Case Study Tata Steel

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Case Study:

Tata Steel Satisfies SharePoint Backup and

Customer Location
Netherlands Restore SLAs with DocAve®
Manufacturing Success Highlights
Platform • Met stringent company policy and all service level agreements related
Windows SharePoint Services to backup and restore
v3 • Scheduled incremental and platform-level backups for its 35 gigabytes
of data to automatically occur out of normal office hours, minimising
Critical Needs business disruption
• Regularly scheduled and • Backed up and restored items with full fidelity, including all metadata,
asneeded backups on both securities, and version histories in as quick as one minute
incremental and platform
• Fast, full recovery of lost Customer Profile
and corrupted SharePoint
components down to the Tata Steel is a top 10 global steel maker and the world’s second most
item level geographically diversified steel producer. The company was founded in
India in 1907 and, since 2004, has expanded globally, acquiring Asian
AvePoint Solution steel producers NatSteel and Millennium Steel (now called Tata Steel
DocAve Backup and Restore Thailand) as well as Europe’s second largest steel producer Corus (now
called Tata Steel Europe Limited). Tata Steel is part of the Tata Group,
India’s largest industrial conglomerate.

The Challenge
After Tata Steel (headquartered in Mumbai) purchased Corus (headquartered
in London) in 2009, it was clear that the company needed a business
“DocAve Backup and collaboration platform in order for colleagues based in multiple locations
Restore has given me worldwide to work together effectively. Tata ultimately decided upon
complete peace of Microsoft SharePoint to connect knowledge-workers and manage digital
mind.” assets for globally dispersed organisations.

-Kai van Dijk – System

Using Windows SharePoint Services v3, Tata developed a production
Administrator for RD&T, Tata
Steel environment that included one web front end server and one SQL Server.

Copyright © AvePoint 2013. All other trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners.
Workers quickly adopted the platform, with project Part of DocAve’s fully integrated platform with more
teams immediately sharing schedules and storing files than 30 independently deployable modules, DocAve
in its centralised repository. At present, the company’s Backup and Restore offers fast, flexible, and
Research, Development, & Technology (RD&T) customisable backup for SharePoint. When Tata initially
department alone has nearly 1,200 SharePoint users, installed DocAve toward the beginning of its
with three sites in the UK and one in the Netherlands. SharePoint deployment, only platform-level backups
However, any of Tata Steel’s 80,000 employees can were needed. With DocAve Backup and Restore, Tata
access department data and research findings housed was able to perform the necessary backups and
in the SharePoint environment. Tata’s IT administrators comply with company policies with ease, and its entire
make default SharePoint sites with custom web apps SharePoint environment was protected in full fidelity—
available upon request for employees, who often use including all metadata, securities, and version histories.
the platform to maintain blogs, wikis, and forums for
their teams. The organisation’s SharePoint environment As the organisation’s use of SharePoint grew and the
currently holds about 35 gigabytes of data. amount of data within the environment increased
significantly, Tata needed to scale its backup plan
But while Tata found great benefits in SharePoint’s accordingly. At this point, administrators decided to
ability to seamlessly connect its employees and carry out incremental, granular backups every two
enable more effective enterprise-wide collaboration, weeks and full granular platform backups every month.
the company encountered a significant challenge in DocAve’s granular backup scheduling enabled
its need to backup and restore the platform. In order administrators to run backup processes according to
to comply with stringent company-wide service level these specific business needs and organisational
agreements, administrators needed to schedule timetables. With backups scheduled to take place over
regular backups of its SharePoint environment, as well night, interruption during business hours was avoided
as perform backups on a one-off basis and restore and overall platform performance optimised for
the entire farm when needed. While SharePoint offers endusers.
some native options for backup and recovery, the
native tools were difficult to harness and not As with most organisations running SharePoint,
thorough enough to meet the company’s SLA administrators encountered several instances when
requirements. platform content needed to be restored – whether due
to accidental deletion by an end-user or file corruption.
“It is company policy to only use IT solutions which DocAve allowed administrators to quickly and easily
offer appropriate back-up and recovery options and recover all SharePoint components, databases,
Microsoft tools did not offer the required functionality,” indexes, and configurations down to the item-level.
said Kai van Dijk, System Administrator for RD&T. Whether a full site or single document needed to be
Thus, a need for a third-party solution was immediately rescued, administrators were able to do so in as fast
evident from the beginning of Tata’s deployment. as one minute and return the content to the end-user
during business hours, meeting both recovery time
The AvePoint Solution objectives and recovery point objectives without issue.

Administrators reviewed several software solutions, “DocAve Backup and Restore has given me
including AvePoint’s DocAve Software Platform, at the completepeace of mind,” said van Dijk. “ Not only
suggestion of a consultant. While other solutions does the solution keep our SharePoint data secure,
proved difficult to set up and manage, DocAve but it does so in a way that fully complies with our
installed and worked immediately with no extra organisation’s existing backup and restore policy for all
configurations required. technologies.”‖
The Bottom Line About AvePoint

With a massive network of knowledge-workers spread AvePoint is a global technology company and proven
across multiple locales, Tata Steel found tremendous software leader. Since its founding in 2001, AvePoint
value in SharePoint’s ability to connect its staff and has become one of the world’s largest providers of
enable efficient business collaboration. But when infrastructure management software solutions for
SharePoint’s native backup and recovery tools proved SharePoint, offering a fully integrated solution for
inadequate to protect and restore business-critical SharePoint lifecycle management. Propelled by one of
data as well as satisfy company policy, DocAve the world’s largest SharePoint-exclusive research &
Backup and Restore provided an ideal solution.、 development teams, AvePoint helps more than 8,000
customers – including many Fortune 500 companies
Customisable according to specific business needs, and government agencies – meet their specific
DocAve Backup and Restore enabled Tata to business objectives by unleashing SharePoint’s full
selectively backup all SharePoint components, while potential. AvePoint, Inc. is headquartered and
protecting the entire server farm. Intuitive and maintains its principle engineering centre in Jersey
userfriendly scheduling abilities allowed backups City, NJ, with wholly owned sales and engineering
to take place during times when business would be centres in the USA, Canada, Australia, United
impacted the least. Additionally, full-fidelity restores Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, Japan,
could be made down to the item-level, saving important Singapore, and China. AvePoint is a Depth Managed
content on an as-needed basis with a minimal Microsoft Gold Certified Portals and Collaboration
amount of time and effort required from administrators. Partner and Gold Certified ISV Partner as well as US
Government GSA provider via strategic partnerships.
Tata administrators also took advantage of AvePoint’s
live technical support service regularly from the very AvePoint EMEA Headquarters
beginning of its DocAve deployment. “ Whether we Farringdon Point
had basic questions during the installation process or 29 – 35 Farringdon Road (Floor 3)
issues with platform restores, the technical support London EC1M 3JF
team always responds to our inquiries and resolves +44 (0) 207 421 5199
our issues swiftly,” said van Dijk.

With Tata Steel’s backup and restore policies met

through DocAve and AvePoint’s technical staff
providing support whenever needed, administrators
were able to rest easy and save significant time for
other important projects – including developing
plans for the next stages of the organisation’s
SharePoint deployment.

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