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Polymer Blends Based on Polyolefin Elastomer and


Instituto de Macromoléculas Professora Eloisa Mano, UFRJ, P.O. Box 68525, 21945–970, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Instituto Politécnico, Campus Regional da UERJ, Nova Friburgo, RJ, Brasil

Received 6 August 1996; accepted 19 May 1997

ABSTRACT: A new family of homogeneous polyolefin polymers that exhibit unique mo-
lecular and rheological properties designated polyolefin elastomers (POEs) are charac-
terized by a narrow molecular weight and high degrees of comonomer distribution.
Because these copolymers are often elastomeric in nature, one of the uses for these
materials is as impact properties improver for brittle polymers such as polypropylene
at low temperatures. In this work a study was carried out about the effectiveness of
the polyethylene elastomer (POE) as an impact modifier for polypropylene in relation
to the traditional modifier EPDM. In this study the flow properties of of the POE/PP
and EPDM/PP blends were also evaluated. The blends were analyzed by solid-state
C nuclear magnetic resonance ( 13C-NMR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy
(SEM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results showed that PEE/
PP and EPDM/PP blends present a similar crystalline behavior, which resulted in a
similar mechanical performance of the blends, on the composition analyzed. It was also
verified that the POE/PP blend presents lower torque values than the EPDM/PP blend,
which indicates a better processability when POE is used as an impact modifier. q 1997
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 66: 2005–2014, 1997

Key words: polymer blends; polyolefin elastomer; polypropylene

INTRODUCTION achieved by producing a blend with the conve-

nient selection of components. In recent years,
Since 1980 an increasing utilization of polymer elastomeric rubber–plastic blends have become
blends and alloys of thermoplastic materials have technologically interesting for use as thermoplas-
been observed. The main reason for that is the tic elastomers. These materials exhibit some of
favorable economy.1 the physical properties of conventional elastomers
The development of materials with a full set of at service temperatures and are processable at
desired properties is not an easy task. Frequently, elevated temperatures.2,3
a new spectrum of material properties can be Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic with a
number of desirable properties that makes it a ver-
satile material. However, the poor impact proper-
Correspondence to: M. Coutinho. ties, especially at low temperatures, limit some of its
Contract grant sponsors: CAPES; CNPq; PADCT/CNPq; applications. To achieve better properties, impact
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 66, 2005 – 2014 ( 1997 )
modifiers have been added to PP. Among the impact
q 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0021-8995/97 / 102005-10 modifiers commonly used for PP, ethylene–propyl-


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Table I Characteristics of Polymers Samples Used

Material PP PEE EPDM

Manufacturer Polibrasil S.A. Dow Chemical Nitriflex

Designation KM 6100 EG 8100 EP 57C
Density at 237C (g/cm3)a 0.917 0.887 0.874
Hardness (Shore A)b 73.6 60.0 46.2
Melt index (g/10 min)c 2.1 2.0 —
Mooney viscosity ML 1 / 3 w 1007Cd — 42.1 99.0
Measured in our laboratory by ASTM D792.
Measured in our laboratory by ASTM D2240.
Measured in CENPES/PETROBRÁS laboratory by ASTM D1238.
Measured in Nitriflex laboratory by ASTM D1646.

ene–diene terpolymers (EPDM) have been consid- Dow Chemical, known as ENGAGE polyolefin
ered the most effective ones.4,5 elastomers (POEs), has been commercialized. En-
Recent catalyst developments in polyolefin gage POEs (ú20 wt % octene comonomer) have
synthesis allowed the control of molecular distinctive properties when compared with elasto-
weight distribution and the proportion of como- meric materials currently available, due to the
nomer incorporation. Those emerging catalyst long chain branching. POEs are aimed for compet-
systems, termed single-site catalysts ( metallo- ing with thermoplastic olefin impact modifiers,
cene type ) , allow polymer producers to make a like EPDM.8,9
much more well-defined molecule by enabling According to the manufacturer, POEs can com-
the incorporation of long comonomer chains.6 pete against ethylene–propylene–diene terpo-
The metallocene catalysts are having a tre- lymers (EPDM) in the production of polypropyl-
mendous impact on the polyolefin industry. In ene-based blends because of their pellet form,
contrast with the conventional heterogeneous which allows for faster mixing and expanded han-
Ziegler-Natta catalysts ( multisite ) , the single- dling and compounding option.10
site catalyst leads to a higher degree of como- Thus, the aim of this work is to evaluate the
nomer incorporation, while the uniform reactiv- effectiveness of the new polyethylene elastomer
ity allows the synthesis of very homogeneous (PEE) as an impact modifier for polypropylene
copolymers.7 and verify if this new polymer can replace the
One family of these new polymers produced by conventional impact modifier—EPDM.

Figure 1 Torque curves of EPDM, PEE, and PP.

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Figure 2 Torque curves of the EPDM/PP blend, the PEE/PP blend, and PP.

EXPERIMENTAL a 30 wt % of elastomer phase, the temperature of

the mixing chamber was set at 2007C and the
Materials and Blend Preparation blending time was 5 min. The rotor rate was set at
70 rpm. The rheological behavior of the blends was
Commercially available grades of the polymers evaluated on the basis of recorded torque versus
polypropylene (PP), ethylene–octene copolymer time.
(PEE), and ethylene–propylene–diene terpo-
lymer (EPDM) with 5-ethylidene-2-norbornene
(ENB) as a termonomer were used. The material Measurements
specifications are listed in Table I.
The virgin polymers and PP blends were pro- The torque versus time curves were obtained dur-
cessed in a Haake Rheomix 600 internal mixer, ing the processing of the pure polymers and the
equipped with a pair of high shear roller-type ro- PP blends in the Haake Rheomix 600 internal
tors. For the PEE/PP and EPDM/PP blends, with mixer.

Figure 3 Total torque curves of the EPDM/PP blend, the PEE/PP blend, and PP.

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Table II Melt Flow Index of PP and PP Blends

Material (g/10 min)

PP 2.1 { 0.5
PEE/PP 2.0 { 0
EPDM/PP 1.3 { 0

The melt flow index of virgin polymers and

polypropylene blends were determined using an
EMIC IFT 315 instrument according to ASTM
The tensile tests were conducted at room tem-
perature (257C and 55% RH) using samples ob-
tained by compression molding on an INSTRON
Tester (Model 4204), according to ASTM D882,
at a strain rate of 50 cm/min.
Impact strength was measured according to
ASTM D256 (V-notched) on an Impact Tester Mi- Figure 5 Crystallization behavior of the pure poly-
crotest at different temperatures. All results were mers and PP blends.
the average of at least seven measurements.
The morphology of the blends was examined
in a JEOL scanning electron microscope (SEM), tane at 257C to extract the elastomer phase for 5
model JSM-5300. Samples were cryogenically days and then dried for about 3 h at 807C under
fractured in liquid nitrogen and etched with hep- vacuum, followed by gold coating prior to their
installation in the SEM chamber.
A Perkin–Elmer DSC-7 apparatus was used to
determine the glass transition temperature ( Tg )
of the virgin polymers and blends. DSC tests were
run at a heating rate of 107C min 01 and cooling
rate of 807C min 01 . The melting and recrystalliza-
tion behavior of the pure polymers and PP blends
was also analyzed on an Perkin–Elmer DSC-7
instrument at a heating rate of 107C min 01 and
cooling rate of 107C min 01 .
Spin-lattice relaxation times in the rotating
frame, T H1r s were determined from the intensity
attenuation of carbon-13 peaks with increasing
contact time. All NMR spectra were obtained on a
Varian VXR 300 spectrometer operating at 299.6

Table III Crystallinity (wt %) of PP and PP


DH r Crystallinity
Sample (J/g) (wt %)

PP 90.0 43
PEE/PP 60.9 29
Figure 4 Melting behavior of the pure polymers and
EPDM/PP 63.0 30
PP blends.

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Table IV Glass Transition Temperature of PP torque’’ characterizes the viscous nature of the
and PP Blends melt.
It can be seen (Fig. 1) that the polyethylene
Material Tg1 (7C) Tg2 (7C) elastomer (PEE) has a lower value of torque than
EPDM. This behavior means that PEE has a bet-
PP 05 —
PEE 047 —
ter response during processing than EPDM. It
EPDM 042 — also indicates that the PEE melt viscosity, at the
PEE/PP 054 03 shear rate and temperature employed, is closer to
EPDM/PP 047 05 the PP viscosity.
The torque versus time curves of PEE/PP and
EPDM/PP blends (Fig. 2) show that the PEE/
PP blend presents lower torque values than the
MHz and 75.4 MHz for 1H and 13C, respectively. EPDM/PP blend. These results indicate that a
All experiments were carried out at ambient
better processability of the blend should be ex-
probe temperature and were performed using pected when the polyethylene elastomer is used
gated high-power decoupling. Zirconium oxide ro- as a PP impact modifier.
tor of 7 mm diameter with Kel-F caps were used
The area under the curve result of the plot total
to acquire the NMR spectra at rates of 4 kHz.
torque versus time gives the energy consumption
Carbon-13 spectra are referred to the chemical during the blend preparation. Figure 3 shows that
shift of the methyl group carbons of hexamethyl
the energy consumption of the PEE/PP blend is
benzene (17.3 ppm). The 13C-NMR were carried
lower in comparison with the EPDM/PP blend,
out in the crosspolarization mode with magic- which is an advantage in terms of processability
angle spinning (CP/MAS) and CP/MAS with vari-
for the PEE/PP blend. This behavior is confirmed
able contact time. A range of contact time was by the MFI analysis.
stablished as 200 ms to 8000 ms.
MFI Analysis
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION MFI is a measure of the fluidity of the molten
polymers.12 Table II shows that the PEE/PP blend
Rheological Behavior presents a higher melt flow index (higher flow
rate in the molten state). An increase of MFI,
Torque Versus Time Analysis
which means a reduction of viscosity, indicates a
According to previous studies, it is possible to cor- more significant improvement on the flow proper-
relate torque data to viscosity of non-Newtonian ties compared with the EPDM/PP blends.
Figures 1 and 2 show the rheological behavior
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
of the virgin polymers (PP, EPDM, and PEE) and
blends (PEE/PP and EPDM/PP), respectively, on The mechanical properties of PP are determined
the basis of recorded torque versus time. The by its crystalline structure. Any changes in that
torque value in the plateau region, termed ‘‘stable structure will result in a change of properties, so

Table V Proton Spin-Lattice Relaxation in the Rotating Frame of PP, EPDM, PEE, and PP Blends

1r (ms)
Chemical Shift d

44.6 2.5 — — 2.7 2.6

38.3 — 6.2 — — —
33.4 — 50.3 1.1 1.5 —
31.2 — 5.2 — — 8.5
26.8 2.6 — — 2.7 2.6
22.3 2.3 — — 2.5 2.3

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Figure 6 C-NMR/CP/MAS spectra of (a) PP, (b) PPE, and (c) EPDM.

it is essential to determine the effect of elas- tion on the crystallization of polypropylene is com-
tomer blending on the crystalline structure as plicated because of the sensitivity of the PP mor-
well as on the melting and crystallization behav- phology to the temperature of crystallization. The
ior of PP.12 – 14 conventional and most widely occurring crystal
The evaluation of the effect of elastomer addi- structure of PP is a monoclinic, denominated a

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Figure 7 C-NMR/CP/MAS spectra of (a) the PPE/PP blend and (b) the EPDM/
PP blend.

form. It is also observed that occasionally PP can evaluated by the ratio between the enthalpy of
crystallize in a hexagonal or b form.12 fusion of the blend and the enthalpy of fusion of
The primary variable affecting crystallinity in the perfectly crystalline PP ( DHPP Å 209 J/g).
PEE and EPDM is the organization of ethylene Table III shows the degree of crystallinity in
sequences and can be represented by an ortho- weight percent of PP and PP blends.
rhombic unit cell as for polyethylene.15 As should be expected, the results show that
DSC cooling and heating curves illustrating the blends present lower crystallinity degrees in
melting and recrystallization behavior of the pure relation to pure PP. In the composition analyzed,
polymers and PP blends are shown in Figures 4 it a difference was not observed between the PEE/
and 5, respectively. Both blends show broad melt- PP and EPDM/PP blend crystallinity.
ing behavior, which is probably related to changes Figure 5 shows that there is practically no
on the distribution of PP crystal morphology when change in the crystallization behavior of the PP
elastomers are added. The melt temperatures of matrix when different elastomers were added.
pure PP, PEE/PP, and EPDM/PP blends occur at The PEE/PP curve shows a peak that appears at
about 1607C, as shown in Figure 4. No melting about 407C, indicating the presence of the crystal-
peak was detected in the EPDM curve, character- line portion of PEE.
izing its amorphous nature. However, a deflection In terms of miscibility, blends are described as
can be observed in the PEE melting curve at about miscible, semimiscible, or immiscible. Generally
607C, indicating a certain degree of crystallinity. speaking, miscible mixtures present strong inter-
The degree of crystallinity of the PP blends was action between polymers; just one phase and a

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Table VI Mechanical Properties of PP and PP Blends

Impact Strength (J/m)

Material E (MPa) sb (MPa) (MPa) 057C 237C

PP 555 { 5 35 { 5 5{1 25 { 5 35 { 5
PEE/PP 340 { 35 15 { 1 60 { 1 50 { 5 130 { 10
EPDM/PP 320 { 40 15 { 1 65 { 5 60 { 5 140 { 10

E, Young’s modulus; sb, stress at break.

single sharp glass transition ( Tg ) are identified. Table V exhibits the values of T H 1r of the virgin
For semimiscible blends, two values of Tg are de- polymers and the PEE/PP and EPDM/PP blends.
tected. Immiscible blends are biphase systems in Analyzing the value of T H
1r , it can be concluded
which the continuous phase is formed by the poly- that the elastomers addition does not affect the
mer that is present in higher quantity. These sys- values of T H
1r of the PP. This behavior indicates
tems present two values of Tg that are similar to that the polymers are immiscible and a phase sep-
those of the two homopolymers. aration has occurred. These results are in accor-
Analyzing the DSC results listed in Table IV, dance with DSC analysis.
it can be concluded that in the EPDM/PP blend, Figures 6 and 7 show the 13C-NMR spectra ob-
PP glass transition temperature was displaced to tained by CP/MAS technique for the virgin poly-
lower temperatures (from 042 to 0477C). This mers and PP blends, respectively.
behavior can be explained by the fact the inclu-
sions of the elastomer present a higher thermal
expansion coefficient in relation to the PP matrix. Mechanical Properties
The cooling of the blend results in a negative hy-
drostatic pressure that acts on the elastomeric Tensile Strength
particles, and thus thermal tensions that are gen-
erated can be responsible for the decrease of the Three elements dictate the mechanical properties
EPDM glass transition temperature. The same of polymer blends: crystallinity, morphology, and
behavior can be observed for the PEE/PP blend. the interfacial properties. The first one can be es-
The PEE glass transition temperature was dis- timated from the DSC experiments, the second
placed from 047 to 0547C. The results of DSC one from detailed morphological studies, and the
analysis indicate that the EPDM/PP and PEE/ last one may be deduced from the mathematical
PP blends are immiscible on the composition ana- models.
lyzed. Table VI shows that PEE/PP and EPDM/PP
blends present similar tensile properties—stress
at break ( sb ); Young’s modulus (E); and tough-
ness. These results indicate that no significant
Proton Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time
changes in tensile properties can be related to the
It is possible to detect, by high resolution, solid- similar crystallization behavior of the blends. As
state, pulsed Fourier-transformed (FT) 13C-NMR expected, the addition of elastomers to PP matrix
spectroscopy, the heterogeneous domains in poly- resulted in a decrease of stress at the break and
mer blends and estimate their size because of the Young’s modulus, and an increase of toughness.
existence of a substantial relaxation time differ- These data can be viewed as the result of the low-
ence in the specific carbon between distinguish- ering on the crystallinity of the blends in relation
able regions.16 to pure PP.
The measurements of proton spin-lattice relax-
ation time in the rotating frame ( T H1r ) make possi- Impact Strength
ble the evaluation of blend behavior in terms of
sample homogeneity, and consequently give some The impact test is commonly accepted as a mea-
indication of blend miscibility.17,18 sure of the toughness of a material. The results

8ed3 / 8ED3$$4975 10-05-97 16:48:09 polaas W: Poly Applied 4975


erogeneous blend system is determined by the

rheological properties of the constituent compo-
nents, and the processing conditions under which
the blends were prepared.
To investigate the state of dispersion of the two
blend systems prepared in this work (PEE/PP
and EPDM/PP blends), we have examined the
two systems with the aid of scanning electron mi-
Figure 8 shows representative SEM micro-
graphs of cryogenically fractured surfaces of com-
pression-molded specimens of EPDM/PP and
PEE/PP blends.
The SEM micrographs show that PEE and
EPDM particles are uniformly distributed in PP
matrix. The micrographs also show that PEE do-
mains are much more well distributed and more
regular than the EPDM domains. That morphol-
ogy can be attributed to the similar melt behavior
of PP and PEE. These results are in accordance
with the results of torque and MFI analysis.


It was verified that there is no significant differ-

Figure 8 Scanning electron micrographs of (a) the ence in the crystalline behavior between PP
PPE/PP blend and (b) EPDM/PP. blended with PEE or with EPDM. This fact is
responsible for the similar mechanical behavior
of the blends.
In spite of the fact that the impact efficiency of
of the Izod tests provide a comparative basis for
an elastomer is an important performance prop-
estimating the relative shock resistance of poly-
erty in designing impact resistant thermoplastic
mer materials.
blends, the energy consumption cost during the
Table VI also presents the values of impact
processing must also be considered.
strength at two different temperatures of PP,
Although the impact strength of PEE/PP blend
PEE/PP, and EPDM/PP blends. In the conditions
is slightly lower when compared with the EPDM/
employed in this work, PEE/PP and EPDM/PP
PP blend, it is important to consider that PEE
blends presented similar impact strength. These
offer significant cost-performance advantages
results can also be related to the similar crys-
over EPDM when used as an impact modifier of
tallinity of the PP blends.
PP. A detailed compatibility study is in progress
to gain a more complete understanding of this
The State of Dispersion of the Blends subject, and results will be reported in a future
It is a well-established fact that the state of dis-
persion in a heterogeneous polymer blend greatly
influences its rheological behavior.19 – 23 Therefore, Financial supports by CAPES, CNPq, PADCT/CNPq,
it is meaningless to discuss the rheological behav- and PADCT/FINEP are gratefully acknowledged. We
ior of the heterogeneous polymer blends without are also grateful to POLIBRASIL, NITRIFLEX,
discussion their state of dispersion. It should be BRANCO, CENPES/PETROBRÁS, and QUIMBARRA
pointed out that the state of dispersion in a het- (White Martins).

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