E Book Communication and Development Everest M. Roger (1976)

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The Passing of the Dominant Paradigm

Everett M. Rogers

The most influential book about communication and
development is probably Wilbur Schramm's Mass Media and
National Development. When it appeared in 1964, social
scientists thought they understood the nature of develop-
ment and the role of communication in development. The
ensuing decade shows us that our conception of development
was rather limited and perhaps not entirely correct. Today
we see that past notions do not entirely fit the reality
and potential of the contemporary scene.
In this paper, I shall (1) describe the old concept
of development and contrast it with some emerging alterna-
tives, and (2) set forth our previous conception of commu-
nication in development and contrast it with some of the
roles of communication in the emerging models of develop-

Through the late 1960s, a dominant paradigm ruled

intellectual definitions and discussions of development and
guided national development programs. This concept of devel-
opment grew out of certain historical events, such as the
Industrial Revolution in Europe and the United States, the
colonial experience in Latin America3 Africa, and Asia,the
quantitative empiricism of North American social science,
and capitalistic economic/political philosophy. Implicit
in the ruling paradigm were numerous assumptions which were
generally thought to be valid, or at least were not widely
questioned, until about the 1970s.

Definitions of development centered around the criterion

of the rate of economic growth. The level of national devel-
opment at any given point in time was the gross national
product (GMP) or, when divided by the total population in
a nation, per capita income. Although there was a certain
amount of intellectual discomfort with per capita income as
the main index of development, especially among noneconomists,
alternative measures and definitions of development had
relatively few proponents.
What wc-re the major academic and historical influences
on the old conception of development?
1. The Industrial Revolution, usually accompanied by foreign
colonization and domestic urbanization, during the latter 1800s.
The rapid economic growth of this period in Europe and the
United States (and again in post-World War II Europe) implied
that such growth was development, or at least was the driving
engine of development. Industrialization was seen as the main
route to development. And so less developed countries (they
were often called "underdeveloped" in the 19 50s and 1960s)
were advised by development planners to industrialize. Steel
mills. Hydroelectric dams. Manufacturing industries. And a
low priority for agricultural development.
The old paradigm stressed economic growth through indus-
trialization as the key to development. At the heart of
industrialization were technology and capital, which substituted
for labor. This simple synthesis of development may have been
a fairly correct lesson from the experience of the Industrial
Revolution in Western Europe and North America. Whether it
could be applied adequately and successfully to very different
sociocultural settings, such as the developing nations where
labor was generally not in short supply, seemed a likely
hypothesis in the 1950s, and it was certainly tested on a
mammoth scale. "Democracy, training, modern factories, more
money-these words sum up the major development policies of
the Western democracies' (Owens and Shaw, 1974: 153).

What has happened in Western nations regarding their

pathways to development is not necessarily an accurate pre-
dictor of the process in non-western states. For instance,
European nations were often greatly aided in their socio-
economic transformation by their exploitation of colonies.
Obviously, the contemporary states of Latin America, Africa,
and Asia do not have colonies (although they may have an
interior region or regions that act as economic colonies
for another part of their nation).

2. Capital-intensive technology. More developed nations

possessed such technology. Less developed nations had less
of it. So the implication seemed plain: Introduce the
technology to the less developed countries and they would
become relatively more developed too. It was assumed that
appropriate social technology would appear to accompany the
externally introduced material technology. When the needed
social structures did not always materialize in less developed
countries, the fault was accorded to "traditional1' ways of
thinking, beliefs, and social values. Social science research
was aimed at identifying the individual variables on which
rapid change was needed, and the modernization of traditional
individuals became a priority task of various government
agencies, an activity in which the mass media were widely

Capital was required, of course, for the high-capital

technology, to be provided by national governments, by local
entrepreneurs by international loans, and through the activi-
ties of multinational firms (usually owned and controlled by
the industrially advanced nations). Gradually the newly
independent nations began to realize that political freedom
was a different matter than economic independence. The end
of colonialism did not necessarily mark the end of financial
dependence on the industrially advanced countries. Often it
increased such dependency. And capital-intensive technology,
including military armaments, was one reason.

3. Economic growth. It was assumed that "man" (all men,

actually) was economic, that he would respond rationally to
economic incentives, that the profit motive would be sufficient
to motivate the widespread and large-scale behavior changes
required for development to occur. Economists were firmly
in the driver's seat of development programs. They defined
the problem of underdevelopment largely in economic terms,
- 5 -

and in turn this perception of the problem as predominantly

economic in nature helped to put and to keep economists in

Central economic planning of development was widely

accepted as a legitimate and reasonable means by which a
nation should seek development goals.2 Almost every country
in Asia, Africa, and Latin America established a national
development commission during the 1950s and 1960s. Bankers
and economists were usually appointed to such commissions.
Five-year development plans were produced to serve as a guide
to the economic development activities of national governments.
When invited, international agencies provided technical assist-
ance to such planners. The Harvard Development Advisory Group
was ready to help. And the World Bank. More economists.
More bankers. Complete with assumptions about the expected
economic rationality of "man".

The focus on economic growth carried with it an "aggregate

bias" about development: that it had to be planned and
executed by national governments. Local communities, of
course, would be changed eventually by such development,
but their advance was thought to depend upon the provision
of information and resource inputs from higher levels. Auton-
omous self-development was considered unlikely or impossible.
In any event, it seemed too slow.

Further, growth was thought to be infinite. Those rare

observers who pointed out that known supplies of coal or oil
of some other resource would run out in so many years were
considered alarmists, and they were told that new technology
would be invented to compensate for future shortages. More
and bigger was better. It was not until the early 19 70s that
the book by Meadows et al. (1972), The Limits to Growth,
appeared to challenge the infinite-growth enthusiasts, and
the proponents of no-growth policies became heard.

U . Quantification. One reason for reliance on per capita

income as the main index of development was its deceitful
simplicity of measurement. The expression "quality of life"
was seldom heard until the very late 1960s (I cannot actually
remember ever hearing it until then in the context of develop-
ment) . It seemed reasonable that if some dimension of develop-
ment could not be measured and quantified in numbers, then it
probably did not exist. Even if it did, it must not be very
important. Or so it seemed prior to the Stockholm Conference
on the Human Environment in 1972.

Further, the quantification of development invoked a

very short-range perspective of 10 or 20 or 25 years at most.
Development was today. It was facile to forget that India,
China, Persia, and Egypt were old, old centers of civilization,
that their rich cultures had in fact provided the basis for
contemporary Western cultures. Such old cultures were now
poor (in a cash sense); and even if their family life dis-
played a warmer intimacy and their artistic triumphs were
greater, that was not development. It could not be measured
in dollars and cents.
The drive for the quantification of development, an out-
growth and extension of North American social science empiricism,
helped define what development was and was not. Material well-
being could be measured. Such values as dignity, justice and
freedom did not fit on a dollars-and-cents yardstick. And so
the meaning of development began to have a somewhat dehumanized
nature. Political stability and unity were thought to be
necessary for continued economic growth, and authoritarian
leadership increasingly emerged, often in the form of military
dictatorships. And in the push for government stability,
individuals freedoms often were trampled.

Further, what was quantified about development was

usually just growth, measured in the aggregate or on a per
capita basis. Development policies of the 1950s and 1960s
paid little attention to the equality of development benefits.
The "growth-first-and-let-equality-come-later" mentality
often was justified by the trickle-down theory-that leading
sectors, once advanced, would then spread their advantage to
the lagging sectors. Anyway, income disparities were thought
to provide incentives for hard work and sacrifice and to act
as a motivating force for individuals to invest in a lengthy
formal education for themselves or for their children.

It was not until much later, in the 1970s, that the

focus of quantification began to shift to measures of the
equality of distribution. Gini ratios. Unemployment rates.
Consideration of widening gaps.


In short, the old paradigm implied that poverty was

equivalent to underdevelopment. And the obvious way for
less developed countries to develop was for them to become
more like the developed countries.3
It was less obvious that the industrially advanced
nations largely controlled the "rule of the game" of develop-
ment. That most of the scholars writing about development
were Westerners. That balances of payment and monetary
exchange rates were largely determined in New York, London,
and Washington. And the international technical assistance
programs sponsored by the rich nations, unfortunately, made
the recipients even more dependent on the donors. These
gradual lessons took some time to emerge and to sink into
intellectual thought.

Intellectual Ethnocentrism

Theoretical writings about modernization in this period

after World War II generally followed an "individual-blame"
logic and may have been overly narrow and ethnocentric in a
cultural sense. Examples are the works of Walt Rostow (1961),
Everett Hagen (1962), and David McClelland (1961), all drawing
more or less on the earlier writings of Max Weber. The leading
theorists were Westerners, and there often was a rather in-
adequate data base to support their conceptualizations. Fortes
(1973) criticized this VIerstern and person-blame bias: "There
is, I believe, a profoundly ethnocentric undercurrent in
characterizations of modern men in underdeveloped countries.
An invariably positive description obviously has something
to do with similarity of these individuals with the self-
images and values of researchers." Many economists insisted
that their discipline consisted of a universally valid body
of theory, applicable to both. One might ask rhetorically
how different economic theory would be if Adam Smith had
been Chinese or a Sikh. "Economic theorists, more than other
social scientists, have long been disposed to arrive at general
propositions and then^postulate them as valid for every time,
place, and culture" (Myrdal, 1968: 16).
After reviewing the history and nature of the dominant
paradigm and contrasting it with the reality of Asian develop-
ment, Inayatullah (1975, 1976) concludes: "The Western
development theory ... is not an adequate intellectual frame-
work ... as it suffers from an overemphasis on the role of
factors internal to Asian societies as causes of underdevelop-
ment to the exclusion of external factors."

Continuing underdevelopm.ent was attributed to "traditional"

ways of thinking and acting of the mass of individuals in
developing nations. The route to modernization was to trans-
form the people, to implant new values and beliefs.

The dominant paradigm sought to explain the transition

from traditional to modern societies. In the 19 50s, the
traditional systems were the nations of Latin America, Africa,
and Asia. All were relatively poor, with GNPs averaging about
one-fifth or less those of the developed nations of Europe
and North America. Almost all were former colonies (the
African and Asian nations more recently s o ) , and most were
still highly dependent on the developed nations for trade,
capital, technology, and, in many cases, for their national
language, dress, institutions, and other cultural items. It
seemed that the developing nations were less able to control
*their environment and were more likely to be influenced by
unexpected perturbations in their surroundings. In these
several respects, the developing countries seemed to be
somehow "inferior" to the developed nations, but of course
with the hoped-for potential of catching up in their overall
development. The developed nations of the West were taken
as the ideal toward which the developing states should aspire. 4
The development of traditional societies into modern ones was
a contemporary intellectual extension of social Darwinian

Redefining the Causes of Underdevelopment

Western models of development assumed that the main

causes of underdevelopment lay within the underdeveloped
nation rather than external to it. The causes were thought
to be (1) of an individual-blame nature 5 (peasants were
traditional, fatalistic, and generally unresponsive to
technological innovation) and/or (2) of a social-structural
nature within the nation (for example, a tangled government
bureaucracy, a top-heavy land tenure system, and so on).
Western intellectual models of development, and Euro-American
technical assistance programs based on such models, were less
likely to recognize the importance of external constraints
on a nation's development: international terms of trade,
the economic imperialism of international corporations, and
the vulnerability and dependence of the recipients of tech-
nical assistance programs. The dominant paradigm put the
blame for underdevelopment on the developing nations rather
than on the developed countries, or even jointly on both

During the 1950s and 1960s, this assumption of blame-

attribution was widely accepted not only in Euro-America,
but also by most government leaders and by many social
scientists in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Many of the
latter were educated in the United States or Europe, or at
least their teachers and professors had been. And the power
elites of developing countries were often coopted to the
"within-blame" assumption by international technical assist-
ance agencies or by multinational corporations.
- 11 -

International power in the 1950 to 1970 era was con-

centrated in the hands of the United States, and this helped
lead international efforts in the development field to follow
a within-blame causal attribution and to reinforce it as an
assumption. As the U.S. corner on world power began to crack
in the 1970s (at least, in the UN General Assembly), so did
faith in the dominant paradigm of development. The ;'oil black-
mail" of Euro-America following the Yom Kippur War in 1973
not only redistributed millions of dollars from developed to
certain developing countries, but it dramatically demonstrated
that developing countries could redefine the social situation
of international finance. Then why not redefine the definition
of the causes of underdevelopment? Starting at the Stockholm
Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 and carried
forward at the Bucharest World Population Conference and
the Rome Conference on Food in 1974, the delegates from
developing nations began to collaborate in redefining the
problem of underdevelopment, so that the causes of under-
development were seen as external to developing nations as
well as within them.

Small Technology and Radical Economists

"Westerners as well as Western-trained planners, in
the poor countries have been taught to -think of small-scale,
labor-intensive operations as inefficient, as a type of
investment that retards economic growth" (Owens and Shaw,
1974: 2 ) . But these prior assumptions of the dominant
paradigm about the centrality of technology also began to
be questioned. In China, for example, the Maoist philosophy
is "not to allow the machines and their incumbent bureau-
cracies to control the men, but to insit that technology
- 12 -

serve and be controlled by the peole?; (Rifkin, 1975). The

Green Revolution was originally expected to represent a kind
of ultimate in the use of technical solutions to human social
problems. Indeed, it led to impressive increases to wheat
and rice yield in Pakistan, India, and the Philippines. But
the Green Revolution also widened the socioeconomic gap
between smaller and larger farmers and between the govern-
ment and the public. Many tenants and landless farm laborers
were displaced by the tractors and farm machines which the
larger farmers began to buy. Where could these rural poor
go? Only to already overcrowded cities. So the Green
Revolution helped demonstrate that "improved seeds cannot
solve the problem of unimproved farmers" (Owens and Shaw:

The English economist E. F. Schumacher (1973) launched

an attack on high technology in his book Small Is BeautifulT
advocating "intermediate technology" as a more useful con-
tribution to development in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
By early 1976, Schumacher's idea seemed to be catching on
in numerous countries where intermediate technology groups
were established to fit scientific tools and methods to the
local culture.
Other economists in the 1970s engaged in critique of
the dominant paradigm also, especially its assumption of
"a linear theory of missing components" (like capital,
foreign exchange, skills, or management) such as had been
promoted by Rostow (1961). Many of these economist-critics
proposed some version of a neocolonialist/cultural imperialism
theory of underdevelopment accompanied by a questioning of
what constitutes the meaning and measure of development.
Somewhat typical of this vein are Seers and Joy (1971).
- 13 -

Most influential among the radical economists is Andre

Gunder Frank, who centers on capitalism as the main cause of
exploitation, inequality, and, generally, of underdevelopment:
"It is capitalism, world and national, which produced under-
development in the past and still generates underdevelopment
in the present" (Frank, 1971:1). Although Frank may spoil
his case by overstatement, even his critics like Wove (1974)
admit that "many problems of many developing countries are
not of a kind to which 'normal' capitalist market relations
can supply an effective cure." By leading the academic charge
against the prior paradigm of development, and by proposing
"dependency theory" (that is, the dependency of poor countries
on the rich, and "internal colonies" on their urban imperialists)
in its place as an explanation of underdevelopment, Frank
caused considerable academic rethinking about development.
And the dust has not yet settled. His writings have served
an important sensitizing function, but dependency theory is
difficult to "prove" empirically, even when tested by sociolo-
gists sympathetic to Frank's viewpoint (Oxaal et al., 1975).


In the very late 1960s and the 1970s, several world events
-combined with the intellectual critiques just described and
began to crack the prior credibility of the dominant paradigm.

1. The ecological disgust with environmental pollution

in the developed nations led to questioning whether they were,
after all, such ideal models for development. Pollution
problems and overpopulation pressures on available resources
helped create doubts about whether unending economic growth
was possible or desirable, and whether high technology was
the most appropriate engine for development.
- 14 -

2. The world oil crisis demonstrated that certain

developing countries could make their own rules of the
international game and produced some suddenly rich developing
nations. Their escape from national poverty, even though in
part at the expense of other developed countries, was a lesson
to their neighbors in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. No
longer were these nations willing to accept prior assumptions
that the causes of underdevelopment were mainly internal.

3. The sudden opening of international relations with

the People's Republic of China allowed the rest of the world
to learn details of her pathway to development. Here was one
of the poorest countries, and the largest, that in two decades
had created a miracle of modernization. A public health and
family planning system that was envied by the richest nations.
Well-fed and clothed citizens. Increasing equality. An
enviable status for women. And all this was accomplished
with very little foreign assistance and presumably without
much capitalistic competition. China, and to a lesser extent
Cuba, Tanzania, and Chile (in the early 1970s), suggested that
there must be alternatives to the dominant paradigm.

4. Finally, and perhaps most convincing of all, was the

discouraging realization that development was not going very
-well in the developing countries that had closely followed
the paradigm. However one might measure development in most
of the nations of Latin America, Africa, and Asia in the past
2 5 years, not much had occurred. Instead, most "development''
efforts have brought further stagnation, a greater concentra-
tion of income and power, high unemployment, and food shortages
in these nations. If these past development programs represented
any kind of test of the intellectual paradigm on which they were
based, the model has been found rather seriously wanting.
- 15 -

Elements in the New Development

From these events grew the conclusion that there are

many alternative pathways to development. While their exact
combination would be somewhat different in every nation, some
of the main elements in this newer conception began to emerge.
1. The equality of distribution of information, socio-
economic benefits, and so forth. This new emphasis in develop-
ment led to the realization that villagers and urban poor should
be the priority audience for development programs and, more
generally, that the closing of socioeconomic gaps by bringing
up the lagging sectors was a priority task in many nations.

2. Popular participation in self-development planning

and execution, usually accompanied by the decentralization of
certain of these activities to the village level. Development
came to be less a mere function of what national governments
did to villagers, although it was recognized that perhaps some
government assistance was necessary even in local self-develop-
ment. An example is the "group planning of births'' at the
village level in the People's Republic of China, where the
villagers decide how many babies they should have each year
and who should have them. Another illustration of decentralized
•development was occurring in Tanzania, where social mobilization
activities by the political party, the army, and by radio listening
groups help provide mass motivation for local participation in
development activities. As President Julius K. Nyerere stated:
If development is to benefit the people, the people must par-
ticipate in considering, planning, and implementing their de-
velopment plans" (in Tanganyika African National Union, 1971).
People cannot be developed: they can only develop themselves.
And this realization was demonstrated not only in communist
and socialist nations, but also in such capitalistic settings
as Korea and Taiwan.
3. Self-reliance and independence in development with
an emphasis upon the potential of local resources. Mao Tse-
tung's conception of national self-development in China is
an illustration of this viewpoint, including the rejection
of foreign aid (after some years of such assistance from
Russia), as well as the decentralization of certain types
of development to the village level (as mentioned previously).
Not only may international and binational technical assistance
be rejected, but so too are most external models of development-
leading to a viewpoint that every nation, and perhaps each
village, may develop in its own way. If this occurs, of course,
standardized indexes of the rate of development become inap-
propriate and largely irrelevant.

4. Integration of traditional with modern systems, so

that modernization is a syncretization of old and new ideas,
with the exact mixture somewhat different in each locale.
The integration of Chinese medicine with Western scientific
medicine in contemporary China is an example of this approach
to development. Acupuncture and antibiotics mix quite well
-in the people's minds as shown by this experience. Such at-
tempts to overcome the "empty vessels fallacy" remind us that
tradition is really yesterday's modernity. Until the 1970s,
development thinking implied that traditional institutions
would have to be entirely replaced by their modern counterparts.
Belatedly, it was recognized that these traditional forms could
contribute directly to development. "African countries should
not imitate the patterns of development of the industrialized
4. Mainly in- 1 Internal and The rise of "oil
ternal causes external causes of power" in the years
of under- underdevelopment following the energy
development (amounting to a crisis of 1973-1974
redefinition of
the problem by Shifts in world
developing nations) power illustrated
by voting behavior
in the UN General
Assembly and in
the UN World Confer-
ences at Stockholm,
Bucharest, and Rome

Criticism of the
dominant paradigm
by radical economists
like Frank and other
dependency theorists

is simply a powerful change toward the kind of social and

geohdmlc" System' m a t a Country decided it iieiflS (Schramm and
Lerner, 1976). Development is change toward patterns of so-
ciety that allow better realization of human values, that
allow a society greater control over its environment and over
its own political destiny, and that enables its individuals to
gain increased control over themselves (Inayatullah, 1967:101).

Me summarize these newer conceptions of development by

defining development as a widely participatory process of
social change in a society, intended to bring about both so-
cial and material advancement (including greater equality,
freedom, and other valued qualities) for the majority of the
people through their gaining greater control over their envi-
ronment (Rogers, 1975b) 6 .

Thus the concept of development has been expanded and made

much more flexible, and at the same time more humanitarian, in
its implications.

The rise of alternatives to the old paradigm of develop-

ment implied that the role of communication in development
must also change. Previously, mass communication had been
considered to play an important role in development, especially
in conveying informative and persuasive messages from a govern-
ment to the public in a downward, hierarchical way.

A decade or so ago, mass communication was often thought

to be a very powerful and direct force for development. "It
was the pressure of communications which brought about the
downfall of traditional societies" (Pye, 196 3: 3-4). And
there was some support for this position from communication
research. An early and influential study of modernization
in the Middle East by Lerner (19 58) led communication scholars
to expect the mass media to be a kind of magic multiplier for
development in other developing nations. This period was char-
acterized by considerable optimism about the potential contri-
bution of communication to development, one that was consistent
with the general upbeat opinion about the possibilities for
rapid development.

Certainly, the media were expanding during the 19 50s and

1960s. Literacy was becoming more widespread in most develop-
ing nations5 leading to greater print media exposure. Tran-
sistor radios were penetrating every village. A predominantly
one-way flow of communication from government development agen-
cies to the people was implied by the dominant paradigm. And
the mass media seemed ideally suited to this role. They could
rapidly reach large audiences with informative and persuasive
messages about the details of development.
- 21 -

A series of communication researches was launched in

various developing nations: examples are my survey in Colom-
bia (Rogers, 196 5) and Fry's (1964) in Turkey, which showed
that mass media exposure was highly correlated with individual
modernization variables. Undoubtedly," however, some of the
most solid evidence for the impact of the mass media on modern-
ization came from the six-nation investigation by Inkeles and
Smith (1974: 146), who concluded: "The mass media were in the
front rank, along with the school and the factory, as inculcators
of individual modernization."7
Correlational analyses of survey data about mass media
and modernization did not exactly prove that the former caused
the latter, but they did demonstrate a certain degree of co-
variance between the two sets of variables. However, another
type of communication research design went further in evaluat-
ing the role of mass communication in development: the field
experiment. In this approach, some mass media channel typic-
ally would be introduced in a small number of villages and
its development effects would be evaluated by means of the
difference in measurements of effects on benchmark and follow-
up surveys. For instance, one of the earliest and most influ-
ential of such field experiments was conducted by Neurath (196 2)
in India in order to determine the effectiveness of radio forums.
"Other field experiments designed along similar lines have been
conducted since by communication scholars in Latin America,
Africa, and Asia. A special advantage of field experiments is
that their results are often relatively visible and easier to
implement in large-scale development programs. For instance,
the Neurath field experiment led directly to a nationwide radio
forum program in India.

But in the early 1960s, despite this considerable research,

- 22 -

the relative power of the mass media in leading to develop-

ment was mainly assumed rather than proven. Certainly, deter-
mining the effects of the media in development is a complicated
affair. The audience surveys of communication effects and the
field experiments were actually small in number and size; and
in the face of this lack of firm evidence on the point, there
was a tendency to assume a powerful mass media role in develop-
ment. Actually, this 'oversold position" bore a similarity
close to the hypodermic-needle model of media effects in the
United States-an overly enthusiastic position which eventually
succumbed to empirically oriented communication research (Rogers
with Shoemaker, 1971).

Gradually, it was realized that the role of mass communi-

cation in facilitating development was often indirect and only
contributory, rather than direct and powerful. But this varied
upon such circumstances as the media, the messages, the audience
and the nature of the intended effects.8



By the late 1960s and the 1970s a number of critical eva-

luations were being made of the mass communication role in
development. Some scholars, especially in Latin America,
perceived the mass media in their nations as an extension of
exploitive relationships with U.S.-based multinational corpo-
rations, especially through the adversiting of commercial
products. Further, questions were asked about the frequent
patterns of elite ownership and control of mass media insti-
tutions in Latin America and the influence of such ownership
on the media content. The 196 5-1975 decade saw a rising number
- 23 -

of military dictatorships in Latin America, Africa, and Asia,

and these governments stressed the media's propaganda role,
decreasing the public's trust in mass communication.

Communication researchers also began to question some

of their prior assumptions, becoming especially critical of
earlier inattention to (1) the content of the mass media,
(2) the need for social-structural changes in addition to
communication if development were to occur, and (3) the
shortcomings of the classical diffusion-of-innovations
viewpoint which had become an important explanation of
microlevel development.

Inattention to Media Content

We showed previously that mass media exposure on the
part of individuals in developing nations was highly corre-
lated with their modernization, as expressed by their exhibit-
ing modern attitudes and behavior. This seemed logical because
the mass media were thought to carry generally pro-development
messages (Rogers with Svenning, 1969).
However, a strange anomaly was encountered. When indi-
viduals , in developing nations who had adopted an innovation
like a weed spray, a new crop variety, or family planning,
were asked the sources/channels through which they had learned
about the new idea, the mass media were almost never reported.
Interpersonal channels with peers totally predominated in
difusing the innovation. A possible explanation of this
anomaly seemed to lie in the contents of the media messages,
which investigation showed seldom to carry specific messages
about the innovation (such as what it is, where to obtain it
and at what cost, and how to use i t ) , even though there was
- 24 -

much content promoting national development in a general

sense (such as news of a new highway being constructed,
appointment of a new minister of agriculture, and so on).
So when the media content was analyzed it was found to
contain very little attention to the technological inno-
vations that were diffusing; they spread most frequently
through interpersonal communication (1) from government
development workers to their clients and (2) among peers
in the mass audience.

Barghouti (1974) content-analyzed the print and elec-

tronic media of Jordan and found that "agricultural news
occupies an insignificant place among other categories of
the content of the mass media." 9 In contrast, there is much
political news in the media. Surveys of a sample of Jordanian
farmers showed that only 9% mentioned the mass media as their
source of agricultural information, but 88% received their
political information from the media. Barghouti's study
indicates the advantage of combining content analysis of the
media with an audience survey (as do Shingi and Mody in their
article in the present issue), and suggests the need for much
more content analysis of the media messages in developing
nations if we are to understand more fully the media's role
in development.10

Need for Structural Change

as well as Communication
Even in the days of the dominant paradigm, it was real-
ized that the contribution of mass communication to develop-
ment was often limited by the social structure, by the unavail-
ability of resource inputs, and the like. There was much more,
of course, to development than just communication and information.
- 25 -

But there was at least some hope that by raising the public's
aspirations for modernization, pressure was created toward
changing some of the limiting factors on development.

By the 1970s, it was becoming apparent that the social-

structural restraints on development were often unyielding
to the indirect influences of the media or even to more direct
intervention. Under these conditions, it was realized that
mass communication's role in development might be much more
diminished than previously thought. And communication research
was designed to determine just how limiting the structure might
be on the development effects of mass communication. Illustra-
tive of such researches is Grunig's (1971) investigation among
Colombian farmers; he concluded that "communication is a com-
plementary factor to modernization and development ... it can
have little effect unless structural changes come first to
initiate the development process." Such studies helped to
modify the previously enthusiastic statements by communication
scholars about the power of the media.

Diffusion of Innovations and Development

One of the most frequent types of communication research
in developing nations dealt with the diffusion of innovations
(as noted earlier in this issue). In such research, an idea
perceived as new by the receiver - an innovation - is traced
as it spreads through a system (Rogers with Shoemaker, 1971).
The innovation is usually a technological idea, and thus one
can see that past diffusion research fits well with the domi-
nant paradigm's focus on technology and on its top-down com-
munication to the public.

During the 1960s, there was a tremendous increase in the

number of diffusion studies in developing countries; these
researches were especially concerned with the spread of agri-
cultural innovations and of family planning methods. In fact,
there were about 500 family planning diffusion studies in India
alone (Rogers, 1973). Many of them left much to be desired in
scientific rigor or in the originality of their design.

A number of criticisms of the assumptions and directions

of diffusion research appeared in the 1970s: Marceau (1972),
Grunig (1971), Goldinp (1974), Havens (1972), and Beltran (1975),
as well as the articles by Diaz Bordenave and Edling et al. in
the present issue. These critiques centered on the pro-innova-
tion bias of such research and on the propensity for diffusion
to widen the socioeconomic gaps in a rural audience. Out of
such frank criticism came a number of modifications in the
classical diffusion model and in the research designs utilized
(such as more field experiments and network analysis), and these
newer approaches are now being tried (Rogers, 1973, 1976).
After a tour of 20 U.S. communication research centers,
Nordenstreng (1968) criticized North American scholars for
their "hyperscience,1' which he explains as due to the fact
that "American communication research has grown up in an
atmosphere of behaviorism and operationalism, which has made
it correct in technical methodology but poor in conceptual
productivity." This comment on communication research in the
United States may also apply to diffusion research. Such
inquiry often sided unduly with the source "against" the re-
ceiver, perhaps a reflection of the one-way linear model of
communication and of the mechanistic/atomistic components
approach of much communication research. So the needed alter-
ations in the classical diffusion model, such as a greater
concern with communication effects gaps and the importance
of audience participation in the diffusion process, may also
- 27 -

hold implications for the entire field of communication.

(See, especially, the article by Juan Diaz Bordenave in
this issue.)

In this section we describe some of the directions under
way in newer conceptions of development communication: self-
development, the communication effects gap, and new communi-
cation technology.

Most nations in the past have implicitly defined develop-
ment in terms of what government does to (and for) the people.
Decisions about needed development were made by the national
government in the capital city and then implemented through
development programs that were carried out by government
employees who contacted the public (at the operational level)
in order to inform and persuade them to change some aspect of
their behavior. This top-down approach to development implied
a one-way role for communication: the sources were government
officials seeking to inform and persuade a mass audience of
In recent years, several nations (examples are the People's
Republic of China, Tanzania, the Republic of Korea, and Taiwan)
have recognized the importance of self-development at the village
and uiban neighborhood level. In this approach, some type of
small group at the local level (mothers' clubs in Korea, farmers'
associations in Taiwan, radio listening clubs in Tanzania, and
communes and/or work brigades in China) takes primary respon-
sibility (1) for deciding exactly what type of development is

(*) "Communication of Agricultural Innovations in Latin America.

The Need for New Models.
most needed in their village or neighborhood, (2) for plan-
ning how to achieve this development goal, (3) for obtaining
whatever government or nongovernment resources may be necessary,
and (4) for carrying out their own development activities. The
advantages of such a self-development approach are that the rate
of accomplishment is often higher than in the case of top-down
development by government; the cost to government, which often
lacks sufficient resources in most poor countries, is much less
and more likely to be affordable; and the nature of development
activities is more flexible and more appropriate to changing
local needs because of the decentralization of planning, deci-
sion-making, and execution.

Naturally, self-development implies a completely different

role for communication than in the usual top-down development
approach of the past. Technical information about development
problems and possibilities and about appropriate innovations
is sought by local systems from the central governmenttso that
the role of government development agencies is mainly to com-
municate in answer to these locally initiated requests rather
than to design and conduct top-down communication campaigns.
The mass media may be used to feed local groups with infor-
mation of a background nature about their expressed needs,
and to disseminate innovations that may meet certain of these
needs. This communication function is illustrated in the radio
listening group campaigns for public health and for food/agri-
culture that were conducted in Tanzania in 1974 and 1975, re-
spectively. The later campaign of a months's duration achieved
participation in the radio groups of 2.5 million villagers,
nearly 40% of the adult population of Tanzania, while the
earlier public health campaign reached 2 million people (Hall,
1975; Dodds and Hall, 1974). Both campaigns led to a great
- 29 -

deal of village-level self-development. For example, in the

health campaign, the radio forums decided to build latrines,
sweep village streets and paths, dig wells, and adopt other
sanitations and preventive health measures. Although the
radio programs (and related print materials) focused national
attention on health problems and provided information about
certain ways of solving them, each of the approximately 100,000
radio forums discussed these mass media messages, applied them
to local conditions, decided what health activities they wished
to conduct (if any), and then did so with little direct assist-
ance from the Ministry of Public Health. So the role of mass
communication in self-development is more permissive and sup-
portive than in the usual top-down development approach, where
local citizens are told what their problems are and persuaded
to follow certain specific lines of action to solve them, usually
involving a good deal of dependence on government.

Mass communication may be even less directive in assist-

ing the self-development activities of village groups in Korea
and China. Mothers' clubs in the Republic of Korea are organized
in about 24,000 villages; originally, the government assisted
their initiation in 1968 to promote family planning diffusion
and to deliver contraceptives to adopters. Typically, after
several meetings, a mothers' club would begin to pursue what-
ever types of group activity it felt was needed; Improved
nutrition, food production and preservation, sanitation, child
health, cooperative savings, female equality, and so on. A
monthly magazine sent to each mothers' club leader describes
the self-development accomplishments of certain exemplary clubs
and thus inspires others to greater development efforts (Kincaid
et al., 1973; Park and others, 1974 •> Rogers, 1975a).
Somewhat similarly, in the People's Republic of China
mass communication circulates information about the self-
development accomplishments of a particular village to other
such local systems. For example, the idea of the "group
planning of births" (in which all of the members of a commune
or labor brigade or urban neighborhood committee meet annually
to assess their demographic situation and to decide their
fertility goals for the year ahead, including which parents
are to have a baby and which are not) began in one local
system in about 1971 (Chen with Miller, 1975). This innovative
approach to population planning was featured in radio and
newspaper messages, and the idea quickly spread throughout
China and is now widely adopted. "Point-to-point" confer-
ences were held in which visiting delegates from other villages
traveled to observe the group planning of births, to discuss
its underlying principles, and then returned to their village
or neighborhood to discuss it with their peers and decide
whether or not to adopt it. Similarly, the idea of "barefoot
doctors" (non-professional health/family planning aides) began
in one village and spread horizontally in a rapid fashion through-
out the nation (Chen, 1973). The Peking government undoubtedly
supported the idea of barefoot doctors and of the group planning
of births, but they were largely diffused and implemented through
self-development activities, assisted directly by mass communi-

Key elements in these self-development approaches just

described are participation, mass mobilization, and group
efficacy, with the main responsibility for development planning
and execution at the local level. The main roles of mass communi-
cation in such self-development may be summarized as (1) pro-
viding technical information about development problems and
31 -

possibilities, and about appropriate innovations, in answer to local

requests, and (2) circulating information about the self-development
accomplishments of local groups so that other such groups may profit
from others' experience and perhaps be challenged to achieve a similar

The Communication Effects Gap

Needed are more appropriate and adequate means for testing the
communication gap hypothesis. This hypothesis was originally stated
by Tichenor et al. (1970) to imply that one effect of mass communica-
tion is to widen the gap in knowledge between two categories of receivers
(high and low in socioeconondc status). It often has been overlooked
that the "gap*1 was originally proposed only as an hypothesis rather
than a proven fact. I feel that several important changes first must
be made in the statement of the gap hypothesis before it can be ade-
quately tested.
(1) It should deal with the attitudinal and over behavioral
effects of communication as well as just ''knowledge";
thus, I propose calling it the "'communication effects
gap' hypothesis.
(2) The hypothesis should not be limited to mass media efforts
alone, but should include also the differencial effects of
interpersonal communication and the joint effects of mass
rredia plus interpersonal comrrunication, as measured by
network analysis.
(3) There need not be just two categories of receivers, nor
must the gap be found only on the basis of a socioeconomic
status variable.
Past research on the communication effects gap hypothesis, while
notable for its pioneering nature, has suffered somewhat from the fact
that the hypothesis usually was imposed on the data after they were
gathered for another purpose. Trolly, in order to test the communica-
tion effects gap hypothesis, one would prefer:
(1) That data were gathered before and after a communication
event (like a campaign) in a field experiment rather than
mainly using correlational analysis of one-shot survey data
as has sows times been done in the past;
(2) That the "after1' data might be gathered at several points
in time to determine whether or not the gap is only a short-
term phenomenon;
(3) That a control group be included in the design in order to
remove the effects of a growing gap due to other (than com-
munication) causes; and
(4) That the interpersonal communication channels linking the
receiver categories be measured and network-analyzed so as
to determine the effect of such audience interconnectedness
in modifying or magnifying the gap effects of the main com-
munication event studies. Essentially, the network analysis
seeks to explore whether or not a "trickle down" occurs from
one of the two receiver categories to the other, and how

Probably the reasons why methodological considerations such as

these have not already been utilized in testing the communication
rap hypothesis are the relatively high cost and the length of time
that would be required. But the articles by Ro'ling et al. and by
Shingi ana Kody in this volume show that these problems can be over-
come. (")
One important function of such improved research is the light
that it may be able to shed on why the communication effects gap
generally occurs. A possible explanation in many cases is that the

(»•;) "The Diffusion of Innovations and the Issue of Equity in

Rural Development"and "the Communication Effects Gap: A Field
Experiment on Television and Agricultural Ignorance in India",
ups'', perhaps as an artifact of gaining their original superior status,
possess greater receptivity to the change-oriented communication messages
and hence show greater response to them than the "clowns." Also the irups"
nay possess greater slack resources which can be utilized for innovation
-larger farmers responded first by adopting the miracle seeds of the
Green Revolution. Furthermore, the sources or producers of the change-
oriented messages are usually more homophilous with the 'ups" than.with
the "'downs,-' and hence these messages have relatively greater effects
on the ;!ups.'' Finally, the lack of integration of the "downs'' in inter-
personal communication networks means they are not even reached through
a trickle-down.
. If more equitable distribution of socioeconomic benefits were
indeed a paramount goal of development activities, the following com-
munication strategies might be considered in a developing nation:
(1) Use the traditional mass media as credible channels to
reach the most disadvantaged audiences.
(2) Identify the opinion leaders among the disadvantaged
segments of the total audience, and concentrate development
efforts on them.
(3) Use change agent aides wlx) are selected from among the
disadvantaged to work for development agencies in contact-
ing their homophilous peers.
(U) Provide means for the disadvantaged audience to participate
in the planning ana execution of development activities and
in the setting of development priorities.
(5) Establish special development agencies that work only with
the disadvantaged audiences. An example is the Small
Farmers Development Agency in India, founded in 1970 to
provide agricultural information and credit only to small-
sized farmers.
(6) Produce and disseminate communication messages that are
redundant to the 'ups' because of their ceiling effect,
but which are of need and interest to the "downs." (See,
for example,the study by Shingi and Mody in this issue.)
Much further research is needed on the communication effects gap;
this work has only begun. But at least we are beginning to realize
that the gap is not always inevitable.

New Gonmjnication Technology and Development

What is the potential of new communication technology, such as
satellite broadcasting, cable television, and computers, for facilitating
the process of development in Latin America, Africa, and Asia? At least
in the immediate future of the next ten years it will probably be fairly
limited, although satellite television broadcasting is the operation at
present in India of an experimental basis, and nationwide satellite
television broadcasting systems are soon to be launched in Iran and
But what is really new about communication technology is not the
technology per se as much as the social technology of how the new
communication devices are organized and used. liich of the total effect
of a communication system rests on the program or software aspects, on
how the audience is organized to receive and discuss the messages, and
how feedback is conveyed to the communicators.


The newer paradigms for development pose certain implications for
communication research as well as for communication activities.
The Role of Research
in Change and Development
Mass media institutions may tend to side with the ''establishment"
in most nations; hence, the content of most mass media messages is
seldom designed to radically alter the existing social structure in
a society, ffess communication in development usually espouses an
incremental change approach in which change is promoted within the
existing structure rather than directly seeking to alter structural
constraints to development. This point is stated or ijnplied in each
of the articles in this issue, and most directly in the work of Beltran,
Diaz Bordenave, and Whiting.(*)
Some radical critics of communication research feel that it also
tends to side with the existing social structure and to reflect mainly
an incremental change position. Most present-day communication research
requires a team of research assistants, considerable data-gathering costs,
and a sizeable budget for computer-dependent data analysis. The rela-
tively high price of most contemporary communication research may in-
fluence the nature of such research. Research funds for investigations
of conraunication in development usually are provided by national govern-
ments, foundations, large corporations, or universities. Seldom do the
funds come from urban poor or villages, the main targets of development
efforts. So the sponsorship of communication research tends to influence
_it to concentrate on studying a range of problems that reflect the
priority concern of government rather than that of the public, of elites
rather than the mass audience3 of communication sources rather than com-
munication receivers, of the establishment rather than revolutionary
attempts to alter the social structure.

Certain communication scholars have become aware of this possible

bias in their research and have sought to launch research projects that
deal with topics of special benefit to those sectors of society that
(*) "Alien Premises, Objects, and Methods in Latin American
Communication Research" (Beltran)
Dlas Bordenave see page 27; "How Does Communication Inter-
face with Change? (Whiting)
cannot sponsor research themselves. Ultimately, this approach amounts
to greater effort (than in the past) to free the selection of what is
studied from the influence of those who sponsor communication inquiry.
One means of doing so is to seek to design research that is very low-
cost in nature so as to free it from possible sponsorship influences.
A successful illustration is provided by the study reported in the
article by Prakash Shingi and Bella i±>dy in the present issue-a field
experiment on agricultural television's ability to close the communica-
tion effects gap between advantaged and disadvantaged farmers in India.
Shingi and 1-bdy designed a "natural experiment" in which the treatment
(two television programs) was produced at no cost to their study. The
data base is rather modest (farmers in only three villages), and the
authors gathered their own data through personal interviews with the
farmers before and after the television broadcasts.
The total budget for the Shingi-Mbdy field experiment: only about
$70 (U.S.). While there may be additional hidden costs (their salaries,
for example) this experiment is probably one of the lower-priced re-
searches in the field of development communication where big budgets
are generally the rule. Another example of low-cost communication
research is Granovetter's (1974: 141) study of job information in a
Boston suburb, where his total budget was about $900.

.field Experiments and Current Practice

In addition to the cost and the sponsorship of communication re-
search, the type of research design that is employed may also affect
how directly the research results can contribute to social change versus
reifying the existing social structure. Niels RBling and his coauthors}
in this issue, argue for field experimental designs rather than surveys,
if diffusion researches are to influence development policies in the
direction of gap-narrowing communication strategies.
-37 -

The general point here is that field experiments will be more

useful research designs in future communication studies investigating
how development communication might be, rather than in just describing
the "current practice" of such communication activities. In an era
when important changes are occurring in our definition and understanding
of the concept of development, and when accompanying changes are being
made in the communication aspects of development, we expect that field
experimental approaches will become more common than they have been in
past communication research.
The use of field experimental designs by communication researchers
to study development problems moves research toward development programs.
It puts the communication scholar in the role of coirmunication/development
designer as well as that of research evaluator.

Focus on Interpersonal Networks

Network analysis is a type of research in which relational data
about communication flows or patterns are analyzed by using interpersonal
relationships as the units of analysis (Rogers, 1976). The advantage
of network analysis in comparison to the more usual monadic analysis
(where the individual is the unit of analysis) is that the social
structure can be overlayed on the communication flows in order to
improve the scientific understanding of both the structure and the
-message flows.
Fast communication research has frequently identified opinion
leaders in a mass audience and investigated their role in the inter-
personal transmission of mass media messages. But until network
analysis began to be utilized in such researches, little of an exact
nature could be learned about where the opinion leaders obtained the
messages, and specifically to whom each such opinion leader disseminated
the message.
Thus, we see that the passing of the dominant paradigm of develop-
ment led to new and wider roles for communication in development. The
exact nature of such newer conceptions will only become clear in the
years ahead, as communication research helps illuminate the new path-
ways to development.

1. The following section is adapted from Rogers (1975b).
2. A critique of centralized economic planning of development in
light of actual accomplishments appeared in a chapter by Caiden and
Wildavsky (1974: 264-292) with the charming title "Planning Is Not the
Solution: It's Part of the Problem."
3. Karl Marx in Das Kapital stated: The country that is more
developed industrially only shows, to the less developed, the image of
its own future." Lerner (1967: 115) stated: "Indeed, the Western model
is virtually an inevitable baseline for Asian development planning because
there is no other model which can serve this purpose." This predominance
of the Western paradigm of development was probably correct at the time
of Lerner's writing.
4. An assumption criticized by Fortes (1973): "Ibdernity as a
consequence of Western structural transformations may have little to do
with, or be in fact detrimental to, causes of development in Third World
5. Caplan and Nelson (1973) argue that social scientists are more
likely to accept an individual-blame definition of a social problem that
they investigate than a system-blame definition. For instance, unemploy-
ment and poverty are considered to be due to laziness, not to the unavail-
ability of work and to blocked opportunities.
6. Note how my thinking has changed as to the definition of develop-
ment in the past seven years: "Development is a type of social change
in which new ideas are introduced into a social system in order to produce
higher per capita incomes and levels of living through more modern produc-
tion methods and improved social organization" (Kogers with Svenning, 1969).
7. In these investigations, modernization was considered as the
individual-level manifestations of development: "Hadern man is an informed
participant citizen, has a marked sense of personal efficacy, is highly
independent and autonomous, and he is ready for new experiences and ideas"
(Inkeles and Smith, 1974: 290).
8. A much-quoted list of what the mass media can and cannot do
in development was provided by Schranm (1964).
9. Similar conclusions about the lack of agricultural content in
the mass media in Latin America were cited in the Beltran article in this

10. This point is also made by Gliding (1974).


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Everett M. Rogers is Professor in the Institute for Communication

Research, Stanford University, where he directs a program of training
and research in international communication.

Nota: Artlculo obtenido de Everett M. Rogers, ed Comminication and

Development. Critical Perspectives. Beverly Hills/London, SAGE
PUBLICATIONS, 197% pp.121-148.
CF Item Barcode Sign
3:10:22 PM
Login Name Upasana Young


Expanded Number CF-RA1-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000066

External ID

Stanford University, Institute for Commmunication Research. Communication and

Development. The Passing of the Dominant Paradigm by Everett M. Rogers
Date Created I From Date Date Registered Date Closed / To Date
01-Jan-1976 13-Aug-2007 at 3:03 PM

Primary Contact

Home Location CF-RAF-USAA-DB01-2007-09377 (In Container)

FI2: Status Certain? No

Itm FdO1: In, Out, Internal Rec or Rec Copy

Owner Location Programme Division, UNICEF NYHQ (3003)

Current Location/Assignee In Container 'CF-RAF-USAA-DB01 -2007-09377 (Upasana Young)1 since 13-Aug-2007;

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Contained Records
Container CF/RA/BX/PD/CM/198OT003: PSC Files - Programme Support Comm

Date Published Fd3. Doc Type - Format Da1:Date First Published

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