Trump Presidency 4 - February 14, 2017 - February 28, 2017 PDF

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The document discusses how Trump's administration takes a unilateral approach in foreign policy decisions, rejecting input from allies. It also discusses specific impacts on relationships with Mexico, China, and Australia.

The document argues that Trump's approach has done permanent damage to traditional alliances like the Pan American system and Organization of American States. Countries like Australia are now more open to cooperation with China instead of Washington.

Tillerson threatened military action and blocking China's access to islands it has built in the South China Sea, without coordinating with Southeast Asian nations. He may have been influenced by Exxon Mobil's interests in the region's energy resources.

The 2017 Trump

Presidency - 4
The First 100 Days
February 14, 2017 – February 28, 2017

See How The Main Stream Media & CIA

Are Trying To Destroy
The United States of America
And The Trump Presidency
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February 2017

EXCLUSIVE: In Final Interview, Defiant Flynn Insists He Crossed No Lines, Leakers Must Be Prosecuted xxx
Dems On Flynn: 'This Is Just The Beginning'
Secret Service Director Clancy Leaving Agency
Wikileaks Claims Flynn's Resignation Triggered By 'Destabilization Campaign'
Russian Officials Defend Flynn, Say Admin May Be Infected With 'Russophobia'
Hillary Clinton References Pizzagate In Tweet To General Flynn
Clinton: Mike Flynn Was Targeted By Establishment For Exposing Pizzagate
'Michael Flynn’s Resignation - US Establishment Coup’
Russia "Secretly" Deploys Banned Cruise Missile In "Latest Challenge To Trump"
"It's Over Folks" The Neocons & The "Deep State" Have Neutered The Trump Presidency
Deep State Works With Corporate Media Hacks In Political Assassination Of Michael Flynn
Office Of Government Ethics Urges 'Disciplinary Action’ Against Conway
Trump Leaks = NSA, Beacon Global Strategies?
The Citadel Of Broken Dreams
Trump Reportedly Kept Pence In Dark About Flynn's Russian Phone Calls
Deep State Captures Flynn With En Passant Move — Who’s Next?
The Dangerous Precedence Of The Hunt Against Flynn ... And Trump
Flashback: Chuck Schumer Predicts Intelligence War Against Trump
Oh, Sure, Suddenly Now The House Intelligence Boss Is Concerned About Surveillance... Of Mike Flynn
Trump Has The Power To Declassify Whatever He Wants — Including The Russian Intercepts
'Just Like Russia': Trump Renews Fight With Intelligence Agencies Amid Leaks xxx
NYT Commits TREASON In Fake News Attempt To Overthrow The United States Government… Is It
Time To Start Arresting Traitors Who Pretend To Be Journalists? xxx
Obama’s Minions Aim To Humble Trump’s Presidency
Explosive New Hacking Scandal Has Democrats' Fingerprints xxx
Maxine Waters: Flynn Just The ‘Tip Of The Iceberg’ Of White House Collusion With Russia [VIDEO] xxx
George Soros Gave Jared Kushner $259 Million Credit. Thirty Pieces Of Silver To Betray Trump
And The American People? xxx
Is There A Conspiracy Inside Washington To Destroy Trump's Inner Circle? Top Republican Claims
Flynn Was The Appetizer - Kellyanne Will Be Next And Trump Is 'The Entree' xxx
Bill Kristol Backs ‘Deep State’ Over President Trump, Republican Government
Top Neocon, Bill Kristol, Exposes His True Undemocratic Feelings During High Moment On Twitter
NYT Intent On Wrecking Trump’s Administration
“Border Tax”: Word-Manipulation Used To Stop Trump’s Economic Plan
Kellyanne Conway Bashing Targets Trump
The Guy Trump Just Put In Charge Of The Economy Has Deep Ties To George Soros
Trump: 'Fake News Media Is Going Crazy With Their Conspiracy Theories And Blind Hatred'
Flynn’s Head Rolls. Is Trump’s Next?
Why Michael Flynn Resigned
Trump Directly Tells Netanyahu To 'Hold Off On Settlements For A Bit' In Israel
Unacceptable White
House Demands on Russia
Exclusive: Trump, Netanyahu Used Flynn To “Catfish” Putin
Student Who Recorded Prof Saying Trump Election Is ‘Act Of Terrorism’ Gets Suspended xxx
The Imperial Presidency Of Donald Trump: A Threat To American Democracy And An Agent Of
Chaos In The World? xxx
This Is Treason: Intelligence Community Working Against President Trump In Move To End American
Democracy xxx
EXCLUSIVE: How The Nation’s Spooks Played The Game ‘Kill Mike Flynn’
Trump Must Execute the Nuclear Option—There’s No Other Way
‘Not Freedom Of The Press’: Journalists Upset Trump Keeps Calling On Conservative Media
Trump Accuses Iran Of Seeking To Develop Nuclear Weapons
Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is A ‘Domestic Enemy’
Western Media Bias Is Getting Obvious To Pretty Much Everyone
3 Muslim Agents Caught Spying On Trump, Proof Points Directly At Obama
Does Donald Trump Have The Fortitude To Take On And Defeat The Deep State?
NSA Whistleblower: Agency Illegally Recording Trump’s Phone To Oust Him xxx
The Surveillance State Coup Has Succeeded: NSA Now Running The Country, Tapping Top Secret
Phone Calls And Blackmailing Those Who Do Not Comply xxx
Obama Gave NSA Special Powers To ‘Take Down Trump’
NYT Anti-Trump Jihad
Michael Flynn: Minding Our Own Business Vs. Saving The World
Trump Praises Rogue State Israel
Open Warfare Declared In DC As Deep State ‘Goes Nuclear’ — Trump ‘Will Die In Jail’
Coup Underway To Weaken Or Oust Trump
Deutsche Bank Probe Reveals No Link Between Trump's Finances, Russia
Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Block Trump From Lifting Russia Sanctions
The Public Should Demand To See The Michael Flynn Transcript
‘Democrats & Neocon Warmongers Formed Unholy Alliance Against Trump’
Will Trump Succeed In Restoring America, Or Will His Enemies Drag Him (And The Country) Down?
Trump Considers Appointing Ally To Conduct Review Of Intelligence Services
‘Flynn Sacrificed To Prevent Trump From Recalibrating US Relations With Russia’
Fake News CNN Insinuates Trump Is Mentally Unstable… Will They Ever Stop Lying?
Putin Orders Russian Media To "Cut Back" On Positive Trump Coverage xxx
Trump The Braveheart: Any Other Republican Would Have Caved By Now, But Trump Refuses
To Be Bullied Or Destroyed By The Commie-Run Media xxx
Trump’s Approval Rating Continues To SOAR, Overwhelming Majority Believe Media Against Trump
President Trump Announces New Labor Secretary Pick - Live Feed
Trump Attacks "Low-Life Leakers" After Chaffetz Requests DOJ Probe Into Source Of Leaks
Republicans Ask DOJ To Probe Illegal Leaks Of Classified Flynn Info
Trump Urges 'Failing' NYT, Other Media To Apologize Over Leaking Classified Data
Trump: ‘I Didn’t Come Along And Divide This Country’
"Wake Up America" Dennis Kucinich Defends Trump, Issues Dire Warning About "Deep State"
'Information Civil War' Underway Between US Intelligence, Trump Administration
On The Verge Of Treason: US Spies Withhold Intelligence From Trump
Is The NSA The Real President Of The United States?
Forget Flynn; Logan Act Could Ensnare Top Establishment Insiders
Harward Turns Down Trump's National Security Adviser Offer, Sources Say
8 Things Congress Has Done While Everyone Was Distracted By Trump xxx
'Very Insulting Question': Trump In Bizarre Rant At Jewish Journalist Who Asks About
Anti-Semitism After Claiming 'He Lied' About Being A 'Friendly Reporter' xxx
Foreign Policy Mag: Russian Insiders Fear Trump Could Be Impeached Or KILLED By The Globalist
Political Elite xxx
Turncoat: John McCain Is A Globalist Shill, Uses Speech To The Elite To Attack Trump
President Announces “Civilian National Security Force” – But Wait, That Was OBAMA, Not Trump
Greenwald, Kucinich Issue Chilling Warnings About Deep State’s War on Trump
The Chaos-Promoting Left Has Become A Powerful ALLY Of Anti-American Terrorists xxx
DOJ Is Also A Target Of President Trump's Probe Into Leaks
Treason: Shadow Government In “All Out War” To Bring Down President Trump (And His Supporters) xxx
After “Politically Assassinating” Flynn IC Fears “Friday Night Massacre” By Hedge Fund Manager In Deep
State War xxx
This Lawsuit Could Answer Lingering Questions About The Trump Dossier xxx
President Trump Unleashes His BEST TWEET EVER: The Fake News Media Is “The Enemy Of The
American People” xxx
It Is About Time That We Had A President That Was Willing To Go To War With The Mainstream Media xxx
Glenn Greenwald Tells Truth About DNC: Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Leading Collapsed Party
of Shills xxx
Trump Is RIGHT When It Comes To The Law Regarding His Travel Ban Executive Order, And The Wapo
Is WRONG xxx
The Did-You-Talk-To-Russians Witch Hunt

Trump's New Travel Ban Revealed: Phase-In Period; Green-Card Holders Spared
U.S. District Attorney Vows To Charge Obama With “Treason”
Yes, Trump Is Dangerous, But The Unelected Deep State Trying To Overthrow Him Is Far Worse xxx
BREAKING: @Reince’s Gal & @Whitehouse Chief Of Staff @Kmwalsh_GOP Is Source Of Trump Leaks
To @Nytimes & Others xxx
Obama’s Domestic Terrorism Manual Vows To Overthrow Trump
Jay Sekulow: Obama Should Be "Held Accountable" For The "Soft Coup" Against Trump
Why Was The FBI Investigating General Flynn?
US Establishment Forcing Trump To 'Copy Obama's Foreign Policy'
Trump Returns To Campaign Mode, Rallying Supporters, Attacking Foes, Promising A Greater America
How Can We Get Rid Of Trump?
Intelligence Agencies Worldwide 'Seem To Have Gotten Out Of Control' xxx
Retired Green Beret Warns: Deep State's Utopia Of Oligarchs Is "Enslavement And Complete Control Of
All Of Mankind" xxx
F-15s Cause Sonic Boom Over Palm Beach In Scramble To Intercept Unresponsive Aircraft
Trump Supporters Rally In Downtown Atlanta With Semi-Automatic Weapons
The Stakes For Trump And All Of Us
The FBI Is Pursuing Three Separate Probes
London Mayor: No VIP Treatment For TrumpBecause Of 'Cruel' Immigration Ban
Trump Gets Ready To Pick John Bolton As Advisor xxx
Confused About National Security Advisor Flynn’s ‘Resignation’ After CIA Illegal Spying, Leak? Partial
Timeline: xxx
Nothing Wrong In Flynn's Contacts With Russian Envoy - Priebus
Obama Appointed FEC Commissioner Behind Internet Censorship Forced To Resign
Senior Trump Appointee Fired After Critical Comments
President Trump: Diplomacy and Democracy in America
Trump Back On The Stump
Trump Dreams vs. Trump Reality – Hopes Still Permitted!
Democrats Go There: Invoke 25th Amendment Unless Trump “Gets A Grip”
What Trump Has Done His First 30 Days Vs. What Hillary Probably Would Have Done
Did Trump’s New Anti-Drug Policy Prompt The CIA To Move Against Him?
The AP Asked Trump's Supporters How Feel About His War With The Press: This Is What It Found
US President Trump Calls On NATO Allies To Pay Fair Share For Defense
Who's Really Behind The Soft-Coup? Obama-Founded Activist Group Offers Anti-Trump Protest "Guide"
Oliver Stone Gives Impassioned Speech at WGA Awards: It’s Not Just Trump, ‘But a System’
Trump’s Foreign Policy: The Good And The Bad In His First 30 Days
Looks Like Donald Trump Was Right About Sweden After All
Unconfirmed, Leftist Usurped Violent Operation American Spring 2017 To Begin May 1, 2017
Intelligence Heads Say No Evidence Of Collusion With Russia - Priebus
Rex Tillerson Purges Remnants Of “Shadow Govt” At State Department
The President Needs To Purge And Start Fresh: “White House Staff Has Been Infiltrated And Infested”
The CIA Vs. The Presidency: This Is Not The First Time
The Term “Deep State” In Focus: Usage Examples, Definition, And Phrasebook
Trump Names Lt. Gen. HR McMaster As National Security Adviser
“They Are Taking Out Trump’s Lieutenants”: Deep State Intelligence Ops Sabotaging The White House?
Lewandowski Slams Trump Senior Staff For Recent Missteps On Immigration
Rand Paul “We’re Very Lucky Trump Is In Charge And Not McCain”
West Unable To Show Proof Of RT's 'Lies' As It Does Not Exist - Editor-In-Chief
Trump Isn’t The One Who Needs To ‘Get A Grip,’ It’s Hysterical Democrats
Pence & WaPo On NATO
Thirty Days Later: Trump’s First Month In The Media Hole
McCain In Munich: The War Party Fights Back
Psychiatrists Diagnosing Trump With Personality Disorders Told They Must Stop
Fox News Turns Against Trump: You Crossed The Line!
The President Needs To Purge And Start Fresh: “White House Staff Has Been Infiltrated And Infested”
SD Bishop Calls On Catholics To Protest Trump: ‘We Must All Become Disrupters’
Why Obama Should Be Arrested For Treason
No, President Trump Can't Be Removed With The 25th Amendment
"Talk" Has Always Been Cheap
DHS Secretary Orders Immigration Agent Hiring Surge, End To 'Catch-And-Release'
Trump Plans Mass Deportations
In TRUMP We Trust: Most Are Confident The Economy Will Be Fixed By A Billionaire Businessman
NSA And CIA Is The Enemy Of The People
Trump Chooses Hawkish National Security Advisor
Homeland Security Unveils Blueprint For Mass Deportation Of Immigrants
Former CIA Agent Explains Why He Resigned Because Of Trump
MSNBC Uproar Over 'Meaningless' Museum Visit: 'Sick' Trump Out Of 'Chances'
Former President Obama And His Paid Thugs Trying To Topple Trump
Trump Denounces Anti-Semitic Incidents As "Horrible And Painful"
The New Wave Of Violent Protests Is Exactly What The Elite Want — Here’s Why
NYT Big Lies About Trump’s Ties To Russia
Chuck Schumer: ‘Hope Of America’ Is Republicans Break With Trump xxx
EXCLUSIVE: White House Fingers John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped On
Trump’s Classified Phone xxx
Trump Would Be Willing To Remove Bannon From National Security Council
More Than 200 Protesters Indicted On Rioting Charges From Inauguration Day
Michael Moore Launches ResistanceWebsite Promoting Daily Anti-Trump Actions
Tucker Carlson Takes On Typical Leftist Who Says Trump Is 'Worse Than Hitler'
Democrat Maxine Waters Calls Trump Cabinet Picks: “A Bunch Of Scumbags” (VIDEO)
Oscars Poll: 66 Percent Of Trump Voters Turn Off Awards Shows When Speeches Get Political
Mixed Messages on Russia: Trump Administration Divided and All Over the Place
Revised 'Extreme Vetting' Order Drops Language Rejecting Syrian Refugees, Official Says
Donald Trump, Saudi Arabia, And The Petrodollar
Obama Lawyers Form 'Worst-Case Scenario' Group To Tackle Trump
Intelligence Community Leaking
Trump Administration Instructs CIA To Halt Support For Anti-Assad Rebels In Syria
Steven Mnuchin Speaks To CNBC, Fails To Give Trump Tax Plan Details: Key Highlights
Trump Meets With Top CEOs To Brainstorm "Jump-Starting" US Economy, Creating Jobs
How 'They' Sell Vote Fraud As Legitimate Election Totals
Bannon Rips "Corporatist" Media: "They're Not Going To Give The Country Back Without A Fight" xxx
RED ALERT: Fascist Google Begins PURGE Of Pro-Trump Websites As Prelude To Massive False Flag Or
Coup Attempt xxx
US Debt Slashed By 12 Billion In Trump’s First Month
‘Oh, Good Grief’: Wapo Hires Entrenched Dem John Podesta For Political Insight On D.C., Trump Admin
The McMaster Pick: Score One For The Swamp?
The Covert Op To Neuter The Rebel
John McCain Again Meets With Terrorists In Syria
John McCain Makes "Unusual" Secret Trip To Syria As Trump Prepares Plans To Defeat ISIS xxx
Leading Contender In Democratic Chairman Race Says Donald Trump 'Legitimately Raises The Question
Of Impeachment' xxx
‘Today’ Staffer Leaked Infamous Trump Tape That Ruined Billy Bush: Sources
Combative Trump Promises Americans Safety And Strength
Trump Is On The Verge Of His Own Bull Market
Head-Scratching Investors Call Time On Trump Stock Rally
Vulnerable Dems Lay Low As Town Hall Angst Rages
Here’s How the Deep State Is Trying to Lead Trump into a Nuclear War
The White House Blocked CNN, BBC, New York Times, & LA Times From Media Briefing
President Trump Gets Standing Ovation At Conservative Political Action Conference
Why Resistance Is Insufficient
It’s Official: Trump’s Pentagon Orders Military To Use ‘ISIS’ To Refer To Islamic State
Britain’s Nigel Farage Exults Over Trump And Brexit Wins At CPAC xxx
Hillary Clinton Calls For RESISTANCE To Trump: “We Need To Stay Engaged… I’ll Be With You Every
Step Of The Way” xxx
Obama, Democratic 'Super Group' Unite To End Gerrymandering, Win State Races, Reclaim Majorities
Some Of Trump's Picks Have Troubling Links To Globalism, CFR
Trump Administration Unveils First Step In Building Border Wall
Exclusive—Regnery: Anti-Trump Democrats’ Best Allies Are Senate Republicans
Ashley Judd Claims Trump’s Victory Was Worse Than Child Rape
Report: Trump's New National Security Adviser Not A Fan Of The Term 'Radical Islamic Terrorism'
Trump Tweets He’ll Skip White House Correspondents’ Dinner – After Some Media Also Cancel
Trump: I Won't Attend White House Correspondents' Dinner
‘US Held Hostage For Too Long, Trump Right To Bar MSM From White House Gaggle’
Trump Administration Dominated By Zionist Lobby: Analyst
Trump Cuts US Debt By $12bn In His First Month In Office, Accuses Media Of ‘Not Reporting’ It
Crazy California Congresswoman Calls Trump’s Cabinet Picks “A Bunch Of Scumbags”
Google May Be Part Of A Deep State Conspiracy To Silence Trump Defenders, New Interview Reveals
Trump’s War Against The Media Continues
Trump to Skip White House Correspondents Dinner
Rogue Bureaucrats At Homeland Security Leak ‘Incomplete’ Report Critical Of Trump
Crucial Group Of Americans Like Trump's Stands, Not Him, Poll Finds
Dems Prepare To Disrupt President Trump’s Address To Congress
Majority Finds Media Coverage Of Trump Is "Too Critical, Exaggerated": WSJ/NBC Poll
Trump Budget Plan Boosts Pentagon, Trims State Dept, EPA: Officials
Sean Spicer Targets Own Staff In Leak Crackdown
Lana Del Rey Using Witchcraft To Rid The World Of Donald Trump
Trump’s War Against The Fake Media Continues
Trump’s Policies Towards Russia ‘Disappointing’: Analyst
Trump Claims Clinton Rigged Race For Dnc Chairman, Bernie's Guy Never Had Chance
Disgusting: CNN Attacks Melania And Ivanka Trump For Being Thin And White
Plot Holes
Spicer Grills Staffers On Leaks, Orders Phone Search & Bans Encryption Apps – Report
Media Ban! Making Sense Of The War Between Trump And The Press
NBC/WSJ Poll: Majority Say Media Too Critical Of Trump
Trump Blasts Dems For Peddling ‘Fake News’ Russian Narrative
President Trump: Replace The Dollar With Gold As The Global Currency To Make America Great Again
"Welcome To The Next Awakening" - Author Of Steve Bannon's Worldview Explains The Path Ahead
New York Times Rediscovers Aggressive Fact-Checking Just In Time To Attack Trump
Trump Supporters To Hold 'Spirit Of America' Rallies Across US
The Republicans May Impeach Trump
Trump To States With Recreational Pot: Drop Dead
US House Intelligence Chair Calls Trump Russian Ties Investigation 'Witch Hunt'
Stein Rips Into CNN, NYT, 'Looking For A Scandal' From Trump 'Every Day'
Trump Gets Ready For His Biggest Sell Yet
Trump Claims Obama Is “Behind” Protests Against Him And White House Leaks
Billionaires Disagree With Trump Voters Over Immigration, Say America Is Great
Trump’s Travel Ban Receives Another Blow From Court, Case Won’t Be Put On Hold
Second House Conservative Won't Back Trump's Obamacare Replacement
Leaked Audio Reveals Anti-Trump Forces Manufacturing Hostile Town Hall
CIA Paid $600 Million To Wapo To Publish Trump Disinformation xxx
Enforcing The Law Against Human Trafficking - Trump: 1,500 Busts In 1 Month, Obama: Less Than 400
In 1 Year xxx
Trump Seeks "Historic" $54 Billion Increase To Defense Spending
Trump To Propose 10 Percent Spike In Defense Spending, Major Cuts To Other Agencies
Obama Scheme To Sabotage Trump Admin With High Profile Moles Exposed?
Wikileaks Busts McCain In Russian Cash Treason Before Russian Ambassador Died (VIDEO)
Risk Bounces After Trump Promises To Start "Spending On Infrastructure Big", But Warns On Tax Plan
Antifa Domestic Terrorists Announce Plans To Disrupt March 4 Pro-Trump Rallies
Trump Pushes For Massive Budget, Staff Cuts At EPA Michael Bastasch
The Resurrection Of Armageddon
‘America First’ Is A Mantra for Unilateral Aggression

EXCLUSIVE: In Final Interview, Defiant Flynn Insists He
Crossed No Lines, Leakers Must Be Prosecuted
Richard Pollock - Reporter
3:22 PM 02/14/2017

“I haven’t been fighting back because I’m

not that kind of guy. I’m behind the scenes.
I’ve always been behind the scenes. But
this is ridiculous. It’s so out of control. I’ve
become an international celebrity for all the
wrong reasons.”

Flynn said he didn’t know where the leaks originated.

“One has to wonder, ‘Are they coming out

of people in the National Security Council?
Are they coming out of people in the intel
community? Or State? Or Defense?'”
In the final hours before his resignation, now-former White
The politicization of intelligence and the release of
House National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn said he
classified information for use against political opponents is
“crossed no lines” in his discussion with Russia’s
likely to spark a fierce firestorm in Washington.
ambassador, but ultimately he was most concerned about
the steady stream of leaks to reporters based on classified
information. President Donald Trump tweeted early Tuesday on leaks
from officials within his administration, saying, “The real
story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming
“In some of these cases, you’re talking
out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal
about stuff that’s taken off of a classified
on N.Korea etc?”
system and given to a reporter. That’s a
crime,” Flynn told The Daily Caller News
Foundation Investigative Group during a White House press secretary Sean Spicer said at his daily
telephone interview from his White House briefing on Tuesday that the president “is clearly upset”
office on Monday. about leaks and that past leaks affected earlier
administrations, including Obama’s.
“You call them leaks. It’s a criminal act.
This is a crime. It’s not just a wink and a
“People who are entrusted with national
nod,” Flynn said.
security secrets, classified information, are
“Over the weekend,” Bloomberg’s Eli Lake leaking it out. That’s a real concern for this
reports, Flynn “was instructed not to speak president,” he said.
to the press when he was in the fight for his
“We have to wonder that people who work
political life. His staff was not even allowed
for our government, who are entrusted with
to review the transcripts of his call to the
classified information, decisional-based
Russian ambassador.”
materials are leaking that information out.
That, I do believe is a big story.”
On Monday morning, he spoke with TheDCNF at length,
saying he was told to “go out and talk more.”
Spicer did not spell out any steps Trump might take to
stem the flow of leaks, however.
“He [President Donald Trump] expressed
confidence,” Flynn told TheDCNF, just
Before his post in the administration, Flynn was in charge
hours before his resignation. “That’s when
of military intelligence in combat zones in Iraq and
he told me that we need to go out and talk
Afghanistan. He was appointed to the highest levels within
more. So I’m going to do that.”
military intelligence, including as director of intelligence
for the U.S. Central Command. After that, he was director A Wall Street Journal editorial Tuesday asked, “Did U.S.
of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). spooks have a court order to listen to his conversations?”

President Barack Obama fired him as DIA director in 2014 Former intelligence and military officers told TheDCNF
after Flynn delivered testimony before Congress that was they agree Flynn was the victim of a highly orchestrated
at odds with Obama’s contention that radical Islamic “disinformation campaign” generated by current and
terrorism, including ISIS, was not a major threat. Since former intelligence officers, many with loyalties to former
then, Obama administration officials have openly held low President Obama.
regard for him.
Intelligence officials are supposed to use their expertise in
Since Trump and Flynn entered the White House, psychological warfare and disinformation campaigns
anonymous sources have given select reporters against enemy states, but never against an occupant of the
information about telephone intercepts conducted by the Oval Office.
National Security Agency (NSA).
“Who pulled the NSA tapes on Mike
The classified information secretly given to reporters Flynn?” asked retired Col. James
purportedly showed that Flynn discussed sanctions on Waurishuk, a 30-year intelligence officer
Dec. 29, when 35 Russian diplomats were being expelled who once served in the National Security
that same day by the outgoing Obama administration. Council. “Who compiled it? Who released
it?” the retired Special Forces veteran
Other intelligence leaks have revealed Trump’s private asked in an interview with TheDCNF.
discussions with heads of state soon after he became
president-elect. Waurishuk argued the many leaks meant the public is
seeing the politicization of intelligence. “There are those in
In a Feb. 9 story, The Washington Post cited the intelligence community that are more concerned with
unnamed “current and former U.S. officials” who accused their agendas than with national security,” he said.
Flynn of violating the law in a Dec. 29 telephone
conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislvak. “Notice how the intelligence community can
leak Flynn’s conversation, but there are no
Flynn called the leaks of classified information against leaks on Hillary Clinton and Benghazi,” he
government officials “unprecedented,” and predicted added.
those would be the focus of future congressional
investigations. Another former intelligence official, retired Col. James
Williamson, told TheDCNF,
“Members of Congress are very concerned
because these are leaks from classified “What is illegal is that Flynn has his
systems. The House and Senate are conversations eavesdropped on. Who at
looking into those things, as they should,” NSA leaked the transcript?”
he told TheDCNF.
Williamson called it an “egregious overstep” by current
The issue of government leaks is an issue for House and former intelligence officials.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman
Devin Nunes. On Monday, Nunes told Bloomberg News Flynn insisted that he crossed no lines in his telephone
that he views leaks about Flynn’s private conversation as conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak:
part of a pattern.
“If I did, believe me, the FBI would be down
“There does appear to be a well- my throat, my clearances would be pulled.
orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and There were no lines crossed.”
others in the administration,” said Nunes,
who is a California Republican. “From the Flynn said there was a brief discussion of the 35 Russian
leaking of phone calls between the diplomats who were being expelled by Obama in
president and foreign leaders to what retaliation for Moscow’s alleged interference in the 2016
appears to be high-level [Foreign campaign.
Intelligence Surveillance Court] information,
to the leaking of American citizens being
denied security clearances, it looks like a “It wasn’t about sanctions. It was about the
pattern.” 35 guys who were thrown out,” Flynn said.
“So that’s what it turned out to be. It was
basically, ‘Look, I know this happened. which is the truth. Looking back, that’s what
We’ll review everything.’ I never said I should have done.”
anything such as, ‘We’re going to review
sanctions,’ or anything like that.” The December conversation

Flynn said he apologized to Vice President Mike Pence “was not to relieve sanctions. It was
about his earlier contention that there were no discussions basically to say, ‘Look, we’re coming into
about the expulsion order, which was part of the Obama office in a couple of weeks. Give us some
sanctions. time to take a look at everything.’”

“For the vice president, I feel terrible. I put Before he submitted his resignation, Flynn said the
him in a position. He’s a man of incredible president urged him early Monday morning to speak out
integrity. I think the world of him. He is so more frequently.
good for our country,” he said. “I should
have said, ‘I don’t know. I can’t recall,’ Flynn has been silent since tendering his resignation.

Dems On Flynn:
'This Is Just The Beginning'
By Mike Lillis
02/14/17 11:43 AM EST

connections to Russia. Their focus, Ryan said, is repealing

But Democrats are dubious that Flynn acted on his own,
and they're pressing for a bipartisan probe to uncover any
potential conflicts of interest between the White House and
the Russians.
"It defies reason," said Rep. Peter Welch
(D-Vt.). "People in that position don't do
things without authorization."

House Democrats have a message for GOP leaders eager The House and Senate Intelligence committees are both
to move beyond the Russia controversy following the looking into Russia's interference in last November's
resignation of national security adviser Michael Flynn: Not elections, but those deliberations are being largely
so fast. performed outside the public eye.

"This is not the end, this is just the Crowley said the controversy swirling around Flynn only
beginning," Rep. Joseph Crowley (N.Y.), heightens the need for a broader probe of potential Russian
chairman of the House Democratic influence in full daylight.
Caucus, told reporters in the Capitol "The real question with respect to Flynn is:
Tuesday. "This is larger than Flynn." What did President Trump know, and when
The comments set the stage for a messaging war on did he know it?" he asked.
Capitol Hill between Republican leaders, who are hoping "Did the president order Flynn to call the
to move beyond questions of the White House's ties to the Russians? Did he seriously not know that
Kremlin, and Democrats, who are amplifying their calls his campaign adviser was calling
for a deeper dive in the wake of Flynn's resignation. Russians? What does President Trump
Flynn stepped down from his post atop the National have to hide?"
Security Council late Monday night, following revelations The minority Democrats have no power to launch an
that he had misled top White House officials — including investigation on their own, a situation they readily
Vice President Pence — about the nature of a pre- acknowledge.
inauguration discussion he'd had with the Russian
embassy. "We can't force them to do it, you're
absolutely right," said Rep. Linda Sánchez
Flynn had initially told Pence the conversation did not (D-Calif.), vice chairwoman of the caucus.
broach the topic of U.S. sanctions on Russia, which led the "But the people of the United States of
vice president to defend Flynn in a series of subsequent America can. They just need to ratchet up
media interviews. After The Washington Post reported last the pressure."
week that Flynn had, in fact, discussed sanctions, Pence
was reportedly furious. Sánchez also took a shot at the GOP leaders who are ready
to move on to other issues.
Flynn stepped down after less than a month on the job, and
many Republicans are eager to put the controversy to bed. "Speaker Ryan, Jason Chaffetz, Devin
Nunes, where is your spine?" she asked.
GOP leaders — including Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.), "Do you care about our national security,
House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (Utah) and because if you do, you cannot sweep this
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (Calif.) — said under the rug."
Tuesday that they have no plans to dig deeper into Flynn's
Secret Service Director Clancy Leaving Agency
Kevin Johnson , USA TODAY
Published 11:55 A.M. ET Feb. 14, 2017

During his brief tenure, Clancy moved to stabilize the

service while presiding over the most demanding period in
the organization's history. Beginning in 2015, with Pope
Francis' visit to the United States, through the raucous
election season and culminating with last month's
inauguration, the service has been challenged by an
unrelenting workload.

"The Secret Service is stretched to and, in

many cases, beyond its limits,'' the
investigative panel concluded following
Pierson's resignation. "Perhaps the
service's greatest strength--the
commitment of its personnel to sacrifice
and do the job no matter what--has had
unintended consequences.''
WASHINGTON — Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy
announced his retirement Tuesday, two years after Just prior to Election Day, USA TODAY reported that at
President Barack Obama appointed him to right the then- least 1,000 agents, about a third of the workforce, had
troubled agency. already maxed out annual overtime and salary allowances,
a consequence of the contentious political season's
"I am announcing I will retire from the demands.
Secret Service effective March 4,'' Clancy
said in a message to staffers. "President The disclosure prompted new legislation that ensured
Trump and his administration have been payment of previously uncovered overtime. The agency is
very supportive of this agency and of me now in the midst of an effort to add more than 1,000 agents
personally which makes this a very difficult and uniformed officers to the ranks by next fall.
decision. My love for this Agency has only
complicated the decision further, but for Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, who led reviews of the
personal reasons it is time. I look forward to agency as chairman of the House Oversight and
spending time with my family.'' Government Reform Committee, Tuesday acknowledged
Clancy's "dedicated service'' but called on Trump to select
Clancy, a career agent who headed the organization's a successor from outside the agency.
Presidential Protection Division, was called out of
retirement more than two years ago after the service was Chaffetz had previously called on Obama to make an
rocked by a series of high-profile incidents of misconduct outside appointment before Clancy's selection.
and security breaches, including a fence-jumper armed
with a knife who made it into the presidential residence
before being tackled by agents. "He took on a difficult task of returning to
and taking over an agency plagued with
mismanagement, misconduct and security
In the fallout, then-Director Julia Pierson, the first woman lapses,'' Chaffetz said of Clancy. "Under his
to lead the agency, was forced to resign. leadership, the Secret Service has worked
with this committee to implement detailed
In selecting Clancy, Obama defied the recommendation of recommendations'' made by the panel's
a bipartisan White House security panel, which staff.
recommended that a new director come from outside the
agency. Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of
the House Judiciary Committee, lauded the service's work

during the busy campaign season, characterizing the and incidents of misconduct over the past
protection effort as "stellar.'' few years,'' Goodlatte said. "I have the
utmost respect for Director Clancy and his
"He also helped restore professionalism at leadership.''
the agency after a series of security lapses

Wikileaks Claims Flynn's Resignation Triggered By
'Destabilization Campaign'
© AP Photo/ John Locher - US
18:16 14.02.2017(Updated 18:17 14.02.2017)

Joseph Keith Kellogg Jr. has been named acting US

national security adviser following Flynn's resignation.

Former US National Security Advisor

Michael Flynn has made a decision to Earlier on Tuesday, Counselor to the US President
step down as a result of a Kellyanne Conway said in an interview that Flynn's
destabilization campaign by the media, resignation has been prompted mainly by him misleading
intelligence community and the the Vice President Mike Pence and other White House
Democratic party, WikiLeaks said on officials about the contents of his conversation
Tuesday. with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Flynn announced his

decision to resign late Monday night. Retired Lt. Gen.

Russian Officials Defend Flynn, Say Admin May Be
Infected With 'Russophobia'
Published February 14, 2017

Kosachev's counterpart at the lower chamber of the

Russian parliament, Alexei Pushkov, tweeted shortly after
the announcement that

"it was not Flynn who was targeted but

relations with Russia."

Trump named retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg as the acting

national security adviser. Kellogg had previously been
appointed the National Security Council chief of staff and
A Russian official said Tuesday that the resignation of advised Trump during the campaign.
President Trump’s national security adviser may show
early signs that the administration has been “infected” by Trump is also considering former CIA Director David
anti-Russian feelings, Reuters reported. Petraeus and Vice Admiral Robert Harward, a U.S. Navy
SEAL, for the post, according to a senior administration
Michael Flynn handed in his resignation late Monday official.
night, conceding that he gave "incomplete information"
about his calls with Russia's ambassador to the U.S. The Trump team's account of Flynn's discussions with the
Russian envoy changed repeatedly over several weeks,
"Either Trump has not gained the requisite including the number of contacts, the dates of those
independence and he is consequently contacts and ultimately, the content of the conversations.
being not unsuccessfully backed into a
corner, or Russophobia has already Late last month, the Justice Department warned the White
infected the new administration also from House that Flynn could be in a compromised position as a
top to bottom," MP Konstantin Kosachev result of the contradictions between the public depictions
said, according to news reports out of the of the calls and what intelligence officials knew to be true
country. based on recordings of the conversations, which were
picked up as part of routine monitoring of foreign officials
Kosachev, chairman of the foreign affairs committee at the communications in the U.S.
upper chamber of the Russian parliament, said in a post on
Facebook that firing a national security adviser for his A U.S. official told The Associated Press that Flynn was in
contacts with Russia is frequent contact with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on the
day the Obama administration slapped sanctions on Russia
"not just paranoia but something even for election-related hacking, as well as at other times
worse." during the transition.

Hillary Clinton References
Pizzagate In Tweet To General Flynn
By The_Real_Fly
Feb 14, 2017 9:09 AM

Phillipe Reines, senior political advisor to Hillary Clinton,

tweeted this to Genral Flynn and his son Mike Flynn Jr.
last night, after it was announced that his Father had
resigned from the national security position.

Dear Mike Flynn & Mike Flynn Jr.,

What goes around COMETS around.

And given your pizza obsession...

Philippe But why?

If you're unfamiliar with Flynn Jr., he was one of the more General Flynn resigned because he might've spoken to the
prominent people close to the Trump administration who Russians about sanctions at a time when he wasn't
questioned the peculiarities of the Pizzagate story. authorized to do so, not because of some story about
pedophilia taking place in the basement of a Washington
DC pizza parlor.

So why in the actual fuck would Hillary

even reference this in a tweet?

It sounds to me, she is saying

'fuck with Podesta and Comet Ping

Pong and you lose your job.'
In response to Phillipe's tweet, Hillary felt it necessary to
pile on, lecturing the Flynns about the hazards of Am I wrong?
perpetuating 'fake news.'

Clinton: Mike Flynn Was Targeted
By Establishment For Exposing Pizzagate
Clinton And Her Top Adviser Mock The Flynn Family
By Alex Thomas -
02.14.2017 @6:00 PM EST

(INTELLIHUB) — Failed presidential candidate Hillary

Clinton confirmed Monday night that Michael Flynn was
targeted over the PizzaGate pedophile conspiracy that he
and his son had exposed.

After news of Flynn’s resignation hit the wires, Clinton

shill Philippe Reines took to Twitter to mock both Flynn
and his son with a pathetic reference to “Comets” and a
link to a job application for Dominos Pizza.
As I wrote two days ago in the midst of the coordinated
effort by the corporate media to attack Flynn,
Reines not only revealed the reason Flynn was targeted by
the establishment but also unknowingly confirmed that the
PizzaGate issue was something that specifically pissed off “While CIA attacks on Trump as a whole
the Clinton campaign to the point where they went on the are obviously important, this shocking new
offensive. information is possibly the worst yet,
especially when you consider who Flynn is
and what he stands for within the Trump
“Flynn has a long history of directly
targeting the so-called “new world order”
and is now seeing the repercussions for his
work attacking the globalist elite. Even
more important, Flynn has shown a key
willingness to listen to alternative media
voices instead of simply pushing the
establishment narrative on each and every
issue. Consider this. Michael Flynn’s son
has even tried to expose PizzaGate and
remains in contact with certain people in
the alternative media which is something
This shocking open admission that Flynn was targeted
the CIA is obviously aware of.”
over PizzaGate was then confirmed by Hillary Clinton
herself who compared even talking about the possibility of
PizzaGate being real to so-called “fake news”. A little under 48 hours after that was published Flynn had
resigned and now we know that not only was he targeted
over his stance on Iran, he was also in the cross hairs of the
globalist elite for daring to look into PizzaGate.

It is an undeniable fact that establishment globalists

illegally leaked key information to corporate media
reporters who then published it as “news” and promoted
each others work.

For his part, Flynn never actually publicly spoke about This is what the corporate media does and will continue to
PizzaGate but was known to be looking into the shocking do as long as their masters interests are at risk.
claims behind the scenes and his son had actually publicly
declared the conspiracy a real story.
'Michael Flynn’s Resignation - US Establishment Coup’
Published Time: 14 Feb, 2017 11:29Edited Time: 14 Feb, 2017 16:15

transcript as Flynn was reportedly opposed to the

sanctions against Russia?

MC: Most sane Americans…are opposed to the sanctions

against Russia because we want our leadership talking to
Russia. We do not want World War III with Russia. We
think it’s bizarre that there are people who are trying to
destroy the relationship between the US and Russia. I am
not surprised they talked and glad that they were having
diplomatic relations. But General Flynn is a professional.
The GOP elite, the Democrats and mainstream media couldn’t stop Remember that he worked with special forces for six
Donald Trump from becoming president, so now they have a coup, years, he headed JSOC. He had been involved in highly
says lawyer and filmmaker Mike Cernovich. Michael Flynn’s classified top secret information. He would have known
resignation is a huge victory for them, he adds.
that every conversation he had had was being recorded.
The question I have right now: is the CIA leaking
The White House has confirmed the President Trump's information, have they been spying on Trump? What have
National Security Advisor has resigned. they been doing? Who is committing these felonies? Who
are breaching our nation secrets and leaking it to the
US media reports had earlier been claiming Michael Flynn media? I think that is a far bigger story and a far bigger
was removed from his post over alleged ties with Moscow. scandal.
Michael Flynn had drawn criticism for his alleged close
relationship with the Kremlin and talking with Russian

It is reported Vice President Mike Pence claimed Flynn

was lying when he downplayed a conversation he had had
with a Russian ambassador about sanctions. The Kremlin
insists there's been no talk of lifting the restrictions with
Flynn or any other US representatives.

RT: Are you surprised by this development?

Mike Cernovich: I heard earlier that this was going to

happen. I actually reported earlier that there was a meeting
where they are going to discuss the future of Flynn, so I
am not surprised. It is very unfortunate because there was
no proof ever that Flynn had done anything wrong and had
done anything inappropriate. There were allegedly nine
anonymous sources, and the Washington Post which has
been caught making up news... For example, the
Washington Post said Russian hackers had hacked the
power grid in the US. This was, of course, a fake news
story. The Washington Post, all they do is create fake
news. So, it is very disappointing… to see General Flynn RT: Even before Trump was elected, Michael Flynn was
leave. being criticized for his alleged links to Russia. Looks like a
trend here, doesn't it?
RT: In his resignation letter, Flynn says he provided the
Vice President with 'incomplete information' about his MC: The fake news media - this is what people call the
phone call with the Russian ambassador. The Democrats American mainstream media - they have been going after
have been quick to demand a full transcript of the phone General Flynn since November. They even tried to say that
call. Could there be compromising comments in this General Flynn one time linked to a blog article that people

thought was a wrong story. This is completely bizarre. And he has said there is something wrong
They dug up these all tweets and they tried to find the with the US intelligence policy. So, once he
tweet that maybe they didn’t like. They’ve been going went against the grain, he became a target
after him, Stephen Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, and for the so-called experts in Washington.”
Stephen Miller because those are the four people who
really are pro-Trump, pro-America, they really want what
is best for America. Reince Priebus and the other
establishment Republicans, they are no different than the
Democrats in America. They are controlled opposition, so
what we see right now is a coup. The elite members of the
Republican Party are trying to take over, they are very
upset that Trump won, they didn’t want Trump to win.
They tried to sabotage him the entire campaign. So, what
they are doing now is the next best thing: they couldn’t
stop him from becoming president, so now they have a

RT: There's been a lot of discontent from the Washington

establishment about Trump's top picks. Some call it a huge
victory for the Democrats…

MC: It is huge. It is a huge victory for the Democrats. For

their media allies, it is a massive win…Remember the
American election – every media outlet in the country
hammered Trump. Trump proved that you can win an
election in America even if the media hates you. The
media had not had a high profile of victory in a very long According to historian and Russia analyst Martin
time. So, this is a big victory. Cause in America this is no McCauley,
difference between the media and the Democrat party.
They are all one and the same…That’s why they keep “General Flynn was in a very difficult
trying to say WikiLeaks is involved with Russia. Because position after he conceded to the Vice
WikiLeaks proved that the DNC would coordinate stories President he hadn’t given him a full version
with the Associated Press, with Politico, with the of his conversation with the Russian
Washington Post, with the New York Times…In America, Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak, and
we don’t really have a free press. The Democratic party that was very damning indeed.”
controls the mainstream media.
“And once you do that and the media gets
hold of that, then you are fair game. The
Kamal Alam, military analystof the Institute of Democrats seized on that, and the
Statecraft, argues there is a history behind Flynn’s opposition. Remember there is a
resignation which has to do with him challenging US groundswell against Trump. They will use
foreign policy. any evidence they can to discredit him and
those he has appointed. So, General Flynn
“There was definitely a targeting of General was a very good general, but as a
Michael Flynn, it is not to do with this politician, he hasn’t been very good
particular phone call with the Russian because he should have come clean and
ambassador, it has to do with Flynn’s told the Vice President, exactly what he
whole challenging of US foreign policy in had said in the conversation with the
the region. And that is why he was forced Russian ambassador. And once that was
out of the White House when he was conceded, he hadn’t done that, then, of
director of the Defense Intelligence course, the wolves set upon him, and there
Agency. He fundamentally challenged the was only one course he could really do,
way American intelligence is run. And he is that was resign,” he told RT.
no stranger. He is probably the most
decorated military intelligence officer of the
last two decades the Americans have had.

Russia "Secretly" Deploys Banned
Cruise Missile In "Latest Challenge To Trump"
By Tyler Durden
Feb 14, 2017 1:06 PM

First a spy ship off the US East Coast, now a banned possess, produce or flight test a ground-
missile. launched cruise missile (GLCM) with a
range capability of 500 kilometers to 5,500
According to the NYT, Russia has (not so) "secretly" kilometers or to possess or produce
deployed a new ground-launched intermediate-range cruise launchers of such missiles."
missile in violation of a 1987 treaty with the US which
helped end the Cold War, despite complaints from As the NYT adds, the Obama administration had sought to
American officials. persuade the Russians to correct the violation while the
missile was still in the test phase. Instead, the Russians
Reportedly, the move presents a have moved ahead with the system, deploying a fully
operational unit.
"major challenge for President Trump,
who has vowed to improve relations Administration officials said the Russians now have two
with President Vladimir Putin" battalions of the prohibited cruise missile. One is still
located at Russia’s missile test site at Kapustin Yar in the
country’s southeast.
and comes at a very sensitive time for Trump, currently
reeling to stabilize the fallout from Flynn's departure over
his communication with Russia. The new Russian missile The other was shifted in December from that test site to an
deployment also comes as the Trump administration is operational base elsewhere in the country, according to a
struggling to fill key policy positions at the State senior official who did not provide further details and
Department and the Pentagon — and to settle on a requested anonymity to discuss recent intelligence reports
permanent replacement for Michael Flynn. about the missile.

In light of this news, the NYT predicts that it is unlikely

that the Senate would agree to ratify a new strategic arms
control accord unless the alleged violation of the
intermediate-range treaty is corrected.

Trump has said the United States should

“strengthen and expand its nuclear
capability.” But at the same time, he has
talked of reaching a new arms agreement
Russia's Ground-launched cruise missile with Moscow that would reduce arms “very
The ground-launched cruise missile at the center of
American concerns is one that the Obama administration Before he left his post last year as the NATO commander
said in 2014 had been tested in violation of a 1987 treaty and retired from the military, Gen. Philip M. Breedlove
that bans American and Russian intermediate-range warned that deployment of the cruise missile would be a
missiles based on land. militarily significant development that

Back in 2014, a State Department annual report on “can’t go unanswered.”

international compliance with arms control agreements
said that Additionally, the deployment of the missile - which may
well be defensive in light of the recent build up of NATO
“the United States has determined that the forces on Russia's borders - could also
Russian Federation is in violation of its
obligations under the I.N.F. treaty not to

"increase the military threat to NATO and lead to an even bigger build up of NATO forces
nations, which potentially would be one of around Russia, and so on.
the principal targets",

"It's Over Folks" The Neocons & The "Deep State" Have
Neutered The Trump Presidency
Submitted and Authored by The Saker
Feb 14, 2017 9:25 PM

Less than a month ago I warned that a Ever since Trump made it to the White
‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in House, he has taken blow after blow
the USA. from the Neocon-run Ziomedia, from
Congress, from all the Hollywood
My first element of proof was the so-called “investigation” doubleplusgoodthinking “stars” and
which the CIA, FBI, NSA and others were conducting even from European politicians.
against President Trump’s candidate to become National
Security Advisor, General Flynn. And Trump took each blow without ever fighting back.
Nowhere was his famous “you are fired!” to be seen. But I
Last night, the plot to get rid of Flynn still had hope. I wanted to hope. I felt that it was my duty
has finally succeeded and General to hope.
Flynn had to offer his resignation.
Trump accepted it. But now Trump has betrayed us all.

Now let’s immediately get one thing out of the way: Remember how Obama showed his true face when he
hypocritically denounced his friend and pastor Rev.
Flynn was hardly a saint or a perfect Jeremiah Wright Jr.? Today, Trump has shown us his true
wise man who would single handedly face. Instead of refusing Flynn’s resignation and instead
saved the world. That he was not. of firing those who dared cook up these ridiculous
However, what Flynn was is the accusations against Flynn, Trump accepted the
cornerstone of Trump’s national resignation. This is not only an act of abject cowardice, it
security policy. is also an amazingly stupid and self-defeating betrayal
because now Trump will be alone, completely alone,
For one thing, Flynn dared the unthinkable: he dared to facing the likes of Mattis and Pence – hard Cold Warrior
declare that the bloated US intelligence community had to types, ideological to the core, folks who want war and
be reformed. Flynn also tried to subordinate the CIA and simply don’t care about reality.
the Joint Chiefs to the President via the National Security
Council. Put differently, Flynn tried to wrestle the Again, Flynn was not my hero. But he
ultimate power and authority from the CIA and the was, by all accounts, Trump’s hero.
Pentagon and subordinate them back to the White House. And Trump betrayed him.
Flynn also wanted to work with Russia. Not because he
was a Russia lover, the notion of a Director of the DIA as a The consequences of this will be immense.
Putin-fan is ridiculous, but Flynn was rational, he
understood that Russia was no threat to the USA or to For one thing, Trump is now clearly
Europe and that Russia had the West had common broken. It took the ‘deep state’ only
interests. That is another absolutely unforgivable weeks to castrate Trump and to make
crimethink in Washington DC. him bow to the powers that be.

The Neocon run ‘deep state’ has now Those who would have stood behind Trump will now feel
forced Flynn to resign under the idiotic that he will not stand behind them and they will all move
pretext that he had a telephone back away from him. The Neocons will feel elated by the
conversation, on an open, insecure and elimination of their worst enemy and emboldened by this
clearly monitored, line with the Russian victory they will push on, doubling-down over and over
ambassador. and over again.

And Trump accepted this resignation. It’s over, folks, the deep state has won.

From now on, Trump will become the Trump, for all his faults, did favor the
proverbial shabbos-goy, the errand boy US, as a country, over the global
of the Israel lobby. Hassan Nasrallah Empire.
was right when he called him ‘an idiot‘.
Trump was also acutely aware that ‘more of the same’ was
The Chinese and Iranian will openly laugh. The Russians not an option. He wanted policies commensurate with the
won’t – they will be polite, they will smile, and try to see if actual capabilities of the USA. With Flynn gone and the
some common sense policies can still be salvaged from Neocons back in full control – this is over. Now we are
this disaster. Some might. But any dream of a partnership going to be right back to ideology over reality.
between Russia and the United States has died tonight.
Trump probably could have made America, well, maybe
The EU leaders will, of course, celebrate. Trump was not “great again”, but at least stronger, a major world
nowhere the scary bogeyman they feared. Turns out that power which could negotiate and use its leverage to get the
he is a doormat – very good for the EU. best deal possible from the others. That’s over now. With
Trump broken, Russia and China will go right back to their
Where does all this leave us – the pre-Trump stance: a firm resistance backed by a
millions of anonymous ‘deplorables’ willingness and capability to confront and defeat the USA
who try as best we can to resist at any level.
imperialism, war, violence and
injustice? I am quite sure that nobody today is celebrating in the
Kremlin. Putin, Lavrov and the others surely understand
I think that we were right in our hopes because that is all exactly what happened. It is as if Khodorkovsy would
we had – hopes. No expectations, just hopes. But now we have succeeded in breaking Putin in 2003.
objectively have very little reasons left to hope. For one
thing, the Washington ‘swamp’ will not be drained. If In fact, I have to credit Russian analysts
anything, the swamp has triumphed. We can only find who for several weeks already have
some degree of solace in two undeniable facts: been comparing Trump to Yanukovich,
who also was elected by a majority of
1. Hillary would have been far worse than any version of a the people and who failed to show the
Trump Presidency. resolve needed to stop the ‘color
2. In order to defeat Trump, the US deep state has had to revolution’ started against him. But if
terribly weaken the US and the AngloZionist Empire. Trump is the new Yanukovich, will the
Just like Erdogan’ purges have left the Turkish military US become the next Ukraine?
in shambles, the anti-Trump ‘color revolution’ has
inflicted terrible damage on the reputation, authority Flynn was very much the cornerstone of the hoped-for
and even credibility of the USA. Trump foreign policy. There was a real chance that he
would reign in the huge, bloated and all-powerful three
The first one is obvious. So let me clarify the second one. letter agencies and that he would focus US power against
the real enemy of the West: the Wahabis. With Flynn
gone, this entire conceptual edifice has now come down.
In their hate-filled rage against Trump
and the American people (aka “the We are going to be left with the likes of Mattis and his
basket of deplorables”) the Neocons anti-Iranian statements. Clowns who only impress other
have had to show they true face.

By their rejection of the outcome of the elections, by their Today's Neocon victory is a huge event
riots, their demonization of Trump, the Neocons have and it will probably be completely
shown two crucial things: first, that the US democracy is a misrepresented by the official media.
sad joke and that they, the Neocons, are an occupation
regime which rules against the will of the American Ironically, Trump supporters will also try minimize it all.
people. In other words, just like Israel, the USA has no But the reality is that barring a most unlikely last-minute
legitimacy left. And since, just like Israel, the USA are miracle, it’s over for Trump and the hopes of millions of
unable to frighten their enemies, they are basically left people in the USA and the rest of the world who had
with nothing, no legitimacy, no ability to coerce. So yes, hoped that the Neocons could be booted out of power by
the Neocons have won. But their victory is removes the means of a peaceful election. That is clearly not going to
last chance for the US to avoid a collapse. happen.

I see very dark clouds on the horizon.

* * * thereof). Ask yourself – after what happened to Flynn,
would you stick your neck out for Trump?
UPDATE1: Just to stress an important point: the disaster
is not so much that Flynn is out but what Trump’s caving UPDATE2: Just as predicted – the Neocons are
in to the Neocon tells us about Trump’s character (or lack celebrating and, of course, doubling-down:

Deep State Works With Corporate Media Hacks
In Political Assassination Of Michael Flynn
Anonymous Intelligence Analysts Leak Calls To
Corporate Media In Direct Attack
On American Democracy
By Alex Thomas -
02.14.2017 @10:09 PM EST

(INTELLIHUB) — In a series of moves directly

coordinated between the deep state, Obama operatives, and We now know that Flynn wasn’t actually targeted
the establishment media, Michael Flynn was forced to over phone calls with a Russian ambassador but rather was
resign as national security adviser late Monday night after a victim of a full-scale operation to take him out.
transcripts of calls between him and the Russian
ambassador were leaked to the Washington Post. This operation, conducted by Obama operatives, elements
of the intelligence community, and the establishment
The leaks to Post reporters, Adam Entous, Ellen media, was a direct effort to counter not only
Nakashima and Philip Rucker, started a media frenzy with investigations into possible elite pedophile rings but also
claims that Flynn may have “lied” to Vice President Pence to take out a fierce critic of the corrupt intelligence
about the nature of his calls to the ambassador. Some community leaders.
reports even ludicrously claimed that Flynn could have
violated the law and was open to blackmail for simply Eli Lake, writing in a Bloomberg opinion piece, noted that
doing his job. Flynn was actively working to reform the intelligence-
industrial complex.
As Paul Joseph Watson noted:
Flynn was a fat target for the national security state. He
In reality, Flynn’s conversation with Kislyak was merely has cultivated a reputation as a reformer and a fierce critic
the excuse that establishment neo-cons and neo-libs from of the intelligence community leaders he once served with
both parties were desperately searching for. They wanted when he was the director the Defense Intelligence Agency
him gone from the very beginning. This was a deep state under President Barack Obama. Flynn was working to
coup. reform the intelligence-industrial complex, something that
threatened the bureaucratic prerogatives of his rivals.
In essence, Flynn was merely exercising due diligence as
incoming National Security Adviser by communicating He was also a fat target for Democrats. Remember Flynn’s
with a prominent foreign official. However, the politicized breakout national moment last summer was when he
intelligence community and the breathless, hysterical anti- joined the crowd at the Republican National Convention
Trump press demanded Flynn’s head on the basis that he from the dais calling for Hillary Clinton to be jailed.
had violated the Logan Act, even though that contention is
shaky at best. Chris Buskirk also detailed the real reasons for this
establishment attack on Flynn in his piece about the deep
The mainstream media’s sudden concern for Flynn having state targeting of all things Trump:
potentially violated the Logan Act is interesting given that
establishment politicians have been violating the Logan The same people who brought us the failed
Act for decades by physically meeting with foreign wars for democracy in Iraq and
officials at Bilderberg conferences, without a whimper of Afghanistan, the implosion of Libya, the
dissent from the press. Syrian Civil War, the rise of ISIS, and the
concomitant international refugee crisis
“There does appear to be a well want Flynn’s scalp so they can reassert
orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and some control,” writes Buskirk. “General
others in the administration” Michael Flynn is a voice for change in
American foreign policy—a change that the
American people voted for when they secret government monitored communications of U.S.
elected Donald Trump. The campaign of citizens.
half-baked allegations and innuendo is the
latest battle in the Washington This is truly unprecedented and once again directly shows
establishment’s insurgency against the that outlets like the Washington Post and the New York
President. Times are actively working against the White House on
every level.
Yet another reason for Flynn’s political assassination was
his plan to tear apart the Iran nuclear deal so beloved by The Bloomberg piece continued:
the Obama administration. This plan led to a secret
operation started by Obama operatives well before
There is another component to this story as
Trump’s inauguration to “handicap” the White House
well — as Trump himself just tweeted. It’s
national security apparatus.
very rare that reporters are ever told about
government-monitored communications of
In a shocking piece by the Washington Free Beacon, U.S. citizens, let alone senior U.S. officials.
sources revealed that Flynn’s resignation was the The last story like this to hit Washington
culmination of this months long operation. was in 2009 when Jeff Stein, then of CQ,
reported on intercepted phone calls
The abrupt resignation Monday evening of White House between a senior Aipac lobbyist and Jane
national security adviser Michael Flynn is the culmination Harman, who at the time was a Democratic
of a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama member of Congress.
administration confidantes to handicap President Donald
Trump’s national security apparatus and preserve the Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some
nuclear deal with Iran, according to multiple sources in of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for
and out of the White House who described to the good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private
Washington Free Beacon a behind-the-scenes effort by conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the
these officials to plant a series of damaging stories about permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the
Flynn in the national media. cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

The effort, said to include former Obama administration In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S.
adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials
House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo incidentally monitored by the government (normally they
chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists are redacted from intelligence reports). John Bolton’s
who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations
Flynn’s credibility, multiple sources revealed. was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had
made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of
[…] State for Arms Control in George W. Bush’s first term.
The fact that the intercepts of Flynn’s conversations with
However, multiple sources closely involved in the Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the
situation pointed to a larger, more secretive campaign government is a red flag.
aimed at discrediting Flynn and undermining the Trump
White House. In essence, Flynn was merely exercising due diligence as
incoming National Security Adviser by communicating
“It’s undeniable that the campaign to with a prominent foreign official. However, the politicized
discredit Flynn was well underway before intelligence community and the breathless, hysterical anti-
Inauguration Day, with a very troublesome Trump press demanded Flynn’s head on the basis that he
and politicized series of leaks designed to had violated the Logan Act, even though that contention is
undermine him,” said one veteran national shaky at best.
security adviser with close ties to the White
House team. “This pattern reminds me of This direct attack on American democracy is so shocking
the lead up to the Iran deal, and probably that even some liberal writers are warning about the
features the same cast of characters.” dangers of supporting deep state actions like this as it is
absolutely not the role of the intelligence community to
Of course the compliant establishment media was all too target political branches of the government.
happy to help this operation and published a series of
articles on information solely obtained from these Writing for The Week, public Flynn critic Damon Linker
anonymous intelligence operatives, not once caring about warned of the dangers:
the fact that they were given information on supposedly
But no matter what Flynn did, it is simply information, to the leaking of American
not the role of the deep state to target a citizens being denied security clearances, it
man working in one of the political looks like a pattern.”
branches of the government by dishing to
reporters about information it has gathered As noted above, this attack on Flynn was a culmination of
clandestinely. It is the role of elected a months long operation, one that we warned about over
members of Congress to conduct public and over again, even noting Flynn’s importance to the
investigations of alleged wrongdoing by White House due to what he actually brought to the table.
public officials.
Two days before Flynn’s sudden resignation I warned in a
What if Congress won’t act? What if both the Senate and piece for Intellihub News that the CIA was directly
the House of Representatives are held by the same party as targeting the national security adviser while noting his
the president and members of both chambers are reluctant outsider reputation and direct opposition to the globalist
to cross a newly elected head of the executive branch who plan for the world.
enjoys overwhelming approval of his party’s voters? In
such a situation — our situation — shouldn’t we hope the
“While CIA attacks on Trump as a whole
deep state will rise up to act responsibly to take down a
are obviously important, this shocking new
member of the administration who may have broken the
information is possibly the worst yet,
especially when you consider who Flynn is
and what he stands for within the Trump
The answer is an unequivocal no. administration,” I noted.
“Flynn has a long history of directly
In a liberal democracy, how things happen is often as
targeting the so-called “new world order”
important as what happens. Procedures matter. So do rules
and is now seeing the repercussions for his
and public accountability. The chaotic, dysfunctional
work attacking the globalist elite. Even
Trump White House is placing the entire system under
more important, Flynn has shown a key
enormous strain. That’s bad. But the answer isn’t to
willingness to listen to alternative media
counter it with equally irregular acts of sabotage — or with voices instead of simply pushing the
a disinformation campaign waged by nameless civil establishment narrative on each and every
servants toiling away in the surveillance state. issue.

While some rhino Republicans are sure to have been in on Consider this. Michael Flynn’s son has
the operation, at least one in the House of Representatives even tried to expose PizzaGate and
sees this attack on Flynn for what it is. remains in contact with certain people in
the alternative media which is something
the CIA is obviously aware of.”
Speaking to Lake in his Bloomberg piece, Representative
Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence said, “There Now that this sick operation has ended in a victory for the
does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn deep state it is even more imperative that Americans read
and others in the administration.” and spread real alternative news in a direct effort to stop
the spread of intelligence community disinformation so
eagerly pushed throughout the mockingbird media.
“From the leaking of phone calls between
the president and foreign leaders to what
appears to be high-level FISA Court

Office Of Government Ethics
Urges 'Disciplinary Action’ Against Conway
Tue Feb 14, 2017 9:11PM

US President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager and senior

advisor, Kellyanne Conway
The White House should investigate and Flynn had earlier rejected such claims and was backed by
possibly discipline US President Donald Vice President Mike Pence, who said the calls “had
Trump's senior adviser, Kellyanne nothing whatsoever to do with those sanctions."
Conway, says the Office of Government
Ethics. According to Conway, Flynn resigned because his role
became "unsustainable" and that his misleading of Pence
In a letter released Tuesday, the office made the was the "key" in the ultimate exit.
recommendation over Conway’s comments last week
against Nordstrom’s scrapping of the fashion brand of “That makes no sense,” she was told by
Trump's daughter, Ivanka. NBC host Matt Lauer, who also pointed out
that "The Justice Department warned the
Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers censured White House that General Flynn had not
Conway over violation of ethics rules that ban promotion been completely honest in characterizing
of products or personal businesses via a public office. that conversation with the Russian
ambassador, and they even went further to
"There is strong reason to believe that Ms. say that as a result of that dishonesty he
Conway has violated the Standards of was at risk for blackmailing by the
Conduct and that disciplinary action is Russians."
warranted," read the letter.
Conway replied,
It further cited leaders of the House Oversight Committee
as those pursuing the matter. "That's one characterization but the fact is
General Flynn continued in that position
Earlier in the day, Trump’s national security adviser, and was in the Presidential daily briefings,
Michael Flynn, resigned following a separate scandal, was part of the leader calls as recently as
involving contact with Russia before the new president’s yesterday...and as time wore on, the
inauguration. situation had obviously become
US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn (pictured
below) reportedly had secret discussions with Russian Lauer pressed on for a sensible answer but Conway
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about sanctions the outgoing stressed on Trump’s “loyalty,” and that it was time to
administration of President Barack Obama imposed on “move on.”
Moscow late last year.

Democrats are also pressuring for an independent
investigation into the matter.

"We asked for and demand an independent

investigation of what Flynn discussed with
the Russian ambassador and we'll be
saying more about that soon," said US
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a
Democrat from New York.

Republican Senator Roy Blunt also called for a probe into

the administration over connection with Russia
In his resignation letter less than a month into the job,
Flynn said he had relayed "incomplete information" to
Pence. "I think everybody needs that investigation
to happen," the Missouri lawmaker told
local media. "And the Senate Intelligence
Pence initially rejected that Flynn had Committee, again that I serve on, has been
discussed sanctions with Russia but Flynn given the principal responsibility to look into
later said that he "couldn't be 100 percent this, and I think we should look into it
sure" about this. exhaustively so that at the end of this
process, nobody wonders whether there
Meanwhile, Moscow said in a statement that the national was a stone left unturned, and shouldn't
security advisor’s resignation is a domestic matter. reach conclusions before you have the
information that you need to have to make
Meanwhile, Moscow said in a statement that the national those conclusions."
security advisor’s resignation is a domestic matter.

Trump Leaks = NSA,
Beacon Global Strategies?
By Helena
Posted on February 14, 2017

George Soros. He was considered the possible ‘leak’

during 2012 when classified information was being passed
to the press.

The third partner in Beacon Global Strategies is Andrew

Shapiro, who served as Assistant Secretary of State for
Political-Military Affairs 2009 to 2013. He was also a
member of Hillary’s campaign in 2008.

Beacon’s executive committee reads like a who’s who for

the CIA, NSC, and former Generals and Admirals within
Defense Intelligence in Washington. These heavyweights
Remember when it was discovered that consistently circle back to Hillary and Panetta who would
the NSA was bugging Merkel’s cell have had ample ability, knowledge and power to create
phone? Is there any doubt now that the internal phone and cyber hacks within the White House so
White House cell phones and/or as to spy on Trump.
landlines are not secure and being
Shortly after the launch of Beacon Global Strategies,
Jeremy Bash joined the advisory board of Paladin Capital
Of course it is perfectly possible that before Obama packed Group, a private equity firm that provides funding for
his bags, he left one last legacy behind for the future start-ups that serve as contractors to the National Security
President, bugs – everywhere. Which would mean that Agency. Uh-oh.
there is not ‘leak’ somewhere, so much as a massive
espionage that is most likely monitored by someone within
the Soros empire. Paladin Group boasts a Managing Director, Lt. General
Kenneth Minihan who previously served as Director at
NSA with a background in IT and cyber security. The
Bring in the Cleaners. Because chances Managing Partner/Founder, Michael Steed, states in his bio
are the White House is infested… that he previously worked as VP for a prominent financial
firm in DC – revealed to be Ullico, whose executives were
Given Trump’s statement that he foregoes email accounts involved in insider trading scandals, stock price
due to their easy access for hacking, what better way to manipulation, and conflict of interest in the 1990’s. Ullico
secure an inside leak in the White House than to simply tap was sued and investigated by the US Congress.
into their cellphone tower, and landlines. According to
Google and Duk Duk Go, hacking into a cellphone is a All of this could circle back to the fact that Deputy
piece of cake! Anyone can do it… Director to NSA, Richard Ledgett, a Democrat
appointed by Obama, announced his resignation as of this
Enter a very vocal Philippe Reines, a devoted fan of coming spring. It would be interesting if that retirement
Hillary who worked by her side as Secretary of State circled back to a position with Beacon Global.
before setting up his own firm in 2013, Beacon Global
Strategies. Their specialties include “cyber security and Beacon Global provides interviews to Politico, an over-
intelligence…” Hmmm. the-top leftist media outlet whose Editor in Chief and CEO
came from The Washington Post. Created in 2007, Politico
Jeremy Bash is also a partner in Beacon Global Strategies is an edgy anti-conservative rant magazine that loves to
having also left the White House after serving as Chief of target bash anything Trump.
Staff to the Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta. A long
time friend of the Clintons, Panetta has been linked to
Hugh Delacy of the Communist Party USA and by default,
Beacon Global Strategies also represented Rubio, Cruz and Whether the infestation can be purged
Bush gathering ‘information’ for them during their is speculation. But it becomes more and
political tenure during the Presidential election. I imagine more difficult to see behind the masks –
some of that information may have been secured through especially when they are disguised as
cyber means… our own intelligence community. What
we do know is that a massive network of
What this reveals is the deep, deep Democrats are busily working to quash
trenches that surround Washington, the Trump Administration and leave a
infested with flesh eating Piranha. pool of carcasses wherever they go.

The Citadel Of Broken Dreams
By Jim Kirwan

privatized and tyrannical presidency was

responsible for all that flowed from
everything that his 'so-called presidency'
inaugurated into what became Amerikan-
Reagan-Bush brought us Arms for
Hostages and 444 days of captivity for
Americans captured in Iran, to insure the
election of two of the worst criminals in US
history who went on to bring us Death-
Squads, and international drug smuggling -
embedded in political corruption that saw
the rise of the training of terrorist military
The results of where we are today began with the cold- officers, at “The School of the America's”
blooded murder of JFK in 1963 that launched my entry inside the USA to prosecute our illegal-
into this war. Nine years on, America's work force had wars against central and South America.
their wages frozen, and their dreams denied for the first All of that then went on to end up creating
time in US history, by the Committee of 300 in 1972. By privatized military contractors for the wars
the late 1970's with the rise of Reagan the people of the in the Middle-East and beyond and all of
United States lost control of all their publicly owned that came directly from Ronnie-Bush that
institutions that Reagan privatized which quietly ended began in their crime-spree in the 1980's.
any say by the public over the components of their lives; The other monstrous crime that's still with
from energy, to security, to electoral power all of which us: Are the totally illegal policies which the
was publicly removed from the people and given directly Reagan-Administration began - when
to the Deep State as evidenced by the end of Political Ronnie decided to eliminate the southern
Parties and the quiet celebration of the end of the U.S. US border to favor his friends with cheap,
Constitution. Reagan's mantra at the time was to celebrate and illegal labor, that continues to this day.
his version of “Amerika” as The Shining City on the This has been going on since Reagan spit
Hill”, that's the Citadel, shown above in 1979 16 years on US Immigration laws that's given the US
into the war that tens of thousands of us had been fighting well over 80 million illegals since he
since the number of public assassinations, that began with decided to grant his friends the “favor” of
Kennedy. eliminating US immigration laws.
Something Trump never mentions,
Reagan's City on the Hill was actually the empty castle whenever he talks about “his wall.”
above with no benefits to anyone that had to work. But the In the thirty-seven years that followed from
lies that were overlooked came in the form of the global- Reagan's Treason's and his Lies the world
human-population that had been turned-to-stone by the has still only watched while the USA has
weight of the illicit and gargantuan profits being amassed been turned inside-out into the embodiment
worldwide at the expense of the siege being waged against of global criminality that now sees a siege-
the world. obsessed entitlement-based broken-place
Meanwhile American workers have now with tens of thousands of US troops, and
endured 45 years without a pay raise! heavy armaments stationed all over the
world: NO QUESTIONS ASKED - on over
Those of us who saw what was happening a thousand bases since the end of WWII.
then; are still represented by the
iconoclastic fire-breathing dragon that's Yesterday Trump made a perfect ass, out
trying to awaken the comatose giants' that of himself, by issuing this clearly insane
we once were: Before we stopped demand for Russia to give Crimea back to
Questioning-Everything that the Deep State Ukraine...
was continuing to use against everyone,
that was about to be slaughtered. Reagan's Trump expects Russia to ‘return Crimea' White House

32 Pelosi Backs Obama on Secret
crimea/ Execution of Americans without trial

Trump also reversed himself on NATO, by sending more

US troops and tanks and heavy equipment to the borders of .0
Russia instead of getting rid of NATO as the totally
useless and obsolete non-organization, that it's always We are now living amid many contrasting lies as seen
been. between the very different worlds' in this 'Dream of
Euripides”. In the surrounding rings around and through
What happened to “pulling out of the UN” as promised? the circle are shown 365 creatures dressed in rags, one
person for every day in every year. And since Euripides
Trump's administration is only 27 days
the survival of the human race has only gotten worse.
old, and already he's torched way too
many promises and reversed himself on
so many other “promises” that he's
becoming a global joke instead of the
man who was going to bring America
back from the edge of global-insanity
he's becoming the gold-plated president
that can't figure out what the hell he
should do about anything he
supposedly promised so clearly?
His administration has made much
about the 600 creatures that he “must
appoint” to keep this government
functioning when the truth is most of
those 600 creatures are totally useless
to a viable nation—what they are, are
the lackeys of the Deep State that were
never needed in the first place.
“DHS” the single largest US “AGENCY” The larger circle is about the
is unconstitutional and should have obscenities of the physical life:
been immediately dissolved, if Trump
was serious about the Swamp: Since While the smaller circle shows the
the facts behind 911 are now known opposite future's that wait for most.
world wide. All of that is nothing more We must come together to reawaken the
than the continuance of events that somnambulent giants that we once were
began with Ruby-Ridge, then Waco, and again become those determined
followed by Oklahoma City and the first individuals that will take back our
attack on 911: Which was eventually futures and out lives, while ending the
followed by the Israeli-Saudi Attack on lawless nightmare that we've allowed to
9,11, 2001 which sealed the Deep State take everything from us.
Treason. Then in 2013 all pretenses to
[email protected]
the Constitution or a lawful government
were dropped.

Trump Reportedly Kept Pence
In Dark About Flynn's Russian Phone Calls
Published February 15, 2017

White House officials said they conducted a thorough

review of Flynn's interactions, including transcripts of calls
secretly recorded by U.S. intelligence officials, but found
nothing illegal.

Pence is said to have been angry and deeply frustrated over

the revelations.

"The evolving and eroding level of trust as

a result of this situation and a series of
other questionable incidents is what led the
President Trump was reportedly told six days into his president to ask General Flynn for his
presidency that his former national security adviser resignation," White House press secretary
Michael Flynn misled the vice president about his phone Sean Spicer said.
calls with Russia, but did not tell his second-in-command.
Spicer said other "questionable incidents" had contributed
Trump, after learning about the phone calls, kept Vice to Flynn's firing. According to one person with knowledge
President Pence in the dark about Flynn’s conversations of the matter, those incidents included Flynn seeking a
with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the Associated security clearance for his son during the transition.
Press reported Tuesday, citing White House officials.
Flynn, in an interview with The Daily Caller News
Pence and other officials emphatically defended Flynn in Foundation, said Monday "there were no lines crossed" in
the weeks leading up to his resignation. his conversations with the Russian ambassador.

“They did not discuss anything having to do However, a U.S. official told AP that Flynn was in
with the United States’ decision to expel frequent contact with Kislyak on the day the Obama
diplomats or impose censure against administration slapped sanctions on Russia for election-
Russia,” Pence said in a televised interview related hacking, as well as other times during the
with CBS News last month. transition. Spicer said Flynn was not discussing sanctions
at the president's behest.
Marc Lotter, a Pence spokesman, said the vice president
only became aware that he had received “incomplete Before he resigned Monday night, Flynn told the
information” from Flynn after the first Washington Post investigative news nonprofit affiliated with the website
report last Thursday. Pence learned about the Justice The Daily Caller that he and Kislyak spoke only generally
Department warnings to the White House around the same about the Russian diplomats expelled by President Barack
time. Obama as part of the previous administration's response to
Moscow's interference in the U.S. presidential election.
Pence and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus
played an integral role in Flynn’s resignation, sources told "It wasn't about sanctions. It was about the
Fox News. 35 guys who were thrown out," Flynn said.
"It was basically: 'Look, I know this
happened. We'll review everything.' I never
The White House said earlier Tuesday that Flynn’s
said anything such as, 'We're going to
downfall wasn’t because he discussed the sanctions levied
review sanctions,' or anything like that."
against Russia with Kislyak – which is a potential violation
of a rarely enforced law – but the fact that he denied it for
weeks and misled Pence and other senior Trump aide
about the nature of the conversations.
Deep State Captures Flynn
With En Passant Move — Who’s Next?
Trump’s Unconventional Approach Throws Deep State For Loop
By Shepard Ambellas -
02.15.2017 @12:25 PM EST

WASHINGTON D.C. (INTELLIHUB) — In America, of being powerless, even if it is only for a mere second,
once sworn into office the President of the United States weighs heavy on their minds. Like in the Wizard of Oz,
(POTUS) becomes the acting C.E.O. for the corporation of they are the people behind the curtain who pull the strings
the UNITED STATES and goes to work. And yes, the and they can’t stand it that Trump is the new C.E.O. of the
“UNITED STATES” is a corporation, just in case you corporation and that he is not following the C.I.A.’s
didn’t already know. It was formed in 1871 and only handout or roadmap so to speak.
controls the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) and
territories which the corporation acquires or purchases. But Trump is his own animal. An unusual character with
that’s a whole other story within itself and I really don’t extremely honed skills in many areas. And he is not going
want to get too far off the beaten path here, so I’ll keep it to always do things the traditional way because he is quite
short. aware of what I am taking the time to explain herein.
Trump also knows that the Deep State is hovering over his
When a POTUS takes the helm on Inauguration Day he or shoulder, lurking, waiting for any opportunity to arise
she is then essentially the new 24/7/365 controller for the which the Deep State can then use against him in order to
UNITED STATES. However, since the POTUS is not a restore power to the machine. You can almost look at the
robot (at least we can hope) and needs to rest, relax, plan, Deep State like Skynet, like in the Terminator movies,
shower, etc., the Deep State is always there to step in and where at all times the Deep State wants to have full
save the day, taking any burden of the POTUS needed at control, yet it is entirely out of control as nothing is what it
the time — it’s almost like having a personal maid or seems.
assistant. And after awhile, a POTUS can get comfortable
and may enjoy taking full advantage of the lavish The most recent en passant move by the powers-that-be to
apparatus that’s just waiting in the wings. remove Gen. Michael Flynn from Trump’s cabinet was
well done on their part. Not that I agreed with it or
The Deep State (A.K.A. the National Security Racketeering anything — it was just a brilliant move. Don’t get me
Network) and all that encompasses it, both good and bad, wrong, for sure I would have rather seen Flynn stay as the
which includes but is not limited to, all of its quantum president’s National Security Advisor because I thought
computers, all of its spooks (the C.I.A.), its techies, all of he was going to be a good one. But the bottom line is,
its operatives, and the entire Continuity of Flynn was taken out by the Deep State.
Government Program (COG) combined, serves as a crutch
for the POTUS if need be. And seems how pretty much Intellihub’s Alex Thomas reported Tuesday:
every president since John F. Kennedy’s assassination has
had substantial C.I.A. ties or direct and heavy association
We now know that Flynn wasn’t actually
with the agency, one can only assume that most presidents
targeted over phone calls with a Russian
simply hit the Ol’ cruise control button when they enter the
ambassador but rather was a victim of a
White House, which signals the Deep State to streamline
full-scale operation to take him out.
everything, ultimately putting the Deep State in control.
Although this process is not so passive, it’s more like the
C.I.A. directs their operative, which is usually the sitting This operation, conducted by Obama operatives, elements
POTUS, to do exactly as they say as the president is more of the intelligence community, and the establishment
often than not just a puppet per se. media, was a direct effort to counter not only
investigations into possible elite pedophile rings but also
to take out a fierce critic of the corrupt intelligence
But now things have changed. You see, with Trump’s community leaders.
unexpected win, the powers-that-be (the entire Deep State
apparatus) are having a hard time controlling things due to
Trump’s unconventional approach and the fact that Trump Now we have to wonder what Trump’s ultimate response
is not a cutout in the first place. The very thought of them will be. We also have to wonder what the Deep State’s

next move will be as the ‘Russian narrative’ culminates
throughout the media yet once again.

These people will stop at nothing to assure they get their

player back onto the field and they mean business. Which
means they will try and remove Trump from the
presidency altogether, likely through a contrived
technicality. And if they are successful, which I hope they
won’t be, don’t be surprised if they don’t try and roll out
Michelle Obama as their trojan horse.

A recent Intellihub poll taken on Twitter shows that

Michelle Obama would have no chance as POTUS, but
shockingly it appears that Obama’s hard left Organizing
For Action group is already preparing for a potential run of
the former first lady.
Can Trump adapt fast enough to the mob mentality,
become super hardcore and fight back big league?

The Dangerous Precedence Of
The Hunt Against Flynn ... And Trump
Source: Moon Of Alabama
Published: February 15, 2017

Kicking Flynn out of his office has hurt Trump. His disinformation campaign waged by nameless civil
standing is diminished. The efforts against Flynn, mainly servants toiling away in the surveillance state.
by the "deep state" in the intelligence agencies, were
designed to change Trump's declared foreign policy aims. Robert Perry at Consortium News:
They worked. Yesterday the White House spokesperson
Flynn’s real “offense” appears to be that he
favors détente with Russia rather than
President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the escalation of a new and dangerous Cold
Russian government to deescalate violence in the Ukraine War. Trump’s idea of a rapprochement with
and return Crimea. Moscow – and a search for areas of
cooperation and compromise – has been
Today Trump tweeted: driving Official Washington’s foreign policy
establishment crazy for months and the
Donald J. Trump Verified account neocons, in particular, have been
@realDonaldTrump Crimea was TAKEN by determined to block it. ... The neocons and
Russia during the Obama Administration. liberal hawks also hated Flynn because –
Was Obama too soft on Russia? as director of the Defense Intelligence
Agency – he oversaw a prescient 2012
4:42 AM - 15 Feb 2017 analysis that foresaw that their support for
the Syrian insurgency would give rise to “a
That is a position Trump had not preciously taken. "Return declared or undeclared Salafist principality
Crimea" is a no-no to any current and future Russian in eastern Syria.” ... Flynn’s resignation and
government. If Trump insists on this the prospective its acceptance by Trump also prove that
détente is already dead. these tactics work and that “tough-guy”
Trump is not immune to them. ...
Several writers along the political spectrum point out that
this show of raw power by the "intelligence community" is The so-called permanent government of Washington and
a great danger. its complicit mainstream media – what some call the Deep
State – have taught Trump a lesson and have learned a
Damon Linker in The Week: lesson, too.

The whole episode is evidence of the They now can be expected to redouble
precipitous and ongoing collapse of their march toward war and more war,
America's democratic institutions — not a ironically with progressives and leftists
sign of their resiliency. Flynn's ouster was a in tow.
soft coup (or political assassination)
engineered by anonymous intelligence Justin Raimondo at Antiwar:
community bureaucrats. The results might
be salutary, but this isn't the way a liberal Flynn was in the crosshairs of the War
democracy is supposed to function. ... Party because he’s the most prominent of
those around Trump who advocated for
In a liberal democracy, how things happen is often as détente with Russia. Also, his somewhat
important as what happens. Procedures matter. So do rules loopy belief that Islam, per se, is a
and public accountability. The chaotic, dysfunctional pernicious political ideology rather than a
Trump White House is placing the entire system under religion, made him a natural enemy of the
enormous strain. That's bad. But the answer isn't to counter pro-Saudi faction within the intelligence
it with equally irregular acts of sabotage — or with a community, which had long worked with

Riyadh to, among other things, overthrow This is what police states do.
the government of Syrian strongman
Bashar al-Assad. ... ...

The Flynn resignation is just the beginning. As one In the end, it was Trump's decision to cut Flynn loose. In
Politico writer put it, it won’t stop there. They’ll move on doing this he caved in to his political and bureaucratic
to new targets, and they won’t rest until they’ve bagged opposition. Nunes told me Monday night that this will not
their real target: the President of the United States end well.

Eli Lake for Bloomberg: "First it's Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne
Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then
[F]or a White House that has such a casual it will be Reince Priebus," he said.
and opportunistic relationship with the truth,
it's strange that Flynn's "lie" to Pence would Put another way, Flynn is only the appetizer. Trump is the
get him fired. It doesn't add up. ... A better entree.
explanation here is that Flynn was just
thrown under the bus. ...
Trump will now cave in on foreign policy: on Russia, on
Syria and everywhere else the borg demands it. He has
Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some been put "on notice" and will either do as he is told to do
of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for or he will be the prey in an even bigger hunt.
good reason.
It is alarming that the so-called left part
Selectively disclosing details of private of the U.S. policy is lauding the "deep
conversations monitored by the FBI or state" for this open attack on the elected
NSA gives the permanent state the government. They are now justifying the
power to destroy reputations from the methods that will one day be turned
cloak of anonymity. against themselves. Why do they fail to
see this?

Flashback: Chuck Schumer
Predicts Intelligence War Against Trump
Intelligence Agencies 'Very Upset With How He Has Treated Them'
February 15, 2017

beginning of the intelligence community’s war against


Trump responded to the illegal leaks with this Twitter post.

The real scandal here is that classified

information is illegally given out by
"intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
February 15, 2017

When Chuck Schumer went on Rachel

Maddow’s program in January he made
a sinister comment about U.S.
intelligence agencies being “very upset”
with Trump.

Schumer said,

“You take on the intelligence community,

they have six ways from Sunday at getting
back at you.”

Could the recent resignation of Michael Flynn over a

leaked conversation with the Russian Ambassador be the

Oh, Sure, Suddenly Now The House Intelligence Boss Is
Concerned About Surveillance... Of Mike Flynn
From The High-Court,-Low-Court Dept
By Mike Masnick
Wed, Feb 15th 2017 10:50am

We've written a few times about Rep. Devin Nunes, who "a U.S. person’s name can be used when it
heads the House Intelligence Committee. He's been a long- is necessary to understand the foreign
time vocal supporter of NSA surveillance. He insisted that intelligence information in the report."
there was no need for reform after the Snowden leaks and
he actively misled the public and other members of Of course, there's lots of irony to go around here. Timothy
Congress to shoot down an amendment that would have Edgar -- who was the director of privacy and civil liberties
stopped so-called backdoor searches of "incidentally for the White House National Security staff under Obama
collected" information on Americans. Nunes falsely (and also did privacy/civil liberties work in the Bush
claimed that by blocking backdoor searches of the 702 administration) has noted that the leaking of the contents
database, it would have blocked things such as tracking of his phone calls actually means that Flynn's own civil
whether or not the Orlando nightclub shooter had overseas rights have been violated and even suggests he gives the
contacts (it would not have done that at all). ACLU a call (oh, and another layer of irony: Edgar has
been warning about how Flynn and others in the Trump
So it's fairly hilarious to see that Nunes' first reaction to the administration might trample on civil liberties... and yet
news of National Security Advisor Mike Flynn's here, he's arguing that Flynn's civil liberties have been
resignation was to demand answers on why Flynn's calls violated.)
with Russian officials were recorded.
Along those lines, Glenn Greenwald notes that the leaking
“I expect for the FBI to tell me what is going of actual content from intercepted communications is a
on, and they better have a good answer,” really serious crime, but one that should be seen as totally
said Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), chairman justified here, as it was clearly a form of whistleblowing
of the House Permanent Select Committee (even as he admits that the motives of the leakers likely
on Intelligence, which is conducting a weren't pure, but were possibly for revenge against Flynn,
review of Russian activities to influence the who many in the intelligence world disliked).
election. “The big problem I see here is that
you have an American citizen who had his It is a big deal to actually leak the contents of an
phone calls recorded.” intercepted communication (most leaks and
whistleblowing tend to be about programs, not the actual
Uh, dude, you approved this kind of thing (loudly and intercepted communications). Of course, this should raise
proudly), and not only that, but you actively blocked other questions about why the NSA and FBI are surveilling
suggested amendments that would have blocked the using so many people -- and will the content of those other calls
of this information to dig into information on US persons. be used for political vendettas rather than true
Maybe it's time to rethink that one, huh? Of course, whistleblowing? Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that
(former assistant Attorney General) David Kris (who someone like Devin Nunes is going to care about all that.
knows this stuff probably better than anyone else) has In typical "high court/low court" fashion, he's only
made it clear that Flynn's calls with a Russian official concerned that someone on his team was hurt by such
wouldn't need to be "minimized" (i.e., have his identity surveillance, not that such surveillance regularly occurs.
excluded) because

Trump Has The Power To Declassify
Whatever He Wants — Including The Russian Intercepts
Jon Schwarz
February 15 2017, 1:56 P.M.

This means that Trump has the power to declassify

anything he wants, right now. CNN has reported that he
has already been briefed on the contacts between his
associates and Russians.

So in theory Trump could ask the National Security

Agency and all the other U.S. intelligence agencies to give
him all the relevant intercepts and post everything about
them on the White House website this afternoon.

Late Tuesday evening the New York Times reported that In practice, any president, even one who honestly wanted
current and former U.S. officials claim that members of to reveal as much as possible, would want to learn what
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign as well as other intelligence capabilities would be revealed by such a
Trump associates “had repeated contacts with senior disclosure, and then keep aspects of the intercepts secret to
Russian intelligence officials” before the 2016 election. conceal the sources and methods that were most
Donald Trump then spent the early morning Wednesday
unhappily tweeting about this: The White House press office did not respond when asked
whether Trump plans to use his declassification authority.

Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American

Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy, points out that
presidents have used their declassification power before in
response to public outcry. In 2004 George W. Bush
declassified the relevant section of the presidential daily
brief headlined “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in
U.S.” At the beginning of Barack Obama’s presidency he
ordered the declassification of the memos the Justice
Department produced advising the Bush White House on
If in fact all of this is “non-sense,” Trump has the power as the legality of torture.
president to make that clear immediately — by
declassifying all government intercepts of communications Beyond Trump himself, others have an incentive to see
between Russian nationals and anyone in his orbit. their names cleared by the release of any intercepts. Paul
Manafort, Trump’s one-time campaign chairman, is named
The huge edifice of classification by the U.S. government in Tuesday’s New York Times article as speaking with
has no basis in laws passed by Congress (with one small notable Russians but told the Times,
and, in this case, irrelevant exception.) Instead, the
executive branch classifies material based on presidential “I have never knowingly spoken to Russian
executive orders, with the president’s power in turn intelligence officers, and I have never been
based on his constitutional role as commander in chief of involved with anything to do with the
the armed forces. The Supreme Court has stated that the Russian government.”
presidential power “to classify and control access to
information bearing on national security … flows The possible Russian contacts of Roger Stone, an infamous
primarily from the constitutional investment of power in GOP operative who was briefly part of the Trump
the president.” campaign; Carter Page, a businessman who was on the
periphery of the campaign; and Trump’s now-fired

National Security Advisor Michael Flynn are all under FBI “The president should tell his attorney
scrutiny. general that either he finds proof of this, or
he puts it to bed and announces none of it
None of the four could immediately be reached happened. … I would relish the opportunity
with questions about whether they would support Trump to testify in public under oath on this issue.”
using his declassification power to release any intercepts
of their conversations that exist. Stone told The Guardian
on Wednesday that..

'Just Like Russia': Trump Renews
Fight With Intelligence Agencies Amid Leaks
By Cody Derespina
Published February 15, 2017

The leaks culminated in National Security Adviser

Michael Flynn’s Monday night resignation. This was after
The Washington Post reported he had discussed sanctions
with a Russian official during the transition period –
something Flynn had told Vice President Pence did not
occur. The New York Times on Tuesday night also
published a story alleging vague connections between
several Trump associates – many of whom were not named
– and Russian intelligence agents.

“This Russian connection nonsense is

Manafort: Never had connection to Putin, Russian government merely an attempt to cover up the many
mistakes made in Hillary Clinton’s losing
President Trump on Wednesday suggested the U.S. campaign,” Trump tweeted, citing the
intelligence community may be “illegally” leaking Democratic presidential nominee he
sensitive information to hurt his administration, effectively defeated in the November election.
ending a brief detente with agencies he previously accused “Information is being illegally given to the
of working against him. failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by
the intelligence community (NSA and
Trump addressed the situation of government leaks FBI?). Just like Russia”
Wednesday afternoon during his joint press conference
with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Intelligence, papers are being leaked,"

Trump said. "Things are being leaked. It's a
criminal action -- criminal act -- and it's
been going on for a long time. Before me.
But now it's really going on."

He later emphasized that the "documents and papers" were

"illegally -- I stress that -- illegally leaked."

Earlier Wednesday, Trump issued a Twitter screed in the

wake of a string of damaging news stories based primarily
on anonymous government sources, involving information
apparently gathered by the nation’s spy agencies.

He added:

"The real scandal here is that classified

information is illegally given out by
'intelligence' like candy. Very un-American!"

Trump also took issue with the characterization advanced

by some critics that he's been soft on Russia, noting
aggressive actions taken by the Kremlin when Trump's
predecessor was in office.
“Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama
administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?” Trump

Trump has previously derided the intelligence community,

which he believed leaked information that led to prior
reports about supposed connections between his campaign
and the Russian government. Trump also initially refused
to say that Russia was responsible for a series of pre-
election hacks of Democratic emails, though he eventually
conceded the Kremlin was likely behind it. Trump also has WikiLeaks head Julian Assange also tweeted Wednesday
been criticized for his stance seeking a better relationship morning from his newly activated personal account,
with Russian President Vladimir Putin. framing the battle between Trump and the intelligence
community. Assange and his anti-secrecy organization
played a pivotal role during the presidential election, with
Flynn’s departure just three weeks into the Trump
WikiLeaks releasing a trove of emails that proved
administration prompted a Bloomberg article titled, “The
politically damaging to Clinton.
Political Assassination of Michael Flynn,” which
questioned the circumstances surrounding the retired
lieutenant general’s ouster. "Amazing battle for dominance is playing out between the
elected US govt & the IC who consider themselves to be
the 'permanent government'," Assange wrote.
“…for a White House that has such a
casual and opportunistic relationship with
the truth, it’s strange that Flynn’s ‘lie’ to
Pence would get him fired. It doesn’t add
up,” Eli Lake wrote.

Trump, however, favorably cited the Lake piece due to its

insinuation that intelligence services contributed to Flynn
getting the boot.

“Thank you to Eli Lake of The Bloomberg

View – 'The NSA & FBI…should not
interfere in our politics…and is' very serious
situation for USA.”

NYT Commits TREASON In Fake News Attempt To
Overthrow The United States Government… Is It Time To
Start Arresting Traitors Who Pretend To Be Journalists?
By: Mike Adams
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Russian Officials”? What a joke. New York

Times is #FakeNews.

This new habit of the anti-Trump “fake news” media of

citing “unnamed” intelligence officials to roll out wild,
unsubstantiated accusations is the new modus operandi of
the treasonous, anti-American media. The NYT,
Washington Post, CNN, the Atlantic and other Trump-
hating media outlets are now focused almost entirely on
waging a “soft coup” overthrow attempt against President
Trump, and they’re all willing to blatantly lie or fabricate
“facts” in order to pull it off.
The New York Times is now actively engaged in deliberate
acts of treason against the United States government. “The fake news media is going crazy with
Following in the “journo-terrorism” practices of the their conspiracy theories and blind hatred,”
Washington Post, the NYT has just published a wildly Trump tweeted last night. “MSNBC and
irresponsible innuendo piece that, predictably, cites CNN are unwatchable. Fox and Friends is
anonymous intelligence officials in an attempt to discredit great!”
the Trump administration and enrage opponents. The fake news media is going crazy with
their conspiracy theories and blind hatred.
As the Daily Caller points out, the hysterical NYT article is @MSNBC & @CNN are unwatchable.
nothing more than a “rehashed” collection of innuendo and @foxandfriends is great!
paranoia that lacks any real journalistic substance.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
February 15, 2017
“While the story states that the Federal
Bureau of Investigation has found no
He’s right: The left-wing media has devolved into a
evidence of collusion between Russia and
conspiracy cabal fueled by blind hatred… hatred for
the Trump campaign and essentially is a
Trump, hatred for America and hatred toward the truth
rehash of a previous story, journalists have
about anything. So they invoke “fake facts” and cite
gone bonkers over it,” reports the Caller.
unnamed sources — most of which are no doubt imaginary
— to wage a media disinformation campaign with the
The entire story is bogus, right from the false insinuation sole purpose of removing Trump from office.
of the headline itself, which even the story refutes. As
explained by The News Commenter:
Even the very basis of the NYT story turns out to be
complete fiction. The Russians have officially denied the
The New York Times bombshell headline basis of the story. “Overnight, as the three liberal-leaning
reads “Trump Campaign Aides Had US newspaper launched another attack on Trump, alleging
Repeated Contacts With Russian that officials linked to the president, most notably Tim
Intelligence”. But note the third paragraph Manafort, engaged Russian intel officials in the not too
in, it reads “The officials interviewed in distant past, the Russian government dismissed allegations
recent weeks said that, so far, they had that the country’s intelligence officials were in repeated
seen no evidence of such cooperation.”. contact with Donald Trump’s team ahead of the US
Shouldn’t the headline read “No Evidence election,” writes Zero Hedge:
Trump Campaign Had Contacts With

“Let’s not believe anonymous information,” No. 1 state sponsor of terror. Yet the New York Times
Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov didn’t blink. Apparently, when Trump team members talk
told reporters. “It’s a newspaper report to Russia, it’s a national emergency, but when Obama
which is not based on any facts.” hands over hundreds of billions of dollars in cash to a
nation that promises to build nuclear weapons to nuke
A Russian senator, Vladimir Jabbarov,
Israel, that’s perfectly fine.
cited by the Independent went so far as to
tell state media the latest claims “were part
of an intelligence community conspiracy to As usual, every insane, anti-American act that Obama
have the President impeached.” pulled off was accepted and even glorified by the media,
while every act that Trump pursues to save America is
“This is a common tactic to try to discredit a venomously demonized. The real position of the left-wing
particular person,” he added. media is:

As I’ve explained in my podcast below, there is also a “Obama could do not wrong, and Trump
“civil war” raging inside the bureaucracy, and some can do no right.”
elements — Obama “sleeper cell” saboteurs — are trying
to set off land mines to destroy Trump from within.
NYT is now a domestic enemy of the United States
Click here for my podcast at the Health Ranger Report, or
listen below (story continues below the podcasts)…
With this latest assault on the Trump presidency, we really
have reached the point where the NYT, Washington Post
and CNN are all active enemies of America, working to
deliberately overthrow the legitimate United States

At the same time, they are also poisoning the minds of

the people with disinformation and hatred in order to gin
up violent riots and foment social unrest. In effect, the left-
wing media is actively trying to cause a violent uprising
while pushing fake news to discredit the President. Just
today, an anti-Trump protest group knocked a 71-year-old
congressional staffer unconscious.
Obama’s team had contact with Iran… and nobody at the
Rohrabacher denounced the left-wing violence, saying:
NYT screamed about it
“I am outraged beyond words that
Even if such contact with the Russians had occurred, protesters who mobbed my Huntington
what’s the big deal? “[R]epresentatives for Barack Beach office violently knocked down my
Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign were accused of faithful district director, Kathleen Staunton,
meeting with Hamas and Iran,” writes causing her to be hospitalized… And, yes,
deliberate or not, the incident came as part
Depending on what took place, the alleged of a mob action that not only intimidates but
contacts with Iran may have violated the coerces. Though the protesters think of
Logan Act, which bars citizens from themselves as idealists, they engaged in
negotiating with foreign governments in political thuggery, pure and simple.”
dispute with the United States…
In 2008, Robert Malley stepped down as an Where does all that hatred and violence come from? The
informal foreign policy adviser to Obama’s NYT, of course. The entire left-wing media is now focused
campaign when it was revealed that he met on fomenting hatred, intolerance and violence in the streets
with Hamas members. while assaulting Donald Trump with fake news reports that
they hope will build toward demands for his impeachment.
Malley admitted to the meetings, but he
claimed he met with the terrorists as part of
his private job. This is the same America-hating media that excused every
violation of law and ethics committed by the Obama
administration and Hillary Clinton’s State Department,
Note carefully that President Obama flew a cargo plane which sold off uranium mining rights to Russian
load of illegally laundered cash into Iran during the last companies, draining a vital military resource from the
few months of his presidency, literally “paying off” the United States.
The degree of active subversion, collusion and treason now number of complicit websites (HuffPost, Politico, Salon,
being committed by NYT and Washington Post etc.) to magically transform “lies” into “FACTS!”
“journalists” has reached the level of active “information
warfare” against America… and it calls for a law-and- The civil war has begun… you are watching its first
order response from the Trump administration which will phase unfold by the hour
sooner or later be forced to make arrests of the
treasonous subversives who have infiltrated the left-
wing media. Click here for my Health Ranger Report podcast that
explains why civil war is “inevitable” if this escalation
Active subversion to overthrow the government is a crime
punishable by death

The justification for making such arrests is already here:

Those traitors have knowingly and deliberately fabricated
false reports, false accusations and false charges against
the legitimate President of the United States government.
They are deliberately working in collusion to cause social
chaos, hatred and derision across the population. Their
goal is the overthrow of the U.S. government and the
installing of Hillary Clinton as their “replacement”
President, whom they will shower with mindless worship
while covering up her long trail of corruption and crimes.

The left-wing media has truly become the single greatest What’s clear at this point is that America is already in a
threat to the future of America. Long gone is any pretense civil war. The first phase of every war is “information
of engaging in legitimate journalism or factual reporting. warfare,” where opposing sides attempt to establish a
Now, the media has become the propaganda wing of left- justification narrative for the violence they plan to pursue
wing radical organizers like international terrorism in phase two.
financier George Soros and former U.S. President Barack
Obama, who’s actually running much of this behind the Understand that right now, the NYT,
scenes from his “shadow White House” from where he Washington Post and CNN are deliberately
commands 30,000 activist “troops” who are conspiring to engaged in establishing the justification
overthrow President Trump. With Obama now controlling narrative for the violent uprising they
“sleeper cell” traitors inside the bureaucracy, and the plan to announce and support. They are
media committing treason on a daily basis by either laying the groundwork, in other words, for a
fabricating anti-American news or publishing genuine violent coup attempt against the United
intelligence secrets, the subversive Left is going all-in to States government.
try to foment a literal communist takeover of the
country. The next phase, by the way, is for them to stage a false
flag attack on liberals that can be blamed on Trump
Removing Trump from office is their highest priority, supporters, so watch for CNN to stage a mass shooting
followed by installing so much hatred in the minds of any day now, complete with “crisis actors” who can cry for
obedient left-wing sheeple that they rise up and start the cameras and relentlessly sob while explaining that pro-
executing their political enemies. The goal, of course, is to NRA, pro-Trump gun supporters massacred their innocent
cause so much chaos and mayhem that the nation becomes children (or some such thing). Once that false flag is
“ungovernable” and is therefore relatively easy to accomplished, the media hammers it home in the minds of
overthrow. the obedient left-wing sheeple until anger boils over and
every major U.S. city revolts with mass chaos, riots and
The plan is already crystal clear in the mind of left-wing violence… all of which the media will characterize as
agitator Michael Moore, who has now called for Hillary “peaceful protests” or “justified resistance” against the
Clinton to be “installed as president” while Trump is “murderous Trump regime.”
This is how they plan to overthrow America, and they are
That’s been the plan from the very start, of course: LIE frighteningly close to achieving it.
about the President, gin up hatred across the population,
fabricate fake news “facts” from the news cartels, and This is why I predict we are all going to “beg for Martial
make sure they are sufficiently repeated across a sufficient Law” in the very near future as the radical Left goes
full-on bat-s##t crazy with violence and mayhem, all

egged on by a complicit media that is deliberately and wing radicals. If you lose the country, America becomes a
actively working to overthrow the U.S. government. That’s killing fields scenario, with uncontrolled civil war raging in
why I say it’s time for Trump to start making arrests of the the streets and towns while communist terrorists run by
anti-American subversives who pretend to be journalists at Obama and Soros stage a coup in Washington D.C. This
the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, etc. scenario is no longer fiction. It is, in fact, the undisclosed
goal of the New York Times.
It has all come down to this: You either protect America
by defeating her enemies, or you lose the country to left-

Obama’s Minions Aim To Humble Trump’s Presidency
Throw A Spotlight On The Hide-Y-Hole Wherever Barack Hussein Is
Stealthily Planning His Revolution. Smoke Him Out! Radical Community
Organizers Should Not Be Allowed To Operate From The Shadows
By Judi McLeod - Bio And Archives
February 15, 2017

“hooker”, cheering the boycott of his daughter’s fashion

products and picking on his 10-year-old son.

Obama’s stealth ‘Spies R Us’ operatives went digging into

the dung heaps on election night.

‘The Political Assassination of National Security

Adviser Michael Flynn’

Even while gloating all the way through the presidential

On the landing page of the Washington Post this morning: campaign that Hillary Rodham Clinton had the presidency
in the bag, like the cunning progressive leftists they are,
“You obviously love great journalism. With they were well prepared to combat, with an in-place
special savings on our National Digital shadow government, the chance victory of the outsider
Edition, you’ll never miss a story.” soon to be smeared worldwide as Misogynist Number One.

The story you shouldn’t miss? The first counter attack came one day after the
inauguration of Donald Trump as America’s 45th
president. You can’t put a 400,000-activist strong
‘The Washington Post’s underhanded Women’s March in Washington, D.C. overnight.
“Humbling of a president’.
While so many in the masses reeled in disgust at March
The WaPo ‘humbling of a president’
participant Madonna declaring she wanted to “blow up the
story is misleading, unprofessional and White House”, Obama’s handpicked ‘Spies R Us’ had a
inaccurate plan in place for really blowing up the White House called:
‘The Political Assassination of National Security Adviser
No president is ever “humbled” because the digital Michael Flynn’.
dilettantes of the Washington Post say so.
BOOM! Led by the Washington Post and
‘The Humbling of a president’ story, is posted on the New York Times, the mainstream
today’s Drudge Report,—but to get past the headline to the media could now pick up the pieces of the
WaPo story, you have to sign in as a subscriber. spy bomb and run with them.

The WaPo ‘humbling of a president’ story is misleading, According to them, the unwashed masses hoping for a
unprofessional and inaccurate. It is not President Donald better life for America would never know what hit them.
J. Trump who is “humbled” but a mainstream media
working hand in hand with the progressive left down at the Fired by President Barack Obama as DIA director in 2014
bottom of their voluminous dirty tricks bag working after daring to present sworn testimony before Congress
feverishly to humble him. that argued Obama’s belief that radical Islamic terrorism,
including ISIS, was not a major threat, Flynn’s days were
Humbling the president means making up the kind of already numbered.
stories you see in the supermarket tabloids. Humbling the
new president means inferring that his wife was a

If Hillary didn’t get him, a hiding-it-out Obama would president and foreign leaders to what
appears to be high-level [Foreign
If Hillary didn’t get him, a hiding-it-out Obama would. Intelligence Surveillance Court] information,
to the leaking of American citizens being
denied security clearances, it looks like a
“Since Trump and Flynn entered the White pattern.”
House, anonymous sources have given
select reporters information about “A Wall Street Journal editorial Tuesday
telephone intercepts conducted by the asked, “Did U.S. spooks have a court order
National Security Agency (NSA). (Daily to listen to his conversations?”
Caller, Feb. 14, 2017) “Former intelligence and military officers
told TheDCNF they agree Flynn was the
This is the same NSA that spied on the American public victim of a highly orchestrated
without intervention of any kind from the Obama “disinformation campaign” generated by
administration current and former intelligence officers,
many with loyalties to former President
“The classified information secretly given to Obama.”
reporters purportedly showed that Flynn
discussed sanctions on Dec. 29, when 35 The theory that “the president has been humbled” is
Russian diplomats were being expelled that the work of digital dilettantes
same day by the outgoing Obama
administration. (DailyCaller) That spy operatives of the same president caught on an
“Other intelligence leaks have open mic hinting he could do more for Russia after his
revealed Trump’s private discussions with reelection, bites.
heads of state soon after he became
president-elect. The public should be having a cow at this blatant coup
“In a Feb. 9 story, The Washington d’état to bring the Trump government down and probably
Post cited unnamed “current and former will.
U.S. officials” who accused Flynn of
violating the law in a Dec. 29 telephone The theory that “the president has been humbled” is the
conversation with Russian Ambassador work of digital dilettantes like the Washington Post who
Sergey Kislvak. want the president humbled.
“Flynn called the leaks of classified
information against government officials Don’t fall for their propaganda.
“unprecedented,” and predicted
those would be the focus of future Don’t sign on as a Washington Post subscriber; don’t
congressional investigations. believe everything you read in the mainstream media.
“Members of Congress are very concerned
because these are leaks from classified Message to the citizen journalists who are the public’s only
systems. The House and Senate are hope of unearthing the truth: Find out and name the
looking into those things, as they should,” “current and former U.S. officials” cited by the
he told TheDCNF. Washington Post, who accused Flynn of violating the law
in a Dec. 29 telephone call.
“The issue of government leaks is an issue
for House Permanent Select Committee on
Throw a spotlight on the hide-y-hole wherever Barack
Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes. On
Monday, Nunes told Bloomberg News that Hussein is stealthily planning his revolution. Smoke him
he views leaks about Flynn’s private out! Radical Community Organizers should not be allowed
conversation as part of a pattern. to operate from the shadows.

“There does appear to be a well- Drag Citizen Obama out from where ever he is hiding and
orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and make him fight the American people face to face.
others in the administration,” said Nunes,
who is a California Republican. “From the
leaking of phone calls between the Semper Fidelis!

Explosive New Hacking
Scandal Has Democrats' Fingerprints
Criminal Investigation Into What IT Contractors Did Set To Blow Up
Bob Unruh
February 15, 2017

The three brothers had access to various computer systems

and pathways.

Remember the hue and cry raised by Democrats over the

“Russians” hacking their computer systems during the
2016 presidential election? Imran Awan pictured alongside former President Bill Clinton
(Photo: LinkedIn)

How there should be investigations? How someone – a

Republican – must be at fault? How whatever interaction But then, just days ago, they were abruptly relieved of
Donald Trump ever had with Russia was viewed their duties and banned from the networks because of
“suspicion that they accessed
And now there are Democrats’ attacks on Trump over congressional computers without
Michael Flynn, his national security adviser who was permission.”
forced to resign this week over conversations with
the Russian ambassador to the U.S. The report said three members of the intelligence panel
and five members of the House Committee on Foreign
Investigate, they demand. Not just Flynn, but Trump, too. Affairs

Yet the Democrats are mum over their own explosive “were among the dozens of members who
hacking scandal, which could overshadow Watergate, employed the suspects on a shared basis.”
Filegate, Travelgate and dozens of other Washington “The two committees deal with many of the
scandals. nation’s most sensitive issues and
documents, including those related to the
The allegation is that Democrats hired tech staffers who war on terrorism.”
were Pakistani nationals, and they likely gained
illegal access to secret congressional information. WND made dozens of calls and sent dozens of emails on
Tuesday asking members who might have hired the
And that includes classified documents. brothers for comment and an update on the status of the
Flynn resigned late Monday after reports that he not been
truthful with Vice President Mike Pence about his A spokesman for Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., responded
discussions with the Russian ambassador about sanctions. tersely,

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported brothers “Can’t comment on this one.”
Imran, Jamal and Abid Awan had been working for IT
departments of multiple Democratic congressional offices.

A spokeswoman in the office of Rep. Diana Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage Magazine recently
DeGette, D-Colo., said it was a “personnel outlined what is known about the breach and the
matter,” and “that’s all I’m going to say.” implications.

Among the many offices WND contacted, without Imran Awan and his two brothers, Jamal and Abid, are at
generating a response, were those for Democrats Andre the center of an investigation into, among other things,
Carson, Luis Guiterez, Jim Himes, Terri Sewell, Jackie allegations of illegal access. They have been barred from
Speier, Mike Quigley, Eric Swalwell, Patrick Murphy, the House of Representatives network.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joaquini Castro, Lois Frankel,
Ted Lieu, Robin Kelly, Tammy Duckworth, Mark A member of Congress feared that they
Takano and John Sarbanes. “may have stolen data from us.”

What do YOU think? Sound off on the criminal probe into Greenfield reported that the three Pakistani brothers had
Democrat staffers in Congress worked only for Democrats, including members of the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. It was
‘Very concerning’ not even a year after eight Democrats on that committee

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a member of the Oversight and “issued a demand that their staffers be
Government Reform Committee, said something must be granted access to top secret classified
done. information,” he reported.

“I hope we investigate this issue,” he said. There’s a special concern about Carson, he revealed.
“The facts regarding technology
procurement and potentially illegal “Carson is the second Muslim in Congress
violations of the House IT network by and the first Muslim on the House
several Democratic staffers is very Permanent Select Committee on
concerning.” Intelligence and, more critically, is the
ranking member on its Emerging Threats
Philip Haney, a former Department of Homeland Security Subcommittee,” Greenfield wrote. “He is
officer and co-author of “See Something, Say Nothing,” a also a member of the Department of
book about his effort to expose the U.S. governments Defense Intelligence and Overhead
capitulation to Islamic supremacists, said the case will be a Architecture Subcommittee. The Emerging
bellwether. Threats Subcommittee, of which Carson is
a ranking member, is responsible for much
“This particular breach of security will of counterterrorism oversight. It is the worst
reveal how seriously our three branches of possible place for a man with Carson’s
government actually take the threat posed credentials.”
by what appears to be a network of at least
five Muslim operatives, who have managed Greenfield continued:
to soak their way into the very heart of our
constitutional republic,” he said. “Carson had inherited his grandmother’s
“Let’s hope that this scandal isn’t just swept seat and exploited it to promote a radical
under the rug, or allowed to fade quietly Islamist agenda. He has interfaced with a
into the background, like so many others laundry list of Islamist groups from CAIR to
that have, but instead becomes a case ISNA to ICNA to MPAC. Islamists have
study in how our elected officials defend funded Carson’s career to the tune of tens
the Constitution against all enemies, both of thousands of dollars. The Center for
foreign and domestic. Security Policy has put together a dossier
of Carson’s connections to the Muslim
Haney said that in “this hyper-political Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is the
environment, anything less than parent organization of many key Islamic
unrestrained bipartisan cooperation in a full terror groups posing a threat to our national
investigation, followed by subsequent security including al-Qaida and Hamas.
prosecution, if warranted, will be seen not Andre Carson shared the stage at a CAIR
only as an open indictment, but also as a banquet with Sirraj Wahaj: an unindicted
blatant display of malevolent hypocrisy.” co-conspirator in the World Trade Center
bombing who had once declared, ‘You
Illegal access don’t get involved in politics because it’s
the American thing to do. You get involved The Daily Caller noted in a subsequent report that the staff
in politics because politics are a weapon to members allegedly involved also had
use in the cause of Islam.’ CAIR itself had
been named an unindicted co-conspirator “multiple suspicious mortgage transfers
in terror finance.” and a debt-evading bankruptcy.”

While the Democrats were demanding security clearances One, Abid,

for staff members,
“had more than $1 million in debts following
“three Pakistani Muslims working for them a failed business called Cars International
appear to have compromised security to an that he ran in Falls Church, Va., from
unknown degree,” he said. November 2009 to September 2010.”
“It’s unclear how Abid found time to run an
Greenfield asked:
automotive business while working full time
for Congress. He had been on the
“Why were the Awan brothers, one of congressional payroll since 2005. A
whom had a criminal record, even allowed congressional credit union repossessed
to work in such a sensitive position? How two of his personal cars before the
did the personnel suspected in this case business folded.”
pass background checks? And was any
classified information compromised as a The report continued:
result of these alleged breaches?”
“Abid filed for bankruptcy in 2012, but
What do YOU think? Sound off on the criminal probe somehow managed to keep ownership of
into Democrat staffers in Congress two houses while telling the bankruptcy
court and creditors that he had no assets
3 brothers paid $160,000 a year, each with which to pay them. He signed a sworn
statement that he and his wife, Natalia
The Daily Caller reported that the staff members were Soba, were living apart and needed
dismissed from some congressional offices after the separate residences.”
investigation was revealed, but apparently not from all
right away. And they each were being paid in the range of The Daily Caller said Abid’s record
$160,000 a year.
“includes numerous driving- and alcohol-
Politico has reported the criminal investigation related legal problems, including driving
also involves allegations the employees stole equipment, with a suspended or revoked license, court
and the Center for Security Policy said it was especially records show.”
alarmed that Carson was among the members of Congress
involved, since it has “Police State USA: How Orwell’s
Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality,”
marshals the terrifying evidence to
“documented Carson’s extensive and show the world of Big Brother is much
alarming ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.” closer than we want to admit.

Maxine Waters: Flynn Just The ‘Tip Of The Iceberg’ Of
White House Collusion With Russia [VIDEO]
Written By Philip Hodges
February 15, 2017

“Michael Flynn has a reputation as a liar,

and someone who can not be trusted,” she
told Bill Press in an interview. “I’ve always
believed that there has been collusion
between the Trump outfit here, and Russia
and the Kremlin. So I believe this is the tip
of the iceberg.”

General Flynn maintains that he ‘crossed no lines’ in his

discussion with Russia’s ambassador after the election, but
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is the one who had trouble
before the inauguration.
remembering the Syrian city of Aleppo when she was
trying to describe the atrocities of the Russians. She’s also
the one who thought Russia was continuing to invade He expressed concern about how the intel was garnered.
Korea. We think she meant Crimea, but you never know
with these politicians. They’re used to getting the talking “In some of these cases, you’re talking
points immediately prior to press conferences and about stuff that’s taken off of a classified
interviews. Maybe she just misread the cue cards. system and given to a reporter. That’s a
crime,” Flynn told The Daily Caller.
Now, she’s certain that General Michael Flynn – the now- “You call them leaks. It’s a criminal act.
former White House National Security Advisor – is just This is a crime. It’s not just a wink and a
the ‘tip of the iceberg’ when it comes to Russia nod,” he said.
orchestrating every move of the Trump administration.

George Soros Gave Jared Kushner $259 Million Credit.
Thirty Pieces Of Silver To Betray Trump And
The American People?
From Jewish Business News
February 15, 2017

So why exactly would George Soros agree to help a new

venture from Jared Kushner who is now serving as an
advisor in the Donald Trump White House? After all,
Soros and Trump really seem to hate one another. Well its
like the famous line from “The Godfather”:

Its just business, nothing personal.

Besides, George Soros offered credit to Jared Kushner and

his brother Joshua Kushner and not Donald Trump.

Well, we now know absolutely for certain why Soros gave

credit to Kushner. Kushner was behind Trump’s disastrous
It turns out that George Soros is the money behind a new decision to drop his original transition team and replace
real estate venture called Cadre which was founded by them with Mike Pence, Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon,
Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner and his brother all of whom have been steadily working against him, his
Joshua Kushner. image and his policies, whether Trump is fully aware of it
or not.
The Real Deal has uncovered the fact that George Soros
was the man who provided Cadre with a $259 million line It is not clear what other special credit lines Kushner has
of credit. A source told the publication, been getting from Wall Street. But my bet is that Kushner
has done secret deals with the banks to remain liquid if and
“Soros has had a long and productive when the economy implodes so that he can buy up
relationship with the Kushner family.” foreclosed properties.

The financing was provided; even though, Soros has called As for Mike Pence, Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus,
President Trump a “would-be dictator.” their closeness to Kushner and their actions strongly
suggest the notion they are all Soros operatives. Soros
…. bribes some, blackmails others.

Is There A Conspiracy Inside Washington To Destroy
Trump's Inner Circle? Top Republican Claims Flynn Was
The Appetizer - Kellyanne Will Be Next
And Trump Is 'The Entree'
 Speaking To Bloomberg View Columnist Eli Lake, Rep. Devin Nunes Suggested There Was A
Nefarious Pattern In The Leaks Plaguing The Trump Administration
 Nunes Believed The Resignation Of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn Was Just The
Beginning As Other Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Will Be Targeted
 'First It's Flynn, Next It Will Be Kellyanne Conway, Then It Will Be Steve Bannon, Then It
Will Be Reince Priebus,' The Republican Lawmaker Said
By Nikki Schwab, U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com
Published: 20:34 EST, 14 February 2017 | Updated: 11:12 EST, 15 February 2017

One Republican lawmaker is saying he sees a pattern in contents of his conversation with Russian Amb. Sergey
the leaks that brought down President Donald Trump's Kislyak were clearly monitored by the government, and
National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. then, so easily got out.

Speaking to national security columnist Eli Lake of

Bloomberg View, Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
suggested that Flynn may be just be the beginning of
Trump's inner circle fallen by enemies within the U.S.

'First it's Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne

Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then
it will be Reince Priebus,' Nunes told the
right-of-center Lake, who then referred to
Flynn as the 'appetizer' and the president
as 'the entree.'
Bloomberg View columnist Eli Lake talked to Rep. Devin Nunes
about the many leaks tripping up the Trump administration

At the time, Flynn was the incoming National Security

Advisor, but his correspondence was seemingly monitored
by the FBI or the NSA, Lake wrote.

'It's very rare that reporters are ever told

about government-monitored
communications of U.S. citizens, let alone
senior U.S. officials,' Lake wrote.

Rep. Devin Nunes told Bloomberg View columnist Eli Later he added,
Lake that he's concerned about all the leaks and suggested
'Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and
'it looks like a pattern' citizens are some of the most tightly held
government secrets.'
One of the most notable things about the Flynn fall-from-
grace story, Lake pointed out, was the fact that the

Not in this case, however, which caused Nunes to suggest Days after Trump conversed with foreign leaders,
that something really didn't smell right. embarrassing details have leaked out, including that the
president had to ask aides about a nuclear arms treaty,
'There does appear to be a well while on the phone with Russian leader Vladimir Putin,
orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and and that he and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm
others in the administration,' Nunes told the Turnbull had a fraught back-and-forth over an Obama era
Bloomberg View columnist. refugee resettlement plan.

On Friday, one of Flynn's top deputies, Robin Townley,

was denied a security clearance from the CIA, Politico
reported, citing two unnamed sources, which prevented
Townley from serving on the National Security Council.

Nunes told Lake he planned to ask the FBI to investigate

the Flynn leak and find out if the outgoing national
security advisor was the target of a law enforcement
investigation. The Washington Post previously reported
that Flynn was not being looked at by the FBI.
President Donald Trump's National Security Advisor Michael Flynn
resigned last night, over phone calls that he had with Russia's
ambassador before the president was sworn in

WHO'S NEXT? Devin Nunes suggested those leaking dirt about

Trump administration officials could come after Kellyanne Conway The New York Times reported that Flynn did have a
(left) next, followed by Steve Bannon (center) and then chief of staff conversation with the FBI over his conversation with the
Reince Priebus (right)
Kremlin representative, as they were concerned he didn't
tell them the whole truth.

Lake pointed out that there were a number of places

investigators could turn in sniffing out Flynn's, and the
administration's, adversaries.

'Flynn was a fat target for the national

security state,' the columnist wrote. 'He had
cultivated a reputation as a reformer and a
fierce critic of the intelligence community
leaders he once served with when he was
the director of the Defense Intelligence
DINNER IS SERVED? As Rep. Devin Nunes listed off Agency under President Barack Obama.'
the administration officials who could be impacted by the
bevvy of leaks, columnist Eli Lake considered them the The Bloomberg columnist suggested the Flynn leak could
'appetizers,' with President Donald Trump playing the role be over partisan politics as well.
of 'the entree'
He reminded readers that Flynn became a national name
'From the leaking of phone calls between when he spoke onstage at last summer's Republican
the president and foreign leaders to what National Convention in Cleveland, on the heels of being
appears to be high-level FISA Court rumored to be Trump's veep.
information, to the leaking of American
citizens being denied security clearances, it 'He was also a fat target for Democrats,'
looks like a pattern,' Nunes said. Lake wrote.

Bill Kristol Backs ‘Deep State’
Over President Trump, Republican Government
By Neil Munro
15 Feb 2017

The “deep state” is jargon for the semi-hidden army of

bureaucrats, officials, retired officials, legislators,
contractors and media people who support and defend
established government policies.

Those “deep state” officials include the intelligence, law-

enforcement and national security officials who worked in
President Barack Obama’s administration but who are still
working in permanent or temporary positions in the White
House and in surrounding agencies. Many of those
officials are believed to be leaking information from
within the White House to allies in the anti-Trump media,
including Kristol.

Coming after Flynn’s departure, Kristol’s Tweet indicates

Foreign-policy hawk Bill Kristol Tweeted his support for the semi-hidden — and potentially illegal
out his preference for a political victory — actions by government officials who helped push out
by “the deep state” above the nation’s Flynn by taping and leaking his private calls with the
laws and over President Donald Russian ambassador.
Trump’s voters and policies, amid an
increasing furor over the forced Flynn's resignation seems a bit like
resignation of Gen. Mike Flynn. Watergate. Democrats, media & the IC
Obviously strongly prefer normal went after Nixon, and in some ways
democratic and constitutional politics. But if unfairly. Still, he was guilty.
it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the — Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) February 14,
Trump state. 2017
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) February 14,
2017 Throughout the 2016 election, Kristol strongly opposed

Top Neocon, Bill Kristol, Exposes His True Undemocratic
Feelings During High Moment On Twitter
By The_Real_Fly
Feb 15, 2017 12:58 AM

Bill Kristol's father was one of the founders of the neocon And now here he is laid bare. Do we need any further
movement. Essentially, they were former communists who proof that these people are a threat to democracy?
were loyal to Trotsky who toiled to overthrow Stalin, in an
effort to spread communism. After the USSR collapsed,
they coopted the GOP and used 'democracy' as their call
for global revolution, which was essentially code for
empire through war.

Naturally, they've been part of the government for a long

time, via Kissinger and Brzezinski, but they only truly
came out in the open under the idiot Bush.

Here's an excellent piece discussing them.


NYT Intent On
Wrecking Trump’s Administration
From Stephen Lendman

The problem with Trump’s deplorable record in office so The Times was a co-conspirator against Flynn, calling him
far is the alternative is worse. “a hothead and an ideologue…not fit to be national
security adviser,” adding:
America’s political system is too debauched to fix. One-
party governance with two right wings constitutes fantasy “That Mr. Trump clung to such a
democracy, voting a waste of time, a worthless exercise. compromised person in such a sensitive
position is at best an abysmal failure of
Dirty business as usual always wins. On all issues judgment.”
mattering most, column A and B are in lockstep. All the
uproar going on reflects contesting for power. “All this puts more pressure on Congress to
Over the longterm, both sides take turns sharing it, serving
wealth and privilege at the expense of the general welfare, The Times wants Trump officials investigated. It wants
a deplorable situation, each administration turning out more heads to roll, his administration wrecked.
worse than its predecessor.
It’s seething over his electoral triumph, defeating Hillary,
The Times supported the Clinton co-presidency, its favorite. It wants revenge.
Bush/Cheney and Obama, ignoring 24 years of high crimes
at home and abroad - the worst period in US history since It wants imperial and neoliberal harshness the way it’s
the Civil War years. been for the last generation continued uninterrupted - no
matter the enormous harm done to so many worldwide,
The self-styled newspaper of record blasted Trump’s including adversarial relations maintained with all
administration as dysfunctional and dishonest, independent nations, notably Russia.

“ill prepared…to protect the nation” - from Conditions in America are deplorable, including endless
what it didn’t explain. wars of aggression, corporate favoritism at the expense of
ordinary people, and tyranny heading for full-blown.
No enemies exist except invented ones.
Dante’s Inferno comes to mind, saying
Deep state long knives targeted Michael Flynn, the best
hope for better relations with Russia now gone. Trump “(a)bandon hope, all ye who enter here.”
erred in sacking his key foreign policy advisor, weakening
himself in process, making others in his administration Is this where America is heading, along with planet earth if
vulnerable. its endless war on humanity continues?

“Border Tax”: Word-Manipulation
Used To Stop Trump’s Economic Plan
By Jon Rappoport
February 15, 2017

I’ll get to the devious word-manipulation in a minute, but Here are current news headlines. Read them and then I’ll
first a bit of background. explain.

Corporate Globalists are now gathering their forces to New York Times:
destroy Trump’s economic plan.
“Profitable pickups may be in cross hairs of
Their goal: stop Trump from laying tariffs on goods Trump’s border tax.”
exported to America.
Trump has announced a simple and straightforward idea. If
US companies shut down factories here and set them up in “Target, Gap, Best Buy and other retailers
Third World hell holes, with slave labor and no going to DC to oppose border tax…”
environmental rules, and then export those goods back to
the US, they’ll have to pay a stiff tariff. Reuters:

That tariff will cut them off at the knees. They won’t be
“Retail CEOs head to Washington to try to
able to sell their products so cheaply here. In fact, they’d kill US border tax.”
be better off re-opening their factories in the US and re-
employing all those workers they threw out of jobs when
they left the US. Automotive News:

Trump’s other obvious idea: countries where the labor is “US border tax could raise vehicle tax…”
cheap have their own native companies, of course, who are
producing goods and exporting them to the US— Wall St. Journal:
undercutting American companies who make the same
products. Those foreign companies would also have to pay “Border tax could upend global markets…”
a stiff tariff, putting them on an equal footing with US
manufacturers. Drudge summary of Financial Times:

Globalists hate these plans. They want predatory “BRUSSELS GEARS UP FOR HIGH-
corporations to roam free all over the world, gutting STAKES CHALLENGE TO ‘US BORDER
economies, and exporting their products to one and all, TAX’ PLAN… Biggest case in World Trade
without paying tariffs. Organization history…”

This is what 50 years of conferences (1945-1995) on the There are many more headlines along the same line. And
treaty called GATT were all about. Knocking out tariffs. they all mention “border tax.” What are they talking
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade culminated about?
in the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), a
pillar of the new world economic order.
Well, “border tax” equals “tariff,” a word that has been
used since the founding of the American Republic. But
Now, there is panic as Trump appears to be going after the suddenly the memo has gone out to mainstream news to
WTO and its grand foundation. use this other term instead.

And so we come to the word-manipulation. Why? Because “border tax” suggests the idea of a tax
connected with immigration, as in “border.” Yes, tariffs
are traditionally collected at a nation’s border (a port)

when imported goods arrive. But no one had been calling a When “new world order” and “new international economic
tariff a border tax until now, when Trump is under heavy order” came into vogue, decades ago, the psyop was based
fire for his temporary immigration ban. on the idea that “new” was preferable to “old,” and “order”
was much better than “chaos.”
In order to pile on, and give a negative twist to the idea of
a tariff, conflating it with immigration, we have “border Of course, “new world order” backfired, because millions
tax.” Another bonus: everyone dislikes more taxes. So of people saw through it.
“border tax” has two negatives.
Hopefully, the same thing will happen now to “border
It’s called mind-control propaganda by tax.”
word association.
War is peace. As in:
Ignorance is strength.
“Why yes, borders are good. They should
And tariffs are (immigration) border taxes. be solid and well defined and protected.
In the same way, sheer corporate greed And that’s where tariffs are collected. Plus,
(demanding an end to tariffs) has long draconian corporations should pay their
been called “free trade.” It sounds positive. taxes. Border-tax. It’s a terrific idea. Let’s
It’s the opposite of “slave trade.” do it.”

More language manipulation. Wouldn’t you prefer being

free to being a slave?

Kellyanne Conway Bashing Targets Trump
From Stephen Lendman

Ousting Michael Flynn was all about harming Trump. The

same goes for Conway, Counselor to the President, a key Trump’s the target. The strategy is weaken him by going
White House position. after key administration officials, wanting him
delegitimized - the end game either harming him
A previous article discussed her harmless faux pas on Fox irreparably or driving him from office by impeachment,
News, saying trial and conviction, resignation or more sinister means.

“(g)o buy (Trump daughter) Ivanka’s OGE director Walter Shaub called Conway’s action a
stuff…It’s a wonderful line. I own some of it.
I'm going to give a free commercial here. “clear violation” of ethics rules, saying
Go buy it today.” “there is strong reason to believe (she)
violated the Standards of Conduct Act…”
It was a minor indiscretion of no consequence in response
to Nordstrom dropping her line, possibly at odds with US He requested the White House to investigate the matter,
law, prohibiting then send its findings and any proposed disciplinary action
to OGE by end of February.
“use of public office for private gain,”
including “endorse(ments) (of any) product, Whoever put Shaub up to this wants Conway either ousted
service or enterprise.” or heavily tarnished to harm Trump. Lots more dominos
may fall.
Conway’s comment wasn’t intended for personal gain, so
the whole business should have amounted to much ado Taking them out or damaging their reputations enough
about nothing. weakens their ability to serve effectively.

Not in Washington, especially with Trump bashing so If this dirty game continues relentlessly, the last domino to
intense. The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) wants fall may be Trump. That’s what it’s all about.
her investigated, disciplinary action following if
warranted. First eliminate or discredit his key people. Then take him
out or force total capitulation to longstanding deplorable
You can’t make this stuff up whatever comes of this. policies. In the meantime, Washington’s imperial agenda
Attacking her is solely meant harm Trump. She, Flynn and continues without missing a beat.
likely other administration officials to follow are punching

The Guy Trump Just Put In Charge
Of The Economy Has Deep Ties To George Soros
Written By Carey Wedler
February 15, 2017 At 7:48 Am

for bankrolling liberal causes and

candidates. Mnuchin later worked directly
for Soros Fund Management. During the
2016 campaign season, Soros donated
heavily to Priorities USA Action, a pro-
Hillary Clinton super PAC.”

Though Newsweek notes it is

(ANTIMEDIA) Donald Trump’s cabinet picks have “not clear from news reports how close
raised doubts about his commitment to the anti- Mnuchin and Soros were, if at all,”
establishment platform he promoted during the presidential
race. Though he drew praise shortly after the election for
taking meetings with people as diverse as Democratic the outlet continued:
Senator Tulsi Gabbard and a libertarian who advocates
abolishing the Federal Reserve, his final selections were “In 2004, Mnuchin departed to start his own
less predictable. hedge fund, Dune Capital Management.
Bloomberg News reported that Dune ‘got
The president’s selection of hedge fund manager Steven hundreds of millions of dollars from Soros.’”
Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary — and Mnuchin’s
subsequent confirmation on Monday — has drawn This is particularly newsworthy, especially considering
criticism, in part, because of Mnuchin’s seventeen-year Trump mouthpiece Breitbart News has covered the
career at Goldman Sachs. However, the loathed financial revelation that Soros allegedly donated $650,000 to Black
giant’s presence in American politics is, at this point, par Lives Matter, which many on the right have accused of
for the course — even when it’s instigated by a candidate being a terrorist organization. In their article on Trump’s
who campaigned on “draining the swamp.” selection of Munchin, however, Breitbart’s only
acknowledgment of the candidate’s ties to Soros read:
Beyond Goldman Sachs, more concerning to Trump
supporters who expect change from their new president “He also partnered briefly with liberal
should be Mnuchin’s ties to one of the most hated leftist financier George Soros.”
figures in America: George Soros.
They made no mention of the “hundreds of millions of
It’s one thing to purchase stock or invest in a company dollars” tied up between Trump’s pick and the alleged
whose values you disagree with. After all, Green Party neoliberal puppet master, nor that the actual ties of Soros’
candidate Jill Stein admitted last year that regretfully, her organizations to protesters are scant — and about as
investment portfolio includes companies reliant on fossil extensive as Mnuchin’s own ties to the billionaire
fuel and other industries that clash with her ideology. Still, financier.
she noted they were choices made by investors who
manage her wealth. As journalist Justin King reported for Fifth Column News
shortly after the election, when protesters were accused of
But Mnuchin didn’t just invest in a company tied to being hired by Soros:
George Soros — or have others do so. He actually started
an investment fund with him. From Newsweek: “There it was. Money had certainly flowed
from Soros to these organizations. Three in
“After departing Goldman, Mnuchin went to particular.
work for SFM Capital Management, a firm “United We Dream: This organization
backed by billionaire George Soros, known received $75,000 from Open Societies.
Clean Water Action: Received about to function from principle and question Trump’s
$36,000 from an organization called appointment. After all, according to Breitbart, which now
America Votes that draws funding from an holds a powerful position in the Trump administration,
organization Soros is said to support. Soros is a dangerous man. Of his initiative to work with
the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Breitbart wrote:
“Washington CAN!: This organization
received $50,000 from Open Societies.
“The institutional left’s funding behemoth
“While this may seem like concrete W.K. Kellogg Foundation has partnered
evidence, there’s a problem. United We with and given major donations to George
Dream received that money in 2010. Clean Soros’s Open Society Institute and the
Water Action obtained their funds two Tides Center as part of its massive push
years ago. Washington CAN! obtained its to promote a far-left agenda.” [emphasis
money seven years ago. Incidentally, their added]
funds were used to purchase telemarketing
Though Mnuchin’s ties to Goldman Sachs hardly imply
Trump’s pick is eager to push a “far-left agenda,” his
As King established, the ties Soros had to protest and proximity to Soros in any capacity — let alone a profit-
activist groups were circumstantial and failed to prove any making venture — should be cause for alarm among a
direct links between the funds and actions taken in the demographic that claims to be eager to remove special
streets following the election. But that didn’t stop many influences from positions of power.
right-leaning news organizations from reporting heavily on
the Soros-funded resistance. If these tenuous ties are to be
taken seriously, however, the same standard must also be But it’s not just Mnucnhin’s ties to Soros that should raise
applied to Soros’ ties to Mnuchin; they may not be explicit eyebrows. In the 2016 election, Mnuchin donated to only
or reveal that Mnuchin has taken tangible actions taken as four entities: Donald Trump, who received the vast
a result of the money. But the investment endeavors and majority of funds; Kamala Harris, a Democrat; Michael
transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars is, by the logic Wildes, a Democrat; and ActBlue, a super PAC that
used to indict protests, enough to discredit Mnuchin. describes itself as a

King astutely notes: “the online clearinghouse for Democratic

“If these circumstantial ties through years-
old financial deals are enough to make you In 2008, he donated to the presidential campaigns of Mitt
believe Soros is in control of these Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and…wait for it… Democrats
organizations, then it doesn’t matter what Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Bill
the protesters do because Soros is in Richardson, and John Edwards, as well as several
control of President Trump. Soros funded Democrats running for Congress. He also donated funds to
Trump Tower. In 2008, Trump and Soros Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama when they were
were both defendants in a RICO complaint. running for Senate. He has an indisputably
Trump and Soros are such good friends, extensive history of contributing election funds to
they spent Christmas Eve together. Those Democrats.
are the same sort of open-ended ties that
are being used to confirm this theory.” Ultimately, what Mnuchin’s financial ties prove is not only
that he represents the swamp Trump vowed to drain, but
Soros has largely become a kiss of death to politicians, that when it comes to financial moguls seeking to wield
especially those on the right. Often, conspiracy theories influence over the political process, there is little room for
swirl around Soros’ plots to take over the world and partisanship.
institute a new liberal order. While these theories are
difficult to prove simply through financial ties and the Though Mnuchin’s ties to reviled financial institutions
billionaire’s emphatic support for Hillary Clinton, the may be easy for Trump supporters to dismiss – just as
stigma surrounding the mogul continues. many Obama loyalists did — it should be more difficult
for them to explain away the new Treasury Secretary’s ties
Whether or not these theories about Soros are true, the to the leftist archvillain.
Trump-supporting wing of the United States would do well

Trump: 'Fake News Media Is Going Crazy
With Their Conspiracy Theories And Blind Hatred'
Chris Menahan - InformationLiberation
Feb. 15, 2017

"Information is being illegally given to the

failing New York Times & Washington Post
by the intelligence community (NSA and
FBI?). Just like Russia."

The New York Times' top story yesterday was a rehashed

article titled, "Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated
Contacts With Russian Intelligence," which had zero
incriminating information yet made leftists go wild
because they took the suggestive headline at face value and
President Trump attacked the "fake news media" failed to read the endless series of caveats in the actual
Wednesday morning for "going crazy with their article.
conspiracy theories and blind hatred."

"MSNBC and CNN are unwatchable," he

added, and just to trigger leftists, he threw
in "Fox And Friends is great!"

Trump also thanked Eli Lake, a huge critic of his, for

acknowledging in Bloomberg that the takedown of
Michael Flynn was a "political assassination."

Trump also attacked the lying media's new red scare, "Thank you to Eli Lake of The Bloomberg
tweeting: "This Russian connection non-sense is merely an View - "The NSA & FBI...should not
attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary interfere in our politics...and is" Very
Clinton's losing campaign." serious situation for USA," Trump tweeted.

How anyone could be deluded enough to think Trump

would leave his posh life as a billionaire to try and become
president so he could hand over America to Vladimir Putin
is beyond me, but the lying media knows through endless It's straight up treason and as House Intelligence
repetition they can get stupid people to believe anything. Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said, these deep state
leakers "belong in jail".
In another tweet, Trump also speculated who was illegally
leaking information to the media:
Flynn’s Head Rolls.
Is Trump’s Next?

Pence stood by Flynn initially, telling media outlets that

there was nothing untoward in the phone calls.

Legally, a private US citizen – which Flynn was at that

stage before Trump became inaugurated on January 10 – is
not permitted to talk about government policy with a
foreign state in a presumptive official capacity.

Apparently now, as it turns out, sanctions were discussed

between Flynn and Kislyak, according to FBI investigators
and US officials quoted by the Washington Post. Russia
has refused to comment on the nature of the phone calls.

Just three weeks into the Trump presidency, and his

What was Flynn thinking of? At one stage during the
political enemies in the Washington establishment have
Obama administration, he had served as head of the
scored big, with the forced resignation of Trump’s
Defense Intelligence Agency – one of the 16 US federal
National Security advisor Michael Flynn. The
spy organizations. It seems incredible that given his
establishment includes state intelligence agencies and
expertise in matters of US state surveillance practice,
aligned corporate news media, who have been gunning for
Flynn could have been so reckless as to hold phone
Trump ever since his shock election last November.
conversations with Russia’s top diplomat in Washington
on national security issues outside of his then remit.
It’s a hugely damaging blow to the inner circle of the
Trump White House. The US media reporting on Flynn’s
Especially considering too that Flynn was shortly about to
resignation this week had the unmistakable air of victory-
assume office as a senior national security advisor to the
crowing. Like sharks in a pool, they smell blood.
new president, Donald Trump, who was already under
intense media scrutiny over his alleged links to Russia.
Flynn had to go after the Washington Post and others
reported that he wasn’t telling the truth about phone calls
Not only hold phone conversations, but as seems likely,
he had been holding with Russian ambassador Sergey
Flynn broached the subject of how US sanctions levied by
Kislyak during the transition to the Trump administration.
Obama might be lifted under the Trump administration.
Flynn hadn’t denied the calls in late December, but he had
For Flynn not to realize that every word would be tapped
maintained that the subject of US sanctions on Russia were
by US intelligence seems an incredible lapse of judgment
not discussed.
on his part.

Persistently the US media did not give up on the charges

The suspect phone contact occurred at the time Obama
against Flynn, which shows that their confidence on the
sanctioned several Russian diplomats over allegations that
subject was underwritten by intelligence sources. Or put
Russian hackers had interfered in the presidential
another way, this was an intelligence-led witch-hunt which
elections. Those allegations of Russian state-sponsored
was based on the illegal disclosure of private information.
hacking have never been proven.

Flynn had told the US Vice President Mike Pence that

The way the Washington Post tells it, US intelligence
sanctions were not discussed and that the conversation
officials were surprised when Russian President Vladimir
with the Russian diplomat was only about seasonal
Putin did not reciprocate with Obama’s sanctions
pleasantries and making arrangements about a forthcoming
announced on December 29, instead choosing to respond
phone call between President Trump and Russian
by wishing Americans a Happy Christmas.
counterpart Vladimir Putin – that call was finally made on
January 28.
According to the Post, US intelligence began searching for military apparatus and aligned corporate news media.
a possible explanation for Putin’s unexpected response, Trump’s avowed intentions of normalizing relations with
and they found their putative answer in Flynn’s call to the Russia before and after his election on November 8 have
Russian ambassador. It is claimed that Flynn indicated to collided with Washington’s long-term geo-strategic agenda
the Russian diplomat that the new sanctions imposed by of fomenting hostility with Moscow.
the outgoing Obama administration would be duly
reversed by Trump. The forced resignation of Michael Flynn, who was an
influential advocate in the Trump White House for
It seems more plausible, however, that the US intelligence normalizing relations with Russia, can be seen as a much-
agents did not engage in some retrospective random search desired blow against Trump over Russia – inflicted by the
for a mole, but rather they had Flynn in their sights all US Deep State operatives.
along, having listened into this phone call with the Russian
ambassador. There seems little doubt that Flynn was set up in a sting
operation. The only wonder is that he seemed to walk right
And as the Washington Post pointedly noted this week, into the trap.
Trump promptly praised Putin for not taking retaliatory
action to Obama’s sanctions. It seems very likely that having procured Flynn’s scalp, the
political enemies of Trump will not stop there. The big
The inference here is that Flynn was acting as mediator prize is Trump himself and his ousting from the presidency
with the Russians under instruction from Trump. through impeachment on charges of conspiring with an
enemy state.
«The current and former officials said that
although they believed that [Vice President] All the hoopla over Flynn in the US media is just the
Pence was misled about the contents of beginning of a campaign to finger Trump as the person
Flynn’s communications with the Russian who gave him clearance to illicitly contact the Russians.
ambassador, they couldn’t rule out that
Flynn was acting with the knowledge of A soft coup against Trump by the US Deep State has been
others in the transition», reports the speculated for some time now, especially over his
Washington Post. «friendly» Russia policy being at odds with the powers-
that-be who are hellbent on hostility towards Moscow.
Trump’s administration had already caused deep And it seems that incompetence within the Trump
consternation among the Washington establishment of administration is playing straight into that agenda to oust
State Department, foreign policy think-tanks, intelligence- him from the White House.

Why Michael Flynn Resigned
By Brother Nathanael
February 15, 2017 @ 6:53 pm
C’mon people, isn’t it obvious that Trump’s dumping of And Pence didn’t appreciate being embarrassed by Flynn’s
Flynn was an ‘inside job?’ dissembling after sticking up for him. Why else did Trump
keep saying: “This was a trust issue?”
No ‘deep state’ here, but an ‘in state’ leak of a phone
conversation between Flynn and the Russian And my guess is that Flynn called the Russian ambassador
ambassador—known by all the Intel agencies since on his own while Trump was out doing his victory laps
December, of which, the FBI found no wrong doing. during the transition period in December.

It was standard FBI protocol to review intercepts of Flynn had to go and an ‘inside leak’ prepared the way.
communications after ‘listening-in’ on the Russian Perhaps a Pence-faction leaked it to the press…
ambassador obtained from routine electronic surveillance
of Russian officials (The Russian ambassador would have My observations on Flynn during Trump’s long campaign
known that he, like his predecessors, was under is that he saw anti-Iran Trump as a potential winner to
surveillance.) hook his own anti-Iran wagon to.

Flynn was a loose cannon inside the White House, volatile Flynn was a man with an agenda who believed his
and uncurbed. He was his own worst enemy. Islamophobic bombast would launch the right bombs in all
the wrong places.
Spicer didn’t like Flynn barging in on his press conference;
Mattis, who probably didn’t care for Flynn given their Brother Nathanael
differing personalities, has a whole different approach to Publisher, Real Jew New
warmongering, that is, lacing mass murder with quietly-
stated lies.

Trump Directly Tells Netanyahu To 'Hold Off On
Settlements For A Bit' In Israel
Pamela Engel
Feb. 15, 2017, 12:50 PM

because they never thought it was

possible," Trump said. "And it was
impossible because they didn't do it.
"But Bibi and I have known each other a
long time — smart man, great negotiator —
and I think we're going to make a deal," he
continued, using a nickname for
Netanyahu. "It might be a bigger and better
deal than people in this room even

Netanyahu responded by saying, "Smart," to which Trump

replied, "Doesn't sound too optimistic, but that's OK."
President Donald Trump with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu at a joint news conference at the White House in "He's a good negotiator," Trump said.
Washington on Wednesday. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Netanyahu replied, "It's the art of the deal,"
an apparent reference to Trump's 1987
President Donald Trump on Wednesday directly asked book.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to slow the
building of settlements in the West Bank and said he was Trump had reportedly issued a surprise warning to Israel
confident the two nations could come to a peace agreement earlier this month to stop announcing settlements that
with the Palestinians. "undermine" his administration's efforts to create peace in
the Middle East.
Trump and Netanyahu addressed reporters at a press
conference before the two met privately at the White A White House official told The Jerusalem Post that the
House. A reporter asked whether Trump and Netanyahu Trump administration was surprised by Israel's
were on the same page regarding settlements. announcement of thousands of new settlement housing
units in the West Bank. Critics see the building of Israeli
"As far as settlements, I'd like to see you hold back on settlements on Palestinian land as harmful to a potential
settlements for a little bit," Trump said while turning two-state solution.
toward Netanyahu. "We'll work something out, but I would
like to see a deal be made. I think a deal will be made." "As President Trump has made clear, he is
very interested in reaching a deal that
In an answer full of twists and turns, Trump would end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
wavered on a US commitment to a two- and is currently exploring the best means
state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian of making progress toward that goal," the
conflict, saying it "looked like it will be the official reportedly said. "With that in mind,
easier of the two" but that he could "live we urge all parties to refrain from taking
with" a one-state solution. unilateral actions that could undermine our
ability to make progress, including
But he said he thought he could accomplish something no settlement announcements."
previous administration had with regard to Israel.
The White House said in a later statement that it had "not
"I know that every president would like to taken an official position on settlement activity."
— most of them have not started until late

"While we don't believe the existence of many times, he hopes to achieve peace
settlements is an impediment to peace, the throughout the Middle East region."
construction of new settlements or the
expansion of existing settlements beyond Trump was a staunch advocate of Israel during his
their current borders may not be helpful in campaign for president. In a speech to the American Israel
achieving that goal," the White House Public Affairs Committee last year, Trump said he was a
press secretary, Sean Spicer, said in a "true friend" of Israel and there was "no daylight between
statement. "As the president has expressed America and our most reliable ally the state of Israel."

Unacceptable White
House Demands on Russia
From Stephen Lendman

Though still too early to draw definitive conclusions, Not likely by blaming Moscow for Kiev aggression and
Trump’s White House is beginning to look like Obama demanding it relinquish part of its sovereign territory.
never left or the return of Bush/Cheney. Not a pretty
picture! In response to Spicer’s comments, Russian Foreign
Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said
Hoped for improved US/Russia relations were dashed on
the rocks of Michael Flynn’s sacking, surrendering to deep “(w)e do not give away our territories away.
state forces running America, Trump looking like Crimea is a territory of the Russian
disturbing continuity, not responsible change. It was Federation.”
wishful thinking believing otherwise.
Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov emphatically said Crimea
In Security Council remarks, White House envoy Nikki won’t be returned to Ukraine. It’s not a topic for
Haley replicated neocon Samantha Power’s anti-Russia’s discussion. “Russia does not discuss issues related to its
rhetoric, accusing Moscow of “occupation and military territory with” other nations.
intervention” in Ukraine, disgracefully misrepresenting
hard facts. During Putin’s phone call with Trump, the issue “was not
raised,” Peskov explained. In July 2016, candidate Trump
She lied calling Crimea “part of Ukraine.” Minsk said
agreement terms to end fighting in Donbass said nothing
about the territory. “(t)he people of Crimea, from what I’ve
heard, would rather be with Russia than”
Haley speaks for Trump. On her debut as US envoy, she Ukraine, adding he’d consider recognizing
warned US allies and adversaries alike - provocatively the territory as part of Russia if elected
saying president.

“(y)ou’re going to see a change in the way Russian lower house State Duma International Affairs
we do business.” Committee chairman Leonid Slutsky called Spicer’s
“Our goal with the administration is to show
value at the UN, and the way we’ll show “alarming…a cold shower that will cool
value is to show our strength, show our down high expectations from Trump and
voice, have the backs of our allies and his team.”
make sure our allies have our back as
well.” Russian upper house Federation Council Defense
Committee chairman Viktor Ozerov called
“For those who don’t have our back, we’re
taking names. We will make points to “(t)he issue of Crimea…absolutely clear. It
respond to that accordingly.” is part of Russia, and it cannot be the
subject of bargaining between Russia and
On Tuesday, White House press secretary delivered mixed the United States, no matter what is at
messages, saying stake.”

“President Trump has made it very clear Adversarial US relations toward Russia are longstanding,
that he expects the Russian government to not likely to change under Trump based on comments by
de-escalate violence in the Ukraine and Haley and Spicer.
return Crimea. At the same time, he fully
expects to - and wants to - get along with Candidate Trump said plenty on Russia and Vladimir
Russia.” Putin, comments raising hope for better relations. So far as
president, he’s let others speak for him on this sensitive

It’s time for him to speak out directly on this issue, telling of details need to be filled later bases on bilateral talks.
Americans and Russia where he stands - even though lots

Exclusive: Trump, Netanyahu
Used Flynn To “Catfish” Putin
Meeting With Netanyahu As Of This Writing,
Planning Putin's Downfall
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
February 15, 2017

[ Editor’s Note: The Trump plot is thickening and quickly, and Trump putting the kid in charge of doing a peace deal, with no
yet we have tons of time left in the first 100 days. To all of you diplomatic or career experience to take on that Gordian Knot?
out there who wanted predictions from me early on where Trump What do you think the chances are that the kid is not fronting for
was going, remember I said that was a waste of effort, as all we someone? We have polled our analytical group, and all agree he
had to do is ride out his first three months and guessing would no is not fronting for the U.S.
longer be necessary.
We are still looking into how Trump survived so many
And as a bonus, we would know what and who the real power(s) bankruptcies by angels with big checkbooks always arriving
behind Trump were. It is not that I claim to be a soothsayer, but it on the scene and coming to his rescue. The illegal Poles
appeared self-evident to me that he was going to move fast. and who worked on Trump tower had to sleep on site, as NY City
this meant he would have to put a lot of cards down on the table. accommodations were a bit steep for the wages they were
being paid.
Sure, some of the cards could be marked, as Gordon will get into
below concerning Mr. Michael Flynn. But we knew he would be Be careful America. You might get what you paid for, not just with
attacked, and if things got rough, his real allies would come out of Mr. Trump, but by doing nothing to raise hell about how Israeli
the shadows. The flip-flop in the past week began the revelation espionage is allowed to go on here, on an industrial scale, with
process. no one allowed to even mention it in Congress. I will say it again.
This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better… Jim W.
As of today, it is well established that the cabal around Trump Dean ]
met with Russian intelligence, not only made promises but cut
private “under the table” deals themselves, all of which will cost _________
the people of the United States dearly. As is now apparent to
“watchers,” the worst of it was the meetings, not with Russia but – First published … February 15, 2017 –
with Israel and the deals cut there. Bannon, we are told, not only
met Israeli intelligence but used them as intermediary when he
General Flynn had to be gone when
talked to the Russian’s as well.
Netanyahu came to Washington, that
was predetermined. No National
Kushner, we are assured, is Israeli intelligence, no middle Security Advisor serving the American
man there. people could sit silently while Trump
and Netanyahu announced to the world
All well-connected American Jews who do IDF service are that the US now supported a fully
closely evaluated by Israeli military Intelligence as to their future apartheid police state in Israel with 7
value to Israel, their “other country”. Suitable recruits would million Palestinians relegated to camps,
routinely be given basic training and a cover to justify their ghettos or worse. Sound familiar,
coming back to Israel now and then for “business reasons”. “Hitleresque” even? We think so.

It has always been Israel’s goal to run the Whitehouse. Those It also guarantees more war, more dead Americans, more
folks, the Likuds, hate Americas. They hate everybody really, but terrorism and the world even worse than it is and not by
Americans in particular, because they have a lot of stuff the accident. Flynn had to go, but he was only there to
Likuds have not been able to take yet, which they feel is being “catfish” the Russians.
unfairly withheld from them, hence they have a right to correct
the oversight. Catfish: A fake identity, persona or
profile indented to seduce or victimize.
Mike Flynn was fired, supposedly, because he didn’t someone unacceptable to everyone. Boykin, a good
explain his discussions with Russian spies and the deals he soldier, according to friends we have in common, had a
cut. Then again, Pence believes humans and dinosaurs “breakdown” we are told, began ranting about
lived together in harmony on a planet magically brought Armageddon and the rapture, spouting bizarre phony
into existence on September 23, 4004 BCE. biblical prophesy bible stories that are utterly unrelated to
the Christian religion.
Yes, we aren’t kidding, this is exactly what Vice President
Pence says he believes, and he claims Trump shares this as He became more and more unbalanced and extreme and
well. Is it any wonder that, according to the UK Guardian, has said enough things that he could never be vetted or
none of America’s intelligence agencies are passing high pass any questioning before congress. Trump also follows
level classified information to the White General Paul Vallely, who met with terrorist leaders he
House? According to the Guardian, they aren’t worried says inside Syria, we aren’t so sure about that, and has
about leaks, the problem is Trump. (Netanyahu and been involved in not only questionable mining and oil
Bannon) deals under FBI investigation but has, according to FBI
sources, raised money to get Obama assassinated.
VT does talk to the Russians, after all, as journalists, we
publish in Russia, in Russian and appreciate the reaction Then again, FBI sources said that, not me. We have reports
and comments we get from Russian officials, who will be from Montana that Vallely is an FBI informant, and that
reading this as well. They won’t be happy but they will has been confirmed even by high level Trump appointees.
appreciate it, and so it goes.
Back to the Russia story:
We warned them not to trust Trump. Our sources in
Moscow, highest of the high, believed in Michael Flynn as We believe that Flynn was held out to
the “real deal,” someone who understood Israel’s role in the Russians as a “catfish,” a “pretty
9/11, their role in Syria and how Russia was the natural face” to fool Russia into backing the
partner of the US. same neocons and Zionist oligarchs
that have plotted against Putin all along,
This is how they talked, but we aren’t so the exact same people who are running
sure this is what they actually believed. the Deep State operation of White
After all, that Flynn and his son were Nationalists that took Ukraine and have
hoodwinked by phony news and made- pushed Trump to demand the return of
up conspiracy theories time and time Crimea.
again and Flynn’s toadying up to Trump,
when he well knew Bannon, a total idiot, We all know that the Kiev junta has sworn to slaughter
was really running things, has shown every Russian speaker in Crimea, repeated this over and
Flynn to be a weakling. over and 85% of Crimeans are Russian speakers, ethic
Russians that want nothing to do with Ukraine and voted
The other rumor, and why Flynn is being consider to do their own “Brexit.”
“blackmail bait”, has nothing to do with sanctions or
misleading Pence. The real fear is that Flynn was sexually Let’s look at Trump policies, not the ones where his
compromised in Moscow a year ago, something we environmental, labor, education and interior secretary
consider pretty silly. nominees will be working overtime to destroy as much of
America as possible on behalf of offshore corporations that
Flynn’s real weakness, as we have it, is that he has been paid off Congress long ago through Citizens United v. the
sexually compromised by Trump and his gang, not the United States.
Russians. The real depravity and blackmail is in
Washington or at the Florida Whore House, Mar a Lago, Trump and Netanyahu are now building a new coalition,
where Trump is free to run his own game — a hotel and including Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States
“gentlemen’s club” staffed by “medium-illegal” aliens. to stand against Iran. Of course, Iran is part of the Russian
coalition against terrorism with Turkey and a major trading
This is what suckered so many who are notoriously inept partner as well. This is very much a deal-breaker with
with women to Trump’s side, and why Petraeus might well Moscow.
be a “perfect fit” for a White House gang of self-
proclaimed “sexual athletes”, who couldn’t get a date in Then again, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Israel and, to a
the Tijuana redlight zone. lesser extent Jordan, have been supporting ISIS and other
terrorist organizations in their war against the Syrian
Flynn also knew that Trump secretly put General Jerry people, another not so minor deal breaker in Moscow as
Boykin in charge of military operations and the Pentagon, well.
Let’s not forget that Iran is carrying much of the $423 million in Poland to build amaments in
weight against ISIS in both Iraq and Syria and that you Poland, specifically the Spike anti tank
can’t fight Iran without aiding ISIS. missile. Poland would also like to purchase
Israeli drone technology and have the
Trump based much of his campaign rhetoric on supporting drones built in Poland.
Damascus against ISIS but now seems to be building a Aeronautics, a Yavnah based Israeli
coalition carefully omitting Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran, company, is supplying the Polish army with
the nations that are really fighting terrorism, though drones.
Turkey is a late comer to the group.
Poland is purchasing border security
technology from companies including
Though Trump and Netanyahu claim to be going after Israel’s Elbit Security systems, for 2.3
Iran, their real target is “Iranian influence,” which means million Euros.
they plan to war on Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, something
well beyond the game the neocons planned after 9/11. Haaretz reports that Poland’s GROM
special operations forces cooperates with
Let’s also look at Israel’s client state of Azerbaijan. several Israeli secret police and anti
Back in 2010, Israel put in a secret airbase in Azerbaijan to terrorist units. Polish airmen might also
stage an attack on Iran. After that was exposed, they train in Israel for flying older F-16 fighters
replaced it with a drone base and still operate combat purchased from the US. Regarding close
aircraft there. security and military ties between Israel
and Poland, former Polish ambassador to
Israel is said to have stated: “We don’t talk
Israel is secretly providing AWAC radar vectoring using in public about those things. We just do
their F 15s, guiding Ukrainian attack aircraft to their them.”
targets, invariably ethnic Russians in Donbass and, as we
have multiple confirmations of, one Malaysian airliner as
well, a plane shot down by two SU 25’s from Kiev, guided There is no greater threat against Russia than Poland, the
in by an Israeli F15 with transponders turned off, real Russia-hating aggressor of NATO.
according to a Canadian source.
We could talk about Egypt in regard to the Trump-
Then again, Israel is arming Azerbaijan for a potential Netanyahu coalition. Russia’s relationship with Egypt is a
military confrontation against Armenia, a nation Russia keystone of its new position in the Middle East, under
has a mutual defense pact with and a relationship, direct threat at the hands of Trump and Netanyahu, sworn
Azerbaijan and Armenia. Russia has worked to improve lifelong friends of Putin.
that relationship and make peace in the region. Israel is
working very much against Russia there, and is raking in Then again, if Russia stays silent or
tons of cash in the process. impassive about the new Palestinian
“slave state” the US is now backing,
Oh yes, we did mention that Israel is training Ukrainian long a deal-breaker for Putin, an
special forces to be used against Crimea? There have advocate of international law who has
already been attacks. long advocated an end to the Israeli
occupation of Jordan and Syria in
violation of the Geneva Convention,
Then again there is Israel’s role in Poland, a nation now where does that leave Moscow in
run by a neo-Nazi junta that surprisingly has turned to advocating for a just settlement in Syria
Israel for arms to threaten Russia. From and Donbass?
WanderingRaven’s Blog:
Truth is, nothing being discussed in Washington today
Israel and Poland have a long standing between Netanyahu and Trump is going to be acceptable to
arms trading association. Not only are Russia — not a Russia with Putin alive and well. Then
there direct arms sales by Israel to Poland, again, since 1990, Trump has partnered with Russian
but Israeli companies have invested in oligarchs, many outright mobsters, more enemies of Putin
building arms manufacturing facilities in and all good friends of Netanyahu, who isn’t anyone’s
Poland. friend.
Israeli arms manufacturer Rafael Advanced
Defense Systems has agreed to invest

Student Who Recorded Prof Saying
Trump Election Is ‘Act Of Terrorism’ Gets Suspended
Dave Urbanski
Feb 15, 2017 3:02 Pm

“Unauthorized recording is a serious

violation of the Student Code of Conduct,”
Interim Dean of Students Victoria Lugo
wrote, Campus Reform said. “This is
clearly stated in the instructor’s course
syllabus in addition to the student code of
conduct. When we spoke, you stated that
you felt badly about the things that had
happened to individuals as a result of this
incident. It is my hope that this experience
will lead you to truly think through your
actions and the consequences of those
actions when making decisions in the
The college student who took video of a human sexuality
future. As we discussed, the conduct
instructor telling a class that Republican President Donald
process is part of the overall college
Trump’s election was an “act of terrorism” got suspended
learning process and I do believe that
from the California school for one semester.
valuable lessons have been gained from
this experience.”
Caleb O’Neil also must meet with the dean of students of
Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa before he’s
Bill Becker, founder and president of FreedomX — a law
readmitted and then remain on disciplinary probation for a
firm that specializes in defending conservative and
semester, Campus Reform reported.
religious freedom — is representing O’Neil and told
Campus Reform that his suspension is “an attack by
In addition, he must write an apology letter to the leftists” and that an appeal will be filed.
instructor — Olga Perez Stable-Cox — and a three-page,
double-spaced essay on why he recorded the video despite
“He was in fear of retaliation by his
“knowing that it was a violation of the course syllabus” as
instructor after she launched into a half-
well as his “thoughts and analysis” regarding why he made
hour rant in which she labeled Trump a
it public, among other stipulations, Campus Reform added,
‘white supremacist’ and told the class she
citing a disciplinary email.
would no longer tolerate any person who
voted for Trump,” Becker wrote to the
outlet. “O’Neil videotaped the rant over
concerns that his grade might be lowered
for the class because of his outward show
of support for Trump. He intended to use
the video to present to the administration
as evidence of his concerns.”

Cox — who also called then Vice President-elect Mike


“one of the most anti-gay humans in this

country” in the video — told her class that
If O’Neil fails to meet any of the disciplinary “we are in for a difficult time.”
requirements, he could be expelled from the Coast
Community College District permanently, the outlet noted. “Our nation is divided, we have been
assaulted, it’s an act of terrorism,” Cox said
in the video. “One of the most frightening
things for me and most people in my life is
that the people creating the assault are 1911, told the Orange County Register that after Cox said
among us.” some would be happy with the election results — and a
student stood up in approval — Cox then invited others to
Later a pair of students claimed Cox told Trump supporters stand as well if they wanted.
in the class to stand during the lecture, which they said was
intimidating. After the video went public, Cox reportedly received death
threats and temporarily left California.
But Rob Schneiderman, president of the Coast Federation
of Educators/American Federation of Teachers Local

The Imperial Presidency Of Donald Trump: A Threat To
American Democracy And An Agent Of
Chaos In The World?
By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay - Global Research
February 15, 2017

Constitution, 4th American President, (in a

letter to Thomas Jefferson, May 13, 1798.)
“When fascism comes to America, it will be
wrapped in the flag and carrying the
cross.” Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951), (It
Can’t Happen Here, 1935, a novel about
the election of a fascist to the American

When 46.1% of Americans who voted, in November

2016, to elect a real estate magnate in the person of Donald
“In order to obtain and hold power a man Trump as U.S. President, they did not know precisely what
must love it. Thus the effort to get it is not they were buying, because, as the quote above says, we
likely to be coupled with goodness, but with really know how a politician will behave only once he or
the opposite qualities of pride, craft and she assumes power. Americans surely did not expect that
cruelty. Without exalting self and abasing the promised “change” the Republican presidential
others, without hypocrisy, lying, prisons, candidate envisioned and promised was going to be, in
fortresses, penalties, killing, no power can fact, “chaos” and “turmoil” in the U.S. government.
arise or hold its own.” Leo Tolstoy (1828-
1910), (in ‘The Kingdom of God is Within President Donald Trump (1946- ) has surrounded himself
You’ 1894.) with three politically inexperienced Rasputin-like advisers,
i.e. his young pro-Israel Jewish son-in-law Jared
“The megalomaniac differs from the
Kushner (1981- ), advising on foreign policy and acting as
narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be
a speech writer, and his far right media executive and chief
powerful rather than charming, and seeks
political strategist Steve Bannon (1953- ) with an
to be feared rather than loved. To this type
apocalyptic worldview, who is, moreover, a voting
belong many lunatics and most of the great
permanent member of the National Security Council
men of history.” Bertrand Russell (1872-
(NSC). Stephen Miller (1985- ), 31, also a young
1970), (in The Conquest of Happiness, ch.
inexperienced senior White House adviser, completes the
1, 1930.)
trio. He is working with Jared Kushner for domestic affairs
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if and is also a Trump speechwriter.
you want to test a man’s character, give
him power. ” Abraham Lincoln (1809-
1865), 16th President of the United States,
1861-65; (N. B.: Originally found and
attributed to Lincoln in a biography
entitled “Abraham Lincoln, the Backwoods
Boy” by Horatio Alger Jr., pub. in 1883.)
“Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss
of liberty at home is to be charged against
provisions against danger, real or
pretended from abroad.”James Stephen Miller (1985- ) Jared Kushner (1981- )
Madison (1751-1836), Father of the US

Three weeks after his inauguration, President Trump has • President Donald Trump has shown a
turned out to be a much more erratic politician than could propensity to govern by decree with a
have been expected, even after all the inanities he uttered minimum input from government
during the U.S. Presidential campaign. departments and from the elected
I, for one, thought that once elected president and installed
in the White House, he would abandon his tweeting A dangerous and potentially disastrous approach to
eccentricities. —I was wrong. government, in a democracy, occurs when a leader adopts
the practice of governing by decree, without constitutional
constraints, thus forcing the hands of responsible
departments, of the elected Congress and submitting the
entire U.S. bureaucracy to his will by governing as an
autocrat. If it were to continue on that road, the Trump
administration could turn out to be more like a would-
be imperial presidency than a responsible democratic

Stephen Bannon (1953- )

In fact, for a few weeks after inauguration day, on January

20, 2017, before the nominated secretaries of various
government departments were confirmed by the Senate,
and anxious to ”get the show going“, the Trump White
House behaved like an imperial junta, issuing a string
of executive orders and memos. The objective, seemingly,
was to force the hands of the responsible departments and
of the elected Congress, and to bend the entire U.S.
This term was first coined by historian Arthur Schlesinger
bureaucracy to its agenda. It may have gone too far.
Jr. in his 1973 book The Imperial Presidency, in response
to President Richard Nixon’s attempt to extend the power
of the U.S. president, declaring “when the president does
it, that means it is not illegal”. In my own 2003 book The
New American Empire, I dealt with the issue of American
presidents having usurped over time the power to adopt a
policy of global intervention, and the power to launch wars
of aggression at will, with a minimum input from

President Trump seems to want to outdo President Nixon

in considering the White House as the primary center of
political power within the American government, contrary
to what the U.S. Constitution says about the separation of
Indeed, when the heads of important departments like the powers.
Department of Defense (James Mattis, right) and the State
Department (Rex Tillerson) were confirmed and assumed To be sure, other American presidents have issued
their functions, President Trump changed his mind on executive orders and presidential memos early in their
many policies about Israel, China, the Iran Deal …etc. administration, but this was mainly to re-establish
procedures that a previous administration had abandoned.
U.S. courts have also thrown a monkey wrench in the They usually did not deal with fundamental and complex
blanket executive order closing the U.S. borders without policies without debate, although many did.
recourse to the citizens of seven Muslim countries (Iraq,
Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen), for In the case of President Trump, his executive orders and
spurious “security reasons”. presidential memos have not only been multiple, they also
have dealt with fundamental policies, without consulting
Let us recall how the inexperienced Trump White House and requesting the professional input of the Secretary and
has created chaos during the first weeks following of the department responsible, be it on healthcare,
inauguration day. abortion, international trade, immigration, oil exploration,
justice, etc., and without producing policy papers to

explain the rationale behind the policy changes and symbol of a corrupt establishment that has been robbing
without outlining the objectives being pursued. America’s working class and enriching the elite. He also
tweeted point blank, on July 28, 2016, that Secretary
When such a development of governing by decree has Hillary Clinton was “owned by Wall Street” and that Wall
occurred in other countries, democracy was the loser, and Street banks had “total, total control” over his
the consequences for the leader and his country turned out rivals Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz, implying that they
to be disastrous. were unfit for the Office of the President. On October 19,
2016, Mr. Trump tweeted that “crooked Hillary is nothing
more than a Wall Street Puppet”, thus presenting himself
• President Donald Trump seems to be
as the populist defender of the working class against the
anxious to find pretexts to pick fights
financial elite.
with other countries: For him, it seems
to be the U.S. against the world

In a March 2007 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, the

future presidential candidate Donald Trump said that
President George W. Bush had been a disaster in foreign
relations and that he was “the worst American president in
the history of the United States”, adding that he “should
have been impeached” because he lied his way into a war
of aggression against Iraq and sent thousands of people to
their death. This is an assessment that he has repeated on
numerous occasions.

However, ironically, President Donald Trump seems to be

on the same track as George W. Bush regarding the
country of Iran, using lies and false claims to pick a fight But guess what? One of Mr. Trump’s first moves as
with that country, and in so doing, echoing the hysterical President was to order the undoing of the banking
rhetoric of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He regulations known as the Dodd-Frank legislation, which
has also recklessly insulted the heads of a half was adopted in 2010, after the 2008 subprime financial
dozen countries, even going so far as to threaten the crisis. President Trump thus quickly answered the main
President of Mexico to invade his country. As to his request made by the very Wall Street mega banks that he
criticism of President George W. Bush, it seems that had accused previously of corrupting Washington
really, “it takes one to know one”! politicians. He went even further when he named a former
Goldman Sachs banker, Steven Mnuchin,(right) as his
President Trump should be reminded of what Treasury Secretary.
he promised as a presidential candidate. In a foreign policy
speech delivered on Wednesday April 27, 2016, he Also, Mr. Trump has reached to the mega-bank Goldman
declared Sachs for help and support. He name Mr. Gary Cohn
(1960- ), president of Goldman Sachs, head of the
“Unlike other candidates for the presidency, President’s National Economic Council, thus making sure
war and aggression will not be my first that Wall Street bankers will have a big say in his
instinct. You cannot have a foreign policy administration’s economic and financial policies.
without diplomacy. A superpower
understands that caution and restraint are Was his lambasting of his opponents as Wall Street banks’
really truly signs of strength. Although not puppets simply campaign rhetoric without substance? That
in government service, I was totally against is certainly a question worth asking.
the war in Iraq, very proudly, saying for
many years that it would destabilize the • President Donald Trump’s continuous
Middle East.” attacks against the free press and
• President Donald Trump has been less against independent judges who rule
than candid regarding the influence of against his policies is an authoritarian
the Wall Street lobby on politicians, approach to government and is a
including himself violation of the separation of powers

During the 2016 Presidential political campaign, candidate On Monday February 6, President Trump launched a
Donald Trump was very critical of politicians who do the barrage of off-the-cuff intimidating insults at the American
heavy lifting for Wall Street firms in Washington D.C. On news media, accusing them of “refusing to report on
many occasions, Mr. Trump said that Wall Street is a terrorist attacks”, without providing any evidence to back
up such serious accusations. He has also attempted advisers would be wise to understand these truths of
to intimidate judges who have to rule on the international finance.
constitutionality of some of his decrees and threatened
their judiciary independence. If his administration wants to reduce the annual U.S. trade
deficit with the rest of the world, the U.S. government
Such behavior is a violation of, and contempt for should balance its books and reduce its foreign
the separation of powers clause in the U.S. Constitution borrowings. Trade wars will not improve the U.S. trade
and is a frontal attack against the free press. balance if the country keeps over-spending and keeps
borrowing from abroad. They would only make matters
This is not a trivial matter, because when an authoritarian worse.
regime wants to establish itself and avoid accountability, it
usually attacks the legislative and the judiciary branches of For many decades now, the U.S. government has piled
government to pressure them to toe the line of the up debtupon debt while running continuous fiscal deficits,
executive branch, and it tries to silence the very mainly due to the fact that it has been waging costly
institutions that can put the false statements of politicians wars abroad, while financing such interventions with
to the test. foreign money. This is a problem that American politicians
must understand if they don’t want their country to go
• President Donald Trump has a bankrupt. This has happened in the past to
mercantilist view of international trade, other overextended empires, and there is no reason why it
which is rejected by nearly all should not happen today when a country continuously
economists spends more than it produces. And wars do not produce
anything, except death and destruction.
President Donald Trump seems to think that his country
should have trade surpluses on goods and services vis-à- • Hopes of putting an end to the Middle
vis other countries, the latter being saddled with trade East chaos have greatly diminished
deficits, whatever the overall balance of payments of the
United States, especially its capital account, and whatever One of the positive results of the Trump election was the
the domestic and foreign economic circumstances. This is promise to end the deadly chaos in the Middle East.
economically false. That is not the way adjustments in the During the presidential campaign and once in power, Mr.
balance of payments of a country work, in a multilateral Trump threw some cold water on that promise.
Firstly, in his March 21, 2016 speech to AIPAC, he
When Donald Trump places all the emphasis on only one flattered his rich Zionist donors by announcing his
part of the balance of payments, the trade balance, he intention to break with the half-century policy of most
misses the point. For example, if a country lives beyond its western nations that considers the city of Jerusalem a
means and borrows money from abroad, such foreign United Nations protected zone and an international city
borrowing appears as an inflow of foreign capital in the occupied by Arabs, Christians and Jews.
country. Such an inflow of foreign capital causes an excess
of domestic spending over its production, and that helps He declared “we will move the American
finance an excess of imports over exports of goods and embassy [from Tel Aviv] to the eternal
services with the rest of the world. The capital account of capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem.”
the country shows a surplus, while the trade balance (more
precisely the current account) indicates a deficit, thus
Secondly, on Thursday December 15, 2016, to make sure
balancing more or less each other. that everybody understands that he is one-sided in the
more than half a century old Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
The main reason why the United States is registering trade President-elect Trump announced his choice of a hardliner
deficits is because it borrows too much from abroad. pro-Israeli settlements on privately-owned Palestinian
lands for U.S. ambassador to Israel (in fact, David
This is partly due to the fact that the U.S. government Friedman, his former bankruptcy lawyer).
runs huge fiscal deficits, spending more than its tax
revenues, and borrowing money both from the private The new ambassador didn’t waste any time
sector and from foreigners, thus increasing the public debt. in professing that he was looking forward to
Such deficits often are the result of tax reductions and of doing his job “from the U.S. embassy in
increased military expenditures. The fact that the world Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem.”
economy uses the U.S. dollar as a reserve
currency represents an interest-free loan that the rest of And, thirdly, seemingly forgetting that he had criticized
the world makes to the United States, which allows the Secretary Clinton for proposing a similar dangerously
USA to have a chronic trade deficit. Mr. Trump and his reckless policy, President Trump announced, on January
25, that he “will absolutely do safe zones in Syria”, and ill-considered pronouncements and policies, has the
seemingly without considering if it was legal to do so potential to drive the Planet to oblivion.
without the consent of the Syrian government, and without
consulting with the three principal countries (Russia, This means that they consider that the Earth is now closer
Turkey and Iran), which had just concluded a peace plan to oblivion than it has ever been since 1953, at the height
for Syria. He opted instead to talk to leaders of Saudi of the nuclear confrontation between the USA and the
Arabia and of the United Arab Emirates— two countries Soviet Union.
known to be sponsoring terrorism in Syria.
The existential threats facing the Earth now come from the
• The world is afraid of President Donald loose talk about using nuclear weapons and the
Trump: Doomsday Clock scientists have proliferation of such weapons, as well as the observed
concluded that humanity is just two- acceleration of climate change.
and-a-half minutes from the apocalypse

All considered, the turn of events since the election of

Donald Trump has raised a number of fears that a lot of
things could go wrong in the coming years. Many of the
policies advanced by the Trump administration are the
wrong remedies for the problems facing the United States
and the world. In fact, many of these ill-conceived policies
are more likely to make matters worse, possibly much
worse, than to improve them.

Things seem to have begun to change somewhat with the

Late in January, the scientists in charge of the Doomsday arrival of newly confirmed secretaries in the decision-
Clock set the clock at just two-and-a-half minutes from the making process and new advisers. Let us hope that cooler
apocalypse, allegedly because of Donald Trump. They said heads will bring experience, knowledge and competence to
that the businessman turned politician, with his disturbing a Trump administration that cruelly needs it.

This Is Treason: Intelligence Community Working Against
President Trump In Move To End American Democracy
Establishment Cheers On Deep State Takeover
By Alex Thomas -
02.15.2017 @8:47 PM EST

(INTELLIHUB) — The American deep state is now in

open revolt against the elected president and, with the help Make no mistake, actual reporters for outlets like the
of the corporate media, is currently conducting a massive Times and the Washington Post are directly working
illegal operation that targets the very heart of American against the will of the American people and for the deep
democracy. state apparatus itself. Shockingly, elements within the deep
state are also openly cheering on these illegal leaks and
While elements of the intelligence community targeted have even gone on the record with claims that Trump is
Trump long before his stunning victory, in the last week soon to end up in jail!
we have seen an unprecedented series of illegal leaks to
establishment media puppets that came directly from “Former” NSA agent John Schindler took to
elements of the National Security Agency as well as the Twitter after the news of Flynn’s resignation
CIA. and declared that his contacts in the
intelligence community had revealed to him
As Eli Lake noted in an important Bloomberg opinion that the deep state plans to have the
piece, President of the United States “die in jail”.

“Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and

citizens are some of the most tightly held
government secrets. This is for good
reason. Selectively disclosing details of
private conversations monitored by the FBI
or NSA gives the permanent state the
power to destroy reputations from the cloak
of anonymity. This is what police states
do.” (emphasis mine)
This direct treason was then promoted throughout the
Now, after the sudden resignation of Michael Flynn as media and Schindler himself even laughably insinuated
national security adviser, the leaks are showing no sign of that a Trump supporter was going to shoot up the
intelligence community and that any news outlet reporting
stopping, with yet another disinformation report published
against the deep state were most likely Russian agents.
by the New York Times late last night that has been
promoted throughout the corporate media as “stunning”
new information when in reality it is a rehash of older Hollywood celebrities are also publicly working against
claims that have already been largely debunked. American democracy with the latest example being a
deranged rant from liberal Michael Moore in which he
openly calls for Hillary Clinton to be inserted as president
in a move taken straight out of a dictatorship.

Moore first pathetically lies about what was actually in the

New York Times report before declaring that the judicial
system needs, “to rule either that the President is the
winner of the popular vote OR the election must be held
over.” Going off the deep end, Moore later claimed on
Twitter, with absolutely no evidence, that Trump
“directed” Flynn to call the Russians.
LBJ Library/Flickr

Unbelievably, it isn’t just the corporate media, the actually EXPANDED the powers of the NSA in a move
intelligence community, and Hollywood liberals who are we now know was designed to help along the deep state
cheering on using illegal means to strike at the very goal of taking out the rightfully elected new president.
foundation of the country, but also so-called conservatives.
In early January, the New York Times reported about this
Failed third-party presidential candidate Evan McMullin, vast expansion of NSA powers with little fanfare but now,
who himself is a former CIA agent and most likely directly thanks in part to PJ Media and the Drudge Report, the
speaks for the agency, took to both Twitter and CNN to American people are learning about this in mass.
declare the president a “threat to the country” in an
obvious move by the deep state to attempt to legitimatize The Times reported:
their illegal actions.
In its final days, the Obama administration
Breitbart reported, has expanded the power of the National
Security Agency to share globally
“In response to President Trump’s tweets intercepted personal communications with
earlier Wednesday, in which he alleged the government’s 16 other intelligence
that elements of the Federal Bureau of agencies before applying privacy
Investigation and National Security Agency protections.
were engaged in “Russia”-style political
operations, McMullin tweeted:” The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on
what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by
its most powerful surveillance operations, which are
largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These
include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and
emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages
between people abroad that cross domestic network

The change means that far more officials will be searching

through raw data. Essentially, the government is reducing
the risk that the N.S.A. will fail to recognize that a piece of
information would be valuable to another agency, but
increasing the risk that officials will see private
information about innocent people.


Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch signed the new rules,

Keep in mind that, “appears to have been co-opted” is deep permitting the N.S.A. to disseminate “raw signals
state slang for we are going after you and are going to use intelligence information,” on Jan. 3, after the director of
any lies and disinformation possible. national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., signed them on
Dec. 15, according to a 23-page, largely declassified copy
Apparently not wanting to be left off the list of pro-deep of the procedures.
state shills, neocon scum and noted anti-Trump
propagandist Bill Kristol also took to Twitter to reveal his Previously, the N.S.A. filtered information before sharing
support for illegal deep state actions against the president. intercepted communications with another agency, like the
C.I.A. or the intelligence branches of the F.B.I. and the
Drug Enforcement Administration. The N.S.A.’s analysts
passed on only information they deemed pertinent,
screening out the identities of innocent people and
irrelevant personal information.

Now, other intelligence agencies will be able to search

directly through raw repositories of communications
intercepted by the N.S.A. and then apply such rules for
“minimizing” privacy intrusions.
Another important facet of this shocking story is the fact
that, shortly before leaving office, then President Obama
“This is not expanding the substantive Despite these “new” powers being given to the NSA, what
ability of law enforcement to get access to the deep state is doing as a whole is undoubtedly illegal
signals intelligence,” said Robert S. Litt, the and, as I noted above, a direct threat to the very nature of
general counsel to Mr. Clapper. “It is simply American democracy.
widening the aperture for a larger number
of analysts, who will be bound by the To recap, the corporate media (including specific
existing rules.” reporters who have been given classified information),
Hollywood, and elements of the intelligence community
And now, a little over a month later, elements of the are directly attacking not only the will of the American
intelligence community are leaking signals intelligence to people but American as a democracy itself.
the establishment media to purposefully destroy the

EXCLUSIVE: How The Nation’s
Spooks Played The Game ‘Kill Mike Flynn’
Richard Pollock Reporter
9:10 PM 02/15/2017

They charge officials from America’s top spy counsels

leaked classified government intercepts of Flynn and
President Trump’s conversations with world leaders and
had “cutouts” — friendly civilians not associated with the
agency — to distribute them to reporters in a coordinated

The issue of leaks was a prime topic for Trump when he

tweeted Wednesday, “Information is being illegally given
National Security Advisor Gen. Michael T. Flynn (ret.) — to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the
who resigned Monday — was the victim of a “hit job” intelligence community (NSA and FBI?).Just like Russia.”
launched by intelligence operatives, Obama government
holdovers and former Obama national security officials,
“I’ve never seen anything like this
according to former intelligence officials who spoke
before,” Retired Col. James Waurishuk,
with The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative
who spent three decades in top military
intelligence posts and served at the
National Security Council, said in an
The talk within the tight-knit community of retired interview with TheDCNF. “We’ve never
intelligence officers was that Flynn’s sacking was a result seen to the extent that those in the
of intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National intelligence community are using
Security Council using a sophisticated “disinformation intelligence apparatus and tools to be used
campaign” to create a crisis atmosphere. The former intel politically against an administration official,”
officers say the tactics hurled against Flynn over the last he said.
few months were the type of high profile hard-ball
accusations previously reserved for top figures in enemy “The knives are out,” said Frederick
states, not for White House officials. Rustmann, who retired after 24 years from
the CIA’s Clandestine Service and was a
member of its elite Senior Intelligence
“This was a hit job,” charged retired Col.
James Williamson, a 32-year Special
Forces veteran who coordinated his
operations with the intelligence community. The media is organizing to topple the Trump presidency
with assistance of national security leaks, Rustman
charged in an interview with TheDCNF.
Noting the Obama administration first tried to silence
Flynn in 2014 when the former president fired him as
director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Williamson “I would not be surprised if Trump did not
called Monday’s resignation, finish four years because of the vendetta
they have out for him,” he said, calling the
move on Flynn just a “mini-vendetta.”
“stage Two of ‘Kill Mike Flynn.”
Williamson told TheDCNF in an interview,
Former intelligence officials who understand spy craft say
“I truly believe it’s orchestrated and it’s part
Flynn’s resignation had everything to do with a
of an overall strategy. The objective is to
“disinformation campaign” and little to do with the
piece-by-piece, dismantle the Trump
December phone conversation he had with the Russian
administration, to discredit Trump. This is
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
part of an overarching plan.”

D.W. Wilber, who has over 30 years of experience in Goslin noted, “
security and counterterrorism with the CIA and the
Defense Department agrees. When Trump came in, even though they
were able to staff key NSC positions, for
“It appears to me there has been a the most part it’s still staffed by previous
concerted effort to try to discredit not only administration holdovers and bureaucratic
General Flynn, but obviously, the entire appointees.”
Trump administration through him. He just “I don’t think they have any loyalty to the
happened to be the first scalp,” Wilber told current administration,” the former CIA
TheDCNF in an interview.
operations officer said, adding, “the NSC is
going to be a hard one to fix.”
Williamson agreed, telling theDCNF,
All of the former intelligence officials say the rage against
“There are individuals who are well versed Flynn dated back to when the decorated general headed up
in information operations — we used to call the DIA. There he garnered a reputation to balk at the
that propaganda. They know how to do it. “politicization of military intelligence” in order to conform
It’s deliberately orchestrated.” with President Obama’s world views.

Retired Marine Col. Bill Cowan, who often interacted with Flynn refused to downplay the threat posed by the Islamic
the intelligence operatives in combat zones, believes Mike State and other radical Islamic groups throughout his two-
Pompeo, Trump’s new CIA Director, must clean house. year reign at the DIA. He was fired after offering
Otherwise, the administration will encounter four years of congressional testimony that was at odds with the Obama
attacks. administration’s posture on the Islamic threat.

“The director, Pompeo, if he doesn’t get a Waurishuk, who interacted with Flynn as an Air Force
hold of the agency and its personnel, he intelligence officer and as deputy director of intelligence at
can expect four years of this: clandestine, the U.S. Central Command, said Flynn was a “straight
undercover disinformation, misinformation, shooter” who always demanded accurate threat
psychological information to undermine this assessments and never bent to the Obama pressures of
administration and this president,” he told political correctness.
Waurishuk worked in military intelligence in the Obama
Charles Goslin, a 27-year veteran in CIA operations also administration. He told TheDCNF Obama officials “know
believes that many insubordinate intelligence staff are Flynn and they hate Flynn because he would call them out.
working within the National Security Council within the So, this was their opportunity to wage what is a personal
White House. vendetta in some respects.”

“With the NSC, I think that’s where the California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of
leaks are coming from on calls to foreign the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
leaders. That’s where they undermined has promised to look into the leaks of classified
Flynn to the point where he got information to reporters. The date has yet to be set for the
hammered,” Goslin told TheDCNF in an hearings.

Trump Must Execute the Nuclear Option—
There’s No Other Way
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 9:00

The current trajectory of the Trump Administration is such

Trump Has Only One Alternative… that it may actually be sunk by the Ides of March. That’s
how fast and organized this soft coup really is. And only a
…If He Is To Deliver On His Crucial very few are talking about it. That’s the real problem
Campaign Promises, here—a general lack of awareness due to so much MSM
And Really Make America Great Again propaganda and prevarication.

The 3 Pillars of Deep State Must Be The MSM-CIA-FED Triad Must Be Terminated
Knocked Down Post Haste
 The Mainstream Media must be shut For every sober and sane patriot, it has become obvious
down. that the destructive forces within the MSM-CIA-FED
 The Central Intelligence Agency must be Triad must be dealt with decisively and firmly.
 The Federal Reserve System must be There can be no sovereign American
taken over by the U.S. Treasury Republic as long as these three
seditious entities retain their power and
SOTN was the first Alt Media news platform to describe influence over the affairs of the
Donald Trump as a “Wrecking Ball”. nation. CASE CLOSED!

This Internet moniker was chosen after At the risk of sounding redundant, as long as the MSM,
serious deliberation, as it became clear that CIA and the FED seditiously operate as they have for
the Obamanation needed to be completely destroyed if the many decades, this once constitutional republic is anything
American Republic was to be saved. but. To call the United States of America a grotesque
misrepresentation of the Founding Fathers original
In fact, The Donald made his way slowly but surely all the intention would even be a gross understatement.
way to the Oval Office by wrecking everything in sight.
This is his signature MO, and exactly what was needed These three entities — MSM-CIA-FED — are the very
throughout the most divisive and violent campaign season pillars which hold up the temple of Deep State. While
in U.S. history. there are many other integral components such as the
entire Military-Industrial Complex, these 3 malevolent
Post Inauguration institutions form the backbone which allow the BEAST
(aka Deep State) to make so much mischief both here and
It is now clear that Deep State will not — under any
circumstances — allow President Trump to deliver on his
many campaign promises. Nor will the NWO globalists This triad also forms the skeleton of the
permit him to be POTUS. current Purple Revolution being waged
by the Soros-funded globalists, the
Democratic Party and the Sultans of
Every day that goes by it becomes evident that the Purple
Silicon Valley.
Revolution in running in the background—full bore. 99%
of the sedition and subversion associated with this soft
coup is taking place completely under the radar. And, yet, In view of this rapidly devolving predicament, there is now
the 1% that everyone does see and hear has gotten so ugly only one alternative for President Trump to salvage his
and intolerable that some folks now understand that the presidency. Before his administration is taken down one
Titanic is about to hit the iceberg. Barring a deus ex cabinet secretary at a time, he must take executive actions
machina event, Trump is being set up as the Titanic. similar to those that even President John F. Kennedy took
against the FED, and was prepared to take in the early
1960s against the C.I.A. And that was 55 years ago when
the C.I.A. had not even perfected its soft coup strategies or
violent revolution tactics. Ergo, the C.I.A. must be Both individually and collectively, the true patriots across
dissolved post haste. the land must resolve themselves to first

Likewise, if President Trump is to really move forward, (i) take back their power from those who
the Mainstream Media must be held accountable for the have systematically stolen it; secondly
non-stop treason and sedition that is has been proven to be
(ii) stand firmly in their own truth and
guilty of. The massive ongoing cover-up of the false flag
newfound power; and thirdly
9/11 terror attacks alone is enough to take them down for
good. So is the highly coordinated and continuing cover- (iii) speak that infallible truth to power
up of the assassination of President Kennedy. like never before.

Therefore, the MSM must be shut down In this instance “speaking” is used to mean writing,
and reconstituted under new corporate videotaping, Tweeting, Facebooking, blogging,
charters with appropriate regulation (i.e. Instagramming, YouTubing and, yes, speaking truth to
prohibited from committing treason and power whenever and whenever necessary.
sedition on a regular basis).
Thirdly, the Federal Reserve System has Conclusion
repeatedly demonstrated that it
functions as an international banking The vast majority of those elected representatives who
crime syndicate, accountable to no one in occupy seats in the U.S. Congress are dangerous career
the U.S. Federal Government. criminals, as well as outright traitors to the Constitution
and Bill of Rights. President Trump has access to enough
The volumes of evidence which are now available in the evidence to imprison most of them for life.
public domain does indicate that the FED answers to
foreign powers, international financiers and wealthy elites The President’s real trump card, however, is Pizzagate.
who do not have the best interest of the American people Deep State only exists in its current demonic incarnation
anywhere on their priority list. The Federal Reserve Bank through the sheer power of blackmail and bribery, coercion
is such an incorrigible criminal banking entity that it must and intimidation. Because so many in Congress, the 17
be taken over by the U.S. Treasury with all deliberate intelligence agencies, the super-secret services, as well as
speed. throughout the leadership of Corporate America,

Where is this all going? What can be done? have been seriously compromised from
their involvement with either Pizzagate or
There is a palpable acceleration of transparently subversive the global Pedogate, virtually every major
plots coming out of Deep State. As a matter of historical power-player is totally owned by The
fact, the American people have never witnessed so much Company (also known as the C.I.A.)
soft power projected and insurrection instigated by a
political party against a sitting president. Alarmingly, Given this worsening state of affairs, the American people
the Purple Revolution is getting more real by the day as it are being challenged as never before to take back their
plays out in living color and during prime time. country. Hence, either the US citizenry uses it (their civic
power) or they will lose it for a very long time. Either the
In light of the most recent developments whereby Deep governed collectively withdraws their consent from those
State fired NSA General Michael Flynn, Trump has shown organs within the federal government which have proven
that things are truly out of control. Senior Counselor to to be treasonous and unworthy of existence, or the people
the President Stephen Bannon and Counselor to the will be irreversibly crushed by them (e.g. MSM, CIA,
President Kellyanne Conway are next on the list, as is FED).
Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Such Executive Branch
attrition and unwarranted attacks have never occurred in Lastly, it must be acknowledged by all
U.S. presidential history so close to Inauguration Day. concerned citizens that each administration
prior to the present one has profoundly
If ever there was a time for the American people to violated the public trust and irrevocably
respond to a very real revolution — a Purple broken the social contract. In so doing
Revolution — being surreptitiously carried out, it is now. they have rent asunder the sacred
But how can the body politic of these United States of covenant which ought to exist between
America most effectively do this? Very simple! the governed and the government.

With so many highly consequential betrayals of the D.C. and converge on the Capitol—mad as hell! Welcome to
American people over the past century, there can only be the American Spring—2017!
one outcome.
Editor’s Note
Let’s get busy!
This article was posted with great urgency. The citizens need to
State of the Nation come together, as never before, to present a powerful
February 5, 2017 countervailing force to Deep State. This massive show of unity
and strength and resolve must be so overwhelming that
Author’s Note members of Congress become more afraid of We the
People than they are of Deep State. Do you get it? Only when
the countless agents of Deep State fear the wrath of the citizenry
Dear reader, have you ever heard of the American Spring?You more than the retribution of the C.I.A., the FBI and the MSM, will
have now. That’s when 5 or 10 million Oathkeepers, NRA things start to really change. Hence, there needs to be an
members, Libertarians, Independents, Tea Partiers, historic demonstration of people power and raw force. What
Conservatives, real Republicans, militiamen and comes to mind is a 10-million strong assembly of [armed] patriots
gunowners, bikers and hunters, farmers and factory workers, surrounding the Capitol Building shouting “GET OUT OF OUR
former Democrats and ex-liberals all show up in Washington, HOUSE!”

‘Not Freedom Of The Press’:
Journalists Upset Trump Keeps Calling
On Conservative Media
Alex Pfeiffer - Reporter
2:03 PM 02/15/2017

CNN’s Jim Acosta said after the press conference,

“There’s no other way to describe it but:

The fix is in.” Boston Globe’s deputy
Washington bureau chief Matt Viser said
Trump not getting asked about alleged
Russian connections was a “blow to the
President Donald Trump called on two conservative outlets
during his joint press conference Wednesday with Israeli Acosta’s colleague Jim Sciutto tweeted,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and journalists are
not happy. “One way to avoid hard questions on
Trump admin [Russia] ties? Call on CBN &
The president called on Christian Broadcasting Network a conservative website.” NBC’s national
and Townhall for the two allotted questions for U.S. media correspondent Peter Alexander said that
at the event. The CBN reporter asked about the resignation the reporters called on by didn’t ask any
of Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security “real questions.”
adviser, and the Townhall reporter focused her questions
on a potential Middle East peace agreement. However, the questions from the conservative reporters got
Trump to make news and say that he wants Israel to stop
“Calling on only conservative press who building settlements and that the “fake media” is after him.
refuse to press [President Donald Trump] BuzzFeed News political editor Katherine Miller
about his Russia connections is not commented on Twitter,
freedom of the press,” USA Today senior
politics reporter Heidi Przybyla “Am I missing something or have most of
tweeted after the two reporters were called the questions from conservative
on. outlets/broadcasters been fine or good?”

Trump Accuses Iran Of
Seeking To Develop Nuclear Weapons
Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:47PM

Trump also called the landmark nuclear agreement with

Iran as “one of the worst deals I've ever seen,” saying that
his administration has already introduced fresh sanctions
against Tehran over its missile tests.

Iran and the five permanent members of the United

Nations Security Council -- the United States, France,
Britain, Russia and China -- plus Germany started
implementing the JCPOA on January 16, 2016.

The deal limited parts of Iran's peaceful nuclear program in

US President Donald Trump (R) and Israeli Prime Minister exchange for the complete removal of all sanctions against
Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands following a joint press conference the country.
in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, February
15, 2017. (Photo by AFP)
Earlier this month, however, Trump undermined the
US President Donald Trump has once multilateral deal by introducing a new round of sanctions
again accused Iran of seeking to against Iran following the country’s successful test-launch
develop nuclear weapons, arguing that of a ballistic missile, which Washington said was a breach
he would prevent Tehran from ever of the JCPOA. Iran rejected the US claim, reiterating the
gaining nukes. right to develop its defense capabilities.
“I will do more to prevent Iran from ever
developing, I mean ever, a nuclear Israel welcomed the sanctions, calling on the US and its
weapon,” Trump said on Wednesday allies to form a “united front” against Iran to ensure
during a joint press conference with Israeli Israel’s security.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the
White House. Underscoring Washington and Tel Aviv’s “unbreakable”
bond, Trump promised Netanyahu that his country was
He also called Iran's atomic program a threat to Israel, committed to Israel’s security.
which is believed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the
Middle East.

“The security challenges faced by Israel

are enormous, including the threat of Iran's
nuclear ambitions, which I've talked a lot
about,” he said.

Trump's anti-Iran rhetoric comes as the longstanding

Western dispute over Tehran's nuclear program was settled
after the conclusion of a landmark nuclear agreement in
2015. UN Security Council Resolution 2231 also endorsed
the nuclear deal, which went into effect in January 2016. Former US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House in
November 2015. (Reuters photo)
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has also
confirmed Iran's commitment to the terms of the nuclear
agreement, dubbed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Netanyahu traveled to Washington on Wednesday for talks
Action (JCPOA). with Trump as an opportunity to improve US-Israeli ties
after a frequently combative relationship with Trump’s
Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama.
“With this visit the United States, again, Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign
reaffirms our unbreakable bond with our assistance since World War II. America's military
cherished ally, Israel,” Trump said. assistance to Israel has amounted to $124.3 billion since it
began in 1962, according to a US congressional report last
The United States and Israel agreed in September on a year.
record new package of at least $38 billion in US military
aid over a 10 year period.

Evan McMullin: President
Donald Trump Is A ‘Domestic Enemy’
By Joel B. Pollak
15 Feb 2017

of the United States is a threat to the Constitution and in

cahoots with Russia.

Mcmullen reiterated his views on CNN, where he

purported to speak for the concern of the agents doing the

“I’ll tell you what their concerns are. There

concerns are that Donald Trump presents a
threat to the country because of his — what
they see as his relationship with Vladimir
Putin and the relationship of his team to
other Russian intelligence officers.”
Former CIA operative and 2016 third-
party presidential candidate Evan
McMullin took to Twitter and CNN on McMullin cited a New York Times report indicating that
Wednesday to defend rogue intelligence Trump campaign aides had contact with Russian
agents who break the law to leak intelligence —
classified information, saying President
Donald Trump “presents a threat to the without also noting that the same report
country.” indicated there was “no evidence” that the
“Trump campaign was colluding with the
In response to President Trump’s tweets earlier Russians on the hacking or other efforts to
Wednesday, in which he alleged that elements of the influence the election.”
Federal Bureau of Investigation and National Security
Agency were engaged in “Russia”-style political He went on to make the very claim denied by the Times
operations, McMullin tweeted: article, telling Baldwin Trump

By oath, intelligence officials’ first duty is to “ran a campaign that was assisted by a
“defend the Constitution of the United foreign adversary — our greatest foreign
States against all enemies, foreign and adversary.”
— Evan McMullin (@Evan_McMullin) Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were
February 15, 2017 “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers
were bound by an oath to defend the country and the
So, the real scandal isn’t that the President Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That
of the United States of America appears to included “a security threat coming from the White House.”
have been co-opted by America’s greatest
adversary? An obviously sympathetic Baldwin then asked McMullin:
— Evan McMullin (@Evan_McMullin)
February 15, 2017 “Are any of these people you’re talking to
just even worried about him even getting
The obvious implication was that McMullin believes that intel briefings, period?”
intelligence and law enforcement agents are entitled to
break the law based on their own views that the President

McMullin said that they are — and seemed to admit, in the On Tuesday, Weekly Standard editor-at-large Bill Kristol
process, that he is speaking with intelligence officials who expressed similar sentiments, and appeared, in theory, to
may be leaking information. endorse a coup by the “deep state” against the “Trump
During the presidential campaign, McMullin was a leader
in the “NeverTrump” movement, consisting of Obviously strongly prefer normal
conservatives who rejected Trump as the Republican Party democratic and constitutional politics. But if
nominee. Though he hoped to flip Utah, among a few it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the
other states, to Hillary Clinton by relegating Trump to Trump state.
third place, Trump won in that state and elsewhere.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) February 14,

Western Media Bias Is Getting
Obvious To Pretty Much Everyone
Author: Martin Berger

“moral mythologizing also creates a

misleading impression of what states really
are and what they are capable of doing.
Even the most liberal, democratic and
benign of states are not designed for the
promotion of values; rather, what states
excel at, when they excel at anything, is
establishing security for themselves.”

The article continues by arguing that

Finally, American society begins to mature, which isn’t “it cannot be really argued that the
simply shown in just the rejection of the stream of lies selective outrage with which Western
Western journalists are broadcasting, but also in the media sources often indulge is not really
ongoing fight against corporate media bias. moral. There is also a cynical selectivity
engaged in by outright ideologues and
This has been noted in a SurveyUSA poll, which asked partisans, who favor (or disfavor) some
1,207 registered voters back in February about their repressive regimes over others.”
opinion on certain press outlets. It’s curious that just 17%
of voters had a very favorable opinion of CNN, while no The article also states that,
more than 14% of voters had a favorable opinion of The
New York Times. The Washington Post and MSNBC “in each of the past two administrations, the
similarly were only very favorably viewed by less than president’s moral reach far exceeded his
15% of voters. Another finding that, to a certain degree, practical grasp—leading to debacles in
allowed Trump to secure his victory was that Fox News places like Iraq and Libya. President Trump
was the outlet with the highest favorability in the poll, but seems to have learned from his
only at 21%. predecessors’ mistakes, but it’s not clear
that his critics have. At the same time,
In turn, the Emerson College poll that conducted about the Russia remains a particular target for
same time showed that 91% of Republicans believed the multifarious reasons, not least the residual
news media was untruthful. It’s curious that for the fist Cold War enmity that persists in
time in a long while opinions of the general public appears neoconservative and liberal hawk circles.”
in tune with the position the current US president, who has
repeatedly criticized New York Times, Washington Post, The National Interest is convinced that the outrage of
and CNN for their lies, thus starting an undeclared Western media sources over Trump and Russia is self-
war against the corporate media. defeating. The US narrative that Putin alone is responsible
for the new Cold War hangs largely on his alleged
The National Interest believes that the myth of the United unprovoked “aggression” against Ukraine in 2014 and ever
States as an almost angelic enforcer of justice, if since. At the same time, the narrative is sustained in part
sometimes an inept one, gives rise to much mischief, in the by the near-total absence of any American mainstream
press as well as in the policy realm, since journalists reporting of what is actually happening in Kiev-controlled
pressure one another, and together pressure officeholders, or rebel-controlled territories. In fact, Putin’s actions both
to substitute dudgeon for careful calculation. in Donbass, where an indigenous rebellion broke out
against the overthrow of the legally elected president in
The National Interest article also claims that Kiev three years ago, and in Crimea, which had been part
of Russia longer than the existence of the United States,
was a direct reaction to the longstanding campaign by
Washington and Brussels to bring Ukraine into NATO’s level of mistrust or paranoia begin to drop. There’s no
“sphere of influence,” itself a form of political aggression. chance that such media sources as the New York Times,
Washington Post and CNN will regain the trust they’ve lost
If Trump is to win the information war on the home front, before they set the record straight.
there’s a real chance that we can see the unprecedented

3 Muslim Agents Caught Spying
On Trump, Proof Points Directly At Obama
By Voice Of Reason ·
Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

foreign affairs documents, foreign affairs intelligence, and

various intelligence agency documents. After illegally
accessing the materials, the EXTREMELY WELL PAID
brothers proceeded to channel the information to an
external server. Despite that, the three STILL haven’t even
been arrested yet. Although the brothers have since been
fired, there is no way of knowing the amount of vital
information they have acquired and to what extent this
could be utilized for evil intent.

In the following video, Right Wing News lays out a

It has been said that blood is thicker than water. Clearly, number of resources pointing Obama’s ties with the
the Muslim brotherhood set off by Barack Obama is one Muslim brotherhood, and various steps taken by Obama to
great example of that age-old adage, for he has allowed the help facilitate this infiltration. Considering how corrupt
entry of so many of his so-called brothers into the White both the Democrats and the media are, there’s no telling
House at virtually every level. what will come from the investigation just beginning.
Also… take a guess which party the suspected Muslim
Recently, three Muslim Congressional “IT staffers” (who Brotherhood spies worked for…
were allegedly hired as a direct result of Obama), were just .
caught accessing classified and unauthorized sensitive

Does Donald Trump Have The
Fortitude To Take On And Defeat The Deep State?
Donald Trump Needs To Study Well How Vladimir Putin
Defeated The Deep State In Order To Liberate His
People And His Country From Occupation...
By Rahul Manchanda, Esq.
February 15, 2017

Like Vladimir Putin before him, upon taking office in

2000 from punch-drunk Oligarch tool Boris Yeltsin,
Donald Trump has inherited a deeply entrenched Deep
State/Military Industrial Complex/National Security
State/Intelligence Community/Mainstream Media
oligarchy/plutocracy (but at least in the former USSR and
Russia the American “Neo-Conservatives/Neo-Liberals”
were openly called “Communists”).

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

With the recent headlines centering on the forced

resignation of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, a
rational voice of reason, peace with Russia, and an end or
retrospection of stupid interventionist foreign wars (except
his lashing out at Iran last week which many believe was a
last ditch attempt to save his job by kow-towing to Neo-
Conservative elements within the Deep State), as well as
But the mild-mannered, even tempered,
his moral clarity on exposing the etiology of ISIS as
cool as a cucumber Vladimir Putin, with
having been created, nurtured, funded, cultivated and used
his steely grey eyes, non-assuming,
by the global oligarchy/plutocracy to accomplish their
non-threatening stature, and impeccable
goals of global chaos, clamping down on civil liberties,
manners, literally dealt with his own
austerity programs, and other draconian “prison planet”
“Deep State” neo-con obstructionists
end-goals, it appears that the gauntlet has been thrown
with the holy hellfire of one who was
down by the anti-Trump elements within the Deep State
fiercely committed to rescuing his
Intelligence Community, forged over the past 28 years all
nation from the hellish bankruptcy,
the way from President George Herbert Walker Bush,
starvation, and destruction of the Middle
through Bill Clinton, onwards through George W Bush,
Class from the pronounced
and then finally topped off by Barack Obama.
Oligarchy/Plutocracy who was literally
raping, pillaging, exploiting and using
Even though Donald Trump’s various “America-First” the deeply impoverished and bullied
agendas were pronounced crystal clear since the day he Russian People, saving them from near
began to run for office, he is now fully hitting the Deep certain oblivion and subjugation.
State obstructionists on a near daily basis who are literally
using their clandestine skills to destroy his agenda, and For example almost immediately after assuming office,
consequently, the Mandate given to him by the American Vladimir Putin, upon encountering the old, deeply
People in the November 2016 election. entrenched, deep state obstructionist Oligarch/Plutocrat
Communists within his own government who tried to elected him, against the un-elected
thwart and block his every move and policy decision Deep State which is now showing signs
designed to help his own Russian People, took on and of success in destroying him (and
defeated all of his enemies one by one. consequently the Great Hopes of
Donald Trump would be wise to follow his counsel and

In order to Make America Great Again, it

will be necessary to jail his Deep State

Americans want to fall in love with and take pride in their

country again, as well as their Leader.

Donald Trump was elected to be that

Leader, because the American people
believed that he had the balls and the
smarts to beat these Deep State
obstructionists and rout them out of the DONALD TRUMP AND VLADIMIR PUTIN
government – and this is no easy task.
He now needs to fight to keep it, for the
sake of the American People that

NSA Whistleblower: Agency Illegally
Recording Trump’s Phone To Oust Him
By Sean Adl-Tabatabai
Posted On February 16, 2017

He was speaking on the podcast edition of this reporter’s

talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,”
broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and
Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM.

During the interview, Binney referred to a 2008 report

referencing two NSA whistleblowers who said they
worked at the agency’s station in Fort Gordon, Georgia
An NSA whistleblower claims that the and were asked to not only monitor phone calls of U.S.
National Security Agency are illegally citizens but transcribe them.
monitoring President Donald Trump’s
phone calls in order to oust him from Utilizing data provided by whistleblower Edward
the White House. Snowden, the Guardian and Washington Post in June 2013
released a series of articles reporting that the NSA was
William Binney, the architect of the NSA’s surveillance collecting the telephone records of millions of Americans.
program, claims the agency is actively monitoring
Trump’s every move, despite the fact that it is illegal to do Prior to those reports, National Intelligence Director James
so. Clapper claimed on March 12, 2013 during an open
session of the Senate Intelligence Committee that the NSA
In a recent radio interview with Aaron Klein Investigative was not “wittingly” collecting data on Americans.
Radio, the NSA whistleblower said that the recent leaks
about Trump’s telephone conversation with the President “Not wittingly,” Clapper said when asked
of Australia and the details about his conversation with whether the NSA was spying on U.S.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto all originate from citizens. “There are cases where they could
within the NSA. inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not
wittingly.” reports:
During the interview, Binney charged that the NSA was
Regarding Flynn’s case, Binney stated of the NSA: over-funded and out of control.

If they weren’t behind it, they certainly had He offered recommendations for how he says Trump can
the data. Now the difference here is that reign in the agency:
FBI and CIA have direct access inside the
NSA databases. So, they may be able to He can order that they put a filter on the front end of all
go directly in there and see that material their collection that eliminates any U.S. citizens anywhere
there. And NSA doesn’t monitor that. They in the world unless they have a warrant for it. If they don’t,
don’t even monitor their own people going then he has to put people in jail if they violated.
into databases.
So, I mean, that’s the way to do it. The other way is to cut
So, they don’t monitor what CIA and FBI do. And there’s their budget. I mean they are given too much money
no oversight or attempted oversight by any of the anyway. When they are given too much money, they get to
committees or even the FISA court. So, any way you look do wild and crazy things. And this is wild and crazy.
at it, ultimately the NSA is responsible because they are Violations of the Constitution’s 4th, 5th, and 6th
doing the collection on everybody inside the United States. amendments.
Phone calls. Emails. All of that stuff.

On Wednesday, Trump singled out the NSA and FBI in a The Times on Tuesday seemed to be quoting from
series of tweets about Flynn’s case as well as reports in the intercepted phone calls to report on alleged contacts
New York Times and Washington Post claiming further between Trump campaign aides and Russian intelligence
contacts between Trump advisors and Russia. agents.

The Times reported:

Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of

Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other
Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior
Russian intelligence officials in the year before the
election, according to four current and former American

American law enforcement and intelligence agencies

intercepted the communications around the same time they
were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to
disrupt the presidential election by hacking into the
Democratic National Committee, three of the officials said.

The Surveillance State Coup Has Succeeded: NSA Now
Running The Country, Tapping Top Secret Phone Calls And
Blackmailing Those Who Do Not Comply
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 16, 2017

And Americans are seeing that now as the IC and its deep
state careerist operatives – with help from their allies in the
Washington establishment media – take on President
Donald J. Trump and his administration for daring to bring
some sanity back to U.S. foreign policy.

As reported exclusively by Breitbart, it appears as though

the NSA might actually be running the country as it
blatantly violates the law, as well as protocol, in
monitoring the phone calls of the president.

In an interview, former high-ranking NSA official turned

In the fall of 2015, Congress passed a bill that was whistleblower, William Binney, says that his former spy
ostensibly designed to fix a flaw in the USA Patriot Act agency is “absolutely” monitoring Trump’s calls. And he
that President Bush used to authorize the mass collection ought to know, as he designed the NSA’s surveillance
of data on Americans, an unprecedented change of statute program, as the world discovered when, after 30 years, he
and policy that many justified in the wake of the 9/11 resigned in October 2001 over actions being taken by the
attacks. Bush White House.

But as noted, the law was basically When asked if he believed Trump’s phone calls were being
symbolic: intercepted, he said,

Members of the United States Congress “Absolutely. How did they get the phone
are patting themselves on the back for call between the president and the
having passed a bill called the USA president of Australia? Or the one that he
Freedom Act which, in theory, is designed made with Mexico? Those are not targeted
to stop the National Security Agency (NSA) foreigners.”
from continuing its mass collection of
innocent American citizens’ personal data. He also said it’s likely the NSA intercepted and leaked the
information pertaining to former National Security
That would be great news if it were actually true, but the Advisor Michael Flynn’s purported conversations with a
bill is so riddled with loopholes and unclear provisions that Russian diplomat, which subsequently led to his
many see it as accomplishing precisely nothing in terms of resignation from the Trump White House.
restoring privacy rights to the American public.
“If they weren’t behind it, they certainly had
The truth is, few in Congress then and now have ever the data. Now the difference here is that
really had the guts or the power to take on the U.S. FBI and CIA have direct access inside the
Intelligence Community. Born after World War II, the IC NSA databases. So, they may be able to
came into maturation during the Cold War. But since that go directly in there and see that material
fateful day in September 2001, the power of the IC has there. And NSA doesn’t monitor that. They
really grown and is now so pervasive at all levels it is don’t even monitor their own people going
literally a government in and of itself. (RELATED: See into databases,” Binney told Aaron Klein,
why the Russian election hack narrative is completely host of Aaron Klein’s Investigative Radio
bogus at program. (RELATED: Find out how to tell

when Trump is triumphing over globalist “Amazing battle for dominance is playing
forces at out between the elected US govt & the IC
who considered themselves to be the
He went on to explain that while the CIA and the FBI are ‘permanent government,’” Assange
not monitored by the NSA, there is no oversight or even tweeted on Wednesday.
any attempted oversight from any congressional “Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael
committees or the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Flynn resigns after destabilization
Act) Court. campaign by US spies, Democrats, press,”
he also tweeted, as reported by Infowars.
“So, any way you look at it, ultimately the
NSA is responsible because they are doing There is an internal civil war going on within the
the collection on everybody inside the intelligence community – the same one that illegally
United States,” he said. “Phone calls. leaked sensitive intelligence data about the FBI’s
Emails. All of that stuff.” investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email
But is the NSA actually “running” the country? One cyber-
sleuth seems to think so: Julian Assange, founder of The fact that the IC (Intelligence
Wikileaks, which published scores of hacked emails from Community) has become powerful
the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton enough to change political outcomes
campaign during the recent election cycle.
in the country it was sworn to protect
should make every American shudder.

Obama Gave NSA Special Powers
To ‘Take Down Trump’
By Sean Adl-Tabatabai
Posted On February 16, 2017

Agency, the nation’s foremost signals-

intelligence (SIGINT) collection

Once compartmentalized to avoid injuring private citizens

caught up in the net of the Black Widow (as we all are
already) and her technological successors, the NSA was
suddenly handed greater latitude in what it could share
with other, perhaps more politicized bodies of the
Former President Barack Obama intelligence community. Why?
granted the NSA special powers shortly
before leaving office that would ensure Let’s call the roster of the bad guys:
the agency could “take down Trump”.
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch signed
According to a January story in the New York Times, the new rules, permitting the N.S.A. to
Obama mysteriously expanded the National Security disseminate “raw signals intelligence
Agency’s powers to intercept personal communications of information,” on Jan. 3, after the director of
the President – something he had never been victim of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr.,
himself: signed them on Dec. 15, according to a 23-
page, largely declassified copy of the
The new rules significantly relax procedures.
longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may
do with the information gathered by its Previously, the N.S.A. filtered information before sharing
most powerful surveillance operations, intercepted communications with another agency, like the
which are largely unregulated by American C.I.A. or the intelligence branches of the F.B.I. and the
wiretapping laws. These include collecting Drug Enforcement Administration. The N.S.A.’s analysts
satellite transmissions, phone calls and passed on only information they deemed pertinent,
emails that cross network switches abroad, screening out the identities of innocent people and
and messages between people abroad that irrelevant personal information.
cross domestic network switches.
The change means that far more officials Now, other intelligence agencies will be able to search
will be searching through raw data. directly through raw repositories of communications
Essentially, the government is reducing the intercepted by the N.S.A. and then apply such rules for
risk that the N.S.A. will fail to recognize that “minimizing” privacy intrusions.
a piece of information would be valuable to
another agency, but increasing the risk that “This is not expanding the substantive
officials will see private information about ability of law enforcement to get access to
innocent people. signals intelligence,” said Robert S. Litt, the
general counsel to Mr. Clapper. “It is simply reports: widening the aperture for a larger number
of analysts, who will be bound by the
One of the central questions behind the existing rules.”
Mike Flynn flap that should have been
asked but largely wasn’t is: who was Throwing the BS flag on this one.
wiretapping the general? The answer, we
know now, was the National Security “Widening the aperture,” my old granny.
Agency, formerly known as No Such One of the things about the IC is that
“existing rules” are made to be broken “Rather than dramatically expanding
whenever one of its unaccountable minions government access to so much personal
feels like it; these are people who lie and data, we need much stronger rules to
cheat for a living. protect the privacy of Americans,” Mr.
Toomey said. “Seventeen different
And the genius of the Democrats — something for the government agencies shouldn’t be rooting
GOP to think about next time — is that they were able to through Americans’ emails with family
leverage the transition in order to change as many rules members, friends and colleagues, all
and embed as many apparatchiks as possible before without ever obtaining a warrant.”
formally turning over the reins to the new kids.
Correct. But the Fourth Amendment went out the barn
But Patrick Toomey, a lawyer for the American Civil door along with all the pretty horses long ago. Google and
Liberties Union, called the move an erosion of rules Facebook and Amazon know more about you than the CIA
intended to protect the privacy of Americans when their or FBI ever used to. And most of the personal information
messages are caught by the N.S.A.’s powerful global is provided by… you. Think about that, the next time you
collection methods. He noted that domestic internet data “check in,” post pictures of your loved ones and talk about
was often routed or stored abroad, where it may get your travel plans.
vacuumed up without court oversight.

NYT Anti-Trump Jihad
By Stephen Lendman

The Times represents pro-Hillary dark forces militantly That’s the so-called “line” he’s accused of crossing. The
against Trump - denigrating him relentlessly, featuring Times wants US adversarial relations kept unchanged -
advocacy, not real journalism. risking eventual confrontation if responsible action doesn’t
change things.
Daily feature stories vilify him, going way beyond
justifiable criticism. The self-styled newspaper of record The Times:
mocks fair and balanced reporting, absent on its pages.
“(M)embers of Mr. Trump’s campaign and
It supports US imperial madness, neoliberal harshness inner circle were in repeated contact with
harming the nation’s most vulnerable, and police state Russian intelligence officials.”
targeting of nonbelievers.
False without evidence proving it, none presented!
It’s gone all-out to delegitimize Trump, failed to prevent
his electoral triumph, now on a rampage to weaken him The Times:
irreparably, ideally wanting him removed from office - a
coup d’etat by any standard if happens. “…Russia tried to destabilize and influence
the 2016 presidential campaign.”
Urging improved relations with Russia, both nations
cooperating in combating terrorism, became his achilles False! Again no evidence proves it - just baseless
heel. accusations without hard facts backing them. The
scheme involves bashing Russia and delegitimizing
The Times exploits his vulnerability on this issue Trump’s election.
relentlessly. On Wednesday, it published fake news, citing
four unnamed, clearly anti-Trump, current and former US The Times:
officials, claiming his campaign aides had “repeated
contacts with Russian intelligence” - allegations without “Congress (should) investigate what
evidence proving them. Moscow has been up to and whether
people at the highest levels of the United
In a Thursday editorial, it called on States government have aided and abetted
the interests of a nation that has tried to
“Congress to investigate Mr. Trump’s thwart American foreign policy since the
(alleged) ties to Russia.” Cold War.”

No indication of anything out of the ordinary cited. Fact: This type rubbish passes for Times journalism. The
Nothing about wrongdoing. Big business operates in many self-styled newspaper of record is a national disgrace, a
countries, dealing with governments at times required. It’s malevolent force.
standard practice.
Calling for investigating so-called Trump ties to Russia
Yet Times editors allege Trump “crossed the line,” reflects witch-hunt efforts to weaken and remove him from
posturing about a situation presented as being akin to office.
Watergate and Iran-Contra. Nothing suggests it.
He should be held accountable for continuing harmful
The issue is solely about Trump defeating Times favorite domestic and foreign policies his predecessors began - real
Hillary and wanting better relations with Russia, hoping he issues of concern, not fake ones regarding Russia.
and Vladimir Putin can get along well.

Michael Flynn: Minding Our
Own Business Vs. Saving The World
The Global Snake Wears A Sneer Because It’s His Party.
By Jon Rappoport
February 16, 2017

Flynn talked to some Russian and said the US under with some Russian ambassador about easing US sanctions
Trump might ease sanctions against Russia? This was the against Russia.
high crime? This was why he had to go?
The US sanctions were launched in the first place because
What sanctions? Imposed for what purpose? What are all Russia annexed the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. And that
these people in Washington talking about? was our business because…?

Let’s go back to the beginning. Here from Wikipedia is a bit of background on the
annexation. Note the jungle of entangling alliances
At the founding of the Republic, there was a chance to involved, the agreements, the rules and regulations—
mind our own national business, and a few years later, NONE of which America needed to be concerned about.
outgoing President George Washington warned the Therefore, why did we lay on sanctions? My comments
country to stay away from entangling foreign alliances. below are in brackets.

But of course he was ignored. “Ukraine considers the annexation to be a

violation of international law [international
So flashing forward, now we hear about interconnected, law? who cares?] and agreements by
global, “inevitable situations” which require our attention. Russia, including Agreement on
Establishing the Commonwealth of
Independent States in 1991 [the what?],
Interest rates, trade imbalances, taxes, wars, foreign Helsinki Accords [so what?], Treaty on the
military bases, binding treaties, unfriendly regimes, Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of
national debt, loans unpaid; on and on it goes—as if these 1994 [and this relates to Crimea how?] and
cluster-problems arose out of some sacred duty to solve Treaty on friendship, cooperation and
other people’s difficulties; and we’re locked in, we have to partnership between the Russian
meddle, we have to be the meddling messiah, we’re deep Federation and Ukraine [none of our
in a massive soap opera called interdependence. business].”
“The event was condemned by many world
Well, sure, once you start walking down that road, things
leaders [so what?] as an illegal annexation
will pile up. They’ll get worse. Last year’s obligations will
of Ukrainian territory, in violation of the
double this year. You have to speak sixteen languages at
1994 Budapest Memorandum [the what?]
once to satisfy all your global partners, and you speak
on sovereignty and territorial integrity of
them out of the side of your mouth because you’re
Ukraine, signed by Russia. It led to the
conniving and cheating and stealing and killing along the
other members of the then G8 [who cares
way. Just as they are. It’s all one big terminally failing
about the G8?] suspending Russia from the
family called It Takes a Village.
group, then introducing the first round of
sanctions against the country. The United
The sun can’t set outside your home anymore, it has to set Nations General Assembly [your basic
on every conniving government on the face of the Earth, global meddlers] also rejected the vote and
and we’re on board. annexation, adopting a non-binding
resolution [busy work by meddlers]
Newsflash: This isn’t planetary love, it’s not one united affirming the ‘territorial integrity of Ukraine
human race, it’s an infection. within its internationally recognised
Take the recent case of Michael Flynn, who was forced out
of the Trump administration because he possibly talked
“Following a Crimean referendum [none of Foreign entanglements are justified on the basis of high-
our business], held on 16 March 2014, in level, complex, sophisticated baloney cut six ways from
which separation was favoured by a large Sunday.
majority of voters, the UN resolution [who
cares?] also ‘underscores that the This is the swamp nobody in Washington wants to talk
referendum having no validity, cannot form about.
the basis for any alteration of the status of
Crimea.’ The resolution calls upon all
Well, there was one man who did. Ron Paul.
States and international organizations [who
cares?] not to recognize or to imply the
recognition of Russia’s annexation. In He saw through the whole hissing, hideous, life-sucking,
2016, UN General Assembly [major money-making, evil scam.
meddlers] reaffirmed non-recognition of the
annexation and condemned ‘the temporary He was cut off at the knees by the media networks when
occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine he ran for president. And the movement behind him paved
— the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the way for Trump.
the city of Sevastopol’ [blah blah].”
As I’ve written before, Trump needs to sit down and have
We could take all this back further to the 2014 a long talk with Ron.
uprising/coup in the Ukraine, and the role of outsiders
(e.g., CIA). But you get the idea. A very serious talk.

Once you start down the road of making alliances and If Trump actually cares.
agreements with other governments, you’re in the web.
You’re in the nest of vipers. You are a viper. Trump is the target in the cross hairs for the entire US
intelligence community, the State Department, parts of the
The US population has been thoroughly conditioned to Pentagon, the defense contractors, and numerous other
expect their government to intervene in crises at the drop Washington and media sluts. To say nothing of the
of a hat, “on the side of the angels,” of course. Rockefeller Globalists. They want wars. They need to
know he’ll play ball. They don’t like even a hint that he’ll
But each “solution” digs us deeper in the fundamental go in a different direction. They want the whole pie.
problem. Meddling.
Foreign entanglements.
Once meddling is established as a way of life, the military-
industrial complex and the Deep State can feel secure in George Washington warned against them.
the knowledge that any intervention and any war will play
well—because all they have to do is promote war as a way And ever since he was ignored, the chickens have been
of offering “freedom and peace to the less fortunate.” coming home to roost.

War is peace.

Trump Praises Rogue State Israel
By Stephen Lendman

During a White House press conference with Netanyahu, scuttling hopes for improved relations with Russia and
Trump turned truth on its head, calling Israel “a symbol to curtailing US imperial wars.
the world of resilience in the face of oppression.”
“I’d like to see you hold back on
He praised its nonexistent “open democracy in the face of settlements for a little bit,” he told
violence” it alone instigates against defenseless Netanyahu, a meaningless throwaway
Palestinians and other regional states. statement. “We’ll work something out. But I
would like to see a deal be made. I think a
He expressed disturbing hostility toward Iran, a peaceful deal will be made,” he said.
nation threatening no one. He ludicrously called America
and Israel “two nations that cherish the value of all human Fact: Settlement construction never stopped before. It
life.” won’t now. The only possible “deal” will be devastating
for Palestinian rights and regional peace.
Claiming to support Israeli/Palestinian peace, he said both
sides “must directly negotiate such an agreement” - what Trump said he’s
never worked for nearly half a century, guaranteed to fail
again. “looking at” a two-state v. a one-state
solution, adding he “like(s) the one that
The only resolution acceptable to Israel is unconditional both parties like. I can live with either one.”
Palestinian surrender, yielding nothing in return, a repeat
of the failed Oslo process, a Palestinian Versailles by any With Israel controlling the vast majority of historic
standard, isolating them in cantonized open-air prisons, Palestine, one state for all its people alone is best for
surrounded by hostile settlements, brutalized by Israeli Palestinians - even though they’d continue being treated as
viciousness. second-class citizens under ruthless apartheid rule.

Trump: “I want the Israeli people to know As for moving America’s embassy to Jerusalem, Trump
that the United States stands with Israel in said “we’ll see what happens.” The move appears off the
the struggle against terrorism.” table, given the regional firestorm it would cause.

Fact: Its worst of all unmentioned variety is state- Netanyahu repeated the long-ago discredited canard about
sponsored. The other kind is supported by America, Palestinians seeking Israel’s destruction.
NATO, Israel and allied rogue states.
Long ago they expressed willingness to accept statehood
Netanyahu: “(O)ur alliance (with America) within June 1967 borders, 22% of their historic land along
is based on a deep bond of common with East Jerusalem as their exclusive capital - ideas Israel
values and common interests. And, categorically rejects.
increasingly, those values and interests are
under attack by one malevolent force: Netanyahu wants their homeland exclusively for Jews,
radical Islamic terror.” longstanding ethnic cleansing ongoing to assure it.

Fact: US/Israeli “values” and “interests” threaten Palestinians are marginalized, brutalized and slaughtered at
humanity’s survival. No two nations represent a more Israel’s whim, making peaceful conflict resolution
“malevolent force.” impossible.

Fact: Both are the world’s most reviled and feared. Both Israel has a strong ally in Trump. Palestinians have no
foster endless conflicts and instability. Peace is anathema friends in Washington, the way it’s always been with rare
to their agendas. profiles in courage exceptions like former congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney.
Trump duplicitously called what happened to Michael
Flynn “very unfair.” He sacked him, an act of betrayal, There’s no one like her in Congress today.

Open Warfare Declared In DC As Deep State ‘Goes
Nuclear’ — Trump ‘Will Die In Jail’
By Jay Syrmopoulos
Posted On February 16, 2017

Washington, D.C. – The United States is entering an Kucinich urged Trump to take control, and locate where
extreme and unprecedented political crisis in the form of a the leakers are so he and the American people will know
soft coup by the deep state. Politicians on both sides of the the truth. Kucinich said members of the intelligence
community want to reignite a Cold War between the
aisle have publicly called out these elements of the
United States and Russia so the military, industrial and
“intelligence-industrial complex” that are actively working intelligence “axis” can “cash in.”
to undermine, discredit and forcibly remove President

Giving a clear admission of a soft coup in progress, John

Schindler, a former professor of national security affairs at
the U.S. Naval War College, who spent nearly a decade
with the super-secret National Security Agency as an
intelligence analyst and counterintelligence officer — and
who still maintains deep connections to the intelligence
community — readily admitted that senior elements of the
intelligence community (IC) are engaging in treason
against Trump.

Speaking to this soft coup and smashing the left/right

paradigm, on Tuesday, former Cleveland Democratic
congressman Dennis Kucinich boldly stated that, “There’s
something wrong going on here in the intelligence
community,” in calling out the real reason behind the
forced resignation of National Security Advisor Michael

While on the opposite side of the aisle, California will personally do. Whatever we may think
Congressman Devin Nunes (R), chairman of the House of Trump as a person and about his
Committee on Intelligence, proclaimed that the nine potential as a President, what is certain is
intelligence officials who leaked the contents of Flynn’s that millions of American patriots have
phone call should be locked up for leaking classified voted for him to “clear the swamp”, give the
intelligence. boot to the Washington-based plutocracy
and restore what they see as fundamental
“That’s nine leakers that all belong in jail,” American values.
he said. “Those nine people broke the law,
clearly, by leaking classified information to If the Neocons now manage to stage a coup d’etat against
anybody.” Trump, I predict that these millions of American will turn
to violence to protect what they see as their way of life,
This all comes in the wake of the nation’s top security their values and their country. In spite of the image which
official, National Security Advisor Flynn, being forced to Hollywood likes to give of them, most Americans are
resign after leaks from the IC revealed that he gave peaceful and non-violent people, but if they are pushed too
“incomplete information” to Vice President Mike Pence far they will not hesitate and grab their guns to defend
and others about the conversations he had with the Russian themselves, especially if they lose all hopes in their
ambassador prior to Trump taking office. democracy. And I am not talking only about gun-toting
hillbillies here, I am talking about the local, state and
county authorities, who often care much more about what
Flynn has since publicly stated that he “crossed no lines”
their local constituents think and say than what they are up
during an interview with The Daily Caller. Obviously, an
to in DC. If a coup is staged against Trump and some
experienced intelligence official like Flynn was completely
wannabe President à la Hillary or McCain gives the order
aware of the signals intelligence on Russian diplomats,
to the National Guard or even the US Army to put down a
thus making it extremely unlikely that he would say
local insurrection, we could see what we saw in Russia in
anything that could be construed as violating the law.
1991: a categorical refusal of the security services to shoot
at their own people.
Just remember, it’s not what Flynn said, it’s who he talked
to – the Russians – as it is standard operating procedure for
This is a very prescient warning given the volatile political
incoming officials to talk to diplomats from other
atmosphere in the United States. It should be noted that the
countries. The neoliberal and neocon forces are determined
confluence of deep state forces in this soft coup against
to push a new Cold War with Russia, and will not allow
Trump includes Clinton political operatives of the
for Trump’s intended rapprochement.
Brock/Podesta/Soros ilk, neocons represented by
McCain/Graham, and intelligence operatives in the
When intelligence officials are using their position to leak security apparatus.
details to the press in an effort to control the public
narrative in hopes of delegitimizing a sitting president,
Essentially, the losers of the election refuse to submit and
make no mistake that the politicians are no longer in
have determined that they will wage total war on Trump in
control of the United States – the intelligence apparatus is
an effort to force regime change – elections be damned.
in control.

In fact, the dynamics at play are much larger in scope and

Think about the implications of what is taking place; any
volume than what most people understand, as they are part
person running for public office can essentially be
of a full spectrum war, utilizing tactics from various global
manipulated by the intelligence that the NSA has collected
Color Revolutions, to force regime change in the United
on them. The information can then be anonymously leaked
States. The neocons and neoliberals have virtual control of
to destroy anyone the intel apparatus chooses, thus giving
the Congress, the media, courts, and parts of the
them total control.
intelligence apparatus.
The depth of this political crisis cannot be overstated, as
From the time of Bill Clinton until now, these elements
the deep state war on Trump could spiral out of control
have deeply penetrated the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, and
with grave consequences, including the risk of an actual
the three letter agencies. Even the Fed is largely aligned
Civil War.
with these globalist forces.
As noted by respected geopolitical analyst The Saker:
So, how can President Trump survive this soft coup?
At the risk of sounding over the top, I will
Trump has only one chance for his political survival.
say that what is happening now is putting
the very existence of the United States in
danger almost regardless of what Trump
He must undertake a ruthless, but legal, anti-corruption line on Russia. Judging by his tweet regarding Crimea this
campaign against the deep state forces aligned against his morning, it seems that Trump may be capitulating to the
presidency ala Putin’s anti-corruption campaign in Russia. forces intent on his destruction in an effort to save his
Make no mistake that Trump, and those that have declared presidency from total ruin.
war upon him, are engaged in a fight to the death.

When Putin came to power he inherited a similar situation

in the Kremlin, which was every bit as corrupt and traitor-
infested as the White House in which Trump now finds

The manner in which this operation would be conducted

would be a methodical FBI crackdown on the forces
fomenting the soft coup by investigating the plotters on
charges of corruption, abuse of power, conspiracy, To survive the soft coup attempt, without bending to the
obstruction of justice, and all the other types of behavior neolibcon will, Trump must use the FBI to clean house and
which have gone on forever in Congress, the intelligence deliver a steady stream of indictments for corruption,
community and the media. conspiracy to [fill the blank], abuse of authority,
obstruction of justice and dereliction of duty, etc. Since
Trump could start by instructing FBI Director James such crimes are widespread in the current circles of power,
Comey to tenaciousiosly investigate criminal activity of they are also easy to prove and cracking down on
those elements involved in the plot. Essentially, he would corruption would get Trump a standing ovation from the
deal with the coup plotters in the same manner as Putin American people.
handled the oligarchs in Russia or how the U.S. took down
Al Capone – tax evasion charges, etc. This is the only way Trump will survive the ongoing coup
attempt by the various deep state operatives, working in
With the removal of Flynn, Trump is now surrounded by concert with Clintonian media proxies, is to undertake a
forces that are largely hostile to his stated goal of peace widespread anti-corruption campaign aimed at those
with Russia. The major difference between what Putin attempting to overthrow the current U.S. government.
faced and what Trump now faces is that the forces aligned
against Putin never saw him coming. While one may not support Trump’s politics or agenda,
make no mistake that those involved in this soft coup are
Trump’s only choices for political survival are to strike doing nothing less than engaging in treason against the
immediately and strike hard, or to cave to the neolibcon United States.

Coup Underway To Weaken Or Oust Trump
By Stephen Lendman

What’s ongoing against him is what fantasy democracy He initially rejected the notion of Russian US election
looks like in America - the way banana republics and other hacking - claimed by the intelligence community. He
despotic regimes work. wants new leadership replacing Obama holdovers.

It’s a deplorable state of affairs. Ordinary people have no He accused US spy agencies of illegally leaking
say. Deep state power brokers run things. The president, information to undermine him, saying during a press
key members of Congress, the judiciary and bureaucracy conference with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
serve them.
“(i)ntelligence papers are being leaked.”
Challenging the system practically assures being targeted
by long knives. Was Trump’s presidency over before it “Things are being leaked. It’s a criminal
began? action - criminal act - and it’s been going on
for a long time. Before me. But now it’s
Throughout the campaign, post-election and inauguration, really going on.”
he’s been beset by relentless assaults on his legitimacy,
determined efforts to undermine him - led by “(D)ocuments and papers (were) illegally - I
Washington’s intelligence community, opposition stress that - illegally leaked.” Separately,
Democrats resembling autocrats, extremist GOP elements he tweeted “(t)he real scandal here is that
and scoundrel media attacks. classified information is illegally given out
by ‘intelligence’ like candy. Very un-
The Wall Street Journal reported the latest, headlining American.”
“Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump on Leak
Concerns.” Other tweets covered the same issue.

Denying him sensitive intelligence perhaps is true, not On a separate one, he tweeted
over concerns of it being leaked or compromised as the
Journal reported, citing current and former US officials. “Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the
Obama Administration. Was Obama too
It’s part of the campaign to weaken and undermine him, soft on Russia?”
perhaps heading toward eliminating him by impeachment
and conviction, resignation or something more sinister. Not a good sign - combined with Flynn’s sacking,
indicating continued adversarial relations.
It’s over his desire for improved relations with Russia,
both countries cooperating in combating terrorism - the The late Chalmers Johnson believed the CIA’s existence
possibility dashed by the firing of National Security and democracy are incompatible. Separately, he said the
Advisor Michael Flynn, the one key administration official agency
he could count on to pursue this agenda.
“outlived any Cold War justification it once
It’s about his mistrust of the intelligence community. He might have had and should simply be
wants the Office of Director of National Intelligence abolished.”
restructured and downsized, believing its current structure
is fundamentally flawed. So should the FBI, DHS and all US spy agencies in their
current form, enforcing police state rule at home, mischief
leading to wars abroad, risking eventual catastrophic
nuclear war, humanity’s ultimate nightmare.

Deutsche Bank Probe Reveals
No Link Between Trump's Finances, Russia
© Reuters/ Kai Pfaffenbach - World
17:01 16.02.2017

when Trump launched his presidential campaign, found

that Trump's loans were not guaranteed by Russia, The
Guardian newspaper reported, citing sources familiar
with the probe.

The bank did not give official statements despite calls

from the US Congress for a public probe into its alleged
involvement with Russian money laundering and extensive
links with Trump and his family.

In late 2016, media reported that Trump had some $300

Deutsche Bank, US President Donald million in outstanding Deutsche Bank loans which were
Trump's bank of choice, has found no being restructured to avoid a conflict of interest
links between the money loaned to the between Trump's presidency and business ventures. Trump
billionaire and Russia, media reported did not sell his real estate business after becoming
Thursday. president, instead entrusting the business empire
to members of his family.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Over the course of Trump's 2016
presidential campaign, claims have been made that The new US president's alleged links to Russia have been
Trump's continued reliance on Deutsche Bank loans worth the subject of much scandal in the United States
hundreds of millions of US dollars despite his poor over recent month. Opponents accused Trump of having
financial record indicated Russian involvement, especially business ties with Russia, while the president stated that he
given recent accusations of the bank being complicit had no investments in the country. An intelligence memo,
in laundering billions of US dollars for Russian clients. leaked to media, then claimed that Trump had been
groomed by Russia for years before is presidential bid.
Trump slammed these as fake news, while the US
The German-based bank's internal review, which started intelligence community admitted the information was
in accordance with politically exposed persons (PEP) rules unsubstantiated.

Lawmakers Introduce Bill To
Block Trump From Lifting Russia Sanctions
Published Time: 16 Feb, 2017 08:59

None of the Republican representatives sponsoring the

legislation, who include Adam Kinzinger, Tom Rooney,
and Mike Turner, showed up for the news conference, with
their offices citing scheduling conflicts.

In the Senate, the bill is supported by Republicans John

McCain and Lindsey Graham, both of whom have been the
objects of scalding criticism from Donald Trump for
opposing his executive order imposing a travel ban on
seven predominantly Muslim countries.

Democrats and a handful of Republicans in Congress have The Russia Sanctions Review Act would need to win a
submitted a bill that would block President Trump from majority in both chambers and be signed into law by
lifting the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the Obama Trump to come into force, giving it shaky prospects.
administration, despite the White House showing little Democrats would need overwhelming support from
movement in that direction. Republicans, who currently hold a majority in both the
House and the Senate, to overcome a presidential veto.
The measure, which was first announced last week, moved
forward on Wednesday, when identical bills were The US has imposed several rounds of sanctions on
submitted to both chambers of Congress that would give Russian entities, citing Moscow’s acceptance of Crimea’s
lawmakers 120 days to block any move to lift anti-Russian request to become part of Russia after a referendum and
sanctions using a congressional oversight mechanism alleged interference in eastern Ukraine. More recently, the
based on the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. US has justified new restrictions by accusing Russia of
meddling with the US presidential election, while failing to
“Every American, every Republican, every offer any concrete proof.
Democrat is concerned about Russia and
what they have been doing to violate Russia denies the latter two charges and considers
international law, not to mention the Crimea’s decision to rejoin Russia a lawful development
criminal behavior they may be pursuing under the principle of self-determination.
and are pursuing, we believe, in Syria,”
Democratic Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer
said at a media conference.

The Public Should Demand
To See The Michael Flynn Transcript
Submitted By Mike Krieger Via Liberty Blitzkrieg Blog
Feb 16, 2017 4:00 AM

The United States is much better off is Glenn Greenwald, and I eagerly read his latest piece on
without Michael Flynn serving as the matter:
national security adviser. But no one
should be cheering the way he was The Leakers Who Exposed Gen. Flynn’s
brought down. Lie Committed Serious — and Wholly
The whole episode is evidence of the Justified — Felonies.
precipitous and ongoing collapse of
America’s democratic institutions — not There are several key points he outlines in the piece, most
a sign of their resiliency. Flynn’s ouster of which I agree with. First, he proves that the leakers
was a soft coup (or political committed serious felonies under the law. Second, he
assassination) engineered by states that if illegal leaks lead to the disclosure of
anonymous intelligence community information that is clearly very much in the public interest,
bureaucrats. The results might be then such action is not only justified, but ethically
salutary, but this isn’t the way a liberal necessary. I agree with this as well. Where he doesn’t
democracy is supposed to function. really convince me, is the argument that this particular leak
President Trump was roundly mocked represented some sort of great public service. He writes:
among liberals for that tweet. But he is,
in many ways, correct. These leaks are This Flynn episode underscores another
an enormous problem. And in a less critical point: The motives of leakers are
polarized context, they would be irrelevant. It’s very possible — indeed,
recognized immediately for what they likely — that the leakers here were not
clearly are: an effort to manipulate acting with benevolent motives. Nobody
public opinion for the sake of achieving with a straight face can claim that lying to
a desired political outcome. It’s the public is regarded in official Washington
weaponized spin. as some sort of mortal sin; if anything, the
contrary is true: It’s seen as a job
In a liberal democracy, how things requirement.
happen is often as important
as what happens. Procedures matter. So Moreover, Gen. Flynn has many enemies
do rules and public accountability. The throughout the intelligence and defense
chaotic, dysfunctional Trump White community. The same is true, of course, of
House is placing the entire system Donald Trump; recall that just a few weeks
under enormous strain. That’s bad. But ago, Democratic Sen. Chuck
the answer isn’t to counter it with Schumer warned Trump that he was being
equally irregular acts of sabotage — or “really dumb” to criticize the intelligence
with a disinformation campaign waged community because “they have six ways
by nameless civil servants toiling away from Sunday at getting back at you.”
in the surveillance state. It’s very possible — I’d say likely — that the
– From The Week article: America’s Spies motive here was vindictive rather than
Anonymously Took Down Michael noble. Whatever else is true, this is a case
Flynn. That is Deeply Worrying. where the intelligence community, through
strategic (and illegal) leaks, destroyed one
I never intended to write about the Michael Flynn affair. I of its primary adversaries in the Trump
figured it had been covered to death and I probably White House.
wouldn’t have anything to add to the conversation. That But no matter. What matters is not the
said, I hadn’t been following the story closely so I decided motive of the leaker but the effects of
to get caught up by reading a diverse selection of articles the leak. Any leak that results in the
on the topic. One of my favorite sources on such subjects exposure of high-level wrongdoing — as
this one did — should be praised, not according to current and former
scorned and punished. American officials.
Throughout the discussions, the
Glenn’s conclusion here is that the Flynn leak exposed message Mr. Flynn conveyed to the
high-level wrongdoing. What wrongdoing are we talking ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak — that
about specifically? Yes, it seems he clearly lied to the the Obama administration was
public and Mike Pence about the content of his Moscow’s adversary and that relations
conversation with the Russian ambassador. The lie to Mike with Russia would change under Mr.
Pence in particular led to Pence embarrassing himself Trump — was unambiguous and highly
publicly by repeating that lie, and this betrayal seems to be inappropriate, the officials said.
the primary motivator (from my seat) of why Trump fired
him. Others are referring to potential violations of the But current and former American officials
Logan Act, but as we learned from Lawfare: said that conversation — which took place
the day before the Obama administration
imposed sanctions on Russia over
Flynn certainly breached protocol. He may accusations that it used cyberattacks to
also have broken the law by interfering with help sway the election in Mr. Trump’s favor
U.S. diplomatic efforts while still a private — ranged far beyond the logistics of a
citizen, which is forbidden by the Logan post-inauguration phone call. And they said
Act. The centuries-old law is vague, it was only one in a series of contacts
however, and has never resulted in a between the two men that began before the
conviction. Furthermore, there may be election and also included talk of
significant First Amendment problems with cooperating in the fight against the Islamic
enforcing it. Officials became more alarmed State, along with other issues.
when Flynn was not forthcoming with Vice
President-Elect Pence and others, The officials said that Mr. Flynn had
possibly including federal agents, about the never made explicit promises of
conversations. Those officials feared that sanctions relief, but that he had
Flynn’s dissembling might open up him up appeared to leave the impression it
to risks of blackmail. would be possible.

Yes, Flynn was a private citizen, but he was less than a How do we know what was really said without the
month away from being a high-level government official, transcript?
and the Obama administration was doing everything it
possibly could to antagonize Russia during its last few During the Christmas week conversation,
weeks in office. I’m not justifying what Flynn said in those he urged Mr. Kislyak to keep the Russian
conversations, or the lies he told about it, but there’s a key government from retaliating over the
problem with this whole leak. coming sanctions — it was an open secret
in Washington that they were in the works
It wasn’t really a leak meant to inform — by telling him that whatever the Obama
the public. administration did could be undone, said
the officials, who spoke on the condition of
It was a leak to specific journalists, at specific papers, with anonymity because they were discussing
a clear intent of political assassination through the classified material.
manipulation of public opinion via cryptic releases of Federal officials who have read the
filtered information. transcript of the call were surprised by
Mr. Flynn’s comments, since he would
For example, here’s how the New York Times reported on have known that American eavesdroppers
the information in its February 9 article, Flynn Is Said to closely monitor such calls. They were even
Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump more surprised that Mr. Trump’s team
Took Office: publicly denied that the topics of
conversation included sanctions.
WASHINGTON — Weeks before President Prosecutions in these types of cases are
Trump’s inauguration, his national security rare, and the law is murky, particularly
adviser, Michael T. Flynn, discussed around people involved in presidential
American sanctions against Russia, as well transitions. The officials who had read
as areas of possible cooperation, with that the transcripts acknowledged that while
country’s ambassador to the United States, the conversation warranted
investigation, it was unlikely, by itself,
to lead to charges against a sitting it’s going to be made into a story of
national security adviser. such huge national importance.

I have so many issues with the above reporting it’s hard to Finally, I want to end with the mind-boggling absurdity of
know where to start. Everything mentioned above is given those who wanted Edward Snowden’s head on a platter,
to us secondhand via “anonymous American officials.” but are somehow ok with these leaks. As Lawfare
Nowhere do I see any specific quotes from the transcript, explains:
despite the fact that the paper admits it talked with federal
officials who read it. Why not? Why must we hear about Furthermore, these leaks are criminal. As
the content of the transcripts secondhand from anonymous Edward Snowden has learned, the
officials? This is the most significant red flag with this Espionage Act makes intentional disclosure
whole story. If the leakers were truly interested in of classified “communications intelligence
transparency, and wanted the public to know the truth, why activities” a felony if such disclosure is
not leak the transcript to Wikileaks and let the public made in a “manner prejudicial to the safety
decide? or interest of the United States or for the
benefit of any foreign government . . . .” 18
I’ll tell you why. They didn’t do this because transparency U.S.C. § 798(a). This particular group of
was never the goal here. They wanted to illegally use leakers might argue their motives were in
intelligence information to take a scalp from a Trump defense of U.S. interests—to protect the
administration they hate, and they knew they could do this nation from national security policy guided
via mainstream media journalists. I know what you’re by a hand tainted by Russian influence—
thinking, Edward Snowden didn’t leak everything to but under current law, that argument is
Wikileaks either. He likewise picked a few journalists and highly unlikely to prevail. As Snowden well
trusted them to responsibly report the information. How is knows, there is no public interest
this any different? defense to prosecution for violations of
the Espionage Act.
It’s different in two important respects. First, we are
talking about a single transcript, or a few transcripts, as Somehow I doubt the Flynn leakers will find themselves in
opposed to the enormous intelligence data-dump that the same position as Snowden, scrambling to get to a
Snowden provided. Secondly, The Intercept and others country that will provide them safe haven from the vast,
who reported on the Snowden material provided a huge vindictive reach of the U.S. government. That’s because
amount of primary source documentation for the public to the leakers in this case are powerful operatives of the deep
see so that it could come to its own conclusion. state. As Greenwald explained:
They didn’t simply tell everyone what to think about
leaked documents while refusing to share any It’s hard to put into words how strange it is
actual content. to watch the very same people — from
both parties, across the ideological
Where are the specific, comprehensive spectrum — who called for the heads of
quotes from the Flynn transcript? Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Tom
Drake, and so many other Obama-era
Why doesn’t the public have a right to see the entire thing? leakers today heap praise on those who
Instead, we are being told what happened and what to leaked the highly sensitive, classified
think via secondhand anonymous sources. Sorry, but this SIGINT information that brought down Gen.
doesn’t cut it for me. Flynn.
It’s even more surreal to watch Democrats
I have yet to see any excerpts from the transcript. All I’ve act as though lying to the public is some
seen is what anonymous officials say was discussed. This grave firing offense when President
is absurd. We the people should demand the content of the Obama’s top national security official,
relevant transcripts so we can decide for ourselves just James Clapper, got caught red-handed not
how bad Flynn’s actions were. In the absence of this, only lying to the public but also to Congress
we’re essentially being manipulated on a massive scale by — about a domestic surveillance program
rogue intelligence agents and told what to think through that courts ruled was illegal. And despite
the major newspapers. This doesn’t cut it for me. I want to the fact that lying to Congress is a felony,
see the content of these conversations so I can make up my he kept his job until the very last day of the
own mind. Perhaps it’s even worse than we know. So be it. Obama presidency.
But this is how political power and the
We should be treated as adults and addled partisan brain in D.C. functions.
allowed to see the actual conversation if Those in power always regard leaks as a
heinous crime, while those out of power
regard them as a noble act. They
seamlessly shift sides as their position
in D.C. changes.

Finally, if you want to get a sense of the mindset behind

the most adamant defenders of the Flynn leaks, take a look
at the following tweets from former NSA analyst and
Naval War College professor, John Schindler.
If that’s “the resistance,” I want no part of it. As I
summarized on Twitter:

‘Democrats & Neocon Warmongers
Formed Unholy Alliance Against Trump’
Published Time: 16 Feb, 2017 03:46Edited Time: 16 Feb, 2017 04:51

“The motivation of the person disclosing

the information greatly matters. It’s actually
what distinguishes a whistleblower from a
leaker and even from someone like Scooter
Libby who was planting false information.
And these things all got blurred together,”
Rowley told RT.

Leaks are powerful tools in information warfare, which is

a waged to fuel real wars across the globe by a part of the
US establishment in cooperation with powerful military,
Hillary Clinton and John McCain © Jonathan Ernst / Reuters industrial and surveillance complex, which simply need to
sell their products.
One should be quite skeptical about the “leaks” coming
from “unnamed officials,” former FBI agent Coleen The useful misinformation is routinely being
Rowley has warned since its common practice to spread spread through “journalists, who are cozy
misinformation through with the CIA and other top officials,”
Rowley believes.
“journalists, who are cozy with the CIA and
other top officials.” “The most pernicious aspect is that this is
now information warfare, which is now
geared towards… launching more wars. It’s
The media's reaction to the so-called “leaks” on alleged
exactly where we were back when Scooter
connections between Trump’s team and Russia shows that
Libby went to the New York Times and
we live in a “very surreal moment,” since the same people
planted the false information about the
who have been calling for prosecutions and even [Saddam Hussein’s] uranium tubes,”
executions of the well-known whistleblowers are now Rowley said.
praising as heroes those “unnamed officials” who leak
information of questionable authenticity, Coleen Rowley “I think that is the worst aspect of what is
told RT. going on, and I think it’s accomplished in a
lot of different ways. We need to reduce
“It’s surreal to have called for the death and secrecy, but we need to be able to weigh
prosecutions of Manning, and Snowden and analyze the real truthful evidence that’s
and Julian Assange and many other out there. Right now we have leaks, but we
whistleblowers. And you had many people still haven’t seen any documents. The
piling on, calling them traitors and they public still doesn’t know the full truth of
were actually very good whistleblowers. this.”
And now, when you have other leaks the
same people who thought they were The situation is quite alarming, since military industry
traitors are saying they are heroes for hawks, craving wars have formed an “unholy alliance”
giving out this information,” Rowley said. with the Democrats, who want revenge for Hillary
Clinton’s loss in the presidential elections, Rowley said.
It is essential to be able to distinguish between a real Such an alliance harms both international security and the
whistleblower and leaker, since the former are motivated power structure in the US.
by a desire to do society a service, uncovering
wrongdoings of the government, while the latter pursue “We’re living in this moment when we have
their own agenda and might even plant completely a polarized government in Washington DC,
fabricated information. extremely polarized. The media has taken
sides with the Democrats and actually

some of the neo-con warmongers. It’s it’s a good question as to whether the
really an unholy alliance,” Rowley said. executive, as you know would be Trump’s
administration, or the legislative along with
“It’s debatable as to who’s actually in power
the deep-state, which includes the media. I
right now. We’re supposed to have three
don’t know who’s actually in power.”
equal and separate branches, but I think

Will Trump Succeed In Restoring America,
Or Will His Enemies Drag Him (And The Country) Down?
Submitted By James George Jatras Via The Strategic Culture Foundation,
Feb 16, 2017 2:00 AM

After barely two weeks in office Donald the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the criminal
Trump has stunned the world with his pseudo-state of «Kosova»?) Still, you have to start
«shock and awe» campaign to keep someplace, and the order can be refined as it moves
promises made when he was a forward.
candidate. The mere fact of a politician
doing what he said he would do seems to If it gets a chance. In a barefaced political move, a federal
have unsettled the nerves of his district judge in Washington State enjoined the order, and
opponents. What is called «Trump his injunction was upheld by three judges of the Ninth
Derangement Syndrome» is already Circuit, the worst in the country. (As they say at the
reaching critical proportions. Supreme Court: «This case comes on appeal from the
Ninth Circuit. Other reasons for reversal include...»)
Withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Trump can ask for review by the full Circuit en banc (a
ordering a start on his Mexican border wall, ordering an futile undertaking) or more likely turn to the Supreme
investigation into voter fraud (if conducted properly, Court. If the Supreme Court agrees to hear the case, which
almost certain to uncover widespread unlawful voting by is far from certain, a probable split of 4 to 4 (at best) would
non-citizens both legally and illegally present in the U.S., affirm the injunction. Or, as some consider likely, pseudo-
since no proof of citizenship is required to register), conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy, of same-sex
insisting he wants to get along with «killer» Vladimir marriage infamy, could side with the terrorists-welcome
Putin, and cutting short a call with Australia’s prime crowd, handing Trump a 5 to 3 defeat. Either result would
minister over Barack Obama’s idiotic promise to take in kill Trump’s order. He could always withdraw it and
Muslim refugees that our mates Down Under don’t want reissue it in modified form crafted to survive judicial
themselves – all of these have infuriated the usual scrutiny, but the lesson would be clear: questions of who
suspects. can safely be let into the U.S. will no longer be governed
by the duly elected president, whom the Constitution and
But the declaration of war was his order to impose federal statute empower to make such assessments, but by
restrictions on entry from seven majority-Muslim countries unelected judges’ according to their personal preferences.
designated as trouble spots by Obama with nary a peep This is the antithesis of the rule of law.
from the progressive watchdogs of «tolerance» and anti-
«Islamophobia». As Srdja Trifkovic has noted, Trump’s Clipping Trump’s wings early to prevent
order is the first step in instigating an ideological test to his protecting our country from
bar jihad ideologues from the United States. (See «The dangerous intruders is only one element
Real ‘Muslim Ban’» and my «If He Doesn’t Like Trump’s of the threat he faces.
Exclusion of All Muslims, Obama Must Exclude Advocates
of Sharia and Caliphate»). Of even greater menace is the effort to create what
amounts to a «color revolution» on the streets, in a replay
If Trump prevails on his exclusion order, of the tried-and-true method used in other countries:
he has the high ground to crush his Philippines, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine (twice), Egypt,
opponents in both political parties – and Lebanon, just to name some that succeeded. Now the same
they know it. That’s why the reaction Deep State and George Soros team are setting their sights
has been both hysterical and cynical. on overturning the will of the American people to restore
and preserve our country.
Mainstream media, inveterate enemies of Trump and the
American people, rarely mention the list of countries was Violence against political speech of the
Obama’s. (Frankly, it’s a bad list. Iran is on it – how many wrong kind is being legitimated and
terrorist attacks by an Iranian, or by any Shiite, have we mainstreamed by the media.
seen in the U.S. or Europe? But look who’s not on it:
Saudis (9/11), Pakistanis (San Bernardino), Palestinians Black-clad «anti-fascist action» reincarnations of Mao’s
(Fort Hood), Afghans (Orlando). For that matter, where’s Red Guards and Röhm’s brownshirts beat up and mace
peaceful citizens. So-called journalists openly mull If Trump is to win, he needs to stick to
whether the president should be assassinated. A celebrity his own instincts and vision.
fantasizes about blowing up the White House.
Compromising in the hopes of wooing those opposed to
Americans are more divided than any him would be fatal. Those who can be reconciled will be
time since 1861. won only by delivering on his primary pledge to restore
the economy and jobs for working people.
The term «civil war» is heard more and more, both in the
«cold» variety and the prospect it could turn hot. Half of Actually, Trump is not totally alone.
America hates the other half. We have become virtual
aliens to one another who don’t agree on even the most There are still the tens of millions of
basic principles of God, man, and the purpose of life. people who voted for him and who
Secessionist movements are gathering unprecedented disdain his enemies as much as
levels of support (notably in California – please, please, Trump’s enemies hate him.
please let them go and take their 55 Democratic Electoral
Votes with them!). For the media, the «antifa» thugs, the fantasists of
assassination, it may now seem all in good fun to trash
Taken together, there’s reason to be every rule of civil and moral restraint in their quest to
cautiously pessimistic. bring Trump down. But they should think twice, and then
think again.
Trump beat his GOP rivals, he beat Hillary, and maybe he
can beat the confederacy of scoundrels mobilizing against The side that starts a civil war isn’t
him. But it’s far from a sure thing. It’s a fight in which necessarily the side that wins it.
he’s virtually alone, with few trustworthy allies within his
own party and even in his own nascent administration.
(This is a particular concern in the national security area,
which I will touch upon at another time.)

Trump Considers Appointing Ally
To Conduct Review Of Intelligence Services
© REUTERS/ Carlos Barria/File Photo - US
10:28 16.02.2017

Bannon and Kushner had at one point considered Feinberg

for either director of national intelligence or chief of the
Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) clandestine service.

The sources also told the paper that the real purpose of the
intelligence services review was to introduce Feinberg
for a higher position later on.

Feinberg is a co-founder of Cerberus Capital Management

and a member of Trump’s economic advisory council.

US President Donald Trump is mulling Both Feinberg and the White House refused to comment
over plans to appoint New York on the speculations. However, Feinberg has recently told
billionaire Stephen Feinberg, who his company's shareholders that he was in talks to join the
allegedly has close ties to Stephen administration.
Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, local
media reported citing administration The publication came amid The New York Times reports,
officials. pointing at phone records and intercepted calls, that
members of Trump’s presidential campaign and several
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — According to these reports, associates had multiple contacts with senior Russian
Trump also considering appointing Jared Kushner, his son- intelligence officials in the year before the election. The
in-law, to lead the review of the work of the intelligence Wall Street Journal, meanwhile, reported that US
services against the backdrop of mutual distrust intelligence officers were holding back sensitive
between the services and the president. information from Trump because they were concerned data
might be leaked or compromised.
Current and former intelligence officials as well
as Republican lawmakers told The New York Times that

‘Flynn Sacrificed To Prevent Trump
From Recalibrating US Relations With Russia’
Annie Machon
Published Time: 16 Feb, 2017 03:05

AM: Yes, I don’t think he would be a president in any era

pre-Twitter. Because of course that gives him a direct
communication to the people, who read what he actually
thinks or what he says. I know from personal experience
all too well how controlling the intelligence community
can be over the mainstream corporate media in the West.
Their methods of controlling it both by soft power, where
they feed them juicy stories, give them scoops and the
journalists become always addicted to these very juicy
stories and scoops because it builds their careers. But it’s
also the hard power as well where the intelligence
National security adviser General Michael Flynn © Carlos Barria / community can legally threaten the mainstream media if
Reuters they do try to investigate what the intelligence community
is doing.
The scandal that led to Michael Flynn's resignation is a
part of a campaign to present Russia as the “eternal enemy RT: There seem to be some pretty obvious double
of America,” while the ultimate goal of this “deep-state standards here? Snowden, Assange, Manning, who leaked
conspiracy” is to delegitimize Donald Trump’s presidency, information are branded ‘traitors,’ while those who leak
believes former MI5 agent Annie Machon. information on Donald Trump have been called in some
publications ‘shadow warriors.’
RT: Who do you think is going to win the battle between
President Trump and the corporate media and intelligence AM: I know, and this is flagrant hypocrisy. We have a
community combined? situation where public-minded whistleblowers are leaking
information very much in the public interest and actually
Annie Machon: It’s a tough one to call. Very few some of that information has already led to reform of the
presidents have ever tried to take on the American American law in terms of how they govern the intelligence
intelligence community. Although of course, they should community. And yet they are called traitors, they are not
have because they’ve been flagrantly breaching the terms their heroes when they did a public service. And yet people
of the constitution, as we know of it from Edward who are actually briefing against President Trump, which
Snowden, for over a decade now. So yes, they should be is uncontainable if you think about it, surely by the very
held to account. And Donald Trump did say before he was definition committing treason. So it is flagrant hypocrisy.
even actually elected that if he were elected he would
clean out the CIA, he would replace the leadership. He What makes the situation even worse, is that now General
said they were too politicized too close to the government. Flynn has resigned, one of his possible successors has been
And of course that very closeness, that politicization, had mooted as General David Petraeus. Now people may
let them to make the most appalling errors most notably, of remember that a few years ago Petraeus handed over
course relying on fake intelligence that took the USA into highly classified documents to his then mistress and
the illegal war in Iraq in 2003. So there’s need to try and biographer. And he was never actually prosecuted in the
reform them, there’s need to hold them to account and to full sense. I mean he admitted his guilt, he paid a $100,000
make them answerable for their demonstrable crimes. So it fine but he never even went to prison. And yet again that’s
really is, I think, in this case a clash of the titans, it’s a a flagrant breach of national security and now they are
heavyweight fight, bare-knuckle fight. talking of putting him in as the national security advisor.
You couldn’t make this up.
RT: Doesn’t this make Donald Trump’s usage of Twitter
even smarter, because you’ve got the intelligence RT: Could this be a part of large-scale attempt to make
community feeding the media, they are working together. Donald Trump to back off from the idea to improve
And Trump needs that outlet to get his side of the story relations with Russia?
across using social media?
AM: Very much so. We’ve seen this all the way through He is obviously friendly towards the idea of cutting deals
even before the elections when we had the so-called and building a better relationship with Russia, that’s why
‘hacking’ of the DNC, which was blamed on Russia, even he had to be sacrificed. I think what we’re seeing, perhaps,
though WikiLeaks said the source was not a state actor and is a sort of a deep-state attempt to pick-off Donald
the UK former Ambassador said that he received the leaks Trump’s chosen advisors who might be Russia-friendly
himself. Through to that morphing into hacking voting and perhaps trying hitch him in with people who can’t be
computers, hacking the election, none of which has any more hawkish. That is if they can’t impeach Trump and get
basis and fact, not a shred of evidence has been brought rid of him altogether. So that’s probably the strategy going
forward. And this is continuing narrative followed on, of on here.
course, by Obama expelling 35 Russian diplomats before
Christmas and imposing sanctions for these so-called RT: It seems that anybody who looks forward to making
‘crimes against America’ and ‘hacking the election.’ All any contact with Russia is demonized to an extent. Is it
this is bogus, all this is designed to reinforce the fact that even possible for any US politician to try and have a
Russia is the eternal enemy of America and to trying to positive relationship with Russia without becoming a
delegitimize the presidency of Donald Trump even before victim of negative press?
it was really up and running, and to break any meaningful
possibility of cutting deals with Russia and between Russia
AM: I think it is very difficult, because having a good
and America.
working relationship between the two superpowers, of
course, will be good for world peace. It will be very bad
So it smacks very much of a deep-state conspiracy against for some of the key American businesses, and we’re
someone who was actually supposed to be the head of state talking here about the arms trade, which needs a state of
in America. perpetual war to make its sales, we are talking about
security surveillance trade, which is now massive, it
RT: The campaign against General Flynn was quite exploded since 9/11. And so it’s the military industrial and
effective. Do you think the media will use such a tactic security complex. So these have vested interest in trying to
again to go after other members of Trump’s team? ensure there’s no workable relationship between America
and Russia, and they will do that dauntless to try and derail
AM: I’m sure they will try, whether it will be effective is any approach towards that.
moot. I mean, obviously General Flynn did attend the 10th
anniversary of RT in Moscow in 2015, so he certainly has However, Donald Trump is a self-financed President, he is
some sort of connections. But, you know, it would be fairly unpredictable, he seems to be fairly bullish as well
disingenuous for anyone in the American administration to and knows his own mind. So I think if any American
think that such backchannel conversations don’t go on President has ever had a chance to try and recalibrate
routinely. So why they single out Michael Flynn for this is effectively the relationship between America and Russia it
the interesting question. might well be Donald Trump, he is a fighter.

Fake News CNN Insinuates Trump Is
Mentally Unstable… Will They Ever Stop Lying?
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 16, 2017

But the lamestream press is now working another angle:

That Trump is really “mentally unstable”

and that his White House is filled with

As The New American reported, CNN actually featured

Left-wing hack journalist Andrew Sullivan on its Sunday
show “Reliable Sources” to claim that all journalists
should be talking about Trump’s “mental stability”

– the same ‘he’s crazy and he’s got his

finger on the nuclear trigger!’ nonsense
we’ve heard off and on throughout the
campaign and since.
At President Donald J. Trump’s Thursday press “To have such an unstable figure,
conference, he made one point over and over again: incapable of accepting reality, at the center
of the world, is an extremely dangerous
The Washington establishment press corps thing,” Sullivan said.
largely consists of Left-wing hacks who
have their own political agenda in mind, Sullivan, who has no special psychiatric training but
which is trying to destroy his presidency at sounds as though he could use some psychiatric treatment
any cost. himself, declared Trump “bonkers” and added,

It’s an agenda, the president said, that frankly does not “I know we’re not supposed to bring this up
serve the American people very well, and one of the main — but it is staring us brutally in the face.”
reasons why readership is declining and TV ratings for
most news networks are falling. The bizarre, unhinged nature of the charge led Trump
friend and CEO of Newsmax Media, Christopher Ruddy, to
Trump has singled out CNN in particular – though he wonder aloud if Sullivan personally and CNN generally
mentioned others during his presser – as being little more were “connected to reality.”
than a “fake news” network whose hosts and guests have
so much hatred for him and his Republican Party they are “To believe, as Andrew claimed, that
incapable of telling the American people the truth. because he got the murder statistic rate
(RELATED: Fake News And Fact-Checking: How The wrong, that therefore he’s a pathological
Truth Gets Lost) liar, and therefore he’s mentally unstable, I
really think that’s over the top,” Ruddy said.
For instance, the discredited ‘mainstream’ media like CNN
introduce fake narrative after fake narrative – again as a That’s one way of putting it. But the point is, CNN is one
way to discredit and delegitimize the president. One of the of several Left-wing hack outlets responsible for the
earliest narratives that the establishment press and creation, and then perpetuation, of so much of this fake
Democrats in Congress, as well as rogue elements of the news nonsense that they are now feeding off of each
intelligence community, continue to push is that “Russia others’ fake news stories as if they were real. The New
hacked the election” on behalf of Trump, who is “in York Times publishes a nothingburger story filled with no
cahoots” with its president, Vladimir Putin – something substantiated facts but lots of innuendo about alleged
that Trump, again, categorically denied Thursday. connections between Trump’s campaign team and Russian
“intelligence,” then the rest of the discredited mainstream Trump isn’t as concerned with accurate facts and figures as
media used that report as the basis for continuing to he is in speaking generally about the issues facing the
advance the Russia hacked the election narrative…which country. While his crime statistics may have been off, he is
is false to begin with. right that violent crime is on the rise (and look, even CNN
agrees). While he takes heat for suggesting there is
Then the cycle begins all over again. Now, as is obvious, widespread voter fraud, there is evidence of it everywhere
Sullivan and CNN want to advance a little further the (here, here, and here, for starters).
lunacy that Trump is not mentally fit to hold the office of
the presidency as a way to at least diminish but, more But the angry Left-wing establishment media is more
importantly, as another way to try to get him out of office. content to help Democrats push their narrative that
(RELATED: The Time Has Come For The Trump something beyond their control must have happened for
Administration To Start Arresting Traitors In Government Trump – a reality TV star and billionaire real estate mogul
AND The Media) with no political experience – to have beaten Hillary
Clinton, rather that accept the fact that she was a lousy
“If he’s crazy, he’s crazy like a fox,” Ruddy candidate who did not inspire enough Americans to vote
said in defense of the president. for her.

Putin Orders Russian Media
To "Cut Back" On Positive Trump Coverage
by Tyler Durden
Feb 16, 2017 1:44 PM

Trump's honeymoon with capital markets is on the rocks, Putin's decree comes at a time of rising anti-Russian
kept alive only by the occasional soundbite about sentiment in Washington, where U.S. spy and law-
"massive" or "phenomenal" tax cuts; it now appears that enforcement agencies are conducting multiple
the US president's - until recently - amicable relationship investigations to determine the full extent of contacts
with Russia is also quickly souring. Trump’s advisers had with Russia during and after the
2016 election campaign.

According to Bloomberg, the order marks a stark

turnaround from just a few weeks ago when Russia hailed
Trump's presidential victory as the beginning of a new era
of cooperation between the former Cold War foes.
"Trump’s campaign was watched with rapture as news
anchors gushed over the novelty of hearing an American
presidential candidate praise Putin. But the wall-to-wall
coverage went too far for the Kremlin’s liking.

That said, there has certainly been a chilling in relations

between Trump and Putin. In recent weeks, numerous
According to Bloomberg, the Kremlin has ordered Russian White House officials, including Trump, have criticized
state media to cut "way back" on their fawning coverage of Russia for its annexation of Crimea and the subsequent
President Donald Trump, in what three sources told BBG violence in Ukraine. Trump on Wednesday accused Putin
is a of seizing Crimea from Ukraine in a series of Twitter posts
that were delivered amid a flurry of allegations that his
"reflection of growing concern among team has ties to Russia.
senior Russian officials that the new
U.S. administration will be less friendly "Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the
than first thought." Obama Administration. Was Obama too
soft on Russia?" the U.S. president
The Russian president has defended his decision saying it tweeted.
is the result of declining interest among the Russian
viewers in Trump's rise to power, but Bloomberg adds that As Bloomberg concludes, Russian officials, who had
some of the most popular TV segments on Trump touched readily commented to local media on earlier news from
on ideas the Kremlin would rather not promote, such as his Washington, suddenly became less talkative after the
pledge to “drain the swamp." Crimea comment.

The suggestion is that since Trump is looking to end And so, with Trump-Putin relations suddenly in purgatory,
governmental corruption, the "authoritarian" Putin should and Trump's domestic "Russia-facing" exposure in chaos,
be worried; and yet instead of "draining the swamp" it is now unclear how Trump will pivot away to restore
Trump has filled it by surrounded himself with precisely what many had hoped would lead to a restoration in
those bankers he used as populist examples of all that is normal relations between the two countries.
wrong with the government. As such, Putin should greet
Trump's failed "swamp draining" although that part did not
make it into the Bloomberg report.

Trump The Braveheart: Any Other Republican Would
Have Caved By Now, But Trump Refuses To Be Bullied Or
Destroyed By The Commie-Run Media
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 16, 2017

than insinuations; the Time even reported

that officials “have seen no evidence”
Trump or his campaign worked with the

The establishment press has been relentless with Trump, as

he pointed out in his Thursday presser, vomiting
information spoon-fed to various outlets by the anti-Trump
elements within the deep state in a manner that is a huge
violation of U.S. statutory law. Indeed, Trump took the
media to task for even publishing the information, which,
frankly, is aiding and abetting the leaks and is in and of
itself a violation of federal law governing classified
Mel Gibson’s 1996 blockbuster film “Braveheart,” based
on the true story of Sir William Wallace, who led a 13th-
century war of Scottish independence from England,
featured a man standing strong against overwhelming odds Every day there seems to be a new narrative. A few days
to bring freedom to his country. after his inauguration the media claimed Trump was
“obsessed” with the size of the crowd, which was much
larger than CNN and others made it appear. But it was not
President Donald J. Trump isn’t Mel Gibson, but he very
something Trump was obsessed with, and to claim that it
well could be America’s modern-day version of William
was, as some networks did, is absurd.

Next, the media tried to create a controversy over Trump’s

At his press conference Thursday, Trump once again
discussion of the inaugural crowd size during his first visit
proved his mettle and steadfastness in the face of
to the CIA. The narrative: Trump was insensitive to the
controversy – manufactured though it is by the Left-wing
men and women of the agency who have given their lives
Washington media – as he stood strong for all Americans
for their country because he obsessed over the crowd
in fending off attack after attack by a press corps largely
standing before a memorial wall dedicated to the fallen.
dedicated to ensuring he fails as president.
Only, the same media did not find any outrage, Breitbart
News reported, when President Obama railed against the
The bogus narrative that Russia hacked the election was in Bush administration’s interrogation techniques,
full force again this week as newspapers like The New “impugning the integrity of the CIA and giving valuable
York Times and other Leftist news networks claimed that information to terrorists.”
“sources in and out of the U.S. government” said their
might – might – have been ‘some contact’ between Trump
Another bogus narrative: The immediate next-day protests
campaign officials and Russian intelligence. But in its
against Trump by women was important, somehow, in the
report the Times reported nothing, essentially – just more
great scheme of things. Except that it wasn’t. The only
unproven allegations sprinkled with the aura of
purpose it served was as a continuation of the unhinged
officialdom because some unnamed “American officials”
Left’s hatred of Trump and its refusal to accept that
were speaking. As The National Sentinel reported:
billionaire real estate mogul and former reality TV host
could best the anointed – and wholly uninspiring – Hillary
This report claims to be based on Clinton, who lost her second bid for the White House to a
information provided by “four current and guy who once knocked out WWE’s Vince McMahon on
former American officials.” But like earlier Wrestlemania.
reports, there isn’t much in the story other

And so on.

The point is, the onslaught against Trump – which,

frankly, is just beginning – would have cowed a typical
Republican politician. Anyone who has observed politics
for any length of time knows that most Republicans, when
they get targeted by the media, are quick to reverse
themselves and back away from a fight – or manufactured
‘controversy.’ But the media has been relentless against
Trump, and he hasn’t been rattled, slowed or moved him
off his agenda. (RELATED: Note to the GOP: Get a grip
and REPEAL Obamacare)

In fact, Trump has taken on the media, and the deep state it
promotes, like a valiant hero of old.

Trump’s Approval Rating Continues To SOAR,
Overwhelming Majority Believe Media Against Trump
Ryan Saavedra
Feb 16th, 2017 11:00 Am

of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President

Trump’s job performance. Forty-five
percent (45%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 38% who Strongly Approve of

the way Trump is performing and 36% who Strongly
Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index
rating of +2. (see trends).

Rasmussen also reports that 47% of Americans believe that

the intelligence community has their own political agenda.

The most interesting part of the entire poll was how those
Trump’s Approval Rating Clims Even After Onslaught who were surveyed viewed the media.
From Media
From Rasmussen:
Rasmussen Reports’ latest poll shows that President
Nearly half (48%) also believe most
Trump’s approval rating has increased over the last 24
reporters are biased against the
hours despite the vicious attacks from the mainstream
president. Only 12% think they are
biased for Trump, while 31% feel most
reporters try to be fair and balanced.
From Rasmussen:
On Wednesday The Gateway Pundit reported that
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Rasmussen Reports showed that President Trump’s
Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 55% approval rating was at 53%.

President Trump Announces
New Labor Secretary Pick - Live Feed
By Tyler Durden
Feb 16, 2017 12:20 PM

President Trump just surprised The White House press

corps by announcing he will hold a press conference at We would be surprised if the topic of his election victory
1230ET today to announce his labor secretary pick. For and the establishment's disappointment doesn't come up...
now we do not know if he will answer any questions, but
given the tweets in th elast 24 hours, he certainly has lots
to say...

He is expected to announce his new labor secretary,

following Andy Puzder's withdrawal... Alexander Acosta "People are trying to cover up for a
is a former member of the National Labor Relations Board terrible loss that the Democrats had
and is currently the dean of Florida International under Hillary Clinton"
University’s law school.
We are sure the topic of Mike Flynn will come up - which
President Trump will likely note - much to Nancy Pelosi's
disappointment - that The FBI is pursuing no charges
against him.

Trump will undoubtedly mention the record high stock

prices, having already pointed out the lack of media
attention to it. But as BofA notes...

Given the tweetstorms of the last 24 hours, we suspect he Our Make America Great Again indicator
will rage against "leakers" - promising they will "pay a off to a good start in recent months; we
big price".. regard housing in particular as absolutely
key to bond markets. Path of least
resistance for yields is higher until
rates rise to a level that hurts housing.

And finally, the topic of an Intelligence Community coup
(or withholding intel) will likely come up.

So grab your popcorn, take cover if you're a CNN or

NYTimes reporter, and enjoy... (due at 1230ET)...

We also wonder if any TIME magazine reporter will be

called out...

Trump Attacks "Low-Life Leakers" After
Chaffetz Requests DOJ Probe Into Source Of Leaks
by Tyler Durden
Feb 16, 2017 7:13 AM

In his second and third tweet of the day, Trump doubled- reports leading up to the resignation of the
down his attack against what he sees the biggest threat to former national security adviser.
his administration, namely the leakers who quickly
"We have serious concerns about the
disclose everything that takes place around the new
potential protection of classified information
president to the WaPo, NYT and CNN, and said
here ... the release of classified information
can, by definition, have grave effects on
"Leaking, and even illegal classified national security. In light of this, we request
leaking, has been a big problem in that your office begin an immediate
Washington for years. Failing @nytimes investigation into whether classified
(and others) must apologize!" followed by a information was mishandled here," the
tweet that lawmakers wrote.
"The spotlight has finally been put on "No matter where you are on the political
the low-life leakers! They will be spectrum, you cannot have classified
caught!" information migrating out into a non-
classified setting," Chaffetz said during an
interview with Fox News on Wednesday.
"Same with Hillary Clinton, same with
Donald Trump, and same with those in the
intelligence world or at the Department of
Justice who get to see this information," the
lawmaker said. "They just can’t hand it out
like candy and favors to those in the news
media. Can't do it." Chaffetz also said the
Oversight Committee won't probe the
circumstances surrounding Flynn.
As Politico adds, Chaffetz told reporters on
Tuesday, following Flynn's resignation, that
he had no plans to have the Oversight
Committee investigate Flynn's
communications with Russian officials,
saying that the situation was "working itself
Trump's tweets were likely in response to news that late on out."
Wednesday, House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep.
Jason Chaffetz on Wednesday asked the DOJ's inspector Prior to his Thursday tweets, Donald Trump on
general Michael Horowitz to investigate the intelligence Wednesday similarly criticized the information leaks,
leaks that led to the ousting of National Security Advisor
blasting the media for reporting on Flynn "very unfairly."
Michael Flynn. And just hours before his ouster Flynn himself also
denounced the leaks as "criminal" in an interview with the
"Over the last several days, there have Daily Caller.
been a series of news articles recounting
potentially classified national security
“You call them leaks. It’s a criminal act.
information," Chaffetz wrote in a letter, also This is a crime. It’s not just a wink and a
signed by the chair of the House Judiciary
nod,” Flynn told the outlet from his White
Committee Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.). In
House office Monday. “In some of these
the letter Chaffetz expressed concern over cases, you’re talking about stuff that’s
"potentially classified national security
taken off of a classified system and given
information" circulated in recent news to a reporter. That’s a crime."
Chaffetz' letter below:

Republicans Ask DOJ To Probe
Illegal Leaks Of Classified Flynn Info
Published Time: 16 Feb, 2017 15:18Edited Time: 17 Feb, 2017 09:34

whether classified information was

mishandled here."

US President Donald Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to

criticize the reporting of classified information that he
claims is being leaked by “un-American” “intelligence”

Former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn ©


House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz has requested

that the Department of Justice launch a formal
investigation into the possible leak of classified
information following the resignation of former National
Security Adviser Michael Flynn. The letter cites media reports about Flynn’s calls with
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and the DOJ’s
warrant application from the Foreign Intelligence
In a letter to the DOJ’s Inspector General Michael
Surveillance Court to intercept electronic records from
Horowitz on Wednesday, Chaffetz and House Judiciary
Russian banks as examples of information that
Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte requested an “immediate
investigation” into the “potentially classified national
security information” that hit the press before Flynn’s
Democrats have called for an investigation into Flynn’s
"We have serious concerns about the conversations with Russian officials, however Chaffetz has
potential inadequate protection of classified said he has no plans for the oversight committee to look
information here," the Republicans wrote. into them.
"In light of this, we request that your office
begin an immediate investigation into

Trump Urges 'Failing' NYT, Other Media
To Apologize Over Leaking Classified Data
© AFP 2016/ Brendan Smialowski - US
16:19 16.02.2017(Updated 19:30 16.02.2017)

(and others) must apologize!" Trump

posted on his Twitter account.

The New York Times and other US "The spotlight has finally been put on the
media outlets must apologize over low-life leakers! They will be caught!" he
"illegal classified leaking" they have added.
been involved in, US President Donald
Trump said Thursday. US House of Representatives Democratic Party members,
including House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, said
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Tuesday, The New York Wednesday the alleged communications between then-
Times reported, citing phone records and intercepted calls, candidate Trump's campaign aides and Russian officials
that members of Trump’s presidential campaign team and should be investigated. Hoyer called for a "very serious"
several associates had allegedly contacted Russian House and Senate committee and oversight hearings to
intelligence services and members of the government prior "get to the bottom" of the allegations.
to the election.
Earlier on Thursday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov
"Leaking, and even illegal classified declined to evaluate Hoyer's calls, saying that the initiative
leaking, has been a big problem to investigate the alleged connections was "an absolutely
in Washington for years. Failing @nytimes internal affair" of the United States.

Trump: ‘I Didn’t Come
Along And Divide This Country’
Published February 16, 2017

Trump maintained he inherited a “mess,” he also claimed

Thursday he’ll clean it up.

The president cited inner cities, education and crime as

areas he will focus on, praising the country’s law
enforcement officials.

“It’s very important to me” to unite the

country, Trump said. “But this isn’t Donald
Trump that divided a nation. We went eight
years with President Obama, and we went
many years before President Obama. We
President Trump ended his marathon press conference lived in a divided nation. And I’m gonna try,
Thursday by responding to the mounting political tensions I will do everything within my power to fix
in the country – and saying he didn’t start the fire. that.”

“I didn’t come along and divide this Earlier in the press conference, Trump cited the Islamic
country,” Trump said. “This country was State’s rise and other issues in claiming he
seriously divided before I got here.”
“inherited a mess at home and abroad.”
Political tensions flared throughout the 2016 presidential
campaign, and a string of political protests – some violent,
some civil – have been held since his inauguration. While

"Wake Up America" Dennis Kucinich
Defends Trump, Issues Dire Warning About "Deep State"
Submitted By Michael Shedlock Via Mishtalk.Com
Feb 16, 2017 1:12 PM

Dennis Kucinich, Former U.S. Rep. and Democratic "...the American people have to know that
presidential candidate, defended Donald Trump on there's a game going on inside the
“Mornings with Maria” on Tuesday. intelligence community... at the bottom of
all this is the fact that there are those that
In regards to Michael Flynn’s resignation, Kucinich seek to separate US from Russia to
defended Trump and told America to “Wake Up” reignite the cold war... wake up

Kucinich did not see this as an anti-Trump game, but

rather an anti-Russia game:

“It’s not just this administration. I want to

remind the views and all those who are on
the panel that in the closing months of the
Obama administration, they put together a
deal with Russia to create peace in Syria. A
few days later, a military strike in Syria
killed a hundred Syrian soldiers and that
ended the agreement. What happened is
inside the intelligence and the Pentagon
Anti-Russia Game there was a deliberate effort to sabotage an
agreement the White House made.”
In the interview, Kucinich blamed factions of the US
intelligence community for wanting to end any positive This is like “Deep State” said Kucinich.
relationship between Russia and the US, hoping for a
return of the cold war.
My take: Anyone against war wanting to open ties with
Russia has at least something on the ball.

'Information Civil War' Underway
Between US Intelligence, Trump Administration
© REUTERS/ Carlos Barria - US
14:20 16.02.2017(Updated 18:18 16.02.2017)

by Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Chelsea

Manning about crimes committed by US troops in Iraq,
massive illegal surveillance and corruption in the US
power elite backfired on the whistleblowers themselves.

"Such a situation is an example of double

standards and ethical relativism and
cynicism of the US establishment," political
analyst Oleg Matveichev said.
Many experts said that during Obama’s presidency
Washington launched an unprecedented crackdown
The resignation of General Michael on whistleblowers.
Flynn from his post as the Trump
administration’s national security Former executive editor of The Washington Post Leonard
advisor has sparked vivid public and Downie wrote:
media discussions in the United States.
The resignation was preceded by a "The [Obama] administration’s war on leaks
massive information campaign against and other efforts to control information are
Flynn. Experts stressed the growing the most aggressive I’ve seen since the
role of media leaks in the power Nixon administration."
struggle in the US.
"Impunity in the cases of [former Director
of National Intelligence James] Clapper,
The scandal over Flynn’s resignation once again put deep [former Secretary of State Colin] Powell
divisions with the American establishment in the spotlight.
and many others was typical for the US
Apparently, many of those opposing President Trump are
at the time when the establishment was not
trying to undermine his presidency. divided and controlled all media. But now
the media establishment is trying to impose
Double Standards and Witch Hunting its will on the government," Matveichev
pointed out.
"Technologies used by Hillary Clinton in her
presidential campaign resulted in major Trump’s Reaction
shifts within the establishment. So many
of Trump’s opponents still cannot accept It is almost no secret that US intelligence was involved
the fact he won the White House," Alexei in the scandal over Flynn and his resignation.
Mukhin, director of the Center for Political
Information, told RT.
According to former intelligence officials who spoke with
Daily Caller, Flynn was the victim of a "hit job" launched
Currently, the main tool of political struggle against Trump by intelligence operatives and security officials loyal
and his administration is information leaks. The situation to Obama.
with Flynn proves the efficiency of this instrument.
Commenting on the scandal, Flynn described the leak as a
Meanwhile, during the presidency of Barack Obama, crime.
information leaks and media exposure did not result in the
resignation of high-profile officials. Revelations
"You call them leaks. It's a criminal act. leadership and wiretapping on conversations by high-
This is a crime. It's not just a wink and a profile officials.
nod," he said, according to The Daily
Caller. However, legal norms are often put on the backburner
when it comes to intelligence, according to Pavel
On his Twitter, President Trump wrote: Zolotarev, deputy director of the Institute for American
and Canadian Studies, at the Russian Academy
"The real story here is why are there so of Sciences.
many illegal leaks coming out of
Washington?" In any state, the intelligence community has a certain
scope for independent and uncontrolled actions. When it
comes to US intelligence agencies this scope is

"The reputation of the US intelligence

community is already too bad. So, they
don't take care of observing laws," Mukhin
"US intelligence agencies were spoiled
by the Patriot Act and other similar moves.
Then, Trump blamed US intelligence agency for leaking They act like some kind of an enfant
information to the media. terrible and don’t bother to observe any
laws," he added.

Moreover, Mukhin suggested that Flynn’s case is only the

first shot in a major information war against Trump, which
is currently gaining momentum. The majority of US media
supports the Democrats and will continue attacks on the

"There will be new incidents. They will

In turn, the whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks called continue and multiply. This looks like an
to make public an audio recording between Flynn and information civil war. Actually, this is what it
Russian Ambassador to the US Sergei Kislyak. The is," the expert added.
website also put the blame for Flynn’s resignation on "US
Flynn’s resignation was a heavy blow to the Trump
spies, Democrats and press."
administration. According to experts, at the moment
Trump is losing to his opponents in media and in the
intelligence community.

Mukhin suggested that Trump was not ready for such a

turn of events, but he will be able to deal with it.

In turn, Matveichev assumed that a serious of harsh

administrative measures by the Trump administration
would change the situation in favor of the new president.

"After a series of landmark resignations the

Intelligence vs. Trump
US intelligence community will get more
flexible," he concluded.
In all countries, there are written and unwritten regulations
banning security services from spying on the political

On The Verge Of Treason:
US Spies Withhold Intelligence From Trump
By Tyler Durden
Feb 16, 2017 9:44 AM

Following President Trump's exclamations today with of topics and how much information is
regard "un-American" leaks of classified intel, it appears described under each topic, an official said.
he has a bigger, more serious problem on his hands. WSJ Compared with his immediate
reports that US intel officials have withheld information predecessors, Mr. Trump so far has
from President Trump due to concerns it could be leaked chosen to rely less on the daily briefing
or compromised. than they did."

However, now that the WSJ brought up this topic, one can
be absolutely sure the first demand Trump will make
during his next intel briefing:

"show me all the information."

That's when things could get rough.

The officials quoted by the WSJ emphasized they know of

no instance in which crucial information about security
threats or potential plotting has been omitted, although if
The Wall Street Journal, citing unidentified indeed "some" information is withheld, it is the functional
current and former officials familiar with the equivalent of Trump making decisions blind.
matter, reports that officials’ decision to
keep information from Mr. Trump While a White House official said: “There is nothing that
underscores the deep mistrust that has leads us to believe that this is an accurate account of what
developed between the intelligence is actually happening”, Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.),
community and the president over his
team’s contacts with the Russian the ranking member of the House
government, Intelligence Committee, said he has heard
concerns from officials about sharing
as well as the enmity he has shown toward U.S. spy especially sensitive information with Mr.
agencies. On Wednesday, Mr. Trump accused the agencies Trump.
of leaking information to undermine him. “I’ve talked with people in the intelligence
community that do have concerns about
In some of these cases of withheld information, officials the White House, about the president, and I
have decided not to show Mr. Trump the sources and think those concerns take a number of
methods that the intelligence agencies use to collect forms,” Mr. Schiff said, without confirming
information, the current and former officials said. Those any specific incidents.
sources and methods could include, for instance, the means
“What the intelligence community
that an agency uses to spy on a foreign government.
considers their most sacred obligation
is to protect the very best intelligence
In some ways Trump may not care: and to protect the people that are
according to the WSK, "Trump doesn’t producing it.”
immerse himself in intelligence information,
and it isn’t clear that he has expressed a So, why are they worried?
desire to know sources and methods. The
intelligence agencies have been told to
dramatically pare down the president’s The current and former officials said the
daily intelligence briefing, both the number decision to avoid revealing sources and
methods with Mr. Trump stems in large
part from the president’s repeated becoming increasingly clear that this escalating distrust
expressions of admiration for Russian between the top US spies on one hand and the White
President Vladimir Putin and his call, House on the other, will lead to a vicious circle of less
during the presidential campaign for Russia information-sharing and implicitly more distrust until
to continue hacking the emails of his Trump moves from tweet-castigation to treason charges, or
Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. alternatively the spooks dig deep into the NSA server's bag
of goodies, and unleash full out mutiny (see John
As the long-running tensions between the pro-Hillary Schindler's narrative for big details how this may play
intelligence community and President Trump rise, it is out).

Is The NSA The Real
President Of The United States?
By Jon Rappoport
February 16, 2017

The US intelligence community continues its war to kick there. And NSA doesn’t monitor that. They
Donald Trump to the curb and destroy his presidency. don’t even monitor their own people going
into databases’.”
Obviously, the NSA, the CIA, and their silent partners “So, they don’t monitor what CIA and FBI
want to continue to run this country. do. And there’s no oversight or attempted
oversight by any of the committees or even
So they spy and leak, spy and leak. the FISA court. So, any way you look at it,
ultimately the NSA is responsible because
We’ll get to the guts of the problem in a minute, but first a they are doing the collection on everybody
word from Bill Binney. inside the United States. Phone calls.
Emails. All of that stuff’.”
Breitbart: “Utilizing data provided by whistleblower
Edward Snowden, the Guardian and
“William Binney, a former highly placed Washington Post in June 2013 released a
NSA official turned whistleblower, series of articles reporting that the NSA
contended in an exclusive interview today was collecting the telephone records of
that the National Security Agency (NSA) is millions of Americans.”
‘absolutely’ monitoring the phone calls of “…’they [the NSA, Binney said]] are given
President Donald Trump.” too much money anyway. When they are
“Binney was an architect of the NSA’s given too much money, they get to do wild
surveillance program. He became a famed and crazy things. And this is wild and
whistleblower when he resigned on crazy. Violations of the Constitution’s 4th,
October 31, 2001 after spending more than 5th, and 6th amendments’.”
30 years with the agency.” —end of Breitbart clip—
“Asked whether he believes the NSA is
tapping Trump, Binney replied: ‘Absolutely. —Nearly two years ago, on April 19, 2014, I wrote:
How did they get the phone call between
the president and the president of “Taking the overall [NSA] scheme to
Australia? Or the one that he made with another level, consider this: those same
Mexico? Those are not targeted [NSA] heavy hitters who have unfettered
foreigners’.” access to financial information can also
“Binney further contended the NSA may choose, at opportune moments, to expose
have been behind a data leak that might certain scandals [e.g., Michael Flynn] and
have revealed that Michael Flynn, Trump’s crimes. In this way, they can, at their whim,
national security adviser, allegedly misled cripple governments [e.g., the Trump
Vice President Mike Pence and other administration]…”
Trump administration officials about the
contents of his phone calls with Russia’s Now we come to the guts of the problem. Here is my
ambassador to Washington.” complete article from April 10, 2014:
“Regarding Flynn’s case, Binney stated of
the NSA”: The Surveillance State has created an
apparatus whose implications are
“’If they weren’t behind it, they certainly had staggering. It’s a different world now. And
the data. Now the difference here is that sometimes it takes a writer of fiction to
FBI and CIA have direct access inside the flesh out the larger landscape.
NSA databases. So, they may be able to
go directly in there and see that material
Brad Thor’s novel, Black List, posits the Taking the overall scheme to another level,
existence of a monster corporation, ATS, consider this: those same heavy hitters
that stands alongside the NSA in collecting who have unfettered access to financial
information on every move we make. ATS’ information can also choose, at opportune
intelligence-gathering capability is moments, to expose certain scandals and
unmatched anywhere in the world. crimes (not their own, of course).
On pages 117-118 of Black List, Thor In this way, they can, at their whim, cripple
makes a stunning inference that, on governments, banks, and corporations.
reflection, is as obvious as the fingers on They can cripple investment houses,
your hand: insurance companies, and hedge funds.
Or, alternatively, they can merely blackmail
“For years ATS had been using its
technological superiority to conduct these organizations.
massive insider trading. Since the early We think we know how scandals are
1980s, the company had spied on anyone exposed by the press, but actually we
and everyone in the financial world. They don’t. Tips are given to people who give
listened in on phone calls, intercepted them to other people. Usually, the first clue
faxes, and evolved right along with the that starts the ball rolling comes from a
technology, hacking internal computer source who remains in the shadows.
networks and e-mail accounts. They What we are talking about here is the
created mountains of ‘black dollars’ for
creation and managing of realities on all
themselves, which they washed through sides, including the choice of when and
various programs they were running under
where and how to provide a glimpse of a
secret contract, far from the prying eyes of
crime or scandal.
financial regulators.”
It’s likely that the probe Ron Paul had been
“Those black dollars were invested into
pushing—audit the Federal Reserve—has
hard assets around the world, as well as in already been done by those who control
the stock market, through sham, offshore
unlimited global surveillance [NSA]. They
corporations. They also funneled the already know far more than any
money into reams of promising R&D
Congressional investigation will uncover. If
projects, which eventually would be turned
they know the deepest truths, they can use
around and sold to the Pentagon or the them to blackmail, manipulate, and control
the Fed itself.
“In short, ATS had created its own license The information matrix can be tapped into
to print money and had assured itself a
and plumbed, and it can also be used to
place beyond examination or reproach.” dispense choice clusters of data that end
In real life, whether the prime criminal up constituting the media reality of painted
source is one monster- corporation or a pictures which, every day, tell billions of
consortium of companies, or elite banks, or people “what’s news.”
the NSA itself, the outcome would be the
In this global-surveillance world, we need
same. to ask new questions and think along
It would be as Thor describes it. different lines now.
We think about total surveillance as being For example, how long before the
directed at private citizens, but the mortgage-derivative crisis hit did the
capability has unlimited payoffs when it Masters of Surveillance know, from spying
targets financial markets and the people on bank records, that insupportable debt
who have intimate knowledge of them. was accumulating at a lethal pace? What
did they do with that information?
“Total security awareness” programs of
surveillance are ideal spying ops in the When did they know that at least a trillion
financial arena, designed to suck up dollars was missing from Pentagon
millions of bits of inside information, then accounting books (as Donald Rumsfeld
utilizing them to make investments and eventually publicly admitted on September
suck up billions (trillions?) of dollars. 10, 2001), and what did they do with that
It gives new meaning to “the rich get information?
richer.” Did they discover where billions of dollars,
in cash, shipped to post-war Iraq,
disappeared to?
When did they know the details of the Libor spying on those criminals, who are
rate-fixing scandal? Press reports indicate gathering up those secrets and using them
that Barclays was trying to rig interest rates to commit their own brand of meta-crime.
as early as January 2005.
And in the financial arena, that means we
Have they tracked, in detail, the men think of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan as
responsible for recruiting hired mercenaries perpetrators, yes, but we also think about
and terrorists, who eventually wound up in the men who already know everything
Syria pretending to be an authentic rebel about GS and Morgan, and are using this
force? knowledge to steal sums that might make
GS and Morgan blush with envy.
Have they discovered the truth about how
close or how far away Iran is from —end of 2014 article—
producing a nuclear weapon?
Have they collected detailed accounts of This is what we are dealing with. This is the way, for
the most private plans of Bilderberg, CFR, example, governments and administrations can be brought
and Trilateral Commission leaders? down.
For global surveillance kings, what we think
It all depends on whom the NSA wants to support and
of as the future is, in many respects the
present and the past. whom it wants to get rid of.

It’s a new world. These overseers of The NSA is not only the swamp that needs to be drained, it
universal information-detection can enter is the agency looking at and probing the swamp and
and probe the most secret caches of data, extracting crucial information for itself and its close
collect, collate, cross reference, and friends.
assemble them into vital bottom-lines. By
comparison, an operation like WikiLeaks is
an old Model-T Ford puttering down a To accumulate more power.
country road.
To forward its agenda of…security? Yes, if by security we
Previously, we thought we needed to look mean endless conquest and Empire and control.
over the shoulders of the men who were
committing major crimes out of public view.
But now, if we want to be up to date, we Ah, there they are. The NSA, the obsessed technocrats
also have to factor in the men who are who believe they are masters of all they survey. And spy

Forget Flynn; Logan Act Could
Ensnare Top Establishment Insiders
Written By Alex Newman
Thursday, 16 February 2017

“Based on what has been publicly reported,

it looks like Flynn may have violated this
law,” wrote University of Georgia law
professor Page Pate in a piece for CNN,
widely ridiculed by conservatives and
Trump supporters as “fake news.”
Numerous establishment media organs
carried similar claims.

Photos at top (from the left): Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, David The law in question reads:
Rockefeller, and Henry Kissinger
“Any citizen of the United States, wherever
Globalists and establishment types, watch out. The he may be, who, without authority of the
establishment media-driven brouhaha over Trump's United States, directly or indirectly
national security advisor Lt. General Michael Flynn, who commences or carries on any
just resigned amid the controversy, has resurrected talk of correspondence or intercourse with any
an obscure U.S. law known as the Logan Act. Passed foreign government or any officer or agent
more than 200 years ago, the federal statute makes it a thereof, with intent to influence the
crime for Americans to seek to influence the policies of measures or conduct of any foreign
foreign governments without official permission from U.S. government or of any officer or agent
authorities. And Flynn aside, there are plenty of Americans thereof, in relation to any disputes or
in that category — controversies with the United States, or to
defeat the measures of the United States,
potentially including top power-brokers shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
ranging from Obama and House Minority not more than three years, or both.”
Leader Nancy Pelosi to senior globalists
and Bilderberg bigwigs including David Page, the law professor from Georgia, suggested that
Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. Flynn ought to be prosecuted under the law, and dismisses
concerns by critics about using it.
Anti-Trump forces and the establishment media organs
they control have alleged that Flynn's phone call with the “There are literally hundreds of federal
Russian government's U.S. ambassador may have run afoul crimes in the federal code that are rarely, if
of the 1799 statute. At the time of the phone call, Flynn ever, used,” he wrote, addressing the point
was a top official on Trump's transition team. But the by Flynn defenders that the statute has
globalists, Democrats, and others touting the Logan Act never been used to prosecute anyone.
should be very careful what they wish for. If the act were “While I personally think that many of these
to actually be enforced, more than a few globalists and obscure federal ´crimes´ are outdated,
senior members of the ruling establishment might find misguided and patently unconstitutional,
themselves behind bars. that doesn't change the fact that they are
still on the books.”
In over 200 years, not a single person has actually been
prosecuted under the Logan Act so far. But in their zeal to And so, Flynn should be prosecuted, Page argues.
go after Trump and his officials for every real and
imagined misstep, establishment media organs and Details in the ongoing saga surrounding Trump's former
propagandists have argued that Flynn violated the act. adviser are still hazy. But it appears that Lt. Gen. Flynn,
who oversaw the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency during
Obama's term and argued against Obama's criminal policy But the Democrats and their establishment media allies
of arming terrorists before joining Trump as national should think very carefully about their strategy. Ironically,
security advisor, had a phone conversation in late it seems that a much stronger case could be made that
December with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. What Obama and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have
was discussed was not immediately clear. both violated the Logan Act. A 2008 article by Pamela
Meister published by Accuracy in Media laid out the case
Flynn was accused by leakers within the Trump against both clearly.
administration — reportedly elements of the globalist
“deep state” determined to sabotage Trump — of giving In 2008, while Bush was in the White House, then-Senator
the ambassador the impression that Trump would lift Obama went to Iraq to try, “in private,” to persuade Iraqi
Obama's sanctions on the Kremlin upon being sworn in. officials to “delay an agreement on a draw-down of the
What exactly was said on the call, which was apparently American military presence” until after the election. Of
intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, will undoubtedly remain course, Obama was not authorized by Bush to try to
the subject of much controversy. But because Trump was influence the Iraqi government's policies, suggesting a
not yet in office, anti-Trump voices claimed that it may clear-cut violation of the Logan Act took place. The
have been a violation of the Logan Act. establishment media said nothing about the law.

With the media hyping the story as if it were the next Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi engaged in similar
Watergate, Flynn resigned this week. In addition to the activities that would seem to represent a much more
alleged Logan Act concerns, it was also claimed that Flynn obvious violation of the Logan Act than anything Flynn is
may have provided inaccurate information on the call in accused of doing. In 2007, Pelosi went to Israel and Syria.
question to Vice President Mike Pence and other officials. While in Damascus, she reportedly told Syrian dictator
The Trump administration, though, made clear that the Bashar al Assad that Israeli officials were ready for peace
resignation was due to a loss of trust between Trump and talks. Israeli officials were stunned, and the U.S. State
Flynn, and had nothing to do with the alleged “legal Department blasted the entire visit, saying it did not want
concerns” that the establishment media, Democrats, and Pelosi meddling in Syria or anywhere else. Again, the
anti-Trump agitators have been shrieking about. establishment media was missing in action when it came to
Pelosi's apparent violation of the Logan Act.
Of course, as a senior member of Trump's transition team,
Flynn was hardly a “private person” seeking to influence Many of Pelosi's colleagues could also be prosecuted
another government's policy. In fact, the White House under the Logan Act, according to experts.
spokesman specifically said that Trump's legal counsel had
investigated the matter and determined that there were no “If Flynn had discussions with Kislyak and,
legal issues involved. through that, the Russians, and he
discussed a wide variety of topics, forget
“There was nothing that the general did the Logan Act because half of Congress
that was a violation of any sort,” White since the 1980s would be in prison if the
House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said in Logan Act were enforced,” said Ed
a Tuesday press briefing. “He was well Turzanski, the John Templeton Fellow at
within his duties to discuss issues of the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
common concerns between the two
countries.” The latest brouhaha over the Logan Act is rare, but the
statute does occasionally make headlines in the United
Still, Democrats in Congress refused to let go of the issue, States. Most often, in recent years, at least, the law has
perhaps hoping to keep Trump on defense as they try to surfaced in the alternative media in connection with the
undermine his campaign to “drain the swamp.” On annual Bilderberg summit, a powerful network founded by
Monday, Democrats on the House Oversight and Nazi SS member Prince Bernhard that brings together top
Government Reform committee called on Chairman Jason globalists and lesser figures they hope to exploit who
Chaffetz (R-Utah) to pursue an investigation of Flynn. display the right attitudes. In 2012, Alex Jones, one of
Citing establishment media hysteria, the letter claims America's most popular and influential talk-radio hosts,
Flynn declared that the American attendees were violating the
statute and should be prosecuted.
“secretly discussed with the Russian
ambassador, in possible violation of the “This is illegal,” declared Jones, famous for
Logan Act, sanctions imposed by President using a bullhorn to lambaste elite attendees
Obama.” from afar, as he led chanting “Occupy
Bilderberg” protesters outside the gathering
in Chantilly, Virginia. “Government officials

meeting and discussing policy with private One top establishment figure who has likely violated the
interests in secret, or representatives of Logan Act on multiple occasions is globalist “bankster”
other governments, is a violation of the David Rockefeller, a leading figure behind the Council on
Logan Act.” More than a few activists, Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg network, and the
journalists, and others made similar Trilateral Commission. Like other members of his dynasty,
statements. influencing policy around the world is par for the course
when it comes to the current Rockefeller patriarch. And in
As is the case every year, there were numerous prominent his case, he bragged about what would seem to be an
Americans in attendance at the secretive summit. Among obvious violation of the Logan Act in his own
them: then-NSA chief General Keith Alexander; Thomas autobiography, Memoirs, published in 2002.
Donilon, Obama’s former National Security Adviser;
former U.S. National Security Adviser and “New World “Some even believe we [the Rockefellers]
Order” promoter Henry Kissinger; failed GOP Presidential are part of a secret cabal working against
hopeful and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman; ex-Senator the best interests of the United States,
John Kerry (D-Mass.); former World Bank boss Robert characterizing my family and me as
Zoellick; Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Co-Chair internationalists and of conspiring with
and former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin; and many others around the world to build a more
others. None were charged under the Logan Act, despite integrated global political and economic
presumably lacking official permission to influence other structure — one world, if you will,”
governments’ policies. Rockefeller explains in his book. “If that's
the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of
The year before that summit, then-Congressman Ron Paul it.”
(R-Texas), a constitutionalist and a legendary figure in the
liberty movement, also called for an investigation into Another leading globalist who regularly meets in private
possible violations of the Logan Act by Bilderberg with foreign officials is former Secretary of State Henry
attendees — specifically former Texas Governor Rick Kissinger, who constantly promotes his vision of a
Perry. “This information about him going over there and totalitarian “New World Order.” Among other foreign
violating the Logan Act and getting involved, I’m just officials, Kissinger regularly meets with the Kremlin's
impressed that that’s in the ordinary media — I think that’s Vladimir Putin and top officials from the mass-murdering
encouraging, too,” Paul said during an interview on talk Communist Chinese dictatorship. If anyone should be
radio, saying that Perry’s attendance was “a sign that he’s under suspicion of violating the act, it is Kissinger, who
involved in the international conspiracy.” openly works toward imposing regional and the global
governance on humanity.
In 2014, Bilderberg attendee Diederik Samsom, then
leader of the Socialist International-aligned Dutch Labor At this point, it appears that Democrat and media claims
Party, confirmed to this writer and others outside the that Flynn may have violated the Logan Act are beyond
meeting in Copenhagen that, despite Bilderberg claims to ridiculous. After all, he was not a “private person” in any
the contrary, attendees are involved in influencing policy. sense of the word, but a top official of the incoming
Asked if he was there in an informal capacity, he president. But revisiting the Logan Act and using the law
responded: “Well, I’m formal, because being a politician, to prosecute those establishment globalists who violate it
you’re 24/7, so there’s no way of exiting my role.” would be an excellent idea. Perhaps U.S. Attorney General
Numerous other attendees and leaders have made similar Jeff Sessions could dust it off and start seeking evidence of
statements over the years, showing conclusively that violations by subpoenaing Bilderberg steering committee
policy is indeed set at the summit. members' correspondence.

Harward Turns Down Trump's
National Security Adviser Offer, Sources Say
Published February 16, 2017

Asked whether he had requested to bring in his own staff

at the National Security Council, Harward said,

"I think that's for the president to address."

There was no official comment from the White House.

Harward had been due to meet with Trump Thursday

At a news conference earlier Thursday, the president said

he had "somebody that I think will be outstanding for the
President Trump's first choice to succeed the departed position" of national security adviser, but did not mention
Michael Flynn as national security adviser has turned the any names.
job down due to family reasons, sources close to the
situation told Fox News late Thursday. A former Navy SEAL, Harward served as deputy
commander of the United States Central Command under
One source told Fox that retired Navy Vice Admiral Gen. James Mattis, who is now defense secretary. He
Robert Harward "really wanted" to do the job, but quickly emerged as the favorite to replace Flynn after the
ultimately decided that he could not. latter resigned Monday night, ending days of speculation
about his fate following reports that he had misled Vice
A senior administration official said that Harward's President Mike Pence and other officials about his
acceptance of the national security adviser post was discussions with Russia prior to Trump's Jan. 20
contingent on the agreement of his family. The official inauguration.
said Harward's wife and other family members wanted him
to remain in the private sector. After Flynn stepped down, Trump named retired Lt. Gen.
Keith Kellogg as the acting national security adviser.
Harward retired from the Navy in 2013 after a career Kellogg and former CIA Director David Petraeus were the
spanning nearly 40 years. Upon his retirement, he became two other candidates rumored to be under consideration.
chief executive officer for defense and aerospace giant
Lockheed Martin in the United Arab Emirates. Petraeus, a retired four-star general, resigned as CIA
director in 2012 and pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor
Harward told The Associated Press that the Trump charge of mishandling classified information relating to
administration was "very accommodating to my needs, documents he had provided to his biographer, with whom
both professionally and personally." he was having an affair.

"It's purely a personal issue," Harward said He was also fined $100,000 and remains on probation.
Thursday evening. "I'm in a unique position
finally after being the in military for 40 years
to enjoy some personal time."

8 Things Congress Has Done
While Everyone Was Distracted By Trump
Sarah Cronin, The Antimedia - Waking Times Media
Posted On February 16, 2017

2. Legislation introduced to terminate

the Environmental Protection Agency
(or at least severely limit it)

This one-sentence bill introduced by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-

FL) is the most direct attack on the EPA amid recent
attempts to limit its scope and influence, including
legislation presented by Rep. Gary Palmer in January that
aims to ‘clarify’ and redirect the EPA’s authority over
greenhouse gases by literally striking the phrase from
legislation and replacing it with the neutralized term ‘air
pollutant.’ The bills are consistent with the anti-climate
While Trump has been busy eagerly flexing his executive change sentiment expressed in Republican Congressman
power, a quiet power struggle has begun in Congress. Luetkemeyer’s bill from January, which would prohibit the
contribution of any U.S. tax dollars to fund the U.N.
While we were distracted by the onslaught of executive Climate Change Act.
orders President Trump pushed through during his first
two weeks in office, legislators in Congress were busy 3. On the day of DeVos’ confirmation
quietly introducing legislation to bolster his top-down hearing, Rep. Massie introduced
moves. legislation to terminate the Department
of Education altogether
Here’s what you missed:
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced a one-sentence
1. A House Panel Voted to Terminate the bill calling for the termination of the Department of
Election Assistance Commission Education on the same day controversial Secretary of
Education nominee Betsy DeVos was confirmed by an
The House Administration Committee voted 6-3 in favor unprecedented tie-breaking vote from Vice President
Republican Congressman Gregg Harper’s bill to terminate Pence. In a press release, Massie explained his intention
the Election Assistance Commission. The EAC, which was behind the bill, stating:
created in response to the contentious 2000 Florida
election results as part of the Help America Vote Act, is a “Unelected bureaucrats in Washington,
bipartisan commission that certifies voting machines and is D.C. should not be in charge of our
responsible for making sure they cannot be hacked. children’s intellectual and moral
While this marks the fifth time Harper has presented the
EAC termination bill, The Los Angeles Times and USA While the bill brings to mind President Ronald Reagan’s
Today point to the suspect timing of the bill’s efforts to abolish the Department of Education in 1985 —
reintroduction — just days after Trump announced his which failed amid a lack of Congressional support — the
intention to open an investigation into his own claims of high levels of discontent following DeVos’ controversial
voter fraud. Democrats have also raised concerns that the appointment as Secretary of Education could translate into
EAC is needed more than ever before given the highly bipartisan support from Democrats and Republicans alike
publicized, albeit still unproven Russian hacking scare in who feel their schools would be better off without federal
December. Thirty-eight organizations, including the oversight. The bill currently has seven co-sponsors and has
NAACP, League of Women Voters, and Common Cause been referred to the House Committee on Education and
signed a letter denouncing the panel’s vote. The bill is set the Workforce.
to go to a full committee report, a stage only one in four
bills succeeds in reaching, according to
4. Roe v. Wade’s protections threatened “unless there is adequate assurance that
under Congressional avalanche of anti- the alien does not present a security risk.”
abortion legislation
H.R. 643, known as the Visa Overstay Enforcement Act,
was introduced by Republican Representative Lou Barletta
The Life at Conception Act, S. 231, and its companion
and would increase penalizations for overstaying visa
House bill, H.R. 681, were reintroduced by Senator Rand
terms. Under the proposed legislation, those who overstay
Paul days after Trump’s Inauguration. The bills are being
their visas would face a fine and up to six months in jail
hailed by the Pro-Life Alliance as a “frontal attack” on
with up to two years in jail for any subsequent offense.
Roe v. Wade. The legislation aims to establish that a fetus,
or ‘pre-born person,’ is guaranteed equal protection under
the 14th Amendment of the constitution. While there is There are additional efforts to mandate E-verify, the
debate about the extent to which the act could nullify the computerized government record system that confirms
privacy protections afforded by Roe v. Wade, it would employees’ authorizations to work in the U.S. The bill,
present additional considerations for any future court introduced by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, would
decisions related to abortion laws. If passed, the Life at also require that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Conception Act, combined with Trump’s nomination of Services (USCIS) report anyone who receives a final
reputedly pro-life Justice Neil Gorsuch, could provide the “nonconfirmation” message — signifying that the
conditions needed for a successful Supreme Court employee is not authorized to work in the United States —
challenge to Roe v. Wade. to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The reintroduction of The Life at Conception Act is in E-Verify has been criticized in the past as a faulty
alignment with several other pieces of legislation proposed computerized mechanism for mass deportation. Still, it
in January that would indirectly limit access to legal could be broadly mandated as the electronic iteration of
abortions. Chief among these is S. Res.15, in which Trump’s ‘build a wall’ immigration policy.
Senator Mike Lee recommended the permanent
establishment of Reagan’s ‘Mexico City Policy,’ a block 6. The House approves nearly 20
on federal funding for non-governmental organizations Department of Homeland Security bills
that provide abortion counseling or referrals. President
Trump reinstated the policy by executive order just days
Bills that passed include H.R. 505 to “strengthen
accountability or deployment of border security
technology,” and H.R. 612, which would establish a grant
Additional pending legislative efforts include H.R. 692, a program to promote cooperative research between the U.S.
bill that would prohibit minors from crossing state lines to and Israel on cybersecurity.
access abortions, H.R. 718, a bill that would criminalize
“reckless disposal” of fetal remains, H.R. 354, a bill to
Among the bills that passed is also H.R. 666, which would
defund Planned Parenthood, and H.R. 7, a bill to limit
establish an Insider Threat Program to identify
taxpayer funding for abortion providers, which has already
passed in the House and is heading towards a vote in the
Senate. “the threat that an insider will use his or her
authorized access, wittingly or unwittingly,
to do harm to the security of the United
5. More stringent legislation on
States, including damage to the United
immigration and refugee resettlement States through espionage, terrorism, the
unauthorized disclosure of classified
While attention focused on Trump’s travel ban, national security information, or through the
Republican lawmakers introduced a series of amendments loss or degradation of departmental
to the Immigration and Nationality Act that would result in resources or capabilities.”
more stringent visa and refugee vetting policies. S.180,
introduced by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, would The ‘insider threat’ description offered in H.R. 666 draws
change the eligibility criteria for certain H1b and L1 work to mind cases of whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and
visas, making them no longer obtainable without a U.S. Chelsea Manning, who previously released sensitive
degree or equivalent. information about the government. The act, which never
mentions the word “whistleblower,” was passed along with
S.211, or the “State Refugee Security Act,” introduced by two explicit whistleblower protective bills — H.R.914
Republican Senator Ted Cruz, would allow the governor of and H.R. 67, a.k.a. the “Thoroughly Investigating
a state the ability to reject the settlement of any refugee in Retaliation Against Whistleblowers Act.” The
that state by default contradictory legislation suggests the DHS has a vested
interest in maintaining the outside appearance of a pro-

whistleblower stance, even as they devote more resources Republican Congressman Griffith Morgan introduced the
to identifying whistleblowers within the department. two bills in succession.

7. The Legislative Battle to Expand vs. The first, H.R. 714, or “LUMMA,” would
Limit President Trump’s access to “provide for the legitimate use of medicinal
Nuclear Weapons marihuana in accordance with the laws of
the various States.”
 The House passed H.R. 590, a bill to foster LUMMA was followed by H.R. 715, or the
civilian research and development of advanced “Compassionate Access Act,” which
nuclear energy technologies in an apparent would amend the Controlled Substances
fulfillment of the president’s previously expressed Act (CSA) and formally recommend to the
desire to “greatly strengthen and expand” U.S. DEA a rescheduling of marijuana from a
nuclear capability. Schedule 1 drug to another category. A key
provision of H.R. 715 would exclude
“cannabidiol” from the definition of
 Alarmed, Democratic Senator Edward Markey “marijuana” and remove it from the CSA.
and Congressman Ted W. Lieu quickly countered
by introducing legislation to prohibit President
Trump from launching a “first-use nuclear strike” California Congresswomen Barbara Lee and Dana
without a declaration of war by Congress. Rohrabacher also proposed separate bills that would
protect residents in states where marijuana is legal from
civil forfeiture of property and punishment for use and
“It is a frightening reality that the U.S. now distribution, respectively. As Anti-Media reported, the
has a Commander-in-Chief who has legislation comes at a crucial moment of uncertainty
demonstrated ignorance of the nuclear regarding the future of federal drug policy and
triad, stated his desire to be ‘unpredictable’ enforcement under Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
with nuclear weapons, and as President-
elect was making sweeping statements
about U.S. nuclear policy over Twitter,” ***
Rep. Lieu said in a statement.
While Trump has been busy eagerly flexing his executive
8. New bills on marijuana legalization, power, a quiet power struggle has begun in Congress
re-scheduling, and protection from between legislators who aim to pass bills that reinforce the
efforts of Trump’s administration and legislators
frantically introducing bills in attempts to block the
administration’s impact. As we head into month two of
Given that marijuana was joked to be ‘real winner’ of the Trump’s presidency — and as some of these bills head into
2016 Election, it seems only fitting that two marijuana the next phase of debate — these power struggles will
bills would appear in the House on Inauguration Day. continue playing out, both on Twitter and in Congress.

'Very Insulting Question': Trump In Bizarre Rant At
Jewish Journalist Who Asks About Anti-Semitism After
Claiming 'He Lied' About Being A 'Friendly Reporter'
 President Donald Trump pushed back aggressively after a Jewish reporter asked him
his plans to curb rising anti-Semitism
 Trump, who had asked for a 'friendly reporter,' was peeved at the query, saying the
reporter 'lied' and the question was 'very dishonest'
 Jake Turx of Ami Magazine later took to Twitter and said he thought the president
had 'misunderstood' his question
By Nikki Schwab, U.s. Political Reporter For
Published: 19:00 EST, 16 February 2017 | Updated: 03:53 EST, 17 February 2017

President Donald Trump scolded a Jewish reporter at his

White House press conference today, after Jake Turx of Jake Turx of Ami Magazine asked President Donald
Ami Magazine asked how the government planned to curb Trump about the rise in anti-Semitism and how his
rising anti-Semitism. government planned to combat it - what he received was a
'See, he lied about – he was gonna get up
and ask a straight, simple question, so you
know, welcome to the world of the media,'
the president said, classifying Turx's query
as a 'very insulting question.'

Turx had prefaced his question by noting how nobody in

the community was accusing the president or his staff of
being anti-Semitic and noted Trump's three Jewish

'However, what we are concerned about

and what we haven't really heard being
addressed is an uptick in antisemitism and
how the government is planning to take
care of it,' Turx said, quoting a report that
said there have been 48 threats made
President Donald Trump called out a Jewish reporter for
against Jewish centers in January.
asking a 'very insulting question' at today's White House

The reporter in question, Jake Turx, said he believed and then he said, forget it,' Trump said,
Donald Trump had misunderstood his query, as he asked referencing a defense made yesterday by
about rising anti-Semitism, not if the president was anti- the Israeli prime minister against any
Semitic charges of anti-Semitism made against
Trump and his White House.

Trump told the Jewish reporter that he should take

Netanyahu's word.

'See, it just shows you about the press, but

that’s the way the press is,' the president
quipped before moving on.

After the dust-up, Turx took to Twitter to clear the air.

'President Trump clearly misunderstood my

question. This is highly regretful and I'm
going to seek clarification,' Turx said.
Trump, who had already spent much of the press
conference berating the press, wasn't having it.

Before even calling on Turx he had surveyed the room

asking for a 'friendly reporter.'

What Turx asked wasn't Trump's interpretation of


'He said he was gonna ask a very simple,

easy question. And it’s not, its not, not —
not a simple question, not a fair question.
OK sit down, I understand the rest of your Press Secretary Sean Spicer was spotted today at President
question,' Trump said. Donald Trump's contentious press conference where he
tore into the media for much of the hour-plus affair
The president then defended himself against accusations of
anti-Semitism and racism, which wasn't what the reporter Several minutes later, SiriusXM POTUS channel's White
had asked. House Correspondent Jared Rizzi tried broaching the topic
'So here’s the story, folks. Number one, I
am the least anti- Semitic person that 'It's not about your personality or your
you’ve ever seen in your entire life,' Trump beliefs, we're talking about a rise in anti-
said. Semitism around the country, some of it by
'Number two, racism, the least racist supporters in your name,' Rizzi explained.
person,' Trump continued.
Trump suggested that 'some of it' – referencing 'racism and
When Turx tried to repeat what he had asked, Trump horrible things' – was the work of his political opponents,
yelled 'quiet, quiet, quiet,' from the podium and then called not his supporters.
the journalist a liar.
'Some of the signs you'll see are not put up
'But let me just tell you something, that I by the people that love or like Donald
hate the charge, I find it repulsive,' the Trump, they're put up by the other side and
president continued. you think it's like playing it straight?' the
president mused.
'I hate even the question because people
that know me and you heard the prime 'No,' he said, answering his own question.
minister, you heard Ben Netanyahu 'But you have some of those signs and
yesterday, did you hear him, Bibi? He said, some of that anger is caused by the other
I’ve known Donald Trump for a long time
side,' he said. 'They'll do signs and they'll cleaning off the Nazi anti-Semitic marks, which were
do drawings that are inappropriate.' drawn all over the interior of one of the trains.

Trump was likely referencing swastikas and other racist 'It won't be my people,' Trump said of such
graffiti that has popped up in recent months. One viral antics. 'It will be the people on the other
video depicts people on the New York City subway side to anger people like you. OK.'

Foreign Policy Mag: Russian Insiders Fear Trump Could
Be Impeached Or KILLED By The Globalist Political Elite
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 17, 2017

mask as a showman, Trump views himself

as a revolutionary insurgent with a mission
to dismantle America’s “old regime.”
In the words of White House strategist-in-
chief Stephen Bannon, Trump is
positioning himself as the global leader of
an anti-global movement that is anti-
elite, anti-establishment, anti-liberal,
and nationalistic. “What we are
witnessing now,” Bannon told the
Washington Post, “is the birth of a new
political order, and the more frantic a
handful of media elites become, the more
powerful that new political order becomes
It may sound more like a movie plot for a suspense thriller
along the lines of producer Oliver Stone’s “JFK,” but These kinds of changes were promised by Trump on the
Russian officials are seriously becoming concerned that campaign trail, and they were lapped up greedily by an
President Donald J. Trump’s tenure as president is in electorate fed up with being neglected and abused by
danger of being terminated one way or the other by the Washington’s bi-party establishment. It’s what led Trump
insider Washington establishment, over fears he seriously to his resounding (and wholly unexpected) victory over
wants to disrupt the New World Order. Hillary Clinton, a figure of, for, and by the New World
Order, of which Russia is not a part.
During his campaign, Trump railed against globalist trade
deals, the NATO military alliance, the United Nations, and Having long ago agreed to the sacrifice of American
other globalist agreements and institutions, which quickly sovereignty at the altar of a Leftist global order which they
got the attention of Russian government officials and helped to fashion and now control, the ruling establishment
oligarchs, especially after he managed to mow down 16 in the U.S. and Europe have, for the first time, come face
other Republican candidates to win the nomination. to face with a legitimate challenge to their authority – one
that is wholly supported by tens of millions in the United
But after he soundly defeated Democratic nominee Hillary States and a growing number of Europeans who,
Clinton, by far the establishment’s preferred candidate, themselves, are feeling equally abused by globalists on
Russian officials really began to take notice – and take their continent.
stock of his campaign pledges to change the direction of
the American ship of state. (RELATED: Find out how As such, the globalists are not merely circling their wagons
Trump made the Democrats a regional party at – they are preparing an all-out assault against Trump, his administration, and, notably, his agenda, for it has become
crystal clear to the ‘ruling order’ he does not share their
As Foreign Policy magazine notes, the Kremlin and globalist vision.
Russia’s business and ruling elite are beginning to worry
about Trump’s ability to even survive the globalist As Foreign Policy (which is owned by the Washington
establishment’s efforts to either get him to continue Post) noted further:
business as usual or get him out of office:
There is no way of knowing if Russian
What most observers have been late to interference contributed decisively to
recognize is the extent to which, behind his Trump’s upset victory. But it’s fair to say
that the Kremlin viewed the outcome as a
divine gift. Since at least 2011-2012, when longstanding ideological opposition to the liberal world
Russia witnessed widespread popular order, which has been pursued by every U.S. president
protests, and particularly after the since George H. W. Bush in the aftermath of the first Gulf
Ukrainian Maidan uprising — events that War. But Trump’s agenda could also trigger global
elicited heartfelt praise and instability, and frankly, the Kremlin has no appetite for it,
encouragement from then-Secretary of FP noted.
State Hillary Clinton — Russia’s
leadership had been convinced that her “What the Kremlin fears most today is
election would spell disaster for Russia and that Trump may be ousted or even
that it might even lead to war. So Russians killed.
did what they could to prevent Clinton from
getting into the White House. But while His ouster, Kremlin insiders argue, is
they welcomed her defeat, they were bound to unleash a virulent and bipartisan
wholly unprepared for the ensuing anti-Russian campaign in Washington.
regime change in Washington. Oddly, therefore, Putin has become a
hostage to Trump’s survival and success.
This has seriously restricted Russia’s
And now – while Trump’s victory may have been an
geopolitical options,” the magazine
unexpected gift – Russia will have to find a balance with a
dramatically shifting U.S. political order and the continued
existence of the New World Order, and that’s where it all
begins to get dicey. (RELATED: Leftists embedded in the Democrats, the Kremlin knows, seek to use Russia as an
bureaucracy are working daily to undermine Trump – read excuse to impeach Trump; the Republican elite want to use
all about it at Moscow as a way of disciplining and reigning in Trump.

On the one hand, Trump’s victory and the mandate he has There is a civil war going on inside the U.S. government –
been given by his supporters validates Russia’s the Trump outsiders versus the entrenched, globalist
establishment. Stay tuned.

Turncoat: John McCain Is A Globalist Shill,
Uses Speech To The Elite To Attack Trump
By Alex Thomas -
02.17.2017 @10:24 PM EST

“They would be alarmed by the hardening

McCain attacks the tens of millions of resentment we see towards immigrants
Trump voters at globalist conference and refugees and minority groups —
especially Muslims.”
(INTELLIHUB) — During a speech at the globalist “They would be alarmed by the growing
Munich Security Conference in Germany, noted neocon inability — and even unwillingness — to
and deep state puppet John McCain attacked the Trump separate truth from lies.”
“worldview” in a point by point argument now being
hailed in the corporate controlled media. “They would be alarmed that more and
more of our fellow citizens seem to be
flirting with authoritarianism and
Trump and McCain already have a long history of being at romanticizing it as our moral equivalent.”
odds and McCain’s speech Friday is sure to continue the
feud between the president and a high ranking Republican
McCain continued:
Senator after McCain essentially attacked each and every
position that the tens of millions of Trump voters support.
“But what would alarm them most, I think,
is a sense that many of our peoples,
As the Washington Post so happily reported,
including in my own country, are giving up
on the West, that they see it as a bad deal
“In his speech, McCain suggested the that we may be better off without, and that
Western world is uniquely imperiled this while Western nations still have the power
year — even more so than when Barack to maintain our world order, it’s unclear
Obama was president — and proceeded to whether we have the will.”
question whether it will even survive.”
That’s right, according to John McCain, we are worse off
this year then we ever were with Barack Obama, a claim
Then McCain invoked some of those close to Trump and
that once again confirms that McCain is not a conservative
emphasized that his message won’t square with theirs:
but rather a puppet of the globalist elite.

I know there is profound concern across

McCain continued,
Europe and the world that America is laying
down the mantle of global leadership. I can
“In recent years, this question would invite only speak for myself, but I do not believe
accusations of hyperbole and alarmism; not that that is the message you will hear from
this year. If ever there were a time to treat all of the American leaders who cared
this question with a deadly seriousness, it enough to travel here to Munich this
is now.” weekend. That’s not the message you
heard today from Secretary of Defense Jim
A point by point breakdown of McCain’s speech was Mattis. That is not the message you will
included in the Post report: hear from Vice President Mike Pence.
That’s not the message you will hear from
“[The founders of the Munich conference] Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly.
would be alarmed by an increasing turn And that is certainly not the message you
away from universal values and toward old will hear tomorrow from our bipartisan
ties of blood and race and sectarianism.” congressional delegation.

McCain then concluded with another direct shot at Trump.

“I refuse to accept that our values are “McCain, of the apparent belief that this
morally equivalent to those of our information was extremely important,
adversaries,” he said. “I am a proud, actually passed the documents to FBI
unapologetic believer in the West, and I director James Comey last month,
believe we must always, always stand up according to a report by The Guardian.”
for it. For if we do not, who will?
“The Guardian can confirm that the
documents reached the top of the FBI by
So there you have it. John McCain has made publicly clear December. Senator John McCain, who was
to not only the globalist elite but to the entire world that he informed about the existence of the
is 100% against the populist wave that swept Trump into documents separately by an intermediary
office and is working directly against the idea of America from a western allied state, dispatched an
first. emissary overseas to meet the source and
then decided to present the material to
This disgusting attack by McCain should really come as no Comey in a one-on-one meeting on 9
surprise as he has a long history of attacking Donald December, according to a source aware of
Trump, even going as far as to personally hand a the meeting,” the Guardian report reads.
disinformation dossier on the president-elect to leaders at
the FBI. There are a startling number of powerful people and
organizations openly working against the new president
“In the wake of the release of a and John McCain is certainly one of them. His speech to
disinformation dossier on President-elect the globalists only confirms what many already knew.
Donald Trump, it has been revealed that
none other than establishment Republican John McCain is a traitor to both his party and the country
John McCain was responsible for passing as a whole.
the document to the highest reaches of the
FBI, I reported at the time.

President Announces “Civilian National Security Force” –
But Wait, That Was OBAMA, Not Trump
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 17, 2017

Maybe, just maybe, the president really is

that sinister, that sick, that devious.

Yes, maybe so. And maybe his name is

Barack Obama.

As reported by the Canada Free Press in 2012, during his

first campaign Obama promised a “Civilian National
Security Force” that would be “just as powerful, just as
strong, just as well-funded as the U.S. Military.”

The CPF notes further:

It is well known amongst dictators, the

The anti-American Alt-Left – which appears to be helping world over, that a private army is necessary
our terrorist enemies every day they protest President to control the great unwashed masses over
Donald J. Trump and drive the country further apart – is which they force their rule.
certain that the current occupant of the White House is a
fascist authoritarian who is just waiting to crush their civil And, interestingly, the paper makes this observation too
liberties. (see if it sounds familiar now that Trump is president):

Mind you, the president hasn’t said anything or done We have seen Obama steadily assume
anything – and neither has Congress – that even remotely dictatorial powers over apathetic
qualifies as fascist, bigoted, homophobic and racist. But Americans in just three and a half years.
that doesn’t matter to the hate-mongering Left: Trump’s He has all but hushed the people’s voice
the real villain because he’s actually doing what he said he in government, the US Congress, by
would do on the campaign trail, enforce our laws and keep simply by-passing them and ruling by
the country safe. executive order—just like any other two-
bit dictator.
He’s an authoritarian just waiting for the right moment to
march his Brown Shirts into American cities, where they And again, that was in 2012. My, have times have
will round up dissidents and anti-Trump/anti-conservative changed. Except now, the Marxist Alt-Left is
citizens and then ship them off to FEMA camps where demonstrating both a short memory and utter hypocrisy,
they will be forced into hard labor and never be heard from which doesn’t mean anything to them, since they wear
again. (RELATED: Find out what the real Trump agenda hypocrisy like a badge of honor.
is about at
Here’s Obama making the announcement in 2008:
Yes, yes…that’s ridiculous and the stuff of tin foil hat
conspiracy theories. Yet these lunatics are out there and
they really believe Trump is getting ready to order this

But wait a minute. Maybe these perpetually angry Left-

wing Marxist wannabes have a point. Maybe there is some
sinister plot to raise an army of modern-day Hitler Youth
and Brown Shirts.

That’s incredible, isn’t it? Now imagine if candidate who he really is and what kind of people he represented as
Trump, already bearing the phony accusation that he’s the president. The Left, not the political Right, gave Obama a
new face of fascism (which was a Left-wing political pass on doing something they now are convinced Trump
construct, not a Right-wing construct), would have will do.
deigned to suggest the creation of what the CFP accurately
described as a private government army? Then and only Absurd, but it goes to show just how unhinged, misguided,
then could those on the Left accurately claim that the new politically inane and detached from reality the angry Left
president is an authoritarian in the waiting, ready to really is. What’s more, the time has come to label the
unleash an army of ideological drones to prey on them and groups who are keeping their supporters perpetually angry
the Constitution. (RELATED: Find out the latest threats to what they really are: Threats to our freedom, our
our liberty at democratic republic and the future of our country.

Obama’s promised “Civilian National Security Force” Protests are one thing, but when there are sinister motives
never came to fruition, but the mere fact that he was the behind them, how we can they be ignored?
one who proposed it – and not Trump – is telling about

Greenwald, Kucinich Issue
Chilling Warnings About Deep State’s War on Trump
Written by Carey Wedler
February 17, 2017 at 4:28 pm

leaks, destroyed one of its primary

adversaries in the Trump White House.”

Greenwald asserted in an interview with Democracy Now,

published on Thursday, that this boils down to a fight
between the Deep State and the Trump administration.

According to an in-depth report by journalist Mike

(ANTIMEDIA) “Let me tell you, you take on the Lofgren:
intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at
getting back at you. So, even for a practical, supposedly, “The Deep State does not consist of the
hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do entire government. It is a hybrid of national
this,” Democratic lawmaker Charles Schumer said of security and law enforcement agencies: the
President Trump in January amid the president’s rejection Department of Defense, the Department of
of CIA claims about Russian hacking. State, the Department of Homeland
Security, the Central Intelligence Agency
According to journalist Glenn Greenwald and former and the Justice Department. I also include
lawmaker Dennis Kucinich, it appears Schumer was the Department of the Treasury because of
correct. its jurisdiction over financial flows, its
enforcement of international sanctions and
its organic symbiosis with Wall Street.”
This week, Trump adviser Michael Flynn left the
administration after leaks from the intelligence community
revealed he had misled the public and the administration As Greenwald explained during his interview:
on conversations he had with a Russian diplomat. The
Washington Post and New York Times both reported on the “It’s agencies like the CIA, the NSA and the
alleged transgressions. other intelligence agencies, that are
essentially designed to disseminate
Though Greenwald has argued the leaks were “wholly disinformation and deceit and propaganda,
justified” in spite of the fact they violated criminal law, he and have a long history of doing not only
also questioned the motives behind them. that, but also have a long history of the
world’s worst war crimes, atrocities and
death squads.”

Notorious neoconservative and member of the now-

defunct Project for New American Century, Bill Kristol
— who supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election —
acknowledged the growing divide between the Deep State
and the president, making it clear which side he fell on:

“It’s very possible — I’d say likely — that

the motive here was vindictive rather than
noble,” he wrote. “Whatever else is true,
this is a case where the intelligence
community, through strategic (and illegal)
Greenwald believes this division is a result of the Deep “Trump was democratically elected and is
State’s disapproval of Trump’s foreign policy and the fact subject to democratic controls, as these
that the intelligence community overwhelmingly supported courts just demonstrated and as the media
Hillary Clinton over Trump because of her hawkish views. is showing, as citizens are proving,” he
Greenwald noted that Mike Morell, acting CIA chief under said, likely alluding to a recent court ruling
Obama, and Michael Hayden, who ran both the CIA and that nullified Trump’s travel ban.
NSA under George W. Bush, openly spoke out against
Trump during the presidential campaign. He continued:

Greenwald asserts the CIA preferred Clinton because, like “But on the other hand, the CIA was
the clandestine agency, she supported regime change in elected by nobody. They’re barely subject
Syria. In contrast, Trump dismissed America’s practice of to democratic controls at all. And so, to
nation-building and declined to tow the line on ousting urge that the CIA and the intelligence
foreign leaders, instead advocating working with Russia to community empower itself to undermine
defeat ISIS and other extremist groups. the elected branches of government is
“So, Trump’s agenda that he ran on was
completely antithetical to what the CIA He argues that mentality is “a prescription for destroying
wanted,” Greenwald argued. “Clinton’s was democracy overnight in the name of saving it,”
exactly what the CIA wanted, and so they highlighting that members of both prevailing political
were behind her. And so, they’ve been parties are praising the Deep State’s audacity in leaking
trying to undermine Trump for many details of Flynn’s conversations.
months throughout the election. And now
that he won, they are not just undermining As he wrote in his article,
him with leaks, but actively subverting him.”
“…it’s hard to put into words how strange it
As former congressman Dennis Kucinich noted in a recent
is to watch the very same people — from
interview with Fox News, the Deep State’s retaliations are both parties, across the ideological
not limited to Trump: spectrum — who called for the heads of
Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Tom
Drake, and so many other Obama-era
leakers today heap praise on those who
leaked the highly sensitive, classified
SIGINT information that brought down Gen.

He also points out the left’s hypocrisy in condemning

Flynn for lying when James Clapper, Director of National
Intelligence during the Obama administration, perpetuated
lies without ever being held accountable.
“[In] the closing months of the Obama
administration, they put together a deal As traditional narratives continue to blur in the age of
with Russia to create peace in Syria. A few Trump, Kucinich summarized the current developments
days later, a military strike in Syria killed a and resulting confusion:
hundred Syrian soldiers and that ended the
agreement. What happened is inside the “What’s going on in the intelligence
intelligence and the Pentagon there was a community with this president is
deliberate effort to sabotage an agreement unprecedented,” he said. “They’re making
the White House made.” every effort to upend him. Who knows what
the truth is anymore?“
Greenwald, who opposes Trump for a variety of reasons,
warns that siding with the evidently powerful Deep State Regardless, the Trump administration is reportedly
in the hopes of undermining Trump is dangerous. considering sending thousands of ground troops into Syria,
meaning the Deep State could still find an ally in the
president its members are currently working to undermine.

The Chaos-Promoting Left Has Become
A Powerful ALLY Of Anti-American Terrorists
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 17, 2017

The hip-hop group was joined by Rhymes

who thanked “President Agent Orange” the
new name they gave to Trump for
“perpetuating evil in the United States”. The
tribute ended with people of different races
gathered on stage as Q-Tip repeatedly
shouted: “Resist” as the camera faded to

The end result? “All of this is building to violence,”

Armstrong says. (RELATED: Keep informed about the
most dangerous threats to civil society at
We are not even one month into the presidency of Donald
J. Trump, and already the crooked, lying mainstream When you look around, soberly, and take in what’s going
media is champing at the bit to declare it over. on, who’s involved in keeping tensions high, and what
they hope to gain from it all, it’s very hard to disagree with
Rather than do the right thing and report honestly on the this assessment.
president’s policies – which, by the way, are completely in
line with those he campaigned on – the lying Left-wing In fact, according to Hoover Institute media fellow Paul
media focuses instead on a never-ending cycle of protests Sperry, you can even include former President Barack
and the political activism of the entertainment industry, Obama in this group of Marxist rabble-rousers stoking
even choosing to largely ignore a very pro-Trump moment tensions and unrest. In a recent column, Sperry, writing in
at Sunday’s Grammy Awards show involving singer Joy the New York Post, says Obama is head of an organization
Villa, who wore a red, white, and blue dress emblazoned that has trained some 30,000 “troops” (activists) whose
with “Make America Great Again,” Trump’s campaign mission will be perpetual unrest and violent protesting not
slogan. just of the Trump agenda:

Speaking of the entertainment and music industry, at least He’s doing it through a network of leftist
one analyst – Martin Armstrong, of Armstrong Economics nonprofits led by Organizing for Action.
– believes Hollywood is part of a wider Left-wing effort to Normally you’d expect an organization set
keep the country violently divided. In fact, in a recent up to support a politician and his agenda to
analysis, he believes we’re headed for another civil war: close up shop after that candidate leaves
office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s
The constant protests by the Entertainment gearing up for battle, with a growing war
industry against Trump will not subside. chest and more than 250 offices across the
There is only one way this is going to end country.
and that is blood in the streets. The riots
will only escalate and the left ALWAYS And it’s not just the president these and other groups are
becomes violent. They would not even organizing to oppose: All Republicans are in their
allow the education secretary to enter a crosshairs. Since the angry Left-wing Democratic Party
school. The Grammy show was reduced to cannot defeat the GOP at the ballot box, having lost
hurried political statements, A Tribe Called hundreds of seats in Congress and in statehouses and
Quest delivered a vigorous rebuke of governor’s mansions all over the country, it has decided on
Trump during a tribute to Phife Dawg, who a strategy to bring the country to war with itself, with the
died in March 2016. The group said the goal of taking power in the aftermath.
performance of We the People was also in
honor of protesters.

Consider what we’re now seeing at Republican town hall At what point does the violent, never-satisfied and always
events: “Protesters” showing in congressional districts angry Alt-Left become the erstwhile ally of ISIS and other
where the GOP candidate often won by 40-50 percentage anti-American terrorist organizations who want the same
points with pre-printed signs or a singular message (like thing – destruction of the United States?
“RESIST”). Can you imagine if the Right treated Obama
this way? And now he and other Marxist Alt-Left leaders I think that time has arrived.
would rather destroy the country than try to help Trump
govern it. (RELATED: Stay current on the Trump agenda

DOJ Is Also A Target
Of President Trump's Probe Into Leaks
By Sara A. Carter
February 17, 2017

Farrell said if the request is not fulfilled by next

Wednesday, Judicial Watch will sue.

He said,

"it would be a very narrow universe of

persons who would have had access to
that classified material. Even the number of
persons who would have access should be
definable. That sort of communication
intelligence, or COMINT (communications
intelligence) collection activity is very
specific. The list of people is narrow."
The DOJ's intelligence division also
However, just before President Obama left office, he
"bears the responsibility of overseeing the expanded the power of the National Security Agency
foreign intelligence, counterintelligence and allowing the agency to the intercepted phone calls and
other national security activities of the personal communications with the 16 other intelligence
United States Intelligence Community to agencies before applying privacy protections, according to
ensure compliance with the Constitution, a story written by The New York Times.
statutes and Executive Branch policies,"
according to its website. These expansions of powers also widen the scope of
people who may have had access to the details contained
On Wednesday Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the chairman of the in the classified phone intercepts.
House Oversight Committee, and Rep. Bob Goodlatte,
chairman of the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to On Jan. 12, David Ignatius, with the Washington Post
DOJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz saying that wrote a column where he referenced a senior U.S.
they government official who told him that

"request that your office begin an "Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador

immediate investigation into whether Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29,
classified information was mishandled the day the Obama administration
here." announced the expulsion of 35 Russian
Related:Who will be Trump's national security advisor? officials as well as other measures in
retaliation for the hacking. What did Flynn
Chris Farrell, a former counterintelligence official and say, and did it undercut the U.S.
director of investigations and research at Judicial Watch, a sanctions?"
conservative watchdog organization, said they are
expecting Ignatius referred to the Logan Act in his column and
whether or not Flynn undermined the sanctions Obama put
"documents and records on FOIA requests in place at the end of his term against Russia.
we filed concerning investigations being
conducted by the DOJ on Trump's Michael O'Hanlon, a senior foreign policy expert with The
transition team." Brookings Institute told Cira that Flynn didn't violate the
Logan Act, which prohibits private citizens from cutting
deals with countries the United States is in dispute with.
He added, everybody knew Trump's When asked if he directed Flynn to make the calls to the
Russian ambassador Trump said,
"Russia policy, and everybody knew things
like sanctions would probably be "I didn't direct him, but I would have
reconsidered. Moreover, I don’t see that directed him if he didn't do it," Trump said.
there was a specific promise made in this
phone transcript. I don’t see anymore than It's still anyone's guess who will replace Flynn to head the
Flynn confirming there would be a new National Security Agency. On Friday, President Trump
direction in U.S. Russia policy under tweeted that he's considering General Keith Kellog, the
President Trump.” acting national security advisor, as well former United
Nations ambassador John Bolton, and Army strategist Lt.
On Thursday at Trump's first solo press conference, he Gen. H.R. McMaster. On Thursday, Vice Adm. Robert
defended Flynn, saying the retired Army general Harward turned down the position after reports that the
White House wouldn't meet his staffing demands.
"did nothing wrong" and in fact, was "doing
his job."

Treason: Shadow Government In “All Out War” To Bring
Down President Trump (And His Supporters)
Article By Susan Duclos From Allnewspipeline.Com
Date: February 17, 2017

administrative agencies and branches of governmental

bureaucracy), does not respond to the civilian political
leadership. Although the state within the state can be
conspiratorial in nature, the Deep State can also take the
form of entrenched unelected career civil servants acting in
a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests
(e.g. job security, enhanced power and authority, pursuit of
ideological goals and objectives, and the general growth of
their agency) and in opposition to the policies of elected
officials, by obstructing, resisting and subverting the
policies and directives of elected officials.”

I cannot count the number of times that we, and other

While the present news cycle is focusing on the forced
Independent Media sites have been trolled and mocked
resignation of Michael Flynn, as well as the reasons behind
when mentioning the “deep state” or called a “conspiracy
it, with “America’s spies” illegally divulging confidential
theorist” when reporting that the “shadow government”
information to the press, if we take a step back and look at
has been controlling the U.S. for decades upon decades.
the bigger picture, we see how America became a police
state right under our noses, just as Independent Media has
long warned, but were mocked and called “conspiracy Even liberal writers with nothing but disdain for both
theorists.” President Trump and Michael Flynn, are now reporting
that “the deep state” targeted “a man working in one of the
political branches of the government by dishing to
Only now, every American has just been exposed to the
reporters about information it has gathered clandestinely,”
truth of the “shadow government,” the “deep state,”
while at the same time taking Democrats and liberals
whether referred to as the NWO, the Illuminati, whatever
cheering the “political assassination” perpetrated by
one chooses to label them… they exist, they are real, and
America’s spies, to task by writing “Those cheering the
they are attempting to take down America right now
deep state torpedoing of Flynn are saying, in effect, that a
because Americans elected a man that is not controlled by
police state is perfectly fine so long as it helps to bring
down Trump.”


Eli Lake reports the following at Bloomberg:
Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and
citizens are some of the most tightly held
The Shadow Government” is described by Wikipedia as ”
government secrets. This is for good
a family of conspiracy theories based on the notion that
reason. Selectively disclosing details of
real and actual political power resides not with publicly
private conversations monitored by the FBI
elected representatives (for example, the United States
or NSA gives the permanent state the
Congress) but with private individuals who are exercising
power to destroy reputations from the cloak
power behind the scenes, beyond the scrutiny of
of anonymity. This is what police states
democratic institutions. According to this belief, the
official elected government is in reality subservient to the
shadow government who are the true executive power.” In the past it was considered scandalous
for senior U.S. officials to even request the
Deep State redirects to State Within a State and is identities of U.S. officials incidentally
described as “a political situation in a country when an monitored by the government (normally
internal organ (“deep state”), such as the armed forces and they are redacted from intelligence
civilian authorities (intelligence agencies, police, reports). John Bolton’s nomination to be
U.S. ambassador to the United Nations should have been a process to mask
was derailed in 2006 after the NSA Flynn’s identity.
confirmed he had made 10 such requests
“Unless it’s a high-level national security
when he was Undersecretary of State for
issue, and then someone would have to
Arms Control in George W. Bush’s first
unmask the name, someone at the highest
term. The fact that the intercepts of
levels, they’d have to unmask that name,”
Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak Nunes said. “It’s a very high threshold to
appear to have been widely distributed
unmask an American citizen’s name, that’s
inside the government is a red flag.
a very high threshold, almost
unprecedented. And if you were going to
The Deep State used classified information, with the full unmask it, it seems like you would
complicity of the MSM, specifically Washington Post and immediately go get a warrant.”
the New York Times, in order to declare all out war against
President Trump, using information disseminated illegally, “If they did that, how does all that get out to
to carry our what is being dubbed as a “soft coup.” the public which is another leak of
classified information,” he added. “Whoever
did it, it’s illegal.”
The Daily Mail reports that Trump is not taking this lying
down and is launching “all-out war on his own intelligence
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes agencies as he says malicious NSA and FBI leakers are
said on Tuesday that those who leaked the contents of ‘illegally’ giving out classified information to reporters
former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s phone ‘like candy’.”
calls “belong in jail.”
As well he should.
That was not hyperbole, as 18 U.S. Code § 798 –
Disclosure of classified information, clearly states that
those that “knowingly and willfully communicates, TRUMP MUST REDIRECT FOCUS TO CLEANING
furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an HOUSE – NOW!
unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner
prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or President Trump has spend his first weeks attempting to
for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment keep his campaign promises and to fulfill his Contract with
of the United States any classified information,” – “Shall the American Voter, so his supporters already understand
be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten he meant what he said and he said what he meant, but right
years, or both.” now, in the interest of national security, as one of those
supporters, I respectfully suggest President Trump redirect
Nunes expands on the illegal nature of what America just his focus, back burner the rest of those campaign promises
witnessed, reported by Breitbart: just long enough to “clean house.”

The chairman said there are only two ways As we note from a Fox News report, cleaning house would
that intelligence agencies can listen in on not necessarily mean removing all members of the relevant
an American’s phone call — after obtaining departments, as the information in question was “highly
a warrant, or inadvertently, such as in the restricted” as former NSA analyst Bill Binney asserts that
case of Flynn speaking with a foreign “less than 100 [people would have access to the
official being spied on, which the report intelligence].”
suggests was the case.
“I think it is compartmentalized, meaning a
Nunes said “it’s pretty clear” that there was small circle, less than 100 [people would
no warrant.
have access to the intelligence],” Binney
“It’s pretty clear that’s not the case,” he said. “They are supposed to minimize the
said. “I’m pretty sure the FBI didn’t have a American side. … All presumed U.S.
warrant on Michael Flynn … To listen to an citizens have rights under the Fourth
American’s phone call you would have to Amendment.”
go to a court, there’d be all that paperwork Nunes said the timing may be significant
there. So I’m guessing that doesn’t exist.” because the authorization to unmask Flynn
In case Flynn was speaking to a foreign was likely taken under the Obama
official — Russian Ambassador Sergey administration, as the phone calls occurred
Kislyak in this case — Nunes said there in December. The committee chairman
said the issue goes beyond politics
because it is also undermining the title but not less than $10,000; and shall be
relationship between a president and world incapable of holding any office under the
leaders. United States.

Not only did they overplay their hand and expose the truth
of the Shadow Government and Deep State to every
American and the world, vindicating everyone that warned
the country of their existence, but the information they
chose to reveal also considerably narrows down the search
for who is behind the leak, and who is part of the Deep
State, and they can follow the money to find out who is
behind this shadow government, pulling the strings.


While the Flynn issue exposed them , as well as showing

they violated the 18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of
classified information law, the leaked phone calls between
President Donald Trump and the leaders of Australia and
Mexico shows they did not just spy on an American citizen
with Flynn, but are actively spying on the President of the
United States, presently.

That ladies and gentlemen, is treason.



Whoever, owing allegiance to the United

States, levies war against them or
adheres to their enemies, giving them aid
and comfort within the United States or
elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall
suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not
less than five years and fined under this

After “Politically Assassinating” Flynn IC Fears “Friday
Night Massacre” By Hedge Fund Manager In
Deep State War
Joanne Leon
17 Feb 2017

US: Allegations Against Flynn

 During their weekly interview on Tuesday night,

John Batchelor and Stephen Cohen discussed

Batchelor: “There’s reason to believe that

there was no violation and that Flynn was a
victim of the War Party. He was driven from
office with leaking and there is nothing illicit
in his conduct.”
Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn at MacDill, AFB,
FL. Feb. 6, 2017 (DoD photo by D. Myles Cullen) Cohen: “Flynn was low-hanging fruit — the
least liked, the least adept politically of the
The intelligence community politically assassinated Mike Trump team that was known to want
Flynn and may be “Friday night massacred” by a hedge cooperation with Russia.”
fund manager and Trump ally with ties to the defense
industry. The race for Raqqa is on and Turkey may be  Multiple reports said Flynn talked to the Russian
involved. Libya requested NATO help on the 6th ambassador after Pres. Obama’s late December
anniversary of their “revolution”. And more in our global sanctions on Russia, and told the ambassador that the
news roundup… new administration would be in office in a few weeks,
and they would review the situation. Many people, even
NORTHCOM those not generally on Flynn’s “side” said this was
“neither illegal nor improper“. Journalist and
neoconservative war hawk Eli Lake called it a political
assassination. The Washington Post admitted on
US: Political Assassination of Flynn by the War Party Wednesday that Flynn’s removal “culmination of
swirling forces and resentment unleashed by the 2016
 National Security Advisor Michael Flynn resigned late election” and a carefully executed effort by the Obama
Monday night, Feb. 13. Flynn was targeted by the administration. In other words, as Lake said, a political
intelligence community and their assets in the media assassination, and by the same people who forced
for months but during the few days prior to his Flynn out of the Obama administration in 2014.
resignation, the most prominent establishment media
flooded the air waves with claims that Flynn did  However, Flynn admitted that he did not accurately or
something sinister by talking to the Russian completely describe all the details of the conversations
ambassador during the transition period even though with Vice President Pence, and this is what was used
many professionals, even those who aren’t his allies, to bring him down.
said the conversation was nothing unusual.
US: Intelligence Community Playing a “Dangerous
 As Shadowproof’s Dan Wright reported, “The New York Game”
Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal,
and Politico” blasted out leak stories with anonymous  Dennis Kucinich, no ally of Trump or Flynn, said the
stories within 30 minutes, in ” one of the most blatant intelligence community is playing a dangerous game
leak campaigns by national security officials in recent with our national security, which may lead us into more
memory.” wars, and they are working to undermine the elected
government. In our recent podcast interview with John

Kiriakou, we discussed the raging battle going on in the some reason, to report that they were under
intelligence agencies and the deep state. investigation.

US: Leaking Communications of Top Officials  On Tuesday, in a drastic change of tone during the
press briefing, Trump’s press secretary said that the
 Days before Flynn resigned, Politico reported that the “evolving and eroding level of trust as a result of this
CIA is out to get Trump national security advisor, situation and a series of other questionable instances is
Michael Flynn, and turned denied security clearance for what led the President to ask for General Flynn’s
his aide, a former Marine intelligence officer, because resignation.” He then stressed that Flynn “did not do
they believe “that the CIA doesn’t run the world” and anything wrong” and this is “not a legal issue, but rather
they’re skeptical of the intelligence community’s a trust issue.” The thing that led to Flynn being forced
techniques. The same source said that “some in the out was “misleading the Vice President and others, or
intelligence community feel threatened by Flynn and the possibility that he had forgotten critical details of
his allies.” Flynn was forced out of his position as head this important conversation had created a critical mass
of the rival DIA during the Obama administration after and an unsustainable situation.” Flynn had years of
the faction in power at the CIA at the time allegedly experience with the intelligence community (IC) and
forced him out. The sources in the article are with him out of the way, manipulation of the president
anonymous, and some of them claim that the new CIA by the IC will be much easier.
director, Mike Pompeo, went along with the political “hit
job from inside the CIA on Flynn and the people close  In another drastic change in tone, Pres. Trump praised
to him,” which is causing a rift between Trump Michael Flynn at a press conference and said he was
administration top officials. treated badly and unfairly by the media but his reason
for not completely informing Vice Pres. Pence was not
 Democrat Adam Schiff, a Hillary Clinton surrogate and acceptable, even though he did nothing wrong. Trump
ranking member of the House intelligence committee, also pledged to find and punish the criminal leakers at
said that’s “baloney” and if the CIA denied someone a meeting with House Republicans, saying they would
clearance there was a good reason for it. But Schiff “pay a big price”. He also lashed out at the intelligence
himself is also going after Flynn, as he has made clear community and the media for leaking and publishing
in public statements. The Washington Post has now, his own communications and the communications of
for the second time, reversed the story on Flynn’s top officials.
communications with the Russian ambassador. So
three versions of this story have been published by the US: Opposition to Detente With Russia
WaPo in the past six weeks. (Version 1, Version 2,
Version 3) Version 2 and version 3 were written by the  During the campaign Trump favored detente, as did
same journalists. Version 1 was written by David Flynn. The tone and positions toward Russia began to
Ignatius, the MSM mouthpiece for the CIA. change immediately on the day after Flynn was fired.
Sean Spicer said that “President Trump has made it
 Tuesday night (Feb. 14) The New York Times (NYT) very clear that he expects the Russian government to
published an article with anonymous current and deescalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea.”
former intelligence officials leaking that “Trump He then quoted UN ambassador Nikki Haley saying:
campaign members and other Trump associates” had “dire situation in Eastern Ukraine is one that demands
contact with “senior Russian intelligence officials” clear and strong condemnation of Russian actions.”
during the year before the election. The leakers said After all that, Spicer said Trump “fully expects to and
they knew this because of “phone records and wants to be able to get along with Russia” so they can
intercepted calls.” The anonymous officials named Paul work together against terrorism.
Manafort, a businessman, as one person who had
contact with Russian intelligence. They note that _ The head of Russia’s foreign affairs committee in the
American businessmen frequently come in contact with upper house of parliament, Konstantin Kosachev said:
foreign intelligence officials, sometimes unwitting). “Flynn, unlike many other high-ranking Americans, was at
least open to dialogue.”
 Later in the NYT article they report an ongoing
classified FBI investigation of all Trump “associates” _ To make things even more perplexing, even after the
(they don’t define what an associate is) and their radical change in stance toward Russia during the press
communications. The FBI refused to comment but the briefing from his spokesman, and with the media, led by
NYT named 3 individuals who the FBI “has closely the New York Times, publishing sinister articles with
examined.” They don’t specify a source and don’t say anonymous sources about connections with “the
they were implicated. They chose to put out the names: Russians,” Trump continued to use social media to protest
Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, and Carter Page, for that these connections are hogwash, et al. Trump,
Wednesday morning, on his personal Twitter account:

“This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt reported that US officials had told him Harward was
to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton’s offered the job. On Friday Harward turned down the job.
losing campaign.”
_ Harward is a former Navy SEAL who currently is an
“Information is being illegally given to the failing “executive for defense contractor Lockheed Martin
@nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence (LMT.N), with responsibility for its business in the United
community (NSA and FBI?).Just like Russia” Arab Emirates in the Middle East.” Like Flynn, Harward is
a Rhode Island native. He went to school in pre-revolution
“Thank you to Eli Lake of The Bloomberg View – “The Iran, graduated from the Naval Academy, and an MIT
NSA & FBI…should not interfere in our politics…and is” masters program. He served on Pres. George W. Bush’s
Very serious situation for USA” national security council from August, 2003 to April,
2005, served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and
“The real scandal here is that classified information is had high ranking jobs in Joint Special Operations
illegally given out by “intelligence” like candy. Very un- Command and CENTCOM. In 2013, he Huffington Post
American!” published his article: “Half of our Potential,” where he
advocated “integrating women into the force,” gender
_ Retired Gen. Breedlove, (nicknamed by many as Gen. equity, and women’s education around the world.
Strangelove) the former NATO commander who was a key
figure in reigniting the Cold War and made the previously _ Sam Husseini at ConsortiumNews: “Progressives Pile
unthinkable hot war with Russia now very on Flynn’s Ouster” and by doing so they “are rallying
thinkable, invoked his fighter pilot experience to rant behind neocon-driven demands for a New McCarthyism to
against cooperation with Russia to the US Senate Foreign silence those who object to a costly and dangerous New
Relations Committee. Breedlove said: “To align ourselves Cold War.”
with Iran and Russia in support of Mr. Assad would be
very tough for me to deal with,” although, given that he is _ Brad Hoff at the Libertarian Institute: “New Declassified
retired, it’s not clear what exactly he would be expected to CIA Memo Presents Blueprint for Syrian Regime
“deal with.” Collapse.” Hoff notes that some of the scenarios in the
proposals from the 1980s are “remarkably consistent with
_ Breedlove was so belligerent that Germany had to events as they unfolded decades later at the start of the
intervene to get him to tone down his warmongering Syrian war in 2011.” And the current situation in Syria
rhetoric during his stint as NATO commander. Hacked surpasses what the CIA had described as their worst case
emails revealed that Breedlove had also “plotted in private scenario. Edward Dark. a Syrian from Aleppo, considers
to overcome President Barack Obama’s reluctance to the memo to be a “smoking gun that proves the Syrian
escalate military tensions with Russia.” conflict was planned and orchestrated by the US & allies
from Day 1.”
_ The extremely hawkish Senate Foreign Relations
Committee is publicly undermining the new president’s _ New research from Thomas Piketty finds that the bottom
intentions (and campaign promises) for detente with 50%’s share of income in the United States is “collapsing.”
Russia. There is bipartisan agreement on the committee Between 1978 and 2015, the income share for the bottom
“that the legislative branch should take decisive action 50% went from 20% to 12% and their real income did not
against Russia, even if that means circumventing the White grow, it shrunk by 1%. By contrast, in China, the bottom
House’s expressed desire for a better relationship between 50% saw their income increase by 401% and in France it
the two nations.” Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) is preparing grew by 39%. Wealth has also become more concentrated.
legislation to “take decisions about Russian sanctions out
of the hands of the White House.” (Hearing video) US: Push Back Against Intelligence Community

_ Joint Staff reported a meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan _ Former military and intelligence officials (named, not
between the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs Gen. Dunford anonymous) are speaking out to The Daily Caller about the
and his Russian counterpart Gen. Gerasimov on Thursday, “hit job launched by intelligence operatives, Obama
Feb. 16, to further the military-to-military relationship. government holdovers and former Obama national security
Dunford was in Azerbaijan to meet with their Minister of officials.” They called it “stage Two of ‘Kill Mike Flynn”
Defense and chief of General Staff to discuss the status of and said it was part of a larger operation against the new
the relationship between the military forces of the United president. They explained that it was also part of a
States and Azerbaijan. vendetta by the Obama administration against Flynn from
his days as head of DIA.
US: New National Security Advisor
“There he garnered a reputation to balk at the
_ Flynn reportedly recommended Vice Admiral Robert “politicization of military intelligence” in order to conform
Harward as his replacement. The next day, Reuters with President Obama’s world views. Flynn refused to

downplay the threat posed by the Islamic State and other time, on terrorism. And it was time for a clean slate and he
radical Islamic groups throughout his two-year reign at the just fired them. Now, it was probably a bad idea to fire
DIA. He was fired after offering congressional testimony your most experienced officers, but that’s what he did, and
that was at odds with the Obama administration’s posture he did it on a Friday, and they called it the ‘Friday Night
on the Islamic threat.” Massacre.'”

_ At a roundtable meeting with House Republicans, Trump “The same thing happened in the very beginning of the
said “We are going get the leakers… we are gonna find Clinton administration. And it was because — and we’re
the leakers and they’ll pay.” (via press pool). seeing a parallel here now — it was because Clinton said
that the CIA was bloated and inefficient, that there was a
US: Trump Calls Monitored by Intelligence Community peace dividend because there was no more Soviet Union,
and we didn’t need to spend all this money spying on
_ In an interview, William Binney, a whistleblower and every single country in the world. He also did it on a
former high level technical official at the NSA, said the Friday. People were fired. It’s the second ‘Friday Night
intelligence community is monitoring the new president’s Massacre.'”
calls and leaking them to the press.
“Well Donald Trump has come out and said that the CIA is
Binney: “Absolutely. How did they get the phone call bloated and inefficient. He’s certainly no friend of the
between the president and the president of Australia? Or CIA’s leadership, as we’ve discussed. And I wouldn’t be
the one that he made with Mexico? Those are not targeted surprised if when he was interviewing Pompeo, he said
foreigners.” that his vision for the CIA was more streamlined, more
focuses on overseas recruitments, and I want you to clean
“If they weren’t behind it, they certainly had the data. Now out headquarters and get rid of all these operational people
the difference here is that FBI and CIA have direct access who aren’t doing operations.”
inside the NSA databases. So, they may be able to go
directly in there and see that material there. And NSA _ Pres. Trump hired private equity firm executive Stephen
doesn’t monitor that. They don’t even monitor their own Feinberg to do a review and “clean up” of US intelligence
people going into databases.” agencies. The private equity firm/hedge fund, Cerberus
Capital Management, owned the now bankrupt Chrysler
US: Un-elected Senior Intelligence Operatives Say auto company, owns DynCorp, and in recent years has
They’re Going Nuclear, Trump Will Die in Jail bought up many gun companies and put them under an
umbrella Freedom Group entity. DynCorp is in a dispute
_ Former NSA analyst John Schindler, known for his with the State Dept. over their previous contract “to
aggressive social media behavior, obsessive Russophobia, provide air support for counternarcotics operations
and for being fired from the Naval War College after overseas.”
sending illicit photos of himself to a woman who later
exposed him, claims that a senior intelligence community _ “The findings of any White House review would give
“friend” sent him an email that said “now we go nuclear” Trump ammo should he seek full-scale change to the way
in their war against the new president. The “friend” also intelligence agencies operate,” according to MarketWatch.
said of Trump: “He will die in jail.” Ironically, Schindler James Risen of The New York Times (NYT) said there has
has been published frequently in The Observer, a weekly been no announcement of Feinberg’s job but he told his
newspaper owned by Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. shareholders about a “senior role.” Risen said the idea has
met “fierce resistance” from intelligence officials who
US: Cerberus Exec Will Do Intelligence Community think Feinberg, an outsider, may be placed into a high
Review; IC Fears “Friday Night Massacre” level position inside the intelligence apparatus, which are
usually reserved for career intelligence professionals.
_ During our podcast interview with former CIA officer
John Kiriakou on Jan. 18, he told the story of the “Friday _ The NYT article notes the frequently and loudly voiced
Night Massacres” (and more) at the CIA: concerns about Trump’s alleged (and possibly concocted,
since there has been no hard evidence) ties with Russia
Kiriakou: “There have been two events in the CIA’s when discussing the concerns of intelligence officials
history that CIA officers called ‘Friday Night Massacres.” about an outsider encroaching on their territory, possibly
One was in October, 1977, when then CIA director even running the black ops clandestine branch of the CIA
Admiral Stansfield Turner (this was during the Carter or another high level position.
administration) just arbitrarily fired something like a
hundred and forty officers from the Directorate of _ Feinberg is an ally of White House advisors Stephen
Operations, some of them just weeks away from Bannon and Jared Kushner. The Reagan administration
retirement. He did it because the D.O. had failed. They had brought a businessman, Max Hugel, in to run the spy
failed on Iran and on a couple of other major issues at the service and he was forced out within 6 months. He later

won a libel suit. Some members of Congress and former US: KSM Letter to Obama
CIA chief Michael Hayden think that either no major
overhaul is needed or that Congress won’t allow it. _ One day after the Miami Herald published a letter to
Pres. Obama from the alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid
_ Risen noted that distrust of the intelligence community Sheik Mohammad (KSM), the Pentagon decided it was
“has been building for years” even before the latest classified. KSM had written the letter but the Guantanamo
unprecedented chaos they have created. The CIA was seen prison officials refused to mail it. His trial judge ordered
as “heavily politicized” under the Obama administration. the prosecutors to get the letter to Obama before he left
In our podcast interview with John Kiriakou, a former CIA office and to publish a redacted version on the military
officer, he said that he noticed the politicization of the commission’s website._ The Herald’sCarol Rosenberg
agency under the Bush administration and has escalated describes the letter in her article and says that KSM said
ever since. 9/11 changed everything. “America brought the 9/11 attacks on itself for years of
foreign policy that killed innocent people across the
US: Army Air Strikes Not Included in Official Counts world.” He referred to Obama as the “head of the snake”
and to the US as “the country of oppression and tyranny.”
_ Thousands of US air strikes have gone unreported, KSM doesn’t fear death or life in prison. He listed
according to Military Times. Nobody seems to know why numerous US wars and interventions but was “particularly
the Army air strike numbers aren’t included in the widely focused on the cause of the Palestinians, highlights civilian
used data. suffering and accuses Obama of being beholden to special
interests.” But KSM’s lawyer said that Gaza was the
“Those airstrikes were carried out by attack helicopters primary motivation for writing the letter, which he began
and armed drones operated by the U.S. Army, metrics to draft in 2014. “Your hands are still wet with the blood
quietly excluded from otherwise comprehensive monthly of our brothers and sisters and children who were killed in
summaries […] Most alarming is the prospect this data has Gaza.”
been incomplete since the war on terrorism began in
October 2001.” _ Osama bin Laden got a dozen “mentions” in the letter
and KSM accused Obama of being a smart lawyer who
US: New CIA Director Gave Saudi Prince a Medal for knows all about human rights but who “can kill his enemy
Counterterrorism Work without trial and throw his dead body into the sea instead
of giving him to his family or respecting him enough as a
#CIA honors #Saudi Crown Prince for efforts against human being to bury him.”
terrorism _ KSM, now on trial at Guantanamo, was held in CIA
black site prisons for 3 1/2 years and was waterboarded
— Al Arabiya English (@AlArabiya_Eng) February 10, 183 times.
_ New CIA director Mike Pompeo visited Saudi Arabia
and awarded Crown Prince Muhammed bin Nayef with the
George Tenet Medal in recognition of his “excellent
intelligence performance, in the domain of counter- Syria: Race for Raqqa
terrorism and his unbound contribution to realise world
security and peace”. The prince told the Saudi Press _ Fabrice Balanche at the Washington Institute for Near
Agency that “no attempt will succeed in driving a wedge East Policy, an Israeli lobby-backed think tank: “The
between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the US”. Campaign to Retake Raqqa is Accelerating.” Balanche had
Pompeo visited Saudi Arabia after a trip to Turkey last also written in June, 2016, about how Raqqa would not fall
week. until Arab tribes joined the fight against ISIS, and that now
seems to be happening.
_ Gulf states are reportedly very optimistic about Trump
and his administration. “They see in Trump a strong _ Turkey seeks the “safe zones” despite Russia’s refusal.
president who will shore up Washington’s role as their
main strategic partner in a region central to U.S. security Syria: Turkey Sets Sights on Raqqa
and energy interests.” Mattis, Pompeo, and Tillerson,
Trump’s choices for Sec. Defense, CIA Director and Sec. _ Turkey’s Pres. Erdogan announced that his next targets
State are “all well known to Saudi officials.” are Manbij and Raqqa.

_ On Friday, US chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen.

Dunford will visit Turkey “for talks on a possible joint
operation to recapture the Islamic State group’s Syrian
stronghold of Raqqa.” Turkey objects to Kurdish fighters analyst Alexey Khlebnikov said that Jordan will be
participation. representing armed opposition groups in southern Syria,
who have agreed to the ceasefire and will fight against
Syria: Russian Air Strikes Hit Turkish Troops in al-Bab ISIS and al Qaeda in Syria. Kazakhstan’s foreign ministry
posted the agenda for the Feb. 15-16 Astana talks:
_ The Turkish military reported 3 dead and 11 wounded
near al-Bab due to a Russian air strike that was intended to “According to the guarantor states – Russia, Turkey, Iran –
hit ISIS. Russia and Turkey agreed to “increase military the following issues will be discussed at the meeting:
co-operation during operations in Syria against IS militants implementation of the ceasefire regime in Syria, measures
and other extremist organisations”. They had just begun to stabilize situation in particular areas, adoption of rules
cooperating on al-Bab air strikes in January. for a joint operational group, and agreeing further
measures to consolidate the ceasefire regime, as well as
_ Syrian forces are moving toward al-Bab from the south other practical steps in light of the upcoming intra-Syrian
as Turkish-backed forces have just taken the western talks in Geneva.”
outskirts of al-Bab. They are now within 3km of each
other. “Reports suggest the rebels and government forces Syria: Russia Brokered Talks Between Kurds and Syrian
have reached an accommodation over al-Bab, orchestrated Government
by Syria’s key ally, Russia.”
_ Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed that
_ The Turkish-backed forces and Syrian forces clashed as between June and December, 2016, Russia brokered 4
the Syrians advanced rapidly on al-Bab. According to rounds of talks between the Syrian Kurds and the Syrian
reports from rebel officials, Turkish-backed rebels fired a government “for the sake of a united Syria.” Both the
warning shot and the Syrian tanks fired back. Russia political and military arms of the Syrian Kurds (YPG) have
intervened to prevent further conflict. been involved in these talks but they have not been
included in the Astana talks. Lavrov would not talk about
Iran: Russia Using Allied Iran Airspace Again whether federalization of Syria has been discussed. The
draft constitution stresses that Syrian territory is
_ Russian planes are again using Iran’s airspace for air “inviolable and indivisible,” which suggests that
force operations, according to Reuters. The secretary of “restructuring of internal borders and proclaiming
Iran’s National Security Council told FARS news that: autonomous regions within Syria should be done only with
“Their (Russians’) use of Iran’s air space has continued respect to the country’s own laws.”
because we have a fully strategic cooperation with
Russia.” He said that in recent cases they had used airspace Syria: Evolution of the Syrian Rebels, Failure of CIA
only, not refueling operations at the Iranian base. In Program
August, Russia’s use of an Iran’s Hamadan air base stirred
a lot of controversy. _ Twitter essay by Ehsani on the evolution of the Syrian
opposition. Moderate secular opposition were
Syria: Pentgon May Call for Ground Troops to Invade overpowered and displaced by radical factions after the
Syria opposition decided to take up arms and needed foreign
backers to sustain their uprising. There was a steady shift
_ A Pentagon official told CNN: “It’s possible that you to the right and toward Islamists. Today, they have shifted
may see conventional forces hit the ground in Syria for so far that al Qaeda will soon be considered the
some period of time.” Trump had asked new Sec. Defense “mainstream”. After watching the opposition as it began
Mattis for a plan to defeat ISIS. An invasion with US “morphing into an armed resistance” in the summer of
ground troops would completely violate Trump’s 2011, Ehsani wrote, cautioning about this path in early
campaign promises. Based on the sentiment in the United 2012 and called for a moment of sanity before the
States in 2013 for another invasion of another Middle East revolution turned into a suicide mission for Syria.
country, it would be vehemently opposed by the public.
Pres. Obama had been slowly escalating US military _ Financial Times (FT) profiled a former Syrian rebel
involvement in Iraq and Syria but had placed a limit on the commander and CIA “fixer” who acted as a conduit for
number of troops. Commanders are reportedly looking to weapons from the Americans, and now they won’t even
remove any limits. If Trump does this, his support would answer his calls. FT describes his “rise and fall” and how
rapidly collapse. he came “to terms with failed US policy.”

Syria: Jordan and Southern Syria Rebels Join Astana Syria: Gutman’s Hit Piece on Syrian Kurds
Peace Talks
_ Roy Gutman wrote a controversial piece at The Nation
_ Jordan has joined Russia, Iran, Turkey and the UN envoy asking whether the Syrian Kurds have committed war
Steffan de Mistura at peace talks in Astana. Middle East crimes. It has stirred many arguments and discussions.

Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi wrote a response at Syria against the British military. Officials condemned the
Comment in which he doesn’t dispute all of Gutman’s committee, said it was “horrific” for the soldiers being
claims, especially ties to PKK and their treatment of the investigated and the IHAT’s most telling failure was that
Arab population in Syria and Iraq. But Al-Tamimi offers there had been no successful prosecutions. The
alternative explanations to other Gutman’s claims such as parliament’s Defence Committee report said:
the accusation that the YPG were colluding with ISIS
against the Syrian rebels, which he says is a “recurring “IHAT has operated without any regard to its impact on
trope.” Al-Tamimi cites Gutman’s long held biases toward the UK military which has directly harmed their reputation
the Syrian opposition and Turkey “have had and still have across the world, and negatively affected the way this
a problematic impact on his reporting.” The lawyer who country conducts military operations and defends itself.”
was interviewed for the article later accused Gutman of
falsifying the interview. Germany: Summit With Israel Canceled

Syria: ISIS Destroying More of Ancient Palmyra _ Germany canceled an annual summit with Israel to be
held in Jerusalem in May. The official reason was
_ ISIS destroyed more of ancient Palmyra, including the “national and international political commitments,” the
amphitheater. The Russian defense ministry published G20, and elections in September, but Israeli media said “it
video evidence. Syrian coalition forces are advancing on was also due to Merkel’s alarm over the settlement
Palymyra, and the ministry also reported that ISIS is in the legalization law.” The German foreign ministry said of the
process of bringing more explosives into the area of the legislation:
ancient ruins, apparently planning to destroy as much as
they can before they’re forced out again. “The confidence we had in the Israeli government’s
commitment to the two-state solution has been profoundly
MidEast: American-Israeli-Arab NATO shaken […] “We follow these developments with great
concern and have repeatedly voiced our view. Building
_ Via Stratfor: Washington, Arab Allies Discussing settlements in the occupied territories, also in east
Possible Military Alliance. The US, Saudi Arabia, United Jerusalem, contravenes international law and jeopardizes a
Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan (with membership open lasting peace between Israel and Palestinians.”
to other states) are discussing a NATO-like military
alliance with an intelligence sharing arrangement with SOUTHCOM
Israel and the US would provide military and intelligence

EUCOM _ New US Treasury Secretary sanctioned Venezuelan Vice

President Tareck El Aissami, a “42-year-old lawyer and
criminologist”, for alleged drug trafficking under the
“Kingpin” Act. El Aissami is a ” long-time confidant and
UK: Blair Calls For People to Rise Up Against Brexit member of Chavez’s and Maduro’s inner circles,” and
Maduro gave him much wider powers last month,
_ From the “Open Britain” event at Bloomberg News indicating that he might become the next president.
headquarters in London, Tony Blair gave a speech urging
the people to rise up against Brexit. Blair said the people _ El Aissami called it a “miserable provocation” by
voted for Brexit “based on imperfect knowledge.” Washington. Via Twitter, he said: “these miserable
provocations do not distract us, our main task is to
_ Foreign minister Boris Johnson urged people to “rise up accompany Nicolas Maduro in the economic recovery […]
and turn off the TV next time Tony Blair comes on with “Let us focus on the priorities of the revolutionary
his condescending campaign.” Boris said everyone heard government: recovery and economic growth, and
these same arguments last year, “were told all sorts of guarantee PEACE and social happiness.”
claptrap about the economic consequences of leaving the
EU,” and the “very opposite has happened.” He also _ The Venezuelan foreign minister said it was “lamentable
reminded the public that Blair ” is the guy who dragooned and highly dangerous” for the new Trump government to
the United KIngdom into the Iraq War on a completely “perpetuate the historic mistakes against Venezuela” that
false prospectus.” his predecessor Pres. Obama had made. Up until now the
Maduro government had not criticized Trump.
UK: Iraq Investigation Shut Down
_ The UK government will shut down the Iraq Historic
Allegations (IHAT) investigations which was set up in
2010 to investigate accusations made by Iraqi civilians
Libya: Peace Talks requesting NATO’s advice and expertise in the field of
defence and security institution building.” Last year
_ Egypt brokered a “road map” for peace in Libya but the NATO offered to help Libya “bulwark against refugee
leaders of the two main factions hold an expected meeting. flows and terrorism.”
UN-backed government PM Fayez Seraj and Khalifa
Haftar, a “military commander supported by eastern _ The EU is still waiting for permission to operate in
factions” visited Egypt and met with Egyptian officials but Libya’s coastal waters with Operation Sophia. British
then had “last-minute differences” and did not meet with Royal Marines are currently working with the Libyan coast
each other on Feb. 15, according to Reuters. guard. Italy offered economic aid, equipment and
investment to help with the “struggle against migrant
Libya: 6th Anniversary of Feb. 17 “Revolution” smuggling” to mayors of the Fezzan desert region of
Libya. After a top secret trip to Rome, the mayors signed
_ Xinhua media reports that Libyans mark the 6th an agreement. They will conduct “joint operations to
anniversary of their revolution “in despair” and ” with no combat illegal immigration.”
positive change but trapped the country into endless
chaos.” For the majority of Libyans it has only brought Egypt: Bullish on Oil and Gas
“violence and terrorism” and massive corruption. They
interviewed Libyans and found that most regret _ Oil companies are “bullish on Egypt” as their giant Zohr
overthrowing Gaddfi not because of their love for him but gas field discovered in 2015 is set to come online this year.
because of the alternative. Egypt had to import gas in recent but now expects to
become a net exporter and “seeks to transform itself into a
Jalal Fituri (professor): “When we demonstrated against gas trading hub for its own and other emerging
the regime, we were dreaming of freedom and enjoying Mediterranean producers.” Developers expect to find more
our wealth. However, we are now surrounded by criminals gas and also expect to find oil.
and warlords. Instead of enjoying our oil wealth, poverty
has increased and citizens are helpless.” PACOM

Ibtisam Naili (nurse): “Those who demonstrated against

Gaddafi’s regime in 2011 were fooled by Libyan
politicians abroad who wanted power so badly. They took North Korea: Kim Jong-Il Brother Assassinated
the power by brainwashing young Libyans.”
_ North Korea launched a missile on Sunday that traveled
Najwa Al-Hami (human rights advocate): “How could it 310 miles. the launch occurred while Japanese Prime
be a people’s revolution while three quarters of the people Minister Shinzo Abe was visiting Pres. Trump in Florida.
supported Gaddafi?” Sec. Defense Mattis recently visited South Korea and said
there would be an “effective and overwhelming” response
Libya: British Defense Secretary Warns Russia by the US if North Korea tested any nuclear weapons.
_ The half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-
_ At the Munich Security Conference, with echoes of the Un was reportedly killed by 2 female assassins at a Kuala
Cold War era, British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon Lumpur airport. The details of the attack on the estranged
grumbled about the Russians interfering in Libya and their brother, Kim Jong-Nam, vary from South Korean media
recent visit with Haftar. NATO offered to help the UN- and Malaysian police.
appointed government in Tripoli but the offer was too
“broad.” The UN-appointed government has no support in _ Kim Jong-nam was the eldest son of Kim Jong-Il and
the east and little support in the west of Libya and for had been critical of the succession process and of his half
months has been hanging on by a thread. brother’s regime, according to the hankyoreh, who also
reported the version of the story where 2 women attacked
Sir Michael Fallon: “We don’t need the bear sticking his him with a poison spray. Kim Jong-nam was next in line of
paws in […] Putin is testing the West, he’s testing the succession until 2001 when he fell out of favor. He left
alliance. At any point where he sees weakness, he pushes North Korea and lived in China and Macao and spoke
home.” out on Japanese TV about being “personally opposed to
the handover of power to the third generation.”
_ On the eve of the anniversary of the “revolution,” Jane’s
Intelligence Review reported that the UN-appointed _ It is “widely suspected” that the assassination was
government in Libya “finally requests NATO help.” ordered by North Korean authorities, according to Korean
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced at a media.
NATO summit that:” Last night, I received a formal
request from Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj

ANALYSIS & OPINION _ Brad Hoff at the Libertarian Institute: “New Declassified
CIA Memo Presents Blueprint for Syrian Regime
Collapse.” Hoff notes that some of the scenarios in the
proposals from the 1980s are “remarkably consistent with
_ Jon Finer for Foreign Policy magazine: “From SEALs events as they unfolded decades later at the start of the
to All-Out War: Why Rushing Into Yemen Is a Dangerous Syrian war in 2011.” And the current situation in Syria
Idea.” surpasses what the CIA had described as their worst case
scenario. Edward Dark. a Syrian from Aleppo, considers
_ Julie Lenarz at the Telegraph: “Michael Flynn’s political the memo to be a “smoking gun that proves the Syrian
assassination by the deep state sets a terrifying precedent conflict was planned and orchestrated by the US & allies
for democracy.” from Day 1.”

_ Sam Husseini at ConsortiumNews: “Progressives Pile on _ New research from Thomas Piketty finds that the bottom
Flynn’s Ouster” and by doing so they “are rallying behind 50%’s share of income in the United States is “collapsing.”
neocon-driven demands for a New McCarthyism to silence Between 1978 and 2015, the income share for the bottom
those who object to a costly and dangerous New Cold 50% went from 20% to 12% and their real income did not
War.” grow, it shrunk by 1%. By contrast, in China, the bottom
50% saw their income increase by 401% and in France it
grew by 39%. Wealth has also become more concentrated.

This Lawsuit Could Answer
Lingering Questions About The Trump Dossier
Chuck Ross - Reporter
10:20 PM 02/17/2017

A lawsuit filed against BuzzFeed earlier this month could Trump were briefed on some of the allegations laid out in
shed light on some details about the “how, why and when” the document.
an unsubstantiated 35-page dossier published by the
website last month came into being. The dossier includes a number of accusations, the most
explosive being that the Russian government is using
The Daily Caller spoke to Brady Cobb, a lawyer for blackmail material of a sexual nature against Trump and
Aleksej Gubarev, the CEO of web hosting company XBT that Trump campaign advisers coordinated with the
Holdings. Gubarev was named in the dossier as a Russian Kremlin to influence the election.
government agent who coordinated hacks of Democrats
during the presidential campaign. In a Jan. 11 press conference, Trump called the allegations
“phony” and the work of “sick people” who opposed his
Gubarev strongly denies the charge and is suing BuzzFeed, candidacy.
its editor Ben Smith, and Christopher Steele, the ex-British
spy who compiled the dossier, for defamation for including Gubarev is named at the end of the dossier, which is
his name in the document. actually a series of memos compiled by Steele from
various sources between June and December.
In a phone interview Cobb said that “a pretty wide net”
will be cast in the discovery phase of the suit. That could It states that a Steele source claimed that Gubarev and his
lead to the revelation of a few key questions about the anti- companies
Donald Trump dossier, including the identities of the
donors behind the document, the sources of the
“had been using botnets and porn traffic to
information contained in it, and the extent of BuzzFeed’s
transmit viruses, plant bugs, steal data and
investigation into the dossier’s claims.
conduct ‘altering operations’ against the
Democratic Party leadership.”
“We want to know how, why and when this
story came on board,” Cobb said in an The dossier also states that Gubarev was recruited as a
interview on Thursday about his legal Russian agent “under duress.”
strategy for the case.
“We want to know the extent to which they Cobb said that Gubarev, who has lived in Cyprus for the
took any journalistic actions to verify the past 15 years, was shocked to see his name mentioned in
story before just posting it,” he said of the document.
BuzzFeed. (RELATED: Russian Tech
Exec Sues BuzzFeed For Defamation
“My client when he saw it was scratching
Over Dossier)
his head,” the attorney told TheDC, noting
that Gubarev is not a public figure.
“‘Why am I in this? How am I even a part of
this story?'” was Gubarev’s response, Cobb

Gubarev’s name and that of his company are now blacked

out on the BuzzFeed document. But the website added the
redaction and apologized to Gubarev only after the lawsuit
BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith (Reuters) was filed.

BuzzFeed published the dossier on Jan. 10, just after CNN

reported that then-President Obama and President-elect

David Corn, a Mother Jones reporter who saw the dossier
before the election and interviewed Steele, declined to
share information about the redactions with TheDC.

Paul Wood, a BBC journalist who was provided a copy of

the dossier by Fusion GPS, told TheDC that the version he
saw already had redactions.

BuzzFeed added all of the redactions contained in its

published version, TheDC has learned. BuzzFeed declined
to say what information was blacked out and why, but did
defend its decision to publish the dossier.
Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, 1996 C-SPAN interview.
“These reports continue to reaffirm the
There are a number of questions remaining about the newsworthiness of the dossier we
dossier, including the identities of the original patrons for published last month, the contents of which
the anti-Trump dirt-digging project and the identity of the remain under active investigation by US
sources of the information contained in the document. intelligence, law enforcement, and the
media,” said Matt Mittenthal, a spokesman
The discovery phase in the lawsuit will attempt to reveal for BuzzFeed.
that information, said Cobb.
It is possible that a Belarusian national with Russian
Steele, the ex-spook who compiled the dossier, had been business ties named Sergei Millian is listed behind some of
hired by Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C.-based private the redactions.
intelligence firm.
If so, that could pose further problems for the veracity of
Fusion GPS, which was founded by former Wall Street some of the claims in the document given Millian’s
Journal reporter Glenn Simpson, was initially hired in business activities in the U.S.
Sept. 2015 by an anti-Trump Republican donor. After
Trump ascended to the GOP nomination, the Republican Millian was identified by The Wall Street Journal and ABC
donor dropped the project. But a Democratic ally of News as the source for the two most explosive claims in
Hillary Clinton’s emerged to fill the void, and Steele was the dossier. The news outlets reported that they learned of
hired. (RELATED: Oppo Researcher Behind Trump the identity through someone who was familiar with the
Dossier Linked To Pro-Kremlin Lobbying Effort) original document. (RELATED: The Source Of
Salacious Claims In Dossier Has Been Identified)
The former spy, who runs the London-based Orbis
Business Intelligence, ended up turning his findings over to
the FBI and other Western intelligence agencies because,
he reportedly claimed, the information he uncovered was
so explosive. The dossier also circulated around the
Beltway journalism world, but all outlets declined to
publish it — until BuzzFeed did so — because the claims
in it could not be verified.

BuzzFeed claims it attempted to run down some of the Sergei Millian (left); Donald Trump (center); Jorge Perez (right), in
allegations in the dossier but could not confirm any. 2007. (via Facebook)

The identities of the donors of the dossier have yet to be ABC reported that Millian, whose real name is Siarhei
disclosed. A foreign reporter who was given the dossier by Kukuts and sometimes goes by Sergio, may have
Fusion GPS told TheDC that the firm shared the identity of “unwittingly” provided the information attached to his
the Republican donor but refused to do so regarding the name in the dossier to a source of Steele’s.
identity of the Democratic backer.
Corn, the Mother Jones reporter who interviewed Steele,
The information behind the initial redactions has not been published an article several days before Millian was named
made public and repeated requests to Fusion GPS have encouraging federal investigators to interview him.
gone unanswered.

During the campaign, Millian, who runs a small trade But Cohen strongly denied the accusations and provided
group called the Russian-American Chamber of evidence he was in the U.S. at the time he was allegedly in
Commerce, claimed in several interviews to have close Prague. A U.S. government official also told CNN’s Jake
business connections to Trump. He said he helped broker Tapper that a different Michael Cohen is believed to have
real estate deals between Trump and Russian nationals. He met in Prague.
also claimed to have ties to the Kremlin.
Millian has issued vague denials regarding the dossier, and
But in an interview with TheDC last month, Michael it is entirely possible that someone falsely identified him to
Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, called Millian “a Steele as a source for the salacious Trump claims. But
phony” who falsely portrayed himself as a close associate Millian has ignored numerous requests for an interview.
of Trump’s. He also said that he has never met Millian and He did agree to talk to TheDC at one point but did not
only talked to him twice. follow through with an interview.

Cohen was named in the dossier as a Trump adviser who CNN has reported that federal investigators have
met with Russian government officials in Prague in August corroborated some parts of the dossier, but not the most
to discuss ways to influence the election. He was also salacious sections.
named in the same paragraph that identified Gubarev.
Gubarev’s lawsuit can potentially help corroborate or
disprove others.

President Trump Unleashes His BEST TWEET EVER:
The Fake News Media Is “The Enemy Of
The American People”
By: Mike Adams
Date: February 17, 2017

As a result, today’s corporate-run media “journalists” are

little more than whores and propagandists who pretend to
be engaged in journalism. Many are deep operatives for
the now-crumbling DNC and the collapsed Hillary Clinton
corruption cartel. Quite a few are real-life communists who
despise America and seek to overthrow the nation as
founded. All of them are now abandoning their journalistic
training, ethics and credibility in a kind of crazed kamikaze
attack wave to try to destroy President Trump… even if
they destroy their own institutions in the process.

Now, what was a widely trusted “mainstream” media just

four years ago is a discredited, self-destructing parade of
propagandists who have more in common with psych
ward patients than trustworthy professionals. The CNN
Echoing what an increasing number of Americans are logo is now immediately translated in the minds of viewers
rapidly coming to realize on their own, President Trump into the word “LIES.” The legacy media has become
tweeted today that the “FAKE NEWS media” is “the synonymous with deceit and is now the single most hated
enemy of the American People.” (See the tweet below.) institution in the nation. More people hate CNN than even
hate the IRS, if you can believe that.
In his tweet, he specifically named the “failing” NY Times,
NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN. Had twitter allowed more No wonder the new media keeps rising while public trust
space, he no doubt would have included MSNBC, USA in the previously “mainstream” media is collapsing by the
Today, the Huffington Post and other formerly day. Check out Trump’s tweet here, and listen to my full
“mainstream” fake news outlets as well. podcast commentary at this SoundCloud link, or hear it
With this tweet, President Trump nailed it! Not only is the
left-wing media a cesspool of corporate prostitutes and
professional propagandists; they’re also “journo-terrorists”
who are deliberately trying to fuel the hatred that leads to
violence against Trump and his supporters. The left-wing
media is the “hate machine,” in essence, that’s pushing
America toward revolt and possibly even civil war by
incessantly fabricating and publishing malicious lies about
the election and its outcome.

Now more than ever, the media really is the “enemy of the
American people.” On every topic that matters, the media
either censors the truth (mercury in vaccines, for example)
or fabricates false “facts” to lie to the nation (“the Russians
stole the election”). The fake news media networks long
ago abandoned any pretense of engaging in objective
journalism and have become nothing more than hysterical
liberal cultists shoveling vile hatred disguised as noble

It Is About Time That We Had A President That Was
Willing To Go To War With The Mainstream Media
By Michael Snyder
February 17th, 2017

NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN “the enemy of

the American people”…

After Donald Trump’s surprise election victory in

November, many in the mainstream media started referring
to the pro-Trump alternative media as “fake news”, but
now Trump has totally turned that insult against them.

For weeks Trump has been referring to CNN as “fake

news”, but on Friday he said that he was now going to
refer to them as “very fake news”. The following
exchange between Trump and CNN’s Jim Acosta comes
from the official White House website…
Thursday afternoon’s press conference was perhaps the
most memorable moment of Donald Trump’s presidency
so far. Trump’s blistering attack on the media was quite a Q Just because of the attack of fake
spectacle, but the truth is that it was desperately needed. news and attacking our network, I just want
For decades, the mainstream media has dominated political to ask you, sir —
discourse in this country no matter who has been in control THE PRESIDENT: I’m changing it from
of the White House or Congress. They have become fake news, though.
masters of guiding and shaping public opinion, and in
Q Doesn’t that undermine —
recent years they have completely discarded any pretense
of being “unbiased” or “objective”. These monolithic THE PRESIDENT: Very fake news now.
media organizations relentlessly push the progressive (Laughter.)
agenda of their owners (the global elite), and that is why
the “news” always seems to be just about the same no We have never seen an exchange quite like that between a
matter which network it is coming from. Their monopoly president of the United States and a prominent member of
is slowly being broken by the rise of the alternative media, the mainstream media, but it was well overdue…
but the truth is that most Americans still rely on just a
handful of ultra-powerful media organizations for their For eight years, the mainstream media gushed and fawned
news. over Barack Obama because he supported the progressive
agenda of the global elite, but now that Trump is in the
White House virtually every story from the mainstream
media is negative.

So when Chief White House Strategist Steve Bannon

refers to them as “the opposition party” he is right on

In a rare interview with The New York Times last month,

Chief White House Strategist Steve Bannon, the former
So when Trump brutally attacked the chair of the far-right Breitbart News, called reporters the
mainstream media at his press conference “opposition party” and said
on Thursday, millions upon millions of
Americans greatly rejoiced, because they “the media should be embarrassed and
finally got what was coming to them. And humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just
then on Friday, Trump posted a message listen for a while.”
to Twitter calling the New York Times,

“They don’t understand this country,” The war for our society is a war for hearts and minds, and
Bannon said. “They still do not understand the reason why the elite have made so much progress is
why Donald Trump is the president of the because most Americans allow thousands upon thousands
United States.” of hours of “programming” to be constantly pumped into
their heads.
At this point, the mainstream media is so desperate to
portray Trump as a bad guy that they have resorted to a The following numbers come directly from Nielsen, and
modern day version of McCarthyism. For decades, they show how much news, information and entertainment
liberals always pointed to McCarthyism as one of the average Americans consume through various methods
greatest examples of paranoia and intolerance in modern each day…
American history, but now they are doing the exact same
thing to Trump… Watching live television: 4 hours, 32 minutes
Watching time-shifted television: 30 minutes
Listening to the radio: 2 hours, 44 minutes
Using a smartphone: 1 hour, 33 minutes
Using Internet on a computer: 1 hour, 6 minutes

When you add the top two categories together, the average
American consumes more than five hours of television
every single day.

And when you add all of those categories together, the

average American is plugged into “the matrix” in some
way for more than 10 hours a day.

We are literally subjecting ourselves to a form of very

powerful mind control, and the extraordinary power of the
media is something that I addressed in my novel. There
are some people that actually cannot stand complete
silence because they have become so accustomed to
having something “on” all the time. As a society, we are
A bizarre feature of the present confrontation is that the absolutely addicted to entertainment, but there is always an
Democrats and liberals have relaunched McCarthyism, agenda behind that entertainment. This is something that I
something they would have decried as a toxic episode in talked about in a previous article…
American political history until a few months ago. Just as
Senator Joe McCarthy claimed in 1950 to have a list of Virtually every television show, movie, song, book, news
communist infiltrators in the State Department, so any broadcast and talk show is trying to shape how you view
contact between a Trump supporter or official and a reality. Whether you realize it or not, you are constantly
Russian is now being reported as suspicious and being bombarded with messages about what is true and
potentially treacherous. what is not, about what is right and what is wrong, and
about what really matters and what is unimportant. Even
It is difficult to see where Trump is leaving something out or ignoring something completely
wrong when he tweeted that “the can send an extremely powerful message.
Democrats had to come up with a story
as to why they lost the election, and so When Donald Trump said that the
badly, so they made up a story – mainstream media is “the enemy of the
RUSSIA. Fake news!” American People”, he was 100 percent
The reason why many of us constantly refer to the
mainstream media as a single entity is because it really is If our country is going to have a positive future, the
very tightly controlled. You see, the truth is that more than immense power that these media corporations have over
90 percent of the news, information and entertainment that the general population must be broken.
Americans get through their televisions comes from just 6
giant media corporations. And of course those 6 enormous It is about time that we had a president that was willing to
corporations are owned and controlled by the elite of the go to war with the mainstream media, and I greatly
world. applaud President Trump for the stand that he is taking.
Glenn Greenwald Tells Truth About DNC:
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Leading
Collapsed Party of Shills
by ZeroPointNow
Feb 17, 2017 3:22 PM

Glenn Greenwald appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight Republicans do not dominate virtually all levels of
Wednesday for yet another truth bombing after The government because there is some sort of massive surge in
Intercept co-founder, attorney, and author penned an enthusiasm for right-wing extremism. Quite the contrary:
article on the deeply flawed DNC's inability to cope with This all happened because the Democrats are perceived
loss. As Greenwald and others have pointed out since the — with good reason — to be out of touch, artificial,
election, Democrats seem to have a major problem with talking points-spouting automatons who serve Wall
introspection. I get it - admitting fault means being wrong, Street, Silicon Valley, and the agenda of endless war,
and for a party built upon emotionalism and led by millionaires and funded by oligarchs to do the least
condescending moralization instead of facts and common amount possible for ordinary, powerless citizens while still
sense, being wrong strips the self-righteous DNC of the keeping their votes.
one argument they've built their entire platform on; we're
right because we say we are. Enjoy:

From Greenwald's article: Content originally generated

at * Follow on
A failed, collapsed party cannot form an effective Twitter @ZeroPointNow
resistance. Trump did not become president and the

Trump Is RIGHT When It Comes To The Law Regarding
His Travel Ban Executive Order, And
The Wapo Is WRONG
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 17, 2017

“Well, I think it’s ridiculous,” Trump responded.

“Sanctuary cities, as you know I’m very much
opposed to sanctuary cities. They breed crime,
there’s a lot of problems. We have to well
defund, we give tremendous amounts of money
to California. . . . California in many ways is out
of control, as you know. Obviously the voters
agree or otherwise they wouldn’t have voted for

“So defunding is your weapon of choice?”

O’Reilly pushed.

“A weapon. I don’t want to defund the state,”

Trump noted. “I don’t want to defund anybody. I
The Washington Post is at it again. The paper’s never- want to give them the money they need to
ending quest to denigrate, delegitimize, mock, and dispute properly operate as a city or a state. If they’re
President Donald Trump – no matter what the issue, no going to have sanctuary cities, we may have to
matter what the cause – has reached the point of lunacy. do that. Certainly that would be a weapon.”

In short, the paper’s managing editors and reporters have Well, that was just too much for the Post, which launched
become so unhinged when it comes to coverage of the 45 th into “fact-check” mode:
president, they will twist facts, massage details, and lie
outright to “prove” Trump is “wrong.” We’ll note first of all that sanctuary cities do not
“breed crime.” Analysis of FBI data shows that
The latest incident has the paper “analyzing” Trump’s crime in sanctuary cities is generally lower than
comments regarding California’s refusal to recognize the in non-sanctuary cities. But that’s beside the
federal government’s superior role in deciding point.
immigration policy and enforcing immigration law.
(RELATED: Keep up with the seesaw battle between More importantly, Trump says two things. First,
the Trump administration and sanctuary cities at that California is “out of control.” Second, that he doesn’t want to yank federal funding from the
state, but he will if he has to.
As you may have seen, Trump was interviewed by Fox
News’ Bill O’Reilly during the pre-game portion of Super The paper trotted out some facts and figures – crime rates
Bowl LI. During the interview, the subject of sanctuary in sanctuary cities, the amount of federal tax money the
cities in California – as well as the state’s push to become state pays (more than it receives), yada, yada, yada. The
a sanctuary state – came up. paper then claimed that Trump is fixated on California
because he’s just “mad” that most voters there voted for a
“I just spent the week in California,” O’Reilly criminal, Hillary Clinton.
began. “As you know, they are now voting on
whether they should become a sanctuary state. Only constitutional simpletons with less than a high
So California and the U.S.A. are on a collision school-level grasp of civics and an out-sized hatred for
course. How do you see it?” Trump would publish such irrelevant nonsense.

First of all, this has nothing to do with charts, precedence of state laws, and even state
FBI statistics, or the amount of federal tax money constitutions,” Cornell University Law School
California contributes to the Treasury. notes. So any and all immigration-related
statutes in U.S. Code are supreme when
It has everything to do with the rule of law. And in this compared to state and local immigration statutes.
arena, it is Trump, not California Gov. Jerry Brown and
the communists who run the state legislature, who is right. — Article I, Sect. 8 of the Constitution gives
(RELATED: Will constitutionalists in Congress succeed in Congress – not Brown or the California
reigning in sanctuary cities? Stay tuned at legislature – authority to make all rules governing “naturalization” (immigration rules, to those of
you in Sacramento).
The Post may have some facts and figures correct, but they
— The Constitution contains what is commonly are beside the point. The issue is whether or not a) Trump
referred to as the “supremacy clause.” Article VI, and the federal government have the lawful authority to
Paragraph 2 “establishes that the federal enforce all immigration laws (they do); and b) whether
constitution, and federal law generally, take California has a legal right to resist the enforcement of
those laws (it doesn’t).

The Did-You-Talk-To-Russians Witch Hunt
By Robert Parry
February 18, 2017

Exclusive: Democrats, liberals and media pundits – in Although the Cold War has long been over – and Russia
their rush to take down President Trump – are pushing a has often cooperated with the U.S. government, especially
New McCarthyism aimed at Americans who have talked to on national security issues such as supplying U.S. troops in
Russians, risking a new witch hunt, reports Robert Parry. Afghanistan – Democrats and liberals seem ready to force
Americans to again prove their loyalty if they engaged in
In the anti-Russian frenzy sweeping American politics and conversations with Russians.
media, Democrats, liberals and mainstream pundits are
calling for an investigative body that could become a new Or perhaps these “witnesses” can be entrapped into perjury
kind of House Un-American Activities Committee to hunt charges if their recollections of conversations with
down Americans who have communicated with Russians. Russians don’t match up with transcripts of their
intercepted communications, a tactic similar to ones used
by Sen. McCarthy and HUAC to trip up and imprison
targets over such secondary charges.

Ousted National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has

already encountered such a predicament because he
couldn’t recall all the details of a phone conversation with
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on Dec. 29, 2016,
after Flynn took the call while vacationing in the
Dominican Republic.

When Obama administration holdovers at the Justice

Department decided to gin up a legal premise to go after
Flynn, they cited the Logan Act, a law enacted in 1799 to
prohibit private citizens from negotiating with foreign
adversaries but never used to convict anyone. The law also
Red Square in Moscow with a winter festival to the left and the
Kremlin to the right. (Photo by Robert Parry) is of dubious constitutionality and was surely never
intended to apply to a president-elect’s advisers.
The proposed commission would have broad subpoena
powers to investigate alleged connections between However, based on that flimsy pretext, FBI agents – with a
Trump’s supporters and the Russian government with the transcript of the electronic intercept of the Kislyak-Flynn
apparent goal of asking if they now have or have ever phone call in hand – tested Flynn’s memory of the
talked to a Russian who might have some tie to the conversation and found his recollections incomplete.
Kremlin or its intelligence agencies. Gotcha – lying to the FBI!

Such an admission apparently would be prima facie Under mounting media and political pressure, President
evidence of disloyalty, a guilt-by-association “crime” on Trump fired Flynn, apparently hoping that tossing Flynn
par with Sen. Joe McCarthy’s Cold War pursuit of overboard to the circling sharks would somehow calm the
“communists” who supposedly had infiltrated the U.S. sharks down. Instead, blood in the water added to the
government, the film industry and other American frenzy.
Iran-Contra Comparison
Operating parallel to McCarthy’s Red Scare hearings was
the House Un-American Activities Committee (or HUAC), Some prominent Democrats and liberals have compared
a standing congressional panel from 1945-1975 when it Trump-connected contacts with Russians to President
was best known for investigating alleged communist Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal or President Reagan’s
subversion and propaganda. One of its top achievements Iran-Contra Affair, an issue that I know a great deal about
was the blacklisting of the “Hollywood Ten” whose having helped expose it as a reporter for The Associated
careers in the movie industry were damaged or destroyed. Press in the 1980s.

The Washington Post building in downtown Washington, D.C.
(Photo credit: Washington Post)
For instance, the Post’s senior foreign affairs writer Karen
DeYoung on Friday described the civil war in Ukraine this
way: “That conflict began when Russia invaded and
annexed Crimea in 2014, then backed separatists in eastern
Ukraine in what has become a grinding war, despite a deal
to end it, called the Minsk agreement, negotiated with
Putin by the leaders of France and Germany.”

But DeYoung’s synopsis is simply not true. The crisis

began in the fall of 2013 when Ukraine’s elected President
Viktor Yanukovych backed out of what he regarded as a
President Ronald Reagan, delivering his Inaugural Address on Jan. costly and unacceptable association agreement with the
20, 1981. European Union, a move which prompted protests by
The key difference is that Iran-Contra was an Ukrainians in Kiev’s Maidan square.
unconstitutional effort by the Reagan administration to
finance an illegal war against Nicaragua’s Sandinista The Obama administration’s State Department, U.S.
government in defiance of a congressional ban. The neocon politicians such as Sen. John McCain, and various
Trump-connected communications with Russians – to the U.S.-backed “non-governmental organizations” then
degree they have occurred – appear to have been aimed at stoked those protests against Yanukovych, which grew
preventing a new and dangerous Cold War that could lead violent as trained ultra-nationalist and neo-Nazi street
to a nuclear holocaust. fighters poured in from western Ukraine.

In other words, Iran-Contra was about enabling a In early 2014, a coup to overthrow the democratically
paramilitary force to continue its brutal marauding inside a elected Yanukovych took shape under the guidance of U.S.
country that was no threat to the United States while the Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S.
current “scandal” is about people trying to avoid hostilities Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt who were caught
between two nuclear superpowers, an existential threat that in a phone call in late January or early February 2014
many mainstream and liberal pundits don’t want to conspiring to impose new leadership inside Ukraine.
Nuland disparaged a less extreme strategy favored by
Indeed, there is a troubling denial-ism about the risks of an European diplomats with the pithy remark: “Fuck the
accidental or intentional war with Russia as the U.S. media E.U.” and went on to declare “Yats is the guy,” favoring
and much of Official Washington’s establishment have lots Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the new leader. Nuland then
of fun demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin and pondered how to “glue this thing” while Pyatt ruminated
jabbing the Russians by shoving NATO troops up to their about how to “midwife this thing.”
borders and deploying anti-ballistic missiles in Eastern
Europe. For some crazy reason, the Russians feel On Feb. 20, 2014, a mysterious sniper apparently firing
threatened. from a building controlled by the ultranationalist Right
Sektor killed both police and protesters, setting off a day of
False Narratives violence that left about 70 people dead including more
than a dozen police.
This Russia-bashing and Russia-baiting have been
accompanied by false narratives presented in the major The next day, three European governments struck a deal
U.S. newspapers, including The New York Times and The with Yanukovych in which he agreed to early elections and
Washington Post, to justify increased tensions. accepted reduced powers. But that political settlement
wasn’t enough for the U.S.-backed militants who stormed
government buildings on Feb. 22, forcing Yanukovych and
his officials to flee for their lives.

Instead of standing by the Feb. 21 agreement, which the

European nations had “guaranteed,” Nuland pushed for
and got U.S. allies to accept the new post-coup regime as
“legitimate,” with Yatsenyuk becoming prime minister and
several top government posts given to the ultranationalists
and neo-Nazis.

Spreading Violence

In the ensuing days, the right-wing violence spread beyond no faith in the sincerity of the Kiev regime to live up to its
Kiev, prompting Crimea’s legislature to propose secession commitment to grant limited autonomy to the Donbass.
from Ukraine and readmission to Russia, whose
relationship to the peninsula dated back to Catherine the In other words, Kiev inserted a poison pill to prevent a
Great. peaceful resolution, but the Western media and
governments always blame the Minsk failure on Putin.

If Karen DeYoung wanted to boil all this history down to

one paragraph, it might go: “The Ukraine conflict began
when U.S. officials supported the violent overthrow of
elected President Viktor Yanukovych, prompting Crimea
to rejoin Russia and causing ethnic Russians in the east to
Nazi symbols on helmets worn by members of Ukraine’s Azov rise up against the U.S.-backed coup regime in Kiev,
battalion. (As filmed by a Norwegian film crew and shown on which then sought to crush the rebellion. The Kiev regime
German TV) later torpedoed a peace deal that had been hammered out
by Russian, Ukrainian and European negotiators in
Crimea scheduled a referendum that was opposed by the Minsk.”
new regime in Kiev. Russian troops did not “invade”
Crimea because some 20,000 were already stationed there But such a summary would not have the desired
as part of a basing agreement at the Black Sea port of propaganda effect on the American people. It would not
Sevastopol. The Russians did provide security for the present the U.S.-backed side as the “white hats” and the
referendum but there was no evidence of intimidation as pro-Russia side as the “black hats.”
the citizens of Crimea voted by 96 percent to leave
Ukraine and rejoin Russia, a move that Putin and the The simple truth is that the story of Ukraine is far more
Russian duma accepted. complex and multi-sided than The Washington Post, The
New York Times and most mainstream U.S. news outlets
Eastern Ukrainians tried to follow Crimea’s lead with their want to admit. They simply start the clock at the point of
own referendum, but Putin and Russia rejected their Crimea’s rejection of the post-coup regime and distort
appeals to secede. However, when the Kiev regime those facts to present the situation simply as a “Russian
launched an “Anti-Terrorism Operation” against the so- invasion.”
called Donbass region – spearheaded by ultra-nationalist
and neo-Nazi militias – Russia provided military assistance A Whipped-Up Hysteria
so these ethnic Russians would not be annihilated.
The major media’s distortion is so egregious that you
Karen DeYoung also framed the Minsk agreement as if it could call it a lie, but it is a lie that has proved very useful
were imposed on Putin when he was one of its principal in whipping up the current anti-Russian hysteria that is
proponents and architects, winning its approval in early sweeping Official Washington and that has given birth to a
2015 at a time when the Ukrainian military was facing New Cold War, now accompanied by a New McCarthyism
battlefield reversals. that deems anyone who doesn’t accept the “groupthink” a
“Russian apologist” or a “Moscow stooge.”

Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria

Nuland during a press conference at the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine,
on Feb. 7, 2014. (U.S. State Department photo)

But Assistant Secretary Nuland, working with Prime

Minister Yatsenyuk and the Ukrainian parliament, Wintery scene at Red Square in Moscow, Dec. 6, 2016. (Photo by
sabotaged the agreement by requiring the Donbass rebels Robert Parry)
to first surrender which they were unwilling to do, having

Since last November’s election, this New McCarthyism
has merged with hatred toward Donald Trump, especially The New York Times joined in the frenzy by calling for
after the outgoing Obama administration lodged unproven leading technology companies to marginalize Web sites
accusations that Russia undercut Hillary Clinton’s that are deemed to be publishing “fake news,” a vague
campaign by hacking into the emails of the Democratic term that was applied not just to intentionally false stories
National Committee and those of her campaign chairman but to information that questioned official narratives, no
John Podesta – and slipped that information to WikiLeaks. matter how dubious those narratives were. The New
McCarthyism was morphing into a New Orwellianism.
Those emails showed how the DNC undercut the rival
campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders and revealed the contents The movement toward a Ministry of Truth gained further
of Clinton’s speeches to Wall Street banks as well as pay- momentum in December when Congress passed and
to-play aspects of the Clinton Foundation, information that President Obama signed a military authorization bill that
Clinton wanted to keep from the voters. included a new $160 million bureaucracy to identify and
counter alleged “Russian propaganda.”
But no one thought the emails were a major factor in the
Clinton-Trump race; indeed, Clinton blamed her stunning The anger of Democrats and liberals toward President
defeat on FBI Director James Comey’s last-minute Trump in his first month has added more fuel to the
decision to reopen and then re-close his investigation into Russia-bashing with some Democrats and liberals seeing it
security concerns about her use of a private email server as as a possible route toward neutralizing or impeaching
Secretary of State. Trump. Thus, the calls for a full-scale investigation with
subpoena power to demand documents and compel
But the script on how Clinton lost was flipped during the testimony.
Trump transition as President Obama’s intelligence
agencies floated the Russia-hacked-the-election scenario While the idea of getting to the full truth has a superficial
although presenting no public evidence to support the appeal, it also carries dangers of launching a witch hunt
claims. WikiLeaks representatives also denied getting the that would drag American citizens before inquisitors
material from Russia, suggesting instead that it was leaked asking about any contacts – no matter how innocuous –
by two different American insiders. with Russians.

A Ministry of Truth In the late 1940s and early 1950s, HUAC also claimed that
all it wanted was the truth about whether some Americans
Still, during the post-election period, the anti-Russian were allied with or sympathetic to Moscow. Sen. Joe
hysteria continued to build. In November, The Washington McCarthy offered a similar rationale when he was trying to
Post highlighted claims by an anonymous group called root out “disloyal” Americans with the question, “are you
PropOrNot accusing some 200 Web sites, including now or have you ever been a communist?” and other major independent media
outlets, of disseminating Russian “propaganda.” That Democrats and liberals who hold the McCarthy era in
understandable disdain would now seek to rekindle
something similar reeks of rank opportunism and gross
hypocrisy – doing whatever it takes to “get Trump” and
build an activist movement that can revive the Democratic
Party’s flagging political hopes.

But this particular opportunism and hypocrisy also carries

with it the prospect of blindly ramping up tensions with
Russia, diverting more taxpayer money into the Military-
Industrial Complex and conceivably sparking – whether
planned or unplanned – a nuclear Armageddon that could
eliminate life on the planet. Perhaps this anti-Trump
strategy should be rethought.

New York Times building in New York City. (Photo from Wikipedia)

Trump's New Travel Ban Revealed: Phase-In
Period; Green-Card Holders Spared
by Tyler Durden
Feb 18, 2017 4:19 PM

Deciding not the see the 9th Circuit court of appeals "in to the United States, when they arrive they will
[Supreme] court" after all, last week the White House be allowed in"
announced it would unveil a revised immigration order
banning travel t the US over the next few days. On and explained that it would be a temporary ban as the
Saturday, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly government reviewed the vetting procedures regarding
previewed what it would look like, when he told a Munich people from the banned countries.
Security Conference gathering that the travel ban will no
longer stop green card holders or travelers already on “I can tell you right now they’re not very reliable,”
planes from entering the United States, in hopes of he said of the seven mostly Muslim countries the
avoiding another round of legal challenges. administration defined as terrorism threats and
listed on the initial, temporary travel ban.

Courts have suspended the ban, prompting the Trump

administration to work on a new executive order. President
Donald Trump has criticized the courts for their decisions,
saying they threatened national security.

While onstage at the Munich conference, Kelly said the

judicial rulings surprised him, but that he would not
criticize them.

“I don’t criticize it,” Mr. Kelly said. “I don’t know

enough about what they think.”

German interior minister de Maiziere and U.S. Homeland However, his German peer had less qualms about lashing
Security Security, John Kelly in Munich out at Trump. Onstage with Kelly, his German counterpart,
Thomas de Maizière, criticized the idea.
“The president is contemplating issuing a tighter,
more streamlined version of the first Executive “To ban whole countries perhaps could create
Order. And I will have, this time, the opportunity more collateral damage and perhaps does not
to work (on) a rollout plan, in particular to make produce more security,” Mr. de Maizière said.
sure that there's no one in a sense caught in the
system of moving from overseas to our airports, The abrupt implementation of Trump's original
which happened in the first release." Kelly said in immigration order last month resulted in immigration
a panel discussion in Munich. chaos, sparking a wave of criticism from the countries
affected, and from Western allies and some of America's
Asked whether green card residency permit holders would leading corporations, especially technology firms which
be allowed in, Kelly said: are now hunkering down ahead of the next round of
Trump's sweeping immigration changes, this one expected
"It's a good assumption and, as far as the visas to impact H1-B visa holders.
go, ... if they're in motion from some distant land

U.S. District Attorney Vows
To Charge Obama With “Treason”
By Sean Adl-Tabatabai
Posted On February 18, 2017

Much concerns have been raised due to his gathering

around him an “army of agitators” (numbering more than
30,000) who he commands from a bunker less than two-
blocks from the White House.

“Barack Obama, who many claim will be

creating a shadow government to frustrate
the policy goals of this administration, we’re
looking at something that’s coming very
close to, it seems to me, sedition,”
Acting District Attorney Dana Boente is Lou Dobbs revealed.
allegedly working behind the scenes to
charge former president Barack Obama
with treason.

Boente is second in the line of succession to be Attorney

General of the United States, under a Feb. 9 Executive
Order signed by President Trump.

According to various reports, Obama has been working

behind the scenes in trying to overthrow the Trump
administration, colluding with domestic terrorist
organisations to incite riots nationwide.
Most chilling, though, of President Obama’s “army of reports: agitators”, is that they are “gearing up for battle” with a
growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the
With President Obama immediately upon country and have also begun militant actions, and
leaving office establishing a private website planning, with other leftist groups attempting to destroy
and proclaiming on it that: President Trump too.
“I won’t stop; in fact, I will be right there
Why is this happening?
with you, as a citizen, for all my days
that remain.”
We are seeing the death of Old crumbling institutions. The
rats are backed into a corner scared, angry and very very
Its obvious to even laymen to deduce that

“The Berkeley riots May have been The democrats know that they will no longer ever again
ordered by President Obama himself.” have the power they have enjoyed because the public is
now aware of the voter fraud and the man America elected
There is enough evidence for the FBI to implicate Obama President will not let it continue.
for Sedition and treason but behind the scenes there is
fierce debate over the fall out including worrying about Trump To Launch “Major Investigation
traitors at all levels of government if action was taken Into Voter Fraud”
against the Agitator in chief.
This means that the Democrats who counted on the
fraudulent voting machines and millions of dead voters
voting for them in multiple states are dead ducks If this wasn’t coordinated by a central command and
politically. So what is left for the communist democrat control center why were the police ordered to stand down?
party? Who had the power and foreknowledge to do and order
them to do this?
“The FBI have investigation files proving
Obama’s links to these radical leftist groups As reported by the New York Post:
plotting the overthrow of President Trump
and the US government,” Obama is intimately involved in OFA
operations and even tweets from the
The latest evidence was just enough for experts to group’s account. In fact, he gave marching
understand Obama’s plans to support immigrants and form orders to OFA foot soldiers following
a shadow government. What’s his final goal? Keep himself Trump’s upset victory. Far from sulking,
inside the government Indirectly.Usurp the government OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump
with dirty tricks and violent protests. marches across US cities, some of which
turned into riots.
Voter Fraud Proof:18 Million Invalid & 2
Million Dead Registration. “Obama may have in fact coordinated Berkeley riots.”

Most concerning about these radical leftist militant actions

to US Attorney Boente and law enforcement throughout
the land is that the FBI’s investigation into this Berkeley
riot, and the FBI investigation into Berkeley’s mayor
ordering his police forces to stand down, revealed that
BAMN had coordinated their attacks with Obama’s OFA
Oakland, California, office—and may have, in fact, been
ordered by President Obama himself.

Even more disturbing about Obama’s OFA radical leftist

affiliations then Berkeley, is their partnering with a group
called Knights for Socialism that has begun teaching
children to chant “Kill Trump” while bashing with
baseball bats effigies of America’s new president.
One Of the radical leftist groups Obama’s OFA
Organization for action or should we call them “army of
agitators” have begun militant action planning already US District Attorney Boente is allegedly behind the
scenes advocating that a grand jury be impaneled to charge
the former president with treason.
For example in Berkeley, California, an organization
called BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) that State of
Michigan law-enforcement officials have labeled as a This may not happen because experts warn if that should
potential terrorist group. Which is a prototype Obama occur, it could, most assuredly, plunge the United States
will spearhead throughout the United states were on “full into open civil warfare followed quickly by martial law.
display” this at the University of California Berkeley when
their black-clad “well-rehearsed” militants “came in a We are at an impasse and what happens in the next few
military fashion” months will shape Americas future.

Usually there are around 400 of these well trained vicious What Is Martial Law And How Does It Work?
violent agitators to small protests their MO is to outnumber
and beat up the opposition who were sent Allegedly by
Obama to stop a speech being given by the conservative
British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos—and when police
authorities were ordered to “stand down”, caused $100,000
in damage—and to which their “leader”, Yvette Felarca,
said she had “no regrets” over the terror and chaos caused
adding that “the left has been far too timid for way too
long”. Indicating this will change an more violent protests
are on the way.

Yes, Trump Is Dangerous, But The Unelected Deep State
Trying To Overthrow Him Is Far Worse
Matt Agorist
February 18, 2017

There is a proverbial shit storm brewing in Washington Now we go nuclear. IC war going to new levels.
D.C. right now, and it is separate from the one created by Just got an EM fm senior IC friend, it began: "He
President Donald Trump. Since Trump took office, his will die in jail."
executive orders have enraged Americans from coast to
coast. While some of them were beneficial, such as ending — John Schindler (@20committee) February 15,
the US involvement in TPP, others such as the travel ban 2017
have caused unnecessary turmoil for innocent people.
However, all those orders were conducted in the open and While there is no textbook definition of what the deep state
for all Americans to see — unlike the soft coup being is, Glenn Greenwald recently summed it up perfectly,
carried out against Trump in secret by the deep state. when he said the deep state, generally refers to the
agencies in Washington that are permanent power factions.
They stay and exercise power even as presidents who are
elected come and go. They typically exercise their power
A game is being played with the security of our in secret, in the dark, and so they’re barely subject to
country. Pls watch & share this is important. democratic accountability, if they’re subject to it at all. It’s
#DeepState agencies like the CIA, the NSA and the other intelligence
agencies, that are essentially designed to disseminate
— Dennis Kucinich (@Dennis_Kucinich) disinformation and deceit and propaganda, and have a long
February 14, 2017 history of doing not only that,

As Jay Syrmopolous pointed out last week, giving a clear but also have a long history of the world’s
admission of a soft coup in progress, John Schindler, a worst war crimes, atrocities and death
former professor of national security affairs at the U.S. squads.
Naval War College, who spent nearly a decade with the
super-secret National Security Agency as an intelligence Amazing populist concern over US deep state
analyst and counterintelligence officer — and who still influence that hasn't been seen since the 1970s.
maintains deep connections to the intelligence community Positive but it's CIA/contractors not UN etc.
— readily admitted that senior elements of the intelligence
community (IC) are engaging in treason against Trump.

— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) February

17, 2017

It is important to note that pointing out the deep state

attacking Trump, does not make someone ‘pro-Trump.’
For decades, the behind the scenes government has used
this two-party system to create divide we see right now
and use it to foster distraction to make society think there
is a chance they can affect change.

Amazing battle for dominance is playing out

between the elected US govt & the IC who
consider themselves to be the 'permanent

— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) February

15, 2017
BREAKING: @Reince’s Gal & @Whitehouse Chief Of
Staff @Kmwalsh_GOP Is Source Of Trump
Leaks To @Nytimes & Others
By Gotnews
Feb 19, 2017

Left: President Donald J. Trump. Right: White House Chief of Staff

Reince Priebus. Photographs by Michael Vadon and by Gage
Skidmore, Wikimedia Commons.

White House Deputy Chief of Staff and #NeverTrump

Republican Katie Walsh has been identified as the source You won’t hear this stuff from the lying mainstream
behind a bunch of leaks from the Trump administration to media. Keep the GotNews mission alive: donate
The New York Times and other media outlets, according to at or send tips to
multiple sources in the White House, media, donor [email protected]. If you’d like to join our research
community, and pro-Trump 501(c)4 political group. team, contact [email protected].

“Everyone knows not to talk to her in the Walsh would have significant access as she controls the
White House unless you want to see it in president’s schedule. There’s also reportedly a trove of e-
the press,” says a source close to the mails where Katie Walsh and Reince Priebus discuss how
president. “The only question is whether or to rid themselves of Trump, according to a former
not she’s doing it at the behest of [White #NeverTrump consultant.
House Chief of Staff] Reince Priebus or if
she’s doing it to advance herself in DC
“The president and his allies have been
media circles.”
deliberately feeding her fake information in
order to find her network,” says a source
One source in particular stands out: Walsh is close to close to the president’s family. “It’s been
Maggie Habberman, a New York Times reporter who wrote going well.”
fawning pro-Republican National Committee stories
during the presidential election. Walsh has also planted
Walsh was a #NeverTrump Republican during the
stories in The Washington Post and Politico.
campaign. Neither Walsh nor her family were supporters
during the campaign, says a source from Walsh’s
Walsh is referred to as “Madame President” in the White hometown of St. Louis.
House, says a senior aide.
A White House investigation is planned into Walsh, who
“It isn’t a compliment.” couldn’t be reached for comment.

Obama’s Domestic Terrorism
Manual Vows To Overthrow Trump
By Sean Adl-Tabatabai
Posted On February 19, 2017

Trump authoritarianism, racism, and

corruption,” it says.
The goal is to make Republicans, even
from safe districts, second-guess their
support for the Trump agenda, and to
prime “the ground for the 2018 midterms
when Democrats retake power.”
“Even the safest [Republican] will be
deeply alarmed by signs of organized
Barack Obama is behind a domestic terrorism manual opposition,” the document states, “because
being used by tens of thousands of agitators that aims these actions create the impression that
to ‘overthrow the Trump presidency’. they’re not connected to their district and
not listening to their constituents.”
Organizing for Action (OFA), was founded by Obama and
has recently published a new training manual that After the event, protesters are advised to feed video
advocates violently bullying lawmakers to undermine and footage to local and national media.
oust President Trump.
“Unfavorable exchanges caught on video reports: can be devastating” for Republican
lawmakers, it says, when “shared through
In a new Facebook post, OFA calls on social media and picked up by local and
activists to mobilize against Republicans national media.” After protesters gave
from now until Feb. 26, when MSNBC, CNN and the networks footage of
“representatives are going to be in their their dust-up with Chaffetz, for example,
home districts.” the outlets ran them continuously, forcing
The protesters disrupted town halls earlier Chaffetz to issue statements defending
this month, including one held in Utah by himself.
House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz,
who was confronted by hundreds of angry The manual also advises protesters to flood “Trump-
demonstrators claiming to be his friendly” lawmakers’ Hill offices with angry phone calls
constituents. and emails demanding the resignation of top White House
adviser Steve Bannon.
The manual, published with OFA partner
“Indivisible,” advises protesters to go into
halls quietly so as not to raise alarms, and A script advises callers to complain:
“grab seats at the front of the room but do
not all sit together.” Rather, spread out in “I’m honestly scared that a known racist
pairs to make it seem like the whole room and anti-Semite will be working just feet
opposes the Republican host’s positions. from the Oval Office … It is everyone’s
“This will help reinforce the impression of business if a man who promoted white
broad consensus.” It also urges them to supremacy is serving as an adviser to the
ask “hostile” questions — while keeping “a president.”
firm hold on the mic” — and loudly boo the
the GOP politician if he isn’t “giving you The document provides no evidence to support such
real answers.” accusations.
“Express your concern [to the event’s
hosts] they are giving a platform to pro-
Protesters, who may or may not be affiliated with OFA, Chicago socialist Saul Alinsky, known by the left as “the
are also storming district offices. Last week, GOP Rep. father of community organizing,” taught radicals to “rub
Dana Rohrabacher blamed a “mob” of anti-Trump activists raw the sores of discontent” and create the conditions for a
for knocking unconscious a 71-year-old female staffer at “revolution.” He dedicated his book, “Rules for
his Southern California office. A video of the incident, Radicals,” to “Lucifer.” Michelle Obama quoted from the
showing a small crowd around an opening door, was less book when she helped launch OFA in 2013.
Obama appears to be behind the anti-Trump protests. He
Separately, OFA, which is run by ex-Obama officials and praised recent demonstrations against Trump’s travel ban.
staffers, plans to stage 400 rallies across 42 states this year And last year, after Trump’s upset victory, he personally
to attack Trump and Republicans over ObamaCare’s rallied OFA troops to “protect” his legacy in a conference
repeal. call.

“This is a fight we can win,” OFA recently “Now is the time for some organizing,” he
told its foot soldiers. “They’re starting to said. “So don’t mope” over the election
waver.” results.

On Thursday, Trump insisted he’s moving ahead with He promised OFA activists he would soon join them in the
plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, which fray.
has ballooned health-insurance premiums and deductibles.
“Obamacare is a disaster, folks,” he said, adding that “Understand that I’m going to be
activists protesting its repeal are hijacking GOP town halls constrained in what I do with all of you until
and other events. I am again a private citizen, but that’s not
so far off,” he said. “You’re going to see me
“They fill up our rallies with people that you early next year, and we’re going to be in a
wonder how they get there,” the president position where we can start cooking up all
said. “But they’re not the Republican kinds of great stuff.”
people that our representatives are
representing.” Added the ex-president:

As The Post reported, OFA boasts more than 250 offices “I promise you that next year Michelle and I
nationwide and more than 32,000 organizers, with another are going to be right there with you, and the
25,000 actively under training. Since November, it’s clouds are going to start parting, and we’re
beefed up staff and fundraising, though as a “social going to be busy. I’ve got all kinds of
welfare” non-profit, it does not have to reveal its donors. thoughts and ideas about it, but this isn’t
the best time to share them.
These aren’t typical Black Lives Matter or Occupy Wall “Point is, I’m still fired up and ready to go,
Street marchers, but rather professionally trained and I hope that all of you are, as well.”
organizers who go through a six-week training program
similar to the training — steeped in Alinsky agitation
tactics — Obama received in Chicago when he was a
community organizer.

Jay Sekulow: Obama Should Be "Held Accountable"
For The "Soft Coup" Against Trump
By Tyler Durden
Feb 18, 2017 11:11 PM

In light of the recent flurry of leaks by the so-called "deep

state", which includes such agencies as the NSA and FBI In other words, what until recently was a trickle of private
and which last week lead to the resignation of Mike Flynn data captured about US individuals by the NSA with only
after a phone recording of his phone conversation with the a handful of people having full, immersive access,
Russian ambassador was leaked to the WaPo and other suddenly became a firehose with thousands of potential
anti-Trump publications, an article published on January witnesses across 16 other agencies, each of whom
12 by the NYT has generated renewed interest. One month suddenly became a potential source of leaks about
ago, the NYT reported that ideological political opponents. And with the universe of
potential "leaking" culprits suddenly exploding
exponentially, good luck finding the responsible party.
"In its final days, the Obama administration
expanded the power of the National
Security Agency to share globally However, the implications are far more serious than just
intercepted personal communications loss of privacy rights.
with the government’s 16 other
intelligence agencies before applying According to civil right expert and prominent First
privacy protections." Amendement Supreme Court lawyer, Jay Sekulow, what
the agencies did by leaking the Trump Administration
The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on information was not only illegal but "almost becomes a
what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by soft coup", one which was spurred by the last minute rule-
its most powerful surveillance operations, which are change by Obama, who intentionally made it far easier for
largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These leaks to propagate, and next to impossible to catch those
include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and responsible for the leaks.
emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages
between people abroad that cross domestic network This is his explanation:
switches. The change means that far more officials will be
searching through raw data. Essentially, the government is There was a sea-change here at the NSA
reducing the risk that the N.S.A. will fail to recognize that with an order that came from president
a piece of information would be valuable to another Obama 17 days before he left office where
agency, but increasing the risk that officials will see he allowed the NSA who used to control
private information about innocent people. the data, it now goes to 16 other agencies
and that just festered this whole leaking
While previously the N.S.A. filtered information before situation, and that happened on the way
sharing intercepted communications with another agency, out, as the president was leaving the office.
like the C.I.A. or the intelligence branches of the F.B.I.
Why did the Obama administration wait
and the Drug Enforcement Administration, and
until it had 17 days left in their
furthermore N.S.A.’s analysts passed on only information
administration to put this order in place
they deemed pertinent, screening out the identities of
if they thought it was so important.
innocent people and irrelevant personal information,
following passage of Obama's 11th hour rule,
They had 8 years, they didn't do it, number one. Number
two, it changed the exiting rule which was an executive
"other intelligence agencies will be able order dating back to Ronald Reagan, that has been in place
to search directly through raw until 17 days before the Obama administration was going
repositories of communications to end, that said the NSA gets the raw data, and they
intercepted by the N.S.A. and then apply determine dissemination.
such rules for “minimizing” privacy
Instead, this change that the president put in place, signed
off by the way by James Clapper on December 15, 2016,
signed off by Loretta Lynch the Attorney General January
3, 2017, they decide that now 16 agencies can get the raw Sekulow confirms, noting that back when only the NSA
data and what that does is almost creates a shadow had access to this kind of raw data, there would be a very
government. You have all these people who are not small amount of people who have access to this kind of
agreeing with President Trump's position, so it just festers data.
more leaks.
"But this change in the Obama
Administration was so significant that they
allowed dissemination to 16 other
If they had a justification for this, wonderful, agencies, and we wonder why there's
why didn't they do it 8 years ago, 4 leaks."
years ago, 3 years ago. Yet they wait
until 17 days left. The lawyer's conclusion:

One potential answer: "President Obama, James Clapper,

Loretta Lynch should be held
they knew they had a "smoking gun", and accountable for this."
were working to make it easier to enable
the information to be "leaked" despite the Full clip below:
clearly criminal consequences of such

As this point Hannity correctly points out,

"it makes it that much more difficult by

spreading out the information among 16
other agencies, if they want to target or
take away the privacy rights, and illegally
tap the phones, in this case General Flynn,
it's going to be much harder to find the

Why Was The FBI Investigating General Flynn?
By Andrew C. Mccarthy
February 18, 2017 4:00 AM

At first blush, this category seems limitless: unmooring

government investigators from the constraints that
normally confine their intrusions on our liberty (e.g.,
snooping, search warrants, interrogations) to situations in
which there is real reason to suspect unlawful or dangerous
activity. Intelligence collection, after all, is just the
gathering of information that can be refined into a reliable
basis for decisions by policymakers.

As we shall see, it is not limitless. But we should

understand why it needs to be broad.

Flynn at Trump Tower, November 2016 (Reuters photo: Mike Segar) Most people think of the FBI as a federal police
department that does gumshoe detective work, albeit at a
National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was dismissed high level and with peerless forensic capabilities. That,
amid a torrent of mainstream-media reporting and indeed, is how I thought of the FBI for my first eight years
disgraceful government leaks (but I repeat myself). Among as a federal prosecutor, before I began investigating
the most intriguing was a New York Times report the terrorism cases and became acquainted with the FBI’s
morning after Flynn’s resignation, explaining that the night job. Turns out the FBI’s house has a whole other
former three-star Army general and head of the Defense wing, separate and apart from its criminal-investigation
Intelligence Agency was “grilled” by FBI agents “about a division. Back in pre-9/11 days, this side of the house was
phone call he had had with Russia’s ambassador.” called the foreign counter-intelligence division. Now, it is
the national-security branch. Whatever the name, it is our
No fewer than seven veteran Times reporters contributed domestic security service, protecting the nation against
to the story, the Gray Lady having dedicated more hostile foreign activity — espionage, other hostile
resources to undermining the Trump administration than intelligence ops, terrorism, acquisition of technology and
the Republican Congress has to advancing Trump’s components of weapons of mass destruction, and so on.
agenda. Remarkably, none of the able journalists appears
to have asked a screamingly obvious question — a Most of the national-security branch’s work is done in
question that would have been driving press coverage had secret, never intended to see the light of day in courtroom
an Obama administration operative been in the Bureau’s prosecutions. In some countries, including Britain,
hot seat. domestic security is handled by an agency (MI5)
independent of domestic law enforcement (MI6). In our
On what basis was the FBI investigating General Flynn? country, it is handled by a single agency, the FBI, based on
To predicate an investigation under FBI guidelines, there the assumption (a sound one in my opinion) that the two
must be good-faith suspicion that (a) a federal crime has missions are interrelated and that one can leverage the
been or is being committed, (b) there is a threat to other more easily under one roof.
American national security, or (c) there is an opportunity
to collect foreign intelligence relevant to a priority The FBI also has the foreign-intelligence gig because the
established by the executive branch. These categories Bureau is fully constrained by the Constitution and other
frequently overlap — e.g., a terrorist will typically commit federal law. Our other intelligence agencies — the best
several crimes in a plot that threatens national security, and example is the CIA — are prohibited from “spying” inside
when captured he will be a source of foreign intelligence. the United States, largely because their foreign operations
are outside the jurisdiction and fetters of American law.
Categories (a) and (b) are self-explanatory. It is category We understand that our security requires that our domestic
(c), intelligence collection, that is most pertinent to our security service have wide intelligence-gathering latitude;
consideration of Flynn. but we do not permit it to be limitless — it must respect
our constitutional rights.
So how do we make sure the FBI does that if we’re giving something our government can passively collect rather
it license to investigate people even when it does not than expend investigative resources to gather.
suspect a crime or a threat? We do it by dividing the
subjects of its intelligence investigations into three The more complex example is Americans who act as
classifications and giving the FBI commonsense authority covert foreign agents. The detection of these Americans is
to deal with each. obviously tougher but of greater urgency. After all, if their
activities on behalf of foreign powers were benign, they
1. Aliens acting as overt foreign agents would not be acting covertly — and here it is worth
pointing out that, under federal law, “foreign powers” are
The first classification, and the easiest to grasp, consists of not just other countries; they include international terrorist
aliens who overtly work as foreign agents. Such a person organizations. Some of the terrorists I prosecuted in the
— for example, Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador 1990s, for example, were American citizens (some born as
with whom General Flynn communicated — is a non- such, some naturalized) who were operatives of foreign
American (i.e., one who does not have the full-blown jihadist cells.
constitutional rights of an American citizen) and is openly
acting on behalf of a foreign regime — in the case of Whether they are Americans or aliens, covert foreign
Russia, a regime notoriously hostile to U.S. interests. agents merit heightened scrutiny, such as eavesdropping
Clearly, there is no problem with his being targeted by the on phone calls and e-mails, or “sneak and peek” searches
FBI for intelligence-gathering purposes. (when agents covertly look around a home or office,
maybe take pictures and plant bugs, but don’t leave
Note that, because the FBI is constrained by federal law, evidence that they’ve been there). To get that kind of
even overt foreign operatives have significant protections. authority, as presaged above, the FBI and Justice
It is still necessary, for example, for the FBI to get a Department must seek warrants from the secret court
judicial warrant to search a foreign agent’s home or established by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of
intercept his phone and e-mail communications — and 1978 (the FISA Court).
more on those warrants momentarily. Within the wide
parameters of federal law, though, the FBI is free to This requires a showing of probable cause. Significantly,
monitor an overt foreign operative’s activities very this does not mean probable cause that a crime has been or
aggressively, even when there is no suspicion of criminal is being committed — the traditional law-enforcement
wrongdoing or national-security threats. The presumption standard. Under FISA, the government must show
that our government is entitled to observe what foreign probable cause that the target of its surveillance is acting
governments are up to on our soil is sufficient — and, of as an agent of a foreign power. Libertarians complain that
course, American officials operating overseas are routinely this is a lower standard, a sinister pretext to make it easier
monitored by host governments (most of which are not so to hassle Americans in the absence of evidence that
fastidious about civil liberties). they’ve broken the law. But it is not a lower standard; it is
the same standard (probable cause) for making a different
2. Americans acting as foreign agents — overt and showing (that one is a foreign agent). If you are a covert
covert foreign agent, it should be easier for the FBI to investigate
you, especially when it is doing so under judicial
The second classification is more complicated: American oversight.
citizens who act as agents of foreign powers. Contrary to
the legal illiteracy dismayingly peddled by Fox News from 3. Americans who are not foreign agents but may
time to time, one can be an American citizen and possess foreign intelligence Covering overt and covert
nonetheless be an agent of a foreign power, and therefore foreign agents does not complete the FBI’s intelligence
subject to investigation under the FBI’s foreign- mosaic.
intelligence-gathering authority, even if there is no
suspicion of criminal wrongdoing. There are many Americans who do not act on behalf of
foreign regimes but who are possessed of information that
The easy example in this second classification is an would be of great value to the FBI in understanding what
American who openly and formally declares himself to be foreign powers are up to — owing, for example, to their
a foreign agent. Many Americans do work for and travels, business dealings, or academic concentrations.
advocate on behalf of foreign regimes. Our law mandates Plainly, we want the FBI to be able to seek this
that they register with the Justice Department. They must information. Yet we don’t want these Americans to be
make periodic disclosures detailing their relationship with investigated — they should be thanked, not hassled. So
the relevant foreign country, their activities on its behalf, how should our fellow citizens in this wholly innocent
the financial arrangements, and so on. The FBI is free to classification be handled? The FBI’s guidelines for
investigate such American foreign agents just as it domestic operations strike the right balance: “The FBI
investigates alien foreign agents; in fact, the point of the should . . . operate openly and consensually with U.S.
disclosure requirements is to make the foreign-intelligence persons to the extent practicable when collecting foreign

intelligence that does not concern criminal activities or Democrat complex has desperately sought to obscure this
threats to the national security.” problem by emphasizing Putin’s likely role in publicizing
embarrassing Democratic e-mail communications.
Openly and consensually. That means FBI agents should Notwithstanding Democratic talking points, that is a far
tell Americans in this “non-foreign agent” classification cry from “hacking” the voting process.
that they are not under investigation or suspicion, and that
their voluntary cooperation is requested to help the FBI The second flaw is that, although Trump has made
protect the country against potentially harmful foreign disturbingly flattering remarks about Putin, there is no
activities. They should not be “grilled” as if they were evidence his campaign has given or promised Russia any
suspects. actual accommodation in exchange for Putin’s favor.
Democrats hope to erase this problem by finding
General Flynn’s situation That brings us back, finally, to something, anything, that could be spun as a quid pro quo.
General Flynn. Anonymous intelligence officials (a Obviously, they hoped the Flynn–Kislyak conversation
category that may include the FBI — though we do not would answer their prayers. No such luck. As the Times
know who the leakers are) outrageously revealed to the puts it:
New York Times that Flynn was subjected to FBI
interrogation (“grilled,” the Times says) and that the Obama officials asked the FBI if a quid pro quo had been
Justice Department suspects that Flynn did not provide discussed on the call, and the answer came back no,
truthful, accurate information. That does not sound like a according to one of the officials, who like others asked not
cordial, “open and consensual” conversation. It sounds like to be named discussing delicate communications. The
an investigation. topic of sanctions came up, they were told, but there was
no deal.
Why would Flynn be the subject of an investigation by the
FBI and the Justice Department? Asked not to be named discussing delicate
communications. That’s a good one. Let me translate: The
We are told that the FBI was monitoring the phone calls of officials don’t want you to know who they are because
Russian ambassador Kislyak under FISA. Makes sense — they are corrupt — (a) FISA intercepts are classified, so
he’s an overt foreign agent from a hostile government. disclosing them to the press is a crime; (b) by revealing the
Flynn called Kislyak on December 29, 2016. It was not a Flynn–Kislyak conversation to the press, the “officials”
nefarious communication: Flynn was a top adviser of then- inform the Russians that whatever countermeasures they
president-elect Trump, a part of the Trump transition team, are taking against U.S. surveillance have failed, assuring
and just three weeks from formally becoming the new that the Russians will alter their tactics, making the job of
president’s national-security adviser. His communications our honorable intelligence agents more difficult; and (c)
with Kislyak were just some of the many conversations the FBI’s investigative powers are not supposed to be put
Flynn was having with foreign officials. in in the service of a political party’s effort to advance a
partisan storyline, like “Putin hacked the election.”
The call to Kislyak, of course, was intercepted. No doubt
the calls of other American officials who have perfectly So since there was no impropriety in Flynn’s call to the
valid reasons to call Russian diplomats have been Russian ambassador, why did the Bureau continue
intercepted. It is the FBI’s scrupulous practice to keep the investigating Flynn? Why did FBI agents interrogate him?
identities of such interceptees confidential. So why single
Flynn out for identification, and for investigation? FBI According to press reports of other rogue intelligence
agents did not need to “grill” Flynn in order to learn about leaks, the FBI was sicced on Flynn after Trump officials
the call — they had a recording of the call. gave inaccurate public statements about his conversation
with Kislyak, to wit: They said that it had not touched on
They also knew there was nothing untoward about the call. the punitive actions President Obama took against Russia
We know that from the Times report — a report that on the same day the conversation took place, when in fact
suggests an unseemly conjoining of investigative power to there had been some discussion of that topic — which the
partisan politics. FBI and Justice Department knew from the recording.
Specifically, Flynn denied any discussion of these
The report informs us that as the FBI set its sights on sanctions, unnamed Trump officials denied it to the
Flynn, its agents were consulting with “Obama advisers.” Washington Post, Vice President Pence denied it in a CBS
Interesting, no? Ever since Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald interview shortly before the inauguration, and finally
Trump on November 8, Obama’s Democratic party had White House spokesman Sean Spicer denied it again on
been pushing a narrative that “Putin hacked the election.” January 23. According to the Times, it was the Spicer
The narrative continues to have two major flaws. First, denial that triggered the FBI’s interrogation. It was as if
while the Russian dictator may have preferred Trump to the Bureau and Justice Department intentionally waited to
Clinton, there is no evidence that his Russian regime did pounce until Trump was in power — which meant that any
anything to compromise the voting process. The media-

misstatement could now be framed as a false The statute is a discredited relic of the President John
representation by the sitting president. Adams administration’s over-criminalization of political
speech on the grounds of its purported seditiousness. It is a
But just ask anyone who knows that you can’t keep your highly dubious prohibition against foreign-policy
health-care plan and your doctor if you like them, that the freelancing by American citizens acting without executive-
Benghazi massacre was not caused by a video, that the IRS branch permission. As Jeremy Duda comprehensively
really did harass Americans over their political beliefs, and explains in the Washington Post, in its 218-year history,
that Iran will be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. there has been just a single Logan Act prosecution, ever —
Anyone who knows those things — that would be all of us an unsuccessful, aborted charge brought in 1803 by an
— also must know that misleading statements by Adams-appointed U.S. attorney.
presidential administrations, even egregious ones, are not
grounds for FBI investigations. They are left to the It is not enough to say it is ludicrous to contemplate a
political process to sort out, and we don’t want the FBI Logan Act prosecution against a transition official who
turned into a political weapon. was the incoming national-security adviser over a phone
call with a foreign ambassador. Beyond that, we must refer
So how come the FBI got involved here? to the high-profile July 2016 press conference held by FBI
director James Comey.
Is the FBI saying that Mike Flynn is an agent of a foreign
power? A covert Russian operative? That would be absurd. In contrast to General Flynn, as to whom there is no
As I’ve detailed, Flynn is on record — unambiguously, in evidence of criminal wrongdoing, there was a Mount
the core theme in his bestselling book — urging Olympus of damning proof that Hillary Clinton committed
Americans to view Russia as an implacable enemy of the felony violations of a law against mishandling classified
United States that must be checked. Now, are you unhappy information. Yet Director Comey concluded that “no
— as I am unhappy — with the Trump administration’s reasonable prosecutor” would consider indicting Mrs.
blandishments toward the murderous, anti-American Putin Clinton. Why? Because behavior of the type in which she
regime? Sure . . . but that does not make Flynn and other engaged is never prosecuted. Now it happens that Comey
Trump officials Russian agents — any more than Obama is was wrong about Clinton — to make his assertion, he had
an Iranian agent. Again, political disagreement is not a to paint a narrowly skewed picture of her misconduct and
rationalization for drawing a ridiculous legal conclusion ignore several prosecutions of military officials for far less
(“maybe he’s a ‘foreign agent’”) as a pretext for an serious violations. Nevertheless, he does run the Bureau,
investigation by the FBI. and so we must assume that his explicit guidance governs
its investigative standards: “Responsible decisions . . .
Fear of blackmail? That is a theory purportedly advanced consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar
by former acting attorney general Sally Yates, an Obama situations have been handled in the past.”
political hack who was eventually fired for insubordination
by Trump (who had foolishly retained her). The blackmail If that is the standard, there was no conceivable chance
theory is almost too stupid to regurgitate. If you can follow that Flynn could ever be prosecuted for a Logan Act
this, the idea is that the Russians knew that Flynn withheld violation. Using the Logan Act as a pretext for
information about his Kislyak call from the Trump interrogation would have been improper.
administration and was therefore vulnerable to extortion —
i.e., the Russians could expose his concealment if he didn’t And Flynn is not a foreign agent. And there was no need
do their bidding. It should go without saying that to “grill” him over the contents of a conversation of which
blackmail works only if the compromising information is the FBI and Justice Department already had a recording.
not in the possession of the aggrieved party. Here, the
United States — i.e., the Trump administration itself — And the FBI has no business probing the veracity of public
had a recording of the Flynn–Kislyak call, a fact that both statements made by presidential administrations for
Russia and Flynn (who is deeply versed in intelligence political purposes — something it certainly resisted doing
craft) had to know was highly likely. during the Obama administration.

Finally, there’s Flynn’s supposed potential criminal There appears to have been no foreign-intelligence or
violation of the 1799 Logan Act. Recall what we said at criminal-investigative purpose served by the FBI’s
the start: The FBI’s criminal investigation and domestic interrogation of General Flynn. It is easy to see why
security functions overlap. If there is not a valid foreign- Democrats would want to portray Flynn’s contact with the
intelligence basis to investigate someone, a potential law Russian ambassador as worthy of an FBI investigation. But
violation could do the trick. But . . . the Logan Act? Are why did the FBI and the Justice Department investigate
you kidding? Flynn — and why did “officials” make sure the press
found out about it?

US Establishment Forcing
Trump To 'Copy Obama's Foreign Policy'
© AP Photo/ Saul Loeb/Pool - Politics
16:55 18.02.2017

with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergei Kislyak

before Trump's inauguration.

"This was a very heavy blow to Trump.

Three weeks after his inauguration, Trump
now resembles a man who cannot
withstand the pressure being mounted
on him. His executive orders are
suspended, his policy is in limbo. Certain
forces behind the scenes in Washington
are blocking Trump’s decisions. […] This is
Speaking with Radio Sputnik, Russian a blow to the presidential powers. He was
lawmaker Alexei Pushkov commented forced to accept Flynn’s resignation,"
on the pressure currently being Pushkov said in an interview with Radio
mounted on United States President Sputnik.
Donald Trump. According to Pushkov,
Trump’s opponents want to tie his
The lawmaker contemplated that the pressure on President
hands, especially in relations with
Donald Trump will persist.

"I think that they [the US establishment] will

Political elites in Washington will try to do everything
try to turn Trump into a copy of Barack
possible to neutralize President Trump, putting him in a
Obama, in terms of foreign policy,"
situation in which he would not be able to act
Pushkov noted.
independently, according to senior member of the Russian
parliament's upper house Alexey Pushkov. According to him, opponents are blocking Trump’s
initiatives on a range of crucial matters, including US
According to the lawmaker, in fact Trump is now being relations with NATO and cooperation with Russia
forced to continue the policy of his predecessor Barack against terrorism. They want Trump to embrace the same
Obama. approach on those issues as the Obama administration had.
"It seems that political elites in Washington
Pushkov pointed out that the recent resignation of General are doing everything to make Trump bound
Michael Flynn from the post of the US presidential hand and foot. They want to put him
administration’s national security advisor should be in such conditions so he would be unable
considered in the very same context. to act independently. This doesn’t mean he
would be an exact copy of Obama, but his
Flynn resigned on Monday after media reported based Republican opponents and the Democrats
on illegal leaks of classified information that he had misled want him to preserve the main parameters
senior US officials about the extent of his talks of Obama’s foreign policy," Pushkov

Trump Returns To Campaign Mode, Rallying Supporters,
Attacking Foes, Promising A Greater America
Published February 18, 2017

On Saturday, he also repeated what he said Thursday about

his administration running like a “fine-tuned machine” and
that he inherited “one big mess,” knocking back criticism
about a rocky start and suggestions that he and his
administration are working in coordination with Russia.

The Republican president visited Florida nearly two dozen

times during the 2016 presidential campaign, winning the
state after President Obama’s 2008 and 2012 victories.

“Thank you,” he said. “This is a state where

President Trump returned Saturday to campaign mode -- we all had great victory together.”
holding a rally in a Florida airport hangar in which he
again railed against the “dishonest media” and repeated his The rally, which included about 2,500 protesters outside,
promises to build a “beautiful” border wall, replace also included the kind of unscripted, unconventional stage-
“disastrous” ObamaCare and other familiar lines that craft that riveted voters for roughly 18 months.
rallied him to an unexpected White House win.
This time, first lady Melania Trump started the rally with
The roughly 50-minute speech outside Melbourne, Florida, The Lord’s Prayer. And Trump brought supporter Gene
was quintessential Trump -- with the president vowing to Huber on stage to speak, then admitted such impromptu
help disillusioned Americans find better jobs and live acts rattle the Secret Service agents who protect him.
safer, while attacking the news media for unfavorable
stories and calling it “a big part of the problem” toward his Big rowdy events were the hallmark of Trump's winning
mission to “make America great again.” presidential campaign.

“I am here to tell you about our great He has continued to do them, although with smaller
progress … and our incredible plans for our crowds, throughout the early part of the transition, during
future,” said Trump, who since officially what he called a "thank you" tour.
taking over the White House in late-
January has been unable to hold But until this week, Trump has mostly relied on Twitter to
campaign-style rallies. “I am here because sidestep reporters and on spokespeople, who have
I want to be among my friends and among struggled at times to deliver his agenda -- including plans
my people. This was truly a great to temporarily ban travel from seven mostly Muslim
movement.” nations -- to a largely combative press corps.

Trump essentially picked up from where he left off during The event Saturday was put on by Trump's campaign,
Thursday’s freewheeling, 77-minute press conference in rather than the White House.
which he accused reporters of knowingly writing incorrect
stories to hurt his young administration and perpetuating
damaging “fake news.” “I hear your demands. I hear your voices,”
Trump said. “And I promise you, I will
“I also want to talk to you without the filters
of fake news,” Trump told the estimated
crowd of 9,000 at the Orlando Melbourne Asked if the rally was for the 2020 election, spokeswoman
International Airport near Melbourne. “They Sarah Huckabee Sanders called it "a campaign rally for
have their own agenda.” America."

Asked by reporters aboard Air Force One if a campaign “I know you want safer neighborhoods where the streets
rally was too early, Trump said that "life is a campaign" belong to families and communities, not gang members
and that making America great again is a campaign. He and drug dealers who right now, as I speak, are being
added that "it's not easy, especially when we're also thrown out of the country and will not be let back in,” he
fighting the press and the media." said. “We will have strong borders. … Get them to hell out
of here.”
The speech was not without Trump’s familiar, tough talk
on crime, border security, radical Islamic terrorism and
illegal immigration, too.

How Can We Get Rid Of Trump?
Nicholas Kristof
FEB. 18, 2017

There will be no impeachment in the near term. Dems need

to get over this fantasy and get down to the hard work of
winning in 2018. Only...

So let’s investigate: Is there any way out?

Trump still has significant political support, so the

obstacles are gargantuan. But the cleanest and quickest
way to remove a president involves Section 4 of the 25th
Amendment and has never been attempted. It provides that
the cabinet can, by a simple majority vote, strip the
president of his powers and immediately hand power to the
Inauguration Day in downtown Washington. Credit Spencer vice president. The catch is that the ousted president can
Platt/Getty Images object, and in that case Congress must approve the ouster
by a two-thirds vote in each chamber, or the president
We’re just a month into the Trump presidency, and already regains office.
so many are wondering: How can we end it?
The 25th Amendment route is to be used when a president
One poll from Public Policy Polling found that as many is “unable” to carry out his duties. I asked Laurence Tribe,
Americans — 46 percent — favor impeachment of the Harvard professor of constitutional law, whether that
President Trump as oppose it. Ladbrokes, the betting could mean not just physical incapacity, but also mental
website, offers even odds that Trump will resign or leave instability. Or, say, the taint of having secretly colluded
office through impeachment before his term ends. with Russia to steal an election?

Sky Bet, another site, is taking wagers on whether Trump Tribe said that he believed Section 4 could be used in such
will be out of office by July. a situation.

There have been more than 1,000 references to “In the unlikely event that Pence and a
“Watergate” in the news media in the last week, according majority of Trump’s bizarre cabinet were to
to the Nexis archival site, with even some conservatives grow the spine needed to do the right thing
calling for Trump’s resignation or warning that he could be with the process set up by that provision,
pushed out. Dan Rather, the former CBS News anchor who we would surely be in a situation where a
covered Watergate, says that Trump’s Russia scandal isn’t very large majority of the public, including a
now at the level of Watergate but could become at least as very substantial percentage of Trump’s
big. supporters, would back if not insist upon
such a move,” Tribe said. “In that
Maybe things will settle down. But what is striking about circumstance, I can’t imagine Trump and
Trump is not just the dysfunction of his administration but his lawyers succeeding in getting the
also the — vigorously denied — allegations that Trump’s federal courts to interfere.”
team may have cooperated with Vladimir Putin to steal the
election. What’s also different is the broad concern that The better known route is impeachment. But for now it’s
Trump is both: A) unfit for office, and B) dangerously hard to imagine a majority of the House voting to impeach,
unstable. One pro-American leader in a foreign country and even less conceivable that two-thirds of the Senate
called me up the other day and skipped the preliminaries, would vote to convict so that Trump would be removed.
starting with: Moreover, impeachment and trial in the Senate would drag
on for months, paralyzing America and leaving Trump in
“What the [expletive] is wrong with your office with his finger on the nuclear trigger.

My take is that unless things get much worse, removal may same incentive Republicans had in 1974 to
be a liberal fantasy. Progressives thought that Trump insist on Nixon’s resignation,” Larry Sabato
would never win the nomination or the election. He of the University of Virginia told me. “The
survived the “Access Hollywood” tape and countless incentive is survival.”
crises that pundits thought would doom him, so it’s not
clear why Republicans would desert him now that he’s Trump does have one weakness, and it’s parallel to
president. Nixon’s. Republicans in Congress were willing to oust
Nixon partly because they vastly preferred his vice
Some people believe that the 2018 midterm elections will president, Gerald Ford — just as congressional
be so catastrophic for the G.O.P. that everyone will be Republicans prefer Mike Pence today.
ready to get rid of him. I’m skeptical. In the Senate, the
map is disastrous for Democrats in 2018: The Republicans If I were betting, I’d say we’re stuck with Trump for four
will be defending only eight Senate seats, while Democrats years. But as Sabato says:
will in effect be defending 25.
“Lots of things about Donald Trump’s
So while Democrats can gnash their teeth, it’ll be up to election and early presidency have been
Republicans to decide whether to force Trump out. And shocking. Why should it stop now?”
that won’t happen unless they see him as ruining their
party as well as the nation. And what does it say about a presidency that, just one
month into it, we’re already discussing whether it can be
“The only incentive for Republicans to act ended early?
— with or without the cabinet — is the

Intelligence Agencies Worldwide
'Seem To Have Gotten Out Of Control'
© Flickr/ Dennis Skley - World
15:43 18.02.2017(Updated 15:49 18.02.2017)

she knew absolutely nothing about all

these things," the politician told Sputnik
During her testimony, the Chancellor admitted that
in March 2015 she was surprised by the reports about the
BND's spying activities. She also pointed out that reforms
have been implemented to make the intelligence agency
more efficient and transparent.

However, Schulz believes that the activities of the

intelligence should be controlled not only by the
On Thursday, German Chancellor Chancellor's Office, but also by the Parliament. According
Angela Merkel testified on the 2015 to the politician, the control should be exerted by a special
espionage scandal involving Germany's parliamentary institution that will have unlimited access
Federal Intelligence Service (BND). to BND documents as well as the opportunity to interview
However, according to the member of BND employees.
the German FDP party Jimmy Schulz,
the German government failed to learn Moreover, the politician suggested that the problem
its lesson and make any conclusions of espionage could be dealt with on three levels: on a state
from the spying scandal. level, by private enterprises and individuals themselves.
For instance, Schulz noted that "enterprises should better
The politician noted that German Chancellor Angela watch over where and how their data can be intercepted."
Merkel was well prepared for her speech. However, her
statements about "technical and organizational deficits" "They should be able to present a clear
within the German intelligence were vague and didn't shed scheme (of their vulnerabilities) and take
any light on the issue. care of the security of its communications
and its customers," the politician stressed.
"It seems that intelligence agencies all
around the world got out of control. This In 2015, media reports revealed an unprecedented
applies not only to the NSA, but also, espionage scandal in Europe, saying that the BND had
probably, to a number of other countries systematically spied on its friends and allies worldwide.
that clearly lost control of their services and According to Spiegel Online magazine, in many cases the
are not aware of what they are doing. Such BND carried out this policy on its initiative and not at the
conclusion can be made following the request of US intelligence.
statements of Mrs. Merkel, who said that

Retired Green Beret Warns: Deep State's Utopia Of
Oligarchs Is "Enslavement And Complete
Control Of All Of Mankind"
Submitted By Jeremiah Johnson (Nom De Plume Of A Retired Green Beret Of The United States Army
Special Forces (Airborne)) Via Shtfplan.Com,
Feb 18, 2017 7:25 PM

politico’s in office presently and in the past who have

those CFR slots and are working toward their fantasy:

The Utopia of Oligarchs.

Even if they do not overtly act on behalf
of the Marxists, they have been
guilty…numerous times…of enabling
the Marxists through the complacency
of inactivity.
They do not simply wish to derail the
actions of President Trump: it is a much
larger concept than that. They see
In past articles the fact of a long struggle was mentioned themselves as “partners” with the Left
and how it ties in with the current first year of the in the same game: to establish an elitist
President’s administration. The struggle is not merely to politico-oligarchic ruling class, broken
overcome the executive actions and orders of Obama. The down into divisions throughout the
true battle is to remove the Marxists from bureaucratic globe for ethno-cultural manipulation,
fiefs established by Obama for carryover into the current yet with the same end-state.
administration and to deflect and negate their attacks and
the attacks of others. That goal is the enslavement and complete control of all of
mankind with the elitists ensconced as the ruling moneyed
The circuit court in San Francisco and the Department of class. They see themselves as the educated, sensible
Justice have been waging a seesaw-type of battle over the minority with tender sensibilities and true humanistic
executive order signed by the President. The order’s intent views…who must…must…take a stand in the globalist
is to stem the illegal aliens and foreigners entering the U.S. crusade against the barbaric Neanderthals of the proletariat
from Middle Eastern nations either openly hostile to or and populist serfs.
providing the highest probability (intentionally or
indirectly) for terrorists to enter the country. This new President has taken more action and more rapidly
than even President Reagan did when he took office, and
This makes perfect sense, and because it that is saying something. Even those globalists playing the
does, one can easily see that only those part of conservatives are knuckling under in lock step,
hell-bent on weakening the U.S. and shivering internally: A President is in the White House that
fostering infiltration would be against can turn these bedbugs out of the mattress and burn them.
the order: those Marxists of the Left This new President quietly and without fanfare made it a
labeled as “Democrats” and calling point to be there for the SEAL who was killed in Yemen as
themselves “Progressives.” his casket was brought back home.
They are not alone: they are aided by
the Left-Right, which is even worse. That should speak volumes on the
caliber of the man who is in the White
The Left-Right are those masquerading as Republican House.
Conservatives, when they are Marxist-Leftists and
proponents of Global Governance and the New World Everything that he does is attacked by the media and
Order. They are the Paul Ryans, the Mitch McConnells, disparaged by the leftists. Even the removal of Dodd-
and the Newt Gingriches. They are the pseudo-Republican Frank (let’s remember…that was Christopher Dodd and

Barney Frank…two troglodytes…who came up with that In previous articles, it was mentioned how critical this first
one) is sneered at. The executive order to halt the illegals 6 months to one year-period in office is for the President,
from potential hotbeds of Middle Eastern terrorism is namely because of the midterm elections.
challenged by states packed with liberals and also by the
business and industry oligarchs who would rather the U.S. If the public does not see results, they
be vulnerable if they can continue to hire “tax-free” day- could very well change the complexion
laborers for less than minimum wage with impunity. and composition of Congress in 2018
and the Republicans could lose control
Senator John McCain (R- AZ) wants to go of either one of or both houses of
to war with Russia and he wants to Congress.
reshape eastern Europe. McCain and
Lindsey Graham were instrumental in the The President realizes this, and he is moving swiftly.
Obama-ordered and sanctioned coup d’état
that brought down Ukraine’s government The public will also see that he is doing good things, and
and president and installed a U.S. puppet that it is the Democrats who are attempting to obstruct his
picked by Victoria Nuland. McCain hasn’t efforts. This will carry the Republicans through in the
stopped: he’s just been “on hold” to see
midterm elections, and thus all legislative efforts by the
where he can take footing when the dust President will be able to be enacted. It’s a tough fight and
settles from the initial Trump shakeup. at times it’s uphill, but he started out well, and right…and
the Democrats won’t be able to hold him off.

F-15s Cause Sonic Boom Over Palm Beach
In Scramble To Intercept Unresponsive Aircraft
By Tyler Durden
Feb 18, 2017 12:18 PM

New Yorkers, and certainly their mayor Bill de Blasio, The two fighters were able to establish communication
complained bitterly about the traffic chaos unleashed by with the aircraft. This incident occured at about 7 p.m. ET.
then president-elect Donald Trump when he used his Fifth No further details were immediately available. "The intent
Avenue-located Trump Tower as campaign headquarters, of military intercepts is to have the identified aircraft re-
resulting in logistical and security chaos. Now it's the turn establish communications with local FAA air traffic
of Palm Beach, where Trump resides on most weekends in controllers and instruct the pilot to follow air traffic
his Mar-A-Lago "Winter White House" (at a cost to controllers' instructions to land safely for follow-on
taxpayers of approximately $3 million per trip). action," the statement read.

On Friday evening, two F-15s caused a sonic boom as they "The intent of military intercepts is to have
were scrambled from their base in Homestead, Florida, to the identified aircraft re-establish
intercept an unresponsive general aviation aircraft that communications with local FAA air traffic
flew near Palm Beach during a stay by President Trump at controllers and instruct the pilot to follow air
Mar-a-Lago, Fox News reported. The jets flew at traffic controllers' instructions to land safely
supersonic speeds the North American Aerospace Defense for follow-on action," the statement read.
Command, NORAD, said in a statement leading to started
residents confused by the loud noise. This was the latest airborne incident involving President
Trump Earlier this month, a private plane got within 2
nautical miles of Air Force One, which is closer than
permitted, while flying over Florida and the incident is
being investigated by authorities, Bloomberg reported.

The planes were flying on a parallel route and there was no

risk of a collision during the incident, which occurred 30
miles out on Feb. 3, sources told the news agency.
President Trump arrived safely at Palm Beach
International Airport. The report said that when Air Force
One is in flight, Secret Service agents work with FAA
supervisors and monitor for threats.

Trump Supporters Rally In Downtown
Atlanta With Semi-Automatic Weapons
By Tyler Durden
Feb 18, 2017 8:40 PM

As Trump was preparing to address an audience in Florida the rally. He said a permit is required if
on Saturday afternoon, in a speech which Reuters there are more than 35 people, but he did
summarized as "returning to the campaign trail to attack not think that would be the case.
the media again and tout his accomplishments in the
friendly atmosphere of a rally with supporters", a group of There were no reports of any confrontations or violence
supporters gathered for a pro-President Trump rally in during the rally.
downtown Atlanta armed with semi-automatic weapons.
In an interview on its website with one of its founding
The crowd met at Centennial Olympic Park. Those there members, the "Three Percenter" militia explains that it is
told Channel 2 Action News that they are part of an area "is comprised of men and women as citizens in esch state
militia group, III% Security Force, which was also serving which come together to form a chapter. Each chapter is
as security for the event. classified as being part of the “Unorganized Militia,” we
are officially a civilian volunteer organization.

We will come to the defense of public and private

property, lives, and liberty to exercise God-given rights,
seen plainly in the laws of Nature, and codified in the
Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights.

All local laws (not in violation of the U.S. Constitution

and/or State Constitutions) shall be observed by members
of III%SF. Each and every member and personnel within
III%SF shall always conduct himself/herself with
professional aptitude, integrity, and respect of others at all
As WSB-TV reports, members of the militia group said they were times. III%SF and its members shall not and will not ever
there to protect President Trump supporters. cause or create any attempt to attack or overthrow any
"We're using our second amendment rights local, state, or federal department. We will never advocate
to protect the first amendment rights," Chris or promote violence towards any organizations, groups, or
Hill said. persons.
"Throughout the day we're going to have
GSF III% has a zero tolerance policy regarding racial
more people, more Trump supporters come
discrimination. The Constitution says a militia is
to this corner, showing their support for
necessary for the security of the free state. The State of
President Trump. We are going to make
Georgia says the militia is comprised of all males between
sure that these people are safe and have
17 and 45 and physically capable of acting in our common
the right to have their voices heard without
fear of violence or intimidation from any
opposing groups."
A video showcasing the group is shown below.
Hill said he has seen counter-protesters circling the block,
but he and his group want to make sure things stay

"We want to make it known that this is a

peaceful event and we're going to do
everything in our power to make sure that
remains the case," he said. Hill said he
expected 20 to 30 people to show up for
The Stakes For Trump And All Of Us
Paul Craig Roberts
February 18, 2017

We need to understand, and so does President Trump, that to it at all. It’s agencies like the CIA, the
the hoax “war on terror” was used to transform intelligence NSA and the other intelligence agencies,
agencies, such as the NSA and CIA, and criminal that are essentially designed to
investigative agencies, such as the FBI, into Gestapo secret disseminate disinformation and deceit and
police agencies. Trump is now threatened by these propaganda, and have a long history of
agencies, because he rejects the neoconservative’s agenda doing not only that, but also have a long
of US world hegemony that supports the gigantic history of the world’s worst war crimes,
military/security annual budget. atrocities and death squads. This is who
not just people like Bill Kristol, but lots of
Our secret police agencies are busy at work planting Democrats are placing their faith in, are
“intelligence” among the presstitute media that Trump is trying to empower, are cheering for as they
compromised by “Russian connections” and is a security exert power separate and apart from—in
threat to the United States. The plan is to make a case in fact, in opposition to—the political officials
the media, as was done against President Nixon, and to to whom they’re supposed to be
force Trump from office. To openly take on a newly subordinate.
elected president is an act of extraordinary audacity that “And you go—this is not just about Russia.
implies enormous confidence, or else desperation, on the You go all the way back to the campaign,
part of the police state agencies. and what you saw was that leading
members of the intelligence community,
Here you can see CNN openly cooperating with the CIA in including Mike Morell, who was the acting
treating wild and irresponsible speculation that Trump is CIA chief under President Obama, and
under Russian influence as if it is an established fact. Michael Hayden, who ran both the CIA and
the NSA under George W. Bush, were very outspoken supporters of Hillary Clinton. In
fact, Michael Morell went to The New York
Times, and Michael Hayden went to The
The “evidence” provided by CNN and the CIA is a
Washington Post, during the campaign to
“report” by the New York Times that, with little doubt, was
praise Hillary Clinton and to say that
planted in the NYT by the CIA.
Donald Trump had become a recruit of
Russia. The CIA and the intelligence
This is so obvious that it is clear that CNN and the CIA community were vehemently in support of
regard the American people as so gullible as to be Clinton and vehemently opposed to Trump,
completely stupid. from the beginning. And the reason was,
was because they liked Hillary Clinton’s
Glenn Greenwald explains to Amy Goodman that the CIA policies better than they liked Donald
is after Trump, because Trump’s announced policy of Trump’s. One of the main priorities of the
reducing the dangerous tensions with Russia conflicts with CIA for the last five years has been a proxy
the military/security complex’s need for a major enemy. war in Syria, designed to achieve regime
change with the Assad regime. Hillary
“The deep state, although there’s no Clinton was not only for that, she was
precise or scientific definition, generally critical of Obama for not allowing it to go
refers to the agencies in Washington that further, and wanted to impose a no-fly zone
are permanent power factions. They stay in Syria and confront the Russians. Donald
and exercise power even as presidents Trump took exactly the opposite view. He
who are elected come and go. They said we shouldn’t care who rules Syria; we
typically exercise their power in secret, in should allow the Russians, and even help
the dark, and so they’re barely subject to the Russians, kill ISIS and al-Qaeda and
democratic accountability, if they’re subject other people in Syria. So, Trump’s agenda

that he ran on was completely antithetical controls at all. And so, to urge that the CIA
to what the CIA wanted. Clinton’s was and the intelligence community empower
exactly what the CIA wanted, and so they itself to undermine the elected branches of
were behind her. And so, they’ve been government is insanity. That is a
trying to undermine Trump for many prescription for destroying democracy
months throughout the election. And now overnight in the name of saving it. And yet
that he won, they are not just undermining that’s what so many, not just neocons, but
him with leaks, but actively subverting him. the neocons’ allies in the Democratic Party,
There’s claims that they’re withholding are now urging and cheering. And it’s
information from him, on the grounds that incredibly warped and dangerous to watch
they don’t think he should have it and can them do that.”
be trusted with it. They are empowering
themselves to enact policy.
“Now, I happen to think that the Trump
presidency is extremely dangerous. You The United States is now in the extraordinary situation that
just listed off in your news—in your the liberal/progressive/left is allied with the deep state
newscast that led the show, many reasons. against democracy. The liberal/progressive/left are
They want to dismantle the environment. lobbying for the impeachment of a president who has
They want to eliminate the safety net. They committed no impeachable offense. The neoconservatives
want to empower billionaires. They want to have stated their preference for a deep state coup against
enact bigoted policies against Muslims and democracy. The media obliges with a constant barrage of
immigrants and so many others. And it is lies, innuendos and disinformation. The insouciant
important to resist them. And there are lots American public sits there sucking its thumb.
of really great ways to resist them, such as
getting courts to restrain them, citizen
What can Trump do? He can clean out the intelligence
activism and, most important of all, having
agencies and terminate their license granted by Bush and
the Democratic Party engage in self-
Obama to conduct unconstitutional activities. He can use
critique to ask itself how it can be a more
anti-trust to breakup the media conglomerates that Clinton
effective political force in the United States
allowed to form. If Bush and Obama can on their own
after it has collapsed on all levels. That isn’t
authority subject US citizens to indefinite detention
what this resistance is now doing. What
without due process and if Obama can murder suspect US
they’re doing instead is trying to take
citizens without due process of law, Trump can use anti-
maybe the only faction worse than Donald
trust law to break up the media conglomerates that speak
Trump, which is the deep state, the CIA,
with one voice against him.
with its histories of atrocities, and say they
ought to almost engage in like a soft coup,
where they take the elected president and At this point Trump has no alternative but to fight. He can
prevent him from enacting his policies. And take down the secret police agencies and the presstitute
I think it is extremely dangerous to do that. media conglomerates, or they will take him down.
Even if you’re somebody who believes that Dismissing Flynn was the worse thing to do. He should
both the CIA and the deep state, on the have kept Flynn and fired the “leakers” who are actively
one hand, and the Trump presidency, on using disinformation against him. The NSA would have to
the other, are extremely dangerous, as I know who the leakers are. Trump should clean out the
do, there’s a huge difference between the corrupt NSA management and install officials who will
two, which is that Trump was identify the leakers. Then Trump should prosecute the
democratically elected and is subject to leakers to the full extent of the law.
democratic controls, as these courts just
demonstrated and as the media is showing, No president can survive secret police agencies determined
as citizens are proving. But on the other to destroy him. If Trump’s advisers don’t know this,
hand, the CIA was elected by nobody. Trump desperately needs new advisers.
They’re barely subject to democratic

The FBI Is Pursuing Three Separate Probes Into "Russian
Hacking" Of The Elections
By Tyler Durden
Feb 18, 2017 9:15 PM

While it has been previously documented that the FBI has Russian individuals and companies who are believed to
launched an investigation into Russian "hacking" of the have links to Trump associates. The transactions under
elections, today Reuters provided more details on the scrutiny involve investments by Russians in overseas
ongoing effort to scapegoat Hillary Clinton's loss on the entities that appear to have been undertaken through
Kremlin, when it reported that the FBI is pursuing at least middlemen and front companies"
three separate probes relating to alleged Russian hacking.
Among the topics pursued by the counterintelligence
The details according to Reuters, which cites unnamed investigations are the alleged contacts between members of
officials, are as follows: the Trump campaign and current and former Russian
intelligence officers prior to the November election, as
 the FBI's Pittsburgh field office, which runs many cyber previously reported by the New York Times.
security investigations, is trying to identify the people
behind breaches of the Democratic National When reached by Reuters, Scott Smith, the FBI's new
Committee's computer systems. Those breaches, in assistant director for cyber crime, declined to comment this
2015 and the first half of 2016, exposed the internal week on which FBI offices were doing what or how far
communications of party officials as the Democratic they had progressed. The White House likewise had no
nominating convention got underway and helped comment on Friday on the Russian hacking investigations.
undermine support for Hillary Clinton. The Pittsburgh A spokesman pointed to a comment Trump made during
case has progressed furthest, but Justice Department the campaign, in which he said: "As far as hacking, I think
officials in Washington believe there is not enough it was Russia, but I think we also get hacked by other
clear evidence yet for an indictment, two of the sources countries and other people."
 the FBI's San Francisco office is trying to identify the It was unclear if any FBI bureaus were investigating the
people who called themselves “Guccifer 2” and posted leaks emanating from the US government which Donald
emails stolen from Clinton campaign manager John Trump repeatedly slammed in the past week, and which
Podesta’s account, the sources said. Those emails led not only to the resignation of Michael Flynn but to
contained details about fundraising by the Clinton constant disclosures into the inner workings of the Trump
Foundation and other topics. cabinet. While many of the opponents of the Clinton,
 FBI counterintelligence agents based in Washington Podesta and Democratic leaks - broadly grouped under the
are pursuing leads from informants and foreign "Russians hacked the election" umbrella - have slammed
communications intercepts, two of the people said. "Russian interference" in the US electoral process, they
"This counterintelligence inquiry includes but is not have been far less troubled by similar leaks impacting
limited to examination of financial transactions by Trump, and - of course - vice versa.

London Mayor: No VIP Treatment For Trump
Because Of 'Cruel' Immigration Ban
By Jacqueline Klimas (@Jacqklimas)
2/19/17 3:47 PM

Sadiq Khan, the first Muslim mayor of London, made the

remarks just one day before British legislators are planning
to debate whether or not the planned state visit should be
downgraded, the Associated Press reported. Khan
specifically said the U.S. president should not get the VIP
perks typically associated with a state visit because of his
executive order to "ban" people from seven countries from
coming to the U.S. as well as his blocking of refugees.

More than one million people signed an online petition to

prevent Trump from making the state visit. While Trump
will not be uninvited, Parliament will discuss the petition
Sadiq Khan said Trump should not get because it surpassed the 100,000 signature threshold, USA
the VIP perks typically associated with a Today reported.
state visit. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
A state visit to the United Kingdom typically includes
The mayor of London said on Sunday that the country much pageantry and a stay at Buckingham Palace,
"shouldn't be rolling out the red carpet" for President according to the report.
Trump's visit this year because of his "cruel" immigration

Trump Gets Ready To
Pick John Bolton As Advisor
Kurt Nimmo
February 19, 2017

CNN in an interview that the foreign policy veteran would

make a “very, very, strong” national security adviser
because he understands the threat from “radical Islamic

In other words, Iran.

Makes sense. During his failed presidential campaign,

Cruz worked with the neocon Frank Gaffney. He’s way
out on the anti-Islam fringe and aligned with the likes of
the notorious Islamophobes Pam Geller and Robert
Picking John Bolton as national security advisor will not
MAGA. Instead, it will open the floodgates for neocons Retired Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin also had Cruz’s
chomping at the bit to drive US foreign policy after they ear during the campaign.
were sidelined in favor of humanitarian warmongers
during the reign of Obama, a breed more palatable to
Like disgraced Trump advisor Mike Flynn, Boykin
hoodwinked Democrats who only hate war when it is
believes Islam is the source of evil in the world. He said
waged by Republicans.
Islam is not a religion and therefore does not deserve
protection under the First Amendment. A few years ago,
From CNN on Sunday: Boykin said when Jesus returns, he will be toting an AR-
15 rifle. He was reprimanded by President Bush for
White House spokesman Sean Spicer told saying—while in uniform—that the United States is
reporters that Trump will speak to former engaged in a holy war with Islam. Boykin also said
US ambassador to the United Nations John Christians need to act more like members of the Islamic
Bolton, acting national security adviser State and die for their God.
Gen. Keith Kellogg, West Point
Superintendent Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen, Lt. I’m not sure if Boykin is a student of the neocon
Gen. H.R. McMaster, who directs the Army philosopher Leo Strauss, but he sure sounds like it. Shadia
Capabilities Integration Center, and Drury, professor of political theory at the University of
“potentially more” candidates. Those Regina in Saskatchewan, during an interview with Danny
meetings will take place Sunday, Spicer Postel in 2003 described how the Straussian mindset
said. works.

Two other candidates, former Army Gen. Stanley In short, they all thought that man’s humanity depended on
McChrystal and former CIA Director David Petraeus, are his willingness to rush naked into battle and headlong to
no longer in the mix, sources told CNN Friday night. The his death. Only perpetual war can overturn the modern
front-runner for the post, Vice Adm. Bob Harward, project, with its emphasis on self-preservation and
dropped out of consideration apparently over concerns that “creature comforts.” Life can be politicized once more,
he could not bring his own staff to the National Security and man’s humanity can be restored.
This terrifying vision fits perfectly well with the desire for
For my take on Kellogg, read this, and Bolton here. honor and glory that the neo-conservative gentlemen
covet. It also fits very well with the religious sensibilities
The Bolton selection is being pushed by Ted Cruz. of gentlemen. The combination of religion and nationalism
is the elixir that Strauss advocates as the way to turn
There were signs of strong support inside and outside the natural, relaxed, hedonistic men into devout nationalists
administration for Bolton. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told willing to fight and die for their God and country.

The neocon Bill Kristol recently reminded us this On Sunday, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul warned about
philosophy is still in play. He said “lazy white” workers nominating John Bolton.
should be replaced by more motivated foreign workers. He
probably believes they may be more willing to die for the “John Bolton still believes the Iraq War was
neocon cause of endless war and mass murder. a good idea. He still believes that regime
change is a good idea. He still believes that
Last September, Boykin endorsed Trump. A few weeks nation-building is a good idea,” said the
later, he praised Trump’s selection of James “Mad Dog” senator. “I think that his history of sort of
Mattis as secretary of defense. Mattis is known for his anti- acting on his own, my fear is that secret
Iran animus. wars would be developing around the
globe. And so, no, I think he would be a
According to his convoluted neocon logic, Iran is bad choice.”
responsible for the rise of the Islamic State.

“I consider ISIS nothing more than an

excuse for Iran to continue its mischief. Iran
is not an enemy of ISIS; they have a lot to
gain from the turmoil that ISIS creates…
What is the one country in the Middle East
that has not been attacked by ISIS? One.
That is Iran. That is more than
happenstance, I’m sure,” he said.

He forgot to mention Israel.


Confused About National Security Advisor Flynn’s ‘Resignation’
After CIA Illegal Spying, Leak? Partial Timeline:
 Flynn Tweeted About ‘Elite Pedophilia,’ Senator Schumer
Threatened CIA ‘Getting Back At Trump,’
 Flynn Repeated Lies For Illegal War On Iran,
 Trump Escalates ‘Fake News’ Rhetoric On Corporate Media! Want
Truth? Without .01% ‘Deep State’ Arrests,
You’ll Never Have It
By Carl Herman
Posted On February 19, 2017

National Security Advisor Michael Flynn resigned on

February 13 after The Washington Post printed an alleged
US intelligence insider’s leak of a phone conversation he
had before taking office with a Russian ambassador
(analysis here, here, here). Such a leak is a federal felony.

Four bullet points within a book-size timeline, then

analysis on each point:

 November 2, 2016: Flynn tweeted, “U decide – NYPD

Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money
Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc…MUST
READ!” Hillary Clinton and former Senior Advisor Want Truth? You’ll never have it until .01% arrests
tweeted this reference back at Flynn after his
resignation: “What goes around COMETS around.” Before we get into details and documentation to illuminate
There has been ~1,500 sex trafficking and pedophilia the four points of this article, let’s be clear about the
arrests since Trump’s presidency (details below). central point: We the People will never ever ever ever ever
 January 2, 2017: Senate Minority Leader Chuck have the facts about what’s most important in government
Schumer calls Trump “really dumb” for questioning a until .01% arrests for Emperor’s New Clothes OBVIOUS
factless intelligence report claiming Russia “hacked” crimes centered in:
the 2016 US presidential election (and here, here), and
that the intelligence community has “six ways from
 The US is a literal rogue state empire led by
Sunday at getting back at you.”
neocolonial looting liars. The history is uncontested and
 February 1: Flynn puts Iran “on notice” regarding
taught to anyone taking comprehensive courses. If
several historic and current easily proved lies similar to
anyone has any refutations of this professional
previous lies initiating illegal Wars of Aggression on
academic factual claim for any of this easy-to-read and
Afghanistan and Iraq.
documented content, please provide it. Rogue state
 February 17: Trump tweets, “The FAKE NEWS media empire is the most accurate term to describe the US for
(failing@nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, the following reasons:
@CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the 1. People around the world view the US as the
American People!” Corporate media is easily greatest threat to peace; voted three times
documented as “fake news.” more dangerous than any other country. The
data confirm this conclusion:
These are machinations of the US rogue state empire (11- 2. Since WW2, Earth has had 248 armed
part series), or Deep State, as Melissa Dykes sharply conflicts. The US started 201 of them.
documents in 5 minutes from The Daily Sheeple: 3. These US-started armed attacks have killed
~30 million and counting; 90% of these
deaths are innocent children, the elderly and would/can argue an election is legitimate when there is
ordinary working civilian women and nothing for anyone to count.
men. The US has war-murdered more than  The destruction of nearly all rights lawfully
Hitler’s Nazis. guaranteed in the US Bill of Rights within the US
4. The total deaths caused by rogue state Constitution, and in Orwellian inversion of limited
empire for resource control (natural and government.
human) in the last 20 years is ~400  Corporate media are criminally complicit through
million, more than all total wars and constant lies of omission and commission to “cover” all
violence in all recorded Earth history. these crimes. Historic tragic-comic empire is only
 US ongoing lie-started and Orwellian-illegal Wars possible through such straight-face lying, making
of Aggression require all US military and government our Emperor’s New Clothes analogy perfectly chosen.
to refuse all war orders because there are no lawful  The top three benefits each of monetary
orders for obviously unlawful wars. Officers are reform and public banking total ~$1,000,000 for the
required to arrest those who issue obviously unlawful average American household, and would be received
orders. And again, those of us working for this area of nearly instantly. Please read that twice. Now look to
justice are aware of zero attempts to refute this with, verify for yourself.
“War law states (a, b, c), so the wars are legal because
(d, e, f).” All we receive is easy-to-reveal bullshit. Intrigue over infighting among rogue state actors will only
 When Americans are told an election is defined by continue (and here, here, here, here) until such arrests, as
touching a computer screen without a countable receipt well as ongoing rogue state policy annually killing
that can be verified, they are being told a criminal lie millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.
to allow election fraud. This is self-evident,
but Princeton, Stanford, and the President of the
Elite pedophilia: documented and damning
American Statistical Association are among the leaders
pointing to the obvious. Again, no professional
In no particular order:

 1,500 arrests seem to have occurred since Trump’s
inauguration for sex trafficking and child sex crimes. I
did searches to verify each claim with multiple reports
of news agencies and/or law enforcement. Others have
documented at least some of these reports (and here,
here, here for three examples of news reports).
 Washington’s Blog’s owner’s documentation of
 UK Prime Minister Edward Heath’s pedophilia
confirmed as “120% genuine” by the investigating
police chief.
 US President George W. Bush gave a White House
press pass to a gay male prostitute for over 200 visits, Senator Schumer threatens Trump?
with pictures of W. kissing, hugging, and fondling the
prostitute’s head. This prostitute is linked to Bush Sr.
and child pedophile Franklin Affair. 3-minute InfoWars with Senator Harry Reid requesting “fake news”
video from Invisible Empire with President Bush, Jr. intelligence reports for Trump, and Senator Chuck
kissing, fondling and embracing gay male prostitute, Schumer promising that US intelligence agencies have “six
Jeff Gannon: ways to Sunday” to get back at Trump for
challenging a factless intelligence report claiming Russia
“hacked” the 2016 US presidential election
(and here, here). In one minute:

 An alleged DHS insider claims ~1/3 of US politicians

are controlled by blackmail of pedophilia.
 D.C. police arrested three people planning to end
Trump’s inauguration parties with chemical agents. The Ben Swann’s helpful 4-minute analysis (mirror after all his
planning took place at the infamous Comet Pizza. previous reports were removed):
 Hollywood actors have testified that pedophilia is the
number one problem in that industry (just one example;
search for more if interested).
 Ben Swann’s five minute report on the known facts for
“Pizzagate;” despite his award-winning history and
strictly-factual reporting, he was removed from his
position after this report:

From my December 16 report (full analysis here):

The White House, New York Times, Washington

Post, CBS, etc. all “reported” “fake news” of an unnamed
alleged CIA source with zero evidence from an alleged
paper that Russia’s government engaged in espionage to
Reality Calls reports on Pizzagate were all banned from overthrow American democracy in the 2016 election. The
YouTube. A 14-minute mirror: CIA has not refuted the story. The US government has
a long history of similar lies to support treaty-violating Iraq. Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple’s sharp three
Wars of Aggression for rogue state empire conquests, minutes:
while looting American taxpayers ($6.5 trillion recently
“lost” = ~$65,000 per average US household transferred to
CIA-supported oligarchs).

This latest example of US .01% corporate media and

political “leadership” claim about Russia is obviously
“fake news” because:

 There is no evidence offered to substantiate the factual

 The “reporting” omits a long history of other such “fake
news” by corporate media and “leadership,” also
without evidence, and later totally refuted by revealed
evidence. The history of “fake news” perpetuates an Documentation of recent US actions and rhetoric for more
illegal empire centered in war, looting, and lying. lie-started and illegal war on Iran:
 The “reporting” is self-contradicting (explained below).
 The “reporting” omits expert testimony refuting those  US Secretary of Defense calls Iran “single biggest state
claims as impossible. sponsor of terrorism” despite the US initiating over
 If the CIA had such evidence it is their stated ethos to 200 illegal military armed attacks around the world
“uphold the highest standards of lawful conduct. We since WW2, with war and poverty-murders totaling
are truthful and forthright…” This means that if the ~400 million in just the last 20 years. The US
lawful integrity of the US election was compromised, population is a little over 300 million.
they would report and apply lawful remedy, not stay  White House Press Secretary lying to the world’s
silent about claims coming from their agency accusing media that Iran attacked the US Navy to initiate war.
a nuclear power’s government of one of the worst The actual facts: US armed attacks on Yemen backing
crimes it could commit. If Russia made similar claims Saudi attacks followed by a Yemen-supporting group
against our government without evidence, we would attacking a Saudi naval vessel. US policy since
collectively chuckle at their tragic-comic ridiculous low- 2005 includes first-strike use of nuclear weapons on
brow propaganda. Iran upon claim they were “planning” to attack the US
 The “reporting” omits expert reports from Stanford and or Israel.
the American Statistical Association (oldest American  Trump’s National Security Advisor put “Iran on notice”
professional organization after the AMA) that Bernie (18-minute video) in ongoing war rhetoric despite Iran
Sanders won the Primary Election over Hillary Clinton, violating no law, and damning guilt that the US
and “lost” only because of DNC election fraud. Stanford overthrew Iran’s democracy from 1953 to 1979, and
professors’ statistical model placed the odds that then used Iraq to attack, invade, and attempt to
Sanders didn’t win at 1 in 77 billion. That means the conquer Iran from 1980 to 1988. The US is
odds that Clinton won would be the same as you responsible for the deaths of ~one million Iranians
winning a lottery among all humans on planet Earth, if from these unlawful Wars of Aggression. To
the population was over ten times greater than reality. appreciate the evil of US policy on Iran to control their
This is the larger context considering US elections. nation through dictatorship and vicious secret police,
 The “reporting” omits Hillary Clinton’s rogue State consider this analogy if the US were such a victim (my
Department violating obvious security laws with prima personal favorite), and this analogy to consider oil a
facie evidence of a $2 billion Clinton Foundation “pay to criminal gang business.
play” looting (only ~10% going to charity), and omits
foreign governments did influence the election:
Trump revealing corporate media as ‘fake news,’ or just
by contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to the
Clinton Foundation. They only “report” the leaked following orders to cause ‘chaos’?
authentic e-mails of Clinton’s criminal activity only hurt
Clinton rather than both candidates. Trump tweeted, “The FAKE NEWS media
(failing@nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN)
Flynn lied for US empire’s illegal war on Iran is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American
People!” Corporate media is easily documented as “fake
news;” from my 15-part series:
Flynn seemed to be serving the illegal rogue state
by putting Iran “on notice” regarding several historic and
current easily proved lies similar to previous lies initiating “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they
illegal Wars of Aggression on Afghanistan and fight you. And then you win.” ~ unsourced, and attributed
to Gandhi’s analysis of British empire response to having
their hypocrisy exposed: claiming to bring Christian anyone checking the facts soooo easily refuting these
love and progress while looting resources with forced local claims as known lies (8 of 15)
labor.  Corporate media fakes us into supporting Israel’s
Orwellian illegal War of Aggression on Gaza. Trump
“When we now know that all claims for war initiates War Criminal career funding/cheering
with Iraq were known lies as they were Palestinian genocide, war-mongering on Iran (9 of 15)
told (and verbally explained here),  Corporate media fakes us into ignoring a simple
and CNN provides similar innuendo for war definition: US is now a rogue state empire, blaming
by an unsourced alleged report with targeted victims, then slaughtering and looting
concerns of what might occur in the them (10 of 15)
future allegedly stated by an unnamed  Corporate media fakes us into ignoring US colonial
US source reporting on an unnamed looting, killing of Native Americans, Mexicans, to
foreign source, this is propaganda and not today’s O.I.L. (Operation Iraqi Liberation). ‘Make
news.” ~ My 2010 analysis of “fake America Great Again’ is a lie without full disclosure of
news” reporting from CBS, ABC, CNN to lie this history (11 of 15)
Americans into illegal war on Iran.  Corporate media fakes us into obfuscation about
Clinton Foundation $2 billion illegal looting (12 of 15)
The Washington Post added to President Obama’s  Corporate media fakes us into obfuscation about
rhetoric for Americans to be aware of “fake news”: easily Hillary/DNC election fraud that stole primary win by
refuted lies of omission and commission in media. This Bernie Sanders (13 of 15)
article series reveals the inversion of those claims: .01%  Corporate media fakes us into ignoring $6.5 trillion
“official” news by corporate media (six conglomerates) is looted by Pentagon = ~$60,000 per average US
easily documented as fake in our most important reporting. household (14 of 15)
 Corporate media fakes us into ignoring OBVIOUS
‘Fake news’? Time to choose article series (links added American response: arrest .01% ‘leaders’ for Wars of
as series progresses): Aggression, treason, Crimes Against Humanity, fraud
and looting worth tens of trillions (15 of 15)
 Corporate media fakes us into wars that aren’t even
close to lawful, are Orwellian illegal Wars of The totality of these article sections (among ~100 such
Aggression (1 of 15) game-changers) is a fundamental choice for Americans:
 Corporate media fakes us into Orwellian illegal Wars of
Aggression with lies known to be lies as they were told 1. Ongoing “fake news” to support US rogue state
(2 of 15) empire that after a jump the shark 2016
 Corporate media fakes us into ongoing bankster looting “election” (and here) approaches the tragic-comedy of
of increasing total debt impossible to repay, while imploding Roman empire, OR
ignoring solutions worth trillions (3 of 15) 2. Truth documented with objective, comprehensive, and
 Corporate media fakes us into their fake world never independently verifiable facts.
admitting to a history of their easily documented lies (4
of 15) The Washington Post‘s unsourced “list” places us,
 Corporate media fakes us into NOT ending poverty for Washington’s Blog, as their 7th example of “fake news.”
less than 1% of ‘developed’ nations’ income, poverty- Please take a few moments to read their sensationalistic
murdering ~1 million children every month, since 1997 description of our “Russian propaganda.” Please contrast
killing more human beings than all wars & violence in that “reporting” and this also from The Washington Post,
all human history (5 of 15) with the actual content of this article series.
 Corporate media fakes us into Kennedy assassination
fairy tales ‘covering’ US .01% coup. Real leadership FisherOfMen’s revealing 14-minute video, beginning
impossible today under similar threat; why Trump must with CIA Director Colby’s testimony to the US Senate for
act for full Truth or submit to be ‘Teleprompter Reader- the 1975 Church Committee admitting the CIA directs
in-Chief’ for rogue state empire (6 of 15) corporate media how to lie to the American public with
 Corporate media fakes us by ignoring King Family civil “fake news” (six similar videos here):
trial verdict that US government assassinated Martin
with OVERWHELMING evidence, pretends to ‘honor’
Martin every January. Real leadership impossible today
until .01% arrests ends ‘official’ fake news (7 of 15)
 Corporate media fakes us into 2 central lies for
more illegal war on Iran: ‘threat to Israel’ and
‘nuclear program’ EVEN AFTER 12 YEARS of

3-minute video of Dan Rather’s fake news from November **
25, 1963 to sell the lie that President Kennedy’s fatal head
shot caused “violent forward motion” opposite to the fact Note: I make all factual assertions as a
his head was violently hit to cause backward motion (hat National Board Certified Teacher of US
tip What Really Happened): Government, Economics, and History, with
all economics factual claims receiving zero
refutation since I began writing in 2008
among Advanced Placement
Macroeconomics teachers on our
discussion board, public audiences of
these articles, and international
conferences (and here). I invite readers to
empower their civic voices with the
strongest comprehensive facts most
important to building a brighter future. I
challenge professionals, academics, and
citizens to add their voices for the benefit of
all Earth’s inhabitants.

Conclusion **

We’ll never have the truth until .01% arrests. Truthstream Note: has blocked public
Media’s pointed 12 minutes: access to my articles on their site (and from
other whistleblowers), so some links in my
previous work are blocked. If you’d like to
search for those articles other sites may
have republished, use words from the
article title within the blocked link. Or, go
to, paste the expired
link into the box, click “Browse history,”
then click onto the screenshots of that page
for each time it was screen-shot and
uploaded to webarchive. I’ll update as
“hobby time” allows; including my earliest
work from 2009 to 2011 (blocked author
pages: here, here).

Nothing Wrong In Flynn's
Contacts With Russian Envoy - Priebus
© REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst - Politics
10:35 19.02.2017(Updated 14:27 19.02.2017)

administration officials about the extent of his talks

with Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey
Kislyak on the issue of anti-Russia sanctions prior to the

"As far as his job of speaking with world leaders, that’s

what Gen. Flynn was supposed to be doing… There was
nothing wrong with talking to the foreign, the Russian
ambassador, about the current sanctions that were being
put in place by the Obama administration," Priebus told
Face the Nation on Saturday.

Former US National Security Adviser He added that US President Donald Trump had not
Mike Flynn was within his rights to commented on whether Flynn was right to discuss
communicate with Russian officials, sanctions with Russia.
including on the matter of sanctions
against Moscow, White House Chief of
Staff Reince Priebus said. Flynn did not concede any wrongdoing in his resignation
letter, saying that he inadvertently briefed Vice President
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Monday night, Flynn resigned Mike Pence and others with incomplete information
as US national security adviser over misleading Trump regarding his phone calls with the Russian ambassador.

Obama Appointed FEC Commissioner Behind Internet
Censorship Forced To Resign
Ryan Saavedra
Feb 19th, 2017 3:48 Pm

phoning into 4 public meetings (one from a

train) and completely skipping two
executive sessions in January,” a source
close to the Commission said in an emailed
statement. “That did not stop her, however,
from requesting a special meeting to obtain
Commission approval to travel to Ecuador,
at foreign expense, a request she later
withdrew after the Free Beacon wrote
about the matter.”
FEC Commissioner Wanted To Shut Down The Drudge
Report Previously Ravel had pushed hard to regulate the Drudge
Report which is a political juggernaut ever since breaking
the Monica Lewinsky scandal back in the late 90’s.
On Sunday, Federal Election Commissioner Ann Ravel
tweeted out that she is resigning her position effective
March 1, 2017. In her resignation letter Ravel voiced her From the Washington Examiner:
concerns to President Trump about campaign finance
reform. [2014] In a surprise move late Friday, a key
Democrat on the Federal Election
I respectfully urge you to prioritize campaign finance Commission called for burdensome new
reform to remedy the significant problems identified rules on Internet-based campaigning,
during the last election cycle,” the letter says. “Disclosure prompting the Republican chairman to
laws need to be strengthened; the mistaken jurisprudence warn that Democrats want to regulate
of Citizens United reexamined; public financing of online political sites and even news media
candidates ought to be expanded to reduce reliance on the like the Drudge Report.
wealthy; and Commissioners who will carry out the
mandates of the law should be appointed to expired terms Democratic FEC Vice Chair Ann M. Ravel announced
at the FEC. Thank you very much. plans to begin the process to win regulations on Internet-
based campaigns and videos, currently free from most of
Ann Ravel was appointed by former President Barack the FEC’s rules.
Obama back in 2013 to the FEC to fill a vacant spot
according to the Washington Post. “A reexamination of the commission’s
approach to the internet and other
Ravel’s resignation came after she was regular no-show emerging technologies is long over due,”
for public meetings since early December according to the she said.
Free Beacon. It’s been an honor to serve the @FEC. I’m
committed to transparency—here’s my
From The Free Beacon: resignation letter to @RealDonaldTrump
“Ravel had become a frequent no-show at — Ann Ravel (@AnnMRavel) February 19,
Commission meetings since late last year, 2017

Senior Trump Appointee
Fired After Critical Comments
By VIVIAN SALAMA - Associated Press
Feb 19, 6:10 PM EST

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A senior Trump administration Trump signed an order in the first week of his presidency
official was fired following criticism in a private speech of to build a border wall with Mexico, jumpstarting a
President Donald Trump's policies and his inner circle of campaign promise. The move prompted Mexico's
advisers. President Enrique Pena Nieto to cancel his trip to
Washington in late January.
Craig Deare, whom Trump appointed a month ago to head
the National Security Council's Western Hemisphere The person who attended the Wilson Center discussion
division, was on Friday escorted out of the Executive also said that Deare openly expressed frustration over
Office Building, where he worked in Washington. being cut out of most of the policy discussions about
Mexico, saying that members of Trump's inner circle,
A senior White House official confirmed that Deare is no including chief strategist Steve Bannon and Trump's son-
longer working at the NSC and has returned to the position in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner, have not consulted with
he previously held at the National Defense University. The NSC directorates as the White House formulates policy.
official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an
incident not otherwise made public, and provided no Deare has been on the faculty of National Defense
further details. University in Washington since 2001. He joined the
university's College of International Security Affairs in
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said 2010 and most recently served as dean of administration.
Sunday that Deare "was sent back to his original position."
Asked if government employees should be concerned that The person who attended the Wilson Center talk also noted
they could be fired for criticizing the president, she said: "I that Deare made several remarks about how attractive
don't think any person that is there in order to carry out the Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump, appeared, remarks that
president's agenda should be against the president's person described as "awkward."
Deare did not immediately respond to a request for
Current and former administration officials say Deare's comment. Officials with the Wilson Center also declined a
termination was linked to remarks he made Thursday at a request for information, saying the discussion was off the
private talk at the Wilson Center, a Washington think tank. record.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because
they were not authorized to discuss the matter. Deare is the second senior NSC official to leave in under a
week. On Monday, Trump's national security adviser,
According to one person who attended the discussion, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, resigned after revelations that
Deare slammed the Trump administration for its policies he discussed sanctions with a Russian diplomat before
on Latin America, specifically its rocky start to relations Trump was sworn in, then misled Vice President Mike
with Mexico. That person spoke on condition of Pence about the nature of those conversations.
anonymity to discuss a private event.

President Trump:
Diplomacy and Democracy in America
By Dr. James Petras
February 19, 2017

improved trade relations by reducing the trade imbalances.

Trump and Abe adopted a moderate position on the North
Korean missile test in the Sea of Japan, rejecting a further
military build-up as the liberal-neo-con media demanded.

Win or lose, the Trump Administration has opened a

debate on the possibilities of peace with a nuclear
superpower, a re-examination of the huge trade deficit and
the necessity to stand-up for democracy against
President Donald Trump met Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at
authoritarian threats from the so-called ‘intelligence the White House, then took him to West Palm Beach, Fla. (Carolyn
community’ against an elected President. Kaster/Associated Press)

Introduction: By the end of the first month of President

Trump’s Administration we are in a better position to
evaluate the policies and direction of the new President.
An examination of foreign and domestic policy,
particularly from a historical and comparative perspective
will provide insights about whether America is heading for
a catastrophe as the mass media claim or toward greater
realism and rationality.

We will proceed by examining whether Trump pursues

diplomacy over warfare. We will evaluate the President’s
efforts to reduce US foreign debt and trade burdens with
Europe and Asia. We will follow with a discussion of his
immigration and protectionist policies with Mexico.
Finally we will touch on the prospects for democracy in
the United States. Donald Trump tells Theresa May: ‘Brexit is going to be a wonderful
thing for your country’ as two leaders hold hands at White House.
Foreign Policy US-UK meeting, in the post-Brexit
period, promised to increase trade.
President Trump’s meeting with the leaders of Japan, the
Trump moved to improve relations with
United Kingdom and Canada were largely successful. The
China, clearly backing the ’single China’
Abe-Trump meeting led to closer diplomatic ties and a
policy and proceeding to re-negotiate
promise that Japan would increase their investment in
and re-balance trade relations.
automobile manufacturing in the US. Trump may have
confrontations and domestic repression. These dangers,
including a domestic anti-Russian McCarthy-style purge of
foreign policy ‘realists’, are exclusively the responsibility
of the ultra-militarist Democratic Party-Neo-Conservative
alliance. None of this addresses the serious domestic
socioeconomic problems.

Rebalancing Foreign Spending and Trade

President Donald Trump has broken the ice with Chinese President
Xi Jinping.

The US backed the unanimous UN Security Council vote

to condemn North Korea’s missile launch. Trump did not
consider it a military threat or rising to the level of
additional sanctions.

Trump’s policy of reconciliation with Russia in order to

improve the war against Islamist terrorism has been Vice President Mike Pence to negotiate with NATO allies.
stymied. Led by the witch-hunting left liberal Senator
Elizabeth Warren, neo-conservative militarists and Trump’s public commitment about
Democrats pronounced Russia as the primary threat to US rebalancing US relations with NATO,
national security! namely reducing the US share of
funding, has already started.

Currently only five NATO members meet the required

contribution. Trump’s insistence on Germany, Italy, Spain,
Canada, France and 18 other members fulfilling their
commitments would add over $100 billion to NATO’s
budget – reducing US foreign imbalances.

Of course, it would be far better for all if NATO was

disbanded and the various nations re-allocate these many
hundreds of billions of dollars for social spending and
domestic economic development.
Talks Between Lavrov, Tillerson Hint at US-Russia ‘Thaw’
Trump has announced a major effort to reduce US trade
The rabid, ceaseless mass media blitz forced the imbalances in Asia. Contrary to the claims, often made by
resignation of Trump’s National Security Adviser, Ret. foreign trade ‘experts’ in the mass media, China is not the
General Michael Flynn, on the basis of an 18th century law only, or even the largest, among the ‘offenders’ in
(the Logan Act) that prohibited private citizens from exploiting unbalanced trade with the US.
discussing policy with foreign leaders. This law has never
been implemented. If it were enforced, hundreds of
China’s current account trade surplus is
thousands of American citizens, most especially the big-
5% of its GDP, while South Korea’s is
wigs among the 51 ‘Presidents of Major American Jewish
8%, Taiwan’s 15% and Singapore’s is
Organizations’, as well as the foreign affairs editors of all
19%. Trump’s target is to reduce the US
major and minor US media outlets and foreign policy
trade imbalances to $20 billion dollars
academics would be on the ‘chain-gangs’ with convicted
with each country or 3% of GDP.
drug dealers. Never embarrassed by absurdity or by
Trump’s quota of $100 billion dollars
trivializing tragedy, this recent ‘Tempest in the Teapot’ has
stands in marked contrast to the ‘Asian
whipped up passionate calls by the media and Democratic
Five’s’ (Japan, China, South Korea,
Party operatives for a new ‘Nine-Eleven Style
Taiwan and Singapore) current trade
Investigation’ into General Flynn talks with the Russians. imbalance of $700 billion dollars in
2015, according to the International
Trump’s setback on his National Security Adviser Flynn Monetary Fund.
has put the prospects for improved, less bellicose foreign
affairs in danger. It heightens the risk for a nuclear

In sum, Trump is moving to reduce external imbalances by Under NAFTA, 2 million Mexican farmers went into
85% in order to increase domestic production and create bankruptcy and billions of dollars have been spent
jobs for US-based industries. importing (subsidized) rice, corn and other staples from the
US. A ‘Mexico First’ policy could open the door for a
Trump and Latin America revival of Mexican agriculture for domestic consumption
and export; this would also decrease out-migration of
Mexican farm workers. Mexico could re-nationalize its oil
Trump’s Latin America policy is focused primarily on
Mexico and to a much lesser degree on the rest of the industry and invest in domestic refineries gaining billions
continent. of dollars and reducing imports of refined petroleum
products from the US. With an obligatory import-
substitution policy, local manufacturing could increase the
domestic market and employment. Jobs would increase in
the formal economy and reduce the number of unemployed
youth recruited by the drug cartels and other criminal
gangs. By nationalizing the banks and controlling capital
flows, Mexico could block the annual outflow of about
$50 billion dollars of illicit funds. National-popular
policies, via reciprocity, would strengthen the election of
new leaders who could begin to purge the corrupt police,
military and political leadership.

In sum, while the Trump policies may cause some short-

Trump formally abandoned the Trans-
term losses, it can lead to substantial medium and long-
Pacific Partnership [TPP], scrapping his
term advantages for the Mexican people and nation.
predecessor’s most significant trade
deal on his first full weekday in office.
The White House’s biggest move has been to scuttle
Obama’s Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership, which
favored multi-national corporations exploiting Chile, Peru
and Mexico’s work force, as well as attracting the neo-
liberal regimes in Argentina and Uruguay. Trump inherits
from President Obama numerous military bases in
Colombia, Guantanamo, Cuba and Argentina. The
Pentagon has continued Obama’s ‘cold war’ with
Venezuela – falsely accusing the Venezuelan Vice
President of drug trafficking.

Trump has promised to alter US trade and immigration

policy with Mexico. Despite the widespread opposition to
Trump’s immigration policy, he lags far behind Obama’s
massive expulsion of immigrants from Mexico and Central
America. America’s deportation champion was President
Anchors Clueless – Trump Win Exposes the abject failure of the
Barack Obama, who expelled 2.2 million immigrants and corporate media establishment in covering the 2016 election.
their family members in eight years, or approximately
275,000 a month. In his first month in office, President President Trump’s election has
Trump has deported just one percent of Obama’s monthly provoked a virulent authoritarian
average. campaign threatening our democratic
President Trump promises to re-
negotiate NAFTA, imposing a tax on Highly coordinated and endless propaganda by all the
imports and enticing US multinational major media and the two political parties have fabricated
corporations to return and invest in and distorted reports and encouraged elected
America. representatives to savage Trump’s foreign policy
appointees, forcing resignations and reversals of policy.
There are numerous hidden advantages The forced resignation of National Security Advisor
for Mexico if it responds to Trump’s Michael Flynn highlights the Democratic Party’s pro-war
policies with its own ‘reciprocal agenda against nuclear-armed Russia. Liberal Senators,
protectionist’ economic measures. who once made grand speeches against ‘Wall Street’ and
the ‘One Percent’, now demand Trump reject working with
Russian President Putin against the real threat of ISIS movements to organize and take advantage of the rift
while supporting the neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Liberal icons among the elite.
openly push for sending more US warships in Asia to
provoke China, while opposing Trump’s policy of The bogus charges of ‘treasonous’
favorably re-negotiating trade deals with Beijing. communication with the Russian
Ambassador against Trump’s National
There are many hidden dangers and Security Adviser Michael Flynn, while still a
advantages in this partisan political civilian, and the convoking of the Logan Act
warfare. against civilians discussing foreign policy
with foreign governments, opens up the
Trump has exposed the systemic lies
possibility of investigating legislators, like
and distortions of the mass media,
Charles Schumer and several hundred
confirming the distrust held by a
others, for discussing US strategic policy
majority of Americans for the corporate
positions with Israeli officials…
news media.

Win or lose, the Trump Administration has opened a

The low opinion of the media, especially held by
debate on the possibilities of peace with a nuclear
Americans in the economically devastated center of the
superpower, a re-examination of the huge trade deficit and
country (those described by Hillary Clinton as the
the necessity to stand-up for democracy against
‘deplorables’) is clearly matched by the media’s deep
authoritarian threats from the so-called ‘intelligence
disdain for this huge portion of the electorate. Indeed, the
community’ against an elected President.
constant media chatter about how the evil ‘Russians’ had
hacked the US presidential elections giving the victory to
Donald Trump, is more likely a ‘dog whistle’ to mask their Trump and the Class Struggle
unwillingness to openly denounce the ‘poor whites’-
including workers and rural Americans – who
overwhelmingly voted for Trump. This class and regional
element goes a long way to explain the constant hysteria
over Trump’s victory.

There is widespread fury among the

elites, intellectuals and bureaucrats
over the fact that Clinton’s big ‘basket
of deplorables’ rejected the system and
rejected its coiffured and manicured
media mouthpieces.

For the first time there is a political debate over freedom of

speech at the highest levels of government. The same
debate extends to the new President’s challenge from the
enormous, uncontrolled police state apparatus (FBI, NSA,
CIA, Homeland Security, etc..), which expanded massively
under Barack Obama.

Trump’s trade and alliance policies have awakened the US

Congress to debates over substantive issues rather than
internal procedural quibbles.
‘We can cut our regulations by 75 per cent’:
Even Trump’s rhetorical policies have Trump meets business leaders as he
aroused mass demonstrations, some of promises to take the ax to red tape as well
which are bona fide, while others are as cut taxes.
bankrolled by billionaire supporters of
the Democratic Party and its neo-liberal The Trump socio-economic agenda has already set in
expansionist agenda, like the ‘Grand motion powerful undercurrents of class conflict. The
Sugar Daddy of the Color Revolutions’ media and political class have focused on conflicts over
George Soros. immigration, gender issues, and relations with Russia,
NATO and Israel as well as intra-party politics. These
It is a serious question whether this may provide an conflicts obscure deeper class antagonisms, which grow
opening for genuine grass-roots democratic-socialist out of Trump’s radical economic proposals.
President Trump’s proposal to reduce the power of the supporters in a liberal-neo-conservative-militarist political
federal regulatory and investigatory agencies, simplify and elite coalition and their mass supporters.
lower taxes, curtail spending on NATO, re-negotiate or
scrap multilateral agreements and cut the budgets for
research, health and education all seriously threaten the
employment for millions of public sector workers and
officials across the country. Many of the hundreds of
thousands of protestors at the women’s rallies and marches
for immigration and education are public employees and
their family members who are under economic threat.
What appears on the surface to be protests over specific
cultural, identity or human rights issues are manifestations
of a deeper and more extensive struggle between public
sector employees and the agenda of a privatizing state,
which draws its class support from small business people
Neocon architects of failed regime change wars
attracted by lower taxes and less regulatory burdens, as
well as private ‘charter school’ officials and hospital
administrators. The evolving class struggle has deepened and threatens to
tear apart the constitutional order in two directions: The
conflict can lead to an institutional crisis and toward the
Trump’s protectionist measures, forceful ouster of an elected president and the installation
including export subsidies, pit the of a hybrid regime, which will preserve the most
domestic manufacturers against multi- reactionary programs of both sides of the class conflict.
billion dollar importers of cheap Importers, investors and workers in extractive industries,
consumer goods. supporters of privatized educations and healthcare,
warmongers and members of the politicized security
Trump’s proposals for deregulated oil, gas, timber, more apparatus may take total control of the state. On the other
agro-mineral exports and major infrastructure investments hand, if the class struggle can mobilize the public sector
are supported by bosses and workers in those sectors. This workers, workers in the commercial sector, the
has provoked a sharp conflict with environmentalists, unemployed, the anti-war democrats and progressive IT
community-based workers and producers, indigenous entrepreneurs and employers dependent on skilled
peoples and their supporters. immigrants, as well as scientists and environmentalists into
a massive movement willing to support a living wage and
Trump’s initial effort to mobilize domestic class forces unify around common class interests, deep systemic
opposed to continued budget-draining overseas warfare change becomes possible. In the medium term, the
and in support of market relations-based empire building unification of these class movements can lead to a
has been defeated by the combined efforts of the military- progressive hybrid regime.
industrial complex, the intelligence apparatus and their

Trump Back On The Stump
By Stephen Lendman

On Saturday, he addressed supporters in Melbourne, FL, Pruitt has deep ties to America’s energy industry,
his wife Melania introducing him. including billionaires Charles and David Koch.

He’s most comfortable in this element, saying he wanted He won’t be “environmentally friendly,” as
to speak Trump claimed - nor a “great secretary.”
He’ll make “a big difference (moving away
“without the filter of fake news - the from) clogging up the veins of our country
dishonest media…publishing one false with environmental impact statements and
story after another with no sources…” all of the rules and regulations,” Trump
He came to tout his agenda without explaining his
disturbing start, his first 30 days in office far from What’s vitally needed, Trump opposes. Letting companies
encouraging. “navigate” freely assures greater environmental destruction
than already - polluting land, air, and water, Americans
He justifiably went on a rampage against media getting unsafe foods to eat.
“…I’ve taken decisive action to keep radical
They’re “a big part of the problem,” he said. Islamic terrorists the hell out of our
“They are part of the corrupt system…They country,” he roared. Not a word about
have their own agenda…(W)e will continue ending US support for these elements.
to expose them for what they are…” Nothing about halting America’s imperial
wars or wasting trillions of dollars waging
He’s right about inheriting an enormous mess. He hasn’t them.
improved things so far, despite claiming otherwise. He’s
filling the swamp, not draining it. The best way to keep the nation safe is by no longer
harming people worldwide, waging peace, not war, aiding
He made lots of lofty promises earlier and yesterday with the poor and disadvantaged at home, treating everyone
little to show for them so far - deserving more justifiable everywhere equitably, serving all Americans, not just its
criticism than praise. privileged few.

He bragged about authorizing environmentally destructive So far, Trump is long on lofty promises, short on fulfilling
Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines, exaggerating the what matters most to ordinary people.
number of jobs they’ll create, failing to explain they’re
short-term, most no longer needed once construction is Will things improve in the weeks and months ahead? Can
completed. The damage they’ll cause is forever. he survive attacks intending to weaken and likely remove
him from office?
His touted war on regulations is great for big business, bad
for consumer rights and ecosanity. His EPA chief Scott Whatever his good intentions, if any, he’s no match against
dark forces wanting things run their way.

Trump Dreams vs. Trump Reality –
Hopes Still Permitted!
The Saker
February 19, 2017

dissolving the CIA or, at the very least, subordinating it,

and the JCS, to the President.
2. Making peace with Russia and negotiate a “grand
bargain” which would clearly spell out how the USA
and Russia would act towards each other and jointly
against common threats. At the very least, this would
imply an agreement on the Ukraine and Syria.
3. Work with Russia to create a new European security
system which would keep NATO as a political
organization, but which would “dilute it” into a new
security framework ranging from Portugal to the Ural
mountains and which would include a 21st century
version of the Conventional Forces Europe treaty.
4. Stop pouring billions of dollars into the Empire and
redirect the immense resources currently wasted on
war, aggression and subversion back into the United
States and their decaying infrastructure, medical care,
education, small business, etc. Until now, the main
For a lot of Trump supporters the past week has been a
profitable sectors of the US economy were either the
painful one. Whether we chose to react with abject panic
military-industrial complex or finance. The hope was
or pretended like nothing happened, something did happen
that Trump would kick-start the “real” economy: the
and it was something big: the Three Letter Agencies
production of goods and services.
pulled-off a de facto coup against Donald Trump by
5. End what I would call the “dictatorship of the minorities”
forcing him to fire his most important foreign policy
and replace it with a restoration of the sovereignty of
advisor and the man who had dared to declare that he
the majority of the American people over their country.
wanted to reform the bloated and largely ineffective US
The “Rachel Maddows” who used to be the “ideological
intelligence community.
masters” of the AngloZionist regime would be gently
ushered towards the doors and replaced by people
There is no way of putting a brave face on what happened. most Americans could identify with.
Not only because it showed that Trump is not loyal to 6. Law and order would be restored to the USA and the
those who are loyal to him, but because this episode pretty uncontrolled flow of immigrants would finally be
much killed what I would call the “Trump dream”. I chose regulated at least to some degree.
my words carefully here. I speak of “Trump dream” as 7. Last, but most definitely not least, Trump would not act
opposed to the Trump reality. Let me explain. on this stupid, counter-productive and self-defeating
Iran-bashing and China-bashing rhetoric. Remember –
The “Trump dream” what I am listing here is not a realistic evaluation of
what Trump might do once in power, but what I
When Trump won the elections the spectrum of hopes deliberately called the “Trump dream” with emphasis
about his actions was very wide. It ranged from “Trump on the second word. Sure, there might be those who
will forever reshape the international system, end the wanted Trump to deliver on his threats and possibly
Empire and bring peace and prosperity to the USA” to “he even start a war with Iran or China, but I have not met
will never be as bad as Hillary no matter what he does”. them. (Then again, these are not people I like to be
On that spectrum, here is what I would list as the key around). Again, this is my, subjective and personal
elements of the “Trump dream”: outline of what I think many (most?) Trump supporters
were dreaming about, nothing more.
1. Draining the swamp: kicking the Neocons down to the
basement they crawled out of 24 years ago, reforming Following the past week, I would say that, for the most
the US intelligence community, possibly even part, this dream is now over, especially points 1,2,3 and 5,

points 6 and 7 are on life support and only 4 is having of Russia or an immediate recognition of
chills and a runny nose but might still live. Crimea (as part of Russia). Our joy at the
election of Trump was linked to a single
They key, of course, is point 1: draining the swamp. In factor: with Clinton we would had no
other words, wrestling the power away from the Neocons chances, none at all, to agree on anything.
and the US ‘deep state’ and putting it back where it If Clinton was now sitting in the White
belongs: in the hands of a President with a mandate of a House we would not be discussing the
majority of the American people. That is, alas, the biggest issue of the recognition of Crimea or the
loss we all suffered last week: the man who was supposed future of US sanctions. We would be trying
to drain the swamp got a humiliating smack-down by a to guess when the nuclear war would start,
deep state drunk on its own infinite chutzpah. The biggest we would be studying our bomb shelter
deal is not that Flynn was sacked, although that is a big maps, how to use a Geiger counter, and
deal, but the fact that the deep state forced Trump into how to count the correct dosage for iodine
publicly betraying Flynn and sacking him instead of those tablets.
who were involved in this palace coup (including Pence
himself). He is absolutely right, of course. This is also exactly what I
wrote on November 9th following the election:
What the deep state demonstrated this
week is that everybody in the Executive So it has happened: Hillary did not win! I say that instead
Branch serves not at the pleasure of the of saying that “Trump won” because I consider the former
President, but at the pleasure of the even more important than the latter. Why? Because I have
deep state, including probably Donald no idea whatsoever what Trump will do next. I do,
Trump himself. however, have an excellent idea of what Hillary would
have done: war with Russia. Trump most likely won’t do
By terminating Trump’s #2 the Neocons have now shown that.
the world that everybody else (#3, #4, etc.) and possibly #1
are all here only to the extend that they, the Neocons, let I never was a “Trump dreamer”. I was merely a Trump
them. I am personally convinced that unless Donald Trump hoper meaning that I had hopes that Trump would not
finds in himself the courage to mount a major counter- only be better than Hillary, but that he might deliver on, at
attack, the Neocons will find a way of kicking him out of least, some of his “dream” message.
the White House before his term ends. That is typically
their style: sending “messages” and “making an example”. But if the choice is the Neocons humiliating Trump or
thermonuclear war – then I pick the former, with gratitude.
If Trump “behaves” they might, possibly, let him do a little
of points #6 (law and order) and #4 (redirecting some Furthermore, however unpleasant this thought might be to
money to the US homeland). As for point #7 (Iran and many Americans, it is an undeniable fact that the United
China bashing), that is the only part of his program which States is currently the host upon which the AngloZionist
they will enthusiastically support (thereby also ending the parasite feeds and which this parasite uses to try to
dream of him not acting on that crazy nonsense). subjugate the entire planet.

So yeah, this is bad, and barring a miracle, the dream is What is happening now is that the Neocons and the deep
really over. state have succeeded in re-taking control of their host, but
only at the cost of a major weakening of that host. And that
However, let’s put that right back in perspective. is objectively good for our planet. Just as the coup in
Turkey ended up gutting the military and security services
The Trump reality and dramatically curtailing their ability to influence the
events in Syria (this is, in part, why Erdogan is now
playing ball with the Russians and the Iranians), the
If the dream is over, that is hardly a reason to become
ongoing color revolution against Trump is gutting the
despondent or to claim that supporting Trump was a
power of the American host and, thus, of the AngloZionist
mistake. Please always keep in mind what the alternative
parasite. For one thing, the entire political establishment is
was: Hillary Clinton.
so deeply involved in the struggle for power inside the
USA, that very little bureaucratic energy is left to deal with
One of my favorite Russian commentators, Ruslan anything else. Furthermore, in political terms, the
Ostashko, brilliantly put it when he said: “indispensable nation” and “city upon the hill” are now the
laughingstock of the planet. The next time around some
Not a single rational person was expecting State Department propagandist starts regurgitating the
Trump to display true friendship or love for usual chunk of propaganda prolefeed about democracy,

human right and fair elections he will be greeted with a opportunities it presents us with. And there are a lot of
hysterical laughter and screams of “physician, heal great opportunities, along with very real risks, to be
thyself!!”. And, frankly, God only knows where this discovered. Just the fact that the leaders of the Empire
process might lead us next. I, for one, would absolutely not have turned against each other is a God sent blessing!
exclude the possibility of civil war in the USA. And before Let’s use that to the max.
that statement gets greeted with jeers and the usual set of
ad hominems, let me remind you that I predicted the civil Coincidence or not, but the Duran is reporting that the
war in the Ukraine when almost everybody else was in Chairman of the JCS, General Joe Dunford, and General
total denial (see: The gates of Hell are opening for the Valery Gerasimov, the Chief of the Russian military’s
Ukraine, written on Nov 20th, 2013). At this point in time, I General Staff have met in Baku. This is the first such
am not predicting a civil war in the USA, but I am saying meeting since January 2014 and it took place in a “cordial
that it has become a real possibility. atmosphere”. In fact, Dunford reassured Gerasimov that
there are in fact no plans to deploy US ground troops to
Civil war or not, all the Neocons and the deep state are Syria (there are, of course, already several thousand US
doing is accelerating the inevitable collapse of the USA as troops on the ground in Syria, both sides know that, but
a world hegemon. True, Trump could not have prevented both sides also know what Dunford is referring to: regular
it, but he could have negotiated it, using the still immense armed forces).
power of the USA to get the best possible deal from the
other big actors. If a person falls off a skyscraper, there is Can you imagine such a meeting under Hillary?
no way of preventing him of hitting the ground – but
whether he has a parachute or not will make a huge
What happened is really simple. With the election of
difference to him on how he will land. That is what Trump
Trump, the Neocons suffered a crushing defeat and it took
could have done – making a “descent on the breaks” as the
them less than a month to regroup and castrate Trump.
Russians expression goes. The skills to make that happen
This is bad and the “Trump dream” is over. But we – the
are straightforward: realism, willingness to negotiate, resistance to Empire, as still in very good shape. After all,
ability to understand the other guy, the courage to give up
Trump was never *our* candidate, he was the candidate of
that which is not sustainable, etc. That is the exact skillset
the part of the deep state which we, opponents of the US
that the Neocons totally lack. What they can do is double-
deep state in toto, supported as a lesser evil: and we were
down, then double-down again, and then double-down
right – he was and he still is the lesser evil. Furthermore,
some more. And that kind of maniacal attitude always the party which really lost the most is the Trump-
leads to catastrophe. supporting part of the deep state, and they now enough
power left (10, 30 or 45 percent – that does not really
Whatever may be the case, the big story for the foreseeable matter) to regroup and fight back. And if/when they do
future will be the infighting inside the US deep state. Why fight back, we still have to give them our support simply
infighting? Because Trump is also part of the deep state, he because that is the moral and pragmatic thing to do. Right
did just suddenly pop out of nowhere ex nihilo, he had, and now, Trump looks like Yanukovich, true. But I think that
still has, powerful backers. That’s the, comparatively he is also a far smarter and much more honorable person
speaking, the good news. The bad news is that the faction than Yanukovich. Call me naïve, but my gut feeling is that
of the deep state which is backing Trump appears to be the Trump cares for the USA and that he wants to do the right
weaker one. And Trump himself is not exactly a knight in thing. I might be wrong, of course. But at least so far I do
shining armor, to put it mildly. Still, if we imagine that by not see the clear signs of the total rot and corruption which
some aggregate measure of power the anti-Trump forces Yanukovich has all over his face. Furthermore, Trump
inside the deep state are, oh, 70% and the Trump appears to be learning. That is very important. In his latest
supporters are therefore 30%, the infighting between the press conference Trump finally finally showed some real
70% and the 30% will leave very little energy to either guts and counter-attacked the media, very effectively I
party to deal with Russia, China or Iran. would say. And remember how fast Trump learned from
his first defeat in the debate against Hillary? Trump might
It is a sweet irony that the big proponents of divide et be a fast learner and if that is really the case, then he might
impera did just that to themselves, is it not? learn some most useful lessons from the entire Flynn
Hopes still permitted
It is way too early to become despondent. Yes, the “Trump
dream” is probably over, it was beautiful as long as it So hopes are still permitted. Not expectations – those are
lasted, but now the “Trump reality” is taking center stage always bad. But reasonable, reality-compatible hopes. Like
and we all need to learn how to operate in this new all humans, politicians change. If the Neocons don’t
context. We need to carefully and systematically study this succeed in impeaching him, Trump might still end up
new reality and carefully parse it for all the risk and kicking some ass, so to speak. And if they do impeach

him, they will further weaken the Empire. So, all in all, I on good shape.
would say that while we had a very bad week we are still

Democrats Go There: Invoke
25th Amendment Unless Trump “Gets A Grip”
Tyler Durden
February 19th, 2017

After questioning President Trump's sanity earlier in the And Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) plans to
week, it appears Democrats have found another narrative introduce legislation that would require
to cling to the presence of a psychiatrist or
psychologist in the White House.
- invoke the 25th Amendment unless
Trump "gets a grip." Justifying their questions by pointing to Trump’s habit of
making demonstrably false claims.

“It’s not normal behavior. I don’t know

anybody in a position of responsibility that
doesn’t know if they’re being rained on.
And nobody I work with serially offers up
verifiably false statements on an ongoing
And now that narrative has grown louder as
CNN's State of The Union just discussed
invoking the 25th Amendment unless
President Trump "gets a grip"
With a growing number of Democrats openly questioning
President Trump’s mental health.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) in a floor

speech this week called for a review of
the Constitution's procedures for
removing a president. He warned the
25th Amendment of the Constitution falls
short when it comes to mental or
emotional fitness for office.
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) during a
weekend interview with CNN’s “State of the
Union” said that “a few” Republican
colleagues have expressed concern to
him about Trump's mental health. In fact, The Atlantic’s David Frum joked after the election,

“Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the

Constitution. Article 4. We’re all going to be
talking a lot more about it in the months

So, what’s Article 4 to the 25th Amendment? In the

abstract, the amendment itself is about presidential
succession, and includes language about the power of the
office when a president is incapacitated. But Digby
recently highlighted the specific text of growing relevance:

“Whenever the Vice President and a

majority of either the principal officers
of the executive departments or of such
other body as Congress may by law And what if the challenged president wasn’t on board with
provide, transmit to the President pro the plan to remove him/her from the office? According to a
tempore of the Senate and the Speaker recent explainer, “If the president wants to dispute this
of the House of Representatives their move, he can, but then it would be up to Congress to
written declaration that the President is settle the matter with a vote. A two-thirds majority in
unable to discharge the powers and both houses would be necessary to keep the vice president
duties of his office, the Vice President in charge. If that threshold isn’t reached, the president
shall immediately assume the powers would regain his powers.” All of this comes up in fiction
and duties of the office as Acting from time to time, and in all likelihood, Americans will
President.” probably never see this political crisis play out in real life.
And that’s probably a good thing: by all appearances, the
What does that mean exactly? intended purpose of the constitutional provision was to
address a president with a serious ailment – say, a stroke,
Well, it means Congress isn’t the only for example – in which he or she is alive, but unable to
institution that can remove a president fulfill the duties of the office.
from office between elections.
In other words, for the first time, the concept of a "soft
Under the 25th Amendment, a sitting vice president and a palace coup" has been officially brought up on public
majority of the executive branch’s cabinet could, on their media; we expect such speculation will only get louder.
own, agree to transfer power out of the hands of a sitting
president. At that point, those officials would notify The ball is now in Trump's court.
Congress, and the vice president would assume the office
as the acting president.

What Trump Has Done His First 30 Days
Vs. What Hillary Probably Would Have Done
President Trump Certainly Has His Hands Full With An
Antagonistic Media To Overcome
By Jack Hellner - American Thinker
February 19, 2017

 Nominated people for Cabinet position who have a

history of achievement in business and the private
 Met with diverse corporate leaders, union officials,
black community leaders, and others. It appears he
will meet with all who are willing to come. He obviously
doesn’t care if they ever supported him for president.
 Nominated a judge for the Supreme Court who looks
as though he will abide by the Constitution to enforce
laws, not make laws.
 Negotiated with Boeing and Lockheed to lower costs
on large contracts.
 Brought coal company workers to the White House to
announce he would save thousands of their jobs.
 Scrapped the massively complicated Trans-Pacific
President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on ‘fake Partnership trade deal.
media’ Friday morning, blasting reporters.  Approved the building of two environmentally cleared
energy pipelines.
We know what Trump has done in his  Had a freewheeling news conference.
first month. We can only guess what
Hillary would have done. Here is a short (The media, of course, say the Trump
list: administration is chaotic. Can anyone
imagine how productive Trump would
Trump has: be if Democrats, the media, and judges
weren’t so obstructive?)
 Started enforcing immigration laws that Congress
passed, including building the wall. Started telling the
sanctuary cities to abide by the laws of the land.
 Tried to seriously vet refugees from seven countries
that the Obama administration said were the biggest
sources of terrorists.
 Began reversing some of Obama’s executive orders.
 Frozen federal employees’ salaries.
 Moved to roll back regulations on the private sector.
 Issued an order to end the fine for people who cannot
buy expensive health care insurance policies dictated
by Obamacare. Began work to restore freedom of
choice on health care.
 Put sanctions on Iran after they clearly violated a U.N.
 Began work on lowering taxes for corporations and By contrast, Hillary most likely would have:

 Hired scandal-plagued loyalists such as Huma Abedin  Had a news conference with pre-screened, scripted
and Cheryl Mills as a first priority and set up a private media questions and answers, just as she did
server. during the presidential debates.
 Continued to ignore existing immigration laws and
allow sanctuary cities to do what they want. Although Hillary’s main goal would remain the same as it has
she voted for the wall, she and other Democrats hardly throughout her adult life: to enrich herself and her family
meant it. through her use of political power.
 Allowed refugees to pour in and then pretended to
seriously review applications.
Thankfully, we now have a president who wants to give
 Expanded issuance of new regulations. power, freedom, and money back to the people instead of
 Certainly wouldn’t have frozen federal salaries that are
continue to expand the power of the massive government.
already much higher than the private sector, including
President Trump certainly has his hands full with an
antagonistic media to overcome – a group who obviously
 Let Obamacare continue to collapse under its own
want the government to get bigger and have been willing
weight and, as it did, declared that the only solution is
to look the other way no matter what Obama and Hillary
government-run health care. Hillary, the Democrats,
said or did.
and the media continue to want to take freedom of
choice away from Americans on health care.
 Looked the other way, as Obama did, when Iran Yet Trump has done a lot in his first 30 days despite
violated U.N. sanctions. Approved the sale of more the obstruction of the Democrats, the courts, and the
U.S. uranium to Iran from Russia. Paid more ransom media. His approval rating by Rasmussen is now at 55%,
to Iran. and 45% now think the country is heading in the right
 Begun work on raising taxes for individuals and direction (up around 15% from before the election). Of
corporations. course, those numbers are never reported, because facts
 Nominated people with no private-sector experience, just don’t matter when the media have a president and an
just as Obama did. agenda to destroy.
 Met with union leaders, hedge fund financier George
Soros, and other people who will pay her husband, Bill, Trump should also get credit for the drought ending in
$250,000 or more for short speeches. California, despite having nothing to do with it. After all,
 Nominated a person for the Supreme Court who would the media and Obama himself gave Obama credit for
rule in favor of whatever Democrats like. ending the recession in 2009, just 130 days after he took
 Continued to pay Boeing and Lockheed inflated prices. office, so it would seem only fair.
 Continued the goal of bankrupting coal companies.
 May have backed out of TPP but had previously said it I have an easy question for scientists, the media,
was the gold standard for trade agreements, even Democrats, professors, and Hollywood: since you blame
though she, like most other people, had no idea what humans and fossil fuels for the drought in California, what
was in it. caused it to end? I heard on CBS radio news this morning
 Continued to block pipelines for no apparent reason that drought conditions have lessened, and they gave the
other than to appease special interest groups. reason that there was more precipitation. What deep
thinkers they are!

Did Trump’s New Anti-Drug Policy
Prompt The CIA To Move Against Him?
By Mark H. Gaffney For The International Reporter:
February 19, 2017

“Trump’s executive orders would intelligence community, which are trying to elevate
launch a new war on drugs! Evidently, tensions between Russia and the US.” Kucinich continued:
president Trump idealistically (or “At the bottom of that is money, an agenda for someone to
naively) has decided to accomplish cash in on conflict between the US and Russia.”
what no president before him was able
(or willing) to do, namely, eradicate the Kucinich was spot on. The military industrial complex and
double scourge of drug and human their media pawns clearly do not want improved relations
trafficking which have destroyed so with Russia and are using their considerable power to
many young lives. Certainly it is a goal prevent it, for the reason cited. Untold billions in military
worthy of our support. However, there is contracts are at stake. War and the preparations for war are
a hitch, namely, the collision of such a extremely profitable; at any rate, for a privileged few.
policy with the status quo. This needs
clarification: If Trump’s new anti drug
trafficking policy is carried out it will
place drug enforcement agencies in
direct opposition to CIA officers who for
many years have “managed” the flow of
cocaine and heroin into the United
States. In fact, “dismantling the
transnational criminal organizations”
responsible for the drug trade will
ultimately require nothing less than the
dismantling of the CIA itself.”
In recent days, we have witnessed the Nikki Haley At The UN. Falsely accused Russia of invading Crimea.
disturbing spectacle of open warfare Crimea had a legal referendum in 2014 where 90% of the population
voted to return to Russia.
between the newly elected president
and the intelligence community. During the last few days, Trump and his
inner circle made statements about
Crimea indicating the immense pressure
had the intended effect.

Trump appears to have backed away from improved

relations with Russia, at least for the present. Other writers
have commented at length about this, so I won’t discuss it
further here, except to point out that the pressure shows no
sign of relenting, and may even be increasing. A former
NSA official, John Schindler, told Raw Story that “Now
we [the intelligence community] will go nuclear. He
[Trump] will die in jail…”

It’s as if, having smelled blood in the water the intelligence

Former congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) described community is circling for the kill. But given that Trump
the situation as “unprecedented. Whether you are for has been made to recant on Russia, the question is why?
Trump or against Trump,” Kucinich told FOX News, “the What is going on? The answer is that the sharp dispute
White House is under attack from elements inside the over US policy vis a vis Russia is not the only point of
contention. Other issues are also at play. A tell-tale clue in to CIA officers who for many years have “managed” the
this regard was the timing of the felonious leak that led to flow of cocaine and heroin into the United States. In fact,
the resignation of General Mike Flynn for misleading Vice “dismantling the transnational criminal organizations”
President Pence about his conversations with Russian responsible for the drug trade will ultimately require
ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The leak reportedly occurred nothing less than the dismantling of the CIA itself. The
on the evening of Thursday February 9th, a few hours after wording of Trump’s executive orders leaves no doubt
Trump signed three new executive orders, which FOX about his intent. The president is not proposing half
News first reported at 4 p.m. Although the source of the measures.
leak has not been disclosed, I suspect the CIA for reasons
that I will now explain. Officials at the CIA no doubt grasped the significance of
this at a glance, and concluded correctly that the president
In my opinion, the timing was no coincidence. As we himself, every bit as much as his new executive orders,
ought to know from long experience, there are few must henceforth be viewed as a threat to the Agency’s
coincidences in the world of intelligence. Therefore, it power and covert prerogatives. The scary part, from the
behooves us to examine Trump’s latest executive orders CIA standpoint, is that Trump really means it. This is in
which so far have attracted scant attention. sharp contrast with Ronald Reagan, whose 1980s-era war
on drugs was nothing but a charade. One can well imagine
A new anti-drug policy the brief but intense moment of panic at Langley when
CIA officials first learned about the orders. Their signing
by Trump created an immediate compelling reason for the
CIA to move against the president, and to do so without
delay. This, very likely, explains the classified leak on
February 9th about Gen. Flynn.

The orders that Trump signed on

February 9th, just before the leak
occurred, are about reducing crime in

The first would create a presidential task force to develop

strategies toward this end. (1)A second more detailed order
US Military Contractors Guarding Opium Fields In Afghanistan

“strengthen enforcement of Federal I do not mean to suggest that CIA

law….to thwart transnational criminal officers themselves smuggle drugs into
organizations and subsidiary organizations, the US.
including criminal gangs, cartels,
racketeering organizations and other The actual smuggling is almost always done by
groups engaged in….the illegal smuggling professional traffickers who are treated as national security
and trafficking of humans, drugs, or other assets because they also provide various kinds of support
substances…” [my italics] (2) for covert CIA operations. In return, the “blessed”
traffickers are allowed to ply their illicit trade without
I was amazed when I first read this. Trump’s executive interference from US Customs, the FBI, the Drug
orders would launch a new war on drugs! Evidently, Enforcement Agency (DEA), even local police. The CIA
president Trump idealistically (or naively) has decided to oversees the trade which is largely about market share, and
accomplish what no president before him was able (or also receives a cut of the action, which it uses to fund
willing) to do, namely, eradicate the double scourge of black-budget operations. Competitors who refuse to
drug and human trafficking which have destroyed so many cooperate are fair game, and are periodically rounded up
young lives. Certainly it is a goal worthy of our support. and prosecuted to show that the government is seriously
However, there is a hitch, namely, the collision of such a waging the war on drugs. Of course, despite the occasional
policy with the status quo. This needs clarification: If high profile arrests and convictions, somehow the drugs
Trump’s new anti-drug trafficking policy is carried out it are always readily available on the street. The supply
will place drug enforcement agencies in direct opposition
seldom fails, an inconvenient truth never mentioned by the the 9/11 attacks, the US military is still deployed in
media nor acknowledged by government officials. Afghanistan. Our troops are there because that is where the
poppies are grown, the feedstock for the global heroin
Abroad, the CIA’s control system is more complex, as in trade. This is the reason for the longest war in US history.
the case of Mexico where the CIA often plays one cartel The plain truth is that our troops are not defending
off against another to destabilize the country and prevent freedom and democracy, but the bottom line of the too-
the emergence of a strong central government. Keeping big-to-fail banks.
Mexico perennially weak (and violent) evidently serves the
foreign policy objectives of empire.(3) And all of this would be seriously disrupted if Trump’s
new anti-drug trafficking policy is implemented. Needless
Despite the American public’s sorry state of denial, to say, Wall Street and the US intelligence community
complacency and/or apathy on the drug trade issue, the (which are one and the same) will do everything in their
evidence for the US government’s criminal involvement is power to prevent this from happening; and the CIA, which
voluminous and incontrovertible. (4)The sordid history is a is the operational arm of the banksters who rule the United
long one, and dates back decades before the CIA was States, will undoubtedly serve as the enforcer.
created to the 1920s, when the US supported Chinese
nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek, who maintained his Donald Trump’s strong position against drug and human
army with profits from the opium trade. I refer the reader trafficking has placed him in the cross-hairs. Is he aware of
to the notes. the powerful forces arrayed against him? It is by no means
clear that he fully understands the CIA’s role in the drug
Trump’s new policy of eradicating human and sex trade, or why his executive orders have stirred up such a
trafficking would likewise require US law enforcement to hornet’s nest. For Trump’s sake, I hope he understands;
investigate shady contractors like Dyncorp, which, because, henceforth, his only chance to survive is to go on
although a private company, is for all practical purposes a the offensive, and to actually become the unlikely
CIA subsidiary. Dyncorp’s longstanding involvement in American hero that he obviously aspires to be. How? By
human trafficking dates back at least to the 1990s war in effecting a top-down revolution in the interests of the
Bosnia. (5) Obviously, a real investigation would be American people. But time is short and the critical path to
extremely embarrassing. Over the years, Dyncorp has success is extremely narrow, with little margin for error.
received billions in Defense Department contracts, which Can Trump outmaneuver the CIA even as it plots his
is serious money but small potatoes compared with the downfall? Can he rise above himself?
hundreds of billions in laundered drug money that annually
lubricates the bottom line of the too-big-to-fail US banks. A second American revolution
No one knows the actual figure, but reputable sources
estimate the total at between $300-500 billion. (6)

At war with the CIA

It would be hard to overestimate the

Here are a few of the steps (in no
present-day importance of this
particular order) that Trump should
laundered drug money to the big banks,
immediately take to regain the initiative,
most of which are seriously over-
set his enemies back on their heels, and
buy the time that is desperately needed
to jump-start the second American
According to the UN Office of Drugs and Crime, the revolution:
liquidity provided by an estimated $352 billion in
laundered drug profits in 2008 saved a number of large
Empower the FBI. Trump should instruct Attorney
banks from collapse as result of the 2007 financial
General Sessions to clear out the dead wood at the
meltdown. (7) Incidentally, this is also why, 16 years after
Department of Justice. At the FBI, Director James Comey
and his deputy Andrew McCabe have a history of The above short list is only a start, and
obstructing and/or slow-footing investigations. They too is by no means complete. There are
must go. Their replacements should be drawn from within undoubtedly other steps that Trump
the agency, ambitious young men with hunger in their eyes should also take.
and fire in the belly. Unleash the idealistic young

Release the 650,000 emails. I am referring to the mother

lode found on former congressman Anthony Weiner’s
server. We are very lucky this electronic paper trail exists!
Last November, NYPD chief detective Robert K. Boyce,
who has seen the emails, told the press they contain
evidence linking Hillary Clinton and her associates to
money laundering, child exploitation, sex crimes with
minors, perjury, pay to play, obstruction of justice and
other crimes.(8) Apparently, the key piece of evidence is a
list of secret donors to the Clinton Foundation. Everything
we have learned to date indicates the foundation was a
private investors’ club for the purpose of overthrowing and Finally, I need to say that as a long-time radical Leftie I am
looting third world nations. All Trump needs to do is to let very displeased that so many liberals and progressives
the sun shine in, then step aside and allow the system to have allied with the globalists and the Deep State to
serve up the impartial wrath of justice. And woe to the destroy what remains of our precious democracy.
Liberals and progressives need to wake up. Trump’s
Audit the Fed. Trump supporters should move quickly to enemies are also our enemies. If the CIA succeeds in
guide legislation through Congress requiring an audit of bringing him down, Trump’s replacement will be much
the Federal Reserve. Given a Republican majority in both worse. I have always opposed US presidents when they
houses, the bill should pass easily. If the Fed refuses to were wrong and supported them when they were right. The
admit auditors (and it will), Trump should send in US same principle should hold with Trump. Oppose him when
marshals and nationalize the bank. A subsequent honest he’s wrong, but support him when he’s right. We can and
audit will expose the Fed’s many crimes against the must do both, at the same time.
American people. A reorganized and possibly renamed
Fed should be made to serve Main Street, not Wall Street. Many people have underestimated Donald Trump. Be
assured, no one at CIA headquarters is underestimating
Get control at the CIA and NSA. This is critical. Trump’s him any longer. Although Trump has some glaring flaws,
newly appointed directors must take a firm hand in he also has the potential to achieve great things, in part,
identifying and prosecuting leakers in both agencies while because he thinks big and is capable of bold action. If
supporting whistleblowers who have exposed illegal Trump acts decisively in the coming days to restore our
activities. Trump should also give the order to fire all country, we should rally to his defense. If he falters,
neoconservatives, and their ilk. Ultimately, Trump will Trump will be remembered as just another failed wannabe.
need to dismantle the CIA and the most objectionable parts
of the NSA surveillance regime. **********

Break up the media conglomerates. Paul Craig Roberts has A special thank you to George Webb, whose ongoing open
suggested that Trump use anti-trust law to accomplish this sourced people’s investigation at Youtube has been a great
and I agree. The US corporate media has long since help in connecting the dots!
abandoned its original function, which is to inform the
citizenry, and unfortunately has become an instrument for
fake news and propaganda. Press diversity must be


3. Chris Arsenault, “Mexican official: CIA ‘manages’ drug trade”, Aljazeera, July 24, 2012, posted at

4. Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin (Chicago: Lawrence Hill, 2003 revised edition); Doug Valentine, The CIA as Organized
Crime (Atlanta: Clarity Press, 2017) see especially chapters 12-14; Peter Dale Scott, Cocaine Politics (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1991).
5. Kathryn Bolkovac, The Whistleblower (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011). Also: don’t miss the movie with the same name
based on the book starring Rachel Weisz
6. Raymond W. Baker, “The Biggest Loophole in the Free Market System,” Washington Quarterly, Autumn 1999, p. 29, posted at
(see p. 1061) http://frwebgate.access. Quarterly, Autumn 1999, p. 29, posted at (see p. 1061)
http://frwebgate.access. earings&docid=f:61699.pdf. Also see The CIA as Organized Crime, p. 214.
7. Rajeev Syal, “Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor”, the Guardian, December 12, 2009.

The AP Asked Trump's Supporters How Feel
About His War With The Press: This Is What It Found
By Tyler Durden
Feb 19, 2017 7:41 PM

While vocal critics of Donald Trump, many of them "most impressive presidential press
members of the media, saw in Trump's Thursday news conference" of his life. "Largely because it
conference, Friday tweet in which he claimed the press was so unorthodox," said Felty, 48, who
was the "enemy of the American people", and subsequent works as a surgical assistant and sells life
Saturday campaign speech, a combative, thin-skinned insurance. "It was hyper adversarial
chief executive who continues to blame the media for the between the president and the press. And
controversies roiling his administration, his supporters saw yet he was able to control the questioning
something else entirely: a champion of Middle America and the tone and the mood in the room."
who is taking on the establishment and making good on his
campaign promises to put the country first. Felty said the media needs to move on regarding Russia
and former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
The Associated Press contacted Trump supporters across
the country to see how they viewed Trump's latest fued "There was nothing illegal that General
with press. Here are the views of some of those supporters: Flynn had done at that time," Felty said.
"What he did do is make a mistake in not
*** being accurate with the vice president."

Richelle Kirk of Logan, West Virginia, watched some of He also said he believes Trump is trustworthy as president.
Trump's news conference on Thursday and didn't see any
head-scratching comments from the president. "He doesn't need the media to chide him to
make the right decisions," Felty said. "It's
"I back him 100 percent," said the 42- something he's been doing well for
year-old stay-at-home mom. "You either decades."
love it or get out, is my opinion."
During Barack Obama's presidency, her husband was laid
off from his coal-mining job, a loss they blamed on Regina Lenoir of Picayune, Mississippi, enjoyed watching
Obama's environmental policies. She said they lost a home Trump's news conference and said the president "looked
and "everything we owned." more relaxed." Lenoir, 69, said she was most interested in
the president's comments about the alleged leaks that led to
After West Virginia voters resoundingly rejected Obama the resignation of Michael Flynn as national security
during his 2012 re-election, "we didn't show our hind ends adviser.
when Obama was re-elected," Kirk said. So she believes
people shouldn't overreact to Trump, either. "We don't know the conversation that
happened between him and (Vice
She particularly agreed with the president when he took President Mike) Pence. Only they know.
credit for an optimistic business climate and a rising stock But the news media gets out there (and)
market, saying Trump is beginning to fulfill his campaign says such and such with no corroboration,"
promise to put people back to work. she said. "I'm sick of them making up
stories. You know, we're intelligent people.
Reporters, she said, "need to leave him We can make up our own mind on whether
alone. He's just doing what he said he's they're telling the truth."
going to do."
She agreed with Trump's take on how the media has
*** covered his administration and campaign, saying those
covering his administration are good reporters but biased.
Kevin Felty of Norfolk, Virginia, said it was the
She said if people gave Trump a chance, "he might just racism in every speech. They're looking at
surprise everyone. the wrong things."

"He wasn't my first choice, but he is my ***

president," Lenoir said. "I think he handled
the news conference very well." Scott Hiltgen, a 66-year-old office furniture sales broker
from River Falls, Wisconsin, said he was glad to see the
*** president push back against the media. He said reporters
have no proof Trump or anyone around him did anything
Joseph Gatlin of Virginia Beach, Virginia, said he did not wrong.
watch the news conference but heard about the question a
Jewish reporter asked Trump about a rise in anti-Semitic "They're trying to make up a story that
incidents around the country. Trump told the reporter to sit Trump worked with the Russians to rig
down and said it was not a simple or fair question before the election," he said. "Now they're
describing himself as trying to make a big deal out of (former
national security adviser) Mike Flynn.
"the least anti-Semitic person you've ever He was doing what he was supposed to
seen in your entire life." do. He was talking to his counterparts.
He was talking to the Russians. He got
Gatlin, who is Jewish and who was born in fired because he lied to (Vice President
Israel, said the media needs to move on Mike) Pence. There's no story there. The
from "asking the same question." left media is so excited. They think they
"He's not a racist. He doesn't believe in took this guy down. No, he made a
racism," said Gatlin, who owns a mistake. He just lied."
flooring company. "He's not anti-Semitic
at all." Hiltgen said he remains squarely behind the billionaire
president because he has done what he said he would do on
Gatlin pointed to the number of Jewish people in Trump's the campaign trail.
inner circle, including his son-in-law and White House
adviser, Jared Kushner. He said the media instead should "He's accomplished more in, whatever,
be asking Trump about terrorism and the economy. three weeks, regarding the stuff he talked
about," Hiltgen said. "That's what people
"I think that it's become ridiculous," Gatlin voted for. I can't believe there's actually a
said. "He wants the serious questions. He politician doing what he says he would do.
wants people to ask him questions that That never happens."
people care about. You can't mention

US President Trump Calls On NATO Allies To Pay Fair
Share For Defense
© REUTERS/ Kevin Lamarque - US
04:55 19.02.2017(Updated 05:58 19.02.2017)

to help us," Trump said at a campaign rally

in Florida on Saturday.

On Saturday, speaking on the sidelines of the Munich

Security Conference, Michael Pence said that the United
States remained strongly committed to NATO.

Earlier on Friday, the similar statement were made

by Defense Secretary Mattis. He stressed that President
Trump has "thrown his full support" to the alliance.

As US Defense Secretary James Mattis The issue of relations within NATO between the United
and US Vice President Mike Pence States and other allies has become a relevant matter
traveled to Europe to persuade in recent months, after the election of Trump as the US
America's allies to increase their president. During his campaign, as well as after the
spending on NATO, President Trump victory, the US politician has repeatedly criticized the
delivered a speech in Florida, in which alliance, calling for its member states to increase defense
he stressed that despite he is a "fan" of spending to fulfill their obligations as part of NATO.
the military alliance, he wants allies to
pay a fair share for their defense.
Only a handful of NATO members have reached the 2-
percent target as of 2016. The United States is the top
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Trump said on Saturday that he spender, allocating over 3.6 percent of its GDP on defense,
was a "NATO fan," and urged other members of the followed by Greece, the United Kingdom, Estonia and
military alliance to increase their defense spending Poland. The remaining 23 members are below target.
in accordance with their obligations.
On Saturday, Former NATO chief Anders Fogh
"We must ignore the tired echoes Rasmussen said that NATO allies are capable of raising
of yesterday's fights. We are fighting battles their defense spending to 2 percent of gross domestic
that no longer help us, we are fighting product by 2024. A day before it, current NATO Secretary
battles that other people are entreating us General Jens Stoltenberg said that the target would have
fairly in the fight. I am a NATO fan, to be reached in the next decade and NATO's spending
but many of the countries in NATO, many on defense would gradually increase after years
of the countries that we protect, many of cutbacks.
of these countries are very rich countries,
they are not paying their bills… they have

Who's Really Behind The Soft-Coup? Obama-Founded
Activist Group Offers Anti-Trump Protest "Guide"
By Tyler Durden
Feb 19, 2017 9:50 PM

"The left is intentionally fighting to remain

relevant," remarks Armstrong Economics'
Martin Armstrong, adding that "the hatred
spewing out of their mouths is really off
the wall."
Furthermore, Armstrong warns the Obama
administration is behind the so-called
'soft coup' under way and as The Post
reports, an Obama-tied activist group
training tens of thousands of agitators
to protest Trump's policies plans to hit The manual, published with OFA partner
Republican lawmakers even harder this “Indivisible,” advises protesters to go
week. into halls quietly so as not to raise
alarms, and “grab seats at the front of
the room but do not all sit together.”

Rather, spread out in pairs to make it seem like the whole

room opposes the Republican host’s positions.

“This will help reinforce the impression of

broad consensus.” It also urges them to
ask “hostile” questions — while keeping “a
firm hold on the mic” — and loudly boo the
GOP politician if he isn’t “giving you real
“Express your concern [to the event’s
hosts] they are giving a platform to pro-
Organizing for Action, a group founded Trump authoritarianism, racism, and
by Obama and featured prominently on his corruption,” it says.
new post-presidency website, is The goal is to make Republicans, even
distributing a training manual to anti- from safe districts, second-guess their
Trump activists that advises them to support for the Trump agenda, and to
bully GOP lawmakers into backing off prime “the ground for the 2018
support for repealing ObamaCare, midterms when Democrats retake
curbing immigration from high-risk power.”
Islamic nations, and building a border
wall. As The NY Post details, “Even the safest [Republican] will be
deeply alarmed by signs of organized
In a new Facebook post, OFA calls on opposition,” the document states, “because
activists to mobilize against Republicans these actions create the impression that
from now until Feb. 26, when they’re not connected to their district and
“representatives are going to be in their not listening to their constituents.”
home districts.”
After the event, protesters are advised
The protesters disrupted town halls earlier this month, to feed video footage to local and
including one held in Utah by House Oversight Chairman national media.
Jason Chaffetz, who was confronted by hundreds of angry “Unfavorable exchanges caught on
demonstrators claiming to be his constituents. video can be devastating” for

Republican lawmakers, it says, when  Nobody is safe. Not even the members ducking town
“shared through social media and halls. Our Revolution, the group that spun off from
picked up by local and national media.” Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, will launch a
map tomorrow showing every congressional district in
After protesters gave MSNBC, CNN and the networks the country that they intend to swarm next Saturday.
footage of their dust-up with Chaffetz, for example, the  Shannon Jackson, Our Revolution's executive director,
outlets ran them continuously, forcing Chaffetz to issue says they've already got close to 200 events planned
statements defending himself. around the country and will be rallying outside nearly
every Republican congressional office.
The manual also advises protesters to flood “Trump-
friendly” lawmakers’ Hill offices with angry phone calls Resisting the resistance: House Republicans have been
and emails demanding the resignation of top White House intensely prepping for these confrontations. At least 175
adviser Steve Bannon. members attended Obamacare "listening sessions" —
which were really detailed policy briefing sessions —
A script advises callers to complain: convened by House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.
“I’m honestly scared that a known racist
and anti-Semite will be working just feet Finally, Martin Armstrong concludes by
from the Oval Office … It is everyone’s remarking that the Obama administration
business if a man who promoted white intentionally set the stage knowing what
supremacy is serving as an adviser to they were doing was designed to
the president.” undermine and cripple the Trump
None other than Robert Reich is front and center in the
"Townhall Disruption Guide"... The sanctions on Putin were also intended to prevent
Trump from reversing the tension created by Obama to
create an international conflict. These leaks appear to be
part of an intentional plot by Obama/Left to allow his
supporters within the intelligence community to topple
Trump if they can. Obama waited until he had just 17 days
left in office to sign an executive order to expand the
power of the National Security Agency (NSA) allowing it
to share globally intercepted personal communications
with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies
before any application of top secret or privacy protection
would be attached.

Obama never did this while he was in

Additionally, as Axios notes, Progressive office. Whenever a politician does
groups are circulating information about something like this, there is ALWAYS a
town hall meetings on a hidden agenda.
powered website, "Resistance Recess."
More than a dozen major groups in the institutional left are This Obama executive order changed everything with
involved, with groups like Planned Parenthood and unions regard to national security that was put in place by an
like SEIU organizing protests. The former Hillary Clinton executive order dating back to Ronald Reagan. Obama
super PAC Priorities USA is running localized digital ads opened the flood gates and this I personally believe was a
— its first paid ads since the election — to spotlight treasonous act showing the Democrats adopted a strategy
Republican town halls. Democratic leaders like Bernie to undermine Trump from the outset and to create massive
Sanders and Chuck Schumer will lead events. civil unrest.

What's in store: Trump must reinstate the national

security procedures that have been in
 "Resistance Events" will target everyone from place since Ronald Reagan and fire
Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton (Wednesday evening) to everyone in intelligence appointed by
Indiana Rep. Jackie Walorski (Tuesday morning) to Obama.
Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz (Saturday morning).
Protesters can find them by locale or zip code on Clean the swamp must start right there and NOW! Obama knew he would set up a shadow government and refuse to
leave Washington. He seems to be working harder now
while as President he may have played golf more than any
other president.

Proof that Obama is behind the civil

unrest is the fact he has taken to

Obama has been behind this entire

affair of creating civil unrest and I
believe is deliberately undermining
national security with his moles
strategically placed within the
intelligence community to undermine
the government.

That is unquestionable TREASON and the press will only

attack Trump and never defend the country. When Obama
won, you did not see the other 46% set fires and try to
bring down the government. The left always demands it is
their way or no way. This is why we will move into civil
war in the years ahead. Independents just say live and let
live – don’t bother me and I will not bother you. Leftists
say you can live only as they command – they cannot sleep
at night worrying what independents are doing.

As he states boldly to believe in that the people can bring It’s like the Hunger Games – suppress all freedom is their
about change through their own action. agenda.

He is implying to rise up and create civil

unrest on a massive scale.

Oliver Stone Gives Impassioned Speech at WGA Awards:
It’s Not Just Trump, ‘But a System’
By Alex Stedman, Debra Birnbaum
February 19, 2017 | 08:45PM PT

cannot justify our system as a center for

the world’s values. But we continue to
create such chaos and wars. No need to go
through the victims, but we know we’ve
intervened in more than 100 countries with
invasion, regime change, economic chaos.
Or hired war. It’s war of some kind. In the
end, it’s become a system leading to the
death of this planet and the extinction of us

He concluded with advice based on his own experiences.

The Writers Guild Awards on Sunday night took a cue
from the rest of awards season in being fairly Trump- “I’ve fought these people who practice war
heavy, including several shots at the commander-in-chief. for most of my life. It’s a tiring game. And
But Oliver Stone, who was on hand at the WGAW mostly you’ll get your a– kicked. With all
ceremony to accept the Laurel Award, gave a more the criticism and insults you’ll receive, and
bipartisan critique of America in an impassioned message the flattery too, it’s important to remember,
to young filmmakers. if you believe in what you’re saying and you
can stay the course, you can make a
After being introduced by James Wood, Stone told difference,” he said.
reminded filmmakers that “you can be critical of your “I urge you to find a way to remain alone
government and your society.” with yourself, listen to your silences, not
always in a writer’s room. Try to find not
“You don’t have to fit in,” the Oscar-winner what the crowd wants so you can be
went on. “It’s fashionable now to take shots successful, but try instead to find the true
at Republicans and Trump and avoid the inner meaning of your life here on earth,
Obamas and Clintons. But remember this: and never give up on your heart in your
In the 13 wars we’ve started over the last struggle for peace, decency, and telling the
30 years and the $14 trillion we’ve spent, truth.”
and the hundreds of thousands of lives that
have perished from this earth, remember Stone has never been one to shy away from politics — to
that it wasn’t one leader, but a system, both say the very least. During a speech at the Gotham
Republican and Democrat. Call it what you Independent Film Awards in November, the “Snowden”
will: the military industrial money media director made a point to reference national security under a
security complex. It’s a system that has Trump administration.
been perpetuated under the guise that
these are just wars justifiable in the name
“The surveillance state, ‘1984,’
of our flag that flies so proudly.”
cyberwarfare, drone warfare is with us,” he
said at the time.
Stone continued that our
He’s been open about his political beliefs, and voted for
“country has become more prosperous for Jill Stein in the 2016 presidential election.
many but in the name of that wealth we

Trump’s Foreign Policy:
The Good And The Bad In His First 30 Days
Foreign Policy Highlights And Lowlights From The First Month
By Chris Ernesto / Antiwar.Com
February 19, 2017

thing, I think nuclear weapons should be way down and

reduced very substantially.”
 NY Times Op-Ed: “Why Trump Is Right on Russia“.
 Secretary Tillerson fires much of the seventh-floor staff
at the State Department. The seventh-floor was
referred to as “the shadow government” in an FBI
 Trump Nixes Elliott Abrams for State Dept. Job.
 Trump: “The Israelis are going to have to show some
flexibility [on Palestine], which is … hard to do”.
 Regarding a one-state or two-state solution, Trump
First 30 Days President Rally – A surprise! said, “I want the one that both parties [Israel and
Palestine] want.”
Below are foreign policy highlights and lowlights from  White House: New or expanded Israeli settlements
the first month of Donald Trump’s presidency. “may not be helpful” in achieving peace.
 Belgrade Breathes Easier as Trump’s Win Marks End
THE GOOD to Clinton-Era Interventionism.

 Trump said: “Russia … this is fake news put out by the THE BAD
media … I’m here today to tell you the whole Russian
thing, that’s a ruse.”  US troops deploy to Bulgaria as part of NATO
 “It’s going to be impossible for [me] to ever get along operation.
with Russia because of all the pressure [I’ve] got with  Hundreds of US Troops, Tanks Arrive in Romania.
this fake story”  Trump: “Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the
 “If we could get along with Russia … China and Japan Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on
and everyone … it would be a positive thing, not a Russia?”
negative thing”.  Saudi crown prince receives CIA honor for anti-terror
 “I say it’s better to get along with Russia than not.” efforts.
 When asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin,  US-led coalition air strikes killed 18 Afghan civilians,
who was called a “killer” by the interviewer, Trump U.N. says.
responded, “We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you  US tanks, infantry fighting vehicles arrive
think our country is so innocent?… take a look at what in Estonia amid NATO buildup on Russian borders.
we’ve done too.”  US to Deploy Navy Destroyer Off Yemen Coast.
 Trump: ‘Nothing Off the Table’ On Iran.
 “We made a lot of mistakes. I’ve been against the war  US sanctions Iran after missile test.
in Iraq from the beginning … A lot of mistakes, but a lot  Nikki Haley just delivered the Trump administration’s
of people were killed. A lot of killers around, believe most hawkish words yet toward Russia.
 Many Civilians Among the Dead After US Raid
 Russian lawmakers & economists optimistic after Putin- in Yemen.
Trump call.
 President Trump said he believes that “torture works.”
 Trump: “They have sanctions on Russia — let’s see if
 The first arms sales of the Trump administration: $1.85
we can make some good deals with Russia … For one
billion to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Britain and Kenya
(pending congressional approval).
 U.S., Coalition Continue Strikes Against ISIL in Syria,  Donald Trump’s top team don’t all agree with him
Iraq. on Russia.
 NATO has our ‘unshakable commitment’, Pentagon  Tillerson Wants to Provide Saudi Arabia With More
chief vows. Help to Bomb Yemen.
 US declines to send formal delegation to Syria peace  Mattis: US Needs to Be Ready to ‘Confront’ Russia.
talks, citing timing issues; will instead send an
ambassador. NOTE: The information above is excerpted from the St.
 Yemen Reports First US Drone Strikes Under Trump – Pete for Peace fact sheet on the Trump administration’s
10 Killed in Two Strikes. foreign policy. The fact sheet will be updated throughout
the Trump presidency.

Looks Like Donald Trump
Was Right About Sweden After All
By Emily Zanotti
8:49 Pm, February 19, 2017

But Trump may not have been wrong – at least, in terms of

subject matter. Friday night, Fox News‘s Tucker Carlson
show (with a guest host) interviewed documentarian Ami
Horowitz about his upcoming film about violence
involving migrants in Sweden. Horowitz claims that the
Swedish government is downplaying an uptick in violence
that followed a wave of refugee migration into the country.

During the segment, the show featured contemporary clips

from the documentary.
President Donald Trump was the subject of mockery on
Sunday after delivering a speech in Florida in which he
referred to an incident “last night in Sweden” — but he
appears to have been referring to an actual, accurate news
report, albeit one that wasn’t technically live or breaking.

As soon as the words flew from Trump’s mouth, social

media began buzzing with jokes about his “fake news”
story about a migrant attack in the historic
Scandinavian country. The hashtag, #lastnightinSweden
cropped up, warning the world that Sweden might be
plotting a takeover, with its pickled herring and its cheap
do-it-yourself furniture (see our related article on IKEA
Trump has said that he gets most of his information from
watching television, primarily Fox News and other 24-hour
Even Chelsea Clinton, whose mother famously made up a cable news networks. It’s no surprise, then, that the story
story about being shot at by snipers as she boarded a plane of Sweden to which he referred originated 0n a hugely
in Bosnia, got in on the action. popular prime time news program.

Trump’s Twitter critics were just interpreting him too


As for Sweden, Ami Horowitz’s film shows a country that

is deep in denial about a growing problem of migrant
violence – including a sharp uptick in rape over the last
five years. Horowitz claims that the increase correlates
directly to Sweden’s refugee acceptance program; the
country has taken in more than 190,000 Muslim
immigrants in the same time frame.

Trump also managed to baffle Sweden itself, which Sweden, Horowitz says, is hiding the truth about its
responded by asking the Trump Administration for any situation, and the Swedish people want their country to
inside information they might have about a recent attack in adapt to the migrants, rather than requiring the migrants to
their country. adapt to Sweden.

Unconfirmed, Leftist Usurped Violent Operation American
Spring 2017 To Begin May 1, 2017
Posted By Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
February 19, 2017

This report is unconfirmed but worthy of leftist individuals, neocons, and Central
your attention.......... Banks to bring down the Trump
Administration, in essence reverse what
There is now unsubstantiated information/rumor God ordained and “we the people” voted
circulating that a violent (leftist usurped) Operation for in the 2016 election.
American Spring 2017 is scheduled to begin on or about
May 01, 2017 across America. Monetary power-brokers in world-wide central banks are
losing control and they don’t like it. Thus, attacks, protests,
My primary reason for writing is to absolve myself fake news, on every government in the world that is
personally as well as Operation American Spring 2014 focusing on monetary change/reversal away from Central
from any agreement or association or intent to support, Banks control, is increasing.
Operation American Spring 2017. There is nothing about
this reported violent activity that I or Operation American This so-called Operation American Spring 2017 is
Spring 2014 can condone, in fact we reject and condemn reported being paid for by Central Bank and foreign
the reported operation. money, and reported to begin May 1, 2017 (May Day-
Communist holiday) with tens of millions of paid violent
In late 2013 I introduced a peaceful plan for patriots who agitators across the United States creating chaos and
love the United States of America and our Constitution to destruction in hopes of bringing down the Trump
participate, if desired. This was a peaceful protest in Administration and US government. There is nothing
Washington, D.C. against the direction leadership in about this reported violent activity that I or Operation
Washington was taking our nation. American Spring 2014 can condone, if fact we reject and
condemn the reported operation.
The peaceful plan was called “Operation American
Spring” and conducted for a period beginning May 16th, It is interesting that President Trump is reiterating that the
2014. (To read about this ) White House is running “very smoothly” while the “fake
news” is broadcasting nothing but “chaos” in the White
House. Politicians such as Senator McCain in a foreign
Operation American Spring 2014 Mission: Restoration of
land disrespectfully suggesting “dictator” associated with
Constitutional government, rule of law, freedom, liberty
our President, another method of encouraging an
"of the people, for the people, by the people" from despotic
atmosphere of “chaos”. The display of arrogance by
and tyrannical federal leadership.
democrat senators stalling President Trumps Cabinet
confirmations is another indication of liberal/leftist
While Operation American Spring of 2014 did not contribution to a fake chaotic condition. More on the
accomplish it’s mission of the peaceful removal of Barack “chaos” movement...Radical Left is now scheduling
Obama, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, FAKE TOWN HALLS in the names of Republican
Nancy Pelosi, and AG Holder, the peaceful election of Congressmen/Congresswomen...WITHOUT EVEN
2016 solved many goals OAS 2014 was pursuing. INVITING THE REPRESENTATIVES TO
Successful removal, in a peaceful election, of the democrat ATTEND!!! DON'T FALL FOR THE FAKE NEWS!!!
regime from any leadership positions in the United States Go to the leftist site to see
Federal Government, basically accomplished the major how these progressives will be attacking the conservative
goal of 2014 Operation American Spring agenda.

The reported Operation American Spring According to a report the above examples
2017 is being identified as a “Deep of chaos is exactly what the “Deep State
State”(shadow government working within supporters, leftist, media fake news,
the US government bureaucracy ), media, neocons, black-mailed, bribed or bought
US politicians, and central banks” are criminal behavior in the extreme with a goal of creating so
creating and desire. much chaos that the Trump Administration will not be able
to secure our nation...resulting in President Trump
Operation American Spring 2017, if valid as reported to removal..
begin May 1, 2017, is a nation-wide, destructive, anti-
American attack on property, civilian personnel, our Qualifier: This report is unconfirmed but worthy of your
Constitution and form of government. Potential threat and attention..........

Intelligence Heads Say
No Evidence Of Collusion With Russia - Priebus
© AP Photo/ Pablo Martinez Monsivais - US
21:55 19.02.2017(Updated 06:04 20.02.2017)

campaign was colluding with Russia on either hacking the

Democratic National Committee or otherwise swaying the
election. So far, evidence of cooperation has not been
found, the New York Times reports, though the amount
of contact was called alarming, and the investigation is

The story is "wrong" and there's "nothing

to it," Priebus said, citing his own
anonymous sources: high level US
intelligence officials. They told him that
there was no collusion found between the
As the FBI pursues at least three campaign and foreign agents.
separate probes into Russia's alleged
hacking of the US presidential election Though he said he was not at liberty to reveal the name
last year, White House Chief of Staff of the person or people he spoke with, Priebus said,
Reince Priebus says he's been told by
top intelligence officials that there was
no collusion between Russia and the "When I say top-level people, I mean top-
president's camp. level people."

"The New York Times last week put out an Meanwhile, the FBI is actively investigating at least three
article with no direct sources that said that lines of inquiry into foreign involvement in the election. In
the Trump campaign had constant contacts Pittsburgh, the bureau's field office is trying to identify
with Russian spies," Priebus told Fox News who breached the DNC computer systems in 2015 and
Sunday, the Hill reports. 2016, Reuters reports. They have not found enough
evidence for an indictment so far.
That story is "complete garbage," Priebus said his sources
told him.
In San Francisco, the FBI is trying to identify the Guccifer
2 hacker group, which posted emails from Clinton
"I can assure you, and I've been approved campaign manager John Podesta. And in Washington, FBI
to say this, that the top levels of the counterintelligence is looking into foreign communications
intelligence community have assured me intercepts and leads from informers regarding transactions
that that story is not only inaccurate but it's between Russians and Trump associates.
grossly overstated."
Trump repeated this week that he had no business
According to the New York Times story from earlier this connections to Russia. He has in the past traveled to Russia
week, intercepted calls and phone records reveal that now- to explore business opportunities, and he has partnered
President Donald Trump's campaign team and other with Russian financiers on projects in other parts of the
associates were frequently in contact with Russian world through his large, international business network.
intelligence officials in the year before the election. The Moscow has consistently denied any involvement in the
article, which cites anonymous sources, says the contacts hack or the election.
caused intelligence officials to investigate whether the

Rex Tillerson Purges Remnants
Of “Shadow Govt” At State Department
Tillerson Recently Laid Off Several Employees Associated With The “7th-
Floor Group” At The State Department, A Group Which FBI Documents
Revealed Is Part Of A “Shadow Government” That Once Stepped In To
Protect Hillary Clinton From Prosecution.
By Whitney Webb
February 20, 2017

Last year, prior to the election, the FBI released heavily

redacted interview summaries of the Bureau’s
investigation into Trump’s challenger Hillary Clinton.
Among the allegations in the documents was the disclosure
of a highly-secretive, high-level group within the U.S.
government which the FBI named the “Shadow
Government,” a group which had allegedly intervened in
the FBI’s investigation into Clinton in order to prevent her

According to the FBI’s interview summary:

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrives for a meeting on the
conflict in Syria during a meeting of the G-20 Foreign Ministers in
Bonn, Germany, Feb. 17, 2017. (Oliver Berg/AP) “There was a powerful group of very high-
ranking STATE officials that some referred
(ANALYSIS) — According to pundits, politicians, and to as ‘The 7th Floor Group’ or ‘The Shadow
even the executive branch itself, the Trump administration Government.’ This group met every
is at war with the so-called “Deep State.” Though the Deep Wednesday afternoon to discuss the FOIA
State – sometimes also called the Shadow government – is process, Congressional records, and
hard to define, it is essentially the part of the political everything CLINTON-related to
establishment that are permanent power factions operating FOIA/Congressional inquiries.”
within Washington. These factions guide policy according
to a unified agenda regardless of who is in office, often The other name used by the FBI – “The 7th-floor group”
exercising their power secretively which frees them of any – refers to the fact that this facet of the Shadow
sort of accountability. Government is located on the State Department’s 7 th floor
where long-serving, elite diplomats are employed.
Recently, this “Deep State” has seemed determined to
undermine, discredit, and destroy the Trump Though all previous administrations have left the “7th-
administration, having allegedly been responsible for the floor group” more or less untouched, the newly-minted
leaks that led to Michael Flynn’s resignation among other Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, abruptly chose to fire
controversies. Though much of the Deep State’s activities most of the State Department employees working on this
intended to undermine Trump has so far largely been floor. Last Friday, Tillerson’s top aides told the vast
attributed to the Intelligence Community, it extends much majority of the Department’s seventh-floor staff that “their
deeper including many other federal departments and services were no longer needed,” CBS News reports.
agencies, including the State Department.
This is the second round of firings at the State Department
since Trump took office as four other top officials had

been let go at the end of January. One of the employees the recent firings, once again make plain the great rift
fired recently, Tom Countryman, told CBS News he was between those “Deep State” elements that stay in place
worried that the White House was showing its intent to cut throughout Presidential administrations and the fledgling
out the State Department in order to prevent allegedly Trump administration.
“nonpartisan” officials from challenging the executive
branch on foreign policy matters. Though this latest move by Tillerson and the Trump
administration may serve to lessen some of the Deep
The firings came soon after Trump’s meeting with Israeli State’s influence in U.S. politics, it is worth noting that
Prime Minister Netanyahu, a meeting which drew criticism such entrenched elements will not go off quietly into the
from the U.S. political establishment as not a single State night. At the very least, there will be some sort of
Department official was included in the meetings. A State retaliation for this latest move, meaning that even more
Department official told CBS News that the decision to controversy can be expected in the months ahead for
change the meeting’s normal procedures was done to Trump and the executive branch over which he now
facilitate “a more personal discussion.” This, along with presides.

The President Needs To Purge And Start Fresh:
“White House Staff Has Been Infiltrated And Infested”
Jeremiah Johnson
February 20th, 2017

“smear-reports” to the Washington [Com]Post have

originated with Priebus.

An excellent and in-depth article posted by Jerome Corsi

of Prison covers all the activities of Priebus
prior to and after the election. The actions are staggering
in terms of what has been done in a relatively short period
of time. Priebus would have been leaned against the wall
with a cigarette and a blindfold anywhere else in the
world. Entitled, Report: Priebus Next to Go as Trump
Strikes Back Over Flynn, it really cuts to the chase.
Here’s a detailed and revealing excerpt:

As of this writing, the President is beset by forces in “The purge of Army Lt. Gen. Michael
Washington and in the White House who are determined to Flynn engineered by White House Chief
derail his “cleansing” efforts and continue with their own of Staff Reince Priebus, formally the
actions. Those forces are spearheaded by the RINO head of the Republican National
(Republicans In Name Only) “5th Columnists” either Committee in Washington, is the “Pearl
working directly for and with the Democratic Party or Harbor” for Trump loyalists – a
independently of them but for the interests of the Globalist devastating attack that determines for
Network. On December 17, 2016 I wrote a piece for Trump supporters that Priebus, an elite
entitled Trump Can’t Stop It: The people who have GOP Washington insider, must go. The
been orchestrating the collapse have not halted their concern among Trump loyalists is that
agendas. Here is an excerpt: now that Priebus has succeeded in
getting rid of Flynn, his next targets will
“He [President Trump] is going to be Trump top advisors Steve Miller,
emplace several people in his cabinet Steve Bannon, and Kellyanne Conway –
who are known to be either in the all of whom D.C. insiders are planning
pockets of the corporations (such as must go if Priebus is to succeed in
Mnuchin), or have stances that sabotaging Trump’s revolutionary
diametrically oppose his own campaign agenda. Infowars has established that
pledges (such as his selection for White Priebus is the Chief Leaker in the White
House Chief of Staff who supports House, responsible for feeding the
amnesty for illegal aliens).” Trump-hating mainstream media that
daily dominate the White House news
I specifically referred to Priebus in that article and went on room with “read meat,” including the
to write that the President would either knuckle under to demeaning leak to the Washington Post
the interests, or else he would be removed from office. It that Trump is “isolated,” a “clueless
appears the second option is in motion by the child,” wandering about in a bathrobe
establishment, as he has not knuckled under and has been (that Trump does not own), who’s
in the process of cleaning house since day one of his term. presiding over a “White House in
Referring to the excerpt, let it be stressed that Reince disarray.”
Priebus has been a bought and paid for Washington insider
since long before the appointment to White House Chief of All of this is now: subsequent to what happened prior to
Staff. Priebus has been attempting to staff the White the election, in this final excerpt from the article:
House with supporters loyal to him, and not to the
President. In addition, as reported on Alex Jones’ Info “In October 2016, as the presidential
Wars, the leaks of potentially-damaging and degrading campaign was entering its final weeks,

Priebus, in reaction the controversy President, with his hardcore Marxist Democrat wife for a
over Trump’s lewd comments about First Lady?
women recorded in 2005, redirected
RNC funds from Trump’s campaign , Ryan threw Donald Trump under the
spending instead on down-ticket GOP bus prior to the election, but now he is
candidates Priebus at that time thought kissing the seat of the President’s
were more likely than Trump to win.” trousers.

Such actions should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that Priebus is worse. All of this has been orchestrated
Priebus was not for the President before the election and (perhaps by him) to waste time, generate negative
he’s not in his corner now. There are some people that publicity, and enmesh the President in scandal/pseudo-
should not have been selected for the President’s team, and scandal to negate his efforts.
leading the pack is Priebus. The best way to have avoided
these pitfalls would have been to start with intelligent
Priebus is proof that the President’s staff
people and people with ability that aren’t part of the
is both infiltrated and infested with a
establishment and have not been bought beforehand. This
severe need for a complete
is a mistake that the President did not consider. He was
cleanout…an “enema” in every sense of
hoping that these individuals would come into his camp
the word.
with the connections and the experience, and that they
would change their mindset and follow his plans. Now we
see that it isn’t so. It is also proof that there are no political parties.
Democrats and Republicans are a ruse to provide the
people with the illusion of choice. There are either NWO
Priebus was clearly pro-amnesty for the illegal aliens prior
Globalists, their servants, and the mindless slaves, or those
to his assignment as Chief of Staff. Priebus was bought
who resist them and their agendas.
and paid for by the businesses that favor paying foreign
aliens under the table illegally and keeping them in the
U.S. illegally, rather than paying American citizens to do If the Republican Party was either good and/or unified
those jobs and reporting the wages and withholding with a conservative agenda, then surely the former chair
legally. The President needs to “file 13” Priebus, and then (Priebus) would demonstrate an example of solidarity with
start from scratch. the reformative efforts of a President who wishes to clean
up the mess in Washington and place the country back on
course. This is not the case, proving that most of the time
Look at Ryan…. Paul Ryan, the “Number 3” in line for the the greatest enemies of a leader are in his own camp.
White House after the President and Vice President. Priebus is no exception to that rule, and in order to lead
Really? So, if the President and Vice President have
effectively, he and the other swine need to be scourged out
“bought the farm,” then Ryan becomes the President? of the White House before further (and perhaps
Republican Speaker of the House Eddie Munster as the irreparable) damage is done.

The CIA Vs. The Presidency:
This Is Not The First Time
By Jon Rappoport
February 20, 2017

—In 1947, the president of the United States, Harry decisions unchecked by responsible
Truman, decided: I’m going to create a snake and call it policy–making power’?”
the CIA. Its watchword will be secrecy. It will collect
“Later, when Lee Harvey Oswald’s possible
secrets of our enemies and hold them secret and report the
role in the U–2 affair became known, some
secrets to the president, who will decide what to do. Of observers felt Dulles’s action implied that
course, the snake will remain under the president’s control.
the director of the CIA was above the
Its entire personality will be based on deception, but it will
president and that the military–industrial
remain loyal to the president. No problem. Sure. complex could do what it pleased,
independent of the will of the people as
I’m thankful for Charles Hollander’s challenging piece on expressed by the popularly elected and
Thomas Pynchon’s novel, The Crying of Lot 49: duly constituted chief executive. No wonder
“Pynchon, JFK and the CIA: Magic Eye Views of The Ike [Eisenhower] was peeved: the CIA was
Crying of Lot 49.” running the U.S. the way it ran Latin
America. The U–2 affair was no mere
Hollander offers vital reminders of the war between two personality squabble, Ike vs. Dulles; it was
parts of the Executive Branch: the presidency and the CIA. two institutions of the executive branch
vying for supremacy, the presidency vs. the
“Implicit in Pynchon’s fiction is the view that CIA, hence the democratic process vs. a
events in recent American history have led form of totalitarism.”
to a virtual constitutional crisis, a challenge “The CIA had already planned the April
to the supremacy of the presidency by the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion before Kennedy
intelligence community.” took office in January, and when the
“When Eisenhower made his ‘open skies’ invasion failed, Kennedy felt that the CIA
proposal, in July 21, 1955, at a Geneva had set him up. He let it be known he
summit conference, calling for unrestricted intended to dismantle the CIA and assign
but monitored overflight of national its functions to the other intelligence units
territories on both sides of the Iron Curtain, within the government. He reportedly
many observers felts its acceptance would vowed ‘to splinter the CIA in a thousand
have gone a long way toward thawing the pieces and scatter it to the winds’…
Cold War. To make a gesture of good faith Kennedy, a Democrat, forced the
toward Soviet Premier Khrushchev, the Republican Allen Dulles to resign, along
president ordered the CIA (under Allen with other senior CIA officers. But the CIA
Dulles) to halt its U–2 photo– was too deeply involved just then in
reconnaissance flights. But Dulles secretly operations around the world to be
arranged for the flights to continue. When disassembled. Kennedy was assassinated
Francis Gary Powers’s U–2 spy plane was in 1963, in a way that implicated the
shot down in the Ural mountains on May 1, CIA…critics of the Warren Commission
1960, and Khrushchev announced the facts Report, maybe even J. Edgar Hoover—
to the world media, the embarrassed believed the CIA had some hand in
Eisenhower lied to cover up. To many it Kennedy’s assassination and the coverup.
appeared that the CIA chief had disobeyed If it had, the CIA was again demonstrating
a direct order from the Commander–in– that the presidency was subordinate to the
Chief. The St. Louis Post–Dispatch asked CIA.”
the next day, ‘Do our intelligence “In a very short time, two presidents, a
operatives enjoy so much freewheeling Republican and a Democrat, ran afoul of
authority that they can touch off an incident the CIA. The result amounted to a
of grave international import by low–level constitutional crisis, a change in our actual
form of government without benefit of a
duly ratified constitutional amendment. The This is not a recent assumption. It goes all the way back to
crisis is reminiscent of that period in the early days of the CIA; Eisenhower, Kennedy.
Roman history when the Praetorian Guard
could sell the office of Emperor to the In 2016, the IC leadership decided Trump would be a
highest bidder and then, after a time, threat to their power, so they leaked/invented information
assassinate him and have a new auction. about the Russians influencing the election on behalf of
To this day, the president has never again Trump. This effort was aimed at corroding his right to
challenged the CIA, though the agency has claim that he was the legitimate president.
made its share of egregious errors. With
the selection of former CIA director George
The war continues.
H.W. Bush, the presidency and the CIA
effectively merged…”
The IC doesn’t want presidents with
independent ideas.
These days, President Trump is in his own war against the
CIA and other parts of the intelligence community (IC). They’re the bosses, and they intend to
keep it that way.
In his case, he has overtly criticized the IC and called them
disseminators of fake news and lies. He claims he’s putting —The snake slithers in the sun and the shade. It moves
an end to foreign wars of conquest. He’s already canceled deftly and collects information and decides what to do with
a major Globalist trade treaty, the TPP. it. It compiles its own private list of enemies and allies. It
senses its own power. Why should it honor its mandate?
But the IC believes it owns the Presidency and sets his There is an Empire to be gained.

The Term “Deep State” In Focus:
Usage Examples, Definition, And Phrasebook
Source: Naked Capitalism
By Lambert Strether Of Corrente
Published: February 20, 2017

Since today is President’s Day, there will be no Water stepping up leaking stuff, fine. But it is not ‘deep state’
Cooler. Which is a good thing, because this puppy took like in Turkey.”
forever to write. –lambert
Comment: One danger I always face is projecting
*** American politics onto other countries. Tufekci warns us
the opposite is a bad idea too!
“It’s called the ruling class because it
rules.” –Arthur Silber
Properties: Permanent bureaucracy and/or non-electoral
Readers know that I’ve been more than dubious about that institutions; “shadowy,” cross-institutional. We cross out
incredibly virulent earworm of a term, “deep state” “conducting killings” for the American context (or do
(December 1, 2014). However, in the last week or so, we?).
“deep state” is all over mainstream discourse like kudzu,
and so it’s time to look at it again. As we shall see, it’s no 2. Glenn Greenwald, Democracy Now!. Greenwald thinks
more well-defined than before, but I’m hoping that if we the term is sloppy too (though “scientific” is a high bar):
aggregate a number of usage examples, we’ll come up
with a useful set of properties, and a definition. Following The deep state, although there’s no precise or scientific
the aggregation, I’ll propose a number of phrases that I definition, generally refers to the agencies in Washington
hope can attenuate deep state‘s virulence, and render it a that are permanent power factions. They stay and exercise
sharper and more subtle analytical tool in posts and power even as presidents who are elected come and go.
comments. They typically exercise their power in secret, in the dark,
and so they’re barely subject to democratic accountability,
While the usage of “deep state” exploded last week after if they’re subject to it at all. It’s agencies like the CIA, the
General Flynn’s defenestration by Trump, it seems likely NSA and the other intelligence agencies, that are
to me that the term had been spreading in the recent past essentially designed to disseminate disinformation and
before that, given that a series of politically motivated deceit and propaganda, and have a long history of doing
leaks by the “intelligence community” (IC) from summer not only that, but also have a long history of the world’s
2016 onwards could colorably be attributed to such an worst war crimes, atrocities and death squads. This is who
entity. The examples are in no particular order; I haven’t not just people like Bill Kristol, but lots of Democrats are
had the time to find a “patient zero.” placing their faith in, are trying to empower, are cheering
for as they exert power separate and apart from—in fact, in
opposition to—the political officials to whom they’re
Usage Examples of “Deep State”
supposed to be subordinate.
1. The Atlantic. Since “deep state” as a term originated in
Turkey (derin devlet), I’ll start with a Turkish analyst: Comment: Later in the show, Greenwald says that the deep
state is “almost engag[ing] in like a soft coup.” Here’s the
Kristol tweet to which Greenwald alludes, explicitly
There Is No American ‘Deep State’ applauding that coup with the bracing clarity so foreign to
most Democrats:
Zeynep Tufekci, a Turkish sociologist and writer at the
University of North Carolina, tweeted a string of criticisms
about the analogy Friday morning. “Permanent
bureaucracy and/or non-electoral institutions diverging
with the electoral branch [is] not that uncommon even in
liberal democracies,” she wrote. “In the Turkey case, that’s
not what it means. There was a shadowy, cross-institution
occasionally *armed* network conducting killings, etc. So,
if people are going to call non electoral institutions
I characterized Greenwald’s soft coup — and Kristol’s — the CIA, NSA, Defense Intelligence Agency, and
more delicately as “a change in the Constitutional Order” components of the State Department, Justice Department,
(“Federalist 68, the Electoral College, and Faithless Department of Homeland Security, and the armed forces.
Electors”) but the sense is the same.
With a docile Republican majority in Congress and a
Properties: Kristol, not normal, not democratic, not demoralized Democratic Party in opposition, the leaders of
constitutional; Greenwald: permanent power factions, the Deep State are the most—perhaps the only—credible
agencies, especially intelligence agencies, which specialize check in Washington on what Senator Bob Corker (R-
in deception and require secrecy. Tenn.) calls Trump’s “wrecking ball presidency.”

3. Peggy Noonan, Patriot Post: And Roger Stone, a man who knows his memes:

Is [the current chaos], as some suggest, “deep state” “This is an effort by the Deep State to destabilize the
revenge for the haughty, dismissive way Donald Trump president,” Stone said.
spoke of the U.S. intelligence community during and after
the campaign? … Is it driven by the antipathy of the Comment: Morley, then, agrees with Kristol (the “only
permanent government toward Mr. Putin, and a desire to check” in Trump).
bring down those, like Mr. Trump, who hope for closer
relations with Russia? …
Properties: Intelligence agencies; permanent.

It is a terrible thing if suddenly, in America, there is a

6. Greg Grandin, The Nation. A useful review of the
government within the government that hates the elected literature:
government — and that secretly, silently, and with no
accountability, acts on it.
What Is the Deep State?
Properties: Government within a government; secret; not
accountable. So at least as long as there has been private property, there
has been private plotting, and talk of a “deep state” has
been a vernacular way of describing what political
4. Breitbart. I don’t normally cite to Breitbart, but since
scientists like to call “civil society,” that is, any venue in
they’re in the heart of the battle and have a usage example:
which powerful individuals, either alone or collectively,
might try to use the state to fulfill their private ambitions,
The “deep state” is jargon for the semi-hidden army of to get richer and obtain more power….
bureaucrats, officials, retired officials, legislators,
contractors and media people who support and defend
Much of the writing frames the question as Trump versus
established government policies.
the Deep State, but even if we take the “deep state” as a
valid concept, surely it’s not useful to think of the
Comment: Interestingly, Breitbart finds it necessary to competing interests it represents as monolithic, as David
define the term for its readership, meaning it didn’t Martin in an e-mail suggests. Big Oil and Wall Street
originate on the right. Even more interestingly, Breitbart might want deregulation and an opening to Russia. The
— very much unlike the more staid Peggy Noonan — euphemistically titled “intelligence community” wants a
urges, in my view correctly, that actors outside the ramped-up war footing. High-tech wants increased trade.
alphabet agencies need to be considered. … In 1956, C. Wright Mills wrote that “the conception of
the power elite and of its unity rests upon the
Properties: Bureaucrats, officials (some retired), corresponding developments and the coincidence of
legislators, contractors, media. Brietbart doesn’t use Janine interests among economic, political, and military
Werel’s term, Flexian — retired officials become talking organizations.” If nothing else, the “Trump v. Deep State”
heads, for example — but the concept is implicit. framings show that unity is long gone.

5. Jefferson Morley, Alternet: Comment: Grandin does give an early usage example, but
I’m totally unpersuaded by his identification of the “deep
What Is the ‘Deep State’—And Why Is It After state” with “civil society.” Rather — as Breitbart,
Trump? amazingly enough, suggests — the deep state more
plausibly includes components of civil society (media,
contractors, etc.).
The Deep State is shorthand for the nexus of secretive
intelligence agencies whose leaders and policies are not
much affected by changes in the White House or the Properties: Not monolithic; includes (components of) civil
Congress. While definitions vary, the Deep State includes society.

7. Benjamin Wallace, The New Yorker: Properties: Law enforcement, contractors, agencies, the
The Deep-State Theory Cuts Both Ways
9. New York Times
This pattern of dissent [“#TheResistance”], and its early
successes, has brought about a vogue for the theory of the As Leaks Multiply, Fears of a ‘Deep State’ in America
deep state, usually used in analyzing authoritarian regimes,
in which networks of people within the bureaucracy are Though the deep state is sometimes discussed as a
said to be able to exercise a hidden will of their own… shadowy conspiracy, it helps to think of it instead as a
political conflict between a nation’s leader and its
The federal government employs two million people; its governing institutions.
sympathies move in more than one direction. While many
federal employees may want to oppose the White House, That can be deeply destabilizing, leading both sides to
others (especially border-patrol and immigration agents, wield state powers like the security services or courts
whose support Trump often cited on the campaign trail) against one another, corrupting those institutions in the
have already been taking some alarming liberties to process.
advance the President’s politics.
In countries like Egypt, Mr. El Amrani said, the line is
Comment: Wallace urges that some Federal employees in much clearer.
the permanent bureaucracy are, in essence, “working
toward the Fuhrer,” which is a consequence of the deep
There, “the deep state is not official institutions rebelling,”
state not being monolithic. He attributes the “vogue” for he said, but rather “shadowy networks within those
“deep state” to the resistance, but I (and most others cited institutions, and within business, who are conspiring
here) think it’s the Flynn firing.
together and forming parallel state institutions.”

Properties: Bureaucratic networks; hidden.

Comment: Weird all around: The President is the
President, the Chief Magistrate of the United States. He’s
8. Counterpunch not the “nation’s leader,” like in the title of sone kinda
hardback in the “Business” section of your airport
A Deep State of Mind: America’s Shadow Government bookstore. And quite frankly, the description of the deep
and Its Silent Coup state in Egypt (“shadowy network,” “parallel state
institutions”) jibes with a several of the other usage
So who or what is the Deep State? examples I’ve collected, right here in the United States.

It’s the militarized police, which have joined forces with Properties: I’ll use Egypt’s! Network, shadowy,
state and federal law enforcement agencies in order to businesses forming parallel state institutions.
establish themselves as a standing army. It’s the fusion
centers and spy agencies that have created a surveillance 10. Marc Ambinder, NPR:
state and turned all of us into suspects. It’s the courthouses
and prisons that have allowed corporate profits to take With Intelligence Leaks, The ‘Deep State’ Resurfaces
precedence over due process and justice. It’s the military
empire with its private contractors and defense industry
GARCIA-NAVARRO: So how do you define the deep
that is bankrupting the nation. It’s the private sector with
its 854,000 contract personnel with top-secret clearances,
‘a number greater than that of top-secret-cleared civilian
employees of the government.’ It’s what former AMBINDER: Well, I try to define it simply – maybe the
congressional staffer Mike Lofgren refers to as ‘a hybrid of national security and intelligence bureaucracy, the secret-
national security and law enforcement agencies’: the keepers in the United States, people who have security
Department of Defense, the State Department, Homeland clearances, who have spent 10 to 20 to 30 years working in
Security, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Treasury, and around secrets.
the Executive Office of the President via the National
Security Council, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance GARCIA-NAVARRO: So when we’re hearing about this
Court, a handful of vital federal trial courts, and members term this week to do with Michael Flynn, what do we –
of the defense and intelligence committees.” what are people making that connection with potentially a
huge group of people and this particular case?
Comment: Seems pretty big to be deep…
AMBINDER: They’re essentially alleging that the national
security state, this metastate that exists and, again, traffics
totally in secret – used its collective power in order to 3. Is not monolithic
bring down a duly chosen national security adviser 4. Is composed of “cross-institutional” networks of
because they disagreed with him or they disagreed with his individuals in both state (agencies, law enforcement)
president or they disagreed with his policies. It is a term of and civil society (media, contractors)
derision, a term that suggests people are using their power 5. Is not democratic in its operation; and (potentially) is
for ill-begotten ends. And that, if true, sets up a crisis. not accountable, not normal, not constitutional.

Comment: Ambinder, then, rejects putting a “civil society” (Individuals within the deep state belong to factions that
construction on “deep state.” (He also rejects Greenwald, compete and cooperate, often in addition to their “day
and Kristol’s, “soft coup.”) jobs,” rather as in a “matrix management” construct.)

Properties: National security and intelligence bureaucracy; So, what’d I miss?

A “Deep State” Phrasebook
11. Marc Ambinder, Foreign Policy. Ambinder gives an
example of the deep state in action: So, here are some phrases to use that reflect the above —
very tentative — understanding. What I really want to do
Trump Is Showing How the Deep State Really Works — and who know, maybe I’m trying to shovel back the
tide here, too — is get away from the notion of “the” deep
The fact the nation’s now-departed senior guardian of state. The deep state is not monolithic! Factional conflict
national security was unmoored by a scandal linked to a within the deep state exists! So, in my view, the definite
conversation picked up on a wire offers a rare insight into article is in this case disempowering; it prevents you from,
how exactly America’s vaunted Deep State works. It is a as it were, knowing your enemy. So, if I have to join the
story not about rogue intelligence agencies running amok chorus of people using the term, I’m going to think
outside the law, but rather about the vast domestic power carefully about how do it. This list is a step toward doing
they have managed to acquire within it. that. (I’m going to use examples from the run-up to the
Iraq War because it’s less tendenitious and way less
muddled than the Flynn defenestration.)
Sometime before January 12, the fact that these [Flynn’s]
conversations [with the Russian ambassador] had occurred
was disclosed to David Ignatius, who wrote about them. 1. “Deep State Blooper”. I’m putting this first as an
That day, Sean Spicer asked Flynn about them. Flynn antidote to CT. Quoting Frank Herbert’s Dune:
denied that the sanctions were discussed. A few days later,
on January 16, Vice President Mike Pence repeated “…[I]t occurred to Kynes that his father and
Flynn’s assurances to him that the calls were mostly about all the other scientists were wrong, that the
the logistics of arranging further calls when Trump was most persistent principles of the universe
President. were accident and error.”

Comment: Note the lack of agency in “was disclosed.” It’s important to put into our thinking right from the start
Had the deep state not been able to use David Ignatius as a that Deep State actors are not all-powerful, and that Deep
cut-out, the scandal would never have occured. Therefore, State operations are not invariably successful. I mean, can
a media figure, a member of civil society, was essential to anybody look at the foreign and nationally security
the operation of the Deep State, even though Ambinder’s outcomes from what these guys are doing and urge that the
definition of the deep state doesn’t reflect this. baseline for performane is very high? I don’t think so.
Accidents happen all the time, and these guys, for all the
Properties: Network; civil society. power their positions bring them, are accident-prone.
(After all, they’re not accountable, so they never get
accurate feedback, in a typical Banana Republic power
So now I’m going to aggregate the properties suggested by
Example: “The Iraq WMD’s yellowcake uranium episode
these 10 sources, and make some judgements about what
was a Deep State Blooper.” (See here for details; the
to keep and what to throw away. Throwing out Noonan’s
yellowcake uranium was part of the Bush administration’s
concept of “a government within a government”, I get this.
WMD propaganda operation to foment the Iraq War.)
The deep state:

2. “Deep State Operation”. I think it’s important to view

1. Gains power through (legal) control of state functions of
the Deep State (as defined above) as able to act
secrecy and deception
opportunistically; although many Deep State Actors work
2. Is “permanent”

for agencies, their operations are not bureaucratic in Example: “Leon Panetta is a consummate Deep State
nature. Actor.” (Panetta has been OMB Director, CIA Director,
White House Chief of Staff, and Secretary of Defense.
Example: “The White House Iraq Group was a Deep State “[Panetta] regularly obtains fees for speaking
propaganda operation that succeeded tactically but failed engagements, including from the Carlyle Group.[55] He is
strategically” (See here for details; the WHIG planted also a supporter of Booz Allen Hamilton.”
stories in the press to foment the Iraq War. They succeeded
in that narrow goal, but the war itself was a debacle, and 4. “Deep State Faction”. This is a no-brainer:
the damage to the credibility of the press as an institution
took a hit.) Example: “The Neoconservatives are a Deep State
3. “Deep State Actor”. An individual can be a member of
the Deep State as an official, and then later as media Conclusions
personality or contractor. (It also seems to me that once
you have been within the intelligence community, you can
I apologize for the length as I fought my way through the
never be said to have left it, since how could anyone know
material, and I hope I haven’t made any gross errors —
you have really left?
especially political science-y ones! And any further
additions to the Deep State Phraseology will be very
welcome (but watch those definite articles!).

Trump Names Lt. Gen. HR McMaster
As National Security Adviser
By Tyler Durden
Feb 20, 2017 4:13 PM

ambassador about U.S. sanctions before Trump's


McMaster, 54, is a West Point graduate known as "H.R.,"

with a PhD in U.S. history from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was listed as one of Time
magazine's 100 most influential people in 2014, partly
because of his willingness to buck the system. A combat
veteran, he gained renown in the first Gulf War - and was
awarded a Silver Star - after he commanded a small troop
of the U.S. 2nd Army Cavalry Regiment that destroyed a
much larger Iraqi Republican Guard force in 1991 in a
place called 73 Easting, for its map coordinates, in what
Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster
many consider the biggest tank battle since World War
In a brief statement from Mar-a-Lago, President Trump
said on Monday that Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond
As one fellow officer put it, referring to Trump's inner
McMaster would be his new national security adviser,
circle of aides and speaking on condition of anonymity, the
again turning to the U.S. military to play a central role on
Trump White House "has its own Republican Guard,
his foreign policy team. Trump also named Keith Kellogg,
which may be harder for him to deal with than the Iraqis
a retired U.S. Army General who has been serving as the
were." The Iraqi Republican Guard was ousted dictator
acting national security adviser, as chief of staff to the
Saddam Hussein's elite military force. As Reuters adds,
National Security Council.
McMaster's fame grew after his 1997
Speaking to reporters in West Palm Beach where he spent
book "Dereliction of Duty" criticized the
the weekend, Trump said John Bolton, a former U.S.
country's military and political
ambassador to the United Nations, would serve the
leadership for poor leadership during
administration in another capacity. Trump spent the
the Vietnam War.
weekend considering his options for replacing Flynn. His
first choice, retired Vice Admiral Robert Harward, turned
down the job last week. ***

BREAKING: Trump picks retired Gen. H.R. According to Foreign Policy'sThomas Ricks says,
McMaster as next national security adviser picking McMaster is not a bad thing.
I’ve known him since he was major. He’s smart, energetic,
— NBC News (@NBCNews) February 20,
and tough. He even looks like an armored branch version
of Harward. (That’s him, working out with a punching bag
in Iraq, in the foto. I took it in the citadel in downtown Tell
McMaster is a highly regarded military tactician and Afar one sunny winter day about 10 years ago.) (Btw,
strategic thinker, but his selection surprised some Harward was scheduled to appear on ABC’s “This Week”
observers who wondered how McMaster, who is known yesterday morning, but backed out an hour before airtime.
for questioning authority, would deal with a White House )
that has not welcomed criticism, Reuters wonders. He
replaces a Trump loyalist. Michael Flynn, a retired Army
Once Trump was turned down by Harward, it became
lieutenant general, was fired as national security adviser on
more likely that he would turn to the active duty military
Feb. 13 after reports emerged that he had misled Vice
for his 3rd pick for the job. McMaster is among the best
President Mike Pence about speaking to Russia's
of them out there. For his Ph.D. dissertation, he wrote one

of the best books on the Vietnam War, Dereliction of War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring
Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Freedom, and his reputation for questioning U.S. policy
the Lies That Led to Vietnam. and military leaders regarding the Vietnam War.

He has good combat experience, he was a good trainer, McMaster graduated from Valley Forge Military Academy
and he led the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment well in his in 1980, where he served as a company commander with
deployment to Iraq, most notably in pacifying Tell Afar, to the rank of cadet captain. He is a 1984 graduate of West
the west of Mosul. Point, where he played rugby.

I wrote about his operations there in my book The Gamble. He holds Master of Arts and Ph.D. degrees in American
I am traveling so I don’t have it with me, but I remember history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel
him telling his soldiers that understanding Hill, and authored a thesis critical of American strategy in
counterinsurgency really wasn’t hard: “Every time you the Vietnam War, which is detailed in his 1997 book
disrespect an Iraqi, you’re working for the enemy.” They Dereliction of Duty.It harshly criticizes high-ranking
even had “Customer Satisfaction Forms” that detainees officers of that era, arguing that they inadequately
were asked to fill out upon release: Were you treated well? challenged Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and
How was the food? What could we do better? President Lyndon Johnson on their Vietnam strategy. The
book is widely read in Pentagon circles and is on the
There are two big differences between official reading list of the Marine Corps.
him and Harward: First, he is on active
duty. (Though the Army inexplicably Early Career
couldn’t find a four star job for him, and
had told him to plan to retire later this His first assignment after commissioning was to the 2nd
year.) Second, his wife won’t kill him if Armored Division at Fort Hood, where he served in a
he takes the job, as Harward’s wife variety of platoon and company level leadership
might have. assignments with 1st Battalion 66th Armor Regiment. In
1989, McMaster was assigned to the 2nd Armored Cavalry
That said, the basic problems remain. To do the job right, Regiment at Warner Barracks in Bamberg, Germany,
McMaster needs to bring in his own people. And it where he served until 1992, including deployment to
remains unclear if he can get that. Operation Desert Storm.

As for relations with the Pentagon: McMaster knows During the Gulf War in 1991 he was a captain
Mattis, but not well. (They both spoke at a conference at commanding Eagle Troop of the 2nd Armored Cavalry
the University of North Carolina in April 2010.) But they Regiment at the Battle of 73 Easting. During that battle,
are similar people and will respect each other. Ricks adds though significantly outnumbered and encountering the
that he did an informal poll of people who have worked for enemy by surprise as McMaster's lead tank crested a dip in
McMaster, asking if they would be willing to follow him the terrain, the nine tanks of Eagle Troop destroyed over
to the National Security Council staff. To a surprising eighty Iraqi Republican Guard tanks and other vehicles
degree, they replied, Yes, they would. That’s an indication without loss, due to the Abrams tank being state-of-the-art
of loyalty to and confidence in him. armored technology while the Iraqi equipment included
grossly outdated T-62s and -72s of the Soviet era as well
*** as similarly dated Type 69s of Chinese manufacture.

Herbert Raymond "H.R." McMaster's full public bio is "At 4:10 p.m. Eagle Troop received fire
below: from an Iraqi infantry position in a cluster of
buildings at UTM PU 6801. Eagle troop
Herbert Raymond "H. R." McMaster (born July 24, 1962 Abrams and Bradleys returned fire,
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is an American soldier, and silenced the Iraqi guns, took prisoners, and
a career officer in the U.S. Army. His current assignment continued east with the two tank platoons
is Director, Army Capabilities Integration Center and leading. The 12 M1A1 tanks of Eagle Troop
Deputy Commanding General, Futures, U.S. Army destroyed 28 Iraqi tanks, 16 personnel
Training and Doctrine Command. His previous assignment carriers and 30 trucks in 23 minutes with no
was commander of the Maneuver Center of Excellence at American losses. At about 4:20 Eagle
Ft. Benning, Georgia. McMaster previously served as crested a low rise and surprised an Iraqi
tank company set up in a reverse slope
Director of Combined Joint Interagency Task Force-
Shafafiyat (CJIATF-Shafafiyat) (Transparency) at ISAF defence on the 70 Easting. Captain
(International Security Assistance Force) Headquarters in McMaster, leading the attack, immediately
engaged that position, destroying the first
Kabul, Afghanistan. He is known for his roles in the Gulf
of the eight enemy tanks to his front. His 60 Minutes produced a similar segment in July, and the
two tank platoons finished the rest. Three operation was the subject of an article in the April 10,
kilometers to the east McMaster could see 2006 issue of The New Yorker.
T-72s in prepared positions. Continuing his
attack past the 70 limit of advance, he Author Tim Harford has written that the pioneering tactics
fought his way through an infantry employed by 3rd ACR led to the first success in
defensive position and on to high ground overcoming the Iraqi insurgency. Prior to 2005, tactics
along the 74 Easting. There he included staying out of dangerous urban areas except on
encountered and destroyed another enemy patrols, with US forces returning to their bases each night.
tank unit of eighteen T-72s. In that action These patrols had little success in turning back the
the Iraqis stood their ground and attempted insurgency because local Iraqis who feared retaliation
to maneuver against the troop. This was would very rarely assist in identifying them to US forces.
the first determined defense the Regiment McMaster deployed his soldiers into Tal Afar on a
had encountered in its three days of permanent basis, and once the local population grew
operations. Still, the Iraqi troops had been confident that they weren't going to withdraw nightly, the
surprised because of the inclement citizens began providing information on the insurgents,
weather and were quickly destroyed by the enabling US forces to target and defeat them.
better trained and better equipped
American troops."
McMaster passed command of the 3rd Armored Cavalry
Regiment on June 29, 2006 and joined the International
McMaster was awarded the Silver Star. The battle features Institute for Strategic Studies in London, as a Senior
in several books about Desert Storm and is widely referred Research Associate with a mandate described as
to in US Army training exercises. It also receives coverage "conducting research to identify opportunities for
in Tom Clancy's 1994 popular non-fiction book Armored improved multi-national cooperation and political-military
Cav. McMaster served as a military history professor at integration in the areas of counterinsurgency, counter-
West Point from 1994 to 1996, teaching among other terrorism, and state building", and to devise "better tactics
things the battles in which he fought. He graduated from to battle terrorism."
the United States Army Command and General Staff
College in 1999.
From August, 2007 to August, 2008 McMaster was part of
an "elite team of officers advising US commander"
Later Career General David Petraeus on counterinsurgency operations
while Petraeus directed revision of the Army's
From 1999 to 2002, McMaster commanded 1st Squadron, Counterinsurgency Field Manual during his command of
4th Cavalry Regiment, and then took a series of staff the Combined Arms Center. Petraeus and most of his team
positions at U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM), were stationed in Fort Leavenworth at the time but
including planning and operations roles in Iraq. McMaster collaborated remotely, according to senior team
member John Nagl.
In his next job, as lieutenant colonel and later colonel,
McMaster worked on the staff of USCENTCOM as Career as General Officer
executive officer to Deputy Commander Lieutenant
General John Abizaid. When Abizaid received four-star McMaster was passed over for promotion to Brigadier
rank and became Central Command's head, McMaster General in 2006 and 2007, despite his reputation as one of
served as Director, Commander's Advisory Group (CAG), "the most celebrated soldiers of the Iraq War." Though the
described as the command's brain trust. rationale for promotion board decisions is not made public,
it is generally agreed that McMaster was held back
In 2003 McMaster completed an Army War College because of his tendency to argue against the status quo. It
research fellowship at Stanford University's Hoover should be noted that McMaster was the second person in
Institution. his 1984 West Point Class to be promoted to Brigadier
General behind only William Rapp and the third in the
In 2004, he was assigned to command the 3rd Armored entire 1984 Year Group. No officers from later year groups
Cavalry Regiment (3rd ACR). Shortly after McMaster are senior to him except for Special Corps officers, e.g.
took command the regiment deployed for its second tour in Medical and Judge Advocate General Corps. This should
Iraq and was assigned the mission of securing the city of call into question the assertion that he was ever "passed
Tal Afar. That mission culminated in September with over" for promotion.
Operation Restoring Rights and the defeat of the city's
insurgent strongholds. President Bush praised this success, McMaster was selected for Brigadier General on the 2008
and the PBS show Frontline broadcast a documentary in promotion list. Secretary of the Army Pete Geren had
February, 2006 featuring interviews with McMaster. CBS' requested General Petraeus to briefly return from Iraq to

take charge of the promotion board as a way to ensure that On February 18, 2014 Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel
the best performers in combat received every consideration announced the nominations of four officers for promotion
for advancement, and it is generally acknowledged that to Lieutenant General, including McMaster, who was
Petraeus's presence ensured that McMaster was among selected to become Deputy Commander of the Training
those selected. and Doctrine Command and Director of TRADOC's Army
Capabilities Integration Center.
In August, 2008 McMaster assumed duties as Director,
Concept Development and Experimentation (later renamed "It is heartening to see the Army reward such an
Concept Development and Learning), in the Army extraordinary general officer who is a thought leader and
Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC) at Fort Monroe, innovator while also demonstrating sheer brilliance as a
Virginia, part of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine wartime brigade commander," retired Army Gen. Jack
Command. In this position McMaster was involved in Keane, a former Army vice chief, said of the promotion.
preparing doctrine to guide the Army over the next ten to
twenty years. He was promoted on June 29, 2009. In April 2014, Maj General McMaster made Time
magazine's list of 100 most influential people in the world.
In July 2010 he was selected to be the J-5, Deputy to the He is hailed as "the architect of the future U.S. Army" in
Commander for Planning, at ISAF (International Security the accompanying piece written by retired Lt. Gen. Dave
Assistance Forces) Headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan. Barno, who commanded U.S. and allied forces in
Additionally, McMaster directed a joint anti-corruption Afghanistan from 2003 to 2005.
task force (CJIATF-Shafafiyat) at ISAF Headquarters.
"Major General Herbert Raymond
As with his promotion to Brigadier General, McMaster McMaster might be the 21st century Army's
was the second member of his 1984 West Point class pre-eminent warrior-thinker," Barno wrote.
behind William Rapp to be selected for promotion to "Recently tapped for his third star, H.R. is
Major General and all six Year Group 84 officers selected also the rarest of soldiers—one who has
that year were promoted within 2 months of each other. repeatedly bucked the system and survived
Rapp was selected the previous year and was the only Line to join its senior ranks."
Year Group 84 officer selected that year. Army Chief of McMaster is cited for his "impressive
Staff General Martin Dempsey called McMaster "probably command and unconventional exploits in
our best Brigadier General." the second Iraq war," Barno wrote.

McMaster was nominated for Major General on January In July 2014 McMaster was promoted to Lieutenant
23, 2012. In April, 2012 he was announced as the next General and began his duties at the Army Capabilities
commander of the Army's Maneuver Center of Excellence Integration Center.
(MCoE) at Ft. Benning. On June 13, 2012 McMaster
assumed command of the MCoE and was promoted to
Major General in a ceremony at Ft. Benning with a date of
rank of 2 August 2012.

“They Are Taking Out Trump’s Lieutenants”:
Deep State Intelligence Ops Sabotaging The White House?
By Mac Slavo - Via Shtfplan
02.20.2017 @10:33 AM EST

not? There are many unaddressed issues with Mike Flynn,

Do you see the writing on the wall? Do but the implications are disturbing. The news media is
you see what is happening here? blatantly distorted, and no mainstream accounts can be
trusted anymore.
If there was any doubt that the Trump era will eventually
unfold into either a) revolution and total chaos, b) a police But there is no real way for the average citizen to know
state under martial law or c) a coup or assassination what is going on behind closed doors in Washington, etc.
against the leader of the free world, then it should be clear without solid, accountable, transparent and accurate
from this. reporting – and virtually nothing of the sort exists in
Washington or elsewhere.
Behind the scenes, the intelligence community are at war
with President Donald Trump. The CIA and national security deep state would love for
the American people to believe the notion that Putin
He has refused to attend CIA briefings; they have represents a hostile and immediate threat, and that the
sabotaged his National Security Advisor by leaking entire Trump presidency has been a Trojan horse scheme
classified communications with the explicit purpose of to advance Russian interest. But, if nobody buys it, they at
undermining the new administration and stoking tensions least want the American people to know who holds the
with Russia. ultimate power.

If Gen. Mike Flynn can be removed, it not only challenges Hypocrisy and true intent mean nothing to these people.
the power of the Trump White House but builds upon the They must have it their way, and they will stop at nothing
false narrative that Russia has been involved in hacking, to get their agenda settled. They are at war with Trump,
cyber attacks and undermining legitimate U.S. power. and he will either bend or break, as far as they’re
Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog spoke with the very
insightful Catherine Austin Fitts about the palace intrigue If that is the case, then there is no “democracy” or
and cloak-and-dagger inner-workings of the new “constitutional republic.” The American Dream and the
administration, and the creatures of the establishment who republic for which it stands are null and void, because the
resent their rival claim to power over U.S. policy. This is shadow government stole unchecked power from the gods
truly historical stuff going on: like Prometheus, and have kept it to themselves rather than
distributing the power.

The 1947 National Security Act set the CIA on a long-

leash, that thereafter either came loose around its neck, or
snapped under pressure.

And here’s what former Rep. Dennis Kucinich told Fox

Business, warning America that the intelligence
community was actively trying to undermine the Trump
Administration, and are targeting his top cabinet officials.
The resignation of Gen. Mike Flynn may be just the

How many other Trump administration officials will be

mired in scandal, or ousted by bad optics? When they go
down, will we know whether it was for good reason or
These will be some trying times for America.

Internal turmoil, war within and war without. Stay on


Lewandowski Slams Trump Senior Staff For Recent
Missteps On Immigration
By Barnini Chakraborty
Published February 20, 2017

Lewandowski spent 18 months as Trump’s campaign

manager. He was key in helping score multiple primary
wins but was fired in June after a protracted turf war.

“Enough people had told him that I didn’t

have the core competency or capability to
get him any further than I had gotten him,
which at that point was the Republican
nomination,” Lewandowski said. “They
believed that they needed a more
seasoned professional who was going to
come in and run the campaign and at that
President Trump’s former campaign manager on Monday
juncture they believed that Paul Manafort -
took a swipe at the president’s inner circle, blaming their
who candidly had never run a campaign in
inexperience for some of Trump’s most recent public
his life – has been a delegate counter –
was that person.”

“The staff has probably not prepared him

It’s no secret that Manafort and Lewandowski at times
as well as they could have or should have
have been at odds with one another. They were both
as it related to some of those executive
considered rival powerhouses jockeying for Trump’s
orders and the implementation and what
attention during the campaign. Manafort took over
that would mean,” Corey Lewandowski said
operational control after Lewandowski left. Manafort
in an interview on David Axelrod’s “The
resigned two months later after stories surfaced about his
Axe Files.”
ties in Ukraine.

Lewandowski took aim at the rocky rollout of Trump’s

Despite his lack of confidence in Trump’s inner circle,
controversial immigration executive order, which wound
Lewandowski says he’s remained friendly with Trump and
up in federal court.
continues to support his former boss’s broad outlook for
the country. He also says the Trump White House can reset
“You have a president who wants to move and move past its first unsteady month.
very quickly, who has a grand vision of
what he wants to accomplish and is leaving
“What I think you’ll see moving forward
the details to the staff to implement and
hopefully is a measured approach,”
(hoping) that the staff understands what
Lewandowski said. “Not to scale back on
that means,” Lewandowski said.
fulfilling the promises of the campaign but
making sure that you have vetted it
Much of the miscommunication lies with Trump’s closest properly not only with the right legal entities
comrades, he claimed. but also giving a head’s up to those people
in congress so you don’t have backlash
“As I look at the totality of senior staff – from your own party.”
and if that’s Kellyanne Conway, Steve
Bannon, Reince Priebus, Jared Kushner - Trump has been dealing with the roughest stretch of his
the senior staff inside of the building, none young presidency so far.
of them have ever worked inside the
government and I think it’s both a plus and
During a press conference where he was supposed to
a minus,” Lewandowski said. “You don’t
nominate former federal prosecutor Alexander Acosta for
know what you don’t know.”
labor secretary after his first nominee, fast food chain CEO

Andrew Puzder bowed out, Trump unleashed a battery of “This administration is running like a fine-
accusations against the media. tuned machine,” Trump said.

His lengthy presser came on the heels of Michael Flynn The White House did not immediately return a request for
resigning as national security adviser over a controversy comment.
regarding his past contact with Russia’s ambassador.

At the press conference, Trump staunchly defended his

administration’s work on everything from the economy to

Rand Paul
“We’re Very Lucky Trump Is In Charge And Not McCain”
Senator Rand Paul Ripped Fellow Republican John McCain
February 20, 2017

Senator Rand Paul Ripped Fellow Republican John McCain After

He Criticized President Trump’s Feud With The Biased Liberal Media

 Reba: Senator Rand Paul…Thank you… for a voice of  Alvin Ross: Toooooo a Nursing Home with Hillary,
reason and support for our President Trump ! - February 19, Pocahontas Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Feistein and Reid! -
2017 February 20, 2017

 Michael Cleveland: Yes Mc Cain is a democratic - February  Robert Booth: Do not forget Ginsberg that bat shit crazy
19, 2017 loon falls asleep at the drop of a hat .. - February 20, 2017

 Gilbert Jackson: McCain is no good, he a loser, and nothing  John V.: Don’t call McCain a conservative, he is anything
more. he need to be hung by our Gov. along with hc and but. Needs to leave, he is pissed Trump is his own man that
Obama and john k. so many not for the good of America or it does not make deals that make Senators rich. McCain is a
People, some say President Trump is costing us a lot of RINO. He does not like the fact an “outsider” won the
money, gust they for get, he is working free. da Presidency, which the professional DC politicians think is just
 February 19, 2017 for them. - February 20, 2017

 Bell: Leftist loony McCain acting like a basker and  Roseanne Sansouci: How come he couldn’t talk like this on
overreacting, misleading Europe. That dude is unhinged. - the campaign trail? Here he was articulate and had good
February 19, 2017 ideas. During the campaign he couldn’t get a straight
sentence out. - February 20, 2017
 Elle: McCain is losing it.. he needs to retire - February 19,
2017  James Reeser: McCain can’t get it though his brain dead
head that he isn’t I in charge anymore. Time for him to go
 Mike: He is too old to reason logically. Very bitter man. home he’s not going to rape the people anymore! - February
Trump didn’t cost you the election John McCain. Stop hate. 20, 2017
He is your president. - February 19, 2017
 Harold: John McCain is a idiot no wonder he got caught
 Kufre Friday: Rand Paul is super balanced and stable unlike when he was fighting the war back in the day because he just
McCain that is an unhinged conservative that seems not to a screw up he needs to go back to Arizona and sit down and
realize that Trump speaks for all true lovers of America and a whine and cry to his wife. - February 20, 2017
stable world - February 20, 2017

West Unable To Show Proof
Of RT's 'Lies' As It Does Not Exist - Editor-In-Chief
© Sputnik/ Evgeny Biyatov - World
13:13 20.02.2017(Updated 13:14 20.02.2017

time," Simonyan said in an interview that

will be aired on Russian NTV channel
on Monday night.

According to Simonyan, the campaign staffers of French

presidential hopeful Emmanuel Macron said recently that
RT and Sputnik news agency were spreading lies about the
candidate, which was "simply not true."

"They accuse us of lies, thus lying

themselves, because they cannot give any
concrete examples, cannot provide any
RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan
proof, because there isn't any," Simonyan
said Western media often circulate fake-
based accusations against the
broadcaster. Last week, Macron's spokesman Benjamin Griveaux and
Secretary General of Macron's party En Marche! Richard
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Western media and officials daily Ferrand suggested that RT and Sputnik were spreading
accuse RT broadcaster of "lies," but cannot produce any false rumors about the candidate and favoring other
tangible proof, because there is none, RT editor-in-chief participants of the presidential race.
Margarita Simonyan said.
Both Sputnik and RT refuted the accusations, stressing the
"Not a day goes by without some extremely impartiality of their coverage. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry
influential European or US outlet Peskov called claims that Russian media were attempting
[publishing an article about RT] or some to influence public opinion somewhere "absurd." The
highly placed government official saying, spokesman added that he had not found any articles taking
yet again, something unpleasant. There is down one French presidential candidate and propping
always some lie there, 90 percent of the up others neither on RT nor on Sputnik.

Trump Isn’t The One Who
Needs To ‘Get A Grip,’ It’s Hysterical Democrats
There Are People Who Have Been Elected To Govern Us With Mental
Problems, But The President Isn’t One Of Them
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On February 20, 2017

Wow. Just who is unhinged here?

Democrats have already divided the nation by race, creed,

ethnicity, religious beliefs, social and economic status –
now they want to divide it by mental stability. That, of
course, is inviting criticism that they’ve just gone too far.

“It’s divisive. The bottom line is, if Trump

doesn’t succeed, we all fail. It’s time to give
the guy a chance,” said Rep. Scott
In what is quickly becoming the latest excuse for
DesJarlais (R-Tenn.).
Democrats to complain about President Donald Trump’s
alleged instability, now they want to invoke the 25th Reps. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) and Mike
Amendment to remove him from office unless he can “get Simpson (R-Idaho) both burst out laughing
a grip.” Talk about your sound-bite narratives. when told some Democratic colleagues
were questioning Trump’s mental health.
As reported by The Hill last week: “Are you serious?” Hunter asked. “Yeah, I
don’t care what they say.”
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) in a floor “I think that’s a stretch,” Simpson said.
speech this week called for a review of the
Constitution’s procedures for removing a
Oh, at least. So again, who is it that is really unhinged
president. He warned the 25th Amendment
here – the president, who has been enough in command of
of the Constitution falls short when it comes
his faculties to have amassed billions of dollars in fortune,
to mental or emotional fitness for office.
or Democratic lawmakers unable to get over the loss of
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) during a their corrupt candidate, Hillary Clinton, and accept the
weekend interview with CNN’s “State of the reality that she was beaten by a former reality TV star?
Union” said that “a few” Republican
colleagues have expressed concern to him Too bad the 25th Amendment doesn’t mention anything
about Trump’s mental health. about members of Congress.

And Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) plans to introduce legislation

that would require the presence of a psychiatrist or
psychologist in the White House.

Pence & WaPo On NATO
By Stephen Lendman
As long as NATO exists, world peace, stability and
security are impossible. He ignored Kiev aggression on Donbass, instead bashed
Russia irresponsibly, saying Washington will hold
The alliance is a US-dominated killing machine, used for Moscow “accountable” on Ukraine and its (nonexistent)
endless wars of aggression, not defense at a time the only efforts to redraw international borders by force” - while
threats are invented ones. “search(ing) for new common ground.”

Candidate Trump called NATO “obsolete.” How many resets will Russia tolerate, given a history of
UK Prime Minister Theresa May said he’s US broken promises? On Monday, Sergey Lavrov
“100% behind NATO.” diplomatically blasted US intelligence, anonymously
admitting it routinely wiretaps the communications of
In early February, he expressed “strong support” for the Russia’s ambassador to Washington, including “reports to
alliance, according to a readout of his conversation with Moscow about his activities in” America’s capital.
Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg,
Neocon, CIA-connected Washington Post Editors urged
“agree(ing) to continue close coordination European NATO members to increase their defense
and cooperation to address the full range of spending when cutting it sharply should be prioritized.
(invented) security challenges facing
NATO.” They quoted former Obama defense secretary Robert
Gates, saying
Representing the Trump administration at the Munich
Security Conference on Saturday, Vice President Pence “(i)f current trends in the decline of
said European defense capabilities are not
halted and reversed, future US political
“the United States of America strongly leaders…may not consider the return on
supports NATO and will be unwavering in America’s investment in NATO worth the
our commitment to this trans-Atlantic cost.”
Gates’ hyperbole fooled no one. Washington uses NATO
Urging member states to increase military spending at a as an imperial tool. Imagine how much safer humanity
time no enemies exist, he added would be if it didn’t exist.

“(a)s you keep faith with us, under

President Trump, we will always keep faith
with you.”

Thirty Days Later: Trump’s First
Month In The Media Hole
Danielle Ryan
Published Time: 20 Feb, 2017 09:48

days in office. While the media was overly eager to report

that Trump’s crowd had been smaller than Barack
Obama’s, Trump fed the controversy by sending his press
secretary Sean Spicer to address reporters in the White
House press briefing room with some “alternative facts”
about the numbers.

It’s been thirty days since Donald Trump took office and what a 30
days it’s been. The Trump administration — whether operating in
sheer chaos or running like a “finely tuned machine” — is certainly
one of a kind.

Let’s look at some of the highlights (or lowlights,

depending on how you see it) of Trump’s first month down
the media hole. It didn’t help that the Women’s March held across
hundreds of American cities on Trump’s second day in
Week 1: American carnage office ended up being one of the largest demonstrations in
US history, according to some estimates. Doing no one any
Trump began his presidency with an inauguration speech
that read like a damning portrayal of a dying nation rather
than one of the usual screeds on American Exceptionalism Madonna showed up to tell everyone how
we’ve come to expect from the men who have occupied much she had thought about “blowing up
the White House before him. the White House” because she didn’t like
the results of the election.
Trump bemoaned the poverty of inner cities, the rusted-out
factories “scattered like tombstones” across the land, a Trump also used his first week to sign an executive order
failing education system, infrastructure falling into to begin work on a Mexican border wall, announcing again
disrepair and decay, and the “crime and gangs and drugs” that Mexico would pay for it. Unamused, Mexico’s
that have robbed the country of its “unrealized potential”. president cancelled a planned meeting with Trump.
The “American carnage” stops now, he said. To some,
Trump sounded like an un-American Debbie Downer — Week 2: Immigration ban
but for the millions of Americans affected by poverty,
crime, drugs and job losses, his speech was a refreshing Trump set the agenda for his second week in office by
dose of reality. signing an executive order which put a temporary ban on
immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries
The US, Trump said, would seek friendship with all the entering the US. The ban sparked immediate protests at
nations of the world, but with the understanding that it is airports around the country and invited a media storm of
the right of all countries to “put their own interests first”. criticism. Trump’s spokespeople, attempting to control
His words, at least on day one, reassured foreign leaders how the order was perceived, refused to call it a “ban” —
that he had little interest in becoming entangled in new though Trump confused matters by calling it a “ban” on
military conflicts. his own Twitter account.

The crowd size at Trump’s inauguration somehow ended While chaos and confusion ensued in airports, Trump
up being one of the biggest stories of Trump’s first few made calls to five world leaders, including Russian
President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Trump takes time to blast Nordstrom department stores for
Merkel. While nothing substantial came from the call with dropping his daughter Ivanka’s product line. Celebrities
Putin — other than a mutual agreement that US-Russia respond by posting pictures of themselves holding
relations were in need of repair — the exchange still Nordstrom bags online.
prompted more media attention than the rest. Speculation
over Trump’s elusive ‘ties to Russia’ (which he denies) Week 4: Finely tuned machine
continues to plague the administration and fascinate
American journalists, despite little evidence.
Allegations that Trump’s national security adviser Michael
Flynn discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador to
Week two ends with the Trump administration putting the US provoked more Russia-related trouble for the new
Iran “on notice” after an attack on a Saudi warship by administration. Flynn is eventually forced to resign,
Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. In light of other admitting that he misled Vice President Mike Pence on the
hawkish statements from Trump and his administration on content of the calls. The media makes a mountain out of a
Iran, one expert warns that the US could stumble into a molehill, implying that Flynn is in Russia’s pocket and that
conflict which would make the wars in Afghanistan and his calls with the Russian ambassador are part of a wider
Iraq look like “a walk in the park”. scandal of “Russian influence” in the political system. A
general climate of neo-McCarthyism continues to
Week 3: Setbacks and killers permeate the American mainstream media.

Trump suffered a policy setback in his third week when a Speculation abounds that US intelligence agencies are
judge temporarily halted his travel ban after hearing withholding information from Trump over fears that he has
arguments that it had discriminated against Muslims and been compromised by the Kremlin. Again, little reliable
caused unnecessary harm. Trump lashed out at the “so- evidence has been presented by either the media or the
called judge” on Twitter. The next day he tweeted that if intel agencies to support this theory.
something happened (presumably a terror attack), the
American people should blame the judge and the court Trump himself calls the Russia story a
system. At the same time, things were heating up for “ruse”.
Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway as she defended the
ban, citing the “Bowling Green Massacre” — a terror Week 4 also saw Trump take to the podium for his first
attack that never actually happened. Conway’s words solo White House press conference which lastly roughly
invited ridicule from the media. 75 minutes. Trump berated the press for their treatment of
him and boasted that his administration had accomplished
Trump and his ‘Russia ties’ were back in the news when more than any other in “such a short period of time”.
he gave a pre-Superbowl interview to Fox’s Bill O’Reilly.
Responding to O’Reilly’s assertion that Putin is a killer,
He also defends reports that his
Trump disappointed mainstream media yet again by
administration is in “chaos” and calls it a
refusing to erroneously put the US on a higher moral plane
“finely tuned machine”.
than the rest of the world.
Trump’s first weeks have been marred by scandals (big
“There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of ones or small ones, depending on your particular point of
killers,” Trump said. “You think our country view), dramas and protests. His biggest conflict yet has
is so innocent?” been with the media. As I’ve written before, both Trump
and the journalists covering him play right into each
Trump’s third week ends with another blow to the other’s hands; a dysfunctional circus and a vicious cycle
immigration ban as a panel of three judges upholds the which doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.
earlier injunction against the order. On a lighter note,

McCain In Munich: The War Party Fights Back
The Battle Over US Foreign Policy Is Taking Center Stage. Sen. John
McCain, The Senate’s Leading Warmonger,
Is At The Forefront Of The Fight.
By Justin Raimondo - Antiwar.Com
February 20, 2017

And while Pence averred that the US would “hold Russia

accountable,” he also said that the US would seek to
cooperate with Moscow – not at all reassuring for the
hawks in the audience, especially the Baltic states and the
virulently anti-Russian Brits, who oppose any
accommodation whatsoever. With US troops (sent by the
Obama administration) on Poland’s border with Russia,
tensions have risen, and as the War Party’s McCarthyite
campaign tying the Trump administration to Russian
intelligence intensifies, the battle over US foreign policy is
taking center stage.

The Munich conference held over the weekend – an annual Sen. John McCain, the Senate’s leading warmonger, is at
event that brings the leaders of the Atlantic alliance the forefront of the fight: in a speech delivered at Munich,
together to celebrate their hegemonic pretensions – was he took direct aim at Trump – without having the courage
anything but celebratory this time around. to name him, of course. Assailing the “blood and soil”
nationalism that is supposedly taking root not only in
Europe but also in the US, McCain noted with sympathy
Despite the assurances of Vice President Pence that
the “alarm” with which the founders of NATO would view
America’s commitment to NATO is “unwavering,” the
the new trend:
Euro-crats in the audience were miffed that he failed to
mention the European Union. And while they agreed, at
least in public, with US admonitions that they have to start “But what would alarm them most, I think,
fulfilling their obligations to devote at least 2 percent of is a sense that many of our peoples,
their budgets to defense, the reality is that there is very including in my own country, are giving up
little will to do so: for example, the Brits are now boasting on the West … that they see it as a bad
that they have brought their military expenditures up to deal that we may be better off without …
speed, but as Peter Hitchens points out they only did this and that while Western nations still have
by adding in the cost of military pensions, i.e. cooking the the power to maintain our world order, it is
books. unclear whether we have the will.”

The speech was full of faux-Churchilian rhetorical

flourishes, with frequent references to Western “values,”
but was remarkably free of actual substance. What, for
example, do these “universal values” mean in the face of
Turkey’s Recip Erdogan, whose regime is jailing
thousands for “sedition,” and setting its sights on our
Kurdish allies who are fighting ISIS? So much for
NATO’s commitment to these supposedly “universal”

US Vice President Mike Pence heads to Munich to tell Europe it is an

‘indispensable partner’

Trump, and it should be taken with a grain
of salt, because John McCain’s the guy
who’s advocated for war everywhere. He
would bankrupt the nation. We’re very
lucky John McCain’s not in charge,
because I think we’d be in perpetual war,”
“I would say John McCain’s been wrong
on just about everything over the last four
decades. He advocated for the Iraq War,
which I think destabilized the Middle East.
If you look at the map, there’s probably at
Neocon architects of failed regime change wars least six different countries where John
McCain has advocated for us having boots
And where, exactly, is “our world order”? The world is in on the ground.”
chaos, thanks in large part to people of McCain’s ilk, who
led us into the Middle Eastern quagmire and plunged that Amen, brother!
region in a maelstrom of violence that has only escalated
since George W. Bush’s fateful decision to invade Iraq.
One thing McCain isn’t wrong about is that there is
considerable opposition in the political class to the new
turn in American foreign policy, and the core of it was
present in Munich:

“I know there is profound concern across

Europe and the world that America is laying
down the mantle of global leadership. I can
only speak for myself, but I do not believe
that is the message you will hear from all of
the American leaders who cared enough to
travel here to Munich this weekend. That is
not the message you heard today from
Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis. That is
not the message you will hear from Vice
President Mike Pence. That is not the
message you will hear from Secretary of
Homeland Security John Kelly. And that is
certainly not the message you will hear
tomorrow from our bipartisan congressional

Republican Bush era Neocon – Architects of Iraq war

The attack on Libya, which McCain fulsomely endorsed,

decimated that country and created a terrorist paradise
where none existed before. And in Syria, McCain
championed radical Islamists who sought to overthrow the
government and slaughtered tens of thousands – sparking
an exodus of refugees now flooding into Europe and
destabilizing the very governments the Arizona Senator is
so eager to reassure.
VIDEO : Rand Paul
“We’re Very Lucky Trump is in Charge and Not McCain ”
I’m glad to see I’m not alone in my analysis of McCain’s
utter wrongness. In an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” The old order isn’t going to give up without a fight: that’s
this [Sunday] morning, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), why we see the Deep State openly trying to undermine –
gave it to Mad John with both barrels: and overturn – the Trump presidency. “Our world order” is
backed to the hilt by an interlocking network of economic
“Everything that he says about the and political interests that have profited from the status
president is colored by his own personal quo – and they’ll fight to the death to preserve it.
dispute he’s got running with President
Right now within the administration there are competing policy is not only possible but also very likely – provided
factions battling it out for control of our foreign anti-interventionists make their voices heard.
policy, with the GOP Establishment – chief of staff Reince
Priebus, Pence, and Secretary of State Rex Tillorsen – And that is the reason for We’re not only
arrayed against the so-called ideologues, represented by educating the American people, we’re mobilizing them.
Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller, who are close to the But we can’t do it without your help.
President. The latter want a grand deal with the Russians,
and a basic realignment of our alliances, while the old
Republican guard – and especially the Saudi lobby —
wants to preserve the status quo at all costs.

Can Israel Prevent a Deal With Iran? — Elliott Abrams

Our recent campaign to keep neoconservative warmonger

Focus on ISIS, not starting WWIII’:
Elliott Abrams out of the administration is just one
Trump blasts Senators McCain & Graham example of what we can accomplish.

McCain, and his co-warmonger Lindsey Graham, hope to No, we aren’t taking all of the credit for the fact that his
mobilize the bipartisan foreign policy Establishment and nomination for Deputy Secretary of State was nixed – but
throw a monkey wrench into any effort to rip up the many it’s not over the top to say that we had some effect. People
tripwires that would drag us into a conflict with Russia. wrote, called, and tweeted their opposition to Abrams –
and he didn’t get the job.
Yet they are generals without an army: polls show that
Americans don’t consider Russia much of a threat to the Your voice does matter, yes we can bring pressure to bear
US, and this is true especially among Republicans. And – but, again, we can’t do it without you. The War Party has
there is no appetite among the general public for a unlimited resources: we, on the other hand, only have what
confrontation with Moscow: that sentiment is limited to our readers and supporters decide to give us. And that
the Washington Beltway. decision could make the difference between war and
What this means is that a grassroots effort to beat back the
War Party and make some real changes in our foreign

Psychiatrists Diagnosing Trump With Personality
Disorders Told They Must Stop
© AP Photo/ Chris O'Meara - US
19:20 20.02.2017(Updated 19:26 20.02.2017)

on the basis doing so is both

"unethical" and "irresponsible."

The APA's stance is echoed by Professor Peter Kinderman,

President of the British Psychological Society. He believes
Trump should be judged, and condemned, as any other
politician would be — "on political decisions."

"Attempting to use a diagnostic approach

to understand and confront President
Trump is wrong on many levels. I am
The American Psychiatric Association skeptical of the validity of psychiatric
(APA) has issued a warning to its diagnosis per se, and I condemn arms-
members to stop psychoanalyzing US length celebrity pseudo-diagnosis. There is
President Donald Trump, as it breaches nothing contemptible about problems that
the organization's ethics code. lead to the use of diagnostic labels in our
work in mental health," Professor
Kinderman told Sputnik.
Ever since Trump's presidential campaign began, US
psychiatrists have publicly speculated that the mogul
turned politician is bedeviled by mental health issues,
ranging from narcissistic personality disorder
to psychopathy. These suggestions have been
enthusiastically received by the mainstream media, and the
US political class, whose own armchair pundits used these
ostensibly professional diagnoses to bolster their own
armchair analyses.

Such was the crescendo of conjecture on the campaign

trail, the APA was moved to call on its members to refrain
from labeling Trump as mentally impaired in August 2016.
However, this caution has seemingly done little to quell
the accusations, and
Psychiatrists who've spoken out about Trump's mental
health (or lack thereof) have been quick to defend their
the APA has now again warned its
actions on the basis they have a professional duty to speak
members to cease their theorizing,
out about the risk of a mentally ill individual occupying

the highest office in the world. Some have even formed a It's not merely in the US that psychiatrists have detected
political action group, Citizen Therapists Against personality disorders in the US president.
Trumpism — in the group's manifesto, they state
In the UK, Oxford Professor Kevin Dutton conducted a
"we are alarmed by the rise of the ideology study which, he alleges, found Trump scored higher
of Trumpism, which we see as a threat than Adolf Hitler and Idi Amin on the psychopathy scale.
to the well-being of the people we care
for and to American democracy itself."

However, psychiatric critics of Trump would do well

to investigate the Goldwater Rule, and its legal
implications. The Goldwater Rule is the informal name
given to Section 7.3 of the APA code of ethics, which
states it's unethical for psychiatrists to offer a professional
opinion about public figures they have not examined
in person, and/or obtained consent from.

It derives from a 1964 libel suit brought by then-

Republican Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater,
in response to an article in Fact magazine. The title Dr. Kevin Dutton's league table of political leaders past and present
based on their psychopathic traits.
published an article, "1,189 Psychiatrists Say Goldwater is
Psychologically Unfit to be President!" based on a poll it
had conducted. Goldwater sued, and won US$75,000
(approximately US$579,000 in 2017) in damages.

Fox News Turns Against Trump:
You Crossed The Line!
Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:5AM

US President Donald Trump speaks to the press aboard Air Force

One before addressing a rally in Melbourne, Florida, February 18,
2017. (Photo by AFP) “The next 20 hours is all about Russian
spies, how no one gets along, how
Donald Trump’s favorite news channel, nothing's happening... Give me a break,”
Fox News, has blasted the US president he said.
for “crossing the line” in criticizing the
American media, praising his
predecessor Barack Obama for taking
more subtle jabs at journalists critical of
his work.

On Friday, Trump blasted the New York Times, and

broadcast news networks CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS as
“fake news media” and called them “the enemy of
American people.”

In an interview with White House Chief of Staff Reince

Priebus on Sunday, Fox anchor Chris Wallace made it
clear that Fox News, despite being complimented by Wallace responded by comparing Trump’s attacks with
Trump, was not on the president’s side. Obama’s criticism of conservative networks like Fox
“Look, we’re big boys. We criticize
presidents. They want to criticize us back, “You don't get to tell us what to do any
that’s fine,” he told Priebus. “But when he more than Barack Obama did,” he told
said that the fake news media is not my Priebus. “Barack Obama whined about Fox
enemy, it’s the enemy of the American News all the time, but I got to say, he never
people, I believe that crosses an important said we were an enemy of the people.”
line.” “Lord knows, Barack Obama criticized Fox
News. If Donald Trump wants to criticize
Priebus tried to defend Trump by arguing that the press the New York Times, that’s fine. But it’s
were covering scandals of the new administration and different from saying that we are an enemy
willfully ignored the accomplishments. of the American people. That’s a different
thing,” he continued.

Sunday, according Reuters. “The press, as
far as I'm concerned, are a constituency
that we deal with, and I don't have any
issues with the press myself.”

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace (L) and White House Chief of Staff
Reince Priebus

The branding has put Trump in a difficult position, where

even the members of his administration and other major
Republican figures have tried to distance themselves from US Secretary of Defense James Mattis (Photo by AFP)
Arizona Senator John McCain, a fierce Trump critic, has
In a stark break with Trump, US Secretary of Defense warned the president that the move resembles the first
James Mattis said Sunday that he had no problems with the steps of a dictator.
“That’s how dictators get started,” he told
“I've had some rather contentious times NBC. “When you look at history, the first
with the press,” the Pentagon chief told thing that dictators do is shut down the
reporters during a trip to Abu Dhabi on press.”

The President Needs To Purge And Start Fresh: “White
House Staff Has Been Infiltrated And Infested”
Jeremiah Johnson
February 20th, 2017

“smear-reports” to the Washington [Com]Post have

originated with Priebus.

As of this writing, the President is beset by forces in

Washington and in the White House who are determined to
derail his “cleansing” efforts and continue with their own
actions. Those forces are spearheaded by the RINO
(Republicans In Name Only) “5th Columnists” either
An excellent and in-depth article posted by Jerome Corsi
working directly for and with the Democratic Party or
of Prison covers all the activities of Priebus
independently of them but for the interests of the Globalist
prior to and after the election. The actions are staggering
Network. On December 17, 2016 I wrote a piece for
in terms of what has been done in a relatively short period
entitled Trump Can’t Stop It: The people who have
of time. Priebus would have been leaned against the wall
been orchestrating the collapse have not halted their
with a cigarette and a blindfold anywhere else in the
agendas. Here is an excerpt:
world. Entitled, Report: Priebus Next to Go as Trump
Strikes Back Over Flynn, it really cuts to the chase.
“He [President Trump] is going to Here’s a detailed and revealing excerpt:
emplace several people in his cabinet
who are known to be either in the
“The purge of Army Lt. Gen. Michael
pockets of the corporations (such as
Flynn engineered by White House Chief
Mnuchin), or have stances that
of Staff Reince Priebus, formally the
diametrically oppose his own campaign
head of the Republican National
pledges (such as his selection for White
Committee in Washington, is the “Pearl
House Chief of Staff who supports
Harbor” for Trump loyalists – a
amnesty for illegal aliens).”
devastating attack that determines for
Trump supporters that Priebus, an elite
I specifically referred to Priebus in that article and went on GOP Washington insider, must go. The
to write that the President would either knuckle under to concern among Trump loyalists is that
the interests, or else he would be removed from office. It now that Priebus has succeeded in
appears the second option is in motion by the getting rid of Flynn, his next targets will
establishment, as he has not knuckled under and has been be Trump top advisors Steve Miller,
in the process of cleaning house since day one of his term. Steve Bannon, and Kellyanne Conway –
Referring to the excerpt, let it be stressed that Reince all of whom D.C. insiders are planning
Priebus has been a bought and paid for Washington insider must go if Priebus is to succeed in
since long before the appointment to White House Chief of sabotaging Trump’s revolutionary
Staff. Priebus has been attempting to staff the White agenda. Infowars has established that
House with supporters loyal to him, and not to the Priebus is the Chief Leaker in the White
President. In addition, as reported on Alex Jones’ Info House, responsible for feeding the
Wars, the leaks of potentially-damaging and degrading Trump-hating mainstream media that
daily dominate the White House news those jobs and reporting the wages and withholding
room with “read meat,” including the legally. The President needs to “file 13” Priebus, and then
demeaning leak to the Washington Post start from scratch.
that Trump is “isolated,” a “clueless
child,” wandering about in a bathrobe Look at Ryan…. Paul Ryan, the “Number 3” in line for the
(that Trump does not own), who’s White House after the President and Vice President.
presiding over a “White House in Really? So, if the President and Vice President have
disarray.” “bought the farm,” then Ryan becomes the President?
Republican Speaker of the House Eddie Munster as the
All of this is now: subsequent to what happened prior to President, with his hardcore Marxist Democrat wife for a
the election, in this final excerpt from the article: First Lady?

“In October 2016, as the presidential Ryan threw Donald Trump under the
campaign was entering its final weeks, bus prior to the election, but now he is
Priebus, in reaction the controversy kissing the seat of the President’s
over Trump’s lewd comments about trousers.
women recorded in 2005, redirected
RNC funds from Trump’s campaign , Priebus is worse. All of this has been orchestrated
spending instead on down-ticket GOP (perhaps by him) to waste time, generate negative
candidates Priebus at that time thought publicity, and enmesh the President in scandal/pseudo-
were more likely than Trump to win.” scandal to negate his efforts. Priebus is proof that the
President’s staff is both infiltrated and infested with a
Such actions should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that severe need for a complete cleanout…an “enema” in
Priebus was not for the President before the election and every sense of the word. It is also proof that there are no
he’s not in his corner now. There are some people that political parties. Democrats and Republicans are a ruse to
should not have been selected for the President’s team, and provide the people with the illusion of choice. There are
leading the pack is Priebus. The best way to have avoided either NWO Globalists, their servants, and the mindless
these pitfalls would have been to start with intelligent slaves, or those who resist them and their agendas.
people and people with ability that aren’t part of the
establishment and have not been bought beforehand. This If the Republican Party was either good and/or unified
is a mistake that the President did not consider. He was with a conservative agenda, then surely the former chair
hoping that these individuals would come into his camp (Priebus) would demonstrate an example of solidarity with
with the connections and the experience, and that they the reformative efforts of a President who wishes to clean
would change their mindset and follow his plans. Now we up the mess in Washington and place the country back on
see that it isn’t so. course. This is not the case, proving that most of the time
the greatest enemies of a leader are in his own camp.
Priebus was clearly pro-amnesty for the illegal aliens prior Priebus is no exception to that rule, and in order to lead
to his assignment as Chief of Staff. Priebus was bought effectively, he and the other swine need to be scourged out
and paid for by the businesses that favor paying foreign of the White House before further (and perhaps
aliens under the table illegally and keeping them in the irreparable) damage is done.
U.S. illegally, rather than paying American citizens to do

SD Bishop Calls On Catholics To Protest Trump:
‘We Must All Become Disrupters’
By Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
20 Feb 2017
women and children as sources of fear
rather than as children of God.”
“We must disrupt those who seek to rob
our medical care, especially from the poor.
We must disrupt those who would take
even food stamps and nutrition assistance
from the mouths of children,” he said.

The crowd of nearly 700 “community organizers and

social justice ‘protagonistas’” interrupted the bishop’s
address nearly two dozen times with cheers and applause.

Further along in his speech, the bishop seemed to suggest

that alternative media such as Breitbart are guilty of
poisoning public discourse with a different version of key
In a pointed speech this weekend, the news stories, which he labelled as “dishonest.”
bishop of San Diego attacked U.S.
President Donald Trump, telling his
“Now we’ve come to a time when alternate
audience of social justice warriors that
facts compete with real facts, and whole
they must disrupt Trump’s efforts to
industries have arisen to shape public
fulfill his campaign promises.
opinion in destructively isolated and
dishonest patterns,” said McElroy.
In a 20-minute address to the U.S. regional meeting of the
World Meeting of Popular Movements, Bishop Robert
Betraying his own economic biases, the bishop endeavored
McElroy said that
to pit a free market economy against human dignity, as if a
centrally controlled economy were somehow more
“President Trump was the candidate of respectful of the dignity of individuals than an economy
disruption. He was the disrupter.” where creativity and personal economic initiative are
“Well, now we must all become disrupters,” encouraged.
he said.
McElroy said that
Acknowledging that the United States is living “a pivotal
moment as a people and a nation” in which “bitter “the fundamental political question of our
divisions cleave our country and pollute our actual age” was whether American economic
dialogue,” the bishop urged his hearers to resist the structures will receive greater freedom or
temptation to unite under the president and rather to be directed in a way “to safeguard the
oppose him at every turn. dignity of the human person and the
common good of our nation.”
“We must disrupt those who would seek to
send troops into our streets to deport the In his groundbreaking encyclical letter on economic life,
undocumented, to rip mothers and fathers Centesimus Annus, Saint John Paul II offered a radically
from their families,” McElroy said. “We different view of the relationship between economic
must disrupt those who portray refugees as freedom and human dignity. He wrote that one of the key
enemies, rather than our brothers and factors behind the fall of the Soviet Union was the
sisters in terrible need. We must disrupt inefficiency of its economic system, which was
those who train us to see Muslim men and

“a consequence of the violation of the “Let all the world know that this economy
human rights to private initiative, to kills,” the bishop said amidst cheers, urging
ownership of property and to freedom in his hearers to agitate for an increase in the
the economic sector.” minimum wage to “at least $15 an hour.”

Asking whether the free market system ought to be Curiously, it was researchers from the University of
proposed to countries trying to rebuild their economy and California San Diego who found in 2014 that low-skilled
society, John Paul famously answered: workers were the most adversely affected by minimum
wage increases, despite the fact that this was the group that
“If by ‘capitalism’ is meant an economic such legislation sought to help.
system which recognizes the fundamental
and positive role of business, the market, Hikes in the minimum wage have other effects besides just
private property and the resulting giving low-income workers a raise, the study found, and
responsibility for the means of production, minimum wage increases in the late 2000s resulted in the
as well as free human creativity in the loss of some 1.4 million American jobs.
economic sector, then the answer is
certainly in the affirmative.” Sometimes soft slogans—as appealing as they are—must
yield to hard economics.
Bishop McElroy seems to see things differently.

Why Obama Should Be Arrested For Treason
Article By James Bailey
February 20, 2017

over, but then we’re going to get back to


For once, he was telling the truth. He actually did what he

said. He took a vacation after President Trump’s
inauguration, then just ten days later on January 30, he
issued his first post-Presidency press release, a call to
action, recruiting people to join his group, called
Organizing for Action (OFA).

I believe Obama’s new role as Organizer in Chief is the

fulfillment of what I saw in a vision in the spring of 2014.
In a conference call with his supporters just a few days At the time, I was getting weary of hearing so many people
after Donald Trump’s Presidential election victory in the claiming God told them Obama is the antichrist. It sounded
November 2016, President Obama expressed his desire to so ridiculous, I laughed out loud. But after hearing it
be “Organizer in Chief.” repeatedly, I finally decided to ask God about it.
Immediately, I saw a vision that shocked me so much I
“One of the challenges that I’ve discovered kept it to myself for six months. Then I finally had enough
being President is I would like to be confidence to share it in a post in October 2014.
Organizer in Chief, but it’s hard. You know,
you got Syria and you got NATO and you He then showed me a vision in which I saw President
have summit meetings and economic Obama riding on a white horse leading armies of soldiers
issues that you must deal with on an on horses across America. They were riding fast, side by
ongoing basis and you try to get legislation side, forming a long line sweeping across the land with
done. That’s why the DNC is so important. Obama in the center. They were waging war against the
That’s why our local state parties are so American people. As soon as they finished sweeping
important.” across one region they turned against another region. They
were conquering everywhere they went with little or no
It sounds like Obama viewed his Presidential duties as a resistance. It was an all out war against the American
nuisance keeping him from what he prefers to do, people being fought right here on our own soil.
community organizing. It is one of the few jobs he is truly
qualified to do, having been trained in the tactics of radical Then I heard the Lord say,
communist Saul Alinsky.
“Was it not written about this one that he
During the same conference call, Obama revealed his plans would do these things?”
for his post-Presidency.
I had no idea what He was talking about. I had started
“Then I’m going to be a private citizen and I studying the scriptures, but did not recall seeing anything
am not going to stop as citizen working on that could explain this vision. So a few days later I looked
behalf of the things that I care about and I through the scriptures again and found where it was
am hoping I am going to have the written by the prophet Daniel.
opportunity to work with a whole bunch of
you in all kinds of different ways. Now is He saw that the antichrist “will take action
not the time for me to spell out how that against the strongest of fortresses with the
might happen, but I am sure that we are help of a foreign god” (Daniel 11:39). (See
going to be working shoulder to shoulder the complete report)
for many many years to come.
To be more specific, when I first saw Obama riding
Admittedly, I will take a vacation for a alongside the other riders, they were moving full speed
couple of weeks after my Presidency is from south to north through the western region of the

United States. They left a big trail of dust behind them as In the 4:38-minute interview on Lou Dobbs Tonight (see
they destroyed everything in their path. As they finished video below), Sperry said,
covering that region, the whole line pivoted and turned
east to enter the next region. “I don’t think Republicans know what
they’re up against. He is quietly building a
For a long time, I wondered why the President of the shadow opposition government to
United States would ride on a white horse through the sabotage Trump and Republicans as well,
land, one region at a time. I also wondered who were the and their policies, while at the same time
other riders. It made no sense for the President, but it saving his own legacy. He’s doing this
makes perfect sense for the Organizer in Chief. through a radical Alinsky group that he
founded, called Organizing for Action
So when I heard Obama telling his supporters, “I am sure (OFA). They’ve got an army of agitators
that we are going to be working shoulder to shoulder for and they are fanning out. They are going to
many many years to come,” he described exactly like what hit Republicans even harder next week
I saw, riders riding side by side, shoulder to shoulder. when they go home for recess back to their
home districts.”
I wondered why they started in the western region. The
first reports of his post-Presidency actions came from his During the interview, Lou Dobbs pointed out the group
involvement in California’s exit from the union, called could have been called Organizing for America, but no,
Cal-Exit. OFA trained community organizers are actively that would not have been accurate because they are not for
trying to collect enough signatures to force a vote on America. They are taking action against America.
whether or not California should secede from the United
States (Source: LA Times). Paul Sperry explains more about how OFA operates:

The Cal-Exit movement gained momentum after the “It starts at a training center. These are not
election of Donald Trump, and is now being organized and like the rabble from Occupy Wall Street or
supported by Obama. One of his first actions was to bring even Black Lives Matter. These are
in some of the same thugs who worked for him as professionally trained agitators. They are
President, including former Attorney General Eric Holder schooled in Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals
as Cal-Exit spokesperson, former Chief of Staff Rahm tactics at a program that lasts six weeks.
Emanuel, and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. That’s about 32,000 that have gone
through that, over 32,000. They have
Cal-Exit is a great example of the kinds of actions Obama another 25,000 under training now and
will be taking in his new role during the next few years. they have another training summit coming
While Trump pushes his agenda from the White House, up in March. We have not seen the worst of
Obama will be pushing his opposition at the ground level, these protests. These are really going to hit
stirring up all sorts of trouble with his army of OFA hard, but Obama is the guy who is behind
trained agitators. all of this. He is the master-mind.”

I believe Obama is the one who fulfills Daniel 11:39,

“taking action against the strongest of fortresses”, the
strongest nation on earth, the United States of America,
with the help of a foreign god. Isn’t it interesting the name
of his group, Organizing for Action, uses the exact same
word as Daniel 11:39, ACTION? OFA might as well have
taken their name straight from the Bible.

Obama’s departure from the White House allows him to do

what he has wanted to do all along, organizing dissidents
at the local level, city by city, and region by region. He is
not done yet. He is just getting started, and I know he will
complete his assignment because I was told so in another If the numbers quoted by Paul Sperry are accurate, OFA
dream. Only then will he depart from the United States, has already trained 32,000 agitators with another 25,000
leaving a woman in charge to complete the final phase of now enrolled in their six-week course and another group
their plan. scheduled to begin training next month. At this rate, they
could have hundreds of thousands within the next six
According to New York Post journalist Paul Sperry, months, which reminds me of the prophetic word received
President Obama is building a shadow government. by Mena Lee Grebin. She saw these words written across
Obama’s forehead,
“Chaos is coming.” There is no reason for us to weigh in with an opinion on
things we know nothing about. Doing so makes us look
In her vision, the Lord Jesus looked at her and said with a like idiots when the fulfillment is not what we thought.
stern voice, There is no reason to rush to judgment, demanding to put
the messenger on trial and brand them with the label of
“Within three to six months, total chaos will false prophet. Doing so can align us with the wrong team,
envelop America, and a pandemic will taking sides against God, which is foolish and dangerous.
spread across the world.” (See the
complete report) After thousands of years, many prophecies recorded in the
Bible remain unfulfilled, but every one of them will be
As I stated in that post, I believe the three to six month fulfilled in perfect detail and perfect time, including Daniel
countdown started with the fulfillment of the first scene 11:39. I believe the actions being taken now by the OFA
from her vision, which happened on January 30 when is the fulfillment of an ancient Bible prophecy, which must
Obama issued his first post-Presidency press release happen and will happen. The lawless one must complete
through his new spokesman, Kevin Lewis. his assignment.

When Mena received the word on June 27 2016, there was Contrary to what the mockers claim, God is not slow
no way she could have known about what is happening concerning his promises (2 Peter 3:9). He is right on time
now, but today it is in view. There was no way she could every time. The problem is on our end because we lack
have known Obama’s new spokesman would be named faith and patience. We also tend to think way too highly of
Kevin, but she did. Now that Obama no longer has any our opinions. In the words of my friend Aaron Brickman,
Presidential duties getting in his way, he is focused on his
assignment like never before. He already has a large “The prophetic is like the rodeo. You have
number of people working with him, and it is growing fast. to hold on for more than eight seconds.”

When I received my vision in the spring of 2014, there was If we can grow some patience, just hold on for a few
no way I could have known why Obama and his cohorts seconds before charging ahead like a bull in a china shop,
were riding “shoulder to shoulder,” or why they started in we will eventually see the fulfillment.
the western region. There was no way I could have known
what God meant when He asked me, Obama’s actions are treasonous because they are intended
to divide and destroy our nation. He should be arrested and
“Was it not written about this one that he jailed. Our leaders take sworn oaths to defend us from all
would do these things?” enemies, foreign and domestic. Obama is our enemy and
should be stopped. We already fought one civil war to stop
I had no idea what he was talking about until a few days these kinds of actions. It appears we are now approaching
later when I found it written in Daniel 11:39. I could not another one.
have known Obama’s organization would assign a name
for their organization that aligns perfectly with that verse,
confirming the scripture and the vision.

Prophetic words often take time before the fulfillment

comes into view. At first, it might not even make any
sense, even to the person receiving it, which is why it is
best to just report what God revealed without adding
anything to it and best to wait before making conclusions
about what it means. Again and again we see this pattern
with prophetic dreams and visions, they take time, which
means we must be patient to see how it plays out when we
don’t know the meaning. The passage of time is an
important part of the process because it proves the message How great it would be to see real photos like these!
did not come from the messenger, which helps us see it
came from God.

No, President Trump Can't
Be Removed With The 25th Amendment
Daniel Greenfield
February 20, 2017

The source of this stupidity, like so much garbage in the

liberalsphere, appears to be a Vox explainer. The only
thing Vox explainers actually do is make progressives even
dumber than they already are.

The answer lies in Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to

the Constitution.

The amendment states that if, for whatever reason, the vice
president and a majority of sitting Cabinet secretaries
decide that the president is “unable to discharge the powers
and duties of his office,” they can simply put that down in
Alternatively, this is embarrassing. Please stop. writing and send it to two people — the speaker of the
House and the Senate’s president pro tem.
A House Democrat is calling for Congress to review the
25th Amendment of the Constitution, suggesting President Then the vice president would immediately become
Donald Trump is mentally "unstable." “Acting President,” and take over all the president’s
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), who has represented a
Portland district for 20 years, wrote in an op-ed that the Let that sink in — one vice president and any eight
50-year-old amendment contains a "fatal flaw" that must Cabinet officers can, theoretically, decide to knock the
be addressed. president out of power at any time.

No, just stop. No.

"Trump still has significant political support, The 25th Amendment was adopted after the JFK
so the obstacles are gargantuan. But the assassination to allow for an orderly transfer of power. It is
cleanest and quickest way to remove a not an impeachment shortcut. It addresses disability. It's
president involves Section 4 of the 25th not meant as a mechanism for a coup.
Amendment and has never been
attempted. It provides that the cabinet can, The context for presidential disability, whether it was
by a simple majority vote, strip the Eisenhower's heart attack or Reagan's shooting, was
president of his powers and immediately medical. That is not to say that the 25th Amendment isn't
hand power to the vice president. The deeply flawed. Anything with Bayh-Celler origins is. And
catch is that the ousted president can Section Four is open to abuse. Which is why it's been
object, and in that case Congress must summoned up. And it was understood at the time that it
approve the ouster by a two-thirds vote in was open to abuse. But it also clearly refers to medical
each chamber, or the president regains disability, not dislike of a president.
Democrats need to let go of a twisted
That's Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times. fantasy of removing President Trump from
office. Especially since this fantasy
depends on Republicans doing so.

"Talk" Has Always Been Cheap
By Jim Kirwan

Once upon a time America had a president that meant what of course there were others that were troublesome to these
he said, and tried to do what he promised: Despite the fact bastards like Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and
that with each action he added another bulls-eye to his much later there have been prominent senators, and JFK
back. junior along with that huge laundry list that Killary & Bill
Clinton and now Chelsea Hubble have each added to their
Today America has added another 'president' to that murdering ways all of this was artificially used in the last
massively long list of political-criminals that have dragged selection process, not as goals to be achieved, but as
that once revered title through the mud. talking points to be mentioned; but which were never
intended to actually be prosecuted.
When Kennedy entered any fray, he tried to bring with Trump needs to be held accountable for
him, some solutions, that could begin to change the way all his shoddy reversals across the
nations and other people were treating each other. He was board.
not always successful, far from it, but he was more than
just willing to try. Talk has always been cheap and Trump is clearly among
the impostors who talks a great line, but when pressed on
After WWII when Russia was still the USSR Berlin was a the actions he's promised the world that he would do - he's
divided city. The Russians tried to blockade the city, and just another lying fake another snake-oil politician, driven
Kennedy introduced a full scale 24-7 American-Airlift to by gold and profit and nothing more.
relieve the lives that were threatened by the Russian Iron
The world has never been in a worse
Curtain. That time Kennedy's actions led directly to a real
condition that it is today and Trump has
change in Soviet-American policies and that wall was
remained as silent as a tomb.
never again viewed in quite the same way.
When that woman was discovered yesterday in the middle
Near the end of his career, Kennedy informed Israel that of sabotaging the country to rid “us” of Trump she should
the United States would be inspecting Israel's nuclear have been frog-marched out of the White House in
arsenal for stolen nuclear weapons, Israel was beyond handcuffs the same with the Vice president and Preibus,
furious and added their own names to the list of the or whatever the hell his name is.
assassins that wanted him dead. The CIA added Kennedy
to their hit list when he interfered in the Cuban revolution, The true key to everything on any
with the Bay of Pigs, that would have put the mob back in subject are arrests and prosecutions to
charge in Havana. When Kennedy issued his own currency the fullest extent of all the lawsBut so
in five-dollar bills backed by Silver, to begin to overthrow far Trump has yet to even make his own
the Federal Reserve, that too added snipers to the list of income taxes public.
those who wanted Kennedy dead. The first thing LBJ did
after Kennedy was buried was o revoke the new currency Many were willing to give Trump a chance, until we could
that had just been circulated. But in each of these cases see his true colors but that day has already come and
Kennedy saw massive crimes blocking the way for gone: From now on that lying Israeli-puppet will need to
America and the world to improve life for everyone here prove everything he purports to promise - going forward.
yet Jack took those chances, regardless of the danger to his What he really needs to do, in my very thin book of
life, because it was the right thing to do. And when he relevant actions, is to get a horsewhipping in public:
decided to withdraw American combat troops from Because he's already lied far too often to ever be taken
Vietnam, that was the final straw and he had to die. seriously again.

Bobby Kennedy was added to the ever-growing list [email protected]

because of what he tried to do to Murder Inc., and by then

DHS Secretary Orders Immigration
Agent Hiring Surge, End To 'Catch-And-Release'
By Judson Berger
Published February 21, 2017

 Expanding the 287(g) program, which allows

participating local officers to act as immigration agents
– and had been rolled back under the Obama
 Starting the planning, design and construction of a
U.S.-Mexico border wall
 Hiring 10,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement
agents and officers
 Hiring 5,000 Border Patrol agents
 Ending “catch-and-release” policies under which illegal
immigrants subject to deportation potentially are
allowed to “abscond” and fail to appear at removal
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly moved Tuesday hearings
to implement a host of immigration enforcement changes
ordered by President Trump, directing agency heads to hire It’s unclear what timelines the secretary is setting for some
thousands more officers, end so-called “catch-and-release” of these objectives, and what budgetary and other
policies and begin work on the president’s promised U.S.- constraints the department and its myriad agencies will
Mexico border wall. face. In pursuing an end to “catch-and-release,” one memo
called for a plan with the Justice Department to “surge”
“It is in the national interest of the United immigration judges and asylum officers to handle
States to prevent criminals and criminal additional cases.
organizations from destabilizing border
security,” Kelly wrote in one of two memos
released Tuesday by the department.

The memos follow up on Trump’s related executive

actions from January and, at their heart, aim to toughen
enforcement by expanding the categories of illegal
immigrants targeted for deportation.

The changes would spare so-called "dreamers." On a

conference call with reporters, a DHS official stressed that
the directives would not affect Obama-era protections for
illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and
others given a reprieve in 2014. But outside those
exemptions, Kelly wrote that DHS “no longer will exempt
classes or categories of removable aliens from potential

A DHS official said the agencies are “going back to our While congressional Republicans have vowed to work
traditional roots” on enforcement. with Trump to fund the front-end costs associated with his
promised border wall, the same memo also hints at future
The memos cover a sprawling set of initiatives including: efforts to potentially use money otherwise meant for
Mexico – following on Trump’s repeated campaign vow to
 Prioritizing criminal illegal immigrants and others for make Mexico pay for the wall. The secretary called for
deportation, including those convicted or charged with “identifying and quantifying” sources of aid to Mexico,
“any criminal offense,” or who have “abused” any public without saying in the memo how that information might be
welfare program used.
Mexican officials repeatedly have said they will not pay immigration advocacy groups for recent ICE raids of
for a border barrier. DHS said it has identified initial illegal immigrants.
locations to build a wall where current fencing is not
effective, near El Paso, Texas; Tucson, Ariz.; and El DHS officials on Tuesday’s conference call stressed that
Centro, Calif. they are operating under existing law and once again shot
down an apparently erroneous news report from last week
The DHS directives come as the Trump White House claiming National Guard troops could be utilized to round
continues to work on rewriting its controversial executive up illegal immigrants. That will not happen, an official
order suspending the U.S. refugee program as well as said.
travel from seven mostly Muslim countries. The order was
put on hold by a federal court, and Trump’s team is said to “We’re going to treat everyone humanely
be working on a new measure. and with dignity, but we are going to
execute the laws of the United States,” a
The directives also come as the Trump administration DHS official said on the conference call.
faces criticism from Democratic lawmakers and

Trump Plans Mass Deportations
By Stephen Lendman

Obama was notoriously called America’s “deporter-in-

chief” for conducting sweeping Immigration and Customs “in the judgment of an immigration officer,”
Enforcement (ICE) raids nationwide - expelling record misrepresented themselves or “otherwise
numbers, more than all his predecessors combined. pose a risk to public safety or national
He largely targeted undocumented Mexicans and Central
Americans, averaging over 1,000 deportations daily - ICE agents are being given sweeping authority to target,
people in the United States because destructive NAFTA arrest, detain and abuse immigrants for their ethnicity and
and DR-CAFTA trade deals destroyed their jobs at home, race ahead of mass deportations.
or sought asylum from domestic violence and chaos.
Millions are vulnerable to police state mistreatment. DHS
Trump appears bent on exceeding Obama’s viciousness. will
Thousands of new ICE and border patrol agents are being
hired. Stepped up sweeping raids will follow, more than “no longer will exempt classes or
already. categories of removable aliens from
potential enforcement.”
Family members will be separated, including spouses from
each other and children from parents. “The Department will no longer afford
Privacy Act rights and protections to
Under new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) persons who are neither US citizens nor
guidelines, ICE agents have broad latitude to arrest and lawful permanent residents.”
detain undocumented and legal immigrants with offenses
on their record as minor as traffic violations or alleged “…ICE is committed to arresting and
long ago inconsequential misdemeanors. processing all removable aliens.” Many
details remain to be determined. Roundups
New guidelines cover interior and border enforcement. and deportations will be expedited.
Immigrants of color have cause for concern, especially
Latinos. Expect lots of immigrants to be harmed, including many
here lawfully, because sweeping arrests grab legal and
According to the Migration Policy Institute, over half of undocumented individuals alike, besides separating family
nearly two million immigrants legally in America have members.
past offenses on their records - in many cases minor
infractions or wrongful charges. How dozens of so-called sanctuary cities will be affected
remains to be seen. Their authorities refuse to help round
US prisons hold mostly nonviolent offenders - either up undocumented immigrants.
wrongfully convicted, incarcerated for illicit drug related
charges, or other minor ones most developed countries Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals still protects them
punish by small fines or community service, not hard time from deportation - young people referred to as Dreamers.
locked in cages.
Trump promised an enhanced get tough on immigrants
DHS guidelines prioritize deporting immigrants who’ve policy. Millions potentially are vulnerable.
allegedly abused public benefits, or

In TRUMP We Trust: Most Are Confident
The Economy Will Be Fixed By A Billionaire Businessman
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 21, 2017

finally on the right track versus 39 percent who don’t think


The Hill noted further:

Among Republicans surveyed in the

Harvard-Harris poll, 60 percent are
satisfied with the economic trajectory,
versus 23 percent who are dissatisfied.
Only 33 percent of Democrats said the
economy is on the right track, while 48
percent said it is headed in the wrong
Donald J. Trump was criticized early and often during his direction.
presidential campaign for being a political neophyte with
no governing experience. His retort most often was that At 65 percent, Trump voters are the
career politicians are the ones who got us into many of our likeliest to say the economy is headed in
current messes. the right direction.
“It’s really a surprising turnaround given
That included a net loss of millions of jobs that were how negative voters have been about the
shipped out of the country since the signing of the North economy since 2009,” said Mark Penn, co-
American Free Trade Agreement more than 20 years ago, director of the Harvard-Harris poll, as
along with subsequent “free trade” agreements since. reported by The Hill. “But jobs remains the
Trump often criticized American leaders present and past number one issue and a lot of the change
for making “really bad deals” that hurt Americans of all in sentiment anticipates tax cuts and
socioeconomic classes. infrastructure programs.”

It was a message that resonated among a majority of the There is more ancillary evidence that the country believes
electorate, handing Trump victories in historically blue or in Trump: The stock market has been on a markedly
blue-leaning states like Wisconsin, Michigan, upward trend, reaching new records, since his Nov. 8
Pennsylvania and Ohio. And now, just a few weeks into victory. Also, the economy added 227,000 jobs in January,
his presidency, Americans trust him – not big government far better than the 175,000 most economists predicted.
careerists in the federal bureaucracy and in the political
class – to repair our country’s flagging economic growth. Trump and the GOP Congress still have a long way to go
to match the job growth of the 1980s under Ronald
According to The Hill, Americans have the most Reagan, when the economy was growing an average of 3.5
confidence in our economy now than they have in years, percent (it grew an average of 3.9 percent under Bill
and they are crediting the president with their optimism. Clinton – and a Republican-controlled House, where
(RELATED: Americans Elected Trump To “Drain The spending and tax legislation begin).
Swamp” – Well, This Is What It Looks Like, And The
Establishment Doesn’t Like It) But clearly, the country is more confident in Trump than it
ever was under Obama, who regularly blamed his poorly-
In a survey commissioned by the Capitol publication and performing economy on his predecessor, George W. Bush.
conducted by Harvard-Harris, 61 percent of those surveyed And while Obama did, in fact, inherit a financial mess, his
viewed the economy as strong versus 39 percent who policies of heavy regulation did little to spur growth over
disagreed. Further, a plurality – 42 percent – say it is his eight years in office. In fact, his was the first

presidency in the modern era that did not achieve 3 percent corporations (taxed at 35 percent, the highest in the
growth even in a single quarter. industrialized world) as well as American families.
(RELATED: WINNING: IRS Won’t Enforce Obamacare
What is driving Americans’ confidence? Several things. Penalty For Uninsured)
First, Trump has already managed to save at least some
U.S. jobs from being outsourced to Mexico and beyond. All of these policies in the past, when they have been put
Secondly, Trump’s entire domestic policy platform is in place, have led to virtually unrestrained economic
focused on jobs and economic growth. Third, Trump has growth. They will again if Trump and Republicans can
pledged to dramatically cut back regulations on both small enact them.
businesses and large industries, which will save companies
money and spur expansion. And fourth, Trump (and the And obviously, most Americans believe they can.
GOP Congress) wants to reduce tax burdens on

Is The Enemy Of The People
February 21, 2017
Activities provides intriguing bed time reading rivaling
any Frederick Forsyth or John le Carré spy novel. And
who can dismiss the Declassified CIA Memo Reveals CIA
Directly Involved In JFK Assassination Cover-Up!

“Fifty-three years after the assassination of

JFK, Mary's Mosaic author Peter Janney
has rediscovered a memo offering, prima
facie evidence that the CIA was directly
involved in the JFK assassination.
What's more, this 1967 CIA memorandum
was written by Janney's own father,
Astute students of history understand that government Frederick Wistar Morris Janney, a senior
agencies often further their own interests and not the career CIA officer who began work at the
administration they are designated to serve. Seldom is the Agency shortly after its creation in 1947.”
genuine national security advanced when bureaucrats
pledge their loyalty to their respective fiefdoms of
projecting influence and power. Absent in this supremacy No matter what one thinks of the NSA and the CIA, the
struggle equation is the abstract notion that state indisputable fact is that both operate upon the premise that
legitimacy is founded upon the will and consent of the protecting and advancing the imperial global empire is
people. Such a quaint concept does not reflect a chapter in their prime imperative. Lost under this shadow
the training manual that breeds the spooks who operate as government criminal syndicate is any effort to observe
above the law and unaccountable super spies. their oath of office to the American nation.

Guarding signals traffic or capturing foreign Supposedly agency employees work in the executive
communication is a logical task to protect national secrets, branch of government for the President. Yet, the deep state
while gathering information on intentions and operations operates as if they are preeminent in their Machiavellian
from advocacies. Once upon a time the National Security immoral system of perpetual lies and deceit. These fifth
Agency directed the ECHELON project as a cold war column establishment gatekeepers are the enemy of the
network. Over the decades the functions of electronic republic. Citing the way the Intel eavesdrop presence
surveillance broadened into collection on all forms of data, targets the populist president, is clear cut proof of the
no matter the source or the national origin of the subject. nature of the intelligence community.

The mapping from their “Big Scoop” capacity has

achieved a technological level that all but obliterated any
expectation of privacy. The Fourth Amendment is
consistently ignored and the inadequate Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA review is a mere
rubber stamp from a kangaroo court. So when the Supreme
Court places National Security Agency above the law, no
one should be surprised.

Even less shocking is the sordid chronicle of the Central

Intelligence Agency, documented by the Church
Committee. The Senate Select Committee to Study
Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Watch the video NSA spying on the Trump “The National Security Agency is now able
administration?, and review the latest Larry Klayman to share raw surveillance data with all 16 of
lawsuit that goes to the core of the 1984 police state that is the United States government's intelligence
waging war against their commander and chief. Then read groups, including the Central Intelligence
Emergency hearing sought to stop NSA 'spying' on Trump. Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
“Attorney Larry Klayman, the founder of Freedom Watch, Department of Homeland Security and
is asking a federal court to hold an emergency hearing on Drug Enforcement Administration.”
the National Security Agency, alleging “likely” CIA
“spying” on President Donald Trump.” The notion that only small number of select senior
officials would have had access to the Flynn and Russia
The open counterinsurgency originating out of Ft. Meade ambassador Sergey Kislyak conversations just does not
and Langley is evident for all to see. Just assess How The wash. When the outgoing CIA Director John Brennan went
Nation’s Spooks Played The Game ‘Kill Mike Flynn’. public with his denunciation of President Trump, one
would immediately suspect that The Agency, not some
“National Security Advisor Gen. Michael T. rogue operative, gave the official blessing to take down
Flynn (ret.) — who resigned Monday — Trump.
was the victim of a “hit job” launched by
intelligence operatives, Obama government A shameful disclosure from former NSA intelligence
holdovers and former Obama national analyst John Schindler in "He Will Die In Jail" -
security officials, according to former Intelligence Community Ready To "Go Nuclear" On
intelligence officials who spoke with The Trump, states that these very blunt thoughts came from of
Daily Caller News Foundation’s a "senior intelligence community friend". With friends like
Investigative Group. this, no wonder that the Trump administration is fighting
an internal civil war with the entrenched snoop and spook
The talk within the tight-knit community of
class of the permanent war proponents.
retired intelligence officers was that Flynn’s
sacking was a result of intelligence insiders
at the CIA, NSA and National Security Least one forgets, the CIA has perfected the exercise of
Council using a sophisticated fixing elections, overthrowing governments and
“disinformation campaign” to create a crisis controlling the news cycle internationally. Within their
atmosphere. The former intel officers say culture, applying these skills back on home soil is a very
the tactics hurled against Flynn over the short leap.
last few months were the type of high
profile hard-ball accusations previously So when Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump
reserved for top figures in enemy states, on Leak Concerns, as reported in the WSJ, just ask who
not for White House officials. has excelled in leaking damaging fake news more than the
“This was a hit job,” charged retired Col. CIA?
James Williamson, a 32-year Special
Forces veteran who coordinated his “U.S. intelligence officials have withheld
operations with the intelligence sensitive intelligence from President
community.” Donald Trump because they are concerned
it could be leaked or compromised,
according to current and former officials
familiar with the matter.”
The covert undertaking of the NSA and
CIA is to remove Donald Trump from the
Presidency. One need not endorse or even
support the Trump agenda, but one must
concede that he is challenging the
establishment as no other president in our
lifetime. The coordinated push back from
the hegemonic imperialists refuses to allow
the populist elected President from
deflating the bellicose unanimity that
The NSA routinely monitors foreign dignities underwrites their world view.
conversations. The obvious source of original electronic
taps most assuredly comes from signal traffic. Obama Paul Craig Roberts has it correct in The Stakes for
expands the NSA's ability to share data with other agencies Trump and All of Us.
“We need to understand, and so does The ordinary citizens who voted for Trump are being
President Trump, that the hoax “war on betrayed by the espionage agents who want to consummate
terror” was used to transform intelligence the police state. The secret service of the puppet regime
agencies, such as the NSA and CIA, and poses a fundamental and true existential threat to the
criminal investigative agencies, such as the legitimacy of our government. They are the enemy of the
FBI, into Gestapo secret police agencies. sovereign authority that resides in the consent of the
Trump is now threatened by these population.
agencies, because he rejects the
neoconservative’s agenda of US world All ideological factions need to rally against the concerted
hegemony that supports the gigantic efforts to destroy our separations of power federalism.
military/security annual budget. Cleaning house and purging the NSA and CIA may be
Our secret police agencies are busy at virtually impossible without a clear outcry from the public.
work planting “intelligence” among the Remember this warning - Did Chuck Schumer Just
presstitute media that Trump is Threaten Donald Trump?
compromised by “Russian connections”
and is a security threat to the United “The new leader of Democrats in the
States. The plan is to make a case in the Senate says Donald Trump is being “really
media, as was done against President dumb” for picking a fight with intelligence
Nixon, and to force Trump from office. To officials, suggesting they have ways to
openly take on a newly elected president is strike back, after the president-elect
an act of extraordinary audacity that implies speculated Tuesday that his “so-called”
enormous confidence, or else desperation, briefing about Russian cyberattacks had
on the part of the police state agencies.” been delayed in order to build a case.”

The religion of State worship has destroyed all semblances Well, now you are seeing with the release of all these leaks
of civil liberties and constitutional law, especially since the that present suspect intelligence. Support Trump in his
programmed plot on September 11, 2001 that brought battle with the intelligence agencies, before they take their
America the Patriot Act despotic society. The NSA and retribution as they did on JFK.
CIA are responsible for the continuous misinformation
faux newscast cycle as the former provide the raw
falsification data, while the later uses their media assets to
spread the fabrication of their pro interventionist narrative.

Trump Chooses Hawkish
National Security Advisor
By Stephen Lendman

On Monday, Trump named hawkish Army Lt. General HR As a captain, McMaster won a Silver Star for service
McMaster to replace Michael Flynn as National Security during the 1991 Gulf War, illegal by any standard, a
Advisor (NSA). walkover from mid-January to February 28, massacring
tens of thousands of Iraqis. US aggression remains
Political pressure lead to his unfortunate sacking for ongoing, defenseless civilians suffering most.
harmlessly discussing sanctions with Russia’s US
ambassador. During Bush/Cheney’s war on Iraq, McMaster served
under General David Petraeus, involved in his so-called
Twice passed over for brigadier general, McMaster earned counterterrorism operations.
two more stars in less than six years after getting his first
one, a remarkable advancement - given to warriors, not Known for challenging conventional wisdom, a White
peace advocates. House spokeswoman said Trump “gave full authority for
McMaster to hire whatever staff he sees fit.”
As a lieutenant general, he was US Army Training and
Doctrine Command (TRADOC) deputy commanding Passed over for NSA, Trump said former UN envoy
general in charge of the Army Capabilities Integration (neocon) John Bolton will serve in an unspecified
Center (ARCIC) - tasked with devising strategies for administration role, a disturbing development, given his
America’s next war and how to win it. rage for endless wars.

Known as a tough, outspoken, detail-oriented intellectual McMaster will be chief advisor to the president on national
with a reputation for battlefield acumen, he remains on security issues, a major administration position, needing no
active duty in his new position. Senate confirmation.

Acting National Security Advisor General Keith Kellogg He’s a warrior, in 2015 saying
will work with him as chief of staff, Trump announced.
“(w)hat we have to do is really develop the
A 1984 West Point graduate, McMaster earned a doctorate ability to think clearly about future war.”
in American history at the University of North Carolina. Last spring, he lied, accusing Russia of
His dissertation criticized US Vietnam War strategy, invading Ukraine and annexing Crimea.
explained further in his book titled “Dereliction of Duty.” “What is needed is forward deterrence,” he
advised. Not good signs!
The war’s illegality went unmentioned, US naked
aggression against Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, nations Washington has lots of hawks, doves in short supply -
threatening no others. especially with disturbing hostility toward Russia, China
and Iran, risking direct confrontation.

Homeland Security Unveils
Blueprint For Mass Deportation Of Immigrants
Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:4PM

round up people and do all kinds of mass

throwing folks on buses. That’s entirely a
figment of folks’ imagination,” an official
told the Washington Post. “This is not
intended to produce mass roundups, mass

Under the rules, almost all illegal immigrants are subject to

deportation except “dreamers,” who entered the country
illegally as children and are protected by the Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals, a program that started
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers detain a under former President Barack Obama.
suspect as they conduct an enforcement operation in Los Angeles on
February 7, 2017. (Photo by Reuters)

The administration of US President

Donald Trump has issued tough new
guidelines to begin a sweeping
crackdown on undocumented

The official guidelines released on Tuesday, following two

memos from Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly
(pictured below), showed an expansion of immigration
raids and the definition of criminal aliens.
US Customs and Border Patrol officers detain a man at the San
Ysidro Port of Entry on February 10, 2017 in San Ysidro, California.
(Photo by AFP)

The memos enable immigration agents to remove any

other aliens that fail to prove they have been in the US for
over two years.

According to Tom Jawetz, the vice president of

immigration at the liberal Center for American Progress,

"The memo contemplates a massive

expansion of people being removed from
In a press call, however, officials from the Department of the country without ever seeing the inside
Homeland Security insisted that the new measures were of a courtroom."
not aimed at bringing about a mass deportation.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer has defended the
“We do not have the personnel, time or crackdown, asserting that they offer “explicit guidance” on
resources to go into communities and how to enforce Trump’s executive orders.

Former CIA Agent Explains
Why He Resigned Because Of Trump
By Tyler Durden
Feb 21, 2017 9:03 PM

Edward Price worked at the CIA from 2006 until this otherwise abstract international-relations degree to use. I
month, most recently as the spokesman for the National wasn’t disappointed.
Security Council.
The CIA taught me new skills and exposed me to new
cultures and countries. More important, it instilled in me a
sense of mission and purpose. As an analyst, I became an
expert in terrorist groups and traveled the world to help
deter and disrupt attacks. The administrations of George
W. Bush and Barack Obama took the CIA’s input

There was no greater reward than

having my analysis presented to the
president and seeing it shape events.

Intelligence informing policy — this is how the system is

But, as he details below in a letter published by The supposed to work. I saw that up close for the past three
Washington Post, years at the White House, where I worked on loan from the
CIA until last month.
he has officially resigned "to be clear,
my decision had nothing to do with As a candidate, Donald Trump’s rhetoric
politics," seemingly because the Trump suggested that he intended to take a
Administration is "tuning out the different approach.
intelligence professionals."
I watched in disbelief when, during the third presidential
Nearly 15 years ago, I informed my skeptical father that I debate, Trump casually cast doubt on the high-confidence
was pursuing a job with the Central Intelligence Agency. conclusion of our 17 intelligence agencies, released that
Among his many concerns was that others would never month, that Russia was behind the hacking and release of
believe I had resigned from the agency when I sought my election-related emails. On the campaign trail and even as
next job. president-elect, Trump routinely referred to the flawed
2002 assessment of Iraq’s weapons programs as proof that
“Once CIA, always CIA,” he said. But the CIA couldn’t be trusted — even though the intelligence
that didn’t give me pause. This wouldn’t community had long ago held itself to account for those
be just my first real job, I thought then; mistakes and Trump himself supported the invasion of
it would be my career. Iraq.
That changed when I formally resigned
last week. Trump’s actions in office have been
even more disturbing.
Despite working proudly for Republican and Democratic
presidents, I reluctantly concluded that I cannot in good His visit to CIA headquarters on his first full day in office,
faith serve this administration as an intelligence an overture designed to repair relations, was undone by his
professional. ego and bluster. Standing in front of a memorial to the
CIA’s fallen officers, he seemed to be addressing the
cameras and reporters in the room, rather than the agency
This was not a decision I made lightly.
personnel in front of them, bragging about his inauguration
crowd the previous day. Whether delusional or deceitful,
I sought out the CIA as a college student, convinced that it these were not the remarks many of my former colleagues
was the ideal place to serve my country and put an
and I wanted to hear from our new commander in chief. I As intelligence professionals, we’re
couldn’t help but reflect on the stark contrast between the taught to tune out politics.
bombast of the new president and the quiet dedication of a
mentor — a courageous, dedicated professional — who is The river separating CIA headquarters in Langley, Va.,
memorialized on that wall. I know others at CIA felt from Washington might as well be a political moat. But
similarly. this administration has flipped that dynamic on its head:
The politicians are the ones tuning out the intelligence
The final straw came late last month, professionals.
when the White House issued a
directive reorganizing the National The CIA will continue to serve important
Security Council, on whose staff I functions — including undertaking
served from 2014 until earlier this year. covert action and sharing information
with close allies and partners around
Missing from the NSC’s principals committee were the the globe.
CIA director and the director of national intelligence.
Added to the roster: the president’s chief strategist, If this administration is serious about building trust with
Stephen K. Bannon, who cut his teeth as a media the intelligence community, however, it will require more
champion of white nationalism. than rallies at CIA headquarters or press statements. What
intelligence professionals want most is to know that the
The public outcry led the administration to reverse course fruits of their labor — sometimes at the risk of life or limb
and name the CIA director an NSC principal, but the — are accorded due deference in the policymaking
White House’s inclination was clear. process.

It has little need for intelligence Until that happens, President Trump and
professionals who, in speaking truth to his team are doing another disservice to
power, might challenge the so-called these dedicated men and women and
“America First” orthodoxy that sees the nation they proudly, if quietly, serve.
Russia as an ally and Australia as a
punching bag. But while Price vows that his resignation was not
politically motivated,
That’s why the president’s trusted White House advisers,
not career professionals, reportedly have final say over we find it curious that Federal Election
what intelligence reaches his desk. Commission records indicate that he
donated the legal maximum of $2,700 to
To be clear, my decision had nothing to "Hillary for America" in August 2016 and
do with politics, and I would have been another $2,300 to the DNC's "Hillary
proud to again work under a Republican Victory Fund" on the very same day.
administration open to intelligence analysis.
But we're sure that doesn't mean anything.
I served with conviction under President George W. Bush,
some of whose policies I also found troubling, and I took Nevertheless, perhaps President Trump has created an
part in programs that the Obama administration criticized environment that cleanses itself...A self-'draining' swamp?
and ended.

MSNBC Uproar Over 'Meaningless'
Museum Visit: 'Sick' Trump Out Of 'Chances'
By Kristine Marsh
February 21, 2017

Anchor Stephanie Ruhle joked back, that Trump’s doctor

called him “the most healthiest president” “of all time”
before Mensch demanded again that Trump be evaluated.

RUHLE: Are you forgetting that his doctor said he would

be the most healthiest president in the planet, universe of
all time?

MENSCH: When asked about his mental

health, his doctor would not vouch for
his mental health and made a reference
While President Trump visited the National African to Reagan. I would like to know if the
American Museum of History and Culture Tuesday president has been diagnosed with
morning, MSNBC took the opportunity to bash the something and I am not kidding.
president for his word choices as evidence that he was
mentally ill. On top of that, MSNBC analysts stated that Later in the hour, Ruhle asked liberal radio host Zerlina
Trump had ran out of chances with the black community Maxwell if this visit meant anything, because of what
and admitted this visit wouldn’t change any opinions about Trump said to American Urban Radio Networks reporter
him. April Ryan during last week’s press conference. Ruhle,
like many in the media, characterized Trump asking Ryan
Louise Mensch, a former conservative member of the if she was “friends” with members of the Congressional
British parliament-turned left-leaning political analyst, first Black Caucus as racist, even though Ryan admitted she
responded to Trump’s speech with dismay. Talking about was friends with some members of the CBC. Lifezette
his speech patterns and emphasis on visitor numbers, even reported that Wikileaks emails show Ryan actually
Mensch decried the president as clearly in need of “a tried to connect the Clinton campaign with the CBC in
mental health checkup.” Mensch touted Nancy Pelosi’s 2015.
call for Trump to be “diagnosed” as “bang on the money”
and “a matter of security.” Regardless, Ruhle used the incident as evidence of an
unpardonable sin that tainted today’s visit to the museum.
LOUISE MENSCH: As a matter of fact, I
think it shows the president needs a RUHLE: Whether today is a beautiful
mental health check up, I genuinely gesture or not, it was just five days ago
believe that sounded so bizarre and so that he turned to April Ryan, and
ridiculous and one thought just flowed into basically intimated, “You, there, you
another with no logical sense at all. It's a friends with the black people?” I mean,
matter of national security if the that's a lot to swallow.
president is not in his right mind. I think
Nancy Pelosi who said this, who said Maxwell responded that Trump had lost his chances with
that we need to know if the president her and “large swaths” of Americans over his comments so
has been diagnosed with something is this visit was “essentially meaningless.”
bang on the money. Because that was a
joke and it wasn’t a particularly funny ZERLINA MAXWELL: It's those moment
one. that make today's photo-op essentially
meaningless. When he's off script and in
that instant moment, he's offending a black
person or a Jewish person who is asking a
question as a journalist in the press He's confused. I genuinely believe he's
conference. In those unscripted sick.
moments, we see the real Donald
Trump. I'm sorry but I'm not going to I think all the negativity comes from Bannon from Milla
give him a chance at this point. I think and from those people around him who did talk about the
that he's lost the respect of large swaths Jews and the Holocaust on Twitter. In great contrast to this
of the American people because of what President, Vice President Pence, he was in Europe and he
he said and what he’s done. said we must never forget the terror of the Holocaust, the
Jews and other people, putting the Jewish people first. He
He can't just say we are going to fix all inner cities. Not all picks up NATO. He's very much pushing this anti-Bannon
black people live in the inner cities. So you are already agenda. If you want something short of impeachment,
offending us. In your effort to say how you’re going to getting rid of Steve Bannon’s influence around this
help us. If you don't fully understand the black experience president would be job number one.
and the lived experience of black people and black women
specifically and how that intersects, then you are dead on
arrival. You are not going to make any change.

RUHLE: Louise, I even hate putting it out there. What if

he's making mistakes in the public, which is what we
knew. Many people who voted for him said I appreciate
the fact that I see his crazy right out there in the open. I
know what his ugly is. He's not a career politician that just
says the right thing.

What if this is an ugly ugly start? But

maybe could there be something
redeeming here? Maxwell and Mensch both campaigned for Hillary Clinton
prior to Trump’s win. Maxwell worked as the Director of
Because the fact of the matter is, whether you voted for Progressive Media for Clinton’s campaign. Mensch
him or not, this is the president we’re living with and we tweeted support for Clinton (before deleting these tweets)
want to thrive in the next four years. and sued Wikileaks after emails revealed she pitched an ad
for Clinton’s campaign before publically supporting Evan
Mensch responded that the “redeeming” McMullin for president.
part would be Trump’s “impeachment.”
Calling Trump crazy has been nothing new. Many in the
MENSCH: Something great could media have openly wondered if he needed a psychological
happen it’s called impeachment. When evaluation, from Joy Behar to Matthew Dowd.
that happens, I think it will be fantastic.

Trump, I think would be surprised if he was sitting in the

studio now. He thinks of himself as a good guy.

Former President Obama And
His Paid Thugs Trying To Topple Trump
The U.S. Constitution Must Be Enforced And Stop The Political
Insurgency And Guerrilla Warfare Activities Bent On The Destruction Of
Duly Elected Public Office Holders. If Not, The U.S. Will Have Become
Just Another Third World Hell Hole
By Katy Grimes —— Bio And Archives
February 21, 2017

The violent thugs who disrupted Rep. Tom McClintock’s expose the real workings inside this
recent town hall meeting in Roseville, CA were clearly disastrous, frightening Administration.”
organized and had a plan. There was nothing organic about
that town hall riot, or any of the other town hall meetings There’s Kipchoge Spencer @KipchogeNotKip , Take2
held by Congressional Republicans around the country, founder and Yuba Indivisible co-organizer.
ending in violent protests.
And, Indivisible Guide @IndivisibleTeam
“From California to Florida, liberal activists tweeted, “Mitch McConnell and Donald
are bringing the fight to the doorsteps of Trump are trying to steal a seat on the
GOP lawmakers, marching on the streets Supreme Court. Don’t let them.”
of their hometowns and making legislators’
lives miserable as they attend meetings Indivisible LA @indivisible_la posted this:
and town halls with constituents,” The Hill “Reminder: @RepKarenBass is hosting a
recently wrote. “Hundreds of protesters meeting at 10am on resisting Trump
lined the streets of downtown Janesville, agenda.”
Wis., on Saturday—just blocks from the Indivisible Guide @IndivisibleTeam sent
home of Speaker Paul Ryan (R)—to out this: ACTION ALERT: This doesn’t end
protest President Trump’s executive order with Flynn. Use the script:
on immigration.”
There is a playbook for this: It’s called Indivisible: A administrations-ties-with-russia ...
Practical Guide For Resisting The Trump Agenda. #notpaidjustapatriot #standindivisible
Written by former congressional staffers who watched the
rise of the Tea Party, they have launched an aggressive Unable to cope with losing the Presidential election,
assault promoting a radical progressive agenda intent on Marxist tactics have been deployed to tear down our
crushing the Trump Administration and the United States constitutional form of government, as well as the
of America. principles and values comprising our foundation.

This active assault was recently launched by former Obama and his thugs are now operating and recruiting on
President Barack Obama and his anarchist minions to social media, attempting to asphyxiate the Trump
collapse the Trump Administration, under the guise of Administration, and Republicans in Congress.
Obama’s Organizing for Action, the new name for
Obama’s Organizing for America, created after his 2008 A campaign of this magnitude takes a great deal of money
election. And now, the new spin-off organization, - at the levels seen during the presidential campaign, spent
“Indivisible.” to organize, protest and oppose Trump.

A little navigating on Twitter found @RoguePOTUSStaff “Leaders of the organization have loose
ties to George Soros, the billionaire hedge
“The unofficial resistance team inside the fund manager who bankrolls liberal causes,
White House. We pull back the curtain to according to the Capital Research Center,

a conservative think tank that investigates not all sit together,’ the New York Post
nonprofits,” The Daily Signal recently reported. “Rather, spread out in pairs to
wrote. While Indivisible has denied this, make it seem like the whole room opposes
Matthew Vadum, senior vice president at the Republican host’s positions. ‘This will
the Capital Research Center, found help reinforce the impression of broad
otherwise. “Indivisible is ultraslick leftist consensus.’ It also urges them to ask
astroturf activism at its finest,” Vadum told “hostile” questions—while keeping ‘a firm
The Daily Signal in an email. “At least three hold on the mic’—and loudly boo the GOP
of the group’s five principals—Ezra Levin, politician if he isn’t ‘giving you real
Leah Greenberg, and Angel Padilla—have answers.’”
ties to organizations funded by George
“Separately, OFA, which is run by ex-
Soros. Indivisible is apparently not yet a
Obama officials and staffers, plans to stage
nonprofit, but plans are in the works to
400 rallies across 42 states this year to
register it as a nonprofit.”
attack Trump and Republicans over
‘I’M SHOCKED,” shocked! ObamaCare’s repeal,” The Post reported.
“Added the ex-president: “I promise you
Of course Soros is footing the bill to pay these rent-a-mobs that next year Michelle and I are going to
to show up with professionally printed “RESIST” signs, as be right there with you, and the clouds are
they did during the Presidential campaign. And the former going to start parting, and we’re going to be
President of the United States is helping with 250 OFA busy. I’ve got all kinds of thoughts and
offices set-up across the country, staffed with 32,000 ideas about it, but this isn’t the best time to
organizers, and 25,000 actively training anarchists, share them.”
preparing to bring civil disruption, destruction, and
economic chaos to a Republican district near you. The U.S. Constitution must be enforced and stop the
political insurgency and guerrilla warfare activities bent on
“‘Indivisible,’ advises protesters to go into the destruction of duly elected public office holders. If
halls quietly so as not to raise alarms, and not, the U.S. will have become just another Third World
‘grab seats at the front of the room but do hell hole.

Trump Denounces Anti-Semitic Incidents
As "Horrible And Painful"
By Tyler Durden
Feb 21, 2017 10:42 AM

Having come under pressure to address an uptick in were later determined to be hoaxes. The terrorizing phone
incidents targeting Jewish institutions across the US, calls have targeted 54 community centers in 27 states this
President Trump denounced anti-Semitism Tuesday when year alone. Federal investigators are looking into the
during a tour of the National Museum of African- source of the threats.
American History and Culture he said that “Anti-Semitism
is horrible and it’s going to stop and it has to stop.". Jewish groups have been frustrated by what they say is
Trump’s lackluster response to the incidents. Last week,
Trump prompted an aggressive media to question his
determination to fight anti-semitism after he told a Jewish
reporter, who asked him a question about the incidents by
telling him to "sit down" and accusing the reporter of
misleading him. The president insisted he is “the least anti-
Semitic person that you've ever seen in your entire life.”
Jonathan Greenblatt, the national director and CEO called
Trump’s response “mind-boggling” and “shocking.”

"The issue of anti-Semitism is not a political

one,” he wrote last week in The
Washington Post. “But it is potentially
lethal. With the president’s leadership, it
can get better. With his neglect or
instigation, it can get worse.” The White
Further, the president insisted he has spoken out against House also stirred controversy in January
anti-Semitism “whenever I get a chance.” by releasing a statement on Holocaust
Remembrance Day that didn't mention the
Nazis' focus on exterminating Jews. Top
Trump officials later defended the

Following mounting criticism, Trump’s team has begun to

address the problem in recent days. Ivanka Trump on
Monday called for “religious tolerance” after Jewish
community centers received the phoned-in bomb threats.

“Hatred and hate-motivated violence of any

kind have no place in a country that was
founded on the promise of individual
freedom,” White House press secretary
Sean Spicer told NBC News on Monday.

While the White House released a statement on Monday

condemning the bomb threats, saying that "hatred and
The comments come one day after a wave of bomb threats
hate-motivated violence of any kind have no place in a
caused 11 Jewish Community Centers to temporarily
country founded on the promise of individual freedom",
close. Vandals destroyed about 100 headstones at a Jewish
some, including Hillary Clinton, pressured Trump to
cemetery in St. Louis, and Jewish Community Centers in
personally speak out against the attacks.
several U.S. cities received a number of bomb threats that
The New Wave Of Violent Protests
Is Exactly What The Elite Want — Here’s Why
By Chase Rachels
February 21, 2017

harmful to others, including inflammatory

rhetoric, blocking traffic, and damaging
property – are effective for gaining
publicity. However, we find across three
experiments that extreme protest tactics
decreased popular support for a given
cause because they reduced feelings of
identification with the movement. Though
this effect obtained in tests of popular
responses to extreme tactics used by
animal rights, Black Lives Matter, and anti-
Trump protests (Studies 1-3), we found that
Over the past 18 months, there has been a significant self-identified political activists were willing
increase in the frequency and severity of riots conducted to use extreme tactics because they
by the extreme left. Their ranks are comprised of self- believed them to be effective for recruiting
described anti-fascists, anarcho-communists, radical 3rd popular support (Studies 4a & 4b). The
wave feminists, Black Lives Matter (BLM), and other activist’s dilemma – wherein tactics that
social justice warriors (SJWs). They have attained great raise awareness also tend to reduce
notoriety through their willingness to employ popular support – highlights a key
violence/intimidation, vandalize/loot private property, and challenge faced by social movements
engage in the very same behavior they accuse their struggling to affect progressive
ideological opponents of perpetrating. Tragically, change.”
innocent and non-interested bystanders often get caught in
the cross hairs whilst they throw their violent temper To further illustrate the nature of such protests/riots a brief
tantrums. To add further cause for concern, these outline and analysis of the more notable examples will be
otherwise marginal groups are coalescing under the banner provided in the following sections.
of “intersectionality” thereby effecting a swelling of their
ranks, temerity, and menace. Berkeley Students Racist Barricade

However, as Professor Matthew Feinberg of the University

In late October of 2016, a number of angry Berkeley SJWs
of Toronto recently published a study confirming
barricaded a key bridge on campus to physically bar any
white people from crossing. The objective of the protest
“extreme protest tactics reduce popular was to secure more segregated spaces for people of color
support for social movements.” a.k.a. “spaces of color”. Any white person who attempted
Violent and destructive protests render to breach the barricade was violently denied. The group
peaceful protestors inept and guilty by also saw fit to post faux eviction notices on a private
association. bookstore with the threat that “community action will
continue to escalate” lest they cede the location to the
The following summarizes the results of the study in student protesters for the purpose of transforming it into a
greater detail: “space of color.” Though obvious, it is worth explicitly
recognizing the utter hypocrisy of this allegedly “anti-
racist” group employing violence and threats against others
“Social movements are critical agents of
based merely on the color of their skin for the sake of
change that vary greatly in both tactics and securing racially segregated spaces.
popular support. Prior work shows that
extreme protest tactics – actions that are
highly counter-normative, disruptive, or
Berkeley Anti-Milo Riot Black Lives Matter (BLM) Riots

Riots erupted on February 1st, 2017 at the University of While most Black Lives Matter protests across the country
California at Berkeley over the arrival of the conservative remain entirely peaceful the majority of the time, some of
celebrity and self-described “dangerous faggot” Milo them, often with the help of outside instigators devolve
Yiannopoulos. So-called anti-fascists and other SJWs were into utter chaos. Examples of this chaos happened in
inciting mass violence, vandalism, and hysteria in order to August and September of 2016, when violent BLM
prevent the gay interracial loving Jewish foreigner from protests devolved and riots broke out in Milwaukee, WI
peacefully expressing a political opinion that differs from and Charlotte, NC respectively. In Milwaukee, BLM
their own. They firebombed the location where Milo’s rioters set fires to gas stations, auto parts stores, banks, and
event was to take place, pepper sprayed a female while several other businesses. There were also reports of rioters
being interviewed (and who was ironically offering words firing off guns, hurling bricks, and looting local grocery
of respect to the non-violent protestors who showed up), stores.
burned Milo effigies, beat Milo supporters unconscious,
and even violated neutral yet curious bystanders. It has In Charlotte, BLM chaos erupted after a black police
repeatedly been made clear that as soon as a person of officer shot a black man. Rioters responded by shutting
color, queer, woman, or Muslim expresses non-leftist/non- down an interstate and setting it ablaze, looting several
egalitarian views, the left will treat him/her with the same private businesses, throwing rocks at random motorists,
or even greater level of disdain and prejudice they accuse and even targeting white people for beat downs simply for
“right leaning” bogeymen of. being white. It’s fairly safe to say that if your cause is to
diminish the ill effects that racism has on society and your
Yes, Yiannopoulos is a troll and says things to rile up the community, then it’s probably best not to burn down local
masses, but meeting free speech with violence only serves productive enterprises, hinder your community’s ability to
to empower your opposition. travel safely, and beat down any white person you can find
with extreme prejudice.
Free speech was stomped on by the
radical left at the birthplace of the free Women’s March
speech movement.
On January 21st, 2017 more than 2.5 million protestors
The poorly named “anti-fascists” (a.k.a antifas) were the participated in the worldwide “Women’s March” whose
ones leading the violent charge to silence and censor the aim was to promote human, civil, and reproductive rights.
gay Jew. If the irony weren’t thick enough, the topic of Unlike the other examples, this protest was largely absent
Milo’s discussion was a critical examination of “cultural the more injurious elements of violence and intimidation.
appropriation,” yet it seems the antifas took no issue with However, many of the same themes were promoted and
culturally appropriating the tactics of fascists and Nazis. other off-putting tactics used thus a brief examination is
Presidential Inauguration Riots
Perhaps the most paradoxical feature of the protest was the
On January 20, 2017, in Washington D.C. several hundred ubiquitous presence of both vagina attire (ranging from
antifas, anarcho-communists, and other radical leftists subtle vagina shaped/colored headwear to ostentatious full
came together to protest the presidential inauguration of bodied vagina costumes) and anti-“islamophobia” themes.
Donald Trump. To the dismay of peaceful protestors and
Trump supporters alike, the radical leftist rioters quickly It’s amusing to consider how the average Muslim, in his
resorted to tactics of violence and vandalism. Many were capacity as a Muslim, would be absolutely mortified upon
caught throwing bricks and blocks of concrete, breaking encountering a woman dressed as a giant pubic hair
the windows of private businesses, violently clashing with infested vagina. Such a costume must be the antithesis of
and intimidating Trump supporters, setting cars on fire, the hijab.
and harassing defenseless trash cans. Before the day was
done, over 200 rioters would be arrested. One may rest Beyond this, of course, the majority of the march’s themes
assured that engaging in such public, juvenile, and violent were anti-libertarian as they included support for anti-
behavior is the surest way to secure a second term for discrimination laws, tax-funded healthcare, and the
the controversial commander in chief. subsidization of both contraceptives and abortion. It
should go without saying that all such measures entail both
theft and private property violations. Thus, to say this was
a march for liberty would be a gross misnomer. It was
instead a march for entitlements funded at liberty’s

Conclusion deemed illegitimate and the cause ignored as it will be
immediately associated with violence. Aside from the
If one is sincerely opposed to racism, sexism, and fascism societal damage created by such violence and intolerance,
then it may be best for him to refrain from engaging in this divisive and obstinate environment plays right into the
racist, sexist, and fascist means to support his cause. The hands of those who want to keep you under control.
fact these radical leftist factions utilize such means
indicates a more sinister and subtle objective than the When objectively assessed, these violent protests are
purported one of “social justice.” And unfortunately, any revealed as being among the most bigoted, hateful, and
legitimate peaceful protests to stop injustice will be dangerous threats to the cause of liberty.

NYT Big Lies About Trump’s Ties To Russia
Posted By Stephen Lendman
Date: February 21, 2017

“But the scope of a potential investigation

expanded sharply in the last four days, with
the firing of Mr. Trump’s national security
adviser, Michael Flynn, for lying to the
White House about his contacts with the
Russian ambassador, and the news that
members of the Trump campaign’s inner
circle were in repeated contact with
Russian intelligence agents last year, at the
same time that Russia was actively
attempting to swing the election to Mr.
(image: Mario Tama/Getty Images) Trump.”
Fact: No responsible editor would publish
The Times gives journalism a bad name. It’s a lying this rubbish. The Times features it.
machine, not a credible source of news, information and
analysis. Fact: Trump deserves universal support by
wanting improved relations with Russia – if
he means it by following through
Paul Craig Roberts asked if it’s being “sustained by CIA
responsibly, not so far. Rhetoric doesn’t
subsidies.” The agency has billions of dollars to spend on
substitute for policy.
nefarious activities, unrelated to keeping America safe.
Fact: No credible evidence suggests any
The Times is viciously anti-Russia, anti-Trump. “Bring on improper contacts between Trump
the special prosecutor,” it roared in a Friday editorial, campaign members and Russia – none
outrageously claiming Trump administration ties to Russia, with its intelligence.
despite no evidence proving any wrongdoing or anything Fact: Accusations of Russian US election
out of the ordinary. hacking were fabricated – The Times one
of the leading proliferators of falsified
In an effort to undermine or oust him from office, it’s claims.
trying to invent a Watergate-type scenario, the way Nixon
was wrongfully framed for pursuing anti-establishment Trump has been in office less than one month. Calling for
policies. a special prosecutor is a politicized Times effort to further
denigrate and undermine him toward achieving its aim of
The Times wants an anti-Trump special prosecutor the way ousting him.
Nixon was attacked. It rejects FBI director James Comey’s
involvement for daring to question Hillary’s integrity, All public officials should be held accountable for their
what she abandoned before and after becoming first lady. actions – not by inventing reasons to attack them.

Attorney General Sessions is out for The Times because of The Times went at Trump throughout the campaign this
his support for Trump. way. It’s continuing the same jihad post-inauguration.

The Times: An independent special prosecutor is needed to investigate

The Times and other media scoundrels for fake news
“Mr. Trump’s unexplained allegiance to that reporting, not journalism the way it’s supposed to be.
country and its thug of a president, Vladimir
Putin, has been a major concern from the
start of his candidacy.”

Chuck Schumer: ‘Hope Of America’
Is Republicans Break With Trump
By Pam Key
21 Feb 2017

Tuesday on ABC’s “The View,” Senate Minority Leader they know he’s doing a lot of things that are
Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said “the hope of America” was if against what America is all about.”
Republicans break with President Donald Trump.
He added,
Schumer said,
“My prediction is, if he keeps on this path,
“Let me put it like this when you talk to which is likely, I don’t think he will change,
Republicans quietly, you know, in the cloak within three, four months, you’ll see a
room in the gym, they are having real whole lot of Republicans breaking with him.
problems with him. Now, very few, John That’s the salvage of America. That’s the
McCain to his credit, but very few have had hope of America.”
the courage to oppose him even though

EXCLUSIVE: White House Fingers John Mccain As Media
Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped On
Trump’s Classified Phone
By Investigative Bureau
Posted On February 21, 2017

Trump presidency. To everyone’s surprise, it is a senior

senator supposedly belonging to the same side of the
political aisle as the president.

McCain has been lambasting Trump to anyone and

everyone who will listen since the newly minted
president’s inauguration. This includes a Russian
comedian who pranked McCain posing as Ukraine Prime
Minister Volodymyr Groysman. Even during that troubling
conversation, where McCain shared sensitive U.S.
intelligence with an imposter, White House aides said
This could be the beginning of the end for embattled Sen.
McCain unknowingly exposed himself as having inside
John McCain’s life in politics. According to White House
knowledge of Trump’s telephone conversations.
officials, McCain is believed to have somehow gained
access to the content of President Donald Trump’s private,
classified telephone calls with world leaders. And he isn’t “He has been given transcripts or actually
keeping quiet about what was talked about either. listened to the calls and is sharing what he
has heard,” an administration insider said.
“There is no doubt. He is one of the major
An analysis of McCain’s recent public statements by
White House officials, coupled with information from
intelligence personnel working with the Trump
administration, paints a disturbing picture for McCain — Just last week, True Pundit published a troubling account
or any elected U.S. politician. Officials believe the senator of how a Russian comedian duped McCain, the Chairman
has inside knowledge of a number of President Trump’s of the Senate Armed Services Committee. McCain
telephone conversations, including at least one incredibly even coached the phone-prankster-posing Prime
conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Minister on joining NATO.

Even more alarming, officials believe McCain is secretly This audio recording of the phone call is absolutely
sharing this sensitive information with colleagues and his incredible.
cabal of friendly mainstream media journalists in a
dangerous clandestine campaign to damage Trump’s It’s time for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to determine
presidency even before it has a chance to succeed. Trump the level McCain’s involvement and just how many laws
has been searching for media rats in the Beltway in recent he has broken.
weeks. White House aides are confident they have now
outed one of the major leaks plaguing the early days of the -30-

Trump Would Be Willing To Remove
Bannon From National Security Council
The Wall Street Journal
Published February 22, 2017

would take that under high—you know,

serious consideration.”

Spicer added that in meetings with people for the position

of national security adviser over the weekend,

“The president made it very clear with

[Gen. McMaster] and the other candidates
that they had 100% control and authority
over the national security committee.”

McMaster hasn’t indicated any changes he would like to

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that make regarding the National Security Council.
if President Donald Trump’s newly appointed national
security adviser wanted to remove chief strategist Steve
Spicer said that McMaster, currently a three-star lieutenant
Bannon from the National Security Council’s principals
general, would remain on active duty while serving as
committee, the president would “take that under serious
national security adviser. As such, if he retains his three-
star rank, his appointment would be subject to Senate
confirmation, according to a statement from a Senate
“The president has made clear to him he’s Armed Services Committee aide. If he moves down a
got full authority to structure the national notch to a two-star major general, he wouldn’t be subject
security team the way he wants,” Spicer to Senate confirmation, the aide said.
said of Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, whom
Trump appointed Monday as his new
Trump last month took the unusual step of adding Bannon,
national security adviser. Spicer made the
a former media and financial executive who was an
remarks in the daily White House press
architect of the president’s campaign strategy, to the
National Security Council’s principals committee while
downgrading the status of the director of national
When asked if Gen. McMaster’s control over his team intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
would extend to control of the principals committee and The move—which meant Bannon would be invited to all
the potential removal of the chief strategist, Spicer said council meetings—drew criticism from both Republicans
that McMaster and Democrats, who questioned whether Bannon’s
addition would insert domestic politics into national-
“would come to the president and make security decision-making.
that recommendation, but the president

More Than 200 Protesters Indicted
On Rioting Charges From Inauguration Day
By Madison Park, CNN
Updated 2:25 AM ET, Wed February 22, 2017

officers were injured and 230 protesters were arrested that


On Tuesday, a grand jury in DC charged five individuals.

This was in addition to the 209 other defendants who've
been indicted on rioting charges earlier this month.

Felony rioting carries a maximum of 10

years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000.

The indictment accuses the defendants of using a tactic

Anti-Trump demonstrators clash with DC police 01:09 called "Black Bloc" in which people conceal their
identities with dark or black clothing and accessories such
as scarves, sunglasses, helmets and masks.
(CNN)A total of 214 people have been indicted so far on
felony rioting charges in connection with the Inauguration
They assaulted a limousine driver, smashed windows of
Day protests in downtown Washington.
local businesses, destroyed a government vehicle and
committed "violent and destructive acts," according to the
On the morning of January 20, protests over Donald indictment.
Trump's inauguration turned violent when black-clad "anti-
fascist" protesters smashed storefronts and bus stops, The DC Police had said that the several hundred
hammered out the windows of a limousine and eventually demonstrators who actively confronted officers were
launched rocks at a phalanx of police. vastly outnumbered by the thousands of nonviolent
protesters who swarmed the nation's capital for
Officers responded by launching smoke and flash-bang Inauguration Day and the Women's March, held the day
devices into the street to disperse the crowds. Six police after.

Michael Moore Launches Resistance
Website Promoting Daily Anti-Trump Actions
An Anti-Trump “Coalition” Actually Exists
By Shepard Ambellas -
02.22.2017 @1:03 PM EST

(INTELLIHUB) — In an effort to create more political meetings across the country” which he feels his new site is
friction for the White House than there already is, liberal, contributing to.
filmmaker and activist, Michael Moore launched The
Resistance Calender, a website aimed at empowering
liberals by pairing them with daily anti-Trump actions in
which they can attend.

To the untrained eye, Moore’s website,, looks decent. It boasts an early-
90’s color scheme and is rather simple to navigate. It’s
basically, an online bulletin board which caters to leftists
looking to take action by mobilizing against Trump.

Michael Moore, Organizing for Action, and Indivisible

— all Soros-backed?

What Moore didn’t point out is the fact that the left-
leaning Obama-tied group Organizing for Action (OFA) is
also promoting the Town Hall Project.

Both agendas, the one promoted on Moore’s new website

and OFA’s are nearly interchangeable and both Moore and
OFA are making a major push until Feb. 26 to thwart GOP
Brave News Films/Flickr

Currently, OFA empowers over 30,000 activists and has

The website allows users to “submit” or “add” an event by over 400 rallies scheduled for 2017.
simply filling out an online form which asks users for their
name, their email, the link they wish to promote and a
description of the event. Under the “Monthly” tab I OFA works with Indivisible, which according to Breitbart
counted 55 different events taking place on Today alone “is a part of a coalition.” According to the Capitol
with Saturday the 25th looking busy also. Research Center, Indivisible has “loose ties” to the
billionaire Hillary Clinton and sanctuary city backer and
George Soros.
While searching for events on the site, under the
“Monthly” tab, I counted 55 different events taking place
on Today alone with Saturday the 25th looking busy also. OFA has literally issued a practical guide for resisting the
Trump agenda.
Early Wednesday morning, Moore took to Twitter to point
out the “incredible turnouts at Congressional Town Hall

Tucker Carlson Takes On Typical
Leftist Who Says Trump Is 'Worse Than Hitler'
By The_Real_Fly
Feb 22, 2017 11:24 AM

Quick question for you retards out there: who'd you rather
have with the nuclear football, a billionaire who loves
women, hotels and golf or this bitch?

This is the first interview that I've seen where Tucker had
to cut his guest off early. She was fucking deranged and
prattled on about Trump being a fascist leader, 'worse than
Hitler' and also a 'war criminal', which is interesting since
he's done nothing but continues to manage the Obama

Ever notice how these women always look the same, shrill,
When the right wing good squads hit the streets, people
dead eyes, without any warmth?
like her shall be exchanged for rabbit skins with our
trading partners in Siberia.

Democrat Maxine Waters Calls
Trump Cabinet Picks: “A Bunch Of Scumbags” (VIDEO)
Jim Hoft
Feb 22nd, 2017 8:20 Am

Far left Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has Idiot #California Rep. @MaxineWaters calls
taken on the role of spokesperson for @realDonaldTrump cabinet "#scumbags."
the Democrat Party since the November #LMAO #irony
— Lone Star Statement
During an appearance on MSNBC’s All in with Chris (@LoneStrStatment) February 22, 2017
Hayes, Democrat Maxine Waters read off a list of people
connected to the Trump team who also have connections to Two weeks ago Maxine Waters told reporters Russian
Russia and the oil and gas industry.
leader Vladimir Putin invaded Korea.

Waters then went on to call the Trump administration a

Here is the full unhinged interview with Chris Hayes.
“bunch of scumbags.”

Maxine Waters: I just think the American people need to

know what is going on. This is a bunch of scumbags.
That’s what they are. They’re all organized around making

Oscars Poll: 66 Percent Of Trump Voters Turn Off Awards
Shows When Speeches Get Political
By THR Staff
6:15 AM PST 2/22/2017

In general, 68 percent of Trump voters say they “dislike”

political speeches at the Oscars while only 23 percent of
Clinton voters feel the same. About the only area of
agreement is that neither side finds Oscar acceptance
speeches particularly convincing: Only about a quarter of
respondents on both sides of the political fence said their
opinion about an issue has ever been changed by an
awards show.

A THR and National Research Group

survey reveals how Clinton voters and
Trump voters view the Oscars

And you thought Obamacare was a hot-button issue.

According to a new THR poll, Americans are nearly as
divided about the Oscars as they are about health care.

The survey — conducted by the National Research Group,

which in early February canvassed 800 people (half
Hillary Clinton voters, half Donald Trump voters) for their
opinions about movies, award shows and politics —
reveals that two-thirds of Trumpsters have turned off their
TV sets because of an actor giving a political speech at the
podium, compared to just 19 percent of Clinton voters.

Even if they don’t hit the off button, 44 percent of Trump

voters find awards speeches “too political” while Clinton
supporters want more politics at the Academy Awards; 43
percent say they want winners to reference Trump’s
temperament in their speeches (compared to 8 percent of
Trump voters), 39 percent would like more discussion of
women’s rights at the Oscars (8 percent for Trump voters)
and 34 percent would like more talk about Trump’s seven-
nation travel ban (7 percent for Trump voters).


Mixed Messages on Russia:
Trump Administration Divided and All Over the Place
Posted by Makia Freeman
Date: February 22, 2017

Mixed Messages on Russia #1: Trump Claims Russia

“Stole” Crimea

In his press interview with Theresa May, Trump

ludicrously claimed he was in general consistent with his
positions and didn’t flip flop or change his stance. Given
how inconsistent he has been, that is quite false, and now
we have another giant flip flop. The Deep State, the
Military Intelligence Complex (MIC), the Zionists, the
neocons or whoever else have evidently got to Trump who
has now tweeted (above) that “Crimea was TAKEN by
Russia” (Trump’s emphasis in capital letters).
What!? Why is Trump revisiting this point when
independent observers established that the Crimean people
The Trump administration (including Trump himself) have voted 96% to return to Russia in a legal referendum?
highly mixed messages on Russia. Will Trump deliver on
Mixed Messages on Russia #2: Trump Insists US Needs
his election promise to be friendly towards Russia?
a Good Relationship with Russia
Mixed messages on Russia are coming out of the Trump
administration, which seems to be hopelessly divided and
anything but cohesive on the Russian issue. Much to the
great disappointment of many who see that a peaceful US-
Russia relationship is the key to avoiding World War 3,
Trump has for the most part changed his tune on Russia …
sort of. At today’s press conference he again stressed the
need for a good relationship with Russia. Yet, only
yesterday on Feb. 15th 2017, Trump himself put out a
tweet that alleged that Russia took Crimea and asked if
Obama was too soft on Russia? So which is it? Has
Trump done a big U-Turn on Russia? Here is a list of the
mixed messages on Russia coming out of the current US

Conflicting views and mixed messages on Russia inside

the Trump admin. Credit: UK Telegraph

At the above-linked press conference (Feb. 16th 2017),

Trump said:

“If Russia and the United States actually Mixed Messages on Russia #4: Tillerson’s Comments:
got together and got along – and don’t Russia is a Danger
forget: we’re a very powerful nuclear
country and so are they … I’ve been
Another manifestation and reflection of the inconsistency
briefed. And I can tell you one thing about a
of Donald Trump’s positions and policies is the degree to
briefing that we’re allowed to say, because
which his entire administration is divided on the Russia
anybody that ever read the most basic
issue. This was evident quite early on. Trump himself
book can say it, nuclear holocaust would
seems to be the only one remaining who is for Russia now
be like no other … If we have a good
that Flynn has ignominiously departed.
relationship with Russia, believe me, that’s
a good thing. Not a bad thing.”
For instance, when Rex Tillerson, nominated for Secretary
Mixed Messages on Russia #3: Trump Sacks his of State, was at his Senate confirmation hearing, he
referred to Russia as a danger. However, Tillerson is
National Security Advisor Michael Flynn
known for his closeness with Russia, having being
awarded the “Order of Friendship” by Putin in 2013, so he
In one of the first shocks of the fledgling Trump knew he would have had to have said some strong words
Administration, Michael Flynn was fired by President about Russia to appease the overwhelmingly Russophobic
Trump himself after it was revealed that he had allegedly US Senate.
broken the 1799 Logan Act by discussing sanctions and
other matters with Russian Ambassador to the US, Sergey
Mixed Messages on Russia #5: Mattis’ Comments:
Kislyak, back in December 2016. However, when is
breaking the Logan Act such a big deal, especially when Russia is Top Threat
you consider all the NWO insiders who gather at
Bilderberg every year to discuss all sorts of sensitive Mad Dog Mattis, at his Senate confirmation hearing to
national matters and policy behind closed doors? become Secretary of Defense, said he placed Russia first
among all threats:
The allegations may not be true.
“The most important thing is that we
The FBI cleared Flynn by stating that he recognize the reality of what we deal with
was “cooperative and provided truthful Mr. Putin, and that we recognize that he is
answers”. trying to break the North Atlantic Alliance,
and that we take the integrated steps –
diplomatic, economic, military – and the
Strangely, Flynn was not allowed to review the call log
alliance steps, working with our allies, to
and clear himself … which indicates that this affair may
defend ourselves where we must.”
have been some kind of a coup. The Post and Courier

“When Flynn was attacked in the media for

his ties to Russia, he was not allowed by
the White House to defend himself. Over
the weekend, he was instructed not to
speak to the press when he was in the fight
for his political life. His staff was not even
allowed to review the transcripts of his call
to the Russian ambassador.”

Flynn was known to be friendly towards Russia. Was the

framing and firing of Flynn (brought about by the MSM Mixed Messages on Russia #6: Haley’s Comments: We
which published the leaks and called for his head) part of a Condemn Russia
grander NWO strategy to remove Russophilic or Russia-
friendly elements from the new Trump Administration? Nikki Haley lost no time in using her inaugural address to
Yes, Flynn was vehemently anti-Iran, so the NWO lost the UN to condemn Russia, and posted her comments on
someone pushing for war with Iran, but is it more Twitter (above) to please her masters. She also said the
geopolitically significant for them to generate further fear following at her Senate confirmation hearing:
and hatred against Russia than Iran at this stage? Let’s face
it, there is already a lot of anti-Iran sentiment among
“Russia is trying to show their muscle right
Trump’s cabinet and staff.
now. It’s what they do … I don’t think we
can trust them. We have to continue to be
very strong back, and show them what this The US has a choice: side with Russia and stop funding
new administration is going to be.” strife in Ukraine, or keep supporting the illegitimate
government of Ukraine a la John McCain.
Mixed Messages on Russia #7: Pompeo’s Comments:
Russia Hacked US Mixed Messages on Russia #8: Trump’s Own Plans re:
Meanwhile, new CIA head Mike Pompeo seems to have
his head in the clouds by buying the official line that Finally, another confusing aspect has been Trump’s plans
Russia hacked the US presidential elections. Does in Syria. Will he work with Russia (as he has suggested in
everyone at the CIA, both current and incoming staff, the past) or not? Russia responded to his idea a few weeks
really believe this fairy tale? Pompeo said: ago of safe zones inside Syria, replying that he must have
the consent of the Syrian Government under Bashar Al-
“With respect to this report in particular, it’s Assad. However safe zones have been a trick used in the
pretty clear about what took place here, past by NATO et al in their “humanitarian” attacks and
about Russian involvement in efforts to invasions of sovereign nations.
hack information and to have an impact on
American democracy … this was an Is Trump trying to appease those around him, including the
aggressive action taken by senior massive apparatus of the MIC? Or is he strong enough in
leadership inside of Russia.” his convictions about the importance of good relations
with Russia? Tell us what you think in the comments


Revised 'Extreme Vetting' Order Drops Language
Rejecting Syrian Refugees, Official Says
Published February 22, 2017

"temporarily block the admission of people

with no prior status in the U.S. who are
currently overseas until a program of
extreme vetting can be put in place."

The White House believes that new order will satisy the
courts because it is

"grounded in existing security

determinations," the official said.

The official told Fox News that it is likely that certain

What must revised travel ban do to clear legal hurdles? classes of visa holders currently in the U.S. or who have
been in the U.S. but are currently abroad will be exempted
President Donald Trump's revised immigration executive as well. This could include certain student or other
order will drop language indefinitely suspending education-related visas as well as work permits.
acceptance of Syrian refugees by U.S. authorities, a senior
administration official told Fox News Wendesday. The new order would direct a temporary suspension of
admission of all refugees while revised screening
The new order, which Trump is expected to sign next meansures are put into place, the official added.
week, will also add language exempting legal permanent
residents, or green-card holders, from a travel ban in a The new order does implement a temporary visa ban for
move the administration hopes will remove any reasonable travelers from the same seven countries as the previous
grounds for a legal challenge. executive order: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria,
and Yemen.
Trump's prior "extreme vetting" order temporarily
suspended all travel to the U.S. for citizens of seven The revised order will also mandate a 50 percent reduction
Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. A federal judge in in refugee admissions for 2017 to just 50,000. According
Washington state halted enforcement of the order and the to the White House, approximately 35,000 refugees have
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to reinstate it. already been allowed into the country this year, leaving
only about 15,000 slots left for the remainder of the year
The official said that new language in the revised order once the refugee admission program resumes.
will make clear that the intent of the action is to
Fox News' John Roberts contributed to this report.

Donald Trump, Saudi Arabia, And The Petrodollar
Submitted By Nick Giambruno Via Internationalman.Com
Feb 22, 2017 8:30 PM

Recently he put this out on Twitter:

Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control

our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t
do it when I get elected.

The dopey prince that Trump is referring

to is Al-Waleed bin Talal,

Obama pulled out his veto pen 12 times during his a prominent member of the Saudi royal family. He’s also
presidency. one of the largest foreign investors in the US economy,
particularly in media and financial companies.
Congress only overrode him once…
The Saudis openly backed Hillary during the election. In
In late 2016, Obama vetoed the Justice Against Sponsors fact, they “donated” an estimated $10 million–$25 million
of Terrorism Act (JASTA). The bill would allow 9/11 to the Clinton Foundation, making them the most generous
victims to sue Saudi Arabia in US courts. foreign donors.

With only months left in office, Obama Besides Hillary Clinton, the single biggest loser from the
wasn’t worried about the political price US presidential election was Saudi Arabia.
of opposing the bill. It was worth
protecting Saudi Arabia and the The Saudis did not want Donald Trump
petrodollar system, which underpins the in the White House. And not because of
US dollar’s role as the world’s premier some bad blood on Twitter. There are
currency. real geopolitical issues at stake.
At the moment, Trump seems
Congress didn’t see it that way though. Those up for
determined to walk back on US support
reelection couldn’t afford to side with Saudi Arabia over
for the so-called “moderate” rebels in
US victims. So Congress voted to override Obama’s veto,
and JASTA became the law of the land.
The Saudis are furious with the US for
The Saudis, quite correctly, see this as a huge threat. If not holding up its part of the petrodollar
they can be sued in US courts, their vast holdings of US deal. They think the US should have
assets are at risk of being frozen or seized. already attacked Syria as part of its
commitment to keep the region safe for the
The Saudi foreign minister promptly threatened to sell all
of the country’s US assets.
Toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is a
longstanding Saudi goal. But a President Trump makes
Basically, Saudi Arabia was threatening that unlikely. That’s not good for Saudi Arabia’s position
to rip up the petrodollar arrangement, in the Middle East, nor its relationship with the US.
which underpins the US dollar’s role as
the world’s premier currency.
This is just one of the ways President
Donald Trump and the Saudis Trump will hasten the death of the
Unlike every president since the
petrodollar’s birth, Donald Trump is
openly hostile to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia, Islam, and Wahhabism Julian Assange says the email revealing this is the most
significant among the Clinton-related emails his group has
I loathe quoting a neoconservative historian like Bernard released.
Lewis, but even a broken clock is right twice a day:
Here’s an excerpt of the relevant interview with Assange:
Imagine if the Ku Klux Klan or Aryan Nation
obtained total control of Texas and had at Interviewer: Of course, the consequence
its disposal all the oil revenues, and used of that is that this notorious jihadist group,
this money to establish a network of well- called ISIL or ISIS, is created largely with
endowed schools and colleges all over money from people who are giving money
Christendom peddling their particular brand to the Clinton Foundation?
of Christianity. Julian Assange: Yes.
This is what the Saudis have done with Interviewer: That’s extraordinary…
Wahhabism. The oil money has enabled
them to spread this fanatical, destructive
With all this in mind, Vladimir Putin opened an unusual
form of Islam all over the Muslim world and
conference of Sunni Muslim clerics recently. It took place
among Muslims in the West. Without oil
in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, a Sunni Muslim region
and the creation of the Saudi kingdom,
within Russia’s southwestern border.
Wahhabism would have remained a lunatic
fringe in a marginal country.
The conference, which included 200 of the top non-
Wahhabi Sunni Muslim clerics, issued an extraordinary
This is actually an apt description of Wahhabism, a
statement labeling Wahhabism “a dangerous deformation”
particularly virulent and intolerant strain of Sunni Islam
of Sunni Islam.
most Saudis follow. ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and a
slew of other extremists also follow this puritanical brand
of Islam. That’s why Saudi Arabia and ISIS use the same These clerics carry serious weight in the Sunni world. The
brutal punishments, like beheadings. imam of Egypt’s al-Azhar mosque, one of the most
important Islamic theological centers, was among them.
(Egypt is the Arab world’s most populous Sunni country.)
Many Wahhabis consider Muslims of any other flavor—
like the Shia in Iran, the Alawites in Syria, or non-
Wahhabi Sunnis—apostates worthy of death. Basically, Putin gathered the world’s most important non-
Wahhabi clerics to “excommunicate” the Saudis from
Sunni Islam. In other words, Putin is going for the jugular
In many ways, Saudi Arabia is an
of the petrodollar system.
institutionalized version of ISIS. There’s
even a grim joke that Saudi Arabia is
simply “an ISIS that made it.” Russia and Saudi Arabia have been
enemies for decades. The Russians
have never forgiven Saudi Arabia (or the
After living in the Middle East for three years, it’s clear to
US) for supporting the Afghan
me that many people in the region despise everything
mujahedeen that drove the Soviet Army
about Wahhabism. Yet it flourishes in certain Sunni
out of Afghanistan. And they haven’t
communities, among people who feel they have nowhere
forgiven the Saudis for supporting
else to turn.
multiple Chechen rebellions.
It’s also widely believed in the Middle East that Western
As far as I know, the British writer Robert Fisk was the
powers deliberately fostered Wahhabism, to a degree, to
only Western journalist to cover this extraordinary
keep the region weak and divided—and as a weapon
against Shia Iran and its allies. That includes Syria and
post-Saddam Iraq, which has shifted its allegiance towards
Iran. Here’s Fisk:

Thanks to WikiLeaks we know the Saudi Who are the real representatives of Sunni
and Qatari governments, which are also Muslims if the Saudis are to be shoved aside?
the two largest foreign donors to the And what is the future of Saudi Arabia? Of such
Clinton Foundation, willfully financed questions are revolutions made.
ISIS to help topple Bashar al-Assad of

If the Saudis are shoved aside, it could This will likely be the tipping point…
strike a fatal blow to the petrodollar
system. Afterward, the US government will be desperate enough to
implement capital controls, people controls, nationalization
The truth is, the petrodollar system is in its death throes. It of retirement savings, and other forms of wealth
doesn’t matter if the Saudis willfully abandon it, or if it confiscation.
crumbles because the kingdom implodes. The end result
will be the same. I urge you to prepare for the economic and sociopolitical
fallout while you still can. Expect bigger government, less
Right now, the stars are aligning against the Saudi freedom, shrinking prosperity… and possibly worse.
kingdom. This is its most vulnerable moment since its
1932 founding. It’s probably not going to happen tomorrow. But it’s clear
where the trend is headed.
That’s why I think the death of the
petrodollar system is the No. 1 black It is very possible that one day soon, Americans will wake
swan event for 2017. up to a new reality.

I expect the dollar price of gold to soar when the Once the petrodollar system kicks the bucket and the dollar
petrodollar system crumbles in the not-so-distant future. loses its status as the world’s premier reserve currency,
You don’t want to find yourself on the wrong side of you will have few, if any, options.
history when that happens.
The sad truth is, most people have no
But that brings up another crucial idea how bad things could get, let alone
point. There’s also likely to be severe how to prepare…
Yet there are straightforward steps you can
start taking today to protect your savings
The petrodollar system has allowed the US government
and yourself from the financial and
and many Americans to live way beyond their means for
sociopolitical effects of the collapse of the

The US takes this unique position for granted. But it will

disappear once the dollar loses its premier status.

Obama Lawyers Form
'Worst-Case Scenario' Group To Tackle Trump
Fearful The New Administration Will Abuse Its Power, The Former
President’s Lawyers Are Uniting To Fight Back.
By Edward-Isaac Dovere
02/23/17 05:14 AM EST

They started by submitting 50 Freedom of Information Act

requests this week that they believe will confirm their
suspicions. The plan is to bring what they find to reporters,
build it into pressure for congressional oversight with the
help of a campaign director they’ll hire, and, as necessary,
to file lawsuits.

They’re also hoping to establish themselves as a base for

government employees worried about ethics violations —
up to and including becoming whistleblowers — and are
Former President Barack Obama's new group plans to drill into hoping that their website,
issues that aren’t already hitting the headlines, like potential
intervention in and intimidation of regulatory agencies by West Wing
staff. | Getty,

Top lawyers who helped the Obama White House craft and can become a resource.
hold to rules of conduct believe President Donald Trump
and his staff will break ethics norms meant to guard White House press secretary Sean Spicer, responding to
against politicization of the government — and they’ve the group's formation, said, "This administration has raised
formed a new group to prepare, and fight. the level of ethics training and oversight to a new level
compared to the practices of the previous administration."
United to Protect Democracy, which draws its name from
a line in President Barack Obama’s farewell address that Bassin was an associate White House counsel during the
urged his supporters to pick up where he was leaving off, first three years of the Obama administration, spending
has already raised a $1.5 million operating budget, hired much of his time working on ethics questions such as
five staffers and has plans to double that in the coming what’s known as the agency contact rule, meant to prevent
months. They’ve incorporated as both a 501(c)(3) and politics and favoritism from influencing independent
501(c)(4), allowing them to operate as a nonprofit but agencies. He’s hiring other lawyers with similar White
participate in some forms of political advocacy as well. House counsel and Justice Department experience who
have the insider knowledge of where problems tend to
While other Trump opponents focus on taking the arise, and the kind of questions that can pin down answers:
president to court over the travel ban and deportations, the They were the ones who not so long ago were responding
new group plans to drill into issues that aren’t already to the FOIA requests and guiding government employees
hitting the headlines, like potential intervention in and away from conflicts.
intimidation of regulatory agencies by West Wing staff.
“As people who had the privilege of serving
“When people hear concerns about at the highest level of our government, we
democracies declining into understand those guardrails, where people
authoritarianism, they expect that moment might come up against them and what the
to come in a singular thunderclap where tools are that we have as private citizens to
everyone can see that this is the time,” said hold our government accountable,” Bassin
Ian Bassin, who’s leading the new group. said.
“In reality, often times, democracies decline
over a period of years that happen through “You need folks who have been in the
a series of much smaller steps.” government to understand how they
operate to make sure that those protections debate prep for Obama and Hillary Clinton,
continue to serve their function,” said Tom and called her former colleague the
Perrelli, an associate attorney general “perfect person for this particular
during Obama’s first term now in private organization at this particular moment.”
practice who's spoken with Bassin about
“It’s really important for a bunch of people
the new group.
to shine the light on this question, to make
very clear when autocrats are starting in
Jesse Lee, who was Obama’s White House director of any way to detract from democratic
rapid response, is also on board as communications institutions,” said Yascha Mounk, a Harvard
director,and Caroline McKay, a former legal assistant in Law lecturer who specializes in the rise of
the White House Counsel’s office, is managing operations. authoritarianism and has been having high
But they’re also coming with a huge network of support level strategic advisory conversations with
from other Obama lawyers, as well as partner the group.
organizations like the Brennan Center.
But it’s more than just the smaller encroachments that are
"President Obama has said repeatedly that on Bassin’s mind. Trump’s attack on the judge who halted
his lawyers deserve a lot of credit for his immigration ban already has him building a plan for
helping his Administration go eight years what might happen if the White House directly defies a
without a major scandal,” said Danielle judicial ruling, and what they’d need to do in the potential
Gray, one of Obama’s former secretaries of constitutional crisis that would follow. Existing nonprofits,
the Cabinet. “The leaders of this effort will he said, have not been structured to deal with the kind of
bring that experience to protecting and unprecedented, norm-breaking threats that he believes are
preserving accountable and democratic coming from Trump and his aides.
Bassin “has managed to gain the support “We need an organization that is
of a lot of very serious people,” said Karen specifically and holistically focused on that
Dunn, another former associate White worst-case scenario,” Bassin said.
House counsel best known for helping run

Intelligence Community Leaking
By Matthew Vadum
February 23, 2017

—FrontPage Mag: Saboteurs in the U.S. intelligence dirty tricks to kick the legs out from under the incoming
community posing as patriots have been working hard to Trump administration by changing intelligence-sharing
drive President Donald Trump from the White House. rules. The goal is to prevent Trump from rolling back
Obama’s poisonous legacy.
Former National Security Agency intelligence analyst and
former War College professor John R. Schindler bragged The most famous victim so far of what could be called
on Twitter last week about the spy-led plot his friends are Obama’s shadow government is National Security Advisor
conducting against the president. Mike Flynn, an anti-Islamofascist hardliner who was
forced out of his post Feb. 13 by what appears to be a deep
“Now we go nuclear,” he tweeted. “IC state cabal centered around the sleazy former Obama
[intelligence community] war [is] going to advisor Ben Rhodes. As Flynn’s replacement, Trump has
new levels. Just got an [email from] senior appointed “warrior-scholar” U.S. Army Lt. Gen. H.R.
IC friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.’” McMaster.
“US intelligence is not the problem here,”
Schindler added. “The President’s collusion Rhodes and other former Obama administration officials
were part of an intrigue that led to the downfall of Flynn,
with Russian intelligence is. Many details,
but the essence is simple.” investigative journalist Adam Kredo reported at the
Washington Free Beacon.
In a column Feb. 12, Schindler cited wild, unproven,
conspiratorial theories about Trump’s ties to Russia to Flynn’s resignation was
justify his comrades’ seditious push to remove Trump
from power. “the culmination of a secret, months-long
campaign by former Obama administration
[T]he still-forming Trump administration is already doing confidantes to handicap President Donald
serious harm to America’s longstanding global intelligence Trump’s national security apparatus and
partnerships. In particular, fears that the White House is preserve the nuclear deal with Iran,
too friendly to Moscow are causing close allies to curtail according to multiple sources in and out of
some of their espionage relationships with Washington—a the White House who described to the
development with grave implications for international Washington Free Beacon a behind-the-
security, particularly in the all-important realm of scenes effort by these officials to plant a
counterterrorism. series of damaging stories about Flynn in
the national media.”
People like Schindler think they know what’s best for
Kredo isn’t the only one crying foul.
America in terms of national security and foreign policy.
Allowing an outsider like Donald Trump to do the job
Americans elected him to do is unthinkable to them. So Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin
Trump must go. said Flynn was targeted. It was

People of Schindler’s ilk are using government resources “because they were concerned about
in an effort to overthrow the nation’s duly elected where Flynn was going to go in terms of
government. While smiling on TV and assuring the public what he was going to recommend to
his administration was fully cooperating with the Trump President Trump.”
transition team, President Obama gave members of the
intelligence community permission to wage war against The intelligence community
then-incoming President Trump.
“itself has been politicized,” he told Laura
Before leaving office President Obama cleared the way for Ingraham. “And I think this is one of the
his confederates in the intel world to ramp up their use of results — this is one of the things that
you’re seeing come out of that out the identities of innocent people and irrelevant
politicization.” personal information before passing intercepted
communications along to other agencies like the CIA or
“You’re seeing a guy that is key in the
the FBI’s intelligence units.
Trump administration being targeted, and
they have used the tools that they have
available to them to bring this guy down,” Put another way, 17 days before President Trump was
Boykin said. sworn in, NSA was unleashed against his embryonic
administration, newly empowered to share raw intelligence
Leaks of Trump’s telephone conversations with the leaders gathered from telephone calls and emails that go through
of Mexico and Australia have found their way into the network switches outside the country, as well as messages
media ecosystem. One gossipy news website published the between people outside the U.S. that go through domestic
ridiculous, unverified “golden showers” dossier that claims network switches.
Trump is a urophiliac, of all things, who hired prostitutes
in Moscow to inundate his hotel bed. There is also the New rules were issued under section 2.3 of Executive
wholly unsupported blanket claim that Russia somehow Order 12333 (Dec. 4, 1981) after Obama administration
“hacked” the election, interfering to help Trump, along officials Loretta Lynch, then the attorney general, and
with the more specific but unproven assertion that Russia James Clapper, then the national intelligence director,
hacked documents from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and signed off on them on Jan. 3 this year and Dec. 15 last
gave them to WikiLeaks. year, respectively. These rules came in the form of an
unclassified document titled “Procedures for the
In addition to leaking, U.S. intelligence operatives have Availability or Dissemination of Raw Signals
been engaging in a gross, seditious form of insubordination Intelligence Information by the National Security
that may be endangering national security. These people Agency.”
have been withholding sensitive intelligence from the
president because they claim to be worried the data could “Now intelligence agencies can search
be leaked or compromised if it reaches the White House, directly through raw repositories of
the Wall Street Journal reported last week. communications intercepted by the NSA
and then apply such rules as required for
Why they think they are allowed to withhold such minimizing privacy intrusions,” Harry G.
information from their ultimate overseer, the Hutchison writes at the American Center
democratically elected official whom Article II, Section 2, for Law and Justice website.
of the U.S. Constitution empowers to protect the nation as
“Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United This means
States,” is unclear.
“the contents of the conversations engaged
But these “spooks” who operate in the shadows don’t have in by members of the Trump Administration
to bother with excuses because they are unaccountable. and by President Trump himself are now
They defy our new president’s directives and make public under an increasing risk that they will be
whatever policy they disagree with in hopes of exposed to the public for purposes of
undermining it. They are the “deep state,” which, embarrassing the Trump Administration
according to one website, is “a body of people, typically and in order to impede the effectiveness of
influential members of government agencies or the his policies.”
military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation
or control of government policy.” The deep state doesn’t The policy change allowed
give up its power when a president leaves office. It stays
behind to clandestinely exert its dark influence regardless “far more agents and officials to search
of which party controls the White House. through raw intelligence data,” and
accordingly, “it appears that the prospect of
These deep-state dwellers leapt into action in the final intel leaks grew exponentially.”
weeks of Obama’s presidency.
Whatever investigation of Flynn took place was tainted
As the clock ticked, Obama green-lighted a disturbing from the start: U.S. intelligence operatives appear to have
relaxation of the rules regulating the National Security spied on him without any reasonable justification. There
Agency’s ability to circulate globally intercepted personal was no reason for the FBI to carry out the grilling Flynn
communications among the other 16 intelligence agencies, reportedly received because it already possessed the
some of which are more politicized than the NSA, before intercepted alleged communication.
applying important longstanding privacy-protection
protocols. Before the policy was altered, the NSA screened
“There appears to have been no foreign- on-the-record sources so it is entirely possible the
intelligence or criminal-investigative allegations against Flynn were conjured out of thin air by
purpose served by the FBI’s interrogation Obama holdovers determined to undermine the Trump
of General Flynn,” former federal administration.
prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy writes.
This is the form that what Michael Walsh calls “a rolling
A retired lieutenant general in the U.S. Army, Flynn fell on coup attempt” against the Trump administration has taken.
his sword for making contact with Kislyak and then lying
to Pence about it, according to the White House. Faceless operatives whose highest loyalty is to their jobs
and their twisted realpolitik ideology don’t care what
It’s not as if we know what actually happened with Flynn American voters think.
and the Russian or Russians at this point, or if there really
was any contact at all. News reports have not quoted any This, too, is part of the Obama legacy.

Trump Administration Instructs
CIA To Halt Support For Anti-Assad Rebels In Syria
By Ian Allen
February 23, 2017

groups operating under the FSA. These commanders told

Reuters that they had not been given any official reason for
the sudden termination of all CIA assistance. The change
coincided with the change of guard at the White House,
from Barack Obama to Donald Trump. Some in
Washington, as well as some members of rebel factions in
Syria, are concerned that the change in the CIA’s stance
might denote a broader policy shift in the White House.
During his election campaign, Mr. Trump said repeatedly
that he would end America’s overt and covert support for
The White House has instructed the Central Intelligence the FSA and would focus instead on defeating the Islamic
Agency to halt military support to armed groups that are State.
associated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), a group
opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Some But the rebel commanders themselves told Reuters that the
believe that the move indicates a change in American freeze in CIA support was due to a wave of renewed
policy under United States President Donald Trump. But attacks against them by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, a Sunni
Syrian rebel commanders say they believe the move is militant group that was previously affiliated with al-Qaeda.
temporary, and that military aid will be restored. For The rebels said that the CIA was concerned that weaponry
several years, the CIA has provided training and other provided to the FSA would end up in the hands of jihadist
forms of assistance to rebel groups in Syria, such as the militants, so it temporarily halted its support until Jabhat
New Syrian Force, which operate under the umbrella of Fateh al-Sham could be pushed back by FSA forces.
the FSA. Aside from training, the assistance has included Reuters published comments by two anonymous officials
light and heavy ammunition, including antitank missiles, who were familiar with the CIA’s operations in Syria.
mines and grenades. They told the newspaper that the freeze of the CIA’s
program had “nothing to do with US President Donald
However, it appears that the CIA was instructed nearly a Trump replacing Barack Obama in January”. Additionally,
month ago by the White House to freeze all assistance to said Reuters, Mr. Trump’s policy in Syria remains
these rebel groups. Correspondents from the Reuters news unknown. Several newspapers and news agencies
agency said they confirmed the change in policy by contacted the CIA asking for comments, but the agency
speaking to senior rebel commanders from five armed declined all requests on Wednesday.

Steven Mnuchin Speaks To CNBC,
Fails To Give Trump Tax Plan Details: Key Highlights
By Tyler Durden
Feb 23, 2017 7:24 AM

Following his first interview since being confirmed similarly has gotten bogged down in negotiations in
yesterday with the WSJ, US Treasury Secretary Steven Congress. Overnight we laid out an extensive primer of
Mnuchin spoke to CNBC's Becky Quick and repeated how Trump's tax policies will likely be impacted by the
some of the key points he made yesterday, among which stalled negotiations over Obamacare.
his hope to get tax reform done by the August Congress
recess, however he again confirmed that there are too
many moving pieces at this point saying it is "too early to
give details" of the Trump tax plan.

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to CNBC:

"We're primarily focused on a middle-
income tax cut and simplification for
Treasury Secretary Mnuchin: We're — CNBC (@CNBC) February 23, 2017
committed to 'very significant' tax reform by
August recess As a reminder, yesterday in his WSJ interview, Mnuchin
said the administration was working with House and
— CNBC (@CNBC) February 23, 2017 Senate Republicans to smooth over differences among
them on tax policy, with the aim of passing major
He also reiterated that "we're primarily focused on a legislation before Congress leaves for its August recess.
middle-income tax cut and simplification for business" He added, “that’s an ambitious timeline. It could slip to
later in the year.” He also said the administration is
As a reminder, on February 9th stocks surged after “looking seriously” at the House plan that includes border
President Trump promised a "phenomenal" tax plan to be adjustment and was well aware of concerns raised by
unveiled in "two or three weeks." It appears that this will specific industries. The Treasury Department had its own
not happen, and instead in his State of the Union address, concerns, he added, “about what the impact may be on the
where the market expects more clarity on Trump's dollar” from a border-adjusted tax.
economic policies to be unveiled, Trump will be forced to
speak in broad generalities as he juggles not only passage On another hot button topic, despite Trump previous vows
of his tax plan in Congress, but also the process of "repeal to name China a currency manipulator, Mnuchin said
and replace" (and rename and repair) of Obamacare which "we're not making any judgments" at this time.

addition to the punchline, namely that it is "too early to
give details of tax plans" here are some other notable
mentions by Mnuchin in the interview:

 "Most important thing for growth is the tax plan; tax

reform is mostly focused on the middle class"
 "Tax reform will be significant"
 "High income tax cuts should be offset; the dollar
and stocks are reflecting confidence in the US
 "Isn't focused on day to day market moves"
 "Looking closely at border adjustment tax"
although he added that there are some issues with
 "3% growth is very achievable, could be late 2018
before we see 3% growth"
 "Not making judgments on China currency policy;
Treasury has a process for reviewing foreign-
exchange policies"
 "Trump admin's growth forecast is likely to be higher
Despite Trump's campaign vow to name
that Congress"
China a currency manipulator, Treasury
 "Regulatory relief is also important to boost growth"
Sec. Mnuchin says "we're not making any
judgments" at this time.  "We're looking at significant economic changes, we're reaching out to businesses"

— CNBC (@CNBC) February 23, 2017 Finally, while he denied to provide details on plans for a
50 year bonds, he conceded that the "idea of issuing 50-
Overall, Mnuchin avoided most "hot button" topics, and year or 100-year U.S. Treasuries worth a serious look."
reiterated the same vague WSJ talking points to CNBC. In

Trump Meets With Top CEOs To Brainstorm "Jump-
Starting" US Economy, Creating Jobs
By Tyler Durden
Feb 23, 2017 8:20 AM

Today at 10:30am, president Trump will summon some of Styslinger; General Dynamics CEO Phebe Novakovic;
America’s most prominent corporate executives to the assistant to the President, Reed Cordish; Dana CEO
White House Thursday, in a roundtable brainstorming James Kamsickas.
session whose purpose is to come up with policy ideas
meant to facilitate trade and taxes, boost job creation and The genesis of the idea comes from Jared Kushner, who
generally jump-start the US economy. originated the concept of working sessions. A key part of
Kushner's job has been outreach to the private sector. He
According to press reports, Trump will split the group of thinks government needs to find innovative ways to work
executives, among which Johnson & Johnson’s chief closer with the private sector, Axios adds. Ivanka Trump
executive officer, Alex Gorsky, and David Farr, chairman will also participate in today's session.
of Emerson Electric, into four working groups to come up
with recommendations on deregulation, workforce Trump has used previous meetings with companies to
training, infrastructure, taxes, and trade. Vice President encourage corporate leaders to build their products in the
Mike Pence and White House aides will meet with the U.S., offering tax breaks and lower regulation to bring
individual working groups and compile their down costs -- and warning that he wants to raise tariffs on
recommendations for the president ahead of his meeting products produced overseas. The heads of labor
with the full group of executives. organizations, automotive firms, national retail chains,
drug companies, and airlines are all among the groups who
According to Axios, which cites a planning document, the have met with Trump in the West Wing in recent weeks.
participants - and groups - are as follows:
"As a successful businessman himself, the
 Tax and trade team: Treasury Secretary Steve president knows that if we’re going to get
Mnuchin; top economic advisor Gary Cohn and his the country back to work, we need to hear
aides Jeremy Katz and Shahira Knight; top trade directly from job creators what is holding
advisor Peter Navarro; Michael Dell, the CEO of Dell them back and, where appropriate, take
Technologies; Inge Thulin, CEO of 3M; Kenneth steps to remove the barriers," White House
Frazier, CEO of pharmaceutical company Merck & Co.; press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters
Mark Fields, CEO of Ford; Alex Gorsky, CEO of on Wednesday. "As you can tell by the
Johnson & Johnson. structure of the meeting, the president is
 Regulatory reform team: Budget Director Mick expecting these interactions to lead to real
Mulvaney; senior policy advisors Stephen Miller and action being taken by the administration,"
Andrew Bremberg; Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn he added.
Hewson; Whirlpool CEO Jeff Fettig; International Paper
CEO Mark Sutton; Emerson Electric CEO David Farr; It wasn’t immediately clear whether Trump would address
Harris Corp. CEO Bill Brown; and Campbell Soup CEO his plans to overhaul the tax code, which he has said he
Denise Morrison. will deliver within weeks, or a border-adjustment tax
 Infrastructure team: Transportation Secretary Elaine proposal under consideration by House Republicans,
Chao; Gary Cohn will float into this session as well; which would shift the tax burden from exporters to
former Bush Administration official DJ Gribbin; importers. As Bloomberg adds, republican leaders in the
Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman; Corning CEO House, including Speaker Paul Ryan, argue a border-
Wendell Weeks; Nucor Corp. CEO John Ferriola; US adjustment tax would benefit American manufacturing
Steel CEO Mario Longhi; Veresen Inc. CEO Don while providing revenue to make up for losses from
Althoff; Archer Daniels Midland CEO Juan Luciano. reducing corporate tax rates. Several manufacturers,
 Workforce of the future: Ivanka Trump; nominee for including Dow Chemical, are actively lobbying for the
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross; Small Business plan, which Trump has called "too complicated."
Administrator Linda McMahon; Dow Chemical CEO Opponents, including net importers like Walmart, oppose
Andrew Liveris; United Technologies CEO Greg Hayes; it and warn it will raise taxes on American consumers.
LiveOps CEO Keith Leimbach; Altec CEO Lee
How 'They' Sell Vote Fraud
As Legitimate Election Totals
By Devvy Kidd

“There is in Italy a power which we seldom hell bent on destroying this constitutional republic are
mention in this House … I mean the secret slapped with all the worn out labels.
societies … It is useless to deny, because
it is impossible to conceal, that a great part "1987: Then U.S. Attorney General William
of Europe the whole of Italy and France French Smith blew the whistle on a fairly
and a great portion of Germany, to say low ranking Marine officer by the name of
nothing of other countries is covered with a Oliver North. According to Smith, Lt. Col.
network of these secret societies, just as Oliver North directly helped draft a plan in
the superficies of the earth is now being 1984 to impose martial law in the United
covered with railroads.” States in the event of an emergency. This
—Benjamin Disraeli, at British House of secret plan would suspend the U.S.
Commons, July 14, 1856. Constitution and turn over control of the
government to the little known agency at
Regular readers of my columns for decades know I have that time: FEMA. This plan would appoint
written about vote fraud since 1993. As a victim of it when military commanders to run state and local
I ran for Congress in 1996, I know all to well how those governments. Implementation of this plan
who run 'our' government from behind the scenes pull it would have been triggered by violent and
wise spread internal dissent, disagreement
off every two years.
with government policy or national
opposition to any U.S. military invasion
Do you remember the movie, Conspiracy Theory with abroad. Essentially, it amounted to a
Mel Gibson? He kept trying to explain to Julia Roberts complete and total suspension of the U.S.
who 'they' were without coming right out and saying secret Constitution and Bill of Rights.
societies which are no longer so secret. Like the
Treasonous Council on Foreign Relations and the "Investigators who uncovered this plan
Treasonous Tri-Lateral Commission to name two of the believe that between 1983 - 1986, North's
most powerful. Both of those are my columns and a third office was the 'central command center' for
which lists most of them: The House That evil Built. Those this informal secret structure which
three columns are critical in understanding 'who' is behind involved more than the illegal sale of arms
the curtain and 'they' now have their sights trained right at to Iran and illegal funding of the
President Trump. underground war in Nicaragua under
President Ronald Reagan. "Lifers" in the
military were shocked, saying at the time
Another must read is The Secret Team: The CIA and Its
that no Lt. Colonel is ever given the kind of
Allies in Control of the United States and the World by
power North was apparently given within
the late L. Fletcher Prouty, a truly great American.
this secret structure. So great was his
authority, he could have the orbits of
"L. Fletcher Prouty (19172001), a retired sophisticated satellites altered to follow
colonel of the U.S. Air Force, served as the Soviet ships around the world or launch
chief of special operations for the Joint high-flying spy aircraft on secret missions.
Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years. Some even compared this whole operation
He was directly in charge of the global as eerily similar to the one portrayed in the
system designed to provide military support movie, Clear and Present Danger, starring
for the clandestine activities of the CIA. " Lt. Harrison Ford (1994).
Col. Prouty was the shadowy Mr. X in
Oliver Stone's movie JFK. "North wasn't alone in this secret structure.
Others included Reagan's closest advisers:
U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, CIA
Finally, after all these decades newly sworn in President
Director William Casey and National
Trump has unleashed a galactic poop storm against media
Security Adviser William Clark.
lackeys in this country who do the bidding of the 'shadow
Congressional investigators at the time
government'. Naturally, anyone exposing the evil doers
were shocked by how far along this secret number. The perception is - even though Ryan was peeing
structure and planning had progressed. his pants a week before the primary - the voters of his
Arthur Liman, who was the chief counsel of district overwhelmingly approve of his anti-American
the Senate's Iran-Contra committee stated worker, anti-Constitution voting record. Rat Ryan
in a memo that Oliver North was at the supported the job & sovereignty killer, TPP. Nehlin
center of what he called a "secret opposed it.
government within a government." Prior
to those hearings, Liman wrote that a policy On primary night in my run for the U.S. House, March 26,
decision made at the highest levels during 1996, despite being behind only 5-7% points (internal
the Iran Contra scandal "...reveals the polling) behind Rep. Waffle Wally Herger two weeks
whole secret government within a before the primary and no scandals, my race was called at
government, operated from the Executive 8:01 pm - one minute after the polls closed and no votes
Office Building by a lieutenant colonel with counted: 86-14 in favor of Herger. The Secty of state
its own army, air force, diplomatic agents, stopped counting at around 6:00 am. The numbers never
intelligence operatives and appropriations really changed.
Additionally, in the largest county in the
Over the years many, many individuals have been district I went to vote and my name wasn't
successfully prosecuted for vote fraud. We know all forms even on the ballot! We had to write in my
of electronic voting machines and scanners are easily name.
hacked on site and preprogrammed from long distance. I
have covered this in minute details in my multitude of
I was in shock; there was nothing I could do.
Check these winners/losers that night
Perception is everything and that's how 'they' get away
(primary March 26, 1996): 85-15, 81-18,
with selling the American people vote fraud as legitimates
85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 86-14, 87-13, 81-18
totals. Vote fraud is meant to keep constitutionalists like
and 81-14 which was my race.
yours truly out of office. In the recent election Dr. Kelli
Ward went up against one of the most corrupt political
whores in all of Washington, DC - John 'Juan' McCain. Those were the results for a few incumbents vs challengers
Despite the manure coming from the MSM, McCain is not for the U.S. House throughout the state of California.
so loved in Arizona because of his staunch support of Every incumbent, including Herger all voted for NAFTA.
illegal aliens. The alleged vote tally put Juan over the top All challengers including me were opposed to that
51.7% - 39.2%. unconstitutional, destructive 'agreement'. Wonder why we
all allegedly lost?
If only Dr. Ward had paid for a complete recount by hand
and an audit of the vote I absolutely believe the outcome Those house seats were scattered all over
would have been different. I also believe it would show the state of California. Unless you're
how many illegal aliens in Arizona voted in that primary. specifically looking at a particular race, in a
While McCain's final numbers allegedly slipped a bit, the state the size of California or Texas,
perception is the people of Arizona approve of his voting people don't put together the pattern,
record on the issues. Please. but it sure as hell is there.

Paul 'Rat' Ryan should not have won his primary last year, Herger was a low level flunky buddy of NAFTA
either. His challenger, Paul Nehlin, ran tough against Ryan cheerleader, Newt Gingrich (NAFTA never would have
who is much hated by a substantial number of Republican passed without Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh) the voters
conservatives in his district as well as across this country - wanted gone.
with good reason. Paul Ryan Running Scared in Final
Days Ahead of Primary Election, August 4, 2016: The perception in my run was that the voters in that district
overwhelmingly approved of Herger's voting record which
"House Speaker Paul Ryan's policy record they did NOT. My support was firm and widespread. The
is collapsing among voters here under morning after the primary a woman called my office to tell
scrutiny from Republican challenger Paul me she worked a precinct in a smaller county. When she
Nehlen, so badly that Ryan is refusing to came in primary night she observed ballots spread all over
appear even on the Fox News Channel." the table instead of in sealed boxes which is the law. She
was told to mind her own business and go back to work.
While my race was called at 8:01 pm, in the second largest
Yet, come primary night, miraculously the alleged final
county in the district, the county clerk's office didn't even
vote count was 84-15. I almost choked when I saw that
get the ballots until hours later.
The Republican Secretary of State refused to look at my technology who know how it's being done
case after I filed a formal complaint. My name wasn't on and individuals who have become experts
the ballot in Butte County, in violation of state law ballots on massive fraud perpetrated upon we
were taken out of the secured boxes and he could care less. the people simply because we are either
I didn't have the money at the time to sue. That's when I victims or have done years and even
left the Republican Party and have remained no party decades of research.
Pence has been tapped to head up a commission on this
BTW: I ran on abolishing the unconstitutional 'Federal' vital issue but unless President Trump invites non-elected
Reserve, getting us out of the United Nothing (UN) to keep officials, I don't believe (1) he will get to the truth and (2)
us from being sucked into a one world government, no the steps that need to be taken to clean up our elections -
'free' trade and abolishing unconstitutional cabinets like the that means purging voter rolls, too, which I have written
Federal Dept of Education. THAT's why I allegedly lost about too many times to count won't happen. Nearly 2
by a landslide. The perception being the voters million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote.
overwhelmingly rejected my message. That simply was That would be illegal aliens so send ICE to pick them up
not the case. and get them deported.

The only way we are going to get accurate vote counts is I guess we shall see what happens but if the mess called
to scrap ALL forms of electronic voting and counting our elections isn't cleaned up by January 2018, we will see
(scanning), period. NO voting over the Internet, overturn the same fraud once again because next year (February)
the Motor Voter Law of 1993 and crack down on absentee begins primaries for Congress which is when the real
ballots - those are ripe for fraud. Paper ballots hand election starts. If you don't oust the incumbent in the
counted in front of the public. If you watch the video primary you end up with the same crook going back to
below, I explain this further. It's the only way to clean up DC.
our elections.
WATCH: A speech I gave on vote fraud in California
President Trump is justified in opening an before I left the state in 2006. You will be shocked and
investigation on vote fraud. He should sickened. The precision with which vote fraud is pulled off
gather individuals who are experts in is even more advanced now.

1 - Flashback: Some of my vote fraud research
2 - Vote fraud: it's not just the machines
3 - A dozen or so of my vote fraud columns - needs to be updated with another dozen or two I've done

Bannon Rips "Corporatist" Media:
"They're Not Going To Give The Country
Back Without A Fight"
By Tyler Durden
Feb 23, 2017 2:51 PM

Shortly after taking center stage at CPAC, Steve Bannon corporatist, globalist media," Steve Bannon
once again unleashed on the media, quickly calling the says
press the "opposition party" as he did in his infamous NYT
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 23,
interview, during his conversation with Reince Priebus.

“If you look at the opposition party, how Considering virtually all mainstream media outlets are
they portrayed the campaign, how they owned by just six corporations, Bannon may be on to
portrayed the transition, how they portray something.
the administration, it’s always wrong,"
Bannon said. “If you remember, the
campaign, by the media’s description, was Earlier:
the most chaotic, the most disorganized,
most unprofessional, had no idea what they The Trump administration has taken center stage at this
were doing. And then you saw [the media] year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
all crying and weeping” on election night. which infamously kicked out Milo Yiannopoulos earlier
this week, leading to the rapid fall from grace for the
"It's not gonna get better, it's gonna get
outspoken conservative.
worse," Bannon said.
Moments ago Trump's two right hand men, chief strategist
Steve Bannon, and chief of staff, Reince Priebus, started
speaking at CPAC. Later in the day, VP Mike Pence will
give a major address at 7:30 pm.

"They are corporatist globalist media who

are diametrically opposed to the economic
nationalist agenda that President Trump
presents. “[Trump] is going to continue Earlier in the day, far right-winger Richard Spencer was
to press his agenda as economic escorted out of the Conservative Political Action
conditions get better, as jobs get better, Conference.
they are going to continue to fight. If
they think they are going to give you
Spencer reportedly spoke with reporters in the lobby of the
your country back without a fight, you
conference for nearly 45 minutes before he was kicked out.
are mistaken. Every day, it is going to
be a fight.""
Some reporters tweeted that Spencer was escorted out by
"It's not only not going to get better, it's security while still speaking with journalists.
going to get worse everyday... they're

A spokesman for CPAC told NBC that Spencer was that if he had comments we’d agree with,
removed because the organization finds his views he’d be on our stage, but he’s not on our
“repugnant.” stage,” Schlapp said of Spencer.

According to The Hill, American Conservative Union Shortly after being removed from the conference, Spencer
Chairman Matt Schlapp attempted to distance the held a gaggle with reporters.
conference from Spencer, who reportedly said that he was
credentialed for the event. “The ‘alt-right’ does not have a "CPAC cannot host a speech where they
legitimate voice in the conservative movement,” said denounce the alt-right by name and then
Schlapp, according to the Los Angeles Times, noting that expect me not to come,” he said, according
“nobody from that movement is speaking at CPAC.” to reports. "They’re children, I mean look,
adults will engage in dialogue particularly
“This is America, and we have to deal with when you're going to denounce someone.
the laws and, you know, all I can tell you is They're not even engaging in dialogue."

RED ALERT: Fascist Google Begins PURGE Of Pro-
Trump Websites As Prelude To Massive
False Flag Or Coup Attempt
By: Mike Adams
Thursday, February 23, 2017

In a Communist China-style crackdown on free speech,

Google has launched a PURGE to take down sites
supportive of President Trump.

Yesterday, the entire website was

delisted by Google, removing 140,000+ pages of content
covering disease prevention, nutritional therapies, No doubt many of those 470 sites deserved to be taken
scientific investigations into environmental contamination, down due to malicious code or malware infections, but as
dangers of prescription medications and more. The internet the following screen shot from the Google Search Console
is in an uproar over the obvious assault on free speech, reveals, there are no security issues affecting the
with Natural News coverage of the Google censorship Natural News website:
going wildly viral on social media, radio interviews and
article coverage across the independent media.

Natural News was targeted, we believe, because we not

only publicly predicted President Trump’s victory well
before it happened, we also openly support Trump’s
policies to protect America, drain the swamp and restore
the Republic. (We are also the publisher of

Now, Natural News has learned that the take down of is just the opening salvo of a massive
free speech purge from Google to silence pro-Trump
voices across the ‘net. After my announcement yesterday
that described Google’s outrageous censorship of Natural
Instead, Natural News has been banned via a “human
News, I have been contacted by several other site owners
decision” that has no justification whatsoever and was
who say they were also taken offline at about the same
issued without warning or recourse. In effect, somebody at
Google flat out decided they didn’t like Natural News
content, and they flipped a switch to “memory hole” the
The following graphic from entire website in an instant, much like detonating high shows that 470 explosives to take down building 7, come to think of it.
websites have been penalized or
banned by Google in the last month:

This is on top of the economic sabotage committed will be pushed by the fake news media
against InfoWars on Tuesday, where the Google- (CNN, WashPo, NYT, etc.)
influenced advertising company AdRoll cut off InfoWars’
This is fascism on display as corporations
ads without warning, costing InfoWars a reported $3
are now carrying out the bidding of the
million in annual revenues.
deep state that’s planning to cause mass
mayhem or death in order to remove
Two days before that, Breitbart News was targeted with a Trump from power before he can go
malicious take down of Milo Yiannopoulos, thanks to public with the truth about the
video leaks coordinated by George Soros-linked front pedophilia links to prominent D.C.
groups. politicians.

A prelude to a massive false flag or My Health Ranger Report podcast that explains more, or
coup attempt against President Trump? watch below:

Why would Google go to such great lengths to engage in

outright censorship and economic sabotage against two of
the largest independent media publishers in the world, in
back-to-back censorship action that almost screams

The answer is obvious.

Something big is about to be initiated

against Trump, and the largest pro-Trump
voices are being systematically silenced,
one by one, to make sure no independent
media can counter the official narrative that

US Debt Slashed By 12 Billion In Trump’s First Month
While The Media Has Been Inventing Scandal After Scandal To
Undermine President Trump, He Has Been Quietly Turning
Around Obama's Unsustainable US Debt Levels
By Baxter Dmitry
Posted On February 23, 2017

Inheriting a national debt of $19,947 billion – an enormous

figure that was thought irreversible and had been blowing
out by billions every day Obama was in office – President
Trump immediately got to work and began turning the
situation around.

On February 21st, just month later, the US debt load stood

at $19,935 billion – a reduction of $12 billion, and the first
time in decades a President has turned the debt clock
The US national debt has been reduced by a staggering backwards.
12 billion dollars during President Trump’s first month
in office.

President Trump’s first month in office proves the benefit of having a successful businessman in charge of incomings and
outgoings instead of a community organizer from Chicago with no understanding of budgeting.

How did President Obama fare in his first month in office? The supposed ‘Stimulus’ did not kick in till later in
The contrast to President Trump could not be more telling. Obama’s first year and lead to Obama’s first year deficit of
Obama, who spent his first month jetting around the world $1.4 trillion.
and flying in wookie chow for Sasquatch on C-130’s,
managed to increase the US debt burden by more than Overall, the Chicago community organizer has the dubious
$200 billion in his first month in office. distinction of managing to double the US debt during his
time in office and create a legacy for himself involving
Not only managing to increase the national debt by 2% in record breaking deficits and the largest debt increase by
his first month alone, Obama also signed the trillion dollar any President ever.
‘Stimulus’ bill, an expensive failure and unnecessary waste
of American tax payers’ money. President Trump has years of bad financial governance to
undo, but as the results of his first month prove, he is
hellbent on cleaning up the mess.

‘Oh, Good Grief’: Wapo Hires Entrenched
Dem John Podesta For Political Insight On D.C., Trump Admin
Tom Tillison
February 23, 2017

Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta “His long experience in Congress, inside
has been hired by The Washington Post as a columnist. two Democratic White Houses and on the
front lines of numerous presidential
…a fitting hire, given the newspaper’s new campaigns, will offer readers vital insight
tagline” “Democracy dies in darkness.” into Washington and politics at the start of
a new era.”
In his new role, Podesta
The reaction on social media suggests it’s getting harder
and harder for the media to shock folks. At the same time,
“will provide commentary and analysis on
Podesta has yet to live down Pizza-gate, the conspiracy
the intersection of politics and policy, the
theory that emerged after his hacked emails allegedly
Trump administration and the future of the
contained coded messages tied to a child sex ring operated
Democratic Party,”
through pizzerias.
The Post said in a statement, according to Politico.
Here’s a sampling of responses from Twitter:

While somewhat perplexing to understand how a

Democrat can offer insight into how a Republican
administration might work, that’s the story line The Post is
sticking to.

“No one knows more about how

Washington works, how the White House
operates, and how policy ideas are
translated into reality than John Podesta,”
Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt said in a


The McMaster Pick: Score One For The Swamp?
NSA Pick McMaster Told The National Defense University That
“The Islamic State Is Not Islamic.”
Robert Spencer
February 23, 2017

You can see McMaster say this beginning at the four-

minute mark:

"We are engaged today, as General

George C. Marshall's generation was
engaged, against enemies who pose a
great threat to all civilized peoples. As our
World War II generation defeated Nazi
President Trump has confirmed that retired Lt. General Fascism and Japanese imperialism, and as
H.R. McMaster is his new choice to be his National later generations defeated Communist
Security Adviser. There have been indications that the totalitarianism, we will defeat today's
Republican establishment has been trying to co-opt Trump enemies, including terrorist organizations
and keep him from effecting the sweeping reform that he like Daesh, who cynically use a perverted
has promised, and this appointment could indicate that at interpretation of religion to incite hatred and
least for the moment, these forces have gained the upper justify horrific cruelty against innocents." --
hand. Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, speech to Virginia
Military Institute, Center for Leadership and
A source that has asked to remain anonymous for fear of Excellence, November 21, 2016
reprisals has informed me that he was present in August
2014 when McMaster was the featured speaker for the Then in this video from May 2016, McMaster says this
President’s Lecture Series at National Defense University same thing. At 14:43, McMaster refers to “groups like
in Washington, D.C. McMaster addressed an assembly of ISIL, who use this irreligious ideology, this perverted
all the students in the colleges of the university, including interpretation of religion to justify violence. They depend
the National War College, the College of International on ignorance, and the ability to recruit vulnerable segments
Security Affairs (CISA), the Dwight D. Eisenhower of populations to foment hatred, and then use that hatred
School for National Security and Resource Strategy to justify violence against innocents.”
(formerly the Industrial College of the Armed Forces), and
the others. This could be Barack Obama or John Kerry speaking.

No transcript or video is publicly available, but there was a Now, this was during the Obama regime, when that was
large crowd, and multiple witnesses. the official policy of the U.S. government, but President
Trump has repeatedly criticized his predecessor (and his
In his address, McMaster said flatly: 2016 election opponent) for not being willing to call the
problem of jihad terror by its right name. Since he has
“The Islamic State is not Islamic.” become President, he has repeatedly reiterated his
determination to eradicate “radical Islamic terrorism.”

If McMaster genuinely holds the view that the Islamic

State is not Islamic, then he is a disastrous pick as National
Security Adviser, and will continue the willful ignorance
of the Obama administration, hamstringing efforts to
understand, and counter effectively, the motives and goals
of the enemy.

The Obama team didn’t just deny that the Islamic State all federal, state and local law enforcement who have been
was Islamic. From 2011 on, it has been official Obama subjected to biased training”; and more—to ensure that all
administration policy to deny any connection between that law enforcement officials would learn about Islam and
Islam and terrorism. This came as a result of an October jihad would be what the signatories wanted them to learn.
19, 2011 letter from Farhana Khera of Muslim Advocates
to John Brennan, who was then the Assistant to the Numerous books and presentations that gave a perfectly
President on National Security for Homeland Security and accurate view of Islam and jihad were removed from
Counter Terrorism, and later, of course, served in the coounterterror training. Today, even with Trump as
Obama administration as head of the CIA. President, this entrenched policy of the U.S. government
remains, and ensures that all too many jihadists simply
The letter was signed not just by Khera, but by the leaders cannot be identified as risks, since the officials are bound
of virtually all the significant Islamic groups in the United as a matter of policy to ignore what in saner times would
States: 57 Muslim, Arab, and South Asian organizations, be taken as warning signs.
many with ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood,
including the Council on American-Islamic Relations President Trump must reverse this. He has spoken often
(CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the about the threat from “radical Islamic terrorism”; he must
Muslim American Society (MAS), the Islamic Circle of follow through and remove the prohibitions on allowing
North America (ICNA), Islamic Relief USA; and the agents to study and understand the motivating ideology
Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). behind the jihad threat.

The letter denounced what it characterized as U.S. If McMaster was stating his conviction and not just the
government agencies’ “use of biased, false and highly party line, this would represent a step backward in this
offensive training materials about Muslims and Islam.” effort, not the step forward that is so urgently needed. It
Despite the factual accuracy of the material about which would also represent a victory for the compromised
they were complaining, the Muslim groups demanded that McCain/Graham Republican establishment, which
the task force “purge all federal government training subscribes no less than Obama did to the “Islam is a
materials of biased materials”; “implement a mandatory re- religion of peace” line, and is trying to neutralize Trump
training program for FBI agents, U.S. Army officers, and and keep the swamp from being drained.

The Covert Op To Neuter The Rebel
By Jon Rappoport
February 23, 2017

If you want to track a civilization as it collapses, watch articulating a complete sentence, was “the rebel without a
what happens to the concept of the rebel. cause” in the “iconic film” of the same name. He raced
cars toward cliffs because his father couldn’t understand
From the 1960s onward—starting with Lee Oswald and him.
the assassination of JFK—the whole idea of “the rebel”
with power has been sequentially updated and repackaged. These were all puff pieces designed to make rebels look
This is intentional. ridiculous, and they worked. They also functioned to
transmit the idea to young people that being a rebel should
The objective is to equate “rebel” with a whole host of be a showbiz affectation. That worked, too.
qualities—e.g., runaway self-serving paranoia; random
destruction; out-of-control drug use; generalized hatred; Then the late 1960s arrived. Flower children, in part
the commission of crimes… invented by the major media, would surely take over the
world and dethrone fascist authority with rainbows. San
On a lesser, “commercialized” level, the new rebel can Francisco was the epicenter. But Haight-Ashbury, where
define himself by merely showing up at a concert to the flowers and the weed were magically growing out of
scream and drink heavily and break something, having the sidewalks, turned into a speed, acid, and heroin
already dressed to make a dissident fashion statement. He nightmare, a playground for psychopaths to cash in and
can take an afternoon off from college classes and have his steal and destroy lives. The CIA, of course, gave the LSD
arms tattooed. All the while, of course, he functions as an culture a major push.
avid consumer of mainstream corporate products.
For all that the anti-war movement eventually
You even have people who, considering themselves rebels accomplished in ending the Vietnam war-crime, in the
of the first order, support a government that spies on its aftermath many of those college students who had been in
people 24/7, launches military attacks all over the world, the streets—once the fear of being drafted was gone—
and now funds a Manhattan Project to map every move of scurried into counselors’ offices to see where they might
the 100 billion neurons of the brain, for the ultimate fit into the job market after graduation. The military
purpose of controlling it. industrial complex took its profits and moved on,
Going back as far as the 1950s, the so-called decade of
conformity, psyops professionals sculpted notions of The The idea of the rebel was gone. It later resurfaced as The
Rebel: He was the person who, because he had Cocaine Dealer, the archangel of the 1980s.
psychological problems, didn’t want to take part in the
emerging bland corporate culture. And so forth and so on. All these incarnations of The
Rebel were artificially created and sustained as psyops. At
He was imagined and presented as troubled, morose; a bottom, the idea was to discredit the Individual, in favor of
wobbly unfocused JD Salinger Holden Caulfield, or an The Group.
unkempt beatnik, a Madison Avenue caricature of
somebody who opposed Madison Avenue. Now, in our collectivist society of 2017, The Group, as a
rapidly expanding victim class, is the government’s
In other words, the people who were shaping the consumer number one project. It’s a straight con.
culture were creating the image of the rebel as a cartoon
figure who just didn’t want to buy into “the good life.” “We’re here to make you worse off while
we ‘lift you up’.”
Time Magazine ran a cover story on the beatniks, and
characterized them as a disaffected trend. Marlon Brando, In the op to demean, distort, and squash the rebel, there is a
heading up a bunch of moronic motorcycle riders, invaded single obvious common denominator: the establishment
a town of pleasant clueless citizens and took it over, media are doing the defining; they are the ones who are
wreaking destruction. The 1953 movie was The Wild setting the parameters and making the descriptions; they
One. James Dean, who had the same trouble Brando did in are the ones who build the cartoons; looking down their
noses, pretending to a degree of sympathy, they paint one We’re well into a time period when the experts and
unflattering picture after another of what the rebel is and scientific authorities are settling on the human being as a
does and says; they have co-opted the whole game. biological machine that can only respond to programming.
That’s their view and their default position.
These days, the ultimate rebels, the media
would have you believe, are “gun-toting It’s sheer madness, of course, but what else do you expect?
racist bitter clingers who have religion.” We’re in an intense technological age, and people are
Another attempt to shape a distorted obsessed with making things run smoother. They treat their
unflattering portrait precious little algorithms for control like the Crown
You can take a whole host of political films and television Jewels. They’re terribly enthusiastic about the problem
series of the past 50 years, and look at them for signs of they’re solving, and that problem is us.
the Rebel:
We’re the wild cards, a fact which they take to be result of
 Seven Days in May, our improper and incomplete conditioning. They aim to fix
 Advise and Consent, that.
 The Candidate,
 The Seduction of Joe Tynan, “Why not stop diddling around and just
 Dave, make the whole thing over? Why not
 Primary Colors, reshape humans?”
 The Contender,
 Good Night and Good Luck, Having decided that, the battle begins between competing
 The American President, programmers of the mind. Which program for humans is
 West Wing, better?
 Scandal,
 The Newsroom… The rebel is against all such programming, no matter how
“good and right” it sounds. “Good” and “right” are the
Good acting, bad acting, drama, message—at the end
you’re looking for the core. What do the rebel heroes
really stand for? What are their principles? It’s all bland. “Well, certainly we could make a list of
It’s vague. It has the posturing of importance, but little qualities we want all people to have. You
else. know, the best qualities, like bravery and
determination. Who could be against that?
So suppose we could actually program
As I was finishing this piece, a friend wrote with a quote
such qualities into humans? Wouldn’t that
attributed to Robert Anton Wilson: “The universe is a war
be a fine thing? Then people would just BE
between reality programmers.”
that way…”
This is exactly where the real rebel enters the scene. He’s
The ultimate rebellion is against programming, whatever it
not trying to program people. Freedom means cutting loose
looks like, wherever it occurs.
from programming.

Programming is someone else’s idea of who and what you

The Rebel doesn’t go to the market and choose which
should be.
reality program he wants. They’re all used up as soon as
they come out of the package.
It is never your idea.
“THIS or THAT” is the history of Earth: choose reality
program A or B. The choice was always a con. Your idea is where the power is.

And that’s what makes you a genuine rebel.


John McCain Again Meets
With Terrorists In Syria
By Stephen Lendman

In May 2013, ISIS elements posted photos they took with He “looks forward to working with the
neocon John McCain, during his Syria visit to meet with administration and military leaders to
anti-government terrorists. optimize our approach for accomplishing
ISIL’s lasting defeat.”
On return, he said
He met with Saudi King Salman, UAE
“it was a very moving experience to meet crown prince Al Nahyan, and Turkish
these fighters who have been struggling President Erdogan on the same trip, saying
now for over two years.” discussions focused on Syria and defeating
He called cutthroat killers moderate rebels.
Obama earlier pledged to defeat ISIS without putting US
“I know who they are. I was in Syria and I boots on the ground. His actions were polar opposite -
met with them,” supporting ISIS, not combating it, sending 1000s of US
troops to Iraq, at least hundreds of special forces to Syria.
he said - explaining nothing about America’s war of Their duties include engaging in combat, against whom is
aggression against a sovereign independent country uncertain.
threatening no one, using imported terrorists as imperial
foot soldiers. Trump promised to defeat international terrorism. He may
deploy more US troops to Syria, Afghanistan and perhaps
Last weekend, McCain returned to Syria, showing support elsewhere.
for US-backed death squads, committing gruesome
atrocities, wanting regime change. A statement by his So far, it’s unknown whether he’ll combat terrorist groups
spokeswoman said: or support them like his predecessors.

He “traveled to northern Syria…to visit with Given how much he backtracked on promises so far,
US forces…and to discuss the (so-called) chances for cooperating with Russia in combating
counter-ISIL campaign…(His) visit was a terrorism looks like another pledge to be broken.
valuable opportunity to assess dynamic
conditions on the ground in Syria and Iraq.” All politicians lie. Believe nothing they say. Follow only
what they do, the only way to judge them.

John McCain Makes "Unusual" Secret Trip
To Syria As Trump Prepares Plans To Defeat ISIS
By Tyler Durden
Feb 23, 2017 9:15 AM

In an unusual move for a sitting senator, John McCain (R- Sec. 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States that
AZ) secretly traveled to northern Syria last weekend to ISIS be defeated.
speak with American military officials and Kurdish
fighters at the forefront of the push to drive Islamic State Sec. 2. Policy Coordination. Policy coordination,
out of their de facto capital of Raqqa. The short visit came guidance, dispute resolution, and periodic in-progress
in the middle of a regional trip that took McCain from reviews for the functions and programs described and
Saudi Arabia to Turkey, where he discussed evolving plans assigned in this memorandum shall be provided through
to counter the Islamic State in the Middle East. Per the the interagency process established in National Security
Wall Street Journal: Presidential Memorandum – 2 of January 28, 2017
(Organization of the National Security Council and the
U.S. officials familiar with Mr. McCain’s trip said that the Homeland Security Council), or any successor.
senator traveled to Kobani, the Syrian town on the Turkey
border controlled by Kurdish forces since 2012. (i) Development of a new plan to defeat
ISIS (the Plan) shall commence
In a statement, Mr. McCain’s office immediately.
confirmed that a trip took place, saying the (ii) Within 30 days, a preliminary draft
senator “traveled to northern Syria last of the Plan to defeat ISIS shall be
week to visit U.S. forces deployed there submitted to the President by the
and to discuss the counter-ISIL Secretary of Defense.
campaign and ongoing operations to
retake Raqqa.” (iii) The Plan shall include:
Mr. McCain is believed to be the first (A) a comprehensive strategy and
U.S. lawmaker to travel to the Kurdish- plans for the defeat of ISIS;
controlled area of northeastern Syria (B) recommended changes to any
since it became a hub for American United States rules of engagement and
special-operations forces who are aiding other United States policy restrictions
local forces in the fight against Islamic that exceed the requirements of
State. international law regarding the use of
force against ISIS;
Of course, this trip came just a couple of weeks after
(C) public diplomacy, information
Trump issued a Presidential Memorandum giving his new
operations, and cyber strategies to
Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, 30 days to draw up a
isolate and delegitimize ISIS and its
military plan to "defeat ISIS" declaring definitely that
radical Islamist ideology;
"it is the policy of the United States that (D) identification of new coalition
ISIS be defeated." partners in the fight against ISIS and
policies to empower coalition partners
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, to fight ISIS and its affiliates;
is not the only threat from radical
Islamic terrorism that the United States (E) mechanisms to cut off or seize
faces, but it is among the most vicious ISIS's financial support, including
and aggressive. financial transfers, money laundering,
oil revenue, human trafficking, sales of
looted art and historical artifacts, and
It is also attempting to create its own state, which ISIS
other revenue sources; and
claims as a "caliphate." But there can be no
accommodation or negotiation with it. For those reasons I (F) a detailed strategy to robustly fund
am directing my Administration to develop a the Plan.
comprehensive plan to defeat ISIS.

After traveling to Syria, McCain also met with Turkish According to the WSJ, the safe-zone proposal represents a
President Erdogan who is pushing the Trump significant policy reversal from the administration of
administration to sideline the Kurdish fighters that U.S. Barack Obama, who long resisted pressure for such an
military leaders view as a vital ally in the fight against approach from Congress and U.S. allies in the Middle East
Islamic State. because he believed it would draw the U.S. too deeply into
another war.

Establishing safe zones in Syria would mark an escalation

in America’s military involvement there. In addition to the
initial military buildup that likely would be needed to
create the zones, ground troops and additional air power
will be needed to protect them, military officials have said.
Such zones would also put U.S.-allied forces in dangerous
proximity to foreign troops, including forces from Russia
and the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

As a reminder, gas-rich Qatar works alongside Saudi

Arabia, Turkey and Western nations to back Syrian rebels
As we previously noted, Trump has also supported plans to in a military aid program overseen by the CIA that
create safe zones in Syria for civilians fleeing the conflict provides moderate groups with arms and training. A natgas
there. Such safe zones could provide an alternative to pipeline project connecting Qatar to Europe has been often
admitting refugees to the U.S., according to Trump, but cited as the main reason for the relentless attempts to
would also force greater US military deployment to the destabilize and overthrow the Assad regime, and to impose
region. a puppet regime that would be aggreable to the project, one
which would significantly reduce Europe's reliance on
Russian gas exports.

Leading Contender In Democratic Chairman Race Says
Donald Trump 'Legitimately Raises The
Question Of Impeachment'
 Keith Ellison said the president had done 'a number of things' which may warrant
 The only one he listed was 'monetizing from the presidency' by allowing 'foreign dignitaries'
to stay at Trump hotels while he was in office
 He claimed it breaches constitutional laws preventing the president accepting money from
foreign powers
 Ellison, the Muslim representative for Minnesota, is vying for the Democratic leadership
 He made the comments at a debate chaired by CNN in Atlanta on Wednesday
 Hours earlier Trump praised him on Twitter for predicting his election win in 2015
By Jennifer Smith For
Published: 00:54 EST, 23 February 2017 | Updated: 08:37 EST, 23 February 2017

A leading contender in the race for Democratic chair has but to protect our Constitution and the
claimed Donald Trump 'legitimately raises the question presidency of the United States to make
of impeachment'. sure that nobody can monetize the
presidency and make profit off of it for their
Rep. Keith Ellison, the Muslim congressman from own gain,' he continued.
Minnesota who the president gave a backhanded
compliment to on Wednesday, said he'd done 'a number of
things' which warrant investigation.

'I think that Donald Trump has already

done a number of things which legitimately
raise the question of impeachment.
'On day 1, he was in violation of the
emoluments clause. This is a part of the
constitution which says as president, you
can't get payments from a foreign power.
'The day people checked in to his hotel and
started paying him, foreign dignitaries, he Ellison had been asked by CNN's Chief Political
was in violation of that law,' Ellison said at Correspondent Dana Bash, who was moderating the
a debate between candidates for the Atlanta debate, whether he stood with fellow Democrats
chairmanship on Wednesday. calling for Trump to face impeachment.
'Right now it's not only about Donald
Trump, it is about the integrity of the His bold comments came hours after the president
presidency. delivered him a backhanded compliment on Twitter.

Rep. Keith Ellison said on Wednesday he agreed with 'One thing I will say about Rep. Keith
Democrats who want to see Trump impeached, telling a Ellison, in his fight to lead the DNC, is that
debate for the leadership of his party that the president had he was the one who predicted early that I
done 'a number of things' to raise the question. would win!' he said.

'So yeah, I think that we need to begin

investigations to not go after Donald Trump

Ellison, a Bernie Sanders favorite, is a front-runner in the race for
the new chair of the Democratic National Committee
Ellison said the president should be investigated for possibly
'monetizing' the presidency

Ellison was laughed at in 2015 during an on-air interview

with ABC's George Stephanopoulos and New York Times
reporter Maggie Haberman for his prediction.

It came days after Trump announced his campaign and

Ellison said it ought to be taken seriously by voters.

'Anybody from the Democratic side of the

fence who thinks that – who is terrified of
the possibility of President Trump – better
vote, better get active, better get involved Ellison said Trump had violated the constitution if he'd accepted
because this man has got some money from foreign dignitaries by having them stay at Trump
momentum, and we'd better be ready for International Hotel (above)
the fact that he may be leading the
Republican ticket,' he said on a Sunday Minority leader Nancy Pelosi said earlier this month any
morning broadcast of ABC's 'This Week.' talk of the 'I word' - as it has become known - is premature.
'I know you don't believe that,' responded
Stephanopoulos while Haberman '[There] are grounds for displeasure and
apologized for laughing. unease in the public about the performance
of this president who has acted in a way
'You know, George, we had Jesse Ventura
that is strategically incoherent, that is
win the governorship in Minnesota. Nobody
incompetent and that is reckless. And that
thought he was going to win. I'm telling
is not grounds for impeachment,' she said.
you, stranger things have happened,'
Ellison replied snappily.
California Rep. Eric Swalwell echoed her comments,
telling Politico:
Democrats in Washington are playing down talks the
president should face impeachment over his ties to Russia,
insisting that more investigations ought to be carried out 'We need to assemble all of the facts, and
before any action is taken to remove Trump from office. right now there are a lot of questions about
the president’s personal, financial and
political ties with the Russian government
before the election, but also whether there
were any assurances made.'

Pennsylvania Rep. Brendan Boyle chimed in:

Trump earlier praised the congressman, telling Twitter
followers how he'd been one of the first to predict his 'The ‘I’ word we should be focused on is
election win "investigations."'

Talk of impeachment had begun even before the devise strategy – if they're the ones who
inauguration when far-left California Rep. Maxine Walters came up with "Crooked Hillary," if they’re
said the then incoming president could face impeachment the ones who came up with, "She's ill,
if it could be proven he colluded with Russian meddling in something’s wrong with her energy," and
the election. the way that he basically described her
during the campaign – I think that is
'If we discover that Donald Trump or his something that would put the question
advocates played a role in helping to squarely on the table, whether or not he
should be impeached,' she told MSNBC.

‘Today’ Staffer Leaked Infamous
Trump Tape That Ruined Billy Bush: Sources
Article By Mara Siegler And Emily Smith
Date: February 24, 2017

Lauer didn’t like him and felt he was a

liability — and NBC thought it would derail
Trump,” says the source. “But all it did was
crush Billy, and, ironically, his own network
was behind it.”

When Bush first came to “Today,” sources told us he did

not get along with the cast, who considered him a “frat
boy.” Then, he wrong-footed with his Ryan Lochte story
about the supposed Rio robbery. And Lauer wasn’t happy
that Bush was being hailed as his heir apparent.

“The leak was not just a political move,”

another source tells us. “Lauer felt
The infamous “Access Hollywood” tape — in which
President Donald Trump bragged about grabbing women
The leaker is still at NBC and has not been disciplined,
by the hoo-ha — was an inside job, leaked by an NBC
says the source, who adds,
News staffer on Billy Bush’s own “Today” show, multiple
sources tell Page Six.
“There was no investigation, no internal
witch hunt by NBC into who leaked the
“The tape was leaked by the NBC News
tape. It served their purposes.”
division, by somebody at the ‘Today’
show,” says one source. “NBC News knew
for a while about the existence of the tape. Another “Today” insider insists,
Billy himself had told them about it. People
in the news division became frustrated that “The leak did not come from ‘Today.’ It was
‘Access Hollywood’ was taking too long to leaked by somebody on the West Coast
air it and decided it had to come out.” who hated Billy Bush and wanted to take
him down.”
“Access” had been working on airing a sanitized version of
the tape, which revealed Trump’s comments but protected Others at NBC played down Lauer’s role. A source said,
Bush by editing out his. But the full tape, which was
leaked to the Washington Post, featured Bush goading the “Billy and Matt had a great relationship.
president. The leak got Bush fired from “Today,” which Matt had nothing to do with the tape.”
was, according to the source, part of the plan. Lauer himself added, “This story is a
complete fantasy, patently false.”
“The leaked tape served a dual purpose: It
helped get Bush out of the way — Matt Bush’s rep didn’t comment.

Combative Trump Promises
Americans Safety And Strength
Andrew Beatty, With Michael Mathes In Oxon Hill
February 24, 2017

Twenty-one-year-old Austin Wellman hailed Trump's

drive to "bring back" patriotic fervor following his election
victory last November over Hillary Clinton.

It "makes us feel like we don't have to hide

the pride that comes with being an
American," Wellman said.

Trump's month-long tenure in the White House has been

marked by a political tug-of-war between Republican
orthodoxy and those advocating a more radical upheaval of
politics and the global order.
US President Donald Trump addresses the Conservative Political
Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor, Maryland, on In his speech to the Conservative Political Action
February 24, 2017 (AFP Photo/NICHOLAS KAMM) Conference, Trump pulled the rope decisively to the
nationalistic far-right.
Washington (AFP) - President Donald Trump promised
Friday to keep America safe from foreign "terrorists" with "There is no such thing as a global anthem,
beefed up borders and a massive military buildup, in a a global currency, or a global flag," he said.
staunchly nationalistic address to conservative supporters. "This is the United States of America that
I'm representing."
"The era of empty talk is over. It's over.
Now is the time for action," Trump told Americans bleed the "same red blood of
battalions of Republicans gathered for an great, great patriots," he added.
annual meeting outside the US capital.
- 'Border security' -
"Nobody's going to mess with us, folks.
Nobody. It will be one of the greatest
military buildups in American history," the With his administration mired in multiple missteps and
president said. strong disapproval ratings, Trump went on the offensive.

"Offensive. Defensive. Everything. Bigger He painted Sweden, Germany and France as blighted by
and better and stronger than ever before. jihadist violence, as he sought to defend his own
And hopefully we'll never have to use it," he controversial crackdown on immigrants.
"We fully understand that national security
The hawkish message was lapped up by conservatives begins with border security," he said.
gathered in Oxon Hill, where a combative Trump painted
immigrants as criminals, and renewed his assault on the "Let me state this as clearly as I can: We
"fake" media. are going to keep radical Islamic terrorists
the hell out of our country," he said,
"They are the enemy of the people, promising to revisit a failed attempt to bar
because they have no sources. They just entry to people from seven Muslim-majority
make 'em up when there are none," he countries.
said. "We will not be deterred from this course,
and in a matter of days, we will be taking
He was met by euphoric chants of "USA, USA."
brand new action to protect our people and reportedly dragged out of a Texas hospital to a detention
keep America safe." center.

Trump also defended orders issued by his administration Trump asked supporters to remember the rationale behind
for a sweeping crackdown on the estimated 11 million his order.
illegal immigrants already living in the country.
"These are bad dudes. We're getting the
Though it targets as a priority people convicted or accused bad ones out, OK?"
of crimes, the move sent shivers through US immigrant
"If you watch these people, it's like gee,
communities, most of them from Mexico and Central
that's so sad. We're getting bad people out
America, who are seriously threatened with deportation for
of this country, people that shouldn't be,
the first time in decades.
whether it's drugs or murder or other
Several cases of immigration enforcement have drawn
national attention since Trump took office, including that "Basically all I've done is keep my
of an undocumented woman with a brain tumor who was promise."

Trump Is On The Verge Of His Own Bull Market
By Joseph Ciolli And Lu Wang
February 24, 2017, 4:00 AM CST

How does the future look when stock prices jump this fast?
There’s good and bad news. The last time it happened, in
January 1987, the Dow dropped 11 percent over the next
year as the market endured one of its worst crashes. The
previous occurrence in March 1964 saw the index climb
9.3 percent over 12 months.

The Dow’s continuing streak of all-time highs is the

longest since it closed at a record 12 straight times in 1987.
If the run got to 13, that would be the longest ever,
according to Bloomberg data dating back to 1952. Records
The Trump bump keeps getting huger. aside, the Dow’s streak of daily gains is also the longest in
almost four years and would tie for the longest in 25 years
Consecutive gains in the Dow Jones Industrial Average with a jump Friday.
have left it at the doorstep of history, including a 20
percent surge in futures from the early hours of Nov. 9 that To be sure, the contour of the rally has evolved since its
could be loosely framed as the president’s own bull first weeks, and not in an altogether good way. Energy
market. The 120-year-old measure has set a record on 10 stocks, one of the leading groups of the post-election
straight days -- the longest streak since the Ronald Reagan surge, have faltered, down 2.5 percent this month. Small-
administration. Two more would tie it for the longest ever. cap shares thought to benefit most from Trump’s domestic
growth agenda have also slowed, adding just 2.4 percent in
February after surging 16 percent in the month following
the vote.

Investors are putting more money into equities. Traders

have poured $45 billion into American stock ETFs and
mutual funds in four months after yanking money in seven
of the past nine years, data compiled by Investment
Company Institute and Bloomberg show.

Head-Scratching Investors
Call Time On Trump Stock Rally
February 24, 2017

In the meantime, Wall Street's recent surge

"was probably a cue in itself for global

markets to give a little back," said Jasper
Lawler, an analyst at London Capital

After all, he said, such a winning streak had not been seen
since 1987,

"the year that saw Black Monday, the

biggest one-day market crash in history".

How high is too high? Investors marvel at Wall Street's record run But while all the world's major stock markets suffered in
(AFP Photo/SPENCER PLATT) Friday's correction, they were in no mood for a crash.

Paris (AFP) - World equity markets came under pressure Europe even came off early lows late in the session,
Friday as analysts ran out of ways to justify Donald relieved that Wall Street's morning fall turned out to be so
Trump-inspired stock valuations, but some said the party modest.
may not be completely over.
- 'Dangling' -
The dollar stuttered, while Wall Street, Asian and
European markets fell after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin forecast three percent growth by the end of next
Mnuchin lowered US growth expectations, providing the year, warning that the effect of certain measures would
trigger for a correction many said had been overdue. take time. That compared with the four percent Trump
promised on the campaign trail.
"The signs were there for a stock market
plunge, which is exactly what has In an interview with CNBC, Mnuchin also appeared to
happened today," said Fawad Razaqzada, wind back on his boss's earlier threats to call China a
an analyst at currency manipulator, easing concerns about a possible
trade stand-off between the world's top two economic
"Is this the start of the crash that many powers.
people had been waiting for? Well, that
remains to be seen," he said. Stephen Innes, senior trader at OANDA, said the
- 'Awe and disbelief' -
"have left investors dangling about the US
Friday's downturn came after 10 gravity-defying straight administration's currency policy as there
record-breaking sessions on the New York exchange appears to be a subtle shift in the Trump
which had global investors looking on in "awe and administration's rhetoric".
disbelief", said Mati Greenspan, Senior Market Analyst at
eToro. The comments overshadowed his promise to push through
tax cuts by August, and pursue deregulation on companies
This took Wall Street's gains since Trump's election to and banks.
around nine percent.
- Gold sparkles again -
"Many analysts feel that this has been
overdone but most agree that it could very
well continue for a while," said Greenspan.
Gold, an attractive investment in risky times, rose 0.5 Frankfurt heavyweight BASF shed close to three percent
percent on Friday as investors fled the stock markets for after the chemicals giant reported a "challenging" 2016,
safety. leaving it just "cautiously optimistic" for the current year.

The dollar lost some of its recent shine against the euro - Key figures around 1655 GMT –
and the yen, another sign that cracks may be appearing in
investors' belief that US economic strength will make them  London - FTSE 100: DOWN 0.4 percent at 7,243.70 (close)
richer day after day.  Frankfurt - DAX 30: DOWN 1.2 percent at 11,804.03 (close)
 Paris - CAC 40: DOWN 0.9 percent at 4,845.24 (close)
In corporate Europe, some heavyweights saw heavy losses  New York - Dow: DOWN 0.3 percent at 20,749.51
in response to annual results.  Tokyo - Nikkei 225: DOWN 0.5 percent at 19,283.54 (close)
 Hong Kong - Hang Seng: DOWN 0.6 percent at 23,965.7
Vivendi in Paris dropped nearly four percent after posting (close)
 Shanghai - Composite: UP 0.1 percent at 3,253.43 (close)
a 35-percent decline in net profit.
 Euro/dollar: UP at $1.0581 from $1.0579
 Pound/dollar: DOWN at $1.2493 from $1.2556
Royal Bank of Scotland shares dropped 4.5 percent in  Dollar/yen: DOWN at 112.27 yen from 112.67 yen
London after the bank's net loss widened to £7 billion in  Oil - West Texas Intermediate: DOWN 42 cents at $54.03
2016. per barrel
 Oil - Brent North Sea: DOWN 37 cents at $56.45

Vulnerable Dems Lay Low As Town Hall Angst Rages
Associated Press
Feb 24, 9:09 AM EST

NEW YORK (AP) -- From Montana to West Virginia, the Heitkamp, Democrats whose states backed Trump by an
nation's most vulnerable Senate Democrats are avoiding average of 39 percentage points in November.
town hall meetings as their Republican counterparts get
pummeled by an energized electorate frustrated with Both have avoided formal town halls this week, but
President Donald Trump's early agenda. Heitkamp's office said she participated in a discussion
about flood issues with constituents in northeastern North
Some Democrats prefer to connect with constituents over Dakota and attended a subsequent ribbon-cutting on
the telephone or using social media. Others are meeting Thursday. She planned to tour a local National Weather
voters in controlled environments with limited Service office on Friday.
opportunities to ask questions. But few of the 10
Democratic senators facing re-election next year in states Manchin's office reported an equally busy schedule, but his
carried by Trump have scheduled in-person town hall constituents said he's been hard to find this week. They've
meetings during this week's congressional recess. scheduled a protest outside the Democratic senator's
Charleston office on Friday to demand more access,
Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill declined an invitation to according to Cathy Kunkel, an energy consultant who
attend a town hall organized by a group called Kansas City helped plan the protest.
Indivisible this weekend, deciding to send a staff member
in her place. The two-term senator, up for re-election next "Here we are, and we'd like a town hall
year in a state Trump won by nearly 19 percentage points, meeting," Kunkel said. "His constituents
is scheduled to chat with voters next week on Facebook have a lot of questions. This is the first
Live. recess of the new Congress in the Trump
"Seems to me that all these members of
Congress are afraid to face their As skittish Democrats dodge, many Republicans face an
constituents," said Hillary Shields, a outpouring of anger in public meetings across the nation
volunteer organizer with the Kansas City from constituents fired up over Trump's first steps as
group. president. Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton have been
The cautious approach comes as Senate Democrats work yelled at, heckled and booed in recent days.
to limit risks ahead of a challenging 2018 election season.
After claiming the Senate majority in 2014, Republicans Some Republicans have avoided such confrontations.
could win a filibuster-proof 60-vote Senate majority next Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert evoked the near-fatal shooting
year in an election in which Democrats are defending 25 of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to explain why he's only
seats (23 held by Democrats, two by independents), 10 of holding telephone town halls. Giffords on Thursday urged
them in states carried by Trump. members of Congress to "have some courage" and face
their constituents.
The GOP has a 52-48 edge in the Senate.
Yet few vulnerable Senate Democrats are expected to do
There are no easy answers for Democrats like McCaskill, so in settings that allow for unscripted questions.
pushed to stand up to the Republican president by their
liberal base and pulled to cooperate with the GOP by In Montana, where Trump prevailed by 20 percentage
independents and moderates. points, Sen. Jon Tester made several public appearances
this week, but he did not advertise any of them as town
McCaskill's office noted she spent part of this week halls. He answered questions about Scott Pruitt, Trump's
touring the U.S.-Mexico border and planned to host town new chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, at one
halls later in the year. event about climate change, said spokeswoman Marnee
The political pressure is particularly intense for West
Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin and North Dakota Sen. Heidi

In Pennsylvania, a spokeswoman for Sen. Bob Casey said "Grassroots Democrats won't be shy about
he would host a town hall in early March, but the details challenging their own leaders if they sense
hadn't yet been set. In Florida, Sen. Bill Nelson addressed a whiff of cooperation with the Trump
students at two Thursday appearances focused on agenda," said Ben Wikler, Washington
education. And in Ohio, Sen. Sherrod Brown "has director for the liberal group
participated in several telephone conference calls recently"
and his office "emailed surveys out to constituents" to It's unclear if they'll get the chance with certain Senate
gauge their priorities, said spokeswoman Jennifer Democrats, however.
Shields noted that McCaskill made time to visit the
For now, protesters' angst is largely focused on Mexican border:
Republicans. But only a few weeks ago, Democrats
including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and "We'd like to have her back in Missouri."
liberal heroine Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren faced
a sharp rebuke for backing one of Trump's Cabinet picks.

Here’s How the Deep State
Is Trying to Lead Trump into a Nuclear War
Daniel Lang
February 24th, 2017

As the theory goes, using low-yield nuclear weapons

against an adversary’s conventional forces will
demonstrate that you mean serious business and might be
crazy enough to launch an all out nuclear attack. This will
cause the enemy to “blink” and ultimately back down,
rather than risk global thermonuclear war or continue
conventional hostilities.

There’s only one problem with the idea of engaging in a

limited nuclear war. It simply can’t be done. Any limited
nuclear war would eventually lead to a full scale nuclear
Before Donald trump took office, he promised to rebuild war.
the US military by diverting a lot more funding into the
armed forces. And when he made that promise, he wasn’t The lynchpin of a limited nuclear war is the tactical nuke.
just talking about our conventional forces. He also These are nuclear weapons that have a much smaller yield
proposed expanding America’s nuclear capability; a than a strategic nuke. Whereas a strategic nuke might have
position he recently reiterated in an interview with Reuters. a yield of half a megaton or more, a tactical nuke is usually
He stated that somewhere in the ballpark with the atomic weapons that
we used on Japan, but usually smaller than that. They’re
“It would be wonderful, a dream would be for use on the battlefield, possibly within close proximity
that no country would have nukes, but if to friendly forces. And there’s a reason why our
countries are going to have nukes, we’re government has been slowly phasing them out for decades.
going to be at the top of the pack.” Just because they make a smaller crater, doesn’t mean they
make a smaller impact.
If Trump is really going to reinvigorate our nuclear
program (a decision that many experts fear could spark When you use a tactical nuke, you’re still using a nuke. It
another arms race), then he needs to be very careful about doesn’t matter that it’s not large enough to destroy an
who he listens to. That’s because some of the high ranking entire city (though some of them can). By using them,
officials in our government have some certifiably insane you’re telling the enemy that you’re willing to use nukes.
ideas on what a nuclear arsenal should look like. Recently You’re saying that you’re willing to rain radioactive
a Pentagon panel known as The Defense Science Board, fallout on their territory. You’re willing to engage in total
told the Trump administration that they need to remake our war.
nuclear arsenal into a force that is capable of engaging in a
“limited” nuclear war. The only appropriate response to that is escalation. The
enemy has to show you that they can do the same thing. In
According to the report, war, both parties aren’t thinking “gee, how the heck do I
get out of this?” They’re thinking, “how do I win” and
“The Defense Science Board … urges the “how do I get back at the other guy” and “how do I teach
president to consider altering existing and my enemy a lesson he won’t forget.” Limited nuclear war
planned U.S. armaments to achieve a doctrine doesn’t burn the bridge between conventional war
greater number of lower-yield weapons that and full on nuclear holocaust. It builds that bridge.
could provide a ‘tailored nuclear option for
limited use.’” This should be common sense. All you have to do is
imagine what would happen if Russia dropped a relatively
The strategy behind limited nuclear use sounds deceptively small, 10 kiloton nuke on an American military base in
simple. You need to escalate a conflict just enough to end Europe. Would the US government respond with
it. capitulation? Nobody in their right mind believes that.

And let’s pretend for a moment that a limited nuclear war Hopefully brighter minds will prevail, because whoever is
is possible. What would that do? It would normalize proposing this notion of limited nuclear conflict, needs to
nuclear warfare. It would make nukes a viable option in change out their dress uniform for a freaking straight
every single war. Every conflict would leave behind a trail jacket.
of radioactive fallout and mass civilian casualties.

The White House Blocked CNN, BBC,
New York Times, & LA Times From Media Briefing
Joe Martino
February 24, 2017

Multiple outlets including the Associated Press and TIME

Magazine declined to attend the briefing to boycott the
President’s decision.

The White House Correspondents’ Association also

criticized the decision.

“The WHCA board is protesting strongly

against how today’s gaggle is being
handled by the White House,” Jeff Mason,
the association’s President, said in a
“We encourage the organizations that were
In an unprecedented move, the White House has blocked allowed in to share the material with others
several major news outlets from covering its press briefing. in the press corps who were not. The board
will be discussing this further with White
White House Press Secretary Spicer on Friday chose to House staff.”
hand select what news outlets would be allowed to
participate in the off-camera briefing with reporters inside Should Trump Be Allowed To “Control What People
his West Wing office as opposed to the James S Brady Think?”
Press Briefing Room.
Does Trump’s decision to Ban these news outlets from
Who got barred from attending? The outlets that Trump attending the gaggle take steps towards controlling what
has often criticized: CNN, BBC, The New York Times, LA people think? It’s possible, but it could be a move to allow
Times, New York Daily News, Daily Mail, and a few room for more independent, un-biased news sources a
others. chance to attend.

In an intriguing move, the press secretary allowed outlets MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski thinks this move
including Breitbart News, One America News Network, by Trump is to control what people think,
and The Washington Times, who all tend to be right but isn’t that the media’s job? Take a look:
leaning news organizations. That said, a few other media
outlets were allowed in including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox
News, Reuters and Bloomberg.

“Nothing like this has ever happened at the

White House in our long history of covering
multiple administrations of different
parties,” Dean Baquet, executive editor of
The New York Times said in a statement.
“We strongly protest the exclusion of The
New York Times and the other news
organizations. Free media access to a “That’s our job.”
transparent government is obviously of
crucial national interest.” There’s a good chance she regrets those words. Is it up to
the mainstream media to control what you think? Or is it

Trump? I think we can all agree that it should be up to non All in all, the state of mainstream media is being called out
one but ourselves. here and while there may be a number of reasons why
Trump took this action, one thing is clear, the MSM is no
What Can We Take From This? longer being given the monopoly when it comes to
reporting news. Public distrust in mainstream media is
growing, and taking actions to humble them is a good step
This wasn’t a move to bar mainstream media entirely, but forward. I believe this forces organizations to think about
one that certainly cut out outlets Trump doesn’t align well their approach just as much as it forces the public to
with. Is this a move that should be allowed? Does it allow question why this is happening.
for fair and free open press? I tend to believe it doesn’t.
I wish to leave with one final reflection point, I believe
But, at the same time, these outlets are manipulating news media is meant to be there as a lens into what is going on,
to fit their own agenda, which Trump seems to be taking a from a non-political, non-judgemental and non-
stand against, so perhaps that is his motive. If so, perhaps manipulative point of view. Very few media outlets out
Trump is trying to avoid tough questions or criticism. there, certainly none in the mainstream, are taking this
Maybe he has learned that mainstream media contributes approach. I believe people are systematically being
greatly to further dividing and confusing the public so he’s manipulated by mainstream media in ways that lead to
trying to control the situation. destructive outcomes. I believe the world is waking up to
this and a new world of media is emerging, one not
Whatever the reasoning, this is a very fine line between dominated by mainstream banter. Do actions like these
controlling free speech and trying to take action to better a only further anger people? Or does it get us reflecting on
situation. Can we trust that the general public can look at what the ultimate goal of media truly is?
media with a critical thinking lens and see through lies and
manipulation? Or does someone need to step in and try to There is no doubting that people need to learn to think for
control what goes out so people can get a clearer picture? themselves, and I believe changing the face of media and
An incredibly difficult debate to have and one that teeters how it’s presented will ultimately help with that.
on a very fine line of over stepping boundaries.

President Trump Gets Standing Ovation
At Conservative Political Action Conference
Trump Fires Up Base At CPAC
February 24, 2017

So sit down. Donald Trump did not get a standing ovation. They
leave out the part they never sat down. They leave that out. So I
just want to thank you.

But you know, my first major speech was at CPAC, probably five
or six years ago. First major political speech, and you were there.
And it was — I loved it. I loved the people, I loved the commotion,
and then they did these polls where I went through the roof and I
wasn’t even running, right? But it gave me an idea. And I got a
little bit concerned when I saw what was happening in the
country, and I said let’s go to it. So it was very exciting.
President Donald Trump spoke at the Conservative Political Action
Conference Friday
I walked the stage on CPAC; I’ll never forget it, really. I had very
Full transcript: little notes and even less preparation. So when you have
practically no notes and no preparation and then you leave and
everybody was thrilled, I said I think I like this business.
Great to be back at CPAC. It’s a place I have really — I love this
place. I love you people. So thank you very much. First of all, I
want to thank Matt Schlapp and his very, very incredible wife and I would have come last year, but I was worried that I’d be at that
boss, Mercedes, who have been fantastic friends and supporters time too controversial. We wanted border security, we wanted
and so great when I watch them on television defending me; very, very strong military. We wanted all of the things that we’re
nobody has a chance. So I want to thank Matt and Mercedes. going to get, and people consider that controversial, but you
didn’t consider it controversial. So I’ve been with CPAC for a long
time. All of these years we’ve been together, and now you finally
When Matt called and asked, I said absolutely I’ll be there with have a president, finally. Took you a long time. Took you a long
you. time. And it’s patriots like you that made it happen, believe me.
You did it because you love your country, because you want a
The real reason I said it, I didn’t want him to go against me, so I better future for your children, and because you want to make
said absolutely. And it really is an honor to be here. I wouldn’t America great again.
miss a chance to talk to my friends. These are my friends. And
we’ll see you again next year and the year after that. And I’ll be The media didn’t think we would win. The pundits — you’re right
doing this with CPAC whenever I can, and I’ll make sure that — they had an idea. The pundits didn’t think we’d win. The
we’re here a lot. consultants that suck up all that money — oh, they suck it up —
they’re so good. They’re not good at politics, but they’re really
If you remember, my first major speech — sit down, everybody, good at sucking up people’s money. Especially my opponents’,
come on. because I kept them down to a minimum. But the consultants
didn’t think we would win. But they all underestimated the power
You know, the dishonest media, they’ll say he didn’t get a of the people, you, and the people proved them totally wrong.
standing ovation. You know why? No, you know why? Because This is so true, and this is what’s been happening. Never
everybody stood and nobody sat. So they’ll say he never got a underestimate the people. Never. I don’t think it will ever happen
standing ovation, right? again.

They are the worst. And I want you all to know we are fighting the fake news. It’s
fake. Phony. Fake. A few days ago I called the fake news the
enemy of the people, and they are. They are the enemy of the
people. Because they have no sources, they just make them up
when there are none. I saw one story recently where they said Take a look at some of these polls. That were so bad, so
nine people have confirmed. There are no nine people. I don’t inaccurate. And what that does is it creates a false narrative. It
believe there was one or two people. Nine people. And I said creates this narrative that it’s just like we’re not going to win.
give me a brea,k because I know the people. I know who they People say I love Trump but I’m not feeling great today. He can’t
talked to. There were no nine people. But they say nine people. win, so I won’t go and vote. It creates a whole false deal, and we
And somebody reads it and they say, oh, nine people, they have have to fight it, folks. We have to fight it. They’re very smart,
nine sources. They make up sources. they’re very cunning, and they’re very dishonest.

They’re very dishonest people. In fact, in covering my comments, So just to conclude, it’s a very sensitive topic, and they get upset
the dishonest media did not explain that I called the fake news when we expose their false stories. They say that we can’t
the enemy of the people — the fake news. They dropped off the criticize their dishonest coverage because of the First
word “fake”. And all of a sudden the story became the media is Amendment. They always bring the the First Amendment. I love
the enemy. They take the word “fake” out. And now I’m saying, the First Amendment. Nobody loves it better than me. Nobody —
oh, no, this is no good. But that’s the way they are. So I’m not who uses it more than I do? But the First Amendment gives all of
against the media, I’m not against the press. I don’t mind bad us — it gives it to me it gives it to you, it gives it to all Americans
stories if I deserve them, and I tell you, I love good stories, but — the right to speak our minds freely. It gives you the right and
we won’t talk — I don’t get too many of them. But I am only me the right to criticize fake news and criticize it strongly.
against the fake news media or press. Fake. Fake. They have to
leave that word. And many of these groups are part of large media corporations
that have their own agenda. And it’s not your agenda and it’s not
I’m against the people that make up stories and make up the country’s agenda, it’s their own agenda. They have a
sources. They shouldn’t be allowed to use sources unless they professional obligation as members of the press to report
use somebody’s name. Let their name be put out there. Let their honestly, but as you saw throughout the entire campaign and
name be put out. A source says that Donald Trump is a horrible, even now, the fake news doesn’t tell the truth. Doesn’t tell the
horrible human being — let them say it to my face. Let there be truth. So just in finishing, I say it doesn’t represent the people, it
no more sources. And remember this, and not in all cases. I never will represent the people, and we’re going to do something
mean, I had a story yesterday written about me in Reuters by a about it because we have to go out and we have to speak our
very honorable man that was a very fair story. There are some minds and we have to be honest.
great reporters around, they are talented and honest as the day
is long; that is great. But there are some terrible, dishonest Our victory was a win like nobody has ever seen before. And I’m
people that do a tremendous disservice to our country, and to our here fighting for you, and I will continue to fight for you. The
people. victory and the win was something that really was dedicated to a
country and people that believe in freedom, security and the rule
They are very dishonest people, and they shouldn’t use sources. of law. Our victory was a victory and a win for conservative
They should put the name of the person. You will see stories dry values. And our victory was a win for everyone who believes it’s
up like you’ve never seen before. You have no idea how bad it is time to stand up for America, to stand up for the American
because if you are not part of the story — and I put myself in your worker, and to stand up for the American flag. Yeah, there we
position sometimes because many of you, you’re not part of the should stand up. There we should stand up. And, by the way, we
story — and if you’re not part of the story, you know, then you love our flag.
sort of know if you are part of the story, you know what they’re
saying is true or not. By the way, you folks are in here, the place is packed. There are
lines that go back six blocks, and I tell you that because you
So when they make it up and they make up something else, and won’t read about it, okay? But there are lines that go back six
you saw that before the election — polls, polls. They come out blocks. There is such love in this country for everything we stand
with some of these polls — and some of them got it right. I must for. You saw that on Election Day and you’re going to see it more
say, Los Angeles Times, shocking, they did a great job. We had and more. So we’re all part of this historic movement, a
a couple of others that were right. Generally speaking, I can tell movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.
you the network. Somebody said, “A poll came out.” I said what There’s never been anything like this.
network is it?
There’s been some movements, but there’s never been anything
And they’ll say a certain — let’s not even mention names, right? like this. There’s been some movements that petered out, like
Shall we? Well, you have a lot of them. The Clinton News Bernie. Petered out. But it was a little rigged against him.
Network is one. Totally. Take a look, honestly. Take a look at Superdelegate, Superdelegate. She had so many delegates
their polls over the last two years. You’d think they’d fire the before the thing even started. I actually said to my people, how
pollster, right? After years and years of getting battered. I mean, does that happen?
who knows, maybe they’re just bad at polling. Or maybe they’re
not legit. But it’s one or the other. Look at how inaccurate. Look Not that Bernie — but a lot of Bernie people voted for Trump
at CBS, look at ABC also. Look at NBC. because you know why? He was right about trade. Our country is

being absolutely devastated by trade deals, so we got a lot of Obamacare covers very few people. And remember, deduct from
support. So actually I like Bernie. the number all of the people that had great health care that they
loved that was taken away from them. Was taken away from
I’m here to tell you what this means for the future of the them. Millions of people were very happy with the health care.
Republican Party and the future of America. First, we need to They had their doctor, they had their plan. Remember the lie? 28
define what this great, great, unprecedented movement is and times. You can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan. Over
what it actually represents. and over and over again, you heard it. So we’re going to repeal
and replace Obamacare.
The core conviction of our movement is that we are a nation that
will put its own citizens first. And I tell Paul Ryan and all of the folks that we’re working with
very hard, Dr. Tom Price — very talented guy — but I tell them
from a purely political standpoint, the single best thing we can do
For too long we’ve traded away our jobs to other countries, so
is nothing. Let it implode completely. It’s already imploding. You
terrible. We’ve defended other nations’ borders while leaving
see the carriers are all leaving. It’s a disaster. But two years,
ours wide open — anybody can come in. Oh, we’re going to build
don’t do anything. The Democrats will come to us and beg for
a wall, don’t worry about it. We’re building the wall. We’re
help. They’ll beg. And it’s their problem. But it’s not the right thing
building the wall. In fact, it’s going to start soon. Way ahead of
to do for the American people. It’s not the right thing to do.
schedule. Way ahead of schedule. Way, way, way ahead of
We inherited a national debt that has doubled in eight years.
Think of it, $20 trillion. It’s doubled. And we inherited a foreign
Gen. Kelly, by the way, has done a fantastic job. Fantastic, the
policy marked by one disaster after another. We don’t win
job he’s done. And remember, we are getting the bad ones out.
anymore. When was the last time we won? Did we win a war?
These are bad dudes. We’re getting the bad ones out. Okay?
Did we win anything? Do we win anything? Do we win anything?
We’re getting the bad — if you watch these people, it’s like oh,
We’re going to win. We’re going to win big, folks. We’re going to
gee, that’s so sad. We were getting bad people out of this
start winning again. Believe me.
country. People who shouldn’t be, whether it’s drugs or murder.
We’re getting bad ones out. They’re the ones that go first. I said it
from day one. But we’re taking a firm, bold, and decisive measure. We have to,
to turn things around. The era of empty talk is over. It’s over. Now
is the time for action. So let me tell you about the actions that
Basically all I’ve done is keep my promise. We’ve spent trillions
we’re taking right now to deliver on our promise to the American
overseas while allowing our own infrastructure to fall into total
people and on my promise to make America great again.
disrepair and decay. In the Middle East we’ve spent, as of four
weeks ago, $6 trillion. Think of it.
We’ve taken swift and strong action to secure the southern
border of the United States and begin the construction of a great,
And, by the way, the Middle East is in what — I mean, it’s not
great border wall. By doing this and with the help of our great
even close —it’s in much worse shape than it was 15 years ago.
border police, with the help of ICE, with the help of Gen. Kelly
If our presidents would have gone to the beach for 15 years, we
and all of the people that are so passionate about this. Our
would be in much better shape than we are right now. That I can
border patrol, what they do — they came and endorsed me, ICE
tell you. Could have been a hell of a lot better. We could have
came and endorsed me — they never endorsed a presidential
rebuilt our country three times with that money.
candidate before. They might not be allowed to, but they were
disgusted what they saw.
This is the situation I inherited. I inherited a mess, believe me.
We’ll stop it, we’ll stop the drugs from pouring into our nation and
We also inherited a failed health care law that threatens our poisoning our youth. Pouring in. Pouring in. We get the drugs,
medical system with absolute and total catastrophe. Now, I’ve they get the money. We get the problems. They get the cash. No
been watching and nobody says it, but Obamacare doesn’t work, good. No good. Going to stop.
folks. I could say, I could talk. And now people are starting to
develop a little — but the people that you’re watching, they’re not
By stopping the flow of illegal immigration, we will save countless
you. They’re largely, many of them are the side that lost. They
tax dollars. That’s so important because the dollars that we’re
lost the election. It’s like, how many elections do we have to
losing are beyond anything that you can imagine. And the tax
have? They lost the election.
dollars that can be used to rebuild struggling American
communities, including our inner cities. We are also going to
But I always say Obamacare doesn’t work, and these same save countless American lives. As we speak today, immigration
people two years ago and a year ago were complaining about officers are finding the gang members, the drug dealers, and the
Obamacare. And the bottom line, we’re changing it. We’re going criminal aliens and throwing them the hell out of our country. And
to make it much better, we’re going to make it less expensive, we will not let them back in. They’re not coming back in, folks.
we’re going to make it much better. They do, they’re going to have bigger problems than they ever
dreamed of.

I’m also working with the Department of Justice to begin reducing The same bloodsucking consultants that hit him for all the money
violent crime. I mean, can you believe what’s happening in and failed, they’re now going to go back to him and say didn’t we
Chicago, as an example? Two days ago, seven people were do a great job? We want more money. That’s the way the system
shot. And I believe killed. Seven people. Seven people. Chicago. works — a little bit off — but that’s the way the system works.
A great American city. Seven people shot and killed.
We’re preparing bold action to lift the restrictions on American
We will support the incredible men and women of law energy, including shale oil, natural gas, and beautiful, clean coal,
enforcement. Thank you and thank them. and we’re going to put our miners back to work. Miners are going
back to work. Miners are going back to work, folks. Sorry to tell
I’ve also followed through on my campaign promise and you that, but they’re going back to work. We have begun a
withdrawn America from the Trans-Pacific Partnership so that we historic program to reduce the regulations that are crushing our
can protect our economic freedom. And we’re going to make economy. Crushing.
trade deals, but we’re going to do one-on-one — one-on-one —
and if they misbehave, we terminate the deal, and then they And not only our economy, crushing our jobs because companies
come back and we’ll make a better deal. None of these big can’t hire. We’re going to put the regulation industry out of work
quagmire deals that are disaster. and out of business. And, by the way, I want regulation. I want to
protect our environment, I want regulations for safety, I want all of
Just take a look at NAFTA, one of the worst deals ever made by the regulations that we need, and I want them to be so strong
any country having to do with economic development. It’s and so tough, but we don’t need 75 percent of the repetitive
economic undevelopment as far as our country is concerned. regulations that hurt companies, hurt jobs, make us
noncompetitive overseas with other companies from other
countries, that we don’t need. But we’re going to have regulation.
We’re preparing to repeal and replace the disaster known as
It’s going to be really strong and really good, and we’re going to
Obamacare; we’re going to save Americans from this crisis and
protect our environment and we’re going to protect the safety of
give them the access to the quality health care they need and
our people and our workers, okay.

Another major promise is tax reform. We are going to massively

We have authorized the construction one day of the Keystone
lower taxes on the middle class, reduce taxes on American
and Dakota Access pipeline and issued a new rule — this took
business, and make our tax code more simple and much more
place while I was getting ready to sign — I said who makes the
fair for everyone, including the people and the business. In
pipes from the pipeline? Well, sir, comes from all over the world,
anticipation of these and other changes, jobs are already starting
isn’t that wonderful? I said, nope, comes from the United States
to pour back into our country. You see that.
or we’re not building it. American steel. If they want a pipeline in
the United States, they’re going to use pipe that’s made in the
United States. Do we agree? In fact, I think I did more than any other president. They say
president-elect. President-elect is meeting with Ford, he’s
meeting with Chrysler, he’s meeting with General Motors. I just
But can you imagine — I told this story the other day. Can you
wanted to save a little time because Ford and Fiat Chrysler,
imagine the gentleman, never met him, don’t even know the
General Motors, Sprint, Intel, and so many others are now
name of his country — I sort of know it, but I want to get it exactly
because of the election result making major investments in the
United States, expanding production and hiring more workers.
And they’re going back to Michigan and they’re going back to
Big, big company. They spend hundreds of millions on the Ohio and they’re going back to Pennsylvania and they’re going
pipeline. They got their approvals, everything in the case of back to North Carolina and to Florida.
Dakota, then all of a sudden they couldn’t connect it because
they had people protesting that never showed up before. Before
It’s time for all Americans to get off of welfare and get back to
with the Keystone — so they spend hundreds of millions of
work. You’re going to love it. You’re going to love it. You are
dollars with bloodsucker consultants, sucking the blood out of the
going to love it.
company: Don’t worry, I used them all my life, okay? Don’t worry,
I’m going to get it approved, I’m connected, I’m a lobbyist, don’t
worry. We’re also putting in a massive budget request for our beloved
military. And we will be substantially upgrading all of our military,
all of our military, offensive, defensive, everything. Bigger and
Bottom line, Obama didn’t sign it. Could be 42,000 jobs,
better and stronger than ever before, and hopefully we’ll never
somewhere around there. Didn’t sign it. But can you imagine? He
have to use it, but nobody’s going to mess with us, folks. Nobody.
gave up. A year ago, it was dead. Now he’s doing nothing, calling
It will be one of the greatest military buildups in American history.
his wife, hello, darling, I’m a little bored, you know that pipeline
No one will dare question, as they have been, because we’re
project, that has killed us, that has killed our company. Knock,
very depleted, very, very depleted sequester. Nobody will
knock. Mr. So and so. The Keystone pipeline, sir, out of nowhere
question our military might again.
has just been approved. Can you imagine the expression? You
know the sad part?
We believe in peace through strength, and that’s what we will day with top leaders in business, in science and industry.
have. As part of my pledge to restore safety for the American Yesterday I had 29 of the biggest business leaders in the world in
people, I have also directed the defense community to develop a my office. Caterpillar Tractor, Campbell Soup, we had everybody.
plan to totally obliterate ISIS. Working with our allies, we will We had everybody. I like Campbell Soup. We had everybody.
eradicate this evil from the face of the earth. And we came to a lot of very good conclusions, and a lot of those
folks that are in that room are going to be building big, big,
At the same time, we fully understand that national security massive new plants and lots of jobs. You know what? They’re
begins with border security. Foreign terrorists will not be able to going to be building them in this country and not in some other
strike America if they cannot get into our country. And, by the countries. We’re meeting with unions, meeting with law
way, take a look at what’s happening in Europe, folks. Take a enforcement and leaders from all around the world. They’re going
look at what’s happening in Europe. I took a lot of heat on to be building them in this country and not in some other
Sweden. And then a day later I said, has anybody reported countries.
what’s going on? And it turned out that they didn’t — not too
many of them did. We’re meeting with unions, meeting with law enforcement and
leaders from all around the world. Where the White House doors
Take a look at what happened in Sweden. I love Sweden. Great — they were closed, folks, you don’t realize that, they were
country, great people, I love Sweden. They understand I’m right. closed — they’re now wide open, and they’re open for people
The people there understand I’m right. Take a look at what’s doing business for our country and putting people to work. And
happening in Sweden. Take a look at what’s happened in when they come into the White House, we’re translating these
Germany. Take a look at what’s happened in France. Take a look meetings into action.
at Nice and Paris.
One by one, we’re checking off the promises we made to the
I have a friend, he’s a very, very substantial guy, he loves the city people of the United States. One by one. A lot of promises. And
of lights. He loves Paris. For years, every year during the we will not stop until the job is done. We will reduce your taxes,
summer he would go to Paris. It was automatic. With his wife and we will cut your regulations, we will support our police, we will
his family. Hadn’t seen him in a while. And I said, Jim, let me ask defend our flag.
you a question, how’s Paris doing? Paris? I don’t go there
anymore. Paris is no longer Paris. That was four years, four, five We will rebuild our military. We will take care of our great, great
years, hasn’t gone there. He wouldn’t miss it for anything. Now veterans. We’re taking care of our veterans. We will fix our
he doesn’t even think in terms of going there. broken and embarrassing trade deals that are no good. None of
them. You wonder where did the people come from that
Take a look at what’s happening to our world, folks. And we have negotiated these deals? Where did they come from?
to be smart. We have to be smart. We can’t let it happen to us.
So let me state this as clearly as I can: We are going to keep Well, they came also from campaign contributions, I must be
radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. honest with you. They’re not as stupid as you think. We will cut
wasteful spending. We will promote our values. We will rebuild
We will not be deterred from this course, and in a matter of days our inner cities. We will bring back our jobs and our dreams. So
we will be taking brand new action to protect our people and true. So true. And, by the way, we will protect our Second
keep America safe. You will see the action. I will never, ever Amendment.
apologize for protecting the safety and security of the American
people. I won’t do it. If it means I get bad press, if it means You know, Wayne and Chris are here from the NRA, and they
people speak badly of me, it’s okay, it doesn’t bother me. didn’t have that on the list. It’s lucky I thought about it. But we will
indeed. And they’re great people. And, by the way, they love our
The security of our people is number one, is number one. Our country. They love our country. The NRA has been a great
administration is running with great efficiency, even though I still supporter. They love our country.
don’t have my Cabinet approved. Nobody mentions that. Do you
know I still have people out there waiting to be approved. And The forgotten men and women of America will be forgotten no
everyone knows they’re going to be approved. It’s just a delay, longer. That is the heart of this new movement and the future of
delay, delay. It’s really sad. It’s really sad. And these are great the Republican Party. People came to vote and these people, the
people. These are some great people. media, they said where are they coming from? What’s going on
here? These are hard-working, great, great Americans. These
We still don’t have our Cabinet. I assume we’re setting records are unbelievable people who have not been treated fairly. Hillary
for that. That’s the only thing good about it, we’re setting records. called them deplorable. They’re not deplorable. Who would have
I love setting records. But I hate having a Cabinet meeting and I thought that a word was going to play so badly? That’s the
see all these empty seats. problem in politics. One wrong word and it’s over. She also said
irredeemable, but we won’t mention that.
I say Democrats, please, approve our Cabinet and get smart on
health care, too, if you know me. But we’re taking meetings every
The GOP will be from now on the party also of the American Thank you. And I want to thank, by the way, the evangelical
worker. You know, we haven’t been as a group given credit for community, the Christian community, communities of faith.
this, but if you look at how much bigger our party has gotten Rabbis and priests and pastors, ministers because the support
during this cycle, during the early days when we had 17 people for me was a record, as you know, not only in terms of numbers
running, the primaries, millions and millions of people were of people but percentages of those numbers that voted for
joining. I won’t say it was because of me, but it was, okay? And Trump. So I want to thank you folks. It was amazing, an amazing
we have an amazing, strong, powerful party that truly does want outpouring and I will not disappoint you. As long as we have faith
to see America be great again, and it will see it, and it’s going to in each other and trust in God, then there is no goal at all beyond
see it a lot sooner than you think, believe me. our reach.

A lot sooner than you think. We will not answer to donors or There is no dream too large, no task too great. We are
lobbyists or special interests, but we will serve the citizens of the Americans, and the future belongs to us — the future belongs to
United States of America, believe me. Global cooperation, all of you. And America is coming about, it’s, and it’s coming back
dealing with other countries, getting along with other countries is and it’s roaring and you can hear it. It’s going to be bigger and
good. It’s very important, but there is no such thing as a global better. It is going to be, it is going to be. Remember. And it’s
anthem, a global currency, or a global flag. This is the United roaring. It’s going to be bigger and better and stronger than ever
States of America that I’m representing. I’m not representing the before.
globe. I’m representing your country.
I want to thank you, and Matt and Mercedes, I want to thank the
There’s one allegiance that unites us all, and that is to America. two of you, and all of the supporters I have all over the place, you
America. It’s the allegiance to America. No matter our are really great people. I want to thank you. And I want to say to
background or income or geography, we’re all citizens of this you God bless you and God bless the United States of America.
blessed land, and no matter our color or the blood, color of the
blood we bleed, it’s the same red blood of great, great patriots. Thank you, folks. Thank you. Thank you.
Remember great patriots. We all salute with pride the same
American flag, and we all are equal, totally equal in the eyes of
almighty God. We’re equal.

Why Resistance Is Insufficient
By Elliot Sperber
February 24, 2017

Derived from the Latin prefix re (against) and sistere (to supreme strategy, respectively – two strategies that work
stop, or take a stand/stand firm), to resist means to best in tandem.
withstand, to keep something at bay. That is, to resist does
not mean to act so much as to counteract. As such, it gives Attacking Trump’s alliances, and those of the Right in
one’s opponent a significant advantage (as Bernal Diaz general, pose considerable difficulties, yet many openings
observed in his Conquest of New Spain, “the first attack is exist. While they may be less vocal than his more ardent
half the battle”). supporters, most of those who voted for Trump, for
instance, didn’t like him much during the campaign, and
Even if a resistance can contain one’s opponent, they like him less now. Many preferred Bernie Sanders,
neutralizing them, this problematic aspect persists. And as and only supported Trump out of disgust for the neoliberal
Trump launches attacks on multiple fronts (shutting down system that impoverished them, hollowed out much of the
the EPA, attacking women, workers, and Muslims, country, and added classist insults to these injuries.
rounding up immigrants, building new detention centers Moreover, much of Trump’s own party only haltingly
and oil pipelines, pursuing his wall) even containing supports him. The effectiveness of an attack on Trump’s
Trump is proving difficult. Of course, in launching so alliances, however, and other such alliances, will be
many attacks Trump risks spreading himself thin. But, limited to the degree that it is not integrated with what Sun
even if substantially weakened, resistance alone never Tzu described as the supreme strategy of warfare:
knocks anyone from power. That requires an offense. attacking strategy itself – a strategy less concerned with
issuing critiques of reactionary plans so much as with
As Trump weathers the attacks of the intelligence “winning hearts and minds” – winning people over to an
community and others who aim to restore the popularly altogether new way of thinking about organizing social
reviled neoliberal situation, which gave rise to Trump in life.
the first place, the Left ought to focus at least as much on
pursuing an offense as on resistance. For the goal of the As few concepts are more central to this question than the
Left should not be the restoration of earlier forms of concept of security, an attack on “strategy itself” should
neoliberalism, nor the mere removal of Trump and other incorporate a critique of this. Although a universal
demagogues from power, but the advancement of a concern, security is ambiguous and contradictory. As such,
genuinely egalitarian society. And, contrary to the it provides ample material for criticism. Derived from the
ideology of progress, which imagines this advancement Latin se (which means free from) and cura (care), security
occurring on its own, according to some Hegelian spirit of literally means free from care – a freedom from care that
history, deviating from inertia requires a considerable leads as easily to carelessness as to being carefree.
degree of effort. Reminiscent of the relation between liberty and license,
implicit in security is a similar contradiction – between
Because Trump and other functionaries of the state have care (and a duty of care) and its neglect. Energy security,
highly militarized police forces and national security for instance, is vital. People need energy to heat their
apparatuses protecting them, such an offense must proceed homes and cook their food. But when energy security is
with great care. However, for an offense to be successful it conceived of in a narrow way (as energy derived not only
needn’t necessarily physically engage its adversary at all. from fuels that pollute the planet but from fuels that are
As the legendary strategist Sun Tzu put it in The Art of extracted according to the dictates of a political-economy
War: “The supreme art of war consists in subduing an that advances the economic security of one class at the
enemy without fighting.” And this is precisely how beating expense of another), energy security leads to general
Trump, and other despoilers of the world, should be human insecurity – the economic insecurity of an exploited
approached. They can be slowed down, obstructed, class as well as the insecurity associated with ecological
weakened and ultimately removed from power by radical devastation and/or war, which accompanies the extraction
non-participation – e.g., by a general strike. Additionally, and production of these energy forms.
an opposition can prevail by attacking its opponents’
strategy, and by attacking alliances; the supreme strategy In other words, discussions of security need to distinguish
of warfare, according to Sun Tzu, and the second most narrow types of security from broad notions of security –
notions of security that are broader, for instance, than the
national security of the national security state as well as breathable air will be commodified, and people will be
more universal than the social security of the welfare state. forced to work for or exploit others in order to simply
Related more to care, and caring, than to carelessness and breathe, raising human insecurity to unprecedented
carefree-ness, a critical conception of security does not fail heights. And yet, even if some clean, green energy form
to recognize, for instance, that a crucial aspect of our were developed, and global warming and ecological
security is not only our well-being, and the health of our degradation could be somehow reversed, the demand for
communities, but the health and well-being of the general profit would still create insecurity in some form or other in
environment – i.e., the planet – as well. And since the order to compel people to work beyond what is necessary
nation-state is a construct designed not to produce human for the production of use-values. Moreover, no matter how
security in general but only security for a small class of clean and green warfare becomes it will still sow death. In
people, and pits one nation-state against others, leading to short, this society – ostensibly obsessed with security – not
war and ecological devastation among other threats to a only fails to supply actual concrete security to most
critical conception of security, the nation-state and people, it is structurally pre-determined to undermine all
capitalism – two sides of the same historically-minted coin but the most superficial aspects of security.
– turn out to both be structurally inimical to actual human
security. As religious-thinking (emotion, superstition, and faith)
dominates political and economic discussions, and
Indeed, while capitalism certainly produces narrow forms information technology exponentially distances political
of security it only does so by producing broader types of opponents into members of practically unbridgeable
insecurity. Regulating the world according to the dictates alternative realities, little these days is not embroiled in the
of profit, capitalism doesn’t just consistently fail to satisfy religious war of contemporary politics. As such, many will
social needs, it actively undermines them. Not only does not be able to agree on what constitutes evidence, let alone
the prioritization of profit lead to the destruction of tons of on the less concrete aspects of social reality. Consequently,
food every day – to keep up prices, even while people are many will continue to deny the existence of discrimination,
starving the world over – so long as exchange-value is global warming, and other phenomena, while steadfastly
prioritized over use-value, human insecurity insisting upon the reality of myriad imaginary entities,
preponderates. Rather than some marginal dimension, even as the world floods and burns all around. As it stands,
creating scarcity, and thereby insecurity, is essential to however, plenty of people the world over need no
capitalism. As Karl Polanyi pointed out in The Great convincing that our very survival requires jettisoning
Transformation, in Africa freely growing food was capitalism and the nation-state, along with the culture of
destroyed by colonial administrators in order to compel domination and exploitation that subtends these, and
people to work – to earn money to pay for food that had replacing them with a non-coercive, non-exploitative, form
until then been available for free. And, in such practices as of social organization. If we are to develop a society that is
planned obsolescence, this creation of insecurity continues not only not contingent on destruction and abuse, but
to characterize capitalistic production. allows us to realize an actually democratic, egalitarian, and
fair society, we must abandon these barbaric
A similar dynamic amplifies housing insecurity. Since organizational forms.
capitalism is characterized by, in Immanuel Wallerstein’s
words, “the privatization of everything, in the interest of Although it is too soon to tell how the resistance to the
generating profit,” like other public necessities housing is general and particular arrangement of the world will
treated as a private good, a commodity. Produced to create develop, and whether Trump, among other demagogues,
profit, and only secondarily for its use (i.e., will be removed from power, it is only growing more clear
shelter/security) the commodification of housing creates that the racist, sexist, nationalistic governments assuming
insecurity. Again and again, the world over, so-called power the world over enjoy considerable yet limited
market forces deprive necessary housing from the poor, popular support. And because, as history repeatedly
and other vulnerable groups, creating insecurity, in order demonstrates, such deeply unpopular regimes inevitably
to enrich land owners, bankers, and others who use collapse, it is not difficult to imagine that, among others,
housing as a means to make money. Trump’s may too. Should this occur, however, it is crucial
to recognize that an egalitarian movement will not only be
This upside-down, scarcity-producing, exchange-value- undermined to the extent that it facilitates or otherwise
prioritizing economy systemically degrades the natural contributes to a neoliberal restoration, such a restoration
environment as well. The privatization of forests, for would certainly produce a more virulent strain of
example, leads to the conversion of so many trees into so Trumpism. As such, both must be eliminated. Rather than
many paper cups, among other disposable commodities, Trump’s brand of reaction, which seems bent on rolling
creating catastrophic environmental insecurity. And as the back neoliberalism to the 19th century, or even the
incessant drive for profit has destroyed forests, clean air, relatively enlightened New Deal reaction of Bernie
soil, and water throughout the world, it is not difficult to Sanders, we must not react to the current constitutional,
foresee clean air (like clean water) becoming privatized in economic, and ecological crises so much as develop a
the near future. If present trends continue, the commons of
response that goes beyond the contradictions fundamental departments could flourish in each community college as
to our exploitative class-based society. well, allowing each community, in collaboration with
others, to design, build and maintain their individual
Although it is unlikely that new elections will be held this and/or interconnected infrastructure systems. Responsive
year, with the lack of popular support Trump and other to the needs of those who live in the community, and
demagogues enjoy it is not difficult to imagine that a prioritizing broader over narrow notions of security,
radical political rupture could lead to such a thing in the housing in the various colleges could be managed and
near future. Moreover, fidelity to democratic norms, and to cared for by the colleges (i.e., by the community), as well.
basic principles of justice and equality, demand that they Instead of receiving housing in exchange for rent, as
should be held. If we are to avoid reinstating an equally members of the community people would have a right to
reviled neoliberal government, however, new elections, as this basic level of security.
well as a constitution that is responsive to social and
economic inequalities and ecological exigencies alike Likewise, agricultural departments could enable each
should be two of the key considerations of a critical community, in collaboration with others, to raise its own
opposition. Meanwhile, because our commercial press has food. And since these necessities would be produced for
demonstrated its inability, along with its commercially- use, and each community’s self-care, as opposed to
generated conflict of interest, to report on substantive exchange, or profit, they would require far less work,
issues, the potential political campaigns and debates that affording people considerable leisure to pursue other
new elections would entail – ignited, perhaps, by a radical activities.
general strike – would need to be reported upon and
framed in a new, critical manner. Beyond providing nutritious food, health care, shelter,
leisure, and other necessities, there is no reason that these
Among the security-related issues that these as of yet community colleges would not also have sports, dance,
imaginary debates would foreseeably consider would be music departments, art departments, libraries, film
such issues as the security of women, people of color, the schools, and other resources necessary for well-being and
poor, the aged, refugees, and other vulnerable broader notions of human security. And, of course, these
communities. Universal health care, environmental policy, campuses and departments would be associated in
radical debt forgiveness, the abolition of our extensive regional, and ultimately global, confederations more
prison system and wage labor, the right to housing, the broadly, partnering, trading, caring for common resources,
legalization of marijuana and other drugs, and other and collaborating in collective projects, scientific research,
security-related issues would also foreseeably be symposia, film festivals, sports competitions, and scholarly
discussed. And in addressing the manner in which to conferences – sharing developments in various disciplines,
resolve our global insecurity, it is also very likely that a not out of the senseless, coerced competition and
communalist movement (the radically democratic, production characteristic of our commodified academia,
egalitarian communalism discussed by Murray Bookchin, but out of a genuine interest in and pursuit of knowledge,
among others, which extends back in history to well before for its own sake.
the Paris Commune) would be given voice.
Ultimately one could imagine not only the buildings of the
Among other proposals, such a movement might argue that neighborhoods but the public utilities and other resources
the democratization of society could proceed via a new, of the neighborhoods merging with the colleges – i.e., with
radical way of thinking about the community college. the community – and falling under public, democratic
Approached from both the federal and the local/municipal control. In this way the community college communes
level, a community college campus could be built in every could develop into more or less autonomous, actually
neighborhood in the country. Rather than degree-granting democratic, self-governing communities. A broad
institutions, however, these colleges would be publicly and conception of human security, however, would require
locally controlled and operated loci of democratization. cooperation between these community college communes.
Among other resources, each of these public, And it is not difficult to imagine city-level and regional-
neighborhood campuses could have medical and/or level congresses developing from the myriad community
nursing schools, along with self-managed medical clinics – colleges of the continents of the planet, eventually
enabling each community to train health care providers replacing not only the institutions of the nation-state, but
and care for its own health care needs. Additionally, the nation-state itself.
dispute resolution departments and other departments
could be developed within these campuses, allowing each Some will no doubt dismiss this community college
community to more or less resolve its own disputes. And communalism as utopian. And insofar as it doesn’t exist,
since these would be part of and run by the community, and is literally “no place,” it certainly is utopian in that
they would be free. respect. However, it addresses the ecological and social
crises we are confronting in a far more practicable and
In addition to departments devoted to math, history, realistic way than do proposals, for instance, of settling
biology, and other disciplines, engineering and design Mars – an inhospitable place with a problematic 25 hour
day, not to mention no air, and only the possibility of reform – imagining radically new ways of organizing
water. As we spin on a planet that is being destroyed social life, beyond the self-cannibalization of capitalism
before our very eyes by a fundamentally exploitative and the state, is not only far more sensible than the inertial,
political-economy – a system gerrymandered and suicidal alternative; as we advance toward ecological
privatized to such a degree as to preclude meaningful Holocaust, it’s the only sane response.

It’s Official: Trump’s Pentagon Orders Military To Use
‘ISIS’ To Refer To Islamic State
By Vera Bergengruen - [email protected]
February 24, 2017 6:25 PM

including areas of Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, Jordan,

Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine.

Using the term is meant to encompass a larger geographic

area beyond Syria that is threatened by the terrorist group.
ISIL is also a more accurate translation of the group’s
Arabic name. Some critics of Obama’s Syria policy said
the president used the word ISIL to avoid having to get
involved in that country.

Trump signed an executive memorandum in January

ordering military leaders to conduct a 30-day review of
strategy to defeat the group, referring to the group as ISIS.
The White House also has used the acronym in official
Fighters from the Islamic State group paraded in a commandeered documents and readouts of calls with foreign leaders.
Iraqi security forces in 2014 after they captured Mosul in Iraq.
Uncredited AP
Wish Obama would say ISIS, like almost everyone else,
WASHINGTON - ISIS is in, and ISIL is out. rather than ISIL.

The military will now officially refer to the Islamic State — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
as “ISIS,” short for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, December 7, 2015
according to a memo issued by the Pentagon earlier this
month. President Donald Trump uses the more commonly The State and Defense Departments, however, continued
recognized term for the terrorist group, while former to use ISIL in some of their releases, including travel
President Barack Obama preferred “ISIL,” short for the advisories and readouts of calls.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Some other world leaders and governments, including
“We view ISIS, ISIL and Daesh as France, the United Kingdom and Turkey, use the word
interchangeable terms for the same thing,” “Daesh.” Daesh is an Arabic acronym for the group’s
Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said in an name, and is considered derogatory since it sounds similar
email clarifying the change on Friday. “ISIS is the to an Arabic verb that means to tread or trample underfoot.
term most known and understood by the
American public, and it is what our leadership During his campaign, Trump often criticized Obama for
uses. This memo simply aligns our terminology.” not using the phrase “radical Islam,” which the former
president said bolstered the narrative of a war between the
The Feb. 13 memo from Defense Department Executive West and Muslims pushed by the terrorist group.
Secretary Michael Bruhn cites guidance from Defense
Secretary Jim Mattis, who himself referred to the group as “What exactly would using this label
ISIS during his confirmation hearing, as well as Trump’s accomplish?” Obama asked in a speech last
executive memorandum in January as reasons for the June. “What exactly would it change? Would it
change. make ISIL less committed to try to kill
Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is
“The Defense Department will use the term there a military strategy that is served by this?
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, when The answer is none of the above.”
referring to this threat,” he wrote.
Last year, Trump implied that Obama similarly shied away
The Obama administration referred to the group as ISIL in from using the word ISIS to be politically correct.
official statements and documents. The “Levant” in the
term refers to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea,
“The president of the United States always says an interview in March 2016. “And I actually think
‘ISIL.’ Everyone else says ‘ISIS,’” Trump said in he does it to bother people.”

Britain’s Nigel Farage Exults
Over Trump And Brexit Wins At CPAC
FARAGE Insists The Tide That Caused Brexit And
Trump’s Victory Will Not Stop.
February 24, 2017

“Blair is wrong because what happened in

2016 is not the end of this great global
“What happened in 2016 is the beginning
of a great global revolution.”

Farage says he will be “forever grateful” to Barack Obama

for coming out against the Leave camp in the EU
referendum because “it put us up 2% in the polls”.

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD – FEBRUARY 24: British politician He promises

Nigel Farage speaks during the Conservative Political Action
Conference at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center
“Donald Trump will become more popular
(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
by the day”.
Farage speaking at the Conservative Political Action
Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. He says:

His speech was entitled ‘Brexit and What it Means for “Don’t listen to the media, don’t listen to the
the World’. commentators – they are trying to break
The CPAC says it “What I do know is if the challengers don’t
get over the line this year, they will shift the
“combines ideas with action to leverage the center of gravity of the entire debate,”
strength of thousands of grass-roots Farage said.
activists to break through the resistance of
Washington’s powerful elites”. He closes his speech with:

Farage claims the people of Europe are tired of being ruled We are winning” to huge cheers.
by “boring grey men in Brussels”.

He insists the tide that caused Brexit and Trump’s victory

will not stop.

There were loud boos when Farage mentioned former

British PM Tony Blair.

He referred to Blair’s recent comments about EU


He said:

Hillary Clinton Calls For RESISTANCE To Trump:
“We Need To Stay Engaged… I’ll Be With You
Every Step Of The Way”
Mac Slavo
February 25, 2017

field and online, reaching out to new voters, young people

and everyone who wants a better, stronger and fairer

We, as Democrats, must move forward with courage,

confidence and activism, and stay focused on the elections
we must win this year and next.

Let resistance plus persistence equal progress for our party

and our country.

…Keep fighting and keep the faith… and I’ll be

Last month we noted that Hillary Clinton is looking to start right there with you every step of the way.
her own “fabulous” TV show in an effort to remain
relevant following a disastrous Presidential election loss in
As we reported earlier this week, tens of millions of dollars
2016. The show, according to an insider, would be
are actively being funneled into so called non-profit
“completely controlled” and will likely focus on
organizations who are involved in a variety of activities
undermining the efforts of President Donald Trump, while
that include direct attacks on the alternative media which
whipping her supporters into a frenzy.
tanked Hillary’s Presidential run, infiltration of the Trump
White House, and instigation of purported “grass roots”
Now, in a three-minute video address to fellow Democrats, movements through the use of paid agitators like the
the former Secretary of State says she is going to keep the anonymous provocateurs we recently saw at protests in
fight going with the help of former President Barrack Berkeley, California.
Obama and his wife Michelle, who incidentally, recently
started their own organization aimed at marginalizing the
Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton is running for President
new Trump administration.
in 2020 and the video you just watched is the opening
salvo in a conflict that is designed to divide and conquer
The challenges we face as a party and a country are real. the American people.
So, now more than ever, we need to stay engaged in the

Obama, Democratic 'Super Group' Unite To End
Gerrymandering, Win State Races, Reclaim Majorities
By Joseph Weber
Published February 25, 2017

Former President Obama and other top Democrats are “There’s one district in Virginia where you have
focusing efforts on state-level races and ending the to take a boat on the James River to get to
reconfiguring of voting districts through the politically- another part,” Jared Leopold, spokesman for the
laden process known as gerrymandering -- a combined Democratic National Redistricting Committee,
effort to end “Trump-ism” and help their party regain told Fox News.
control of Congress and legislatures across the country.
The tax-exempt group is leading Washington Democrats’
Obama indicated before leaving the White House last fall major effort to erase the majorities Republicans have in
that his short-term, post-presidency focus will be on Congress and statehouses across the country.
General Assembly races and redistricting after the 2020
Census. The Republicans wave election of 2010 handed them the
House majority and control of 20 additional state House
And 2016 presidential candidate former Maryland Gov. and Senate chambers, giving the party broad authority in
Martin O’Malley has become the most recent high-profile redrawing district maps after the Census that year.
Democrat to take up the cause.
Twenty-three legislatures are primarily responsible for that
“America needs non-partisan redistricting task. And the situation has only helped Republicans retain
commissions,” O’Malley said at Boston College their seats and add to 2010 gains.
Law School, where he’s now a visiting professor.
“This simple reform … must become the new Leopold cited three main objectives: help Democrats win
norm of American democracy. … How can we more races in the next few election cycles to “put them in a
expect people to vote if their voice has been better situation before redistricting in 2020,” embark on
carved into irrelevance by a political map ahead legal efforts to “undo some of the more egregious
of time?” redistricting” after the 2010 Census and push ballot
initiatives that will lead to “fair maps.”
An early test for Democrats trying to win state-level races
and stopping the Trump wave arrives this weekend. He described the NDRC as a “super group” that brings
together the efforts of the Democratic Governors
Delaware is holding a special election for an open state Association, the Democratic Legislative Campaign
Senate seat that will decided whether Democrats keep their Committee and House Majority PAC.
roughly 40-year hold on the chamber.
The group’s chairman is former Attorney General Eric
"If we lose, a new Republican majority will take Holder, whose support, along with Obama’s, will give the
power and rubber-stamp every single one of group bonda fides and fundraising clout.
Trump's hateful policies," the Democratic
Legislative Campaign Committee said in a recent "We heard a lot in this past election about rigged
fundraising letter. "They'll grind all our progress systems,” Holder said last month in announcing
to a halt." the group’s start. “But I want to say the biggest
rigged system in America is gerrymandering.”
Voting districts are redrawn after a federal Census to
reflect the changes in population and other demographic. However, the group is not championing non-partisan
redistricting commissions, as O'Malley and others are.
Much of the redistricting across the country is done by the
political party that controls the state legislature. O’Malley, who is continuing efforts to lead the party’s
progressive wing, has also made clear that his call to end
However, critics argue the process, known as gerrymander speaks directly to what he fears is a rising,
gerrymandering, has run amok, with the majority party anti-immigrant sentiment and other policies associated
drawing districts in crazy-quilt patterns to help protect with Republican President Trump.
incumbents and their party win more races.
“I want to speak with you today about the hawk and former Trump campaigner, and Ed Gillespie, a
immediate challenges facing our nation,” said former Republican National Committee chairman who
O’Malley, who also equates Trump’s beliefs and nearly upset Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner in
polices to fascism. “We must frame a principled 2014.
opposition to Trump-ism.”
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
Beyond the Delaware contest, the real bellwether races spokeswoman Carolyn Fiddler told Fox News that the
will start next year in Virginia, North Carolina and New Democrats’ recent efforts are a “smart refocus of efforts,”
Jersey. more than a reckoning and that related fundraising has
been “astronomical.”
Virginia, a battleground state that has voted Democrat the
past three presidential elections, next year is having state She also said Trump’s victory has indeed sparked a lot of
House races and a gubernatorial contest to replace interest -- from potential canvassers to candidates.
outgoing Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.
“But it has also crystalized some social and
The governor’s race already has heavyweights from both political priorities for people in ways they had not
parties including Democratic Rep. Tom Perriello. The before.”
Republican slate includes Corey Stewart, an immigration

Some Of Trump's Picks Have
Troubling Links To Globalism, CFR
Written By Alex Newman
Saturday, 25 February 2017

would be entirely hostile to Trump's central promise as a

pro-America, anti-establishment political candidate.

But it's even worse than that. “The main purpose of the
Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the
disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national
independence, and submergence into an all-powerful one-
world government,” the admiral warned, adding that “this
lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the
United States is pervasive throughout most of the
membership.” In other words, not everyone in the CFR is a
Photos of Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster and Judge Neil Gorsuch: AP Images
fanatical globalist determined to sell out America's
After crushing the establishment and delivering a series of sovereignty, but most are.
blows to globalism, President Donald Trump's winning
spree against the powerful forces that opposed him appears That sinister agenda becomes clear from reading the CFR's
to be slowing down. In fact, with his recent selection of own magazine, known as Foreign Affairs. In April 1974,
Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster as National Security for example, Richard Gardner, former deputy assistant
Adviser and Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court — Secretary of State, explained how the agenda for world
both of whom have been listed as members of the government would be pursued. “In short, the ‘house of
establishment globalist swamp known as the Council on world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up
Foreign Relations (CFR) — concerns are growing even rather than from the top down,” he wrote. “An end run
among Trump supporters and grassroots conservative around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will
activists. There were already several CFR-linked officials accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault.”
before the latest additions — the very same forces that The magazine also regularly promotes regional
viciously libeled and attacked him in their failed bid to government, war, and attacks on national sovereingty.
stop the swamp draining.
For some additional perspective, then-Secretary of State
The controversial CFR group's agenda is rarely discussed Hillary Clinton admitted in a speech that the CFR gives
openly in the media, despite the fact that much of the her instructions on “what we should be doing and how we
establishment media is actually listed as “corporate” should think about the future.” Bush's Vice President Dick
members of the CFR. The outfit's membership is often Cheney once bragged: “I've been a member [of the CFR]
quoted as supposedly dispassionate sources in the media, for a long time, and was actually a director for some period
too. But evidence of the organization's agenda — global of time. I never mentioned that when I was campaigning
governance, open borders, Big Government, surrendering for re-election back home in Wyoming.” Countless similar
sovereignty, attacking self-government, and more — is statements exist acknowledging the CFR's deceptive
hardly difficult to find. practices, its dangerous agenda, and its hijacking of U.S.
Indeed, prominent patriotic Americans, including CFR
members, have been sounding the alarm for generations. And yet, on the campaign trail, Trump blasted what he
The late U.S. Admiral Chester Ward, for example, who described as a “cabal” seeking “global government” and
served as the Judge Advocate of the U.S. Navy, was a CFR vowed to put an end to such machinations. “Americanism,
member for 16 years before resigning in disgust. “In the not globalism, will be our credo,” Trump said, adding that
entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a “America First” would become U.S. policy across every
meaning so deep as America First,” said Admiral Ward, sphere of government activity including foreign policy,
whose comments on the CFR shed light on why the group economic policy, trade policy, national security,
immigration, and much more.

Of course, it is true that Trump's administration and Gorsuch to the Supreme Court,” the CFR's warmongering
cabinet has less establishment globalists and CFR neoconservative Max Boot wrote in an oped published in
members than any White House in recent memory, of Foreign Policy viciously attacking Trump and his agenda.
either party — Obama, Clinton, and both Bushes have Boot and other globalist neocons, often called RINOs
each installed hundreds of CFR members in top positions (Republicans In Name Only), viciously smeared Trump
within their administrations. But with some of Trump's during his campaign, too, abandoning the GOP for Hillary
most recent appointments, the trend toward adding more Clinton.
and more CFR members has raised questions and concerns
even among some of his most ardent supporters. Then there is Lieutenant General McMaster, Trump's new
national security adviser who took over after non-CFR
Did the so-called Deep State find a way to get to Trump? member Mike Flynn resigned amid what appeared to be a
Is Trump simply unaware of the CFR's well-documented well-orchestrated hit job by the so-called Deep State. By
agenda to undermine U.S. sovereignty, liberty, and all accounts, McMaster is a superb soldier, officer, and
prosperity? Are there globalist CFR operatives who have military man. He has received a wide array of awards,
burrowed their way into senior positions in the medals, and recognition for his service in the U.S. Army.
administration, and are now working to bring in more His insights into the failures of U.S. military leadership in
swamp creatures to mislead and sabotage Trump? The Vietnam have received widespread praise, too.
months and years ahead should make that more clear.
However, McMaster is listed as a member of the Council
First, Gorsuch. Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court, on Foreign Relations, too — and his membership is current
assuming he is confirmed, will have immense influence on as of February 24, according to the CFR's online roster.
the future of America — far more than America's founding And while there are undoubtedly some non-globalists who
fathers ever intended. As soon as the announcement was have joined the CFR over the years for reasons other than
made, many well-known conservative and establishment believing in its anti-American, anti-freedom agenda,
voices sprang into action to support the nomination. Some McMaster's record suggests he may not be among that
prominent voices expressed hesitation — both on pro-life small group.
issues and gun rights — but overall much of the
Republican Party was pleased, ranging from A decade ago, he joined the globalist-minded International
constitutionalists and conservatives to the neocon and Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London as a
establishment wing of the GOP. “Senior Research Associate.” According to the
organization itself, his mandate was described as
A number of concerns ended up being raised about him, “conduct[ing] research to identify opportunities for
though. And more than a few liberals, including some far- improved multi-national cooperation and political-military
left pseudo-journalists, have applauded the choice. The integration in the areas of counterinsurgency, counter-
headline at the anti-Trump hysteria factory known as the terrorism, and state building.”
Washington Post, for example, reads: “Simply stated,
Gorsuch is steadfast and surprising. The Supreme Court There are a number of terms and phrases there that are
nominee resides on the right, listens intently to the left and cause for alarm — including standard globalist rhetoric
often finds a homespun truth somewhere in between.” An such as “multi-national cooperation” and “political-
opinion piece at The Hill, meanwhile, suggested military integration,” which sounds a lot like sovereignty-
approvingly that Gorsuch might even be a secret liberal. stealing schemes such as NATO and the European Union.
There was also the term “state building,” which critics
However, one crucial point on his résumé has flown pointed out resembles the “nation building” that Trump
largely under the radar, even among many usually well- specifically vowed to stop under his administration
informed voices that would have promptly sounded the following costly and deadly failures by Obama and Bush.
alarm. That is the fact that Gorsuch was listed as a term
member of the CFR in the organization's 2008 Annual The New American's Warren Mass reported on the
Report Membership Roster. He was also listed as a developments this week. “One would have expected an
member in his 2006 nomination by President George W. interventionist, neoconservative CFR member such as John
Bush. And aside from Internet commentators in comment McCain to have appointed a man such as McMaster to his
sections, the only major analyst who seems to have noticed inner circle,” Mass wrote. And indeed, true to form,
is Kelleigh Nelson. globalist neocon McCain, who has expressed nothing but
contempt for Trump and his supporters, was very pleased
CFR operatives must have noticed, too, though, recently with McMaster, calling him “an outstanding choice for
calling Gorsuch “well qualified” for the spot — while national security advisor — man of genuine intellect,
perhaps inadvertently sending out a major warning sign for character and ability.”
conservatives and constitutionalists. “Trump arguably had
one good day in his first two weeks, on Jan. 31, when he McMaster and Gorsuch are only the two most recent CFR
rolled out the nomination of the well-qualified Neil additions to the Trump Team. Others have already been

documented in the pages of The New American. And a year to plot policy behind closed doors and recruit useful
regular commentator in the comments section of this idiots to their globalist cause. The first is former Texas
magazine's online portal, who goes by the username Governor Rick Perry, a Republican who serves as Trump's
St_Robert_Bellarmine, has compiled a significant list of energy secretary. The other is Secretary of Defense James
Trump's senior CFR-linked and globalist-tied appointees, Mattis, a military man who attended the 2015 Bilderberg
some of whom have attended the globalist Bilderberg meeting in Austria as a “distinguished fellow” of the
summit or have ties to globalist billionaire David Hoover Institution.
Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, a CFR-type body
focusing on America, Europe, and Japan. The name Rothschild — the unfathomably wealthy
banking dynasty — often pops up in connection with
Among them are Robert Lighthizer, the U.S. trade Bilderberg, billionaire George Soros, and other organs and
representative, who is listed as a current member of CFR, individuals associated with the globalist establishment and
despite the globalist outfit's key role in imposing the very the central banking cartel. And it just so happens that
multilateral “free-trade” regimes that Trump has opposed Trump's commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, was a senior
for harming America and undermining U.S. sovereignty. managing director at Rothschild, Inc., before joining
Another is Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, a CFR Trump's team. Soros, the extreme left-wing agitator, was
member with troubling links to the Communist Chinese also a Rothschild protege.
dictatorship. She also happens to be married to Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and may have been a Of course, hoping for a cabinet entirely devoid of people
bargaining chip in getting other nominees approved by with links to the establishment swamp — at least for now
establishment Republicans in Congress. — might be a bit unrealistic. After all, the nominees had to
get through Senate confirmation, and there are more than a
Then there are a number of non-members who few CFR operatives and globalist shills still haunting the
nevertheless have troubling ties to the CFR and other halls of Congress. And to be fair, on the campaign trail,
globalist organizations. Exxon-Mobil, of course, is a Trump did say he had “respect” for CFR boss Richard
“founder” corporate member of the CFR. And despite not Haass, a leading globalist operative who has publicly
being an official member himself, Rex Tillerson boasted to grumbled about Trump and his agenda. Trump's team has
CFR members in a speech that he shared their views on also said publicly that all cabinet members agreed to go
globalism. “Like the Council’s founders, I believe we must along with the president's America First agenda.
choose the course of greater international engagements,”
Tillerson said in a 2007 event at the CFR. However, at this point, it is starting to seem like there are
too many swamp creatures in the White House for
Another controversial figure is Steven Mnuchin, Trump's comfort. His supporters have expressed hope the president
treasury secretary and a former executive with “vampire will keep them on a short leash, and utter the famous
squid” international bank Goldman Sachs. Like Exxon- “you're fired” phrase from his TV days if any of the
Mobil, the globalist bank is also listed as a “founder” appointees get out of line. And to be fair, again, Trump has
corporate member of the CFR. And Mnuchin, while not taken a number of actions that clearly upset the globalist
listed publicly as a member of CFR, was a member of the establishment and the CFR, ranging from dismantling
secret “Skull and Bones” society at Yale that has been Obama regulations to withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific
exposed for being involved in dark and deeply disturbing Partnership. But being surrounded by globalists and
rituals. George W. Bush and John Kerry were also establishment operatives gives them the chance to mislead
members, though both refused to talk about it while Trump, sabotage his agenda, and more.
running against each other for president.
He does have many excellent people working for him,
Then there are at least two cabinet members in the Trump many of whom have been highlighted in these pages. To
administration who have attended the annual Bilderberg avoid becoming another victim of the establishment,
summit, where top globalists, politicians, bankers, though, Trump should probably exercise extreme caution
communists, royalty, and crony capitalists meet once a when getting advice or information.

Trump Administration Unveils
First Step In Building Border Wall
By Tyler Durden
Feb 25, 2017 11:02 AM

In the first tangible step toward delivering on Trump's schedule," Trump told the Conservative Political Action
campaign promise to halt unauthorized immigration from Conference on Friday.
Mexico, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Friday
released plans for picking vendors for President Donald A U.S. Department of Homeland Security internal report
Trump's proposed border wall, issuing a preliminary seen by Reuters this month indicated the border wall
request for proposals saying it plans to release a formal would be a series of fences and walls that would cost as
solicitation around March 6 “for the design and build of much as $21.6 billion to build and take more than three
several prototype wall structures in the vicinity of the years to complete. The report’s estimated price tag is much
United States border with Mexico.” higher than a $12 billion figure cited by Trump in his
campaign and estimates as high as $15 billion from
Republican House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan
and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The plan
laid out what it would take to seal the border in three
phases of construction of fences and walls covering just
over 1,250 miles (2,000 km) by the end of 2020. With 654
miles (1,046 km) of the border already fortified, the new
construction would extend almost the length of the entire

Last month, Trump signed an executive order to begin

preliminary steps toward building the wall. No cost
estimates were included, and Homeland Security Secretary
In a document on the federal government's website for John Kelly has said his plan is to
business opportunities, the CPB said it would release a
request on or about March 6 asking companies for “secure our southern border with effective
prototype ideas for a wall to be built near the U.S.- physical barriers, advanced technology, and
Mexican border. Vendors were asked to submit prototype strategic deployment of law enforcement
concepts by March 10. After reviewing the ideas submitted personnel.”
by vendors, the agency will evaluate and select the best
designs by March 20, then issue a request for proposals by According to Bloomberg, Konstantin Kakaes, an
March 24 in which vendors would be asked to price out the international security fellow with the New America
cost of building the proposed wall. Foundation, has estimated the cost of a 1,000-mile
concrete wall 50 feet high, with 10 feet below ground, at
A spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection told $38 billion.
Reuters the solicitation published on Friday had
"everything to do" with the wall that Trump has proposed. Bloomberg also notes that construction companies that
The spokesman said the initial request for information was have done work for the federal government and may
to give industry the opportunity to tell the Department of respond to the preliminary request for proposals include:
Homeland Security, which oversees CBP, what is possible Bechtel Group Inc., which builds airports and nuclear
in constructing a border wall. "Once we get feedback from power plants and has done almost $3 billion in work for
the vendors, we'll look at the ones that are most feasible," the U.S. since the beginning of fiscal 2013; BL Harbert
the spokesman said. That would be followed by the request International Inc. ($2 billion); and Caddell Construction
for proposals to firm up exactly how much constructing the Co. ($1.9 billion).
wall would cost.
Ironically, one of the biggest beneficiaries of Trump’s wall
The document says multiple awards for the barrier are may be Mexico’s Cemex SAB, the largest cement maker
expected by mid-April as part of the process, an aggressive in the Americas, Bloomberg News reported Jan. 25. It
schedule for a government construction project. "It's going would be one of the best-positioned companies to profit
to start soon. Way ahead of schedule, way ahead of because it has operations on both sides of the border.

Exclusive—Regnery: Anti-Trump
Democrats’ Best Allies Are Senate Republicans
by Alfred S. Regnery
25 Feb 2017

So far, the Senate has confirmed 14 of the other legislative business, which is also
549 senior federal positions that President impossible.”
Trump needs to run the government and who
need Senate confirmation—Cabinet Under Senate rules, when debate is cut off, senators are
secretaries and people who run the entitled to another 30 hours of debate. Since the Senate is
departments, bureaus, agencies and the rest rarely in session for more than 25 to 30 hours a week,
of the government. The rest of the Democrats can tie things up indefinitely.
government is being run by career
bureaucrats and a few Obama holdovers. So you would think the Senate would be working long
hours, forcing Democrats to talk until exhausted, so the
There are another 120 vacant federal judgeships and, of President’s team gets confirmed, right?
course, the Neil Gorsuch nomination to the Supreme
Court. Each requires Senate approval. Wrong. After doing virtually no work during most of
January, and working at a leisurely pace in February, the
White House staff is busily choosing and vetting Senate just left town for a 10-day recess. That means they
candidates for the rest of the positions, and there went home to campaign—after being on the job for about
undoubtedly will be many nominations sent to the Senate six weeks. As my friend said:
for confirmation in the next several weeks.
“The Democrats are shutting down the Senate’s
And where is the Senate now? On vacation. business, and Mitch McConnell’s answer is to
give everyone a big vacation. The message to
We hear a lot of talk that Harry Reid gave away the store Democrats is: keep up the great work, we have
when he exercised the nuclear option, and that Republicans no intention of fighting back.”
have the 51 votes needed to get the Trump team
confirmed. That may be, but with the way Majority Leader The result? The government will be run by bureaucrats,
Mitch McConnell runs the Senate, Democrats can—and Obama holdovers and temporary “acting” trump
probably will—make it impossible to confirm more than a appointees. Neil Gorsuch won’t get confirmed for weeks
handful of nominees. and weeks, and other judicial vacancies will remain
vacant. Not to mention letting President Trump’s program
The problem isn’t the votes. Republicans have those. The simply die on the vine—the crucial business of repealing
problem is time—floor time. Obamacare, tax reform, passing budgets and
appropriations, and the rest of the things Donald Trump
As a senior Senate staffer told me this week: and taxpayers so badly need.

“Regardless of how many votes it takes to So what is to be done?

confirm or approve anything in the Senate, if
Democrats want to force the issue, they can I spoke with a long-time staff member from the Senate
require a minimum of 30 hours to debate any Judiciary Committee (who must remain anonymous if he
nomination or any bill. Let that sink in. 549 wants to keep his job), who told me that Republicans’ only
vacancies, at 30 hours each, equals 686 days. If remedy is to force Democrats to debate until they wear
you subtract weekends, and add a nice vacation themselves out. Schedule Senate floor debates to go all day
every few months, you are looking at never and night, on weekends and holidays until Democrats cry
finishing this job throughout the entirety of uncle.
Donald Trump’s first term. And this assumes
they are in session around the clock and do no “Is McConnell likely to do that?” I asked. Not a
chance, said my friend.

“Are any Republican Senators demanding that to split Republicans away from a president of their own
they fight back?” I asked. party.”

Not a one, I was told. Unless Mitch McConnell gets down to business and gets
the Senate back to work, he may help Democrats do
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington told the New York Times exactly that.
this week that [Democrats] “have to resist [Trump] every
way and everywhere, every time we can… By Alfred S. Regnery serves as the Chairman of the Law
undermining Mr. Trump across the board, Democrats hope Enforcement Legal Defense Fund.

Ashley Judd Claims Trump’s
Victory Was Worse Than Child Rape
By Baxter Dmitry
Posted on February 25, 2017

evaporated.’ And it was incredibly painful.

Incredibly painful,” she said.

“Immediately I began to weep, because it’s not

ok. It’s not ok,” Judd added. “For me it’s not
about the wall, it not about any of that stuff. It’s
about, you voted for a pussy grabber. You voted
for someone who calls his wife a piece of ass,
whose daughter is his favorite sex symbol. It
really boils down to me to the sexual assault and
the misogyny piece.”
Ashley Judd claims President Trump’s
election victory is the worst thing that has At the Women’s March in Washington, DC, Ashley Judd
ever happened to her, describing the used her celebrity platform to deliver a demented,
experience as even worse than being raped rambling speech, telling thousands of protestors that
as a child. President Trump has sexual fantasies about his daughter,
“It remains for me the worst thing that has ever
happened to me in my lifetime,” Judd said of
Trump’s election victory. “Raped as a child –
bad. Re-raped by a political system that ordains
a clown – really bad.”

The Hollyweird star made the claim in a Huffington Post

video titled, “Ashley Judd describes being triggered by

Wearing a so-called “Pussy Hat” popularized by feminist

activists, Ashley Judd said the same male family member
who failed to protect her from being sexually assaulted as
a child betrayed her again by voting for Trump. “I am not as nasty as your own daughter being
your favorite sex symbol, like your wet dreams
infused with your own genes,” Judd said, doing
her best imitation of a high school mean girl,
creating accusations out of thin air to try and
smear an enemy.


Hollyweird continues digging up fading celebrities to try

and rally the people against their Presdient.

Jodie Foster has told protesters Saturday that it is “time to

“And the fact that there were adult men in my resist” during a rally against Donald Trump’s hard-line
family – who failed to protect me as a child – immigration policies.
voted for him, was really re-traumatizing in
saying, ‘You’re gonna put me out there again.
And the idea that you would protect me has
Speaking ahead of the Academy Awards on Sunday night, cranking their machine into gear before the Oscars. The
the Oscar-winning actress warned of an “attack on next few days will be filled with all manner of guff and
democracy” and urged people to “engage“. propaganda, fearmongering and emotional blackmail.

The Silence Of The Lambs actress told the crowd “it’s Do yourself a favor and #ResistHollywood. Boycott the
time to show up” as the US President seeks to revive his celebrity nonsense until they learn their place and shut the
travel ban. hell up.

Foster was addressing a 1,200-strong crowd outside the

Beverly Hills headquarters of United Talent Agency
(UTA), which cancelled its annual Oscars party in favor of
protesting Trump and staging the demonstration.

“Anytime is a good time for illumination,’” Foster

said. “And this is the time for illumination. I
believe this time is filled with light.”

Hollyweird has dug up a high witch to rally the troops,

spouting code words for the Luciferians as they begin

The Spooks And The Hacks: Why Do They Hate Russia?
It’s A Mystery To Me. I Throw It Open To The Listenership. Why Am I
Supposed To Believe That Russia Is Our Enemy?
By John Derbyshire
February 25, 2017

“According to a senior U.S. government

official, Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador
Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29,
the day the Obama administration
announced the expulsion of 35 Russian
officials as well as other measures in
retaliation for the hacking. “[Why did
Obama dawdle on Russia’s hacking?, By
David Ignatius, January 12. 2017]

That is seriously illegal. It’s also highly irresponsible, as it

gives the other party meta-intelligence—that’s intelligence
Well, if you were wondering who really about intelligence. Without knowing what we’re doing or
runs things in Washington, D.C.—where how we’re doing it, the Russians now know a thing we can
the real power lies—now you know: it’s do: listen to their ambassador’s phone conversations in
with the intelligence agencies, with a defiance of whatever kind of subterfuge or encryption he’s
little help from the Main Stream Media. using.
Next question: why do they hate Russia
so much? But if there’s been a Main Stream Media
hue and cry over that illegality and that
December 29th, the day still-President Barack Obama irresponsibility on the part of our
expelled a raft of Russian diplomats on suspicion of having intelligence and law-enforcement
influenced our election, General Michael Flynn—at that agencies, I missed it. All the fuss has
point merely a private citizen but about to become been about what Flynn told or did not
President Trump’s national-security advisor —had a phone tell Vice President Pence, and how the
conversation with the Russian ambassador. President was then briefed.

Nothing wrong with that. Or perhaps not quite nothing. It’s penny-ante stuff; so much so you have to wonder—as
There is a federal law called the Logan Act that prohibits some commentators have wondered—whether Trump used
private citizens from talking to foreign governments.[18 the whole nothingburger as an excuse to dump Flynn this
U.S. Code § 953 ] The Act was passed in 1799 when one week because he was dissatisfied with him.
George Logan, a Pennsylvania state legislator, had talks
with the government of France, ticking off the John Adams It got blown up into a major story because of synergy
administration, which had majorities in Congress. In the between the intelligence people and the MSM, the spooks
subsequent 218 years, there has been just one indictment and the hacks. Dwight Eisenhower famously warned us
under the Logan act, and zero actual prosecutions. The Act about the military-industrial complex. What we’ve seen
is regarded as a bit of a joke, and the jurisprudential this week is the intelligence-media complex showing its
consensus seems to be that it is in fact unconstitutional, strength.
although with zero prosecutions in 200-plus years, nobody
thinks it’s worth the trouble to test the matter. When the hackers met the spooks.

Well, our spooks listened in to that December 29th episode The spooks can of course do major
of personal diplomacy. Then they passed on what they’d damage on their own. In alliance
heard to the FBI. Then someone—either a spook or a G- with the MSM, though, they are
man—leaked to the press. lethal.
A leak is just a leak; the MSM decides what to make into The Cold War’s been over for a quarter
a major story and what to leave as a filler item on page 23. of a century, for Heaven’s sake.

And, working as they do in a pillar of the I can’t even figure out a conspiracy theory about our
CultMarx establishment, the media hacks Establishment’s hostility to Russia. Has the Homintern
are happy to take what scraps and been at work, stirring up anti-Russian feeling because they
fragments the vengeful spooks pass on won’t legalize same-sex marriage? Does someone think
to them and work them into bricks to they want to dominate the Middle East so they can control
throw through Trump’s windows. the Arabs’ oil? Do influential American Jews still nurse
resentment for the Kishinev Pogrom? None of that strikes
So again I ask: Whence all this hostility
to Russia? me as even remotely plausible.

Is it just inertia? The Cold War created huge, entrenched

sub-establishments within the federal government—lots of
iron rice bowls. These sub-establishments don’t want their
rice bowls broken. They don’t want their corner of the
swamp to be drained. Swamp-draining-wise, they are
massively conservative, in the style of the Third Duke of
Norfolk: “I would all things were as hath been in times

That’s not much more plausible than the conspiracy stuff,

though. After twenty-six years, years that saw the War on
Terror and the rise of China, are significant power centers
in the U.S. government really still obsessing about
I am honestly baffled by it. In what way Kremlin plots and tank divisions rolling through the Fulda
is Russia a threat to U.S. interests? Gap?

They have no claims on our territory. They’re not a Hard to believe.

commercial rival. They’re not flooding us with cheap
workers to depress our own people’s wages and burden our
welfare services. They haven’t sent any terrorists to fly Is it just the perception that Vladimir Putin is a
planes into our skyscrapers. Why are we even supposed to nationalist—a nationalist that will help other nationalists
be bothered by their espionage activities? any way he can, funding Ms. Le Pen’s political campaigns
[ Marine Le Pen’s links to Russia under US scrutiny,
Telegraph, UK, December 21, 2016] and hacking the
It’s true that the present Russian government is unlovely. emails of Donald Trump’s opponents?
It’s true they might do mean things, like invading Estonia.
That would be deplorable, but no sane person really thinks
the U.S.A. would go to war over it, as the NATO charter Possibly, and I can see that would rile up the CultMarx
technically requires. globalists.

Indeed, the temptation to show up But why are the rest of us supposed to
NATO for the hollow sham it is, is the care?
only reason I can think of for why
Russia would invade Estonia. It’s a mystery to me. I throw it open to the listenership.
Why am I supposed to believe that Russia is our enemy?
The Estonians should make what arrangements for mutual
defense they can with neighboring countries, and avoid Winston Churchill, following the Hitler-Stalin deal of
provoking the bear. They face nothing worse than small 1939, said that Russian policy was
countries with big neighbors have faced since the
beginning of time. “A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an
Russia’s just another country, like Brazil or Indonesia. I
can’t see any reason we shouldn’t get along with them on I’m feeling the same way about our own current Russia
the same terms as with those countries. policy.

Can anyone enlighten me?

Report: Trump's New National Security Adviser Not A Fan
Of The Term 'Radical Islamic Terrorism'
By Kyle Feldscher (@Kyle_Feldscher)
2/25/17 11:49 AM

are acting in accordance with their religion, instead of

portraying them as outside agitators to Islam.

The comments made by McMaster, who is known to be

independent, reflect a worldview more akin to Obama and
President George W. Bush when it comes to Islam than

"McMaster, like Obama, is someone who was in

President Trump's new national security adviser broke with positions of leadership and thought the United
his stated viewpoint on Islam almost immediately after States should not play into the jihadist
being sworn-in, telling aides on Thursday saying "radical propaganda that this is a religious war," said
Islamic terrorism" isn't helpful. William McCants, a senior fellow at the
Brookings Institution.
The New York Times reported Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster told
the National Security Council that using the term "radical It's unclear how much McMaster's views will influence
Islamic terrorism" is not helpful because terrorists are "un- Trump himself.
The Times reported McMaster is not close to Trump and
Trump chided President Obama and Hillary Clinton's does not have the privilege of simply being able to walk
refusal to use the term during the presidential campaign into the Oval Office to speak with Trump. Advisers like
and promised to use the label "radical Islamic terrorism" as Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller, who hold more anti-
much as possible. The argument against using the term is Islamic views, are both close to Trump and have walk-in
that calling terrorists Islamic justifies the belief that they privileges.

Trump Tweets He’ll Skip White House
Correspondents’ Dinner – After Some Media Also Cancel
Published Time: 25 Feb, 2017 22:14Edited Time: 26 Feb, 2017 13:38
“roast” the leader and his politics. The president is also
invited to give a satirical speech, in which the media is
typically mocked in return.

Trump is known for his strained relationship with the US

media, calling the New York Times “failing” as well
criticizing several major news organizations as sources of
“fake news.”

In the most recent incident, the CNN, The New York Times,
The Los Angeles Times, Politico and Buzzfeed were
banned from attending a White House press gaggle, a non-
US President Donald Trump © Carlos Barria / Reuters televised briefing by White House press secretary Shaun
Spicer, sparking widespread outrage.
US President Donald Trump has tweeted he is not going to
be present at the White House Correspondents' Association Yet, several major news organizations were let in to cover
dinner. The announcement comes after several high-profile the briefing, including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Reuters,
news organizations, including Bloomberg and The New Bloomberg and McClatchy.
Yorker, withdrew from the event.
Spicer also noted that the Trump White House is
"I will not be attending the White House perhaps “more accessible" than under any other
Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. administration. For the first time, there are “Skype seats”
Please wish everyone well and have a great for journalists who cannot physically attend briefings.
evening!" Trump wrote, without giving any
reason for his decision. Before Trump’s decision to pull out of the WCHA dinner,
several US media outlets refused to host parties at the
I will not be attending the White House dinner. The New Yorker announced early February it
Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. would not hold a party it typically holds at the beginning
Please wish everyone well and have a great of the gathering. Vanity Fair magazine also withdrew from
evening! sponsoring its usual afterparty. Bloomberg said it would
follow suit.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
February 25, 2017 Trump's decision to skip the dinner comes after criticism
of the event in recent years, with some people saying that
The tradition to hold annual dinners organized by the it showed a too-cozy relationship between the media and
White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) goes the White House.
back the 1920s. The high-profile event honors journalists
who report the White House and the US president. The US leader has repeatedly come under fire for his
verbal attacks on some of the media outlets in America. In
For some years now, there has been a tradition for the a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference
serving US leader to attend the dinner. In fact, Donald (CPAC) in Maryland, the US President, however, stressed
Trump will be the first president in 36 years to miss the that he is “not against the media” but “only the fake news
high-roller event, following Ronald Reagan in 1981 who media or the press.”
was recovering from a gunshot wound, NBC reports.
“The media didn’t think we would win. The
This year’s dinner is set to take place on April 29 at the pundits didn’t think we’d win," he said, adding
Hinckley Hilton in Washington, DC. that "the people proved them all wrong.”

During the WCHA dinner, a satirical take is delivered on

the US president with a comedian typically invited to
Trump: I Won't Attend
White House Correspondents' Dinner
By Max Greenwood And Jordan Fabian –
02/25/17 05:05 PM EST

President Trump announced Saturday he will not be The WHCA typically invites the president and members of
attending this year's White House Correspondents' his staff. A comedian is brought in to roast the commander
Association dinner, a break with past presidents. in chief, who then delivers lighthearted remarks.

"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Trump attended the dinner in 2011, where he was
Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well repeatedly mocked and teased by then-President Obama.
and have a great evening!" Trump tweeted. Trump chose to skip the dinner during the 2016
presidential campaign, despite receiving a number of
I will not be attending the White House invites from the media.
Correspondents' Association Dinner this year.
Please wish everyone well and have a great Many have speculated that Trump's appearance at the 2011
evening! dinner fueled his desire to enter the political arena.

— Donald J. Trump Trump for months had cast doubt on the authenticity of
(@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2017 Obama's birth certificate in an effort to question whether
he was eligible to occupy the Oval Office. After Obama
The president's announcement comes amid growing released the certificate, he mocked Trump at length during
tensions between his administration and the media, with his speech at the dinner while the business mogul sat in the
several news organizations including CNN saying they audience.
may not participate in this year's event at the Washington
Hilton. “Now, I know that he's taken some flak lately, but
no one is prouder to put this birth certificate
ADVERTISEMENT matter to rest than The Donald,” Obama said.
“And that's because he can finally get back to
The dinner honors journalists who cover the White House focusing on the issues that matter, like, did we
and awards scholarships to aspiring reporters. fake the moon landing? What really happened in
Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?”
The White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA),
which organizes the annual dinner, said in a statement the Trump brushed aside Obama's comments during an
event will continue as planned on April 29 despite Trump's interview days later on Fox News.
“I didn’t know that I’d be virtually the sole focus. I
WHCA president Jeff Mason said the dinner guess when you’re leading in the polls that sort
of thing tends to happen," he said.
"has been and will continue to be a celebration of
the First Amendment and the important role "But I was certainly in a certain way having a
played by an independent news media in a good time listening."
healthy republic."
Past dinners have attracted celebrities and athletes from
"We look forward to shining a spotlight at the outside of Washington. The association hosted the first
dinner on some of the best political journalism of dinner in 1921.
the past year and recognizing the promising
students who represent the next generation of Ronald Reagan was the last president to miss the event
our profession," he added. after he was shot in a 1981 assassination attempt. Calvin
Coolidge became the first sitting president to attend in

Trump's decision is his latest jab at news outlets, which he Trump's announcement comes a day after his
has attempted to delegitimize by labeling "fake news" and administration's latest clash with the media.
The White House faced backlash after press secretary Sean
“I love the First Amendment; nobody loves it Spicer barred several news outlets from attending a
better than me. Nobody,” Trump said Friday at briefing in his office on Friday.
the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Several news organizations including The New York
“But as you saw throughout the entire campaign, Times, The Hill, Politico and CNN were barred from the
and even now, the fake news doesn't tell the question-and-answer session, among others. Several right-
truth,” he continued. “I say it doesn't represent leaning news organizations were allowed to attend, along
the people, it never will represent the people, and with some major networks like ABC.
we're going to do something about it.”
The Associated Press and Time magazine, whose
Bloomberg L.P., which hosts a high-profile after-party for correspondents were allowed into Spicer’s briefing,
the dinner, had pulled the plug on the event. Vanity Fair, refused to attend, because of the way it was handled.
which usually partners with Bloomberg in throwing the
party, announced earlier this month that it would not Almost immediately, news outlets and journalist groups
participate. blasted the decision, including the WHCA.

The New Yorker, the magazine that hosts a kickoff party “The WHCA board is protesting strongly against
before the dinner, canceled its event earlier this month, how today's gaggle is being handled by the
while CNN and MSNBC are also reportedly deliberating White House,” Mason said Friday.
whether they will pull out of the annual dinner.

‘US Held Hostage For Too Long, Trump Right To
Bar MSM From White House Gaggle’
Published Time: 25 Feb, 2017 13:18Edited Time: 25 Feb, 2017 14:56

Lionel: Nobody cares! Nobody cares! The mainstream

media – the “lamestream” media, the alt-left, anti-Trump,
fake news media, the media who has a lower respectability
rating, below lawyers and used cars salesmen – everybody
is secretly loving this, because for the longest time the
American public has been held hostage by these people,
who’ve had a monopoly with this haughty, hubristic
attitude that they know better. Let everyone around the
world know this. You have no idea: the 24/7 incessant
drumbeat of everything that is anti-Trump. Look, I am not
standing up for the man. I didn’t vote for the man, I am not
here to push his agenda, I am telling you the facts.
Everything about Trump: his family, his daughter, his
White House spokesman Sean Spicer © Kevin
sons, his hands, his color of skin, his wife, her perfume
Lamarque / Reuters
lines, her shoes, everything… “He is crazy, his hair, he
walks around in a bathrobe…” There is not one story, not
Many Americans are secretly loving the Trump
one story that any news editor said: “Oh, I am sorry, but
administration's media offensive, because for the longest
this is too cheap. This is too low a blow. No, we can’t print
time these organizations, they believe, have held a
this.” Nonsense! It has reached critical mass. There are
monopoly with their haughty attitude that they know
many people, myself included, who love this, because we,
better, says political commentator Lionel.
the American people, have been held hostage…
In the latest clash between the Trump administration and
the media, several Western news outlets were barred from CNN, for example, is 24/7. Not that they don’t like the
president’s policies, they hate him. They revile him; they
Friday’s off-camera Q&A session with White House press
loathe him. And it’s not even tempered; it’s not hidden; it’s
secretary Sean Spicer.
not camouflaged. It is so personal… I mean this is across
the board. Do you know that it’s so bad that it’s even
Outlets denied entry to the “gaggle” included the New
seeped down into interpersonal relationships? There are
York Times, Politico, CNN, the Guardian, BuzzFeed,
those who don’t talk to me because they think – God
among others. However, Trump-friendly conservative
forbid – I am a Trump supporter. There are people on
publications, such as Breitbart News, the One America
Facebook. This country is going crazy. There are families
News Network, and the Washington Times, were granted
that haven’t spoken; there are divorces.
admission, as well as TV networks ABC, CBS, NBC, and
Fox News.
RT: Last week Trump branded several media outlets as
“enemies of the American people.” Is that kind of
BREAKING: Trump addresses
language dangerous?
L: No. Somebody may say: “Do you think amputation is a
bit extreme? Yes, but sometimes it is necessary.” Do you
know how they are still pushing the “Russia stole the
— RT America (@RT_America) 24 февраля 2017 г.
election” story? Do you know how long we have been
doing this now? Do you know I am still waiting for
RT: We’re hearing two different versions here. The media somebody to tell me how Russia fixed the election, how
say they were barred, but the White House says it didn’t Russia can tamper with the election? Nobody has
block anyone. And that it was a different type of briefing – explained it. It is like a myth, like Yeti, or the Sasquatch,
off camera, and held at the press secretary’s office. Who
or Loch Ness Monster. It’s this myth, this meme, this
do you think is telling the truth?

Trump Administration
Dominated By Zionist Lobby: Analyst
Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:21PM

The political analyst also named some senior advisors in

Trump’s administration, who according to him, had been
behind the plan. He believes that it was desire of former
national security advisor Michael Flynn “to label the
Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization.”

A proposal by the administration of US President

Donald Trump to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolution
Guards Corps a “terrorist organization” underscores
that the White House is dominated by the Jewish
Zionist lobby, says a political analyst.

The proposal against the IRGC has reportedly stalled over

warnings from US defense and intelligence officials that
White House chief strategist Steve Bannon (R), Donald
the move could "backfire," Reuters reported Friday, citing
Trump (L) and his son-in law Jared Kushner
US and European officials familiar with the matter.
Martin also said that “more is coming from Steve Bannon
The proposal was temporarily halted amid an internal
[Trump advisor] who is highly questionable in dubious
debate arguing that the measure could undermine the fight
against the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group and complicate the
enforcement of Iran’s nuclear deal, the unnamed sources
said. "The other influential advisor in the administration, I
believe that is Jared Kushner; his terrible Jewish Zionist
son-in-law, also has his imprint on this extremist, extremist
“The internal discussion at the Trump administration to
anti-Iranian, pro-Jewish Zionist agenda,” he added.
declare the Revolutionary Guards in Iran as a terrorist
organization further shows that the Trump administration
is dominated by Jewish Zionist influences, neocons that The analyst also argued that “the world community is
are in the mold of that those dominated the George W. going to push back on this attempt” because they
Bush administration on matters of foreign policy and understand quite well “who has been supporting terrorism
equally dominated the administration of Barack Obama to and ISIL [Daesh] and who has been fighting it.”
a certain extent,” said Rodney Martin, a former
congressional staffer based in Los Angeles. According to him, “the United States, Saudi Arabia and
other horrific players in the Middle East had been
Martin told Press TV on Saturday that Trump has so far supporting and crated ISIL (Daesh].”
“shown to be a terrible neocon on all matters relating to
Iran; and during the campaign, he made his position quite
clear that he was going to adopt the position now.”

Trump Cuts US Debt By $12bn In His First Month In
Office, Accuses Media Of ‘Not Reporting’ It
Published Time: 25 Feb, 2017 18:25Edited Time: 26 Feb, 2017 18:51

Moreover, between February 22 and February 23, the US

debt fell by further $ 22 billion from $ 19,935 billion to $
19,913 billion.

US President Donald Trump © Yuri Gripas / Reuters

The US public debt really grew by more than US$ 200

The US President Donald Trump has tweeted that he
billion from US$ 10,626 billion to US$ 10,838 billion in
managed to decrease the US total public debt by US$ 12
Obama’s first month in office, according to the US
billion during his first month in office while the former
Treasury data.
President Barack Obama increased it by US$200 billion
over the same period.
According to the website, which tracks
how much the US debt grows in real time, the debt had
Trump has also accused the media of turning the blind eye
grown by $ 9 trillion or by 86 percent from $ 10.7 trillion
to this fact.
to $ 19.6 trillion during Obama’s two terms in office,
hitting a record high.
“The media has not reported that the
National Debt in my first month went down
Trump’s statements come just a day after the Council on
by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in
Foreign Relations predicted that
Obama first mo,” he said in his Twitter post.

“Trump’s policies would be likely to

significantly widen the budget deficit.”

In November 2016, after the US elections, the Tax Policy

Center (TPC) also said that the federal debt would rise by
$7.2 trillion n ten years and by $20.9 trillion by 2036.

Trump vowed to reduce the US debt and to eliminate

He then added that he has deficit spending during his presidential campaign. On
Wednesday, he once again addressed this issue and
“great optimism for future of the US pledged to make Washington stop wasting taxpayers’
business and jobs” and promised “big tax money.
and regulation cuts.”

The figures presented by Trump coincide with the data

issued by the US Treasury Department, according to
which, on January 20th, the day of Trump’s inauguration,
the overall US debt stood at $19,947 billion. On February
21st, a month later, the total US debt load amounted to
$19,935 billion.

“The finances of our country are a mess,

but we’re going to clean them up,” the
president said, adding that “we won’t let “We must do a lot more with less,” he said.
your money be wasted anymore."

Crazy California Congresswoman Calls
Trump’s Cabinet Picks “A Bunch Of Scumbags”
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 26, 2017

is taking just $1 in salary. (RELATED: Donald Trump lays

out historic plan for first 100 days in office: End
corruption, stop the crooks in Washington and unleash
economic abundance for America)

As for Waters, she’s not the wealthiest member of the

House by far, but she ain’t hurting, either. While she
somehow gets away with listing her net worth as -$14,991,
she and her husband own four properties – in Los Angeles,
Palm Springs, Kern County and Washington, D.C. Her LA
home is in Windsor Square and it’s valued at $1 million
(which, technically, makes Waters a millionaire, and, thus,
in the top echelon of Americans).

In a perfect world, Left-wing Democrats would be seen for This is, of course, beside the point. Left-wing Marxist
who they really are: Divisive, authoritarian hypocrites who types who are in power love to pretend like they hate
are so angered by their rejection they can’t control their money and an elevated net worth, but how many of them
own emotions. do you ever see actually giving up their lifestyles? Yet, the
sheep who worship them are convinced that because they
That is especially true when the subject comes to talk about the “evils” of wealth, they have credibility, even
discussion of President Donald J. Trump and his Cabinet. if they, themselves, are wealthy.
In a recent interview on “All In with Chris Hayes” on
MSBNC, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., this week’s poster And what’s wrong with that? What is it about liberals and
child for term limits, laid into the administration with their disdain for the American dream? And why do their
unusually vile comments that are so far out of line she supporters so hate the notion of being successful?
really should be censured by the entire House, The
Gateway Pundit noted. Of course, it’s all political. Democrats empower
themselves by dividing Americans into groups and even
During the interview, the unhinged Waters began reading subgroups, using identity politics to pit the poor against the
off a list of Trump Cabinet members who are connected to rich, blacks and Hispanics against whites, the educated
the ‘oil and gas industry’ – code words purposely used in against the uneducated, and so on. They can’t win converts
order to gin up instant dislike and distrust of them by Left- and supporters with their ideas, which all center on more
wing sheep supporters of Waters and her ilk. Anyone who and bigger authoritarian government, so they play on petty
is “connected” to industries that power our cars so we can jealousies, sow mistrust, and create tension among the
get to work and our homes so we can live a modern life, masses.
you see, are evil.
Waters, then, is operating straight from her party’s
She then went on to call all of them “scumbags.” playbook. But once again, she shows why Democrats have
become a regional party, and why the vast majority of ZIP
“I just think the American people need to know codes reject the party and the far-Left Marxism it
what is going on. This is a bunch of scumbags. represents. (RELATED: New EPA Head Appointed By
That’s what they are. They’re all organized Trump May Finally Begin Dismantling The EPA’s
around making money,” she said. Overbearing, Totalitarian ‘Authority’)

If you haven’t read any news reports about Maxine Waters Most Americans believe in and support the country’s
refusing her salary or donating it to charitable causes, it’s founding economic principle of free market capitalism.
because she hasn’t and doesn’t. But the president himself They don’t want big government liberals telling them how
has done so. Also, his Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, much they can earn, what form of employment is
“acceptable,” and what industries should be allowed to rules and any other obstacles that are preventing more
exist. They don’t accept that government should be picking Americans from doing better.
industry winners and losers. And they are given hope by a
president and Cabinet who are living the American dream As Waters proves, Democrats would rather criticize
so many of us revere. We can’t all be millionaires and success than do anything to help more Americans achieve
billionaires, but Trump and the people he has surrounded it. Frankly, that’s pathetic.
himself with would love it if every American could
become as successful as they have been. That’s why But it’s what I’ve come to expect from them.
Trump’s all for cutting taxes and getting rid of regulations,

Google May Be Part Of A Deep State Conspiracy To
Silence Trump Defenders, New Interview Reveals
By: JD Heyes
Date: February 26, 2017

when Adams refused, the Google censorship began only

days afterward. Not a coincidence.

As for Jones, one of his primary sources of ad revenue,

through the company AdRoll, a San Francisco-based, well-
funded start-up with ties to Google, dropped Infowars as a
client, resulting in the loss of about $3 million annually in
revenue. Again, no coincidence.

“It seems they’ve made good on their threat,”

Adams told Hodges. “It might be just the
beginning. I’m not even sure, but they’re now
definitely trying to silence the independent media
with economic sabotage.”
The Alt-Left has completely come out of the shadows
since the election of Donald J. Trump to become protector Adams said the loss of traffic from Google searches
and leader of the free world, fully revealing itself and not amounts to around 1.8 million visitors per month.
the 45th president to be the real fascist threat to American
liberties and freedoms. “This is electronic fascism,” Adams said, adding
it was akin to “modern-day electronic book-
The latest incident is Google’s decision to censor all burning.”
Natural News content from its search engine results –
some 140,000 pages – a move that is already generating “Google is the Fourth Reich at this point, and
incredible backlash against the world’s preeminent search they are trying to silence voices,” he said,
engine and media company.
adding that the search giant, in deep-sixing
But there is much more happening here than meets the eye: content, is also denying tens of
Google is part of a “criminal conspiracy” to shut down any thousands of people access to life-saving information
and all media defenders of the president, as Natural News covered by Natural News correspondents and reporters.
founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has
revealed in a recent interview with Dave Hodges on “The Both Adams and Hodges believe that criminal actions have
Common Sense Show.” been committed by various parties – extortion and
racketeering among two of the potential crimes, for
Adams said that the decision to remove Natural News threatening Adams and then taking actions against his site
content was not over something improper that the site had and his company.
done or over any technical issues like malware. He said the
company discovered it was a purposeful, human decision – Hodges said that sources he is in contact with have said
not a technical issue – that led directly to Natural News that the owner of the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, has
content being censored. It was purposeful, in other words. inked a $600 million contract with the CIA and the 16
No warnings issued, and no reason why given. other U.S. intelligence agencies, ostensibly to shape the
(RELATED: Mike Adams and Alex Jones Taken Down by political narrative and, perhaps, to undermine the Trump
Google / CIA Prior to Big Event: Trump Needs to Beware) administration.

Just recently, Adams was threatened with complete He also said that the Trump White House was closing in
destruction of his hard-earned reputation as a liberty- on the so-called “Pizzagate” scandal, which was briefly
minded straight shooter when it comes to all aspects of associated with the failed campaign of Hillary Clinton
natural health. Then, he was offered $50,000 to help after hacked emails released by Wikileaks. According to
destroy Infowars’ founder/creator Alex Jones, or else, and some reports, the real scandal is that it is tied to a high-
level child sex ring and that some of the released emails search results. I want you to know that I think
contained code words for ordering pizza when they really censoring is a big mistake.
refer to wanting to engage in sex with children. The site contains an incredible wealth of
(RELATED: Fascist Google begins PURGE of pro-Trump information on nutrition, healthy eating, body
websites as prelude to massive false flag or coup attempt) cleansing and detoxification, and many many
other topics. Natural News has played a huge
role in my efforts to improve my health and
quality of life and I am sure there are many
thousands of other people who would make the
same claim. The people of the world need the
information on Google will be
condemned by the millions of Natural News fans
around the world if the website
isn’t reinstated without delay. I know that Google
is capable of doing the right thing, but there is
nothing right about censoring

Google’s image took a huge hit when Edward

Snowden came out with his revelations. I don’t
Readers of Natural News and others are coming to the think Google understands how badly censoring
site’s defense. One such supporter wrote: Natural News is going to impact Google’s public
perception. If you wish to avoid being dismissed
I have just learned that google has removed all of as lackeys for the new world order I recommend
the pages from from its search you reinstate Natural News to your search
results. I have verified this by engine database without delay.
searching for ‘’ and
found no hits from in the We appreciate your continued support.

Trump’s War Against The Media Continues
By Jon Rappoport
February 26, 2017

Those who thought Trump would back off in his war Even if you assume every single one of his policy
against media are, so far, wrong. objectives is wrongheaded and dangerous, he is still a
For example, the other day, the White House held an
informal press conference, a “gaggle,” and among those Most Progressives who have also been opposed to major
not invited was the New York Times. media fictions over the years now put that issue on the
back burner, because they hate Trump. They would never
—How dare they, the Times said. admit he is a wedge into the shattering of mainstream
supremacy. They would rather spend all their time
The truth is, we are long overdue for a massive exposure attacking The Donald.
of the mainstream press. As in: they are liars. As in: they
are shills for the so-called “progressive Left.” As in: they “We’ll revisit the continuing major media crimes
have a history of supporting horrific US wars. As in: they later, when hopefully a Democrat (who? Hillary
take CIA “leaks” as gospel. As in: they never expose the Clinton?) is leading the charge…” Good luck.
Globalist agenda. As in: they defend conventional
medicine which destroys millions of lives. And so forth In my 30 years as a reporter, I’ve come to see the result of
and so on. mainstream news parading as the eyes, ears, mouth, and
brain of the populace. It has been an utter disaster. The
Think of what Trump, Bannon, and their team are doing stench has risen high in the sky. I’ve watched reporters
as a necessary “market correction,” after a century-long who are actually CIA assets turn the truth upside down and
bubble. inside out. I’ve watched news editors ax vital stories that
could have redirected history along better roads. I’ve
Any president or presidential candidate could have watched “legendary journalists” betray the public trust
executed the correction. But they didn’t. Trump did. time and time again, as their reputations climbed to the
level of honored statesmen. I’ve watched newly minted
Who is reporting on Trump’s war against the media? For graduates emerge from journalism schools with the moral
the most part, independent news outlets. Of course, the sense of hustlers who sell pay-day loans to desperate
Times and other mainstream news operations are clients.
slamming Trump for his attacks on them—but they are in
the middle of the fire. And they don’t have the will, When you realize the persona of mainstream news is a
courage, and intelligence to assess their own performance stage hypnotist performing daily in front of millions of
over the last century. They can’t be expected to expose people, you know the clog in the brain of the public must
themselves. be taken away.

The overall long-term effect of mainstream news is the The naïve faith of the hypnotic subject must be dismantled.
induction of a hypnotic trance. The audience expects the
truth because they believe. They uncritically accept. They We have a chance now. More than a chance. We are
rely on “reputation.” They ingest Authoritative Tone. They winning. The shift to independent media is happening on a
need a Voice that narrates reality. They refuse to do their grand scale.
own research. They reject the idea that there are powerful
men behind the curtain who are controlling the direction of Consensus reality is absorbing powerful body blows.
government. They embrace vague “humanitarian” ideals
that are reflected with the same vagueness by mainstream In many cases, people are realizing the consensus doesn’t
news. even exist. It was erected on a foundation of sand by The
News. It was propped up by chatter from fake experts.
This is a war on the subject of waking up vs. staying
asleep. If six mega-corporations now own roughly 90% of the
mainstream news in America, it stands to reason they are
It is much bigger than Trump. He is a catalyst. going to service other mega-corporations, as well a federal

government which supports and illegally advances the penetrate the hypnotic blanket would certainly cause an
prospects and profits of those other companies. amount of chaos. But it would be fertile chaos.

The News is the business of business, via hypnosis. From it, new individuals would arise with new discoveries
and new solutions. People would find out what hope (not
“Here is the Word about America today. Close fake hope) is.
your eyes and relax…”
Loads and tons of un-remediated problems would begin to
My own personal and final declaration of independence as dissolve in burning light.
a reporter came ten years ago, after I had researched and
exposed several monumental medical lies. In each case, I Well, this is happening now. We are still in the early
discovered mainstream news outlets were blocking the stages. But is happening.
publication of the truth. In each case, they were defending
the lies. The old familiar semi-happy status quo is going away. It
was never genuine. It was nothing more than the Sunday
There was no sadness or depression about this. Quite the edition of the New York Times arriving on a doorstep, with
opposite. I felt energized and inspired. My long-held the promise of morning coffee. Comfortable habits.
suspicion about mainstream news was irrevocably
confirmed. The die was cast. There was no going back. Now we are climbing mountains and making deep
From that point on, I would be dedicated to unseating archeological digs. We are launched.
major media cover stories with the facts.
No possible future is safe as long as The News is the
There are many, many people who would take it as a perceptual apparatus of the people. The News in the
personal loss and tragedy if the New York Times mainstream has forfeited its right to exist and flourish. We
disappeared tomorrow. They would be beside themselves. can know that now or know it later.
I would take it as a great victory. A tremendous amount of
“normalcy” would go out the window. Which is a good I opt for now.
I highly recommend now. It’s bracing and fortunate and
Because we really do exist in a landscape strewn with ops, absolving.
cover stories, real conspiracies, lies, omissions of great
importance, and bribery. Seeing all this surface and Joy comes in many forms.

Trump to Skip White House
Correspondents Dinner
From Stephen Lendman

Founded in 1914 during the Woodrow Wilson era, the On Saturday, a WHCA statement said it
White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) is a
organization of reporters covering POTUS. “takes note of President Donald Trump’s
announcement on Twitter that he does not plan
It holds annual dinners presidents usually attend. Until to attend the dinner, which has been and will
1962, women were excluded. Jack Kennedy changed continue to be a celebration of the First
things, refusing to come unless the ban was dropped. Amendment and the important role played by an
independent news media in a healthy republic.”
In 1942, the dinner was cancelled at the onset of America’s
involvement in WW II, in 1951 during Truman’s war on Fact: Media scoundrels abuse First Amendment rights by
North Korea. Other dinners were cancelled for various sanitizing news and information, suppressing what’s most
reasons. In 1981, Reagan couldn’t attend because he was important to report.
recuperating from an assassination attempt. He phoned in a
message instead. Fact: Reliable alternative media are the only independent
kind - real journalism the way it’s supposed to be.
Media scoundrels notoriously serve wealth, power and
privileged interests exclusively - their credibility long ago Fact: Corporate-controlled print and electronic media are
lost. beholden to special interests, not ordinary people.

Instead of holding POTUS and most other government Bloomberg News, the New Yorker and Vanity Fair said
officials accountable for their actions, they support them - they won’t host after-event parties this year, commonplace
including endless imperial wars and other US policies, following WHCA dinners.
harming millions at home and abroad.
Leading Trump basher New York Times responded to his
Schmoozing with US officials at any level, especially opting out of this year’s event, saying
presidents, shows up in press agent journalism, not the real
thing - Trump the exception proving the rule. “(c)apping a week of extraordinary hostility
toward the news media,” he tweeted he won’t be
Some fourth estate members refuse to attend the annual coming.
dinner for this reason. Most are unprincipled, producing
fake news, not what the public needs to know. The Times failed to explain that deplorable media
reporting, especially its own, is why Trump is staying
This year’s event is scheduled for April 29. On Friday, away.
Trump called reporters “the enemy of the people.”
Yesterday he tweeted he won’t be attending. Given how
unfairly media scoundrels treat him, why should he!

Rogue Bureaucrats At Homeland Security Leak
‘Incomplete’ Report Critical Of Trump
Agenda To Associated Press
By Michael Patrick Leahy
26 Feb 2017

related activities in the U.S. since Syria’s

civil war started in 2011.

[See the leaked document right after this article].

“Homeland Security spokeswoman Gillian

Christensen on Friday did not dispute the
report’s authenticity, but said it was not a
final comprehensive review of the
government’s intelligence, the AP reported:
“While DHS was asked to draft a
comprehensive report on this issue, the
document you’re referencing was
commentary from a single intelligence
source versus an official, robust document
Rogue bureaucrats at the Department of with thorough interagency sourcing,”
Homeland Security have leaked an Christensen said. “The … report does not
“incomplete” report critical of President include data from other intelligence
Trump’s executive order that community sources. It is incomplete.”
temporarily blocked the issuance of
“The three-page report challenges Trump’s
visas to seven Middle Eastern countries
core claims,” the AP reported:
that previous administrations had
declared “sponsors of state terrorism” It said that of 82 people the government
or countries of concern. determined were inspired by a foreign
terrorist group to carry out or try to carry
Based on that leaked document, the Associated Press out an attack in the United States, just over
published a story on Friday with the headline “AP half were U.S. citizens born in the United
Exclusive: DHS Report Disputes Threat From Banned States. The others were from 26 countries,
Nations.” led by Pakistan, Somalia, Bangladesh,
Cuba, Ethiopia, Iraq and Uzbekistan. Of
WASHINGTON (AP) — Analysts at the these, only Somalia and Iraq were among
Homeland Security Department’s the seven nations included in the ban.
intelligence arm found insufficient evidence
that citizens of seven Muslim-majority
Of the other five nations, one person each from Iran,
countries included in President Donald
Sudan and Yemen was also involved in those terrorism
Trump’s travel ban pose a terror threat to
cases, but none from Syria. It did not say if any were
the United States.
A draft document obtained by The
Associated Press concludes that Last week, Breitbart News reported that David Grannis,
citizenship is an “unlikely indicator” of Principal Deputy Undersecretary for Intelligence and
terrorism threats to the United States and Analysis in the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the
that few people from the countries Trump Department of Homeland Security, is a holdover Obama
listed in his travel ban have carried out bureaucrat who President Trump could remove from his
attacks or been involved in terrorism- position immediately:

A lifelong Democrat, “[p]rior to joining DHS, Mr. Further, the report does not include data
Grannis served as the Staff Director of the U.S. Senate from other intelligence community sources.
Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) from 2009 It is clear on its face that it is an incomplete
through 2014 and as the Minority Staff Director for 2015. product.
During this time, he served as the principal intelligence
Allegations by opponents of the president’s
advisor to SSCI Chairman Dianne Feinstein and SSCI
policies that senior DHS intelligence
Members and led the Committee’s efforts to produce and officials would politicize intelligence is
enact annual Intelligence Authorization Act from 2010 unfortunate and untrue. The dispute with
through 2016 and the Cybersecurity Act of this product was over sources and quality,
2015, according to the DHS website. not politics.

He has spent his career working for partisan Democratic The leaked document appears to be a clearly partisan
members of Congress: attack on President Trump’s agenda by an analyst working
within the Department of Homeland Security.
He previously served as a staff designee to
Senator Feinstein on the SSCI from 2005 Department of Homeland Security spokesperson
until 2009 with a varied portfolio of Christensen did not answer questions from Breitbart News
committee responsibilities. Mr. Grannis about whether Grannis had authored or reviewed the
worked on the House Select Committee on leaked incomplete report.
Homeland Security with responsibilities for
intelligence, aviation security, and science
and technology from 2003 to 2005 and was Christensen also did not answer a question from Breitbart
Senior Policy Advisor to Representative News if the Department of Homeland Security had
Jane Harman on matters of national discovered the identity of the bureaucrat who leaked the
security from 2001 to 2003. incomplete report to the Associated Press.

A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security The leaked report contains several significant flaws. It
would neither confirm nor deny that Grannis was the says, for instance, that citizenship/nationality is not a good
author of, or had reviewed, the leaked draft document, indicator of terrorism, but does not admit that religion is a
though it did appear to be authored by someone associated primary indicator.
with his area of responsibility within DHS.
In addition, the data included in the report is dramatically
“The report was incomplete and had not different than the data reported in another list of terrorists
been subject to the extensive interagency compiled by former Senator, now Attorney General, Jeff
review process required of finished Sessions.
intelligence products,” spokesperson Gillian
Christensen tells Breitbart News, adding:

Crucial Group Of Americans
Like Trump's Stands, Not Him, Poll Finds
David Lauter
Feb. 26, 2017, 7:43 A.M.

Just over half of that group gives Trump positive marks,

the poll found. Their support is enough, currently, to keep
Trump's standing from collapsing, and holding them is
likely key to his future.

Just under one third of Americans say they like Trump and
approve of his policies, the poll found. Another one in six
approve of most of his policies even though they dislike
him. Well over half, 59%, said they did not like him

On a separate question, only 43% of those surveyed have a

positive view of Trump -- up from the low points of the
campaign, but still far below the standing of most new

With the public deeply split in its views of President By contrast, 86% agreed with one of the central lines of
Trump, one potentially key group stands out -- those who Trump's inaugural speech, that government insiders
dislike the man, but approve of the direction in which he's had "reaped the rewards of government, while the people
moving. have borne the cost."

That's a central finding of a new nationwide survey by On other issues, the public is more closely divided. The
NBC News and the Wall St. Journal. public splits evenly, for example, on Trump's proposed
temporary ban on travel from seven mostly Muslim
The new poll confirms what other major surveys have
shown: Trump starts his administration with less support
than any president in the seven decades of presidential Just over half of those surveyed, 52%, said that the
polling. Asked if they approve or disapprove of the job problems Trump has encountered in his first month
Trump is doing, 44% approve, 48% disapprove. No were “unique to this administration and suggest real
previous president has begun his tenure with a net negative problems"; 43% said they were "growing pains" similar to
job approval. those other administrations have had.

Trump has held onto the support of his ardent backers. At And by 51%-41%, the public thinks the press has been too
the other end of the spectrum, he gets almost no approval hard on the new administration.
from Democrats. In the middle, the poll found, are many
Americans -- just over a third of those polled -- who either The NBC/WSJ poll, run by a bipartisan team of two
voted for Trump with reservations, voted for a third party polling firms, was taken by phone, using cell phones and
candidate or did not vote at all in 2016. landlines, Feb. 18-22 among 1,000 American adults. It has
a margin of error for the full sample of 3.1 percentage
points in either direction.

Dems Prepare To Disrupt
President Trump’s Address To Congress
by DCWhispers
Posted on February 26, 2017

The anti-president mood will be unprecedented.

Remarkable that the very same party and media who not so
long ago vilified a Republican congressman for shouting
out that then-President Obama was lying about Obamacare
(a truthful claim), who demanded that despite political
differences the Office of the President must always be
respected, is now the party of unhinged opposition – the
Office of the President be damned.

The list of guests will be people Democrats feel have been

unjustly harmed by an administrative that is barely a
month old. Those “harmed” include immigrants both legal
The invite list by Democrat members of
and otherwise. Children of illegal immigrants who had
Congress reads like yet another staged
criminal records and then were deported will be brought
protest like so many in recent years that
into Congress. So too will Muslims claiming to have been
resulted in costly mayhem and damage.
victims of hate crimes as well as a handful of people
This time, though, it won’t be a protest
Democrats will use to represent the “good” that
on city streets, but rather within the
Obamacare has done.
halls of Congress itself as President
Donald Trump takes center stage to lay
out his year one agenda for the nation It is rumored some of these guests will boo and hiss the
to the legislators responsible for turning president and that the media is already preparing to
that agenda into law. highlight those examples in its coverage of the prime-time
Both Democrats and the Establishment
Media see it as yet another opportunity
President Trump will address Congress on Tuesday.
to try and challenge and embarrass the

Majority Finds Media Coverage Of Trump
Is "Too Critical, Exaggerated": WSJ/NBC Poll
By Tyler Durden
Feb 26, 2017 12:26 PM

Three weeks after a poll found that the Trump That said, the survey respondents offered strong reactions,
administration was seen as more "truthful" than the news both positive and negative, to the president’s outspoken
media, a new WSJ/NBC News poll has found that critiques of the media.
according to a majority of Americans, the media’s
coverage of President Donald Trump has been too critical, “I think his views about the press being
although the margin is narrow and the split is once again fake news is horrible and I think it is a
largely down party lines. fascist viewpoint,” said one respondent.

While 51% rate the media as too critical Others disagreed, and said Trump's assault of the media
of Trump since the presidential election, has been warranted due its "one-sided" coverage. Another
41% say the coverage has been fair and person said Trump, in critiques such as calling some
objective, while 6% say the media hasn't mainstream news organizations ”fake,” is doing what he
been critical enough. said he would do during his campaign.
Furthermore, a majority of those polled,
some 53%, also believes that the news After covering President Barack Obama for
media have exaggerated problems in eight years, the media “don’t know what
the Trump administration. 45% say that to do with someone who has a different
is not the case. opinion, which is half the country,” the
respondent said.
79% of those whose primary news source is Fox News
agreed with the statement that Separately, in the same poll, Trump's job approval rating
stood at just 44 percent, a record low for a newly
“the news media and other elites are inaugurated commander-in-chief, and half of Americans
exaggerating the problems of the Trump say that his early challenges suggest unique and systemic
administration, because they are problems with his administration. The new rating comes
uncomfortable and threatened by the kind two days before Trump is set to address a joint session of
of change that Trump represents.” Congress, a State of the Union-style speech in which new
presidents typically lay out their vision for the country.
Even large numbers of more-liberal MSNBC audience,
40%, thought that the media had overstated the problems.

The poll failed to provide insight into whether the

escalating feud between Trump and the press is working in
Trump's, or the media's favor: as the WSJ notes,

"it isn’t clear what role Mr. Trump’s barrage

of attacks on the fairness and credibility of
the press has played in shaping the
majority’s opinion that coverage of his
administration has been too negative."

Trump's most recent attack on the mainstream media took

place at the Conservative Political Action Conference on
Friday, when he bashed the media’s use of unnamed
government sources and called on reporters to stop the
common journalistic practice of reporting news gathered
from anonymous sources.

Some details from the poll:

Trump retains net positive scores on his

decisiveness (net positive 29 percent), his
ability to "get things done," (net positive 12
percent) and his fitness to deal with the
economy (net positive 11 percent). Six-in-
ten Americans said they are hopeful and
optimistic about the future of the country,
including an overwhelming 87 percent of
Republicans (but just 37 percent of
Democrats). And a majority of respondents
to the poll - 57 percent - also said that
Trump is likely to "bring real change in the
direction of the country." Among those who
think Trump is likely to bring change, 63
percent believe those changes will be
positive, while 30 percent disagree. On the
other hand, Trump continues to register
particularly dismal ratings when it comes to
his temperament, with just 18 percent
giving his demeanor a thumbs up
compared to 55 percent who rank it as

To be expected, Trump's approval split was vast between

republicans and democrats. The president's personal
favorability rating sootd at 85% positive among
Republicans, compared to just 34% positive among
independents and nine% among Democrats.

While only 30 percent of those polled overall say that

Trump is off to a "great start," 63 percent of Republicans In short: democrats hate Trump, republicans (still) think
agree. A similar share of Democrats - 58 percent - say that Trump is great. Hardly surprising.
Trump's lack of policy knowledge and his temperament
demonstrate that he is not up to the job of being president.
In the poll, conducted February 18-22, 48% of Americans So how does Trump's approval rating compare to the
said they disapprove of Trump's performance as president media? A survey from last September found that
and 32% said that his first month in office demonstrates Americans’ trust in the mass media dropped to its lowest
that he is not up to the job. Asked about early challenges in level in Gallup polling history. Just 32% said they had a
the first month of his presidency, 52% called the issues great deal or fair amount of trust in the media, compared
"real problems" that are specific to his administration, with 53% in 1997. In other words, even at his "record low"
while 43 percent of Americans attributed them to typical 44% approval rating, Americans still seem to have more
"growing pains" for any new president. faith in the president than the media, even as both are
engaged in a brutal feud with each other.

Trump Budget Plan Boosts Pentagon,
Trims State Dept, EPA: Officials
Reporting By Washington Newsroom; Additional Reporting By Roberta Rampton.;
Writing By Warren Strobel; Editing By Peter Cooney And Paul Tait
Sun Feb 26, 2017 | 10:11pm EST

Some defense experts have questioned the need for a large

increase in U.S. military spending, which already stands at
roughly $600 billion annually. By contrast, the United
States spends about $50 billion annually on the State
Department and foreign assistance.

The amounts that Trump is proposing to add to the

Pentagon budget and trim elsewhere are not yet publicly

John Czwartacki, a spokesman for the White House's

Office of Management and Budget, said the budget
blueprint would be released in mid-March.
U.S. President Donald Trump makes a toast during the Governor's
Dinner in the State Dinning Room at the White House in
Washington, U.S., February 26, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts "It would be premature for us to comment -
or anyone to report - on the specifics of this
The White House will send federal departments a budget internal discussion before its publication,"
proposal on Monday containing the defense spending he said in a statement.
increase President Donald Trump promised, financed
partly by cuts to the U.S. State Department, Environmental The budget plans that the White House is expected to send
Protection Agency and other non-defense programs, two to departments and agencies on Monday are just one stage
officials familiar with the proposal said. in a lengthy process.

One of the officials said Trump's request for the Pentagon The agencies can argue for more funding, and final
included more money for shipbuilding, military aircraft spending plans must be approved by the U.S. Congress.
and establishing "a more robust presence in key
international waterways and chokepoints" such as the Trump's budget assumes annual economic growth of 2.4
Strait of Hormuz and South China Sea. percent, the second official said. While campaigning for
the presidency last year, Trump called for a "national goal"
A second official said the State Department's budget could of 4 percent economic growth.
be cut by as much as 30 percent, which would force a
major restructuring of the department and elimination of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, speaking on Fox
programs. News earlier on Sunday, said Trump's budget would not
seek cuts in federal social programs such as Social
The officials requested anonymity because the draft budget Security and Medicare.
had not been made public yet.

Trump, in a speech to conservative activists on Friday,

promised "one of the greatest military buildups in
American history."

Sean Spicer Targets Own Staff In Leak Crackdown
The Push Includes Random Phone Checks Overseen By
White House Lawyers.
By Annie Karni And Alex Isenstadt
02/26/17 11:55 AM EST
Updated 02/26/17 05:25 PM

system, was a violation of the Presidential Records Act,

according to multiple sources in the room.

The phone checks included whatever electronics staffers

were carrying when they were summoned to the
unexpected follow-up meeting, including government-
issued and personal cellphones.

Spicer also warned the group of more problems if news of

the phone checks and the meeting about leaks was leaked
to the media. It's not the first time that warnings about
leaks have promptly leaked. The State Department's legal
Press secretary Sean Spicer is cracking down on leaks office issued a four-page memo warning of the dangers of
coming out of the West Wing, with increased security leaks, and that memo was immediately posted by The
measures that include random phone checks of White Washington Post.
House staffers, overseen by White House attorneys.
But with mounting tension inside the West Wing over
The push to snuff out leaks to the press comes after a week stories portraying an administration lurching between
in which President Donald Trump strongly criticized the crises and simmering in dysfunction, aides are increasingly
media for using unnamed sources in stories and expressed frustrated by the pressure-cooker environment and worried
growing frustration with the unauthorized sharing of about their futures there.
information by individuals in his administration.
Within the communications office, the mood has grown
Last week, after Spicer became aware that information had tense. During a recent staff meeting, Spicer harshly
leaked out of a planning meeting with about a dozen of his criticized some of the work deputy communications
communications staffers, he reconvened the group in his director Jessica Ditto had done, causing her to cry,
office to express his frustration over the number of private according to two people familiar with the incident.
conversations and meetings that were showing up in
unflattering news stories, according to sources in the room. "The only time Jessica recalls almost
getting emotional is when we had to relay
Upon entering Spicer’s office for what one person briefed the information on the death of Chief Ryan
on the gathering described as “an emergency meeting,” Owens," Spicer said, referring to the Navy
staffers were told to dump their phones on a table for a SEAL killed recently in action in Yemen.
“phone check," to prove they had nothing to hide.
Ditto also denied the accounts.
Spicer, who consulted with White House counsel Don
McGahn before calling the meeting, was accompanied by "This is 100 percent not true," she said
White House lawyers in the room, according to multiple Sunday after the incident was reported.
sources. "Sean and I have a great working
There, he explicitly warned staffers that using texting apps
like Confide — an encrypted and screenshot-protected Spicer declined to comment about the leak crackdown.
messaging app that automatically deletes texts after they
are sent — and Signal, another encrypted messaging

The campaign to sniff out a series of damaging leaks, “People are on fire about it,” one campaign
which Spicer is convinced originated from his veteran said of the Dubke hire.
communications department, has led to a tense
environment in the West Wing. During meetings, the press Multiple former campaign aides said they were under the
secretary has repeatedly berated his aides, launching impression that RNC veterans pushed through Dubke, who
expletive-filled tirades in which he’s accused them of is close with Republican strategist Karl Rove, with
disclosing sensitive information to reporters and saying relatively little consultation with others in Trump world.
that they’ve disappointed him. (Several other people interviewed for the post, including
Jarrod Agen, a spokesman for Vice President Mike Pence,
As word of the hunt has ripped through the office, talk has and Scott Jennings, a former political aide in the George
turned to the question of whether firings are to come. W. Bush White House.)

Spicer was particularly incensed by the leaks last week that To some degree, the challenge Spicer and other press aides
Michael Dubke had been tapped as the new White House face is unique — they are working for a president who
communications director — a hire that became public takes an unusually intense interest in the work his
before it was officially announced. communications office does. Trump is known to watch
Spicer’s daily press briefings while eating lunch in the
“In general,” said one senior administration White House dining room. While the president was critical
official, “there is a lot of insecurity.” of his press secretary in the administration’s first month —
especially after he was parodied on “Saturday Night
While other parts of the White House appear to be Live” — he more recently has offered the press secretary
stabilizing, the press shop is often a center of frustration his private assurances that his job is safe.
about how things are going — and not just from Spicer,
who fumes to aides about stories he doesn’t like. The push to crack down on leaks follows a week in which
the president ratcheted up his criticism of the press and
For Trump, a cable TV addict who has long obsessively condemned the free flow of information from parts of his
tracked news coverage about himself, the ongoing turmoil administration. On Friday, Trump called the media the
“enemy of the American people” during a speech at the
in the White House communications wing threatens to
Conservative Political Action Conference in which he
derail the media narrative that will help to define the
railed against journalists for using anonymous sources.
opening days of his presidency. His decision to hold a free-
flowing news conference last week, two senior officials
said, stemmed from a recognition that he was no longer “I want you all to know that we are fighting
breaking through in a news cycle that had turned against the fake news. It’s fake, phony, fake,”
him. Trump said. “A few days ago, I called the
fake news ‘the enemy of the people,’ and
they are. They are the enemy of the
“He reached a breaking point where he
people. Because they have no sources.
wanted to do it himself,” said one senior
They just make them up when there are
White House aide.
It has not been lost on senior White House officials that
Later on Friday, Spicer blocked certain media, including
Spicer is overseeing an overwhelmed press office, where
CNN, The New York Times, BuzzFeed and POLITICO,
work often begins just after 6 a.m. and ends close to
from attending an off-camera press briefing in his office.
Time and The Associated Press boycotted the briefing out
of solidarity.
To help streamline the office, the administration has
tapped Dubke, a veteran under-the-radar Republican
On Saturday, Trump said he would not attend the annual
operative known for his organizational skills. Yet the move
White House Correspondents' Association dinner in
has infuriated Trump campaign aides, who argue that
someone who’d been a vocal Trump supporter — which
the establishment-minded Dubke hadn’t been — should
have gotten the job.

Lana Del Rey Using Witchcraft
To Rid The World Of Donald Trump
All You Need Are The Right Ingredients To Participate
Jack Shepherd @Jackjshepherd
February 27, 2017

Following in the footsteps of Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey is

attempting to use witchcraft to remove Donald Trump
from Presidency.

“At the stroke of midnight,” the famed

singer Tweeted. “Feb 24, March 26, April
24, May 23… Ingredients can be found

Observers noted these dates line-up with the 'waning

crescent moon ritual dates,' dates that recently made
headlines as members of the occult claimed they would
perform ceremonies to rid the world of Donald Trump
each time the event occurs.

A representative for Del Rey confirmed to Pitchfork that

the singer-songwriter’s tweet was in reference to the occult

The necessary ‘ingredients’ have previously been revealed

to be "an unflattering photograph of Donald Trump,” a
bowl of water, a Tower tarot card, and a "tiny stub of an
orange candle.” According to those participating in the
ritual, they will not cease until Trump is finally out of

Witches in Boston bind Trump as part of 'mass spell'

Trump’s War Against The Fake Media Continues
By Jon Rappoport
February 26, 2017

Those who thought Trump would back off in his war Even if you assume every single one of his policy
against media are, so far, wrong. objectives is wrongheaded and dangerous, he is still a
For example, the other day, the White House held an
informal press conference, a “gaggle,” and among those Most Progressives who have also been opposed to major
not invited was the New York Times. media fictions over the years now put that issue on the
back burner, because they hate Trump. They would never
—How dare they, the Times said. admit he is a wedge into the shattering of mainstream
supremacy. They would rather spend all their time
attacking The Donald.
The truth is, we are long overdue for a massive exposure
of the mainstream press. As in: they are liars. As in: they
are shills for the so-called “progressive Left.” As in: they “We’ll revisit the continuing major media
have a history of supporting horrific US wars. As in: they crimes later, when hopefully a Democrat
take CIA “leaks” as gospel. As in: they never expose the (who? Hillary Clinton?) is leading the
Globalist agenda. As in: they defend conventional charge…”
medicine which destroys millions of lives. And so forth
and so on. Good luck.

Think of what Trump, Bannon, and their team are doing as In my 30 years as a reporter, I’ve come to see the result of
a necessary “market correction,” after a century-long mainstream news parading as the eyes, ears, mouth, and
bubble. brain of the populace. It has been an utter disaster. The
stench has risen high in the sky. I’ve watched reporters
Any president or presidential candidate could have who are actually CIA assets turn the truth upside down and
executed the correction. But they didn’t. Trump did. inside out. I’ve watched news editors ax vital stories that
could have redirected history along better roads. I’ve
watched “legendary journalists” betray the public trust
Who is reporting on Trump’s war against the media? For
time and time again, as their reputations climbed to the
the most part, independent news outlets. Of course, the
level of honored statesmen. I’ve watched newly minted
Times and other mainstream news operations are
graduates emerge from journalism schools with the moral
slamming Trump for his attacks on them—but they are in
sense of hustlers who sell pay-day loans to desperate
the middle of the fire. And they don’t have the will,
courage, and intelligence to assess their own performance
over the last century. They can’t be expected to expose
themselves. When you realize the persona of mainstream news is a
stage hypnotist performing daily in front of millions of
people, you know the clog in the brain of the public must
The overall long-term effect of mainstream news is the
be taken away.
induction of a hypnotic trance. The audience expects the
truth because they believe. They uncritically accept. They
rely on “reputation.” They ingest Authoritative Tone. They The naïve faith of the hypnotic subject must be dismantled.
need a Voice that narrates reality. They refuse to do their
own research. They reject the idea that there are powerful We have a chance now. More than a chance. We are
men behind the curtain who are controlling the direction of winning. The shift to independent media is happening on a
government. They embrace vague “humanitarian” ideals grand scale.
that are reflected with the same vagueness by mainstream
news. Consensus reality is absorbing powerful body blows.

This is a war on the subject of waking up vs. staying In many cases, people are realizing the consensus doesn’t
asleep. even exist. It was erected on a foundation of sand by The
News. It was propped up by chatter from fake experts.
It is much bigger than Trump. He is a catalyst.
If six mega-corporations now own roughly 90% of the importance, and bribery. Seeing all this surface and
mainstream news in America, it stands to reason they are penetrate the hypnotic blanket would certainly cause an
going to service other mega-corporations, as well a federal amount of chaos. But it would be fertile chaos.
government which supports and illegally advances the
prospects and profits of those other companies. From it, new individuals would arise with new discoveries
and new solutions. People would find out what hope (not
The News is the business of business, via hypnosis. fake hope) is.

“Here is the Word about America today. Loads and tons of un-remediated problems would begin to
Close your eyes and relax…” dissolve in burning light.

My own personal and final declaration of independence as Well, this is happening now. We are still in the early
a reporter came ten years ago, after I had researched and stages. But is happening.
exposed several monumental medical lies. In each case, I
discovered mainstream news outlets were blocking the The old familiar semi-happy status quo is going away. It
publication of the truth. In each case, they were defending was never genuine. It was nothing more than the Sunday
the lies. edition of the New York Times arriving on a doorstep, with
the promise of morning coffee. Comfortable habits.
There was no sadness or depression about this. Quite the
opposite. I felt energized and inspired. My long-held Now we are climbing mountains and making deep
suspicion about mainstream news was irrevocably archeological digs. We are launched.
confirmed. The die was cast. There was no going back.
From that point on, I would be dedicated to unseating
No possible future is safe as long as The News is the
major media cover stories with the facts.
perceptual apparatus of the people. The News in the
mainstream has forfeited its right to exist and flourish. We
There are many, many people who would take it as a can know that now or know it later.
personal loss and tragedy if the New York Times
disappeared tomorrow. They would be beside themselves.
I opt for now.
I would take it as a great victory. A tremendous amount of
“normalcy” would go out the window. Which is a good
thing. I highly recommend now. It’s bracing and fortunate and
Because we really do exist in a landscape strewn with ops,
cover stories, real conspiracies, lies, omissions of great Joy comes in many forms.

Trump’s Policies Towards
Russia ‘Disappointing’: Analyst
Wayne Madsen
Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:10PM

Referring to statements by US Secretary of State Rex

Tillerson and Pentagon chief James Mattis about the
continuation of US sanctions against Russia, Madsen
argued that Trump is the opposite of the Russophile some
people claim he is.

“It really goes to show that those who think

that Trump is some sort of a puppet of
The US government’s latest accusations Russia are really trying to inflame US-
against Russia over the Ukraine conflict Russia relations for other purposes,” he
is a “disappointing” move and indicates concluded.
that President Donald Trump has no
intention to improve ties with Moscow, The US and its allies had levied broad economic sanctions
says an American analyst. against Russia over its alleged support for pro-Russia
separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.
Wayne Madsen, an author and investigative journalist in
Washington, made the remarks after the US State Ties between Moscow and the West further deteriorated in
Department condemned a recent attack on a monitoring 2014, after the strategic Black Sea peninsula of Crimea
group in Ukraine. rejoined Russia in a referendum.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Trump has been under attack for expressing his
(OSCE) said Friday that one of its patrols in Ukraine’s willingness to cooperate with Russia in tackling global
restive eastern parts was attacked by Russian-speaking issues such as terrorism.
people, who also seized a drone the group was using.
He came under more pressure when his national security
The US State Department blamed the attack on Moscow adviser Michael Flynn resigned over holding secret talks
and called on the Russian government to “immediately” with Moscow with regards to the sanctions.
observe ceasefire in the restive region.
However, many were surprised earlier this month, when he
“We were told that Trump would have a said that Russia should “return” Crimea to Ukraine.
different policy than his predecessor
Obama,” Madsen said. In their phone conversation in late January, Trump and his
“It is rather disappointing that the rhetoric Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin both said they would
by Trump is not matched by any actions,” like to try to mend battered US-Russia relations.
he added. “It is more of the same, not
much different than Obama.”

Trump Claims Clinton Rigged Race For Dnc Chairman,
Bernie's Guy Never Had Chance
© Reuters/ Lucas Jackson - US
15:52 26.02.2017(Updated 18:53 26.02.2017)

The situation reminded revelations as a result of the

Wikileaks' publications of the DNC emails. The emails
US President Donald Trump claimed unveiled that the DNC was concerned over Bernie Sanders'
that his former rival Hillary Clinton popularity and worked against him to ensure Clinton will
played dirty against Senator Bernie be the presidential nominee.
Sanders again, this time during a race
for the Democratic National Committee's The DNC chair's role was left vacant after the resignation
chairman. of Debbie Wasserman Schultz following last year's
embarrassing WikiLeaks revelations. The DNC email leaks
Trump said that the vote for post of the DNC chairman showed that its members sabotaged the party's left-wing
post was "rigged." presidential nominee Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary
"The race for DNC Chairman was,
of course, totally "rigged." Bernie's guy, Clinton lost to Republican candidate Donald Trump in the
like Bernie himself, never had a chance. November 8 presidential election having achieved 227
Clinton demanded Perez!" Trump said electoral votes to Trump’s 304.
via Twitter.
Wikileaks itself commented on the foul play by Clinton
and the DNC after Donald Trump won the presidential

"By biasing its internal electoral market the

DNC selected the less competitive
candidate defeating the purpose of running
a primary," Wikileaks wrote.

On Saturday, Former Secretary of Labor Tom Perez

became the new US Democratic party leader. He is the
Democratic Party's first ever Latino chairman. Perez was
backed by a margin of 235 DNC member votes to 200
in favor of his closest rival, US Congressman
from Minnesota Keith Ellison.

Trump mocked Perez's election by saying that he "could Interestingly, by accusing Clinton of behind behind the
not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!" "rigged" vote for the DNC chairman, Trump indirectly
struck back at the former Democratic presidential
nominee's praise of protests against his policies. In a
message for the Democratic party's supporters, Clinton "keep fighting and keep the faith," adding
called on the Democratic party's supporters to that she "will be right with you every step
of the way."

Disgusting: CNN Attacks
Melania And Ivanka Trump For Being Thin And White
Pathetic CNN Piece By Leftist “Journalist” Goes Off The Deep End
By Alex Thomas -
02.26.2017 @10:19 PM EST

(INTELLIHUB) — Over the last year Donald Trump has Dig a little deeper, though, and both Melania and Ivanka
increasingly attacked the lies and disinformation coming don’t look so feminist after all; they look prototypically
from corporate media giant CNN which has gone on a Trump.
public crusade to attack the new president over literally
every possible thing. At the rally President Trump held in Florida over the
weekend, Melania said that as first lady, she would be
Now, a new hit piece by the liberal propaganda outlet has supporting initiatives “dear to her heart” which would have
targeted both First Lady Melania Trump and First an “impact on women and children all around the world”.
Daughter Ivanka Trump for being faux feminists, or, in But in the same rare public address, she borrowed some of
other words, not being depressed and ugly enough. her husband’s favorite language, describing the media as
“the opposition.”
Jill Filipovic, a supposed journalist and extreme leftist
“feminist”, starts off her direct attack on both the minds Whoops. You described the media as the opposition, you
and bodies of the Trump women by attacking President are no longer allowed in the liberal feminist club!
Trump for liking the fact that he was asked a question
about his wife. Filipovic continues her disgusting hit piece by attacking
the women for making money, apparently signaling a new
In liberal feminist land this is apparently a bad thing. belief in liberal feminism that a woman having a business
is an evil part of the patriarchy.
Observers of this White House may be wondering when,
exactly, Mrs. Trump became a feminist advocate. Unless Eventually Filipovic gets to the heart of her
you count her general abdication of some archaic and deeply hard-left argument. Melania and
deeply silly first lady duties — Mrs. Trump prefers her Ivanka Trump can’t be feminists because
New York penthouse over the White House, prompting they love their husbands, aren’t fat, and
concerns she won’t adequately oversee flower happen to be white.
arrangements and the annual Easter Egg roll — she isn’t Melania and Ivanka provide good cover for
exactly a feminist firebrand. Trump’s misogyny because they’re
palatable, conventionally feminine women:
In framing her as an advocate for women’s rights when They’re docile and poised, they don’t make
there is close to zero evidence she has ever actually demands of men, and they are above all
advocated for women’s rights, Trump told us more about conventionally beautiful — white and thin.
himself than he did about her: Women are good for photo
ops, not for real positions of power. This is the type of literal garbage that CNN continues to
publish and the establishment wonders why Trump has
The piece goes on to continually attack both Melania and repeatedly attacked them?!
Ivanka for perceived slights against the liberal feminist
orthodoxy before ludicrously implying that if a women To recap, CNN is now publishing vile attack
attacks the mainstream media then she isn’t a feminist. pieces in which Ivanka and Melania Trump
are attacked over being thin and white.
You can’t make this insanity up folks. This is what passes as journalism in the
corporate media.

Plot Holes
By Robert Gore
Posted on February 26, 2017

did an about-face, determined Flynn was not a good fit,

and decided to get rid of him. A subplot hole: Flynn, an
intelligence veteran, undoubtedly knew his phone was
tapped. Either he knowingly said what he said to set a trap,
or when the Washington Post story surfaced, Trump saw
his chance and got rid of Flynn. He has demonstrated a
cold-blooded capacity to quickly cut his losses: “You’re
fired!” It’s telling that Flynn’s replacement, H.R.
McMaster, authored Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon
Johnson, Robert McNamara, The Joint Chiefs of Staff,
and the Lies that Led to Vietnam. This looks like a classic
Trump double down, replacing a maverick the Deep State
didn’t like with a bigger one they’ll like even less.


The Michael Flynn Affair is one of those

movies where you figure out a jumble of
things that don’t make sense as you
walk out of the theater.

There has been a deluge of articles about the Michael

Flynn affair from an array of political and ideological
vantage points, and SLL has reposted some of them.
What’s lacking are coherent and cohesive explanations for
what would be, if this were a novel or movie, gaping plot
holes. The upshot of many commentators is that Trump
has underestimated the Deep State, he’s floundering, and
so on. This article takes the opposite tack, out of innate
contrariness and because President Trump has been so
consistently underestimated by both friends and foes.
Whatever the real story, Trump has gained valuable
leverage on the intelligence agencies. Somebody leaked an
Why was Michael Flynn cashiered? The administration’s
intelligence agency transcript of Flynn’s call to the
story is that he talked with a Russian diplomat and
Washington Post, and that’s illegal. Just before he left
mentioned lifting sanctions, then lied about his
office, President Obama relaxed limits on the NSA’s
conversations to Vice President Pence. What’s become the
dissemination of its information to other intelligence
conventional subtext is that the intelligence agencies have
agencies, the FBI, and the Drug Enforcement
launched a “soft coup” against Trump, he has been
Administration. Obama probably thought he’d be turning
significantly weakened, and the Deep State has scored a
those agencies into a collective sieve of untraceable leaks
major victory.
that would plague Trump, but this may backfire
spectacularly. With the new rules, the illegal leak could
Plot hole: if Trump had wanted to keep Flynn, he could conceivably come from any agency that has access to NSA
have kept him and rode out the media firestorm. Blogger data. The Trump Justice Department now has carte blanche
The_Real_Fly has suggested there was either a to investigate them all, unless the agency responsible
prearranged plan for Flynn to make an early exit, or Trump
coughs up the leaker to protect itself and the other It’s not what politicians and bureaucrats do sub rosa that
agencies. poses the biggest danger to the country and the world, but
what they do in broad daylight. However, there’s no
A gaping plot hole: the Deep State’s stratagems scream denying that Washington is the world capital of sub rosa—
weakness, not the strength so many are attributing to it. the unethical, immoral, and illegal. To use a favorite
The Deep State likes to stay in the shadows, zealously Trump adjective, it’s a crooked place. Trump knows or
protecting its power by shielding it from public view. suspects where some of the bodies are buried, and the
Trump has forced it into the open, and it doesn’t adjust powers that be fear he’ll go after them for everything from
well to the light. It has resorted to tissue-thin stories garden-variety graft, bribery, theft, and influence peddling
planted in the captive media that speak of assessments and to crimes as sordid as child molestation and murder.
opinions, but don’t offer source material that’s supposedly
the basis of those subjective judgments. He can’t know exactly what he’ll find, but he can turn on
the light and watch the cockroaches scuttle. Fishing
The Flynn disclosure was in the same vein; the original expeditions for leaks of classified material; a crack team of
transcript on which the Post’s story was based has not been auditors rooting through accounts and contracts, especially
made public. This tees it up for Trump to lambaste the those of the military, the intelligence agencies, and their
mainstream media and intelligence agencies, which he has legions of subcontractors; vigorous prosecution of child
done repeatedly and to great effect. He was in rare form at pornography and molestation, making deals with small fry
his recent press conference. You only plant stories in in exchange for testimony against bigger fry; Jeffrey
media organs nobody trusts, sourced to anonymous Epstein and his Caribbean island; disclosures from
operatives within an intelligence community nobody trusts, intelligence agency archives of deception and illegality
obviously breaking the law, and setting yourself up for stretching back to the Kennedy assassination and Vietnam;
abuse from the president, because that’s all you’ve got. disclosure of those 650,000 emails on Anthony Weiner’s
laptop; pay to play at the Clinton foundation—the list is
The whole Russian story reeks of “Desperation.” It is endless and who knows what they’ll find. This, not the fear
that Trump will revise US policy towards Russia, is behind
flimsy and flimsier still is the rationale offered for the
the Deep State’s cold sweat, motivating its hysterical—
Deep State’s dogged loyalty to this concoction. Any
comical if wasn’t so serious—campaign to depose him.
rapprochement with Russia supposedly threatens the
This is the first time it has faced an unfriendly in the White
empire and must be quashed, even if that entails ham-
handed efforts to depose an elected president. However, House, with presidential powers to investigate, expose,
it’s child’s play for Trump to beat a tactical retreat, talk out prosecute, scandalize, and ruin.
of the other side of his mouth, and take the wind out of his
enemies’ sails. Greene shook his head.

To counter the Putin puppet fairy tale, he could have his “The Corleone Family don’t have that much
ambassador to the UN condemn Russia’s annexation of muscle anymore. The Godfather is sick.
Crimea. He could continue Obama’s military build up on You’re getting chased out of New York by
Russia’s western border. Trump and team could tweet and the other Families and you think you can
talk tough about Russia and its allies China and Iran, and find easier pickings here. I’ll give you some
reject any joint military operations with Russia in Syria. advice, Mike, don’t try.”
Oh wait, all this has already happened. So why has the
Deep State resorted to repeatedly discredited tactics to The Godfather, Mario Puzo
propagate its concocted story, ultimately helping the
president in his battles with it and its captive press, Trump may be weak like Michael Corleone was weak, just
supposedly in service of a foreign policy criticism of the before he wiped out his enemies, including Moe Greene.
president that he easily undercuts by adjusting his rhetoric Like Corleone, Trump may be trying to further an
and moving toward their position? What’s going on? impression of feebleness and for the same reasons: to make
his enemies overconfident and to flush out traitors.
The real story isn’t Russia. Do you mount a “soft coup”
over policy differences when, after all the Washington give Until the swamp is drained, there is no prospect of making
and take, those policies will, at worst, marginally affect America great again.
your influence, power, and payola? Doubtful. (Keep in
mind Trump wants to increase military budgets.) If, on the
“Feared, Not Loved.” SLL
other hand, you’re facing complete disgrace and ruin,
including a long stretch in a penal institution, there’s
nothing you won’t do to save yourself. The Deep State is trying to kill Trump with a thousand
paper cuts. Trump has bazookas, howitzers, and tanks.
Don’t bet he won’t use them.

Spicer Grills Staffers On Leaks,
Orders Phone Search & Bans Encryption Apps – Report
Published Time: 27 Feb, 2017 03:56

reconcile his duties as presidential press secretary and

communications chief.

If the efforts undertaken do not lead to the source or

sources of the leaks being outed, the staffers should expect
a far more rigorous investigation, Spicer has warned, as
reported by Fox News, citing top administration officials.

White House Communications Director Sean Spicer © Jonathan Setting an example himself, the press secretary has already
Ernst / Reuters deleted the Confide app from his cell phone, the channel
White House press secretary Sean Spicer has reportedly
gone on a crusade against unauthorized sharing of Wrapping up the meeting, the White House press secretary
information on his own turf, ordering extensive phone strongly cautioned the staffers against disclosing any
checks and urging staffers against using encrypted- details of the said meeting, however, apparently, to no
messaging apps. effect.

The official sprung into decisive action last week, after it Apart from communications staffers, Spicer also invited
emerged that information discussed at one of the planning White House lawyers to oversee the improvised searches.
meetings with employees of the White House Office of Before going ahead with the idea, Spicer sought the advice
Communications had been leaked to the media, of the White House counsel Don McGanh, the outlet
Politico reported, citing sources present at the meeting. reports.

According to the outlet, in an effort to find the source of So far Spicer has not issued any comment on the report.
the leaks, which cast the Donald Trump administration in
an unfavorable light in the media, Spicer ordered about a The official has previously spoken of Trump
dozen of the staffers called to the gathering to hand over administration’s “real concern” over the scale at which
their personal mobile phones as well as those provided by the sensitive information has been leaked to media,
the government for a “check.” potentially compromising national security, referring to the
controversy over Gen. Michael Flynn as a National
Spicer also instructed them against using apps, allowing Security Adviser. Flynn resigned from the post after the
encryption of the messages, specifically mentioning details of his contacts with Russian officials were leaked to
Confide and Signal, an official with the knowledge of the the media.
matter is being quoted by Politico as saying. Confide
enables its users to send encrypted messages that instantly Earlier in February, Spicer announced that officials at the
“self-destruct” and Signal employs end-to-end encryption White House are looking for those responsible for leaked
of photos and text messages. telephone conversations between Donald Trump and
international leaders, including those of France and Russia.
Justifying the restrictions, Spicer apparently said that the At the time, Spicer called the situation “very concerning.”
use of these and similar mobile features will constitute a
violation of the Presidential Records Act. Among the most awkward statements leaked was a
reported phrase by Trump who said that the phone call
Among the recent leaks that has drawn the particular ire of with the Australian Prime Minster Malcolm Turnbull was
the White House press secretary, according to Politico in fact the “worst call [of the day] by far.” The reaction
sources, was a report of Michael Dubke’s appointment as apparently followed the discussion of a US deal with
the White House communications director, which came Canberra to accept over a thousand refugees from
out before the official announcement. Dubke replaced Australia, which Trump labelled in the call as “the worst
Spicer himself, who was reportedly finding it hard to deal ever.”

Media Ban! Making Sense
Of The War Between Trump And The Press
By Anthony Dimaggio
February 27, 2017

declared he was “at war” with the press upon taking office.
His press secretary, Sean Spicer, took advantage of his first
press conference to actively berate the press, refusing to
take questions, and lambasting reporters for supposedly
underestimating the size of the crowd attending Trump’s
inauguration on the National Mall. Non-partisan fact
checkers dismissed Spicer’s claims as false because of
photographic evidence that Trump’s attendance was
smaller than Obama’s 2009 inauguration crowd. The
manufactured inauguration controversy has come to
symbolize a Trump presidency that routinely provides
false information to the press and the public. The
administration quickly lost much of its credibility with the
On Friday, February 24th, the Trump administration issued press establishment after White House counselor
a “gaggle” against reporters from the New York Times, Los Kellyanne Conway asserted on NBC’s Meet the Press with
Angeles Times, CNN, and Politico, prohibiting them from Chuck Todd that “alternative facts” were just as good as
gaining access to the White House press briefing. The ban real ones. Conway is far too obvious in expressing her
was quickly followed by a boycott of the press meeting by contempt for the truth. It’s one thing to engage in subtle
Time magazine and the Associated Press. To their credit, propaganda and manipulation; it’s quite another to rub
these two outlets did what White House reporters should reporters’ faces in it.
have already done – stop attending press conferences
dominated by obvious fabrications, distortions, and Watching the relationship between the press and Trump
propaganda. If MSNBC’s Morning Joe can divorce itself administration play out in real time has been interesting
from the lies of Kellyanne Conway, certainly the New York and at times highly entertaining. Never in my life have I
Times can too, right? But losing access is the ultimate kiss seen reporters regularly accuse the president in story after
of death in corporate journalism. The core of this system is story, day in and day out, of distorting information and
based on maintaining access to high-level officials, so lying. The New York Times has run many stories
being blacklisted from press briefings is a devastating suggesting the Trump administration is pushing lies, and
blow to establishment reporters. offering “inaccurate,” “wrong,” or “false” claims, and
outlets such as CNN, the Washington Post and others have
The loss of access could be interpreted as the best thing to followed suit. The Washington Post concluded that, in his
ever happen to papers like the New York Times. Instead of first month in office,
amplifying every absurd utterance out of the mouth of a
carnivalesque tabloid president, they could be focusing Trump “averaged four falsehoods or
instead on hard-hitting investigative journalism that would misleading statements a day…There hasn’t
benefit the public. But in a media system where official been a single day of Trump’s presidency in
sources are king, it’s unlikely the editors of major news which he has said nothing false or
outfits will see things this way. Predictably, they have misleading.”
expressed anger at being cut out of the loop of the
Washington political power structure.
The dispute between journalists and Trump centers on
numerous issues. To name a few, reporters have criticized
The full-on meltdown of the relationship between the Trump for making false claims about voter fraud in the
Trump administration and the press had been steadily 2016 election, for referring to numerous non-existent terror
building late in the campaign cycle and into the first month attacks in Atlanta, Georgia, Bowling Green, Kentucky, and
of this presidency. The relationship between Trump and Sweden, for erroneously claiming the media invented the
the press has grown increasingly conflicted with the rift between his administration and intelligence agencies
issuance of the press ban. Trump himself rhetorically over Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 election, for falsely

stating the media do not report on violent terror attacks, aka the First Amendment – to allow the president to sue
and for inaccurately asserting that the violent crime rate in journalists for writing “horrible” stories – aka stories that
2017 reached a record high for the last half-century. are unflattering to Trump. Even during the years of media-
Extraordinarily, these controversies all occurred within the press relations following September 11, President Bush
first month of Trump’s presidency. was not as draconian as Trump in dealing with the press.
He blacklisted UPI reporter Helen Thomas, refusing to
Are we entering a new era of media-governmental answer her questions, in punishment for her many
relations? Trump supporters don’t seem to think so. challenges to the administration’s credibility regarding the
They’ve long lambasted the press for a “liberal bias,” and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But Bush maintained a
are surely celebrating the Trump administration’s media “carrot and stick” approach to managing the press.
ban. But the liberal media claims were always a red Journalists who fell in line behind administration
herring. The clear majority of scholarly studies fail to find propaganda were rewarded, allowed to ask questions in
any evidence of a consistent liberal bias in the news. White House Press Briefings and invited to join U.S.
Reporters are not one-dimensionally liberal in their military forces as “embeds” on the ground in “reporting”
attitudes. They hold liberal views on social issues, and the 2003 Iraq invasion. Journalists like Thomas who
conservative ones on economic policies. Furthermore, the questioned the party line were told to go to hell.
segments of the media that are openly biased lean heavily
to the right. But Trump didn’t even offer the carrot upon taking office;
rather, his administration offered only a metaphorical
Talk radio is more than 90 percent right- hatchet to the skull. His press secretary’s first conference
wing, and the most heavily watched cable was an all assault on reporters, and Trump’s own
outlet by a large margin is Fox News, not declaration of war made it clear there would be no effort to
MSNBC. cultivate support from the press. Trump’s ban on multiple
news outfits, while shamelessly inviting the reactionary
Furthermore, most of the empirical work in the social Breitbart “news” into his inner circle, is a step beyond
sciences identifies an official source bias, rather than a anything the Bush administration attempted. This ham-
liberal bias, as characterizing the news. In my own fisted news “management” technique will surely backfire,
research, I’ve found that news reporting fluctuates further pushing journalists to challenge administration
depending on the structure of government over time. When misinformation.
Republicans control the White House and Congress,
reporters predictably direct most of their attention to Political spin, deception, and lies have always been
Republican officials. When Democrats control these two integral to U.S. politics and governmental communication.
branches, coverage shifts toward the Democrats. And in But I can think of no other president who was ever so
periods of divided control of government, reporters devote crude or clumsy in pushing obviously false claims as
regular attention to “both sides.” In short, while the Trump. He’s painted reporters into a corner via his
“liberal media” line is red meat for Trump’s base, it has administration’s absurdist, straight-faced lies and
little relevance to reality. “alternative facts.” Even Karl Rove knew to voice his
contempt for the “reality-based community” off the record.
Reporters’ conflict with Trump is real, but it has nothing to To not challenge fictitious terror attacks, false statistics
do with a fictitious liberal bias of journalists. So, what about crime rates, and bogus claims about voter fraud
gives? Reporters are clearly treating the Trump would be a serious risk to reporters’ credibility. To allow
administration much more skeptically than they did blatant falsehood after falsehood to go unchallenged would
Obama. Does the conflict between the press and the mean reporters have abandoned their already limited
president suggest a changing dynamic in the relationship commitment to accuracy in reporting. Before readers
between the media and government? I would argue yes, to attack me for suggesting that corporate reporters are
some degree, but we should be careful not to oversell the committed to reporting the truth, consider the following:
extent to which media are independent of government. Trump’s lies operate on an entirely different level than
Journalists are not opposed to the neoliberal, bipartisan previous official misinformation, which was at least more
consensus in Washington. Rather, they are opposed to a difficult to identify without serious investigation.
specific individual who they believe represents a threat to
the political-economic status quo. George W. Bush’s claims about Iraqi WMDs were harder
for reporters to authoritatively debunk than Trump’s
Trump is widely seen by journalists as far outside the manufactured lies, the latter of which are haphazardly
“mainstream” of American political culture. This pulled from thin air. Numerous intelligence sources existed
characterization is true in some ways. I can think of no that raised questions about Bush’s pre-war claims, but
precedent to Trump’s media ban in my lifetime. He has there was no smoking gun (like after the invasion) to
demonstrated a contempt for the press since he began authoritatively demonstrate that the administration was
campaigning, when he promised to “open up libel laws” – lying prior to the invasion. Other official untruths were
also hard to identify in real time. Obama’s promises that
the Affordable Care Act would not interfere with thousands of Americans weren’t being killed in Iraq, but to
preexisting insurance plans was difficult to challenge do so would risk losing any remaining credibility
without documenting the failings associated with the journalists had with the public. As with Bush’s eccentric
implementation of the ACA. Republican denials that lies, reporters are in a difficult position in covering Trump
support for charter schools results in the decimation of administration grifters. The public will only put up with so
community public schools are difficult to disprove without much bullshit for so long.
an extensive analysis of facts on the ground across
American cities where charter schools are introduced. In While the relationship between the president and much of
contrast, most of Trump’s falsehoods are bush league. the media has grown increasingly combative, journalists
Citizens without any journalistic training can recognize were not the only ones to attack Trump. Throughout the
them with simple google searches or visits to a non- election, he was widely derided, or at least kept at arm’s
partisan fact checking website. For reporters to uncritically length, by much of the Republican Party establishment, by
disseminate these falsehoods would threaten what little many right-wing corporate donors, by the Democratic
trust is left between the media and public. Party, and by much of the public. To single out journalists
for criticizing Trump is to ignore a broader, bi-partisan
Sometimes, official misinformation becomes so extreme political culture that has denigrated Trump for supposedly
that reporters can no longer hold their noses and pretend lying outside the bounds of respectable politics. The efforts
not to notice the lies. The Pentagon Papers demonstrated to frame Trump as beyond the pale are silly in many ways.
that U.S. presidents had lied for years about the war in He is the heir of decades of class warfare, racism, sexism,
Vietnam. It was difficult to ignore the blatant and deception that have long defined American politics.
contradictions between what presidents said privately and Trump’s mistake is openly embracing bigotry and
what they fed the public. The Bush administration’s claims contempt for truth, whereas his compatriots in the
about Iraqi WMDs were a fiction of epic proportions that Democratic and Republican parties know not to be so crass
could no longer be denied when search after search in Iraq in their rhetoric. Still, it’s a serious exaggeration to claim
came up empty-handed. The deaths of American troops that the media are posing an independent challenge to the
and Iraqis in mass blatantly contradicted Bush’s ridiculous political system by questioning Trump. Their attacks stem
assertion that, contrary to the naysayers, everything in Iraq not from a liberal desire to undermine government, but
was going great. As the country disintegrated into civil rather from discomfort with parroting silly administration
war, it became impossible to deny the reality that was claims that are widely recognized as fraudulent by much of
staring Americans in the face. Reporters could have the public and the intellectual class.
pretended that a civil war wasn’t occurring, and that

NBC/WSJ Poll: Majority
Say Media Too Critical Of Trump
By Kyle Drennen
February 27, 2017

bad news for President Trump, an approval

rating at an historic low.”

A newly released NBC News/Wall Street

Journal poll found that 51% of
Americans think the media have been
“too critical” in their coverage of
President Trump. Moments later, he explained:

That number was eight times larger than the 6% of the The President's approval rating stands at
public who thought the press hadn’t been critical enough 44 percent with 48 percent disapproving.
of the new administration. 41% said the news coverage has That is the lowest rating ever recorded in
been objective. our poll at this early stage of a presidency.
For a little perspective, it took President
In Monday’s Wall Street Journal, reporter Jason Bellini Obama 32 months to fall into negative
explained: territory. It took President George W. Bush
41 months for his numbers to be
It isn’t clear what role Mr. Trump’s barrage underwater.
of attacks on the fairness and credibility of
the press has played in shaping the In a report for Monday’s Today, correspondent Peter
majority’s opinion that coverage of his Alexander similarly touted:
administration has been too negative.
A majority of those polled, some 53%, “A day before the President makes his first
also believes that the news media have address to a joint session of Congress, the
exaggerated problems in the Trump new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll
administration. Some 45% say that is not shows him with an historic disapproval
the case. rating. He is the only president in modern
polling to begin his presidency underwater.”
While the Journal reported on the media
bias findings, NBC News did not find those
numbers noteworthy during its discussion
However, no mention was made on either broadcast of the
of the same poll. Debuting the survey on
American people being influenced by relentlessly negative
Sunday’s Meet the Press, moderator
media coverage that was “too critical” of the President and
Chuck Todd hyped: “And our brand new
“exaggerated” bad news for the administration.
NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, the

Trump Blasts Dems For
Peddling ‘Fake News’ Russian Narrative
Published Time: 27 Feb, 2017 04:58

the investigation of the allegations, especially as there are

potential FBI targets within Trump’s administration.

For its part, the FBI has made no official comment on the
investigation, but White House press secretary Sean Spicer
did confirm that the chief of staff asked top bureau
officials, including FBI Director James Comey, to deny
any contact between Russia and Trump; they have so far
Donald Trump has taken to Twitter yet again to blast reports that
Russian hackers interfered to help him win the presidency as “fake
“Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the
Dems, and played up by the media, in
order to mask the big election defeat and
the illegal leaks!” the US leader wrote.

Trump’s latest tweet went out Sunday as the White House

sought to downplay alleged contact between Russian Some within the Trump administration have claimed that
intelligence and Trump aides during last year’s election. calls for a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged ties
amount to nothing more than a “witch hunt,” resembling
Speaking on ABC’s This Week, deputy White House press the McCarthyism of the 1950s when then senator, Joe
secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said: McCarthy, conducted a number of overblown
investigations targeting alleged communists in the United
“The FBI has already said this story is BS,
(bullshit) “Those were their words, so I
apologize to my mom. But literally those Speaking to reporters at Saturday's California Republican
are the words of the FBI, that the story is convention in San Francisco, Rep. Devin Nunes said:
“At this point, we can’t go on a witch hunt
Who within the FBI actually asserted that remains up for against any American people…just
debate, with some sources claiming that Deputy Director because they appeared in a news story,”
Andrew McCabe told White House Chief of Staff Reince adding: “I have to have some evidence that
Priebus that reporting on the matter was inaccurate. some American actually had contact with
Russians. And I don’t have that now. This
is almost like McCarthyism revisited.”
The fact that Priebus and high-ranking FBI officials have
apparently been engaged in conversation on the matter has
also come in for some criticism, as a separation between This is not the first time the POTUS has rebuffed claims of
the bureau and the administration is seen to be critical to Russian interference in either the US presidential elections
or the current administration.
There is the infamous “intelligence dossier” leaked by A joint report on “Russian malicious cyberactivity”
Buzzfeed and partly published by CNN, in which claims of prepared by FBI and Department of Homeland Security in
sexual fetishes were made about President Trump with no December, accused Russian military intelligence of being
solid evidence provided. The claim was that Russian behind the leaks of Democratic Party emails to swing the
Intelligence were blackmailing the US President and that election in favor of Donald Trump. The claims of Russian
he was a puppet of the Kremlin. Needless to say, the authorities’ affiliation with WikiLeaks, that published the
claims didn’t hold up to scrutiny and Trump was quick to emails, were disputed by the whistleblowing site’s editor
lambaste all involved. Julian Assange, who claimed that the source of the leaks
was not a state actor.
“Intelligence insiders now claim the Trump
dossier is "A COMPLETE FRAUD!" Trump Then-President-elect Trump himself also cast doubt on the
wrote on Twitter in the aftermath. credibility of the report. In an interview to Fox News in
December, he argued that the report’s real goal was to
This, in turn, led to the now infamous soundbite in which explain the defeat of Hillary Clinton by third-party
President Trump dismissed CNN as “Fake News” at a interference rather than by her own faults.
press briefing.
"I think it's ridiculous. I think it's just another
In an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, President excuse. I don't believe it," the president-
Trump was pressed on whether he respected Russian elect said in an interview.
President Vladimir Putin.
In January, the Office of the Director of National
"I do respect him, but I respect a lot of Intelligence (ODNI) released an in-depth report ordered by
people," Trump said, adding: "That doesn't Barack Obama which purported to prove the fact of
mean I'm going to get along with him." alleged Russia meddling in the US presidential elections.
However, the declassified version of the document
By playing down the supposed close, pre-existing presented to the public did not contain any hard evidence
relationship with the Kremlin, Trump once again pointing to the Russian role in the hacks, instead relying on
dismissed any notion of an overly amicable relationship assessments and analysis of CIA, FBI and NSI and
between the two presidents. “human intelligence.”

President Trump: Replace The Dollar With Gold As The
Global Currency To Make America Great Again
Source: Forbes
Published: February 27, 2017

Inside President Trump’s otherwise “standard Trump countries had to pony up $100 of actual
stump speech” at CPAC was nestled what might be a most goods in order to obtain one.'”
intriguing observation:
That privilege, which made great sense during the period
Global cooperation, dealing with other immediately after World War II, became a curse.
countries, getting along with other countries
is good, it’s very important. But there is no In 1971 President Nixon, under the influence of his
such thing as a global anthem, a global Svengali-like Treasury Secretary John Connally,
currency or a global flag. This is the United
States of America that I’m representing.
“suspend[ed] temporarily the convertibility
of the dollar into gold.”
There’s a keen insight in there that could, just maybe,
transform our lives, America, and the world. No “global
That closure proved durable instead of temporary. The
currency?” Was this, with the poetic observation that
dollar became, and remains, the world’s global currency.
“there is no such thing as a global anthem…or a global
flag,” just a trope? Or could it contain a political portent
with potential high impact on world financial markets? What had been an “exorbitant privilege” devolved into an
Let’s drill down. exorbitant liability. As my former professional colleague
John D. Mueller, of the Ethics and Public Policy Center,
formerly Rep. Jack Kemp’s chief economist, writing in the
As it happens, there is a global currency.
Wall Street Journal in Trump’s Real Trade Problem Is
Money recently and astutely observed:
It’s called the “U.S. dollar.”
a monetary system based on a reserve
Most international trade is priced in dollars. The Bretton currency is unsustainable, since foreign
Woods international monetary system invested the dollar, official dollar reserves (for example) are
which then was defined as and (internationally) was acquired and must be repaid in goods. In
legally convertible to gold at $35/oz, with global currency other words, the increase in official dollar
status. France’s then-finance minister, later its reserves equals the net exports of the rest
president, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, called the of the world, which means it must also
equal U.S. international payments
“reserve currency” status of the dollar — its deficits—an unsustainable situation.
status, along with gold, as global currency
— an “exorbitant privilege.” In other words, if President Trump wishes to address
America’s merchandise trade deficit (balanced to
By this d’Estaing was alluding to the fact, as summarized perfection, of course, by a capital accounts surplus) he will
at Wikipedia, that find that allowing the dollar to be used as the global
currency is the real snake in the economic woodpile. The
“As American economist Barry dollar’s burden as the international reserve currency, not
Eichengreen summarized: ‘It costs only a currency manipulation by our trading partners or bad
few cents for the Bureau of Engraving and treaties, is the true villain in the ongoing melodrama of
Printing to produce a $100 bill, but other crummy job creation.

"Welcome To The Next Awakening" - Author Of Steve
Bannon's Worldview Explains The Path Ahead
By Tyler Durden
Feb 27, 2017 3:55 AM

"Where did Steve Bannon get his media. Strauss, who died in 2007, and I never told Bannon
worldview? From my book..." what to say or think. But we did perhaps provide him with
an insight — that populism, nationalism and state-run
* * * by Neil Howe via WaPo,
authoritarianism would soon be on the rise, not just in
Neil Howe is the author, along with William America but around the world.
Strauss, of “Generations,” “The Fourth
Turning” and “Millennials Rising.” Because we never attempted to write a
The headlines this month have been political manifesto, we were surprised
alarming. “Steve Bannon’s obsession with by the book’s popularity among certain
a dark theory of history should be crusaders on both the left and the right.
worrisome” (Business Insider). “Steve
Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is When “The Fourth Turning” came out, our biggest partisan
Coming And War Is Inevitable” (the fans were Democrats, who saw in our description of an
Huffington Post). “Steve Bannon Wants To emerging “Millennial generation” (a term we coined) the
Start World War III” (the Nation). A sort of community-minded optimists who would pull
common thread in these media reports America toward progressive ideals. Yet we’ve also had
is that President Trump’s chief conservative fans, who were drawn to another lesson: that
strategist is an avid reader and that the the new era would probably see the successful joining of
book that most inspires his worldview is left-wing economics with right-wing social values.
“The Fourth Turning: An American
Prophecy.” Beyond ideology, I think there’s another reason for the
I wrote that book with William Strauss rising interest in our book.
back in 1997.
We reject the deep premise of modern
It is true that Bannon is enthralled by it. In 2010, he Western historians that social time is
released a documentary, “Generation Zero,” that is either linear (continuous progress or
structured around our theory that history in America (and decline) or chaotic (too complex to
by extension, most other modern societies) unfolds in a reveal any direction). Instead we adopt
recurring cycle of four-generation-long eras. While this the insight of nearly all traditional
cycle does include a time of civic and political crisis — a societies: that social time is a recurring
Fourth Turning, in our parlance — the reporting on the cycle
book has been absurdly apocalyptic.
in which events become meaningful only to the extent that
I don’t know Bannon well. they are what philosopher Mircea Eliade calls
“reenactments.” In cyclical space, once you strip away the
I have worked with him on several film projects, including extraneous accidents and technology, you are left with
“Generation Zero,” over the years. I’ve been impressed by only a limited number of social moods, which tend to recur
his cultural savvy. in a fixed order.

His politics, while unusual, never struck Along this cycle, we can identify four
me as offensive. “turnings” that each last about 20 years
— the length of a generation.
I was surprised when he took over the leadership of
Breitbart and promoted the views espoused on that site. Think of these as recurring seasons, starting with spring
Like many people, I first learned about the alt-right (a far- and ending with winter. In every turning, a new generation
right movement with links to Breitbart and a loosely is born and each older generation ages into its next phase
defined white-nationalist agenda) from the mainstream of life.

The cycle begins with the First Turning, outer world (of politics, economy and
a “High” which comes after a crisis era. empire).

In a High, institutions are strong and individualism is In our paradigm, one can look ahead and suggest that a
weak. Society is confident about where it wants to go coming time period — say, a certain decade — will
collectively, even if many feel stifled by the prevailing resemble, in its essential human dynamic, a time period in
conformity. Many Americans alive today can recall the the past.
post-World War II American High (historian William
O’Neill’s term), coinciding with the Truman, Eisenhower In “The Fourth Turning,” we predicted
and Kennedy presidencies. Earlier examples are the post- that, starting around 2005, America
Civil War Victorian High of industrial growth and stable would probably experience a “Great
families, and the post-Constitution High of Democratic Devaluation” in financial markets, a
Republicanism and Era of Good Feelings. catalyst that would mark America’s
entry into an era whose first decade
The Second Turning is an “Awakening,” would likely parallel the 1930s.

when institutions are attacked in the name of higher Reflecting on the decade we’ve just lived through, we can
principles and deeper values. Just when society is hitting probably agree that the 1930s parallel works well. In the
its high tide of public progress, people suddenly tire of all economy, both decades played out in the shadow of a
the social discipline and want to recapture a sense of global financial crash, and were characterized by slow and
personal authenticity. Salvation by faith, not works, is the disappointing economic growth and chronic
youth rallying cry. One such era was the Consciousness underemployment of labor and capital. Both saw tepid
Revolution of the late 1960s and 1970s. Some historians investment, deflation fears, growing inequality and the
call this America’s Fourth or Fifth Great Awakening, inability of central bankers to rekindle consumption.
depending on whether they start the count in the 17th
century with John Winthrop or the 18th century with In geopolitics, we’ve witnessed the rise
Jonathan Edwards. of isolationism, nationalism and right-
wing populism across the globe.
The Third Turning is an “Unraveling,”
Geostrategist Ian Bremmer says we now live in a “G-Zero”
in many ways the opposite of the High. Institutions are world, where it’s every nation for itself. This story echoes
weak and distrusted, while individualism is strong and the 1930s, which witnessed the waning authority of great-
flourishing. Third Turning decades such as the 1990s, the power alliances and a new willingness by authoritarian
1920s and the 1850s are notorious for their cynicism, bad regimes to act with terrifying impunity.
manners and weak civic authority. Government typically
shrinks, and speculative manias, when they occur, are In social trends, the two decades also show parallels:
delirious. falling rates of fertility and homeownership, the rise of
multi-generational households, the spread of localism and
Finally, the Fourth Turning is a “Crisis” community identification, a dramatic decline in youth
period. violence (a fact that apparently has eluded the president),
and a blanding of pop youth culture. Above all, we sense a
This is when our institutional life is reconstructed from the growing desire among voters around the world for leaders
ground up, always in response to a perceived threat to the to assert greater authority and deliver deeds rather than
nation’s very survival. If history does not produce such an process, results rather than abstractions.
urgent threat, Fourth Turning leaders will invariably find
one — and may even fabricate one — to mobilize We live in an increasingly volatile and primal era, in which
collective action. Civic authority revives, and people and history is speeding up and liberal democracy is weakening.
groups begin to pitch in as participants in a larger As Vladimir Lenin wrote, “In some decades, nothing
community. As these Promethean bursts of civic effort happens; in some weeks, decades happen.” Get ready for
reach their resolution, Fourth Turnings refresh and the creative destruction of public institutions, something
redefine our national identity. The years 1945, 1865 and every society periodically requires to clear out what is
1794 all capped eras constituting new “founding moments” obsolete, ossified and dysfunctional — and to tilt the
in American history. playing field of wealth and power away from the old and
back to the young. Forests need periodic fires; rivers need
Just as a Second Turning reshapes our periodic floods. Societies, too. That’s the price we must
inner world (of values, culture and pay for a new golden age.
religion), a Fourth Turning reshapes our

If we look at the broader rhythms of history, we have objectives in such a war are likely to be
reason to be heartened, not discouraged, by these trends. defined very broadly.
Anglo-American history over the past several centuries has
experienced civic crises in a fairly regular cycle, about At the end of the 2020s, the Fourth Turning crisis era will
every 80 or 90 years, or roughly the length of a long climax and draw to a close. Settlements will be negotiated,
human life. This pattern reveals itself in the intervals treaties will be signed, new borders will be drawn, and
separating the colonial Glorious Revolution, the American perhaps (as in the late 1940s) a new durable world order
Revolution, the Civil War, and the Great Depression and will be created. Perhaps as well, by the early 2030s, we
World War II. Fast-forward the length of a long human life will enter a new First Turning: Young families will rejoice,
from the 1930s, and we end up where we are today. fertility will rebound, economic equality will rise, a new
middle class will emerge, public investment will grow into
America entered a new Fourth Turning a new 21st-century infrastructure, and ordered prosperity
in 2008. It is likely to last until around will recommence.
2030. Our paradigm suggests that
current trends will deepen as we move During the next First Turning, potentially the next
toward the halfway point. “American High,” millennials will move into national
leadership and showcase their optimism, smarts,
Further adverse events, possibly another financial crisis or credentials and confidence.
a major armed conflict, will galvanize public opinion and
mobilize leaders to take more decisive action. Rising Sometime in the late 2030s, the first
regionalism and nationalism around the world could lead millennial will be voted into the White
to the fragmentation of major political entities (perhaps the House, prompting talk of a new Camelot
European Union) and the outbreak of hostilities (perhaps moment.
in the South China Sea, the Korean Peninsula, the Baltic
states or the Persian Gulf).
Let a few more years pass, and those organization-minded
millennials may face a passionate and utterly unexpected
Despite a new tilt toward isolationism, onslaught from a new crop of youth.
the United States could find itself at war.
I certainly do not hope for war. I simply
Welcome to the next Awakening. The
make a sobering observation: Every total
cycle of history keeps turning,
war in U.S. history has occurred during inexorably.
a Fourth Turning, and no Fourth Turning
has yet unfolded without one. America’s

New York Times Rediscovers Aggressive
Fact-Checking Just In Time To Attack Trump
By Clay Waters
February 27, 2017 | 3:00 PM EST

Mr. Trump said he got many votes from

supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders.
“Not that I’m a fan of Bernie, but a lot of
Bernie people voted for Trump because
he’s right on one issue: trade.”

No evidence. Mr. Trump and Mr. Sanders hold similar

positions on global trade, but there’s no evidence that huge
swaths of voters who supported Mr. Sanders voted for Mr.

After the Democratic National Convention, polls indicated

Emphasizing its newly discovered commitment to
that a majority of “Bernie people” would vote for Mrs.
aggressive journalism now that Donald Trump is president,
Clinton. Mr. Trump’s support among those who preferred
the New York Times has hired a fact-checker from
Mr. Sanders ranged from 3 percent to 13 percent,
PolitiFact to bolster its case for lying Trump. Twice in two
depending on whether third-party candidates were also
days Linda Qiu has slammed President Trump’s alleged
included in the question.
falsehoods. On Saturday she went after Trump's speech to
the Conservative Political Action Conference: “After
Denouncing ‘Fake News,’ a Catalog of Falsehoods.” The above is some extreme nitpicking: The phrase “A lot”
in an imprecise phrase with plenty of wiggle room and
doesn’t lend itself to fact-checking. And Qiu offered a
President Trump’s speech on Friday at the Conservative
weak counterargument. Who gave her the final say on
Political Action Conference followed a familiar pattern:
what precise percentage or number of the vote would
Blast the news media as “dishonest,” repeat a string of
constitute “a lot”?
falsehoods and wrap up by promising to change the status
Mr. Trump described the country as having
open borders.
Qiu assessed Trump’s claims with aggressive and often
wrong-headed nitpickery. (Trump’s claims are in italics.) “We’ve defended other nations’ borders
while leaving ours wide open, anybody can
Mr. Trump mocked election polls for being come in.”
False. The United States apprehended 415,816 people in
“Look at CBS, look at ABC, also, look at
the 2016 fiscal year, so hundreds of thousands of people
NBC, take a look at some of these polls.
did not just “come in.”
They’re so bad, so inaccurate and what
that does is it creates a false narrative.”
Again, “wide open” is obviously a metaphor for an overly
porous border and another overweening attempt to take
This is misleading. Mr. Trump, who trailed Hillary Clinton
everything Trump says literally, without the copious
in major national polls leading up to the election, ended up
benefit of the doubt the media gives to Democrats.
winning the Electoral College. But most of the polls Mr.
Trump referred to actually reflected the popular vote total
within the margin of error. Mr. Trump said the Affordable Care Act
took health care coverage away from
Actually, with outlets like the New York Times running
graphics showing Hillary Clinton with an 85% chance of “Obamacare covers very few people.
winning the election late on Election Night, it’s perfectly And remember, deduct from the number all
defensible to claim that the media got the election wrong. of those people who had great health care
that they loved that was taken away from Muslim population, characterized by Qiu as “some of the
them.” more misleading claims Mr. Trump and his administration
have made about the first iteration of the travel ban.” This
False. About 20 million people have gained coverage was the lowlight:
under the Affordable Care Act, and the uninsured rate has
dropped to a record low of 10.9 percent. Mr. Trump suggested that the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has an
Huh? It’s a brute fact that Obamacare led to people losing unusually poor track record.
their coverage, no matter how the aggregate figures stack “In fact, we had to go quicker than we
up. thought because of the bad decision we
received from a circuit that has been
Mr. Trump again invoked Sweden as an overturned at a record number. I have
example of the detriments of immigration. heard 80 percent, I find that hard to
believe, that is just a number I heard, that
“The people over there understand that
they are overturned 80 percent of the time.”
I’m right. Take a look at what’s happening
in Sweden.”
Not the highest reversal rate. Mr. Trump has repeatedly
knocked the court that blocked his executive order, and he
False. Mr. Trump referred to a nonexistent terrorist attack
is right that the Supreme Court reversed eight out of 10, or
in Sweden during a Feb. 18 campaign rally in Florida,
80 percent, of Ninth Circuit cases on which it had a
baffling an entire nation.
definitive ruling in 2015. But that’s neither a record nor
particularly meaningful, as PolitiFact has reported.
If he was referring to crime in a country known for taking
in large numbers of refugees, the data does not support
Two other circuits -- the state courts and the 11th Circuit --
him, either. The Swedish National Council for Crime
had higher reversal rates that year, at 85 percent and 100
Prevention found no significant increase in overall crime
percent. And just under 12,000 cases were filed to the
rates from 2015 to 2016.
Ninth Circuit from March 2014 to March 2015, meaning
the Supreme Court reversed less than a tenth of a percent
Official figures on the complicated subject of Sweden, of all the cases the circuit has heard.
refugees, and violent crime have been challenged, and
Trump’s vague statement nonetheless raises questions
Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist took down a
about refugees and violent crime in Sweden that the
similarly slanted Politifact “fact check” and in the process
politically correct soveriegns of Sweden (and the NYT) are
showed that the Ninth Circuit had by far the most total
clearly reluctant to address publicly.
number of reversals.
Back on Friday, Qiu fact-checked Trump on the temporary
travel ban that applied to seven countries with mostly

Trump Supporters To Hold
'Spirit Of America' Rallies Across US
Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:16PM

The group’s co-founder, Ralph King, was a Trump

presidential elector from Ohio.

US President Donald Trump invites a supporter onstage with him

during a "Make America Great Again" rally at Orlando Melbourne
International Airport in Melbourne, Florida, February 18, 2017.
(Photo by Reuters)
People gather during a rally in support of US President Donald
Supporters of Donald Trump will be Trump at Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York, February 5, 2017.
rallying in many cities across the United (Photo by Reuters)
States this week, mainly as a rebuttal to "Unlike those protesting against President
a string of nationwide protests Trump's vision, we are a diverse coalition
denouncing the new president’s policy that are the heart and soul of America that
agenda. wants our nation to fulfill our potential, as
the greatest nation on God's green earth!"
Organizers said rallies have been planned for nearly 60 organizers wrote on the group's website,
cities, with some taking place on Monday and others later according to Reuters.
in the week.
"Blue-collar voters helped propel President
Trump to victory and these rallies will help
Trump is not expected to make appearance at any of the provide those forgotten voices a
events which are being held from coast to coast. mechanism so they can be heard," they
Some of the organizers came out of the Tea Party
movement, a network of anti-establishment conservatives Since his inauguration on January 20, Trump has faced
that emerged in 2009 with ambitions for political change almost non-stop protests by people opposed to his policies,
and an overhaul of Washington. The movement has especially his crackdown on immigrants from seven
become a powerful force in shaping Republican politics Muslim countries.
ever since.
Among the biggest demonstrations was the Women's
Main Street Patriots, the primary group behind the so- March on Washington, which drew hundreds of thousands
called Spirit of America rallies, said it helped organize of people to the capital the day after Trump took the oath
events in at least 33 states for Monday and Saturday. of office.

The Republicans May Impeach Trump
By Ted Rall
February 27, 2017

Campaign Ad: Paul Ryan for President 2020. Barely one month after taking office, Trump’s approval
ratings are tumbling into territory historically belonging to
Speaker Ryan speaks into the camera. presidents mired in scandals and unpopular wars. Voters
tell the latest Quinnipiac poll Trump is dishonest and
doesn’t care about people like them. Trump’s numbers are
“Impeaching a president from my own party
within a rounding error of Richard Nixon’s during
wasn’t an easy decision,” Ryan says,
looking sober as footage of disgraced
former president Donald Trump departing
the White House for the last time appears. Right now, Donald Trump is constitutionally impeachable
over his temperament and his brazen violations of the
“Sometimes principle” — he pauses for a emoluments clause. But nothing will happen until he’s
half-beat — “comes before party.” politically impeachable. Trump would have to commit a
crime or mistake so colossal and irredeemable that
A full beat. mainstream voters of both parties would find him
“Country always comes first.”
If I’m Ryan or Cruz or some other crafty GOPer, I’m
Narrator: thinking to myself: every president screws up eventually.
But this guy Trump will definitely screw up big. Given his
“He stood tall when America needs him manic pace, his Waterloo will occur sooner rather than
most. Ready to make the tough decisions later.
when they matter most. Paul Ryan for
President.” Whatever form it takes — provoking a war, crashing the
economy, corruption, one authoritarian move too far,
Trump-haters want Democrats to push for impeachment. conspiracy and obstruction of justice — the inevitable
Setting aside the Dems’ congenital cowardice and the Trumpian disaster leaves House and Senate Republicans
arithmetic — a minority party can’t impeach anyone — the with a stark choice. Defend him or stand back silently, and
real danger to Trump is his nominal Republican allies. Trump drags the Republican Party along with him as he
flames out. Or they can throw him under the bus.
On the surface, Congressional Republicans appear to have
been shocked and awed by the president’s surprise victory Remember, they never liked him in the first place.
and ideologically aligned with a Trump Administration
whose hard-right cabinet is prepared to grant every item on Plan B is far more appealing. Becoming the party of
the GOP’s wish list. But you don’t have to look hard to see impeachment at a time when impeachment is popular
that the pre-November split between the party’s old guard transforms crisis into opportunity, allowing Republicans to
(Ryan, John McCain, Mitch McConnell) and the Trump cleanse their Trump-era sins (trying to repeal the
insurgency remains. increasingly well-received Obamacare, paying for the
Great Wall of Mexico with deficit spending, etc.) and seize
The Donald struts the marbled corridors of the capital, his the moral high ground in one swoop. Vice President Mike
head held high like Caesar. Beneath their togas, the Pence takes the helm, steadies the ship, promotes their
senators’ sharp knives await. right-wing agenda with more grace than his former boss,
and Ryan and his buddies prepare for 2020.
This is speculation, but I bet Republicans with presidential
ambitions — Ryan, Rubio, Cruz, Paul — have already As for the Democrats, this scenario leaves the party even
grokked that Trump’s days are numbered. Odds makers more damaged than it is today. If they leave the task of
agree. Whoever takes credit for bringing down a feared deposing a wounded Donald Trump to the Republicans,
and reviled leader will rid themselves of a rival and reap they’ll likely never recover.
rewards up to and including the highest office in the land.
Still seething over the DNC’s shabby treatment of Bernie Dems could dodge this looming catastrophe by declaring
Sanders, the progressive base would consider the party all-out war against the president. For example, Democratic
completely discredited and hopelessly moderate for failing lawmakers could shut down Congress, and thus deny
to lead the charge against Trump. Swing voters, and not a Trump his entire agenda, by denying a quorum — i.e.,
few Democrats, will give Team Ryan credit for their failing to show up until the president agrees to resign.
integrity in taking down one of their own. I can imagine There are many ways to obstruct. But creating a
the Warren wing forming a new Progressive Party, leaving constitutional crisis would require balls — something in
the Democrats at less than half its current level of support. short supply among Congressional Democrats.

Trump To States
With Recreational Pot: Drop Dead
Ryan Mcmaken

Obamacare, but federalism and the Constitution go right

out the window on the drug issue.

This has long been obvious, and was solidified in federal

court when Trump's nominee to head the EPA, Scott Pruitt,
sued Colorado in federal court when he was attorney
general of Oklahoma. Pruitt and the GOP attorney general
from Nebraska both attempted to get the federal court to
render Colorado's drug laws null and void — which would
have essentially destroyed what's left of federalism and
states's rights down to its foundations. Pruitt, however, was
making this same argument at the very same time he was
In the days following the 2016 election, there were already arguing that the states had the right to override Obamacare
worrying signs that the Trump administration didn't merely mandates.
view the War on Drugs as a useful source of rhetoric to
please some Conservatives. With the appointment of Jeff
Sessions — who appears to be a true believer in the War But the hypocrisy does not stop there. Conservatives love
on Drugs — the threat to federalism, states's rights, and to talk about following the "original intent" of the US
local control was all too real. Constitution and demanding the federal government do
nothing that is not authorized by the Constitution. That, of
course, is then conveniently forgotten on the drug issue.
The fears continue to be stoked by the administration
itself, and yesterday White House spokesman Sean Spicer
announcing that "I do believe that you'll see greater Although Sean Spicer certainly won't admit it, the "federal
enforcement of [federal law against marijuana]." law we need to abide by" is not some federal statute passed
by Congress about drugs. The law we need to abide by is
found in the US Constitution — specifically the Tenth
So, in an administration where Trump's promised health Amendment — where it clearly states that
care reforms are anything but a done deal — and which is
plagued with leaks and conflict with the US intelligence
establishment — Spicer suggests the administration has "The powers not delegated to the United
enough extra time to ramp up prosecutions of American States by the Constitution, nor prohibited
citizens for smoking a joint. The fact that 81 percent of all by it to the States, are reserved to the
drug arrests are for simple possession means that yes, States respectively, or to the people."
increasing federal enforcement is about arresting and
prosecuting small-time users. So does the Constitution delegate to the United States
government the power to regulate what sort of plants
Spicer justifies this with the well-worn claim often made people eat, smoke, or grow?
by Conservatives that
Here's a hint: No, it doesn't.
"There is still a federal law that we need to
abide by ... when it comes to recreational This refrain of Drug Warriors that those who don't like the
marijuana and other drugs of that nature." Drug War need to "change the law" before they can
complain requires a willful ignorance of the law contained
At the core of this statement is the same hypocrisy that in the US Constitution itself.
infects much of the right wing on the Drug War issue.
Indeed, in more honest times, everyone knew the
Conservatives like to talk a good game about states's rights Constitution did not allow federal control of such matters
and local control when it comes to issues like gun laws and which is why most everyone accepted that a Constitutional
amendment was necessary to authorize federal prohibition influenced the American Academy of Pain Medicine to
of alcohol. It was only later that politicians realized they change their guidelines for prescribing pain killers. The
could just forget about all that Constitution stuff and pass changes in the guidelines have made it much more likely
federal statutes banning various substances at will. for doctors to prescribe pain killing opiate drugs such as
Oxycontin and Vicodin for things like ordinary injuries
Of course even if the Constitution did authorize such and surgeries. The DEA, FDA, and the AMA monitor
things, it would be worthy of being ignored, just as federal prescribing behavior of doctors, so they are more likely to
laws and Constitutional provisions protecting slavery were follow such guidelines to avoid risk of sanction.
always worthless and should have been ignored by
everyone everywhere. These drugs are highly effective for pain, but can be
addictive and deadly themselves (16,000 deaths in 2015
Spicer then went on to make other fact-free claims in his alone). When the injuries heal, addicted patients can no
attempt to connect marijuana use to recent surges in opioid longer get refills for the drugs. For those who have become
deaths. Lizzy Acker in The Oregonian reports: addicted their choices are going cold turkey, enter an
addiction treatment program, or obtain the drugs on the
black market. In other words, they have no good choices.
"I think that when you see something like
the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so
many states around this country," Spicer And, while Spicer suggests arresting some pot users might
said, "the last thing that we should be doing somehow miraculously do something to cut down opioid
is encouraging people." use, the FDA is approving opioid use for 11 to 16 year
olds, thus encouraging greater use on children. If the
Though Spicer drew a connection between opioid use and Trump administration is in the mood to crack down on
marijuana, there is no known connection between the somebody connected to the opioid addiction problem,
two. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2015 there's no need to go out to Colorado or Oregon to do it.
more than 33,000 people died from opioid overdoses, Trump can just drive over to the FDA headquarters in
which includes both heroin and prescription painkillers, Maryland.
"more than any year on record."
And finally, this is just the latest indication that the Trump
The CDC reported that "nearly half of all opioid overdose administration's priorities are not where they need to be.
deaths involve a prescription opioid." Earlier this month, David Stockman complained that
Trump is letting himself get sidetracked from the
important business of freeing up the economy. Stockman
Marijuana overdoses account for no was apparently more right than he knew.
deaths, according to the Drug Enforcement
Administration. In fact, a study reported
in "Time" in 2016, said that "when states When asked about drug issues in far-off states that have
legalized medical marijuana, prescriptions legalized recreational marijuana, Spicer could have simply
dropped significantly for painkillers." said "we're concentrating on repealing Obamacare right
now" or "we're really focused on helping small business
people make a living" or "we're focused on finding
As Mark Thornton shows, the problem of opioid deaths peaceful solutions to pressing international issues right
can be traced back to the mainstream medical profession's now, as in Syria." All of those issues require immense
frequent use of prescription painkillers, and has nothing at focus, time and effort from Trump himself and his
all to do with marijuana: advisors. But no, the administration decided to declare war
on seven US states instead.
One class of prescription drugs is directly related to the
heroin epidemic, on which I have recently reported. To There are only so many hours in the day. Trump might
recap, drug companies that make opiate pain killers have want to take a closer look at how he uses them.

US House Intelligence Chair Calls
Trump Russian Ties Investigation 'Witch Hunt'
© REUTERS/ Carlos Barria - US
02:32 27.02.2017(updated 05:16 27.02.2017)

hunt against, against innocent Americans,"

Nunes said at the California Republican
Party spring convention, as quoted
by Politico on Sunday.

The lawmaker went on to stress that it was unacceptable

to target US citizens over allegations made in news stories,
adding that the intelligence committee would itself
consider any evidence on the matter if it existed.

"But at this point… We can't go on a witch

US House of Representatives hunt against the American people, any
Intelligence Committee Chair Devin American people who have not had any
Nunes has slammed investigations into contact, just because they appeared in a
President Donald Trump's alleged links news story,” Nunes said.
with Russia as a "witch hunt."
US media has run a plethora of stories about Trump's ties
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Earlier this month, the Center to Russia. The reports featured unbacked intelligence
for American Progress Action Fund, which is associated memos and anonymous sources. The claims have been
with the liberal Center for American Progress think tank, dismissed by Trump as "fake news." The president also
launched the "Moscow Project" aimed at investigating slammed outlets for abusing the use of unnamed White
Trump's alleged links with Russian intelligence. House sources. Russia has also dismissed the reports,
calling these an effort to distract US citizens from real
"This is almost like McCarthyism problems in the country.
revisited… We’re going to go on a witch

Stein Rips Into CNN, NYT,
'Looking For A Scandal' From Trump 'Every Day'
By Kristine Marsh
February 27, 2017

I wouldn't say that all of the media is the

enemy of the people. But look,
everyday, you pick up The New York
Times, every day they're slamming,
slamming, slamming him. I'm a great fan
of CNN. I watch it quite faithfully every
day. CNN is slamming him, slamming
him, slamming him, slamming him.

Every day they are looking for a scandal. They are turning
the woods upside down looking for a scandal. They are
hoping, I think, to do what they did to Nixon a long time
Economist and former speechwriter for Richard Nixon, ago. And I still haven't found any real scandals.
Ben Stein, appeared on CNN Newsroom last Saturday,
where he slammed the media for making Trump a Stein told Keilar that “all over the country” an “awful lot
“punching bag” and “looking for a scandal” from the of people” see the media as an “unelected aristocracy”
president on a daily basis. Stein told CNN’s Brianna who are “dumping all over the mainstream of America,” so
Keilar, Trump was in good company:

“I don't blame him for being furious at STEIN:

[the media].” Stein noted, “I think he's got
a lot of company." And with all due respect, I don't blame
him for being furious at them. And I
Host Brianna Keilar began by asking Stein what his think he's got a lot of company. I'm out
reaction was to Trump skipping the annual White House there giving speeches all around the
Correspondents’ Dinner. Stein responded that he didn’t country all the time, people, an awful lot
“blame” Trump for “not wanting to go and be a punching of people are not great fans of the media
bag” for the media, yet again: and they see the media as an unelected
aristocracy and an 'effete corps of
STEIN: I'm not surprised at it, I'm not disappointed at it. impudent snobs' as Vice President
And I don’t blame Mr. Trump one bit for doing it. Agnew called them a long time ago, who
are dumping all over the mainstream of
I mean, he’s a punching bag day after America. And I think Mr. Trump has a lot
day after day after day in the media, of company.
especially what’s called the mainstream
media. And I don't blame him for not Keilar pushed back, asking if some of the drama reported
wanting to go and be a punching bag in by the media was “self-inflicted.” Stein conceded that
person. Trump was not the “smoothest operator” but said,
regardless, the press was overwhelmingly negative towards
Keilar then asked Stein if he agreed with Trump that the him in their reports.
media was the “enemy of the people.” Stein conceded that
not all of the media was that, before calling out The New STEIN: Mr. Trump is not the smoothest operator. I mean,
York Times and CNN in particular for “slamming” Trump he's not Bob Hope. And he's thin skinned and he fires right
on a daily basis and always “looking for a scandal.” back. I agree, no doubt, there's no doubt some of it is self-

but I think this general idea that the evidence of it at all. I think with the greatest respect, and I
press can just hack and hack and hack appreciate you pointing things out where I was mistaken,
away at the president, that he's but with the greatest respect,
expected to sit there and take it, is not a
sound idea. this is a guy they are just smearing,
smearing, smearing all the time. I don't
After Keilar pushed back that the media did cover some blame him for wanting to fire back at
positive stories on Trump, Stein pointed that these “one or them. If he were as smooth as Ronald
two” stories were outweighed by “hundreds” of negative Reagan, he would handle it more
ones, such as the recent accusation by the media that smoothly. But no one, again, will ever
Trump was anti-Semitic. be as smooth as Ronald Reagan.
“They are trying to undo him basically
STEIN: That's one or two of hundreds of stories, most of before he even gets started,” Stein
which are extremely negative. And God bless you for slammed. “I think it's just extremely
doing the positive stuff, but look at the way they slammed unfortunate.”
him for not covering immediately the desecration of the
Jewish cemetery outside St. Louis. I mean, this is a guy, He added:
and look at the way the media is endlessly playing him off
as an anti-Semite. This is a guy, who has a Jewish son-in-
law. His own daughter went and converted to Judaism. "The country has real problems and for
Who’s never been quoted saying a single anti-Semitic them to be focusing on trying to bring
word, and they’re constantly slamming him as being a down this guy before he’s even gotten
racist or a white supremacist or something without any started is a serious mistake,” he stated.

Trump Gets Ready For His Biggest Sell Yet
The White House Hopes The President's First Prime-Time Address Will
Reframe His Turbulent First 40 Days In A Different Context.
By Shane Goldmacher
02/27/17 05:04 AM EST

But Trump will step onto the dais Tuesday night with
historically weak approval ratings for a new president,
battling leaks both from within and about the White House
and a heavy chip on his shoulder about media coverage of
his early presidency that he has decried repeatedly as “fake

Trump’s team is keenly aware that the president was lifted

into office by a wave of voters disillusioned by a political
system that they believe had failed them. They want to be
“The era of empty talk is over. It’s over,” President Donald Trump seen as delivering for those voters — and fast.
said at CPAC, testing out some potential themes of the congressional
speech. | Getty
“How unacceptably jaded have we become
There are six 8.5 by 11 pieces of paper lined up and by our politicians that people are shocked
adhered to the wall of White House chief strategist when one of them actually does what he
Stephen Bannon's West Wing office. Each, sorted by said he would do?” Trump’s son, Donald
category, contains a list of the various promises that then- Trump Jr., tweeted last week.
candidate Donald Trump made on the campaign trail.
At CPAC, Trump ticked through his early
It serves as both visual reminder and actual checklist for accomplishments from deporting “bad dudes” to
the president’s agenda. withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership to moving
forward on the Keystone pipeline. But for all the White
House’s boasting of a frenzied first month, Trump has
“One by one, we're checking off the
signed few sweeping new laws, relying instead of
promises we made to the people of the
unilateral executive actions.
United States,” Trump said Friday in a
speech at the Conservative Political Action
Conference. “One by one. A lot of The risks of that strategy were clear as federal courts
promises. And we will not stop until the job blocked his signature executive order to halt immigration
is done.” from seven Muslim-majority nations, despite Trump’s
promise on Friday that, “We are going to keep radical
Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country.”
After months of pundit hand-wringing about whether to
take Trump at his often outrageous and outspoken word —
whether to take him “literally” or “seriously” — the White Democrats say the early Trump push has done little to
House is coming down firmly on the side of both. And improve the nation.
with Trump’s first prime-time address Tuesday to the
nation and Congress, they hope to reframe Trump’s “He’s done a lot,” said Democratic Virginia
turbulent first 40 days neatly into the context of promises Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who was in
made, promises kept. Washington over the weekend for the
National Governors Association meeting.
“The era of empty talk is over. It’s over,” “But he’s done a lot to hurt us.”
Trump said at CPAC, testing out some
potential themes of the congressional McAuliffe said Trump has been focused on the wrong
speech. “Now is the time for action.” pieces of his agenda. “Give me an infrastructure bill, do
some tax reform, do something that helps me stimulate and

create jobs that’s what I want out of the White House. “It could be ad-libs,” one senior White
Help me create jobs,” McAuliffe said. House adviser said, “Welcome to my
An infrastructure package and tax reform require
congressional action, and are expected to be part of his As Trump’s approval ratings have plumbed new lows for a
speech Tuesday. new president, he has lashed out at the media for its
So far, Trump has signed only five bills in law, and the
most notable ones unwound two President Obama-era “They are the enemy of the people,” Trump
regulations, nothing compared to the sweeping $800 said Friday. “Because they have no
billion stimulus package Obama signed in his first month sources, they just make them up when
eight years ago. there are none.”

In some ways, Trump’s early blitz has been the reverse of Over the weekend, Trump announced he would not attend
Obama’s tenure, which began with a heavy push on the White House Correspondents Association dinner and
Capitol Hill and ended after Democrats lost congressional on Friday White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer barred
majorities with his pledge to govern almost unilaterally some outlets, including POLITICO, the New York Times
with a “pen and a phone.” and CNN, from attending an off-camera briefing in a break
with tradition that spurred protests.
Trump, despite Republican control of the House and
Senate, has begun with his pen and phone, signing But Trump, a ravenous consumer of the daily clips printed
executive actions and calling up world leaders in a out for him and cable news, is also seeking to repair some
dramatic reset of American foreign policy from Asia to the relationships. On Tuesday, the day of his speech, Trump
Middle East to North America. will lunch with network television anchors, a White House
tradition, while expanding the invitation list to include new
“He has shaken up the world of channels. And on Monday, the president will meet in the
international diplomacy,” said former United evening with representatives of regional television stations,
Nations Ambassador John Bolton, who has in an effort to better penetrate local broadcasts.
been considered, though not appointed to,
multiple Trump administration posts, “and I Count Bannon among the pessimists on that outreach
think it needs to be shaken up.” making any difference.

Now comes the harder part: pushing the rest of his agenda “It's not only not going to get better. It's
through Capitol Hill. In addition to repealing Obamacare, going to get worse every day,” he said at
pushing an infrastructure package and tax reform, Trump CPAC, his first public appearance since
is expected to talk about a reinvestment in the armed entering the White House.
forces that he said at CPAC would amount to “one of the “We have a team that’s just grinding it
greatest military buildups in American history.” He's also
through on what President Trump promised
expected to talk more about the border and immigration, the American people,” Bannon said. “And
his signature issue on the campaign. the mainstream media better understand
something: All of those promises are going
Trump being Trump, his staff is inevitably preparing for to be implemented.”
the unexpected.

Trump Claims Obama Is “Behind”
Protests Against Him And White House Leaks
“I Think President Obama’s Behind It, Because His People Are Certainly
Behind It. And Some Of The Leaks Possibly Come From That Group.”
Michelle Broder Van Dyke , Francis Whittaker , Jessica Simeone - Buzzfeed News Reporters
Originally Posted On Feb. 27, 2017, At 10:31 P.M. Updated On Feb. 28, 2017, At 6:47 A.M.

President Donald Trump has accused former President

Barack Obama of organizing recent protests against him Trump addressed a number of other areas during the
and other Republicans, as well as leaking information from interview, including his proposed $54 billion of additional
the White House to the press. defense spending.

In an interview that aired Tuesday morning on Fox and He said that the money would come from a
Friends, Trump was asked if he believed Obama was “revved-up economy,” adding that it would
organizing recent protests across the country, including a be a “whole new ball game” if he could
series of raucous GOP town halls. increase GDP growth to “three or four
“I think he is behind it,” Trump replied. “I
also think it’s politics.” He also said he would “do things with other countries”
where the US would “ask for a form of reimbursement” for
military assistance.
Trump said he believed Obama’s “people” are behind
“some of the leaks, which are really very serious, because
they’re very bad in terms of national security.”

Read the full transcript from that section of the interview


Fox & Friends: Can we talk about

President Obama? You said you personally
get along with him. You guys were going at
each other for three, four, eight years. It
turns out a lot of his people are organizing,
do you think he is behind it?
Trump: No, I think he is behind it. I also
think it’s politics. That’s the way it is.
Fox & Friends: Bush wasn’t going after
Clinton, Clinton wasn’t going after Bush.
Trump: Well, you never know exactly
what’s happening behind the scenes.
You’re possibly right but you never know.
But I think President Obama’s behind it, Speaking of his decision to skip the White House
because his people are certainly behind it. Correspondents’ Dinner, Trump was asked if he could
And some of the leaks possibly come from name any instance where he thought negative press
that group. You know, some of the leaks, coverage against him had been deserved, having
which are really very serious leaks, previously said he could take “hits” when they’re “fair.”
because they’re very bad in terms of
national security, but I also understand He responded: “I probably couldn’t do that,”
that’s politics. And in terms of him being before joking, “I’m not going to give you
behind things, that’s politics, and it will any ideas!”
probably continue.
He added that he would not be attending the dinner giving them a message and they’re putting
because he thought it would be inappropriate “in light of it down differently from what I mean,”
the fact of fake news,” and reiterated accusations that a Trump said.
parts of the news media had made up sources and stories
when covering him. When asked what sort of grade the president would give
himself for his work so far, he said that he’d give himself
an A for achievement but in terms of getting his message
out to the American people, he was probably at a C or a C-

The president also said his Twitter use isn’t “venting” and
that he uses the medium, in part, to go around the
“dishonest media” in an attempt to get his message out
without his meaning being altered.
Trump has been vociferous in attacking media outlets he
“I have so many millions of people, it allows perceives to be hostile to him in recent weeks, and has
me to give a message without necessarily branded a number of outlets “fake news”. However, he has
having to go through people where I’m been vocally supportive of Fox and Friends’ coverage,
tweeting that it was “great” earlier this month.

Billionaires Disagree With Trump Voters Over
Immigration, Say America Is Great
By Timothy P. Carney (@Tpcarney)
2/27/17 12:53 PM

experiences with immigrants are probably pretty different

from most Americans' experiences with immigrants.

First, 99 percent of immigrants are not Albert Einsteins or

Intel CEOs because 99 percent of humans are not Albert
Einsteins or CEOs. A disproportionate number of the
immigrants Buffett and Gates deal with are brilliant world
changers. That could skew their image.

Second, if you look at their economic interactions with

immigrants, billionaires have a very different experience
than the working class does. If you look purely at the
Billionaire Obama and Clinton fundraiser Warren Buffett economic angle, most wealthy Americans interact with
and his billionaire ally Bill Gates disagree with the immigrants as labor: lawn mowers, restaurant staff,
assessment that America is direly in need of Great-Making household labor or corporate employees. The poorer you
Again, judging by this interview they gave to Jeffrey are, the less likely you are to consume immigrant labor (in
Goldberg at the Atlantic. a visible way, at least), and the more likely you are to
compete against immigrant labor. That is, low-skilled or
The two billionaires do a good job of putting our economy poor natives will compete against immigrants for low-
in context: The country is richer, even the middle-class skilled jobs or jobs that don't require strong connections to
people live so much better than the wealthiest lived in the get.
late 19th Century. Yet the wealth isn't spreading terribly
equally and "a more and more specialized society will The most common criticism of immigration, one recent
create wider disparities and results," as Buffett puts it. poll found, is that it deprives natives of good-paying jobs.

The interview is worth a read. The billionaires' approach to Harvard Professor George Borjas has put out a study
immigration is interesting. finding that immigration generally helps the economy
while hurting low-wage people, largely by driving down
At one point Goldberg asks Buffett, "You're wages.
not a big wall guy, I guess?"
Buffett and Gates are smart. I'm sure they get this. So I'm
Buffett laughed "No!" and sang the praises of immigrants sure they also understand why the Atlantic's headline,
like Albert Einstein and former Intel CEO Andy Grove.
"Buffett and Gates: America Is Already
"The quality of immigrants," Buffett said, Great, Thanks to Immigrants"
"the motivation of immigrants, this is what
has contributed to the greatness of the will elicit more guffaws than reflection from immigration
country." critics.

Buffett is correct, of course, that America's openness — to

immigrants, to new ideas, to startups, to risk-takers — is
essential to our greatness. But Buffett's and Gates'

Trump’s Travel Ban Receives Another
Blow From Court, Case Won’t Be Put On Hold
Published Time: 27 Feb, 2017 19:19Edited Time: 27 Feb, 2017 20:03

President Donald Trump is expected to issue a replacement

order on Wednesday.

During the daily White House press briefing, press

secretary Sean Spicer said he would not address the ruling
because he had not a chance to read it, and asked for a
chance to speak with the White House Counsel’s Office.

“The president has made a commitment

The court case over the travel ban on people from seven right now to continue to defend what we
majority-Muslim countries won’t be dropped, as the 9th did,” Spicer said, “because this is the
Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a request from the strategy that he believes that we had the
Justice Department to put it on hold until a new executive authority vested in US Code.”
order is issued.
“I think that it’s not a question of proving a
point, it’s that the manner in which it was
The DOJ asked the federal appeals court to put the case on done in the first place,” he continued.
hold after it had upheld a restraining order against
enforcing the ban in mid-February. On Monday, the 9th “And while the second executive order
Circuit declined to do so, Reuters reported. attempts to address the court's concerns
that they made, the goal is obviously to
maintain the way that we did it the first time
because we believe that the law is very
clear about giving the president the
authority that he needs to protect the

On January 27, Trump signed an executive order that

blocked people from seven majority-Muslim countries ‒
Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen ‒ from
entering the US for 90 days. It also halted the US refugee
program for 120 days.

Its rollout caused mass confusion, deportations and

protests. There are at least 40 active lawsuits against the
order in 17 states. On February 3, a federal judge issued a
nationwide, temporary restraining order against enforcing
the executive order. Days later, a three-judge panel for the
9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld that TRO. Secretary
of Homeland Security John Kelly took the blame for the
poor rollout.

The ruling comes just hours after it was revealed that the
president of UEFA, football’s governing body in Europe,
said that Trump’s “America first” policies, including the
temporary travel ban, could harm the United States’ bid to
hold the 2026 World Cup.

“It will be part of the evaluation, and I am populist decisions, then the World Cup
sure it will not help the United States to get cannot be played there. It is true for the
the World Cup,” Aleksander Ceferin told United States, but also for all the other
the New York Times. “If players cannot countries that would like to organize a
come because of political decisions, or World Cup.”

Second House Conservative Won't Back Trump's
Obamacare Replacement
by Tyler Durden
Feb 27, 2017 7:01 PM

Just hours after Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), chair of

the conservative Freedom Caucus, said he would vote Walker said he could not "in good conscience" recommend
against Trump's draft ObamaCare replacement bill (that Study Committee members vote for the draft.
leaked last week), The Hill reports that another influential
Republican Committee member, Rep. Mark Walker Walker became the second top
(R-N.C.) has said he will not back the bill. Republican to come out against the
draft bill Monday.
Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.), head of the Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), chair of
172-member committee, said Monday the conservative Freedom Caucus, also
his opposition stems from the draft bill's said he would vote against the measure as
use of refundable tax credits. drafted.
"There are serious problems with what
appears to be our current path to repeal He voiced his opposition to the tax credits, which he called
and replace Obamacare. The draft an "entitlement program," in an interview with CNN.
legislation, which was leaked last week,
risks continuing major Obamacare Meadows indicated that other members
entitlement expansions and delays any of the caucus may vote against the
reforms," Walker said in a statement repeal bill if it contains the refundable
Monday. tax credit.
"It kicks the can down the road in the
hope that a future Congress will have Congressional disillusionment at Trumps' Obamacare
the political will and fiscal discipline to reform plan follows the "disturbing" reaction the President
reduce spending that this Congress got from State Governors over the weekend.
apparently lacks. Worse still," Walker
continued, "the bill contains what Given that President Trump made it clear that his
increasingly appears to be a new health Obamacare reform plan has to be complete before he can
insurance entitlement with a Republican begin his tax reform plan, this is a problem for the anxious
stamp on it." market participants dolefully waiting for their tax handout
to make stocks great-er again.

Leaked Audio Reveals Anti-Trump
Forces Manufacturing Hostile Town Hall
Peter Hasson - Reporter, Associate Editor
12:38 AM 02/27/2017

Constituents hold signs in disagreement with U.S. Congressman

Leonard Lance (R-NJ 7) during a town hall event at a community
college in Branchburg, New Jersey, February 22, 2017.
REUTERS/Dominick Reuter - RTSZWDU

Leaked audio from an anti-Trump protest group meeting Matthew Schoenberger, of New Orleans, shouts a question at
reveals activists with anti-Trump group Indivisible plotting Republican U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy during a town hall meeting in
how to best manufacture a hostile environment at a town Metairie, Louisiana, U.S. February 22, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan
Bachman – RTSZW2O
hall with Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy in Breaux Bridge,
Louisiana on Friday. “Game plan number one is to fill as many
seats as we can, right? If it’s all of us in
The audio, obtained by local radio station KPEL, reveals a there and the poor people of Breaux Bridge
coordinated effort to create the public impression that are sitting behind us, well then tough luck
Cassidy’s support for Trump is unpopular with his for them,” said one organizer, identified by
constituents. The activists, who describe themselves as KPEL as James Proctor. His “poor people”
liberals in the audio, can be heard strategizing how to best comment drew laughs from the other
turn a local town hall into a political victory. (RELATED: activists.
Democrats Behind Mexico City Demonstration Against “If we can arrange it so he doesn’t hear one
Tillerson) sympathetic question–great. That only
magnifies our impact,” Proctor said.
The activists split up into an “inside team” — tasked with
occupying “as many seats as we can” and an “outside KPEL identified Proctor as the leader of Indivisible
team,” whose job was to “give [the media] the coverage Acadiana, a local branch of the national Indivisible
they want” before joining the others inside. Activists were organization, which has organized hostile Republican town
instructed to dress like conservatives and leave at home halls all around the country. (RELATED: Anti-Trump
“any signifier that you’re a liberal” in order to blend in Protesters To Begin Soliciting Tax-Deductible
with constituents. Donations)

The leftist activists strategized how best to “dominate” the “The Indivisible Guide does say that when
question-and-answer section of the town hall and keep you start to lose the meeting, that’s when
anyone “sympathetic” to Cassidy from asking a question. you boo and hiss,” one unidentified activist
can be heard saying. “Right, I was going to
The audio also reveals the activists laughing about “the say that,” another activist replied. Local
poor people of Breaux Bridge” — local constituents — news outlet The Advertiser reported that
who might get stuck behind them. Local news coverage of members of the crowd “frequently
the town hall said that “many attendees were turned away” interrupted, expressing disagreement with
from the town hall due to “capacity restrictions.” some of Cassidy’s positions and shouting
out their own questions.”

“The outside team will join the inside team that event booed the name “Jesus” during the opening
in the hall after media coverage,” Proctor prayer.
states at one point. “So what we’ll do is
we’ll try to dominate enough, because– One woman can be heard on the audio saying she was in
remember, the camera people especially contact with the national Indivisible organization, a
are looking for some ‘b-roll’ and some statement that Indivisible Acadiana denied over email after
quotes.” this article was published, claiming they:
“They’ve got three or four things to cover
that day, this is just one of them,” Proctor “were not in direct contact with the national
said of media covering the town hall. “So group but “were in direct contact with some
we make sure we give them the coverage Indivisible groups in the Louisiana area
they want, and then everyone breaks and who are also constituents of Senator
goes inside.” Cassidy.”
Congressional Republicans have faced a wave of hostile
Video from outside the event posted on YouTube shows town halls in recent weeks, due in part to the work of
protesters chanting, Indivisible and other leftist groups. (RELATED: Leader
Of Portland Anti-Trump Protests Charged With
“Love not hate, that’s what makes America Sexually Abusing Minor)
Indivisible recently partnered up with Organizing for
One woman appears to be reading the chant from a script. Action, the activist group aligned with former President
Obama, NBC News reported earlier this month.
Additionally, Indivisible announced the formation of a
new non-profit, designed to help fund the group’s efforts
with tax-deductible donations.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was the target of similar

protest efforts while on a diplomatic visit to Mexico.
Although on foreign soil, that protest was organized by
Democrats Abroad Mexico — an official arm of the
Democratic party.

This story has been updated with additional quotes from

the audio and additional background information.

The activists can be heard in the audio referencing a

partner group’s protest of Sen. Cassidy in Metairie,
Louisiana, as a possible source of inspiration. Protesters at

CIA Paid $600 Million To Wapo
To Publish Trump Disinformation
By Sean Adl-Tabatabai
Posted On February 27, 2017

Is this lack of reporting of the Bezos/CIA partnership by

the MSM the result of massive incompetency? Or a very
well organized cover up within the MSM inner circle of
four or five elitists who now own six companies
that control over 90 percent of MSM outlets?

The same outlets which through diverse company divisions

own every television station and newspaper in this country
with the exception of very small, weekly community
publications and certain Christian networks. Even many of
those community weeklies have been scooped up by larger
Washington Post owner, Jeff Bezos, was awarded a $600 publication divisions.
million federal contract by the Obama administration to
publish disinformation about Donald Trump. Are we connecting the dots at each cross section of
intertwining strings holding together this corrupt spider
The Amazon founder was tasked with undermining the web? A vast interlocking network designed to lure and trap
new President via ‘leaked’ CIA documents given to him average American citizens into its carefully woven web of
when he first took over at WaPo. manipulation and deceit. reports:

Much worse and even more suspicious is

the majority of the people have not been
informed that Bezos landed a $600 million
federal contract and by who? The CIA.
The “deal” is for a computing cloud
developed by Amazon Web Services
(AWS). It also just happens AWS services
all 17 agencies within the US intelligence

The Washington Post is the most widely known and

An unholy alliance in which Bezos stands to gain many
respected news outlet in the world, reaching more people
more millions by pacifying and working with the CIA
than any other publication including the NY Times. It has
through his publication The Washington Post. “Leaks” and
always been the standard in which journalistic ethics are
“information” Bezos will publish without question,
established and adhered to by other publications. It sets the
without proper verification and journalistic sourcing.
example to be followed by the everyday journalists out
there on the beat trying to do their jobs.
The CIA will now have its own propaganda publication to
do whatever it likes in misinforming and manipulating the By utilizing the internet and social media, the Post has
American people and the voters. literally millions of subscribers and followers reading and
watching online video on a daily basis. It is the media
Vital information intentionally withheld from the center of the nation’s capital and the eye of the DC
American people, as Bezos uses the Post to forge pocket political belt.
lining government contracts while promoting his own
personal political agenda.

Control the Washington Post and you “Amazon’s offer wasn’t the low bid, but it
control the message; the MSM and the won the CIA contract anyway by offering
“agenda.” advanced high-tech ‘cloud’ infrastructure.”
“The Post is unquestionably the political
paper of record in the United States, and So how is at a time government should be pinching
how it covers governance sets the agenda pennies due to the increasing national debt, the CIA passed
for the balance of the news media,” over lower bidders for the contracted services?
journalism scholar Robert W. McChesney
revealed to in a December The answer tracks back to the infamous blocking of the
investigative article. WikiLeaks website by Bezos’s company Amazon Web
Services (AWS), a service Bezos personally and publicly
“Citizens need to know about this conflict of
interest in the columns of the Post itself,” brags is the most advanced and best high-tech “cloud”
he added. infrastructure on the market.

In the same article, a statement released by the Public “WikiLeaks was booted from Amazon’s
Institute of Advocacy quoted McChesney as saying: webhosting service AWS. So, at the height
of public interest in what WikiLeaks was
publishing, readers were unable to access
“If some official enemy of the United the WikiLeaks website,” reported watchdog
States had a comparable situation — group Fair in 2013.
say the owner of the dominant
newspaper in Caracas was getting $600
million in secretive contracts from the So why did AWS give WikiLeaks the boot? Most likely at
Maduro government — the Post itself the bequest of the CIA, whom Bezos has been doing
would lead the howling chorus impaling business with since 2013 when the $600 million contract
that newspaper and that government for was awarded to AWS. Bezos also has close ties to the
making a mockery of a free press. It is Clintons and backed Hillary in her failed run for the
time for the Post to take a dose of its presidency, both in the 2008 primary campaign and in
own medicine.” 2016 as the Democrat nominee.

If this alliance between the CIA and Bezos isn’t illegal, Bezos also publicly voices open contempt for President
then it is certainly unethical and displays a huge conflict of Trump, and his policies. He recently was behind the
interest while also exposing the corruption existing within Washington challenge to Trump’s 90-day immigration ban
the MSM. The main sources of news and information and threatened suit himself in an email to his employees,
Americans sought and believed, until the rise of alternative as was reported on this site.
media outlets.
Bezos, without any reference to stock holders input or lack
Alternative sources of information the MSM bash and of agreement, said he will put the full resources at Amazon
attempt daily to discredit as “fake news,” when “fake,” to defeat the policy and implied his mission of taking
misleading and sometimes right out lies being spread down President Trump.
across social media come out of the MSM and pseudo
extremist left-wing sites erected simply to misinform and It was Bezos’s Washington Post that first leaked
confuse the American voter. documents and led the charge to discredit Trump’s
national security advisor cabinet pick. General Michael
Many Facebook pages and websites that have “popped” up Flynn was forced to resign due to the unverified
over the past several years whose resources and money are information touted in the “leaks.” Flynn was cleared by the
being funded by George Soros’s well oiled “Media FBI of any wrongdoing in those leaks. But the damage was
Matters” machine. Just one of many “nonprofit” already done.
organizations extending from his Open Society
Foundation. In recent days, it has been revealed the CIA has full
intention of attempting a coup to remove Trump from
Soros also has imbedded ties to many MSM outlets office, even though “The Donald” was democratically
including The New York Times, the Associated Press, NBC elected by American voters in a free election.
and ABC and here it is again, the Washington Post.
Readers are urgently encouraged to research Soros, his And it appears in the CIA is in conspiracy with Bezos’s
history and his worldwide organizations. plan to use the Washington Post to achieve a mutual goal:

Altnet also writes,

to disrupt and destroy President Trump and
his administration. A goal that has no
regard or concern for national security or
the safety and well-being of American

Any impact on the average citizen, including possible loss

of life by terrorist attacks is considered “collateral

In an exchange of tweets on Feb. 15, John Schindler, Which begs a bigger question than the unethical alliance
former NSA analyst and national security columnist for the between the CIA, Bezos and his Washington Post:
Observer answered a question asking what he thought was
going on at the NSA right now. Schneider responded, Could Trump be impeached? Of is he in
citing a friend in the intelligence community reference to danger of befalling the same fate as
Trump: President Kennedy? Being a previous “anti-
establishment” president, Kennedy sought
to disengage from the Vietnam conflict and
dissolve the Federal Reserve, but was

Actions that directly impacted the CIA and wealthy elitists.

Enforcing The Law Against
Human Trafficking - Trump: 1,500 Busts In 1 Month,
Obama: Less Than 400 In 1 Year
Tim Brown
February 27, 2017

Well, executive orders are not all that are taking place in and internationally. He gave further confirmation when he
the Trump administration. There's actual enforcement of said:
the law too. According to new reports, President Donald
Trump's administration has overseen 1,500 busts of sex “Dedicated men and women across the
trafficking in one short month compared to less than 400 in federal government have focused on this
one year under Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah. for some time as you know -- it’s been
much more focused over the last four
Recently, Trump spoke about human trafficking and said it weeks.”
was going to be a priority in his administration.
Trump’s press conference was barely a blip in the
mainstream media and the massive arrests have been
almost completely ignored by the MSM altogether. Here’s
a rundown of some of the massive sex trafficking rings
that have been broken up since Trump took office.

 On Jan. 27 authorities arrested 42 in a human

trafficking operation in Tennessee.
 On Jan. 29 authorities announced that 474 were
arrested in a statewide California human trafficking
operation and 28 sexually exploited children were
Townhall reports concerning pedophile arrests:  108 were arrested from Jan. 18 to Feb. 5 in Illinois as
part of a national sex trafficking sting operation.
There have been a staggering 1,500-plus  178 people were arrested in Texas for sex trafficking in
arrests in one short month; compare that to sting that operated in January till Super Bowl Sunday.
less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests  16 people were arrested in January in Michigan for sex
in 2014 according to the FBI. It’s been clear trafficking during the Detroit Auto Show.
to me for awhile that Trump would make  In February, authorities arrested 11 in Virginia in a child
human trafficking a top priority. On October sex sting
8, 2012, Trump tweeted:  On Feb. 14 the Polk County sheriff announced that 42
were arrested in Florida in child pornography related
"Got to do something about these missing
children grabbed by the perverts. Too
many incidents – fast trial, death penalty."
The writer at Townhall then attempted a cover for Milo
Got to do something about these Yiannopoulos and his praise of being molested by a
missing chidlren grabbed by the Catholic priest at age 14, saying the media focused on
perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, what he said and did rather than the Trump administration
death penalty. accomplished. Personally, I believe they were right to do
— Donald J. Trump what they did concerning Milo. I did it as well, but I took
(@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2012 on the issue of a practicing homosexual, who spoke so
easily glorified his own molestation, being referred to as a
My suspicions were confirmed on Feb. 23 when Trump conservative and being invited to speak at a conservative
gave a press conference from the White House addressing event.
how human trafficking is a “dire problem” domestically

Dave Jolly at reminds us of why the conference was the stage for Y-PEER, a
Obama administration just wasn't that tough on human United Nations Population Fund initiative
traffickers. announced that youth need to have more
sexual and reproductive rights including the
"Were you aware that Barack Obama and right to choose (aka – abortion). While the
his administration supported legalized statement does not define or specify an
prostitution with prostitutes as young as 10- age limit for youth, the standard used by
years-old?" wrote Jolly. the United Nations in all of its dealings
defines them as ages 10-24."
"Obama and his administration fully
supported many of the United Nations
Now, I wonder if Donald Trump's administration will be
efforts to impose their will on our nation
looking into the Pizzagate scandal. Several sites have
and others around the world," he added.
claimed that many of these arrests are related to Pizzagate.
"One of those initiatives took place in 2011
As of yet, I've heard no official word, but it would not
at the United Nations Youth Conference
surprise me.
which was held in New York City. The

Trump Seeks "Historic" $54 Billion
Increase To Defense Spending
By Tyler Durden
Feb 27, 2017 12:17 PM

As observed earlier in the day, as part of the leaked include proposed changes on tax policy or mandatory
preliminary Trump budget, the president was set to unveil spending.
major spending increases for US defense offset by cuts to
federal agencies, and other non-defense sectors. And on To offset the defense spending increase, the White House
Monday morning, the first details emerged, including that is seeking corresponding cuts of $54 billion in non-defense
the boost to defense spending is expected to be about 10%, categories, including "large spending cuts" to foreign aid,
or some $54 billion, and will be revenue neutral, offset by the EPA, the State Department and safety programs. The
cuts in non-defense areas, and will not "add a dime to the official also added that most agencies would see funding
deficit." As Trump said, he is seeking a "historic increase" reductions.
in military spending.
“Most federal agencies will see a reduction
"This budget will be a public safety and as a result," the official said, with cuts
national security budget," Trump told state falling most heavily on “lower priority”
governors at the White House. "It will programs as well as foreign aid. When
include an historic increase in defense asked where the extra $54 billion will be
spending to rebuild the depleted military of spent, the official said “predominantly it will
the United States of America at a time we go to the Pentagon,” but declined to name
most need it," he said. specific offices.

One of the officials cited by Reuters said Trump's request According to The Hill, the budget will fundamentally alter
for the Pentagon included more money for shipbuilding, the spending rules known as the sequester brokered in a
military aircraft and establishing "a more robust presence 2013 deal between President Obama and Congress. That
in key international waterways and chokepoints" such as agreement set a cap on discretionary spending across the
the Strait of Hormuz and South China Sea. federal government, which affected defense and non-
defense spending equally.
A second official said the State Department's budget could
be cut by as much as 30 percent, which would force a The punchline: according to the White House, the budget,
major restructuring of the department and elimination of at least as it stands right now, won't add a dime to the
programs. Some defense experts have questioned the need deficit, suggesting that if only for the time being, the
for a large increase in U.S. military spending, which dramatic debt-funded spending spree remains on hold.
already stands at roughly $600 billion annually. By
contrast, the United States spends about $50 billion
According to the WSJ, the Trump administration said the
annually on the State Department and foreign assistance.
funding request will show that Mr. Trump is following
through on promises he made during his campaign to boost
The White House will send federal agencies their proposed military spending and put “America First,” a campaign
2018 budget allocations at noon Monday, according to an theme he sounded in his inaugural address last month. It
Office of Management and Budget official. The official isn’t clear how the offsetting cuts will allow him to also
provided no specific details during a call with reporters make good on promises to ramp up funds for border
about the rest of the budget, including the baseline figure security, infrastructure and veterans’ health care.
being used for the cuts or over what period they would be
made. The initial blueprint of the president’s budget will For now we await more details. As the NY Times reported
be released in mid-March, and the administration’s entire
ovenright, Trump's plan which is a collaboration between
fiscal proposal is expected later in the spring.
budget director, Mick Mulvaney; NEC director Gary
Cohn; and Steve Bannon, is meant to make a "big splash"
The outline due next month will include only targets for and has been carefully timed to come the day before the
discretionary spending programs, which represent around president's address to Congress.
one-third of total federal spending. The blueprint won’t

Trump To Propose 10 Percent Spike In
Defense Spending, Major Cuts To Other Agencies
By Abby Phillip And Kelsey Snell
February 27, 2017 At 3:26 PM

The Post’s Robert Costa explains why President Trump’s campaign Saying they need more information before they can offer specifics,
pledge to “protect” entitlement programs may expose a rift between Feb. 27, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House
the White House and congressional Republicans. (Bastien Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) slammed President Trump's
Inzaurralde/The Washington Post) plans to propose a federal budget that cuts funding to almost all
federal agencies, aside from the military. (Reuters)

President Trump will propose a federal budget that would “We are going to do more with less and
significantly increase defense-related spending by make the government lean and
$54 billion while cutting other federal agencies by the accountable to the people,” he said. “We
same amount, an administration official said. can do so much more with the money we
The proposal represents a major increase in federal
spending related to national security, while other priorities, The White House did not specify how Trump’s budget
especially foreign aid, would face massive reductions. would address mandatory spending or taxes, promising
that those details would come later. The vast majority of
According to the White House, the defense budget would federal spending comes from programs Trump can’t touch
increase by 10 percent. Trump also will request $30 billion with his budget. Social Security costs totaled about
in supplementary military spending for fiscal 2017, an $910 billion last year, and Medicare outpaced defense
administration official said. spending with a total cost of $588 billion. Medicaid,
interest payments on debt and miscellaneous costs made
up an additional $1.2 trillion.
But without providing specifics, the administration said
that most other discretionary spending programs would be
cut to pay for it. Officials singled out foreign aid, one of White House officials declined to answer questions about
the smallest parts of the federal budget, saying it would the president’s priorities on a host of other fiscal issues,
face “large reductions” in spending. including infrastructure improvements and plans to pay for
a wall between the United States and Mexico. Mick
Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and
It is the first indication of spending priorities by the new
Budget (OMB), emphasized that the priorities outlined
administration, with the president set to arrive on Capitol
Monday do not reflect policy on broader fiscal issues,
Hill on Tuesday night for a speech to a joint session of
which he said will be addressed later.
Congress. But the full budget negotiations between Trump
and Congress will not be complete for many months.
“We are taking his words and turning them
into policies and dollars,” Mulvaney told
In a statement at the White House on Monday morning,
reporters. “A full budget will contain the
Trump said that his budget would put “America first” by
entire spectrum of what the president has
focusing on defense, law enforcement and veterans using
money previously spent abroad.

Republicans in Congress expect that the details released
this week will be the first elements of a broader budget that
will be rolled out next month. The Trump administration is
expected to release a pared-down “skinny budget” the
week of March 13 and a fuller list of requests by the end of
March or early April, said multiple Republican
congressional aides who spoke on the condition of
anonymity to discuss the process.

Democrats have warned that under the current

circumstances, Trump would be hard-pressed to make
Speaking to conservative activists, Feb. 24, President Trump outlined significant cuts to domestic programs without significantly
his plans for tax reform, regulatory rollback and strengthening the reducing some government services. Senate Minority
U.S. military. (Photo: Ricky Carioti/Reuters)
Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Monday that the
scant details the Trump administration released probably
Defense spending accounts for almost the same proportion would lead to cuts to widely used programs.
of the federal budget as all non-discretionary domestic
spending, meaning that the Trump administration’s
“A cut this steep almost certainly means
proposal will result in a roughly 10 percent across-the-
cuts to agencies that protect consumers
board cut in all other federal spending programs.
from Wall Street excess and protect clean
air and water,” Schumer said.
Budgets for most federal agencies would be reduced
substantially, said an OMB official, who spoke on the
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) added that
condition of anonymity on a call with reporters to discuss
deep reductions could have a major effect on programs that
the proposal.
keep the American workforce competitive.
The announcement marks the beginning of a process in
“A $54 billion cut will do far-reaching and
which the OMB will coordinate with agencies to flesh out
long-lasting damage to our ability to meet
the plan.
the needs of the American people and win
the jobs of the future,” she said in a
Trump said his budget, which will be submitted to statement. “The President is surrendering
Congress next month, will propose “historic” increases in America’s leadership in innovation,
spending to bolster the country’s “depleted military,” and education, science and clean energy.”
he said it will support law enforcement in an effort to
reduce crime.
Individual agencies were expected to begin the customary
process of sending budget requests for the upcoming fiscal
Trump noted that the country faces an urgent infrastructure year to the White House beginning Monday, the aides said.
problem, which he promised during the campaign that he The OMB will then begin drafting an official request for
would address with a $1 trillion infrastructure spending fiscal 2018 and submit it to Congress in the coming weeks.
plan. Although the administration has not yet outlined
whether infrastructure will be part of Trump’s budget
Congress typically does not agree with the White House
proposal, the president spoke about it at length before a
budget in full, even when the president and congressional
gathering of governors at the White House on Monday.
leaders represent the same party. Republican leaders have
not yet said when they will release their budget blueprint
“We’re going to make it easier for states to for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.
invest in infrastructure,” he said. “We spent
$6 trillion in the Middle East, and we have
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.) told members at a
potholes all over our highways and our
GOP retreat in Philadelphia in January that he expects to
act by July on a 2018 budget proposal that will lay out
major spending cuts and begin the process of rewriting the
He added: tax code.

“Infrastructure, we’re going to start Philip Rucker and Ana Swanson contributed to this report.
spending on infrastructure — big.”

Obama Scheme To Sabotage
Trump Admin With High Profile Moles Exposed?
Kristinn Taylor
Feb 27th, 2017 5:06 Pm

Two Obama National Security staffers who worked side-

by-side in the White House office of Ben Rhodes, former
President Barack Obama’s national security adviser for
strategic communications, stayed behind at the White
House to work for Obama’s successor President Donald
Trump only to quit and then publish scathing op-eds just
three days apart in the Washington Post and Atlantic,

Rhodes specialized in manipulating the media for

favorable reporting on the Obama administration, most Ahmed Rumana, promo image via the Atlantic, Twitter.
notably the Iran nuclear deal. Under the rule of ‘there are
no coincidences in politics’, that two Rhodes operatives
stayed behind and then staged high profile protest
resignations bespeaks of a scheme that would have to have
been blessed by Rhodes’ former boss Obama.

Ned Price, Obama administration Twitter avatar.

The Weekly Standard’s Lee Smith connected the dots

between the resignations of Edward ‘Ned’ Price who wrote
of his quitting in the Washington Post and Rumana Ahmed
who wrote about her decision to quit in the Atlantic.

President Barack Obama confers with Ben Rhodes, Deputy National

What a strange coincidence that Price and Ahmed worked
Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, in the Oval Office, for the same person in the Obama White House, national
Sept. 10, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) via Flickr. security adviser for strategic communications, Ben
Rhodes. In fact, they worked in the same room, outside of
The scheme falls into a pattern of the Obama Rhodes’ office, as the 2016 New York Times Magazine
administration abusing national security to destabilize the profile of Rhodes showed:
Trump administration in its vulnerable infancy.
“In the front office, [Rhodes’] assistant,
Rumana Ahmed, and his deputy, Ned
Price, are squeezed behind desks, which
face a large television screen, from which
CNN blares nonstop.”

Among their other duties, Price and Ahmed helped manage like Rumana Ahmed is a big part of what makes America
Rhodes’ “echo chamber” to market Obama’s policies. great.”
Former CIA analyst Price explained to the Times
magazine how he manipulated American public opinion The patriotism of Muslim Americans like
from his desk in the White House. The Obama NSC relied Rumana Ahmed is a big part of what
on “compadres” in the media to proliferate its message, makes America great.
Price said.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) February 23,
“I will reach out to a couple people, and you 2017
know I wouldn’t want to name them — “
Rhodes also retweeted several postings of tweets
Smith contacted Trump officials who contradicted the promoting Ahmed’s op-ed including former Obama
Atlantic’s claim that Ahmed was “not a political administration colleague Dan Pfieffer, NBC journalist
appointee.” The officials told Smith that Ahmed was Andrea Mitchell who commented, “This is disturbing on
indeed a political appointee to the NSC and applied late in so many levels”, and radio host Questlove Gomez among
the Obama administration’s tenure to ‘burrow’ in as a civil others.
service employee. Ahmed was approved just days before
she quit.
Rhodes praised Bush administration holdovers in his
retweet of Pfeiffer, saying,
Smith also reports sources said Ahmed did not actually
work all her eight days at the Trump administration, that
she took off several days and only worked four days. “Would also note some of Obama admin’s
best natsec staffers were Bush NSC vets:
@brett_mcgurk @kellymagsamen Elissa
Price claimed in his Post op-ed politics had nothing to do Slotkin, Doug Lute…”
with his resignation,
Would also note some of Obama admin's
“To be clear, my decision had nothing to do best natsec staffers were Bush NSC vets:
with politics…” @brett_mcgurk @kellymagsamen Elissa
Slotkin, Doug Lute…
Days after publication, the Post was forced to add a
correction to the top of Price’s op-ed noting he donated — Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) February 23,
$5000 in 2016 to the presidential campaign of Trump’s 2017
Democratic Party rival Hillary Clinton and the party.
Robert Spencer, writing at FrontPage, questioned how
“Clarification: This column should have someone tied to a Muslim supremacist organization was
included a disclosure of donations made by cleared for a national security position at the White House.
author Edward Price in support of 2016
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary … Before she went to work for the Obama
Clinton. In August, Price gave a total of administration, she was an officer of
$5,000 to the Clinton campaign and the George Mason University’s Muslim
Democratic Party.” Students Association (MSA). According to
Discover the Networks, the “was
Rhodes promoted on Twitter both op-eds by his former established mainly by members of the
staffers. He retweeted without comment Price’s tweet of Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in January 1963
his Post op-ed. at the University of Illinois, Urbana-
Champaign. Nyack College theologian
I resigned from @CIA last week. I wrote Larry A. Poston writes that ‘many of the
about why in the @washingtonpost: founding members of this agency [MSA] were members of, or had connections to,’
the Muslim Brotherhood or Jamaat-i-
— Ned Price (@nedprice) February 20, Islami.” The MSA is “a radical political force
2017 and a key lobbying organization for the
Wahhabi sect of Islam, telling students that
Rhodes praised Ahmed when he posted her Atlantic op-ed America is an imperialist power and Israel
to Twitter, saying, “The patriotism of Muslim Americans an oppressor nation. MSA speakers
routinely spew anti-Semitic libels and justify came up, they were told, but there was no
the genocide against the Jews which is deal.
promoted by Islamic terrorist organizations
like Hamas and Hezbollah and by the Asked not to be named discussing delicate
government of Iran.” communications. That’s a good one. Let me translate:

What’s more, “a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood internal The officials don’t want you to know who they are because
document — titled ‘An Explanatory Memorandum on the they are corrupt —
General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America’ —
which named MSA as one of the Brotherhood’s 29
(a) FISA intercepts are classified, so disclosing them to the
likeminded ‘organizations of our friends’ that shared the
press is a crime;
common goal of destroying America and turning it into a
(b) by revealing the Flynn–Kislyak conversation to the
Muslim nation. These ‘friends’ were identified by the
press, the “officials” inform the Russians that whatever
Brotherhood as groups that could help teach Muslims ‘that
countermeasures they are taking against U.S.
their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in
surveillance have failed, assuring that the Russians will
eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from
alter their tactics, making the job of our honorable
within and
intelligence agents more difficult; and
(c) the FBI’s investigative powers are not supposed to be
“sabotaging” its miserable house by their put in in the service of a political party’s effort to
hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is advance a partisan storyline, like “Putin hacked the
made victorious over all other religions.’” election.”…

It is hard to imagine how someone who had served as an The Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo wrote two
officer in an organization dedicated to “eliminating and weeks ago about the Obama administration’s efforts to
destroying the Western civilization from within” would so sabotage the Trump administration, Former Obama
quickly be appointed to the National Security Council, but Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust
that was Barack Obama’s America. The Trump Flynn.
administration is indeed setting a strikingly different tone,
one that Rumana Ahmed finds unacceptable. Her The abrupt resignation Monday evening of White House
dissatisfaction and departure from the NSC are good national security adviser Michael Flynn is the culmination
reason for every patriotic American to applaud.” of a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama
administration confidantes to handicap President Donald
Former Chief Asst. U.S. Attorney Andrew C. McCarthy Trump’s national security apparatus and preserve the
wrote a lengthy article at the National Review about the nuclear deal with Iran, according to multiple sources in
Obama administration’s abuse of national security and the and out of the White House who described to the
FBI in its efforts to take out Trump’s (now resigned) Washington Free Beacon a behind-the-scenes effort by
National Security Advisor Gen. Mike Flynn and hamstring these officials to plant a series of damaging stories about
the nascent Trump administration. Flynn in the national media.

…although Trump has made disturbingly flattering The effort, said to include former Obama administration
remarks about Putin, there is no evidence his campaign has adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White
given or promised Russia any actual accommodation in House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo
exchange for Putin’s favor. Democrats hope to erase this chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists
problem by finding something, anything, that could be who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding
spun as a quid pro quo. Obviously, they hoped the Flynn– Flynn’s credibility, multiple sources revealed.
Kislyak conversation would answer their prayers. No such
luck. As the Times puts it: The operation primarily focused on discrediting Flynn, an
opponent of the Iran nuclear deal, in order to handicap the
Obama officials asked the FBI if a quid pro Trump administration’s efforts to disclose secret details of
quo had been discussed on the call, and the nuclear deal with Iran that had been long hidden by the
the answer came back no, according to Obama administration.
one of the officials, who like others asked
not to be named discussing delicate Insiders familiar with the anti-Flynn campaign told the
communications. The topic of sanctions Free Beacon that these Obama loyalists plotted in the
months before Trump’s inauguration to establish a set of
roadblocks before Trump’s national security team, which (CA) chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee
includes several prominent opponents of diplomacy with on Intelligence) told me Monday night that this will not
Iran. The Free Beacon first reported on this effort in end well.
“First it’s Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne
Bloomberg’s Eli Lake wrote of the abuse of national Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then
security by Obama officials, The Political Assassination it will be Reince Priebus,” he said. Put
of Michael Flynn. another way, Flynn is only the appetizer.
Trump is the entree.”
Lake identified the ultimate target of the operation as being Will Congress investigate Barack
President Trump. Obama, Ben Rhodes and others in this
unprecedented abuse of power to
In the end, it was Trump’s decision to cut Flynn loose. In sabotage national security and the
doing this he caved in to his political and bureaucratic Trump administration?
opposition. (Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican

Wikileaks Busts McCain In Russian Cash Treason Before
Russian Ambassador Died (VIDEO)
By: Barry Soetoro
Date: February 27, 2017

In this video, you’ll see the official Russian government

letter rejecting traitor McCain’s scheme — and you’ll
learn why John McCain keeps blaming everyone — and
everything — on “RUSSIA.”

Was this McCain’s “only” attempt to finance his 2008

Presidential Campaign with illegal money from foreign
donors? Probably not! Treason is McCain’s middle name.

Meanwhile, Russians “hacked the 2016

Wikileaks BUSTS Senator John McCain asking Russia for Not so fast, Deep State!
Campaign Cash! Two days before Wikileaks revealed this
shocking treasonous act, Russian UN Ambassador (Vitaly Not so fast, McTraitor!
Churkin) DROPS DEAD from a heart attack! Not so fast, Hillary!

Was Churkin killed to cover up McCain’s illegal campaign

money scheme — or was Churkin only ‘relocated’ to
protect McCain from treason charges?

US Senator John McCain keeps smearing Donald Trump

and other free thinkers as being somehow “involved with
Russia” or “agents of Putin.” But leaked Wikileaks
documents include an official 2008 Russian government
letter rejecting the illegal attempt by US Senator John
McCain to obtain campaign donations directly from the
government of Russia!

Risk Bounces After Trump Promises To Start "Spending
On Infrastructure Big", But Warns On Tax Plan
By Tyler Durden
Feb 27, 2017 10:09 AM

With the dollar sliding on rising fears Trump may For now algos heard "big" when it comes to Trump's plans
disappoint in his address to Congress tomorrow evening, and loved it, and the result was a spike in both the USD...
moments ago the dollar spiked, and risk assets rebounded
after headlines hit from Reuters and Bloomberg in which
Trump previewed what he would say, saying he would
have a "big statement" on infrastructure in his Tuesday
speech, adding that "we're going to start spending on
infrastructure big."



Among the key soundbites from Trump's meeting with

governors at White House.

 “I wonder how many people are hurt” when driving

“through a tunnel and a tile falls off,”
 “We’re going to start spending on infrastructure big”
 He wants “free” and “fair” trade; U.S. should be “taxed
at the same amount the other countries”

However, fading the optimistic tone, Trump also warned Of note, the biggest rebound is in the infrastructure and
that his tax plan would be released only after Obamacare is construction sectors, rising on renewed hopes of an
tackled, and health plan costs are known: infrastructure stimulus.



In other words, Trump's "phenomenal" tax plan, the

catalyst for much of the market's recent move, may not be
unveiled for a long time as a result of the previously noted
hurdles facing Obamacare's repeal and replace. That said,
he expressed optimism on the topic of repealing and
replacing Obamacare, saying “we have come up with a
solution that I think is really, really good.” It remains to be
seen what it is.

Antifa Domestic Terrorists
Announce Plans To Disrupt March 4 Pro-Trump Rallies
Jim Hoft
Feb 27th, 2017 8:55 Pm

From their website—

We are calling on antifascists, anarchists,

and anti-authoritarians everywhere to resist
what is sure to be an open display of
racism and misogyny. While some argue
that confronting fascists in the streets will
only draw attention to them, we know better
than to remain complicit. Fascists don’t
deserve a single outlet or forum to promote
their disgusting ideology. Events like these
empower and embolden these scum to
further organize.

Antifa terrorists rioted in Washington DC on Inauguration Day. In Berkeley, the events are specifically being organized by
Over 200 leftists were indicted on felony rioting charges. (Andrew members of the Alt-Right, connected to groups like the
Marcus photo)
‘Proud Boys.’
Antifa domestic terrorists announced their plans to disrupt
the March 4th pro-Trump rallies. Repost everywhere Let Berkeley know they
are not alone
— Rich Black (@boldandproper) February
17, 2017

Along with the March in DC, a number of local “March 4

Trump” events have been announced throughout the
country. A list of local US marches is available here. A list
of Canadian events are here.

These events are being organized in an attempt to make it

appear that Trump has widespread public support despite
massive anger building against him, and seeks to use his
supporters as an auxiliary army against rising social forces
that are physically confronting Trump and his policies.
Trump and his administration represents a disgusting pro-
Antifa at work (It’s Going Down website) corporate and pro-billionaire agenda that seeks to push
neoliberalism to its authoritarian conclusion while
It’s Going Down website announced their upcoming plans destroying the environment, privatizing everything,
this week. attacking immigrants, Muslims, the trans and queer
community, and the poor and working-class as a whole.
They list several rallies they will target
on their announcement. Let’s not let these marches go unopposed.

Trump Pushes For
Massive Budget, Staff Cuts At EPA
Michael Bastasch
9:07 PM 02/27/2017

That‘s effectively a 42 percent budget cut once state and

tribal grants are excluded.

Ebell said Trump will likely cut EPA climate programs,

like he promised on the campaign trail, but could also end
up laying off agency staffers in D.C. or reduce the size of
WASHINGTON, D.C. - FEBRUARY 16: (AFP-OUT) President field offices. Top officials told Axios to expect “massive,
Donald Trump participates in a congressional listening session with transformational cuts, particularly to climate-change
GOP members in the Roosevelt Room of the White House February programs.”
16, 2017 in Washington, DC. Also pictured is Rep. Chris Collins (R-
NY). (Photo by Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty Images)
“Businesses have to do this all the time,”
President Donald Trump will ask Congress to cut the Ebell said. “The federal government never
Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) budget 24 has to undergo this market discipline.”
percent, or nearly $2 billion, according to sources familiar
with the budget plans. Trump promised to abolish President Barack Obama’s
“Climate Action Plan,” refocusing the EPA towards clean
The White House sent draft budget plans to agency heads air and water regulations.
Monday, detailing billions of dollars in cuts to a wide
range of federal programs. Cuts to EPA and other agencies EPA had more than 15,300 employees and a budget of
will fund a $54 billion increase in defense spending. more than $8.1 billion in 2016. About half of EPA staff
work at regional offices across the country, even though
A source informed of the budget plans told E&E News more than 90 percent of EPA programs are administered
Trump will push for a nearly $2 billion cut to EPA’s $8.1 by state agencies.
billion budget. A source told Politico Trump also
The Trump administration has said the budget figures sent
to agency heads is not the full budget. The White house
“proposed reducing EPA’s 15,000-strong
workforce to 12,000, a level not seen since hopes to have a full budget put together by May
the mid-1980s.”
“This is not a full-blown budget,” Mick Mulvaney, the
“You’re going to have to make reductions,” director of the Office of Management and Budget, told
Myron Ebell, director of global warming and reporters Monday.
energy policy at the libertarian Competitive
Enterprise Institute (CEI), told The Daily
Caller News Foundation. Mulvaney stressed current agency budgets plans were top-
line numbers and don’t include entitlements or other
“There’s going to have to be some serious programs that will be addressed later.
thought here,” said Ebell, who headed
Trump’s EPA transition team. “They’re Mulvaney said the budget reflected Trump’s promises of
going to have to figure out to make these rebuilding the military, securing the border, taking care of
cuts.” veterans and increasing school choice

Trump’s plan to cut EPA’ budget 24 percent mirrors “We are taking his words and turning them into policies
recommendations given to him by the agency transition and dollars,” Mulvaney said.
team. That plan advised cuts outside of state and tribal
grants, which make up about 43 percent of EPA’s budget.
The EPA did not respond to TheDCNF by the time of
In that case, EPA will have to cut 24 percent from its $4.6
billion budget for federal programs, payroll and contracts.
The Resurrection Of Armageddon
Paul Craig Roberts
February 27, 2017

“The U.S. intelligence community’s

extraordinary campaign of leaks claiming
improper ties between President Trump’s
team and Russia seeks to ensure a All we have left, says Lawrence, is the alternative media.
lucrative New Cold War by blocking
detente.” — Gareth Porter “To put this simply and briefly, they and we
must learn that they are not ‘alternative’ to
It only required 24 days for the Deep State to castrate anything. In the end there is no such thing
President Donald Trump and terminate the promise that as ‘alternative media,’ as I often argue.
the high tensions with Russia created during the Clinton, There are only media, and most of ours
George W. Bush, and Obama regimes would be terminated have turned irretrievably bad.”
by Trump’s presidency.
The alternative media is the Internet media, websites such
As Gareth Porter shows conclusively as this one, RT, the Intercept, USAWatchdog, Alex Jones,
Information Clearing House, Global Research, Unz
(, Review, etc. These independent news sites are under
attack. Remember the list of 200 “Russian agents/dupes”?
Every source of information that does not subscribe to the
the case against General Flynn, Trump’s 24-day National
Security Adviser, and by implication against Trump Deep States’ Matrix creation of “the Russian Threat,”
himself, is a fake news creation. which is the Deep State’s replacement for the orchestrated
“Soviet Threat,” has been selected for shutdown.
Apparently, Alex Jones is already having problems with
Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, planted fake reports, Google. Several websites managed to get off the 200 List,
none of which contained any evidence whatsoever, on the and those that have seem to have collapsed as members of
CIA-compliant media whores known as “presstitutes.” The the opposition.
CIA’s media whores knew that the reports were a CIA
response to the threat to the $1,000 billion annual budget
As the Nazis said, all it takes is fear, and the people
of the military/security complex that desperately needs
“the Russian threat” for its justification. But the media
whores—-principally the New York Times, Washington
Post, CNN, MSNBC—-and all the rest as well are more Trump’s presidency is effectively over. Even if he is
dedicated to serving their CIA master than they are to permitted to remain in office, he will be a figurehead for
serving peace between nuclear powers. Interesting, isn’t it, the Deep State’s presidency. President Trump has already
that the US and Western media are more committed to fallen into line with the military/security complex. He has
conflict with Russia than they are to peace, despite the said Russia has to return Crimea to Ukraine, whereas in
brutal fact that 10 percent of the nuclear arsenal of either fact Crimea returned itself to Russia. He has rejected a new
the US or Russia is sufficient to terminate all life on earth. strategic arms limitations treaty (START) with Russia,
stating that he wants supremacy in nuclear armaments, not
As Patrick Lawrence says:

“The lights upon us are dimming. We have
been more or less abandoned by a press
that proves incapable of informing us in
anything approaching a disinterested
fashion. As suggested, either the media are Obama’s one trillion dollar upgrade of the US nuclear
Clintonian liberals before they are arsenal is likely to get a boost from Trump.
newspapers and broadcasters, or they are
servants of power before they serve us.”
After one month in office the goal has changed from The reason that there is still life on earth after more than a
reduced tensions with Russia to greater tensions. Greater half century of nuclear weapons is that American
tensions might soon be upon us. There are plans to occupy presidents and Soviet leaders worked together to reduce
part of Syria with US troops in order to prevent Syria with tensions. During these decades, there were numerous false
Russia’s help from reuniting the country. alarms of incoming ICBMs. However, because the
leadership of both countries were working together to avoid nuclear conflict, the warnings were disbelieved both
dicing-up-syria/5577009 by the Soviets and Americans.

Part of Syria is to go to Turkey, part to the Kurds, and Today the situation is vastly different. The last three US
Washington will keep a chunk. This way Washington can presidents, and now apparently Trump also, worked
keep the turmoil going forever. The Russians brought this overtime to increase tensions between the two nuclear
problem on themselves. Ever hopeful for Washington’s powers. Moreover, it was done in ways that convinced the
cooperation against ISIS, Russia dallied in cleaning out Russian government that Washington is completely
ISIS. The prospect that Trump would work with Russia as untrustworthy. The ongoing vicious lies about the Russian
part of better relations assumed that Trump would actually connections of Trump and his associates are so obviously
be in charge, which has turned out to be delusional. false as to be laughable, but the Russians are seeing that
the falsity of the charges notwithstanding, Trump’s
It is difficult to know if the new Trump regime is more National Security Adviser has fallen and Trump himself
Iranophobic than Russophobic. The Trump regime’s might be next.
inclination to jettison the Iran agreement and reopen the
conflict means more conflict with Russia. Washington’s In other words, the Russians are observing that in America
continued provocations of both Russia and China will facts are not relevant to outcomes. The Russians have
dispel any lingering Russian expectations of better already experienced this with regard to themselves with
relations with Washington. the lies about Putin, the Ukraine, Georgia, and Russian
intentions toward Europe. Putin is routinely called a
“thug,” “murderer,” “the new Hitler” by US politicians,
It is bizarre to see the liberal-progressive-left allied with
presstitutes, and the Democratic Party’s candidate in the
the warmongers against Trump. As the neoconservatives
pull nuclear Armageddon out of the grave that Reagan and recent presidential election. Ranking US generals describe
Gorbachev put it in, the American left demands the Russia as the “principal threat to the US.” NATO
commanders assert that the Russian Army could occupy
impeachment of the president whose goal was better
the Baltics and/or Poland at any moment. These
relations with Russia. Once the champion of the working
nonsensical accusations and predictions suggest to the
class, the left now champions Identity Politics. Trump’s
Russians that the West is preparing its populations for an
goal of jobs for the working class leaves the leftwing cold.
The left wants to destroy the “Trump deplorables,” which attack on Russia.
the left describes as “racist, misogynist, homophobic, gun
nuts.” In Identity Politics, every identity is a victim except In such a tense state of affairs, how will false alarms be
the oppressor identity—white heterosexual males. interpreted? Will Americans convinced that Putin and
Russia are evil incarnate believe the false alarms this time?
Where then is the opposition to the neoconservative Will Russians convinced that they have been set up for
ideology that is driving US foreign policy toward world attack believe them this time?
hegemony? There are a few of us, but we are being cast as
“Putin agents.” In other words, those who have sufficient This is the extreme risk to which the insane
intelligence to understand that Washington is not going to neoconservatives, the idiot liberal-progressive-left, the
achieve hegemony over Russia and China or even Iran, but greedy military/security complex, and the aggressive
is likely to provoke nuclear war by trying, are relegated to generals have exposed life on earth.
the traitor class.
And the few voices warning of the risk are dismissed as
“Russian agents.”

‘America First’ Is A
Mantra for Unilateral Aggression

well with officials of that nation’s conservative Islamist

government. On the same day that Pompeo arrived in
Turkey, Ankara announced that it had smashed a
«sensational» terrorist plot, seizing 24 suicide belts and
explosives and arresting four men. The «terrorists» were
said to be taking orders from a group operating in the
Syrian conflict zones. Such language from the Turkish
government usually indicates that the so-called «terrorists»
arrested were Kurdish members of the separatist Kurdistan
Workers’ Party (PKK), which has Kurdish allies inside
northern Syria. Anyone who disagrees with Turkish
president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a «terrorist» in the eyes
of Ankara. In fact, the Hizmet religious movement of
President Donald Trump’s oft-repeated slogan of exiled Turkish businessman Fethullah Gulen is called the
«America First» is not a substitute phrase for American «Gulenist Terrorist Organization» or «FETO» by the
isolationism but a call to arms for aggressive unilateral Ankara government.
military action on a global scale. Unlike the pre-World
War II «America Firsters», among whose ranks could be Trump always proclaims that the United States will
counted Trump’s father, Fred Trump, Donald Trump’s conduct its international policy based on bilateralism rather
administration and the ranks of his followers are rife with than through «coalitions» or multilateral institutions like
those who believe in American exceptionalism and a NATO and the UN. That is potentially bad news for the
robust «forward projection» of military might. Kurds who stand to be sold out by Washington, just as
they were in the 1970s by the Richard Nixon/Henry
It is true that Trump campaigned on a platform of Kissinger administration. In the interest of good relations
eschewing America’s traditional military alliances, with Turkey, the Kurds could easily join the Islamic State
particularly the North Atlantic Treaty Organization of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as a chief American enemy
(NATO), however, his administration’s pushing for in the war-torn region.
superiority in nuclear weaponry and a 350-ship naval fleet.
Recently, Trump said to a raucous crowd of right-wingers Pompeo’s next stop was Riyadh, where he gave the CIA’s
attending the Conservative Political Action Conference George Tenet medal to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed
(CPAC) that his vision of a U.S. military means that bin Nayef in honor of Nayef’s support for «counter-
«nobody is going to mess with us. Nobody». Trump added terrorism». The award stunned several CIA officers who
that he will preside over «one of the greatest military understand, from human and signals intelligence, that
buildups in American history». Nayef has been one of the chief supporters of radical
jihadist terrorist groups in Syria. Nayef is also the chief
Military buildups and advocacy of extreme nationalism has architect of Saudi military operations in support of its
not ended well for nations that have gone down that route. puppet government in Yemen. To combat the pro-Iranian
Napoleonic France, Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, and Sh’ia Houthis of Yemen, Saudi Arabia has funneled
imperial Japan are a few cases in point. The Trump military assistance to Sunni Yemeni groups linked to Al
administration’s criticism of the United Nations and other Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). The CIA medal
international bodies means that it will brook no criticism for someone like Nayef was a crude joke to Middle
for taking unilateral military action, even if it violates the Eastern leaders like Syrian President Bashar al Assad,
UN Charter. Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, and former Yemeni
president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who all have been on the
Central Intelligence Agency director Mike Pompeo’s first receiving end of Saudi «counter-terrorism» activities.
trip abroad was to Turkey and Saudi Arabia. In Turkey,
Pompeo, a fundamentalist Christian, appeared to get along
The dangers of Trump unilateral actions were highlighted over some South China Sea islands. Tillerson’s threat
in his first special operations mission a few weeks after his against China was purely unilateral and it may have had
inauguration. A U.S. Special Operations Command attack more than geo-political underpinnings. The South China
on a suspected AQAP headquarters in central Yemen did Sea is known to have massive oil and natural gas reserves,
not kill AQAP leader Qasim al-Raymi but ended up killing which would, of course, whet the appetite of the former
several children, including the 8-year old daughter of U.S. chief of Exxon Mobil.
citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, a onetime Pentagon adviser who
was killed in a U.S. drone attack in 2011. The botched Trump can also forget about Australian cooperation in any
U.S. attack appears to have been a unilateral action by confrontation with China since he insulted Australian
Trump because even the Saudi puppet Yemeni foreign prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in another bombastic
minister in Riyadh, Abdul Malik Al Mekhlafi, condemned post-inaugural telephone call. Trump called an agreement
the attack. Mekhlafi and the Riyadh-based Yemeni worked out between Turnbull and President Barack
president-in-exile Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi withdrew Obama, in which the U.S. would accept the resettlement of
permission for the United States to carry out any such Middle East «boat people» refugees interned on Nauru and
future operations in Yemen. Manus Island in the Pacific in return for Australia taking in
Central American refugees, as a «dumb deal». The
It really does not matter what the Yemeni government-in- Australian government was incensed and the phone call
exile says to Washington, because Trump and his senior resulted in the worst breakdown in U.S.-Australian
advisers reject the opinions of other nations. During a post- relations since the CIA engineered a coup against
inauguration phone call with Mexican President Enrique Australian prime minister Gough Whitlam in 1975.
Peña Nieto, Trump threatened to send U.S. troops into
Mexico to take care of "bad ‘hombres’ down there». It is Obama’s military «pivot to Asia», which saw the U.S.
believed that Trump was referring to narco-kingpins. increase its military profile in Australia in preparation for a
Later, Trump referred to U.S. immigration and Customs showdown with China, was all-but-dead with Trump’s
Enforcement (ICE) mass roundups of illegal immigrants in phone call with Turnbull. Rather than cooperate with
the United States as a «military operation,» even as Washington in a confrontation with China over the South
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security China Sea issue, Australia responded to Trump’s
Secretary John Kelly were in Mexico City trying to withdrawal from the anti-China Trans-Pacific Partnership
assuage the Mexican government over Trump’s unilateral (TPP) by signaling a willingness to participate with
pronouncements threatening military action against Beijing in the Chinese-led «One Belt, One Road» initiative
Mexico. Kelly responded to Trump’s claim by stating that and China’s proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic
there would be no military operations in dealing with Partnership (RCEP). The post-World War II ANZUS
illegal immigrants. Permanent damage has been done to (Australia-New Zealand-U.S.) alliance was dealt a mortal
the traditional Pan American system and the Washington- blow with the Trump-Turnbull feud.
based Organization of American States has seen Trump
drive a final nail into its coffin. Trump’s administration is chock full of individuals who
brandish unilateral military action credentials. From chief
During his Senate confirmation hearings, Secretary of strategist Stephen Bannon, who sees an imminent war with
State Rex Tillerson, the former chief of Exxon-Mobil, China and who has also been involved in efforts to unseat
threatened China about its control of islands in the South Pope Francis I from the Holy See’s papacy, to trade
China Sea. Tillerson warned, «We’re going to have to send adviser Peter Navarro, who also foresees a conflict with
China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops China, the stage for imminent wars is set.
and, second, your access to those islands is also not going
to be allowed». Tillerson made no mention of coordinating
Trump has threatened to take Iraq’s oil; suggested he could
such action with the Association of Southeast Asian
tear up the international nuclear accord with Iran; and
Nations (ASEAN). That is primarily because China has implied backing for a one-state solution for Palestine,
shored up its relations with three major ASEAN nations: where the Palestinian people would be subjugated as third-
Philippines, which has major claims in maritime zones
class residents of Israel. Trump will do all these on his
contested by China; Indonesia, which has some minor
own. As Winston Churchill once said, «There is at least
claims; and Cambodia, which does not have claims in the
one thing worse than fighting with allies – and that is to
South China Sea but is locked in some maritime territory
fight without them.
disputes with Vietnam, which is in contention with China

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