Agilent Presentation On DGA - Gas Chromatography For The Energy Industry PDF

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Get on the Analyzer “FAST TRACK”

Transformer Oil Gas Analysis

… Helping customers protect the environment!

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

1 July 17, 2013
Why Analyzers – Value to Customers

Alleviates Resource Pressure

Facilitates Configuration

Use Advanced Technologies

Optimized Performance

Produce Results Sooner

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

2 July 17, 2013
Agilent Analyzer Concept

w/o Analyzer Factory Configured with Chemical Testing
Field Verification


App. optimized System with Application

consumables Familiarization
application setup report

Std. HW, SW Customer’s Agilent’s Analyzers

Responsibility Provide

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

3 July 17, 2013
The Value of Analyzers and Application Kits
Reduce the time required for system deployment
Order Sample
Placement Ready

Standard Customer Method Development

Installation & End User Configured
Fulfillment and Validation

Agilent Customer Method

Order Application
Method Optimization and Application Kits
Fulfillment Deployment
Development Validation

Agilent Analyzer Customer

Method Installation & Method Agilent Analyzers
Development Familiarization Validation

…Faster Application Startup with a Quality Method

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

4 July 17, 2013
Easy-to-Order New Analyzer Process:
Repackaged 50 Analyzers – G3445B
G3445A Opt. Analyzer Description
GC/MS/MS Analyzers
41x GC/MS/MS Pesticide Analyzers (2 versions) With noticeable
42x GC/MS/MS PAH Analyzer identification on GC
GC/MSD/DRS Analyzers
45x GC/MSD Pesticide DRS Screening Analyzers (2 versions)
46x GC/MSD Environmental DRS Analyzers (2 versions)
47x GC/MSD Toxicology DRS Analyzers (2 versions)
48x HSS GCMSDFID Residual Solvents Analyzer
GC Gas Analysis Analyzers
52x GC Refinery Gas Analyzers (6 versions)
54x GC Natural Gas Analyzers (7 versions)
56x GC Greenhouse Gas Analyzers (3 versions )
57x TOGA Analyzer for use with HSS
GC Gasoline, Fuel Analysis Analyzers
61x Gasoline Analyzer (inl. Oxygenates, Aromatics, 7 versions)
63x Biodiesel Analyzers (4 versions)
64x CO & CO 2 Analyzer w Methanizer (2 versions)
65x Sim Dis Analyzers (4 versions)
66x S analysis with SCD Analyzer (2 versions)
68x Residual Solvents GC-HSS analyzers (2 versions)

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

5 July 17, 2013
Analyzer Solutions – Transformer Oil Gas Analysis
Energy and Chemical Industry

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

6 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas
Confirm Oil Integrity and Prevent Catastrophic Failure

• Transformer oil insulates and a cools internal components

• Exposure to electrical and thermal stress
− Affects long term stability
• With time chemical properties of oil change
− Aging, oxidation, vaporization, electrolytic action, and
− Decomposition results in gas formation
• Analyzing dissolved gases provides diagnostic information
− Current and future stability
− Helps determine timing for decommissioning

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

7 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas
Confirm Oil Integrity and Prevent Catastrophic Failure

Analyzers measure:
• H2, N2, O2, CO, and CO2
• C2 (ethane, ethylene, acetylene)
• C3 (propane, propylene),
• C4 (1-butene)

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

8 July 17, 2013
Reference Methods for TOGA
Quantitation Ranges for Compounds of Interest

ASTM D3612-A Minimum Detection Limits for ASTM D3612-C Detection Limits, ppm
Component Gases Dissolved in Oil, ppm Compound (signal/noise = 3)
H2 5 H2 0.6
Hydrocarbons 1 O2 11.0*
CO2 25 N2 11.2
Atmospheric gases 50 CH4 0.06
CO 0.09
CO2 0.1
C2H2 0.05
C2H4 0.04
C2H6 0.04
C3H8 0.2
*Estimated from the H2 response.

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

9 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis
Automated sample handling with optional HSS sampler.

7890 GC System, Column, c/o Sample

Option 210 FID with EPC

G3445B Option 220 TCD with EPC

G7697A Headspace Sampler
Option 002 or 003 Fast Oven

Option 311 and 312 Cryo

Configured per ASTM D3612-C

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

10 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analyzer
• 1-valve/2-column/TCD/FID/ Methanizer/Headspace
Sample type:
• Gas
Compounds analyzed:
• H2, O2, N2, CH4, CO and CO2,
• C2 (ethane, ethylene, acetylene), C3 (propane, propylene), C4 (1-butene)
Configured per method:
• ASTM D3612-C

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

11 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis
G3445B#571 Chromatography

Includes: 1-valve, 2-column, TCD, FID, Methanizer, Headspace

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

12 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analyzer
Key Benefits and Features
• Single channel with PLOT columns
• Use direct transfer line to column connection
• Trace levels of CO and CO2 measured by conversion to CH4 and
detection with FID
• Ten (10) minute analysis time
• Improved precision through 7890 PCM backpressure regulation of
headspace gas sampling valve loop

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

13 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis
Manual sample handing; self-extraction by customer

G3440B 7890B GC System

Option 102 Packed Inlet

7890-0047 Option 210 FID with EPC

Option 220 TCD with EPC

Option 309 Pneum. Control Module

Configured per: ASTM D3612-A

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

14 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis Cont…
Manual sample handing; self-extraction by customer

Option 307 Nickel Catalyst Tube

Option 504 Gas Sampling Valve

7890-0047 Option 701 6-Pt Gas Sample Valve

Option 702 6-Pt Column Isol. Valve

Option 752 Automate Two Valves

Configured per: ASTM D3612-A

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

15 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analyzer
• 2-valve/2-column/TCD/FID/Methanizer
Sample type:
• Gas
Compounds analyzed:
• H2, O2, N2, CH4, CO and CO2,
• C2 (ethane, ethylene, acetylene), C3 (propane, propylene), C4 (1-butene)
Configured per method:
• ASTM D3612-A

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

16 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis
7890-0047 Chromatography

Includes: 2-valve, 2-column, TCD, FID, Methanizer

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

17 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analyzer
Key Benefits and Features
• Single channel with packed columns
• Trace levels of CO and CO2 can be analyzed by conversion to CH4 and
detection with FID
• Fifteen (15) minute analysis time
• Includes macros for data reporting per ASTM D3612-A, requires Microsoft

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

18 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis
Includes back-flush valve and methanizer by-pass

G3440B 7890B GC System

Option 210 FID with EPC

7890-0552 Option 220 TCD with EPC

Option 301 Aux EPC

Option 305 Factory Plumbing for Gases

Configured per: ASTM D3612-C

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

19 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis
Includes back-flush valve and methanizer by-pass

Option 307 Nickel Catalyst Tube

Option 504 Gas Sampling Valve

Option 700 6-Pt Gas Smpl Vlv (2x)

Option 702 6-Pt Column Isol. Valve

Option 753 Automate Three Valves

Option 872 Interface Column

Also Order: G7697A Headspace Sampler

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

20 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis
Includes back-flush valve and methanizer by-pass

Option 307 Nickel Catalyst Tube

Option 504 Gas Sampling Valve

7890-0552 Option 700 6-Pt Gas Smpl Vlv (2x)

Option 702 6-Pt Column Isol. Valve

Option 753 Automate Three Valves

Configured per: ASTM D3612-C

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

21 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analyzer
• 3-Valve/3-Column/TCD/FID/ Methanizer/Headspace
Sample type:
• Gas
Compounds analyzed:
• H2, O2, N2, CH4, CO and CO2,
• C2 (ethane, ethylene, acetylene), C3 (propane, propylene), C4 (1-butene)
Configured per method:
• ASTM D3612-C

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

22 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis
7890-0552 Chromatography

Includes: 3-Valve/3-Column/TCD/FID/ Methanizer/Headspace

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

23 July 17, 2013
Transformer Oil Gas Analyzer
Key Benefits and Features
• Trace levels of CO and CO2 can be analyzed by conversion to CH4 and
detection with FID
• Backflush of C4+ hydrocarbons present through pre-column to shorten
analysis time
• Through additional valve switching C2, C3, C4 hydrocarbons bypass nickel
catalyst for FID detection
• Ten (10) minute analysis time

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

24 July 17, 2013
Why Analyzers? Benefit!

Cutting Edge Technology

Reduced Development Cost

Install w/ Performance Verification

Addresses Learning Curve

Resource Allocation

Faster Return on Capital Investment

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

25 July 17, 2013
Get on the Analyzer “FAST TRACK”

Simultaneous Analysis of Greenhouse

Gases by Gas Chromatography
… Helping customers protect the environment!

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

26 July 17, 2013
Background: Greenhouse Gases (GHG)

Importance of GHG Analysis

• Comprised of Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous
oxide (N2O)
• Presences traps heat in the atmosphere thereby affecting the
earth’s temperature.
• Fossil fuels consumption contributes to increasing concentration
of GHG.

Industry Regulation
• EPA and CEN have initiated programs to inventory GHG
emissions through continuous measurement.
• Continuous measurement provides meaningful information to
track trends and help in the fight against climate change.

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

27 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gas Analyzers

SP1 G3554B Title

Number Number
7890-0467 Greenhouse Gas Analyzer with the Detection of 0.4 PPM
to 20% Carbon Dioxide,0.2 PPM to 20% Methane, and
down to 30 PPB Nitrous Oxide, expandable to include
SF6, not HSS compatible
7890-0468 G3445B#561 Greenhouse Gas Analyzer with the Detection of 0.4 PPM
to 0.2% Carbon Dioxide,0.2 PPM to 20% Methane, and
down to 30 PPB Nitrous Oxide, expandable to include
SF6, HSS compatible
7890-0504 Modified 7890-0467 Greenhouse Gas Analyzer with
Oxygen/Nitrogen Separation, not HSS compatible
7890-0505 Modified 7890-0468 Greenhouse Gas Analyzer with
Headspace Interface
7890-0542 Fast Greenhouse Gas Analyzer, setup for atmospheric air

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

28 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer

Typical Chromatogram

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

29 July 17, 2013
Chromatogram for Greenhouse Gases
ECD2 B, ECD2B, Back Signal (GREEN_N2OE_JULY283\GREEN_JULY22_GC 2009-07-28 16-03-16\D000011.D)

CH4 20.18ppm v
500 CO2 376.4ppm v N2: carry gas
N2O 3.27ppm v
400 ArCH4, 2mL/min, make up


2 4 6 8 10 12 min
FID1 A, FID1A, Front Signal (GREEN_N2OE_JULY283\GREEN_JULY22_GC 2009-07-28 16-03-16\D000011.D)


FID/ methanizer
N2: carry gas
100 CH4


2 4 6 8 10 12 min

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

30 July 17, 2013
Quantitative precision

Repeatability for Greenhouse Gases Standards


Name Average (Area) STD DEV RSD%

CH4 149.26 0.29 0.20
CO2 2779.04 17.16 0.62
N2O 8253.96 11.06 0.13
Greenhouse gases standards concentration, ppm V
CH4: 20.18, CO2: 376.4, N2O:3.27

… Excellent quantitative precision

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

31 July 17, 2013
Multi-level Calibration for Greenhouse Gases Standards Using Dynamic
Blending System

N 2O , EC D 2 B
A r e a = 2 5 0 7 .4 0 3 0 4 * A m t + 6 6 .9 3 3 5 0 4
Standards sample information A re a R e l. R e s % ( 1 ) : - 2 3 .1 7 4
Greenhouse gases standards are diluted for multi-level
calibration by dynamic blending N2O: 3.27 - 0.0327 ppm V 4

Concentration, ppm V 6000

Original 10 X diluting 20 X diluting 100X diluting 4000

CH4 20.18 2.018 1.009 0.2018
CO2 376.4 37.64 18.82 3.764 3
1000 2
N2O 3.27 0.327 0.1635 0.0327 1
0 C o r r e la tio n : 0 .9 9 9 8 8

0 1 2 A m o u n t[p p m ]

C O 2 , F ID 1 A C H 4 , F ID 1 A
A r e a = 7 .4 0 3 9 9 6 8 4 * A m t - 5 .8 9 5 4 5 4 6 A r e a = 7 .4 0 4 9 5 0 9 8 * A m t - 0 .2 4 3 6 2 8 9
A re a R e l. R e s % ( 1 ) : 2 7 .3 5 8 A re a R e l. R e s % ( 1 ) : 2 3 .0 8 2

4 140 4
2500 CO2 : 376.4 - 3.764 ppm V CH4 : 20.18 - 0.2018 ppm V

1500 80

500 3
3 20
2 2
1 1
0 C o r r e la tio n : 0 .9 9 9 9 6 0 C o r r e la tio n : 0 .9 9 9 9 6

0 100 200 300 A m o u n t[p p m ] 0 10 A m o u n t[p p m ]

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

32 July 17, 2013
Chromatogram for CH4, CO2 and N2O Standards with a 100-fold Dilution

146 N2O: 32.7ppb N2: carrier gas
Ar/CH4, 2mL/min, make up

pA 2 4 6 8 10 12 min
FID/ methanizer
10 CH4: 0.2 ppm CO2: 3.76 ppm
N2: carrier gas

2 4 6 8 10 min

… Excellent Sensitivity

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

33 July 17, 2013
Chromatogram of SF6 Standard at Approximately
0.5 ppb

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

34 July 17, 2013
Chromatogram of Real Sample (Laboratory Air)
ECD2 B, ECD2B, Back Signal (AIR _JULY30\GREEN_JUN26_GC 2009-07-30 21-21-32\D000007.D)

220 ECD
N2O, 473ppb (calculated)
N2: carrier gas
Ar/CH4, 2mL/min, make up



2 4 6 8 10 12 min
FID1 A, FID1A, Front Signal (AIR _JULY30\GREEN_JUN26_GC 2009-07-30 21-21-32\D000007.D)


FID/ methanizer
CH4,2.7ppm N2: carrier gas
20 CO2, 380ppm
(calculated) (calculated)




2 4 6 8 10 12 min

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

35 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer

Key Features and Benefits

• Simultaneous analysis of greenhouse
gas with one injection
• HSS Compatible
• ppb sensitivity for N2O by ECD
• Expandable to include SF6
• HSS Compatible
• Easy-to-use union based on CFT
connects valves and μECD
− Improves chromatographic
− Better peak shape

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

36 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer

Typical Chromatogram

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

37 July 17, 2013
Chromatogram for Greenhouse Gases Standards

ECD2 B, ECD2B, Back Signal (GREEN_WHOL...N26_ARCH4_1M_JUN26\GREEN_JUN26_GC 2009-06-26 15-48-39\D000285.D)



5.140 - N2O

CH4 20.18ppm v
ECD channel
CO2 376.4ppm v N2: carry gas

N2O 3.27ppm v
200 ArCH4, 2ml/min, make up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 min
FID1 A, FID1A, Front Signal (GREEN_WHOL...26_ARCH4_1M_JUN26\GREEN_JUN26_GC 2009-06-26 15-48-39\D000285.D)


5.464 - CO2



FID/ methanizer channel

3.080 - CH4



75 CH4 He: carry gas



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 min
TCD3 C, TCD3C, Aux Signal (GREEN_WHOL...UN26_ARCH4_1M_JUN26\GREEN_JUN26_GC 2009-06-26 15-48-39\D000285.D)
25 µV


TCD : channel
5.441 - CO2


80 CO2 He: carry gas



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 min

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

38 July 17, 2013
Quantitative precision for Greenhouse Gases Standards

Name Average (Area) STDVE RSD%

CH4 151.61 0.64 0.42
CO2(FID) 2788.51 14.72 0.53
N2O 7467.92 13.91 0.19
186.00 0.80 0.43

Greenhouse gases standards concentration, ppm V

CH4: 20.18, CO2: 376.4, N2O:3.27

… Excellent Quantitative precision

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

39 July 17, 2013
Multi-level Calibration for Greenhouse Gases
Standards Using Dynamic Blending System
N 2O , E C D 2 B
A re a = 2 2 5 7 .0 9 7 4 4 * A m t + 8 6 .2 5 6 3 3 1

Standards sample information A re a

8 0 0 0
R e l. R e s % ( 1 ) : - 4 1 .4 7 8

N2O: 3.27 - 0.0327 ppm V 4

Greenhouse gases standards are diluted for multi-level calibration by 7 0 0 0

dynamic blending 6 0 0 0

Concentration, ppm V 5 0 0 0

4 0 0 0
Original 10 X diluting 20 X diluting 100X diluting
3 0 0 0

CH4 20.18 2.018 1.009 0.2018 2 0 0 0

CO2 376.4 37.64 18.82 3.764 1 0 0 0 2


N2O 3.27 0.327 0.1635 0.0327 0

C o r r e la tio n : 0 .9 9 9 5 9

0 1 2 A m o u n t[ p p m ]

C O 2 , F ID 1 A C H 4 , F ID 1 A
A re a = 7 .3 8 6 7 6 2 8 9 * A m t -0 .1 4 2 7 8 3 4 A re a = 7 .4 7 5 5 3 2 2 4 * A m t + 0 .2 7 0 2 8 3 9
A re a A re a
R e l. R e s % ( 1 ) : - 4 .6 3 9 R e l. R e s % ( 1 ) : - 2 3 .1 1 1
1 6 0

CO2 : 376.4 - 3.764 V 4 1 4 0

CH4 : 20.18 - 0.2018 ppm V 4
2 5 0 0

1 2 0

2 0 0 0
1 0 0

1 5 0 0 8 0

6 0
1 0 0 0

4 0

5 0 0 3
3 2 0
1 1

0 C o r r e la tio n : 1 .0 0 0 0 0 0 C o r r e la tio n : 0 .9 9 9 9 6

0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 A m o u n t[ p p m ] 0 1 0 A m o u n t[ p p m ]

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

40 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gases Analyzer

Key Features and Benefits

• Simultaneous analysis of greenhouse gas with one injection uses 2
separate channels with three detectors
− Achieve faster results
− Uses third TCD to expand concentration range for CO2
• ppb sensitivity for N2O by ECD
• Expandable to include SF6
• Not HSS compatible
• Easy-to-use union based on CFT connects valves and μECD
− Improves chromatographic performance
− Better peak shape

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

41 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer

Typical Chromatogram

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

42 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer

Key Features and Benefits

• Simultaneous analysis of greenhouse gas with one injection
− TCD and FID connected in series to measure CH4 by FID and
CO2 by TCD
− Simplified configuration (no Methanizer) for analysis of CO2 at
concentrations > 50ppm
• Sensitivity of μECD ensures the detection of N2O at ppb level
• Not HSS Compatible
• Easy-to-use union based on CFT connects valves and μECD
− Improves chromatographic performance
− Better peak shape

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

43 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer

Typical Chromatogram

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

44 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gases Analyzer

Key Features and Benefits

• Simultaneous analysis of greenhouse gas with one injection
− Includes additional packed column to separate O2 and N2 in air
• Sensitivity of μECD ensures the detection of N2O at ppb level
• Not HSS compatible
• Easy-to-use union based on CFT connects valves and μECD
− Improves chromatographic performance
− Better peak shape

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

45 July 17, 2013
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer

Typical Chromatogram

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

46 July 17, 2013
Selected Resources: Application Notes

Publication Title
5990-5129EN Simultaneous Analysis of Greenhouse Gases by Gas

Application Note inventory under review for revision and development.

Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry

47 July 17, 2013
Gas Chromatography for the Energy Industry
48 July 17, 2013

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