Professional PMV A250 Monitor

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Video Monitor

Operating Instructions
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly
and retain it for future reference.


© 2013 Sony Corporation

Owner’s Record To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet.
Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
The model and serial numbers are located at the rear.
Record these numbers in the spaces provided below. THIS APPARATUS MUST BE EARTHED.
Refer to these numbers whenever you call upon your
Sony dealer regarding this product.
When installing the unit, incorporate a readily accessible
Model No. disconnect device in the fixed wiring, or connect the
Serial No. power plug to an easily accessible socket-outlet near the
unit. If a fault should occur during operation of the unit,
Important Safety Instructions operate the disconnect device to switch the power supply
off, or disconnect the power plug.
 Read these instructions.
 Keep these instructions. CAUTION
 Heed all warnings. This Professional Video Monitor should only be used
 Follow all instructions. with a specified monitor stand. For information on
 Do not use this apparatus near water. suitable stands, refer to “Specifications.” Installation of
 Clean only with dry cloth. the Professional Video Monitor on any other stand may
 Do not block any ventilation openings. result in instability, possibly leading to injury.
Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s
 Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators,
heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including
amplifiers) that produce heat.
 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or
grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades
with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug
has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide
blade or the third prong are provided for your safety.
If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet,
consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete
outlet. This symbol is intended to alert the user
 Protect the power cord from being walked on or to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous
pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, voltage” within the product’s enclosure
and the point where they exit from the apparatus. that may be of sufficient magnitude to
 Only use attachments/accessories specified by the constitute a risk of electric shock to
manufacturer. persons.
 Use only with the cart, stand, tripod,
bracket, or table specified by the This symbol is intended to alert the user
manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. to the presence of important operating
When a cart is used, use caution when and maintenance (servicing) instructions
moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid in the literature accompanying the
injury from tip-over. appliance.
 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or
when unused for long periods of time. Attention-when the product is installed in Rack:
 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. (For PVM-A170)
Servicing is required when the apparatus has been
damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or 1. Prevention against overloading of branch circuit
plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects When this product is installed in a rack and is supplied
have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been power from an outlet on the rack, please make sure that
exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate the rack does not overload the supply circuit.
normally, or has been dropped.
2. Providing protective earth
WARNING When this product is installed in a rack and is supplied
power from an outlet on the rack, please confirm that the
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not outlet is provided with a suitable protective earth
expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. connection.

3. Internal air ambient temperature of the rack Plug Cap Parallel blade with ground pin
When this product is installed in a rack, please make (NEMA 5-15P Configuration)
sure that the internal air ambient temperature of the rack Cord Type SJT or SVT, three 16 or 18 AWG wires
is within the specified limit of this product. Length Minimum 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in), Less than 2.5 m
(8 ft 3 in)
4. Prevention against achieving hazardous Rating Minimum 10A, 125V
condition due to uneven mechanical loading
When this product is installed in a rack, please make Using this unit at a voltage other than 120V may require
sure that the rack does not achieve hazardous condition the use of a different line cord or attachment plug, or
due to uneven mechanical loading. both. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, refer
servicing to qualified service personnel.
5. Install the equipment while taking the operating
temperature of the equipment into WARNING: THIS WARNING IS APPLICABLE FOR
consideration OTHER COUNTRIES.
For the operating temperature of the equipment, refer to 1. Use the approved Power Cord (3-core mains lead) /
the specifications of the Operation Manual. Appliance Connector / Plug with earthing-contacts
that conforms to the safety regulations of each
6. When performing the installation, keep the country if applicable.
following space away from walls in order to 2. Use the Power Cord (3-core mains lead) / Appliance
obtain proper exhaust and radiation of heat. Connector / Plug conforming to the proper ratings
(Voltage, Ampere).
Lower, Upper: 4.4 cm (1 3/4 inches) or more
Right, Left: 1.0 cm (3/8 inches) or more If you have questions on the use of the above Power Cord
/ Appliance Connector / Plug, please consult a qualified
For PVM-A250 service personnel.
When installing the installation space must be secured
in consideration of the ventilation and service operation. For the customers in the U.S.A.
 Do not block the ventilation slots at the rear panel, and This equipment has been tested and found to comply
vents of the fans. with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to
 Leave a space around the unit for ventilation. part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
 Leave more than 40 cm of space in the rear of the unit provide reasonable protection against harmful
to secure the operation area. interference when the equipment is operated in a
When the unit is installed on the desk or the like, leave at commercial environment. This equipment generates,
least 1U (4.4 cm) or more of space above and below the uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
unit. Leaving 40 cm or more of space above the unit is installed and used in accordance with the instruction
recommended for service operation. manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a
CAUTION residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in
The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or which case the user will be required to correct the
splashing. No objects filled with liquids, such as vases, interference at his own expense.
shall be placed on the apparatus.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not
CAUTION expressly approved in this manual could void your
The unit is not disconnected from the AC power source authority to operate this equipment.
(mains) as long as it is connected to the wall outlet, even
if the unit itself has been turned off. All interface cables used to connect peripherals must be
shielded in order to comply with the limits for a digital
WARNING device pursuant to Subpart B of part 15 of FCC Rules.
Excessive sound pressure from earphones and
headphones can cause hearing loss. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
In order to use this product safely, avoid prolonged Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
listening at excessive sound pressure levels. This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received,
WARNING: THIS WARNING IS APPLICABLE FOR including interference that may cause undesired
USA ONLY. operation.
If used in USA, use the UL LISTED power cord specified
below. For the customers in Canada

For the customers in Europe For kundene i Norge
This product with the CE marking complies with the Dette utstyret kan kobles til et IT-
EMC Directive issued by the Commission of the strømfordelingssystem.
European Community.
Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the Apparatet må tilkoples jordet stikkontakt
following European standards:
 EN55103-1 : Electromagnetic Interference(Emission) Suomessa asuville asiakkaille
 EN55103-2 : Electromagnetic Laite on liitettävä suojamaadoituskoskettimilla
Susceptibility(Immunity) varustettuun pistorasiaan
This product is intended for use in the following
Electromagnetic Environments: E1 (residential), E2 För kunderna i Sverige
(commercial and light industrial), E3 (urban outdoors), Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag
E4 (controlled EMC environment, ex. TV studio).
For the customers in Europe
This product has been manufactured by or on behalf of Для снижения риска возгорания и поражения
Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108- электрическим током не допускайте
0075 Japan. Inquiries related to product compliance воздействия на аппарат влаги и сырости.
based on European Union legislation shall be addressed Чтобы исключить риск поражения
to the authorized representative, Sony Deutschland электрическим током, не вскрывайте корпус.
GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327 Stuttgart, Обслуживание аппарата должны выполнять
Germany. For any service or guarantee matters, please только квалифицированные специалисты.
refer to the addresses provided in the separate service or
For PVM-A170
Consult with Sony qualified personnel for wall mount ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ
and rack mount installation. При установке устройства используйте
легкодоступный прерыватель питания с
фиксированной проводкой или подключите провод
For the customers in the U.S.A. питания к легкодоступной настенной розетка,
SONY LIMITED WARRANTY - Please visit http:// расположенной рядом с устройством. Если в for important процессе эксплуатации блока возникнет
information and complete terms and conditions of неисправность, с помощью прерывателя отключите
Sony’s limited warranty applicable to this product. питание, или отсоедините провод питания.
For the customers in Canada Меры предосторожности, когда устройство
SONY LIMITED WARRANTY - Please visit http:// установлено в стойку (для PVM-A170) for important
information and complete terms and conditions of 1. Меры предотвращения перегрузки
Sony’s limited warranty applicable to this product. ответвления цепи
Когда устройство установлено в стойку, в которую
For the customers in Europe подается питание из электророзетки на стойке,
Sony Professional Solutions Europe - Standard убедитесь, что стойка не перегружает цепь питания.
Warranty and Exceptions on Standard Warranty.
Please visit for 2. Обеспечение защитного заземления
important information and complete terms and Когда устройство установлено в стойку, в которую
conditions. подается питание из электророзетки на стойке,
убедитесь, что розетка имеет соответствующее
For the customers in Korea защитное заземление.
SONY LIMITED WARRANTY - Please visit http:// for important 3. Температура воздуха внутри стойки
information and complete terms and conditions of Когда устройство установлено в стойку, убедитесь,
Sony’s limited warranty applicable to this product. что температура воздуха внутри стойки находится в
пределах допустимого диапазона.

4. Предотвращение возникновения опасных ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ
условий из-за неравномерной механической 1. Используйте разрешенные к применению шнур
нагрузки питания (с 3-жильным силовым проводом) /
Когда устройство установлено в стойку, убедитесь, разъем для подключения бытовых приборов /
что в стойке не возникают опасные условия из-за штепсельную вилку с заземляющими
неравномерной механической нагрузки. контактами, соответствующие действующим
нормам техники безопасности каждой отдельной
5. Устанавливайте оборудование с учетом страны.
рабочей температуры оборудования 2. Используйте шнур питания (с 3-жильным
Чтобы узнать рабочий температурный диапазон силовым проводом) / разъем для подключения
устройства см. руководство по эксплуатации. бытовых приборов / штепсельную вилку,
соответствующие допустимым номинальным
6. При выполнении устройства оставьте до стен характеристикам (напряжение, сила тока).
следующее расстояние для обеспечения
правильного теплоотвода и вентиляции В случае вопросов относительно использования
устройства. упомянутых выше шнура питания / разъема для
подключения бытовых приборов / штепсельной
Сверху, снизу: 4,4 см (1 3/4 дюймов) или вилки, пожалуйста, обращайтесь к
больше квалифицированным специалистам по сервисному
Справа, слева: 1,0 см (3/8 дюймов) или обслуживанию.
Для клиентов в России и Белоруссии
Для PVM-A250 Профессиональный видеомонитор PVM-A250 (тип
Место установки должно соответствовать 25) или PVM-A170 (тип 17) является
требованиям к надлежащей вентиляции и высокопроизводительным цветным
выполнению работ. видеомонитором.
 Не блокируйте вентиляционные отверстия на
задней панели и отверстия вентиляторов. Название продукта: Профессиональный
 Оставьте вокруг устройства достаточное Видеомонитор
пространство для вентиляции.
 Для обеспечения области обслуживания оставьте Производитель: Сони Корпорейшн
не менее 40 см между задней панелью устройства и 1-7-1, Конан, Минато-ку, Токио, 108-0075, Япония
Если устройство устанавливается на стол или Импортер на территории стран Таможенного
подобную поверхность, оставьте минимум 1U (4,4 союзаЗАО «Сони Электроникс», Россия, 123103,
см) сверху и снизу устройства. Для выполнения Москва, Карамышевский проезд, 6
работ по обслуживанию рекомендуется оставить не
менее 40 см сверху устройства. Сделано в Японии

ВНИМАНИЕ Год производства: см. паспортную табличку на

Аппарат не должен подвергаться воздействию изделии.
капель или брызг. Запрещается помещать какие- Пример: (2013-01)
либо наполненные жидкостью предметы, например, 2013: означает год
вазы, на аппарат. 01: означает месяц

ВНИМАНИЕ Номинальные значения: см. стр. 30 данного

Устройство не считается отключенным от руководства.
источника питания переменного тока (сети), пока Размеры, вес: см. стр. 32 данного руководства.
оно остается подключенным к настенной розетке,
несмотря на то, что само устройство может быть

Излишнее звуковое давление из наушников может
привести к потере слуха.
Для безопасного использования изделия избегайте
продолжительного прослушивания при излишнем
уровне звукового давления.

Table of Contents
Precaution .......................................................9
On Safety .................................................................. 9
On Installation ......................................................... 9
Handling the Screen ............................................... 9
On Burn-in .............................................................. 9
On a Long Period of Use ........................................ 9
Handling and Maintenance of the Screen .......... 10
On Dew Condensation ......................................... 10
On Repacking ........................................................ 10
Disposal of the Unit .............................................. 10
Location and Function of Parts and
Controls ........................................................11
Front Panel............................................................. 11
Input Signals and Adjustable/Setting Items....... 13
Rear Panel .............................................................. 14
Removing the Monitor Stand
(Pre-Attached) ..............................................16
Attaching the handle (PVM-A170 only) ...... 17
Connecting the AC Power Cord ................... 17
Initial settings ............................................... 18
Using the Menu ............................................. 18
Adjustment Using the Menus ....................... 19
Items ........................................................................ 19
Adjusting and Changing the Settings ................. 20
[Status] menu ................................................... 20
[Color Temp/Color Space/Gamma]
menu ............................................................... 21
[User Control] menu ...................................... 22
[User Configuration] menu ........................... 22
[Remote] menu ................................................ 28
[Key Inhibit] menu ......................................... 29
Troubleshooting ...........................................29
Specifications ................................................30
Dimensions ...................................................32

8 Table of Contents
 The screen and the cabinet become warm during
Precaution operation. This is not a malfunction.

On Burn-in
On Safety
Due to the characteristics of the material used in the
 Operate the unit only with a power source as specified OLED panel, permanent burn-in or reduction in
in the “Specifications” section. brightness may occur.
 A nameplate indicating operating voltage, etc., is These problems are not a malfunction.
located on the rear panel.
 Should any solid object or liquid fall into the cabinet, Images that may cause burn-in
unplug the unit and have it checked by qualified  Masked images with aspect ratios other than 16:9
personnel before operating it any further.  Color bars or images that remain static for a long time
 Do not drop or place heavy objects on the power cord.  Character or message displays that indicate settings or
If the power cord is damaged, turn off the power the operating state
immediately. It is dangerous to use the unit with a  On-screen displays such as center markers or area
damaged power cord. markers
 Unplug the unit from the wall outlet if it is not to be
used for several days or more. To reduce the risk of burn-in
 Disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet by  Turn off the character and marker displays
grasping the plug, not by pulling the cord. Press the MENU button to turn off the character
 The socket-outlet shall be installed near the displays. To turn off the character or marker displays
equipment and shall be easily accessible. of the connected equipment, operate the connected
equipment accordingly. For details, refer to the
operation manual of the connected equipment.
On Installation  Turn off the power when not in use
Turn off the power if the monitor is not to be used for
 Allow adequate air circulation to prevent internal heat a prolonged period of time.
Do not place the unit on surfaces (rugs, blankets, etc.) Screen saver
or near materials (curtains, draperies) that may block This product has a built-in screen saver function to
the ventilation holes. reduce burn-in. When an almost still image is displayed
 Do not install the unit in a location near heat sources for more than 10 minutes, the screen saver starts
such as radiators or air ducts, or in a place subject to automatically and the brightness of the screen decreases.
direct sunlight, excessive dust, mechanical vibration or
On a Long Period of Use
Handling the Screen Due to an OLED’s panel structure and characteristics of
materials in its design, displaying static images for
 The OLED panel fitted to this unit is manufactured extended periods, or using the unit repeatedly in a high
with high precision technology, giving a functioning temperature/high humidity environments may cause
pixel ratio of at least 99.99%. Thus a very small image smearing, burn-in, areas of which brightness is
proportion of pixels may be “stuck”, either always off permanently changed, lines, or a decrease in overall
(black), always on (red, green, or blue), or flashing. In brightness.
addition, over a long period of use, because of the
physical characteristics of the organic light-emitting In particular, continued display of an image smaller than
diode, such “stuck” pixels may appear spontaneously. the monitor screen, such as in a different aspect ratio,
These problems are not a malfunction. may shorten the life of the unit.
 Do not leave the screen facing the sun as it can damage Avoid displaying a still image for an extended period, or
the screen. Take care when you place the unit by a using the unit repeatedly in a high temperature/high
window. humidity environment such an airtight room, or around
 Do not push or scratch the monitor’s screen. Do not the outlet of an air conditioner.
place a heavy object on the monitor’s screen. This may
cause the screen to lose uniformity. To prevent any of the above issues, we recommend
reducing brightness slightly, and to turn off the power
whenever the unit is not in use.

Precaution 9
Handling and Maintenance of the About this manual
Screen The instructions in this manual are for the following
two models:
The surface of the screen is specially coated to reduce  PVM-A250
image reflection. Make sure to observe the following  PVM-A170
points as improper maintenance procedures may impair The illustration of PVM-A250 is used for the
the screen’s performance. In addition, the screen is explanations. Any differences in specifications are
vulnerable to damage. Do not scratch or knock against it clearly indicated in the text.
using a hard object.
 Be sure to disconnect the AC power cord from the AC
outlet before performing maintenance.
 The surface of the screen is specially coated. Do not
attach adhesive objects, such as stickers, on it.
 The surface of the screen is specially coated. Do not
touch the screen directly.
 Wipe the screen surface gently with the supplied
cleaning cloth or a soft dry cloth to remove dirt.
 Stubborn stains may be removed with the supplied
cleaning cloth, or a soft cloth slightly dampened with a
mild detergent solution.
 The screen may become scratched if the cleaning cloth
is dusty.
 Never use strong solvents such as alcohol, benzene,
thinner, acidic or alkaline detergent, detergent with
abrasives, or chemical wipe as these may damage the
 Use a blower to remove dust from the screen surface.

On Dew Condensation
If the unit is suddenly taken from a cold to a warm
location, or if ambient temperature suddenly rises,
moisture may form on the outer surface of the unit and/
or inside of the unit. This is known as condensation. If
condensation occurs, turn off the unit and wait until the
condensation clears before operating the unit. Operating
the unit while condensation is present may damage the

On Repacking
Do not throw away the carton and packing materials.
They make an ideal container which to transport the

Disposal of the Unit

 Do not dispose of the unit with general waste.
Do not include the monitor with household waste.
 When you dispose of the monitor, you must obey the
law in the relative area or country.

10 Precaution
Location and Function of Parts and Controls

Front Panel

 (USB) connector F3 button: [Chroma]

Used for future expansion. F4 button: [Scan]
F5 button: [Marker]
  (headphones) jack F6 button: [Volume]
The audio signal which is selected by the input select F7 button: [WFM/ALM/Vector]
button is output in stereo sound. You can assign various functions in [Function Button
Setting] (page 23) of the [User Configuration] menu.
 Speaker
The audio signal which is selected by the input select Press the button [Brightness], [Contrast], [Chroma],
button is output in monaural sound (L + R). [Volume], [WFM Line Position], [Phase], [Aperture], or
The outputting audio can be changed in [Audio Setting] [Focus Gain] function assigned to display the
(page 27) of the [User Configuration] menu. adjustment screen. Press the same button again, and the
The audio signals from the speaker are output from the adjustment screen disappears, but you can adjust the
AUDIO OUT connector on the rear (see page 14). value without the setting value display.
Audio signals will not be output when headphones are
connected to the  jack.  Menu operation buttons
Displays or sets the on-screen menu.
 Input select buttons Menu selection control
Press to monitor the signal input to each connector. When the menu is displayed, turn the control to select
SDI 1 button: to monitor the signal through the SDI a menu item or setting value, and then press the
IN  connector control to confirm the setting.
SDI 2 button: to monitor the signal through the SDI
IN  connector If the menu is not displayed and the menu selection
HDMI button: to monitor the signal through the control is pressed, the characters that represent the
HDMI IN connector names of the buttons light up. Also, the names of the
COMPOSITE button: to monitor the signal through functions assigned to the function buttons appear on
the COMPOSITE IN connector the screen. Press again to clear it.
Alternatively, if the menu is not displayed and the
 Function buttons
menu selection control is pressed for more than two
You can turn the assigned function on or off.
seconds, the signal format is displayed on the screen.
The factory setting is as follows;
F1 button: [Brightness]
BACK button
F2 button: [Contrast]

Location and Function of Parts and Controls 11

When the menu is displayed, press the button to reset
the value of an item to the previous value (except some

MENU button
Press to display the on-screen menu.
Press again to clear the menu.

  (Power) switch and indicator

When the unit is turned off, press the switch to turn it
on. The indicator lights in green.
Press the switch again to turn off the unit. The indicator
goes out.

About error/warning signals of the indicator

While the unit is in use, error or warning signals may
appear on the  (Power) switch indicator of the front

Refer to Sony qualified service personnel should any

error display appear.

Error display Symptom

Flashes red There is an abnormality with the panel,
power or sensor. The error also displays
if the DC input voltage goes outside the
acceptable range (PVM-A170 only).

Warning display Symptom

Flashes amber Decreases the brightness to protect the
panel from overheating.
Lights amber The screen is at its brightest. Use with
the contrast or brightness decreased.

12 Location and Function of Parts and Controls

Input Signals and Adjustable/Setting Items
Input signal
Item Composite SDI HDMI HDMI/DVI
[Color Temp]        
[Color Space]        
[Gamma]        
[Aperture]        ×
[V Sharpness]   × × × × × ×
[ACC]  × × × × × × ×
[Shift H], [Shift V]   × × × × × ×
[SDI RGB Range] × × × ×  1) × × ×
[DVI RGB Range] × × × × × × ×  2)

[NTSC Setup]   × × × × × ×
[Flicker Free]        
[Marker]        ×
[Time Code] × ×    × × ×
[Focus Assist] × ×      ×
[WFM/ALM/Vector] × ×    3)  3)  3)  3)

[Closed Caption] × ×  4)  × × × ×
[Scan]        
[Aspect]    × ×  × ×
[Blue Only]        
[Mono]        
[Brightness]        
[Contrast]        
[Chroma]        
[Phase]  5) × × × × × × ×
 : Adjustable/can be set
× : Not adjustable/cannot be set
1) Available only when RGB format signal is input.
2) Available only when DVI/PC signal format is input.
HDMI/PC is followed by AVI info.
3) When RGB format signal is input, [Vector] does not
4) Available only when 480/59.94i format signal is input.
5) Available only when NTSC format signal is input.

Location and Function of Parts and Controls 13

Rear Panel


 SDI (3G/HD/SD) input and output connectors OUT connector

(BNC) Loop-through output connector.
IN  connector, IN  connector
Input connector for serial digital component signals. Note
SDI 1 and SDI 2 inputs are available.
When inputting a video signal with the jitters, etc. the
OUT  connector, OUT  connector
picture may be disturbed. We recommend using the
Output connector for serial digital component signals.
TBC (time base corrector).
SDI 1 and SDI 2 outputs are available.
 AUDIO input and output connectors (stereo mini
Note jack)
Output is only activated when the power is on. IN connector
Connect to the audio outputs of external equipment
 COMPOSITE input and output connectors such as a VCR.
(BNC) OUT connector
IN connector Outputs the audio signal which is selected by the input
Input connector for composite video signals. select button on the front panel.

14 Location and Function of Parts and Controls

The outputting audio can be changed in [Audio Pin assignment
Setting] (page 27) of the [User Configuration] menu.

Output is only activated when the power is on.

 HDMI cable holder Pin number Functions

Secures the HDMI cable (Ø7 mm or less).
1 Designating [SDI1] input signal
2 Designating [SDI2] input signal
3 Designating [HDMI] input signal
4 Designating [Composite] input signal
Cable 6 [WFM/ALM/Vector]
7 [Tally Green]
 HDMI IN connector 8 [Tally Red]
Input connector for HDMI 1) signals.
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is an You can allocate functions using the [Remote] menu (see
interface that supports both video and audio on a single page 28).
digital connection, allowing you to enjoy high quality
digital picture and sound. The HDMI specification Wiring required to use the Remote Control
supports HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Connect the function you want to use with a Remote
Protection), a copy protection technology that Control to the Ground (Pin 5).
incorporates coding technology for digital video signals.
 SERIAL REMOTE connector (RJ-45)
1) The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Connect to the Sony BKM-15R/16R Monitor Control
Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or Unit by using a 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX LAN cable
registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the (shielded type, optional).
United States and other countries.

 For safety, do not connect the connector for peripheral
Use an HDMI cable bearing the High-Speed logo (Sony device wiring that might have excessive voltage to this
product recommended). port. Follow the instructions for this port.
 When you connect the SERIAL REMOTE cable of the
 PARALLEL REMOTE connector (RJ-45, 8-pin)
unit to peripheral device, use a shielded-type cable to
Forms a parallel switch and controls the monitor
prevent malfunction due to radiation noise.
 The connection speed may be affected by the network
system. This unit does not guarantee the
CAUTION communication speed or quality of 10BASE-T/
For safety, do not connect the connector for peripheral 100BASE-TX.
device wiring that might have excessive voltage to this
port. Follow the instructions for this port.

Location and Function of Parts and Controls 15

Removing the Monitor
Stand (Pre-Attached)
To install the monitor on a rack, remove the bottom
stand as follows.

 (DC) input connector (PVM-A170 only)

1 Put the monitor on a soft cloth with the surface of
the monitor downward.
Plug the DC power supply to this connector to provide
power to the monitor. 2 Remove the one screw.
It runs on DC 12 V to 16 V.
3 Remove the stand.
Be sure to connect to a power supply of the specified

Pin assignment

Pin number Functions

1 – (GND)
2 – (GND)
3 + (DC 12 V to 16 V)
4 + (DC 12 V to 16 V)

If only the 1st and 4th pins are connected the unit may
function, but this is not guaranteed. You should connect
all four pins to use the external DC power supply.

 AC IN socket
Connect the supplied AC power cord.

16 Removing the Monitor Stand (Pre-Attached)

Attaching the handle Connecting the AC Power
(PVM-A170 only) Cord
The handle (supplied) can be attached to the rear panel 1 Plug the AC power cord into the AC IN socket on
using the four screws (supplied). the rear panel. Then, attach the AC plug holder
(supplied) to the AC power cord.

AC IN socket

AC power cord

AC plug holder

2 Slide the AC plug holder over the cord until it locks.

To remove the AC power cord

Pull out the AC plug holder while pressing the lock

Attaching the handle (PVM-A170 only) / Connecting the AC Power Cord 17

Initial settings Using the Menu
When you turn on the unit for the first time after The unit is equipped with an on-screen menu for
purchasing it, select the language you wish to use. You making various adjustments and settings such as picture
can select the language from among English, French, control, input setting, set setting change, etc.
German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese.
For details on operating the unit, see “Using the Menu” The current settings are displayed in place of the 
(page 18). marks on the illustrations of the menu screen.

When the language has been selected, the following

items are set.

Language [Color Temp] [NTSC Setup]

German [D65] [7.5]
Japanese [D93] [0]
Simplified Chinese [D65] [7.5]
The setting of the color temperature and NTSC setup BACK button
can be changed. For details, refer to the following pages.
 [Color Temp] (page 21)
 [NTSC Setup] (page 22)
1 Press the MENU button.
The menu appears.
The menu presently selected is shown in yellow.

2 Turn the menu selection control to select a menu,

then press the menu selection control.
The menu icon presently selected is shown in
yellow and setting items are displayed.

3 Select an item.

18 Initial settings / Using the Menu

Turn the menu selection control to select the item,
then press the menu selection control.
The item to be changed is displayed in yellow.
Adjustment Using the
If the menu consists of multiple pages, turn the
menu selection control to go to the desired menu

4 Make the setting or adjustment on an item. Items

When changing the adjustment level: The screen menu of this monitor consists of the
To increase the number, turn the menu selection following items.
control right.
To decrease the number, turn the menu selection
control left.
[Status] (the items indicate the current
Press the menu selection control to confirm the settings.)
number, then restore the original screen. Displays the unit setting status, etc.
When changing the setting:
For details on the displayed items, see “[Status] menu”
Turn the menu selection control to change the
(page 20).
setting, then press the menu selection control to
confirm the setting.
When returning the adjustment or setting to the [Color Temp/Color Space/Gamma]
previous value: [Color Temp]
Press the BACK button before pressing the menu [Manual Adjustment]
selection control. [Color Space]
 An item displayed in black cannot be accessed. [User Control]
You can access the item if it is displayed in white.
 If the [Key Inhibit] has been turned [On], all [Volume]
items are displayed in black. To change any of the [Aperture]
items, turn the [Key Inhibit] to [Off] first. [Composite Video Control]

For details on the key inhibit, see “[Key Inhibit] [User Configuration]
menu” (page 29).
[System Setting]
To return the display to the previous screen [SDI RGB Range]
Press the BACK button. [DVI RGB Range]
[NTSC Setup]
[LED Brightness]
To clear the menu [Screen Saver]
Press the MENU button. [Format Display]
The menu disappears automatically if a button is not [Flicker Free]
pressed for one minute. [Function Button Setting]
[Marker Setting]
About the memory of the settings [Aspect Marker]
The settings are automatically stored in the monitor [Center Marker]
memory. [Area Marker]
[Marker Intensity]
[Aspect Mat]
[Time Code Setting]
[Time Code]
[Focus Assist Setting]
[Focus Assist]
[Focus Mode]

Adjustment Using the Menus 19

[Frequency] Page 2
[WFM/ALM/Vector (waveform monitor, audio level
meter, and vectorscope) Setting]
[Line Select]  Color temperature
[Target]  Color space
[Audio Setting]  Gamma
[SDI Audio Setting]  Brightness
[Analog Audio Output]  Contrast
[Closed Caption Setting]  Chroma
[Closed Caption]  Aperture
[708] Page 3 (for the SDI signal input)
[On Screen Tally Setting]
[Tally Bckgnd Display]

[Parallel Remote]
[Serial Remote]

 Payload ID
[Key Inhibit]  Video standard
[Key Inhibit]  Bit depth
 Sampling structure
 Picture rate
Adjusting and Changing the Settings  Scanning method

Page 3 (for the HDMI signal input)

[Status] menu
The status menu displays the current status of the unit.
The following items are displayed:

Page 1

 Pixel encoding
 RGB range
 Color depth
 Matrix
 fH
 Format  fV
 RGB range
 Scan mode
 Flicker free

20 Adjustment Using the Menus

Page 3 (for the composite signal input) Submenu Setting
[Color Temp] Selects the color temperature from
among [D65], [D93], [User1], [User2].

If you measure the color temperatures
of different display types, such as CRT,
LCD, or OLED, by using a common (or
general) color analyzer that is based on
CIE 1931, and adjust the xy
 Phase chromaticity to the same value, the
appearance may be different because of
 V sharpness optical spectrum differences.
 NTSC setup To compensate for this difference, the
 ACC [D65] and [D93] settings of the monitor
 Shift H are adjusted by an offset 1).
 Shift V 1) The offset value applied (x-0.006, y-
0.011) is based on the Judd's function
to the CIE 1931 (x, y) value.
Page 4
[Manual Adjustment] If you set the [Color Temp] to the
[User1] or [User2] setting, the item
displayed is changed from black to
white, which means you can adjust the
color temperature.
The set values are memorized.
 [Adjust Gain/Bias]:
 [R Gain]: Adjusts the color
balance (gain) of R (red).
 [G Gain]: Adjusts the color
balance (gain) of G (green).
 [B Gain]: Adjusts the color
 Model name balance (gain) of B (blue).
 Serial No.  [R Bias]: Adjusts the color
 Software version balance (bias) of R (red).
 FPGA1 version  [G Bias]: Adjusts the color

 FPGA2 version balance (bias) of G (green).

 [B Bias]: Adjusts the color
balance (bias) of B (blue).
 [Copy From]: If you select [D65] or
[Color Temp/Color Space/Gamma] menu [D93], the white balance data for
This menu is used for adjusting the color temperature, the selected color temperature
color space and gamma. will be copied to the [User1] or
You need to use the measurement instrument to adjust [User2] setting.
the white balance. [Color Space] Selects the color space from among
Recommended: Konica Minolta Color Analyzer CA- [ITU-709], [EBU], [SMPTE-C], [S-
GAMUT], [Native]. [Native] sets the
210/CA-310 color space to the original color
reproduction of the panel.
[Gamma] Select the appropriate gamma mode
from among [2.2], [2.4], [CRT], [S-
LOG2 to 709(800%)].
The factory setting is gamma 2.4 that is
specified by ITU-R BT.1886. By using
this gamma the dark areas may appear
darker than that of a CRT or LCD. If
you want to set the gamma to that of a
CRT or LCD, select [CRT] or [2.2].
Also, if the shaded areas lack detail,
adjust [Brightness] (page 23).

Adjustment Using the Menus 21

[User Control] menu [System Setting]
The user control menu is used for adjusting the picture.

Submenu Setting
Submenu Setting [Language] Selects the menu or message language
from among seven languages.
[Volume] Adjusts the volume.
 [English]: English
[Aperture] Sharpens the picture outline. The  [Français]: French
higher the setting, the sharper the  [Deutsch]: German
picture. The lower the setting, the softer  [Español]: Spanish
the picture. The aperture does not work  [Italiano]: Italian
when [Focus Assist] is [On].  [ ]: Japanese
 [ ]: Chinese
[Composite Video  [V Sharpness]: A crisp image can be
Control] displayed. [SDI RGB Range] Sets the black level and white level for
When the setting is higher, the the RGB format of SDI input.
picture becomes even more  [Limited]: [64] (black level) to [940]
crisp. (white level)
 [ACC] (Auto Color Control): Sets  [Full]: [0] (black level) to [1023]
the ACC circuit [On] or [Off]. (white level)
To confirm the fine adjustment,
[DVI RGB Range] Sets the black level and white level for
select [Off]. Normally select
the RGB format of DVI input.
 [Limited]: [16] (black level) to [235]
 [Shift H]: Adjusts the position of the
(white level)
picture. As the setting increases,
 [Full]: [0] (black level) to [255] (white
the picture moves to the right,
and as the setting decreases, the
picture moves to the left. [NTSC Setup] Selects the NTSC setup level from two
 [Shift V]: Adjusts the position of the modes.
picture. As the setting increases, The 7.5 setup level is used mainly in
the picture moves up, and as the North America. The 0 setup level is
setting decreases, the picture used mainly in Japan. You can select
moves down. between [0] and [7.5].
[LED Brightness] Selects the brightness of the indicator’s
[User Configuration] menu LED of the buttons and power switch.
 [High]: The LED becomes brighter.
The user configuration menu is used for [System  [Low]: The LED becomes darker.
Setting], [Function Button Setting], [Marker Setting], [Screen Saver] Sets the screen saver function [On] or
[Time Code Setting], [Focus Assist Setting], [WFM/ [Off].
ALM/Vector (waveform monitor, audio level meter, and  [On]: If a still image is displayed for
vectorscope) Setting], [Audio Setting], [Closed Caption more than 10 minutes, the
Setting] and [On Screen Tally Setting]. brightness of the screen is
automatically decreased to
reduce burn-in. The screen
returns to normal brightness
when you input an image to the
unit or operate the buttons on
the front panel of the unit. While
the screen saver is activated, the
LED of the selected input select
button flashes (To decrease the
brightness of the LED, see [LED
Brightness] (page 22)).
 [Off]: The screen saver function is

22 Adjustment Using the Menus

Submenu Setting [WFM/ALM/Vector]
Press the button to display the WFM/ALM/vectorscope
[Format Display] Selects the display mode of the signal
format. display. Set the WFM/ALM/vectorscope display setting
 [Auto]: The format and scan mode in the [WFM/ALM/Vector Setting] menu (see page 25).
are displayed for about five
seconds when the input of the [WFM/VS Zoom]
signal starts. Press the button to zoom in the WFM/vectorscope
 [Off]: The display is hidden.
display. Set the zoom setting in the [WFM/ALM/Vector
[Flicker Free] Set this to [On] to enable view images Setting] menu (see page 26).
without flicker.
An OLED panel can provide superior [WFM Line Position]
video responsiveness and scan driving,
reproducing images with little
Press the button to display the adjustment screen and
contouring or afterimaging. However, adjust the WFM line position. Press again to hide the
scan driving can cause flicker when adjustment screen. However, the WFM line position
input signals have a low vertical remains adjustable. Turn the menu selection control
frequency (24P/PsF, 50i, etc.). Set right to lower the line position, or left to raise it.
[Flicker Free] to [On] to greatly reduce
this phenomenon.
With this mode set to on, quick-moving
[Time Code]
images may exhibit contours or an Press the button to display the time code display. Adjust
afterimage. the settings for the time code display in [Time Code
Setting] (see page 25).
[Function Button Setting] [Mono]
Press the button to display a monochrome picture.
When the buttons is pressed again, the monitor switches
automatically to color mode.

[Blue Only]
Press the button to eliminate the red and green signals.
Only blue signal is displayed as an apparent
monochrome picture on the screen. This facilitates
“chroma” and “phase” adjustments and observation of
signal noise.
Submenu Setting [Scan]
[F1] to [F7] Assigns the function to the function Press the button to change the scan size of the picture.
buttons of the front panel and turns the With every press of the button, the picture switches in
function on or off.
the sequence [Normal] scan or [Native] scan. (see “Scan
mode image” (page 24)).
About the function assigned to the function
button [Aspect]
Press the button to set the aspect ratio of the picture,
[Marker] [16:9] or [4:3].
Press the button to display the marker. Set the marker in
the [Marker Setting] menu (see page 24). [Brightness]
Press the button to display the adjustment screen and
[Focus Assist] adjust the picture brightness. Press again to hide the
Press the button to confirm the camera focus. An image adjustment screen. However, the picture brightness
with sharpened edges is displayed. Set the camera focus remains adjustable. Turn the menu selection control
in [Focus Assist Setting] (see page 25). right to increase the brightness, or left to decrease it.

[Focus Gain] [Contrast]

Press the button to display the adjustment screen and Press the button to display the adjustment screen and
adjust the level of edge sharpening. Press again to hide adjust the picture contrast. Press again to hide the
the adjustment screen. However, the level of edge adjustment screen. However, the picture contrast
sharpening remains adjustable. Turn the menu selection remains adjustable. Turn the menu selection control
control right to increase the edge sharpening, or left to right to increase the contrast, or left to decrease it.
decrease it.

Adjustment Using the Menus 23

[Chroma] Scan mode image
Press the button to display the adjustment screen and
adjust the color intensity. Press again to hide the
adjustment screen. However, the color intensity remains

adjustable. Turn the menu selection control right to
increase the intensity, or left to decrease it.

Press the button to display the adjustment screen and
adjust the color tones. Press again to hide the adjustment
screen. However, the color tones remain adjustable. Turn
the menu selection control right to increase the green
tone, or left to increase the purple tone. 480i, 575i, 480p, 576p 480i, 575i, 480p, 576p
Vertical pixels are set to Horizontal pixels are set
[Aperture] 1080 and horizontal to 1920 and vertical pixels
Press the button to display the adjustment screen and pixels are displayed with are displayed with scaling

Normal scan
sharpen the picture outline. Press again to hide the to the appropriate aspect

scaling to the appropriate
adjustment screen. However, the picture sharpness aspect ratio. ratio.
remains adjustable. Turn the menu selection control When an NTSC or PAL When an NTSC or PAL
signal is input, the screen signal is input, the screen
right to make the picture sharper, or left to make the may appear small may appear small
picture softer. depending on the signal. depending on the signal.

Press the button to display the adjustment screen and
adjust the volume. Press again to hide the adjustment
screen. However, the volume remains adjustable. Turn
the menu selection control right to increase the volume, 1080i, 1080PsF, 1080p,
or left to decrease it.

[Closed Caption]
Press the button to display the closed caption. Set the
closed caption setting in the [Closed Caption Setting]
menu (see page 27). 480i, 575i, 480p, 576p 1080i, 1080PsF, 1080p
Displays the original
[Flicker Free]
Native scan

video signal pixels. If a

Press the button to change the flicker free setting. format other than 640 ×
480p is input, the screen
will not be displayed in
the appropriate aspect


[Marker Setting]

24 Adjustment Using the Menus

Submenu Setting [Focus Assist Setting]
[Marker] Selects [On] to display the marker and
[Off] not to display.
[Aspect Marker] Selects the aspect ratio of the aspect
marker. You can select from among
[Off], [4:3], [16:9], [15:9], [14:9], [13:9],
[1.85:1], [2.35:1].
[Center Marker] Selects [On] to display the center
marker of the picture and [Off] not to
[Area Marker] Selects the safe area size for the aspect
marker. When the aspect marker is set
Submenu Setting
to [Off], this menu selects the safe area
size for the effective screen area. You [Focus Assist] Selects [On] to use the camera focus
can select from among [Off], [80%], and [Off] not to use.
[85%], [88%], [90%], [93%], [95%].
[Focus Mode] Switches the camera focus mode.
[Marker Intensity] Sets the luminance to display the  [Color]: Displays the intensified areas
[Aspect Marker], [Center Marker], and of images with color selected in
[Area Marker]. You can select between the color setting below.
[High] and [Low].  [Color]: Selects the displayed
intensified color from among
[Aspect Mat] Selects whether you put mat on the
[Red], [Green], [Blue],
outside of the marker display.
[Yellow], [White].
 [Off]: No mat is put.
 [Standard]: An image with
 [Gray]: Gray mat is put.
sharpened edges is displayed.
[Frequency] Sets the center frequency of the edge
[Time Code Setting] sharpening signal. You can select from
among [Low], [Middle], [Middle High],
[Range] Sets the target of edge sharpening. You
can select from among [Narrow],
[Middle], [Wide].
[Gain] Sets the level of edge sharpening.

[WFM/ALM/Vector (waveform monitor,

audio level meter, and vectorscope) Setting]

Submenu Setting
[Time Code] Selects [On] to display the time code
and [Off] not to display.
[Format] Sets the time code format.
 [VITC]: To display the time code in
VITC format.
 [LTC]: To display the time code in
LTC format.
[Position] Sets the position of the time code
display. You can select between [Top]
and [Bottom]. Submenu Setting
[Display] Select [On] to display the [WFM]
(waveform monitor), [ALM] (audio
level meter), or [Vector] (Vectorscope);
or [Off] not to display.

Adjustment Using the Menus 25

Submenu Setting Submenu Setting
[WFM/ALM/Vector]  [WFM]: Displays the waveform When [ALM] is selected
 [ALM]: Displays the audio level Audio level
 [Vector]: Displays the vectorscope.
When [WFM] is selected, the waveform
and audio level are displayed. When
YCbCr format signal is input, the Y
signal waveform is displayed. When
RGB format signal is input, the G signal
waveform is displayed. When [ALM] is
selected, the audio level is displayed in
eight channels.
When [Vector] is selected, the color
component of the image signal and the
audio levels are displayed.
When SDI signal is input, the audio
levels for channels selected in [SDI
Audio Setting] are displayed. Channel number
(When SDI signal is input, the eight channels are
Each display type is illustrated below. displayed, including the channel which is selected in
(The waveform percentage and audio [SDI Audio Setting]. The selected channels are displayed
level units/values do not appear on the brightly.)
When [Vector] is selected
When [WFM] is selected

Waveform Audio level Red Magenta Audio level

Bar I


Bar Q


Green Cyan Blue

Channel number
Color target frame
Channel number

[Position] Sets the position of the WFM/ALM/

vectorscope display. You can select from
among [Top Left], [Top Right], [Bottom
Left], [Bottom Right].
[Intensity] Sets the brightness of the waveform, etc.
You can select from among [Low],
[Middle], [High].
[Zoom] When [On] is set, 0-20 IRE areas will be
zoomed when [WFM] is selected, or
black areas will be zoomed when
[Vector] is selected.

26 Adjustment Using the Menus

Submenu Setting [Closed Caption Setting]
[Line Select] Select [On] to display the waveform of
the line assigned in [Position] below,
when [WFM] is selected.
 [Color]: Selects the displayed line
color from among [Red], [Green],
[Blue], [Yellow], [White].
 [Position]: Sets the line position.
When the numerical value is
increased, the line will move down;
when decreased, the line will move
[Target] Select [75%] or [100%]. Switches the
vectorscope target between 75% and Submenu Setting
100%. [Closed Caption] Select [On] to display closed caption
and [Off] not to display.

[Audio Setting] [Type] Sets the closed caption display type.

 [Auto1]: Select this to display
automatically 608(VBI) 3) when
SD-SDI signal is input, or to
display automatically 708 1)
when HD-SDI signal is input.
 [Auto2]: Select this to display
automatically 608(VBI) 3) when
SD-SDI signal is input, or to
display automatically 608(708) 2)
when HD-SDI signal is input.
 [708]: Select this to display 708 1)
when HD-SDI signal is input.
 [608(708)]: Select this to display

Submenu Setting 608(708) 2) when HD-SDI signal

is input.
[SDI Audio Setting] Sets the audio channel when SDI signal  [608(VBI)]: Select this to display
is input. 608(VBI) 3) when SD-SDI signal
 [Left Audio]: Selects from channels is input.
[CH1] to [CH16]. 1) 708 is a closed caption signal
 [Right Audio]: Selects from channels
conforming to the EIA/CEA-708
[CH1] to [CH16]. standard.
When a channel from [CH1] to [CH8] 2) 608(708) is a closed caption signal
is selected in [Left Audio], you can conforming to the EIA/CEA-608
select a channel from [CH1] to [CH8] standard, and which is transmitted as
in [Right Audio]. When a channel from EIA/CEA-708 standard.
[CH9] to [CH16] is selected in [Left 3) 608(VBI) is a closed caption signal
Audio], you can select a channel from conforming to the EIA/CEA-608
[CH9] to [CH16] in [Right Audio]. standards, and which is transmitted
You can display the L/R audio levels of as Line 21.
the selected channels. (see [WFM/
ALM/Vector (waveform monitor, audio [708] Sets the closed caption type for 708.
level meter, and vectorscope) Setting] Select from [Service1] to [Service6].
(page 25)). [608] Sets the closed caption type for
[Analog Audio Select an audio format to output from 608(708) and 608(VBI). Select from
Output] speakers, headphone jack, and AUDIO among [CC1], [CC2], [CC3], [CC4],
OUT connector. [Text1], [Text2], [Text3], [Text4].
 [Embedded]: Outputs an audio signal
[Intensity] Sets the luminance of the displayed
embedded in SDI or HDMI characters. Select [Low] or [High].
 [Analog]: Outputs an audio signal
that comes from the AUDIO IN

Adjustment Using the Menus 27

[On Screen Tally Setting] Submenu Setting
[Parallel Remote] Selects the PARALLEL REMOTE
connector pins for which you want to
change the function.
You can assign various functions to pins
1 to 4 and pins 6 to 8. The following lists
the functions you can assign to the pins.
 [SDI1]
 [SDI2]
 [HDMI]
 [Composite]
 [80% Area Maker]
 [85% Area Maker]
Submenu Setting  [88% Area Maker]
 [90% Area Maker]
[Tally Bckgnd The tally is displayed on the screen of
 [93% Area Maker]
Display] this unit.
 [95% Area Maker]
When [Tally Bckgnd Display] is set to
 [Center Marker]
[On], the mat is displayed on the tally
 [16:9 Marker]
display area. When [Off], the tally is
 [15:9 Marker]
displayed directly on the video signal.
 [14:9 Marker]
 [13:9 Marker]

[Remote] menu  [1.85:1 Marker]

 [2.35:1 Marker]
 [4:3 Marker]
 [Aspect Mat]
 [Tally Red]
 [Tally Green]
 [Normal Scan]
 [Native Scan]
 [4:3]
 [16:9]
 [WFM/ALM/Vector]
 [Focus Assist]
 [Mono]
 [Blue Only]
[Parallel Remote]  [Flicker Free]
 [– – –] ([– – –]: No function is

 If you use the parallel remote
function, you need to connect
cables. For more details, see page 15.
 Set [Marker] (page 25) in [Marker
Setting] to [On] to control the aspect
marker and center marker.
[Forced Tally] The tally lamp function is forcibly
assigned to 7 pin and 8 pin of the
Selecting [On] assigns tally lamp green
to 7 pin and tally lamp red to 8 pin.
[Off]: The tally lamp function is
not forcibly assigned.
[On]: Forcibly assigns the tally
lamp function.

When [Off] is selected, any listed
functions can be assigned to 7 and 8
pins. Selecting [On] with any function
other than the tally lamp assigned to 7
and 8 pins will ignore this setting, and
the tally lamp is forcibly assigned to 7
and 8 pins instead.

28 Adjustment Using the Menus

[Serial Remote]

Submenu Setting
[Serial Remote] Selects the mode to be used.
 [Off]: The serial remote does not
This section may help you isolate the cause of a problem
 [On]: The serial remote functions.
and as a result, eliminate the need to contact technical
[Monitor] Sets the monitor setting.  The unit cannot be operated  The key protection
 [Monitor ID]: Sets the ID of the
monitor. function works. Set the [Key Inhibit] setting to [Off] in
 [Group ID]: Sets the group ID of the the [Key Inhibit] menu.
monitor. Or, a function that does not work is assigned to a
 [IP Address]: Sets the IP address. function button. When the menu is not displayed,
 [Subnet Mask]: Sets the subnet mask.
press the menu selection control to confirm the
 [Default Gateway]: Sets the default
functions assigned to function buttons.
gateway [On] or [Off].  The black bars appear at the upper and lower or left
 [Address]: Sets the default and right positions of the display  When the
gateway. signal aspect ratio is different from that of the panel,
 [Cancel]: Selects to cancel the setting.
the black bars appear. This is not a failure of the unit.
 [Confirm]: Selects to save the setting.
 Adjustments and settings cannot be made 
[Controller] Sets the address of the remote Adjustments and settings may not be possible
 [IP Address]: Sets the IP address.
depending on the input signals and the status of the
 [Subnet Mask]: Sets the subnet mask. unit. See “Input Signals and Adjustable/Setting Items”
([]) (page 13).
 [Default Gateway]: Sets the default  The screen becomes dark and the unit turns off
gateway [On] or [Off].  If the internal temperature of the unit increases,
 [Address]: Sets the default
the screen may become dark and the unit may turn off.
 [Cancel]: Selects to cancel the setting. In this case, refer to Sony qualified service personnel.
 [Confirm]: Selects to save the setting.

[Connection] Sets the connection of the monitor and

the controller.
[LAN]: for connection via a
[Peer to Peer]: for one to one

[Key Inhibit] menu

You can lock the setting so that they cannot be changed

by an unauthorized user. Select [Off] or [On].
If you set to [On], all items are displayed in black,
indicating the items are locked.

Troubleshooting 29
BNC type (2)
Specifications Output signal amplitude: 800 mVp-p
Output impedance: 75 Ω unbalanced
Composite output connector
Picture performance BNC type (1)
Panel OLED panel Loop-through, with 75 Ω automatic
Picture size (diagonal) terminal function
PVM-A250: 623.4 mm (24 5/8 inches) Audio monitor output connector
PVM-A170: 419.7 mm (16 5/8 inches) Stereo mini jack (1)
Effective picture size (H × V) Built-in speaker output
PVM-A250: 543.4 × 305.6 mm 1.0 W Monaural
(21 1/2 × 12 1/8 inches) Headphones output connector
PVM-A170: 365.8 × 205.7 mm Stereo mini jack (1)
(14 1/2 × 8 1/8 inches)
Resolution (H × V)
1920 × 1080 pixels (Full HD) General
Aspect 16:9 Power PVM-A250: AC 100 V to 240 V, 1.3 A
Pixel efficiency 99.99% to 0.6 A, 50/60 Hz
Panel drive RGB 10-bit PVM-A170: AC 100 V to 240 V, 0.9 A
Viewing angle (Panel specification) to 0.5 A, 50/60 Hz
89°/89°/89°/89° (typical) DC 12 V to 16 V, 6.4 A to 4.8 A
(up/down/left/right, contrast > 10:1) Power consumption
Normal scan 0% scan PVM-A250:
Color temperature Approx. 115 W (max.)
D65, D93 Approx. 80 W (average power
Warm-up time Approx. 30 minutes consumption in the default status)
To provide stable picture quality, turn PVM-A170:
on the power of the monitor and Approx. 75 W (max.)
leave it in this state for more than 30 Approx. 60 W (average power
minutes. consumption in the default status)
Inrush current
Input PVM-A250:
SDI input connector (1) Maximum possible inrush current
BNC type (2) at initial switch-on (Voltage changes
HDMI input connector caused by manual switching):
HDMI (1) 50 A peak, 6 A r.m.s. (240V AC)
HDCP correspondence (2) Inrush current after a mains
Composite input (NTSC/PAL) connector interruption of five seconds (Voltage
BNC type (1) changes caused at zero-crossing):
1 Vp-p ± 3 dB sync negative 15 A peak, 3 A r.m.s. (240V AC)
Audio input connector PVM-A170:
Stereo mini jack (1) (1) Maximum possible inrush current
–5 dBu 47 kΩ or higher at initial switch-on (Voltage changes
Remote input connector caused by manual switching):
Parallel remote 45 A peak, 5 A r.m.s. (240V AC)
RJ-45 modular connector 8-pin (1) (2) Inrush current after a mains
Serial remote interruption of five seconds (Voltage
RJ-45 modular connector (1) changes caused at zero-crossing):
(ETHERNET, 10BASE-T/100BASE- 15 A peak, 3 A r.m.s. (240V AC)
TX) Operating conditions
DC input connector Temperature
PVM-A170: XLR 4-pin (male) (1) 0 °C to 35 °C (32 °F to 95 °F)
DC 12 V to 16 V (output impedance Recommended temperature
0.05 Ω or less) 20 °C to 30 °C (68 °F to 86 °F)
Humidity 30% to 85% (no condensation)
Output Pressure 700 hPa to 1060 hPa
SDI (3G/HD/SD) output connector Storage and transport conditions

30 Specifications
Temperature System Composite SD/HD 3G HDMI
–20 °C to +60 °C (–4 °F to +140 °F)
Humidity 0% to 90% 575/50i (PAL)   – 
Pressure 700 hPa to 1060 hPa 480/60i (NTSC) 1)   – 
Accessories supplied 576/50p – – – 
AC power cord (1) 480/60p 1) – – – 
AC plug holder (1)
Handle (1) (PVM-A170 only) 640 × 480/60p 1) – – – 
Screws for the handle (4) (PVM-A170 1080/24PsF 1) –   3) –
only) 1080/25PsF 2) –   3) –
Before Using This Unit (1) 1080/30PsF 1) 2) – –  3) –
CD-ROM (1)
Optional accessories 1080/24p 1) –   3) 
Monitor stand 1080/25p –   3) 
SU-561 1080/30p 1) –   3) 
Mounting bracket 1080/50i –   3) 
MB-P17 (For PVM-A170)
Protection kit 1080/60i 1) –   3) 
BKM-PP25 (For PVM-A250) 1080/50p – –  4) 
BKM-PP17 (For PVM-A170) 1080/60p 1) – –  4) 
720/24p 1) –  – –
Design and specifications are subject to change without
notice. 720/25p –  – –
720/30p 1) –  – –
Notes 720/50p –   3) 
 Always verify that the unit is operating properly
720/60p 1) –   3) 
 : Adjustable/can be set
DAMAGES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING, BUT – : Not adjustable/cannot be set
REIMBURSEMENT ON ACCOUNT OF THE 1) Compatible with 1/1.001 frame rates.
LOSS OF PRESENT OR PROSPECTIVE PROFITS 2) 1080/25PsF, 30PsF are displayed as 1080/25PsF, 30PsF on the screen
if the payload ID is added to the video signal, or displayed as 1080/50I,
DUE TO FAILURE OF THIS UNIT, EITHER 60I if the ID is not added.
DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD OR AFTER 3) 10-bit 4:4:4 YCbCr and 4:4:4 RGB of 3G-SDI signals are supported.
EXPIRATION OF THE WARRANTY, OR FOR 4) 10-bit 4:2:2 YCbCr of 3G-SDI signal is supported.
 SONY WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR CLAIMS OF Applicable signals from PC
ANY KIND MADE BY USERS OF THIS UNIT This unit is compatible with the following PC signals.
Resolution Dot clock fH (kHz) fV (Hz)
CIRCUMSTANCES OF ANY KIND. 640 × 480 25.175 31.5
1280 × 768 68.250 47.4
1280 × 1024 108.000 64.0
The sides of the displayed picture may be hidden
depending on the input signal.
Available video signal formats
The unit is applicable to the following video signal

Specifications 31
5-M4 hole

Unit: mm (inches)
Approx. 6.1 kg (13 lb 7.2 oz)
4-M4 hole


4-M4 hole

32 Dimensions

5-M4 hole

Unit: mm (inches)
Approx. 4.2 kg (9 lb 4.2 oz)


* Length of M4 screws (side)

Monitor cabinet Attached object

M4 screw
8 (11/32) to 12 (1/2) Torque: 1.2 ± 0.1 N·m

* Length of M4 screws (rear)

Monitor cabinet Attached object

M4 screw
7 (9/32) to 10 (13/32)

Unit: mm (inches)

Dimensions 33
Sony Corporation

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