Gridding Report - : Data Source

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Gridding Report
Mon Oct 29 23:18:42 2018
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.53 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\Utaratessss.dat
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Filtered Data Counts

Active Data: 30

Original Data: 30
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 0
Retained Duplicates: 0
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Filtering: Not In Use

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Z Data Transform
Transformation method: Linear (use Z values directly)

No untransformable data were found.

Data Counts
Active Data: 30

Univariate Statistics


Count: 30 30 30

1%-tile: 689121.8856 9109787.3622 -34.5244

5%-tile: 689123.0861 9109787.7213 -23.9154
10%-tile: 689126.8786 9109788.0804 -16.2064
25%-tile: 689138.0755 9109789.8757 -7.9286
50%-tile: 689156.8365 9109903.4424 -0.9899
75%-tile: 689196.4463 9109930.8774 7.9209
90%-tile: 689221.3817 9109932.2013 15.9091
95%-tile: 689226.3688 9109932.4661 16.7071
99%-tile: 689231.3559 9109932.7309 21.0911

Minimum: 689121.8856 9109787.3622 -34.5244

Maximum: 689236.343 9109932.9957 24.3201

Mean: 689167.941767 9109874.77284 -

Median: 689157.4489 9109903.5363 -0.57875
Geometric Mean: 689167.940851 9109874.77263 N/A
Harmonic Mean: 689167.939936 9109874.77242 N/A
Root Mean Square: 689167.942682 9109874.77305 13.1276700037
Trim Mean (10%): 689164.7655 9109873.70727 -0.403918518519
Interquartile Mean: 689159.02664 9109884.50383 -0.280746666667
Midrange: 689179.1143 9109860.17895 -5.10215
Winsorized Mean: 689167.237197 9109874.75579 0.387233333333
TriMean: 689162.0487 9109881.90947 -0.496875

Variance: 1305.49874611 3945.72014495 178.278330337

Standard Deviation: 36.1316861786 62.8149675233 13.3520908601
Interquartile Range: 58.3707999999 141.001699999 15.8495
Range: 114.4574 145.6335 58.8445
Mean Difference: 41.1939089655 65.9750657472 15.2227066667
Median Abs. Deviation: 24.9736 28.2679000003 8.72465
Average Abs. Deviation: 29.18066 47.7652400001 10.4871533333
Quartile Dispersion: 4.23487905706e-005 7.73896054225e-006 N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: 5.97733969748e-005 7.24214848089e-006 N/A

Standard Error: 6.5967131869 11.4683915538 2.43774711798

Coef. of Variation: 5.24279845141e-005 6.89526136084e-006 N/A
Skewness: 0.513543469135 -0.5680415213 -0.368406375969
Kurtosis: 1.79003248795 1.40247158577 2.85844065807

Sum: 20675038.253 273296243.185 -0.019

Sum Absolute: 20675038.253 273296243.185 314.9498
Sum Squares: 1.42485735966e+013 2.48969455142e+015 5170.0715918
Mean Square: 474952453221 8.29898183806e+013 172.335719727

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 1305.4987 -2056.9721 0.0091027657
Y: -2056.9721 3945.7201 -0.011396959
Z: 0.0091027657 -0.011396959 178.27833

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 -0.906 0.000
Y: -0.906 1.000 -0.000
Z: 0.000 -0.000 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 -0.873 -0.055
Y: -0.873 1.000 0.028
Z: -0.055 0.028 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: 0.877528148161 0.877528148161 -0.000695440181104
Y: 0.479524476615 0.479524476615 -0.000376675790581
Z: 0.000790893842973 0.000790893842973 -0.000376675790581

Lambda: 5069.75073884 181.468154255 178.278328299

Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C
Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: 1.35584357247e-005 4.1798111832e-006 -47.4222290284
Standard Error: 0.168281751762 0.096797048283 988134.071414

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 0.906 -0.926
B: 0.906 1.000 -0.999
C: -0.926 -0.999 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 2.19768161785e-006 1.09884080893e-006
Residual: 27 5170.07157757 191.484132503
Total: 29 5170.07157977

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 4.25077599787e-010

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%-tile: 4.99991218026 0.257
5%-tile: 4.99991218026 1.163
10%-tile: 4.99991694433 5.5695
25%-tile: 4.99993193646 9.657
50%-tile: 5.00001150896 15.8495
75%-tile: 5.00001680382 25.6155
90%-tile: 5.00002810891 39.8245
95%-tile: 5.00002810891 48.2355
99%-tile: 5.00002810898 55.6155

Minimum: 4.99991218026 0.257

Maximum: 5.00003186595 55.6155

Mean: 4.99998479152 21.1580333333

Median: 5.00001150896 18.81
Geometric Mean: 4.99998479133 14.5935471991
Harmonic Mean: 4.99998479114 4.52366662775
Root Mean Square: 4.99998479171 25.7832951443
Trim Mean (10%): 4.99998413298 19.3797407407
Interquartile Mean: 4.99999425284 18.244
Midrange: 4.99997202311 27.93625
Winsorized Mean: 4.99998498389 20.1489
TriMean: 4.99999293955 16.742875

Variance: 1.96491586438e-009 224.602690309

Standard Deviation: 4.43273715031e-005 14.986750492
Interquartile Range: 8.48673665015e-005 15.9585
Range: 0.00011968569083 55.3585
Mean Difference: 4.6785785211e-005 16.6864482759
Median Abs. Deviation: 6.76785899945e-006 8.53
Average Abs. Deviation: 3.32696905715e-005 11.9027333333
Quartile Dispersion: 8.48678015315e-006 0.452434616202
Relative Mean Diff.: 9.35718550392e-006 0.788657812046

Standard Error: 8.09303376239e-006 2.73619376939

Coef. of Variation: 8.86550126678e-006 0.708324363417
Skewness: -0.636349448193 0.786351266132
Kurtosis: 1.50906921153 2.79680271459

Sum: 149.999543746 634.741

Sum Absolute: 149.999543746 634.741
Sum Squares: 749.99543752 19943.349255
Mean Square: 24.9998479173 664.7783085

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 0.00179976619997
Clark and Evans: 0.424235223821
Skellam: 8.48114681429

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Minimum Curvature
Maximum Residual: 0.059
Maximum Iteration: 100000
Internal Tension: 0
Boundary Tension: 0
Relaxation Factor: 1
Anisotropy Ratio: 1

Output Grid
Grid File Name: C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\Utaratessss.grd
Grid Size: 100 rows x 79 columns
Total Nodes: 7900
Filled Nodes: 7900
Blanked Nodes: 0
Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 689121.8856
X Maximum: 689236.343
X Spacing: 1.467402564102

Y Minimum: 9109787.362
Y Maximum: 9109932.996
Y Spacing: 1.4710505050466

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 7900

1%-tile: -29.6438059807
5%-tile: -17.7564015115
10%-tile: -14.0223554773
25%-tile: -8.16020436401
50%-tile: -3.9666614157
75%-tile: -0.482019689721
90%-tile: 2.98345881914
95%-tile: 5.15177782009
99%-tile: 8.96603020681

Minimum: -51.764369802
Maximum: 37.9437285454

Mean: -4.93345683553
Median: -3.96622299569
Geometric Mean: N/A
Harmonic Mean: N/A
Root Mean Square: 8.88624743581
Trim Mean (10%): -4.53961597488
Interquartile Mean: -4.14497436027
Midrange: -6.9103206283
Winsorized Mean: -4.60345770027
TriMean: -4.14388672128

Variance: 54.6333127517
Standard Deviation: 7.3914350942
Interquartile Range: 7.67818467429
Range: 89.7080983475
Mean Difference: 7.80805338828
Median Abs. Deviation: 3.81278543785
Average Abs. Deviation: 5.3141995743
Quartile Dispersion: N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: N/A

Standard Error: 0.0831601419496

Coef. of Variation: N/A
Skewness: -1.04993405059
Kurtosis: 6.61637530598

Sum: -38974.3090007
Sum Absolute: 51186.9186252
Sum Squares: 623826.608575
Mean Square: 78.9653934905

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