C Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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1. Application must be on the Application Form for registration as a specialist in

Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the National Specialist Register of Malaysia.

2. Obstetrics and Gynaecology is listed as No. 6 of the list of SPECIALTIES

3. The list of recognised postgraduate qualifications recognised for registration are as

listed below:

3.1. Master in Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Kebangsaan

3.2. Master in Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of
3.3. Master in Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University
Sains Malaysia
3.4. Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists,
London (MRCOG)
3.5. Master in Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology, International
Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM)
3.6. Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (FRANZCOG)

4. The applicant must be registered with the Malaysian Medical Council.

Thus the applicant has a registrable basic medical degree

5. The applicant must have a minimum of 2 years active clinical practice after their
postgraduate qualification

5.1. The applicant needs to show an evidence of satisfactory post qualification

experience as supported by a portfolio consisting of:

• Log book of core procedures (NSR Evaluation Form)

• Satisfactory supervisors’ reports on Clinical Core Competency

6. There are 3 groups of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

6.1. Obstetricians and Gynaecologists gazetted with the Ministry of

Health or Ministry of Defence Malaysia
6.2. Obstetricians and Gynaecologists working in the various
 Appointed by the University concerned as a specialist.
 Possessing postgraduate qualification listed 3.1 to 3.6

6.3. Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in private practice having the
above postgraduate qualification listed but not having been gazetted by
KKM or any of the public universities.

6.3.1. Those with less than 5 years of active Obstetrics and Gynaecology
practice must submit:

 Details of the postgraduate training received after

obtaining Basic Medical Degree.
 Previous/ current appointments.
 Log Book of work experience.
 Training, courses attended since postgraduate qualification.

II Application for Registration with Qualifications other than listed under 3.1 to 3.6

1. Must possess a recognised basic Medical Degree qualification that is registrable with
the Malaysian Medical Council.

2. Must submit details of structured training programmes attended under the supervision
of specialist of 5 years working experience or more

3. Must submit list of workshops, courses and short training programmes attended
during training.

4. List all procedures observed, performed and certified by the relevant consultants.

5. Must have taken part in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme

with the relevant documentation.

6. Must submit list of past and current appointments.

7. Must submit the names of at least two referees: AT LEAST ONE must be from the
same fraternity, who can submit reports on the applicant’s clinical skills, practice and

8. Must have been in active clinical practice for at least 5 years prior to application to

9. Need to work under supervision in Malaysia for a minimum period of 6 months in

any of the following accredited training centres in KKM, UKM, UM, USM and
IIUM. At the end of this supervised training, evidence of certification of competence
should be submitted.

10. The approval by the Specialist Subcommittee Obstetrics and Gynaecology of NSR
will be on a case to case basis based on individual circumstances.

11. The Specialty Subcommittee Obstetrics and Gynaecology of NSR shall call the
applicant for an interview, if required.

12. Registration with NSR is for 5 years period and renewable every 5 years WOULD BE
based on assessment by the scoring system for CPD

III Non Malaysians with Unrecognised Postgraduate Qualification.

1. The criteria listed under II No. 1 to 12 shall be applicable.

2. The applicants from overseas must also submit their letter of offer from the
Malaysian employer when applying to be registered in the NSR.

3. Need to undergo an attachment of six(6) months in a public hospital, with a senior

specialist or Consultant

4. Upon completion of six(6) months of attachment, the applicant need to submit the
evidence of certification of competence, log book and reports

Revised by the SSC of O&G

27th January, 2015


1. Name:……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. I.C. No:…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Post Graduate Qualification:…………………………………………………………………..
4. Date of Post Graduate Qualification:………………………………………………………
5. Date of Commencement of Attachment: ………………………………………. (Date
Of Reporting To Department)
6. Date of Completion:………………………………………………………………..

1. Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Designation :……………………………………………………………………………………………

1. Objective Of Assessment
1.1 General Objective
To assess the competency of medical doctors to assume responsibility of an
independent specialist on completion of specialist training.

1.2 Specific Objective

1. To assess clinical skills in diagnosis and management of patients with
common disorders in the specialty.
2. To assess competency in core procedural skills.
3. To assess professional conduct expected of a specialist.

2. Duration Of Post Qualification Period

Minimum period of 6 months supervision.

3. Assessment Tools
1. Observation and supervision of supervisee in the management of patients
in the clinic, ward and operation theatre (if applicable).
2. Review of records of procedure and surgeries performed where relevant.
3. Mid-term Interview
4. Written feedback by team member.

4. Expected Outcome
1. Understanding of the job description, role and responsibility of a specialist.

2. Demonstrate analytical skills in reaching at an appropriate diagnosis and

formulating a comprehensive management plan.

3. Demonstrate knowledge on policies and procedures related to the conduct

of core procedures.

4. Demonstrate competence in the performance of core procedures.

5. Adherence to professional ethics in the management of patient, relatives

and colleagues.

6. Appreciate the importance of leadership, good governance, research and

audit in clinical practice.


Poor Fair Good Excellence

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Professional Attributes
Appearance / Attire/ Hygiene
Managerial Skill / Leadership
Relationship With Patient /
Relationship With Fellow
Professional & Collegues
Relationship With Non Clinical

Remarks : 1. Dynamic & Proactive

2. Moderate Enthusiasm

3. Passive

4. Disinterested & Indifferent

5. Others

Please Specify:____________________________________________

Poor Fair Good Excellence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Journal Reading
Teaching Ability
Documentation & Record
Case Presentation
Conference / Service
Attendance / Participation
Research Activity
QA Activity
Case Write Up
Involvement In Professional
Involvement & Interest In CME


Poor Fair Good Excellence

Patient Management
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Interview Skill
Physical Examination
Clinical Judgement &
Diagnostic Ability
Decision Making
Rationale Of Investigation
Discussion / Case Presentation
During Ward Round
Promptness & Effectiveness In
Treating Emergency Patients
Competence &
Appropriateness In Providing
Continuing Care


Poor Fair Good Excellence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Patient Preparation & Pre-Op
Surgical Skills
Post Op Care
Rate Of Complications
Surgical Temperament &
Ability To Cope With Stress
Emergency Care & Procedures
Safety Measure & Cleanliness
Speed & Respect To Duration
Relationship With
Anaesthetist, Assistants &
Theatre Nurses

(Please Attach Summary Of Core Procedures Performed From The Log Book)

(Supervisor Report)

This narrative report should include the following assessment criteria:

1. Personal Characteristic

2. Academic & Knowledge

3. Clinical Competence:

a) Inquiry Skill

b) Problem solving & decision making

c) Patient management (pre-operative, post operative and follow up including

emergency cases)

d) Technical skill

e) Knowledge

4. Personal learning & assignment

5. Social & Communication skill

6. Documentation & Record keeping

7. Participation in teaching learning activities

8. Recommendations on suitability for credentialing

Certified by:-

Name: …………………………………………………………….

Designation: …………………………………………………..

Official Cop: ……………………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………………………

Training Structured Programme for the Master In Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology

1. Master in Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology UKM

2. Master in Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology UM
3. Master in Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology USM
4. Master in Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology IIUM

1. Master in O&G – Selection/Training the Conjoint Board

1.1. The Masters in O&G Specialist Training programme is currently run by
the conjoint Board of University of Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, University Science Malaysia, International Islamic University and
the Ministry of Health Malaysia

1.2. The President of College of O&G – AMM is a member of the Conjoint


1.3. The doctors need at least 2 years of training as Medical Officers on

completion of their compulsory Housemanship, prior to entry into the

1.4. The selection of candidates into Masters in O&G programme is by

application and interview of the candidate by the CONJOINT BOARD

1.5. The selected candidate is posted to one of the accredited hospitals, under
the Ministry of Health or the University. They undergo a period of
orientation prior to their clinical postings. The Masters programme has the
following requirements.

1st year - Part 1 Examination

2nd/3rd year - Continuous Assessment, undertaking and writing up a
long commentary of their study/thesis
4th year - Rotation to various subspecialties and the final

1.6. On passing the final Master Examination, the doctor is conferred the
Master O&G Degree by the respective University.

1.7. The Masters O&G doctors are required to do minimum of 6 months pre-
gazettment posting.

1.8. At the end of 6 months, an evaluation is made by the Head of Department

of O&G and if the report is satisfactory, the doctor is gazetted as a specialist
by the Ministry of Health or the University


1. The subspecialist training in O&G is currently conducted by the Ministry of Health

through the JKPPOG (Jawatankuasa Pengurusan dan Perkembangan O&G).

2. The O&G specialist have to do a minimum period of 2 years of general Obstetrics and
Gynaecology after passing the Masters in O&G, to gain experience in the field prior to
being eligible for subspecialty training.

3. Four areas of subspecialisation has been identified in O&G :-

3.1. Maternal Fetal Medicine

3.2. Reproductive Medicine
3.3. Uro Gynaecology
3.4. Gynae Oncology

4. Each of the subspecialty training programme have their own curriculum, log book and
structured training schedule. Candidates apply for subspecialty training through
prescribed forms to the Ministry of Health. These applications are then submitted by
the Ministry of Health to the respective Subspecialty Training Committees, which
interviews the candidates and if suitable, he or she will be provided with the training

4.1. 1st year training - Recognized centres in Ministry of Health or University

4.2. 2nd year training - Recognized overseas centres or locally
4.3. 3rd year training - The candidates will be posted to hospital to practice
under direct supervision.

5. During these periods of training the candidates need to keep log books and need a 6 monthly
supervisors report.

6. After completion of 3 years of training, the candidates submit to the subspecialty training
committee, his or her assessment reports, log book, research papers and other relevant
documents. He/She will be called for an interview by the subspecialty training committee
which reviews all his/her training reports and issues a letter of satisfactory completion of

7. The individual sub-specialty committee will decide on the suitability of the candidate who
can be gazetted as a sub-specialist. Then all the relevant paperwork will be submitted to the
Ministry of Health for gazettement.

8. The sub-specialty secretariat is with the ‘Bahagian Latihan’ of Ministry of Health who liaise
with the ‘Bahagian Perkembangan’ on the training needs of the candidate.

9. The sub-specialty training committees are part of the JKPPOG (Jawatankuasa Pengurusan
dan Perkembangan O&G), which is chaired by the Head of O&G services of MOH. The
various sub-specialty heads are selected by JKPPOG. These sub-specialty heads then select
their respective sub-committees.

10. Presently the following subspecialties are:

10.1. Maternal Fetal Medicine

10.2. Reproductive Medicine
10.3. Uro Gynaecology
10.4. Gynae Oncology

11. The membership of the above each subspecialties subcommittee will be representatives from
the following institutions.

10.1 Ministry of Health Malaysia

10.2 Academy of Medicine Malaysia
10.3 University of Malaya/UKM/USM
10.4 Private Sector

Prepared by:
Dato’ Dr Johan Thambu
Dr. Mukudan Krishnan
Specialty Subcommittee Obstetrics and Gynaecology
7th November, 2008

SSC of O&G
30th April, 2014

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