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International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(2): 294-300

International Journal of Asian Social Science

ISSN(e): 2224-4441/ISSN(p): 2226-5139

Special Issue: International Conference on Teaching and

Learning in Education, 2013

journal homepage: http://www.aessweb.com/journals/5007



Nurul Asyikin
Centre for Communication Service Convergence, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Selangor, Malaysia
Norashidah Md. Din
Centre for Communication Service Convergence, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Selangor, Malaysia
Fairuz Abdullah
Centre for Photonics Technologies, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Selangor, Malaysia

The most effective solution to cope with the ever increasing bandwidth demands is by using
Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON). Thus, there are needs in introducing an EPON subject
for Engineering Postgraduate students. However, since networking is a subject that is not easy to
visualize, the lack of means to illustrate or convey the EPON network causes an apparent lack of
interest amongst engineering students towards the discipline. In order to overcome these problems,
a need to develop an educational module for the EPON system is seen. In this paper, an EPON
testbed is proposed together with a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) as a tool for the
postgraduate engineering subject to better understand the protocol and the bandwidth allocation
studies of EPON. The details of the testbed and the preparation stages to make it an educational
module are also demonstrated together with results to assist engineering postgraduate students to
better understand the subject matters.
© 2014 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved.

Keywords: EPON, Educational module, Testbed, Peripheral Interface Controller, graphical user
interface, C programming.

The number of people who rely on the Internet on a daily basis keeps on increasing as the
number of new multimedia applications such as internet protocol (IP) television (TV) and voice
over IP (VoIP) increases. The phenomenal success of the Internet has created new challenges. As
of June 2012, more than 2.4 billion people or over a third of the world’s human population have
used the services of the Internet (Miniwatts Marketing Group, 2012). The sudden increment in the
† Corresponding author 294
ISSN(e): 2224-4441/ISSN(p): 2226-5139
© 2014 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved.
International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(2): 294-300

Internet traffic patterns and applications caused congestion in the local loop between a customer
and the local exchange. In order to overcome this problem, Ethernet passive optical network
(EPON) is seen as one of the most suitable technologies at the moment as the devices are
ubiquitous from the home network all the way through to regional, national and worldwide
backbone networks, implementation of EPONs can be highly cost-effective. Thus, there are needs
in introducing an EPON subject for Engineering Postgraduate students.
Up to now, the teaching of EPON is taught in Data Network Architecture and Electronics
subject that is performed using conventional techniques. Majority lecturers use written course notes
combined with formal lectures. Despite of the evidence that experiments help students in their
learning, we rarely heard about laboratory or teaching experiments in EPON. Since networking is a
subject that is not easy to visualize, the lack of means to illustrate or convey the EPON network
causes an apparent lack of interest amongst engineering students towards the discipline.
In order to overcome these problems, a need to develop an educational module for the EPON
system is seen. The purpose of developing such testbed is most importantly to stimulate
postgraduate students using new technologies so that it is more interesting for them to study and to
develop a testbed that allows the visualization of how a protocol or algorithm in a network works.
Otherwise, the concept may be difficult for the postgraduate students to grasp.
This paper proposes an EPON educational module in which its outcome is to create a
successful teaching-learning experience for the postgraduate students through which the students
have better visualization on the concept of EPON and better understanding on the protocol and
other algorithms. The rest of the papers are arranged as follows. Section 2 discusses on the related
work. Section 3 explains in details on the educational module with the main function being
discussed in Section 4. The conclusion and future work is elaborated in Section 5.

The EPON study are normally done using simulations (Radzi et al., 2010), but simulation
method is not able to capture the nuances and non-linear effect of a real network. In order to study
the dynamics of EPON, a testbed is required. At the moment, the EPON testbed is designed either
using application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) (Kim et al., 2007) or field-programmable gate
array (FPGA) (Bin et al., 2006).
ASIC is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-
purpose use. It uses a hardware description language (HDL), such as Verilog or VHDL, to describe
the functionality of ASICs. The disadvantage of ASIC is that it is not cost efficient and thus, FPGA
is preferred.
The FPGA is an IC designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after manufacturing.
It can be used to implement any logical function that an ASIC could perform, but the ability to
update the functionality after manufacturing offers advantages for many applications. Similar to
ASIC, FPGA also runs on HDL, which is a complex language that describes a concurrent circuit
and must contort itself to achieve sequential execution. Since FPGA itself is already an extremely
complex chip, it is less suitable for research purposes. This is because every time the DBA

© 2014 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved. 295

International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(2): 294-300

algorithm or protocol is changed, the board needs to be fabricated and thus adds up the cost and the
time needed for the fabrication makes the research process slower.
Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) is considered as a more suitable approach to be used for
research purposes in order to develop a testbed for EPON platform. It is one of the advanced
microcontrollers developed by microchip technologies that integrate all types of advanced
interfacing ports and memory modules. The reason PIC is being used in this study is because PIC is
simpler as it uses C programming. Besides that, it is more cost effective and faster to develop as
compared to FPGA.


An EPON system typically consists of an optical line terminal (OLT), multiple optical network
units (ONUs), a passive optical splitter (POS) and optical fiber. The block diagram of EPON
testbed is shown in Figure 1, where the OLT is connected to the ONUs via a 1:8 optical splitter
through a 20 km single mode fiber with fixed connector/physical contact (FC/PC) connector. The
OLT and all the ONUs are also connected to a computer via RS-232 cable. The computers are
equipped with a platform to monitor the frames coming in and out called as a Protocol Test
Platform (PTP).
Figure-1. Block diagram of EPON testbed

ONU 1 Serial
Computer cable
Pl a co l T Serial ONU 3 Serial
t e
(P form st cable Fiber spool Fiber spool Computer cable
cable ONU 4
Splitter PTP Computer
ONU 5 Serial
Computer Computer cable
cable ONU 6
PTP Computer

ONU 7 Serial
Computer cable


In this educational module of EPON proposed, the OLT and ONUs are developed in house by
Significant Technology Sdn. Bhd. (SigTech) and the inside view of the board can be seen in Figure
2 (a) and (b) respectively. PIC24FJ128GA010 microcontroller is used as the processor in the OLT
and ONU boards. The transceiver used for OLT is Eoptolink GTR-3052H-49 that has a wavelength
© 2014 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved. 296
International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(2): 294-300

of 1550 nm, whereas for ONU is GTR-2032H that has a wavelength of 1310 nm (Eoptolink). The
receiver used for both OLT and ONUs are Maxim MAX 232 (Semiconductor), which is chosen due
to its simplicity as it contains the necessary drivers and receivers in one package. It is used to adapt
RS-232 signal voltage levels to transistor-transistor logic (TTL).

Figure-2. The inside view of ) OLT and b) ONU

The OLT and ONU use a PIC microcontroller as the processor because it is simpler to design,
more cost effective and easily reconfigurable. It contains the firmware for the OLT and ONUs that
can be programmed by using a PIC debugger hardware. The firmware equips the EPON testbed
with the platform to perform protocol and bandwidth allocation testing. The basic EPON protocol,
which is Multi Point Control Protocol is already designed and burned in the OLT and ONU.
Engineering postgraduate students can study the rest of the protocol and the bandwidth allocation
algorithm with a simple programming designed using Mikro C language. PICkit 2 Debug Express
is used to program the firmware of the microcontroller. It consists of a PIC microcontroller
programmer device and a MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software for
programming. The compiler used is MPLAB IDE integrated with C30 microchip. This firmware is
loaded inside the OLT or ONU by first converting them to HEX file before burning them inside the
OLT or ONU. It is as easy as using your thumbdrive to transfer a file. In order to monitor the
effects of the system after the changes of the protocol or algorithm is done, PTP is proposed in
every computer connected to the OLT and ONUs. PTP is a graphical user interface (GUI) software
that is designed using Microsoft Visual Basic and can be seen in Figure 3. It is essential in
capturing the GATE and REPORT messages so that the performance parameters such as
throughput, delay and fairness can be observed in a user friendly interface. PTP is also used to

© 2014 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved. 297

International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(2): 294-300

generate the DiffServ traffic that can be used for bandwidth allocation studies. The DiffServ traffic
is designed based on the source code for NS-2 software.
Figure-3. PTP


In this section, the main functions of the educational module are summarized. They are divided
into three groups, namely the hardware, firmware and PTP.

4.1. Hardware
The educational module can be used to study on the environment of the EPON system. The
number of ONUs can be varied as high as 20 ONUs. The length of the fiber can also be varied as
long as 20 km. The effects of these variations are not able to be observed using the simulation
method and more interesting to be learned as compared to the conventional text book method. A
sample graph on the effect of fiber length towards the bandwidth utilization is shown in Figure 4.

Figure-4. Effects of fiber length towards bandwidth utilization

Bandwidth utilization (Gbps)

0.8 15km
0.7 20km
0.6 Mixture

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Offered Load (Gbps)

© 2014 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved. 298

International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(2): 294-300

4.2. Firmware
The firmware of the OLT and ONU can be reconfigured to perform the protocol and
bandwidth allocation studies. The configuration can be easily done using Mikro C programming
and can be easily burned by using PICKit, which works similarly with transferring files using your
thumb drive. This makes the changes of any protocol and bandwidth allocation studies to be done
repeatedly and in an instant. A sample graph of different allocation algorithms towards the
bandwidth utilization is shown in Figure 5.

Figure-5. Effects of different algorithms towards bandwidth utilization

0.9 UDBA
Bandwidth utilization (Gbps)

0.7 UHSA
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Offered Load (Gbps)

4.3. PTP
PTP is used to generate DiffServ traffic, which can be varied to see their effects towards a
certain algorithm. Besides that, it shows the GATE and REPORT messages of EPON system,
which eases up the analyzing process. The process of EPON system when there are changes done
in the hardware and firmware can also be observed in a user friendly manner using PTP.


For teaching and learning, EPON studies usually involve the conventional textbook method in
which the protocol and bandwidth allocation studies of EPON is not easy to be visualized. In the
EPON educational module proposed, the real hardware that made up EPON system can be
observed and studied. The firmware can easily be configured to test the variation of protocols and
algorithms and the result can easily be observed by the PTP software. This way, EPON subject
matters become more interesting to be learned and more easily be understood. Future work will be
based on making the traffic injected in the hardware to be real traffic as opposed from random
traffic generated by the PTP.

Bin, L., X. Chen, R. Gao and X. Lu, 2006. A dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme with two threshold
reporting and strict priority scheduling for multi-service EPONs. In First International Conference
on Communications and Networking in China. pp: 1–5.
Eoptolink, Brief product catalogue: 1x9 optical transceiver. Available from
© 2014 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved. 299
International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(2): 294-300

Kim, C., T. Yoo and B. Kim, 2007. A hierarchical weighted round robin EPON DBA scheme and its
comparison with cyclic water-filling algorithm. In IEEE International Conference on
Communications. pp: 2156–2161.
Miniwatts Marketing Group, 2012. Internet world stats. Available from
Radzi, N., N. Din, M. Al-Mansoori, I. Mustafa and S. Sadon, 2010. Intelligent dynamic bandwidth allocation
algorithm in upstream EPONs. IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking,
2(3): 148–158.
Semiconductor, M.D., +5V-powered, multichannel RS-232 drivers/receivers. Available from

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