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SEC Form 12 1 SRS For Hospitals

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1. Pursuant to SEC Res. No. 225, s. of 2017, hospitals may use Form 12-1 SRS for registration of
its securities that are sold or offered for sale pursuant to Section 8 and 12 of the Code. The
use of Form 12-1 SRS is without prejudice to the right of the Commission to require such
other information or documents as it may prescribe, consistent with the interest of the
general public and for the protection of investors.

2. Under Section 13.1(b) of the Securities Regulation Code (“SRC”), the Commission may reject
Registration Statement which on its face is incomplete. Notwithstanding the said provision,
Sec. 14.2 of the SRC states that an amendment filed prior to the effectivity date of the
Registration Statement (“RS”) shall recommence the forty-five (45) day period within which
the Commission shall act on a RS. Thus, should the company be amendable to extending the
45-day processing period (by executing a letter consenting to the processing time of the
application to enable the company to amend its RS) the Market and Securities Regulation
Department (“MSRD”) shall be constrained to elevate the application based on the existing
RS on file, to enable MSRD to comply with the said processing period mandated under
Section 12.6 of the SRC.

3. Attention is directed to Section 68, As Amended on the Financial Statement requirements.

Prior to preparation of their filings, registrants should also review the provisions of SRC
Rule 72.1, "General Rules and Regulations for Filing of SEC Forms with the Securities and
Exchange Commission." Definitions contained in “Annex B” and SRC Rule 68, as amended,
to the extent they are not defined herein, shall govern the meanings of similar terms used

4. The registration statement shall be signed by the registrant’s chief executive officer, its chief
operating officer, its chief financial officer, its controller, its chief accounting officer, its
corporate secretary or persons performing similar functions.

5. The name of each person who signs the registration statement shall be typed or printed
beneath his/her signature. Any person who occupies more than one of the specified
position shall indicate the capacity in which he signs the registration statement. At least one
(1) copy of the documents filed shall be manually signed and the unsigned copies shall be

6. Every amendment to a registration statement shall be signed by the persons specified in

Section 12.4 of the Code or by any executive officer duly authorized by the Board of
Directors. The final prospectus shall, however, be signed by all required signatories under
Section 12.4 of the Code.

7. Three (3) copies of the complete Form 12-1 SRS shall be filed including exhibits and all
other papers and documents filed as part thereof.

8. In case of withdrawal of a registration statement, fifty percent (50%) of the filing fee paid
shall be forfeited and not be allowed for future application.

9. In the event that the registration statement is rejected pursuant to Section 13 of the Code,
the filing fee paid thereon shall be forfeited.
10. Confidential Treatment of Information filed with the Commission –any request for
confidentiality will be presented to Commission En Banc prior its application for
registration or offering

11. How to use this form: Put  inside the box to mark a box.
1. SEC Registration Number ……

2. Exact name of issuer as specified

in its charter

3. Principal Business Address

including postal code………..

4. Province, country of other

jurisdiction of incorporation or

5. BIR Tax Identification No.

6. Industry Group: Hospitals and Physicians

7. Telephone Number including

Fax Number
area code:
(02) (02)

8. Official company’s website……….. www.

9. Fiscal Year (Day and Month) 31 December


Title of each class Amount to be Proposed Proposed Amount of

of securities to be registered Maximum offering maximum registration fee
registered price per unit aggregate offering

Registration Statements filed pursuant to Section 12 of the Code shall be accompanied by a fee as follows:

Maximum aggregate price of

Amount of filing fee
securities to be offered
0.10% of the maximum aggregate price of the
Not more than P500 Million
securities to be offered

More than P500 Million but not more than P750 P500,000 plus 0.075% of the excess over P500
Million Million
P687,500 plus 0.05% of the excess over P750
More than P750 Million but not more than P1 Billion

More than P1 Billion P812,500 plus 0.025% of the excess over P1 Billion

A legal research fee of 1% of the filing fee paid for filings made pursuant to SRC Rule 8.1 shall
also be paid at the time of the filing.

Formatted: Centered

1. Front of the Registration Statement and Outside Front Cover Page of Prospectus
2. Inside Front Cover and First Two or More Pages of Prospectus
3. Forward looking Statement
4. Definition of Terms
5. Executive Summary
6. Risk Factors
7. Business Information
8. Use of Proceeds
9. Description of Securities Offered
10. Plan of Distribution
11. Capitalization
12. Outstanding Securities and Principal Shareholders
13. Board of Directors
14. Management
15. Financial Information
16. Information on Independent Accountant and Other Related Matters
17. Independent Auditors and Counsels
18. Regulatory Framework
19. Corporate Governance and Board Committees
20. Other Material Factors



21. Other Expenses of Issuance and Distribution

Give the itemized statement of all expenses of the offering other than the
discounts and commission (if applicable). If any of the securities are registered
for sale by security holders, state how much of the expenses the security holders
will pay. If the amount of any items are not known, give estimates but identify
them as such.

22. Exhibits

1. Publication of Notice re: Filing
2. Articles of Incorporation and By-laws
3. Instruments defining the rights of security holders
4. Opinion re: Legality
5. Opinion re: Tax Matters
6. Material Contracts
7. Audited Financial Statements/Audited Interim Financial Statements
8. Subsidiaries of the Issuer
9. Consent of Experts and Independent Counsel
10. Notarized Curriculum Vitae and Latest Photographs of Officers and
Members of the Board of Directors
11. Authorization re: Issuer’s Bank Account
12. Copy of Board Resolution approving the securities offering and authorizing
the filing of Registration Statement
13. Duly verified resolution of the Issuer’s Board of Directors approving the
disclosure contained in the registration statement and prospectus and
assuming liability for the information contained therein
14. Manual on Corporate Governance
15. Additional Exhibits:
Certification that all mandated government license, permit are secured and
Certification on legal proceedings filed against and by the Issuer
Certification that all AFS of all subsidiaries has been filed with the Commission
(if applicable)
Certification by selling shareholder as to the accuracy of any part of the
registration statement contributed by such selling shareholders
(if applicable)
Certification from Project Engineer as to percentage of building constructed
Tax Compliance Report filed by the Issuer
Feasibility study prepared by qualified profession on the capacity of the Issuer
to provide Medical Benefits
Memorandum of Agreement with other Group of Hospitals (if applicable)
Permit to Construct Hospital issued by Bureauof Health Facilitiesand Services
(BHFS) of the Department of Health (DOH)
Credit Line Agreement
Copy of the Environmental Compliance Certificate
Copy of Development Agreement
Certified True Copy of Transfer Certificate Title

23. Furnish any other document the omission of which will render the foregoing
material facts or any other part of the Registration Statement misleading.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Regulation Code, this registration statement is signed
on behalf of the registrant by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of
___________________on ____________________________________ .

Chief Operating Officer Corporate Secretary

Chief Executive Officer Comptroller

Chief Financial Officer Chief Accounting Officer

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______________________________________ affiants

exhibiting to me his/her ____________________________________ as follows:

Type of
Name I.D. Number Date/Place of Issue

Page No. ________________
Doc. No. ________________
Book No. _______________
Series of _______________
(1) Front of Registration Statement and Outside Front Cover Page of Prospectus.

On the outside front cover page of the prospectus, the information provided shall be in an easily
readable style and format and include, at a minimum, the following information:

(a) Name of the issuer

(b) The terms of the offer including:

(i) Description and amount of securities offered;

(ii) Public offering price or the offering price range in the case of a preliminary

(c) Name(s) of the salesman; (if applicable)

(d) The date of the prospectus

(e) The following statement in bold face 12 point type, prominently displayed:


(2) Inside Front Cover and First Two or More Pages of Prospectus.

This (Preliminary/Final) Prospectus relates to the (primary/secondary) offer and sale of

________________common shares with an aggregate principal amount of ______________________(Px.xx) of
_______________________________ (the “Company, the Issuer, or “Company Name) to be offered in
__________________. The securities will be issued on __________________________.

The ______________________________expects to raise gross proceeds amounting up to ________________________

and the net proceeds are estimated to be at least _______________________________ after deducting fees,
commissions and expenses relating to the issuance of the securities. The net proceeds of the Offer
shall be used primarily by the Company to : . For further detailed information on
the use of proceeds, see “Use of Proceeds” on page ___________ of this (preliminary/final) Prospectus.

Each investor must comply with all laws applicable to it and must obtain the necessary consent,
approvals or permission for its purchase, offer or sale under the laws and regulation in force to
which it is subject.

The company is organized under the Philippine Law. The Company is authorized to distribute
dividends out of its surplus profit, in cash, properties of the Company, shares of stock. Dividends
paid in the form of cash or property, are subject to approval of the Board of Directors of the
Company. Dividends paid in the form of additional Common Shares are subject to the approval of
the Board of Directors and stockholders who owns at least two-third (2/3) of the outstanding
capital of the company. The Board may not declare dividends as determined by the Board, taking
into consideration factors such as implementation of business plans, debt service requirements,
operating expenses, budgets, funding of new investments and acquisitions and appropriate reserves
and working capital. Refer to page ____ on Dividends and Dividend Policy of this Prospectus.

Unless otherwise, indicated, all information in this (Preliminary/Final) Prospectus is as of the date
of this (Preliminary/Final) Prospectus. Neither the delivery of this (Preliminary/Final) Prospectus
nor any sale made pursuant to this (Preliminary/Final) Prospectus shall, under any circumstances,
create implication that the information contained herein is correct as of any date subsequent to the
date hereof or that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company since such date.

No person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representation not contained
in this (Preliminary/Final) Prospectus. If given or made, any such information or representation
must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Company. This
(Preliminary/Final)Prospectus does not constitute an offer or any securities, or any offer to sell or
solicitation of any offer to buy any of the securities of the Company in any jurisdiction, to or from
any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation in such jurisdiction.

Before making an investment decision, investor must rely on their own due diligence examination of
the Company and the terms of the Offer including the risks involved.

The Issuer has included in this Statement all of its representation about this offering. If anyone
gives you more or different information, you should ignore it. You should carefully review and rely
only on the information in this Statement in making an investment decision. The Investors should
be aware that risks and uncertainties might occur.



[Position] Formatted: Not Highlight
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____________________________________affiants exhibiting to Formatted: Font: Bold
me his/her_____________________________________as follows:

Type of
Name I.D. Number Date/Place of Issue

Page No. ________________
Doc. No. ________________
Book No. _______________
Series of _______________

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS .....................................................................................................1

DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................................................2

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................2

Brief Background on the Company ................................................................................................................................... 2
Core Business ...........................................................................................................................................................................2
Business Strategies ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

RISK FACTORS ............................................................................................................................................3

BUSINESS INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................6

Description of Business.........................................................................................................................................................6
Competition ........................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Properties ............................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Legal Proceedings of Company, its Subsidiaries and/or Affiliates ...................................................................... 87
Services and Departments ................................................................................................................................................ 98
Transactions with and/or dependence on related parties .................................................................................... 98

USE OF PROCEEDS ................................................................................................................................109

Net Proceeds ........................................................................................................................................................................109
Detailed Use of Net Proceeds .........................................................................................................................................109

DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES OFFERED ..................................................................................... 1211

Securities of the Registrant.......................................................................................................................................... 1211
Secondary Offering ......................................................................................................................................................... 1311
Recent sale of Unregistered or Exempt Securities ............................................................................................... 1312
Determination of the Offer Price ................................................................................................................................ 1312
Dilution ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1412
Terms and Conditions of the Offer ............................................................................................................................ 1413
Management Discounts and/or Privileges ............................................................................................................. 1513
Investor Restrictions...................................................................................................................................................... 1514

PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION.................................................................................................................. 1514

CAPITALIZATION............................................................................................................................... 1614
Capital Stock ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1614

OUTSTANDING SECURITIES AND PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS ............................................ 1615

Outstanding Securities .................................................................................................................................................. 1615
Stockholders ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1715
Dividends and Dividend Policy ................................................................................................................................... 2017

BOARD OF DIRECTORS .................................................................................................................... 2017

Directors ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2017
Business and Work Experience .................................................................................................................................. 2017
Security Ownership of Directors................................................................................................................................ 2118
MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 2219
Officer, Manager and Key Person............................................................................................................................... 2219
Security Ownership of Officers, Managers and Key Persons ............................................................................ 2219
Compensation .................................................................................................................................................................. 2320
Arrangements with Officers, Directors, Managers and Key Persons ............................................................. 2421
Insolvency Legal Proceedings of Management and Key Personnel ............................................................... 2421
Certain Legal Proceedings ............................................................................................................................................ 2822
Litigation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2822
Family Relationship........................................................................................................................................................ 2923
Certain Relationship and Related Party Transactions ........................................................................................ 2923

FINANCIAL INFORMATION.............................................................................................................. 3023

Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) or Plan of Operation........................................................... 3023
Summary Financial Information ................................................................................................................................ 3225 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
spelling and grammar, All caps
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
External Audit Fees and Services............................................................................................................................... 3326 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure ................ 3327 spelling and grammar, All caps
Taxation.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3327
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS AND COUNSELS ................................................................................ 3427 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Tax and Legal Matters ................................................................................................................................................... 3427 grammar
Independent Auditors ................................................................................................................................................... 3428 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
OTHER MATERIAL FACTORS .......................................................................................................... 3928 spelling and grammar, All caps
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS .....................................................................................................1 spelling and grammar, All caps
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................................................2
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................2 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Brief Background on the Company ................................................................................................................................... 2 grammar
Core Business ...........................................................................................................................................................................2 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Business Strategies ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 grammar
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
RISK FACTORS ............................................................................................................................................3
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
BUSINESS INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................5 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Description of Business.........................................................................................................................................................5 grammar
Suppliers ....................................................................................................................................................................................6 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Procurement Policy ................................................................................................................................................................6 grammar
Competition ..............................................................................................................................................................................7
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Marketing...................................................................................................................................................................................7 grammar
Properties ..................................................................................................................................................................................8
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Legal Proceedings ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 grammar
Research and Development .................................................................................................................................................8
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Government Regulation ........................................................................................................................................................8
Services and Departments ...................................................................................................................................................9
Transactions with and/or dependence on related parties .......................................................................................9 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
spelling and grammar, All caps
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
USE OF PROCEEDS .....................................................................................................................................9 grammar
Net Proceeds .............................................................................................................................................................................9 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Detailed Use of Net Proceeds ..............................................................................................................................................9 grammar
DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES OFFERED .......................................................................................... 11 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
Securities of the Registrant............................................................................................................................................... 11 spelling and grammar, All caps
Secondary Offering .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Recent sale of Unregistered or Exempt Securities .................................................................................................... 13 grammar
Determination of the Offer Price ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Dilution .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 grammar
Terms and Conditions of the Offer ................................................................................................................................. 14 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Benefits and/or Privileges ................................................................................................................................................ 14 grammar
Investor Restrictions........................................................................................................................................................... 14 Formatted ...
Securities Certificates ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION....................................................................................................................... 15
Formatted ...
Designated Shares and Allocation .................................................................................................................................. 15
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
CAPITALIZATION.................................................................................................................................... 16
Capital Stock .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Formatted ...
Formatted ...

OUTSTANDING SECURITIES AND PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS ................................................. 16 Formatted ...

Outstanding Securities ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Formatted ...
Resale Restrictions .............................................................................................................................................................. 16 Formatted ...
Stockholders .......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Formatted ...
Dividends and Dividend Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
BOARD OF DIRECTORS ......................................................................................................................... 18
Directors ................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Formatted ...
Business and Work Experience ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Formatted ...
Security Ownership of Directors..................................................................................................................................... 19 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Formatted ...
Officer, Manager and Key Person.................................................................................................................................... 20
Formatted ...
Security Ownership of Management ............................................................................................................................. 20
Compensation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Formatted ...
Background and Experience of Management ............................................................................................................. 21 Formatted ...
Insolvency Proceedings of Management and Key Personnel ................................................................................ 22
Formatted ...
Certain Legal Proceedings ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Litigation ................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Formatted ...
Arrangements with Officers, Directors, Managers and Key Persons .................................................................. 23 Formatted ...
Family Relationship............................................................................................................................................................. 23 Formatted ...
Certain Relationship and Related Party Transactions ............................................................................................. 24
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
FINANCIAL INFORMATION................................................................................................................... 24
Formatted ...
Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) or Plan of Operation................................................................ 24
Summary Financial Information ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
External Audit Fees and Services.................................................................................................................................... 27 Formatted ...
Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure ..................... 27 Formatted ...
Taxation................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS AND COUNSELS ..................................................................................... 28
Formatted ...
Tax and Legal Matters ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
Independent Auditors ........................................................................................................................................................ 28 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................... 29 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
Local Government Code ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 spelling and grammar, All caps
Zoning and Land Use........................................................................................................................................................... 29 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Property Registration ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 grammar
Property Taxation ................................................................................................................................................................ 29 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Securities and Exchange Commission ........................................................................................................................... 30 grammar
SSS and Philhealth ............................................................................................................................................................... 30 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Department of Labor and Employment ........................................................................................................................ 30 grammar
Department of Health ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Environmental Impact Statement System Law .......................................................................................................... 30 grammar
Data Privacy Act ................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Regulation of Healthcare Professionals ........................................................................................................................ 32 grammar
Regulation of Health Care Facilities ............................................................................................................................... 32
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Regulation of Health Devices ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Regulation of Health Medicines....................................................................................................................................... 32
Regulation of Health Care Financing ............................................................................................................................. 33 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Other laws............................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BOARD COMMITTEES .............................................................. 33 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Board Committees Member.............................................................................................................................................. 33 grammar
Corporate Governance ....................................................................................................................................................... 34 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and

OTHER MATERIAL FACTORS ............................................................................................................... 34 Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
spelling and grammar, All caps
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Check spelling and
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: Bold, Check
spelling and grammar, All caps
Forward-looking Statements

This Prospectus contains forward-looking statements that are, by their nature, subject to significant
risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements
relating to:

 known and unknown risks;

 uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or
achievements of the Issuer , to be materially different from any future results; and
 performance or achievements expressed or implied by forward-looking statements.

Such forward-looking statements are based on assumptions regarding the present and future
business strategies and the environment in which the registrant will operate in the future.
Important factors that could cause some or all of the assumptions not to occur or cause actual
results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those in the forward-looking
statements include, among other things:

 the ability of the registrant to successfully implement its strategies;

 the ability of the registrant to anticipate and respond to healthcare trends;
 the ability of the registrant to successfully manage its growth;
 the condition and changes in the Philippines, Asian or global economies;
 any future political instability in the Philippines, Asia or other regions;
 changes in interest rates, inflation rates and the value of the Peso against the U.S. Dollar and
other currencies;
 changes in government regulations, including tax laws, or licensing requirements in the
Philippines, Asia or other regions; and
 competition in the healthcare industries in the Philippines and globally.

Additional factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements of registrant to
differ materially include, but are not limited to, those disclosed under “Risk Factors” and elsewhere
in this Prospectus.

These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this Prospectus. The registrant
expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release, publicly or otherwise, any updates or
revisions to any forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in the
expectations of the registrant with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions, assumptions
or circumstances on which any statement is based.

This Prospectus includes forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the

expectations and projections of the Issuer for future operating performance and business prospects.
The words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “estimate”, “project”, “may”, “plan”, “intend”, “will”,
“shall”, “should”, “would” and similar words identify forward-looking statements. In addition, all
statements other than statements of historical facts included in this Prospectus are forward-looking
statements. Statements in this Prospectus as to the opinions, beliefs and intentions of the Issuer
accurately reflect in all material respects the opinions, beliefs and intentions of the management of
the registrant as to such matters at the date of this Prospectus, although the Issuer can give no
assurance that such opinions or beliefs will prove to be correct or that such intentions will not
change. This Prospectus discloses, under the section “Risk Factors” and elsewhere, important
factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectation of the Issuer. All
subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to either the Issuer or persons
acting on behalf of the Issuer are expressly qualified in their entirety by cautionary statements


As used in this Prospectus, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them:

“SEC” Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Font color: Auto
“BIR” Bureau of Internal Revenue
Formatted: Font: Bold
“DOH” Department of Health
Environmental Compliance Environmental Compliance Certificate is a document issued by the Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Font color: Auto
Certificate “ECC” DENR/EMB after a positive review of an ECC application certifying that
Formatted: Font: Bold
the proposed project will not cause significant negative environmental
impact and the project proponent has complied with all the requirements Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Font color: Auto
of the Environmental Impact System, and has committed to implement its Formatted: Font: Bold
approved Environmental Management Plan
Management Discount Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold
The following summary is qualified in its entirety by, and should be read in conjunction with, the more
detailed information and audited financial statements, including notes thereto, found in the appendices
of this Prospectus.

Prospective investors should read this entire Prospectus fully and carefully, including the section on
“Risk Factors”. In case of any inconsistency between this summary and the more detailed information in
this Prospectus, then the more detailed portions, as the case may be, shall at all times prevail.

Brief Background on the Company

Core Business

Business Strategies

An investor should seek professional advice if he or she is uncertain of, or has not understood any aspect
of the securities to invest in or the nature of risks involved in buying of securities.

An investor deals in an investments of which may carry a different level of risks.

1. The following is a summary of all the risks that apply to the Issuer and/or this offering. You should
carefully consider these risks prior to investing in this offering.

Operating History:
The Issuer has limited or no operating history because the Issuer may have operated for only a short
period of time, it has produced little or no profit. There is no assurance that it will ever produce a

Difficulty to collect from patients (select all that apply): Check Box

Existing law penalizes the refusal of hospitals and medical clinics to administer appropriate initial
medical treatment and support in emergency or serious medical cases.

Hospital experience delay in payment from Health Insurance or Health Maintenance


However, the Issuer can mitigate said risk by:

Limited Resources/Losses (select all that apply):

The Issuer has limited resources and will not be able to continue operating without the proceeds
from this offering. It is possible that the proceeds from this offering and other resources may not
be sufficient for the Issuer to continue to finance operations. The Issuer expects to continue to
experience losses from operations and it cannot be predicted when or if the Issuer will become
profitable. If the Issuer achieves profitability, it may not be sustainable.

The Issuer has incurred losses since inception and may incur future losses. The Issuer has not yet
generated a profit from operations. As of the date of the most recent financial statements, the
Issuer had an accumulated deficit of

However, the Issuer can mitigate said risk by:

Key Personnel

The Issuer success depends substantially on the services of a small number of individuals Formatted Table

The Issuer may be harmed if it loses the services of these people and it is not able to attract and
retain qualified replacements
The Issuer’s officers, directors, managers and key persons will continue to have substantial
ownership and control over the Issuer after the offering
The Issuer does not maintain key person life insurance on those individuals on whom the
Issuer’s success depends. The loss of any of these individuals could have a substantial negative
impact on the Issuer and your investments.

However, the Issuer can mitigate said risk by:

Formatted Table

Inexperience Management (select all that apply):

None of the Issuer’s officers, directors, and/or managers has managed a company in this
industry. The Issuer’s ability to operate successfully may depend on its ability to attract and Formatted Table
retain qualified personnel, who may be in great demand.
None of the Issuer’s officers, directors, and/or managers has experience in managing a
development stage hospital

However, the Issuer can mitigate said risk by:

Formatted Table

Past Failures
Prior to organizing the Issuer, one or more of the Issuer’s officers, directors, and/or managers
operated a business in which shareholders lost part or all of their investment. The Issuer’s
ability to operate successfully may depend on its officers, directors, and/or managers to
succeed where they have failed before.

However, the Issuer can mitigate said risk by:

Formatted Table

Government Regulations:
The Issuer must comply with local and national rules and regulations. If the Issuer fails to comply
with a rule or regulation it may be subject to fines or other penalties, or its permit or license may be
revoked or suspended. The Issuer may have to stop operation and you may lose your entire

Dilution (select all that apply):
The price of a share in this offering is significantly higher than the book value of the securities.
By participating in this offering, you will incur immediate and substantial dilution of the book
value of your investment.
To the extent outstanding options or warrants to purchase securities are exercised, new
Investors will incur further dilution of the book value of their investment
There are no limits in place to restrict the Issuer’s ability to issue securities in the future. If the
Issuer issues additional securities, by participating in this offering you may experience further
dilution of the value of your investment.

No Existing Market
Because there is no market for the Issuer’s securities, you may not be able to sell your securities
or recover any part of your investment. You should not invest unless you can afford to hold
your investment indefinitely.

Offering Price
The offering price of the Issuer’s securities has been arbitrarily set and accordingly should not
be considered an indication of the actual value of the Issuer.

Best-effort Offering:

The Issuer is offering these securities on a “best-effort” basis. The Issuer has not contracted
with an underwriter, placement agent, or other person to purchase or sell all, or a portion of its
securities and there is no assurance that it can sell all or any of the securities.

Lack of Investor Control (select if applicable):

The Issuer’s officers, directors, managers, and/or key persons will continue to have substantial
control over the Issuer after the offering. As such, you may have little or no ability to influence
the affairs of the Issuer.

Other Risks
Formatted Table
Risk relating to Hospital Business
 Licenses, permits
 Regulatory risks
 Healthcare infections
 Emergencies/disaster risks
 Government discount programs/collection from Philhealth
 Hazardous material events, e.g. chemical/radiological exposure
 Physician litigation

Risks to purchasers associated with corporate actions including:

• Additional issuance of securities
• Issuer repurchases of securities
• A sale of the Issuer or of assets of the Issuers
• Transactions with related parties

Describe any other risks that apply to the Issuer and/or the offering that have not yet been address
above. Failure to disclose all material risks may subject the Issuer, its Officers, Directors, Managers
or promoters to liability for securities fraud..


Description of Business
2. Business of the Issuer and form of organization
Describe in details the business of the Issuer

3. Anticipated Business Plan of the Issuer

Describe in detail the Anticipated Business Plan of the Issuer

4. Operations
The Issuer (select all that apply):
Has never conducted operations
Is in the construction development stage
Is currently conducting operations
Has shown a profit in the last fiscal year

Briefly describe

5. Jurisdiction: Is the Issuer an entity organized and doing business in the Philippines?
_____Yes_____ No

6. Date of Incorporation: ______________________________________

7. Fiscal Year End (Month and Day): 31 December

The Issuer (select all that apply):
Has major supply contracts
Is currently or expects to be dependent upon a limited number of suppliers
Has no suppliers

Sources and availability of raw materials and the names of principal suppliers; If the registrant is or
is expected to be dependent upon one or a limited number of suppliers for essential raw materials,
energy or other items, describe. Describe any major existing supply contracts.

Procurement Policy

State the procurement policy of the hospital.


Describe the competition that the Issuer faces, and how the Issuer intends to compete. If the Issuer
offers what it considers to be unique good or services, discuss competition from companies that
provide similar or substantial goods or services.

Name the Issuer’s principal competitors, and indicate their relative size and financial market
strengths. Describe the Issuer’s strategy, whether to compete by price, service, or some other basis

Describe how the Issuer plans to market its products or services during the next 12 months, including
who will perform these marketing activities


The Issuer (select all that apply):

Has existing Labor Union in the company
Has existing Collective Bargaining Agreement
Has existing labor strike

Indicate whether or not any of them are subject to collective bargaining agreements (CBA) and the
expiration dates of any CBA. If the registrant’s employees are on strike, or have been in the past
three (3) years, or are threatening to strike, describe the dispute. Indicate any supplemental benefits
or incentive arrangements the registrant has or will have with its employees;

Number of Current Expected within the

Type of Employees
Employees Next 12 months
Medical Practitioners
Medical Support Staff
Administrative Staff
Engineering and Maintenance


Medical Practitioners
Briefly describe the qualifications and criteria to qualify. Disclose the current number of medical
practitioners and its expected number within the next 12 months.


The Issuer (select all that apply):

Property Own Lease Formatted: Centered
Land/Building/Real Estate Formatted Table
Equipment and other long term assets Formatted: Right
Intangible property such as patents, Formatted: Font: Not Bold, No underline
licenses, copyrights, trademarks, etc. Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: Right
Give the location and describe the condition of the principal properties (such as real estate, plant and Formatted: Font: Not Bold, No underline
equipment, mines, patents, etc.) that the registrant and its subsidiaries own. Disclose any mortgage, Formatted: Font: Not Bold
lien or encumbrance over the property and describe the limitations on ownership or usage over the
Formatted: Right
same. Indicate also what properties it leases, the amount of lease payments, expiration dates and the
terms of renewal options. Indicate what properties the registrant intends to acquire in the next Formatted: Font: Cambria, 8 pt, Bold, Font color: Black
twelve (12) months, the cost of such acquisitions, the mode of acquisition (i.e. by purchase, lease or Formatted: Normal
otherwise) and the sources of financing it expects to use;. If the property is being leased, indicate and
describe the terms and conditions of the lease.

Legal Proceedings of Company, its Subsidiaries and/or Affiliates

Describe briefly any material pending legal proceedings to which the registrant or any of its
subsidiaries or affiliates is a party or of which any of their property is the subject. Include the name of
the court or agency in which the proceedings are pending, the date instituted, the principal parties
thereto, a description of the factual basis alleged to underlie the proceeding and the relief sought.
Include similar information as to any such proceedings known to be contemplated by governmental
authorities or any other entity.

Research and Development

The Issuer (select all that apply):
Has expended funds on research and development in the past 12 months
Expects to expend funds on research and development in the next 12 months

Provide details

Government Regulation (select all that apply):
The Issuer and/or its products/services are subject to material regulation by a government
The Issuer is required to have a license or permit (other than organizational license) to conduct
The Issuer has obtained any required licenses or permits to conduct business.

Formatted Table
Need for any government approval of principal products or services. If government approval is
necessary and the registrant has not yet received that approval, discuss the status of the approval
within the government approval process

Services and Departments

Provide information on hospital departments and their functions. Include personnel overview per
department and their functions.

Transactions with and/or dependence on related parties


Net Proceeds

8. The net proceeds of the offering for the minimum and maximum offering amounts are as follows:

Minimum Offering Maximum Offering

Gross Proceeds from the Offering

Less: Expenses
SEC Registration Fee
UP Legal Research Fee
Documentary Stamp
Legal Fees
Auditors Fees
Others (Specify)

Net Proceeds from the Offering

Detailed Use of Net Proceeds

Provide a detailed breakdown on how the Issuer intends to use the net offering proceeds. Include the
repayment of debt, payment to officers, directors and related parties and any purchase of assets.

Minimum Offering Maximum Offering

Description of Use % % Commented [SU1]:
Amount Amount
Commented [SU2]:


Where less than all of the securities to be offered may be sold and more than one use is listed for the
proceeds, the registrant shall indicate the order of priority of such purposes and discuss its plans if
substantially less than the maximum proceeds are obtained.

If any material amounts of other funds are necessary to accomplish the specified purpose(s) for which
the offering is made, the registrant shall state the amounts and sources of such other funds needed.

If the proceeds will be used to pay-off existing debt, disclose the following: ______ Not Applicable

Name of Debtor Amount of Debt Interest Maturity Date


10 | P a g e
Description of the debt

Is the debtor related to the Issuer or any of its Directors or Officers?_____Yes _____No

If the answer to any of the above is "yes", disclose the relationship between each person and the
issuer and the principal terms of each transaction. If assets were acquired from a person, disclose the
cost of the asset to the issuer and the method used to determine this cost. Disclose for each person
who has been involved in more than one related party transaction, their relationship with the issuer
and which of the transactions they have been involved with.

Ifs the proceeds will be used to purchase real estate property? _________Yes _____No____Not Applicable
(Provide information on each property acquired)

Description of Property
Name of Seller
Acquisition Cost
Terms of Payment

If the answer to any of the above is "yes", disclose the relationship between each person and the
issuer and the principal terms of each transaction. If assets were acquired from a person, disclose the
cost of the asset to the issuer and the method used to determine this cost. Disclose for each person
who has been involved in more than one related party transaction, their relationship with the issuer
and which of the transactions they have been involved with.

If any material amount of the proceeds is to be used to acquire assets or finance the acquisitions of
other businesses, describe the assets or businesses and identify the persons from whom they will be
bought. State the cost of the assets and, where such assets are to be acquired from affiliates of the
registrant or their associates, give the names of the persons from whom they are to be acquired and set
forth the principle followed in determining the cost to the registrant.

If the proceeds will be used for the construction of the hospital, provide the following:
Project Name
Project Cost (Estimate)
Schedule of Disbursement
Target Completion Date
Percentage Completed

11 | P a g e
9. If proceeds to this offering is not sufficient to fund the intended use, where will the company source
the additional funding? _____ Not Applicable


Securities of the Registrant

10. The securities being offered are (select all that apply):
Founder’s Shares
Common Shares
Preferred Shares
Others (specify):

(a) State the amount of capital stock of each class issued or included in the shares of stock to be

(b) If the registrant is offering com mon equity, describe any dividend, voting and preemption

(c) If the registrant is offering preferred stock, describe the dividend, voting, conversion and
liquidation rights as well as redemption or sinking fund provisions.

11. These securities have (select all that apply):

Cumulative voting rights
Pre-emptive rights to purchase any new issue of securities
Preference as to dividends or interest
Restrictions on dividends or other distributions
Preference over liquidation
Conversion rights
Other special voting rights
Other special rights or preference (specify):

(a) Describe any other material rights of common or preferred stockholders.

(b) Describe any provision in the charter or by-laws that would delay, defer or prevent a change in
control of the registrant.

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"

12 | P a g e
12. Source of the aforementioned shares offered for sale (select all that apply):
Primary (from the unissued portion of the Authorized Capital Stock)
Secondary Selling Shareholders
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"

Secondary Offering

13. If any of the securities to be registered are to be offered for the account of shareholder, name each
such security holder, indicating the following: _____ Not Applicable

Class of
Name of Selling No. of Shares
Securities Offer Price Issue Value
Shareholder Offered for Sale

14. The selling shareholder/s (select all that apply):

Certifies as to the accuracy of any part of the registration statement contributed to
Certifies that he/she are the legitimate beneficial owner of the securities.

15. Are these securities are to be registered under a delay or continuous offering?
______Yes _______No

Recent sale of Unregistered or Exempt Securities

Furnish the following information as to all securities of the registrant sold by it within the past three (3)
years which were not registered under the Code. Include sales of reacquired securities, as well as new
issues, securities issued in exchange for property, services, or other securities, and new securities
resulting from the modification of outstanding securities. Indicate whether the issuer received written
confirmation from the Commission under SRC Rule 10.1 that such exemptive relief from registration
was available and, if so, the date such confirmation was issued:

Exemption from
Class of Securities Sold Purchasers Consideration
Registration Claimed

Determination of the Offer Price

Discuss the various factors considered in determining the offering price of the securities for

The following factors may be relevant to the price at which the securities are being offered: after-tax
earnings, price/earnings multiple, net tangible bookvalue per share.

13 | P a g e

Where common equity securities are being registered and there is a substantial disparity between
the public offering price and the effective cash cost to officers, directors, promoters and affiliated
persons of common equity acquired by them in transactions during the past five (5) years, or which
they have the right to acquire, and the registrant is not subject to the reporting requirements of
Section 17 of the Code immediately prior to filing of the registration statement, there shall be
included a comparison of the public contribution under the proposed public offering and the
effective cash contribution of such persons. In such cases, and where common equity securities are
being registered by a registrant that has had losses in each of its last three fiscal years, or from
inception if shorter, and there is a material dilution of the purchasers' equity interest, the following
shall be disclosed:

(1) The net tangible book value per share before and after the distribution. For this purpose, net
tangible book value means total assets (exclusive of copyrights, patents, goodwill, research
and development costs, pre-operating costs, and similar intangible assets) minus total

(2) The amount of the increase in such net tangible book value per share attributable to the cash
payments made by purchasers of the shares being offered; and

(3) The amount of the immediate dilution from the public offering price which will be absorbed
by such purchasers.

The following does not purport to be a complete listing of all the rights, obligations, and privileges
attaching to or arising from the Offer Shares. Some rights, obligations, or privileges may be further
limited or restricted by other documents and subject to final documentation. Prospective investors are
enjoined to perform their own independent investigation and analysis of the Company and the Offer
Shares. Each prospective investor must rely on its own appraisal of the Company and the Offer Shares
and its own independent verification of the information contained herein and any other investigation it
may deem appropriate for the purpose of determining whether to invest in the Offer Shares and must not
rely solely on any statement or the significance, adequacy, or accuracy of any information contained
herein. The information and data contained herein are not a substitute for the prospective investor’s
independent evaluation and analysis.

Terms and Conditions of the Offer

Issue Size ……………………………………..

Offer Shares …………………………………

Terms and Manner of Payment ……..

Offer Period ………………………………….

Applications ………………………………….

Eligible Applicants ……………………….,

Restriction on Ownership …………….,

Right to accept, reject and scale down
applications ………………………..
Refunds ……………………………………….

Issuance and Transfer of Taxes …….

14 | P a g e
Restrictions on the Issuance and
Disposal of shares ………………………..
Trading of Shares …………………………

Documentary requirements:

Corporate Accounts …………………...

Institutional Accounts ……………….

Benefits Management Discounts and/or Privileges

16. Does the company provide benefits discounts and/or privileges to its medical and non-medical

Disclose in details the benefits discounts and/or privileges

Investor Restrictions
The aggregate amount of securities purchased from one or more Issuers offering or selling securities under
the registration statement during the 12-month period preceding the date of the sale, together with the
securities to be sold by the Issuer to the Investor:

17. Is the offering subject to any other Investor restrictions? _____ Yes _____ No

18. Are the securities subject to any other resale restrictions by the Issuer? _____ Yes _____ No

Securities Certificates
19. Will the Issuer issue physical securities certificates in this Offering? _____ Yes _____ No

20. Record of Security Holders:


21.19. List the persons or companies who will offer and sell the securities on behalf of the Issuer:

Relationship received for
Name Address Tel. No.
to Issuer selling

15 | P a g e
Relationship received for
Name Address Tel. No.
to Issuer selling

Outline briefly the plan of distribution of any securities to be registered. that are to be offered otherwise
than through underwriters.

22. Will the Issuer engage the service of an underwriter? _____ Yes _____ No
23. State how the securities will be sold

24. Jurisdiction where the securities are being distributed/offered for sale:

Designated Shares and Allocation

25. These securities are (select all that apply):
Designated to be sold to specific persons
Shares are allocated
State whether any shares are designated to be sold to specified persons and, if so, name them
and the amount of the shares to be so designated. State the manner in which shares are to be


Capital Stock


Outstanding Securities
26.20. For each class of the Issuer’s securities, indicate the total number of outstanding securities
and the total number of securities of the Issuer is authorized to issue. Also, include a
description of each class of securities.

16 | P a g e
Securities the Issuer is
Class of Securities Securities Outstanding
Authorized to Issue


Description of Securities

Resale Restrictions
27. Are there any resale restrictions on the Issuer’s outstanding securities? _____ Yes _____ No
Describe restrictions

28. List the total number of securities reserved or subject to issuance under outstanding
securities purchase agreement, stock options, warrants or rights. _____ None _____ Not

Number of Shares Reserved

Class of Securities Purchase
Stock Options Warrants Rights Offer


29. Does the Issuer plan to issue or offer options in the future? _____ Yes _____ No

Original Stockholders

30.21. Provide the names of the original stockholders, class of securities, number of shares held
and percentage of total shares held over outstanding shares.
No Name Class of Securities Shares Held %

17 | P a g e
No Name Class of Securities Shares Held %

18 | P a g e
Current Stockholders

31.22. Provide the names of the current stockholders, class of securities, number of shares held
and percentage of total shares held over outstanding shares. ____ Same as Above

No Name Class of Securities Shares Held %


Top 20 Stockholders

32.23. Provide the names of the Top Twenty (20) principal shareholders who beneficially owns
at least 10% interest of each class of securities in the Issuer.
Class of Number of Share
No Name %
Securities Held

19 | P a g e
Dividends and Dividend Policy
33.24. Dividends and DividendPolicy

(a) Discuss any cash dividends declared on each class of its common equity by the registrant for
the two most recent fiscal years and any subsequent interim period for which financial
statements are required to be presented by SRC Rule 68 if applicable..

(a) Describe any restriction that limits the ability to pay dividends on common equity or that are
likely to do so in the future.

(b) Describe company’s dividend policy


34.25. The table below sets forth each member of the Board of Directors of the Issuer as of the date
of the Prospectus:

No Name Age Position Citizenship
1 Chairman Filipino
2 Vice Chairman Filipino
3 Director Filipino
4 Director Filipino
5 Director Filipino
6 Director Filipino
7 Director Filipino
8 Director Filipino
9 Director Filipino
10 Director Filipino
11 Director Filipino
912 Director Filipino
13 Filipino
14 Filipino
101 Independent
5 Director

Business and Work Experience

35.26. Provide information on the business and/or professional working experience of the above
named Directors for the past five (5) years:

No Name Business and/or Professional Work Experience Formatted Table

1 Formatted: Centered

2 Formatted: Centered

3 Formatted: Centered

4 Formatted: Centered

20 | P a g e
No Name Business and/or Professional Work Experience Formatted Table
5 Formatted: Centered

6 Formatted: Centered

7 Formatted: Centered

8 Formatted: Centered

9 Formatted: Centered

10 Formatted: Centered

11 Formatted: Centered

12 Formatted: Centered

13 Formatted: Centered

14 Formatted: Centered

15 Formatted: Centered

36.27. Other Directorship of Independent Directors

Name of Independent Director Reporting Company Formatted Table

Security Ownership of Directors

The following table shows the security ownership of directors in the common shares of the
Company as of____________________2017.

Amount and Nature of

Name Beneficial Ownership Citizenship No. of Shares % Ownership
Direct Indirect

21 | P a g e


Officer, Manager and Key Person

37.28. Provide background information for each Officer, Manager and Key Person. The term “Key
Person” means a person who makes significant contribution to the business of the Issuer.

Time spent on Issuer’s business (Indicate if Part Time or Full Time)
Hospital affiliation – 5 years

Time spent on Issuer’s business (Indicate if Part Time or Full Time)
Hospital affiliation – 5 years

Time spent on Issuer’s business (Indicate if Part Time or Full Time)
Hospital affiliation – 5 years

Security Ownership of ManagementOfficers, Managers and Key Persons

The following table shows the security ownership of management in the common shares of the
Company as of ____________________20x x.

Amount and Nature of

Name Citizenship No. of Shares % Ownership
Beneficial Ownership

22 | P a g e
Direct Indirect

38.29. List the compensation paid by the Issuer to the Chief Executive Officers and four (4) most highly
compensated officers other than the CEO, all of whom shall be individually named during the last fiscal


Annual Compensation
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Name and Other Annual
Principal position Year Salary (P) Bonus (P) Compensation
CEO _____
A ______
B ______
C ______
D ______

E All other officers and

directors as a
group unnamed

39.30. The Issuer (select all that apply):

Expects compensation to change in the next year

23 | P a g e
Owes compensation for prior years
Has worked for or managed a company in the same type of business of the Issuer
Has managed another compensatory plan or arrangement, including payments to be received from
the Issuer, with respect to a named executive officer

Arrangements with Officers, Directors, Managers and Key Persons

Formatted: Font: 12 pt
31. The Issuer (select all that apply): Formatted: Normal
Has entered into employment or non-compete agreements with any Officer, Manager, Director or Formatted: Font: Not Bold, No underline, Font color: Auto
Key Person.
Plans to enter into employment or non-compete agreements with any Officer, Manager, Director
or Key Person

Background and Experience of Management

40. An Officer, Manager, Director, Key Person of the Issuer (select all that apply):
Has worked for or managed a company in the same type of business of the Issuer
Has managed another company in the start-up or development stage
Has managed another company that conducted an offering of securities

Insolvency Legal Proceedings of Management and Key Personnel

41.32. An Officer, Manager, Director, Key Person of the Issuer (Put  in column if applicable and х
otherwiseselect all that apply):
or a similar

filed against

the past five




petition for

him, within
or has such
Has filed a

D = Director
a petition

Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline



ID –



Name Case Details Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.08", Right: 0.08"
Formatted: Centered
O - Officer Formatted Table
Formatted: Font: Bold

24 | P a g e
Ha Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline
, or
Formatted Table
ity Formatted: Centered

25 | P a g e
rs Formatted: Font: Bold

Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Centered

Ha Formatted: Font: Bold

s Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline
nm Formatted: Centered

26 | P a g e
p is
y Formatted: Font: Bold
No Formatted: Font: Bold, No underline
Formatted: Centered
the Formatted: Left
e Formatted: Font: Bold

27 | P a g e
Certain Legal Proceedings
This section applyThis section applies to:
 The issuer, its subsidiaries and affiliates
 All Directors and Officers of the Issuer
 All Beneficial Owners of 10% or more of the Issuer’s outstanding voting equity and
 All Promoters of the Issuers

42.33. Have any of the above-listed persons filed or subject of any bankruptcy petition filed by or
against any business of which such person was a general partner or executive either at the time of
the bankruptcy or within two (2) years prior to that time. [ ] Yes [ ] No

43.34. Have any of the above-listed persons been named as the subject of a pending felony or
misdemeanor criminal proceeding excluding traffic violations or other minor offenses not related to
fraud or a financial crime? [ ] Yes [ ] No

44.35. Have any of the above-listed persons been the subject of an order, judgment, decree, sanction or
administrative findings imposed by any government agency, administrative agency, self-regulatory
organization, civil court, or administrative court in the last five (5) years related to his or her
involvement in any type of business, securities, insurance, or banking activity? ? [ ] Yes [ ] No

45.36. Are any of the above-listed persons the subject of a pending civil, administrative, or self-
regulatory action related to his or her involvement in any type of business, securities, insurance, or
banking activity? ? [ ] Yes [ ] No

46.37. Has any civil action, administrative proceeding, or self-regulatory proceeding been threatened
against any of the above-listed persons related to his or her involvement in any type of business,
securities, insurance or banking activity? [ ] Yes [ ] No

47.38. The Issuer (select all that apply):
Has been involved in litigation or subject to administrative action in the last five (5) years that has
had a material effect upon the Issuer’s business, financial condition or operations

28 | P a g e
Has pending litigation or administrative action that may have a material effect upon the Issuer’s
business, financial condition, or operations
Is currently threatened by litigation or administrative action that may have a material effect upon
the Issuer’s business, financial condition, or operations
None of the above

Arrangements with Officers, Directors, Managers and Key Persons

48. The Issuer (select all that apply):

Has entered into employment or non-compete agreements with any Officer, Manager, Director or
Key Person.
Plans to enter into employment or non-compete agreements with any Officer, Manager, Director
or Key Person

Family Relationship
49.39. Describe any family relationships up to the fourth civil degree either by consanguinity or affinity
among directors, executive officers, or persons nominated or chosen by the registrant to become
directors or executive officers.

Certain Relationship and Related Party Transactions

50.40. The Issuer (select all that apply):
Has made loans to an Officer, Manager, Director or Principal Stockholders within the last two (2)
Has one or more outstanding loans with an Officer, Manager, Director or Principal Stockholder in
the future.
Has done other business not associated with this offer with current Officer, Manager, Director, or
Principal Stockholder within the last two (2) years
Plans to do other business not associated with this offering with a current Officer, Manager,
Director, or Principal Stockholder in the future

29 | P a g e

Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) or Plan of Operation

Registrants that have not had revenues from operations in each of the last two fiscal years, or the last
fiscal year and any interim period in the current fiscal year for which financial statements are
furnished in the disclosure document, shall in addition to applicable items under subparagraph (2),
provide the information in subparagraph (1) hereof.

(1) Plan of Operation

Describe the plan of operation for the next twelve (12) months. This description should
include such matters as:

(a) a discussion of how long the registrant can satisfy its cash requirements and
whether it will have to raise additional funds in the next twelve (12) months;

(b) a summary of any product research and development that the registrant will
perform for the term of the plan;

(c) any expected purchase or sale of plant and significant equipment; and

(d) any expected significant changes in the number of employees.

(2) Management’s Discussion and Analysis

MD&A helps explain financial results. A reader of the MD&A should understand the financial
results of the registrant’s business as discussed in the “Business” section. It shall provide
information with respect to liquidity, capital resources and other information necessary to
understanding the registrant’s financial condition and results of operation.

The discussion and analysis shall focus specifically on material events and uncertainties known
to management that would cause reported financial information not to be necessarily indicative
of future operating results or of future financial condition. This would include descriptions and
amounts of matters that would have an impact on future operations and have not had an impact
in the past, and matters that have had an impact on reported operations and are not expected to
have an impact upon future operations.

For both full fiscal years and interim periods, disclose the company’s and its majority-owned
subsidiaries’ top five (5) key performance indicators. It shall include a discussion of the manner
by which the company calculates or identifies the indicators presented on a comparable basis.

(a) Full fiscal years

Discuss the registrant's financial condition, changes in financial condition and results of
operations for each of the last three fiscal years. If the registrant’s financial statement
shows losses from operations, explain the causes of these losses and the steps the
registrant has taken or is taking to address these causes. This discussion should address
the past and future financial condition and results of operation of the registrant, with
particular emphasis on the prospects for the future. The discussion should also address
those key variable and other qualitative and quantitative factors which are necessary to
an understanding and evaluation of the registrant. If material, the registrant should
disclose the following:

(i) Any known trends or any known demands, commitments, events or

30 | P a g e
uncertainties that will result in or that are reasonably likely to result in the
registrant’s liquidity increasing or decreasing in any material way. The
registrant shall indicate balance sheet conditions or income or cash flow items
that it believes may be indicators of its liquidity condition. The following
conditions shall be indicated: whether or not the registrant is having or
anticipates having within the next twelve (12) months any cash flow or
liquidity problems; whether or not the registrant is in default or breach of any
note, loan, lease or other indebtedness or financing arrangement requiring it to
make payments; whether or not a significant amount of the registrant’s trade
payables have not been paid within the stated trade terms. If a material
deficiency is identified, the course of action that the registrant has taken or
proposes to take to remedy the deficiency should also be indicated. The
registrant should identify and separately describe internal and external sources
of liquidity, and briefly discuss any sources of liquid assets used.

The term “liquidity” refers to the ability of an enterprise to generate adequate

amount of cash to meet its needs for cash. Liquidity generally must be
discussed on both a long-term and short-term basis.

(ii) Any events that will trigger direct or contingent financial obligation that is
material to the company, including any default or acceleration of an obligation;

(iii) All material off-balance sheet transactions, arrangements, obligations

(including contingent obligations), and other relationships of the company with
unconsolidated entities or other persons created during the reporting period.

(iv) Any material commitments for capital expenditures, the general purpose of
such commitments, and the expected sources of funds for such expenditures
should be described;

(v) Any known trends, events or uncertainties that have had or that are reasonably
expected to have a material favorable or unfavorable impact on net sales or
revenues or income from continuing operations should be described. If the
registrant knows of events that will cause material change in the relationship
between costs and revenues (such as known future increases in cost of labor or
materials or price increases or inventory adjustments), the change in the
relationship shall be disclosed.

(vi) Any significant elements of income or loss that did not arise from the
registrant's continuing operations;

(vii) The causes for any material change from period to period which shall include
vertical and horizontal analyses of any material item;

The term “material” in this section shall refer to changes or items amounting to
five percent (5%) of the relevant accounts or such lower amount, which the
registrant deems material on the basis of other factors.

(viii) Any seasonal aspects that had a material effect on the financial condition or
results of operations.

(b) Interim Periods

If interim financial statements are included in the registration statement or report,

provide a comparable discussion that will enable the reader to assess material
changes in financial condition and results of operations since the end of the last fiscal
year and for the comparable interim period in the preceding year.

31 | P a g e
Summary Financial Information

Prospective purchasers of the Offer should read the summary financial data below together with the
financial statements, including the notes thereto, included in this Prospectus and “Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition”. The summary financial data
for the _________ year ended ___________ and ________ are derived from the audited financial statements of
_____________, including the notes thereto. The detailed financial information for the _______ years ended
________ are found on page ________ Prospectus and the _______ months ended _____________ are found on page
_______ Prospectus.

The summary of financial and operating information of ___________ presented below as of and for the years
ended _________________ were derived from the consolidated financial statements of ___________, audited by
_______________________________and prepared in compliance with the Philippine Financial Reporting
Standards (“PFRS”). The financial and operating information of ___________ presented below as of and for
the _______months ended ______________________ were derived from the unaudited consolidated financial
statements of _________ prepared in compliance with Philippine Accounting Standards (“PAS”) 34, “Interim
Financial Reporting” and reviewed by ______________. in accordance with Philippine Standards on
Reviewing Engagements (“PSRE”) 2410, “Review of Interim Financial Information performed by the
Independent Auditors of the Entity.” The information below should be read in conjunction with the
consolidated financial statements of __________________ and the related notes thereto, which are included in
____________ of this Preliminary Prospectus. The historical financial condition, results of operations and
cash flows of ______________ are not a guarantee of its future operating and financial performance.

For the years ended For the ______ months

____________, ended
20____ 20____ 20____ 20____ 20_____

(Audited) (Audited)
(in millions except per share figures or where otherwise
Consolidated Statements of Income Data

As of the _______ months

As of the years ended ended

(Audited) (Audited)
20______ 20______ 20______ 20______
Consolidated Statements of Financial
Position Data

For the years ended For the _____

December 31, months ended
20___ 20____ 20____ 20___

(Audited) (Audited)

Cash Flow Data

32 | P a g e
Information on Independent Accountant and other Related Matters

External Audit Fees and Services

51.41. The External Auditor has rendered (select all that apply):
audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the
external auditor in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal
Other assurance and related services that are reasonable related to the performance of the audit
or review of the registrant’s financial statements.
The audit committee has approved the above mentioned services

52.42. The aggregate fees billed are shown below

Year 20__ 20__
Audit Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees

Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure

53.43. The Issuer has no disagreement with its external auditor on any matter regarding (select all that
Accounting principles or practices
Financial statement disclosures
Auditing scope or procedure

(a) If during the registrant's two most recent fiscal years or any subsequent interim period, an
independent accountant who was previously engaged as the principal accountant to audit the
registrant's financial statements, or an independent accountant who was previously engaged to
audit a significant subsidiary, ceased performing services for registrant, disclose the name of the
previous accountant or the handling partner in case of a firm, reason/s for the cessation of
service and the date of his resignation, dismissal or cessation of performing services for

(b) Describe disagreements, if there were any, with the former accountant on any matter of
accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure
which, if not resolved to the satisfaction of the former accountant, would have caused it to make
reference to the subject matter of the disagreement(s) in connection with its report.

(c) If there were any disagreements as described in subparagraph (2), the registrant shall request
the former accountant to furnish the registrant with a letter addressed to the Commission stating
whether it agrees with the statements made by the registrant and, if not, stating the respects in
which it does not agree. The registrant shall file the former accountant's letter as an exhibit to the
report or registration statement containing this disclosure


54.44. Describe any material tax consequences to Investors in this Offering:

33 | P a g e

Tax and Legal Matters

All legal opinions/matters in connection with the issuance of each Offer will be passed upon by
___________________ for the Company. ___________________________ have no direct interest in the Company.

_____________________________________ may from time to time be engaged to advise in the transactions of the
Company and perform legal services on the basis that ________________________ provide such services to its
other clients.

Independent Auditors

The consolidated financial statements of the Company as at and for the years ended have been audited by
_______________________________, independent auditors, in accordance with Philippine Standards on Auditing
as set forth in their report thereon appearing elsewhere in this Prospectus.

The Audit Committee of the Company, reviews and monitors, among others, the integrity of all financial
reports and ensures compliance with both internal financial management manual and pertinent
accounting standards, including regulatory requirements. The Audit Committee also performs the
following duties and responsibilities relating to the services of the Company’s external auditors:

There is no arrangement that experts and independent counsels will receive a direct or indirect interest
in the Issuer or was a promoter, underwriter, voting trustee, director, officer, or employee of the Issuer.


Local Government Code

The Local Government Code establishes the system and powers of provincial, city, municipal, and
barangay governments in the country. The Local Government Code general welfare clause states that
every local government unit (“LGU”) shall exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily
implied, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its efficient and effective governance,
and those which are essential to the promotion of the general welfare.

LGUs exercise police power through their respective legislative bodies. Specifically, the LGU, though its
legislative body, has the authority to enact such ordinances as it may deem necessary and proper for
sanitation and safety, the furtherance of the prosperity, and the promotion of the morality, peace, good
order, comfort, convenience, and general welfare of the locality and its inhabitants. Ordinances can
reclassify land, order the closure of business establishments, and require permits and licenses from
businesses operating within the territorial jurisdiction of the LGU.

34 | P a g e
Zoning and Land Use
LGUs are authorized under the Local Government Code to enact zoning ordinances. These ordinances
may restrict or limit the zoning and land use of parcels of land within the locality. LGUs may classify
parcels of land as commercial, industrial, residential or agricultural. A procedure for change of land use is
allowed, although the process may be lengthy and cumbersome.

Land classified for agricultural purposes as of or after June 15, 1988, cannot be converted to non-
agricultural use without the prior approval of DAR.

Property Registration
The property registration system of the Philippines confirms land ownership and is binding on all
persons, including the Government. Once registered, title to the parcel of land can no longer be
challenged unless it involves claims noted on the certificate of title. Title to registered lands may not be
lost through adverse possession or prescription. The Property Registration Decree (P.D. 1529), as
amended, codified the laws relative to land registration and is based on the generally accepted principles
underlying the Torrens System.

Transfers or encumbrances on the parcel of land must be registered in the system, to bind third persons.
A subsequent registration and a new Transfer Certificate of Title will be issued upon presentation of
documents and settlement of taxes and fee. All documents evidencing conveyances of the subdivision
should also be registered with the Register of Deeds. Title to the subdivision must be delivered to the
purchaser upon full payment of the purchase price.

Property Taxation
Real property taxes are payable annually based on the property’s assessed value, which vary depending
on the location, use and the nature of the property. Under the Local Government Code, real property tax
must not exceed 2.0% of the assessed value in municipalities and cities within Metro Manila or in other
chartered cities and 1.0% in all other areas. An additional special education fund tax of 1.0% of the
assessed value of the property is also levied annually.

Securities and Exchange Commission

Under the SRC, the SEC has jurisdiction and supervision over all corporations, partnerships or
associations that are grantees of primary franchises, license to do business or other secondary licenses.
As the government agency regulating the Philippine securities market, the SEC issues regulations on the
registration and regulation of securities exchanges, the securities market, securities trading, the licensing
of securities brokers and dealers and reportorial requirements for publicly listed companies and the
proper application of SRC provisions, as well as the Corporation Code, and certain other statutes.

SSS and Philhealth

An employer, or any person who uses the services of another person in business, trade, industry or any
undertaking is required under the Social Securities Act of 1997 (Republic Act No. 8282) to ensure
coverage of employees following procedures set out by the law and the Social Security System of the
Philippines (“SSS”). The employer must deduct from its employees their monthly contributions based on
a given schedule, pay its share of contribution and remit these to the SSS within a period set by law and/
or SSS regulations.

PhilHealth is a government corporation attached to the Department of Health of the Philippines (“DOH”)
that ensures sustainable, affordable and progressive social health insurance pursuant to the provisions of
RA 7875 or the National Health Insurance Act of 1995. Employers are required to ensure enrollment of
its employees in a National Health Program being administered by the PhilHealth.

35 | P a g e
Department of Labor and Employment
Department of Labor and Employment stands as the national government agency mandated to formulate
policies, implement programs and services, and serve as the policy-coordinating arm of the Executive
Branch of the Government in the field of labor and employment. The Department has exclusive authority
in the administration and enforcement of labor and employment laws and such other laws as specifically
assigned to it or to the Secretary of Labor and Employment.

Department of Health
The Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 regulates, restricts or
prohibits the (i) importation, manufacture, processing, handling, storage, transportation, sale,
distribution, use and disposal of chemical substance and mixtures that present unreasonable risk or
injury to health or the environment, and (ii) entry into the Philippines or the keeping in storage of
hazardous wastes which include by-products, process residue, contaminated plant or equipment or other
substances from manufacturing operations. Said Act is implemented by the DENR.

The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 provides for the proper management of solid waste
which includes discarded commercial waste and non-hazardous institutional and industrial waste. Said
Act prohibits, among others, the transporting and dumping of collected solid wastes in areas other than
such centers and facilities prescribed thereunder. The National Solid Waste Management Commission,
together with other government agencies and the different local government units, are responsible for
the implementation and enforcement of the said law.

The Sanitation Code provides for sanitary and structural requirements in connection with the operation
of certain establishments such as food establishments which include such places where food or drinks
are manufactured, processed, stored, sold or served. Under the Sanitation Code, food establishments are
required to secure sanitary permits prior to operation which shall be renewable on a yearly basis. Said
Code is implemented by the DOH.

Environmental Impact Statement System Law

Development projects that are classified by law as environmentally critical or projects within statutorily
defined environmentally critical areas are required to obtain an ECC prior to commencement. The DENR,
through its regional offices or through the Environmental Management Bureau (the “EMB”), determines
whether a project is environmentally critical or located in an environmentally critical area and processes
all applications for an ECC. As a requirement for the issuance of an ECC, an environmentally critical
project must submit an Environment Impact Statement (“EIS”) to the EMB while a non-environmentally
critical project in an environmentally critical area is generally required to submit an Initial
Environmental Examination (the “IEE”) to the proper EMB regional office. In the case of an
environmentally critical project within an environmentally critical area, an EIS is required. Some
activities of the Company are classified as environmentally critical projects such as the construction of
major roads and bridges and engaging in petroleum and petro-chemical for which EIS and ECC are

The EIS refers to both the document and the study of a environmental impact of the project, including a
discussion of the scoping agreement identifying critical issues and concerns as validated by the EMB,
environmental risk assessment if determined necessary by EMB during the scoping, environmental
management program, direct and indirect consequences to human welfare and the ecological as well as
environmental integrity. The IEE refers to the document and the study describing the environmental
impact, including mitigation and enhancement measures, for projects in environmentally critical areas.

36 | P a g e
While the terms and conditions of an EIS or an IEE may vary from project to project, as a minimum it
contains all relevant information regarding the project’s environmental effects. The entire process of
organization, administration and assessment of the effects of any project on the quality of the physical,
biological and socio-economic environment as well as the design of appropriate preventive, mitigating
and enhancement measures is known as the EIS System. The EIS System successfully culminates in the
issuance of an ECC. The issuance of an ECC is a Philippine government certification that the proposed
project or undertaking will not cause a significant negative environmental impact; that the proponent has
complied with all the requirements of the EIS System; and that the proponent is committed to
implementing its approved Environmental Management Plan in the EIS or, if an IEE was required, that it
shall comply with the mitigation measures provided therein before or during the operations of the
project and in some cases, during the abandonment phase of the project.

Project proponents that prepare an EIS are required to establish an Environmental Guarantee Fund when
the ECC is issued for projects determined by the DENR to pose a significant public risk to life, health,
property and the environment or where the project requires rehabilitation or restoration. The
Environmental Guarantee Fund is intended to meet any damage caused by such a project as well as any
rehabilitation and restoration measures. Project proponents that prepare an EIS are required to include a
commitment to establish an Environmental Monitoring Fund when an ECC is eventually issued. In any
case, the establishment of an Environmental Monitoring Fund must not occur later than the initial
construction phase of the project. The Environmental Monitoring Fund must be used to support the
activities of a multi-partite monitoring team, which will be organized to monitor compliance with the ECC
and applicable laws, rules and regulations.

Clean Water Act

In 2004, Republic Act No. 9275, or the “Philippine Clean Water Act”, was enacted to streamline processes
and procedures in the prevention, control, and abatement of pollution in the country’s water resources
and provide for a comprehensive water pollution management program focused on pollution prevention.
The law primarily applies to the abatement and control of water pollution from land based sources. The
EMB, in partnership with other Philippine government agencies and the respective local government
units, is tasked by the Implementing Rules of the Clean Water Act to identify existing sources of water
pollutants and strictly monitor pollution sources which are not in compliance with the effluent standards
provided in the law. The Philippine Water Act also authorizes the DENR to formulate water quality
criteria and standards for oil and gas exploration which encounter re-injection constraints.

Said Act require owners or operators of facilities that discharge regulated effluents (such as wastewater
from manufacturing plants or other commercial facilities) to secure a discharge permit from the DENR
which authorizes said owners and operators to discharge waste and/or pollutants of specified
concentration and volumes from their facilities into a body of water or land resource for a specified
period of time.

Data Privacy Act

37 | P a g e
Regulation of Healthcare Professionals

Regulation of Health Care Facilities

Regulation of Health Devices

Regulation of Health Medicines

Regulation of Health Care Financing

38 | P a g e
Other laws


The members of the Board Corporate Governance Committees were elected during the ________________
meeting of the Company on ___________________________.

Board Committees Member

Year: Audit Nomination Compensation


Corporate Governance

The following information, as declared and approved by the Board of Directors of the company, shall
be discussed:

(a) The evaluation system established by the company to measure or determine the level of
compliance of the Board of Directors and top-level management with its Manual ofCorporate

(b) Measures being undertaken by the company to fully comply with the adopted leading
practices on good corporate governance;

(c) Any deviation from the company’s Manual of Corporate Governance. It shall include a
disclosure of the name and position of the person/s involved, and the sanction/s imposed on
said individual;

(d) Any plan to improve corporate governance of the company.


Describe any other material factors that will or could affect the Issuer or its business or which are
necessary to make any other information in this Statement not misleading or incomplete.

39 | P a g e
Formatted Table

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