Ion Pairing and Electron Transfer: R. A. Marcus
Ion Pairing and Electron Transfer: R. A. Marcus
Ion Pairing and Electron Transfer: R. A. Marcus
R. A. Marcus
Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California 91125
ReceiVed: August 21, 1998; In Final Form: October 12, 1998
Several scenarios are considered for the effect of electrolytes, specifically for ion pairing, on the rates of
electron transfer reactions: (i) electron transfer followed by ion transfer, (ii) ion-pair dissociation followed
by electron transfer, or (iii) ion transfer accompanying the electron transfer. The latter may involve fast or
slow (diffusive) ionic motion. A distinction is made between ion reorganization (case (iii)) and the formation
of real chemical intermediates. The ion pairs themselves may be tight (contact) or loose (solvent separated).
The discussion is illustrated with an example in the literature. Differences in degree in behavior of intramolecular
and intermolecular electron transfer, due to differences in extent of ionic motion, are noted.
Introduction large ionic motion which must occur in some cases, particularly
in intramolecular electron transfer between well-separated donor/
There are now many studies of the effects of added
acceptor sites.
electrolytes on electron transfer rates and on charge transfer
In the present article, several scenarios are considered for
spectra. Some of the studies have established that ion pairing
the effect of ion pairing, reorganization being one and actual
can strongly influence these properties, e.g., refs 1-27. The
chemical intermediates being another, to see whether any of
investigations themselves have been quite varied:
these alternatives can be excluded on the basis of approximate
In a system such as A13-BA22- f A12-BA23-, where the quantitative estimates. The discussion is illustrated with an
Ai’s are the charged groups, it was found15b that the addition of example. We first recall two types of ion pairs, loose and tight,
cations first shifted the charge transfer absorption spectral which have been studied with thermodynamic measurements,
maximum hνmax in one direction, corresponding to the absorp- optical absorption, ultrasonic absorption, NMR and other
tion by Mn+A13-BA22-. At higher Mn+ concentrations the hνmax spectroscopic methods.25-33
reverted more or less to its original value, presumably due to
the absorption by the symmetrical ion pair, Mn+A13-BA22-Mn+. Theory
These changes were increasingly dramatic with increasing 1. Tight versus Loose Ion Pairs. Previous spectroscopic,
cationic charge n+. The reversal in hνmax was observed for n+ conductance, and other experiments have revealed several types
) 2+ and 3+, but not for 1+. A similar reversal effect was of ion pairs. In one of these, the tight or contact pair, the cation
noted15b for a system M2-A13+BA22+. and anion are in close contact, and the ion pairing may have a
In a study of another system, A1-BA2, the effects of small major effect on the optical absorption spectrum, e.g., refs 26-
alkali metal cations as well as of large tetraalkylammonium 28 and 31-32. In the loose or solvent-separated pair, on the
cations were investigated.19 A striking difference was observed other hand, the effect of ion pairing on the spectrum is typically
in the behavior of hνmax and ket: A large cation (e.g., much less. Again, in the tight pair, when some solvent molecules
tetraalkylammonium, R4N+) had a small effect on hνmax but a are originally in the coordination shell of one of the ions, some
large effect on ket, whereas a small alkali metal cation had a are liberated in forming the pair, resulting in an increase in
large effect on hνmax, but surprisingly an effect on ket smaller entropy.26,27,31 Any such decrease in ion solvation then results
than that of R4N+ . Some of these effects on ket differ from in an increase in energy, an enhanced direct ion-ion Coulombic
those expected from a simple ion atmosphere continuum attraction notwithstanding. Thus, an increase in temperature T
expression. Indeed, a continuum description has been found to actually increases the tight contribution at the expense of the
be inadequate in some other studies, such as in a ferrocenium- loose in such a case.26,27,31 This shift in equilibrium with
ferrocene self-exchange.16 temperature causes a curvature in plots of ln Kp, the total ion-
The techniques used to study the electrolyte effect have pair dissociation constant, versus 1/T. The tight pair is then
themselves been varied, including kinetic, optical, and hyperfine associated with the larger temperature coefficient, while for the
coupling studies. The changes in the latter, for example, reflect loose ion pair, the energy of solvation is similar to that of the
the electron exchange between different parts of the molecule free ions and so the temperature coefficient of its ln Kp is
in large organic ions, e.g., refs 12 and 24. Significant effects of typically small. Inasmuch as both types of ion pairs sometimes
the counterion were found in reducing the rate of electron coexist, they do not necessarily have very different dissociation
exchange. constants at any given temperature. Any equilibrium between
The ion atmosphere or ion-pair effect is sometimes described tight and loose ion pairs is also reflected in ultrasonic absorp-
in the literature as a reorganization, by analogy with the usual tion31,33 and in a temperature-dependent optical absorption
solvational and vibrational reorganization in ET reactions. It is spectrum.26,27,31
presumed to contribute thereby to the reorganization parameter 2. Effect of Ion Pairing on ket. Several schemes may be
λ. The actual situation can be more complex, because of the proposed for the effect of ion pairing on ket: (I) an electron
10.1021/jp9834457 CCC: $15.00 © 1998 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/11/1998
10072 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 102, No. 49, 1998 Marcus
M+A1-BA2 a A1-BA2 a A1BA2- f A1BA2-M+
M +
M + ) (11)
1 1
) + (3) The M+ transfer coordinate, which may be “slow”,20b leads
ket k1 k2k1
in eq 11 to the formation of a precursor complex from the
reactant and to the disappearance of a successor complex to
When, instead of being intramolecular, the ion transfer in form products. The following equation is derived in the
reaction 2 proceeds by dissociation of the ion pair, followed by Appendix for this case by solving diffusion-reaction equations
re-formation of a new pair, we have using several simplifying approximations, one of which is that
the reaction occurs largely near some value x† of the M+ transfer
coordinate x, rather than over a broad interval of x:
M+A1BA2- {\} M+ + A1BA2- (4)
1 1 1 1
) r + + (12)
k5 kIII k kact K kp
A1BA2- +
et diff eq diff
+ M 98 (5)
Here, the krdiff and kact are respectively the rate constants for the
and the k2 in eq 3 is then replaced by diffusion of M+ along reactant’s free energy curve to reach a
point x† of the M+ transfer coordinate x, and for the (activation)
k2 f k5k4/(k-4 + k5) (6) formation of the successor complex in parentheses in reaction
11. Keq is the equilibrium constant for forming this successor,
This factor clearly cannot exceed k5K4, where K4 is the ion- and kpdiff is the diffusion rate constant for forming the product,
pair dissociation constant of reaction 4. In any case the A1BA2-M+, from it. Expressions for these terms are derived
maximum value of kIet in eq 3 or eqs 3 and 6 is k1. in the Appendix. A subtlety regarding the x-dependent rate
II. Ion-Pair Dissociation First. When the ion-pair dissocia- constants, used to obtain eq 12, and the nature of the reaction
tion precedes the electron transfer, we have instead of reaction coordinate is discussed in the Appendix.
1 The value of x† can be obtained by maximizing the expression
for kIII †
et with respect to x . The result in eq 12 can be understood
k7 also by a simple steady-state kinetic argument for forming each
M+A1-BA2 {\
} M+ + A1-BA2 (7) of the species in reaction 11, upon introducing specific expres-
sions for each k that appears there. When necessary, an
followed by additional aspect, in which solvent dynamics can affect the term
labeled kact in eq 12, is readily incorporated. When the diffusion
rate constants in eq 12 are large, it becomes kIII et = kact.
A1-BA2 {\
} A1BA2- (8) When the electron transfer is intermolecular, the reactants
and counterion can readily choose their positions and orienta-
and the stabilization reaction tions and so the diffusive terms for the M+ coordinate in eq 12
can be so fast that only the second term on the right, the term
k9 labeled kact, remains. For intramolecular electron transfers, when
A1BA2- + M+ 98 A1BA2-M+ (9) donor and acceptor are distant, the x-diffusion terms may con-
tribute significantly in this mechanism. Using the approximation
The steady-state rate constant, kIIet, is now given by of the electron transfer being concentrated near a particular value
Ion Pairing and Electron Transfer J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 102, No. 49, 1998 10073
of x, x†, namely using eq 12, case I becomes the special case of For our purposes it will normally suffice to use the largest
case III, one where x† has the initial value of x, x ) 0. In that term in the sum, for any approximate estimate in the regime
case krdiff in eq 12 is absent, and k1 and k2k1/k-1 in eq 3 ∆G° + λS g 0 for eq 15 and -∆G° + λS g 0 for eq 16. One
correspond to kact and k pdiffKeq in eq 12, respectively. then finds for both equations the simple and convenient result
We consider next the effect of ion pairing on hνmax.
2π |V|2
e-(∆G°+λs) /4λskBTe-S
3. Effect of Ion Pairing on Charge Transfer Spectral ket =
Maximum, hνmax. For a photoinduced charge transfer p (4πλ k T)1/2
s B
[ ]
When this attractive interaction in the ion pair M+A1-BA2 is |V|2 2π 1/2
large, this ∆G° is expected to be large. et =
kmax (19)
p λvhν + 2λskBT
Approximate Equations
The various parameters in theoretical expression for ket used The right side of eq 19 reduces to the usual classical value
in refs 19 and 36 were obtained using eq 15 below, where any (|V|2/π)(π/λkBT)1/2 when the reorganization is only of solvent
high-frequency modes are treated as having a single frequency and low-frequency modes, i.e., when λ ) λs. When λS van-
ν and contributing λv to the reorganization parameter λ. The ishes, i.e., when λ ) λv, the right side reduces instead to
solvent (and low-frequency modes) reorganization contribution (|V|2/p)(π/λ(hν/2))1/2.
is denoted by λS. The rate constant ket for a nonadiabatic reaction We next apply the results to an example in the literature.
is then given by35,37
Illustration with A Particular System
∞ -S w
2π |V| 2
e S Dihydropentacene (X•-) and Biphenylylnaphthylcyclo-
∑ e-(∆G°+λs+whν) /4λskBT (15a)
ket ) hexane (Y•-) Radical Anions. When A1-BA2 is the dihydro-
p (4πλ k T) 1/2
w)0 w! pentacene radical anion, X•-, the charge is presumed to be
s B
initially localized on the naphthyl group near the M+ and optical
where absorption then results in a charge transfer to the far naphthyl.
S ) λV/hν (15b)
that the rate cannot exceed k1. Using eq 17, one finds that in (The latter is the contribution from the torsional motion, present
the ∆G° region specified there (valid here) the M+ reduces the in Y•- but not in X•-.)39 Since the charge centers in X•- are
value of k1 in eq 1 for the A1-BA2 by a factor of exp[∆G° + separated by a smaller distance (7.3 Å) than in Y•- (11.8 Å)
λS)2 - (∆G°0 + λS)2]/4λSkBT, where ∆G° is -0.05 eV (i.e., one expects the λs in X•- also to be smaller than that in Y•- on
∆G°0) plus the increase, 0.52 eV, found from the shift in hνmax this account: Using the parametrization given in ref 41 for the
for X•- for M+ ) Na+. This shift is assumed here to be solvent contribution to λs, which contains the continuum factor
approximately the same for Y•-. Since λS is 0.75 eV,19,38 one (2a)-1 + (2a2)-1 - R-1, and recalling that a1 ) a2 ) 5.07 Å in
thereby concludes that the Na+ would lower k1 by a factor of that parametrization, one finds that the expected λs is (0.75 -
∼6 × 105. This factor is considerably larger than the observed 0.15)[(5.07)-1 - (7.3)-1]/[(5.07)-1 - (11.8)-1], i.e., about 0.32
reduction in ket of a factor of 130, and so this mechanism is eV. This value is substantially larger than the e0.06 eV noted
excluded for this reaction, if the assumptions made above are above. Perhaps the spectrum of the M+-free X•- needs
reasonably correct. reexamination in at least two respects: there is a suggestion of
To consider mechanism I for M+) TBA+ we shall need in a shoulder in region of ∼0.65 eV, where TBA+ X•- has a
eq 3, k1, k-1, and k2. For M+ ) TBA+ k1 is lowered from its maximum in hν. If TBA+ has, in fact, a negligible effect on
value in the absence of M+, 1.6 × 109 s-1, by a factor of about the hνmax of X•- and if the spectrum in neat THF were in part
15, due to an increase in ∆G° of 0.14 eV inferred from the due to the solvated electron used to form the radical anion, then
hνmax shift. The new expected value of k1 is thereby ∼108 s-1. the λs for X•- becomes 0.20 eV. This value is at least closer to
The k-1 equals this value multiplied by exp[(0.14 - 0.05)/ the ca. 0.32 eV estimated above.
0.025], i.e. , ∼1010 s-1. The k2 is the rate constant for the motion Again, λv was estimated originally in the literature by fitting
of M+ from the now neutral biphenyl to the anionic naphthyl. the ln ket vs -∆G° curve. The authors, in one of their landmark
If this motion is intramolecular, as in eq 2, and for the moment papers,37 recognized that the λv in the normal region, involving
we neglect the attractive term due to the attraction of M+ to mainly aromatic electron acceptors, could differ from λv in the
A2-, we estimate k2 as the reciprocal of a mean first-passage inverted region, where the acceptors were aromatics quinones.
time in the Appendix. It equals D(π/2a)2, where D is the The quantum effects are largest in the inverted region, and so
diffusion constant of M+ along the molecule. this λv is most sensitive to data in that region. If the share of λ
If the rate constant kd for a bimolecular diffusion controlled for λv were smaller for the aromatic acceptors and hence the λs
process is kd ) 4πDR, where R is a reaction radius, and typically would have a larger share, (the CO group in the quinones may
kd ∼ 1010 M-1 s-1 for R ∼ 5 Å, then k2 = kdπ/(4a)2R, i.e., 5 × make a significant contribution to λv), then the calculated λs
109 s-1. The rate constant in eq 3 is k1k2/(k-1 + k2). This yield contribution for X•- would be larger, substantially larger than
factor k2/(k-1 + k2) is seen to be ∼0.3, so the calculated ket ∼ the e0.06 eV inferred from the data with the existing param-
3 × 107s-1. The observed value is 1.2 × 106s-1. The discrepancy etrization. There are, of course, other questions mentioned above,
may be due to the diffusion of TBA+ from one group to the such as aspects of the spectrum X•- itself. There may also be
other being more hindered, among other possibilities, even a question of how localized the electron is in X•- in neat THF.
though diffusion of M+ is enhanced by its electrostatic attraction Hyperfine coupling studies might provide some answer to this
to A2-. Thus, this mechanism I cannot be eliminated for TBA+ latter question, including perhaps direct measurements using spin
and could be the mechanism of choice for this cation. Since resonance techniques for the intramolecular ket in X•-.
mechanism III contains mechanism I as a special case, it too
There is another argument suggesting that λv for aromatics
cannot be eliminated for TBA+.
may be smaller than the 0.45 eV. The bimolecular ket for the
For the mechanism II, where a dissociation of the ion pair reaction of neat biphenylyl radical anion with the naphthyl group
occurs first, the ket cannot exceed, as noted earlier, k9K7, where is19 ∼1/20 of the adiabatic value, ∼1011 M-1 s-1 (and one-half
K7 is the ion-pair dissociation constant for reaction 7. Since27 the diffusion-controlled value, ∼1010 M-1 s-1). We can
K7 is 10-6 M for M+ ) Na+ and k9 is of the order of a diffusion- estimate a λs, assuming λv ) 0.45 eV and hν ) 1500 cm-1,
controlled rate constant, ∼1010 M-1 s-1, the calculated ket cannot using eq 16: We first replace the factor outside the sum (which
exceed ∼ 104 s-1, a maximal value. The observed ket is 1.2 × can be shown to be42 a nonadiabatic Landau-Zener factor with
107s-1. Thereby, it appears that mechanism II can be safely the solvation as the slow coordinate) by the adiabatic value for
excluded for M+ ) Na+. a bimolecular ket, namely ∼1011 M-1 s-1. Equating the
For M+ ) TBA+ the Kp for the ion pair TBA+Y•- does not subsequent rate constant to the ket in neat THF, 5.7 109M-1s-1,
appear to have been determined. For the tetraphenylborate salts one finds λs ∼ 0.15 eV if λv ) 0.45 eV. Since 0.15 eV of λs
of Na+, Li+, and TBA+ in THF the Kp’s are comparable.40 At arises from the torsional motion of the biphenyl,39 one concludes
the moment if we take Kp for the TBA+Y•- to be similar to that the solvation part of λs is then zero! This clearly incorrect
that of the Na+Y•- salt, then with k9 ∼ 1010 M-1 s-1 we have result, even for reactants in contact, again suggests that a smaller
ket ∼ 104 s-1 and so this mechanism II could then be excluded λv (smaller λv/hν) be used for aromatics in the normal region,
for the TBA+Y•- system also. or that some other effect is occurring.
In the models I to III for the electron/ion transfer we have
considered cases where some of the transient dynamics of
The X•- and Y•- appear to show quite different λs’s, and formation of the initial ion-paired reactant does not affect the
we expand on this aspect first. For X•- the hνmax was reported observations. For example, in the experiments in which the two
as e0.51 eV.19 But if the λv for X•- were approximately the radical anions X•- and Y•- were studied,19 the system was
same as the value assigned in a parametrization for Y•-, namely prepared by having a solvated electron, accompanied by its
0.45 eV, then the λs for X•- would have to be e0.06 eV. This cation, first react with the relevant aromatic group and thereby
value is unreasonably low unless the odd electron in X•- in forming a cation-anion pair before the desired reaction occurs.
neat THF is delocalized over the two naphthyls. In this way, it was pointed out, any slow transient dynamics
One expects the λs for X•- (when the electron is localized) involving the formation of the subsequent M+X•- or M+Y•-
to be at least less than that value (0.75 eV) for Y•- by 0.15 eV. ion pair was avoided.19 In another experiment the transient
Ion Pairing and Electron Transfer J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 102, No. 49, 1998 10075
complicating effect of ion pairing on shifting the maximum of The present article began as an exercise in exploring briefly
the usual fluorescence (1-5 ns) of a charge transfer singlet state different possible mechanisms for ion-pairing effects on electron
was avoided by observing, instead, the absorption by a long- transfer rates and charge transfer spectra. We have delineated
lived (several microseconds) charge transfer triplet state.20 In their relationships and raised several questions which can be
this way, the complications due to the relative slowness of ion- addressed in future experiments. Some recent work cited above
pair formation could again be avoided: With an electrolyte on the dynamics of the transient systems can also be expected
concentration of 0.01 M and a diffusion-controlled ion pair to define more precisely some of the rate constants involved.
formation rate of 1010 M-1 s-1, a time of 10 ns is needed, by
which time most of any singlet state fluorescence would have Acknowledgment. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the
disappeared, but the spectrum and hence the hνmax of the newly support of this research by the Office of Naval Research and
equilibrated ion-paired CT triplet state could be observed. by the National Science Foundation, and the very helpful
As noted above, the description in the preceding section comments of Piotr Piotrowiak. This article is dedicated to Allen
focuses on systems where the ion-paired reactant in reaction 1, Bard on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Al’s contributions
7, or 11 is already prepared. For systems when a charge transfer to the electron transfer field have been immense, continually
charge-separated pair is formed, e.g., intramolecularly, by the inventive and pioneering, and I am happy to participate in this
absorption of light, ion dynamics is involved in forming the Festschrift volume dedicated to him.
ion pairs.17,20,21 A detailed analysis of some experimental data
in terms of formation and dissociation rates of solvent-separated Appendix. Intramolecular Diffusion-Reaction of M+
and contact ion pairs is given in ref 21. The kinetics of ion-pair We consider the diffusion of M+ along a coordinate x, where
formation in the CT triplet state system was studied in ref 20. x ) 0 and x ) a denote the equilibrium positions of M+ in
The ion-pairing occurred, in the system studied, by rearrange- reaction 11 when the anionic charge is localized on A1 and A2,
ment with the existing ion pairs in the electrolyte and the rate respectively. We denote by Pr(x) and Pp(x) the probability
constant of the rearrangement was largely diffusion-controlled. density of finding M+ at any x, for these two respective sys-
It is interesting to compare the effect of the ions M+ on the tems.
intramolecular ket with that on the intermolecular one. For M+ The diffusion coefficient of M+ is denoted by D . The local
) Li+, Na+, TBA+, CTMA+ (cetyltrimethylammonium), and reaction rate constant for forming the A1- f A2- transfer at x
TOA+ (tetraoctylammonium) the intramolecular ket was reduced is denoted by kret(x) and for the reverse transfer at x by kpet(x).
by factors of 90, 130, 1300, 850, and 2000, respectively, while The diffusion-reaction equations for Pr and Pp are given by
for the intermolecular ket the corresponding reductions were only
factors of 9, 30, 11, 9, and 16.19 (See also ref 7.) The effect of ∂Pr ∂Jr
)- - kretPr + kpetPp (A.1)
M+ in the intermolecular case is seen to be relatively little, ∂t ∂x
presumably because the counter ion no longer has to move far
and, further, the reactants can orient themselves so as to avoid ∂Pp ∂Jp
a large uphill ∆G° for any ET reaction that occurs when the
)- - kpetPp + kretPr (A.2)
∂t ∂x
transition is vertical (fixed ions).
The large spectral effect when M+ is Na+ may be attributed where the forced diffusive fluxes are
to the ion-pair being tight, since solvent separated pairs usually ∂Pr dgr
involve only a small spectral effect.26,27,31,32 On the other hand, Jr(x) ) -D - DPr (A.3a)
when M+ is a large tetraalkylammonium ion, such as TBA+, ∂x dx
the spectral shift is small, and may correspond either to that
∂Pp dgp
ion pair being loose or to the ion centers being too far apart to Jp(x) ) -D - DPp (A.3b)
have a spectral effect. As noted earlier, the ion-pair dissociation ∂x dx
constants Kp of the Li+, Na+, and TBA+ salts of tetraphenylbo-
rate have been measured in tetrahydrofuran (THF) and are quite
comparable.40 Presumably the hydrophobic interaction plays a gr ) Gr/kBT, gp ) Gp/kBT (A.4)
substantial role in making the Kp for the large TBA+ ion
comparable with that for the smaller cations. and Gr(x) and Gp(x) are the corresponding free energies of the
Mechanism II appears to be ruled out for the systems studied systems when the electron resides on A1 and on A2, respectively,
in ref 19. Mechanism I, which is a special case of III, was seen and M+ is at x. The survival probability of the reactant at time
to be a possible mechanism for M+ ) TBA+ but not for M+ ) t, Qr(t), is ∫-∞ Pr(x,t) dx and provides a description of the
Na+. For M+ ) Na+ mechanism III is preferred and may also course of the reaction. By using individual rate constants in
occur for M+ ) TBA+. However, any conclusions rest on eqs A.1 and A.2, the Pr and Pp are treated as being associated
approximations, such as the interpretation of the effect of M+ with precursor and successor complexes, respectively.
on hνmax (namely, that it affects ∆G° rather than λ). By way of illustration for the present discussion we introduce
It was also noted that there is a considerable difference two simplifying approximations: (i) the steady-state approxima-
between the intermolecular results, where little diffusion of M+ tion, ∂Pr/∂t ) ∂Pp/∂t ) 0, and (ii) the dominant reaction occurs
is needed, and the intramolecular results. A better estimate of in some x-interval ∆† centered at x†. In this case the net reactant
the intramolecular diffusion constant D for M+ is needed. flow Jr (x) must vanish for x > x†, and similarly Jp (x) is zero
Studies where reaction 11 is more downhill, so enhancing the for x < x†.
possibility of intramolecular diffusion control, may provide We can implement (ii) by setting
additional information on D. A comparison of results for pyrene
and naphthalene as acceptors in the intermolecular electron kret (x) ) kret(x†)∆†δ(x - x†)
transfer19 was revealing, and reflected the fact that the former
was a more downhill reaction and so was diffusion controlled. kpet (x) ) kpet(x†)∆†δ(x - x†) (A.5)
10076 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 102, No. 49, 1998 Marcus
where δ(x - x†) is the Dirac delta function. Integration of eqs these two expressions, is given by the right-hand side of eq
A.3-A.5 yields A.8c. To understand eq A.8d, we note that the equilibrium
constant for forming C from A is seen below to be (∆†/∆r) exp-
Jr(x<x†) ) Jp(x>x†) ≡ J ) (-[gp(x†) - gr(0)]), which is the right-hand side of eq A.8d.
kret(x†)∆†Pr† - kpet(x†)∆†Pp† (A.6) Although we have labeled a rate constant in eq A.7 by kact, and
written it in terms of eq A.8b, the reaction step can itself be
Integration of eqs A.1 and A.2 using eq A.6 then yields for subject to slow solvent dynamics, and eq A.8b would then be
the rate constant kIII modified.43
et of reaction 11, after some manipulation
We comment further on equilibrium constants, such as eq
1 1 1 1 A.8d for the formation of C from A. The free energy for A is
) r + + (A.7) Gr(0) - kBT ln qAtrans, where qAtrans is the translational partition
ket kdiff kact Keqkpdiff
function of M+ in species A, and equals (2πmkBT)1/2∆r, m being
where the mass of M+. Gr(0) refers only to the free energy of A when
x is fixed at x ) 0. Similarly, the free energy for C is Gp(x†) -
∫0x exp[gr(x) - gr(0)] dx kBT ln qCtrans, where qCtrans ) (2πmkBT)1/2∆†. Keq is obtained
krdiff ≡ krdiff(x†) ) D/∆r (A.8a)
from this free energy difference, and so is given by eq A.8d.
We also use in the text a mean-first-passage time for diffusion
kact ≡ kact(x†) ) kret(x†)(∆†/∆r) exp(-[gr(x†) - gr(0)]) of M+ from x ) 0 to x ) a. This time is obtained by writing
(A.8b) the solution of eqs A.1-A.2 in the form of an eigenvalue
expansion and equating the mean first passage time to the
kpdiff ≡ kpdiff(x†) ) D/∆† ∫xaexp[gp(x) - gp(x†)] dx
† (A.8c) reciprocal of the lowest eigenvalue.44 We illustrate the result
here for a particular case of eq A.1, neglecting any back reaction
Keq ≡ Keq(x†) ) (∆†/∆r) exp(-[gp(x†) - gr(0)]) (A.8d) of the product. The mean first-passage time is obtained by setting
Pr(x) equal to p(x) exp(-k2t), where k2 is the lowest eigenvalue.44
Here, ∆r and the ∆p used later denote One solves thereby the equation obtained from eq A.1
∆r ) ∫-∞∞exp(-[gr(x) - gr(0)]) dx D
d dgr
p ( )
+ k2 p ) 0 (A.9)
∆p ) ∫-∞exp(-[gp(x) - gp(a)]) dx
We use as boundary conditions p ) 0 at x ) a (i.e., the reactant
∆r and ∆p represent the size of dominant x-intervals occupied does not return after reaching x ) a) and dp/dx ) 0 at x) 0
by M+ along x, and are centered in the reactant and in the (no net diffusive flux into x < 0). If the forcing term dg/dx is
product regions in reaction 11, i.e., x ) 0 and x ) a, neglected, one finds that the unnormalized eigenfunction p is
respectively. The units of all three rate constants in eq A.8 are cos (k2/D)1/2x and that the eigenvalue k2 is given by
reciprocal time. In obtaining eq A.7 we also used
k2 ) D(π/2a)2 (A.10)
kret(x†)/kpet(x†) ) exp(-[gp(x ) - gr(x )])
† †
Equation A.10 is used in the text. Equation A.9 can be solved
Any theory for kret(x) automatically contains how sharply be- more generally, for example by converting the equation to a
haved it is as a function of x and so yields a value for Ơ. Schrodinger-like equation43 and solving the latter for the
The combination of symbols in eqs A.8 arose from those in eigenvalue k2.
eqs A.1-A.4. To justify the labeling of the k’s and K in eqs The formulation of ket as a function of x, as in eqs A.1-A.2,
A.8a-A.8d, we consider the individual steps in reaction 11. tacitly implies that x is at most only a minor contributor to the
We denote the four successive species in that reaction by A, B, reaction coordinate: When it is the reaction coordinate the
C, and D, respectively. If we use a steady-state treatment of a transition state occurs by definition only at a particular x and
diffusion-controlled formation of B in reaction 11 from A, not over a range of x. In that case one replaces the pair of
namely for Pr† from x ) 0 to x†, with an absorbing boundary equations eqs A.1-A.2 by a single equation, the Kramers-
condition at x ) x†, one obtains the right-hand side of eq A.8a Klein equation for the population.44,45
for the rate constant, and so we have denoted it by krdiff. For the In some cases there may be two x†’s.46
result in eq A.8b, denoted by kact, we first note that when C is
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