Manual Programa ALLIEVI

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ALLIEVI - All rights reserved

Version 3.0.0, September 2018

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n - Edificio 5C 46022
Valencia (Spain)
Ph: (+34) 96 387 98 98

System requirements ................................................................................................................... 7

Registration ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Activation ......................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 8
2. ALLIEVI Calculation basics ................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Pressurized pipes ........................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Open-channel flow conduits .................................................................................. 12
2.3 Steady state calculation ............................................................................................ 13
3. System’s elements to be simulated on ALLIEVI ........................................................... 14
3.1 Drawing elements....................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Nodes .............................................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Tanks ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Tanks of great dimensions .............................................................................. 18
3.3.2 Tanks of small dimensions .............................................................................. 19
3.3.3 Variable cross-section tanks ........................................................................... 20
3.3.4 Weirs ....................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.5 Other tank characteristics ................................................................................ 23 Spillway in tanks of small dimensions or with variable cross-section
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23 Changes in water level during transient regime calculation in tanks
of small dimensions, variable cross-section tanks and weirs .......................... 25
3.4 Pipes ................................................................................................................................ 26
3.4.1 Air valves in pipes ............................................................................................... 30 Air valves configuration ............................................................................... 32
3.4.2 Pipe breakage ...................................................................................................... 36
3.4.3 Pipes with null initial flow ................................................................................ 38
3.5 Pumping stations ........................................................................................................ 40
3.5.1 Pumping stations with initial running status ............................................ 43
3.5.2 Pumping stations with initial stopped status ........................................... 44
3.5.3 Pumps with universal characteristics curves ............................................. 45

3.5.4 Pumps with point-defined characteristics curves ................................... 46

3.5.5 Group’s valves: Check valve ............................................................................ 48
3.5.6 Group’s valves: Regulation valve .................................................................. 48
3.5.7 Group’s valves: By-pass in pumping station ............................................. 50
3.6 Flow control devices .................................................................................................. 51
3.6.1 Regulation valves................................................................................................ 52
3.6.2 Check valves ......................................................................................................... 56
3.6.3 Relief valves .......................................................................................................... 57
3.6.4 Anti-burst valves ................................................................................................. 60
3.6.5 Injectors ................................................................................................................. 65
3.6.6 Minor head loss .................................................................................................. 66
3.6.7 Composite valves................................................................................................ 67
3.6.8 Automatic valves ................................................................................................ 68
3.7 Protection structures ................................................................................................. 72
3.7.1 Air vessels .............................................................................................................. 73 Data of the union branch of the Air vessels ......................................... 77 Estimation of the head loss coefficient of the union branch in Air
vessels ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 78 Air Vessels Pre-dimensioning .................................................................... 85
3.7.2 Surge tank ............................................................................................................. 88 Constant section surge tank ....................................................................... 89 Variable section surge tank ........................................................................ 90 Differential surge tank .................................................................................. 91 Data of the union branch in surge tanks ............................................... 93 Estimation of the head loss coefficient of the union branch in
constant and variable section surge tanks............................................................. 94 Estimation of the head loss coefficient of the union branch in
differential surge tank ................................................................................................... 99
3.7.3 Unidirectional tanks........................................................................................ 105 Data of the union branch in unidirectional tanks ............................ 106
5 USERS MANUAL Estimation of the head loss coefficients of the union branch in

unidirectional Tanks .................................................................................................... 107
3.7.4 Activation and deactivation of protection structures ......................... 110
3.8 Flow or head rules .................................................................................................. 111
3.8.1 Flow rules ........................................................................................................... 111 Flow rule by Q law ...................................................................................... 112 Flow rule by pressure ................................................................................. 114 Flow rule by table........................................................................................ 115
3.8.2 Head rules .......................................................................................................... 116 Head law without associated tank ........................................................ 117 Head law with associated tank ............................................................... 118
3.9 Francis turbines ........................................................................................................ 119
3.9.1 Turbines’ basic data ........................................................................................ 121
3.9.2 Data of the turbines optimal performance point ................................ 122
3.9.3 Load Variation .................................................................................................. 123
3.9.4 Guide closure due to turbine disconnection ......................................... 124
3.9.5 Data of the turbine’s regulator ................................................................... 126
3.10 Open-channel flow conduits ........................................................................... 126
3.10.1 Channels with rectangular cross-section ................................................ 128
3.10.2 Channels with trapezoidal cross-section................................................. 128
3.10.3 Channels with circular cross-section......................................................... 129
3.10.4 Channels with any cross-section ................................................................ 129
3.10.5 Data for channel with null initial flow ...................................................... 130
4. New project configuration on ALLIEVI ......................................................................... 131
4.1 Project options configuration ............................................................................. 132
5. Work environment on ALLIEVI ........................................................................................ 134
5.1 Visual tools ................................................................................................................. 134
5.1.1 Adjust screen width or height..................................................................... 135
5.1.2 Zoom tools ........................................................................................................ 135

5.1.3 Lock tools ........................................................................................................... 137

5.1.4 Schematic view ................................................................................................. 137
5.1.5 Toolbar design ................................................................................................. 138
5.2 Labels ........................................................................................................................... 140
5.2.1 Introduce a label .............................................................................................. 140
5.2.2 Label position ................................................................................................... 140
5.2.3 Show or hide labels ........................................................................................ 141
5.3 Advanced drawing tools ....................................................................................... 141
5.3.1 Quick drawing .................................................................................................. 141
5.3.2 Changing from Pipe to Polypipe ............................................................... 142
5.3.3 Edit vertices ....................................................................................................... 143
5.3.4 Change of direction of a pipe ..................................................................... 143
5.3.5 Release a pipe ................................................................................................... 144
5.3.6 Divide a pipe ..................................................................................................... 144
5.3.7 Join pipes ........................................................................................................... 145
5.4 Scenario creation ..................................................................................................... 146
6. Results Wizard....................................................................................................................... 148
6.1 Steady state results ................................................................................................. 148
6.2 Transient regime results ........................................................................................ 150
6.2.1 Results wizard ................................................................................................... 150
6.2.2 Click Chart results ............................................................................................ 157
6.2.3 SmartCharts ....................................................................................................... 158
7. ALLIEVI’s compatibility with EPANET and AutoCAD ............................................... 160
8. Keyboard shortcuts ............................................................................................................. 163

System requirements

 In order to install ALLIEVI, your computer must have:

 Intel ® Core Duo processor or higher (or equivalent processor in the case
of AMD);
 Windows 7
 At least 2 GB of RAM memory;
 At least 100 MB available hard disk space;
 1.280 x 1.024 resolution or higher, with 32 bits color (recommended)
 Internet connection. Broadband recommended (1)
 Adobe® Reader or compatible
 .NET Framework 3.5

(1) This software requires internet connection. When executed for the first time, ALLIEVI will
have to be activated since it’s not possible to use ALLIEVI without activation. To do so, an
internet connection will be needed to validate your ALLIEVI copy with our servers and, in
addition, a periodic re-validation we’ll be required.


During the ALLIEVI installation process, the system will require some license
information. If this information is not provided, it won’t be possible to use the


When executed for the first time, the program will have to be activated. To do so,
you’ll need an internet connection to validate your copy with our servers at ITA.

1. Introduction

This ALLIEVI technical users guide has been formulated with the intention of
offering the user the necessary tools and concepts for the adequate usage of the
program, specifically for those who have basic hydraulic knowledge or have
experience in the usage of hydraulic transient (water hammer) simulation
computer programs. We advise you to follow the tutorial videos available at, as well as other useful network resources such as FAQs, also
available at this webpage.

The ALLIEVI program is a software package whose aim is to simulate and/or

analyze the transient generated effects on a hydraulic pressurized system. The
program recognizes that through the system’s interior the fluid circulates due to
gravity, impulsed by a series of elevated tanks, driven by a group of pumping
stations, or by means of a combination of tanks and pumping stations. This
pressurized fluid will flow through the system’s pipes, which can form a ramified,
meshed or mixed network.

To regulate the circulating flow through the conduits, the system may have
different types of valves installed either in line with these pipes, or with an exterior
discharge. Some of these valves can additionally function as protection systems
against hydraulic transients.

In a hydraulic system with a steady state operation, transients can be generated

whilst operating the active elements of the system. This transient regime signifies
a change in space and time in the system’s operating conditions, as it goes from
the initial steady state to the final one, after the active elements’ maneuvers. From
this angle, the maneuvers which originate transients are mainly pump startups
and shutdowns as well as the opening and closing of valves.

In hydraulic systems there are also other actions which can provoke transients,
such as the change in a tank´s level, the alterations in demand of a water supply
network and the breakage of a conduit at a given time. Of these three doings, the
first two are usually considered to be slow or very slow maneuvers, thus resulting
in minor transients. However, the breakage of a pipe may result in a rapid
transient, reaching its maximum when the breakage is significant and occurs in a
relatively short period of time.

During the transient, and while the system is adapting from one steady state
regime to the other, there’s an exchange between pressure and kinetic energy,
and vice versa, with the corresponding oscillations in flow, velocity and pressure
inside the pipes. The oscillations in flow and velocity don’t have a direct
consequence on the system, but the fluctuations in pressure generate pressure
changes between maximum and minimum values. It’s the maximum pressure
values which can break the system’s pipes either if sufficient mechanical resistance
is not offered or if the installation is not appropriately protected.

On the other hand, minimum pressures tend not have any effect on the system, if
kept over atmospheric pressure. Although, if lowered beneath atmospheric
pressure, they can generate a depression inside the conduit which may lead to
the entrance of air or liquid through small cracks or fissures, with the related
danger of pathogen intrusion or conduit collapse if the ratio thickness/diameter
is sufficiently low.

Furthermore, if minimum pressures descend under the vapor pressure of the

transported liquid, boiling takes place with the subsequent formation of vapor
cavities which may cause the rupture of liquid columns (known as column
separation). Afterwards, when the oscillating pressure reaches values above the
vapor pressure, the formed vapor returns to liquid state and the vapor cavities
tend to disappear. This causes the two separated water columns to accelerate
against each other and collide as the vapor cavities vanish. These collisions can
produce peaks in pipe pressures, achieving greater values than if column
separation doesn’t take place, which heightens the risk of breakage of the

In view of the harmful effects that may arise during the development of a
hydraulic transient, the solution is to, either provide the system with enough
mechanical resistance to bear the pressure oscillations or to protect the
installation in order to diminish the amplitude of such fluctuations and maintain
them under acceptable limits. To proceed in either way we need to make use of
a computer program capable of simulating transients and providing, among other
results, the oscillations in pressure originated after a particular maneuver. This is,
as we’ve already mentioned, the main objective of the ALLIEVI program.

Consequently to what we’ve indicated, ALLIEVI is a software that can be used both
at design stages and at stages of verification of a hydraulic system’s functioning.
At design stages, the program allows to incorporate to the system several
protection devices (pressure vessels, surge tanks, relief valves, etc.) so as to
maintain the pressure oscillations caused by the different elements’ maneuvers
between previously determined limits. On the other hand, at verification stages,
the program enables the visualization of the transient effects when effectuating
the maneuvers of a previously designed installation.

2. ALLIEVI Calculation basics

2.1 Pressurized pipes

In a pressurized conduit, the hydraulic transient is modeled applying mass and

momentum conservation equations to a control volume which has to include the
shockwave moving along the pipeline. With these two principles, a system of two
nonlinear differential equations is obtained, these being hydraulic head H = H(x,
t) and velocity V = V(x, t). The constitution of this equation system is the following

H H a 2 V
V  0
t x g x
V V H VV
V g  f 0
t x x 2D

Since this system doesn’t have an analytical solution, in order to integrate it, the
standard procedure is to assume that the solution will be obtained for specific
time instants (separated by a t) and in particular points of the pipe (separated
by a x), satisfying the following condition,
a (2)
where “a” is the celerity of the pressure wave inside the pipe. This celerity, in the
case of water, is calculated through the expression
47'6  C
e (3)
in which the C coefficient depends on the pipe’s material.

Together with this hypothesis, the aforementioned differential equations are

transformed into a system of two lineal algebraic equations, with two unknowns,
in the following manner:

f n x
H in 1  H in1 

a n 1

Vi  Vi n1  i 1 Vi n1 Vi n1  0
f x n n
 
a n 1
H in 1  H in1  Vi  Vi n1  Vi 1 Vi 1  0
i 1
g D

from which we can calculate the hydraulic head H and the velocity V at a point i
of the pipe and in the calculation instant n+1, using the H and V values of the
points i-1 and i+1 at the n instant. Implementing the expressions at (4) is what is
known as the “METHOD OF CHARACTERISTICS”, and is the calculation basic for
the ALLIEVI program.

The system at (4) can be solved for all calculation points of all pipes, with the
exception of end points where we lack one of the two equations. In these
extremes, where supposedly the pipe is connected to a system’s element, the
missing equation is substituted by the equation, or system of equations, which
represent the behavior of said element, and are known as “boundary conditions”.
In this way, the ALLIEVI program enables us to simulate the transient functioning
of a pressurized hydraulic system including the following elements, connected to
each other through their corresponding pipe systems:

1. Tanks, with or without weir

2. Pumping stations
3. Flow control structures, such as valves or minor headlosses
4. Protection structures, such as air vessels, reservoirs or surge tanks
5. Vents, that can be distributed throughout the pipes
6. Flow or hydraulic head rules at end points of pipes
7. Francis Turbine

2.2 Open-channel flow conduits

Alternatively, in open-channel flow conduits the transient can be generated due

to gate actioning, changes in a tank’s water level which is connected to the
conduit or due to supply variations or flow detractions. The transient regime in
these conduits is governed by the Saint-Venant equations, derived from the
implementation of mass and momentum conservation equations to a control
volume that includes the changes in flow conditions inside the conduit. The
structure of these equations is as follows:

y y A V
V  0
t x T x (5)
V V y
V  g  g s0  s f   0
t x x

where the unknowns are the depth y = y(x, t) and the velocity V = V(x, t), both as
a function of the position along the conduit and time. In the expression at (5), A
is the occupying cross-section of the flow, T is the free surface width defined by
cross-section A, s0 is the bottom slope and sf the hydraulic slope, defined by the
n 2V 2
s f  4/3 (6)

where n is the Manning coefficient and Rh the hydraulic radius of the fluid-
occupied cross-section. Assuming certain simplifications, system (5) can be solved
similarly to (1) through the method of characteristics, with an analogue
formulation to (4). In this case, the expression at (2) is substituted by

V  c (7)

where c is the celerity of the conduit’s gravity wave, calculated with the expression

c g (8)

ALLIEVI allows the transient to be simulated in systems where there are both
pressurized and open-channel flows, applying the method of characteristics to

both types of conduits, differentiated for each particular case. Since the
characteristic time for solving pressurized transients is in the tenths or hundredths
of a second, being considerably higher for open-channel flow solutions (seconds),
the time increment for the solving of open-channel flow transients must be a
multiple of the time increment for the solving of pressurized flow transients.

In this program, each open flow conduit can only be connected through their
ends to a tank or node linked to other free flow channels. In these conduits,
subcritical flow (or critical at the end point of a freefall conduit) is assumed, taking
rectangular, trapezoidal, circular or any type of cross-section.

2.3 Steady state calculation

In any hydraulic system, the transient regime initiates from a steady state regime
when a maneuver takes place in any of the system’s elements. In the program
ALLIEVI, the steady state regime is obtained by processing the transient regime
calculation using whichever operating conditions, with the system’s elements in
their initial position and without effectuating any maneuvers. When, in this
calculation, unaltered operating conditions through time are obtained, they’re
adopted as starting values to initiate the transient regime calculation.

NOTE: It’s of great importance to point out that in order to calculate any
transient, ALLIEVI calculates first the steady state solution, being available for
the user in table format for each of the project’s elements.

3. System’s elements to be simulated on ALLIEVI

The hydraulic system to be simulated is constituted by elements, which are

interconnected to each other through their end nodes. In general, each element
has two nodes, an initial or inlet node and a final or exit one, so that the positive
direction of the flow in each element is established when it circulates from the
initial to the end node.

The element types considered on the program are as follows:

Element types Graphical representation on

1. Nodes

2. Tanks

3. Pipes

4. Pumps

5. Protection structures

6. Flow control structures

7. Flow(Q) or head(H) rules

8. Francis Turbines

9. Open-channel flow conduits

3.1 Drawing elements

ALLIEVI’s graphic interface is intended so that the user can introduce, with just
one click, all the necessary elements to create from simple systems, e.g. a simple
impulse, to complex system like mesh networks.

Elements are grouped into five categories. On the one hand we have the basic
elements, which include pumps, pipes, nodes and open-channel flow conduits or
channels. On the other hand, we have the different types of tanks we can simulate.
Finally we have the group of valves, the group of protection elements and the
varied group, which contains flow and head rules, Francis turbines and injectors.

The way to introduce these elements on ALLIEVI is the following one:

 Go to the Image tab  Basics  Select between Node, Pipe, Pump, Channel.

 Go to the Image tab  Tanks  Select the tank type and its location

 Go to the Image tab  Valves  Select the valve type from the possibilities
provided by ALLIEVI (Regulation, retention, automatic, Headloss valve,
among others)

 Go to the Image tab  Protection  Select between Air vessel, Surge tank
or Reservoir.

 Go to the Image tab  More  Select Rule, Turbine or Injector.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that certain elements can’t be directly connected

on ALLIEVI. In case we try to connect two incompatible elements, the cursor
warns us with the restricted sign “ ” and, in this cases, we then have to use a
short length of pipe to join the elements together.

IMPORTANT: However, valves and pumping stations can be connected

directly to tanks if they have been previously defined as great dimension tank.

Next, we present the most important characteristics of each of the elements,

explaining their hydraulic parameters, the necessary considerations to take and
indicating in each case the way to input their data.

3.2 Nodes

Once we’ve established each node, ALLIEVI will require the user to introduce the
values corresponding to:

- Name. The designation of each node is an alphanumeric variable, with the

sole condition that there can’t be two nodes with the same name. When we
generate a node, the program assigns to it a specific name, which can be
modified by the user at any time. It’s very important to bear in mind that if
the assigned name is already being used on another node, a warning sign is
issued and in order to continue, it has to be modified by the user.

- Elevation. It’s the node’s elevation, with respect to user-defined reference


At the nodes, ALLIEVI will show the type of element to which each of them
corresponds. In this way, we can corroborate the elevation values entered for the
respective elements.

NOTE: When two nodes belong to the same element, ALLIEVI will
automatically assign the same elevation value to both of them.

3.3 Tanks

Tanks are elements of the system where water at atmospheric pressure is stored.
The types of tanks included on the program are:

Tank types Graphical representation on

Tanks of great dimensions or constant

Tanks of small dimensions or variable


Variable cross-section tank (VCS)


In order to ease the graphical representation of the system, we have tank icons
with a single node (right or left) or with two nodes. In the case of the tank with
two nodes, they must have the same elevation. The elevation of a tank’s nodes
corresponds to its base elevation.

Next, we describe the characteristics of these tanks.

3.3.1 Tanks of great dimensions

- Initial water level (Z0): It’s the water elevation level used to calculate the
steady state. Being a tank of great dimensions, this elevation will remain
constant throughout the entire simulation, independently of the established
inlet and outlet flows.

To declare a tank of great dimensions and input the initial water level on
ALLIEVI, the procedure is as follows:

 Go to Basic Data  Type  GD


 Go to Basic Data  Z0 (m)

The units for Initial water level can be modified by simply right clicking on the
cell once it’s in edit mode.
 Right click on Z0  Change unit  Units management: this assistant
will allow you to change the current unit to the desired one used in the
field you’re working on.

NOTE The way to change units is analogous for all entry data required for

3.3.2 Tanks of small dimensions

- Cross-section (S). It’s the tank’s cross-section, with a constant value.


- Initial water level (Z0). It’s the water elevation level used to calculate the
steady state. This being a tank of small dimensions, this level will change
throughout the simulation, depending on the tank’s cross-section and the
established inflows and outflows.

The way to declare a tank of small dimensions is the following one:

 Go to Basic Data  Type  SD

IMPORTANT: In case we ignore the meaning of any entry field, it’s possible to
access an explanation by right clicking on the name of the field you’d like to
know about. With this action, ALLIEVI displays a label with all the necessary

3.3.3 Variable cross-section tanks

In these tanks the cross-section varies in a stepwise manner, with lengths of

constant cross-section between the lower and upper boundaries of each step. The
characteristics of these tanks are as follows:

- Initial water level (Z0): It’s the water elevation level used to calculate the
steady state. This level might change along the transient simulation.

- For each point i which define the variable cross-section tank:


- Point elevation (Z). It’s the elevation of point i, with respect to an

established reference elevation.

- Accumulated volume (V). It refers to the accumulated volume from

the bottom to point i. For i = 0, the program directly assigns an
accumulated volume of zero.

The way to introduce the data for a variable cross-section tank is as follows:
 Go to Basic Data  Tank cross-section S (m2)  An assistant will be
displayed where you’ll have to input the elevations and their
corresponding accumulated volumes.

3.3.4 Weirs

They’re tanks which have a rectangular transverse thin-walled weir that separates
the entry zone from the exit zone. Its characteristics are:

- Upstream section (Si). It’s the cross section at the entry zone.

- Downstream section (Sf). It’s the cross section at the exit zone.

- Initial and end section elevation (Z Si; Z Sf). It’s the elevation at the initial
and end sections of the tank, used to calculate the steady state solution.
This elevation may be equal or different for both of the tank’s zones, and
might change along the transient simulation.

The way to assign these parameters is as follows:

 Go to Compartmentalized  Initial section (Si)

 End section (Sf)
 Initial section elevation (Z Si)
 End section elevation (Z Sf)

- Weir length (L). It’s the length of the tank’s transverse weir or the maximum
level of spillway.

- Crest Elevation (Z Crest ). It’s the elevation of the weir’s crest, with regard
to an established reference level.

- Flow coefficient of weir (Cq). It’s the Cq coefficient of the rectangular thin-
walled tank’s weir, used to calculate the discharged flow through the

2 3
Q  Cq L 2g H 2 (9)

where L is the weir’s length and H the height of the water surface over the
Crest elevation(Z crest), before it initiates its rapid descent. Typical values
for CQ range between 0.60 and 0.80, and a maximun value of 0.85.

In case of considering a thick-walled weir, the flow coefficient can be taken

as Cq   0'577

The way to input these data is the following one:

 Go to Weir/Spillway  Weir length (L)

 Crest elevation (Z Crest)
 Flow coefficient of the weir (Cq)

3.3.5 Other tank characteristics

Besides the aforementioned data, there are other common characteristics of

different types of tanks, listed below. Spillway in tanks of small dimensions or with variable cross-


In these tanks there might be a rectangular thin-walled spillway, located in one of

its lateral walls, which discharges water to the exterior when the weir’s crest
elevation is reached. The data needed to define this spillway are as follows:

- Spillway length (L): It’s the length of the spillway. If this length is zero, the
corresponding tank doesn’t have one.

- Crest Elevation (Z Crest). It’s the elevation of the weir’s crest, with regard to
an established reference level.

- Flow coefficient of the spillway (Cq). It’s the Cq coefficient of the rectangular
thin-walled or thick-walled tank’s spillway, used to calculate the discharged
flow through the expression at (9).

- Discharge tank: The discharged water through the spillway can be poured to
a receiving waterway or to a small or variable cross-section tank, installed in
the system. Through this variable, we’ll indicate the designation of this tank,
or, if left blank, specify that the pouring is done to a receiving waterway.

In case the tank includes a spillway, such spillway can be fixed or be constituted
by a gate with vertical movement and top pouring. In this last case, this gate might
do a single linear elevation or descent movement during the transient
development. The characteristics of this mobile spillway are the following ones:

- Crest (Fixed - Mobile). It indicates the crest characteristic, either mobile (Yes)
or fixed (No). In case it’s fixed, the following data are not required:

 Go to Mobile Spillway  Crest (Fixed/ Mobile)

If the crest is mobile, the required data are as follows:

- Final crest elevation (Zf). It’s the elevation that the spillway crest will reach at
the end of its movement. The elevation for the start of the movement is the
previously indicated one through Z Crest.

- Initial instant (Ti). Instant in which the crest movement begins.

- Final instant (Tf). Instant in which the crest movement finishes.


 Go to Mobile spillway  Final crest elevation (Zf)

 Initial instant (Ti)
 Final instant (Tf) Changes in water level during transient regime calculation in

tanks of small dimensions, variable cross-section tanks and


In these tanks, as oppose in those of large dimensions, the water level will change
during the transient regime functioning. However, for the steady state calculation,
the water level in these tanks may adopt a predetermined value or vary until the
continuity equation between the outflows and inflows is verified.

In case that, for the steady state calculation, the water level in one of these tanks
is a predetermined value, it’ll result in a steady state regime which generally won’t
fulfill the continuity equation between outflows and inflows.

In most cases, this is done because is interesting to start the transient regime
calculations from certain levels in the system tanks.

If, on the contrary, we allow the water level of whichever of these tanks to fluctuate
during the steady state calculation, when said calculation is done the water level
reached in this tank will be such so as to fulfill the continuity equation between
its inflows and outflows.

As a consequence, and if we allow in all system’s tanks, except in those of great

dimensions, the water level to change during the steady state calculation, the
reached situation will be such so as to remain unchanged during the transient
calculation, providing that no maneuvers are effected on the system’s active

According to each case, the introduced variable will be:

- Variable water level for steady state calculation (Yes - No). In order to
calculate the steady state solution, the water inside the deposit might have
variable level (Yes) or fixed level (No), the latter being equal to the initial
level, previously indicated.

 Go to Basic Data  Variable water level (Zvar) YES / NO

3.4 Pipes

Pipe characteristic’s are as follows:

- Diameter (Dint): It’s the internal diameter of the pipe.

- Length (L): It’s the total length of pipe

- Pipe thickness (e): It refers to the pipe’s wall thickness, used to calculate

The way of introduce these data on the program is as follows:

 Go to Pipes – Basic Data  Diameter (Dint)

 Length (L)
 Thickness (e)

- Absolute Roughness or (Rough): The pipe’s friction losses are calculated by

means of the Darcy equation, calculating the friction factor for the turbulent
regime through the Swamee y Jain equation (An approximation of the

Colebrook equation). The user must introduce the absolute roughness of the
pipe’s inner walls.

 If the user introduces in this cell a negative value of roughness, for
instance (-1), the program effectuates calculations considering null
friction losses for this pipe.

 If we introduce a zero value of absolute roughness, the pipe is

considered to be hydrodynamically smooth, with the corresponding
friction factor.
- Head loss coefficient (k): It’s the pipe’s global minor loss coefficient, which is
dimensionless. Using this coefficient, the minor losses are calculated through
the following expression

Vt 2
hm  k (10)

where Vt water velocity inside the pipe.

 Go to Pipes – Losses  Absolute roughness (Rug)

 Head loss coefficient (k)

- Speed (a): It’s the pressure wave speed. This datum is directly assigned to the
pipe or can be calculated from the inner diameter, the wall thickness and the
pipe’s material coefficient: If the given value is zero, the transient throughout
the pipe is treated as a mass oscillation.

This assistant is found right on the speed cell on the table of the pipe’s basic

- Material coefficient of pipe kmt. It’s the pipe’s material dependent coefficient
used to calculate speed through the expression(only valid for water)

a (11)
47 '3  k mt

On the program, values for kmt are indicated for different pipe materials.

The way to introduce speed for each pipe on ALLIEVI is as follows:

 Go to Pipes – Basic Data  Speed (a)  manually introduce the value

for the pipe’s speed

 Go to Pipes – Basic Data  Speed (a)  Calculate. An assistant will be

displayed in which you only have to introduce the value for the pipe’s
material coefficient; on its right hand side, the user is provided with
values for this coefficient for the most typically used pipe materials.

- Longitudinal profile (Profile). It corresponds to the geometric shape or profile

of the pipe, defined from its axis outline. The necessary data to define the
pipe’s profile are listed below:

- Distance to origin. It’s the distance to which point i is located from the
pipe’s origin, measured along its axis. For the pipe’s initial point, the
program assigns automatically a zero distance, and for the end point
a distance equal to its length.

- Elevation. It refers to the elevation of point i located on the pipe’s axis.

For both of the pipe’s extremes the program sets the elevation of the
corresponding nodes.

The pipe’s profile is input in the following way:

 Go to Pipes – Basic Data  Profile  Pipe settings. An assistant is

displayed, in which all distances to the origin for the different elevations
have to be introduced.

The distance and elevation columns, except for the extreme values that
are already assigned, can be copied and pasted from an Excel Sheet.

3.4.1 Air valves in pipes

Air valves are installed in order to avoid negative pressures inside pipes. They
admit air to its interior when the pressure at its location tends to be lower than
atmospheric pressure. When the pressure reaches values over the atmospheric
one, they release air. Nonetheless, since the entrance of air to a conduit may
cause, in some cases, more problems than solutions, the usage of air valves as
protection devices against hydraulic transients should only be done when no
other method to avoid negative pressures can be implemented.

ALLIEVI has an internal database with the characteristics of several air valves.
However, it also enables the user to define their own database with the desired
air valves and their characteristic curve.

Air valves are introduced in the following way:

Go to Pipes – Basic Data  Profile  Pipe settings  Air valves. First, it has to be
selected the air valves file. It can be the air valves file of Allievi database, or a file
created by the user using Allievi.

The air valves file selected can be marked as default file (option “Mark file as
default”). This allows that while working with a project, it will be easier to access
to the desired air valves file. Therefore, it will not be necessary to select the folder
where the file is as the chosen database option will be marked as “Default” and
Allievi will present it automatically.

Once the file has been selected, air valves can be chosen from the list of the air
valves database. For each air valve selected to be installed, the user has to specify
the distance in meters of the air valve to the pipe origin. These data will be stored
in a table. As air valves are introduced in the table, with their distance to the origin
pipe, they are represented in the profile of the pipe.

To delete an air valve, select the row where the air valve is and click the “Del” key
from the keyboard. If there is an air valve in the table without distance, Allievi will
not save it. It will be automatically deleted from the list of selected air valves.

In the simulation process, each air valve is moved to the nearest point of
calculation from its original situation. It is not possible to simulate more than one
air valve in the same point of calculation.

IMPORTANT: It’s very important to bear in mind that, for calculation purposes,
if a pipe’s end is connected to an element, the installed vents must be located
at a minimum distance equal to:

𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ≥ 0.5(∆𝑥) = 0.5 ∗ (𝑎 ∗ ∆𝑡)

∆𝑡 : Time interval
a: Speed

In the case of pipes whose end connects to other pipes, air valves can be
installed at the node associated to one of the pipes. For the others air valves,
a minimum distance to the node must be left:

𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ≥ 1.5(∆𝑥) = 1.5 ∗ (𝑎 ∗ ∆𝑡)

For two consecutive air valves, there must be at least a minimum distance so
there can be a calculation point between them, this distance must be:

𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ≥ 2(∆𝑥) = 2 ∗ (𝑎 ∗ ∆𝑡) Air valves configuration

Allievi has his own air valves database file, but allows users to work with other an
air valve database file. The create it, Allievi allows the user to create it as an empty
file or as a copy from an existing file that can be modified afterwards. In this file,
the user can add new air valves with their admission and expulsion curves, or can
modify all the air valves that are in the file and their characteristics.

To access to the management of the air valves file:

 Go to the Settings  BBDD: Manage the air valves files defined in ALLIEVI

To define a new air valves database select “Create file” option. To define new air
valves in a file that already exists, to modify the air valves of a file, or to see the
air valves and its curves, select the “Setup” option.

- Define air valves files

A new air valves file is created using a wizard. The new air valves file can be
created empty or like a copy or another air valves file created using Allievi.

If the option “Create empty file” is chosen, only the name of file and its path
is required.

If the other option is selected (“Create file as a copy of an existing one”),

Allievi will duplicate the selected file. Therefore, the user has to specify the
file thatis to be duplicated. This file can be either be the Allievi’s air valves
file, or another air valves file that has been created using Allievi.

- Configuration of air valves defined by the user

In this option Allievi allows to create, modify or delete the air valves curves
of a file selected. It is also possible to import air valves from another file
that has been created using Allievi.

As can be seen in previous figure, it is possible to create new air valves by

clicking on the “New” button. To create a new air valve by duplicating an

existing one, the “Duplicate” button has to be pressed. Air valves can be
removed by clicking on the “Delete” button.
It is also possible to import to the file an air valve and its characteristics if
it belongs to another air valves file introduced in Allievi, or from the Allievi’s
air valves file.

3.4.2 Pipe breakage

ALLIEVI enables you to simulate the effect of a pipe’s breakage on the system. To
do so, in the wizard where the pipe’s profile is introduced, select the “Burst” tab
and mark the option “Pipe with burst”. Then, the fields that define the burst are

- Distance to origin. It refers to the distance from the pipe’s origin to the point
in which the burst will occur.

- Burst instant. It’s the instant of time in which the burst occurs.

- Burst duration. It’s the time during the burst is occurring.


- Kv final. It’s the burst’s final Kv coefficient that relates the discharged burst
flow Qrot with the inner pipe’s pressure at the point of breakage P tub,
according to the expression:

Qrot m 3 h   Kv Ptub bar  (12)

The final Kv of the burst could be assimilated to that of an open valve whose
passage section was that of the burst.

You con input a burst in the following way:

 Go to Pipes – Basic Data  Profile  Pipe setting i  select Pipe with


IMPORTANT: For the simulation, the burst is moved to the closest calculation
point to its location. However, the burst is not allowed to be moved to one
end of the pipe, where other element of the system will be connected.
Therefore, the minimum distance between the burst and any of the ends of
the pipe must meet

𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 > 0.5(∆𝑥) = 0.5 ∗ (𝑎 ∗ ∆𝑡)

∆𝑡: Time Interval

a: Speed

If a vent and a burst coincide in the same calculation point, the vent is
ignored and does not intervene in the simulation.

3.4.3 Pipes with null initial flow

To calculate the steady state solution, the circulating pipe flow to initiate
calculations is obtained by assigning a supposed velocity in the order of 0.5 m/s
(or a different user-defined value). During the steady state calculation this velocity
will change with every iteration and for each pipe, until reaching a permanent
regime value.

In case steady state flow in one or several pipes is zero (because of stopped pumps
and/or closed valves), the permanent regime conditions are obtained through a
great number iterations, which can consume important calculation time. In these
cases, for the steady state calculation you can directly assign a null flow to those
pipes which you know beforehand will have this regime flow value. For each of
the pipes, the necessary data are:

- Zero flow (Yes – No). It indicates whether we enforce a null initial flow.

- End to impose H (Initial – Final). In case we impose a null initial flow, it

indicates if the hydraulic head of the pipe in steady state conditions
corresponds to its initial or final end.

IMPORTANT: We have to be mindful when selecting these data, since when

we indicate a zero flow through a pipe the program calculates the steady state
solution assigning this flow and the indicated end’s hydraulic head to such
pipe. The obtained steady state solution will be inaccurate if in fact these
circumstances are not going to take place. When in doubt, it’s best not to
assign these types of data.

The process to input these data is the following one:


 Go to Pipes – Zero Flow  Qin = 0

 Go to Pipes – Zero Flow  H Imp  Initial / Final

3.5 Pumping stations

The general characteristics of pumping stations are as follows:

- Number of parallel pumps. It refers to the number of parallel units, all equal,
present at the pumping station. These units will have the same exact
behavior during the transient and will have, in turn, the same regulation and
retention valves which will effectuate the same maneuvers.

 Go to pumping stations (Data table) – Basic data  Num.

- Pump characteristics curve shape. It indicates the way in which the pumps’
characteristics curve will be presented, Hp = Hp (Qp) and Pac = Pac (Qp), which
can be either Universal or Adjusted (By points).

 Go to pumping stations – Basic data  Curve  By points / Universals


- Type of valve in group. It indicates whether there is a retention and regulation

valve at the exit of each unit, as well as a by-pass between the inlet and the
outlet of the pumping station.

 Go to installation  V Regulation  YES / NO

 V Retention  YES / NO
 By-Pass  YES / NO

- Regime rotation speed. It’s the rotation speed of the groups when they
operate at steady state regime conditions.

- Nominal rotation speed. It’s the pump’s rotating speed, corresponding to the
used characteristics curves.

 Go to Rotation  Nreg (rpm).

 Go to Rotation  Nnom (rpm).

- Inertia of each group. It’s the moment of inertia of the rotating masses of
each group, including the impeller, the axis and the driving engine’s rotor. If

we don’t have this datum, the program facilitates an estimation of the

group’s moment of inertia using the Thorley formula,
0 '9556 1' 48
 P  P
I  0'03768 3   0'0043  (13)
N  N

where I is the group’s moment of inertia expressed in Kg·m2, P the nominal

power of the pump in Kw, and N the nominal rotating speed in thousands
of rpm. In the expression at (13), the first term of the second addend
represents the moment of inertia of the impeller and the axis, and the second
term of the same addend, the moment of inertia of the driving engine’s
Moreover, if you know the PD2 of the group, its relation with the moment of
inertia is:
PD 2 Nw·m 2  PD 2 Kp ·m 2 
I Kg ·m 2   ; I Kg ·m 2   (14)
4g 4

As we’ve previously mentioned, there are two ways of inputting the moment of
inertia. The direct way is to write it down in the corresponding box:

 Rotation  I (Kg.m2)

If you don’t know this datum, ALLIEVI gives you the option of calculating it, with
the optimal performance point of the pump, through an assistant, found in the
following way:

 Rotation  I (Kg.m2)  Calc.  Inertia and power calculation


If pump has universal curve, the ‘Save’ option allows to copy the data used
to calculate the inertia to pump's grid. If pumps have characteristic curve
by points, the data from the optimal performance point to calculate inertia
are obtained from the characteristique curve previously introduced.

- Initial pump status. At initial conditions, the groups may be running (at
regime rotation speed) or stopped.

 Go to Stop/Start  Initial  Running/ Stopped

3.5.1 Pumping stations with initial running status

Pumping stations which are initially running may stop at a particular time and
then restart. In these cases, we have:

- Stop (Yes - No). In pumping groups with initial running status, indicates if
they stop.

- Stop instant (Stop inst). Instant in which all pumping groups are
simultaneously stopped.

- New startup (Yes – No). It indicates whether the groups are going to be
restarted after their shut down.

- Startup instant. Instant in which the pumps begin the simultaneous startup
maneuver, if applicable.

- Duration. In case startup occurs, it’s the time taken until the nominal rotation
speed is achieved, considering a linear evolution.

 Go to Stop/Startup  Initial  Running

 Stop  Yes / No
 Stop instant
 New start-up  Yes / No
 Start-up instant
 Duration

3.5.2 Pumping stations with initial stopped status

Pumping stations which are initially stopped may startup at a given time and stop
yet again afterwards. In these cases we have:

- Startup (Yes – No). In pumping groups with initial stopped status, indicates if
they start run.

- Startup instant. Instant in which the pumps begin the simultaneous startup

- Duration. It’s the time taken until the nominal rotation speed is achieved,
considering a linear evolution.

- New stop (Yes – No). It indicates whether the groups are going to be stopped
yet again after their startup.

- Stop instant. Instant in which the pumps begin the simultaneous stopping
maneuver, if applicable.

 Go to Stop/Startup  Initial  Stops

 Start-up  Yes / No
 Start-up instant
 Duration
 New stop  Yes / No
 Stop instant

3.5.3 Pumps with universal characteristics curves

In this case, the pumps’ characteristics curves are obtained from the Marchal,
Flesch y Suter universal curves for a total of 14 different specific velocity values.
These curves enable the characterization of the pump’s behavior in whichever
functioning conditions, i.e. positive, negative or null flow, head or rotation speed

The necessary data to characterize the pump correspond to the optimal

performance point (or maximum efficiency point) at nominal rotating speed,
these are:

- Flow Qp0. Boosted flow for the optimal performance point.

- Head Hp0. Head gain for the optimal performance point.

- Power consumption Pcon0. Power consumption by the pump’s shaft for the
optimal performance point.

Once these values are entered, the program shows for you to check the pump’s
efficiency at the optimal performance point.

 Displaying the Basic data table ( )  Optimal performance  Q (l/s)

 Optimal performance  H (m)
 Optimal performance  P (Kw)

3.5.4 Pumps with point-defined characteristics curves

The fitted characteristics curves are defined by points for nominal rotating speed,
obtained from the catalogue information provided by the pump’s manufacturer.
With this information the program is unable to characterize the pump’s behavior
for negative flow, head or rotating speed values. Hence, this manner of providing
the characteristics curve is only useful when the functioning of the valves is limited
to the first quadrant, with positive rotating speed.

In this case, the needed data to obtain the fitted characteristics curves are:

- Flow Qpi. Boosted flow for performance point i.

- Head Hpi. Head gain for performance point i.

- Power consumption Pacci. Power consumption by the pump’s shaft for

performance point i.

Once these three values are entered for each i operating point, the program
displays the pump’s efficiency for it to be verified.

IMPORTANT: The pump’s operating points which define the fitted or point-
defined curves must cover the whole first quadrant, from Qp = 0 until Hp = 0,
with power consumptions that in no case should take negative or nil values.
Thus, the user must provide enough points so as to adequately define this
working interval, even if this means extrapolating the catalogue information
provided by the manufacturer. This is so because throughout the simulation
the pump may function in any point of its characteristics curve within the first
quadrant, and therefore the program must count on sufficient information
regarding the pump’s characteristics.

In order to input the characteristics curves’ defining data, ALLIEVI has an assistant
that can be reached in the following way:

 Displaying the Basic data table ( )  Curves by points  Table


3.5.5 Group’s valves: Check valve

Pumping groups with fitted curves must include, in all cases, a check valve. Groups
with universal curves may or may not incorporate this valve.

The necessary data are:

- Check valve’s minor head loss coefficient KVRt. It’s the check valve’s loss
coefficient when fully opened, with units in m/(m3/s)2, used to calculate
losses as a function of the pump’s boosted flow. This loss coefficient must
also include the losses concerning the pumping station’s remaining
accessories which have its same circulating flow, except those of the
regulation valve, if present.

 Displaying the Basic data table ( )  V check  K

3.5.6 Group’s valves: Regulation valve

The regulation valve is installed at the exit of each group, generally following the
check valve, if present. Its mission is to regulate the group’s boosted flow by
closing partially or, if fully closed, isolate the group from the discharge manifold.

These valve’s characteristics are:

- Nominal Diameter. It’s the nominal diameter of the regulation valve.

- Type of regulation valve It’s the type of regulation valve to be installed,

choosing from one of the following types:

 Displaying the Basic Data table ( )  V Regulation  D (mm)

V Regulation  Type: Butterfly
V Regulation  Type: Spherical
V Regulation  Type: Gate

V Regulation  Type: Poppet

V Regulation  Type: Diaphragm
V Regulation  Type: Commercial

For all these types, except the commercial valve, the program has a typical
characteristics curve which provides the dimensionless loss coefficient as a
function of the valve’s opening position.

For the case of the commercial valve, the characteristics valve curve will be
obtained from the valve database compiled using the catalogue information, and
can be uploaded through the program. In this case, the introduced data is:

- Commercial valve installed (Model). It’s the number of the installed

commercial valve, obtained from the available valve database.

 Displaying the Basic Data table ( )  V Regulation  Model

Regulation valves installed in pumping station’s groups will be able to do closing

and/or opening maneuvers during the transient simulation. To define these
maneuvers in tabular form, the required data are as follows:

- Instant ti. It’s the time instant corresponding to point i.

- Opening position Ori. It’s the relative opening of the valve, in % with respect
to its maximum opening, at time instant ti.

To introduce the valve’s maneuver, the procedure is as follows:


 Displaying the Basic Data table ( )  V Regulation  Maneuver

3.5.7 Group’s valves: By-pass in pumping station

This by-pass, if present, is installed between the inlet and outlet manifolds of the
pumping station, in parallel configuration with the other boosting groups. The
by-pass will include a check valve with the following data:

- Check valve’s minor head loss coefficient KVRbp. It refers to the minor head loss
coefficient of the check valve when fully opened, in m/(m3/s)2 used to
calculate the losses as a function of the circulating flow through the by-pass.
This coefficient must also include the losses concerning the rest of the
accessories that constitute the by-pass (Including the friction losses of the
corresponding pipe).

 Displaying the Basic Data table ( )  By-Pass  K

3.6 Flow control devices

Flow control devices are constituted in essence by valves or other components

which intervene on the circulating flow through the pipes. Elements considered
as flow control devices are the following ones:

Element types Graphical representation on

1. Regulation valves

2. Check valves

3. Relief valves

4. Excessive flow shut-off valves

5. Injectors

6. Minor head loss

7. Composite valves

8. Automatic valves

Their characteristics are listed below:


3.6.1 Regulation valves

They are valves whose actioning allows the circulating flow through the
installation to be modified. In case they’re used as on/off valves, under ordinary
conditions they’re usually opened but might close to isolate a part of the system.
Their characteristics are:

- Elevation (Z). Elevation of the valve, equal for start and end nodes.

- Nominal diameter (DN). It’s the valve’s nominal diameter.

- Headloss coefficient (k) of the branch. It refers to the dimensionless headloss

coefficient of the valve-connected branch.

These data are input in the following way:

 Go to Regulation valve – Basic data  elevation(Z)

 Go to Regulation valve – Basic data  Nominal diameter (DN)
 Go to Regulation valve – Basic data  Headloss coefficient (k)

- Type of valve. It’s the type of valve to be installed, selecting from one of the
following types:


In order to define the valve type one must:

 Go to Regulation valve – Basic data  Type  Butterfly

 Spherical
 Gate

 Poppet
 Diaphragm
 Commercial

For all these types, excluding commercial valves, the program possesses a typical
characteristics curve that provides the dimensionless headloss coefficient as a
function of the valve’s opening position.

For commercial valves, its characteristics curve will be obtained from the valve
database compiled using catalogue information. For these valves one must have
the dimensionless loss coefficient as a function of opening position, ranging from
0 % to 100 % with 5 % intervals of valve position.

When introducing a commercial valve, the user must decide which type of valve
he or she wants to introduce. The way to do it is as follows:

 Go to Regulation valve – Basic data  Type  Commercial  Model:

A table is displayed containing all the available commercial valves.

Regulation valves can effectuate opening and/or closing maneuvers during the
transient simulation. These maneuvers may be defined as:

 Tabulated
 Sinusoidal

In any of these maneuvers, the relative opening of the valve is limited to 0 - 100%

In order to define tabulated maneuvers the following data will be required:

- Instant ti. Time instant i corresponding to point i.

- Opening position Ori. It’s the relative opening of the valve, in % with respect
to its maximum opening, at time instant ti.

The user must introduce the valve’s maneuver in the following manner:

 Go to Maneuver  Type  Tabulated

 Go to Tabulated  Table

The sinusoidal maneuver will follow the following periodic function:

Apt   Ap0  A  sen ( t  B) (151)

Where the relative opening in % with respect to the maximum one, depends on
the following parameters:

- Initial opening Ap0. It’s the initial valve opening in % with respect to the
maximum one.

- Amplitude A. It refers to oscillation’s amplitude in % with respect to the

maximum opening.

- Period T. It refers to the oscillation period of the valve’s opening degree,

in s.

- Phase B. It’s the phase angle of the valve’s opening position’s oscillation.

The sinusoidal maneuver is input in the following manner:

 Go to maneuver  Type  Sinusoidal
 Go to Sinusoidal  Initial opening Apo (%)
 Go to Sinusoidal  Amplitude A (%)
 Go to Sinusoidal  Period T (s)
 Go to Sinusoidal  Phase angle B (degree)

3.6.2 Check valves

These valves open when flow circulates with forward direction, and close when
backflow is established (inverse flow direction). They are considered as ideal
elements, instantaneously closing exactly when the valve’s outflow becomes
negative. Their characteristics include:

- Elevation. Elevation of valve, equal for start and end nodes.

- Nominal diameter. It’s the valve’s nominal diameter.

 Go to Check valve – Basic data  Elevation (Z)

 Go to Check valve – Basic data  Nominal diameter (DN)

- Branch’s headloss dimensionless coefficient k. It refers to the dimensionless

loss coefficient of the valve-connected branch.

- Loss coefficient k for fully closed valve. It refers to the dimensionless headloss
coefficient for a fully closed valve. If, when the valve is closed, the backflow
is entirely prevented, this coefficient will take a value of 1·10252.

- Loss coefficient k for open valve. It’s the dimensionless loss coefficient for a
fully opened valve.

 Go to Head loss  Branch’s headloss coefficient (k Branch

 Go to Head loss  Loss coefficient fully closed valve (k 0%)
 Go to Head loss  Loss coefficient fully opened valve (k 100%)

3.6.3 Relief valves

They’re valves which open when pressure at their connection point exceeds a
given value, discharging to the exterior all or part of the circulating flow as long
as this pressure is kept over the aforesaid value. Once opened, their opening
position depends on inlet pressure until fully opened. On the contrary, when
pressures are low this valve will remain closed.

Their characteristics are:

- Elevation. Elevation of valve, equal for start and end nodes.

- Number of parallel branches. It’s the number of relief valves, installed in

parallel, that constitute the structure at hand. The program admits a certain
number of parallel valves, not necessary alike.

 Go to Relief valve – Basic data  Elevation (Z)

 Go to Relief valve – Basic data  Number of branches (NB)

For each of the installed relief valves, the necessary data are:

- Nominal diameter. Nominal diameter of valve.


- Branch’s headloss dimensionless coefficient k. It refers to the dimensionless

loss coefficient of the valve-connected branch.

- Type of valve. It’s the type of relief valve to be installed at the branch,
selecting from one of the following types:


Once we’ve introduced the number of branches, we then display the data table,
and introduce the following information for each of the branches:

 Display the Basic data table ( )  Nominal diameter (DN)

 Head loss coefficient
 Type

For all these predefined types, excluding commercial valves, the program
possesses a typical characteristics curve that provides the dimensionless headloss
coefficient as a function of the valve’s opening position.

For commercial valves, its characteristics curve will be obtained from the valve
database compiled using catalogue information. For these valves one must have
the dimensionless loss coefficient as a function of opening position, ranging from
0 % to 100 % with 5 % intervals of valve position.

The process is analogue to the one described for commercial-type regulation


- Valve maneuver: It relates valve opening with inlet node pressure. To define
this maneuver in a tabular manner the following data must be provided:

- Pressure pi. Inlet pressure corresponding to point i.

- Opening position Ori. It refers to the relative opening of the valve, in

% with respect to the maximum one, for the pressure pi. Evidently, the
zero opening will correspond to the minimum pressure on the table,
this being the one that provokes the beginning of the opening

 Display the Basic data table ( )  Table


To eliminate the relief valve of one of the branches, select this by clicking on the
corresponding box on the left. Then the valve is eliminated by pressing the Delete

3.6.4 Anti-burst valves

They’re valves that close when a considerable variation in circulating flow is

detected, as in the case of a burst. Their goal is to avoid potential flooding after
the breakage. The characteristics of these valves are:

- Elevation. Elevation of valve, equal for start and end nodes.

- Nominal diameter. Nominal diameter of valve.

- Branch’s headloss dimensionless coefficient k. It refers to the dimensionless

loss coefficient of the valve-connected branch.

- Type of valve. It refers to the type valve to be installed, selecting from one
of the following types:


 Go to Anti-burst valve – Basic data  Elevation (Z)

 Go to Anti-burst valve – Basic data  Nominal diameter (ND)
 Go to Anti-burst valve – Basic data  Branch’s headloss coefficient (k)

 Go to Anti-burst valve – Basic data  Type

For all these types, excluding commercial valves, the program possesses a typical
characteristics curve that provides the dimensionless headloss coefficient as a
function of the valve’s opening position.

For commercial valves, its characteristics curve will be obtained from the valve
database compiled using catalogue information. For these valves one must have
the dimensionless loss coefficient as a function of opening position, ranging from
0 % to 100 % with 5 % intervals of valve position.

Anti-burst valves will close by means of a tabulated point-defined maneuver.

Thus, for point i we’ll have:

- Instant ti. It’s the time instant corresponding to point i. This time is taken
from the instant in which the valve is triggered or when the closing maneuver

- Opening position Ori. It’s the relative opening of the valve, in % with respect
to its maximum opening, at time instant ti. For the initial instant, the valve’s
opening position will be 100 %.

 Go to Anti-burst valve – Basic data  Table


When dealing with an anti-burst valve, its trigger may be conditioned by:

- By minimum speed. The valve is triggered when velocity in its interior is

beneath a certain value.

- By maximum speed. The valve is triggered when velocity in its interior

surpasses a certain value.

- By flow differences. The valve is triggered when the difference in flows

through two different points located at a system’s pipe is greater than a
certain value.

 Go to Anti-burst valve – Basic data  Trigger


For valves which are triggered by minimum or maximum sped, the velocity which
triggers the opening maneuvers will be:

- Velocity through valve (V). It refers to the minimum or maximum velocity

which generates the valve’s trigger.

 Go to Anti-burst valve – Basic data  Velocity through valve (V)

For those which are triggered by flow difference, initial and final flowmeters
whose difference will provoke the trigger have to be placed. To do so, the
necessary data are as follows:

- Flow difference. Flow difference reference value for the excess flow valve to
be triggered.

 Go to Trigger by flow differential  Flow difference (Q Diff.(l/s))

Flowmeters data are:

- Pipe where flowmeter is located. Designation of the pipes where we find both
the initial and final flowmeters. In general, both flowmeters are placed on
the same pipe, although we can locate them in different ones also.

- Distance to pipe’s origin. Distance to the corresponding pipe’s origin where

each of the flowmeters is placed.

- Q coefficient of the flow meter (+1, -1). This parameter indicates the flow’s
direction used to obtain the flow difference which in turn produces the
trigger. If this coefficient takes up the value +1, the flow is considered to be
positive in the direction of the pipe, and if on the contrary its value is -1 the

flow is considered to be positive on the pipe’s opposite direction. If both

flowmeters are placed on the same pipe, the two flow coefficients will have
to coincide.

 Go to trigger by flow differential  Flowmeters  By pressing the button

located inside the Flowmeters cell, a table is displayed where the user
must introduce the flowmeters’ data.

NOTE: In case no pipes are available, the program shows the following

For each calculation time instant, the program will calculate the difference in flows
obtained at the initial and final flowmeters’ locations, these being affected by the
corresponding flow coefficient. The absolute value of this difference is compared
to a reference one in order to decide whether the excess flow valve should be

3.6.5 Injectors

They are valves, with discharge to the atmosphere, whose outlet diameter is less
than its nominal diameter. They admit a high output speed, which is why the
kinetic term corresponding to this speed is not negligible. Their characteristics are:

- Elevation (Z). Elevation of the injector, equal to the connection node.

- Nominal diameter (ND). It’s the injector’s nominal diameter.

- Nozzle Diameter (D Boq). It is the outlet diameter of the injector. This diameter
must be smaller than the nominal diameter.

- Head loss coefficient (k) of the branch. It’s the dimensionless head loss
coefficient of the branch where the injector is connected. This head loss
coefficient is related to the speed referred to the ND of the injector.

These data are entered as follows:

 Go to Injector – Basic data  Elevation (Z)

 Go to Injector – Basic data  Inlet diameter (D)
 Go to Injector – Basic data  Diameter Injector’s Nozzle (Output D)
 Go to Injector – Basic data  Head Loss Coefficient (k Branch)

The data on Type of Injector Valve and Maneuver Type are defined in the same
way as the corresponding data of the Regulation Valves, section 3.6.1.

3.6.6 Minor head loss

It corresponds to a localized headloss at a certain position in the system, for

instance, an accessory that generates a minor head loss between two lengths of
pipe. The necessary data are as follows:

- Elevation. Headloss elevation, equal for start and end nodes.


- Nominal diameter. It’s the nominal diameter of the accessory which

provokes the localized headloss.

- Head loss coefficient k.. It’s the dimensionless head loss coefficient
corresponding to the accessory.

 Go to Minor head loss – Basic data  Elevation (Zs)

 Go to Minor head loss – Basic data  Nominal diameter (ND)
 Go to Minor head loss – Basic data  Head loss coefficient (k)

3.6.7 Composite valves

These are elements comprised by a particular number of valves, installed in

parallel connection, which can be either regulation or check valves, or accessories
which introduce minor headlosses. In order to define composite valves, the
necessary information is the following one:

- Elevation. Elevation of the composite valve, equal for start and end nodes.

 Go to composite valve – Basic data  Elevation (Z)

- Number of regulation valves. It refers to the number of parallel regulation

valves which comprise the composite valve

- Number of check valves. It refers to the number of parallel check valves which
comprise the composite valve.

- Number of minor headlosses. It refers to the number of parallel accessories

which generate minor headlosses and comprise the composite valve.

 Go to Valves  Regulation: One must input the number of regulation

valves needed.
 Go to Valves  Check: One must input the number of check valves
 Go to Valves  Loss: One must input the number of accessories which
provoke a minor headloss.

The data of each of the components which structure the composite valve are
analogue to those presented at subsection 3.6.1 (regulation valves), 3.6.2 (check
valves) and 3.6.6 (minor headlosses).

 Display the Basic data table of the Composite valve( ) one must input
the data for each of the previously declared valves

To eliminate any of the components of the composite valve, select this one, by
clicking on the corresponding box on the left. The component is then deleted by
pressing the Delete key. It is the same procedure that is used to suppress branches
in the relief valve.

3.6.8 Automatic valves

These valves will possess an automatic functioning, modifying their opening

position so as to maintain a specific operating parameter constant. The data
needed to define them are:

- Elevation. Elevation of automatic valve, equal for start and end nodes.

- Nominal diameter. Nominal diameter of valve.

- Branch’s headloss dimensionless coefficient k. It refers to the dimensionless

loss coefficient of the valve-connected branch.

 Go to Automatic valve – Basic data  Elevation (Zs)

 Go to Automatic valve – Basic data  Nominal Diameter (ND)
 Go to Automatic valve – Basic data  Headloss coefficient (k Branch)

- Valve function. It’s the type of valve to be installed, according to the following

Pressure reducing
Pressure sustaining
Flow control

In order to declare the type of automatic valve, the procedure is as follows:

 Go to Automatic valve – Basic data  Valve function  Pressure

 Go to Automatic valve – Basic data  Valve function Pressure
 Go to Automatic valve – Basic data  Valve function  Flow control

- Valve type. It’s the type of valve to be installed, selecting from one of the
following types:


 Go to Automatic valve – Basic data  Type

For each of these types, apart from commercial valves, the program
possesses a typical characteristics curve that provides the dimensionless
headloss coefficient as a function of the valve’s opening position.

For commercial valves, its characteristics curve will be obtained from the
valve database compiled using catalogue information. For these valves one
must have the dimensionless loss coefficient as a function of opening
position, ranging from 0 % to 100 % with 5 % intervals of valve position.

The functioning of automatic valves is conceived as a proportional regulator that,

by actuating on the valve’s opening position, tries to keep the setting value
constant. In general, the expression that defines the operation of this regulator
indicates that the response speed of the valve is proportional to the error between
the current value of the parameter to be regulated and the setpoint value of this
parameter. Its form is::

du t 
  K p et  (16)

e = error between present parameter and setting value, divided by the setting
value for it to be dimensionless
u = Valve’s response to correct the error, in percentage of valve opening

In expression (16) we use a positive sign for pressure sustaining valves, whereas,
for pressure reducing and flow control valves, we use a negative one.

The data corresponding to the regulation of automatic valves are:

- Setting pressure. It refers to the setting pressure measured at the inlet of

pressure sustaining valves or the outlet of pressure reducing valves.

This option is only activated when pressure sustaining or pressure reducing valves
are declared.

 Go to Regulation data  Setting pressure (Ptar)

- Flow setting. It’s the flow setting for flow control valves.

Again, this option is only enabled when flow control valves are declared.

 Go to Regulation data  Flow Setting (Qtar)

- Kp coefficient:. It refers to the valve’s regulatory coefficient that simulates the

behavior of the valve.

The way to introduce the regulator coefficient is as follows::

 Go to Regulation Data  Valve proportional coefficient (Kp)


IMPORTANT: In each case, the Kp coefficient must be obtained trying

different values until, on transit regime, the regulated parameters adapt to the
setting values (Pressures or Flows) with the fewest possible oscillations.
Subsequently, the automatic valves to be installed must be adjusted so that
their behavior is similar to that obtained as a result of the simulation.

3.7 Protection structures

Protection structures are used to reduce pressure oscillations once the transient
has been generated. They generally store a certain volume of water, and function
by supplying flow to the main conduit, to which they are connected, when the
circulating flow is reduced. Afterwards, when the flow direction changes, the latter
is gradually introduced into the protection structure, and in turn its breakage is
slowed down. In this manner, alterations in flow at the main pipe are slowed down,
reducing as a result the pressure oscillations.

Elements to be placed at the branch junction between the main pipe and the
protection structure should present in their whole a low headloss coefficient for
the structure’s outflow and a high one for its outflow. In such manner, the outflow
from the structure towards the main pipe is facilitated, which in turn reduces
depressions in said pipe, thus averting negative pressures. Moreover, when the
flow circulates from the main conduit to the protection structure important
headlosses are generated at the branch pipe which dissipate water’s energy,
slowing down the transient’s development.

The types of protection structures included on the program are:


Element types Graphical representation on

1. Air vessel

2. Surge tank

3. Unidirectional tank

Regarding the necessary data, we’ll make a distinction between data of the
structure itself and that of the union branch. Since these last data are common to
all structures, specially the head loss coefficient for the inflow and outflow, their
regard will be done once the particular information is described for each structure.

3.7.1 Air vessels

- Elevation of the derivation node. It is the elevation of the node to which the
branch or union branch of the air vessel is connected.

- Number of air vessels. It’s the number of identical air vessels, installed in
parallel connection, which constitute the protection structure.

- Diameter. Inner diameter of air vessel.

- Length. It refers to the air vessel’s length, supposedly with a cylindrical shape.

- Volume. It refers to the total volume of each air vessel, calculated by the
program once the vessel’s diameter and length are introduced.

- Absolute roughness. Absolute roughness of the vessel’s inner walls.

- Bottom elevation. Air vessel’s base or lower edge elevation.

- Position. The Air Vessel can be vertical (small Vessels) or horizontal (middle
and large Vessels).

- Type. The Air Vessel can be with or without bladder.

These data is introduces in the following manner:


 Go to Air vessel – Basic data  Elevation of the derivation node

 Número de Calderines (Num)

 Go to Air vessel Physical properties  Diameter (D)

 Length (L)
 Volume (V)
 Absolute roughness (Rough)
 Bottom elevation (Zb)
 Position (Horizontal/Vertical)
 Bladder (No/Yes)

- Initial inflation pressure. In the case of an air vessel with bladder, it’s the
pressure to which the bladder is inflated before the air vessel is installed. For
the bladderless air vessel, the inflation will be carried out closing a valve at
the vessel’s connection pipe (afterwards, this valve will open once the
installation is running and pumps are working at normal regime). To
calculate the inflation pressure, admitting that the gas suffers an isotherm
evolution between the inflation and the operation of the installation on
permanent regime condition, the expression used is the following one:

Pi* AV  P0*C  0 g (17)

Where: Ph* = Inflation pressure, in absolute value. To determine the inflation

pressure in relative value, atmospheric pressure will be

 AV = Air vessel’s total volume.


P0C = Gas pressure in permanent regime conditions, in absolute
value. In air vessels connected to the discharge manifold of a
pumping station, this pressure value is approximated as the
head provided by the pumps at permanent regime
conditions, deducting the difference in elevation between the
pumps and the average water level inside the air vessels, and
adding atmospheric pressure.

0 g = Volume of gas inside air vessel, at permanent regime


On ALLIEVI, the user can input the value for inflation pressure, in bar, or make use
of the assistant provided by ALLIEVI, which automatically calculates this parameter
once the values for initial volume of gas in cubic meters and initial gas pressure
in meters are given.

 Go to Air vessel physical properties  Inflation pressure (P)  Calc.


- Polytropic exponent. It’s the exponent n which characterizes the

thermodynamic evolution of the gas inside the air vessel during the system’s
functioning during the transient regime, according to the expression:

PC* ng  cte (18)

For an isothermal evolution n = 1, for an adiabatic evolution n = 1,4 and for

a polytropic evolution n = 1,2. This last value is the one that is usually
adopted, since the evolution of the gas can be considered as an intermediate
one between an adiabatic and isothermal evolution.

 Go to Air vessel physical properties  Polytropic exponent (PE)

As indicated above the air vessel can include a bladder or not. Initially, the
behaviors of both types of air vessels are alike as long as they aren’t emptied
during the transient regime functioning. In case it is emptied, if the air vessel
has a bladder, when it’s emptied said vessel closes the connection orifice to
the branch union pipe. It’s at this time when the discharge of water from the
vessel to the main pipe is abruptly interrupted, thereby creating a depression
wave which can submit such pipe to negative pressures. Later, when in the
overpressure phase of the transient, water can flow back again to the air
vessel, repeating the cycle depending on the transient’s evolution.

Nonetheless, if the air vessel is bladder- free, in case it’s emptied, the gas (air
in this case) continues its expansion occupying the whole of the vessel and
seeping into the connection pipe, eventually reaching the main pipe. In this
case, the discharge to such pipe is not interrupted, thus preventing the
depression wave of the previous scenario, although part of the gas can travel
within the inside of the main pipe and not return back to the air vessel in the
subsequent overpressure phase. Besides, a certain volume of air travelling
uncontrolled within the main pipe’s interior may create a risk of breakage
during the following startup of the installation. Through the simulation, it’s
admitted that in case of emptying all the gas is confined within the air vessel

and the branch connection pipe, without transferring to the main pipe. As a
consequence, the whole gas mass can go back to the air vessel’s interior
during the following overpressure phase of the transient. Data of the union branch of the Air vessels

The data of the union branch between the impulsion pipe and each of the Air
Vessels that constitute the protection structure are:

- Diameter. It’s the internal diameter of the union branch.

- Length. It’s the union branch length. This length can’t be less than the
difference between the Air Vessel base elevation and the derivation node

- Absolute Roughness. It’s the absolute roughness of the inner walls of the
union branch.

- Head Loss Coefficient for the outlet flow of the Air Vessel. It is the loss
coefficient Ks of the union branch for the flow from the Vessel to the
impulse pipe, which provides these losses through the expression.

hs  K s Qs2 (19)

Where Qs is the outflow of the Air Vessel. Ks units are m/(m3/s)2.

- Coefficient of singular losses for the inlet flow of the Air Vessel. It is the loss
coefficient Ks of the union branch for the flow from the impulsion pipe to
the Vessel, which provides these losses through the expression.

he  K e Qe2 (20)

Where Qe is the outflow of the Air Vessel. Ke units are m/(m3/s)2.

These data are entered in ALLIEVI as follows:

 Union branch  Diameter (D)

 Length (L)

 Absolute Roughness (Rough)

 Go to Head Loss  Head Loss coefficient (Kout) (m/(m3/s)2)

 Head Loss coefficient (Kin) (m/(m3/s)2)

If several air vessels have been defined in parallel, each one of them will have its
own union branch line with the characteristics that we have just indicated. In this
case, the singular losses are evaluated by expressions (19) and (20) with the output
or input flow rate to each air vessel. Estimation of the head loss coefficient of the union branch in

air vessels

The head loss coefficients of the union branch in air vessels depend on the
characteristics of the said branch and the accessories installed in it. The value of
these coefficients can be introduced directly as indicated in the previous section,
or estimated using the assistant provided by the program.

 Go to Air vessel – Basic data  Calc K

The data necessary to estimate the head loss coefficients of the union branch are:

- Number of Air Vessels. It is the number of equal air vessels, in parallel, that
constitute the protection structure.

- Diameter of the impulsion pipe. It is the diameter of the pipe to which the
air vessels are connected by their union branches.

- Diameter of the union branch. The assistant estimates this diameter as half
the diameter of the discharge pipe divided by the square root of the

number of air vessels. Its value can be modified by the user, according to
his own criteria, or to adapt it to the diameters of the commercial pipes

- Diameter of the air vessels connection nozzle. It is accepted that the air
vessels has a shut-off valve with the same diameter as the connection pipe.

- Existence or not of a bypass in the union branch. This bypass, if it exists, is

arranged in parallel with a check valve installed in the connecting branch.
The outflow of the air vessel will circulate in parallel through the open
check valve and the bypass, with reduced head losses, while the inflow to
the boiler will only circulate through the bypass, closing the check valve
and causing important head losses.

- Bypass diameter. This data is entered when union branch with bypass is
specified. Its value cannot exceed the diameter of the union branch.

This data is entered into ALLIEVI using one of the following screens:

In the union branch, with or without by pass, it is possible to have or not an energy
dissipater for the inlet flow to the air vessel. This energy dissipater, if it exists, will
be characterized by a nozzle and will be located in the union branch when there
is no bypass available, or by a hole-plate or a nozzle that will be placed in the
bypass if it exists. The data to be introduced in this case are:

- Diameter of the nozzle, if it exists. This diameter must be smaller than the
diameter of the conduit where it is installed.

- Diameter of the plate orifice, if it exists. This diameter must be smaller than
the diameter of the conduit where the plate it is installed.

This data is entered into ALLIEVI using the following screens:


Once the indicated data have been entered, the following screen shows the
estimated head loss coefficients for the output and inlet flows to the air vessel.
With the option to Finish these coefficients can be copied to the data table of the
air vessel, along with the number of boilers and the diameter of the union branch
if they have changed with respect to the values previously introduced.

From the last screen, and using the Advanced Assistant option, you can access the
data set introduced in the previous screens, as well as the head loss coefficients
calculated by the program for each of the elements that are part of the union
branch. These coefficients have been calculated from the existing information in
different publications of Fluid Mechanics.
The calculated coefficients are grouped into Output coefficients, Input coefficients
and Other coefficients. In this screen, you can modify the input data, which
modifies the value of the calculated coefficients. You can also directly modify the
head loss coefficients of the accessories, if more appropriate values obtained from
other sources or by catalog are available.

A typical case of modification of the head loss coefficients would be to have an

energy dissipater in the bypass with fixed head loss coefficient, not necessarily
defined as an orifice plate.

With the option Accept the head loss coefficients can be copied to the data table
of the air vessel, together with the number of air vessels and the diameter of the
union branch if they have changed with respect to the values previously
introduced. On the other hand, with the Restore option you can restore the data,
or the loss coefficients of the accessories, to their original values without
modification. Air vessels pre-dimensioning

ALLIEVI allows to carry out a pre-dimensioning of air vessels when the installation
consists of, or can be assimilated to, a pumping between tanks by means of simple
pipes. For this the Parmakian method is applied.

To carry out the pre-dimensioning of air vessels, previously the head loss
coefficients of the union branch have been estimated with the required
provisional data. This assistant is accessed through the pre-dimensioning option.

 Go to Air Vessels physical properties  Pred

To carry out the pre-dimensioning of air vessels it is necessary to know the

number of vessels to be installed and the diameter of the impulsion pipe. With
these and other data, the head loss coefficients for the outflow and inflow to the
air vessels will have been previously estimated, values that are copied in the first
air vessel pre-dimensioning screen. The rest of the necessary data are the
following, for a real or assimilated simple impulse:

- Impulsion pipe length. It is the length, real or estimated, of the impulsion


- Flow. It is the impulsed flow under conditions of permanent regime. With

this flow and the diameter of the impulsion pipe, the software shows the
speed of the water in the pipeline.

- Friction factor. It is the estimated friction factor for the impulse pipe. In
general, the friction factor takes values between 0.012 for large diameters,
and 0.020 for small diameters.

- Geometric Height of the impulsion. It is the geometric height of the

impulsion line, supposedly a pumping between open deposits. With this
height and the data of the impulsion pipe, the software calculates the
pumping height needed to impulse the desired flow.

- Speed. It is the estimated value for the speed of the impulse pipe.

Then one of the following calculation cases is selected:

- Limit the maximum piezometric height at the exit of the pumping station.

- Limit the minimum piezometric height at the exit of the pumping station.

- Limit the maximum piezometric height at the midpoint of the impulsion


- Limit the minimum piezometric height at the midpoint of the impulsion pipe.

If one of the cases of limiting the maximum piezometric height is selected, the
following data will be introduced:

- Maximum overpressure. It is the maximum increase of pressure desired,

from the pressure in permanent regime, in the corresponding point of the
impulsion pipeline. This value is intended to limit the maximum pressures
resulting from the transient by stopping pumps.

If one of the cases of limiting the minimum piezometric height is selected, the
following data will be introduced:

- Maximum pressure drop. It is the maximum decrement of desired pressure,

from the pressure in permanent regime, in the corresponding point of the
impulse pipe. With this value, the software limits the minimum pressures
resulting from the transient by stopping pumps.

Once the indicated data have been entered, the following screen shows the results
of the pre-dimensioning of the air vessel, such as length, diameter, and initial
volume of gas inside each air vessel. If necessary, the dimensions of the air vessels
can be modified by the user, to adapt them to the closest commercial values.
Similarly, the inflation pressure can be modified to adopt more convenient values.
With the option Finish the values of pre-dimensioning can be copied to the table

of data of the air vessel, if they have changed with respect to other values
previously introduced.

NOTE: With the pre-dimensioning values obtained, the transient by stopping

pumps must be simulated, to check the results obtained or modify the pre-
dimensioning data if necessary.

3.7.2 Surge tank

- Elevation of the union branch node. It is the elevation of the node to which
the derivation or union branch of the surge tank is connected..

- Type. It is the type of surge tank to be installed, choosing one of the

following types.

Constant Section
Variable Section

The way to enter this data is as follows:

 Go to Surge Tank – Basic Data  Node Elevation (Zu)

 Type (SC-SV-DF) Constant section surge tank

The basic data of the constant section surge tanks are:

- Diameter. Inner diameter of the surge tank’s constant circular cross-


- Absolute Roughness. It refers to the absolute roughness of the inner wall of

the tank.

- Base Elevation. It is the elevation of the surge tank´s base.

These data are introduced as follows:

 Go to Surge tank – Basic data  Diameter (D)

 Absolute roughness (Rough)
 Base elevation (Zb)

NOTE: The height of the surge tank is assumed to be sufficient so as to avoid

overflow. If a simulation of a surge tank with overflow risk is needed, the surge
tank can be substituted by a tank of small dimensions with a lateral spillway.
90 USERS MANUAL Variable section surge tank

First, the surge tanks must be defined as variable section (SV).

In these surge tanks, it is admitted that the section varies stepwise, with segments
of constant section between the lower and upper levels of each step. A number
of sections Ntr of constant section, in which the surge tank is divided, is defined.
This results in Ntr + 1 points so that point 0 corresponds to the base of the tank,
point Ntr corresponds to the top of the tank, and the remaining Ntr- 1 points
correspond to the different section changes, ordered from bottom to top.

For each i point form i=0 until i= Ntr the data needed is:

- Point Elevation. It is the elevation at which this point is located, starting

from the established reference level.

- Accumulated Volume. It is the stored tank volume from the base to point i.
For i = 0, the program directly assigns a stored volume of zero and then
the user enters the volume for each of the elevations of the tank.

The volume of the surge tank of variable section is introduced in the following

 Surge Tank – Basic Data  Accum. vol.

91 USERS MANUAL Differential surge tank

The differential surge tank is constituted by an exterior main standpipe enclosing

in its interior a concentric tube which in case of overflow discharges to it. Both
components are connected through their inferior part to the main pipe, each one
of them by its own union branch. These union branches will have their
corresponding head loss coefficients for inflow and outflow.

For differential surge tanks the necessary data are the following:

Main standpipe

- Diameter. It’s the inner diameter of the circular cross-section surge tank.

- Absolute roughness. It’s the inner absolute roughness of the standpipe’s

inner walls.

- Base elevation. It refers to the elevation of the surge tank’s base or bottom.

These data are introduced in the following way:

 Surge tank – Basic data  Diameter (D)

 Absolute roughness (Rough)
 Base elevation (Zb)

Inner tube

- Diameter. It refers to the diameter of the overflowing tube, with a constant

circular cross-section.

- Height. It’s the height of the surge tank’s inner tube, measured from the

- Absolute roughness. Absolute roughness of the surge tank’s inner tube.

- Flow coefficient of the inner tube’s overflow section. It’s the CQ coefficient of
the weir formed by tube’s superior contour, used to calculate the discharged
flow according to expression at (9). To implement this expression, the
rectangular weir’s length L is substituted by the circumference’s length of the
tube’s top contour. Typical values for CQ thin wall weir range from 0.60 to
0.80, with a maximum value of 0.85. For thick-walled weirs, this coefficient is

- Coefficient of singular head loss for outflow of the inner tube. It is the head
loss coefficient Ks for the flow from the inner tube to the impulsion pipe (or
forced pipe in case of hydraulic power plants), which provides these losses
by means of the expression (19) applied to the exit flow of the pipe.

- Coefficient of singular head loss for inflow of the inner tube. It is the head loss
coefficient Ks for the flow from the impulsion pipe to the inner tube, which
provides these losses by means of the expression (20) applied to the inflow
of the pipe.

 Inner tube in differential surge tank  Diameter (D)

 Height (H)
 Absolut roughness (Roug)
 Flow Coefficient (Cq)
 K out (m/(m3/s)2)

 K in (m/(m3/s)2) Data of the union branch in surge tanks

The data of the union branch between the impulsion pipe and the surge tank,
whether it is of constant section, variable section or main standpipe in the
differential type are:

- Diameter. It’s the internal diameter of the union branch.

- Length. It’s the union branch length. This length can’t be less than the
difference between the surge tank base elevation and the derivation node

- Absolute Roughness. It’s the absolute roughness of the inner walls of the
union branch.

- Head Loss Coefficient for the outlet flow of the surge tank. It is the loss
coefficient Ks of the union branch for the flow from the surge tank to the
impulse pipe, which provides these losses through the expression (19)
applied to the outflow of the surge tank.

- Coefficient of singular losses for the inlet flow of the Air Vessel. It is the loss
coefficient Ks of the union branch for the flow from the impulsion pipe to
the Vessel, which provides these losses through the expression (20) applied
to the inflow of the surge tank.

These data are entered in ALLIEVI as follows:

 Union Branch  Diameter (D)

 Length (L)
 Absolut Roughness (Rough)
 Head Loss Coefficient (Kout) (m/(m3/s)2)
 Head Loss Coefficient (Kin) (m/(m3/s)2)

For the differential surge tank, it is possible to define one or several connecting
branches between the impulsion pipe and the main surge tank, so that the data
of the union branch indicated are for each one of those branches, all equal. For
the inner tube of this surge tank, the head loss coefficient for the output and inlet
flows is defined as indicated in the previous section, without specifying the data
of its own union branch. Estimation of the head loss coefficient of the union branch in

constant and variable section surge tanks

The head loss coefficients of the union branch in surge tanks depend on the
characteristics of the said branch and the accessories installed in it. The value of
these coefficients can be entered directly as indicated in the previous section, or
estimated using the assistant provided by the program.

 Go to Surge Tank – Basic data  Calc K

For the surge tanks of constant or variable section, the necessary data to estimate
the head loss coefficients of the union branch are:

- Diameter of the impulsion pipe. It is the diameter of the impulsion pipe to

which the surge tank is connected by its union branch. In hydraulic power
plants, the impulse pipe is replaced by a forced pipe.

- Diameter of the union branch.

- Diameter of the surge tank’s orifice. It is the diameter of the connecting

orifice with the surge tank, which can be the same or different from the
diameter of the union branch.

- Diameter of the surge tank. It is the inside diameter of the surge tank, which
cannot be smaller than the diameter of the connection hole. This diameter
will be indicated in m, the previous diameters being in mm.

In the variable section surge tanks, as diameter for the calculation of the head loss
coefficients of the union branch, the one that corresponds to the lower section is
taken, assuming this as a circular section.

This data is entered in ALLIEVI using the following screen:

The next step indicates whether the connection between the main pipe and the
surge tank is direct or in derivation. In case of connection in derivation this one is
done by means of a union branch of a certain length, introducing the number of
elbows of 90º to dispose in the mentioned union branch.

This data is entered in ALLIEVI using the following screen:


Once the indicated data have been entered, the following screens show the
estimated head loss coefficients for the surge tanks outflows and inflows, in the
cases of direct connection or by means of a union branch. With the option Finish
these coefficients can be copied to the surge tank data table, together with its
diameter and the diameter of the union branch if they have changed with respect
to the values previously introduced.

From the last screen, and using the Advanced Assistant option, you can access the
data set introduced in the previous screens, as well as the head loss coefficients
calculated by the program for each of the elements that are part of the union
branch. These coefficients have been calculated from the existing information in
different publications of Fluid Mechanics.

The calculated coefficients are grouped into Output coefficients, Input coefficients
and Other coefficients. In this screen, you can modify the input data, which
modifies the value of the calculated coefficients. You can also directly modify the
head loss coefficients of the accessories, if more appropriate values obtained from
other sources or by catalog are available.

With the option Accept the head loss coefficients can be copied to the data table
of the surge tank, together with the diameter of the surge tank and the diameter
of the union branch if they have changed with respect to the values previously
introduced. On the other hand, with the Restore option you can restore the data,
or the head loss coefficients of the accessories, to their original values without
modification. Estimation of the head loss coefficient of the union branch in

differential surge tank

The Allievi software has an assistant for the estimation of the head loss coefficients
in the union branches of the differential surge tanks.

 Go to Surge Tanks, Union Branch  Calc K

The differential surge tanks can be connected to the impulsion pipe (or forced
pipe in hydraulic power plants), either directly or by derivation. The data necessary
to estimate the loss coefficients in both cases are:

- Number of 90º elbows in each union branch. It is the number of 90º elbows
of each connecting branch when the surge tank is connected in derivation.

- Diameter of the impulsion pipe. It is the diameter of the impulsion pipe to

which the differential surge tank is connected. In hydraulic power plants, the
impulse pipe is replaced by a forced pipe.

- Diameter of the main standpipe. It is the inner diameter of the main

standpipe. This diameter will be indicated in m, being the units of the rest of
diameters in mm.

- Diameter of the main standpipe orifice. It is the diameter of the connecting

orifice of the union branch with the main standpipe. This diameter cannot
be greater than the difference between the radius of the main standpipe
and the inner tube.

- Diameter of the union branch. This diameter can be the same or different as
the diameter of the orifice in the main standpipe.

- Number of branches in the main standpipe. It is the number of union

branches between the main standpipe and the impulsion pipe. This value
must be at least 1.

- Diameter of the inner tube. It is the diameter of the inner tube in m.

- Diameter of the inner tuve orifice. It is the diameter of the connection orifice
of the union branch with the inner tube.

- Diameter of the inner tube union branch.


Once the indicated data have been entered, the following screens show the
estimated head loss coefficients for the main standpipe and inner tube outflows
and inflows, in the cases of direct connection or by means of a union branch. With
the option Finish these coefficients can be copied to the surge tank data table,
together with its diameter, the diameter of the union branch and inner tube if
they have changed with respect to the values previously introduced.

From the last screen, and using the Advanced Assistant option, you can access the
data set introduced in the previous screens, as well as the head loss coefficients
calculated by the program for each of the elements that are part of the union
branch. These coefficients have been calculated from the existing information in
different publications of Fluid Mechanics.

For the main standpipe and the inner tube, the calculated coefficients are grouped
into Output coefficients, Input coefficients and Other coefficients. In this screen,
you can modify the input data, which modifies the value of the calculated
coefficients. You can also directly modify the head loss coefficients of the
accessories, if more appropriate values obtained from other sources or by catalog
are available.

With the option Accept the head loss coefficients can be copied to the data table
of the surge tank, together with the diameter of the surge tank and the diameter
of the union branch if they have changed with respect to the values previously
introduced. On the other hand, with the Restore option you can restore the data,
or the head loss coefficients of the accessories, to their original values without

3.7.3 Unidirectional tanks

- Elevation of the derivation node. It is the elevation of the node that connects
the derivation or union branch of the unidirectional tank.

- Diameter. Inner diameter of the unidirectional tank’s constant circular cross-


- Base elevation. It refers to elevation of the base or bottom of the

unidirectional tank.

- Absolute roughness. It refers to the absolute roughness of the inner wall of the

- Maximum water level in unidirectional tank. It’s the maximum water level
allowed inside the tank, referenced to its bottom.

These data are introduced in the following manner:

 Go to Unidirectional tank – Basic data  Node Elevation (Zu)

 Diameter (D)
 Absolute roughness (Rough)
 Base elevation (Zb)
 Maximum water level (Max.lev)
106 USERS MANUAL Data of the union branch in unidirectional tanks

The data of the union branch between the impulsion pipe and the unidirectional
tank is:

- Diameter. It’s the internal diameter of the union branch.

- Length. It’s the union branch length. This length can’t be less than the
difference between the surge tank base elevation and the derivation node

- Absolute Roughness. It’s the absolute roughness of the inner walls of the
union branch.

- Head Loss Coefficient for the outlet flow of the surge tank. It is the loss
coefficient Ks of the union branch for the flow from the surge tank to the
impulse pipe, which provides these losses through the expression (19)
applied to the outflow of the surge tank.

In this case, the singular head loss coefficient is not required for inflow to
the unidirectional tank, as the inlet flow to the tank is prevented by closure
of the check valve.

These data are entered in ALLIEVI as follows:

 Go to Union Branch  Diameter (D)

 Length (L)
 Absolut Roughness (Roug)
 Head Loss Coefficient (Ksal) (m/(m3/s)2)
107 USERS MANUAL Estimation of the head loss coefficients of the union branch in

unidirectional Tanks

The head loss coefficients of the union branch for the outflow in unidirectional
tanks depend on the characteristics of the said branch and the accessories
installed in it. The value of these coefficients can be entered directly as indicated
in the previous section, or estimated using the assistant provided by the program.

 In Unidirectional Tanks, Go to Union Branch  Calc K

In this case, the data necessary to estimate the head loss coefficient of the union
branch are:

- Diameter of the impulsion pipe. It is the diameter of the impulsion pipe to

which the unidirectional tank is connected by its union branch.

- Diameter of the union branch.

- Diameter of the check valve. It is the nominal diameter of the check valve to
be installed in the union branch, which allows the unidirectional tank outlet
flow and prevents the inflow. This diameter cannot be greater than the
diameter of the union branch.

- Diameter of the unidirectional tank orifice. It is the diameter of the

connection orifice with the unidirectional tank, which can be the same or
different from the diameter of the union branch.

- Diameter of the unidirectional tank. It is the internal diameter of the

unidirectional tank, which cannot be smaller than the diameter of the
connection orifice. This diameter will be indicated in m, the previous
diameters being in mm.

This data is entered in ALLIEVI using the following screen:


Once the indicated data have been entered, the following screens show the
estimated head loss coefficient for the outflow of the unidirectional tank. With the
option Finish these coefficients can be copied to the surge tank data table,
together with its diameter, the diameter of the union branch and inner tube if
they have changed with respect to the values previously introduced.

From the last screen, and using the Advanced Assistant option, you can access the
data set introduced in the previous screens, as well as the head loss coefficients
calculated by the program for each of the elements that are part of the union
branch. These coefficients have been calculated from the existing information in
different publications of Fluid Mechanics.

The calculated coefficients are grouped into Output coefficients, Input coefficients
and Other coefficients. In this screen, you can modify the input data, which
modifies the value of the calculated coefficients. You can also directly modify the
head loss coefficients of the accessories, if more appropriate values obtained from
other sources or by catalog are available.

With the option Accept the head loss coefficients can be copied to the data table
of the unidirectional tank, together with the diameter of the unidirectional tank
and the diameter of the union branch if they have changed with respect to the
values previously introduced. On the other hand, with the Restore option you can
restore the data, or the head loss coefficients of the accessories, to their original
values without modification.

3.7.4 Activation and deactivation of protection structures

A protection structure can either be activated or deactivated. In case it’s activated,

its existence is accounted for when simulating the transient, whereas, when it’s
deactivated, it’s not taken into account and it’s as if it didn’t exist.

- Active protection structure. A protection structure can be activated (Yes) or

deactivated (No). During the simulation, the structure is only accounted for
when it’s activated.

 Go to Air vessel – Basic data  Activate / Deactivate

 Go to Surge tank – Basic data  Activate / Deactivate
 Go to Unidirectional tank – Basic data  Activate / Deactivate

IMPORTANT: We must bear in mind that if the protection structure is

connected to a pipe’s end which has no more connections, in case the
protection structure is deactivated, the connection pipe will be treated as a
conduit whose end node is not connected to an element. This will originate an
error message in the initial data that .prevents the calculation on permanent

In these cases, the deactivation of the protection structure can be achieved by

giving the head loss coefficients for inflow and outflow of the structure a very
high value (for example, 1025), which makes these flows null. This will cause
reflections of the pressure waves at the end of the pipe where the protection
structure is connected, so it will be necessary to consider whether, when
deactivating the structure, it is necessary to eliminate the pipe.

3.8 Flow or head rules

They correspond to the imposition of a behavior law, determined at only a pipe-

converging node. These rules can be:

Flow rules
Head rules

3.8.1 Flow rules

With this law a specific outflow is imposed to the corresponding node. The
following possibilities exist:

 By Q law
 By node pressure
 By table

For all cases, the law’s elevation must be given,


- Elevation. It’s the elevation to which the law is located, equal to the
connection node’s elevation.

The way to impose the type of law is the following:

 Go to Rule – Basic data  Elevation (Z)

 Go to Rule – Basic data  Type  Q Flow rule by Q law

The flow’s imposition by law forces the node’s outflow to follow the following lay

 2 
Qt   A  t 2  B  t  C  D  sen  t  E (21)
T 
With t in seconds, E in degrees and Q in l/s.

When forcing the outflow, the program calculates in the node the hydraulic head
required in order to achieve this particular outflow. In this case, the required data

- Coefficient A. It’s the coefficient preceding t2 at the polynomial part of the Q


- Coefficient B. It’s the coefficient preceding t at the polynomial part of the Q


- Constant term C. It refers to the constant term at the polynomial part of the
Q law.

- Coefficient D. It’s the coefficient for the sinusoidal term of the Q law.

- Period T. It refers to the period of the sinusoidal part of the Q law.

- Phase angle E. Phase angle for the sinusoidal term of the Q law.

These data are introduced in the following manner:

 Go to Rule – Basic data  Flow forced (Forced Q)  By Q law

 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Coefficient (A)

 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Coefficient (B)
 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Coefficient (C)
 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Coefficient (D)
 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Period (T)
 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Phase angle (E)

- Limitation. It allows for the extreme flow values given by the Q law to be
limited. The different possibilities include:

 No limitations
 Lower limit
 Upper limit
 Upper and lower limit

In case we select an upper and/or lower limit, the corresponding boundary

values will be given as minimum and/or maximum value.

 Go to Law behavior  Limitation: Select the required limitation type

 Go to Law behavior  Limitation  Lower limit  Minimum
 Go to Law behavior  Limitation  Upper limit  Maximum
 Go to Law behavior  Limitation  Upper and Lower limit  Minimum 
114 USERS MANUAL Flow rule by pressure

In this case it’s assumed that there’s an element at the node which generates a
headloss so as to discharge a flow to the atmosphere following the law below

PN t   KQ N t  QN t  (22)

where PN(t) is the node’s pressure, K the loss coefficient of the flow-controlling
element, and QN(t) the node’s discharged flow. The K coefficient will be constant
throughout the whole simulation, and it’s evaluated using the initial imposed flow
and the node’s outlet pressure in steady state conditions. The required datum is:

 Go to Rule – Basic data  Forced flow (Forced Q)  By node pressure

- Value of Q. It’s the discharged flow through the node at initial conditions.

 Go to Rule – Basic data  Q imp (l/s)

IMPORTANT: When the pressure PN acquires a negative value, so will the

discharged flow, which indicates that in these circumstances flow will enter the
115 USERS MANUAL Flow rule by table

A tabulated flow law is imposed. For each point i the data to enter are:

- Time instant ti. It’s the time instant corresponding to point i.

- Outflow Qi.. It’s the node’s discharged flow at time instant ti. If it’s an inflow,
its value will be negative.

The lay’s maneuver is entered in the following manner:

 Go to Rule – Basic data  Forced flow (Imp Q)  By table

 Go to Rule – Basic data  Q imp: through this button we can input the law’s

3.8.2 Head rules

By means of this law, a certain hydraulic head is imposed only to a node where
several pipes converge. When imposing this piezometric head, the program
calculates the node’s discharged flow under these conditions.

A head law is defined at the Type cell:

 Go to Rule – Basic data  Type  Head (H)

For head laws we have available two different possibilities,

With associated tank

Without associated tank

To match up each head law to a particular tank, which the water is poured we

 Go to discharge  Tank  Select the tank to which the water is poured

NOTE The way to assign a law without tank discharge is by selecting the dotted
117 USERS MANUAL Head law without associated tank

In case there’s no associated tank, the function which defines the node’s hydraulic
head imposition is
 2 
H t   A  t 2  B  t  C  D  sen  t  E (23)
T 
With t in seconds, E in degrees and H in m.

For which the following data are required:

- Coefficient A. It’s the coefficient preceding t2 at the polynomial part of the Q


- Coefficient B. It’s the coefficient preceding t at the polynomial part of the Q


- Constant term C. It refers to the constant term at the polynomial part of the
Q law.

- Coefficient D. It’s the coefficient for the sinusoidal term of the Q law.

- Period T. It refers to the period of the sinusoidal part of the Q law.

- Phase angle E. Phase angle for the sinusoidal term of the Q law.

These data are introduced in the following manner:

 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Coefficient (A)

 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Coefficient (B)
 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Coefficient (C)
 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Coefficient (D)
 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Period (T)
 Go to Law Q or H = A*t^2+B*t+C+D*sen(2*Pi*t/T+E)  Phase angle (E)

- Limitation. It allows for the extreme hydraulic head values provided by the
Q law to be limited. The different possibilities include:

 No limitations
 Lower limit
 Upper limit
 Upper and lower limit

In case we select an upper and/or lower limit, the corresponding boundary

values will be given as minimum and/or maximum value.

These data are introduced in a likewise manner as shown for flow laws.

IMPORTANT: Once the head law is set, the program calculates the node’s
corresponding flow, which can be positive (exiting flow from the system) or
negative (inflow to the system). This should correspond to the action of a
subsystem, which isn’t accounted for on the simulation but imposes the
hydraulic head law represented at expression (23). This part of the system is
the one which would receive or provide the node’s outflow or inflow. Head law with associated tank

In case the head law is linked to a single pipe’s end node, such law can utilize an
associated tank to which the pipe’s flow is discharged, at atmospheric pressure.
The program then calculates the outflow keeping the node’s hydraulic head equal
to its elevation, and considering said flow as an inflow to the tank through its top

If, during the transient simulation, the head law’s outflow becomes negative it
means that there’s a backflow through the law-connected pipe. From this point
on, the backflow generates an air column at the pipe’s end, which will increase or
decrease its length depending on the movement of water inside the conduit. At
all pipe points where there’s an air column null flow and atmospheric pressure will
be supposed, with air being able to enter or exit according to the head law.
Immediately upon the end of the air column’s expulsion, the outflow will be
reestablished following the head law. If the air column occupies at any time the

whole of the pipe, the program stops the simulation process, since air movement
at elements which connect the pipes to their opposite law’s nodes can no longer
be evaluated

For this case, the necessary data are as follows:

- Tank. It’s the law –linked tank. All system’s tank can be considered as
associated tanks. The program provides, for information purposes solely, the
elevation from which water is poured into the tank, which coincides with
law’s connection node.

- Area. If the tank associated to the law is a weir, one must indicate if the
discharge area is the initial or the final one.

 Go to discharge  Tank  Select the tanks to which water is poured

 Go to discharge  Area  Initial

 Final

3.9 Francis turbines

The program enables the simulation of transient behavior of Francis turbines,

installed in the system, when a regulation maneuver or sudden disconnection of
the generator takes place. For these turbines, Suter’s universal characteristics
curves are used, which are obtained from Martin’s experimental testing of a
Francis pump-turbine with a 344 mm diameter and a maximum guide opening of
43,70 mm. These curves were obtained for 14 different guide vanes opening with
H > 0, and for 4 different guide vanes opening with the pump-turbine operating
in all four quadrants (Andrade, J.G.P. y Martin, C.S. Interpolation between guide
vane openings of pump-turbine characteristics represented by Fourier series. 16th
Symposium of the IAHR - Section on Hydraulic Machinery and Cavitation. Sao
Paulo, Brasil, september 1992).

A turbine must function keeping a constant rotating speed for any load case. In
this fashion, the turbine’s regulator will action the guide’s rotor blades, increasing
the turbined flow as the resistant turbine torque increases (load increments), or
decreasing the turbined flow when this torque is diminished (load declines). With
this, we’re looking to equalize the driving and the resistant torque for any load
combination, while keeping the rotation speed constant. Hence the frequency of
the generated alternate current will also be unaltered.

The regulation of the turbine’s functioning is done in the program by means of

feedback PID controller. If we define:

X =Guide opening of the distributor at the time of current calculation

X0 = Guide opening of the distributor at the time of previous calculation
Xmáx = Guide Opening of the distributor
 = Turbine rotation speed at the instant of calculation
ref = Reference rotation speed, at which the desired frequency is obtained
e = Relative error between the desired rotation speed and the obtained
speed= (N – Nref)/ref
u = Regulator response for error correction = (X – X0)/ Xmáx

The expression that defines the functioning of the PID reagulator feedback is as
 det  
ut    K p et   K i  et dt  K d  K ra  u t dt  (24)
 dt 

Or, deriving with respect to time (DIN-4321),

 d 2 et 
K ra ut    K i et   K d
du(t ) de(t )
  K p  (25)
dt  dt dt 2 

this being the expression used in the software. In it we have:

Kp = Proportional constant of the regulator, unitless

Ki = Integral term constant of the regulator, with units in s-1
Kd = Derivative term constant of the regulator, units in s
Kra = Feedback constant of the regulator, with units in s-1

With this formulation, any partial action of the regulator can be canceled making
its constant null.

3.9.1 Turbines’ basic data

For each turbine, the general data requested by the program are:

- Elevation Z. It’s the elevation to which the turbine rests, equal for start and
end nodes.

- Diameter. Nominal diameter of the turbine. This datum doesn’t intervene in

the simulation, being of informational purpose only.

- Inertia. It’s the moment of inertia of the rotating masses in the turbine,
including the impeller, the shaft and the rotor of the electric generator.

- N regime or reference rotation velocity. It’s the rotation speed to which the
desired alternate current’s frequency value is produced. This rotation velocity
will have to be kept constant by means of the regulator’s actions.

- Initial guide opening. Guide’s opening position at permanent regime


- Maximum guide opening. Guide’s maximum opening. Simulations are carried

out considering at all times a relative guide opening, not its absolute value.

The way to assign this data is as follows:

 Go to Turbines-Basic data  Turbine Elevation Z(m)

 Go to Turbines-Basic data  Diameter D(m)
 Go to Turbines-Basic data  Inertia (Ton.m2)
 Go to Turbines-Basic data  Rotation Speed (Nreg)

 Go to Turbines-Provider  Initial Opening of the Distributor (Ap inic)


 Go to Turbines-Provider  Maximum Opening of the Distributor (Ap max)

3.9.2 Data of the turbines optimal performance point

The data necessary to characterize the turbine correspond to the optimal point of
operation (or point of maximum performance) at the nominal rotation speed, that

- Flow Qt0. It is the turbine flow at the optimal performance point.

- Height Ht0. It is the net height of the turbine at the optimal performance

- Shaft Power Pejet0. It is the power in the shaft of the turbine at the optimal
performance point. .

Once these three values have been entered, the software displays the turbine
efficiency at the optimal performance point for verification.

- N nominal. It is the nominal rotation speed of the turbine, for which the
optimal performance point is obtained.

To assign these values it is necessary:

 Go to Turbines - Optimal performance  Turbine Flow (Q (m3/s))

 Go to Turbines - Optimal performance  Net Height (H (m))
 Go to Turbines - Optimal performance  Shaft Power (P (Mw))
 Go to Turbines - Optimal performance  Rotation Speed (Nnom (rpm))

3.9.3 Load Variation

It represents the time evolution of the turbine’s imposed load, during which the
regulator will try to keep the reference rotation speed constant, regardless of this

For each of the turbines, the time instants and their respective loads percentages
are entered in tabular form so as to define the load variations of the generator.

The required data are:

- Instant ti. Time instant corresponding to point i.

- Load Li with respect to normal regime. It’s the supplied power needed at time
instant i, or the resistant torque to overcome, in percentage with respect to
the normal regime’s power or resistive torque.

The load variation is assigned in the following manner:

 Go to turbines – Load variations  By pushing the button, the program

displays a table in which we introduce the load’s time variation of the

3.9.4 Guide closure due to turbine disconnection

If, during the regulation maneuvers, the load on the turbine shaft decreases below
a certain value, the turbine generator will be disconnected from the network to
avoid operation at excessively low partial load. At that time, the distributor will
initiate a quick closing maneuver to avoid turbine runaway.

To simulate this closure, the required data are:

- Minimum disconnection load. It is the minimum load that will cause the
disconnection of the turbine, in percentage with respect to the regime

In Allievi the minimum load is assigned as follows:

 Go to Turbines – Disconnection  Minimum Load (Cmin)


The time instants and their respective guide openings for the closing process are
introduced in table form. The time reference is the turbine’s disconnection instant,
starting from the initial guide opening. These values are:

 Instant ti. Time instant corresponding to point i for the guide’s closing

 Guide opening Api. Guide opening at time instant i, during the process of
closure in order to avoid turbine runaway.

The closure of the guide vanes will follow this law, beginning the maneuver with
the guide’s opening at the instant of disconnection.

Time instants and guide opening during closure procedure are assigned in the
following manner:

 Go to Turbines - Disconnection  By pressing on the Maneuver button, the

program displays a table to assign the time instants, in seconds, and guide
opening, in millimeters.

3.9.5 Data of the turbine’s regulator

For the feedback PDI controller in each turbine, the required data are:

- Kp = Proportional constant of the regulator, unitless

Ki = Integral term constant of the regulator, with units in s-1

- Kd = Derivative term constant of the regulator, units in s

- Kra = Feedback constant of the regulator, with units in s-1. This constant can
take negative values.

PDI controller’s data are assigned in the following manner:

 Go to Turbines – PID Regulation  Proportional constant(Kp)

 Go to Turbines – PID Regulation  Integrative Constant (Ki)
 Go to Turbines – PID Regulation  Derivative Constant (Kd)
 Go to Turbines – PID Regulation  Feedback Constant (Kra)

NOTA: To set the value of the regulator constants it is advisable to use the
Ziegler and Nichols method. This method provides the values of the constants
of a PI or PID regulator type, with null feedback constant. In some cases, the
values provided by this method are adjusted manually to improve the
characteristics of the regulation.

3.10 Open-channel flow conduits

The ALLIEVI program enables simulation of transient regime functioning of

pressurized and open-channel flow conduits in the same system, interconnecting
both types through tanks.

IMPORTANT: In all simulations, the functioning regime of all open channel

flow conduits will be subcritical, except in the case of free fall to a tank through
the end of a conduit where a critical regime is established.

Open channel flow conduits, or channels, can only be connected to tank nodes or
nodes which connect other channels. In case there’s a connection to a tank, this
specific node will solely link the tank and the channel. In case several channels are
connected together, the connection node will only join channels.

In order to define open- channel flow conduits, the necessary data are:

- Node elevation. Elevation of a channel’s start and end nodes. In tank

connections, this elevation will coincide to the tank’s base elevation.

- Length. Length of the channel, supposed straight and with a uniform slope.

- Manning coefficient Manning coefficient which represents roughness of the

inner channel walls. Guideline values range from 0.014 to 0.016 for concrete

 Go to Channels – Basic data  Start node elevation (Zi)

 Go to Channels – Basic data  End node elevation (Zf)
 Go to Channels – Basic data  Length (L)
 Go to Channels – Basic data  Manning coefficient (n)

- Bottom elevation. Bottom elevations for start and extreme ends of the
channel. In case there’s a tank connection, the channel’s bottom elevation
will be higher or equal to the connection node’s elevation. In case its higher,
the channel’s bottom’s elevation will be higher than the tank’s bottom’s
elevation. In the case of channel connection, at this end all channels must
have the same bottom elevation, which will match the node’s elevation.

 Go to Bottom elevation  Initial elevation (Zsi)

 Go to Bottom elevation  End elevation (Zsf)

The length of the channel, together with the bottom elevation of the initial
and final ends, will define the channel's slope according to the expression
Zsi  Zsf
s0 %  100 (26)

- Cross-section type. We can choose from for different types of cross-sections:


3.10.1 Channels with rectangular cross-section

- Channel width. It’s the width of the channel, constant for all its cross-section.

- Maximum depth. It’s the maximum depth of the channel, from which
overflowing occurs and simulation is stopped.

 Go to Section  Type  Rectangular

 Go to Section  Width (b)
 Go to Section  Maximum depth (Y max)

3.10.2 Channels with trapezoidal cross-section

- Channel width. It’s the width of the channel, constant for all its cross-section.

- Maximum depth. It’s the maximum depth of the channel, from which
overflowing occurs and simulation is stopped.

- Lateral side slope, in degrees. It’s the incline angle of the lateral walls of the
channel, with respect to the horizontal plane, measured from the exterior
part of the channel.

 Go to Section  Type  Trapezoidal

 Go to Section  Width (b)
 Go to Section  Maximum depth (Y max)
 Go to Section  Side slope

3.10.3 Channels with circular cross-section

- Channel diameter. It’s the inner diameter of the circular channel. The
maximum depth is indicated, which will coincide with this value, from which
said conduct becomes pressurized and simulation is stopped.

 Go to Section  Type  Circular

 Go to Section  Channel diameter (D)

3.10.4 Channels with any cross-section

The data for the channel cross-section will be given in table form, with increasing
channel depth, these being for point i:

- Depth yi. Depth corresponding to point i.


- Perimeter pi. Wetted perimeter for conduit cross-section, under depth yi.
- Section Ai. It refers to the area of the conduit’s cross section, under channel
depth yi.

 Go to Section  Type  Any

 Go to Section  Section: Here the user introduces the perimeter and the
cross-section for each depth

3.10.5 Data for channel with null initial flow

As in pressurized conduits, it can occur that the steady state circulating flow
through the channel is zero. Thus, and also to avoid the need for a large number
of iterations in order to calculate the steady state, we can directly assign a null
initial flow to those channels to which this particular circumstance applies. So, for
each channel with null initial flow, the necessary information is:

- Zero initial flow (Yes – No). It indicates whether we enforce a null initial flow
to the channel

- H imposed. In case we enforce a null initial flow, this datum corresponds to

the initial water elevation through the entire channel. When dealing with
interconnected zero initial flow channels, this head should be equal for all of
them. In turn, the same head will be enforced to all tanks connected to these

We can also enforce an initial water elevation to channel with an

intermediate value between the bottom elevations of its ends. In this case,
the tank’s initial water level must be under the bottom elevation of the
channel’s initial area. In steady state conditions the top part of the channel
will me empty.

 Go to Zero initial flow  Qin=0  Activate / Deactivate

 Go to Zero initial flow  H Imp

IMPORTANT: We have to be very careful when inputting this data, since when
we indicate zero initial flow for a channel the program calculates the steady
state assigning this value to such channel, as well as the depth corresponding
to the water level one has previously introduced. The obtained steady state
solution will be incorrect if in fact these circumstances will not take place, as in
the case, for instance, of incompatible initial water levels between the
connected tanks and the channels with zero initial flow. In case we’re hesitant,
it’s better not to impose this type of data.

4. New project configuration on ALLIEVI

When declaring a new project, ALLIEVI will allow the user to define and save the
considered useful information, as in the case of the title, responsible Engineer,
date of creation, page size, amongst others. The objective is to enhance the
organization of the created projects.

4.1 Project options configuration

ALLIEVI allows the user to establish several program options. These options can
be changed for the present project as well as for all projects made with ALLIEVI.

The way to modify such options is the following one:

 Go to Project tab  Project options  ALLIEVI options  Calculation 

Calculation settings. It is possible to change any parameters (Calculation time
interval for pressurized and open-channel flow calculations, atmospheric
pressure, gravity acceleration, calculations with or without cavitation, among
others) used in transient simulations.

 Go to Project tab  Project options  ALLIEVI options  Units: The user can
select the unit system to work with.

 Go to Project tab  Project options  ALLIEVI options  1- Click Charts:

The user can configure by default the most widely used graphics and have
them accessible in all available tools that ALLIEVI offers, at all times for result

 Go to Project tab  Project options  ALLIEVI options  Elements: The user

can configure the graphical representation of the elements.

5. Work environment on ALLIEVI

5.1 Visual tools

ALLIEVI counts with multiple tools which allow the user to adjust the work area to
their needs and/or preferences. We introduce below the way to access every one
of them.

In the first place, the default tool on ALLIEVI which allows us to introduce and edit
the elements, activate or deactivate tools or even introduce network data, is the
Selection tool.

 Go to Image tab  Tools  Selection


5.1.1 Adjust screen width or height

To change window presentation, ALLIEVI provides to possibilities:

- On the one hand, on the “View” tab, “Zoom”, we find the “Width” and
“Height” buttons.

 Go to View tab  Width

 Height

- The screen adjustment buttons “Width” and “Height” can also be found on
the taskbar, located at the bottom of the work area.

5.1.2 Zoom tools

- Magnifying glass: It’s the tool which allows us to zoom in or zoom out a
part of the drawn network. To access it we must:

 Go to Image  Tools  Zoom In

 Go to Image  Tools  Zoom Out

- Slider: It’s the most direct way to zoom in and zoom out on the drawing.
It’s found on the taskbar and it indicates the zoom percentage.

- Enlarge/Reduce: Another way to zoom in or out is by clicking on the

buttons (+) and (-) located on the View tab. On the right hand side, the
program shows also the zoom percentage.

 Go to View tab  Zoom  Enlarge: If we want to zoom in.

 Go to View tab  Zoom  Reduce: If we want to zoom out.

- Drag: This tool acts as a complement of the zoom tool, since in many times,
the zoomed area doesn’t correspond to the one we are interested in.
Therefore, by activating the hand option we can adjust and locate the
desired screen without changing zoom or network drawing.

 Go to Image  Tools  Drag


5.1.3 Lock tools

- Element lock: this tool enables the user to introduce the same element
several times on a row, being especially useful when we need to introduce
a large number of elements, for instance a network’s nodes.

 Go to Image tab  Tools  Element lock

- Lock drawing: It’s located on the taskbar and its function is to avoid
unwanted and unintentional modifications to the definitive drawing.

5.1.4 Schematic view

Schematic view allows the user to visualize the network in a much simpler manner,
which can be easily exported to either present as a report or to print it with the
desired format.

The user has two ways to access this option:

 Go to view tab  Network elements  Change view

 Go to taskbar  Schematic view

5.1.5 Toolbar design

On the Image tab, as we’ve previously mention, we can find all the available
elements to draw a network. Each set of elements is organized in a tab designed
to display on the left hand side the last user-selected element and on the right
hand side the miniature options of the remaining elements. Each of the elements
has a displayable menu with all the available elements.

The entire toolbar is completely configurable, allowing the user to save the button
disposition which better suits his or her needs, having this combination available
at all times.

The steps to save and/or load toolbar configuration are as follows:

 Go to Menu design  Save: Name and path have to be specified.

 Go to Menu design  Load

If we want to restore the default button disposition, push the restore button.

 Go to Menu design  Restore


5.2 Labels

5.2.1 Introduce a label

ALLIEVI grants every element with a default name, which is shown at the label. To
change the name of an element, we merely have to select it, either with the
selection tool or directly on the data window, and introduce the new name.

NOTE: The usage of accents or symbols on names is unadvised.

5.2.2 Label position

By selecting one or several elements and right clicking on one of them, the
program displays a menu with the option “Labels”, which allows the user to
change the label position according to his or her preferences. This action can also
be done through the computer’s numerical keyboard.

5.2.3 Show or hide labels

ALLIEVI gives you the possibility of showing or hiding element labels effectuating
the following actions:

 Go to View tab  Labels  Show all / Hide all

 Select an element  Right click  Label  Show label / Hide label

5.3 Advanced drawing tools

5.3.1 Quick drawing

The quick drawing tool allows for the rapid introduction of connected elements,
saving time and clicks, since one can create an entire network without interrupting
the drawing process. The tool is found on the Image tab and in order to activate
it the listed steps must be followed:

 Go to Image tab  Tools  Quick

Once the Quick drawing tool is activated, we have to select the first element to
be introduced to the network. Automatically, the cursor is set in pipe mode and
by right clicking we can change the selected element.

The way to exit the quick drawing mode is either activating once more the
selection tool or from the actual displayable menu, when right clicking. We can
also use a shortcut, pressing the ESC key twice.

5.3.2 Changing from Pipe to Polypipe

Once we’ve drawn an installation, it’s likely that modifications are required. For
instance, placing vertices to a pipe and converting it to a Polypipe. This is achieved
in the following manner:

 Select the pipe with the Selection tool

 Pressing Control (Ctrl) and Shift, the tools which allows the insertion of
vertices is activated
 With cursor in mode  Click on the pipe and add the necessary vertices.

5.3.3 Edit vertices

The position of the vertices is modified in the following manner:

 Pressing the Control (Ctrl) key a pipe is selected, which displays a vertex edit
 When clicking on any of the vertices, the cursor changes to and the
vertices can me moved to the desired place.

To eliminate vertices:

 Click on the undesired vertex.

 Press the Ctrl key and wait for the cursor to change to an X

5.3.4 Change of direction of a pipe

To change the direction of a pipeline, select it, and with the right mouse button
you can access the Change direction option.

The change of direction of a pipe affects the definition of its profile, as well as the
position of vents and breakage that could be along its layout.

5.3.5 Release a pipe

A pipe can be released from a node where it connects with other elements. To do
so, select the pipeline, and with the right mouse button you access the option
Release pipe. Next, the program requests from what extreme node it is desired to
release the pipe.

5.3.6 Divide a pipe

A pipe can be divided by a point at a certain distance from its origin. To do this,
select this pipeline, and with the right mouse button you access the Split pipe
option. Next, the program asks how far from the origin you want to divide the

When dividing a pipe, both sections will have the same characteristics (diameter,
thickness, celerity and roughness), distributing the coefficient of minor head losses
of the original pipe proportionally to the length of each section. If there are vents
and breakage in the original pipe, its position will be defined in the corresponding
section after the division.

5.3.7 Join pipes

You can join two pipes if they are connected by a node in which there are no
other elements, are defined in the same direction, and have the same
characteristics (diameter, thickness, speed and roughness). To do this, the first
pipeline is selected and, by pressing the Ctrl button, the second pipeline is
selected. Then, with the right mouse button you access the Join pipes option.

The resulting pipe has the same characteristics as the original pipes, its same
direction, the sum of the lengths, and the sum of the minor head loss coefficients.
If there are vents in the original pipes and in one of them a breakage, all this is
relocated in the resulting pipe.

5.4 Scenario creation

ALLIEVI allows for the comparison of different alternatives to solve the same
problem to be done. In order to do so, it possesses a tool which enables the
creation of different operating scenarios from the main one.

For each scenario, we can change different protection elements, change data,
calculate and compare their results.

It’s important to highlight that the main scenario is the one which is shown when
we initialize the program. The steps needed to create a new one are the following

 Go to Project  Scenarios  New: A window is displayed where we have to

introduce the scenario’s name, its label or abbreviation, a description of the
modeled phenomenon and select the scenario from which we want to create
the new one.

IMPORTANT: When a new scenario is created, ALLIEVI locks the drawing and
the user can’t change the typology of the network nor input any elements. For
such reason, we recommend that in the main scenario all necessary elements
are drawn, keeping in mind that one can activate or deactivate them, and also
change from one protection element to another using the keyboard shortcuts.

Each scenario differs from the other by their names and the background color
ALLIEVI applies when we create new scenarios, the latter being configurable by
the user in the following way:

 Go to Project  Scenarios  View details  Color


6. Results Wizard

6.1 Steady state results

To access the results of the steady state calculation one must:

 Go to Project  Steady state  Calculate:

 Go to Project  Steady state  Show results. By pressing on each figure

we can see the results of the respective element

To explore these results, you need to select the data and by pressing Ctrl+C you
can copy them other programs like Microsoft Excel.

The table above shows piezometric heights and pressures in permanent regime
for the nodes of the scheme indicated below:

It should be noted that for the program, all elements of the system are connected
between two nodes, one initial and one final, although in the scheme some types
of deposits, protective devices and the laws of Q or H have only one node. These
hidden knots are included in the results table, each of them with its corresponding

visible node. For the scheme, we are considering the initial and final knots of the
elements with a single visible node are those shown in the following table:

Element Initial Node Final Node

Tank D1 N0_fin N1
Tank D2 N13 N13_fin
Air Vessel C5 N17 N17_fin
Unidirectional Tank Tn4 N16 N16_fin
Surge Tank Ch4 N15 N15_fin

According to the values indicated in the results table, the pressure in the final
node of the air vessels(node N17_fin with pressure of 68'04 mca), is the pressure
of the gas inside the air vessel.

6.2 Transient regime results

One the permanent regime is calculated, to access the results of the transient
regime calculation one must:

 Go to Project  Transient  Calculate

There are several ways to access the results.

6.2.1 Results wizard

 Go to Project  Transient  Results wizard  Step 1: The assistant is

displayed which allows you to configure each of the available result plots
on ALLIEVI. During the first step of the assistant, the user selects the
elements he or she wants to analyze and on the right hand side a
summary of those selected appears.

NOTE: Elements like channels or pipes have plots which are incompatible with
other elements. Hence, ALLIEVI doesn’t allow the selection of these elements
with a single result’s output, and shows an error message.

 Go to Project  Transient  Results Wizard  Steps 2 and 3: By pressing

Next, and if amongst the previous selection we have pipes and channels, we
access step 2 where we have to select the type of graph we want to generate.
Contrarily, the assistant skips directly to the selection of the result series for
each of the elements.

IMPORTANT: If the user considers that the selected series are the most used
ones for these elements, he or she can activate the option of setting graphs by
default. In this way, the results are saved and one can access them later, without
the need of going through the assistant yet again.

 Go to Project  Transient  Results Wizard  Step 3: For channels and

pipes, the correct order must be given using the buttons located at the
right hand side of the elements. At the bottom part, there is a pre-
visualization of the profile which acts as a guide.

At the left hand side, the user selects the type of series to be represented.

 Go to project  Transient  Results wizard  Step 4: The scenarios which

want to be represented are selected; on the left hand side, the user can
see the characteristics of each scenario so as to avoid any confusion.

 Go to project  Transient  Results wizard  Step 5: Here is where the

user sets the plot’s appearance, assigning a label to each axis and
choosing from a wide variety of styles the one that better suits his or her

By pressing the Finish button, ALLIEVI displays the graphical and numerical

NOTE: In each of the wizard’s steps, the user can press the “Finish” button,
which exits the wizard and shows the plot without the need of undergoing all
the steps.

Once the graphs are generated, we can modify them without the need of going
back to the wizard:

At the Series tab, those which are represented in the graph are shown:

By selecting More series options you can configure the colors of each series,
change the name and decide among other things if you want to draw the series
or not.

At the Setting tab it’s possible to change the title of the graph, the axis, configure
the scale, define the font type, the size, etc. To do so, you must select the option
“More title and legend options”

IMPORTANT: Be aware that to change the default scale, you must make sure
that the Autoscale option is deactivated. Otherwise, the initial scale will remain

Finally, at the Data tab the user finds the values of each of the plotted series. These
values can also be copied to external programs, like Microsoft Excel.

6.2.2 Click Chart results

ALLIEVI has a tool which can quickly access to transient results by merely selecting
the elements that the user wants to analyze. To access them, the user has to right
click on the selected elements and choose the option on the
displayed menu.

Depending on the selected elements, the following plots can be accessed:

At a point

By default, the most representative plot is shown, or the one the user has
configured and saved on the results wizard.

6.2.3 SmartCharts

This tool enables the user to save a graph and have it always available, in such
way that if the user simulates the project once more, SmartCharts updates it and
shows it with the new obtained results.

The way to save a graph on SmartCharts is the following one:

 Right click  Add to “My SmartChart”: Input the name of the graph you
want to save.

To access the graph one must:

 Go to Project main tab  My smart charts: select a graph


7. ALLIEVI’s compatibility with EPANET and AutoCAD

EPANET and AutoCad are the most widely used software in water engineering.
For this reason, ALLIEVI allows the user to import hydraulic networks from EPANET
(.inp) and AutoCAD (.dxf)

The way to import a file from EPANET is as follows:

 Start button  Open  Open Epanet File

When opening a file with (.inp) extension, ALLIEVI asks for the network’s scale

IMPORTANT: Allievi not only imports the outline of the network, but also its
data. However, special care must be taken in those elements that are
incompatible between both programs, such as the case of vents, composite
valves or consumption in nodes, this last one represented in Alievi through
flow laws.

It must also be taken into account that in Epanet a long pipeline may have
been divided into relatively short sections to define its profile. In Allievi, the
short sections must be reduced to a minimum, as in the case of auxiliary pipes,
so there are no mistakes in the simulation of the transient regime. Therefore,
when importing an Epanet network, apart from reviewing and completing the
data, it is necessary to try to join those sections of pipe that, being contiguous,
have the same characteristics.

 Start button  Open  Import network from AutoCAD. An assistant will be

displayed in which the user will select the layer he or she wants to import,
the desired conversion mode (nodes or vertices) and the connectivity

When pressing next, a pre-visualization of the imported network plan is enabled.

It’s imperative to keep in mind that the time that ALLIEVI takes in the conversion
is directly proportional to the number of layers present on the AutoCAD project.

Once the conversion has been done, either from an EPANET or AutoCAD file, the
user can visualize the project on ALLIEVI with all the elements and their
respective data. In these cases it is always necessary to review the data and
imported elements, to detect possible incompatibilities and correct them

8. Keyboard shortcuts

Zoom shortcuts Action

1. Ctrl _ “+” Zooms in
2. Ctrl _ “-“ Zooms out
3. + Zooms in on an element
4. - Zooms out on an element
5. Space bar Activates “hand” tool
6. Ctrl _ “E” Selects the whole Drawing
Various shortcuts Action
7. F12 Locks Drawing
8. Ctrl _ “Shift” Shows/Hides elements data
9. Shift Disconnects protection structure from pipe
10. F1 Changes to Air Vessel
11. F2 Changes to Surge tank
12. F3 Changes to Unidirectional tank
13. Ctrl _ “c” Copy element or data
14. Ctrl _ “V” Paste element or data
Edit vertices shortcuts Action
15. Ctrl Edits a pipe
16. Ctrl _ “Shift” Inserts vertices on pipe
17. Ctrl _ Click Eliminates vertices
Label shortcuts Action
18. “1” Label position “Down Left”
19. “2” Label position “Down Center”
20. “3” Label position “Down Right”
21. “4” Label position “ Left”
22. “6” Label position “Right”
23. “7” Label position “Up Left”
24. “8” Label position “Up Center”
25. “9” Label position “Up Right”
Quick drawing shortcuts Action

26. “A” Inserts Regulation valve

27. “B” Inserts Pump
28. “C” Inserts Surge tank
29. “D” Inserts Tank with left Node
30. “E” Inserts Headloss valve
31. “I” Inserts injector
32. “L” Inserts Law
33. “M” Inserts Turbine
34. “N” Inserts Node
35. “O” Inserts Channel
36. “Q” Inserts Relief valve
37. “R” Inserts Automatic valve
38. “T” Inserts Unidirectional tank
39. “U” Inserts Excessive Flow Shut-off valve
40. “V” Inserts Air Vessel
41. “W” Inserts Composite Valve
42. “Y” Inserts Check-valve

ALLIEVI – All rights reserved

Version 3.0.0, September 2018

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