Z/VM Installation Guide

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The z/VM Evaluation Edition is a trial version of z/VM that can be used to evaluate its capabilities for running Linux and other workloads on IBM System z hardware in a logical partition.

The z/VM Evaluation Edition is a trial version of z/VM that is delivered on a DVD-RAM disk. It can be used to evaluate running Linux and other workloads on IBM System z hardware for purposes such as proof-of-concept testing. However, external disks are required to run significant Linux workloads for paging, spooling and data storage.

To run Linux on z/VM, external disks are required for z/VM paging and spooling as well as minidisks to hold Linux data. No external disks are needed to initially load and run basic functions of the Evaluation Edition.


Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition

Installation and Use Guide

The z/VM® Evaluation Edition is intended for use in Linux or other Proof-of-concept and other
activities for evaluating the effectiveness, performance, robustness, and other capabilities of
z/VM on an IBM® System z10™.

The accompanying License Information Document explains the terms and conditions of use.

The following sections constitute this guide:

򐂰 “Overview” on page 1
򐂰 “Requirements and planning” on page 3
򐂰 “Loading the z/VM Evaluation Edition” on page 7
򐂰 “Preparing for and installing Linux” on page 14
򐂰 “Saving changes to the DVD-RAM” on page 21
򐂰 “Restoring DVD-RAM with saved changes” on page 21

1.1 Overview
The z/VM Evaluation Edition is delivered on DVD-RAM. You may download the files and
create your own DVD-RAM from:

Once you have a z/VM Evaluation Edition DVD-RAM disk, you place it in the DVD drive of a
System z™ Hardware Management Console (HMC) and load it into memory in a logical
partition. A DVD-RAM is read/write, so changes made to the system in memory can be
written back to the disk.

No external disks are required to bring up the Evaluation Edition or to perform simple
functions. However, in order to run any significant Linux® workload, external disks are
required for z/VM paging and spooling, as well as for minidisks to hold Linux data.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008. All rights reserved. 1

This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.

IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM
representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM
product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used.
Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be
used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program,
or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing
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IBM Director of Licensing, IBM Corporation, North Castle Drive, Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A.

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This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
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The following terms are trademarks of other companies:

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Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

2 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

1.1.1 Highlighting conventions
The following highlighting and font conventions are used in this guide:
Monospace and bold Commands entered on the command line
Bold Values, buttons or fields that can be entered or clicked
Monospace File, directory, user, and minidisk names
Italics Names of windows or fields that can be seen

The following command conventions are used in this book:

򐂰 z/VM commands are prefixed with =>
z/VM commands are usually required to be in upper case, however they can be typed in
lower case and the system will fold them to upper case before executing. For this reason,
the commands are often described in upper case, but shown in examples in lower case.
򐂰 z/VM XEDIT subcommands are prefixed with ====>

1.2 Requirements and planning

Following are the minimum hardware and software requirements:
򐂰 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition DVD-RAM
򐂰 An IBM System z10 and access to an HMC
򐂰 An LPAR with at least 3 GB of memory, and with the Global Performance Data Control
and the Input/Output (I/O Configuration Control) security settings enabled in the LPAR
activation profile
򐂰 Three 3390-3 volumes (or larger) for paging, spooling and permanent minidisk space
򐂰 Three consecutive Open Systems Adapter (OSA) addresses
򐂰 An IP address for z/VM TCP/IP
򐂰 Additional IP addresses for Linux guests
򐂰 A 3270 emulator - see discussion in section 1.2.4, “3270 emulators” on page 5

1.2.1 Skills required and background reading

The z/VM Evaluation Edition was designed to be fairly easy to get started with. It would be
helpful if the person installing it had familiarity with IBM System z, combined with a working
knowledge of system programming, but these skills should not be essential. Also, basic 3270
skills, such as might be gained from z/OS® experience, will be helpful in getting around on

If you intend to install Linux, basic Linux skills will also be helpful. However, this manual
focuses mainly on the z/VM aspects of setting up the system.

For background reading, there is a IBM Redbook for those new to z/VM - Introduction to the
New Mainframe: z/VM Basics, SG24-7316, on the Web at:

The entire z/VM library is on the Web at:


Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 3

1.2.2 Resource values used in this guide
For reference, the resources used in the examples in this guide are as follows:

Table 1-1 Resources used in this guide

Resource Value in this Notes

CEC/LPAR names H91/TICLTEST Obtained from System z administrator

DASD real address/label for 371A/PG371A 3390-3 obtained from System z administrator
page space

DASD real address/label for 371B/SP371B 3390-3 obtained from System z administrator
spool space

DASD real address/label for 5023/LX5023 3390-3 obtained from System z administrator

OSA Express starting address 6D0 First real address of three to be used for
network connectivity

Default IEEE VLAN 1 VLAN trunk port number for OSA device

IEEE VLAN for z/VM and 505 Obtained from Network administrator

z/VM TCP/IP address Obtained from Network administrator

Subnet mask Obtained from Network administrator

TCP/IP gateway IP address Obtained from Network administrator

z/VM System ID vm53eval Often same as host name, but maximum

length is eight characters

DNS server IP address Obtained from Network administrator

z/VM host name ip9-12-20-40 Obtained from Network administrator

z/VM domain name pdl.pok.ibm.com Obtained from Network administrator

Linux user ID LINUX43

Linux IP address Obtained from Network administrator

4 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

1.2.3 Blank table for resources
A blank table is provided to write in the values that you will be using:

Table 1-2 Resources used for the z/VM Evaluation Edition

Resource Value Notes


DASD real address/label for

page space

DASD real address/label for

spool space

DASD for Linux

OSA Express starting address


IEEE VLAN for z/VM and Linux

z/VM TCP/IP address

Subnet mask

TCP/IP gateway IP address

z/VM System ID

DNS server IP address

z/VM host name

z/VM domain name

Linux user ID

Linux IP address

1.2.4 3270 emulators

A 3270 emulator program is convenient for communicating with the z/VM Evaluation Edition
after it is on the network. You can choose one of the following emulator programs:
– EXTRA! by Attachmate
– Cleo TN3270 by Cleo Communications
– Personal Communications by IBM
– TN3270 Plus by SDI
– Nexus Terminal by Nexus Integration
– UniKix J3270 by Clerity Solutions Inc.
– x3270 (open source, usually available on a Linux desktop)

It is recommended that you investigate the following settings for your emulator:
򐂰 Set the Enter and Clear function keys to be where you would expect them. On some
emulators, the default Enter key is set to the right Ctrl key of modern keyboards. Likewise
the Clear key is sometimes set to the Esc key in the upper left corner of modern keyboards
or to the Pause key in the upper right.

Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 5

򐂰 Set a larger screen size. Often the default number of lines in an emulator session is 24.
You will probably be more productive with a 32-line display, ar 43-line display or larger as
long is it can fit in a window given your screen size and resolution.
򐂰 Have the session automatically reconnect after logoff. Having a new logon screen come
back immediately after you log off can save you time. This is often not the default
򐂰 Save your connection sessions. Rather than continually typing in the IP address or host
name of the z/VM Evaluation Edition to which you want to connect, spend a few minutes
to define and save a session for the system to which you may want to connect. Then you
can usually double-click the saved connection to quickly establish a new 3270 session.

1.2.5 Creating your own DVD-RAM

To create your own DVD-RAM disk, you must first have a DVD drive capable of writing to a
DVD-RAM, a blank disk and software. You can get to the download site by starting at:

You will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire. Then you can download the following files:
ZVM.NUCLEUS z/VM 5.3 nucleus
ZVM.RAMDISK z/VM 5.3 self-contained system residence volume (RAM disk)
ZVM.ins HMC install file
ZVMBOOT.IMAGE Boot loader (part 1)
ZVMBOOT.PREFIX Boot loader (part 2)
install_guide.pdf Detailed installation information (this document)
readme.pdf Readme text file
notices.file Notices regarding Licensing Information

Download all the files. Place the blank disk in your DVD-RAM drive. Bring up your DVD-writer
software and copy all the downloaded files to the DVD-RAM.

The following types of DVD-RAM media have been tested with the z/VM Evaluation Edition:
򐂰 Panasonic DVD-RAM 2-3x Speed Single-sided 4.7 GB/Non-cartridge
򐂰 Maxell DVD-RAM 4.7 GB V2 (REORDER #636070)

While other DVD-RAM media might function correctly, they have not been tested by IBM.

1.2.6 Other considerations

The following facts about the z/VM Evaluation Edition should be considered:
򐂰 The time required to IPL from DVD-RAM is from 6 to 15 minutes. If it fails, the only
indication of the problem will be an entry in the HMC “Hardware Messages” log of a
disabled wait of the logical partition and a change in color of the LPAR's icon, probably to
򐂰 If the indicator on the DVD-RAM drive does not blink during the IPL process, make sure
that the LPAR has been given access to the DVD as described in 1.3.1, “Accessing the
DVD-RAM on the HMC” on page 9 and that the LPAR activation profile is defined as
described in 1.2, “Requirements and planning” on page 3.
򐂰 The SHUTDOWN REIPL command is not supported.

6 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

1.3 Loading the z/VM Evaluation Edition
The z/VM Evaluation Edition runs entirely in memory using a RAMdisk; it is not installed on
disk. If the LPAR that is running the z/VM Evaluation Edition is shut down for any reason,
configuration and other RAMdisk changes will be lost. However, these changes can be saved
on the DVD-RAM with the RAMSAVE command, as described in 1.6, “Saving changes to the

Install the z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition from DVD-RAM:

1. Obtain an LPAR with associated resources as described in section 1.2, “Requirements
and planning” on page 3.
2. Place the z/VM Evaluation Edition DVD-RAM into the HMC DVD drive.
3. Sit at the HMC or start an HMC session through a Web browser (if remote access is
configured for your HMC).
4. Select your LPAR. In this example, it is on the H91 CEC and the LPAR is named
TICLTEST as shown in the CPC Images Work Area on the left side of Figure 1-1.
5. Click the counter-clockwise racetrack button (left button with circular arrow in the lower
right) until you see the Recovery menu.
6. Double-click the Integrated 3270 Console icon as shown on the right side of Figure 1-1.
You should see a 3270 emulator window open.

Figure 1-1 Starting the Integrated 3270 Console

Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 7

7. Click on the HMC window. With the LPAR still selected, double-click Load from CD-ROM,
DVD, or Server, also in the Recovery menu. You should see a new window open as
shown in Figure 1-2:

Figure 1-2 Load from DVD

8. If not already selected, click on the radio button Hardware Management Console
CD-ROM / DVD. Click OK.
9. A new window opens as shown in Figure 1-3. The software ZVM.ins should be found.
Click OK.

Figure 1-3 Loading software ZVM.ins

10.You might see the warning screen stating Load will cause jobs to be cancelled. Click Yes
to continue. The warning screen will close.
11.The Load from CDROM, DVD, or Server Progress window opens as shown in Figure 1-4
on page 9. When the DVD is loaded, click OK. The load process should only take about
10-15 seconds.

8 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

Figure 1-4 Load from DVD progress window

1.3.1 Accessing the DVD-RAM on the HMC

You now need to give the LPAR access to the DVD drive.
1. Return to the HMC Recovery menu and double-click Access Removable Media. The
Access to Removable Media window shown in Figure 1-5 opens.

Figure 1-5 Selecting DVD-RAM drive

2. Click OK in the Access to Removable Media window. The confirmation window shown in
Figure 1-6 opens:

Figure 1-6 Confirming access to the DVD-RAM

3. Click Yes in the Access Removable Media Task Confirmation window. The RAMdisk will
begin loading from the DVD-RAM. The window shown in Figure 1-7 on page 10 opens:

Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 9

Figure 1-7 Allowing continued access to the DVD-RAM

4. Do not click OK in the Access Removable Media window, shown in Figure 1-7, until you
are ready to end your access to the DVD drive. Leave this window open as long as you
need access to the DVD drive and at least until the z/VM Evaluation Edition starts
5. Switch to the Integrated 3270 Console window. After about 6-15 minutes, the z/VM 5.3
Evaluation Edition should start executing, as shown in Figure 1-8.

Figure 1-8 z/VM Evaluation Edition starting

6. Reply force drain at the Start prompt to continue the initial program load.
7. Reply no when you are asked if you want to Change TOD clock.

10 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

8. Text will scroll down the screen and you will see either a MORE... or HOLDING status in the
bottom right corner. Press the Esc key to clear the screen immediately. You might have to
do this more than once. At the VM READ prompt in the lower right corner, press Enter.
9. The last one should look similar to the screen shown in Figure 1-9. The error messages in
the form of Saved segment CMSxxxxx does not exist are not a problem and can be

Figure 1-9 z/VM Evaluation Edition finishing IPLing

The z/VM Evaluation Edition is now initialized and you are logged on as the OPERATOR. You
can now customize z/VM for your environment.

Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 11

1.4 Customizing the z/VM Evaluation Edition
The CUSTOMIZ command is unique to the z/VM Evaluation Edition and is designed to make it
easy to set z/VM up with disks for page, spool and Linux (minidisk) space, and to configure
z/VM networking. To customize the z/VM Evaluation Edition, perform the following steps:
1. Invoke the CUSTOMIZ command. You should see a screen similar to Figure 1-10.
=> customiz
2. Enter the real device addresses and labels of the page, spool and Linux disks. If you listed
values for your environment in Table 1-2 on page 5, use those values as shown in the
following figure. Press Enter to continue:

Figure 1-10 CUSTOMIZ - first panel

3. Enter the networking values into the second CUSTOMIZ panel. Press Enter when you are
finished entering them:

12 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

Figure 1-11 CUSTOMIZ - second panel

4. CUSTOMIZ will now begin formatting your page, spool and Linux disks. This can take
several minutes per disk. Each time the screen fills up and shows either the MORE... or the
HOLDING status message in the lower right corner, press the Esc key to clear the screen.
After formatting the disks, CUSTOMIZ completes the networking configuration. Again, read
the messages that are displayed.
5. CUSTOMIZ will terminate. The new z/VM system should be on the network. To test this, you
can try a ping from another system or try opening a 3270 emulator session to the IP
address or host name that you provided on the second screen of CUSTOMIZ.
6. Disconnect from the OPERATOR user ID on the Integrated 3270 Console:
=> disc
Disconnecting from a virtual machine is analogous to turning a PC’s monitor off, while
logging off is analogous to powering off the machine.

Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 13

Note: If you cannot ping the new z/VM system, verify the following:
򐂰 That all the basic networking values are correct
򐂰 That the IEEE VLAN values are correct (if you entered them)
򐂰 That the TCPIP user ID is running with the QUERY NAMES command (look for TCPIP)

If all of these are correct, try shutting down the TCP/IP service virtual machine with the
command FORCE TCPIP, then log on to TCPIP manually (the password is TCPIP), press
Enter twice and watch the messages carefully for errors.

1.5 Preparing for and installing Linux

You should now be ready to define and install your first Linux system. Following are the
high-level steps:
򐂰 “Defining a Linux user”
򐂰 “Preparing to install Linux” on page 19
򐂰 “Installing Linux” on page 20 - specific details are not provided

1.5.1 Defining a Linux user

The directory maintenance feature DirMaint™ is running by default when the z/VM Evaluation
Edition is loaded. DirMaint is used to manage the z/VM user directory.

Note: this is a priced feature of the licensed z/VM, but there is no charge for DirMaint in the
Evaluation Edition.

Perform the following steps to define a user ID for Linux:

1. Start a 3270 emulator session to your z/VM Evaluation Edition system (or use the
Integrated 3270 Console). You should see a logon screen.
2. Log on to MAINT. The default passwords shipped with z/VM are the same as the user ID,
so the password is also MAINT (passwords are not case sensitive). The DIRMAINT PW
command can be used to change the passwords.
3. You should see messages similar to the following:
HCPLNM102E DASD 0123 forced R/O; R/W by DIRMAINT
z/VM Version 5 Release 3.0, Service Level 0881 (64-bit),
built on IBM Virtualization Technology
There is no logmsg data
LOGON AT 14:18:40 EDT TUESDAY 06/24/08
DMSWSP327I The installation saved segment could not be loaded
z/VM V5.3.0 2008-05-22 15:06
4. Press Enter at the VM READ prompt in the lower right corner. This runs the PROFILE EXEC.
Ignore messages with codes DMSDCS1083E or DMSACP113S.
DMSDCS1083E Saved segment CMSPIPES does not exist
DMSDCS1083E Saved segment CMSPIPES does not exist
DMSDCS1083E Saved segment CMSVMLIB does not exist
DMSACP113S B(5E5) not attached or invalid device address
DMSACP113S D(51D) not attached or invalid device address

14 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

5. Invoke the DIRMAINT NEEDPASS NO command so that a password is not required for every
DirMaint command.
Note: All DirMaint subcommands are prefaced with the DIRMAINT command which can be
shortened to DIRM.
=> dirm needpass no
DVHXMT1181R Enter the current logon password of MAINT at ZVMV5R30 for
DVHXMT1181R authentication. It will not be displayed on the
DVHXMT1181R terminal. To exit without processing the command, just
DVHXMT1181R press ENTER.
MAINT (you will not see the password displayed)
DVHXMT1191I Your NEEDPASS request has been sent for processing.
Ready; T=0.02/0.02 08:10:14
DVHREQ2288I Your USEROPTN request for MAINT at * has been accepted.
DVHBIU3450I The source for directory entry MAINT has been updated.
DVHBIU3456I Object directory update is not required for this source
DVHBIU3456I update.
DVHREQ2289I Your USEROPTN request for MAINT at * has completed; with
DVHREQ2289I RC = 0.

This shows that DirMaint is running and allows MAINT to issue DirMaint commands without
needing to enter the MAINT password.

Defining a profile for Linux user IDs

1. DirMaint has the concept of a prototype directory, which is used as a template for defining
virtual machines. You can construct a prototype from a default profile. Get a copy of a
profile, IBMDFLT, with the DIRMAINT GET command. The FOR IBMDFLT parameter specifies to
get the data on behalf of that profile or user. The NOLOCK option specifies that the profile or
user is not to be locked by the GET subcommand. Issue the following command and check
for a return code of 0:
=> dirm for ibmdflt get nolock
DVHXMT1191I Your GET request has been sent for processing.
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 08:12:14
DVHREQ2288I Your GET request for IBMDFLT at * has been accepted.
DVHGET3305I Entry IBMDFLT sent, no lock attempt was made.
DVHREQ2289I Your GET request for IBMDFLT at * has completed; with RC =
DVHREQ2289I 0.
2. A file is sent the reader (RDR) by DirMaint. List MAINT’s reader files with the RL command.
You should see the IBMDFLT DIRECT reader file:
=> rl
MAINT RDRLIST A0 V 164 Trunc=164 Size=1 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=0
Cmd Filename Filetype Class User at Node Hold Records Date Time
3. Move the file from MAINT’s reader to it’s A disk with the RECEIVE command. Use the Tab
key to move the cursor to the left of the IBMDFLT DIRECT file and type, on that line, the
receive / lnxdflt protodir a
The parameter / specifies this reader file. The next three parameters rename the file
MAINT RDRLIST A0 V 164 Trunc=164 Size=1 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=0
Cmd Filename Filetype Class User at Node Hold Records Date Time
receive / lnxdflt protodir aA DIRMAINT ZVMV5R30 NONE 19 6/17 8:12:15
4. Press F3 to exit the reader list.

Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 15

5. Edit the new file with the XEDIT command.
=> x lnxdflt protodir a
If you are new to XEDIT you may wish to read the XEDIT User’s Guide:
In addition there is an “XEDIT quick reference” on page 22 for your convenience.
6. The lines on the screen might wrap and be difficult to read. It is safe to work with only the
first 72 columns of data. Use the VERIFY subcommand to view only columns 1 through 72:
====> v 1 72
7. Type the following prefix commands into the “Prefix area” on the left side, as shown below:
– Add three blank lines after the first line with the a3 prefix command.
– Add two blank lines after the LINK MAINT 019E 019E RR line.
– Delete the three lines that LINK to the MAINT 040x disks, and the four comment lines
below them with the block delete (dd) prefix command:
LNXDFLT PROTODIR A0 F 80 Trunc=72 Size=15 Line=0 Col=1 Alt=0
00000 * * * Top of File * * *
00002 SPOOL 000C 2540 READER *
00003 SPOOL 000D 2540 PUNCH A
00004 SPOOL 000E 1403 A
00005 CONSOLE 009 3215 T
00006 LINK MAINT 0190 0190 RR
00007 LINK MAINT 019D 019D RR
a2 LINK MAINT 019E 019E RR
dd LINK MAINT 0402 0402 RR
00010 LINK MAINT 0401 0401 RR
00011 LINK MAINT 0405 0405 RR
00012 ******************************
00013 ******************************
00014 *
Press Enter. The prefix commands will be processed and the appropriate lines will be
added and deleted.
8. Change the prototype directory as follows:
– Change the first line to USER LNXDFLT LNXDFLT 512M 1G G. This will:
• Replace the user ID and password (LNXDFLT)
• Set the default machine size to 512 MB
• Set the maximum machine size to 1 GB
• Give the user ID class G privilege
– On the first blank line, add the statement IPL CMS. This loads CMS when the user ID is
– On the second blank line, add MACHINE ESA 4. This sets the virtual machine type to
ESA and allows a maximum of four virtual CPUs to be defined.
– On the third blank line, the NICDEF statement creates a virtual network interface card of
TYPE QDIO starting at virtual address 600 on the VSWITCH named VSW1.
– Add two AMDISK statements into the blank lines at the bottom. Use a keyword of AUTOG,
sizes of 3300 and 38, another keyword of DEFAULT, and an access mode of MR. These
lines will create a minidisk of 3300 cylinders (about 2.2 GB) at virtual address 100 and
another minidisk of size 38 cylinders (about 28MB) at virtual address 191. The AUTOG
keyword tells DirMaint to obtain the disk space automatically from the group named

16 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

DEFAULT. The disks specified in the Linux volumes section of CUSTOMIZ were added to
this DirMaint disk group.
SPOOL 000C 2540 READER *
SPOOL 000E 1403 A
CONSOLE 009 3215 T
LINK MAINT 0190 0190 RR
9. Press Enter to move the cursor to the XEDIT subcommand line. Save the file and leave
XEDIT with the FILE subcommand:
====> file
You have now created a prototype directory entry named LNXDFLT.
10.Add it to the user directory with the DIRMAINT FILE command:
=> dirm file lnxdflt protodir a
DVHXMT1191I Your FILE request has been sent for processing.
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 16:11:42
DVHREQ2288I Your FILE request for MAINT at * has been accepted.
DVHRCV3821I File LNXDFLT PROTODIR A has been received; RC = 0.
DVHREQ2289I Your FILE request for MAINT at * has completed; with RC = 0.
11.Check for a return code of 0. If DIRM FILE gets a different return code and is not
successful, look for messages that end with a suffix of “E” (for Error) and try to fix the
problem. In general a DirMaint return code of 0 is good, a return code of 4 is a warning,
and a return code of 8 or greater is an error.

Defining a Linux user ID

Now that you have a prototype, it is time to create your first Linux user. Think of this as
creating a virtual server with memory, disk and network resources. In this example a user is
defined with 512 MB of memory, the disk space of a single 3390-3 (about 2.3 MB) with most
allocated to Linux but some to a local CMS disk, and a single virtual NIC.

The first user is named LINUX43 in this example because of a convention that uses the last
octet of the IP address (this Linux system will get the IP address Using part of
the IP address in the user ID can sometimes be helpful in associating systems with TCP/IP
addresses. But of course, you can name the user whatever you would like.

Perform the following steps:

1. Add the new user to the directory with the DIRMAINT ADD command:
=> dirm add linux43 like lnxdflt pw lnx4vm
DVHREQ2288I Your ADD request for LINUX43 at * has been accepted.
DVHBIU3450I The source for directory entry LINUX43 has been updated.
DVHBIU3425I The next ONLINE will take place as scheduled.
DVHBIU3450I The source for directory entry LINUX43 has been updated.
DVHBIU3425I The next ONLINE will take place as scheduled.
DVHBIU3450I The source for directory entry LINUX43 has been updated.
DVHBIU3425I The next ONLINE will take place as scheduled.
DVHBIU3450I The source for directory entry LINUX43 has been updated.

Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 17

DVHBIU3425I The next ONLINE will take place as scheduled.
DVHSCU3541I Work unit 01103239 has been built and queued for processing.
DVHSHN3541I Processing work unit 01103239 as MAINT from VM53EVAL,
DVHSHN3541I notifying MAINT at VM53EVAL, request 43.4 for LINUX43
DVHSHN3541I sysaffin *; to: AMDISK 0100 3390 AUTOG 3300 DEFAULT MR
DVHBIU3450I The source for directory entry LINUX43 has been updated.
DVHSHN3430I AMDISK operation for LINUX43 address 0100 has finished (WUCF
DVHSHN3430I 01103239).
DVHSCU3541I Work unit 01103239 has been built and queued for processing.
DVHSHN3541I Processing work unit 01103239 as MAINT from VM53EVAL,
DVHSHN3541I notifying MAINT at VM53EVAL, request 43.5 for LINUX43
DVHSHN3541I sysaffin *; to: AMDISK 0191 3390 AUTOG 38 DEFAULT MR
DVHBIU3450I The source for directory entry LINUX43 has been updated.
DVHSHN3430I AMDISK operation for LINUX43 address 0191 has finished (WUCF
DVHSHN3430I 01103239).
DVHDRC3428I Changes made to directory entry LINUX43 have just been
DVHDRC3428I placed online.
DVHREQ2289I Your ADD request for LINUX43 at * has completed; with RC =
DVHREQ2289I 0.
Check for a return code of 0. If DIRM ADD is not successful, look for messages that end with
a suffix of “E” (for Error) and try to fix the problem.
2. Add a command that will be executed when LINUX43 is logged on to grant access to the
VSWITCH named VSW1. The command must be typed in all capital letters (this is one of
the few places where z/VM does not fold lower case to upper). If your enterprise does not
use IEEE VLANs, you should omit VLAN 505:
=> dirm for linux43 command add 1 SET VSWITCH VSW1 GRANT LINUX43 VLAN 505
DVHXMT1191I Your COMMAND request has been sent for processing.
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 14:06:37
DVHREQ2288I Your COMMAND request for LINUX43 at * has been accepted.
DVHBIU3450I The source for directory entry LINUX43 has been updated.
DVHBIU3424I The next ONLINE will take place immediately.
DVHBIU3428I Changes made to directory entry LINUX43 have been placed
DVHBIU3428I online.
DVHREQ2289I Your COMMAND request for LINUX43 at * has completed; with RC
DVHREQ2289I = 0.
3. Add a second command that will be executed after the first. This command will COUPLE the
NIC at virtual address 600 to the SYSTEM VSWITCH named VSW1.
=> dirm for linux43 command add 2 COUPLE 600 TO SYSTEM VSW1
DVHXMT1191I Your COMMAND request has been sent for processing.
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 14:06:55
DVHREQ2288I Your COMMAND request for LINUX43 at * has been accepted.
DVHBIU3450I The source for directory entry LINUX43 has been updated.
DVHBIU3424I The next ONLINE will take place immediately.
DVHBIU3428I Changes made to directory entry LINUX43 have been placed
DVHBIU3428I online.
DVHREQ2289I Your COMMAND request for LINUX43 at * has completed; with RC
DVHREQ2289I = 0.
4. Verify the new directory entry with the DIRMAINT REVIEW command:
=> dirm for linux43 rev
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 14:08:06
DVHREQ2288I Your REVIEW request for LINUX43 at * has been accepted.
DVHREQ2289I Your REVIEW request for LINUX43 at * has completed; with
DVHREQ2289I RC = 0.

18 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

5. The directory entry will be sent to MAINT’s reader which can be viewed with the PEEK
command (note that in this example the reader file is number 70). Set the viewable
columns to 72 with the XEDIT SET VERIFY subcommand (which can be shortened to V):
=> peek 70
====> v 1 72
CONSOLE 0009 3215 T
SPOOL 000C 2540 READER *
SPOOL 000E 1403 A
LINK MAINT 0190 0190 RR
MDISK 0100 3390 1 3300 LX5023 MR
MDISK 0191 3390 3301 38 LX5023 MR
DVHREV3356I The following are your user option settings:
DVHREV3356I Links DISABLED Logging ON RcvMsg ON Smsg OFF NeedPW ON

1.5.2 Preparing to install Linux

Before installing Linux, you must log on to the new user that you created (LINUX43 in this
example) with the following steps:
1. Log off of MAINT:
=> log
2. Get a new logon screen and log on to the new Linux user, LINUX43 in this example. The
password (LNX4VM in this example) will not be displayed on the screen:
Fill in your USERID and PASSWORD and press ENTER
(Your password will not appear when you type it)
USERID ===> linux43

3. Observe the messages as the virtual machine IPLs CMS. Verify that a NIC has been
created at virtual address 0600:
NIC 0600 is created; devices 0600-0602 defined
HCPNDF6011E You are not authorized to COUPLE to SYSTEM VSW1
z/VM Version 5 Release 3.0, Service Level 0881 (64-bit),
built on IBM Virtualization Technology
There is no logmsg data
LOGON AT 14:22:47 EDT THURSDAY 07/03/08
Command complete
NIC 0600 is connected to VSWITCH SYSTEM VSW1
DMSWSP327I The installation saved segment could not be loaded
z/VM V5.3.0 2008-05-22 15:06
Ignore the HCPNDF6011E message. The NIC is coupled to VSW1 by the second command
that you added to the directory entry.

Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 19

4. You should see a VM READ prompt in the lower right corner of the screen. Press Enter to
complete the IPL of CMS:
DMSDCS1083E Saved segment CMSPIPES does not exist
DMSDCS1083E Saved segment CMSPIPES does not exist
DMSDCS1083E Saved segment CMSVMLIB does not exist
DMSACP112S A(191) device error
The message “DMSACP112S A(191) device error” is expected. You defined a minidisk at
virtual address 191 which CMS tries to access as file mode A. However, it has not been
formatted for the CMS file system.
5. Format the LINUX43 191 disk with the FORMAT command. In this example the minidisk is
given a label of lnx191:
=> format 191 a
DMSFOR603R FORMAT will erase all files on disk A(191). Do you wish to continue?
Enter 1 (YES) or 0 (NO).
DMSFOR605R Enter disk label:
DMSFOR733I Formatting disk A
DMSFOR732I 38 cylinders formatted on A(191)

You can now install Linux onto the LINUX43 user ID.

1.5.3 Installing Linux

The details of installing Linux are outside the scope of this manual. The overall steps are as
1. Obtain the Linux install media from your distributor.
2. Make the Linux install images available on the network.
3. Transfer the Linux RAMdisk and kernel to the Linux user’s 191 disk.
4. Create parameter files as necessary.
5. Create an installation EXEC to punch the files and IPL from the reader.
6. Begin the installation process from a 3270 session.
7. Complete the installation process from a graphical session (usually VNC).

There are a number of sources of documentation that you can use to install Linux:
򐂰 An installation manual from your Linux distributor
򐂰 z/VM and Linux on IBM System z: The Virtualization Cookbook for SLES10 or z/VM and
Linux on IBM System z: The Virtualization Cookbook for RHEL5, on the Web at:
򐂰 z/VM V5R3.0 Getting Started with Linux on System z9® and zSeries®, SC24-6096-02, on
the Web at:

20 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

1.6 Saving changes to the DVD-RAM
You probably want to save any z/VM configuration or other changes made on the DVD-RAM.
You will not be able to easily revert to the original version of the Evaluation Edition, so be sure
this is the system you want to save. On the other hand, if you do not save the system and the
LPAR is reset, your changes will be lost.

If the Access Removable Media window is no longer up, return to the HMC session and bring
up the window as described in section 1.3.1, “Accessing the DVD-RAM on the HMC” on
page 9.

Issue the RAMSAVE command to write the state of the current system back to the DVD-RAM
=> ramsave
5351 changed RAMdisk pages saved

Note: If the Access Removable Media task is not active for the z/VM Evaluation Edition
LPAR, you will get an error:
=> ramsave
ZVM0002E Error saving RAMdisk data
Ready(00002); T=0.01/0.01 13:56:30

You have now saved the system’s state to the DVD-RAM disk.

1.7 Restoring DVD-RAM with saved changes

You might want to test that the changes written to the DVD-RAM are applied when you reIPL.
To do so, perform the following steps:
1. Shut down all Linux systems.
2. Shut down the z/VM Evaluation Edition:
=> shutdown
3. Repeat the steps in section 1.3, “Loading the z/VM Evaluation Edition” on page 7.

At this point, you can continue to use the z/VM Evaluation Edition to accomplish your
evaluation objectives.

Chapter 1. The z/VM Evaluation Edition 21

Appendix A. References

A.1 Possible wait states

If the partition icon turns the color used for Disabled Wait (red), the “Hardware Messages”
screen will show the event and “Details” will show the Processor Status Word (PSW) value.
The wait state is the last four hexadecimal numbers in the PSW.

The value 9082 usually means that there is not enough memory configured in the LPAR. Any
other values probably means that the DVD-RAM disk is not being IPLed on an IBM System

A.2 XEDIT quick reference

XEDIT has line commands which are typed on the command line (===>) and prefix
commands which are typed over the line numbers on the left side of the screen.

Line Commands
a Add a line
a<n> Add ‘n’ lines
c/<old>/<new>/ <n> <m> Search for string ‘old’ and replace it with ‘new’ for ‘n’ lines
below the current line and ‘m’ times on each line. ‘*’ can be used for ‘n’ and ‘m’
/<string> Search for ‘string’ from the current line
-/<string> Search backwards for ‘string’
all /<string>/ Show all occurences of ‘string’ and hide other lines
bottom Move to the bottom of the file
top Move to the top of the file
down <n> Move down ‘n’ lines
up <n> Move up ‘n’ lines
file Save the current file and exit XEDIT
ffile Save the current file and exit but don’t warn of overwrite
save Save the current file but don’t exit
quit Exit XEDIT if no changes have been made
qquit Exit XEIDT even if changes have not been saved
left <n> Shift ‘n’ characters to the left
right <n> Shift ‘n’ characters to the right
get <file> Copy file and insert past the current line
:<n> Move to line ‘n’
? Display last command
= Execute last command
x <file> Edit ‘file’ and put it into the XEDIT “ring”
x Move to the next file in the ring

22 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

Prefix Commands
a Add one line
a<n> Add 'n' lines
c Copies one line
cc Copies a block of lines
d Deletes one line
dd Deletes a block of lines
f Line after which a copy (c) or a move (m) is to be inserted
p Line before which a copy (c) or a move (m) is to be inserted
i Insert a line
i<n> Insert 'n' lines
m Move one line
mm Move a block of lines
" Replicate a line
"<n> Replicate a line 'n' times
"" Replicate a block of lines

A.3 Support
No formal support is provided for the z/VM Evaluation Edition. However, questions and
problems may be submitted by e-mail to:
[email protected]

Appendix A. References 23
24 The z/VM 5.3 Evaluation Edition Installation and User’s Guide

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