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18 Environmental Chemistry

ˆ Environment : Surrounding + layer = Region arround us

ˆ Environmental Pollution : (The sources, reactions, transports, effects and facts of chemical
species of environment) + (Effect of human activity on it)
ˆ Pollution : Environmental pollution occurs due to harmful wastes produced by natural and
human activities.
ˆ Polluatant : The substance by which the pollution is spread.

↓ ↓ ↓
Rapidly degradable Slowly degradable Non-degradable
Degrades in 7-10 days. Degrades in 3-5 months Not degrades naturally.
eg. vegetables eg. agricultural wastes eg. DDT, plastic,
heavy metals, radioactive wastes

1. Environment chemistry is a ...... science.

(A) space (B) physical (C) interbranch (D) non-degradable
2. Which of the following is not non-degradable pollutant ?
(A) Radioactive wastes (B) Plastic
(C) DDT (D) Wastes of agriculture
3. Which of the following is slowly degradable pollutant ?
(A) Agriculture wastes (B) Heavy metals (C) Discarded vegetables (D) DDT
4. Which pollutants are proved to be more harmful to human beings ?
(A) Non-degradable pollutants (B) Rapidly degradable pollutants
(C) Slowly degradable pollutatnts (D) All of these
5. Which of the following is rapidly degradable polluatant ?
(A) Plastic (B) Heavy metal (C) Agriculture waste (D) Vegetables waste

Answers : 1. (C), 2. (D), 3. (A), 4. (A), 5. (D)

ˆ Almospheric pollution
ˆ Cover of gases surround the earth-atmosphere.
ˆ Lowest region of atmosphere (approximately 10 km) where = Troposphere in which N2, O2, and
O3 are present.
ˆ Above troposhpere (10 to 50 km) = Stratosphere, in which N2, O2 CO2 , water vapour and Ar are
Tropospheric Pollution

↓ ↓
By undesirable gaseous By undesirable particulate
particles eg., SO×, NO×, eg., dust, mist, fumes,
CO, CO2, H2S, O3 smoke and smog

SO 2 ˆ It causes irritation to eyes and makes them reddish and tearful.
ˆ Present in low concentration causes respiratory diseases.
ˆ Due to high concentration it leads to stiffiness of flower buds which eventually
fall off from plants.
ˆ Particulate matter of air acts as catalyst and converts SO2 into SO3.
NO 2 ˆ NO2 is oxidised to NO3– which when enters into soil, act as a fertilizer.
ˆ In congested areas, the irritant red hazy environment is produced by NO2
ˆ Higher concentration of it damages the leaves of platns and decrease the rate of
ˆ It causes an acute respiratory diseases in children.
ˆ Harmful to metals and textile fibres.
ˆ Due to imcomplete combustion of fuel of vehicles and smoking of cigarettes
smoke is produced in which carcinogen 3, 4 benzpyrene is present.
Hydrocarbon ˆ Due to incomplete combustion of fuel of vehicles and somking of cigarettes
smoke is produced in which carcinogen 3, 4 benzpyrene is present.
ˆ They break the tissues of plant, causes shedding of leaves, flowers and twigs.
CO ˆ It binds with haemoglobin of blood to form carboxyhaemoglobin complex which is
about 300 times more stable than the oxygenhaemoglobin complex. If the concen-
tration of this complex reaches to about 3 to 4% in blood, the oxygen carrying
capacity of blood reduces.
ˆ It causes headache, weak eyesight and cardiovascular disorder.
ˆ Smoking by pregnant woman results in increased level of CO in her blood which
may increase the possibility of premature birth, spontaneous abortion and a
defomed baby.
CO 2 ˆ Its level in normal atmosphere is 0.03%.
ˆ Plants decrease the level of CO2 in atmosphere by using CO2 in photosynthesis.
ˆ Due to increased use of fossil fuel and deforestation, by growing human popula-
tion to satisfy their greed, CO2 level is increasing in atomsphere, which is
responsible for global warming.

6. Which of the following component is present in troposhere ?

(A) Water vapour (B) All three (C) CO 2 (D) Argon
7. Molecular formual of 3-4 Benzpyrene is ...... .
(A) C10H12 (B) C20H12 (C) C12H20 (D) C12H10
8. Which gas is detected in smoke, produced due to incomplete combustion of petrol or disel ?
(A) CO (B) SO2 (C) NO 2 (D) CO2
9. Stratosphere is spread in the range of ...... km from the sea level.
(A) 0 to 10 (B) 10 to 25 (C) 10 to 50 (D) 40 to 50
10 . The component which is present in troposphere and also in stratosphere is ....... .
(A) O2 (B) N 2 (C) None of these (D) Both O2 and N2
11 . ....... in particulate pollutants ?
(A) Dust (B) Fumes (C) Smog (D) All of these
12 . By presence at low concentration of which gaseous pollutant causes swelling of respiratory tract ?
(A) SO× (B) CO2 (C) O 2 (D) N 2O
13 . With the help of ...... conversion of SO2 into SO3 is possible.
(A) O3 (B) H2O2 (C) O2 (D) all three
14 . Which gases are present in excess amount as oxides of nitrogen in atmosphere ?
(A) N2O, NO, NO2 (B) N2O3, N2O4, N2O5 (C) N2O7, N2O5 (D) NO, N2O5, N2O7
15 . 3, 4-Benzpyrrene is ...... .
(A) oxide of nitrogen (B) oxide of sulphur (C) hydrocarbon (D) oxide of carbon
16 . ...... is carcinogen.
(A) Benzene (B) Benzpyrene
(C) Benzene and Benzpyrene (D) None of these
17 . Due to how much concentration of carboxyhaemoglobin, the oxygen carrying capacity of blood
reduces ?
(A) 0.1 and 1.0 % (B) 0.3 and 0.4 % (C) 3 and 4 % (D) 1.0 and 10 %
18 . Lower level of atmosphere is also known as
(A) Mesosphere. (B) Thermosphere. (C) Stratosphere. (D) Troposphere.
19 . Which gaseous inorganic pollutants are not present in troposphere ?
(A) Oxide of nitrogen (B) Oxide of phosphorus
(C) Oxide of sulphur (D) Oxide of carbon
20 . Due to presence of which gase in excess amount causes flower buds fall off from plants ?
(A) H2S (B) NO2 (C) SO2 (D) CO2
21 . Which pollutant is responsible for asthma, and irritation to eyes ?
(A) O2 (B) NO2 (C) CO2 (D) SO2
22 . Which pollutant reduces rate of photosynthesis ?
(A) NO2 (B) SO2 (C) CO2 (D) O3
23 . Which component is present in stratosphere ?
(A) CO2 (B) Ar (C) O3 (D) H 2O
24 . Which gas is poisonous for entire living organism ?
(A) O3 (B) CO2 (C) NO2 (D) SO2
25 . Mention the source of NO× .
(A) Hydrocarbon compounds (B) Combustion of dioxygen
(C) Photosynthesis reaction (D) Smoke of supersonic plane
26 . Which gas is highly toxic to living tissues ?
(A) H2 (B) N2 (C) O3 (D) O2
27 . Which gas is highly toxic to living tissues ?
(A) SO2 (B) NO2 (C) O3 (D) N2
28 . ...... gas is formed, used as fertilizer by oxidation of nitrogen dioxide.
(A) Nitrolium (B) Nitrate (C) Nitrite (D) Nitride

Answers : 6. (B), 7. (B), 8. (A), 9. (C), 10. (D), 11. (D), 12. (A), 13. (D), 14. (A),
15. (C), 16. (C), 17. (C), 18. (D), 19. (B), 20. (C), 21. (D), 22. (A), 23. (C),
24. (D), 25. (D), 26. (A), 27. (B), 28. (B)
ˆ Global warming
• Global (earth globe) and warming (increase in temperature) it means the phenomenon which
keeps earth warm = global warming or Green House Effect (Effect of plant growing house)
• Gases contributing actively in global warming (e.g. methane, CO2, O3, Chloroflooro carbon,
nitrous oxide, water vapour etc.) are called green house gases, which acts as a covering
layer of earth.
• Contribution of CO2, CH4, CFC, O3 N2O and H2O in global warming is respectively 50 %,
19%, 17 %, 8 %, 4 % and 2 %.
• United Nations Intergovernmental panel on climate change has given the word “Global
Warming Potential (GWP)’’ for heat retaining capacity of green house gases.
• The GWP based sequence of green house gases is as,
10,000 times 150 times 25 times
CFC > N2O > CH4 > CO2
This suggests that CH4 is 25 times stronger than CO2, N2O is 150 times stronger than CH4,
in terms of GWP. It means N2O has 3800 times and CFC has 380 lakh times stronger global
warming potential than CO2.
• If there is disturbance in balance of nature’s green house then the temperature of earth
increases, as a result
– increase in water level of sea due to melting of ice on the poles.
– increase in average temperature of earth may increase the possibilities of contagious
diseases and also diseases like malaria, dengue, yellow fever
• That is why it is essential to think about the remedies to control the increasing temperature
of earth.

29 . Which gas is green house gas ?

(A) CFC (B) N2O (C) CH4 (D) All three
30 . Which of the following is not green house gas ?
(A) Oxygen (B) Carbondioxide (C) Methane (D) Water vapour
31 . ...... causes green house effect.
(A) CO2 (B) NO (C) NO2 (D) CO
32 . In global warming, contribution of laughing gas is how many % ?
(A) 8 (B) 4 (C) 19 (D) 2
33 . In global warming, contribution of ozone is how many % more than CFC ?
(A) 15 % (B) 17 % (C) 9 % (D) 8 %
34 . Contribution ratio of O2, N2O and H2O in global warming is ...... .
(A) 2 : 2 : 1 (B) 4 : 2 : 1 (C) 4 : 2 : 2 (D) 1 : 2 : 4
35 . Contribution of ...... gas is lower and ....... gas is higher in global warming.
(A) H2O, CO2 (B) N2O, CFC (C) CO2, CFC (D) H2O, CH4
36 . Which is proper decreasing order of green house gases for contribution in global warming ?
(A) O3 > CO2 > CFC > CH4 (B) CO2 > O3 > CH4 > CFC
(C) CO2 > CH4 > CFC > O3 (D) O3 > CO2 > CH4 > CFC
37 . Which order for green house gases is true based on GWP ?
(A) CFC > CO2 > N2O > CH4 (B) CFC > N2O > CO2 > CH4
(C) CFC > CH4 > N2O > CO2 (D) CFC > N2O > CH4 > CO2
38 . N2O has how many times more GWP than CFC ?
(A) 25th part (B) 10,000th part (C) 150th part (D) 38,000th part
39 . Chances of which disease increases due to green house effect ?
(A) Dengue (B) Malaria (C) Yellow fever (D) All of these
40 . In which of the following CFC is used ?
(A) In foam plastic cup (B) In airconditioner (C) In oil paints (D) All of these
41 . If green house effect is not present, then the temperature of earth would be ...... than the present
(A) 30° C lesser (B) 30° C higher (C) double (D) half
42 . Which gas has half contribution than ozone in global warming ?
(A) H 2O (B) N2O (C) CFC (D) CH4
43 . In comparison to CO2 , CH4 possesses ...... time, N2O possesses ...... time and CFC possesses
...... time GWP.
(A) 25, 3800, 380 lakh (B) 3800, 38 lakh, 25 (C) 380 lakh, 3800, 25 (D) 38 lakh, 25,3800
Answers : 29. (C), 30. (A), 31. (A), 32. (B), 33. (C), 34. (B), 35. (A), 36. (C), 37. (D),
38. (B), 39. (D), 40. (D), 41. (A), 42. (B), 43. (A)
ˆ Acid-rain
ˆ The pH of rain water is about 5.6 because water reacts with CO2 of atmosphere and
produces carbonic acid (H2CO3).
ˆ When the pH of rain water becomes lower than 5.6 then it is called acid rain.
ˆ SO2 and NO2 released from burning of fossil fuel react with moisture of air and gets
converted into H2SO4 and HNO3 , which is responsible for acid rain.
ˆ It affects living organism, harmful to agriculture and also affects buildings made up of stones
and metals.
ˆ Implementation of Clean Air Law may protect from acid rain.
44 . When pH of rain water becomes less than ......, then it is called acid-rain.
(A) 5.6 (B) 13 (C) 1.6 (D) 7
45 . When pOH of rain water becomes greater than ......, then it is called acid rain.
(A) 7 (B) 1 (C) 7.4 (D) 12.4
46 . ...... acids are responsible for acid rain.

(A) HNO3, CH3COOH (B) H2SO4, HNO3 (C) HNO3, HCI (D) HCI, H2CO3
47 . Which main components are present for acid rain ?
(A) Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen (B) Oxide of carbon
(C) Oxides of carbon and nitrogen (D) Oxides of phosphurus and nitrogen

Answers : 44. (A), 45. (C), 46. (B), 47. (A)

ˆ Particulate pollutants
ˆ They are minute solid particles or liquid droplets in air.
e.g., present in vehicle exhausts, smoke from fires, dust, ash etc.
ˆ Viable particulate pollutants : Bactaria, fungi, algae etc. microorganism spread in atmosphere.
ˆ Non-viable particulate pollutants : They are classified on the basis of their characteristics and size.
e.g., Smoke, dust, mist, fumes, smog.
ˆ Smog = smoke + fog

ˆ Classical Smog = smoke + fog + SO2

– It is reducing mixture, that is why it is called reducing smog.
– In 1952, such severe smog remained for several weeks in London. More than 4000
people died due to inhalation of the smog.
ˆ Photochemical smog
– Warm and dry atmosphere + nitrogen oxide + hydrocarbons + Sun light
– It contains higher concentration of oxidising agent. So, it is called oxidising smog.
– It is found frequently in the automobile rich-city-Los Angeles (America). So it is called
as Los Angeles smog.
48 . Photochemical smog is produced by ...... .
(A) light falling on CO entering atmosphere.
(B) light falling on nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons entering in atmosphere.
(C) light falling on CO2 involved from vehicles.

(D) light falling on CO2 mixed in humid air.

49 . ...... is included in particulate type of pollutants.
(A) Smoke (B) Mist (C) Fumes (D) All three
50 . Classical smog is a mixture of ......

(A) smoke + fog + SO2 (B) smoke + fog + CO2

(C) smoke + CO2 + SO2 (D) smoke + fog

51 . What is the diameter of solid particles in smog ?
(A) 10–1 meter (B) 10–2 meter (C) 10–4 meter (D) 10–6 meter
52 . Oxidising smog is ...... .
(A) photochemical smog (B) biochemical smog
(C) classical smog (D) london smog
53 . In polluted air, NO2 and O3 reacts with unburnt hydrocarbons and ......
(A) peroxyacetyl nitrate (B) all three
(C) formaldehyde (D) acroline
54 . Which of the following size of particulate causes diseases related to lungs ?
(A) 10–6 meter (B) 10–4 meter (C) 10–2 meter (D) 10–1 meter
55 . In which type of atmosphere classical smog is produced ?
(A) Dry humid and natural humid atmosphere (B) Dry humid atmosphere
(C) Natural humid atmosphere (D) Cooled humid atmosphere
56 . From which of the following London smog is formed ?
(A) Smoke produced due to combustion of fuel and carbon oxide.
(B) Smoke produced due to combustion of fuel and sulphur dioxide.
(C) Smoke produced due to combustion of fuel and nitrogen oxide.
(D) Smoke produced due to combustion of fuel and water vapour.
57 . Which is responsible for brown colour photochemical smog ?
(A) CH3COONO2 (B) CH2=CH–CH=O (C) NO (D) NO2
58 . Which is viable particulate pollutant ?
(A) Smoke (B) Fumes (C) Algae (D) Dust
59 . Mention non-viable particulate pollutant.
(A) mist (B) fungi (C) algae (D) microganism
60 . Natural spray of liquid produced by condensation of vapour present in air is called ......
(A) Smoke (B) dust (C) mist (D) fumes
61 . What size of particulate causes diseases by reaching easily to lungs ?
(A) 5 m (B) 1.5 m (C) 1 m (D) 2 m
62 . Which is present in photochemical smog ?
(A) Organic compounds (B) Inorganic gases
(C) None of these (D) Both (A) and (B)
63 . Which of the following component creates accute irritation in eyes ?
(A) Ozone and peroxyacetylnitrate (B) Nitric oxide
(C) Formaldehyde (D) Ozone
64 . For controlling formation of photochemical smog, which components must be controled ?
(A) O3 (B) NO2
(C) Peroxyacetylnitrate (D) All of these
Answers : 48. (B), 49. (D), 50. (A), 51. (D), 52. (A), 53. (B), 54. (A), 55. (D), 56. (B),
57. (D), 58. (C), 59. (A), 60. (C), 61. (C), 62. (D), 63. (A), 64. (D)
ˆ Stratospheric pollution
ˆ Ozone layer = layer of ozone in upper region of stratosphere :
– It protects all living beings against harmful effect of ultraviolet radiations coming from
ˆ Depletion of ozone layer :
– In 1980, over Antarctica 30% loss was in ozone layer recorded
– Substances harming or making ozone layer thin are called ODS (Ozon Depletion
– One molecule of CFC = Depletion of one lakh O3 molecules.
– 95 derivatives of chloro or bromo fluoro carbon are known which are commonly known
as ODS.
– 93 countries have accepted not to use ODS by signing Montreal protocal on 16th
september, 1987.
– At international level 16th September y Ozone protection Day
ˆ Depletion Effects :
– Ultraviolet radiations of sunlight enter directly on the earth causes skin cancer, harmful
genetic changes in cell.
– Reduces moisture level in solid and fish production.
ˆ Remedies to protect depletion of Ozone layer :
– By spraying chemical compounds of alkane series in atmosphere.
– Decreasing the production of CFC upto 50%.
– Forming more of polar stratospheric clouds.
– Preventing the use of ODS.

65 . Which of the following is responsible for depletion of ozone layer ?

(A) Feraline (B) Freon (C) Polyhalogen (D) Fullarine
66 . By ...... depletion of ozone layer occurs.

(A) CF2Cl2 (B) C7F16 (C) C6H6 (D) C6H5Cl

67 . How many derivatives of CFC or BFC are known as ODS ?
(A) 59 (B) 95 (C) 56 (D) 65
68 . ODS is used in ......
(A) fire extinguishers (B) refrigerator (C) watercooler (D) all three
69 . Ultraviolet radiations break CFC and produce ......

(A) O • (B) ClO•3 (C) Cl• (D) F •

70 . Chlorine free radical reacts with ozone and forms ...... free radical.

(A) Cl2O•7 (B) ClO• (C) ClO•3 (D) Cl2

71 . Which free radical is responsible for depletion of ozone layer ?

(A) ClO • (B) BrO • (C) Cl• (D) O •

72 . Reaction of ...... with O3 concentration of ozone decreases upto 40%..

(A) NO × (B) SO× (C) ClO • (D) Cl•

73 . ...... gas is produced by the reaction of nitric oxide with ozone.

(A) NO3, N2 (B) NO, N2 (C) NO, O2 (D) NO2, O2

74 . ...... gas is obtained by the reaction of nitrogen dioxide with ozone.

(A) NO3, O2 (B) NO2, O2 (C) NO2, N2 (D) N2O, N2

75 . Chlorofluro carbon is used in
(A) production of electric circuits (B) foam plastic cup
(C) oil paints (D) all of these
76 . Which of the following is the remedie to protect depletion of ozone layer ?
(A) Decreasing the production of CFC upto 50% (B) Both (A) and (C)
(C) Preventing the use of ODS (D) By producing more CO gas
77 . The possibility of which type of diseases is increased due to depletion of ozone ?
(A) Blood cancer (B) Chest cancer (C) Skin cancer (D) Lungs cancer
78 . Due to decrease in amount of polar stratospheric clouds, deleption of ozone layer ......
(A) decreases (B) increases
(C) does not occur (D) decreases or increases
Answers : 65. (B), 66. (A), 67. (B), 68. (D), 69. (C), 70. (B), 71. (C), 72. (A), 73. (D),
74. (A), 75. (D), 76. (B), 77. (C), 78. (B)
ˆ Water pollution
ˆ 97% of all available water on earth is present in sea, 2% water is present in the form of ice
in polar regions and only 1% water is left for utilization by human beings.
ˆ Water stored in river, pond, spring and dam is called surface water while water stored in
well, stepwell is called ground water.
ˆ When pollutants enter into surface water and ground water, it is called water pollutants.
ˆ World Health Organization (WHO) at world level and BIS and ICMR at India level have
prescribed standards for quality of drinking water.
ˆ Standard prescribed by BIS in 1991 for deciding the quality of drinking water.
Characteristics Desirable limit Diseases caused due the excess or less amount
pH 6.5 to 8.5 More than 8.5, then effect of chlorination decreases less than
6.5, then harmful metals of pipes mixed in water.
Total Dissolved 500 ppm If it increases, then it causes irritation in stomach and
Solids (TDS) intestine.
Total Hardness 300 ppm If it increases, then regular intake of such water causes
CaCO3 possibilites of heart disease.
Nitrate 45 ppm If it is higher, then it causes blue baby diseases in children.
Chloride 250 ppm If it is higher, then harmful metals mixed in water due to
corrosion of pipes
Sulphate 200 ppm If it is higher, then it causes diarrhoea and irritation in stomach.
Fluoride 1 ppm If it is higher, then it causes diseases related to teeth and
bones. Higher than 2 ppm, then brown mottling of teeth occurs
and higher than 10 ppm, then it causes fluorosis diseases.
Escherichia Coli Should be absent
Coliforms Bacteria 10 per 100 ml If it is higher, then it results swelling in stomach and intenstine
and urinary tract diseases.
ˆ Purification of drinking water :
Based on analysis of drinking water, three methods are used in purificatoin.
(1) Chemical method : By chemical reactions.
(2) Physical method : By physical methods
(3) Biological method : Boiling, adding of O3 and Cl2.
79 . Which disease is possible, when concentration of nitrate is higher than 45 ppm ?
(A) Newmoglobinemia (B) Metheongluconemia
(C) Newmoconiasis (D) Metheomoglobinemia
80 . ...... quantity is responsible for fluorosis diseases through drinking water.
(A) F– 1 ppm (B) F– more than 0 ppm
(C) F– more than 1 ppm (D) F– less than 1 ppm
81 . If pH of water increases to ......, chlorination effect is reduced in water.
(A) 8.5 (B) 5.8 (C) 6.5 (D) 5.6
82 . ...... among the following is responsible for water pollution ?
(A) Smog (B) Industrial wastes (C) Sodium chloride (D) Fungi
83 . Which metal pollutes water ?
(A) Na (B) K (C) Cd (D) None of these
84 . By which method pollution of water can be controlled ?
(A) Adsorption method (B) Ion exchange method
(C) Reverse osmosis (D) All of these
85 . ...... number of coliforms bacteria in 100 ml drinking water causes urinary tract diseases.
(A) More than 1 (B) Less than 1 (C) More than 10 (D) Less than 10
86 . Which are the main pollutants of water ?
(A) Sewage and domestic waste water (B) Industrial waste water
(C) Waste water of agriculture (D) All of these
87 . Which ion cannot be removed from hard water by ion exchange resin ?

(A) Mg2+ (B) Cl– (C) SO2–

(D) Na +
88 . Which method is easy, safe and reliable to make germ free drinking water ?
(A) By Boiling of water (B) By passing ultraviolet rays
(C) By water purification machine (D) By passing chlorine gas
89 . Which is the proper method to make the water germfree effectively and rapidly ?
(A) By passing chlorine gas (B) By boiling water
(C) By use of ultraviolet rays (D) By passing ozone gas
90 . How much bleaching powder is necessary for chlorination of one litre water ?
(A) 5 gram (B) 0.5 gram (C) 50 gram (D) 500 gram
91 . If concentraction of fluoride in drinking water is ...... then brown patches are created on teeth.
(A) more than 1 ppm (B) more than 0.1 ppm (C) more than 2 ppm (D) more than 0.2 ppm
92 . The size of pore of semipermeable membrane used in reverse osmosis is ...... .
(A) 0.1 m (B) 0.005 m (C) 0.001 m (D) 0.0001 m
93 . ...... is essential for strength of bones and teeth.
(A) Chloride (B) Fluoride (C) Sulphate (D) Sodium chloride
Answers : 79. (D), 80. (B), 81. (A), 82. (B), 83. (C), 84. (D), 85. (C), 86. (D), 87. (D),
88. (A), 89. (D), 90. (A), 91. (C), 92. (D), 93. (B)
ˆ Soil Pollution
• The thin layer covering the matrix surface of earth is called soil.
• In which there are organic components obtained due to decomposition of waste from
organisms, in organic components obtained by physical and chemical reaction occuring since
thousands of years.
• Reasons for pollution in soil
– Non judicial use of artificial fertilizers – Non judicial use of insectides
– Burning of solid waste – Deforestation
• Remedies to prevent soil pollution
– Increase to prevent soil pollution – Use of organic methods to control insects
– Recycling of solid waste – Detoxification of industrial waste
– Growing more trees
94 . Regular use of which fertilizer increases acidity of soil ?
(A) Ammonium sulphate (B) Potassium Nitrate
(C) Super phosphate of lime (D) Urea
95 . Uses of DDT on crop causes which pollution ?
(A) Air (B) Soil and air (C) Soil and water (D) Air and water
96 . Main reason for the soil pollution is
(A) Deforestration (B) Indiscriminate use of pesticides
(C) Given all (D) Dumping of solid wastes in soil
97 . Which element is present as impurity in artificial fertilizers ?
(A) As (B) Pb (C) Cd (D) Given all
98 . Which side effect is seen on soil by using artificial fertilizer like NPK ?
(A) Decreas the capacity of water absorption (B) Soil becomes hard
(C) Production of crop and vagetables decreases (D) Given all three
99 . Which of the following is a natural fertilizer ?
(A) Rhizobium (B) Azotobacter (C) Compost (D) Algea
100 . Which is natural fertilizer ?
(A) Farmyard manrure (B) Rhizobium
(C) Azotobacters (D) Rhizobium and azotobacter both
101 . Which fungi is well known insecticide ?
(A) Tridairma (B) Trichoderma (C) Betracosperm (D) Oseletoriya
102 . Extract of which leaves is not act as insecticide ?
(A) Neem (B) AK (C) Dhatura (D) Lemon
103 . Which herbicides is poisionous for the animals ?
(A) Sodium chlorate (B) A and C both. (C) Sodium arsenite (D) Sodium chloride
Answers : 94. (A), 95. (C), 96. (C), 97. (D), 98. (C), 99. (C), 100. (D), 101. (B), 102. (D), 103. (B)
ˆ Pollution due to unavoidable unnecessary wastes of industries
ˆ Necessary wastes of industries polute the environment.
ˆ Different industries : petrolium, paper and pulp, leather, sugar, electroplating and metal
refining, detergent, pesticides, fertilizer, thermal power and dairy etc.
ˆ When the industrial waste is in liquid form then to measure the amount of organic waste in
it, two types of measures are used.
(1) BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) :
ˆ During their biochemical reactions amount of dissolved oxygen utilized by becteria is called
ˆ To measure BOD the sample of liquid waste is kept at 293 K temperature for 5 days.
ˆ On the basis of difference between amounts of dissolved oxygen on the fifth day an on the
first day, the amount of dissolved oxygen used up by bacteria for degradation of organic
material of waste sample can be determined. This is known as BOD for liquid waste.
(2) COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) :
ˆ The amount of dissolved oxygen required for oxidation of all the organic materials present in
liquid waste is known as COD.
ˆ To measure the COD, mixture of potassium dichromate and concentrated sulphuric acid are used.
ˆ This measurement requires only 2-3 hours.
ˆ The COD value is higher than BOD for the same liquid waste.
ˆ The unit of COD and BOD is ppm or mgL–1.

104 . Methyl mercaptan is the waste product of which industry ?

(A) Plastic industry (B) Pesticide industry
(C) Paper and pulp industry (D) Dairy industry
105 . Ions of Hg, Ag and Pb are waste product of ...... .
(A) Dairy industry (B) Ferilizer industry
(C) Pesticide industry (D) Electroplating industry
106 . Salts of Cr and As are waste product of ....... industry.
(A) leather (B) metal refining
(C) thermal power (D) detergent
107 . In which industry waste product are phenolic compounds and suspended solid ?
(A) Sugar (B) Paper and pulp (C) Detergent (D) Petrolium
108 . Which industry is responsible for presence of fly ash in atmosphere ?
(A) Thermal power (B) Fertilizer (C) Detergent (D) Petrolium
109 . Unit of BOD is ...... .
(A) mgml–1 (B) mmL–1 (C) gL –1 (D) mgL–1
110 . The measurement of COD requires ...... time.
(A) 2-3 hours (B) 5 hours (C) 2 - 5 hours (D) 2 - 3 days

111. Amount of organic material which can be degraded by bacteria in liquid waste ...... is useful to know
the amount.


112 . H2S gas is waste product of which industry ?
(A) Sugar (B) Petrolium (C) Electroplating (D) Given all
113 . Waste water produced by sugar industry becomes black in colour smells bad due to ...... .
(A) production of phenolic compounds (B) production of H2S
(C) production of CO2 (D) production of aromatic compounds
114 . To measure BOD, the sample of liquids waste is kept at ...... temperature for ...... days.
(A) 5, 293 K (B) 3, 293 K (C) 5, 298 K (D) 3, 298 K

Answers : 104. (C), 105. (D), 106. (A), 107. (D), 108. (A), 109. (D), 110. (A), 111. (B),
112. (D), 113. (B), 114. (A)
ˆ Remedies to control environmental pollution
ˆ By controlling the main source of pollution controlling of environmental pollution becomes
(1) Household waste :
ˆ Biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials of household waste should be kept separate.
ˆ Compost can be prepared from biodegradable waste.
ˆ Nonbiodegradable substances should be recycled.
(2) Exhaust smoke of vehicles :
ˆ A person should check the amount of gases present in the smoke of his/her vehicle and
regular service of the vehicles is also necessary.
(3) Industrial waste :
ˆ Air pollution controlling devices should be arranged to control the air pollutants like
suspended particles, sulpher dioxide, ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen chloride hydrogen sulphide
etc. released in the air by industries.
ˆ Wearing gasmask is beneficial.
ˆ The industry should make effluent treatment plants either individually or collectively.
(4) Biomedical Waste :
ˆ To make germfree, biomedical waste should be burnt or dumped in soil based on its
characteristics for its removal.
115 . Which of the following is non-biodegradable component ?
(A) glass (B) rotten vagetables (C) edible substances (D) paper
116 . Which one is biodegradable compound ?
(A) Edible compounds (B) Given all (C) Paper (D) Cardboards
117 . Which solid waste can be recycled ?
(A) plastic (B) Glass (C) Paper (D) Given all
118 . In metro cities air is polluted due to ...... .
(A) combustion of coal (B) household waste
(C) combustion of cooking gas (D) exhaust smoke of vehicles.
Answers : 115. (A), 116. (B), 117. (D), 118. (D)

ˆ Green Chemistry
ˆ Green chemistry y Environmentaly favourable chemical synthesis
ˆ Nobel prize for synthesis of new chemicals based on green chemistry was awared to Yves
Chauvin, Robert H Grubbs and Richard R Schrok.
ˆ Twelve principles formulated for green chemistry on the basis of works done by Paul T.
Anastar for development of green chemistry.
ˆ Green chemistry in day-to-day life :
(1) Tetrachloro ethene was used earlier as solvent for dry cleaning of clothes. It pollutes ground
water and is carcinogenic. For this liquidfied carbon dioxide with suitable detergent is used
for drycleaning instead of tetrachloroethene. The use of hydrogen peroxide as bleaching
agent for washing of clothes has increased which produces good results using lesser amount
of water.
(2) In bleaching of paper :For good quality of paper it is essential to remove its lignin
completely. Most of the lignin is removed during production of paper. Chlorine gas is being
used for removal of remaining lignin. But chlorine gas forms dioxins by reaction with
aromatic rings of lignin, which is a potential carcinogenic compound. Hence, for bleaching of
paper, hydrogen peroxide in presence of suitable catalyst is being used today.

119 . Which statement is not suitable for principles of green chemistry ?

(A) Production of hazardous chemicals should be removed.
(B) Use of protecting group should be increased.
(C) Most appropriate solvent should be selected.
(D) Production of softer chemicals should be aimed.
120 . Which compound was used earlier for dry cleaning of clothes ?
(A) Cl2C=CCl2 (B) C2H5Cl (C) CH2=CH-CH2-Cl (D) CCl4
121 . Which compound is used as bleaching agent for washing of clothes ?
(A) H2O (B) Ca(HCO3)2 (C) NaHCO 3 (D) H2O2
122 . Where CO2(l) is used ?
(A) In bleaching of paper (B) In dry cleaning of clothes
(C) In soda water (D) None of these
123 . Now a days which compound is used for bleaching of paper ?
(A) Cl2 (B) bleaching powder (C) H2O2 (D) HClO4
124 . ...... gas forms ...... by reaction with aromatic rings of lignin.
(A) Cl2, dioxins (B) H2O2, dioxins (C) Cl2, trioxins (D) H2O2, troixins
125 . Now a days which is safe compound to remove lignin from paper ?
(A) Liquified CO2 (B) Chlorine (C) Hydrogen peroxide (D) Dioxins
126 . Dioxins are ...... .
(A) carcinogen (B) bleaching agent (C) oxidising agent (D) none of these
127 . Which of the following is used as bleaching agent ?
(A) Cl2 (B) H2O2 (C) A and B (D) None of these
128 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) PHBV is a biodegradable compound. (2) Dextran is a nonbiodegradable compound
(3) DDT is a biodegradable compounds. (4) Compost is a biodegradable compound
129 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) Plant obtains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen from air and water.
(2) Plant absorbs N, P, K and Ca from soil.
(3) Mixed fertilizer contains Ammonium nitrate, phosphorous (as PCl5) and potassium (as KO2).
(4) The excess use of NPK in soil reduces production of crops and vegetables.
130 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) Ozone layer prevents the entry of infrared radiation of sunlight on earth.
(2) Acid rains is mainly due to oxides of nitrogen and sulphur.
(3) CCl4 is the reason for depletion of ozone layer.
(4) Green chemistry is responsible for globle warning.
131 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) Five days are required for COD measurement.
(2) Amount of inorganic materials present in liquid waste can be determined by measurement
of COD.
(3) COD is measured by use of mixture of reducing agent.
(4) Unit of BOD is mg l–1 .
132 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) Teeth and bones of a person becomes weak due to fluorosis diseases.
(2) If concentration of fluoride exceeds 10 ppm it causes fluorosis dissases.
(3) Muscles of stomach become weak due to fluorosis diseases.
(4) If fluoride is higher than 2 ppm then it causes fluorosis diseases.
133 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) Oxidising smog is produced in warm, dry and sunny climate.
(2) Oxidising smog is a mixture of smoke, fog and sulphur dioxide gas.
(3) Classical smog is known as Los Angeles smog.
(4) Los Angeles smog is reducing agent.
134 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) If the concentration of fluoride is higher than 2 ppm, then brown mottling of teeth occurs.
(2) If the concentration of Nitrate is higher than 45 ppm causes blue baby diseases.
(3) If the concentration of chloride is higher than 250 ppm causes irritation in stomach.
(4) If the concentration of sulphate is higher than 20 ppm causes irritation in stomach.
135 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) SO2 is poisonous to animals only.
(2) SO2 causes irritation to eyes.
(3) The reduction of SO2 without catalyst is slow.
(4) Air acts as catalyst and converts SO2 into SO3.
136 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) Compost is a natural fertilizer.
(2) Algae is a biofertilizer.
(3) Solid waste dumped in soil reduces soil fertility.
(4) H2S gas mixes in atmosphere due to sugar industry.
137 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) Today Cl2C = CCl2 is used in dry cleaning of clothes.
(2) Most of lignin is removed in process of paper production.
(3) Use of protecting group should be avoided whenever possible-green chemistry.
(4) For some liquids waste COD > BOD.
138 . For the following statement T stands for true and F for false. Then select the correct choice
from given choices :
(1) Natural degradation of agriculture waste requires 150 to 180 days.
(2) The region which is above the troposphere and between 10000 to 50000 metres from the
sea level is known as stratosphere.
(3) In congested area the irritation red-hazy environment is produced due to NO×.
(4) (CO + heamoglobin) is 30 times more stable than (O2 + heamoglobin).
(5) GWP of Nitrous oxide 3800 times more than CO2.
(6) By photosynthesis during a year, 1600 crore tons CO2 is removed from atmosphere and
2200 crore tons O2 is added.

139 . Match part 1 and part 2 select correct choice :
Part-1 Part-2
(1) The lowest region of atomosphere is known as ...... (a) Argon
(2) Rapidly degradable polutant is ...... (b) Azone
(3) Gas present in Troposhphere is ...... (c) Stratosphere
(d) Troposphere
(e) DDT
(f) Discarded vegetables.
(A) (1)–(c), (2)–(e), (3)–(a) (B) (1)–(c), (2)–(d), (3)–(a)
(C) (1)–(c), (2)–(b), (3)–(a) (D) (1)–(d), (2)–(f), (3)–(b)
140 . Match part 1 and part 2 select correct choice :
Part-1 Part-2
(1) Biodegradable waste (a) Should be burnt
(2) Non biodegradable waste (b) Compost can be prepared
(3) Air pollution created by smoke (c) Regular service of the vehicles
(4) Biomedical waste (d) Should be recycled

(A) (1)–(b), (2)–(d), (3)–(c), (4)–(a) (B) (1)–(d), (2)–(c), (3)–(a), (4)–(b)
(C) (1)–(a), (2)–(b), (3)–(d), (4)–(c) (D) (1)–(c), (2)–(a), (3)–(b), (4)–(c)
141 . Match part 1 and part 2 select correct choice :

Part-1 (Industry) Part-2 (Unavoidable unnecessary waste)

(1) Sugar industry (a) Organic aromatic compounds
(2) Detergent industry (b) Phenolic compounds
(3) Fertilizer industry (c) Compounds like fly ash
(4) Pesticide industry (d) Organic compounds having log chain
(e) Containt such as arsenic
(f) Hydrogen sulphide gas
(A) (1)–(b), (2)–(d), (3)–(f), (4)–(a) (B) (1)–(f), (2)–(d), (3)–(e), (4)–(a)
(C) (1)–(f), (2)–(d), (3)–(a), (4)–(c) (D) (1)–(a), (2)–(c), (3)–(d), (4)–(f)
142 . Match part 1 and part 2 select correct choice :

Part-1 limit Part-2 effect on body

(1) Sulphate more than 200 ppm (a) Teeth and bones of a person become weak
(2) Fluoride more than 2 ppm (b) Heart disease
(3) Fluoride more than 10 ppm (c) Irritation in stomach
(4) Nitrate more than 45 ppm (d) Brown patches on teeth occurs
(e) Blue baby disease
(f) Irritation in intenstine
(A) (1)–(c), (2)–(a), (3)–(d), (4)–(b) (B) (1)–(d), (2)–(a), (3)–f, (4)–(e)
(C) (1)–(d), (2)–(c), (3)–(a), (4)–(e) (D) (1)–(c), (2)–(d), (3)–(a), (4)–(e)

143 . Match part 1 and part 2 select correct choice :
Part-1 pollutant Part-2 Harmful effect
(1) Carbon monoxide (a) Carcinogen
(2) NO 3–1 (b) Bluebaby disease

(3) Fluoride (c) Headache and cardio vascular disorder

(4) 3, 4 Benzpyrene (d) Decreases the rate of photosynthesis

(e) Fluorosis disease

(f) Irritation in stomach

(A) (1)–(d), (2)–(b), (3)–(e), (4)–(a) (B) (1)–(d), (2)–(f), (3)–(e), (4)–(a)
(C) (1)–(c), (2)–(b), (3)–(e), (4)–(a) (D) (1)–(c), (2)–(b), (3)–(f), (4)–(a)
144 . Match part 1 and part 2 select correct choice :

Part-1 Sources Part-2 Pollutant

(1) Sewage water (a) Micro organism
(2) Chemical fertilizer (b) Plant nutrients
(3) Chemical used for killing insect, fungi and weeds (c) Heavy metal
(4) Mining of uranium containing minerals (d) Pesticides
(5) Heavy metal producing chemical factories (e) Pesticides
(6) Erosion of soil by agriculture and stripmining (f) Radio active substances
(A) (1)–(a), (2)–(b), (3)–(c), (4)–(d), (5)–(e), (6)–(f)
(B) (1)–(a), (2)–(b), (3)–(e), (4)–(f), (5)–(c), (6)–(d)
(C) (1)–(a), (2)–(b), (3)–(c), (4)–(e), (5)–(f), (6)–(d)
(D) (1)–(a), (2)–(d), (3)–(e), (4)–(f), (5)–(d), (6)–(c)
ˆ One or more than one correct choice MCQ :
145 . Which of the following is responsible for producing photochemical smog ?
(A) NO (B) CO (C) Hydrocarbon (D) SO2
146 . Which of the following is incorrect statement ?
(A) NO is more harmful than NO2.
(B) SO2 is more harmful than SO3.
(C) There is mainly HNO3 in acid rain.
(D) There is mainly H2SO4 and less amount of HCl and HNO3 in acid rain.
147 . Which of the following is responsible for depletion of ozon layer ?
(A) PAN (B) CO2 (C) Freon (D) NO
148 . H2S gas is produced as waste of which industry ?
(A) Dairy industry (B) Sugar industry
(C) Petrolium industry (D) Electroplating industry
149 . If concentration of chloride in water is higher than ...... it causes corrosion of pipes used for its
distribution and results in higher amount of harmful metal in drinking water.
(A) 250 ppm (B) 7.042 ml mole litre–1

(C) 7.042 × 10–3 mole litre–1 (D) 0.025 % W

150 . Which statements is incorrect ?
(A) Herbicides like NaClO3 and Na3AsO4 are harmful for animals.
(B) Mixed fertilizer contains NH4NO2, P2O5 and K2O.
(C) Prepared 0.5% V bleaching powder solution to make water germ free.
(D) Semipermible membrane having 0.001 m pore size are available.
151 . Which statements are correct for green chemistry ?
(A) Production of hazardous chemicals should be prevented.
(B) Appropriate solvent should be selelcted.
(C) Use of protecting group should be avoided whenever possible.
(D) Obtained product should be nonbiodegradable.
152 . Which is not suitable ?
(A) Sodium arsentate-herbicide - poisonous for mamals.
(B) Sodium chlorate-herbicide - poisonous effect on rabbit.
(C) Reproduction of 1 ten paper 71 trees can be saved.
(D) Chlorine gas + lignin - diotoxin - carcinogen.
153 . Uint of COD and BOD is
(A) ppm (B) ml mole litre–1 (C) mg litre–1 (D) parts per mili
154 . Which statements are incorrect ?
(A) Utraviolet radiations of sunlight causes harmful genetic changes in cell.
(B) Ozone is responsible for harmful genetic changes in cell.
(C) To increase the protein content of wheat, maize and grams grown we have to use NPK
(D) Use of natural fertilizer like farmyard manure and rhizobium should be increased.
155 . ....... reduces the effect of chlorination which is used to make the water germ free.
(A) pH value of water that exceds 8.5
(B) pOH value of water is more than 5.5
(C) concentration of H+ is more than 3.2 × 10–10 M
(D) concentration of H+ is less than 3.2 × 10–10 M

Answers : 119. (B), 120. (A), 121. (D), 122. (B), 123. (C), 124. (A), 125. (C), 126. (A),
127. (C), 128. (A), 129. (B), 130. (C), 131. (D), 132. (A), 133. (B), 134. (C),
135. (D), 136. (A), 137. (B), 138. (C), 139. (D), 140. (A), 141. (B), 142. (D),
143. (C), 144. (B), 145. (A), (C), 146. (A), (B), (C), 147. (C), (D), 148. (B),
(C), (D), 149. (A), (B), (C), (D), 150. (A), (B), 151. (A), (D), 152. (A), (C),
(D), 153. (A), (C), 154. (B), (C), (D), 155. (A), (B), (C).


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