IMBA - Programme Oveview

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Thank you for expressing interest in the International MBA (IMBA) Programme with

the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business. Please see below an overview of the

Our Mission:
To improve the international competitiveness of people and organisations in the Caribbean
through business education, training, consulting and research.

Our Purpose:
To educate extraordinary innovative leaders who positively reshape business and society while
constantly challenging the status quo of human development.

The programme is designed to develop the competencies and skills set necessary to
address ongoing business challenges in this turbulent global business environment. It
introduces theoretical and practical frameworks for analysis, academic knowledge and
application and synthesis of the core disciplines in problem solving with an
international perspective.

Programme Structure
The IMBA is a two (2) year part time programme with classes on evenings (5.30pm-
8.30pm) and weekends. The programme consists of:
 12 workshops (3 face-to-face & 2 online)
 12 Core Courses
 3 Non-Credit Courses
 1 Specialisation - inclusive of 4 electives (see details under Course Outline)
 1 Group Practicum

The academic year is broken into three trimesters: January-April, May-August &
September-December. Exams are held in April, August and December respectively.

Class participation is mandatory and there is an 80% class attendance requirement.

Benefits of the IMBA

 Accredited Degree: our International MBA is internationally accredited by the Association
of MBAs in the UK []
 AMBA Membership programme: having access to career management, networking and
events, knowledge management, executive benefits
 Dual degree with FIU – international exposure and two (2) degrees
 Further specialization
 World class Faculty: our faculty possess a wealth of academic, research and industry
 International Study Trips: students will be exposed to the realities of doing international
business as well as different cultures and languages
 Alumni Network: the Lok Jack GSB Alumni network includes senior practitioners from
both the public and private sector

Entry Requirements
Academic Entry (only):
 First degree with Honours (1st or 2nd Class OR minimum GPA of 2.0) from a
recognized or accredited University (your degree does not have to be in the field of
business or management) and three (3) years postgraduate work experience

Additionally, applicants are required to be computer literate (i.e. Microsoft Office

Proficient and Internet Savvy)

The cost of the IMBA is TT$63,052.00 per year (TT$35,552.00) per year after GATE). This
fee includes tuition, examinations, and re-sits (if necessary) and fees are payable in full at
the start of each school year. Please note that the cost of books is not included.

Persons eligible for GATE (i.e. born in Trinidad and Tobago and a resident in the country for
the past three (3) consecutive years) enjoy a subsidy of TT$27,500.

Additional costs are as follows:

 ILEA Assessment fee: TT$1,000 (non-refundable)

 Lok Jack GSB Student Service fee: TT$300 per year (non-refundable)
 Lok Jack GSB, Student Insurance fee: TT$34 (non-refundable)
 UWI Registration fee: TT$640 (1st year) + TT$20 (2nd year)

* Cost of IMBA Programme subject to change.

Course Details:
Courses are generally 36 hours long. Each course is 3 credits.

Core Courses Description

Economics for The main objective of this course is to provide students with the
International essential tools they require to apply economic concepts to global
Business economic issues and policies, including events in the Caribbean
context. It covers a broad spectrum of economic themes that are at
the forefront of international economics and relevant to business
Organisational The course is designed to engage students in critical thinking about
Behaviour & Cross managing human behaviour in business organizations. Use is made
Cultural of problem based learning tools such as cases, case studies and
Management critical incident vignettes to bring the world of work into the
classroom in order to make sense of the environmental,
organization, individual and group experiences that contribute to,
or present challenges to business and organizational effectiveness.

Marketing The course assists students in developing a sound theoretical

Management in a foundation in marketing theories and concepts and to become more
Global commercially aware and effective within their organisations. It

Environment explores various ways to apply and use marketing knowledge to
formulate methods to help their organisations compete and "win"
in a dynamic, aggressive marketplace. The content is geared
towards developing the students’ competencies in analyzing
market opportunities; developing marketing strategies; shaping the
market offerings; and managing & delivering marketing programs.

Core Courses Description

Financial This course will provide participants with practical, up-to-date
Statement Analysis methods for making the data in financial statements clear and
for Global Firms meaningful. The intent is to develop the ability to identify
opportunities and predicable threats, from the data contained in
published Financial Statements. In this way, the course will assist
in improving the participants’ analysis and decision-making in the
business environment.
Quantitative This course aims to provide a survey of quantitative techniques
Business Analysis commonly used to provide insight into business and management
for Capacity decisions. Particularly important, is the understanding of the
Assessment assumptions and limitations of quantitative techniques and how
these techniques can be used to facilitate practical decision-making.
Consequently emphasis would be placed on formulation, model
building, and interpretation of results rather than theory.
Management This course exposes the student to the pervasiveness of cost
Accounting for accounting systems and techniques with both manufacturing and
Growth Oriented service type organizations, emphasizing the planning &
Firms controlling, decision making and performance evaluation aspects
of the subject area.
Production and This course will introduce participants to the strategic issues
Operations involved in managing the operations of a modern-day
Management; organization. It provides them with the opportunity to identify and
Enhancing adequately address some of the more common problems
encountered in managing a typical manufacturing or service
Value Chains
operation. Participants will be familiarized with the appropriate
terminologies and concepts associated with operations
management and will learn about advancements in the field,
encouraging the pursuit of more in-depth study involving topics
that are timely and relevant to our own local environment.
Human Resource The theories, concepts, approaches and techniques that have
Management in the guided the management of people in organizations for most of the
Global Context 20th century are in many respects, no longer be relevant in the face

of the new 21st. This has led to a re-examination of the academic
disciplines that underpin the functional management areas,
including Human Resource Management. This review is an
integral part of the broader change and transformation geared to
produce a more customer focused, results driven to improve
service delivery as business seeks to transform itself in pursuit of
greater innovativeness and trade competitiveness
Core Courses Description
International & The course is designed to help students make sense of the
Caribbean international trade and investment practices that they see
Business unfolding around them on a daily basis and provide the
knowledge that is necessary for a career or in an international
business environment. It systematically introduces students to the
complexities and challenges of managing a global company and
shall assess the risk factors that these companies face as they
expand and grow and seek to mitigate those risks.
Management The course will focus at the use and importance of information
Information systems for firms. It examines the need and applications for, and
Systems types of information systems technology that is available and
incorporated within organisations today. This approach is
underpinned with an understanding that access and control of
ICTs can provide people and organizations with many
developmental benefits including: increased access to markets and
information about market opportunities; more flexible access to
employment and incomes; reduced social isolation; increased
confidence; and improved access to public and private services.
Business Law, The course will provide a broad overview of the laws and legal
Corporate issues which regulate businesses in their local and international
Governance & arena. Focus will be placed on contract law and the importance of
Ethics understanding some of the key issues underlying this area.
Attention will be given to the impact of international law on
commercial transactions and the importance of researching and
understanding these issues on a continuous basis.
Global Strategic This course on strategy will focus on how organizations can use
Management & strategic planning to optimally utilize their resources. It will outline
the strategic moves and approaches devised by management to
Innovation produce successful organization performance. This is necessary
since without a strategy there is no established course to follow and
no cohesive action plan to produce the intended results. The course

will instruct the students in the formal tools and techniques of
strategic analysis, synthesize the situation, crafting a strategy, and
then executing it successfully
Group Practicum A team-based approach comprising of 2-3 students who either
embark on a New Business Opportunity or engage an
organization¹s leadership over a six month period in an effort to
formulate and implement solutions to real live problems.

Specializations & Electives Guidelines

In addition to twelve (12) core courses, IMBA students must register for four (4) elective
subjects over their course of study. The four (4) electives may be all drawn from the
subjects offered under any one (1) area of specialisation or a combination of subjects
across the six (6) areas of specialization which are:
1. International Finance
2. International Marketing
3. Human Resource Management
4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
5. Health Management
6. Energy Business Management.

 IMBA students will be granted a specialisation if they select four electives under
any one of the six (6) areas of specialisation.
 Students wishing to pursue a general MBA by “mixing and matching” across
specializations should be advised that there is the possibility of clashes with your
desired courses, that is, it is not possible to create a clash free schedule for every
permutation of elective choices. In this event, you may have to select alternative
courses or defer your selection till another trimester.
 The offering of specialisations or electives is determined based on interest
indicated by the student body and requires at least 10 persons per
specialization or elective. Further to this, Lok Jack GSB reserves the right to
discontinue the offering of specialisations or electives should the quorum fall beneath the
stipulated number

Innovation, Leadership, Ethics Assessment (ILEA)
Cost: TT$ 1,000.00

On successful completion of ILEA, your application will be forwarded to UWI where

you will be issued an Offer Letter within fourteen (14) working days i.e. a formal letter
of acceptance via email to the programme which will allow you to complete the final
online Registration.

We are here to serve you and ensure that you navigate the admissions process smoothly
so feel free to contact us should you require any additional information or assistance.

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