Filartiga v. Pena Irala

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Dolly M. E. FILARTIGA and Joel Filartiga v. Americo Norberto PENA-IRALA.

F.2d 876

 The appellants, plaintiffs below, are citizens of the Republic of Paraguay. Dr. Joel
Filartiga, a physician, describes himself as a longstanding opponent of the government
of President Alfredo Stroessner. His daughter, Dolly Filartiga, arrived in the United
States in 1978 under a visitor’s visa, and has since applied for permanent political

 The appellants contend that on March 29, 1976, Joelito Filartiga was kidnapped and
tortured to death by Pena, who was then Inspector General of Police in Asuncion,
Paraguay. The Filartigas claim that Joelito was tortured and killed in retaliation for his
father’s political activities and beliefs.

 Dr. Filartiga commenced a criminal action in the Paraguayan courts against Pena and
the police for the murder of his son. During the course of the Paraguayan criminal
proceeding, which is apparently still pending after four years, another man, Hugo
Duarte, confessed to the murder. Duarte is the son of Pena’s companion, Juana
Bautista Fernandez Villalba, who later accompanied Pena to the United States. In July
of 1978, Pena sold his house in Paraguay and entered the United States under a
visitor’s visa. He was accompanied by Juana Bautista Fernandez Villalba, who had lived
with him in Paraguay. The couple remained in the United States beyond the term of
their visas, and were living in Brooklyn, New York, when Dolly Filartiga, who was then
living in Washington, D. C., learned of their presence.

 Acting on information provided by Dolly the Immigration and Naturalization Service

arrested Pena and his companion, both of whom were subsequently ordered deported
on April 5, 1979 following a hearing. They had then resided in the United States for
more than nine months.

 Dolly caused Pena to be served with a summons and civil complaint at the Brooklyn
Navy Yard, where he was being held pending deportation. The complaint alleged that
Pena had wrongfully caused Joelito’s death by torture and sought compensatory and
punitive damages of $10,000,000. The Filartigas also sought to enjoin Pena’s
deportation to ensure his availability for testimony at trial.

The cause of action is stated as arising under “wrongful death statutes; the U. N.
Charter; the Universal Declaration on Human Rights; the U. N. Declaration Against
Torture; the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man; and other pertinent
declarations, documents and practices constituting the customary international law of
human rights and the law of nations,” as well as 28 U.S.C. s 1350, Article II, sec. 2
and the Supremacy Clause of the U. S. Constitution. Jurisdiction is claimed under the
general federal question provision, 28 U.S.C. s 1331 and, principally on this appeal,
under the Alien Tort Statute, 28 U.S.C. s 1350. Pena has now been deported

The Filartigas brought this action in the Eastern District of New York against Americo
Norberto Pena-Irala (Pena), also a citizen of Paraguay, for wrongfully causing the
death of Dr. Filartiga’s seventeen-year old son, Joelito. The district court dismissed the
action for want of subject matter jurisdiction.
On the jurisdictional issue, there has been no suggestion that Pena claims diplomatic
immunity from suit. The Filartigas submitted the affidavits of a number of distinguished
international legal scholars, who stated unanimously that the law of nations prohibits
absolutely the use of torture as alleged in the complaint.

Pena, in support of his motion to dismiss on the ground of forum non conveniens. His
Paraguayan counsel, Jose Emilio Gorostiaga averred that Paraguayan law provides a
full and adequate civil remedy for the wrong alleged. Dr. Filartiga has not [*880]
commenced such an action, however, believing that further resort to the courts of his
own country would be futile.

Judge Nickerson heard argument on the motion to dismiss on May 14, 1979, and on
May 15 dismissed the complaint on jurisdictional grounds. The district judge
recognized the strength of appellants’ argument that official torture violates an
emerging norm of customary international law. Nonetheless, he felt constrained to
construe narrowly “the law of nations,” as employed in s 1350, as excluding that law
which governs a state’s treatment of its own citizens. The district court continued the
stay of deportation for forty-eight hours while appellants applied for further stays.
These applications were denied by a panel of this Court on May 22, 1979, and by the
Supreme Court two days later. Shortly thereafter, Pena and his companion returned
to Paraguay.

 Appellants rest their principal argument in support of federal jurisdiction upon the Alien
Tort Statute, 28 U.S.C. s 1350, which provides: “The district courts shall have original
jurisdiction of any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the
law of nations or a treaty of the United States.”

Appellee submits that even if the tort alleged is a violation of modern international
law, federal jurisdiction may not be exercised consistent with the dictates of Article III
of the Constitution.

ISSUE: Whether the US District Court has jurisdiction of the case

HELD: The Court reversed the judgment of the district court dismissing the complaint for want
of federal jurisdiction. The Court finds that an act of torture committed by a state official
against one held in detention violates established norms of the international law of human
rights, and hence the law of nations.

 On torture as prohibited by laws of nations

Having examined the sources from which customary international law is derived
the usage of nations, judicial opinions and the works of jurists we conclude
that official torture is now prohibited by the law of nations. The prohibition is
clear and unambiguous, and admits of no distinction between treatment of
aliens and citizens.

Accordingly, we must conclude that the dictum in Dreyfus v. von Finck, supra, 534
F.2d at 31, to the effect that “violations of international law do not occur when the
aggrieved parties are nationals of the acting state,” is clearly out of tune with the
current usage and practice of international law. The treaties and accords cited above,
as well as the express foreign policy of our own government, all make it clear that
international law confers fundamental rights upon all people vis-a-vis their own
governments. While the ultimate scope of those rights will be a subject for continuing
refinement and elaboration, we hold that the right to be free from torture is now among
them. We therefore turn to the question whether the other requirements for
jurisdiction are met.


Common law courts of general jurisdiction regularly adjudicate transitory tort claims
between individuals over whom they exercise personal jurisdiction, wherever the tort

Moreover, as part of an articulated scheme of federal control over external affairs,

Congress provided, in the first Judiciary Act, s 9(b), 1 Stat. 73, 77 (1789), for federal
jurisdiction over suits by aliens where principles of international law are in issue. The
constitutional basis for the Alien Tort Statute is the law of nations, which has always
been part of the federal common law. It is not extraordinary for a court to adjudicate
a tort claim arising outside of its territorial jurisdiction. A state or nation has a
legitimate interest in the orderly resolution of disputes among those within its borders,
and where the lex loci delicti commissi is applied, it is an expression of comity to give
effect to the laws of the state where the wrong occurred.

Conduct of the type alleged here would be actionable under 42 U.S.C. s 1983 or,
undoubtedly, the Constitution, if performed by a government official

Although the Alien Tort Statute has rarely been the basis for jurisdiction during its long
history, in light of the foregoing discussion, there can be little doubt that this action is
properly brought in federal court. This is undeniably an action by an alien, for a tort
only, committed in violation of the law of nations. The paucity of suits successfully
maintained under the section is readily attributable to the statute’s requirement of
alleging a “violation of the law of nations” at the jurisdictional threshold.

Pena argues that the customary law of nations, as reflected in treaties and declarations
that are not self-executing, should not be applied as rules of decision in this case. In
doing so, he confuses the question of federal jurisdiction under the Alien Tort Statute,
which requires consideration of the law of nations, with the issue of the choice of law
to be applied.

The two issues are distinct. Our holding on subject matter jurisdiction decides only
whether Congress intended to confer judicial power, and whether it is authorized to do
so by Article III.

The choice of law inquiry is a much broader one, primarily concerned with fairness,
see consequently, it looks to wholly different considerations (Lauritzen case). Should
the district court decide that the Lauritzen analysis requires it to apply Paraguayan
law, our courts will not have occasion to consider what law would govern a suit under
the Alien Tort Statute where the challenged conduct is actionable under the law of the
forum and the law of nations, but not the law of the jurisdiction in which the tort
occurred. In taking that broad range of factors into account, the district court may
well decide that fairness requires it to apply Paraguayan law to the instant case. Such
a decision would not retroactively oust the federal court of subject matter jurisdiction,
even though plaintiff’s cause of action would no longer properly be “created” by a law
of the United States. Once federal jurisdiction is established by a colorable claim under
federal law at a preliminary stage of the proceeding, subsequent dismissal of that claim
(here, the claim under the general international proscription of torture) does not
deprive the court of jurisdiction previously established.

Pena also argues that “(i)f the conduct complained of is alleged to be the act of the
Paraguayan government, the suit is barred by the Act of State doctrine.” The Court
doubts whether action by a state official in violation of the Constitution and laws of the
Republic of Paraguay, and wholly unratified by that nation’s government, could
properly be characterized as an act of state.

Paraguay’s renunciation of torture as a legitimate instrument of state policy, however,

does not strip the tort of its character as an international law violation, if it in fact
occurred under color of government authority. See Declaration on the Protection of All
Persons from Being Subjected to Torture, supra note 11; cf. Ex parte Young, 209 U.S.
123, 28 S.Ct. 441, 52 L.Ed. 714 (1908) (state official subject to suit for constitutional
violations despite immunity of state).

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