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Secure Smart Metering Based on LoRa Technology

Yao Cheng1 , Hendra Saputra2 , Leng Meng Goh1 , Yongdong Wu1

Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore.
#21-01 Connexis South Tower, 1 Fusionopolis Way, Singapore 138632
{cheng yao, gohlm, wydong}@i2r.a-star.edu.sg
Secure Mobile Centre, Singapore Management University, Singapore.
71 Stamford Road, Singapore 178895
[email protected]

Abstract For example, smart metering, which is a basic function in

smart grids, allows a power provider to remotely and timely
Smart metering allows Substation Automation System obtain the user consumption, and accordingly re-allocate
(SAS) to remotely and timely read smart meters. Despite its the resource to generate the right amount of power to sat-
advantages, smart metering brings some challenges. a) It isfy the user demand without unnecessary waste.
introduces cyber attack risks to the metering system, which Although smart metering has its advantages, it also
may lead to user privacy leakage or even the compromise of brings challenges. Smart metering using modern communi-
smart metering systems. b) Although the majority of meters cation technologies is in the risk of cyber attacks [12]. The
are located within a regional power supply area, some hard- meters are distributed and the transmission medium is phys-
to-reach nodes are geographically far from the clustered ically exposed to attackers. The readings collected from
area, which account for a big portion of the entire smart me- meters may face the threat of being sniffed, intercepted, or
tering operation cost. Facing the above challenges, we pro- altered. In order to protect the user privacy and the integrity
pose a secure smart metering infrastructure based on LoRa of meter readings, it is of great importance to take security
technology which facilitates long-range wireless communi- into consideration. Moreover, although the majority of me-
cations. We adopt symmetric cryptography to protect the ters are distributed in clustered power supply areas, there
end-to-end communication between the SAS and the smart are some hard-to-reach meters far from the clustered area.
meter. Moreover, in order to maintain a long-term security Data shows that the 1% hard-to-reach meters can account
of the proposed metering system, we design a key manage- for as much as 50% of the entire smart metering network
ment protocol to update the keys periodically. Implementa- operational cost [2]. Therefore, it can save up to 50% of
tion and experiment are presented to evaluate the usability unnecessary cost by solving such 1% problem.
of our system. Finally, the potentiality of the proposed sys- In this paper, our research aims to solve the above
tem being applicable to the generalized utility metering is challenges by proposing a secure smart metering system
discussed. based on LoRa technology which is a new type of wireless
telecommunication network designed to allow long-range
communications. We use symmetric cryptography to secure
the data during the transmission. To maintain a long-term
1. Introduction
security feature, we further design a key management pro-
A smart grid is an enhanced power grid that utilizes digi- tocol to remotely and securely update the encryption keys
tal communication technologies to improve the efficiency, that are used to protect the transmitted data. We implement
sustainability, and reliability in power grids. One of the the system and conduct experiments to evaluate its usability
most salient advantages is that entities in smart grid can mu- and efficiency. In summary, we make the following contri-
tually communicate with each other in a real-time manner. butions:
• We make the pioneer exploration in designing a smart
th metering infrastructure based on LoRa providing an
2018 IEEE 4 International Conference on Identity, Se-
end-to-end data protection.
curity, and Behavior Analysis (ISBA) 978-1-5386-2248-
3/18/$31.00 2018
c IEEE • We propose a lightweight key management protocol
that can update keys securely and remotely, which pro- the last-mile communication by extending it to the commu-
vides the system with a persistent security over time. nication between the SAS and the smart meter, so that we
can consider it as a whole and propose an end-to-end pro-
• We implement our design and conduct evaluation ex- tection.
periments which demonstrate the practicality of our
design in real-world smart grid scenario.
2.2. LoRa
• We discuss a variant of metering topology considering
LoRa is a wireless communication technology developed
the battery limit of other meters to facilitate the appli-
to provide the low-power, low-rate, but long-range commu-
cation of our design to other energy/utility domains,
nication [1]. It uses the free ISM band (the Industrial, Sci-
e.g., water metering and gas metering.
entific, and Medical radio band) which varies in accordance
with government regulations. The communication range of
2. Background
LoRa can hit up to 22 kilometers [4]. It would be helpful
2.1. Last-Mile Communication in Smart Grids to eliminate the “1% hard-to-reach problem” in the smart
metering network, which can save as much as 50% of the
There are at least three entities involved in a typical smart entire smart metering network operational cost [2]. In addi-
grid, i.e., power plants, substations, and users. The power is tion, statistic data shows that each smart meter only sends
generated at various types of power plants, and then trans- 48 messages per day and 12 bytes per message [3]. The
mitted at high voltage over a long distance to substations requirements of smart metering, i.e., long communication
which are responsible for reducing the power voltage and range and light communication load, make LoRa a prevail-
distributing the power to users. ing choice for this scenario. There are some off-the-shelf
Last-mile communication in smart grids normally repre- LoRa modules, e.g., Libelium SX1272 [4], which provides
sents the communication between the smart meter and the communication using LoRa technology along with a range
data collector. Data collectors are the subnodes of Substa- of optional frequency bands, coding rates and transmission
tion Automation System (SAS, an information system lo- rates.
cated at the substation) in the smart grid topology. The
data collector serves as an agency that collects meter read-
ings directly from smart meters and transmits the readings 3. System Design
back to the SAS according to SAS’s requests or pre-defined
schedules. There are several optional communication chan- The proposed system composes of two parts, i.e., the se-
nels in the last-mile communication, e.g., PLC (Power Line cure metering via LoRa technology and the key manage-
Communication), low-power RF (Radio Frequency) tech- ment protocol.
nology and cellular network. Each channel has its own
advantages and disadvantages. PLC supports sending data 3.1. Adversary Model
over the existing power cables. However, it suffers from
unpredictable and widely varying channel characteristics Before diving to the technical design, we explain the ad-
which lead to data noise, signal attenuation, and distor- versary model first. The attacker may have the capability
tion [11][16]. Low-power RF uses certain frequencies with of sniffing, intercepting, and altering data transmitted over
transmit power equal to or less than 50 mW. RF signals are the air or cable. However, (s)he cannot compromise the key
vulnerable to obstructions such as walls and floors. The sig- management server to obtain the keys of the whole manage-
nal instability and short communication distances caused by ment domain. This is a rational assumption because crypto-
abstractions reduce its application to the scenario that many graphic solutions rely on the secrecy of keys.
smart meters within single consecutive space such as within We assume that the smart meter is not compromised and
single floor. Communication over cellular networks relies the reading can reflect the actual power consumption of
on network operators, which can achieve long distance data users. Electricity theft by manipulating power meters hap-
transmission but with an extra data fee. pens. This kind of attacks is within the scope of provid-
The data collector is not the final destination of the meter ing effective management by the power utility companies
reading. After the data collector obtains the meter reading, to ensure the integrity of smart meters. Some modern smart
it then connects to its up-layer SAS via another set of com- meters also provide anti-tamper function. Moreover, unlike
munication channels, such as cellular network, Internet and traditional power meters, smart meters involve digital sys-
private network. Before the meter reading reaches the SAS, tems which may face the threat of being hacked. We leave
it may still in risk in terms of integrity and confidential- this problem to another research area, i.e., remote code at-
ity due to the potential cyber attacks along the transmission testation [9], which focuses on providing digital technique
channels. Taking this risk into consideration, we redefine supports for the integrity of smart meter systems.
KMS Smart Meters 3.3. Metering via LoRa
Optical RS485
The SAS is responsible for managing metering requests
according to the configuration, e.g., requesting power meter
Optical RS485
readings once a month. The messages shown in the right
part of Figure 2 are the metering steps for an SAS to read

SAS Data Collectors power consumption from a smart meter. First of all, the
Windows 7 SX1272+RaspberryPi Optical RS485
SAS needs to establish a connection (Message 1 and 2) and
authenticate to the smart meter (Message 3 and 4). Smart
Figure 1. System overview meters are provisioned with a secret key when they are de-
ployed. Anyone without the secret key cannot access the
smart meter. After successful connection and authentica-
tion, the SAS then can issue the reading commands (Mes-
3.2. System Overview sage 5 and 6). Finally, the connection is closed (Message 7
and 8).
Our system aims to enable remote metering in a secure To explain the data transmission among SAS, data col-
and cost-efficient way by adopting LoRa technology and lector, LoRa component, and smart meter, we take estab-
key management protocol. There are three entities involved lishing connection as an example, which is shown in the left
in this system, i.e., the SAS, the data collector and the smart part of Figure 2. The SAS requests to connect to the meter
meter. There can be more than one SAS in smart girds. through the data collector which is indexed by IP addresses.
Each SAS can support a number of data collectors which Upon receiving the request, the data collector reaches out
can further support a number of smart meters. For illustra- to the LoRa component attached to the target meter to issue
tion purpose, we use the case of one SAS, one data collector, the connection command. The LoRa component is assigned
and one smart meter to explain our design. a node ID for index. The corresponding LoRa component
forwards the connection command to the smart meter and
The system overview is shown in Figure 1. Each smart
waits for the response. As soon as the LoRa component re-
meter is equipped with a LoRa component which is respon-
ceives the response from the smart meter, it sends back the
sible for reading the corresponding smart meter and sending
response to the data collector which then feeds the response
out the reading upon requests. Physically, the LoRa compo-
to the SAS. It works in a similar manner for other messages
nent should be integrated to the existing meter so that it is
pairs. Messages with odd IDs are sent from the SAS to the
well protected instead of being exposed outside the smart
smart meter, while messages with even IDs are responded
meter box. Through the LoRa component, the data collec-
tor can communicate with the smart meter using wireless
A counter field is included in each message to prevent
LoRa technology. The data collector and the smart meter
replay attacks. Communication counterparts store a counter
can be located at different places with a distance. The dis-
and maintain its increment. Each time an entity receives a
tance between them, i.e., the distance supported by LoRa
message, it compares the received counter with the stored
technology, can be up to 22 kilometers depending on the
counter. Any situation that a received counter is less than
environment. Meanwhile, the data collector is connected to
the stored value means a possible replay attack.
SAS via Ethernet.
We use symmetric keys to protect data transmitted from
To secure the transmission of meter readings, we use the SAS to the LoRa component. Each LoRa component
symmetric cryptography to protect the communication be- attached to a smart meter shares a secret symmetric key
tween the SAS and the meter. Each pair of communication with the SAS. By encrypting data using symmetric keys,
counterparts shares a unique secret key. The meter read- we avoid any plain text from being transmitted over the air
ing is encrypted with the secret key before being sent out. or cable to prevent the data from being sniffed or altered.
In order to maintain a long-term security, we introduce the However, it is not recommended to use fixed keys for a very
KMS (Key Management Server) to manage keys used in the long time that smart meters usually serve. To solve such
system. An automated periodical key update is feasible us- problem, we propose a key management protocol to update
ing our KMS. The management domain of KMS is limited the keys periodically.
within a single layer, i.e., managing the keys between one
3.4. Key Management Protocol
SAS and the meters under its supply. Therefore, there can
be multiple KMS systems. In addition, the KMS is a con- As shown in Figure 3, we take two layers of the smart
ceptual server which can be deployed on a separate server grids topology for illustration. There is a secret key sharing
or integrated to SAS. We detail each component in the fol- between each pair of communication counterparts so that
lowing subsections. any intruder without knowing the key cannot tamper with
Ethernet LoRa Optical 1. Connection request
SAS Data Collector LoRa Component RS485 Smart Meter
2. Connection confirmation
1 3. Authentication request
1 4. Authentication result
2 5. Send reading command
2 6. Response to reading command
7. Disconnection request
8. Disconnection confirmation

Figure 2. Communication details in smart metering using LoRa technology.

KMS total times of update over the device’s management lifetime.

KSB Then, the KMS calculates a series of K i using Equation 1
to finally obtain K 0 . After that, K 0 is sent along with the

initialization command and a random nonce n0 , encrypted
KSA KA KSN with Kp (m1 in Figure 4).

KN K i = H(K i+1 ), i = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1 (1)

Local KMS
The device decrypts the received message using Kp and
… Devices obtains K 0 . It then responses a confirmation code, a ran-
dom nonce n1 , and the received n0 , encrypted with K 0 (m2
in Figure 4).
Figure 3. Key management topology. Devices here refer to the The KMS decrypts the received message with K 0 and
LoRa-enabled smart meters. verifies whether the received n0 equals n0 . If it does, the
KMS stores K 0 , sets i to 0, sets the expiry time for K 0 , and
the transmitted message. The key is managed by the KMS. cleans all the intermediate calculation results. A confirma-
Instead of centralized, the KMS is distributed following the tion message with a new random nonce n2 and the received
typical topology of smart grids. n1 is sent back to the device (m3 in Figure 4).
In comparison with the existing key schemes, our key Upon receiving the confirmation, the device verifies
management protocol provides long-term security by main- whether the received n1 equals n1 . If it does, the device
taining the pairwise secret keys and updating the keys peri- stores K 0 and cleans the intermediate calculation results.
odically. The existing single-key scheme assigns the same Key Updating. The KMS routinely scans for expiring
key for all devices in the system for simple management, keys and updates them. Once a key K i is expiring, it needs
whose security robustness is low as compromising one de- to go through the key updating procedure as shown in Fig-
vice means compromising the whole system [8]. Some ure 4. The KMS iteratively calculates K i+1 according to
key schemes uses pairwise symmetric [10][17] or asym- the value of i, starting from K n and following Equation 1.
metric [5] keys. The key is pre-installed on the device. It The device calculates whether H(K i+1 ) equals its current
requires a safe environment to initialize the device, which key K i to verify the originality of the new key. The rest of
becomes a problem when the smart meter needs a reset or updating procedure is similar with initializing K 0 .
re-initialization after being installed [7, 6]. Moreover, the
fixed key faces the threat of being compromised in the long
4. Security Analysis
period of time that a smart meter is supposed to be used for. End-to-End Security. The communication between the
In our design, the secret key shared by communication SAS and the smart meter is secured by a pairwise shared
counterparts is not fixed anymore. One secret key K i only secret key in our system. The transmitted meter reading
validates for the i-th period. Figure 4 demonstrates the core is not available to others, for example, the data collector,
design of our protocol. We illustrate the protocol using two because they do not possess the corresponding key. Mean-
communication counterparts, i.e., they can be the KMS and while, there is a secret key for each meter, which is only
the local KMS, or the KMS and the device. valid for a time period before next update. Therefore, com-
Key Initialization. As shown in Figure 4, at the begin- promising one secret key would not 1) impact other devices
ning, the device is initialized with a pre-installed key Kp under the same domain and 2) have an impact longer than
which is known to its KMS. First of all, the KMS calcu- the key validation period.
lates its K n by hashing its secret Kk , the device identity The Self-Verification and Secrecy of Future Keys.
DeviceID, and the offline initialization time InitT ime, The device can efficiently verify the integrity of the new
where H(·) is a one-way hash function and n represents the key K i+1 by calculating whether H(K i+1 ) is equal to its
Key Management Server Local KMS / Device

Kn = H(Kk + DeviceID + InitTime)

Key Initialization
Pre-installed Kp
Calculate K0 according to Ki = H(Ki+1) m1 = ‫ܧ‬௞೛ (“init” + K0 + n0)
K0 = ‫ܦ‬௞೛ (m1) - “init” - n0
Decrypt n0’ from m2 m2 = ‫ܧ‬௞ బ (“ack” + n1 + n0 )
If n0’ == n0, store K0, set expiry time,
set i = 0, clean data m3 = ‫ܧ‬௞ బ (“ack” + n2 + n1) Decrypt n1’ from m3,
If n1’ == n1, store K0, clean data

m4 = ‫ܧ‬௞ ೔ (“update” + Ki+1 + n3)

Key Updating

Ki+1 = H(Ki+2) Ki+1’ = ‫ܦ‬௄೔ (m4) - “update” - n3

Decrypt n3’ from m5 m5 = ‫ܧ‬௞ ೔శభ (“ack” + n4 + n3)
If H(Ki+1’ ) equals to Ki
If n3’ == n3, store Ki+1, set expiry time, m6 = ‫ܧ‬௞ ೔శభ (“ack” + n5 + n4)
set i = i + 1, clean data Decrypt n4’ from m6,
If n4’ == n4, store Ki+1, clean data

Figure 4. Key management protocol.

current key K i . Therefore, it requires no trusted third party,

e.g., a certificate authority in public key infrastructure, to SAS
verify the originality of the new key. Meanwhile, even if
the attacker knows K i , it is computationally difficult for
him/her to calculate K i+1 due to the one-way feature of Data Collector
LoRa Component
hash function H(·) [13]. This one-way virtue ensures the
Smart Meter
secrecy of future keys and hence the security of future me-
ter readings under the protection of future keys.
Resilience to Replay Attacks. In the key management
phase, we use random nonce challenge in each step. If an
attacker does not own the encryption key and cannot truly
decrypt the message, (s)he cannot obtain the nonce chal-
lenge which is supposed to be included in the response.
Therefore, any replay would be detected due to the failure
in replying the correct challenge. In the metering phase, we Figure 5. Experiment configuration.
introduce counter as mentioned in Section 3.3. The counter
value in the received message is expected to be incremen-
tal. Any discrepancy, either indicating a network delay or nels with a bandwidth of 2.16 MHz per channel. The model
a possible replay attack, leads to a communication failure. of our smart meter is MPA34D which is manufactured by
In this way, the proposed key management system can be Mega Power Automation International Limited. It supports
resilient against replay attacks. remote communications such as 3G, GPRS, and RF, as well
as local communication by optical port RS485. In addition,
5. Experiments this smart meter provides anti-tamper function. It can detect
open meter cover and terminal cover and magnetic disturb.
5.1. Experiment Setup According to our design, we add LoRa component to the
We set up a simplified metering infrastructure to conduct MPA34D smart meter through Optical RS485 which is usu-
our experiment, including one SAS, one data collector, and ally used in on-site debugging. In future commercial design,
one smart meter (Figure 5). The SAS runs on Windows 7, the LoRa component can be integrated into the smart meter
with Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 processor and 8 GB memory. chipset.
The data collector is a LoRa-enabled device which is con- The frequency of LoRa SX1272 should be set to cer-
nected to SAS via network cable. We use Raspberry Pi 3 tain radio band range under government regulator guideline,
Model B which is an affordable and tiny single-board com- which is from 920 MHz to 925 MHz in our setting. Regard-
puter to support the program in the data collector. SX1272 ing the SX1272 channels, the allowed channels are channel
LoRa module for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Intel Galileo 08, 09 and 10. We use channel 10 in our experiment. Ex-
(900 MHz) manufactured by Libelium based on Semtech’s cept for frequency, SX1272 has three configurable param-
chipset is connected to Raspberry Pi via Raspberry Pi to Ar- eters [4], i.e., the bandwidth (BW), the coding rate (CR),
duino Shields Connection Bridge to provide LoRa capabil- and the spreading factor (SF). SX1272 offers an option, i.e.,
ity. SX1272 (900 MHz) supports 13 communication chan- transmission mode, that predefines the above three parame-
Table 1. SX1272 transmission mode 4. Table 2. Time costs for querying import active energy.
Mode BW CR SF Sensitivity T ime1 T ime2 Measure Period T1 T2 T3
4 500 4/5 12 -128 dB 1167 2040 Time Cost (ms) 5337.9±5.1 3329.1±4.1 1351.0±2.0
T ime1 : Transmission time (ms) for a 100-byte packet.
T ime2 : Transmissiontime (ms) for a 100-byte packet sent Water Supplier
and ACK received Water Meter

LoRa Data
Power Meter Gas Supplier
SAS Data Collector LoRa Component Smart Meter Gas Meter
Power Supplier
Figure 7. Integrated utility meter reading infrastructure.

system can satisfy the requirement of the real-world usage
Figure 6. Illustration for test time costs. well.

6. Discussion
ters. We set it to mode 4 (whose predefined parameters are
shown in Table 1) reflecting a moderate transmission rate. 6.1. Generalized Utility Metering
We implement our system in C++. 128-bit AES-CBC is Our solution can be applied to other utility metering sce-
used as the encryption algorithm. There are 303, 177, and narios sharing similar infrastructure networks, such as water
268 lines of code added to the SAS, the data collector, and metering and gas metering. However, the challenge is that
the LoRa component for the smart meter, respectively. The different from power meters, water meters and gas meters
LoRa components communicate in a way that every packet are not powered. Taking the limited battery into consider-
is expected an acknowledge before timeout. ation, we propose an overall metering infrastructure based
on our metering solution.
5.2. Performance The power meter which is usually connected to electric-
We evaluate the performance of the system by measuring ity supply works as a relay for other meters powered by bat-
the inquiry time of import active energy which is used for tery, as shown in Figure 7. The data collector here is shared
billing. In order to accurately measure the time cost based by various utility suppliers. As the data collector is not in-
on a synchronized clock, we measure the time cost at each volved in any data processing and does not possess any se-
entity separately. As shown in Figure 6, we measure T1, T2, cret key, a shared data collector would not affect the overall
and T3 from the SAS, the data collector and the LoRa com- security. The reading request for all types of meters is sent
ponent attached to the smart meter, respectively. The time from the data collector to the smart power meter via LoRa.
costs are measured starting from the time when a message If the request is to read the power meter, the power meter
reaches the entity till the time after the message leaves. T1 replies as requested. If the request is for other meter read-
represents the time of a single round of query and response. ing, the power meter forwards the request to corresponding
Similarly, T2 and T3 represent the time that a single round meters. It follows the same routine when the response is
of query and response takes between data collector/LoRa back. The key management protocol can also work as stated
component and the smart meter, respectively. T1, T2, and in Section 3.4 with the existence of the power meter relay.
T3 are measured based on the transmission of the same mes- On one hand, it is common for a household to have gas,
sage. The experiment results are shown in Table 2. Multiple water, and power supplies. It is environment-friendly to
experiments demonstrate a steady time cost. It takes about share metering infrastructures which are with similar net-
5.3 seconds for the SAS to issue a reading command and work topology. On the other hand, the meters powered by
obtain the response. The time cost over the LoRa (T2-T3) battery can save battery by communicating with the power
is about 2.0 seconds including both request and response. meter which is geographically located nearby and avoiding
The communication load in smart metering is light accord- direct distant communication with the data collector.
ing to the statistic data that each smart meter only sends 48
6.2. Key Updating Failure
messages per day and 12 bytes per message [3]. In the real-
world scenario, the metering frequency is normally once ev- Although the attacker cannot obtain the plain message
ery month for electricity billing purpose and 30 or 60 min- because (s)he does not own the shared secret key, intercep-
utes for the power demand forecasting task. Based on our tion may cause loss of messages, while alteration may cause
experiment results in Table 2, one SAS can support more decryption errors. Therefore, consistent key updating fail-
than 300,000 such queries in 30 minutes. Therefore, our ures which can be caused by various reasons may require
human on-site inspections. To avoid intentionally thwart- Acknowledgement
ing key update which may lead to human resource waste,
we suggest that the update time should be random even the This research is supported by the National Research
periodical update interval is averagely fixed. Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore under the
Energy Programme and administrated by the Energy Mar-
ket Authority (EP Award No. NRF2014EWT-EIRP002-
6.3. Comparison with Existing Key Management 040). We appreciate William Tan, Shaoshen Zhao, and
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