers more than 2,700 kWh/year, suf- similar initiatives in other countries (see The Solar Race).
ficient to supply up to 100% of the electricity needs of an ener-
gy-conscious household. The other side of the grid-connected domestic market is the
control which PV systems allow the consumer over their power
PV is also used increasingly as a design feature by architects, supply. Not only is electricity generated at the point of demand
replacing elements in a building’s envelope. SOLAR ROOF TILES OR but the consumer is effectively transformed into the operator of
SLATES can replace conventional materials, for instance. Flexible his or her own power station. As international power markets
thin film modules can even be integrated into vaulted roofs, steadily liberalise this is likely to have increasingly important
while semi-transparent modules allow for an interesting mix- market implications.

Figure 2.1: Ingots / Wafer Thickness and Cell Efficiency There is also a powerful need to provide clean drinking water in
in g/Wp depending on potential module production [MWp] the developing world. The World Health Organisation estimates
20 that 10,000 children die each day from water-borne diseases.
Ingots/Wafer thickness [µm] Cell Efficiency [%]
Solar-powered water purification systems and pumps are easily
320 17,5 18
320 17,0 transportable, easy to maintain and simple to use and, as part
16,5 17
300 16,0
15,5 16 of rural health initiatives, could be an important tool in the
270 15,0
14,5 15 fight against disease.
14,0 240 14
220 13
170 170 11
160 150
120 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Source: EPIA, 2005
Industrial uses for off-grid solar power are mainly in the tele-
communications field, especially for linking remote rural areas
to the rest of the country. In India, for example, more than a
Figure 2.2: Estimated Silicon consumption in g/Wp
and potential Module Production [MWp] third of the PV capacity is devoted to the telecommunications
potential Module Estimated Silicon consumption [g/Wp]
Production [MWp] brid systems (PV/diesel) also have a large potential.
16 4.000
14,0 4.000 3.500 Other applications include traffic signals, marine navigation
12 12,0 8,5 3.125 3.000 aids, security phones, weather or pollution monitors, remote
10,0 2.500
9,0 lighting, highway signs and waste water treatment plants.
8 2.588 8,0 7,5 2.000
1.889 1.500
1.600 1.000
744 500 Apart from avoided fuel costs, for example by totally or partly
0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 replacing a diesel engine, industrial PV systems offer high reli-
Source: EPIA, 2005
ability and minimal maintenance. This can dramatically reduce
operation and maintenance costs, particularly in very remote
or inaccessible locations.
PV provides vital power for communities in the developing The demand for off-grid industrial PV systems is expected to
world who have no access to mains electricity. About 1.7 billion continue to expand over the next decade and beyond, especially
people around the world currently live without basic energy in response to the continued growth of the telecommunications
services. industry. Mobile telephone masts and repeater stations offer a
particularly large potential, especially in countries with low
PV can provide electricity to both consumption and production population densities. Providing communications services to ru-
uses, where the majority of applications directly contribute to ral areas in developing countries as part of social and economic
achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Domestic ener- development packages will also be a major future market op-
gy systems provide high quality lighting and communication portunity for photovoltaics.
(radio/TV/internet) and productive energy systems such as for
cooling, water pumping or powering tools are crucial motors SUPPLY SIDE MANUFACTURE
for local development. PV has the potential to deliver much
more than just electricity for lighting or improved health care, SOLAR GRADE SILICON
however. By providing the POWER SUPPLY FOR COMPUTERS, for ex- Silicon is the basic material needed today for the production of
ample, it can enable people not just to have access to informa- solar cells based on crystalline technology. Solar cells based on
tion through the internet, but to improve their economic situa- crystalline technology cover more than 90% of the world mar-
tion through better marketing of products or buying goods at ket, therefore the availability of sufficient silicon at reasonable
more reasonable prices. prices is an essential precondition for a dynamic PV industry.
Until recently the silicon industry produced electronic grade
MARKET DEVELOPMENT silicon exclusively for the semiconductor industry, according to
Apart from its clear social advantages, the economic justifica- its needs. Only a small fraction of the annual silicon supply was
tion for using PV is through the avoided fuel costs, usually ex- delivered to he PV industry, which represented a good way to
pensive diesel, or by comparison with the cost of extending the level out the significant demand fluctuations from the semi-
grid. For subsistence-level communities the initial stumbling conductor industry. But the production of the electronic grade
block is often the capital cost of the system. But although nu- silicon never aimed at satisfying the demand from the PV in-
merous rural development programmes have been initiated in dustry. With the dynamic growth of the PV industry in recent
developing countries, supported both by multi- and bilateral years the situation has changed. By now one third of the world-
assistance programmes, the impact has so far been relatively wide production of electronic grade silicon is used to produce
small. solar cells. It is very obvious that this growing demand has
changed the identity of the PV industry into a highly interest-


ing client for the silicon industry. Several companies have be- crease in solar cell production in 2005. Overall, the growth of
gun to develop processes for producing solar grade silicon. Solar global PV shipments since 1995 can be seen in Table 2.1.
grade silicon is of lower quality than electronic grade silicon,
since solar cells do not require as high a quality of silicon as The leading manufacturers of solar cells can be seen in Table
semiconductor elements in the computer industry do. There- 2.2. Although until a few years ago the market was dominated
fore solar grade silicon can be produced at lower cost. But the by BP Solar, a subsidiary of the multinational oil company, this
development of the solar grade silicon production process and situation has radically changed with the entry of new Japanese
the construction of the first factories still needs time. The sili- and European players. In 2005, the two leading producers of PV
con industry is currently building up capacity to produce solar cells/modules were Sharp (Japan) and Q-Cells (Germany). Com-
grade silicon which will be exclusively available to the PV in- pared to the previous year Sharp has lost roughly 2% of its mar-
dustry.. But until all the new planned production facilities for ket share (23.5% in 2005) while Q-cells, the new number two in
solar grade silicon are operational the PV industry is competing the ranking, increased its market share by more than 50% and
with the semiconductor industry for the currently limited sili- in 2005 produced about 9% of the world’s total cell shipments. A
con available on the market. breakdown of the main companies’ involvement in regional
and country markets can be seen in Table 2.2.
It is expected that in 2008 the availability of solar grade silicon
for the PV industry will lead to a much more relaxed situation Europe has seen an expansion in production from traditional
on the silicon market. cell producers such as Schott Solar, which increased its cell pro-
duction from 44MWp in 2003 to 63MWp in 2005, and Isofoton,
SOLAR CELL AND MODULE PRODUCTION which increased from 35MWp in 2003 to 40.8MWp in 2005.
In 2005 the investment in new plant in order to manufacture New players in the market are also showing impressive growth
solar cells and modules exceeded Ð800 million. Also in 2005, rates. The German company Q-Cells, for example, expanded its
the PV industry raised more than Ð1.5 billion on capital markets production from 28MWp (2003) to 127MWp (2005), while
over 27 recorded financial transactions (source: Marketbuzz Deutsche Cell expanded from 17MWp (2003) to 29MWp (2005).
2006 .
An important issue for manufacturers, especially smaller com-
These numbers underline the clear dynamic which the PV in- panies who do not have the backing of a multinational parent,
dustry is developing in order to quickly expand supply in this is being able to match the opening of new production capacity
world market. with expected demand. Investors need a planning horizon that
goes beyond a typical factory’s write-off period of five to seven
In previous years the manufacture of solar cells and modules years. Some smaller companies have nonetheless been able to
was concentrated in three key areas – Europe, Japan and the obtain investment from public share ownership, often through
United States. The most recent leading player is China. one of the increasing number of green investment funds. This
is why the relative stability of systems like the German renew-
The shipment numbers presented in this chapter are based on able energy law (see Part Three: The Solar Race) has proved cru-
the Photon International survey published in March 2006. In cial to business commitment. In anticipation of a flourishing
their introduction the authors admit that the data they received market, Germany has seen a steady increase in both solar cell
from the producers in many cases seemed to be too optimistic. and module manufacture from 1995 onwards. During the peri-
The EPIA estimation for 2005 solar cell shipment is1400MWp, od of the 100,000 roofs programme, from 1999 to 2003, more
which corresponds to 77% of the total world shipment of than Ð1 billion was invested in new production facilities. Fur-
1818MWp stated by Photon International. For this reason all ther encouraged by the Renewable Energy Law, updated in
data with the unit MWp given in the following market survey 2004, production of PV cells increased from 32MWp (2001) to
correspond to 77% of the data published by Photon Internation- 312MWp (2005) (Source: BSW) and it is anticipated that cell pro-
al. The evident drawback of this procedure is that the market duction capacity will increase to 500MWp by the end of 2006.
share of those companies and countries/regions that contrib-
uted correct numbers to the survey has been underestimated. This reducing factor was introduced by EPIA in order to level
out the sometimes over-optimistic shipment data provided by
Japan still leads the world, with solar cell shipments reaching some of the cell producers. However it is evident that by this
635MWp in 2005. This corresponds to 45.3% of total world pro- method that the production of those companies that provided
duction. Europe came second in 2005 with 397MWp, corre- correct shipment data to the survey has been underestimated.
sponding to 28.3% of world production. Production in the United
States reached 119MWp, corresponding to 8.5% of world produc- MANUFACTURING AND OPERATING COSTS
tion. The new player China reached 116MWp, corresponding to
8.3% of world production. The rest of the world, with its key The cost of manufacturing both solar cells and modules and
players in other Asian countries (e.g. Motech in Taiwan with other components has been falling steadily. As a result, the
46MWp in 2005) and India, produced 133MWp in 2005. It is strik- price of PV systems has fallen by an average of 5% per annum
ing that in 2005 India dramatically lost half of its market share over the last 20 years. It is expected that this rate of price de-
compared to 2004 and was the only country to experience a de- crease can be maintained in the future when as the shortage of
silicon is over. The shortage of silicon and its consequence of

Table 2.1: PV cell manufacture – leading producers by region

Total shipments in 2005 Growth from 2003 Leading producers Shipments in 2005
Europe 397 MWp 96% Q-Cells (Germany) 127.6 MWp

Schott Solar(Germany) 63.1 MWp

Isofoton (Spain) 40.8 MWp

Deutsche Cell (Germany) 28.9 MWp

Photowatt (France) 25.1 MWp

Ersol (Germany) 15.4 MWp

Scancell (Norway) 15.4 MWp

Shell (Germany) 13.1 MWp

BP Solar (Spain) 13.0 MWp

Sunways (Germany) 12.3 MWp

Japan 635 MWp 73.8% Sharp 292 MWp

Kyocera 109.3 MWp

Mitsubishi Electric 77 MWp

Kaneka 16 MWp

Sanyo 96.3 MWp

United States 119 MWp 23.6% Shell Solar 32.3 MWp

United Solar 16.9 MWp

First Solar 16.2 MWp

BP Solar 15.8 MWp

GE 13.9 MWp

Evergreen 10.8 MWp

Schott Solar 10.0 MWp

China 116 MWp 1200% Ningbo Solar Cell Factory 19.25 MWp

Shenzhen Topray Solar 15.4 MWp

Suntech Power 63.1 MWp

Rest of the World 133 MWp Motech (Taiwan) 46.2 MWp

BP Solar (Australia) 27.1 MWp

E-Ton Dynamics 10.8 MWp

BP Solar (India) 10.2 MWp

Note: This table includes manufacturers with shipments over 10MWp in 2005 Source: Photon 03/2006 Note: all data given in the table represent 77% of the value given in the Photon
International Survey.

Table 2.2: Growth in world PV cell production 1996-2005 (MWp)

Region 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Japan 21.20 35.00 49.00 80.00 128.60 171.22 251.07 363.91 604 635

Europe 18.80 30.40 33.50 40.00 60.66 86.38 135.05 193.35 329 397

US 38.85 51.00 53.70 60.80 74.97 100.32 120.60 103.02 138 119

China 116

ROW 9.75 9.40 18.70 20.50 23.42 32.62 55.05 83.80 38 133

Total 88.60 125.80 154.90 201.30 287.65 390.54 561.70 744.08 1100 1400

Source: PV News, Photon International, IEA PVPS (except 2005)


As larger PV cell and module factories come into operation, the

A number of European solar cell producers have developed high-
ly automated solar cell plants since 2001. The fact that the 1999
cell production capacity in Europe was just 80MW, while at the
end of 2005 production capacity in Germany alone was up to
500MWp clearly indicates the potential for automation and ma-
jor improvements in the production process.

Conventional methods of CELL PRODUCTION produce a wafer from

bulk silicon crystal through a cost-intensive and material-ineffi-
cient sawing process. Losses during the transition from ingot to
solar cell reach about 50%, mainly in the form of saw slurry. One
way of eliminating the sawing step is to grow ribbons of multi-
crystalline silicon that are already wafer thin and the correct
width for use as PV cells. This method is being pioneered by Schott
Solar at one of its factories. EPIA has adopted the following tech-
nological aims in this field for 2010 (with its projection for 2020):
• Material (Si) consumption for mono-crystalline silicon from 16
gram per Watt peak [g/Wp] to 10 g/Wp (continuing to 8 g/Wp)
• Ribbons from 10 g/Wp to 6 g/Wp (continuing to 5 g/Wp)
• Wafer thickness from 300 mm to 150 mm (continuing to 100 mm)
• Kerf loss in the sawing process from 250 mm to 160 mm (con-
the rise in material costs has the effect that at present the 5% tinuing to 150 mm)
price decrease per annum is not being realised. Prices for PV
systems vary between countries and according to the level of
Since the first solar cell was developed 50 years ago MAJOR
market development in different regions of the world, but an
IMPROVEMENTS IN EFFICIENCY have been achieved. With much po-
average price estimate for a turnkey solar electricity system of
tential still to be exploited, EPIA has defined the following aims
a few kWp capacity would be Ð6000/kWp for grid-connected
for the European PV industry up to 2010 (2020):
systems and about Ð8,500 for stand-alone systems. This would
• Efficiency increase for mono-crystalline silicon from 16.5% to
result in life-cycle running costs for solar electricity ranging
20% (continuing to 22%)
from Ð0.19/kWh up to Ð1/kWh, depending on the available in-
• Efficiency increase for multi-crystalline silicon from 14.5% to
solation and financial assumptions. These costs make PV an
18% (continuing to 20%)
economically advantageous choice in a large variety of applica-
• Ribbon efficiency from 14% to 17% (continuing to 19%)
tions where no mains electricity is available.

By contrast, the grid-connected market must still depend for the Improvement in the LIFETIME OF SOLAR MODULES is another road
moment on government incentive programmes. In Japan, how- to further reducing solar electricity prices. EPIA’s aim is to expand
ever, where subsidies were cut dramatically by 50% in March their lifetime to 35 years, for example by longer lifetime encapsu-
2004 and to almost zero in 2006, the level of applications for PV lation material or new module architectures.
systems to the New Energy Foundation continued to remain at
the same level in the immediate aftermath of the cut. This sug- THIN FILM CELLS, constructed by depositing extremely thin layers
gests that the market has already reached a substantial level of of photosensitive materials on a low-cost backing, offer the po-
sustainability as a result of the former incentive programmes, a tential for significant cost reductions. Firstly, material and energy
pattern that can be expected to repeat itself in other countries costs should be lower because much less semiconductor material
with expanding markets. is required and much lower temperatures are needed during
manufacture. Secondly, labour costs are reduced and mass pro-
As with any technology, the development of a learning curve duction prospects improved because, unlike thick crystalline
leads to cost reductions. In the case of PV the cost decrease is technologies where individual cells have to be mounted in
expected to be around 20% every time the total installed capac- frames and wired together, thin films are produced as large,
ity is doubled. complete modules.
EPIA has defined two targets for thin film technology up to 2010
• Thin film aiming at efficiencies between 10% and 12% (a-Si/
The production of PV cells is constantly improving as a result of mc-Si, CIS and CdTe) (continuing to 15%)
both technology advances and changing industrial processes. • Building integrated PV (BIPV) with low cost per m2, price re-
About 70% of installation costs are represented by the module, duction of 50% (continuing an additional 50%)
15% by the inverter and 15% by balance of system components
and assembly of the unit.




As the vast potential of solar power as a clean energy source Figure 3.1: Installed PV in Germany by sub-market
begins to emerge, national governments around the world have
started to support its development through research and mar- 1500
ket support. Pursuing their regional and international commit-
ments to combat the effects of climate change, a number of
countries have given strong backing to an emerging solar mar- 1300
ket. Importantly, they have also persuaded their general public grid-connected centralized
grid-connected distributed
that there are important social and environmental benefits to 1200
off-grid non-domestic
be captured. off-grid domestic
The argument in countries like Japan, Germany and the USA is
straightforward: by offering market incentives for the installa-
tion and operation of solar arrays, a dynamic relationship is cre- 900
ated between market promotion and industrial growth, even-
tually encouraging a flourishing manufacturing base and 800

Cumulative installed PV Power [MWpeak]

export potential. The environmental dividend is a cleaner plan-
et. These are the leaders in a solar race that will soon see others 700
joining the pursuit.

• PV capacity end 2005:1500MWp
• Support system: Premium price per kWh, financing opportunities 300
from the German Bank for reconstruction

Germany is the European leader in solar energy. Having already

developed the world’s largest installed capacity of electricity-
generating wind turbines, Europe’s most populous state is now 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
looking to push photovoltaics into an equally prominent posi-
Source: IEA- PVPS (exept 2005)

In terms of installed capacity, Germany overtook the USA in gy efficiency. Two successive pieces of legislation have been
2001 to achieve second position globally behind Japan. At the crucially important in supporting the first of these aims – the
end of 2005 total capacity had reached 1500 MWp, with 100,000 roofs programme started in 1999 and the 2000 Renew-
700MWp installed last year alone. In the 2001 edition of Solar able Energy Law, updated in 2004. One result is that the wind
Generation it was ambitiously estimated that the country could energy industry has seen a capacity of over 15,000MW installed,
achieve a figure of 920 MWp by 2005. This has in fact been al- representing roughly 5% of electricity supply, and an estimated
most reached by the end of 2004, and with the expectation that 45,000 jobs created in less than a decade. The German solar in-
more than 2000 MWp will be installed by the end of 2006. dustry has now started a similar boom for PV.

At the background to this success is the German Social Demo- THE ROOFTOP PROGRAMMES
crat/Green government’s Kyoto-led commitment to reduce its
emissions of greenhouse gases by 21% over the period 1990 to Germany has been a pioneer in grid-connected PV, with an ex-
2008-11. This will be achieved by a mixture of shifting energy tremely effective “1,000 Rooftop Programme” running from
production towards cleaner sources and a programme of ener- 1990 to 1995. More than 2,250 rooftop installations were con-

Table 3.1: PV feed-in tariffs under REL from 2008

Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Roof 57.4 Ðct** 54.53 ct 51.80 ct 49.21 ct 46.75 ct

Above 30 kW 54.6 ct 51.87 ct 49.28 ct 46.82 ct 44.48 ct

Above 100 kW 54.0 ct 51.30 ct 48.74 ct 46.30 ct 43.99 ct

Facade bonus 5.00 ct 5.00 ct 5.00 ct 5.00 ct 5.00 ct

Open space 45.7 ct 43.42 ct 40.60 ct 37.96 ct 35.49 ct

Note: Rates reduce by 5% per year from 2005 onwards, by 6.5% per year for PV in open space/fields from 2006 onwards

• SPAIN has an overall target to double its proportion of renew- • The UNITED KINGDOM had 5.9MWp of capacity installed by the
able energy to 12% by 2010. The 1998 feed-in law was revised in end of 2003, mostly the result of capital grants totalling
March 2004, with some significant changes and new condi- Ð56 million offered by the government.
tions that should be excellent tools for getting the PV market • After several years of regional programmes Austria had a na-
moving. These include: tional feed-in tariff at the beginning of 2003. Due to the very
- 44 Ðcents/kWh (valid for 2006) up to system sizes of 100 kWp limited installed capacity (15MWp) that applied to this law ap-
(until 400MWp installed, then new calculation of the tariff for plications were only accepted for less than one month. At the
further systems) moment there is no national regulation.
- 22.9 Ðcents/kWh for system sizes above 100 kWp (until 200MWp • In GREECE In GREECE according to the new renewable energy
installed, then new calculation of the tariff for further systems) law that was voted in June 2006, there is a feed in tariff for
- payment period fixed at 25 years, after that the tariff is re- electricity produced renewable energy technologies. Sale prices
duced to 80%. As a consequence the market size grew from of “solar electricity” vary between Ð 0.40 - 0.50/kWh depend-
approximately10MWp in 2004 to 20MWp in 2005. ing on the installed capacity of the pv system and the area
- the objective of the government is to reach 400 MW installed where this system is installed. Prices that are guaranteed for
PV capacity by 2010 twenty years are increasing annually according to the annual
• ITALY has introduced a feed-in tariff for solar electricity in summer increase of electricity prices.
2005. In the first application slot at the end of September the ap- The new law is expected to trigger massive investments in solar
plications for more than 100MWp were over-subscribed. This clear- technologies during the next years.
ly states the huge interest in solar electricity. In 2006 Italy will • OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES are also pursuing solar programmes,
probably become the second largest PV market in Europe behind mainly targeted at the grid-connected sector.

nected to the grid during this period, with an average capacity This combination of the solar roof programme and the REL has
of 2.6 kW per roof. In 1995, total system costs averaged Ð12.27/W proved a potent mix. Such was the overwhelming response that
and produced an average 700 kWh per kW installed over the the 2000 PV loans budget of Ð92m was already used up by the
year. At the end of this programme the German PV market suf- almost 4,000 applications approved during the first quarter of
fered a significant breakdown, however, and Greenpeace and the year. Thousands more applications had to be postponed due
other organisations started extensive lobbying work to encour- to lack of funds. During 2000 alone more than 8,000 systems
age a follow-up. Greenpeace launched a solar pioneer pro- were approved, with a total capacity of 41.66MW. The average
gramme in 1995 and has continued since then with extensive size also increased to 5.18 kWp, with over 100 plants in the 50 to
information work in favour of solar PV. Between 1995 and 1999 120 kWp range – a sign that the market was moving into the
about 40 cities and towns also implemented their own “rate business/industrial sector. With the ending of the 100,000 roofs
based” incentive schemes. These allowed residential customers programme the Renewable Energy Law was revised (see Table
to sell electricity from their rooftop PV systems to the utility for 3.1). Even after the end of the 100,000 roofs programme there
up to Ð1.02/kWh. The purchase price was usually supported by are possibilities for loans at low interest rates for investing in a
a 1% levy on electricity sales, mostly introduced after a vote PV system, e.g. the COc abatement programme.
among local electricity customers. This support was eventually
superceded by the national Renewable Energy Law. The outcome of the 100,000 roofs programme (1999-2003) with sup-
port from the Renewable Energy Law from 2000 - is impressive:
In 1999, a new five-year programme was launched to promote
the installation of PV on 100,000 German roofs, with a budget • 345.5MWp installed
of Ð460m. The aim was to develop a total generating capacity of • Total investment by customers Ð1.77 billion
300MWp. For both private households and businesses the in- • Market volume increase from 12MWp in 1999 to 130MWp in 2003
centive came through a guaranteed ten-year low interest loan • PV system price reduction of 20%
(1.9% per annum), with no repayments in the first two years. • Investment by the PV industry of Ð1 billion
Such loans were considered a proven method of avoiding PV’s
currently high start-up investment costs. FUTURE PROSPECTS
The German government, strongly supported by public opin-
Although initial reaction to the “100,000 Roofs” programme ion, clearly considers PV to be a viable long-term option for pro-
was disappointing, the new Renewable Energy Law (REL) intro- duction of carbon-free power. Public funding of R&D, about
duced in April 2000 accelerated the market dramatically. Under Ð17.25 million in 2003, is therefore likely to continue. Its focus
the REL, anyone who installed a solar electricity system received will be firstly on reducing the costs of solar cell and module pro-
a buy-back rate of Ð0.5 per kWh over 20 years. This payment duction, and secondly on improving the efficiency and reliabil-
then reduced by 5% each year from 2001 onwards for newly in- ity of systems. Most importantly, the Renewable Energy Law
stalled systems, a fall intended to mirror the anticipated reduc- has provided a secure, medium-term planning base for invest-
tion in the price of PV. ment, at the same time helping to move the technology forward
from small-scale manufacturing for niche markets to mass pro-
duction for a broad range of applications.


USA just when the solar panel shortage in the United States will be-
gin to ease. The prospects for an early extension of the tax cred-
• PV capacity end 2005: 470MWp (approximately) it are strong. Several legislative vehicles have been introduced
• Support system: Federal tax credit plus separate state incentives in the House and Senate already, including some that have
strong bipartisan support.
Since 1995 the US PV industry has been growing at an average
annual rate in excess of 20%. Both the industry and the govern- THE PRESIDENT’S SOLAR AMERICA INITIATIVE
ment’s Department of Energy see this trend continuing or ac-
celerating in the future as PV becomes more established as a The Department of Energy has released details of the “Presi-
preferred technology in key markets. The manufacturing in- dent’s Solar America” initiative, proposing a large funding in-
dustry’s goal is to sustain 30 to 35% annual growth over the next crease for solar energy research. First announced during Presi-
20 years. In terms of installations, PV has reached a level of dent Bush’s State of the Union address in 2006, the initiative
470MWp. We estimate that 90MWp were installed in 2004 and aims to make solar power competitive with existing sources of
105 were installed in 2005. electricity in 10 years. The programme aims to deploy five to ten
GWp of capacity, which is in line with the growth projected by
The past few years have brought big and mostly positive changes industry and promoted by state incentives. The president has
for the US solar industry. With the passage of a much-expanded proposed a 78% budget increase to $148 million for solar re-
federal investment tax credit and expanding state solar pro- search and development budget. The initiative will place em-
grammes, solar power is now cost-competitive with retail elec- phasis on funding industry-led partnerships to accelerate mar-
tricity in a growing number of states. The state programmes, ket-ready photovoltaics with a new focus on manufacturing
which require over seven gigawatts (GWp) of solar installations and production.
by 2020, are providing substantial long-term support to this fast-
growing industry. If the federal tax credit can be extended, and STATE POLICIES
the current silicon shortage is eliminated as expected, the future
of solar energy in the United States will be brighter than ever. In the last couple of years a handful of states have passed laws
promoting the large-scale adoption of solar power. Led by Cali-
FEDERAL POLICIES, FINALLY! fornia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Arizona, the states have
currently committed to fund the installation of over 7 GWp of
ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2005, TAX CREDIT solar electricity in the next 15 years. These programmes will de-
Although the Energy Policy Act of 2005 was a big step backward liver billions of dollars in subsidies to residential and commer-
for the United States energy policy, it did include some positive cial solar projects and represent significant long-term incen-
elements. The most important sections were the tax credits for tives to the solar industry in the United States.
renewable energy. On the solar side, the act included a 30% tax
credit for individuals and businesses that install solar energy
systems, with a $2,000 cap on residential solar installations.
Table 3.2: Summary of State Solar Goals
The credit is scheduled to return to 10% for commercial installa-
State Status of Programme Commitment by 2020*
tions, while the residential credit will expire at the end of 2007, Commitment under
Arizona 900
California Passed programme 3,000
Figure 3.3: Installed PV in the United States by sub-market (2006)
Connecticut Existing 15

Colorado Passed RPS (2004) 50

Cumulative installed PV Power [MWpeak]

grid-connected centralized
grid-connected distributed District of Columbia Passed RPS (2005) 30
off-grid non-domestic
Hawaii Existing 15
off-grid domestic
600 Nevada Existing 500

500 New Jersey Passed RPS (2006) 1,500

New York Passed RPS (2004) 25

North Carolina Existing 10
300 Pennsylvania Passed RPS (2004) 860

200 Rhode Island Existing 5

Texas (Austin) Existing 100

Programmes in
Other States* 300
varying states
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 7,310
Source: IEA- PVPS (except 2005)
* Other states: AK, DE, FL, IL, MA, MD, MN, OH, MI, ME, MA, MT, NM, OR, and VT.

be solar. The state’s largest utility company, Xcel Energy, recent-
CALIFORNIA ly initiated a $4.50 per watt residential rebate programme.
In 2005 California consolidated its place as the leading solar
state with the adoption of the California Solar Initiative (CSI) by NEVADA
the California Public Utilities Commission. The CSI is the largest Last year, Nevada increased the state renewable energy stan-
solar power programme in the country, committing a combined dard to 20% by 2015, where of that 5% must come from solar PV.
$3.2 billion in funds to provide incentives for a million solar in- To meet the goal, SunEdison, a solar company that leased office
stallations over the next 11 years. The programme provides re- space from Greenpeace when it was starting out, announced
bates for homeowners, businesses, farms and government proj- this year that it would develop the world’s largest solar project
ects investing in solar power systems. The goal is to install in Nevada. The 18 megawatt project almost doubles what is cur-
3,000MW of solar power and in so doing regain California’s po- rently the world’s largest PV project, a 10-megawatt facility in
sition as a world leader in solar power while also lowering pric- Germany. In addition, SolarGenix is developing the first concen-
es to the point at which government rebates are no longer trated solar power plant in Nevada as a result of the RPS, a
needed to drive demand. 65MW plant that will be the first solar thermal power plant
built in the United States since the mid-1980s.
In April 2006, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) ap- WESTERN GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION
proved a major expansion of the state’s Renewable Portfolio The Western Governors have committed their states to develop-
Standard (RPS). The rule requires that 2% of electricity comes ing 30,000MW of clean and diversified energy by 2015. The So-
from solar electric resources - about 1,500MW. Overall, the stan- lar Task Force made recommendations to the governors on spe-
dard requires that 20% of the state’s electricity comes from new cific policies to facilitate the development of 4,000MW of
renewable energy sources by 2020. concentrating solar power, 4,000MW of distributed photovolta-
ics and 2,000MW of solar hot water.
In November 2004, Pennsylvania passed a Renewable Portfolio CITY AND LOCAL COMMITMENTS
Standard that requires 0.5% or 860MW of solar power to be pro-
duced in the state by 2020. The law requires 8% of the state’s SAN FRANCISCO COMMUNITY CHOICE ENERGY
electricity to come from renewable resources. For years Greenpeace has been working with San Francisco to
make the dream of large-scale renewable energy a reality. In
ARIZONA 2004, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously
On Feb 27, 2006, the Arizona Corporation Commission approved passed an Energy Independence Ordinance, bringing the city
a revised Environmental Portfolio Standard, which is currently one step closer to this goal. The stated purpose of the ordinance
under review by the Arizona Attorney General’s office. The new is to provide “clean, reasonably priced and reliable electricity”
Standard increases the renewable energy requirement to 15% to its customers and to fulfill the “public mandate” for “rapid
by 2025, of that 900MW (30%) would come from distributed and large-scale development of renewable energy and conser-
generation resources, most of which is expected to be solar elec- vation resources” in San Francisco. If successful, the city would
tricity. A final decision is expected in summer 2006. create one of the world’s largest urban solar facilities and 360
megawatts of renewable energy, enough to power half the city’s
In February 2006, Governor Bill Richardson signed Senate Bill
269, which creates a 30% tax credit, up to $9,000 for each sys- OTHER CITIES
tem, for residential and agricultural solar systems. The bill ex- The City of Austin has a goal of installing 100 megawatts of so-
pands the federal tax credit, which is limited to $2,000 and adds lar power to help meet 15% of its generation needs through re-
certainty by extending it for 10 years. newable energy by 2020. After several years of pressure from
Greenpeace, San Diego set a goal of 50 megawatts of solar en-
The state’s largest electric utility, Public Service of New Mexico, ergy in 2003. The city recently signed a deal to install the first
has agreed to pay customers $0.13 per kWh of solar power they five megawatts of solar on city facilities this year.
generate, regardless of whether the electricity goes into the
home. This amounts to a $0.21 subsidy to customers who install UNIVERSITY COMMITMENTS
solar panels and is America’s first feed-in tariff, modelled after
a highly successful programme in the relatively more cloudy Students in California and across the country have successfully
Germany. The utility plans to develop a commercial incentive lobbied their universities to go solar. Last year California State
programme soon. University became the last of the three big California Universi-
ty systems to agree to install solar panels on campus. California
COLORADO State University joined the University of California and Los An-
In 2004 Colorado citizens passed the first Renewable Portfolio geles Community College District in pledging to install signifi-
Standard by citizen ballot initiative in the United States. The cant onsite renewable energy. Greenpeace has been working
RPS requires 15% renewable energy by 2015, 4% of which must with students in California and on other campuses to bring this
to fruition.


JAPAN Figure 3.1: Installed PV in Japan by sub-market

• PV capacity end 2005: 1423MWp (1132MWp at the end of 2004) 1500

• Support system: Various government programmes, including
grants for domestic PV roofs, support for R&D for industrial mass
application, and net metering support provided by utilities 1300
grid-connected centralized
grid-connected distributed
off-grid non-domestic
Renewable energy is seen as an indispensable part of Japanese off-grid domestic
climate change policy and carbon reduction targets, as well as 1100
an emerging technology to be exploited. Various supportive
policies to encourage growth in the renewables market have
been introduced by the government, including significant solar 900
research and development programmes from the 1970s on-
wards. These policies have received backing from across the 800

Cumulative installed PV Power [MWpeak]

spectrum of public bodies, academics, NGOs and the business
community. Japan now has PV systems on thousands of schools, 700
hospitals, factories, warehouses, offices, houses and railway sta-
By the end of 2005 a total of 1423 (rough estimate)MWp had
been installed in Japan, with government plans for 4.82 GWp 400
by 2010, an ambitious target requiring an annual growth rate of
30%. The annual growth rate since 1998 has been up to 45%, 300
however. If the current trend continues, 70 to 80% of installa-
tions in Japan will be rooftop systems with an average size of
3.8 kWp, and the government is seeking to increase the share of
industrial application by shifting its support to that end.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
The national Japanese programme is shifting its aim from rapid
Source: IEA- PVPS (except 2005)
expansion in the number of units in home application sector
coupled with a decreasing percentage of subsidies, to the vol- support measures are being used to promote solar and other
ume of units in the industrial sector. The overall goal is to stim- “new energy” (renewable) technologies that are already estab-
ulate production, bring prices down, create market awareness lished but not yet commercially competitive.
and leave Japanese industry with a fully economic market that
will encourage competitive exports to the rest of the world. In Most of this funding - for a mixture of R&D, demonstration pro-
pursuit of these objectives, the budget for the residential PV grammes and market incentives - has been made available
system dissemination programme was continuously cut by since 1980 through NEDO, the New Energy and Industrial Tech-
50%, from $223 million in 2002 to $50 million in 2004, and came nology Development Organisation and the New Energy Foun-
to an end at the end of the 2005 fiscal year. This reduced the dation. Japanese PV budgets grew almost linearly from $20 mil-
subsidy per kWp from $862/kWp in 2003 to $181/kWp in 2005, lion in 1980 to $240 million in 2004. But the government ended
and no governmental financial support is available for home the subsidy for home application at the end of the 2005 fiscal
application now. Even so, the market has continued to grow, the year, which still accounts for a major part of all installed capac-
number of subsidy applications increased during 2003, while
the price for PV installed capacity has continued to fall to a
present level of about $6,000/kWp. One specific result is that
the Metropolitan Government of Tokyo and Tokyo Waterworks
installed PV facilities amounting to 1.2MWp. This is the first
mega-watt class installation in Japan, providing about 1GWh-
clean electricity and COc reduction of 450 tons annually. The
waterworks is planning to install large PV systems at eight fa-
cilities by the end of the 2006 fiscal year. When this is complet-
ed, the total installed capacity is expected to be 5.2MWp.


The Japanese government has focused large financial resources

on the PV market in order to establish internationally competi-
tive mass production. Comprehensive financial, tax and system

ity in Japan. Together with the insufficient RPS policy, this has
cast a cloud on the future prospect of the PV market in Japan.

The programmes included in the budget for the 2006 fiscal year
are in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3: Japanese PV support programmes

Programme Budget for 2006
in $ million

R&D for future PV technologies 18

Field test projects on new technologies of PV power

R&D for accelerating commercialisation of PV
Study of demonstration of improving grid safety for
PV system for mass power production and supply
Community model project for integration of
environment and economy (Ministry of Environment)

Super Solar Project (Ministry of Environment) 40

Total 202.5

While most of the budgets had been cut compared to the previ-
ous year, the two programmes covering future PV power gen-
eration technologies and improvement of grid safety have seen
newly introduced. Japan’s national programmes for renewables during 2004

• RPS Law obliges electric utilities to achieve a target for 1.35% of

their electricity supply to come from renewable energy sources,
including solar, by 2010.
• The Regional New Energy Introduction Project aims to accelerate
the introduction of new energy (renewable) technologies by sup-
porting regional government projects. Half of system installation
costs are subsidised.
• The Subsidy Programme for New Energy Developers supports
businesses that plan to introduce new energy, including PV.
• The programme for development of regional new energy visions
helps local government and related bodies to create visions for
facilitating promotion of renewable energy at local levels.

Japan has had an aggressive PV R&D programme since the late
1970s, with virtually all funds directed at developing an indus-
try capable of competing in the world market, and with cost
reductions that would also serve the domestic market.

In the past five years PV system costs have reduced by another

33%. In the future it is expected that the average price of a resi-
dential PV system will fall even further, to below $4,000/kWp.
Even so, the cost of PV electricity is still presently more than
twice the price of conventional domestic power, which is excep-
tionally expensive in Japan. If the added value of solar systems
in environmental terms were monetised for customers, how-
ever, PV would be able to compete much earlier than expected.


One other factor is the introduction of premium green pricing Following the climate change summit at Kyoto in 1997, in 2001
for renewable electricity. All ten Japanese regional power utili- Japan announced an accelerated target to install 4,820MW of
ties introduced a “Green Power Fund” at a monthly rate of $1-4 PV by 2010. Projections by the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Asso-
from October 2000, with the companies matching this amount ciation (JPEA) show that annual installations could reach
towards the installation of new renewable plants. Most electric 1,230MWp by 2010, with a corresponding market size of $4.5 bil-
utilities also have net metering systems by which they buy PV lion. Looking further ahead, the goal set by JPEA is to increase
electricity from individual customers. As a result of the RPS law, the annual market to 4,300MWp by 2020, with a total capacity
however, some utilities have refused to buy at the same price of 28,700MWp installed. For 2030 the goal is to reach an annual
level when they cannot use credits from the PV electricity put market of 10,000MWp, with a cumulative installed capacity of
into the grid by individual customers for achieving their respec- 82,800MWp. By then the PV industry in Japan would have cre-
tive RPS targets. In these cases, the purchase price has fallen ated 300,000 jobs, the PV installation rate will be at 45% for de-
dramatically to 3-5 cents per kWh. tached houses and the price for a kWp PV system would have
fallen below $2,000.

The total future potential for PV power generation in Japan is as

much as 173 GW, according to calculations made by the govern-
ment agency METI in 2000.

Prime power
PV has been installed on a new building at the official residence
of the Japanese Prime Minister, a symbol that solar power is
central to the country‘s future energy regime.





CARBON DIOXIDE SAVINGS: An off-grid solar system which replaces
an average diesel unit will save about 1 kg COc per kilowatt hour
METHODOLOGY AND ASSUMPTIONS of output. The amount of COc saved by grid-connected PV sys-
If PV is to have a promising future as a major energy source it tems depends on electricity production in different countries.
must build on the experiences of those countries that have al- The world average figure is 0.6 kg COc per kilowatt-hour. For the
ready led the way in stimulating the solar energy market. In whole scenario period it has therefore been assumed that PV
this section we look forward to what solar power could achieve installations will save on average 0.6 kg COc per kilowatt-hour.
- given the right market conditions and an anticipated fall in
costs - over the first two decades of the twenty-first century. As PROJECTION TO 2040: For the period 2025-2040 a very conservative
well as projections for installed capacity and energy output we lifetime of 20 years has been assumed for PV modules. As a re-
also make assessments of the level of investment required, the sult, the capacity installed in the first year of the scenario has
number of jobs that would be created and the crucial effect that been subtracted from the figure for cumulative installed capac-
an increased input from solar electricity will have on green- ity reached after 20 years. This methodology has then been ap-
house gas emissions. plied to all subsequent years.

This scenario for 2025, together with an extended projection The scenario is also divided in two ways; into the four global
forwards to 2040, is based on the following core inputs. market divisions (consumer applications, grid-connected, re-
mote industrial and off-grid rural), and into the regions of the
• PV market development over recent years both globally and in world as defined in projections of future electricity demand
specific regions made by the International Energy Agency. These regions are
• national and regional market support programmes OECD Europe, OECD Pacific, OECD North America, Latin Ameri-
• national targets for PV installations and manufacturing ca, East Asia, South Asia, China, the Middle East, Africa and the
capacity Rest of the World.
• the potential for PV in terms of solar irradiation, the availability
of suitable roof space and the demand for electricity in areas not THE GREENPEACE/EPIA “SOLAR GENERATION” SCENARIO
connected to the grid.
The following assumptions have been employed: The findings of the Greenpeace/EPIA “Solar Generation” scenario
show clearly that, even from a relatively low baseline, PV electric-
MARKET GROWTH RATES: For Europe, Japan and the USA, growth ity has the potential to make a major contribution to both future
rates have been based on market development over the last few electricity supply and the mitigation of climate change.
years and on targets laid down by some countries for installed
PV capacity by 2010. For other countries the market expecta- 1. POWER GENERATION
tions are based on their likely take-off as the technology
spreads. The average annual growth rate worldwide up to 2009 The Greenpeace/EPIA scenario shows that by 2025 PV systems
is projected to be 35%, and 26% between 2010 and 2015. Between could be generating approximately 589 terawatt hours of elec-
2016 and 2025 market remains on a high level, however the an- tricity around the world. This means that enough solar power
nual market growth drops to 19% till 2020 and 11% in 2025. would be produced globally in twenty years’ time to satisfy the
current electricity needs of nearly 20% of the expanded Euro-
Initial growth is expected to be fastest in the grid-connected pean Community (EU 25).
sector, by 2010 the growth rates of the emerging off-grid rural
sector are expected to overtake the ones from the grid-connect- The global installed capacity of solar power systems would
ed sector, due to a significant reduction in costs and the likeli- reach 433 GWp by 2025. About two thirds of this would be in the
hood of competitive electricity production prices. grid-connected market, mainly in industrialised countries. As-
suming that 80% of these systems are installed on residential
ELECTRICITY GENERATION: Figures for the growth in global electric- buildings, and their average size is 3 kWp, each serving the
ity demand up to 2025, on which comparisons with expected PV needs of three people, the total number of people by then gen-
development are based, are taken from projections by the Inter- erating their own electricity from a grid-connected solar sys-
national Energy Agency. These show total world demand for tem would reach 290 million. In Europe alone there would be
power increasing from 13,400 TWh in 2003 to 16,250 TWh in roughly 41 million people receiving their supply from grid-con-
2010 and 23,250 TWh by 2025. DLR has been asked by Green- nected solar electricity1.
peace International and EREC to conduct a study on global sus-
tainable energy pathways up to 2050. The scenarios are based In the non-industrialised world approximately 40 GWp of solar
on the reference scenario from IEA World Energy Outlook capacity is expected to have been installed by 2020 in the rural
(2004). The energy demand is split up in electricity and fuels. electrification sector. Here the assumption is that on average a
A low energy demand scenario has been developed based on 100 Wp stand-alone system will cover the basic electricity
the IEA reference scenario: For the year 2025, the energy needs of 3-4 persons per dwelling. Since system sizes are much
efficiency scenario estimates a global electricity demand of smaller and the population density greater, this means that UP
BE USING SOLAR ELECTRICITY. By 2025, more than 1.6 billion people

1. Average European household: 2.5 people with a consumption of 3,800 kWh per year
Table 4.1: The Greenpeace/EPIA “Solar Generation” Scenario

2025 2020

Global Solar Electricity Output in 2025: 589 TWh 276 TWh

Global electricity demand in 2025 / 2020 (IEA projection) 2,5 % 1,3 %

Global electricity demand in 2025/20 with moderate energy efficiency 3,5 % 1,7 %
(Greenpeace International Projection)

Global Solar Electricity Output in 2040: 4890 TWh

Global electricity demand in 2040 (IEA projection) 16 %

Global electricity demand in 2040 with moderate energy efficiency 24 %

(Greenpeace International Projection)

Detailed Projections for 2025:

PV systems capacity 433 GWp 205 GWp

Grid-connected consumers world wide 290 million 135 million

Off-grid consumers 1.6 billion 900 million

Employment potential, 3,2 million 1,9 million

full-time jobs world wide

Investment value

Average annual investment value 2005 - 2025 45,2 billion Ð 30,9 billion Ð

Investment value in 2025 102,5 billion Ð 76,1 billion Ð

Prices for grid connected PV systems; Reduction down to 2 ¤ per Wp

Cumulative carbon savings 2.204 851,5 million ton.
ton.COc COc

Annual COc savings 353 165,4 million ton.
ton.COc COc


Figure 4.1: Growth in world solar market by application


70.000 [MWpeak] The rapid rise in the price of crude oil in previous years and its
subsequent knock-on effect on conventional energy costs across
Grid connected the domestic and industrial sectors worldwide, has once again
60.000 Remote Industrial highlighted the urgent need for both industrialised and less de-
Off-grid rural (mainly DC)
veloped economies to rebalance their energy mix. This hike in
Consumer Appl.
50.000 the oil price is not just the result of concerns about security of
supply, but also of rapidly rising demand in the emerging econ-
40.000 omies in Asia, particularly China. Oil production can no longer
expand at the same rate as the rise in demand. As such, higher
oil prices – and subsequently, higher energy prices in general -
are here to stay and world economies will have to adjust to
meet this challenge in order to grow.
It is in this climate of runaway energy pricing that those econo-
10.000 mies that have committed themselves to promoting the uptake
of solar electricity are starting to differentiate themselves from
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 those countries that have relied heavily or almost exclusively
on conventional energy sources. There are clear signs that the
next decade will see numerous countries having to rapidly re-
duce their dependence on imported oil and gas. This abrupt
could get electricity from offgrid photovoltaics systems. This transition will be felt in particular in those countries that have
would represent a major breakthrough for the technology from paid little attention so far to the role that solar electricity can
its present emerging status. play. However – on the positive side – there is still time for these
economies to catch up if they rapidly introduce innovative poli-
By 2040, the penetration of solar generation would be even cies to promote solar electricity use.
deeper. Assuming that overall global power consumption had
by then increased from 23.228 TWh in 2025 to 36,500 TWh, THE The speed with which the solar electricity sector is increasing
SOLAR CONTRIBUTION WOULD EQUAL 16% OF THE WORLD’S ELECTRICITY its market share in those economies that have committed
OUTPUT. Combined with energy efficiency measures, this share themselves to promote this clean power source, coupled with
could be reached several years earlier. This would place solar the transformation of its customers from power recipients to
power firmly on the map as an established energy source. power generators, represents a revolution comparable to that in
the telecommunications market over the past decade. Such in-
2. EMPLOYMENT dustrial revolutions produce winners and losers.

More jobs are created in the installation and servicing of PV The undisputed winners in such industrial revolutions are the
systems than in their manufacture. Based on information pro- customers who have access to greater choice. Other winners in-
vided by the industry, it has been assumed that, up to 2010, 20 clude the market players who recognise the potential of such
jobs will be created per MW of capacity during manufacture, an expanding market, and those who have committed them-
decreasing to 10 jobs per MW between 2010 and 2020. About 30 selves to investment in the sector.
jobs per MW will be created during the process of installation,
retailing and providing other local services up to 2010, reducing One of the main arguments heard from critics of solar electric-
to 27 jobs per MW between 2010 and 2020. ity is that its costs are not yet competitive with those of conven-
tional power sources. Clearly it is an essential goal for the solar
As far as maintenance is concerned it is assumed that with the industry to ensure that prices fall dramatically over the coming
more efficient business structures and larger systems in the in- years and decades. However, there are many examples of inno-
dustrialised world, about one job will be created per installed vative products and services where offering customer choice
MW. Since developing world markets will play a more signifi- has led to their popular uptake at a price considerably higher
cant role beyond 2010, however, the proportion of maintenance than that previously available.
work is assumed to steadily increase up to two jobs per MW by
2020. The result is that by 2025, AN ESTIMATED 3.2 MILLION FULL-TIME Two examples of such innovative market entrants are mobile
JOBS WOULD HAVE BEEN CREATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR POWER phones, offering a service at a far higher price than conventional
around the world. Over half of those would be in the installa- fixed line networks, and bottled mineral water, a product which
tion and marketing of systems. in the middle and higher price ranges costs more per litre than
petrol. With the right product, therefore - offering customers the
type of added value they are looking for, coupled with innovative
marketing - technologies such as solar electricity should be able
to compete with grid power in industrialised countries.

Tab. 4.2: Projected growth of world solar power market untill 2025

Year Annual Installed Annual Growth Rate Estimated Annual Estimated Reduction Estimated Jobs
Capacity [MW] [%] Electricity Production of COc [COc]

1995 Market datas 79 12,3 122.800 73.680 2.399

from EPIA, all
other figures
1996 calculated 89 13,5 211.900 127.140 2.752

1997 126 41,6 338.000 202.800 3.872

1998 153 21,1 464.100 278.460 4.710

1999 201 31,9 665.500 399.300 6.195

2000 259 38,0 341.140 1.017.480 13.665

2001 334 28,9 2.214.220 1.328.532 16.778

2002 439 31,4 2.802.000 1.681.200 22.472

2003 594 35,3 3.582.897 2.149.738 27.949

2004 815 37,0 4.471.497 2.682.898 34.702

2005 1.397 6.479.382 3.887.629 53.683

2006 1.877 35,0 8.754.036 5.252.421 73.974

2007 2.537 35,0 11.841.330 7.104.798 99.695

2008 3.433 35,0 16.035.409 9.621.245 137.635

2009 4.647 35,0 21.738.499 13.043.099 190.179

2010 5.609 26,0 28.746.819 17.248.092 228.714

2011 6.839 26,0 37.444.366 22.466.620 281.747

2012 8.425 26,0 48.344.329 29.006.597 347.162

2013 10.489 26,0 62.135.606 37.281.363 427.878

2014 13.194 26,0 79.746.741 47.848.045 527.524

2015 16.765 26,0 102.433.996 61.460.398 650.629

2016 18.784 19,0 127.944.386 76.766.632 802.853

2017 21.312 19,0 156.955.610 94.173.366 991.289

2018 24.525 19,0 190.369.868 114.221.921 1.224.842

2019 28.666 19,0 229.399.819 137.639.891 1.514.723

2020 34.079 19,0 275.689.801 165.413.881 1.892.736

2021 37.162 11,0 326.360.393 195.816.236 2.083.060

2022 40.743 11,0 382.126.590 229.275.954 2.334.287

2023 44.902 11,0 443.818.149 266.290.890 2.610.636

2024 49.732 11,0 512.400.242 307.440.145 2.914.621

2025 55.343 11,0 588.997.967 353.398.780 3.249.004

Total 2000 till 2025 433.067 2.203.696.207


Figure 4.2: Employment in PV related jobs world wide Figure 4.3: PV Competitiveness

1,0 Utility peak power
Jobs in production Bulk power
Jobs in installation, retailing
Jobs in maintenance
900 h/a:
0,8 0,60 ?/kWh

1800 h/a:
2.000.000 0,6 0,30 ?/kWh



1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Source: RWE SCHOTT Solar GmbH

Table 4.3: Fall in price of PV electricity in selected cities up to 2025

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

kWh/(year*kWp) [Ðcents/kWh] [Ðcents/kWh] [Ðcents/kWh] [Ðcents/kWh] [Ðcents/kWh]

Berlin - 850 kWh/a 850 0,39 0,31 0,26 0,23 0,21

Paris - 1000 kWh/a 1000 0,33 0,26 0,22 0,19 0,18

Washington - 1200 kWh/a 1200 0,28 0,22 0,19 0,16 0,15

Hongkong - 1300 kWh/a 1300 0,26 0,20 0,17 0,15 0,14

Buenos Aires / Sydney - 1400
1400 0,24 0,19 0,16 0,14 0,13
Bombay - 1400 kWh/a 1400 0,24 0,19 0,16 0,14 0,13

Bangkok - 1600 kWh/a 1600 0,21 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,11

Los Angeles - 1800 kWh/a 1800 0,19 0,15 0,12 0,11 0,10

Dubai - 1800 kWh/a 1800 0,19 0,15 0,12 0,11 0,10

Table 4.4: Value of regional PV market in Million Ð

Year OECD- OECD N. OECD- Latin East Asia South China Middle Africa ROW Total
Europe America Pacific America Asia East
2005 4.200 616 1.674 389 293 308 306 64 213 34 8.100

2010 10.983 2.710 5.125 1.103 1.083 979 1.087 346 732 87 24.245

2015 13.401 9.208 11.851 3.388 3.972 3.194 4.753 1.516 2.984 357 54.628

2020 11.361 11670 11.903 7.234 4.475 5.056 21.312 3.937 5.734 1.211 83.898

2025 10.226 15.704 7.695 15.040 5.368 8.497 28.678 8.186 11.921 2.518 113.839

The extension of customer choice in the electricity sector to em- ary line of the corridor, e.g. Sevilla, Spain). In contrast to the
brace solar power, however, requires a commitment to creating falling costs for solar electricity the prices for conventional elec-
an appropriate framework to allow consumers to access solar tricity will rise. The utility prices for electricity are differenti-
power in an efficient and cost-effective way. ated into peak power prices (usually applicable at peak demand
hours around midday) and bulk power. In southern Europe so-
The falling cost of PV cells and modules has been a crucial fac- lar electricity will become price competitive with peak power
tor in the recent development of the technology. An indication already before 2010. Areas with less solar irradiation such as
of the potential for increased efficiency in the production of central Europe will follow this path in the period up to 2020.
cells has been given in Part two, together with the likely shift in
favour of cheaper thin film technologies. The following map shows the regional solar electricity costs for
a PV system price level of 4 Ð/Wp, which will be feasible within
In this scenario it is projected that the price per Wp for addi- the next few years. This graph underlines that solar electricity
tional production sites will drop to Ð1.12 by 2010. Between 2010 at these system costs will be competitive with electricity prices
and 2020 a further price decrease is anticipated. On the basis for end users.
that the current progress ratio is maintained, an EX-WORKS PRICE
OF Ð2/WP FOR CRYSTALLINE MODULES WILL BE ACHIEVED BY 2010. In terms of delivered electricity, it is possible to make predic-
tions for the output from grid-connected systems. The results
DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR ELECTRICITY COSTS are given for an average consumer in some of the major cities of
the world (see Table 4.1). These show that by 2020 the cost of
The graph “PV Competitiveness” shows the previous and the solar electricity in the most insolated or sunny regions – the
expected development of solar electricity costs. The falling Middle East, Asia , South America and Australasia – will have
curves show the reduction of solar electricity costs in the geo- more than halved to as little as 10-13 ¤ cents/kWh in the best
graphical area between central Europe (upper line of the corri- conditions. This would make PV power competitive with typi-
dor, e.g. Berlin, Germany) and Southern Europe (lower bound- cal electricity prices paid by end consumer households.

Figure 4.4: Regional PV-Generation Cost

Source: EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra


Figure 4.6: Global Investment in new PV production facilities Figure 4.7: Annual global COc savings in millions of tonnes
[¤mio] 400
Module Shipment worldwide [MW]
140.000 Additional production capacity needed [MW]
Investment production facilities [¤mio] 350
Source: PV 2010
120.000 Investment Market Volume [¤mio]
Total investment [¤mio] 300

[MW] 250

80.000 80.000

60.000 60.000 150

40.000 40.000 100

20.000 20.000 50

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

Of equal importance in relation to falling costs is the level of in- module, equal to 25 kg COc per kWh. In the consumer applica-
vestment in manufacturing capacity. Here the scenario shows tions and remote industrial markets, on the other hand, it is
that the global value of the solar power market will have reached very difficult to identify exact COc savings per kilowatt-hour. As
Ð113 billion by the end of the scenario period. Investment in new already explained, over the whole scenario period it was there-
production facilities will reach Ð6.2 billion by 2025. The overall fore estimated that an average of 0.6 kg COc would be saved per
market volume for PV systems will increase to Ð126 billion. Just kilowatt-hour of output from a solar generator. This approach is
over Ð10 billion of that value will be located in Europe, Ð15.7 bil- quite conservative, so higher COc savings may well be possible.
lion in OECD North America and Ð5.4 billion in East Asia.
By 2025 solar PV would also have one other important effect. In
4. CARBON DIOXIDE REDUCTIONS environmental terms, it would have reduced annual COc emis-
sions by 353 million tonnes. This reduction is equivalent to the
A reduction in the levels of carbon dioxide being emitted into the emissions from Australia and New Zealand, or 150 coal-fired
world’s atmosphere is the most important environmental bene- power plants. Cumulative COc savings from solar electricity
fit from solar power generation. Carbon dioxide is the gas largely generation between 2005 and 2025 will have reached a level of
responsible for exacerbating the greenhouse effect, leading to 2.2 billion tonnes.
the disastrous consequences of global climate change.

As the world’s solar electricity production increases, there will be EXTERNAL COSTS OF ELECTRICITY GENERATION
equivalent reductions in the amount of carbon dioxide thrown The external costs to society incurred from burning fossil fuels or
out into the atmosphere. As already explained, PV systems pro- from nuclear generation are not included in most electricity
duce none of the harmful emissions resulting from fossil fuel prices. These costs have both a local and a global component, the
power generation. Every solar system installed will therefore re- latter mainly related to the eventual consequences of climate
sult in the avoidance of generation from a polluting source. change. There is an uncertainly, however, about the magnitude
of such costs, and they are difficult to identify. A respected Euro-
At the same time, modern solar photovoltaic installations have pean study, the “Extern E” project, has assessed these costs for
a very good energy balance. The COc emissions resulting from fossil fuels within a wide range, consisting of three levels:
the manufacture, installation and servicing over the life-cycle • Low: $4.3/tonne COc
of solar generators are “paid back” within the first three to four • Medium $20.7 – 52.9/tonne COc
years of operation for crystalline technology. According to PV • High: $160/tonne COc
manufacturers this will further decrease for thin film technolo- Taking a conservative approach, a value for the external costs of
gies energy pay back times of less than one year are realistic. carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels could therefore be in
the range of $10–20/tonne COc.
The benefit to be obtained from carbon dioxide reductions in a The assessment above concludes that solar power reduces emis-
country’s energy mix is dependent on which other generation sions of COc by an average of 0.6 kg/kWh. The resulting average
method or energy use solar power is replacing. Where off-grid cost avoided for every kWh produced by solar energy will there-
systems replace diesel generators, they will achieve COc sav- fore be in the range of 0.25 – 9.6 US cents/kWh. These external
ings of about 1 kg per kilowatt-hour. Due to their tremendous costs must be taken into account when comparing solar systems
inefficiency, the replacement of a kerosene lamp will lead to with other energy sources.
even larger savings, up to 350 kg per year from a single 40Wp

Figure 4.8: World solar power market by region 2005
The development of the PV market is expected to vary from re-
gion to region around the world. The overall pattern of the sce-
OECD Latin America 4% nario is that while the OECD regions, especially the USA, Japan
Pacific East Asia 3%
22% and Europe, will dominate the global market up to 2010, after
South Asia 3%
that much faster development is expected to take place in other
China 3%
regions, especially South Asia and Africa. By 2025 installed PV
Middle East 1%
Africa 2% capacity in the OECD regions will have fallen to less than half
ROW 0% the world total (see Figures 4.6-4.8).

2005 The major driving forces behind the future growth of PV capac-
ity in each of the most important regions is described below,
together with the conclusions reached in the scenario.


OECD Europe
N-America 8% 54%
The European Union’s current target, part of a broader strategy
for renewable energy, is to reach at least 3 GWp of installed PV
power by 2010. This scenario demonstrates that this goal can be
Figure 4.9: World solar power market by region 2010 exceeded, and that a capacity of 5 GWp in Europe by 2010 is pos-

Latin America 4% Reasons for this optimism include the fact that the PV market
in Germany grew by more than 700% between 2002 and 2005.
OECD East Asia 4% This demonstrates the impressive growth rates that can be trig-
21% gered by clearly defined and attractive support mechanisms
South such as the German “feed-in tariff” offering fixed premium
Asia 4%
prices for renewable energy output.
China 4%

2010 Middle

Africa 3% Since the first issue of Solar Generation in 2001 other European
ROW 0% countries have also implemented various incentive pro-
grammes, mostly based on premium tariffs and in some cases
combined with investment subsidies. Spain, Austria, Italy and
N-America Luxembourg have all introduced incentive schemes for solar
12% OECD Europe 47% electricity, some more successfully than others. Spain revised
its support scheme for solar electricity, which is mainly based
on a premium feed-in tariff, and Italy introduced a feed-in tariff
Figure 4.10: World solar power market by region 2025 for solar electricity in mid 2005. Luxembourg has a combina-
tion of feed-in tariff and investment support, resulting in the
highest per capita installed PV capacity in the world. In June
OECD Pacific 6%
Latin America 18% 2006 Greece followed with a system of premium tariffs for solar
15% The situation in Europe differs from Japan, which has experi-
East enced a similar solar boom to that in Germany. PV systems in
5% Japan are mainly sold as part of new houses, offering the ad-
vantage that the costs can become part of the home mortgage.
2025 South
This system is also possible because the Japanese construction
industry is dominated by a very few large companies offering
Asia standardised houses with standardised PV systems. By contrast,
ROW 2% 8% the construction industry in Germany and other European
countries is much more diverse and the houses more customer
Africa 9% tailored.

Middle East 6% China 23% Looking at the growth in different European markets over the
past few years it has become evident that premium feed-in tar-


iffs are the most appropriate tool for creating an eventual self- Table 4.2 summarises the findings of a case study on Germany
sustaining solar electricity market. The development of a large in which we looked at the potential increase (at five year inter-
number of substantial solar electricity markets will be essential vals) in installed capacity, as well as electricity generation, car-
for the long-term stability of the European solar electricity mar- bon savings, jobs created and the total value of the PV market.
ket and for lowering the risk attached to today’s focus on the The results show that the electricity output from PV generation
German market. A strong demand side in the European PV mar- could reach 6.5 TWh by 2010. This is equivalent to the output of
ket is crucial in order to provide the basis for a strong and ex- two centralised coal-fired power plants. By 2015 solar electricity
panding industry. If an installed capacity of 4.7 GWp by the end would cover more than 2.4% of Germany’s electricity demand
of 2010 is to be achieved, it must therefore be a strategic goal to and by 2025 more than 5%. The cumulative installed capacity
establish a feed-in tariff (full cost rates) for solar electricity at a would reach 26,380MW by 2025.
European Union level.
Within the next 20 years the German PV industry could create
The EPIA road map 80,000 jobs in installation, service and maintenance alone. If
The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), repre- all the modules were manufactured in Germany itself this
senting the majority of the European PV industry, published a would create up to 12.000 additional jobs. THIS DOES NOT TAKE
new “road map” in 2004. This manifesto outlines the European INTO ACCOUNT ANY MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES FOR THE EXPORT OF PV
PV industry’s priorities for achieving the objectives of the Euro- MODULES AND OTHER COMPONENTS. TAKING THIS INTO ACCOUNT THE
pean Union in relation to installed PV capacities. EPIA has de- LEVEL OF 100,000 JOBS IN THE PV INDUSTRY IN GERMANY IS A REALISTIC
vised a programme of specific actions that the European indus- TARGET.
try, in collaboration with other key stakeholders from the
research, policy, finance, electricity, construction and other sec- GOVERNMENT POLICY AND PROGRAMMES
tors, should adopt in order for Europe to capitalise on the global
PV market. By itself, the 100,000 roofs programme had a limited success,
The EPIA road map highlights the key obstacles and issues that and the solar boom in Germany only started with the introduc-
must be resolved before PV can contribute substantially both to tion of the Renewable Energy Law in April 2000, which provid-
European and global energy supply. It is intended to serve as a ed premium tariffs for solar electricity. Until mid 2003 the
guide for the European industry, including research priorities, up 100,000 roofs programme and the premium tariff system oper-
to 2010 and beyond, and as a framework for political action to ated in parallel. After the ending of the 100,000 roofs pro-
help realise solar electricity’s potential to become a major con- gramme, the feed-in tariff was revised at the beginning of 2004
tributor to electricity generation during this century. in order to compensate for the fact that low interest loans were
( no longer available. These new and higher premium feed-in
tariffs triggered an even stronger solar electricity boom in Ger-
many. Estimates for new capacity expected to be installed dur-
ing 2004 range up to 300MWp.
Germany is currently the key player in the European PV market.
As a result of the support provided by the Renewable Energy Apart from the attractive feed-in tariff payments there are sev-
Law, together with the 100,000 roofs programme (available un- eral factors responsible for the success of this support scheme.
til mid 2003), the average annual growth rate between 2000
and 2005 was well over 40%. In fact after the 100,000 roofs pro- • The level of the feed-in tariff is high enough to make solar elec-
gramme ended in 2003, and the feed-in tariffs was increased – tricity a viable choice for the investor.
which enabled investor to operate PV installations economi- • The utility is obliged to buy solar electricity at the fixed tariff.
cally, the market volume tripled between 2003 and 2004 and • The extra costs for solar electricity are not paid by the state but
almost doubled between 2004 and 2005. The annual market in by all electricity customers, resulting in a very limited additional
Germany 2005 was approx. 700MW – a market volume which financial burden (in 2003 the extra cost per household was Ð12).
the first issue of Solar Generation in 2001 expected in 2013. Ac- • The system favours the installation of high quality solar electric-
cording to our first estimate Germany is almost 10 years “ahead ity units and the owner has a strong incentive to both maintain
of schedule”. the system and maximise energy output for at least 20 years.

Table 4.5: Solar market in Germany to 2025

Market Volume
MW MWh tCO2 Jobs
in Mio.Ð
2003 139 434.950 260.970 579 4.265
2004 450 884.950 530.970 537 13.639
2005 700 1.584.950 950.970 3.920 21.450
2010 1.200 6.531.943 3.919.166 4.955 37.101
2015 1.293 12.807.404 7.684.443 4.044 50.398
2020 1.359 19.467.624 11.680.575 3.345 76.073
2025 1.428 26.467.583 15.880.550 2.937 79.953
Total 2000 till 2025 26.380 237.059.660

• The tariff is fixed for 20 years, which means security of planning OECD PACIFIC
for investors.
• At the beginning of each year the feed-in tariff is reduced by 5%, Japan offers by far the largest and most developed PV market in
but only for solar electricity systems newly installed that year. For this region. The Japanese target is to reach almost 4.8 GWp in-
existing systems the tariff remains the same. This feature aims to stalled capacity by 2010. Since 2001 the market has grown by
reflect the expected price decrease in solar electricity and pro- 75%, a growth rate based on a strong national PV support pro-
vides an important incentive for the PV industry to reduce its gramme in which the residential sector plays an important
costs. role. Japan also has a clear policy of linking domestic demand to
• The support scheme has led to financial payback periods of be- an expanding industrial sector. Alongside this regional leader,
tween 13 and 15 years, leaving the owner with a surplus after 20 a smaller but increasingly important market is expected to de-
years. velop in Australia. The scenario shows that, with annual growth
rates on a substantial but realistic level, the region will eventu-
If the Solar Generation scenario is to be realised then the feed-in ally become the strongest market in the world.
tariffs available under the Renewable Energy Law need to be
maintained until 2020 in order to avoid a collapse of the solar CASE STUDY: SOLAR GENERATION IN AUSTRALIA
PV market. The tariff should decrease annually in relation to
progress in reducing production costs. This phased programme Australia has the potential to develop its own large solar PV in-
should lead to a self-sufficient market and much lower costs for dustry and become a significant force in the Asia Pacific region.
PV installations. In the 1980s Australia led the world in research and develop-
ment and installed capacity of PV. Due to a lack of federal or
An export market will also become increasingly important for state government support and a meaningful policy framework,
the expanding PV industry in Germany, and will be vital to this position was lost, but against the background of govern-
maintain the market development assumed in this scenario. In ment action in Japan and Germany to create a PV market, Aus-
March 2001 a new export initiative was launched by German tralia now has the opportunity to rebuild.
PV manufacturers and dealers, coordinated by the Fraunhofer
Institute for Solar Energy Systems. The aim of this initiative is
to provide better information and develop new mechanisms to
expand the use of off-grid applications.

Table 4.6: Cumulative installed PV power in Australia by sub-market 31. Dec

Sub-market / 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003
application kWp kWp kWp kWp kWp kWp kWp kWp kWp kWp kWp kWp kWp

1,560 2,030 2,600 3,270 4,080 4,860 5,960 6,820 9,110 10,960 12,140 13,590 15,900

off-grid non
5,760 6,865 8,080 9,380 11,520 13,320 15,080 16,360 17,060 19,170 22,740 26,060 29,640
domestic 1

grid connected
5 20 30 80 200 850 1,490 2,390 2,800 3,400 4,630 5,410

grid connected
20 20 320 630 650 650 650 850 1,350 1,350
centralized 2

Total 7,320 8,900 10,700 12,700 15,700 18,700 22,520 25,320 29,210 33,580 39,130 45,630 52,300

Notes: 1. Includes replacements. but old modules onsold.

2. Includes diesel grids.

Table 4.7. Solar market in Australia to 2025.

Market Volume
MW MWh tCO2 Jobs
in Mio.Ð
2003 7 83.500 50.100 29 201
2004 7 90.650 54.390 31 221
2005 8 98.515 59.109 50 243
2010 89 327.626 196.576 458 2.726
2015 398 1.519.351 911.611 1.244 12.224
2020 989 5.070.302 3.042.181 2.436 30.509
2025 1.421 11.248.581 6.749.149 2.922 43.937
Total 2000 till 2025 11.185 51.790.516


RENEWABLE REMOTE POWER GENERATION PROGRAMME3 However, in its 2004 Energy White Paper the government ruled
The Renewable Remote Power Generation programme was estab- out any increases to the size or duration of the target. The two PV
lished to support a reduction in diesel-based electricity generation deeming recommendations have been adopted..
by providing up to 50% of the capital costs of off-grid renewable SOLAR CITIES5
energy installations. Recently it was extended to ‘fringe-of-grid’. The Australian Government’s Solar Cities initiative has stimulated
2.08 MWp of PV was installed under RRPGP in 2005, bringing the interest in PV, and sustainable energy options more generally,
total installed capacity to 5.35 MWp under this programme, of from sectors which have not previously been especially active in
which 0.81 MWp is installed in large utility run diesel grid systems. the area, such as financial services and local government or, in the
The latter includes 0.43 MWp of solar concentrating dishes com- case of utilities, which have been active in the past but not been
missioned in the NT, with an additional 0.29 MWp to be commis- able to pursue useful deployment recently. Consortia were formed
sioned in early 2006. Although it is not PV specific, over 95% of to bid for the Solar City funding and comprise a mix of PV compa-
small systems installed under the RRPGP include some PV. The nies, banks, local governments, utilities and research groups. The
overall programme has funds of around AU$ 205 million allocated Commonwealth Government is currently evaluating 11 bids from
to it, of which around AU$ 141 million had been allocated by end which 4 Solar Cities will be chosen. They will share AU$75 million
2005. In addition, AU$ 7.5 million has been allocated to industry over 7 years and are expected to include new PV deployment strat-
support activities, including test facilities, standards development, egies.
training, feasibility studies and demonstration projects. A specific
allocation of AU$ 8 million has been made for the Bushlight pro- THE ROLE OF UTILITIES
gramme to assist with the development of industry capability and The rapid growth in electricity demand, and particularly in peak
local understanding of renewable energy systems in small indige- load demand, is dominating utility planning in Australia at pres-
nous communities and to install household and community sys- ent. Increased air conditioner use is the major contributor to both
tems. these trends, but particularly to the increase in peak demand.
These developments have an indirect bearing on utility attitudes
A total of approximately AU$ 16.7 million was paid towards PV to PV. At substations where PV can be shown to generate during
based renewable energy systems during 2005. Around 69% of the times of peak demand, there is likely to be utility interest. Never-
systems installed in 2005 were for residential purposes and 31% for theless, PV remains a high cost option and there has been no dis-
agricultural / industrial uses, including water pumping systems. cussion so far on possible utility incentives for PV installation. At
Under the Bushlight programme, 80 communities have been the same time, plans are underway for a national energy regula-
through an energy planning process and 65 PV powered house- tor to replace the 7 State and Territory regulators. This would en-
hold systems have been installed courage more consistent approaches to energy sector regulation
PHOTOVOLTAIC REBATE PROGRAMME4 in future, and hence to standardisation of procedures, but may not
Australian Government funded, with administration by the State see any direct benefits for PV. Plans are also underway to progres-
Governments. The programme commenced in 2000 and is cur- sively roll out interval meters across all customer groups. This
rently funded until 2007. Householders are eligible for a rebate of would allow utilities to introduce time of use tariffs which may
4 AU$/W capped at 4,000 AU$ per residential system. Rebates will place a higher value on daytime power generation. At present PV’s
be reduced in stages to AU$ 3,50/Wp over 2006-2007. Smaller re- daytime generation profile is not rewarded in the market.
bates are also paid for extensions to an existing system. Commu- THE AUSTRALIAN PV INDUSTRY
nity buildings attract an AU$ 4/Wp rebate but have had a higher Cell production in 2005 was 35.54 MWp and module production
cap of AU$ 8,000. This cap will be reduced to AU$ 4,000 from 6.72MWp. BP Solar is the major PV manufacturer in Australia and
2006. As part of the Programme, the Australian Government has expects to maintain its current production capacity of 50 MW for
made available one million Australian dollars to fund projects by the immediate future. Origin Energy expects to begin pilot pro-
residential housing developers and display home builders. A rebate duction of its Sliver® cell technology and will consider large scale
of AU$ 3,50/Wp, reducing to AU$ 3/Wp by end 2007, is available to manufacture in future. In 2005 it released prototype 40, 70 and
developers in AU$ 50 000 blocks. 140 W modules and received an AU$ 5 million grant from the Com-
In 2005, 1,042 systems (1.553MWp) were installed, with AU$4.02 mil- monwealth Government’s Renewable Energy Development Initia-
lion allocated in rebates. This brought the programme total to tive to continue its commercialisation trials.
more than 6,700 systems (8.2 MWp), with rebates of AU$35 mil- Australia remains a leader in research and development of PV
lion. technologies. In 2006, a crystalline thin film technology developed
MANDATORY RENEWABLE ENERGY TARGET in Australia is to enter commercial production by CSG Solar in Ger-
A national review of the MRET was conducted in 2003 and among many and the Sliver® cell technology is to enter pilot production
its recommendations were the following most relevant to PV: by Origin Energy in Adelaide. Patents for a number of new and
• that the 9,500 GWh target for 2010, maintained until 2020, be improved technologies and production processes continue to be
changed to increase to 20,000 GWh by 2020 developed and licensed to Australian and international compa-
• that the shortfall charge be indexed to the Consumer Price In- nies. Chinese based PV manufacturer, Suntech Power, which is a
dex from 2010 onwards joint Chinese - Australian company, continues to improve its pro-
• that the deeming time for PV systems with a rating not more duction processes in cooperation with Australian researchers. Sun-
than 10 kW be extended from 5 to 15 years tech Power floated on the New York stock exchange in December
• that the eligible threshold for PV generation eligible for deem- 2005 and its stock price is currently about twice the listing price.
ing be increased from 10 kW to 100 kW The company has been awarded the contract to supply 130 kW of
• that a review to be undertaken to determine how further con- PV for the Beijing Olympic Stadium. With a weak local market,
sideration can be given to special assistance for the Australian Australian companies and researchers are likely to continue to
PV industry, either through enhancement of MRET or other look internationally for commercialisation of their technologies.
3/4/5. Australian PV Power Systems Consortium, Task 1, National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Australia 2005, Muriel Watt, University of NSW, Sydney Australia, May 2006


There are currently two main market development programmes

provided by the government for PV in Australia: the Renewable
Remote Power Generation Programme (RRPGP) and the Photo-
voltaic Rebate Programme (PVRP). Some regional authorities
provide top-up funds. In addition, the Mandatory Renewable
Energy Target (MRET) sets a national requirement for power
companies to source an increasing proportion of their electricity
from renewable energy. The current MRET has not been a par-
ticularly strong driver for PV. Nevertheless, increased utility up-
take of renewables, and the improved public awareness which
accompanies this, provides benefits to all technology groups.

The Jurisdictional Regulators in the states of New South Wales,

Victoria and South Australia1 have released rulings stating that
new meters on non-market generators2 must be able to mea-
sure positive and negative flows of electricity separately. How-
ever, despite this regulation, net metering may still be legal
AUSTRALIAN PV MARKET STATUS where all parties agree.
Installations of PV in Australia grew at a steady rate of 15% over
last year and totalled 8.3 MWp in 2005. The largest PV market, If a system owner wishes to be rewarded for network support
accounting for 3.4 MWp in 2005, is in off-grid systems for indus- and reduced exposure to peak prices, they must be able to mea-
trial, agricultural and telecommunications applications. Off- sure the gross flow of electricity to the grid at specific times,
grid residential systems comprise the next largest market at 2.9 especially during peak demand. Net metering does not have
MWp, followed by grid connected (main grid and diesel grid) this capability, and either interval metering or an inverter with
residential systems with 1.4 MWp. Australia has many small separate monitoring or data download is required.
diesel grid systems in remote towns and 0.5 MWp of PV was
connected in centralised systems to the main power stations, in Most retailers currently pay the same tariff for imported and
addition to distributed systems connected via individual homes exported electricity, except for Australian Inland Energy, which
which receive power from diesel grids. pays one cent more for export. Some retailers may only pay the
wholesale rate for net export. Many of the retailers and Distrib-
PV module prices remained steady in 2005 at around AU$ 8 per uted Network Service Providers (DNSPs) are currently review-
Wp. Prices are largely set on the international market, but are ing their grid-connect arrangements
influenced by exchange rates and local delivery costs. System
prices vary by location and application but have also remained
reasonably steady in 2005. Residential rooftop systems aver-
aged AU$ 12-14 per Wp and stand-alone systems for off grid ap-
plications AU$ 19-22 per Wp, although system types and inclu-
sions vary widely.

In the Greenpeace/EPIA scenario, concerted action by industry

and government would lead to a strong solar PV industry in
Australia, with an increase of the overall installed capacity of
approximately 100MWp by 2010. By 2025 the market volume
would reach 1,400MWp. About 43,000 jobs could be created in
the Australian PV industry. This figure could be even higher if
the manufacturers also focused on exports.

In August 2004 the Australian PV industry released its own PV

Road Map. This includes targets and strategies for the different
PV market sectors, and with overall targets for 2010 and 2020 in
terms of installed capacity, employment, market value and CO2
abatement. These differ somewhat from the global Green-
peace/EPIA Scenario, for example where specific Australian as-
sumptions have been taken for the level of carbon reduction.

1. Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) in NSW; Victorian Essential Services Commission (VESC); Essential Services Commission (ESCOSA) of South Australia.
2. Non-market generators must have their entire output purchased directly by the local retailer or by a customer located at the same connection point. Residential-scale renewable energy
systems are classified as non-market generators.


installations in Japan has been made possible by a set of efforts

by the government, PV manufacturers and utilities, including
net metering schemes. Home applications have been playing
an important role in the PV market in Japan, representing 90%
of installations in Japan last year. The subsidy for home appli-
cations, however, ceased at the end of 2005.If the promising
home application market is to continue to flourish, either the
subsidy for home application should be restarted or a replace-
ment devised.

One significant issue is that consumers currently pay a month-

ly figure of about $20 to support the programme, and further
efforts must be made to reduce the cost of PV systems. Reaching
a level of $5,000 per kWp would make the price acceptable to
PV installers and could lead to a rapid expansion in home ap-

The Renewable Portfolio Standard enacted by the government

in 2003 should be expanded from its current target of 1.35% by
CASE STUDY: SOLAR GENERATION IN JAPAN 2010 in order to provide an incentive for increased use of solar
energy. It should also differentiate between (more expensive)
Japan is currently the world leader in PV applications and the solar generation and other renewable sources such as biomass
EPIA/Greenpeace scenario expects this position to be main- and wind.
tained for a further 15 years. The success of Japan has been
largely attributable to a focus on support for home applications,
accounting for over 70% of the total installed capacity. If
strengthened policies are put in place, the annual growth rate
between 2005 and 2010 is expected to be 30%.

Table 4.5 summarises the findings of the scenario for Japan,

showing future prospects for installed capacity, electricity gen-
erated, avoided COc emissions, the total value of the PV market
and job creation. Installed capacity is projected to reach 3.2
GWp by 2010, with electricity output of about 3.2 TWh. By 2025
it will have exceeded almost 43 TWh, covering 3.5%% of Japan’s
electricity demand and with an installed capacity of 30 GWp.
Over the next 15 years the number of jobs created by the PV in-
dustry in installation and maintenance services could be more
than 92,000.
Overall, energy policy in Japan continues to focus on fossil fuels
GOVERNMENT POLICY AND PROGRAMMES and nuclear energy. More attention needs to be given to the use
of renewable energies, including solar, and clearer commit-
In order for the ambitious target of 4.82 GWp by 2010 to be re- ments made by the government for further expansion.
alised, appropriate policies must be put in place. The current
market growth rate slowed down, and without any additional
measure, the target will not be achieved. Rapid expansion of PV

Table 4.8: Solar market in Japan to 2025

Market Volume
MW MWh tCO2 Jobs
in Mio.¤
2003 223 801.400 480.840 926 6.868
2004 267 1.068.760 641.256 1.030 8.244
2005 291 1.359.760 815.856 1.630 8.997
2010 1.038 4.614.170 2.768.502 4.287 31.914
2015 2.451 14.063.795 8.438.277 7.668 75.670
2020 3.129 28.285.898 16.971.539 7.702 96.835
2025 2.975 43.465.437 26.079.262 6.120 92.261
Total 2000 till 2025 43.193 307.611.647


Growth rates envisaged in this scenario for the North American

PV market have been the most moderate in the industrialized
world, but much has changed over the past couple of years in
the United States. With the adoption of the federal tax credit
and state incentives the market is expected to grow substan-
tially over the next decade. By comparison, Canada does not
play a significant role as yet, with a total installed capacity of
7MWp and a growth in 2000 of just 1.3MWp.

The US market is increasing significantly, as evidenced by Ger-

man and Japanese solar companies moving into the US market.
The United States also has more sun and higher electric rates in
many jurisdictions. As a result solar power will be cost-effective
in a number of localities by around 2015 without state subsi-
dies. The US market will need to grow about 20% annually over
the next decade to meet the state requirements with annual
installed capacity around 2 GWp in 2020. By comparison, the CASE STUDY: SOLAR GENERATION IN THE UNITED
annual solar power markets in OECD Europe and OECD Pacific is STATES
expected to grow by 30% per year and exceed 8 GWp by 2020.
If the US government decided to establish a more aggressive
long-term support scheme similar to those operating in Ger-
many or Japan, then a different market development would be
possible (see Table 4.6). This scenario assumes that the US do-
mestic market will develop along the lines of Europe, with an
ambitious target for 2,500MWp of cumulative capacity by 2010.
To achieve this, strong market growth is required, with the as-
sumption that after 2010 the annual growth rate would be the
same as in Europe. This dramatic development would have a
serious impact on the world PV market. It would mean that half
of the estimated world market volume would be installed in the
United States, and the industry would create more than 175,000


The conclusion of the scenario for US federal and state energy

planners is that if Congress extends the federal tax and redou-
bles its commitment to solar power with expanded research
and development funding, and improved interconnection and
net metering standards, the market growth could be equal to
Japan and Germany. The US PV industry would then be among
the world leaders. If the United States continues on its current
path, the growth is likely to be about half as large.

Table 4.9: Solar market in the US to 2025

Market Volume
MW MWh tCO2 Jobs
in Mio.US$
2003 63 514.440 296.676 262 1.934
2004 94 690.840 398.196 362 2.883
2005 105 888.840 511.596 588 3.244
2010 603 4.252.724 2.413.120 2.491 18.566
2015 2.240 20.131.573 10.074.184 7.009 68.935
2020 3.608 55.713.157 26.323.334 8.883 111.525
2025 5.811 113.017.654 52.492.752 11.953 179.612
Total 2000 till 2025 48.618 461.923.322



The Indian government needs to continue demonstrating its
The solar market in South Asia is dominated by India, both on commitment to mainstream PV by providing incentives to de-
the supply and demand side. A flourishing domestic PV indus- velopers and manufacturers of the technology. It should estab-
try has developed in the large Indian market, and there is long- lish a nationwide support scheme with the aim of achieving
term experience of the technology. The high level of demand equal market conditions throughout the country. The national
for electricity in those areas of the region that are not connect- agencies should also look towards attracting foreign invest-
ed to the grid, coupled with a domestic PV industry and favour- ment, either through independent power projects or public sec-
able operating conditions, offer excellent opportunities to tap tor programmes designed specifically for PV. One further incen-
the vast solar electricity potential. The most difficult issue is tive would be the removal of all subsidies for fossil fuel
about how adequate financing can be made available for PV technologies.
systems to be installed in rural areas where per capita income
is very low.
The only country in Asia with a government department solely The East Asian market, currently quite small, is still expected to
devoted to the promotion and support of renewable energy, In- be one of the key markets over the coming decades. Thailand
dia’s national energy policy is to achieve a 10% share of electric- will be an important player in this region.
ity from renewables by 2012. India offers a 100% subsidy on so-
lar PV systems for remote village electrification. This means CASE STUDY: SOLAR GENERATION IN THAILAND
that every village which does not have electricity connection
can go in for community solar PV systems for which the govern- The Thai government supports the development of renewables
ment has 100% subsidies. For other villages which are electri- through its Energy Conservation Programme. Financial incen-
fied, the government offers a 60% subsidy especially for solar tives are provided through subsidy schemes, including a 50%
pumping systems. For urban solar PV systems, while there is no grant towards the capital cost of rooftop PV systems during a
subsidy offered, the banks and financial institutions offer loans pilot phase. The National Energy Policy Office and the Depart-
for such systems on a subsidised rate of interest. The rate of in- ment of Energy Development and Promotion are also in the
terest for such loans is 2% per annum. process of preparing a National Renewable Energy Policy that
specifies priorities and further support measures. Incentives
The Greenpeace/EPIA scenario is based on an average growth and an obligation on power producers are expected to deliver
rate between 2000 and 2020 of 35%. By 2025, the Indian PV mar- an additional 214MW of PV by 2011. A separate project is already
ket would have a market volume of about Ð4 billion a year. If all underway to provide 120W solar home systems to 300,000
the systems installed were manufactured in India itself this households within the next years. The two measures would to-
would add a further roughly 80,000 jobs to the 108,000 expect- gether put the nationwide installed capacity at over 250MW by
ed to result from work on installation and maintenance. 2011.

Table 4.10: Solar market in India to 2025

Market Volume
MW MWh tCO2 Jobs
in Mio.¤
2003 11 139.944 83.966 48 344
2004 13 158.693 95.216 54 413
2005 16 181.191 108.715 94 496
2010 180 656.953 394.172 929 5.462
2015 968 4.518.561 2.711.136 3.407 29.734
2020 1.947 15.027.330 9.016.398 4.794 60.108
2025 3.509 34.704.579 20.822.748 7.218 108.384
Total 2000 till 2025 24.729 55.387.251 154.446.573

Table 4.11: Solar market in Thailand to 2025

Market Volume
MW MWh tCO2 Jobs
in Mio.¤
2003 3 22.263 13.358 18 104
2004 5 28.844 17.306 24 155
2005 8 38.716 23.229 53 233
2010 82 322.165 193.299 383 2.537
2015 306 1.582.249 949.349 958 9.420
2020 762 5.136.131 3.081.678 1.875 23.488
2025 1.227 11.786.521 7.071.913 2.524 37.920
Total 2000 till 2025 9.058 18.916.888 53.267.693

Total installed capacity of PV in Thailand is currently about public street lighting, and water pumping. The total installed
24.9MW, with approximately 8MW installed during 2005. The PV capacity of PRODEEM is 5.2MW, divided into 8,700 systems.
two new solar PV programmes could build up a stable and self- These systems have been installed in 26 Brazilian states, princi-
supporting network by 2010. The Greenpeace/EPIA scenario is pally in the north-eastern semi-arid regions and in the Ama-
based on a target for 250MW installed capacity by 2010. With a zon. It was considered as the largest rural electrification pro-
market growth rate of 30% between 2010 and 2015, decreasing gramme in developing countries.
to 20% and 10% towards the end of the scenario period, Thai-
land could become one of the most important PV markets in the While the planning and purchase phase or PRODEEM was car-
East Asia region. Within ten years, this level of market develop- ried out thoroughly, the installation, operation and mainte-
ment would create more than 2,000 jobs in installation and nance phase was a failure due to inadequate locations, incom-
maintenance. By 2025 more than 37,000 jobs could be expected petent installers, lack of spare batteries, equipment and tools.
in installation and maintenance, with additional potential in This gave PV technology a bad reputation in the rural popula-
manufacture and development. tion. After a reconstruction phase, PRODEEM, including PV, was
integrated in the large “Luz para todos” (Light/Electricity for all)
GOVERNMENT POLICY AND PROGRAMMES Programme, which is designed to bring electricity to the entire
The Thai government should continue to demonstrate its com- Brazilian population until 2008.
mitment to PV by providing incentives for developers and man-
ufacturers. An essential element of this would be a law similar While there is still no PV feed-in legislation in Brazil, only nine
to India‘s which removes all institutional, market and policy grid connected installations could be identified, mainly set up
barriers to the operation of renewable projects, including PV. and operated by research centres, universities and schools. The
The Thai authorities should also investigate tapping foreign in- largest is a 40 kW system at the research centre of Petrobras,
vestment through private or public sector projects. One simple the second largest is a 16.5 kW system at CEPEL, the research
step would be to capitalise on the flourishing overseas tourism centre of the national electricity supplier Eletrobras, both lo-
industry by ensuring that all resorts and hotels are supplied by cated in Rio de Janeiro.
solar electricity.
According to the Ministry of Mines and Energy the present in-
LATIN AMERICA stalled PV capacity in Brazil is 9MW. Another study by Professor
Zilles from the Electrical Engineering Department at the Uni-
versity of Sao Paulo (USP), considering more international NGO
activities, gives a figure of 15MW. Due to the lack of detailed sta-
Presently Brazil’s participation in actual the PV world market is tistics, annual installation rates are not known exactly, but are
very poor, considering the country’s potential - which is huge. approximately 3MW for 2005. After the termination of the
Side conditions are excellent, high irradiance with low seasonal PRODEEM Programme PV installation has been mainly carried
variations between 1,400 kWh/m_a and 2,200 kWh/m_a and a out by NGOs, a couple of projects by Petrobras and Eletrobras,
large amount of possible applications such as substitution of and some private house projects in the kW range.
diesel generators in numerous off-grid applications, the obliga-
tion of the concessionaries to bring electricity to the whole The Greenpeace/EPIA scenario is based on a target for 150MW
population until 2008, and general increasing electricity con- installed capacity by 2010. With a average market growth rate
sumption. There are still about 12 million people and 25,000 of 35% between 2010 and the end of the scenario period, Brazil
schools without electricity in Brazil. could become one of the PV market drivers in Latin America.
Within ten years, this level of market development would cre-
GOVERNMENT POLICY AND PROGRAMMES ate more than 10,000 jobs in installation and maintenance. By
The largest effort to apply PV was the PRODEEM Programme, 2025 more than 60,000 jobs could be expected in installation
which was planned to bring electricity to 6,000 rural locations and maintenance, with additional potential in manufacture
in Brazil, principally for communal use: schools, health posts, and development

Table 4.12: Solar market in Brazil to 2025

Market Volume
MW MWh tCO2 Jobs
in Mio.¤
2003 2 27.672 16.603 10 60
2004 2 31.090 18.654 12 75
2005 3 35.362 21.217 21 94
2010 62 239.881 143.928 319 1.897
2015 332 1.565.175 939.105 1.039 10.205
2020 827 5.718.848 3.431.309 2.035 25.491
2025 2.057 16.054.516 9.632.710 4.232 63.429
Total 2000 till 2025 11.454 23.672.543 61.417.048


In order to achieve the Greenpeace/EPIA scenario the following Table 4.14: PV in China by Application Installed capacity
by end of 2005
measures are required:
Rural electrification 40MWp
• For the private user an effective financing instrument has to be Telecommunications 20MWp
set up. Currently private bank loans are as high as 42% per year: Consumer goods 8MWp
this makes PV investments impossible, even with high grid com- Grid-connected systems 2MWp
pensation. A special PV loan for about 8% per year would be
needed, such as BNDES for PROINFA.
In the meanwhile, solar power has played an important role in
• Import federal taxes are 25% for modules and 20% for cells: these
the rural development of China. Over 60% of the Chinese popu-
should be reduced by at least 10%.
lation lives in rural areas, and 12 million people still had no ac-
• Import of PV production equipment and raw materials should be tax-free.
cess to electricity by the end of 2005. The Chinese government
If all that is fulfilled, a grid-feed compensation of 0.70 R$ (Ð0.27)
introduced the programme “Song Dian Dao Xiang” (sending
per kWh of PV electricity would be viable.
electricity to villages), which plans to install 100-150MWp of so-
There are many isolated locations which are designated for the set-up
lar power over 2005 to 2010. However, compared to the modesty
of additional diesel power plants. This should be avoided by applying
of Chinese governmental ambition in solar energy, the real per-
a COc tax (at international market prices), and cut existing subsidies
formance of Chinese solar industry has been far more encour-
for remote diesel power supply. PV would be very competitive there.
aging. 2005 witnessed the booming of the Chinese solar PV
A visible showcase project would very helpful for the promotion
manufacturer Suntech Power, who sold 1,200MW of its products
of solar energy in Brazil and Latin America. A suggestion is the PV
and successfully launched its IPO on NYSE. Founded in 2001,
power supply for the Island of Fernando de Noronha in the South
Suntech has grown into one of the world‘s top 10 manufactur-
Atlantic, 300 km away from Natal. This most famous and very
ers within years. The story of Suntech has demonstrated the
beautiful natural sanctuary of Brazil is frequently visited by ce-
rapid growth of the Chinese solar PV industry, as well as the
lebrities and often appears in the media. The island is currently
huge potential of this market. In the Greenpeace/EPIA scenario,
supplied by electricity from several diesel generators and an el-
China is expected to produce a growth rate of about 30% over
derly 75 kW wind generator, and its grid condition is instable.
the next decade. This will rise to 45% between 2010 and 2020.
While there is already control of tourist access along with an con-
siderable environmental tax to be charged from every tourist,
In 2025 the Chinese solar PV market could be the third largest in
this instrument may be used to raise PV funds.
the world, creating nearly 430,000 jobs in installation alone.
The total energy output in 2025 would be 112 TWh, the equiva-
CHINA lent of more than 100 coal-fired power plants. This market de-
velopment needs a strong and long-term support programme.


As a major fossil fuel generator, China has made a serious com-
mitment towards exploiting its renewable energy resources. On Setting bold targets is an important first step for a successful
1st January 2006, the Chinese Renewable Energy Law came into solar energy market. If the target is set too low, like the current
effect, which provides a legal framework for the development of target set by the Chinese government for 2020, the required
renewable energies in China. The new law includes three mecha- commitment for local manufacture and price reduction will not
nisms - supportive tariff, guaranteed grid access and a renewable materialize. On the other hand, supportive policies, especially
energy fund. In its following implementing rules, it says that the supportive tariff policies, have to be in place in order to help
tariffs for grid-connected solar power projects are decided by the achieve the ambitious targets. There is still much ambiguity in
government on the principle of reasonable costs plus reasonable the current tariff regulations for solar energy projects in China.
profits. According to the long-term planning proposed by the It is believed that a more easy-to-operate supportive tariff, such
government, the installed capacity of solar power in China would as a fixed price feed-in-tariff system similar to those operating
reach 2,000MW by 2020. By the end of 2005, China had installed in Europe, could give a tremendous further boost to the Chinese
a generation capacity of 70MWp, distributed as follows: domestic market, also for grid-connected PV.

Table 4.13. Solar market in China to 2025.

Market Volume
MW MWh tCO2 Jobs
in Mio.©
2003 25 141.000 84.600 130 770
2004 35 183.000 109.800 169 1.075
2005 44 235.500 141.300 306 1.348
2010 211 958.455 575.073 1.088 6.467
2015 1.351 5.365.970 3.219.582 4.753 41.449
2020 8.657 33.616.968 20.170.181 21.313 265.677
2025 13.942 103.380.405 62.028.243 28.679 430.934
Total 2000 till 2025 86.100 347.056.589




In the past in order to push solar electricity many programmes
It is evident that without the support of suitable instruments were financed through a ministry’s budget. Obviously this im-
the expansion of the solar electricity markets worldwide will plies the big disadvantage that if state money ran out, the pro-
not happen at a sufficient speed. In order to accelerate the re- gramme could be stopped. Therefore the feed-in tariff model
construction of our electricity supply it is necessary to imple- takes a completely different approach.
ment powerful and efficient tools supporting the use of solar
electricity. The premium feed-in tariff has proved its power and In Germany in 2006 the utilities pay a premium tariff of Ð0.51/
efficiency during the previous years. kWh for solar electricity from newly- installed PV systems.
Therefore they have higher costs from the premium tariff. The
Worldwide people are surprised by the fact that Germany, a utilities are authorised to pass this extra cost, spread equally, to
country which is not one of the sunniest places in the world, all electricity consumers via their usual electricity bill. With
has developed the most dynamic solar electricity market and this system the feed-in programme works independently from
PV industry. How could this happen? Many different kind of the state economy. The extra cost that each electricity consum-
programmes in many countries have been started in the past in er has to pay in order to increase the share of renewable energy
order to accelerate the PV markets, but none has been as suc- in the national electricity portfolio is very small. In Germany
cessful in such a short period of time as the feed-in tariff in Ger- the monthly extra costs per household due to the feed-in tariff
many. The idea of the feed-in tariff has been adapted in several for solar electricity was less than Ð0.30. If ALL renewable energy
European states and of course each country adjusted it to its sources are taken into account it was Ð1.5. In this way every
specific needs. The basic idea behind it is very simple. electricity consumer contributes to the restructuring of the na-
tional electricity supply structure from a fossil-based one to-
Producers of solar electricity: wards a sustainable and independent electricity supply struc-
have the right to feed solar electricity into the public grid ture.
• receive a premium tariff per generated kWh reflecting the bene-
fits of solar electricity compared to electricity generated from FEED-IN TARIFF: THE DRIVER OF COST REDUCTION
fossil fuels or nuclear power
• receive the premium tariff over a fixed period of time. The costs for solar electricity have been reduced constantly
since the technology was introduced to the market. But it is evi-
All three aspects are simple but it took significant effort to es- dent that today in most cases solar electricity cannot yet com-
tablish them. For many years the utilities did not allow the pete with grid electricity generated from fossil fuels. While it is
feeding in of solar electricity into their grid and this is still the expected that prices for electricity generated from fossil fuels
case in many countries even today. Therefore that right cannot will keep rising constantly, at the same time it is very impor-
be taken for granted and in most countries the utilities fight tant to keep a high pace in bringing the costs for solar electrici-
this idea forcefully once it comes up. ty down. For this reason the feed-in tariff in Germany is reduced
each year by 5%, but only for newly installed PV systems. Once

a PV system is connected to the grid the feed-in tariff remains
constant over the complete period of 20 years. By this feature of
the reduction by 5% each year there is a constant pressure on
the PV industry to bring the costs for solar electricity down by
5% each year in order to keep the market alive. At the same time
the customer can very easily calculate the return of investment
for the PV system. This planning security is an essential ele-
ment of the success story for the feed-in tariff.



Many solar electricity programmes are based on an investment

subsidy in order to reduce the barrier of high up-front invest-
ment for PV systems. The drawback of such an approach is the
missing incentive to invest in high-quality solar electricity sys- FEED-IN TARIFF:
tems and also to invest in the maintenance of the system dur- THE DRIVER OF EASIER FINANCING
ing its lifetime. If the customer receives a fixed payment per The up-front cost for solar electricity systems are a clear barrier
installed capacity unit, there is no incentive to go for high-qual- to a wider market penetration. As explained in the previous
ity products that usually mean a higher price. paragraph, investment subsidies were implemented in many
programmes in order to overcome this barrier. As pointed out
With the investment subsidy approach there is also little incen- this approach has significant disadvantages.
tive to maintain the system properly over its whole lifetime.
Maintenance is linked to a moderate degree of investment, but A feed-in tariff guaranteed by law over a sufficient period of
if the customer received the complete financial incentive up- time serves as an excellent security for the customer’s bank in
front, there is no incentive to operate the system at the highest order to finance the system. The PV system itself combined
possible level. with the guaranteed feed-in tariff over 20 years in Germany is
usually sufficient to receive a loan from the bank to buy a PV
With the feed-in tariff the return of investment for the custom- system. Of course it took some time until banks became famil-
er is heavily dependent on the performance of the PV system. iar with PV systems and the implications of the feed-in tariff,
High performance means high return of investment. The cus- but in the meantime the financing of PV systems via a bank
tomer gets his return of investment with each kWh that is fed loan in Germany is no longer a rare and time-consuming thing
into the grid. Therefore the maximising of the power output of but very common and straight-forward.
the PV system over its whole lifetime is essential to the custom-
er, and for this reason it is assured that the PV system will be THE FEED-IN TARIFF NEEDS A STRONG CO-DRIVER:
well operated and maintained over its lifetime. SIMPLE AND QUICK ADMINISTRATION

The feed-in tariff is the only system that rewards the genera- There are countries in Europe with a good feed-in tariff in place
tion of solar electricity appropriately and not simply the instal- but without a viable PV market in existence. How can this hap-
lation of such a system, which by itself does not have any ben- pen? The feed-in tariff needs a strong partner in order to be able
efit. Benefits arise only when solar electricity is generated. For to unfold its full power and this is a simple and quick approval
this reason one could say that the feed-in tariff is a Solar Gen- process from the administration. Even if an excellent feed-in
eration reward system. tariff is in place, but the procedures for the approval of the in-
stallation of the PV system and for its connection to the grid
takes many months, perhaps even more than a year, the num-
ber of potential customers will remain very limited. Therefore
the customer’s effort to deal with administrative and licensing
issues needs to be kept at a minimum in order to deter potential
customers. A complex and time-consuming administration and
licensing process is a clear indication for a electricity market
that has not yet made substantial progress on the way to a lib-
eralised energy market.



On the support side, customers must not be penalised finan- Given its major advantages for modern society, solar electricity
cially for making a choice to be supplied by solar electricity. In should be given priority and guaranteed access to the grid. In
most industrial countries, conventional electricity is heavily many countries there is an enormous over-capacity in conven-
subsidised, and the negative environmental impacts of its pro- tional electricity generation, with a range of power sources –
duction are not reflected in the cost to end-users. Changes to from fossil fuels through to renewables – all jostling for the
this system appear to be some way off and other mechanisms right to be fed into the grid. Solar electricity generators must be
for supporting solar power must meanwhile be promoted. guaranteed automatic access, otherwise there is a risk that they
will be squeezed out of the market completely. While instru-
The German national feed-in tariff offers customers an attrac- ments such as the European Union’s Directive on Renewable
tive price for selling their produced electricity to the utility grid. Electricity provide for priority access for solar power, this does
A crucial element of the German feed-in law is the fact that the not guarantee that solar generators will be able to sell the pow-
tariff is set at the point of connection to the grid and this level is er that they produce. Given the still developing structure of the
guaranteed for 20 years. The fact that the lifetime of this tariff industry, it is crucial, if we are to achieve a sustainable market
is clearly defined at the outset offers customers planning secu- in solar electricity in the industrialised world, that such access
rity that makes the installation of a solar electricity system so guarantees are a foregone consideration.
attractive. A crucial aspect of the German approach is that the
cost of the feed-in tariff is not paid by the government through NEW MARKET OPPORTUNITIES
a subsidy, but is rather financed by a small surcharge. This en-
sures that such a scheme – once introduced with political sup- Clearly, just as with other emerging technology markets, deci-
port – is less likely to become a political football during times of sions are not without their associated financial risks. The clear
budget reductions at the government level. upward trend of current market developments, however, points
to major opportunities for both existing and new players in the
The success of the German feed-in tariff model – which has re- solar electricity sector. The expanding list of companies and
sulted in the creation of a large number of new jobs in the solar consortia currently formulating strategies for exploiting the so-
electricity industry – is now being adopted in other countries in lar market is evidence of this.
Europe. Extending such feed-in tariff mechanisms beyond Ger-
many is a cornerstone of the European Photovoltaic Industry For the market really to take off, however, the pioneers of yes-
Association’s strategy for promoting the uptake of solar elec- terday who have evolved into the market leaders of today must
tricity in Europe. The simplicity of the feed-in tariff concept and be joined by a widening industrial base so that the whole sector
its low administrative costs means that it is a highly effective can secure the business successes of tomorrow, the potential for
and efficient tool for boosting the role of solar electricity in na- which has been mapped out in this report.
tional energy mixes.

At present, the nations of the industrialised world vary greatly
in their commitment to solar electricity. While countries such
as Germany and Japan, as well as others in Europe, have moved
forward from discussion to implementing the necessary sup-
port schemes, others have actually cut back their solar electric-
ity programmes. In the United States in particular, this could
severely affect the ability of the national solar electricity indus-
try to fulfil its promise as a global exporter providing for sus-
tainable employment at home.

Both industry and governments, however, will have to extend

their differing commitments to the solar sector if the potential
identified in this report is to be fully exploited. On the industry
side, continuing and accelerated investment in the expansion
of production facilities is needed in order to meet the demands
of the market and to ensure that the cost, and ultimately the
price of the technology, is brought down through production
up-scaling and introduction of new manufacturing techniques
and materials. On the government side, the commitment to the
solar electricity sector in many countries needs to be extended.
Besides the introduction of net metering and premium tariffs,
building regulations need to be adapted to provide a greater in-
centive for the deployment of solar electricity systems in the
Entry into the solar electricity market is not the preserve of built environment.
companies only active in the clean energy sector. Many of the
leaders in the solar electricity industry were, and still are, lead- Like every other industry, the solar electricity sector will only
ing lights in the “old” energy economy. These global players move forward if sufficient investment is committed to provide
have taken on board the challenge to integrate a solar electrici- for its expansion. New sources of equity and debt financing
ty business into a traditional energy production and retail need to be tapped. Such investment opportunities must attract
structure. The sustained commitment of these companies will new entrants to the sector from financial institutions that have
be appropriately rewarded if we create the right climate to en- been made aware of the potential of the solar electricity busi-
sure that the whole solar electricity business sector moves rap- ness. It is significant, for example, that investment in solar pro-
idly ahead. duction and supply companies is being taken increasingly seri-
ously by international investment analysts, while the influential
Against this, there are also potential losers in the energy indus- Economist magazine has portrayed solar cells as part of a new
try. Among these are those companies that have continued to “micropower” revolution.
focus solely on conventional energy technologies. With no base
or limited expertise available to them in the solar sector, it will In summary, there is no doubt that the global electricity busi-
become increasingly difficult for these companies to benefit ness will undergo a significant expansion over the next few
from the expanding photovoltaics market. Its expected growth decades. All indicators point in that direction. Solar power will
over the next few decades will rapidly enhance the role that certainly play an ever more significant role in the supply mix.
this technology will play in the energy mix. For any organisa- However, the extent to which solar electricity will make its im-
tion missing the boat, the consequences could be similar to pact on that market will depend very much on ensuring that
those for data processing companies that failed to predict the the potential winners in this business are made fully aware of
impact that personal computers would have on every aspect of the opportunities available.
business and domestic life in the 1980s. Even once mighty blue
chip companies such as IBM are still trying to recover from a Those opportunities will only be realised if both industry and
lack of vision at a critical moment. governments continue to strengthen their commitment to
broadening the energy supply base and, through the deploy-
GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRY COMMITMENT ment of solar electricity technologies, offering greater choice to
customers. This will have the added effect of demystifying the
Governments that have taken steps to broaden their energy sup- energy process, offering individuals greater control over the
ply base with an abundant clean technology such as photovoltaics provision of their electricity needs. This in itself constitutes a
will also be able to count themselves among the winners. Such di- revolution in the energy market.
versification not only brings benefits in terms of greater security
of energy supply but also leads to wider environmental benefits
though the deployment of zero-emission technologies that, ac-
cording to the predictions presented here, will make a significant
impact on global COc emissions over the coming decades.

Researcher and scenario analyst Johannes Stierstorfer
Editor Kate Mc Donald
Greenpeace Co-ordinator and scenario analyst Sven Teske European Photovoltalic Industry Association
EPIA Co-ordinator Murray Cameron, Johannes Stierstorfer Rue d‘ Arlon 63-65
Design Bitter Grafik & Illustration, Hamburg B-1040 Brussels
With participation of: T: +32-2-465 3884
Masaaki Nakajima – Greenpeace Japan F: +32-2-400 1010
Samantha Rodgers, John Coequyt – Greenpeace USA Email: [email protected]
Athena Ronquillo Ballesteros – Greenpeace International /South East Asia
Tara Buakamsri – Greenpeace South East Asia
K. Srinivas – Greenpeace India Greenpeace International
Marcelo Furtado, Dr. Stefan Krauter – Greenpeace Latin America Ottho Heldringstraat 5
Catherine Fitzpatrick, Mark Wakeham – Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1066 AZ Amsterdam
Dr. Muriel Watt – School of PV & RE Engineering, University of New South Wales The Netherlands
Ailun Yang – Greenpeace China T: +31 20 514 81 50
Dr. Winfried Hoffmann – Schott Solar F: +31 20 514 81 51
Email: [email protected]
Printed on recycled paper

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