Click Battle
Activity Checklist
Determine the screens where you’ll bring the class together using Teacher Pacing and Pause Class.
What will you discuss on those screens?
Anticipate screens where students will struggle, then plan your response.
Plan a challenge for students who finish the activity quickly and successfully.
Make yourself available during the activity to students for individual help and questions when
Write out your summary of the activity's main ideas. How will you pull student work into that
summary? Which parts of the activity can you skip to ensure that summary receives sufficient time?
My Learning Targets: 1/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
Which screen(s) do you want to keep students from seeing until you're ready for the class to see
them together? (Perhaps because they reveal answers or require a whole class conversation for
Are there any points in the lesson where you will want to make sure students aren’t playing with
the screens while you discuss something as a class?
11 How
How many
many clicks?
clicks? 22 Gather
Gather some
some data.
data. 33 Revise
Revise your
your estim
estim…… 44 Test
Test your
your estimate.
On the next screen you'll Before we You clicked the button 41 Now it's time
see a blue button, similar to test your times in 5 seconds. to test your
the "Share to Class" button estimate, let's estimate.
see how you
perform in a Original
practice estimate: 70
55 Click
Click Battle
Battle #1
#1 66 Click
Click Battle
Battle #2
#2 77 Click
Click Battle
Battle #3
#3 88 Unit
Unit Rate
Here are two Here are two Here are two One way to
Desmos Click Desmos Click Desmos Click determine
Bots™ along Bots™ along Bots™ along who will win
99 Click
Click Battle
Battle #4
#4 10 Click
10 Click Battle
Battle #5
#5 11 Click
11 Click Battle
Battle #6
#6 12 Settle
12 Settle aa dispute.
Here are two Here are two Here are two During a 4-second practice
Desmos Click Desmos Click Desmos Click round, one of the Click Bots
Bots™ along Bots™ along Bots™ along made only 8 clicks.
13 These
These four
four bots
bots …
… 14
14 Complete
Complete the
the ta
Here is some
from the 2/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
On the next screen you'll see a blue button, similar to the "Share to
11 How
How many
many clicks?
Class" button shown below.
On the next screen you'll see a
blue button, similar to the
"Share to Class" button shown How many times do you think you'll be able to click the button in 10
b l seconds?
Teacher Tips:
My Notes:
Before we test your estimate, let's see how you perform in a practice
22 Gather
Gather some
some data.
Before we test
your estimate,
let's see how Click the button as many times as you can in 5 seconds.
you perform in
a practice We’ll start the timer on your first click.
Teacher Tips:
My Notes: 3/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
33 Revise
Revise your
your estimate.
estimate. You clicked the button 41 times in 5 seconds.
You clicked the button 41 times
in 5 seconds. Based on what you know now, make a new estimate: How many times
can you click the button in 10 seconds?
B d h t k
Teacher Tips:
Highlight unique answers for the class. Ask students to justify their
responses and critique each others' reasoning.
My Notes: 4/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
44 Test
Test your
your estimate.
estimate. Now it's time to test your estimate.
Now it's time to
test your Original estimate: 70 clicks in 10 seconds
estimate. Revised estimate: 82 clicks in 10 seconds
Teacher Tips:
My Notes: 5/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
55 Click
Click Battle
Battle #1
#1 Here are two Desmos Click Bots™ along with some data from their
practice rounds.
Here are two
Desmos Click
Bots™ along Which bot will click more times in 10 seconds?
ith d t
Teacher Tips:
My Notes: 6/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
Here are two Desmos Click Bots™ along with some data from their
66 Click
Click Battle
Battle #2
practice rounds.
Here are two
Desmos Click
Bots™ along Which bot will click more times in 10 seconds?
ith d t
Teacher Tips:
My Notes:
77 Click
Click Battle
Battle #3
#3 Here are two Desmos Click Bots™ along with some data from their
practice rounds.
Here are two
Desmos Click
Bots™ along Which bot will click more times in 10 seconds?
ith d t
Teacher Tips:
My Notes: 7/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
One way to determine who will win is to consider unit rates. That is, how
88 Unit
Unit Rate
many clicks per ONE second?
One way to
determine who
will win is to The table shows information for four Desmos Click Bots™, as well as the
id it unit rate for the red bot.
Complete the table. Then explain your strategy below.
Teacher Tips:
Highlight several student responses for the class. Start with informal
math language and reasoning, then move to more formal responses.
Sample Answer
• The blue bot has a unit rate of = 10 clicks per second.
• The green bot has a unit rate of = 7.2 clicks per second.
• The orange bot has a unit rate of = 8.67 clicks per second
My Notes: 8/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
Here are two Desmos Click Bots™ along with some data from their
99 Click
Click Battle
Battle #4
practice rounds.
Here are two
Desmos Click
Bots™ along Which bot will click more times in 10 seconds?
ith d t
Teacher Tips:
My Notes:
10 Click
Click Battle
Battle #5
#5 Here are two Desmos Click Bots™ along with some data from their
practice rounds.
Here are two
Desmos Click
Bots™ along Which bot will click more times in 10 seconds?
ith d t
My Notes: 9/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
Here are two Desmos Click Bots™ along with some data from their
11 Click
11 Click Battle
Battle #6
practice rounds.
Here are two
Desmos Click
Bots™ along Which bot will click more times in 10 seconds?
ith d t
Teacher Tips:
Highlight some of the best arguments for each choice. Ask students
to respond with counterarguments.
Sample Answers
• Bot #11 will click more times in 10 seconds. Bot #11's click rate of
= 4.25 clicks per second is greater than Bot #12's click rate of
= 4.2 clicks per second.
• The bots will click the same number of times. Even though Bot #11
has a slightly faster click rate, it will click 17 times in the first 4
seconds, 17 times in the next 4 seconds, and 8 times in the final 2
seconds. (This is because clicks are discrete, so = 8.5 clicks in
the final 2 seconds is not possible.) That yields a total of
17 + 17 + 8 = 42 clicks, which is the same total as Bot #12.
My Notes: 10/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
During a 4-second practice round, one of the Click Bots made only 8
12 Settle
12 Settle aa dispute.
During a 4-second practice
round, one of the Click Bots
made only 8 clicks. Amir claims that the unit rate is 2 clicks per second.
Chloe disagrees. She says it's 0.5 clicks per second.
Who is correct?
Teacher Tips:
Highlight some of the best arguments for each side. Ask students to
respond with counterarguments.
Note: Watch for students who simply divide the first number by the
second number, or the larger number by the smaller number. This
oversimplified approach will lead to incorrect conclusions on this and
several other screens.
My Notes: 11/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
13 These
These four
four bots
bots are
are …
… Teacher Tips:
Make sure you complete this card sort yourself, in the role of a
student, to acquaint yourself with the cards, questions, and
conceptions that may arise in class.
After students complete the card sort, ask them to describe their
approach. Watch for students who incorrectly place the blue bot in 1st
place, as some may incorrectly interpret the blue bot's unit rate as 10
clicks per second.
Also watch for students who do not use unit rate. There are several
interesting approaches for comparing bots. For example, if the red bot
clicked for nine half-seconds (4.5 seconds), it would have 4 · 9 = 36
clicks, which is fewer than the green bot. Similar pairwise
comparisons can reveal the rest of the positions.
My Notes: 12/14
11/4/2018 Click Battle • Teacher Guide
14 Complete
Complete the
the table.
table. Here is some information from the practice round for several new Click
Here is some
from the Determine the missing values. Enter them in the table.
ti d
Then describe your strategy.
Teacher Tips:
Sample Answers
My Notes:
Summary Notes: 13/14
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