Energetic Eyehealing - The New Paradigm of Eye Medicine Categories

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The passage discusses a new paradigm in eye medicine called the EyeCode that views eye problems holistically and relates them to a person's life experiences and situations. It suggests conventional medicine treats eyes mechanically without addressing underlying causes.

The EyeCode concept proposes that each person has a unique eye code that relates their eye health to aspects of their life, situations, and relationships. Addressing imbalances through techniques like audio suggestions and prescription changes can help reprogram eye function and structure.

The new paradigm sees eye problems as not isolated and views the person behind the eyes. It acknowledges environmental and lifestyle influences and aims to identify and deal with real underlying reasons for conditions rather than just symptoms.

Energetic EyeHealing – The New Paradigm

of Eye Medicine
pashyaroberto in Uncategorized January 17, 2017 2,752 Words

 Uncategorized (30)

Medicine for the eyes as we know it in the first decade of the 21st century is dominated from a
logical western scientific point of view. This means that when you have eye symptoms like
unclear eyesight, pain, dry or watery eyes, most eye doctors will look at your eyes like a
mechanic views an automobile. Your symptom is caused by a problem in your eye and this is
what needs to be repaired.

A cataract is a perfect example of this reality. When the lens of the eye becomes cloudy,
resulting in lowered eyesight, a lens implant is recommended. The doctor will justify this
problem and solution by explaining the aging process, and the extra presence of ultraviolet light,
as the reason for the cataract.

Conventional eye medicine insists that we should just accept the aging process and be a victim of
the environmental influences. “You have to learn to live with your eye problem!” is often the
statement made by these eye doctors. In most cases the simple operation is successful in
restoring clear eyesight. Is this the end of the story? Not really. The surgery has removed the
symptom of the eye problem. The cloudy lens is gone and a clear implant impressively gives you
sharper eyesight. From a conventional eye medicine point of view this proves that the problem is
now cured. Is it? Why is it that other problems with the eyes often show up at a later time?

The way nearsightedness is approached by conventional eye medicine is another example of this
kind of limited narrow thinking. Nearsightedness, meaning that the person has trouble seeing at a
far distance, is one of the most prevalent refractive eye conditions on the planet today. The
medically accepted cause of nearsightedness is a longer than normal eyeball. Conventional eye
doctors blindly continue recommending strong minus lenses for their nearsighted patients.

This has been the standard medical approach since the invention of eyeglasses, so it must be
correct. Yet the problem of nearsightedness has not been controlled. The rise in nearsightedness
has reached epidemic proportions in most Western countries. Research shows that education and
the wearing of minus lenses increases the nearsighted optical measurements of the eye resulting
in further drops in visual acuity of the patient. In 383 school children from ages 6 to 17 years, the
prevalence of myopia increased from 30% at ages 6-7 years, to 70% at ages 16-17 years.

Strong minus lenses is like offering sugar to a sweet addict. The addicted nearsighted person
loves the clearness in how the minus lens focuses the light in their eyes offering the illusion of
clearness. They become addicted to the safety they feel as the light from the outer world beams
to the central fovea of their retinas.

More recently, conventional eye medicine promises a cure for nearsightedness by aiming a laser
onto the cornea (the front structure of the eye). In spite of most patients after the surgery loving
the feeling of not having to use eyeglasses and contact lenses, with near to perfect eyesight, does
this procedure really address the reasons or real cause for the nearsightedness? Clinical
experience says no. For some people who have had the surgery, other eye problems, like dry
eyes, detached retinas, vitreous floaters etc. occur some time after the surgery. In some cases, the
nearsightedness returns and the person has to once again use minus lenses. Perhaps this happens
because the real reason for the eye condition of nearsightedness was never fully identified and
dealt with.

No matter if it is a compensating lens or surgery, the inner world, behind the physical eye of the
person, remains unclear, even while wearing the minus lens. The full strength minus lens
prescription is a compensating device not a true correction. Clinical research findings on minus
lenses implicates that strong compensating lens prescriptions are actually inducing a drugged
state of non-clarity.

Why? While looking through the 100% full strength lens prescriptions, I measured nearsighted
subjects being less able to stay in a two-eyed (binocular) view, compared to a slightly lower
minus lens prescription. This means even though the normal full lens prescription results in
sharper eyesight, at the same time these lenses cause stress on binocular vision. As the subjects
minus lenses were reduced (by adding plus lenses) they integrated the left and right eye view
gaining deeper binocular vision. The effect of stress induced by the minus lenses was eliminated.
This makes total sense when one remembers the physiology of lenses. A minus lens can act like
a sympathetic stimulant and increase physiological activity. On the other hand, a plus lens is a
parasympathetic stimulant. A relaxant. Physiologically speaking this means by lowering the
minus lens prescription acts as an overall relaxant.

What this means for you is that if you are nearsighted, consider obtaining a lowered minus lens
prescription between +0.50 to +1.50 lower. Find an Optician or Ophthalmologist who tests eyes
under binocular conditions so they can determine the exact amount of reduction that will be
suitable for your unique needs. If your lifestyle calls for you to drive an automobile it is wise to
consider keeping your strong lens prescription for driving, especially night driving. Use the
weaker lens prescription for most of the other activities.

The conventional treatment for strabismus (an inward or outward turning eye) is another
example of the rational limited view of the normal eye medicine. The explanation for strabismus
is that the eye muscles are too weak in one or more directions. The treatment is to shorten the
muscle with surgery and the strabismus is “corrected.” Surgery can produce alignment of the
eyes, however, the surgery does not promise an integration or binocular way of seeing. Very
often, after surgery the person develops a strabismus again, and in some cases in the opposite
direction. Why? What is missing?
In all of the cited examples the missing link is the cause of the eye problem in the first place.
What is showing up in the eye is only the tip of the iceberg. The deeper reasons for eye problems
are below the surface, behind the eye itself. The causes of non-seeing are a mixture of many
variables interwoven within the life cycle of the human being.

The scientific contribution to conventional eye medicine is that the parts of your eye can be
repaired, lasered, medicated, removed and replaced with a new part. This can be a miracle if you
are faced with a trauma or life-threatening situation. This is the good side. Acute disease and
medical emergency treatments benefit from the advanced technological breakthroughs and
advanced pharmaceuticals.

Operations on the eyes help millions of people. This comes from the correct use of logic and
knowledge. Early detection of eye problems has helped many less developed countries like my
home country South Africa. Many devastating eye diseases like trachoma and other corneal
conditions are being helped.

On the other hand, there has been a constant acceleration of eye problems in Western countries.
This includes both refractive eye problems, like nearsightedness as well as eye diseases like
glaucoma, retinal conditions and macular degeneration. Currently, there is an out of control
development of eye problems in all ‘western ‘developed countries.

Unless you are visiting an avant-garde eye doctor who might recommend vitamins or minerals
for eye conditions, since this is now in vogue, or some ‘eye exercise’ approach, they will not
make any connection between your eye condition your lifestyle, your genetic history and your
deepest emotional frustrations and aspirations. There is a solution.

Paralleling the development of conventional eye medicine was a number of ’alternative’ or

complimentary eye approaches. They included relaxing eye exercises, vision fitness techniques,
acupuncture, nutrition. pinholes (Lochbrille) and light and colour. These techniques are
considered fringe to conventional medical science because in most cases they lack scientific
testing and validity.

Beginning in the early 70’s a new paradigm of eye medicine began to develop. Deeply rooted in
the African traditions eye problems were viewed in the same way as we look at nature. Changes
in season occur for a reason. There is an inherent code to nature changes and life changes. I call
this the EyeCode1.

The differences we have in seasonal nature changes are to restore balance for regeneration and
renewal. Seeds are planted in the soil, the vegetable grows, and the soil is turned and rests
waiting for the next season. Could the nature of the eyes also need rest periods? Do the eyes like
plants need the health benefits of sunlight? The nature of the eyes matches the rhythms of
seasons. All nature is meant to work in harmony and balance. The eyes need time to renew after
hard work and restore balance. Farmers know how to gauge when the soil needs a chance to
regenerate. Our eyes also communicate via messages, like a special code. This can take two
Symptoms and disease is probably what we are most familiar with. Tired, watery eyes and
unclear eyesight is the most common. The code says it is time for a change of routine. The other
less obvious communication is the natural changes in the eyes that occur during our life, like
becoming more farsighted after age 40. The question is, are we as attentive as the farmer? Can
we decipher the code our eyes are communicating? The eyes either complain of being sore,
unclear, or they can direct how best for you to adjust your lifestyle to match the biological truth
and wisdom for your chronological age.

These examples will make the point clearer. For young children it is normal to have a little
farsightedness. This acts like a shock absorber against having to deal with learning to read and
study in school. In the first 20 years each person has a large reserve of focusing ability to manage
a certain amount of reading and close work. However, if we exceed a certain tolerance that is
uniquely coded for each person then the farsightedness diminishes, and this can predispose the
person to become nearsighted.

The new approach and paradigm of eye medicine will first consider decoding the message
behind the symptom of unclear eyesight and the diagnosis of a refractive problem. Secondly, we
will honour the natural changes in the eye in order to guide us how to live correctly and
consciously appropriate for our age. This is called the encoding process. By tracking the patients
in their life cycle, that is, as they become older, it becomes apparent that new eye problems, like
detached retinas or vitreous floaters emerge trying to get their attention.

In other words, if the EyeCode® is not decoded in the beginning, the code becomes louder in
order to get your attention. By recognizing that your eyes and eye problems carry codes is the
next step in the direction of entering into the new paradigm of eye medicine.

Here is a basic exercise for you to learn more about the EyeCode® decoding process. Identify
your eye problem from table 1. What did your doctor say was the name of your eye condition,
like nearsightedness, cataract, etc. Look at the table and see what the EyeCode deviation is for
your eye condition.

Ask yourself these Eyecode® questions.

1. When did my eye problem first begin?

2. What were the circumstances 6 to 18 months prior to the symptoms and condition first
being recognized? Look at the EyeCode® communication in the second part of the table
and go deeper into your search.
3. Has this problem been resolved? Can I recognize the connection between the eye
problem and my life situation?
4. Is there anything I can do now to see this particular situation from a new perspective?
5. When I do, how do my eye symptoms and problems appear? Write down the answer(s)
to your question(s).

Contemplate your answer(s) and reflect back in your life. Can you see the value of the eye
symptom or problem from your current view? The basic purpose for this exercise is to observe
the possible connection between an aspect of your life and your eyes. When you find this link,
you can clarify your perception(s) of this life situation. The realizations will then help you
reprogram your eye function and structure for you to more successfully deal with the correct
living for your EyeCode® communication. I have used this process often with my patients.

Using this EyeCode® concept opens up a deeper and more beneficial communication between
doctor and patient. There is an African greeting that speaks to this point. When you pass
somebody or connect with your eyes you say Sawabona. This translates to “I see you.” Not in the
sense that I visually see you, but more on a human level that you see somebody’s true self and
their humanness. Then the response back would be “Yabo Sawabona,” which means I see you
seeing me. This sentiment is at the core of the new eye medicine. It shows a deep caring between
you and your doctor. The human element to the new eye medicine is acknowledging that your
eye problem does not exist in isolation from you, your spirit and the life you have constructed.

I worked with a patient in this way. David, age 43, came to see me because of a 6-month
problem with his right cornea. There was unclearness that was not related to his long-term
history of nearsightedness that could in the past be compensated with a minus lens to gain
sharpness. He reported his right eye seeing being cloudy. It was so uncomfortable that he had to
stop wearing contact lenses. I could see that the EyeCode® deviation from the past
(nearsightedness) was about circumstances of pulling inward. The more recent deviation was
about power (cornea). I talked to David about these aspects of his life and asked him to consider
the new EyeCode communication. This included looking at the excessive work habits leading to
extra distress, reexamining his work life and reclaiming his power associated with his business.
He continued using the prescribed drops from the eye surgeon at the hospital but the condition
did not improve. Within a few weeks, David began to see the real reason behind the eye problem
by asking the deeper questions. He then used special audio material suggestions I gave him for
encoding new perceptions. This included him changing his relationship with his work and using
weaker minus lens prescriptions prescribed by his eye doctor.

From the EyeCode® communication David learned that he had given a part of himself (power)
away to others in the business. He spent more time alone, going deeper into finding his truth and
power. This process also included a discussion with his father (right eye). Within a one-month
period all symptoms of unclearness and discomfort stopped. David was also able reduce his
nearsighted diopters by over half the strength and stopped using the eye drops. He reclaimed his
rightful power. His right eye eventually returned to 100% eyesight. Later he obtained all his
diopter readings from his eye doctor for the past 20 years and plotted them on a graph.
As is typical, there was a progressive increase in diopters from 1985 to October 2004. I first met
David early October, 2004. By April 2005 there was a lowering of the diopters and this reach the
lowest level by April 2006. With this visual representation he immediately began to see
connections between his life situation, his life cycle, and when the diopters became stronger.

For example, when he had difficulties in his family situation and business were the times that the
eye doctor measured stronger diopters. This is not at all uncommon.

Even today, David continues his EyeCode® process discovering new relationships between his
eyes and his life direction. When he lives according to his EyeCode®, he enjoys clear eyesight
through significant half strength weaker lenses, with comfortable, pain-free eyes. The new eye
medicine, through the principles of the EyeCode® recognizes that, like all medicine, prescription
lenses can have addictive qualities when they are too strong and the measurements do not
include the human being behind the eyes.

When the person, the Sawabona, the human spirit, is included in the process, then properly
designed lenses can be a strong impetus for healing. The new eye medicine involves the doctor
and patient being a team, solving the mystery of the eye problem from a holistic perspective.
This is happening already. I invite you to adopt this approach for your eye problem. In this way
the new paradigm of eye care will become part of mainstream medicine.

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