Ibn Sina

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Ibn Sina

Ibn Sina was born in the year 371of the Higria, near Bukhara, a large city in
Uzbekistan. He learnt the Koran before he was ten. At the age of twenty, he was
already a well-known doctor. One of his patients was the sultan of Bukhara. He
treated him for a serious illness. When he was cured, the grateful sultan allowed Ibn
Sina to come to his private library in the palace for reading different books of
Life became difficult in Bukhara during the Turks’ period. So, he left the town and
travelled round the arab world. He wrote “The Canon Of Medicine” and a lot of other
books. He died at the age of 57.

Abdelhamid Ibn Badis

Abdelhamid Ibn Badis was born in Constantine on the 4th December 1889. When
he was 13 years old, El Cheikh Mohamed El Madassi taught him Arabic language and
helped him to learn the Koran.
After that, his father sent him to El Zaytouna University in Tunisia. He stayed
there two years; he studied hard until he had the license.
When he came back to Algeria, he had good ideas. He used them to develop the
society. He loved his country and he loved the mosque too; he made it the center of
teaching Arabic and Islamic religion. For this objective, he made a program. He
taught young persons in the evening, men the day and women every Friday.
Abdelhamid Ibn Badis was a teacher and a writer. He wrote four newspapers: El
Souna, El Sirat, El Chihab and El Mountakad. He also wrote poems. «Chabou El
Djazairi moslim» which means «Algerians are moslim» is very famous.
In 1936, he founded «Djamiate Oulama El mouslimine» and was its first
president. El Cheikh El Bachir El Ibrahimi was his assistant.
Abdelhamid Ibn Badis was a great and famous personality and he will be our example
for ever.

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, on April 26 ,
1564. His
father was called John and his mother Mary Arden. William was calm and
modest and he used to be very brilliant at school. His teachers taught him
English and Latin. He was obliged to leave school very early in other to
help his
family that had problems of money.
In 1582, he married Anne Hathaway who gave him three children:
Susanna and twins: Hamlet and Judith. Three years later, he went to
and worked in a theatre. There, he started composing new tragedies which
an immediate success.
He became a famous and wealthy actor, and a great dramatic poet.
wrote thirty eight plays. Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet were some of them.
learnt them all over the world. He died on April 23 , 1616.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in 571 in Mecca.his father Abdullah died
before his birth and his mother Amna died while he was a child . he went to live with
his grand-father , and later with his uncle.
He got married at the age of twenty-five . khadidja, a rich woman , asked him for
marriage after he showed honesty on his trading missions for her .
At the age of forty , Muhammad (PBUH) received the Koran through the Archangel
Gabriel in a cave in Mount Hira. At that time, most Arabs used to worship idols.
Some of them in Mecca were converted to Islam and many of them refused that. They
laughed at him and some even stoned him. But, Muhammad (PBUH) didn’t give up,
and continued to preach patiently.
In 624, he went to AL-Medina. There, people welcomed him and listened to him with
great interest. In 630, Muhammad (PBUH) returned to Mecca triumphantly and
destroyed the idols round the ka’ba. Since then, Islam has spread fast all over the
world. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) died 634.

3/ Situation of integration:
One of the prophet´s famous companions is Khalid Ibn El Walid . write a biography
about this courageous man.``use relative pronouns´and the semi modal used To``.
Here are some hints :
Name khalid ibn el walid .
Date and place of birth . around 592/ Mecca
His father. Walid Ibn Al Mughira ,the chief of Banu Makhzum
He was one of the champion wrestlers of Quoraish a year of the treaty of Hudaybiyah
.628…,,he decided to convert to Islam.
One of the brave commanders in the battle of Mutah
After this battle was given the title ´´SWORD OF ALLAH´´ ´´Sayf Allah Al -

Doctor :What do you suffer from ?

You :… ………… …… …………
Doctor :Did you take any medicines?
You :No,…… ……
Doctor :Let me examine you now.
You :What---------- ---------- ----- ,doctor?
Doctor :You should take this medicine and don’t drink any coffee or orange
You:Thank you,doctor. --------- ------- ---- that ?
Doctor : It’s 800 Dinars.

Please recycle !

Garbage is a major problem in urban areas.For along time, landfills or dumps were
used but now we have to find other solutions.Everybody has to reduce, re-use and
recycle garbage, at home, at work, etc.Schools are trying to help and children must
establish some environmentally friendly habits.
Everyday, Americans buy 62 million newspapers and throw out 44 million.That’s the
aquivalent of dumping 500.000 trees into landfill every week.Enough aluminium is
thrown away every three months to rebuild their entire commercial air fleet.


Pollution is very dangerous for our health and environment.What can we do to combat
it ?
Write a paragraph telling us about your programme to ‘Keep Your City Clean’ in
which you bring suggestions and extreme measures to stop pollution.
The following notes can help you :
plant trees,build recycling factories,clean polluted rivers/seas/oceans,impose taxes (to
pay money) on polluting industries…

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