Syllabus in BPO

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Universidad de Zamboanga - Ipil

School of Business and Management

Business Administration Department

Course Title : ELECTIVE 3

Course Credit : 3
Descriptive Title : FUNDAMENTAL OF BPO 101
Prerequisite Subject/s : None
Semester/School Year : 2nd Semester, A.Y. 2018-2019
Curricular Year : 3RD Year

Program Educational Outcomes (Business Administration program):

Upon completion of the BSBA program, students should:

1. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

2. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing directing and controlling.
3. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations management,
information technology and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various business situations.
4. Select the Proper decision making tools critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results.
5. Plan and implement business related activities
6. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business environment.
7. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
8. Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards.
9. Analyze the business environment for strategic direction

Course Description: The course provides an introduction to fundamentals of business process outsourcing concepts via an understanding of the techniques for using business practices
and methods to create and improve business process. The foundational study of business processes provide a basis by which performance improvement are identified and implemented
across business organizations. Business process outsourcing is introduced as a natural evolution of business process management. The student is exposed to a set of qualitative and
quantitative topics aimed to enhance process management. The student is exposed to asset of qualitative and quantitative topics aimed to enhance process-oriented thinking, in order to
develop the knowledge and skills thinking necessary to appreciate and implement programs of process reengineering, management, and excellence in organization

Course Requirements:
Pre-Mid : Research on the concept of BPO
Midterm : Make a diagram illustrating the business process map using the three tier analytical structure
Pre-Final : Reaction Paper
Final : Project Report on Outsourcing and Presentation

Grading Criteria:

Pre- mid to Pre-Final Term Final Term

Quizzes …………………………………………….. 30% Project Report .....………………………………50%
Recitation …………………………………………….. 20% Presentation .…………………………………50%
Major Exams …………………………………………….. 50%
Total …………………………………………….. 100% Total …………………………………..100%

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
a. Understand the concept and importance of BPO
b. Solve problems related to the challenges of BPO
c. Blend theories of BPO in the real situation
d. Understand the future potential in BPO Industry

Course Policy:
a. Attendance: The highly accelerated pace of this course requires students to accept a great deal of responsibility for achieving their own learning outcomes. While in class, students are
expected to actively participate in discussions and groups activities, and not just listen to lecture. Outside class time, students are expected to spend hours of preparation which will
include reading assignments, homework preparations, and research and group meetings.

b. Class Participation: Each learner is expected to actively participate in discussions on the assumption that each brings a wide range of experiences to the learning process active
participation may include asking thoughtful questions, being willing to consider new ideas, helping the class, understand complex ideas, having a cooperative attitude and sense of humor,
and helping others comprehend the material. However, consideration of other students is strongly encouraged to avoid dominating class discussions.

c. Written Assignments: an importance component of this course is the completion of written assignments by the students. All written work is expected to meet college level basic
writing skills. Case studies are the primary method to evaluate students’ progress in this course. Learners are encouraged to apply case materials to their project papers.
d. Presentations: Presentation on assigned case studies and applications papers will be made in this class. Students will be required to prepare written analyses of each assigned case and
will also be required to present in class. Presentations made are to be professional in nature. The presentations should be well organized with the topic thoroughly covered with all Case
study questions answered. Handouts and visual aids are to be professional looking and appropriate for the material to be covered. Presentations should not be exceed the time given by
the faculty.

e. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: Every student is responsible to know the standards of conduct and expectations of academic integrity that apply undertakings. Academic dishonesty will
not be tolerated and will result in the maximum penalty as defines in the Student Handbook:
1. Cheating during exams
2. Submitting spurious reports copied from previous materials other than his/her own
3. Copying another students work including assignments and reports
4. Receiving assistance from anyone else with take-home quizzes
5. Plagiarism

Course References:
a. Rick l. Click Thomas N. Deuning, Business Process Outsourcing
b. JNU, Jaipur, First Edition 2013 PDF book

a. https://em,
Learning Plan

Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool

PRE-MID 1. Explain the importance and type OVERVIEW OF BPO INDUSTRY a. Lecture discussion Quiz 1: Overview of BPO Industry (pen and
of Service provided by BPO  BPO Explained, Importance paper)
and Types of Services b. Oral recitation
2. Identify the reasons for adopting  Types of Services Rendered Quiz 2: Business Outsourcing(pen and
BPO by BPOs c. Cooperative learning paper)
 Job Profile in BPOs and
3. Explain the concept of BPO other Roles in BPOs d. Brainstorming Activity 1 Group Presentation on Types of
 Key Skills Required for BPOs services rendered by BPOs(rubric on Group
4. Understand the future potential  Future Potential in the BPO e. Think, pair, share Presentation)
in BPO Industry Industry
 Challenges and Threats Activity 2. Role Playing of a call centre
5. Explain business outsourcing Facing the BPO Industry scenario (Rubrics on Role Play)
 Cost/Quality Model Resulting
in Outsourcing Output: Research on the concept of BPO
 Getting Familiar with Non (Rubrics on research paper)
Voice/ TP/ Back Office
 Introduction of Regional Pre-mid Examination
Accent and Grammar


 Introduction
 Typical BPO Services
 Outsourcing and Off-shoring
 Sustainability of Global
Demand for BPO Services
 General Trends in Tradability
of Services
 Growth of BPOs Worldwide
 Main Drivers for Growth 8
Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
MID-TERM 1. Define outsourcing and its relation to DEVELOPING BPO a. lecture discussion and recitation Quiz 1: Developing BPO Strategies (pen
transformation STRATEGIES and paper)
 Introduction b. Oral Recitation
2. Compare between sourcing strategy and  Sourcing and How it Quiz 2:Business Process Modelling and
specific propositions Relates to c. Cooperative Learning simulation (Pen and Paper)
3. Explicate component of business case  Business Case d. Brainstorming Activity 1: Group Presentation on Business
methodology  Introduction to Case (rubric on Group Presentation)
Nelson Hall’s e. Cooperative learning
4. Enlist the benefits of outsourcing Business Case Activity 2: Group Presentation on Tools of
Methodology Business Process Simulation(rubric on
5. Describe the precautions o be taken BUSINESS PROCESS Group Presentation)
before outsourcing MODELLING AND
SIMULATION Output: :Make a diagram illustrating
6.Identify the advantages of Outsourcing
the business process map using the
 Introduction three tier analytical structure
 Evaluation Criteria of conducting a current state analysis(
BPM Tools
Rubrics on how to make a diagram)
 Tools for Business
Process Simulation Mid- term Examination
 Evaluation Criteria
for BPS Tools
 Comparison of BPS
Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
PRE-FINAL 1.Elucidate 5W’s of outsourcing OUTSOURCING a. lecture discussion and Quiz 1: Outsourcing (Pen and paper)
 The 5 W’s of Outsourcing. recitation
2. Enlist marketing outsourcing  Benefits of Outsourcing Quiz 2: Challenges in the BPO Industry
 Disadvantages of Outsourcing b. Class reporting (Pen and paper)
3. Explain the types of outsourcing  Types of Outsourcing
 Sales Outsourcing: How is it c. Seatwork Activity 1: Cooperative learning on the
4. Identify the needs of employee and Done 5W’s Outsourcing
employee relationship d. Brainstorming
 Benefits of Sales
Activity 2 : Video Viewing: Reaction Paper
5. Explicate he importance of challenges in
Outsourcing e. Cooperative learning (Rubrics on Reaction Paper)
the BPO industry  Marketing Outsourcing
 Marketing Outsourcing as a Output: Case Analysis on Managing
6. Explain the challenges in the BPO Business Model Challenges and conflict in the BPO
Industry  Different Types of Industry (Rubrics on Case study)
Marketing Outsourcing
7. Elucidate the importance of selecting  Ten Precautions while Pre-Final Examination
right service provider Outsourcing


 About the Industry

 Causes
 Analysing Causes of Attrition
using a Multilevel Approach
 Recommendation
 The Win-Win Model.
Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
FINAL 1. Examine the scope of BPO industry SCOPE AND NEED OF a. lecture discussion and recitation Output: Project Report on Outsourcing
BPO (specific company) (Rubrics on Project
2. Explain the current and future scenario of  Need of the BPO b. Cooperative learning Report)
BPO Industry
 Scope of BPO c. Seatwork Exit Assessment: Presentation of Project
3. Enlist the three main Rules of BPO  Current Scenario Report(Rubrics on presentation)
 Future Scenario d. Brainstorming
4. Identify the future BPO in various  BPO: Three Rules to
countries Live By. e. Checking of Output
 Future of BPO in
Terms Assessment Methods Assessment tools Performance Target
PREMID Quiz Pen and paper test Students are expected to gain knowledge on Pre-midterm topics with 75% level of
TERM proficiency.
Activity 1 (topic presentation by groups) Rubric on Topic The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing.
Presentation by groups
Activity 2 ((Role play) Rubric on Role Play The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing.
Performance Assessment (Research Rubric on Research Paper The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing.
Pre midterm Pen and Paper test The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on topics covered for pre-
MIDTERM Quiz Pen and paper test Students are expected to gain knowledge on midterm topics with 75% level of proficiency
Activity 1 (topic presentation by groups Rubric on Topic The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing
Presentation by groups
Rubric on Topic Presentation by groups Rubric on Topic Students are expected to gain knowledge on midterm topics with 75% level of proficiency
Presentation by groups
Performance Assessment (Make a Rubric on Sales Making a The BSBA students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency on Making a Diagram.
Diagram) Diagram
Midterm Major Exam Pen and paper test The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on topics covered for midterm
PREFINAL Quiz Pen and paper test Students are expected to gain knowledge on covered in the pre-final with 75% level of
Activity 1 (Case Discussion) Rubric on Oral Recitation The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on Case Discussion.
Activity 2 (Reaction Paper) Rubric on Reaction Paper The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing
Performance Assessment Case Analysis Rubric on Case Analysis The BSBA students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency in the validation of Research
on Managing Challenges and conflict in Paper
the BPO Industry
Pre-Final Exam Pen and Paper test The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on topics covered for pre-final
FINAL Output (Project Report on Outsourcing) Rubric on Project Report The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on Project Report
Exit Assessment: Presentation of Project Rubric on Individual The BSBA students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency in the validation of Project
Report Presentation Report

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by: Approved by:

Instructor Program Chairperson, BSBA &BSA Librarian Staff School Administrator

Groups are expected to critically comment on the sales force management & channel management of any one
company. As far as possible the data should be collected via means of interview with the company officials and
survey of dealer and distributors of the respective company. The Project Report should have commentaries on the

1. Sales Management:
a. Sales organization
b. Recruitment & Induction Process
c. Territory allocation process and strategy
d. Reporting structure and systems
e. Compensation Structure
f. System Evaluation
g. Training and Development

2. Channel Management
a. Channel environment
b. Channel Strategy
c. Channel Design and Structure
d. Managing the channel members and conflict
e. Appraisal and evaluation of channel members

In your Project Report please ensure to have the following sections:

1. Disclaimer
2. Introduction
3. Objective of the Study
4. Methodology
5. Description on the Sales and Distribution System of the company
6. Analysis/Critique
7. Recommendation, if any
8. Limitations

Project will be evaluated on the content/coverage, flow, originality, quality of critique and analysis. Groups should
take care that they submit original work.

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