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Bala, Jane Pauline L.

immediate surroundings; isip, which refers to knowledge and

understanding; diwa, which includes habits and behavior; kalooban
1. Define Filipino psychology or Sikolohiyang Pilipino.
or emotions or feelings; and kaluluwa or psyche, which translates to
Filipino psychology or sikolohiyang Pilipino is the scientific soul of a people. Enriquez left for the United States to pursue a
study of psychology derived from the experience, ideas, and cultural Masters, then later a Doctoral degree in Psychology at Northwestern
orientation of the Filipinos. It is anchored on Filipino thought and University at Evanston, Illinois. He returned to the Philippines in
experience as understood from a Filipino perspective (Enriquez, 1971, bringing with him a wealth of Western knowledge which he
1975). The most important aspect of this definition is the Filipino did not impose on his Filipino colleagues and students. His Western
orientation. For centuries, Filipino behavior has been analyzed and education actually drove him to be more Filipino-oriented in his
interpreted in the light of Western theories. Since these theories are teaching and research in psychology. He established the Philippine
inevitably culture-bound, the picture of the Filipino has been Psychology Research House (PPRH) which later became the Philippine
inaccurate, if not distorted. Enriquez (1985) later defined Psychology Research and Training House (PPRTH). This place became
Sikolohiyang Pilipino as ‘‘the study of diwa (‘psyche’), which in home to materials on Sikolohiyang Pilipino, growing to its present
Filipino directly refers to the wealth of ideas referred to by the size of more than 10,000 references. It also became home to
philosophical concept of ‘essence’ and an entire range of research with a Filipino perspective; as well as an abode to
psychological concepts from awareness to motives to behavior’’. individuals inspired by Enriquez’s enthusiasm, who eventually made
their own contribution to the growth of Sikolohiyang Pilipino.
2. Give a brief history of Filipino psychology.
4. What are the 4 filiations of Sikolohiyang Filipino?
It was in the early 1970s that the traditional way of
teaching and studying psychology was initiated to Filipinos when Zeus Salazar (1985a), a historian, later examined the history of
Virgilio Gaspar Enriquez returned to the Philippines from Sikolohiyang Pilipino and came up with a description of the four
Northwestern University, USA with a Ph.D. in Social Psychology and filiations of Philippine psychology:
lost no time in introducing the concept of Sikolohiyang Pilipino
(a) The Academic-scientific psychology: the Western tradition – This
(Filipino Psychology). Together with then-chairman of the
coincided with the birth of scientific psychology (German tradition) in
Department of Psychology at the University of the Philippines (U.P.),
1876, and the entry of Western psychology (mainly American
Dr. Alfredo V. Lagmay, Enriquez embarked on a research into the
tradition) at Philippine universities.
historical and cultural roots of Philippine Psychology. Subsequently,
the research included identifying indigenous concepts and (b) Academic-philosophical psychology: the Western (mainly clerical)
approaches in Philippine psychology and developing creativity and tradition – This was pursued by the University of Santo Tomas and
inventiveness among Filipinos. From these researches, a two- later other schools of higher learning, under the leadership of
volume bibliography on Filipino psychology and a locally developed individual monks and preachers and the Jesuits. The study of
personality test, Panukat ng Ugali at Pagkatao (Measure of psychology as an aspect of philosophy continued in the tradition of
Character and Personality), were produced. In 1975, Enriquez Thomistic philosophy and psychology.
chaired the Unang Pambansang Kumperensya sa Sikolohiyang
(c) Ethnic psychology – Major basis of Sikolohiyang Pilipino for
Pilipino (First National Conference on Filipino Psychology) which was
integrating academicscientific and academic-philosophical tradition
held at the Abelardo Auditorium at U.P. In this conference, the ideas,
into a national tradition of Psychology and Philosophy as universal
concepts, and formulations of Sikolohiyang Pilipino were formally
disciplines. This stream includes indigenous psychology (common to
the Filipinos, culled from language, culture, literature, etc.,
3. Who is the proponent of Filipino psychology? And what are his psychological systems worked out by Filipinos with indigenous
contributions? elements as basis) psychology of Filipinos (as observed by
foreigners or as felt and expressed by Filipinos), the practice of
Virgilio G. Enriquez is considered as the father of
psychology by Filipinos (normal techniques of
sikolohiyang Pilipino as he pioneered the sikolohiyang Pilipino. He
enculturation/socialization, and protoclinical practice).
identified the following as the subject matter of this formal
indigenous psychology: kamalayan or consciousness, which includes (d) Psycho-medical system with religion as cohesive element and
both emotive and cognitive experience; ulirat or awareness of one's explanation.

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