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ITEC 7445

Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report Template

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The WebQuest that I created will be used in my US History classes at
Dacula High School. I have five US History classes that range from 30-36 kids
per class. Each class period is 52 minutes long. Students will be given four
classes to complete the WebQuest. Students in my classes have very diverse
learning characteristics and needs. My students can range from honors students,
CP (College Prep) students, students with individual IEP’s and ESOL students.
Most of my students will be in their junior year of high school, with the possible
senior or sophomore that has transferred in from other school districts. We will
have 36 Google Chromebooks that we will be using to complete the WebQuest.
Our students are very familiar with operating the Chromebooks and using our
eClass platform to upload assignments and take assessments. The majority of our
students have completed project-based learning experiences in the past.
There will need to be some special considerations that need to be
considered for my students with IEP’s and my ESOL students. The most
common modification will be the use of extended time. There is also the
possibility of assistive technology being needed for our ESOL students who have
language barriers. I will have to review each of my students with disabilities IEP
to make sure I am meeting their individual accommodations before having them
complete the WebQuest.
The WebQuest has been created to meet the State of Georgia Social
Studies standards, the Gwinnett County AKS and the NET-S Technology
Standards. The individual standards that have been addressed in the project are
listed on the teacher page of the WebQuest. The evaluations that was designed
for the project were created with the mastery of the standards in mind. There are
several essential questions that are being addressed throughout the WebQuest.
The first essential question that is being addressed is, what is the process that
immigrants faced when they arrived to Ellis and Angel Island? The second
essential question that is addressed is, what impact did immigrants have on the
completion of the Transcontinental Railroad? The last essential question that is
addressed is, what impact did the Chinese Exclusion Act have on Chinese
Immigrants coming to America? The essential questions have all been derived
from the standards. At the end of the WebQuest the students should be able to
ITEC 7445
answer all three of the essential questions in their documentary, which will show
their knowledge of the standards addressed

For the design of the WebQuest I decided to use Weebly has the platform
for my project. I started the introduction of the project by explaining how
immigration has turned America into a very rich and diverse land. On the task
page, I explained that students would create a timeline showing the different
immigrants that came to America, explore the process that the immigrants went
through when arriving to US, the creation of the Transcontinental Railroad by the
Irish and Chinese Immigrants, and what Chinese Immigrants went through at
Angel Island due to the Chinese Exclusion Act.
For the process, students will explore the different time periods of
immigration on and then create their own timeline. Next students
will take an online fieldtrip to Ellis Island. There they will take a virtual tour of
the layout of the island and explore the process that immigrants faced when
arriving to the island. They will then research Angle Island and explore the
process that immigrants faced when arriving there. Next students will complete a
Venn Diagram to compare/contrast the two. In the next step students will
research the Transcontinental Railroad and watch a short video clip describing
how Irish and Chinese Immigrants were used to construct the railroad. Last
students will look at a real life story of a young Chinese girl that came to America
with her family. She will explain how they were held at Angel Island for a long
period of time due to the Chinese Exclusion Act. The last step of the process has
students completing a documentary of their experience. Students will explain the
process that immigrants faced when arriving to America. They will include the
Venn Diagram over Ellis/Angel Island. Students will also explain the impact that
immigrants had on building the Transcontinental Railroad and the affects that the
Chinese Exclusion Act had on Chinese Immigrants coming to America.
Online Resources:

 Screen-Cast-O-Matic:
 Animoto:
 Timeline Creator:
 Scholastic Immigration: Stories of Yesterday and Today-
 “Ameirica Story of Us” video link of Transcontinental Railroad:
ITEC 7445
When creating this WebQuest, I tried to keep the diverse needs of all of
my students in mind through differentiation in the lesson. I included activities
that would appeal to the different learning styles of my students. I also set it up
were students could work at their own pace and have allowed for extended time
for students who need it. I have also worked to meet the universal design
principals throughout my WebQuest. I have designed the WebQuest with the
Universal Design in mind, more specifically the Simple and Intuitive Use. I have
worked to eliminate any unnecessary complexity in the project. I have also
designed it to accommodate a wide range of literacy and language skills. The
WebQuest also arranges information consistent with its importance. The
WebQuest also addresses principal six of the Universal Design. The design can
be used efficiently and comfortable and with a minimum of fatigue.
The WebQuest was designed to be an individual project for my US
History students. I feel that that the multimedia elements included in the project
are appropriate of the US History curriculum over immigration. The WebQuest
that I have created supports the instruction and should produce an overall
effective learning experience for my students.
Adaptive and assistive technology could be used to supplement the needs
of students with disabilities and ESOL students. Website readers or programs that
enlarge text would be beneficial for students who are visually impaired.
Translator programs could also be beneficial for ESOL students. Assistive
technology would need to be decided on to meet the needs of each individual
student that has a learning disability.

For the development of my WebQuest, I logged over 20 hours creating it.
The first step of developing the WebQuest was sitting down and creating a plan
for the WebQuest. I logged five hours during the pre-planning phase. During this
time, I mapped out what I wanted my WebQuest to be over, exploring available
resources and examining how they would tie into the standards. The next part of
the WebQuest was the Analysis phase were I completed modules to teach me how
to effectively design the WebQuest. I logged three plus hours completing the
analysis phase of the design. Next I designed the activities for the WebQuest. I
used a variety of tools to develop the WebQuest. The tools that I used were a
rubric creator, graphic organizer creator, timeline Creator, and Weebly. I also
embedded a video over the Transcontinental Railroad in my WebQuest.
ITEC 7445
For the implementation of this WebQuest, I recommend that students be
given two and half days in class to navigate through the learning process of the
WebQuest and one and half days to complete their documentary. Each student
will complete the task on their own and will have their own Chromebook to
complete the learning experience.
The resources that will be needed to implement the project is wireless
internet service, which our school has. Each student will also need their own
device to complete the activity. Students will work on the project for 4
consecutive days in class. At the end of the 4th day students should be ready to
submit their documentary to our eClass dropbox. Students will be able to access
their WebQuest at home to work on the project as well. All of the US History
teachers at Dacula High school will collaborate with each other in our course
team meetings and will implement the project to all of our US History classes.
The timeline for completion will have to be modified for the US History resource

Student Learning –
To assess student learning, I have created a rubric that will be used to
grade the documentary that students are creating as the end result of the
WebQuest. The rubric will provide students with a guide of what is expected in
their documentary. I have also provided a task sheet checkoff that will be given
to monitor students’ progress throughout the WebQuest. As students are
competing the WebQuest, I will be circulating and taking notes on the things that
are going well and the areas that I can approve upon. I will ask students
throughout the WebQuest what they feel I could improve to make the WebQuest
better for the next time as well.

Product Design –
To assess the overall product design of the WebQuest, I have asked
students to complete a short survey at the end of the Webquest to provide me with
details on what went well and the areas that I need to improve the WebQuest. I
will also ask my peers that I will be collaborating with to assess the WebQuest
and provide me feedback on what I need to adjust. Last I will study the data form
the Unit assessment over immigration to see how my students performed on the
standards that the WebQuest targeted. This will let me know if the WebQuest
provides an effective means for teaching the standards.
ITEC 7445

Reflect on this project around four aspects:
Project Development –
ITEC 7445
From creating the WebQuest, I learned how engaging online learning
experiences can be for students. I also learned how to use Weebly to create
an effective WebQuest that will provide an effective student-directed activity
for my classes. I like how Weebly allows you to embed videos and other
resources on the webpage and allows you to easily conduct surveys with
your students. Moving forward I would like to explore other platforms for
creating WebQuest. I feel like there are more effective tools that could be
used to create a WebQuest in a timelier manner.

Instructional Design –

I was really pleased with the Weebly design for my WebQuest. I feel
that it will provide my students with a user friendly platform which they can
navigate through with little to no trouble. Weebly worked extremely well for
allowing me to add different elements to my WebQuest such as embedded
videos and links to other websites. I am not sure if there was a better
platform that I could have used to create my WebQuest but I will be
exploring other options to create additional WebQuest for my classes in the

Personal Growth –

I have learned that I am more than capable of creating engaged

learning experiences for my students to use in class. In the past I felt that it
was too much work and I was intimidated by the thought of creating my own
WebQuest. I have now learned that effective WebQuest can be created in a
reasonable amount of time. I have also learned about the importance of
design. I never thought that the design of a page or a website was very
important, however I now understand that the design can cause people
anxiety and confusion if not properly formatted.

For Others –
For other teachers considering creating WebQuest for their students, I
would highly recommend it. I would suggest that they go and look at
modules of effective WebQuest that other teachers have created and module
their WebQuest after them. I would also recommend that they create a pre-
plan that lays out what they want in their WebQuest, including standards,
types of task they want students to complete and the outcome of the
WebQuest. Creating their own WebQuest can be a very rewarding
experience for them.

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