Hydrocyclone A Solution To Produced Water

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Hydrocyclones: A Solution to

Produced-Water Treatment
N. Meldrum, * Conoco U.K. Ltd.

Summary. Progressing into deeper water and more hostile environments in the search for new oil and gas reserves has placed
an increasing demand on the industry to develop lighter, more compact, and more efficient process equipment to replace their
traditional counterparts. A recent application of cyclone technology for liquid/liquid separation of oil from produced water has
shown considerable promise during extensive field testing. This paper outlines the basic construction and principle of operation of
the deoiling hydrocyclone and discusses system design, early operational expe~iences, and test resu~t~ from the first full-scale
commercial application of the four-in-one hydrocyclone concept on the MurchIson platform. In addItIOn, and of perhaps more
significance, early results from field tests of the larger 60-mm [2A-in.] cyclones on the Hutton tension leg platform (TLP), where
conventional equipment was adversely affected by platform motion, are discussed.

Produced water represents an increasing portion of the total pro- This is largely an equipment-based standard, based on current tech-
duced fluids during the life of a field. Although the treatment of nology and using well-operated and well-maintained separation
produced water offers no direct economic incentive, a considerable equipment. A further concession of an upper limit of not more than
portion of both engineering and operations time is spent modifying 4 % of the samples exceeding 100 mg/kg recognizes that control
and maintaining produced-water cleanup systems to ensure satis- equipment is not infallible and upsets do occur.
factory operation.
In the Murchison field, although the existing system performed Construction and Principle of Operation 1·3
adequately, albeit through labor-intensive operation, optimum Construction. The functional geometry of the Vortoil hydrocyclone
reservoir development required water-injection capacity beyond the (i.e., involute inlet/swirl chamber, concentric reducing, fine taper,
original design basis. Consequently, this created the need to up- and parallel tail sections) is fabricated as a liner and contained within
grade the capacity of the produced-water treatment system. A similar a pressure-retaining outer shell (see Fig. 1). The outer shell is de-
upgrade in water-handling capacity was required for the Hutton signed in accordance with internationally recognized codes and is
field, but more important, the platform could not achieve the U.K. constructed from essentially standard piping components. It can
Dept. of Energy specification for overboard effluent of 40 ppm with therefore be designed easily for a variety of pressure ratings and
the originally installed equipment. Investigations into alternatives could eventually become an off-the-shelf item. While there are ob-
to the traditional flotation cells/plate separators for oily-water vious advantages with standardized designs, almost unlimited flex-
cleanup revealed that the hydrocyclone separator warranted serious ibility is available for nozzle positioning and orientation, which
consideration. should simplify the piping engineer's task, particularly during a
Our first experience with hydrocyclones was with pilot plant trials retrofit where considerably more constraints will be imposed than
of the Serck-Baker Oilspin developed as a result of an extensive in a new design situation.
research program conducted at Southampton U.1-3 While these A considerable degree of flexibility exists with the hydrocyclone
tests, carried out on the Murchison and Hutton platforms in early liners, which can be fabricated in either single or four-in-one 35-
1985, were not an unqualified success, they demonstrated' the and 60-mm [104- and 2 A-in.] units. The size refers to the diameter
equipment's potential and enough encouragement for us to commit at the transition between the concentric-reducing and fine-taper
to the first full-scale commercial application of the Vortoil® four- sections of the cyclone. This provides an almost unlimited turndown
in-one 35-mm [lA-in.] hydrocyclone later that year. capability that can handle the extremely low water volumes expected
the Vortoil hydrocyclone, developed by an Australian company during early operations or as part of a test separator water-treatment
but based on the original Southampton U. design, was considered package where significant flow variations are always apparent. As
to be a more refined and advanced product capable not only of water cut increases or, as in the case of Murchison and Hutton,
achieving the required performance but also of reducing the nurse- the originally installed water-handling capacity is upgraded, addi-
maid attention associated with more traditional equipment. The many tional units can simply be added as a bolt-on expansion.
operational advantages of Vortoil make it ideally suitable for a The liners are fabricated in stainless steel with a cast stellite inlet
retrofit situation. However, the true worth of hydrocyclone tech- for improved erosion resistance. All liner components are readily
nology should be realized on future marginal developments where replaceable on an individual basis, and with no moving parts, main-
space and weight are a premium and on floating structures like the tenance should be relatively simple with long periods between sub-
Hutton TLP where motion sensitivity is a problem. sequent inspections once the erosion resistance for a particular
application has been confirmed.
U.K. Legislation
The disposal of produced water into the British sector of the North Principle of Operation. Separation is achieved by generating cen-
Sea is governed by "The Prevention of Oil Pollution Act, trifugal forces that are orders of magnitude higher than available
1971. "4,5 In summary, this act makes discharging any oil into the in conventional gravity-based separation equipment. A high-velocity
sea an offense; however, the secretary of state has the power to vortex with a reverse flowing central core is set up by entry through
grant exemptions from the act, which provides the necessary oper- a specially designed inlet into a cylindrical swirl chamber. The fluid
ational flexibility. is accelerated through the concentric-reducing and fme-taper sections
The Dept. of Energy administers the legislation and has the power of the cyclone, where the bulk of the separation occurs, into the
to enforce the agreed target standard of 40-mg/kg monthly average. parallel-tail section, where the smaller, slower-moving droplets are
'Now at Dubai Petroleum Co. The lighter oil droplets migrate toward the lower-pressure central
Copyright 1988 Offshore Technology Conference core where an axial reversal of flow occurs, resulting in the lower-
SPE Production Engineering, November 1988 669
100 .. . ."
. .. .

;!' •
"• •
o ,'" o •
..· .


. ·· ....--.

70 ·
~ 60
W 50
LL. 40

30 \
• 60mm UNIT cln > 1000 PPM
20 ... 35mm UNIT cln < 100 PPM
Fig. 1-Four-ln-one, 3S-mm hydrocyclone photograph (cour- • 35mm UNIT cln > 1000 PPM
tesy BWN Vortoil Pty. Ltd.).

.. .. o~~~~~--~~~~l
..'.. .
'.r • . .
o ~ ~ ~ ~1~1~1~1~
+ +
.. .•
+ + +

... . .


Fig. 3-Four-ln-one hydrocyclone efficiency vs. flow rate .
...• • .
70 CONCENTRATIONS Hence, it can be seen that these are the major factors affecting

+ ~ E = C 1n • COUI
c 1n
separation .
1. The specific-gravity difference, ~'Y, is the driving force for
separation. The greater the difference, the greater the potentilil for
• c out
50 +
rapid phase separation. _
W 2. The mean droplet size, d, is important because larger droplets
LL. 40
qr.l~ I' qw
move more rapidly toward the central core. Higher inlet oil con-
centrations increase the probability of coalescence giving rise to
an increased mean droplet size. Additionally, careful design to
minimize high-shear areas upstream of the hydrocyclone is important
to prevent droplet disintegration .
Ie • 35mm, c 1n < 100 PPM
... 35mm, c 1n > 1000 PPM 3. Temperature, T, affects both density and viscosity, increasing
20 + 6Omm, c 1n > 1000 PPM interphase migration velocity. Installation downstream of the
primary separator where 95 % water removal typically occurs but
10 upstream of any interstage or produced-water coolers provides the
r. best performance.
4. Higher flow rates, q, increase the intensity of the centrifugal
0 separation forces.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
As mentioned previously, the level of reject rate is an important
parameter affecting performance. However, providing that it is
maintained above the characteristic minimum (discussed later), it
Fig. 2-Hydrocyclone efficiency vs. reject ratio.
doesn't significantly influence performance and can therefore be
treated as a constant.
The reject rate and inlet flow rate provide the means of efficiently
density oil-enriched phase being removed through a small-diameter controlling the hydrocyclone for optimum performance over a range
orifice in the center of the inlet head. The oil-depleted water stream of conditions. While the other parameters are undoubtedly equally
exists as the continuous phase from the downstream end. It is also important, they are essentially fixed for a given installation, so we
worth noting that there is no inward-projecting vortex finder, unlike do not have the same degree of control over them, except through
the conventional hydrocycJone, because re-entrainment carry-over careful system design.
merely causes dilution of the reject stream.
Reject Ratio. The reject ratio, expressed as a percentage, is de-
Factors That Influence Performance. The oil-removal efficiency fined as the ratio of fluid rejected as concentrated oily water from
of the deoning liquid/liquid hydrocycJone is influenced by a number the upstream outlet to the clean-water underflow. As the reject ratio
of factors, some of which currently are not fully defined or under- increases, the efficiency of separation increases and then plateaus
stood. It is certain, however, that the inlet flow rate, reject rate, and remains essentially constant. This is presented graphically in
droplet size, oil ~oncentration, differential specific gravity, and tem- Fig. 2, which shows the characteristic curves of efficiency vs. reject
perature play significant roles. This can be represented simplisti- ratio for Murchison and Hutton with a well-defined breakpoint at
cally by the following approximation: approximately 1 %.
In some cases, further increases in reject rate may yield a mar-
E=f[(4 'Yw =NRe)d, ~'YJ . ...................... (1)
Q ginal improvement in separation efficiency, but this is not normally
necessary or justified because of the increased volume of clean water
7rdjl d 'Yw
that would be recycled for subsequent retreating.
670 SPE Production Engineering, November 1988
b 11

~ 10
22 ~
• Pout ...
20 o
II: 7
., t:.P2
W 6
~ 18 c=---
;:) 5
• IJ)
IJ) • 6. p. 3% REJECT
~ w

c.. 16 If 3
• 6. p. 2% REJECT
• 6. p. SHUT IN
0 • . 6.p1
a: 14
t:.p, =Pin - PreJ O+---'-~~~~---.----r---~--'----r--~--
a: o 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
:::I 12
w 10
a: Fig. 5-Four-ln-one, 60-mm hydrocyclone pressure drop vs.
c.. flow rate.

4 5.5

NOTE: t:. P, - 1% REJECT RATIO 4.5
-s. 4.0
O+---~~~--~--~--r---r---~~~ 0
o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 i=
3.0 Pin-Pre!
0 Pin -Pout
Fig. 4-Four-in-one, 35-mm hydrocyclone pressure drop vs. ..,
W 2.S
flow rate. W
II: Pin

1.S +
In most cases, Murchison and Hutton being no exception, very PreJ~
high oil-removal efficiencies can be achieved with a reject ratio
of - 1 %. However, while this holds true for the majority of cases,
the required reject rate is obviously influenced by the level of inlet 0
0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
contamination and may be related to the volumetric throughput and ·c·
centrifugal separation forces. At lower flow rates, lower specific-
gravity differences, or with small droplet sizes, it is likely that the Fig. 6-Pressure-drop constant vs. reject rate.
central core will be less dense and some of the smaller, slower-
moving droplets would not be captured. In these cases, an increase
in the reject rate beyond the characteristic breakpoint previously the reject stream. This inhibits the reject flow rate and results in
mentioned is likely to be of more benefit. little and eventually no separation.
The low level of reject rate is a significant advantage hydrocy- On both Murchison and Hutton TLP, the reduction in separation
clones have over conventional equipment because this volume of efficiency at high operating flow rates has been the result of a re-
fluid requires further treatment before disposal. However, perhaps stricted reject flow rate, not droplet shearing. This does not mean
of more importance is the ease of retreatment of the reject stream, that the effects of droplet shearing are insignificant, but at the flow
which splits rapidly into free oil and water. By comparison, the rates we operate at, little or no droplet shearing occurs'in the cy-
launder stream from the conventional flotation cell, which is highly clone itself. It is therefore important to establish the operating range
chemically contaminated, forms a stable emulsion that on the Hutton of flow rates over which the required performance can be consis-
TLP has proved particularly difficult to treat. tently obtained. The ratio of maximum to minimum operating flow
rates that yields the necessary performance is called the turndown
Flow Rate. The inlet flow rate is another key operating character- ratio.
istic of the hydrocyclone. Typically, as flow rate increases, the ef-
ficiency of separation increases and then levels out over the unit's Control. The control scheme for a hydrocyclone installation in
operating range. Further increases in flow will eventually cause which we have identified flow rate as a key parameter would logi-
the efficiency to drop sharply (Fig. 3). cally be based on total flow rate with a ratio device adjusting a flow-
A certain minimum flow rate is necessary to set up the vortex control valve in the reject line to maintain the desired reject ratio.
motion and to establish centrifugal separation forces that grow in However, problems can be expected with an installation based on
intensity as the flow rate increases and improve the separation ef- flow/ratio control because of gas breakout, which exists preferen-
ficiency. A point will be reached for a given set of conditions, tially with the reject stream and creates two-phase flow. Normal
however, beyond which further increases in flow rate will cause metering devices will not tolerate two-phase flow and give suffi-
performance deterioration. This is caused principally by the fol- ciently accurate and reproducible results for control purposes.
lowing. Tests with mass flowmeters, which are tolerant of two-phase flow
1. At very high flow rates, shearing of the oil droplets can occur, up to about 30% mixture, have been moderately successful and could
creating smaller droplets that are harder to separate. be used in some instances with careful design and sufficient system
2. As flow rate increases, the core pressure approaches at- backpressure to restrict gas breakout. Because the maximum
mospheric pressure, thereby reducing the available pressure to drive throughput is obtained with atmospheric pressure in the reject

SPE Production Engineering, November 1988 671

stream, however, this is obviously unsatisfactory since the accuracy A plot of the reject ratio as a function of the pressure-drop con-
of flowmetering becomes a limiting factor of hydrocyclone per- stant, C, yields an approximately linear relationship. This can be
formance. used to indicate a reject rate for a particular system. The line gra-
Hence, as a result of the unsuitability and instability of the auto- dient for the 35-mm [l.4-in.] cyclone is, not surprisingly, much
matic flow-control system, an alternative means of control is re- steeper than for the 60-mm [2.4-in.] cyclone (Fig. 6).
quired. This can be achieved by setting up a control scheme based
on pressure drops, the third key characteristic of the liquid/liquid System Description-Murchison
hydrocyclone. The system installed on the Murchison platform (Fig. 7) comprises
5 four-in-one 35-mm [l.4-in.] Vortoil hydrocyclones operating in
Pressure-Drop Characteristics. Under normal operating con- parallel with provision to extend to 10 units. The current system
ditions, there are two distinct pressure drops across the hydrocy- throughput is 5565 m 3 /d water [35,000 BWPD], increasing to a
clone separator (Figs. 4 and 5): maximum design throughput of 11 130 m 3 /d water [70,000
BWPD] at 2700-kPa [390-psi] upstream pressure when all 10 units
have been installed.
and The hydrocyclones are installed on the water leg immediately
downstream of the first-stage separator but upstream of the sepa-
rator level-control valves to maximize the available pressure driving
force while minimizing high-shear areas that would cause particle
where breakup.
Pin = inlet pressure, The reject flow rate is controlled automatically at the predeter-
Pout = outlet pressure, and
mined optimum on the basis of the pressure-drop relationship de-
tailed previously.
Prej == flowing reject pressure.
There is no need for a complicated flow-control system to open
up or to shut in units because the optimum operating band is suffi-
The pressure drop to the reject stream is the most significant; it ciently wide to accommodate daily variations in flow. As water cut
will always be the greater of the two and ultimately determines and consequently flow rate increase, it is a simple matter of manually
hydrocyclone capacity. The relationship between the two pressure bringing another unit on line or shutting units in when wells are
drops is also important and can be used for control purposes. For shut in for maintenance or other activities. The only other instrumen-
any given reject flow rate, the ratio tlP2/tlP1 will be approxi- tation necessary is sample points on all individual unit inlets, outlets,
mately constant. Therefore, and reject streams, together with bulk-fluid inlet/outlet and dedi-
cated reject-stream pressure gauges. This allows performance mon-
Pin-Prej itoring and early detection of abnormalities before failure.
---=---.::....::~ = C. . .................................... (2)
Pin-Pout One final feature built into the system was the provision for two-
stage series operation to cover the eventuality of a single stage not
Eq. 2 can be rearranged as follows: achieving acceptable-quality water. In practice, this has proved un-
necessary and has never been used.
Prej =Pin -C(Pin -Pout)· ............................ (3) Hence, it can be seen that this is a very simple, compact system
with no moving parts that requires minimum operator attention.
Hence, a theoretical reject pressure can be calculated from The entire system has been installed in an area of dead space ad-
pressures measured in the field, together with a constant input from jacent to the separator in a space envelope approximately one-fifth
a ratio-control unit. The theoretical pressure proportional to the the size and one-tenth the operating weight of a comparable flo-
reject flow rate is then used as the set point in the control loop. tation cell system. This was based on the imposed constraints of
The measured variable Prej in the field can then be adjusted auto- a retrofit system. Therefore, assuming that the stressing problems
matically by trimming a pressure-control valve in the reject line with a straight-header concept can be overcome, the required space
until the calculated Prej equals the measured Prej. envelope can be reduced further for a new design situation.

r--T'!.IIL PT
C-1101 LEVEL CONTROl~ _ ~ ___ _
I I FROM C-t101 ~ T""
I I flOW CONTRo'6 ~. :

Q _0
: ~-----
_ _ _ -""'- _ _ _ _

_ _ PT I""'i-:-{>I<:]-.., CLEAN
: Be(. . ."'"
Pln- P_


......_ _. . TO Cl.OSED DRAIN


Fig. 7-Schematlc flow diagram, Murchison hydrocyclone water treatment.

672 SPE Production Engineering, November 1988


35-mm Hydrocyclone
Reject Inlet-Oil Outlet-Oil

~L ~ ~ ~ .~.~.
Flow Rate Ratio Concentration Concentration Efficiency
(BWPD) (%) (ppm) (ppm) (%) >60

1,812 1.2 48 26 45 iljso
1,963 2.4 48 13 73 U ;; .....
2,114 4.7 62 13 79 ...il:4O
2,416 1.5 52 13 75 W
30 • 60mm HYOROCVClONE
4,031 1.2 48 9 81 • 60mm HYDROCVClONE PUMPED
4,243 1.0 52 10 80 CONCENTRATION
4,530 4.3 35 5 86 10 CONCENTRATION 01020304050801080.'00
5,300 1.0 34 9 74
5,995 0.8 64 20 69 o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
6,010 1.0 25 7 72
6,010 3.1 29 3 89
6,070 1.2 30 5 83
6,433 1.1 34 8 76 Fig. 8--Hydrocyclone efficiency vs. Inlet 011 In water concen-
6,908 1.2 58 9 84 tration.
7,424 0.6 31 13 58
7,826 <0.1 54 48 11
35-mm Hydrocyclone High Inlet Performance Evaluation-Murchison
2,914 4.0 2,304 9 99 The Murchison system was commissioned during late Dec. 1985
2,944 12.0 15,700 6 99 and achieved high levels of efficiency and within-specification water
2,975 4.0 408 17 96
9 99
immediately upon startup, confirming the system's simplicity of
2,990 17.0 82,600
4,047 -- 132,000 573 99 operation and control.
4,077 -- 99,000 1,304 99 Because this was the first worldwide application of the four-in-
4,077 -- 139,800 8,000 94 one 35-mm [l.4-in.] hydrocyclone concept, a rigorous test program
4,107 -- 110,000 15,000 86 was developed to confirm its suitability for the demanding North
5,964 1.8 5,581 27 99 Sea environment and to advance the knowledge gained from earlier
5,995 2.0 13,773 19 99 pilot -plant trials in Bass Strait, Australia.
6,010 1.9 12,032 21 99 This was split into three stages: initial shakedown, establishment
6,010 2.1 2,765 17 99 and demonstration of the fundamental characteristics and operating
6,896 0.7 5.376 69 99
25 99
parameters, and examination of the impact of the platform oper-
6,921 0.9 3,328
ating variables on performance and the impact of the hydrocyclone
60-mm Hydrocyclone on other platform systems. The initial shakedown essentially con-
3,568 2.4 105 9 91 sisted of bringing the system on line, establishing a reliable oper-
6,593 2.0 313 15 95 ating base, and confirming that all components were functioning
7.336 3.1 370 20 95
properly. The emphasis during this time was on confirming that
7.336 4.1 846 18 98
4.6 23 98
the overboard specification could be achieved without having nec-
8,695 1.007
9,600 3.8 680 31 95 essarily optimized performance.
10.312 3.1 3.340 48 99 The next step was to determine efficiency as a function of reject
10.778 3.1 4.144 45 99 ratio while holding the inlet flow rate approximately constant. A
10,868 3.0 5.780 69 99 series of runs !tas been completed with reject ratios in the range
10,868 3.0 5.738 212 96 of 0.1 to 17.0%.
10.959 3.2 2.040 43 98 From inspection of typical results presented in Table 1, it can
11,140 2.5 2,153 35 98 be seen that high efficiencies can be obtained with a reject ratio
12,136 2.1 1,870 27 99 of - 1 %. This is presented graphically in Fig. 2, which shows the
12.680 2.1 2,168 34 98
characteristic curve of efficiency vs. reject ratio with a well-defmed
12,952 1.6 5,980 212 96
15.215 0.7 1.084 78 93 breakpoint at - 1 %. For normal operating conditions, it has been
confirmed that further increments in reject flow rate serve only to
60-mm Hydrocyclone Pumping Test
dilute the reject stream and to increase the amount of fluid recycle
5.832 7.2 1.510 188 88 for subsequent retreatment.
7.245 5.1 2,009 212 89 The efficiency of oil removal can be seen to rise sharply as the
9,057 2.0 2,876 190 93
reject ratio is increased from 0 to 1 %. However, further increases
9.057 2.0 3.088 256 92
9.057 1.9 4.585 230 95
provide no significant performance improvement. The plateau ef-
9,600 3.1 1,988 239 88 ficiency in this series of runs was - 85 %. This would normally
9,782 3.4 4.125 226 94 be considered a low efficiency for the hydrocyclone, but the average
9,872 2.4 7,498 348 95 inlet concentration for the above runs was 40 ppm, with outlet con-
10.959 2.1 920 162 82 centrations typically ranging from 5 to 10 ppm. Inspection of the
10.959 2.0 1.690 207 88 inlet samples showed slight discoloration of the water but no visible
11,774 3.0 2,475 195 92 free oil. The corresponding outlet samples were clear to the naked
11,774 3.4 2,644 230 91 eye and could easily have been mistaken for drinking water. Further,
11.865 0.9 4,600 315 93
the dissolved oil content on Murchison accounts for about 5 ppm
12.861 1.3 1.218 315 74
13.586 2.2 2.398 250 90 alone. Hence, the hydrocyclone was performing exceptionally well,
14,582 1.3 3,215 305 90 cleaning up clean water that probably consisted of a large amount
of very small droplets that are not easy to remove.
It was considered necessary, however, to expose the cyclone to
wider and various conditions to confirm that it could handle higher
levels of inlet contamination. Its response to process upsets, when
a valve failure could result in a slug of oil being carried out in the
produced water stream was also tested.

SPE Production Engineering, November 1988 673

A series of dirty-water trials was carried out with levels of inlet standing workhorse of produced-water treatment systems, needed
contamination ranging from 408 ppm to 13.98% oil. It was not pos- to be put out to pasture.
sible to achieve 40 ppm in every case, resulting predominantly from The success of hydrocyclones on the Murchison platform sug-
the reject rate not being high enough because in some cases the gested that they were the ideal solution for the Hutton TLP.
volume of oil in the feed exceeded the reject rate. Typical results However, because the two fields were markedly different and be-
for both the clean- and dirty-water trials are shown in Table 1 and cause the technology application was still in its infancy, it was con-
Fig.8. sidered prudent to re-evaluate the hydrocyclone potential for the
In summary, during normal operating conditions on Murchison, TLP. The TLP's slightly heavier crude, the significantly lower-
a reject ratio of 1% offers the best performance in terms of oil- pressure driving force, and the crude's tendency to foam contributed
removal efficiency and minimizing the amount of fluid recycle. to the decision to proceed with the rigorous test program that
Should a process upset occur, causing levels of inlet contamination followed.
higher than 5,000 ppm, then it is necessary to increase the reject It was decided to use the larger 60-mm [2.4-in.] cyclone to ac-
rate slightly. count for the limited pressure available (1000 kPa [145 psi] vs. 2700
It has been shown during testing that within-specification effluent kPa [392 psi] for Murchison) and to conduct pumping trials to assess
water can still be achieved with inlet concentrations as high as 8.26% the detrimental effects of oil-droplet shearing in the separator level-
oil, providing that the reject ratio is high enough. This would clearly control valves and the pump.
not be achievable with a conventional flotation cell system. Further, The first test location was identical to the way hydrocyclones had
the hydrocyclone responds rapidly to changing conditions, whereas been installed successfully on Murchison, immediately downstream
the flotation cell takes considerably longer to recover from an upset of the first-stage separator but upstream of the level-control valves.
condition. This was expected to be the optimum location because it used the
Having determined the optimum reject ratio, the next stage was natural pressure driving force, operated at the highest temperature,
to vary the flow rate to determine its impact on efficiency while and minimized high-shear areas that cause droplet breakup.
holding the reject ratio approximately constant. Runs have been The test unit used on Hutton consisted of two single-liner 60-
carried out with individual unit flow rates ranging from 288 to 1244 mm [2.4-in.] hydrocyclones that could be operated either in series
m 3 /d water [1,812 to 7,826 BWPD]. Results indicate that per- or parallel. The 35-mm [1.4-in.] cyclones exhibit potentially higher
formance falls off at flow rates below 318 m 3 /d water [2,000 separation forces, but a 6O-mm [2.4-in.] unit has approximately
BWPD] per unit and on the upper end with flow rates above 1113 2.5 times the capacity of a 35-mm [1.4-in.] cyclone for the same
m 3 /d water [7,000 BWPD] per unit. Fig. 3 illustrates graphically pressure driving force.
the trend of efficiency vs. flow rate. The scatter in results is con- In general, the Vortoil system has proved successful, but there
sidered to be caused primarily by variations in both inlet concen- are significant differences from the Murchison system that adversely
tration and the reject rate. affect performance.
As the flow rate is increased beyond 1113 m 3 /d water [7,000 Adopting 60-mm [2.4-in.] cyclones, which operate at lower spin
BWPD] per unit, it is not possible to maintain the optimum 1% speeds for the same flow rate, resulted in smaller centrifugal sepa-
reject ratio; therefore, the efficiency falls off. By 1240 m 3 /d water ration forces. This probably results in a less dense central core,
[7,800 BWPD] per unit, the maximum achievable reject ratio was which requires a higher reject ratio to allow complete oil removal.
<0.5%, returning only 11 % efficiency. Additionally, the TLP crude exhibits a high tendency to foam,
On the lower end of the flow range, efficiency falls off when which, when combined with the flash gas that exists preferentially
the flow rate is reduced below 318 m 3 /d water [2,000 BWPD]. in the reject stream, creates a foamy gassy mixture. This in effect
As discussed, this results because insufficient flow is available to reduces the Vortoil capacity because the flow rate needs to be limited
set up the vortex motion and to produce the strong centrifugal sepa- to reduce tiP2 to ensure that sufficient driving force exists.
ration forces required for optimum performance. These two points However, oil-removal efficiencies as high as 98% have consis-
define the lower and upper flow-rate limits for acceptable per- tently been obtained over a range of flow rates (Fig. 8). Tests have
formance. been carried out over a wide range of conditions with reject rates
In summary, from all currently available test data, the four-in- ranging from 0.32 to 16.0%. A reject ratio of -1 % was sufficient
one 35-mm [l.4-in.] hydrocyclones exhibit high efficiencies over to remove the bulk of the oil, but further improvements in effi-
a range of 318 to 1113 m 3 /d water [2,000 to 7,000 BWPD] per ciency could be obtained with reject ratios of up to 3 %. Beyond
unit, giving a turndown ratio of 3.5 : 1. The upper limit is considered this, no appreciable benefit was obtained. This is presented graphi-
to be a pressure-drop restriction on available reject rate, not droplet cally in Fig. 2.
shearing caused by the high flow rate. Inlet-oil concentrations have varied considerably during testing
The final characteristic to be developed is the pressure-drop rela- from < 100 to nearly 6,000 ppm. The normal concentration during
tionship as a function of both flow and reject rates. This is important testing ranged from 2,000 to 3,000 ppm. Clearly, the primary sepa-
because of the relationship between hydraulic capacity and the rator performance on the TLP is considerably poorer than on Mur-
pressure driving force. Additionally, because we use the pressure- chison, the weather being one of the main parameters affecting
drop characteristic for control purposes, this information is more performance. Further, unlike the Murchison system, which could
significant. achieve the 40-ppm discharge specification almost regardless of the
Fig. 4 illustrates the two previously discussed pressure drops inlet concentration, an upper limit of - 2,500 ppm exists on the
across the 35-mm [1.4-in.] hydrocyclone. The reject curve is based TLP. As the inlet concentration increases above 2,500 ppm, the
on a reject ratio of - 1 %. A family of reject-pressure-drop curves outlet concentration starts to rise. With an inlet concentration of
can be generated for a range of reject ratios. Fig. 5 illustrates a 5780 ppm with approximately 3% reject, however, the outlet can
family of reject curves ranging from 0 to 3% for the 60-mm [2.4- still be reduced to about 70 ppm. This is still impressive performance
in.] cyclones used on the Hutton TLP. by hydrocyclone standards and greatly exceeds what could be ex-
The theory of pressure-drop control has been outlined and the pected in a flotation cell, which could easily have outlet concen-
approximate relationship between the pressure-drop constant and trations orders of magnitude higher.
the reject ratio are presented in Fig. 6. However, these are not con- The performance falIoff is probably a result of the less dense
sidered to be universal relationships because a particular field's fun- central core combined with the increased tendency to foam as the
damental crude characteristics will affect the pressure-drop concentration increases.
relationship. Flow-rate trials have been carried out from 111 to 684 m 3 /d
water [700 to 4,300 BWPD] for a single 60-mm [2.4-in.] unit with
60·mm [2.4.ln.) Hydrocyclone about a 12oo-kPa [174-psi] driving force. Efficiency starts to fall
Tests and Results-Hutton TLP off at flow rates less than 159 m 3 /d water [1,000 BWPD] on the
The effects of platform motion on oil/water separation and subse- low end of the flow rate curve, again because there is insufficient
quently on oily-water cleanup created problems on the Hutton TLP. flow to support the vortex motion. It is also worth noting that the
It soon became apparent that the conventional flotation cell, the long- minimum flow rate threshold for the 60-mm [2.4-in.] cyclone is

674 SPE Production Engineering, November 1988

approximately twice as high as that for the 35-mm [l.4-in.] unit. oil concentration is probably caused by very small droplets that,
On the upper end, no reject rate was obtainable at a flow rate of at the relatively low spin speeds on Hiltton, are impossible to
684 m 3 /d water [4,300 BWPD], indicating that there was insuffi- remove. Shearing of oil droplets in the separator level-control
cient core pressure to support flow. A 32-m 3 /d-water [200-BWPD] valves, the pump recycle valve, and the pump itself are probably
reduction enabled a reject rate of -0.3%, yielding only 50% oil responsible for creating a larger number of smaller oil droplets than
removal. A further slight reduction in flow to - 618 m 31d water would exist naturally.
[-3,890 BWPD], giving a reject rate of -0.5%, restored high Pumping results indicate that operation at the minimum pump
efficiencies, but a further reduction to - 429 m 3 /d water [ - 2,700 differential of 200 kPa [29 psi] was the point of highest efficiency.
BWPD] is required to restore the 3% reject ratio necessary to However, as the pump!:J.p was increased beyond this, the efficiency
achieve the 40-ppm specification. initially fell off, then leveled out and remained constant up to 1000-
Hence, currently available test data, current separator pressures, kPa [145-psi] !:J.p.
and the need for high reject ratios indicate that the hydrocyclones A number of runs were carried out with the pump stopped but
exhibit high efficiencies from 636 to 1590 m 3 /d water [4,000 to liquid flowing through the wide-open recycle valve with an upstream
10,000 BWPD] per four-in-one 60-mm [2.4-in.] hydrocyclone pressure of 500 to 600 kPa [73 to 87 psi]. This resulted in little
(single unit times 4). This gives an operating turndown ratio of change in performance over the pumping mode. This, combined
2.5: 1. The relationship of efficiency vs. flow rate for the 60-mm with the!:J.p observation, suggests that most of the droplet breakup
[2.4-in.] cyclone is shown graphically in Fig. 3. is taking place in the separator-level control valves.
The pressure-drop relationships for a range of reject rates are Further improvements should be possible by combination of the
presented in Fig. 5, and Fig. 6 illustrates the pressure-drop-constant following factors.
relationship as a function of reject rate. Typical results for both 1. Install a variable-speed pump immediately downstream of the
35- and 60-mm [1.4- and 2.4-in.] units are shown in Table 1. separator but upstream of the level-control valves.
2. Put more distance between the pump and the hydrocyclone
6O-mm [2.4-in.] Hydrocyclone Pumping Tests. It had to be rec- inlet, and use larger-diameter pipework to promote natural
ognized that the TLp may not always operate with separator coalescence.
pressures high enough to support hydrocyclone operation at its op- 3. Evaluate chemicals specifically formulated to promote
timum. Further, little information exists about pumping and valving coalescence.
arrangements suitable for use with hydrocyclones. Although not 4. Increase pump discharge pressure, preferably without in-
immediately necessary for the successful application of a hydrocy- creasing rotation speed.
clone system on Hutton, it was considered timely and opportune In summary, the limited information currently available indicates
to include pumping trials as part of the overall evaluation effort. that a pumping system guaranteed to meet the 40-ppm discharge
The type of pump selected for handling oily water has a direct specification is not available. However, hydrocyclone technology
influence on system performance, as do pump control and valve for liquid/liquid separation is still in its infancy. It is considered
location. The selection of the most suitable pump and control ar- that an acceptable combination of pumps, valves, and hydrocyclones
rangement is therefore of paramount importance. is achievable to overcome the current low-pressure limitation.
Many factors are responsible for the shearing of oil droplets as On completion of the test program, we returned the test skid to
they pass through pumps and valves. Typically, excessive veloc- the first-stage separator location and supplemented it with the first-
ities and accelerations caused by rapid changes in section and ever four-in-one 60-mm [2.4-in.] hydrocyclone. This temporary
direction are responsible for much of the damage. Additionally, arrangement is treating about 3180 m 3 /d water [20,000 BWPD]
as discharge pressure increases, it is reasonable to assume that and discharging directly overboard. It is intended to provide con-
slippage between suction and discharge branches would also in- tinued system relief until a permanent system can be designed and
crease, possibly resulting in further disintegration of oil droplets. installed. The system will be designed to handle about 15 900 m 3 /d
Previous tests have shown that centrifugal pumps,6 the most water [100,000 BWPD] and will include a low-pressure pumping
reliable and most widely used pumps in the oil industry, are com- system to allow continued development in this area.
pletely unsuitable for pumping oily-water mixtures. While not en-
tirely satisfactory, positive-displacement pumps, such as screw and
gear pumps, cause less droplet breakup than most. DeSign Problems
Tests conducted on the Hutton produced-water system used a two- Three basic design problems, which to an extent have now been
stage mono pump installed downstream of the produced-water flash resolved, existed with the original five units supplied to Murchison
tank, which collects water from first, second, and test separators platform. First, the flow/ratio-control problem with the reject stream
under interface-level control. was a result of gas breakout causing two-phase flow. This has been
A recycle valve was provided around the pump to enable dis- fully resolved by use of the pressure-control system described
charge pressure regulation and flow-rate variation. This, however, previously.
combined with shearing across the individual separator level-control Second, the original fabricated design had an extremely low
valves, was probably responsible for a large percentage of droplet nozzle-loading allowance. This, combined with a design incor-
breakup, casting some uncertainty on the effectiveness of the pump. porating a straight header within tight space constraints, created
Tests were carried out on the pumping system with flow rates high thermal expansion loads. The resultant effect was a design that
ranging from 232 to 580 m 3 /d water [l,458 to 3,645 BWPD] per was allowed to float, was built to exact dimensional standards, and
single 6O-mm [2.4-in.] unit. Reject rates were again varied from was fully preassembled onshore. The nozzle loadings currently per-
from 0.27 to 7.2%. The level or reject rate to achieve optimum missible are more in line with accepted industry standards.
performance for the pumping system is - 2 %, which is lower than Finally, during routine internal inspection of the Murchison units
when installed immediately downstream of the first-stage separator. after 3 months of operation to check for signs of erosion or other
This may be a result of the effects of gas breakout in the cyclone damage, it was found that mechanical failure had occurred on all
when installed downstream of the separator, whereas the flash-tank five units. Failure had occurred on approximately 25 % of the liner-
stream was effectively degassed. to-liner-head welds and at a stress point between the central cou-
As expected, a reduction in hydrocyclone efficiency was experi- pling and support ring on all five units.
enced during the flash-tank pumping trials. With inlet oil-in-water The original internal design was essentially unsupported
concentrations ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 ppm, the clean-water throughout its entire 1.5-m [5-ft] span, with the individual cyclones
outlet was around 200 to 300 ppm. allowed to vibrate freely. Vibration could be set up in the liners
Oil-removal efficiencies were typically in the 80 to 90% range, by hand; hence, it is not surprising that considerable vibration would
almost regardless of the reject and flow rate settings. This repre- result when operating at very high fluid velocities. This was borne
sents a 10 to 15% efficiency reduction over the primary separator out in practice by the high frequency noise-like a tuning fork-
test (Fig. 8). which increased in pitch as flow rate increased.
It appears that a residual background oil concentration exists, It is worth noting, however, that although failure had occurred
which hydrocyclones cannot remove with pumps. This background on 25% of the individual cyclones, no significant performance im-
SPE Production Engineering, November 1988 675
pairment was apparent. This is primarily a function of the good Acknowledgments
water quality exiting the primary separators and the high efficiency I thank the management of Conoco (U.K.) Ltd. and Partners in
of the remaining unaffected cyclones. the Murchison and Hutton fields for permission to publish this paper.
The internal design has now evolved through a further two stages Partners in the Murchison project include Conoeo (U.K.) Ltd., Gulf
of development with assistance from vibrational-analysis con- Oil (U.K.) Ltd., Britoil pIc, Statoil, Mobil Exploration Norway
sultants. The new design internals are unquestionably superior to Inc., Conoco Norway Inc., Esso E&P Norway Inc., AIS Norske
the original design but have yet to be fully field-proven. Shell, Saga Petroleum AIS, Amerada Hess (Norway) Ltd., Amoeo
Norway Oil Co., and Texas Eastern Norwegian Inc. Hutton partners
Future Considerations are Conoeo (U.K.) Ltd., Britoil pIc, Gulf Oil (U.K.) Ltd., Amerada
To gain universal acceptance in the oil industry, it will be necessary Hess (U.K.) Ltd., Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Co., Enterprise Oil
to develop an acceptable combination of pumps and hydrocyclones pIc, Mobil North Sea Ltd., and Texas Eastern North Sea.
to cover the many potential low-pressure applications. All research I acknowledge the following personnel whose time and contri-
time spent in this area will have a significant impact on the hydroey- butions have made not only this paper but also the success of the
clone's market potential. initial venture possible. Conoco U.K. Ltd. management, engi-
While no chemical application has been necessary to demonstrate neering, and offshore operations personnel for their considerable
the impressive performance currently achievable at medium to high backing throughout, particularly I.A. Severin, who also played a
pressures, chemicals may help alleviate some of the detrimental major role in performance evaluation and testing; and B. W. N. per-
effects of pumps and valves on low-pressure systems. sonnel past and present, particularly G.I.I. Prendergast, whose con-
A number of other factors may affect hydroeyclone performance, fidence, enthusiasm, and technical knowledge for the product was
the effects of which currently are not fully understood. These in- invaluable throughout, and D. Webb, W. Carroll, and P. Tuckett,
clude the effects on solution-gas breakout and solids handling. for their assistance during commissioning and testing.
The future emergence of the dewatering hydrocyclone, which is
approaching field-trial stages, and the deoiling hydrocyclones cur- References
rently in use will revolutionize the oil- and water-treatment systems 1. Hayes, I.I. et al.: "Hydrocyclones for Treating Oily Water: Development
of the future, particularly on floating structures like the Hutton TLP, and Field Testing in Bass Strait, " paper OTC 5079 presented at the 1985
where space and weight are a premium and conventional separation Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, April 27-30.
equipment is adversely affected by platform motion. 2. Colman, D.A., Thew, M.P., and Lloyd, D.D.: "The Concept of
HydrocycJones for Separating Light Dispersions and a Comparison of
Field Data With Laboratory Work," paper F2 presented at the Second
Nomenclature Inti. Conference on HydrocycJones, Bath, Sept. 19-21, 1984.
C = hydrocyclone pressure-drop constant 3. Thew, M.: "HydrocycJone Redesign for Liquid-Liquid Separation," The
Cin = inlet oil-in-water concentration Chemical Engineer (July/Aug. 1986) No. 427, 17-23.
4. Whitfield, M.: "Oil/Water Separation: Environmental Requirements,"
Cout = clean-water outlet oil-in-water concentration
paper presented at the 19861. Chern. E. Offshore Separation Processes_
d = hydrocyclone major diameter Symposium, Middlesborough, May 15.
d = mean oil droplet diameter 5. Fleet, S.: "The Legal Problem, Oily-Water Separation, Problems and
E = efficiency Solutions in the Oil Industry," paper presented at the 1986 I. Chern.
N Re = Reynolds number E. Workshop, Aberdeen, Sept 23.
6. Shackleton, L.R.B., Douglas, E., and Walsh, T.: "Pollution of the Sea
Pin = inlet pressure by Oil," Trans., Inst. of Marine Engineers (1960) 72, 409-22.
Pout = outlet pressure
Prej = reject-stream pressure 51 Metric Conversion Factors
IlPl = pressure drop across cyclone inlet to outlet bbl x 1.589873 E-Ol m
IlP2 = pressure drop across cyclone inlet to reject in. x 2.54* E+Ol mm
q = inlet flow rate psi x 6.894 757 E+OO kPa
qrej = reject-stream flow rate
qw = clean-water outlet flow rate
T = temperature • Conversion factor is exact. SPEPE
Il-y = specific-gravity difference between water and oil
-y w = specific gravity of water Original SPE manuscript received for review April 27, 1987. Paper accepted for publication
Nov. 5, 1987. Revised manuscript received AprilS, 1988. Paper (SPE 16642) first presented
J1. = viscosity at the 1987 Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston, April 27-30.

676 SPE Production Engineering, November 1988

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