Application of The Navigation Act 2012 State and Territory Vessels Certified To Operate To 600 NM From The Australian Coast

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Marine Notice 09/2013


State and Territory vessels certified to operate to 600 nm from the
Australian coast

The purpose of this Marine Notice is to draw the It is important to note that the process described
attention of ship owners, ship operators and in this marine notice only covers the policy that is
masters of Australian vessels, in particular those applicable to vessels holding valid Australian
certified by Australian state and territory state or territory certification permitting domestic
authorities to operate up to 600 nm from the commercial operations beyond the EEZ where
Australian baseline, to jurisdictional changes this was issued prior to 01 July 2013. That is
arising out of the commencement of the certification for operational area category “A”
Navigation Act 2012 on 01 July 2013. (Unlimited domestic operations), as detailed in
3.4 of Part B of the National Standards for
Under section 15 of the Navigation Act 2012 any Commercial Vessels (NSCV).
Australian commercial vessel that operates on
overseas voyages is a Regulated Australian In order for a vessel to be considered for
Vessel (RAV). Overseas voyages are defined by declaration under section 19 of the Navigation Act
section 16 of the Navigation Act 2012 as 2012, the owner/operator must apply in writing to
essentially being any voyage beyond the AMSA and provide a copy of the relevant current
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). valid certification issued by the relevant state or
territory authority.
AMSA is aware that some vessels have
certificates issued by Australian state and territory If the vessel for which a declaration is being
marine authorities allowing them to operate sought has been issued safety certificates under
beyond the EEZ to a maximum of 600 nm from the Navigation Act 2012 for unrestricted
the Australian baseline. If no action is taken with operations, these will be revoked and are to be
regard to the certification of these vessels before surrendered to the Manager Ship Inspection and
1 July 2013 they will automatically be subject to Registration prior to the issue of the declaration.
the Navigation Act 2012 instead of the Marine The vessel can still rely on its category A
Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National certification for domestic operations during this
Law Act 2012. period.

During the consultation process undertaken as Applications may be sent to:

part of the development and implementation of
the Navigation Act 2012 and the Marine Safety By mail:
(Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act The General Manager – Ship Safety
2012 it was agreed, in principle, that operating Division
limits for existing Australian vessels with state or Australian Maritime Safety Authority
territory certification could be preserved. GPO Box 2181
Therefore, AMSA has developed a process Canberra City ACT 2601
through which vessels that have certificates
permitting domestic operations beyond the EEZ By email to:
(essentially in excess of Class 2B and 3B) may [email protected]
be declared out of the RAV provisions of the
Navigation Act 2012, using section 19 of that Act. Applications should be submitted as soon as
Those vessels will then become domestic practicable, to facilitate processing before 01 July
commercial vessels subject to the Marine Safety 2013.
(Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act

Internet address for all current Marine Notices: Page 1 of 2

Conditions under which Declarations are AMSA notes that these conditions do not limit the
issued to existing vessels authority of the master of a vessel to render
assistance in accordance with regulation 33 of
AMSA intends to revoke a declaration if: Chapter V of SOLAS.
1. the vessel owner subsequently applies for Where additional information is required queries
a certificate for the vessel covered by may be sent to:
section 15(1)(c)(ii) of the Navigation Act
2012; Manager
Ship Inspections and Registration
2. the vessel changes the nature of the Ship Safety Division
operation detailed in the certificate of Australian Maritime Safety Authority
operation issued for the vessel under the GPO Box 2181
Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial CANBERRA ACT 2601
Vessels) National Law Act 2012; or [email protected]

3. the vessel does not comply with the

conditions (below) of the declaration.
File reference: 2013/1057
AMSA intends to impose the following conditions
on declarations:

i. The vessel may operate up to 600nm from

the Australian baseline provided it
complies with the requirements of the
National Standard for Commercial Vessels
for such operations.

ii. The vessel must not enter a port of

another country, the territorial waters of
another country or the Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) of another country.

iii. When the certificate of survey identified in

the declaration expires, a new certificate
must be obtained in accordance with
Marine Order 503 of the Marine Safety
(Domestic Commercial Vessel) National
Law Act 2012 for “extended offshore
operations” within the limits identified in
this declaration.

Internet address for all current Marine Notices: Page 2 of 2

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