Lecture 1 - Introduction To Networking

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Networking Principles

 Introduction to Networking
 Networking Standards and the OSI Model
 Network Protocols
 Transmission basics and Networking Media
 Network Topologies
 WAN Topologies
 WAN and Remote Connectivity
 Networking Operating Systems
 Windows 2008 Server Hardware
 Networking with TCP/IP and Internet
 Network Applications
 Integrity and Availability
 Network Management and Security

 Assignment 1 (20%)

 Practical Assignment 1 (20%)

 Final Examination (60%)

Introduction to
Lecture One

 Introduction
 Types of Networks
 Elements common to all server-based network
 How networks are used
 Network hardware
 Reference models

 Network

 A network can be defined as two or more computers connected together in such a

way that they can share resources.

 Resources include

 A file

 A folder

 A printer

 A disk drive, etc

Network Definition

 A network is simply a collection of computers or other hardware devices

that are connected together, either physically or logically, using special
hardware and software, to allow them to exchange information and

 Networking is the term that describes the processes involved in designing,

implementing, upgrading, managing and otherwise working with networks
and network technologies.
Advantages of Networking

 Connectivity and Communication

 Data Sharing

 Hardware Sharing

 Internet Access

 Internet Access Sharing

 Data Security and Management

 Performance Enhancement and Balancing

 Entertainment
Disadvantages (Cost) of Networking

 Network Hardware, Software and Setup Costs

 Hardware and Software Management and Administration Costs

 Undesirable Sharing

 Illegal or Undesirable Behavior

 Data Security Concerns

Fundamental network classifications
Local Area Networks (LANs):
 A local area network (LAN) is a computer network covering a small
geographic area, like a home, office, or group of buildings
Fundamental network classifications
Wide Area Networks (WANs):
 Wide Area Network (WAN) is a computer network that covers a broad area (i.e.,
any network whose communications links cross metropolitan, regional, or national
boundaries). Or, less formally, a network that uses routers and public
communications links

 The largest and most well-known example of a WAN is the Internet.

 WANs are used to connect LANs and other types of networks together, so that users
and computers in one location can communicate with users and computers in
other locations
Fundamental network classifications
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):
o A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users with
computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that covered by
even a large local area network (LAN) but smaller than the area covered by a
wide area network (WAN). The term is applied to the interconnection of
networks in a city into a single larger network (which may then also offer
efficient connection to a wide area network). It is also used to mean the
interconnection of several local area networks by bridging them with
backbone lines. The latter usage is also sometimes referred to as a campus
Types of Local Area Networks
 Two types of LANs are Server-Based and Peer-to-Peer Network:

 Server-Based Network – A basic type of LAN wherein users login to a controlling

computer, called a server and is more secure. The server contains information
about who can connect to the network and to what shared resources. It also
provides some of these resources. These networks normally consist of 10 or more

 Peer-to-Peer Network – One of two basic types of LANs wherein each computer
user acts as a server. Each computer stores password and sharing information for
its own resources. Usually has fewer than 10 computers.
Types of Local Area Networks
Server-Based Network

Network – Figure # 1
Types of Local Area Networks
Peer-to Peer Network

Network – Figure # 2
Hardware and Network Peripherals
 Network Interface Card (NIC)
 Repeater
 Hub
 Bridge
 Routers
 Switch
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
Network Interface Card (NIC)

 NIC provides the physical interface between computer and cabling.

 It prepares data, sends data, and controls the flow of data. It can also receive and
translate data into bytes for the CPU to understand.

 The following factors should be taken into consideration when choosing a NIC:

1. - Preparing data

2. - Sending and controlling data

3. - Configuration

4. - Drivers

5. - Compatibility

6. - Performance
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
Preparing Data

 In the computer, data moves along buses in parallel, as on a four-lane

interstate highway. But on a network cable, data travels in a single
stream, as on a one lane highway. This difference can cause problems
transmitting and receiving data, because the paths traveled are not the

 It is the NIC’s job to translate the data from the computer into signals
that can flow easily along the cable.

 It does this by translating digital signals into electrical signals (and in the
case of fiber-optic NICs, to optical signals).
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
Sending and Controlling Data
 For two computers to send and receive data, the cards must agree on several things.
These include the following:

- The maximum size of the data frames

- The amount of data sent before giving confirmation

- The time needed between transmissions

- The amount of time needed to wait before sending confirmation

- The amount of data a card can hold

- The speed at which data transmits

 In order to successfully send data on the network, you need to make sure the network
cards are of the same type and they are connected to the same piece of cable.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)

 The NIC’s configuration includes things like a

manufacturer’s hardware address, IRQ address, Base I/O
port address, and base memory address. Some may also
use DMA channels to offer better performance.

 Each card must have a unique hardware address. If two

cards have the same hardware addresses, neither one of
them will be able to communicate.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)

 For the computer to use the network interface card, it is very important to
install the proper device drivers.

 These drivers communicate directly with the network redirector and adapter.
They operate in the Media Access Control sub-layer of the Data Link layer of
the OSI model.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)

 When choosing a NIC, use one that fits the bus type of your PC. If you have
more than one type of bus in your PC (for example, a combination ISA/PCI),
use an NIC that fits into the fastest type (the PCI, in this case).

 This is especially important in servers, as the NIC can very quickly become a
bottleneck if this guideline isn’t followed.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)

 The most important goal of the network adapter card is to optimize network
performance and minimize the amount of time needed to transfer data
packets across the network.

 There are several ways of doing this, including assigning a DMA channel, use
of a shared memory adapter, and deciding to allow bus mastering.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
 Repeaters are very simple devices. They allow a cabling system to extend beyond its
maximum allowed length by amplifying the network voltages so they travel farther.

 Repeaters are nothing more than amplifiers and, as such, are very inexpensive.

 Repeaters can only be used to regenerate signals between similar network segments.

 For example, we can extend an Ethernet 10Base2 network to 400 meters with a
repeater. But can’t connect an Ethernet and Token Ring network together with one.

 The main disadvantage to repeaters is that they just amplify signals. These signals not
only include the network signals, but any noise on the wire as well.

 Eventually, if you use enough repeaters, you could possibly drown out the signal with
the amplified noise. For this reason, repeaters are used only as a temporary fix.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
 Hubs are devices used to link several computers together.

 They repeat any signal that comes in on one port and copy it to the other
ports (a process that is also called broadcasting).

 There are two types of hubs: active and passive.

 Passive hubs simply connect all ports together electrically and are usually not

 Active hubs use electronics to amplify and clean up the signal before it is
broadcast to the other ports.

 In the category of active hubs, there is also a class called “intelligent” hubs,
which are hubs that can be remotely managed on the network.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
 They join similar topologies and are used to divide network segments.

 For example, with 200 people on one Ethernet segment, the performance will be mediocre,
because of the design of Ethernet and the number of workstations that are fighting to
transmit. If you divide the segment into two segments of 100 workstations each, the traffic
will be much lower on either side and performance will increase.

 If it is aware of the destination address, it is able to forward packets; otherwise a bridge will
forward the packets to all segments. They are more intelligent than repeaters but are unable
to move data across multiple networks simultaneously.

 Unlike repeaters, bridges can filter out noise.

 The main disadvantage to bridges is that they can’t connect dissimilar network types or
perform intelligent path selection. For that function, you would need a router.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)

 Routers are highly intelligent devices that connect multiple network types and
determine the best path for sending data.

 The advantage of using a router over a bridge is that routers can determine the best
path that data can take to get to its destination.

 Like bridges, they can segment large networks and can filter out noise.

 However, they are slower than bridges because they are more intelligent devices; as
such, they analyze every packet, causing packet-forwarding delays. Because of this
intelligence, they are also more expensive.

 Routers are normally used to connect one LAN to another.

 Typically, when a WAN is set up, there will be at least two routers used.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
 A network switch is a computer networking device that connects network segments.

 Low-end network switches appear nearly identical to network hubs, but a switch contains more
"intelligence" (and a slightly higher price tag) than a network hub.

 Network switches are capable of inspecting data packets as they are received, determining the source and
destination device of that packet, and forwarding it appropriately.

 By delivering each message only to the connected device it was intended for, a network switch conserves
network bandwidth and offers generally better performance than a hub.

 A vital difference between a hub and a switch is that all the nodes connected to a hub share the
bandwidth among themselves, while a device connected to a switch port has the full bandwidth all to

 For example, if 10 nodes are communicating using a hub on a 10-Mbps network, then each node may only
get a portion of the 10 Mbps if other nodes on the hub want to communicate as well. .

 But with a switch, each node could possibly communicate at the full 10 Mbps.
Hardware and Networks Peripherals (cont.)
Layers of OSI Model

ISO – International

OSI – Open system


Summary of OSI Model

OSI and TCP/IP Model


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