Terra Flora Essential Oils List of Properties: Angelica

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Terra Flora Essential Oils List of Properties

Following is a list of the Terra Flora oils along with their major qualities. These brief descriptions convey the
highlights of each oil; for fuller information please refer to any of the excellent books on aromatherapy.
The information given here is for reference only, and is not intended to replace proper medical treatment. In the
case of any serious illness, a qualified medical practitioner should be consulted.

Angelica archangelica
A most exquisite and precious aromatic oil, with a fragrance that imparts purity and sweetness as well as
warmth and musky depth. Steeped in rich folklore, its very name suggests how esteemed it was, believed to
be a safeguard against all forms of contagious disease and infection. Today Angelica is used in a wide variety
of ways, from the curative to the culinary, yet its most important use is for spiritual opening.
The Angelica adds a unique spiritual note to other oils like Rose or Jasmine. It is very often used in birthing
rooms, in hospitals or in sanctuaries. Wherever the human soul is crossing a threshold or boundary, the
Angelica provides protection and direction. A truly sacred oil!

Basil (Tulsi)
Ocimum sanctum
Considered a “king among plants,” the Basil was probably an ancient anointing oil for kings. It has a
characteristically hot and spicy scent, and is generally used as a tonic and stimulant. The Basil has a
definite “yang” quality and is said to be ruled by the planet Mars or the constellation Scorpio. The symp-
toms which Basil treats range from chest infections and respiratory problems to headaches and mental
fatigue. However, the underlying attribute of Basil is that it helps ground and pull together. As its name
implies, it is a “base” remedy which especially heals the lower chakras and unites them with the more
spiritual centers.

Citrus bergamia
This is a widely used essential oil which has a very pleasant, uplifting scent. Bergamot is ideal to expe-
rience by itself and also combines harmoniously with other essential oils.
Bergamot has a “lightening” quality that makes it excellent to use where there is anxiety, depression or
tension. Many practitioners are finding remarkable results with Bergamot applied to pulse points or dif-
fused throughout the room during therapy sessions. Bergamot is a warm and radiant remedy that soon
becomes a staple in any aromatherapy repertoire. Bergamot does increase photosensitivity, so do not
use it on your skin before exposure to sunlight or UV radiation.

Betula lenta
White Birch trees grow up to 20 meters high with slender, flexible branches, light green oval leaves and
a white luminescent bark. The Birch tree is called the Lady of the Woods and has long been revered in
Celtic and Nordic plant mythology, strongly associated with the sensitivity of Venus. Birch essential oil is
steam distilled from the bark of the Birch. The white bark of Birch is very notable, so thin and loose that
it readily peels away from the tree. This responsiveness and receptivity of the Birch to its environment,
gives us a sense for its healing properties as an essential oil. Birch essential oil is deeply penetrating,
with an aroma that is simultaneously sweet and invigorating. Applications of the Birch essential oil help
the skin remain open and flexible, healing and dissolving hardening tendencies in the musculature and
connective tissue that would isolate the skin from beneficial environmental influences. Birch essential oil
is simultaneously cooling and warming, thus highly beneficial for many inflammatory conditions. Although
Birch essential oil is chemically similar to Wintergreen (both contain methyl salicylate), it carries deeper
therapeutic properties within its luminous and complex aroma, and is more able to work within the full
spectrum of the body-mind matrix.

Black Pepper
Piper nigrum
Black Pepper essential oil is steam distilled from the peppercorn, or fruit of the Piper nigrum vine. As its
name suggests, Black Pepper imparts a fiery, grounding aroma. Its stimulating and preserving qualities
make it an esteemed ingredient in culinary dishes, and because it increases hydrochloric acid secretion,
boosts digestion and assimilation of food. The warming and antispasmodic attributes of Black Pepper
essential oil make it an excellent addition to any massage oil, especially for sore muscles and joints.
Black Pepper essential oil is abundant in antioxidants (due to its high level of monoterpenes and ses-
quiterpenes). It also has many anti-viral properties, making it an excellent immune stimulant, especially
to promote circulation and stimulate mucus and bile flow. Due to its strong fiery qualities, Black Pepper
essential oil should always be tested before applying to the skin, and generally used in minimal doses.

Black Spruce
Picea mariana
Black Spruce is notable for its simultaneous uplifting, yet grounding qualities. Its vivifying forest-fresh
aroma imparts soaring strength of spirit, while at the same time allowing the body to feel the stability and
structure of the earth. It is an excellent steam vapor combined also with Eucalyptus for the bedroom,
when suffering from any respiratory dysfunction. Black Spruce combines well with other coniferous
essential oils, especially Silver Fir, Larch and Pine, to soothe and nourish during the winter months when
needing more “evergreen” forces. Consider a steam vapor in the office or living areas, or in a warm bath
if you feel irritation from dry forced air heat. Native Americans revered Black Spruce for its purifying and
calming qualities; apply one or two drops to your pulse points or in the heart region when you feel deplet-
ed, toxic or stressed.

Cedrus atlantica
This oil is richly fragrant with a deep, woodsy, balsamic aroma. The Cedarwood has an extremely calm-
ing and grounding influence and can be used by itself, or in conjunction with other “cousins” like Juniper.
Cedarwood has a beneficial effect on many respiratory conditions and is valued both as a tonic and an
antiseptic. Cedarwood is also valued for hair and scalp regeneration, especially for hair loss and dandruff.
One wonderfully fragrant way to use Cedarwood is to rub it into wooden drawers and closets for a “cedar
chest” smell that cleanses and purifies as well as protects clothes from moths (can also be combined with
a small amount of Lavender for this purpose).

Chamomile (German)
Matricaria recutita
Chamomile has a calming and soothing presence. Use Chamomile diluted in a carrier oil for the face
and other sensitive skin areas. Chamomile is an excellent child’s remedy indicated for colic and emo-
tional upsets. The oil can also be used for internal inflammatory conditions, flatulence, and menstru-
al tension and pain. Use Chamomile in bath therapy for insomnia and to heal nervous tension. For
chronic digestive complaints, one can combine Chamomile and Yarrow essential oils in a base oil and
massage each night into the stomach area.
Cinnamon (Leaf)
Cinnamomum zeylanicum
This oil has a warm, spicy, penetrating scent with a wide variety of uses. Cinnamon is one of the oldest
spices known and was widely used and noted in all ancient herbals and pharmacopoeias. Cinnamon is
especially valued for its antiseptic and stimulant qualities and can be included in many herbal formulas to
ward off colds and flus. Cinnamon is also a fine oil for environmental formulas, purifying and rejuvenating,
while creating a congenial, pleasing atmosphere. Consider adding a small amount of Cinnamon to many
aromatherapy blends; it will instantly warm and invigorate, adding an exciting top note.

Clary Sage
Salvia sclarea
Our favorite of the sage oils, Clary Sage has a nutty aroma with a pleasant floral undertone. It is an
extremely relaxing, almost euphoric oil, which is best used at the end of the day. Many people report
Clary Sage to have evocative, even aphrodisiac qualities. However, Clary Sage can dull or stupefy the
consciousness when over-used. It has many warming properties which make it an ideal candidate for
massage oil blends and stress-related formulas.

Eugenia caryophyllata
Clove essential oil is steam-distilled from fresh flowering buds of Eugenia caryophyllata, an evergreen
tree in the Myrtle family. Clove oil is indispensable for any household medicine cabinet. It possesses an
amazing spectrum of healing qualities including antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, and antiviral. It is a
stellar essential oil for dental care, used for centuries around the world. Its germicidal properties bring
almost immediate relief for toothache, sore gums, and mouth ulcers. Several drops can be added to
moistened baking soda for an effective daily toothpaste or in a mouthwash and gargle to ease throat pain
or mouth ulcers. Due to its antiseptic properties, Clove oil is useful for wounds, cuts, athlete’s foot, fungal
infections, bruises, and other types of injuries. It can also be used for treating insect bites and stings. The
spicy, warming scent of clove oil makes it an excellent choice for room sprays and household cleaners.
It can also be combined with Orange and Cinnamon essential oils for a delicious and pleasing holiday/
winter aroma that wafts through the house via a vaporizer or aroma lamp. Clove oil is potent and fiery –
always test before using on the skin, dilute for such purposes.

Cupressus sempervirens
Cypress has an evocative, woodsy aroma. It is deeper and more masculine in quality and can be used
in formulas for men or where a “base” note is required. Use several drops of Cypress in a water-based
facial tonic for men’s skin.
Cypress is a very astringent oil and can be used for conditions where there is an excess of fluid. It is
also an antispasmodic and can be vaporized in a room for excess coughing and congestion. Consider
combining it with Eucalyptus for such purposes.

Eucalyptus globulus
A much esteemed all-purpose oil which is an invaluable home remedy. Eucalyptus is both a decon-
gestant and a powerful bactericide. When vaporized or used in hot steam baths, Eucalyptus has an
almost immediate healing effect on congested lungs. Eucalyptus can also be put in a creme or salve
base to make an excellent chest rub ointment. Eucalyptus is the oil of choice for saunas, and also can
be added to misting formulas when a cleansing, antiseptic quality is desired.
Foeniculum vulgare duce
This oil imparts a very pleasant, licorice-like aroma, which can be very stimulating to the senses.
Fennel oil has a long and salutary list of uses. It is an excellent carminative and digestive remedy
which can quickly dispel nausea, flatulence, indigestion and colic. Fennel is also known as a cleans-
ing diuretic and can help with many forms of fluid retention or urinary tract infection. Fennel oil should
be strongly considered by massage therapists and other healers who are working with cellulite prob-
lems. Fennel has a powerful ability to remove toxic wastes from the skin and is widely used by many
European health clinics in this way. In addition to therapy with Fennel essential oil, Fennel tea can be
consumed several times per day.

Boswellia carteri
This oil was a highly valued substance in the ancient world. It was reserved for use only by royalty and
priests because it was capable of lifting the consciousness to higher, more refined perception. To this
day, frankincense is still used in temple rituals.
Frankincense has many therapeutic benefits. It slows down and deepens the breath, and helps one to
“center.” It should be considered in pulmonary and asthmatic conditions. Frankincense also provides
an intriguing note in many aromatherapeutic blends for skin healing and for general fragrance purpos-
es. A most sacred essence!

Pelargonium graveolens
A beautiful pale green oil with a sweet fresh scent, often used in combination with other oils to help
highlight and enhance formulas. Geranium is a balancer, helping to regulate hormonal functions and
various glandular secretions. Recently, many immune strengthening qualities have also been attributed
to the Geranium. An indispensable oil with many “helpmate” qualities in the aromatherapy palette.

Zingiber officinale
A very fiery oil which acts as a preventative against many of the “cold” symptoms of winter. Ginger
is beneficial for many stomach ailments such as cramping, nausea or indigestion. It is a most useful
travel remedy for these purposes. Ginger is also an extremely valuable tonic for the nervous system,
helping to “ignite” or quicken the consciousness.

Helichrysum italicum
The word Helichrysum is derived from the Greek helios meaning sun and chrysos meaning gold, and
certainly is an apt name for this potent plant that is native to Mediterranean habitats, with reflective silvery
leaves, woody stems, sparse foliage, and clusters of golden flowers that glory in the full summer sun.
Helichrysum thrives on sunny slopes and well drained soil. The warm, and pungent scent of the leaves,
flowers and essential oil, suggests a plant able to drink in the light of the sun, and retain its warmth.
Helichrysum is a member of the Asteraceae (or Sunflower) botanical family, and this larger grouping of
plants also has a strong affinity to light and warmth. There are over 600 species of Helichrysum but the
essential oil is derived from Helichrysum italicum – also dubbed Curry plant due to the spicy scent of its
leaves (though traditional curry also includes other spices such as cumin and turmeric). The botanical
properties of Helichrysum give us a distinct picture of its essential healing quality: the ability to address fire
imbalances whether there is too little warmth or an excess of fire.
Helichrysum oil is very regenerative for rheumatoid arthritis and related maladies of the joints when more
warmth and internal fire is needed. For these situations use several drops of Helichrysum with St. John’s
Shield Herbal Flower Oil or plain jojoba oil.
Helichrysum oil also has many anti-inflammatory properties and is highly indicated whenever there is
an excess of fire or related auto-immune response. For conditions such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis,
sunburn, chemical burns, or insect stings, mix several drops of Helichrysum, Lavender and Chamomile
essential oils in a base of Self-Heal Cream or other skin cream and apply at least twice daily to the affected
area. This is also a good preventative regimen if the skin is sensitive to seasonal changes during spring
and summer months.
Helichrysum is an excellent essential oil for bruising or related injuries involving pain and scarring, and is
included in Arnica Allay Herbal Flower Oil for this purpose. It can also be used directly in any other carrier
oil or cream.
Helichrysum oil has many deeply regenerative properties that are simultaneously spiritual and physical. At
its deepest level, the Helichrysum essential oil works into the fire center of the heart, to provide strength
and renewal. This is why it is a core component of an important FES flower essence formulation called
Magenta Self Healer. Helichrysum combines well with any flower essence therapeutic program designed for
deep healing and recovery from surgery or other trauma. Our pure organic certified oil can be taken with
other flower essences or used separately for topical application or subtle body pulse point healing. Flower
essences that are particularly synergistic with Helichrysum include Self-Heal, Echinacea, Sierra Primrose,
Fireweed, California Wild Rose, Arnica, Crab Apple, Love Lies Bleeding, Impatiens, Lavender and Gentian

Jasminum grandiflorum (Jasminum officinale)
Jasmine is a very elegant, highly exotic essential oil. It has a warming, embracing quality, and can be
helpful for certain kinds of depression and anxiety, especially when there is a need to become more
relaxed and receptive.
Jasmine is known to heal both male and female reproductive problems. It is a costly ingredient in some
of the finest perfumes. Jasmine can also be used in skin care and cosmetic preparations, providing
a very sweet, softening note. Jasmine is an excellent oil to consider in subtle body healing, for it helps
to open and relax the higher psychic centers. Jasmine combines easily with many other essential oils,
helping to unify and harmonize the entire formula.

Juniperus communis
The invigorating scent of Juniper is a pleasure not to be missed. Juniper is an excellent detoxifier and
has been used for centuries in sick rooms and in hospitals to ward off contagious diseases. Juniper
is an outstanding bath remedy and combines beautifully with Lavender for a cleansing, refreshing
experience. Juniper is a remedy par excellence for older people – several drops in an oil base along
with other essential oils like Palmarosa is excellent for rejuvenating aging skin. A massage oil which
includes Juniper helps to stimulate, vitalize, and warm the body. Consider including it along with
Rosemary for many older people’s massage oil formulas.

Lavandula angustifolia (Lavandula officinalis)
One of the most versatile, universally applicable essential oils. Lavender oil is especially revered as a nerve
tonic and for help with nervous afflictions like migraine headaches, when it can be gently rubbed into the
temples and forehead. Lavender baths are an ideal way to de-stress from a tense and busy day. Consider
Lavender in birthing rooms, in sick rooms and wherever an antiseptic as well as calming influence is need-
ed. Lavender has many cleansing and purifying qualities, while at the same time relaxing and balancing the
nervous system. Those who love “life in the fast lane” should always carry a bottle of Lavender in the purse
or briefcase. The oil immediately dispels nervous stress and feelings of overwhelm. Lavender is one of the
outstanding all-purpose oils in the aromatherapy repertoire.

Citrus limon
With its refreshing, clean scent, Lemon oil is a valuable tonic, especially helpful for the digestive system and
for neutralizing excessive acidity. Lemon is a good astringent for the skin as well as a good haemostatic,
helping to stop bleeding cuts. Lemon oil provides a very clean, pure note to many aromatherapy formulas.
Lemon oil is also an excellent lymphatic stimulant, and can be used to treat cellulite, obesity and water

Cymbopogon citratus
The fresh, cleansing aroma of the Lemongrass makes it an excellent household remedy. Keep a bottle handy
in the laundry room and add it during the rinse cycle for a freshly scented batch of laundry. Add Lemongrass
to dish soap, liquid handsoap, or any variety of household cleansers or furniture oils. Lemongrass is a nat-
ural sanitizer that will provide a clean, purifying aroma throughout your home. Lemongrass also works as
an insect repellent and can be used when bathing pets or can be put in an aromatherapy lamp during the
summer. Of course, Lemongrass adds a fine, lemony note to any number of aromatherapy blends. A truly
versatile and indispensable oil!

Citrus aurantifolia
Lime is virgin cold-pressed from the peels of organic Lime fruit. It unique citrus scent brightens and lightens
like a pure ray of sunshine. It is particularly purifying and revivifying for the mental field, promoting clarity, and
ordered thinking. Consider adding it, along with Lemon and Peppermint essential oils, to a diffuser in your
office when engaged in any project requiring focus and attention. The bactericidal, disinfectant properties of
Lime essential oil make it an excellent choice to add to household cleaning products, and also to freshen
your refrigerator (add several drops to a box of baking soda to absorb odors). Lime has antioxidant, astrin-
gent and antiseptic properties that promote radiant skin; add a few drops to any skin cream and use daily.
Combine Lime with other members of the citrus family such as Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Tangerine and/or
Bergamot, for a wonderful full spectrum citrus aroma. Lime has a versatile, alchemical quality that enhances
and highlights many other essential oil blends, and of course it is also an excellent culinary ingredient for
jams, marmalades, sauces, desserts and beverages

Origanum majorana
A very refined, yet warm and deep aroma exudes from the Marjoram. It has sedative properties and
combines well with remedies such as Lavender. Marjoram has the capacity for working quite deeply
into the metabolic system and can be helpful as a womb remedy and for general female health and har-
mony. Please note, however, that Marjoram can cause adverse reactions during pregnancy and should
be avoided at that time. It also has many analgesic properties and works well in massage oil formulas.
Melissa officinalis
The potency and incredible diversity of genuine Melissa makes it one of the most precious oils in the
aromatherapy treasure chest. Although it is relatively easy to grow, it takes approximately THREE tons
of plant material to yield 1/2 kilo of the essential oil! The Terra Flora Melissa is the purest and highest
potency available, and is Demeter certified Biodynamic and Organic.
Also known as Lemon Balm, Melissa is one of the earliest known medicinal herbs and is revered for
its broad spectrum of healing applications. The name Melissa comes from the Greek language and
means honey-bee – because the nectar of the flowers is so attractive to bees. It is a revered member of
the Mint (Lamiaceae) botanical family, noted for their square stems, intense, fiery aromas, and earthy
grounding qualities. The great alchemist, Paracelsus named Melissa the Elixir of Life and regarded it
as one of the most basic components for a wide variety of healing formulas. The aroma of genuine
Melissa is light, fresh and bright, with a lemon highlight that evokes the clarity and purity of sunshine.
Melissa Oil is nearly ubiquitous in its many qualities and applications, but its overall essence imparts
cleansing and grounding. It is at once strengthening and revitalizing, while soothing, calming and
protecting. It has a long tradition of use for nervous disorders, reviving the life energy during times of
stress or emotional depletion. It the main ingredient of the French Eau de Melissa de Carmes and the
German Klosterfrau Melissengeist – both valued for centuries as nerve tonics. Because it is so versa-
tile, it will be an ally when traveling, for first-aid, emotional balance or for generally healthful living. One
of the most basic uses is to apply it directly to the wrist pulse points and to the heart center, for imme-
diate balancing. It can be use in tandem with YES (Yarrow Environmental Solution) for these situations.
In recent medical research, Melissa essential oil has been confirmed to have powerful anti-viral proper-
ties. It is useful against various strains of flu virus, herpes, smallpox and mumps. Melissa blended with
Rose Otto is effective against both shingles and cold sores. For these purposes, combine Melissa
with Self-Heal, Pansy and Echinacea flower essences.
Melissa is also recommended for treatment of both nausea and indigestion, especially when caused by
nervous tension, and can be blended with Chamomile essential oil for this purpose. Melissa relaxes the heart,
encourages its gentle and rhythmic pulsation and thus relieves palpitations and helps lower blood pressure.
Blended with Geranium, it may help ease painful menstrual periods.
Both calming and uplifting, Melissa essential oil is said to be extremely useful in cases of emotional shock,
grief, fear and anger. Its vibration encourages insight, acceptance and understanding. Melissa is also used for
healing emotional wounds and will assist in bringing closure to these issues. Melissa combines well for these
purposes with Lavender essential oil and the flower essences of Bleeding Heart, Holly, Willow and Love Lies
Drops of Melissa oil are used by Feng Shui practitioners to cleanse any environmental space. Put sev-
eral drops in a diffuser or place cotton balls infused with a drop of oil in the four corners of any room you
wish to cleanse. This oil neutralizes the electromagnetic field of any depressing energies or unhealthy
emotional or psychic attachments. It restores a clear, vibrant etheric light to the space. Inhalation of
Melissa oil through a diffuser or cotton balls when in a challenging environmental space will also be
very beneficial combined with oral doses of Yarrow Environmental Solution (YES).

Commiphora myrrha
This essential oil has an intriguing musty, balsam-like fragrance. Highly valued since ancient times as
an ointment for wounds because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities, it is used in many
gum and mouth preparations to bring rapid healing to sensitive skin tissue. One of the easiest ways
to use Myrrh is to combine it with Tea-Tree oil. Dip a toothpick into the mixture, and use it to massage
and stimulate the gum tissues. The purifying, antiseptic qualities of Myrrh make it an excellent choice
for cuts and abrasions. Myrrh oil also has a very cleansing effect in the subtle bodies and should be
strongly considered for all sensitive therapeutic work.

Neroli (Orange Blossom)

Citrus aurantium
Made exclusively from the white blossoms of the orange, Neroli oil is more refined and sweetly exquisite
than regular Orange oil. It makes a wonderful fragrance, and is also used for its sedative, anti-depressant
qualities in insomnia, hysteria and other states of anxiety. A wonderful way to use Neroli is to extend a
small amount into a cream or oil base and rub on a pulse point, or use as a facial. Neroli is especially
beneficial to very sensitive skin. A very rare and exalted substance!

Citrus sinensis
Orange oil is made from the fruit of the orange. It exudes a warm, well-rounded aroma with a feeling of
joy in it. Orange oil carries a quality of sunshine and exuberance, and is often used as an anti-depres-
sant. Orange oil is inexpensive and can be used delightfully and liberally in aroma lamps, steam baths,
and so forth. It blends beautifully with other citrus scents.

Origanum vulgare
The essential oil of Oregano is steam distilled from fresh leaves of Origanum vulgare, a bushy perennial
in the Lamiaceae (Mint) botanical family. Like most members of this family, the Oregano essential oil has
a striking aroma, in this instance, imparting fiery, pungent intensity. Oregano is an outstanding essential
oil for immune health, with strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, yet without the side effects of
pharmaceutical antibiotics. Apply several drops in a solution of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) for a
foot soak or hand soak, when toenails or fingernails show signs of fungal infection. Gargle with a solution
of Myrrh, Peppermint and Oregano essential oils in baking soda to chase a sore throat, or make a diluted
neti pot rinse for sinus infection. Oregano essential oil is excellent to add to a liquid hand soap dispenser
to avoid the spread of germs during the cold and flu season, or as a spray solution to wipe bathroom and
kitchen counters. Oregano oil is a great culinary addition to many foods, providing a unique spicy accent
in appetizers, entrees, and sauces; it is a savory delight paired with Basil essential oil in Italian cooking.
Because of Oregano oil’s high phenol /antioxidant content, caution should be taken when diffusing or
inhaling—only one to two drops are needed. Always test beforehand, and dilute Oregano essential oil in
other mediums rather than taking it directly.

Cymbopogon martini
This oil exudes a fresh, rose-like scent that makes it a favorite in many aromatherapy blends. Palmarosa
is receiving increasing attention by cosmetologists for its hydrating and moisturizing abilities. It re-es-
tablishes the physiological balance of the skin, while providing a calming, refreshing aroma. Consider
extending several drops of Palmarosa into a creme base and using the formula as a nightly skin balm.
Extend Palmarosa in an oil base along with other essential oils like Sandalwood for a skin rejuvenating
formula to be used all over the body or in bath water.
Pogostemon cablin (Pogostemon patchouli)
This oil has a richly evocative and psychically stimulating aroma. Patchouli oil is often included in many fine
perfumery blends. Its strong, rather sweet and musty fragrance can be intriguing when used sparingly or can
be sedative and even invasive when over-used. Although popularly regarded only for its fragrant qualities,
Patchouli is an essential part of all Oriental pharmacopoeias where it is used for its antiseptic, decongestant,
and fungicidal properties. Patchouli has also been proven effective for many skin care programs and is known
for its cell regeneration capacities.

Mentha piperita
This oil is a well-known remedy for digestive complaints and is recommended for use in massaging the
stomach and abdomen. Peppermint oil is simultaneously “hot” and “cold” and it can stimulate warmth
as well as balance feverish conditions and sweating.
Peppermint can freshen the breath and in fact is helpful for the voice. Many singing and speech coach-
es recommend Peppermint for bringing clarity and tone to the voice. Don’t forget to have Peppermint
handy on travels – just the smell itself can often bring instant relief from nausea.

Pine (Scots Pine)

Pinus sylvestris
Pine essential oil is made through a steam distillation of the needles from Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris),
the same tree species that Dr. Bach used to make Pine flower essence. Both the flower essence and
the essential oil provide uplifting, light-enhancing, cleansing and releasing qualities. The Pine essen-
tial oil works primarily on the physical-etheric constitution, and is especially effective for respiratory
ailments such as colds, congestion, sinus infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and related lung distress.
The essential oil of Pine has remarkable warmth and light qualities in its silica-rich leaves, making it
an excellent expectorant, with antiseptic and disinfectant properties. This beneficent oil nourishes the
pineal and adrenal glands and boosts the metabolism, making it an excellent remedy for winter-time
depression and lethargy.
Pine essential oil combines well with all other conifer oils (Silver Fir, Cedarwood, Juniper, etc.). Other
good allies include Eucalyptus, Lavender, Niaouli, Rosemary and Sage for their warming and relaxing

Rosa damascena
Also known as attar of Rose or Rose Otto. This is the undisputed “Queen” of the essential oils. Rose is
the crown jewel in Nature’s aromatherapy treasure chest. Immensely precious, rose oil is an indispens-
able healing agent to be used without hesitation from infancy to old age. The Rose helps us to remem-
ber our connection with the Earth and the forces of human love. One of its most rewarding uses is in a
creme base, massaged lovingly into the heart and chest region. Rose is revered as a women’s remedy
and generally helps to stabilize and balance many reproductive ailments. The Rose heals and soothes
many conditions resulting from the stress of modern living, or during prolonged bouts of illness. Rose oil is
exceptionally rejuvenating and highly beneficial to the skin. A pleasant and easy form of use is to keep a
misting bottle handy and lightly mist over the face and entire body. Rose oil is an excellent humectant, skin
toner and anti-inflammatory agent. Rose is also a highly favored sacramental and ritual oil for ceremony
and meditation. Please note: Pure attar of rose, which is steam-distilled, will congeal in colder tempera-
tures. Simply run warm water over the bottle of oil for a minute to restore fluidity.
Rose Oil Blend
Attar of Rose with organic Jojoba Oil
Because Rose oil is so precious and costly, many may feel prohibited from buying even a small quantity
of it. Pure Rose oil is extremely concentrated and is most sensibly diluted in an oil base. We have cho-
sen jojoba oil, known for its longevity as well as neutrality. You will find this form of the Rose oil sweetly
fragrant as well as affordable. Enjoy!

Rosmarinus officinalis
An absolutely basic essential oil, Rosemary has a warming, penetrating fragrance that is especially
beneficial for strengthening the central nervous system. Rosemary is a good analgesic in massage oils,
excellent applied in baths for sluggish circulation and as a skin and hair tonic. Rosemary is an awakening
oil and is especially indicated for the early morning bath or shower, helping to “incarnate” and vitalize. A
favorite, old-fashioned way to use Rosemary is to apply a few drops directly to the scalp before brush-
ing the hair. (Alternatively, you can apply the oil to your comb or brush.) Also, don’t forget to consider
Rosemary in tandem with Eucalyptus as a cold and flu vaporizer, and as a generally indicated remedy
for elderly complaints such as arthritis and rheumatism.


Santalum album
A woodsy, sweet fragrance with a spicy oriental undertone, Sandalwood has been used since ancient times
for religious ceremonies and was a key ingredient in many cosmetics. It is nourishing for the skin as a warm
compress or in a vegetable oil base. Sandalwood is a benign and soothing oil which can be worn simply
for its pleasing fragrance. Using Sandalwood in an aromatherapy lamp creates a wonderfully mellow atmo-
sphere that many healers favor for their therapy rooms. Sandalwood combines favorably with other oils such
as Rose, Juniper and Ylang Ylang.

Silver Fir
Abies alba
The Silver Fir has the honor of being the very first Christmas Tree. Its grand greenness glimmering with
silver in the Boreal forests of Europe gave solace on long winter nights. No wonder that the impulse
came to pay tribute to the Silver Fir, bestowing her with candles, ornaments and ceremonial distinction.
The steam distillation of essential oil of the Silver Fir is extracted from its needles and twigs, resulting
in a sweet resinous aroma that is simultaneously refreshing and calming. The ability of conifer trees to
retain their green life forces during the winter indicates qualities that are warming, immune-stimulating
and grounding. Indeed, the Silver Fir essential oil is especially helpful for respiratory and circulatory
ailments, dispelling congestion and stagnation.
Silver Fir harmonizes beautifully with all other evergreen essential oils for grounding, warming and
strengthening properties, including Pine, Juniper, and Cedarwood. For a synergistic blend that increas-
es analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities, consider adding Helichrysum, Chamomile, or Rosemary.
To emphasize calming and cleansing qualities combine with Lavender, Chamomile and Lemon. For
expectorant qualities combine with Pine and Eucalyptus essential oils.

Melaleuca alternifolia
Rapidly gaining attention as one of finest natural antiseptics, this oil has a decidedly “medicinal” aroma
and is refreshing in vaporizers or saunas. It can be applied directly on the skin for athlete’s foot, fungus,
infections under the nails, acne, cold sores or boils. It is also an excellent inhalant for chest congestion,
coughs, and painful sinuses, as a gargle for sore throats, or a mouth wash for bad breath, plaque, sore
gums or mouth ulcers. Tea-Tree oil is receiving acclaim for its extremely therapeutic role in periodontal
conditions. This oil is reported to control and even reverse many gum infections. It is ideal to use a cotton
swab dipped in pure Tea-Tree oil to massage the gums on a daily basis. A toothpick dipped in Tea-Tree
and Myrrh oils can also be used to clean and stimulate the gums. Please note: Tea-Tree oil has no rela-
tionship to the tea plant used as a beverage.

Thyme Linalol
Thymus vulgaris a linalol
One of the more gentle of the Thyme oils available. Thyme is named for its relation to the thymus
gland and is an important remedy for strengthening the immune system. It is an excellent pulmonary
disinfectant and also stimulates circulation very effectively. Many massage practitioners favor a small
amount of Thyme oil in their body oil formulas, especially for those with environmental sensitivity and
immune dysfunction.

Achillea millefolium
A very exquisite and rare essential oil with a bright and clear, almost tart, aroma. The essential oil is
a beautiful deep blue color due to its azulene content. Yarrow oil is an indispensable remedy for all
healers who are doing subtle body work. It opens and clears psychic channels and generally brings
more light and integrity into the aura. Yarrow oil is strongly indicated for many forms of environmental
sensitivity and allergic or immune dysfunction. It is especially beneficial massaged into the solar plex-
us or lightly applied to the crown. One of the most effective and easy ways to use the Yarrow oil is
in a mister (either alone or in combination with other indicated oils). A full-body misting of the Yarrow
keeps the aura vital and protects it from disturbance. Yarrow is an excellent essential oil to consider
when traveling or when spending a great deal of time in crowded places where psychic contamination
can drain and de-vitalize the aura. Yarrow Environmental Solution, from the FES flower essence line,
should also be taken internally for this same purpose.

Ylang Ylang
Canaga odorata
The rich floral, supremely exotic aroma of Ylang Ylang is immensely appealing. In fact, the Ylang Ylang
has an almost euphoric quality and is used for treating many states of nervous tension, insomnia and
hyperactivity. Ylang Ylang has been clinically used to slow down over-rapid breathing and heartbeat,
and is widely believed to have beneficial effects on high blood pressure. Ylang Ylang is also used
widely in perfumery and cosmetics. It has a tonic effect for the hair and scalp and helps to rebalance
oily skin. Ylang Ylang is also reputed to have aphrodisiac and sedative qualities, largely for its ability
to calm and center those who are overly anxious and tension-ridden. Ylang Ylang can be extensively
added to many aromatherapy formulas, imparting a fine floral note.

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