M-Audio Enigma Manual

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Enigma written by: Tim Chandler

Copyright © 2003 M-Audio


1. About Enigma...

2. Explanation of the Main Program Window

2.1 Bank list
2.2 Preset list
2.3 Data Display Area
2.4 Editor
2.5 The Keyboard Window (for devices with a Zone feature only)

3. Menus
3.1 File Menu
3.2 Edit Menu
3.3 Device Menu
3.4 Window Menu

4. The Library

5. Trouble-Shooting

6. Keyboard shortcuts

7. MIDI CC Table

8. Contact Technical Support

1. About Enigma...

Producer: Niels Larsen

Project Manager: Paul Whittington

Product Manager: Tim Chandler

Project Architect: Michel Pollet

PC Programmer: Steven J. Mellin

Graphics: Julie Harding

Libraries: Mike Rutledge

Michael Martin


Lee Wyland

John Bastianelli

Robb Mason

Mark Palmer

Simon Neill

Copyright © 2003 M-Audio

2. Windows

Please click on an area of the program window to see the role of each button,
or section of the window:
2.1 The Bank list

The Bank list displays the following:

Devices - Any device you have connected to the computer that is compatible with
Enigma will be shown in the Bank list. Devices have red ball icons.

User Banks - User banks can be imported from anywhere on the system and will show
up in the bank list. Also, any files in the 'User Preset banks' directory will show up as User
banks. User banks have orange ball icons.

Device default ROM banks - These banks contain the factory bank of presets, that the
device is shipped with. If you have selected to view all supported device ROM files, they
will all show up in the Bank list. However, if this option is not selected, only the ROM files
for devices that are connected to the computer will be present. Default ROM banks have
blue ball icons.

Uses of the Bank list

You should use the Bank list to select the required banks while you are editing. The bank
that is selected in the Bank list governs the contents of the Preset list, and consequently
the Contents of the Data Display Area.

You can copy all the contents of one bank to another, by dragging and dropping the bank
to another bank. If you click and drag a bank onto a red device bank, the device will
immediately be updated with the contents of this bank. Consequently, it is not possible to
drag a bank that relates to one device, onto another bank unless it relates to the same
Device Banks

Any connected device you have that is compatible with Enigma will be recognised in the
Bank list. The red ball icon signifies a Device bank. Enigma allows you to edit devices in
the same way as you edit any User banks. The bank represents what data is actually on
the device it self. If you alter this bank, you should be aware that now the bank is not
representative of the device. In this case the Upload button will become active, and you
can at any time, send the data you have on this Device bank to the device it self.

Adding another compatible device and clicking on the refresh button will cause a second
Device bank to appear in the Bank list.

In the case that multiple devices are available in the Bank list, it is necessary to select the
device to send data to when Upload is clicked. This is done by clicking on the relevant
device's red ball. A black dot indicates which device is selected to have it's memory edited
as shown below:

When a device is not selected for sending the Sys Ex message from the software.

When a device is selected and the software will send Sys Ex data to the device, to edit
. the device's memory.

User Banks

To create a new user bank, click on the 'New User Bank' button, or select 'New User Bank'
from the File menu.

+ 'New User Bank' button

The Type of bank you create is dependant on the bank you have currently selected. For
example, if you have the UC33e Defaults ROM bank selected, the new bank file you
create by clicking on 'New User Bank' will be a UC33e bank.

You can then edit your User bank by copying Presets from different devices, creating your
own and even copying whole device banks to the user bank.

It is also possible to Load and Save User Banks. To delete a User bank from the Bank list,
select Remove from the file menu, or uses the shortcut key COMMAND+DEL.
ROM Banks

ROM Banks contain the factory settings for a relevant device. You can select to view the
ROM banks for all devices that are compatible with Enigma. This allows you to use the
factory presets of a device you do not own to edit your device. For example, you may own
a MK-449C, and want to assign the sliders to the volume controls of the Cubase mixer.
The easiest way to do this is to copy the faders from the UC33e defaults ROM bank
(Preset 1 - Cubase Channel mixer) and paste them to the faders on your MK-449C bank.

If you do not select to view all device's ROM files, you will only see the ROM files for any
Device you have connected.

Downloading a Bank

Receiving a Sys Ex message without requesting one (only applies to devices with a
Memory Dump button)

If the 'Memory Dump' buttons on the device are pressed, the software will immediately
read the data and update the relevant Device bank. When the memory contents is sent in
this manor, no error checking occurs and the communication is only one way.
If your device does not have a 'Memory Dump' button, you have to use the Download
button in Enigma to download and edit the device's controller settings.

Requesting a Set of Presets from an Device

The 'Download' button.

The software can initialise a download from the device if you click on the 'Download'
button. This way is more reliable, since handshaking will occur to ensure the Sys Ex
memory dump received did not contain any errors. After each Sys Ex data packet is
received by the software, it will acknowledge that the data packet was successfully
received and that it contains no errors. Then, when the device receives this
acknowledgement, it will send the next data packet.

Please note this is not to say sending a set of presets by pressing the 'Memory Dump'
buttons on the device is unreliable - it is just more reliable using the Download button of
the software since error checking will occur.
Uploading a Bank
There are three methods to this:

The 'Upload' button - Whenever the Upload button is clicked it will send the whole
contents of the currently selected bank,irrespective of the contents of the relevant Device
bank. In the case that the bank currently selected relates to a device other than the Device
bank currently selected for edit, the Upload button is greyed out. This means it is not
possible to send a bank to a device unless it is relating to that device.

The 'Update' Button - The Update button will send only changes you have made
to the Device bank it self. This button only relates to the Device bank that is currently
selected for edit. It is quicker than clicking Update, since it will only send the necessary

The third method is to simply drag a bank that relates to the device you want to upload to,
onto the relevant Device bank. This will edit the Device's memory to the contents of the
bank you dragged automatically.

Rule: The Upload and Download affect the selected Device Bank only. The Upload
button affects whichever bank is currently selected in the Bank window.

Refresh Devices Button

The Refresh devices button will prompt Enigma to re-scan all MIDI devices. It will then pick
up any devices that have been connected, but are not showing up in the Bank list.
2.2 The Preset list

Note: If your device does not have an option to store a number of controller setups in it's
hardware memory, only one preset will be given in the Preset list.

The Preset list displays the presets for the device that is selected in the Bank list. For
example, if you select the MK-425C default ROM bank, you will see the Preset list lists 10
presets. If you then select the UC33e default ROM bank, you will see the Preset list
update to show 33 presets.

Uses of this list:

Selecting the Preset you want to edit - To select the Preset you want to edit, click on the
desired preset once.

Re-naming presets - To re-name a preset, double-click on the current name of the desired

Re-ordering the presets in a bank - The presets listed in the Preset list can be swapped
around to re-order them. To do this, simply click on a preset and drag it to the required
location. The preset will switch places with the preset that previously occupied the position
you select. Alternatively, if you hold down COMMAND, the preset at the position you select
will be over-written by the preset you are dragging.

Copying Presets - Presets can be copied by selecting the desired presets, and selecting
Copy from the edit menu. You can then select a new preset in the Preset list, and paste
the copied preset sequentially starting from the preset you selected. If you select multiple
presets and then paste the copied presets, the presets are only pasted to the presets you
have selected. If you have not selected as many presets as you originally copied, some
presets will not get pasted.

Copying Presets between different Banks - It is possible to copy presets from one bank to
another. To do this, you can either click and drag the desired presets to the desired bank in
the Bank list. In this case, the presets will be copied to their relevant positions in the bank
you drag them to. Should you not want the presets to keep their same positions in the
bank you paste them into, when you drag the presets onto the new bank, keep hold of the
button, and the Preset list will update to show the presets of the new bank. Then, drag the
presets back to the Preset list and let go of the button above the preset you wish to be
replaced by the copied presets.

An alternate method of copying presets from one bank to another is:

- Select the presets you want to copy to a new bank.

- Copy them
- Select the new bank in the Bank list. The Preset list will update accordingly.
- Select the presets you want to edit in the new bank, as described under 'copying presets'
. above.
To Copy an object, select it and click on 'Copy' from the Edit menu. Alternatively, use the
short cut key COMMAND+C. When an object is copied it is made available for pasting
onto another object. All the data of that object will be copied on the paste.

Another method for copying objects is to drag them on to other objects while the
COMMAND key is held. It is possible to drag between different presets and banks. To do

Hold down COMMAND and click on the object to be copied.

Click on the selected objects and drag them to the desired preset or bank.
Keep hold of the mouse button and wait until the Data Display Area has updated according
to the preset or bank you selected.
You can then drag the mouse back into the Data Display area or Preset list and release
the button to paste.

Note: If you drag an object out of it's origin list, the object is always copied rather than
swapped, regardless of whether or not the COMMAND key is held down or not.

To paste objects you have copied, select 'Paste' from the edit menu, or use the short cut
keys, COMMAND+V. Alternatively, if an object is dragged away from it's position, to
another object, it will paste over that object when released.

It is possible to select the object you want to paste to. If you have copied multiple objects
and have only selected 1 object to paste to, the copied objects will be pasted sequentially,
starting on the selected object. If multiple objects are selected for pasting on the other
hand, the copied objects will only paste over those selected. In the case that more objects
have been copied than are selected for pasting to, only the lower number objects are
pasted. The rest of the objects are ignored.

If no object is selected when a paste takes place, the paste will be made sequentially from
the 1st object in the list.

It is made clear a preset, control or bank is selected, since it will be highlighted. To select
any object simply click once on it. It is possible to select multiple objects using the
following methods:

1. SHIFT+CLICK - All objects between a selected object and the object you click on while
holding shift will become selected.

2. COMMAND+CLICK - When COMMAND is held down and you click on an object, that
object will become selected, as well as any previously selected objects.
Import (Load)

Click to Load a preset bank you have saved out, or a friend has given you. Clicking Import,
will open a dialog which allows you to search your computer for the file you wish to load.

Export (Save)

This will allow you to save the User bank currently have selected to a location on your hard

Delete (Remove)

This will delete the User Bank you currently have selected. Device banks and ROM banks
can not be deleted.
2.3 The Data Display Area

The Data Display Area is used to allow editing of individual presets of a bank. The Data
Display Area displays all the controllers of the device, the currently selected bank relates

Uses of the Data Display Area

The data can be displayed as a list of all the controllers and relevant parameters, or a
graphical representation of the relevant device, with the parameters for each controller
displayed in the Editor. To select between list and graphic view, click on the 'view select'
button. The main use of the Data Display Area is to edit controllers, and other parameters
that are stored on the relevant bank.

'View Select' button

Editing Controllers with the List view

If 'list view' is selected, the controllers are shown as a list of controls, and their parameters
that can be edited are shown as further columns. Controls can be copied, and swapped
over in the same way as presets in the Preset list. This is done by clicking and dragging
them to swap the relative positions, or by holding COMMAND during the click and drag to
replace one control's data with that of another.

It is also possible to copy controls between presets, and even banks. The Data Display
Area will display the data, determined by the currently selected preset in the Preset list. If
you select and then copy controls of one preset, and then click on a different preset, you
can paste the controls into the newly selected preset. Since the currently selected bank
determines the contents of the Preset list, to copy controls onto a different bank, simply
copy the controls, then select the bank, then desired preset and paste to the desired

Note: If your device does not have the option to select different Presets, there will only be
a single Preset listed in the Preset list.

You can also drag a Library parameter onto the control, which will update all the relevant
parameters for the control as necessary. This is by far the easiest way to edit a control.

Should you know the exact CC, or control's parameter you want to enter, it is possible to
do this by double clicking on the relevant value in the list, and entering the number. The
name of the parameter the controller is assigned to will update accordingly. A list of CC's
that can be entered, and the parameters that are relevant to them is given here.
Editing Controllers with the Graphic Editor

In Graphic View, Copy and paste of controllers works a little differently. If you select
controls for copying, there positions relative to each other are remembered. Then, when
you paste in a graphic view, the positions the controllers are pasted to relative to each
other are maintained. This means for example, if you select F1, C10, C18 and C26 on the
UC33, and then click and drag F1 to control F3, the paste will affect controls F3, C12, C20
and C28.

Viewing a controller's data in Graphic view

It is possible to select that Enigma should display the MIDI CC and Channel assignment
above the relative controller in graphic mode. This option can either be enabled from the
view menu, or by using the short cut key.
2.4 The Editor

The Editor is called up by either double-clicking on a controller on your device's graphic, or

clicking on the button.

The parameters for the currently selected controller are displayed in the Editor. To edit a
parameter, click on the current value and enter a new value. If you enter a legal value (eg:
a value that is within the range of the minimum and maximum possible assignments for
that controller) the value will update, and will de-select. If you enter an illegal value, an
error tone will sound and the value will remain selected.

If the device stores extra data in a preset that does not relate to controllers, this data can
be edited by changing the Extra variables settings. For example, the UC33e has two extra
variables per preset - global channel and Drawbar mode. The Keystation keyboard has
two additional extra parameters - octave and transpose, and 4 more to determine which
zones are active (as shown above).

Zone Information - This only applies to a device that has a zoning feature. The Zone
information settings allow you to set up the assignable parameters for each zone. To select
to edit a different zone, either select the Zone from the zone buttons at the top of the
Editor, or change the selected (red) zone in the Keyboard window.

If your device does not have a zoning feature, you will not see the Zone information
parameters when your device is selected.
2.5 Keyboard Window & Zones

For M-Audio controllers that include a Zone feature, it is possible to set up the zones using
the Keyboard window, shown above.

A red zone indicates which zone is selected. If a zone is on, it takes on a more opaque
colour. In the above example, Zones 1, 2, and 3 are all on, while Zone 4 is off. The above
example is actually Preset 6 (B4 preset) from the factory settings of the Keystation Pro 88.

To select which Zone to edit, click on the area of any zone. It is possible to re-size a zone
by clicking at either end of a zone and dragging it to a different key. The size of the zone's
bar indicates the Zone range. This means that in the above example, if only Zone 3 was
set to ON, while all the other zones are set to OFF, most of the keyboard would not play

Note: It is not possible to re-size Zones in the ROM device bank of a device with a Zone
feature. This is because zones in a ROM bank, as with controllers in a ROM bank can not
be edited.

The individual Zone parameters can be further edited by editing the 'Zone Information' in
the Editor.

The Zone buttons at the bottom of the Editor allow you to select a different Zone to edit.
This will also change the selected zone in the keyboard window. It is then possible to set
the zone range by specifying the key by name if you wish. You can also set further
parameters such as the Program, Bank LSB, and Bank MSB that should be assigned to a
Zone. The Program, Bank LSB and Bank MSB settings allow you to control different
sounds with different Zones.

Also the pitch of a Zone can be transposed up or down by a maximum of 12 semitones (1

octave). For further pitch changes, you can also set the octave shift up or down by up to
10 octaves.
3. Menus

File Menu
Click on the required menu item below for a description of it's function:

Edit Menu
Click on the required menu item below for a description of it's function:

Device Menu
Click on the required menu item below for a description of it's function:
Window Menu
Please click on a menu item below to see it's function:

4. The Library

Library view

The Library Window is opened and closed by the Library button. The Library contains
hundreds of controller entries for popular VST Instruments. It is intended as a 'quick-fire'
way to create a bank for your favourite plugins. It is possible to drag select a number of
controllers for a specific VST Instrument and assign them to your device by dragging them
to the Data Display Area. You can also use the copy/paste methods.

For example, if you want to set up a B4 preset, on a new User bank:

Select the User Bank for Editing

Open the Library Window
Click on B4 from the top list of the Library
All of the B4's controllers will then be listed in the bottom list.

It is then possible to drag the desired controller of the B4 on to the controllers shown in the
Data Display Dialog. This is all that is necessary for the preset to work with the B4
immediately since all the required parameters will be defined in the Library file for that
5. Trouble-Shooting

If you encounter problems when running Enigma, please check the following list of
Questions and Answers. Thereʼs a good chance you can save yourself a call to our
technical support team.

Q. Can I use Enigma with me UC33?

A. No, I'm afraid not. Enigma is only compatible with the UC33e. Evolution do offer upgrades for UC33
users. For more information, visit the website at http://www.evolution.co.uk.

Q. I own a device that is manufactured by a company other than M-Audio. Will it be compatible
with Enigma?

A. Enigma is only compatible with M-Audio or Evolution products.

Q. I have connected my M-Audio device but I can't see it in the Bank list. What should I check?

A1. First thing is to double-check the controller is plugged in and switched on. If it is, click on the 'refresh'

Q Enigma informs me it is sending data to my M-Audio device, but the Device does not receive
this data.

A1. The device indicates it is receiving or sending data Sys Ex data to Enigma by flashing 'SYS' on the
LCD display. If you are seeing this, then remember you have to recall a preset (if your device has
presets) to see the data you have sent from Enigma on the device.

A2. If your device has an LCD display and you do not see 'SYS' flashing on your device, the data transfer
is not working. Enigma will indicate this by informing you the communication failed. If this happens
continuously, you should shut down Enigma, and unplug the USB lead of your device. Then, plug the
device back in and re-start Enigma.

A3. If Enigma informs you that the bank is the wrong type when you try to send the data, it means you
have probably created a user bank that is the wrong type. When you create a user bank, it will be set
up for the bank you currently have selected in the bank list. If you want to create a UC33e bank for
example, you must have a UC33e bank selected in the bank window before selecting 'New user
bank'. As a rule of thumb, if you want to create a new user bank for your device, ensure the device is
selected in the bank list before clicking on the new user bank button.

Q I've been working with the program for a bit now and I'm afraid I might have upset some of the
settings. Is there a way in which I can get back to the beginning again, as if I'd just installed

A. There is a file called 'utils.xml' in the application support Enigma directory. If you delete this file, the
program will return to its 'Factory Default Settings' as if it had just been installed. This is often a very
useful way of making sure that a problem has not accidentally been caused by a setting in the

N.B. You must close the program before deleting this file.
(otherwise the program will write this file again on exit)

The very easiest way to locate this file is to do the following:

1. Close Enigma
2. Select your HOME drive in the browser and locate the Library|Application Support directory
(a list of installed Applications should appear)
3. Double-click on the Enigma directory
4. Find the file 'utils.xml' and delete it.

Enigma will now be reset. Run the program in the usual way.
If you have made any changes to the 'Devices' dialog box from the 'Options' menu these will also be
reset. You will need to change these settings again the first time after deleting the Settings.cfg file.
Q. What are the minimum requirements to run Enigma?

A. OS 10.2 (Jaguar) and above is supported.

Q. Can I get more Library files?

A. Any more Library files we create will be included in subsequent updates of Enigma. The updates are
available at www.evolution.co.uk

Q. I've looked through the whole trouble-shooting section and I can't find the answer to my
problem. What should I do now?

A. Contact M-Audio Technical Support.

6. Keyboard shortcuts

Load Bank COMMAND + L

Save Bank COMMAND + S

New Bank COMMAND + N

Remove Bank COMMAND + DEL




Select All COMMAND + A

Open Editor COMMAND + I

View CC/Channel data COMMAND + T

Mouse click functions:

Swap object with target - CLICK + DRAG

Copy object onto target - DRAG

Select object, but keep

other selected objects COMMAND+ CLICK
selected -

Select multiple objects SHIFT+ CLICK

between two targets -

Note: If you click and drag an object out of it's original list the object will be copied onto it's
target rather than swapped.
7. MIDI CC Table

The Faders and rotary dials:

MIDIcc Description Exra Data 1 Extra Data 2

0-119 Standard MIDIcc's - -

120-127 Channel Mode Messages - -

128 Pitchbend Sensitivity - -

129 Channel Fine Tune - -

130 Channel Coarse Tune - -

131 Channel Pressure - -

132 RPN coarse RPN LSB RPN MSB




136 Master Volume - -

137 Master Pan - -

138 Master Coarse Tune - -

139 Master Fine Tune - -

140 Chorus Mod rate - -

141 Chorus Mod Depth - -

142 Feedback - -

143 Send to Reverb - -

144 pitchbend - -

255 OFF - -
The Buttons:

MIDIcc Description Extra Data 1 Extra Data 2 Extra Data 3

0-119 Standard MIDIcc's - Toggle Value 2 Toggle Value 1

120-127 Channel Mode Messages - - -

128 Pitchbend Sensitivity - Sensitivity value -

129 Channel Fine Tune - Tuning amount -

130 Channel Coarse Tune - Tuning amount -

131 Channel Pressure - Pressure amount -

132 RPN coarse Value RPN LSB RPN MSB

133 RPN fine Value RPN LSB RPN MSB

134 NRPN coarse Value NRPN LSB NRPN MSB


136 Master Volume - Volume level -

137 Master Pan - Pan amount -

138 Master Fine Tune - Tuning amount -

139 Master CoarseTune - Tuning amount -

140 Chorus Mod rate - Mod rate -

141 Chorus Mod Depth - Mod depth -

142 Feedback - Feedback level -

143 Send to Reverb - Reverb send level -

144 pitchbend - Pitch shift LSB Pitch shift MSB

145 Program/bank Preset Program Bank LSB Bank MSB

146 MIDIcc(off on release MIDIcc Button press value Button release value

147 Note ON (off on release) Note Velocity off Velocity on

148 Note ON/OFF toggle Note Velocity off Velocity on

149 MMC command - Command select. -

150 Reverb Type - Type (0-8) -

151 Reverb time - Time -

152 Chorus type - Type (0-8) -

8. Technical Support

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this software, or any other M-
Audio or Evolution product, we invite you to contact us directly by using the following

45 E. Saint Joseph St.
Arcadia, CA 91006-2861

Sales information: 626-445-2842

Sales information (e-mail): [email protected]

Technical Support: 626-445-8495

Technical Support (e-mail): [email protected]

Fax: 626-445-7564

Internet Home Page: http://www.m-audio.com

Unit 5, Saracen Industrial Park
Mark Rd.
Hemel Hempstead,

Sales Information: 01442 416 590

Sales Information(e-mail): [email protected]

Technical Support: 01309 671 301

Technical Support (e-mail): [email protected]

Fax: 01442 246 832

Internet Home Page: http://www.maudio.co.uk

M-AUDIO Deutschland (Germany)
Kuhallmand 34
D-74613 Ohringen

Sales Information: 07941 98 7000

Sales Information(e-mail): [email protected]

Technical Support: 07941 98 70030

Technical Support (e-mail): [email protected]

Fax: 07941 98 70070

Internet Home Page: http://www.m-audio.de

M-AUDIO Canada
1400 St. Jean-Baptiste Ave., #150
Quebec City,
QC G2E 5B7

Tel: 1-866-872-0444

Fax: 1-478-872-0034

Email: [email protected]

Internet Home Page: http://www.m-audio.ca

2-10-11 Marunouchi
Naka-Ku, Nagoya 460-0002

Tel: 81-52-218-3375

Email: [email protected]

Internet Home Page: http://www.m-audio.co.jp

Evolution Electronics Ltd. (UK)
8 Church Sq.
Leighton Buzzard,
United Kingdom

Sales Information: +44 (0) 1525 372621

Sales Information (e-mail): [email protected]

Technical Support: +44 (0) 1525 218999

Technical Support (e-mail): [email protected]

Fax: +44 (0) 1525 383228

Internet Home Page: http://www.evolution.co.uk

Updating your Software

Please check http://www.evolution.co.uk for updates to your Enigma software.

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