Challenges Faced by Management at Ufone Pakistan

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This report reviews the challenges management facing today and I selected

the telecom organization U-fone, the second largest telecom company in

Pakistan. We give a brief history of the company and tell about the achievements

and growths of Uf-one. It put light on the whole organization specifically its

challenges , competitive advantage and the activities ongoing in it. Further we

review U-fone’s strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT

Analysis). In the end we give the future plans of U-fone and conclude with our

views and suggestions for U-fone.

Many researches and surveys have been done to know about the most faced

challenges. Nowadays managers are dealing with changing workplaces,

security threats, ethical issues, global economic and political uncertainties and

technological advancement.

Every Organization whether its multinational, private business or Govt. Offices

depend on its people. Telecom industry is growing in Pakistan with new

companies is getting license the competition is tough; as a result it is the

consumer who is getting benefits and enjoy low call rates.

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In today’s growing world of business, in every organization the management is

facing different challenges. Management is responsible for the overseeing the

activities and work of the people working in organization, so in every aspect

they have to be responsible. Many researches and surveys have been done

to know about the most faced challenges. Nowadays managers are dealing

with changing workplaces, security threats, ethical issues, global economic

and political uncertainties and technological advancement. Innovations in a job

mean doing things differently, exploring new territory, and taking risk. Nothing is

more risky than not innovating. Innovation is another challenge being faced by

the managers of any organization in the world. It isn’t just for high-tech or other

technologically sophisticated organizations but efforts can be found in all types of

organizations. The complexity of products demand is other challenge.


"Management is the art of getting things done through people."

Management is an individual or a group of individuals that accept responsibilities

to run an organisation. They Plan, Organise, Direct and Control all the essential

activities of the organization. Management does not do the work themselves.

They motivate others to do the work and co-ordinate (i.e. bring together) all the

work for achieving the objectives of the organisation.


Business requirements are not well-managed.

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Lack of clarity in the scope of business functions.

Anticipating global talent shortage.

Employer brand management.

Managing multicultural organizations.

Managing global environment.

Managing diverse teams.

Understanding social networks.

Organizational change.

Barriers to communication.

Understanding Organizational Behaviour.

Managing Downsizing

Managing Ethical Issues

Managing Workforce Diversity

Managing Change and Innovation

Managing Global Teams

Managing work life balance.

Managing sexual Harassment


The customer may not fully understand all of the project’s requirements at the

beginning of the project. The customer may use imprecise language such as “I

guess; I want” or “Maybe we should consider” or may not fully articulate what

is required. Requirements may be vague, incomplete and may not be specific

enough to be measurable.

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This ambiguity often leads to products or services delivered to the customer that:

May be technically sound but fall short by not improving the business process.

Does not meet customer’s expectations.


Another challenge being faced by the management is the lack of understanding

the scope of business functions. That is; in the translation of the customer’s

needs into the delivered product or service, vague requirements may not be

properly understood. The subsequent design documents may, therefore, be

poorly defined and documented.

Management must recognize their role as one of defining the business solution

boundaries– i.e., ensure the project scope definition aligns with the proposed

solution to support the business needs. This is then translated into the Business

Requirements Document. This is approved and signed off by the customer as an

agreement on the requirements.


The most critical problem is hiring, retaining, training and motivating professional

talent in a troublesome scenario where the already critical shortage of human

talent in some professional areas and in diverse managerial disciplines due

to the beginning of the retirement with no enough replacements of the baby

boomers’ workforce; economical growth and resurgence of energy market firms

due to record crude oil prices has motivated a fierce competence to hire, train

and retain the already scarce talent available in the job market. Being so, human

talent is being more critical to ensure the competitiveness of a company for the

long term.

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Such perception is the expression of a growing trend of cannibalization in hiring

and recruiting scarce professional resource that finally is engaged to work with

the bigger companies. This trend is particularly critical in the Oil & Energy and

Engineering industries where I have worked for years and where is possible

observe a continuous turnover of engineers from one company to the other on

looking for better salary perspectives and superior career development plans.


Today’s global organizations should stand out in developing Employer Brand

Management practices to generate multicultural workplaces where an employee

can feel pride and satisfaction for belonging to an organization where he/she

is considered, respected and recognized. The cultural dimensions (Credibility,

Respect, Fairness, Pride and solidarity) should be adapted to pursuit this


When an employee as usually happens in most of today's companies is

considered as a mere commodity that may be easily replaced, relocated, hired

and finally fired out, is easy to expect that in such workplaces an torture feeling

of demoralization, progressive disengagement and lost of motivation finally will

have a profound and unfavorable impact over employee’s productivity, increasing

the rate of employee’s attrition and affecting the whole company’s productivity

for the long term. This is the reason that justifies the progressive adoption of

Employer Branding practices.


In global organizations that are occupied in developing transformational projects

with a worldwide scope dealing with cultural differences in organizations requires

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from a strong, empowered and influential leadership with the willingness of

applying the proper corporate governance practices to regulate those differences

around an inspiring business vision that being strongly encouraged by senior

Management and enabled by collaborative technologies may be active in

reducing the inefficiencies of having multidisciplinary teams geographically

dispersed with different cultures working in markets, products and projects that

could be intrinsic and inherent to the particular country´s culture, history and



International managers face intense and constant challenges that require

training and understanding of the foreign environment. Managing a business

in a foreign country requires managers to deal with a large variety of cultural

and environmental differences. As a result, international managers must

continually monitor the political, legal, socio cultural, economic, and technological


(International Environment)


The political environment can promote or hinder economic developments

and direct investments. This environment is ever-changing. The political and

economic philosophies of a nation's leader may change overnight. The stability

of a nation's government, which frequently rests on the support of the people,

can be very volatile. Various citizen groups with vested interests can undermine

investment operations and opportunities. And local governments may view

foreign firms suspiciously.

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Many business teams are made up of members from a variety of different

cultures and backgrounds. Understanding and managing the differences can

build tolerance.

Many business teams are made up of members from a variety of different

cultures and backgrounds. Understanding and managing the differences can
build tolerance. This brings many advantages; businesses can choose the right
people for the team from a range of sources 
and people from ethnically diverse backgrounds bring to the team their own
unique experiences.

Understand the Differences

Get to know and understand the various cultures on the team. This can be a
great activity early on in the team’s formation and gives all the team members an
opportunity to know more about each other.
Zero Tolerance to Discrimination
Discrimination does still exist today and it’s very important for managers to
address any such behaviour when it immediately arises. If you are subjected to
discrimination, do not tolerate it and raise it with your manager.

Establish a zero tolerance attitude on the team for discrimination.



Management need to understand the social networks and social relationships of

work groups. This is another challenge or issue being faced by the management

in today’s world. Because a social relationship can help determine an individual

to help or hinder his effectiveness. Reviews and surveys had shown that the

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teams with high levels of interpersonal and interconnectedness actually attained

their goals better and were more committed to staying together.


It is one of the most critical aspects of effective management. but the nature of

Change is may be increasingly complex, and it is more often extensive.

Effective management requires attention to detail, and planning comes in at two

places: ¬ First, is to think through all aspects of the implications of the change; ¬

the second, is to set out all the actions that need to take place in order to ensure

that need to ¬ take place in order to ensure that the change is implemented.



Communication skills are critical for managers. Unfortunately, there are a

number of barriers that can negatively impact communication effectiveness.

Understanding these barriers and taking steps to minimize or overcome them

can help to ensure that managers are effective in their communications with

employees and others. The key barriers are distractions, time limitations, biases

and skills.


Managers must juggle not only their own responsibilities and tasks, but must

also be attentive to the needs of the people they manage and sometimes they

manage a lot of people. With only so many hours in a day and days in a week

managers can be challenged to find the time to communicate effectively not

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only with employees, but with colleagues, bosses and customers. While we

can't find more time, we can find ways to use the time we have more effectively.

Scheduling time in our day to attend to specific tasks based on how alert

we are in the morning or afternoon, grouping like tasks together and using a

planning tool to help keep tasks organized can be ways to stay on top of multiple


(Barriers communication)


One of the challenges in understanding organizational behavior is that addresses

issues that aren’t obvious. Organizational behavior provides managers with

considerable insights into the important but hidden , aspects of organization. I.e.

attitudes, perceptions, group norms, informal interactions, interpersonal and inter

group conflicts. These are the elements that influence how employees behave at


It is most important for a company to realize that if an Organizational behavior

principle has to be introduced in a company; it would need to be transitioned

slowly. Dramatic introduction and transition of a guideline would lead to

employee dissatisfaction.

(Understang Organizational Behavior)


Downsizing is the planned elimination of jobs in an organization, when an

organization has too many employees. This can happen when an organization

is faced with declining market share, has grown too aggressively, or has been

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poorly managed. One option for improving is to eliminate some of those excess



Managers at all levels, in all areas, in all sizes and in all kinds of organizations do

face ethical issues and dilemmas. What is ethics? Ethics is defined as principles,

values, and beliefs that define right and wrong decisions and behavior. Many

decisions that managers make require them to consider both the process and

who is affected by the result. To better understand the ethical issues involve such

decision and stage of moral development.


To manage workforce diversity, management need to widen their recruiting

net. When a diverse set of applicants exists, managers must ensure that

selection process does not discriminate. Applicants need to be comfortable

with the organization’s culture and made be aware of management’s desire to

accommodate their need. The goals of an organization, strengthens its business

partnerships and creates positive change within the community. While the

impetus for diversity programs begins with desirable social and political goals,

the strategic commitment needed to make it a part of the company’s business

strategy can come only from the highest levels of an organization. Many

organizations provide special workshops to raise diversity awareness issues.

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The management facing challenges in encouraging creativity and innovation

among all their employees are certainly not unique. Although innovation has

always been a part of the manager’s job. Nowadays managers are taking steps

to make their workplace more efficient and flexible. Changes come in the form of

an occasional storm, a brief distraction in an otherwise calm and predictable trip.


 Work-life balance is about people having a measure of control over when, where

and how they work. It is achieved when an individual’s right to a fulfilled life inside

and outside work is accepted and respected as the norm – to the mutual benefit

of the individual, business and society.”


Sexual harassment is a global issue. Sexual harassment creates an unpleasant

work environment and undermines worker’s ability to perform their job. Sexual

harassment is defined as unwanted action or activity of a sexual nature that

explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, performance, or work

environment. For many organizations, it’s offensive or hostile environment

issue that is problematic. Managers must be aware of what constitutes such an

environment. Another thing that managers must understand is that the victim

doesn’t necessarily have to be the person harassed but could be anyone affected

by the offensive conduct.

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PTML is a subsidiary of PTCL (Pakistan Telecom Company Limited), the largest

operator in Pakistan. PTML was established to operate cellular telephony. The

company commenced its operations, under the brand name of Ufone from

Islamabad on January 29’ 2001.Since Etisalat took over PTCL in 2006, during

the year as a consequence of PTCL’s privatization, 26% of its shares were

acquired by Emirates Telecommunication Corporation (Etisalat). Being part

of PTCL, the management of Ufone has also been handed over to Etisalat. In

September 2006, Ufone selected Huawei to deploy the nationwide GSM network

at a contract value of above USD550 million. Ufone adopted Huawei's new-

generation GSM solution, including All-IP core network and BTS, to construct a

GSM network covering 1,500 cities and towns of Pakistan.


"Ufone, it's all about U! We are, where you want to be……At Ufone we aim to

provide you with wider coverage, superior connectivity, clear signals & voice

quality. Wherever you are, Ufone keeps you connected."

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“To be the leading telecommunication solutions for our customer while exceeding

shareholder values and employee expectation.”


While keeping its tradition of being the trend setter in the industry, Ufone

changed the image of mobile phones from a luxury only affordable by the elite,

to a necessity affordable by the common man. Since its inception, Ufone has

positioned its brand for masses. In keeping with the upcoming competition

and market dynamics, Ufone increased its focus on the youth segment (which

comprises 50% of the population), with the Prepay brand.

Ufone’s Prepay brand is now considered to be one of the most favored brands

by the youth market and is followed by other mobile operators launching their

respective brands for the youth market.


Brands Target market Reason


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Post Pay Corporate Class High use of


&working people

Life Youth Night dwellers


Packages Target Market Reason for


Public demand Lower class/ High Usage

rural youth

UWon Lower/ socio High Usage

economic class

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5 ka 15 Ladies Ladies intention

of 5 min chat

usually exceeds

to 15 min more.

Walkie talkie Working class/ Call conferencing

business class

Uth Package Lower/socio High usage

economic class


Both Post-Pay and Pre-paid Ufone subscribers can enjoy any/all Ufone services

including GPRS based services (MMS, Ufone Internet, Pocket stocks) global

sms, etc.


Internet access.

Online billing payment

Power sim


International roaming


Ufone is offering the following mobile products.

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Missed call notification

Phone book saver

U chat

U games

U kisan

Ufone Prize bond.

Hajj guide

Voice mail

Call management

Trivia Quiz

U share

U loan

U tunes

Awaz sms

Self service kiosk

U healthGY

U bazaar


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Market Segmentation: Cellular service market is a diverse set of people.

Ufone as well as other cellular companies segment their market on four bases:

economy, age, gender & occupation.

Cellular phones are the technology of new era, the 21st century. These cellular

phones are the main focus of our youngsters. All the cellular companies are

targeting The Youth one way or other. Ufone is no longer a follower in this race.

Its main focus is “THE  YOUTH ” of Pakistan which is its Target Market. Target

marketing strategy Ufone has always been targeting Youth Market by using

young brand endorsers or ambassadors. It always brings such packages and

offers that precisely meet the needs of our young people. No doubt it has also

launched packages, brands and offers for working people, business class, ladies

and aged ones. Ufone seeks to target masses in the long run.


Its an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value

than competitors offer. Ufone strategies to gain more and more competitive

advantages. It also uses these advantages well enough for its promotion.

Currently Ufone is enjoying the following competitive advantages.

Lowest overall call rates.

Value added services (VAS)

Call block service

Corporate color.


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Ufone face many challenges with the ever growing needs of telecommunication.

It must remain money-spinning with the decreasing economical situation of

Pakistan. It must grow as well in these dark times if it has to remain in the

market. Ufone face very strong competition from its competitors. It must offer

lowest rates with better quality service. New features and services should be

introduced to make its customers trustworthy, pleased and satisfied.

There are several reports, from customers about problems being faced with

MMS and GPRS services on Ufone’s network.

Ufone’s GPRS system remained down for dozens of hours, on other side, MMS

is not being sent/received by many of customers, especially post paid ones.

Ufone’s helpline for last few weeks to get MMS going, not able to send/receive

MMS on Ufone numbers.

Upgrading of billing server is also a challenge being faced by Ufone.



Strengths include internal capabilities, resources, and positive situational factors

that may help the company to serve its customers and achieve its objectives. The

strengths of Ufone are as follows:-

Ufone’s differentiation is its biggest strength.

Ufone offers lowest off-net call rates that differentiate it from its competitors.

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Ufone is offering more and better Value Added Services (VAS) than its

competitors i.e. Ufone’s Walkie talkie.

Ufone is enjoying the second largest cellular network in Pakistan

Ufone has the most promising and attractive ATL (Above The Line) activities

Ufone has great management within the organization (internally & externally)


Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may
interfere with the company’s performance. The weaknesses of Ufone are as

Ufone has less professionalism within the organizational members.

As Ufone is a subsidiary of PTCL, which was formerly under government

management; Ufone still has a shadow of a government organization.

Ufone still has room for the betterment of its network coverage in comparison

to The Market Giant “MOBILINK”.

Ufone has pathetic billing system for postpaid connections. This faulty system

creates a negative vibe among its customers.

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Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that the
company may be able to exploit to its advantage.

Ufone has following opportunities in its way:-

Ufone’s biggest opportunity lying ahead in near future is the phase of

conversion of their GSM technology in to 3G (satellite based) technology.

Ufone has the opportunity of growing its customer base due to in creasing
trend of using mobile phones.

Ufone has the opportunity to win the customers of its competitors by providing
them superior services on lower price.

Ufone has the opportunity that it is pioneer in southern Punjab where it can
promote itself and become market leader on the basis of this very face.


Threats are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to
performance. Ufone is facing/about to face the following threats:-

Ufone’s biggest opportunity is its biggest threat as well. The phase of its
conversion of GSM technology to 3G technology can be a threat for it if
not carried out properly

The boosting customer base of Warid and Zong is also a big threat for Ufone

The decreasing economy rate and instability of Pakistan is a big threat for all
businesses in Pakistan including Ufone.
(Marketing Report)

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To increase the reach and frequency of advertisement Ufone is using repetitive

strategy for its advertisements. And the humorous theme always makes the

ads more appealing and engaging the minds of customers. Cellular phones

are the technology of new era, the 21st century. These cellular phones are

the main focus of our youngsters. All the cellular companies are targeting The

Youth one way or other. Ufone is no longer a follower in this race. Its main

focus is “THE  YOUTH ” of Pakistan which is its Target Market. While keeping

its tradition of being the trend setter in the industry, Ufone changed the image

of mobile phones from a luxury only affordable by the elite, to a necessity

affordable by the common man. In today’s growing world of business, in every

organization the management is facing different challenges. Management is

responsible for the overseeing the activities and work of the people working in

organization, so in every aspect they have to be responsible.

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By keenly analyzing of Ufone, Ufone is not a safe player in the market. It is

penetrating its market by taking risks and aggressively promoting & advertising

itself. It holds second largest market share and is seeking to become the market

leader anyway possible. I believe that mobile services are the toughest market

to enter and survive. And in this tough market. Ufone isn’t only surviving but

growing at an exceptional rate. Ufone is using humorous theme in its ads which

has become its benchmark. People enjoy watching, discussing and following

Ufone ads the most. And it is the largest achievement of Ufone in recent times.

I wish a very best of luck to Ufone. May it progress in this field and achieve its

desired goals. (AMEEN)

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Barriers communication. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2012, from smallbusiness: http://

how-to-manage-organizational-change. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2012, from


International Environment. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2012, from diffsnotes: http://

Marketing Report. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2012, from scribd: http://

tips-for-managing-culturally-diverse-teams. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2012, from


Understang Organizational Behavior. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2012, from


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