SDA Mission Story
SDA Mission Story
SDA Mission Story
O n the Cover: Bumchin Erdenebat converted a Sunday church when he was in the eighth
grade in Mongolia. Today, he is a Global Mission pioneer. Story, page 18.
Yo u r O f f e r i n g s a t W o r k
Part of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering in 2015 helped the Tusgal School, the only
Seventh-day Adventist school in Mongolia, expand its classrooms and open a library in
Ulaanbaatar. This photo shows fifth-grade students in an expanded classroom.
Adventist Mission Northern Asia-Pacific Division
D e a r S a b b a t h S c h o o l L e a d e r, Andrew McChesney
ways to share these mission stories, please
A youth evangelism training center at let me know at the e-mail address above.
Tokyo’s Setagaya Church in Japan Thank you for encouraging church
Six city health centers in Taiwan
members to be mission-minded!
Possessed by 20 Spirits
S i - Wo o N o h , 5 5
diseases, and be possessed by the spirits 20 years protect me?” she thought. “If
of the dead. By all appearances, she was these gods can’t keep me safe, how I can
good at her job. If someone came with trust them?”
a stomachache, she diagnosed it by also Si-Woo prayed for her faith to be
having a stomachache. If someone had strengthened, but nothing happened.
heart trouble, she had heart pain. She Frustrated, she set fire to her shrine and
prescribed amulets, prayer, and exorcism, announced that she would not serve the
and the symptoms vanished. gods anymore. The 20 spirits left her.
Si-Woo made a fortune, but she wasn’t Without the shrine, Si-Woo felt empty
happy. Her headaches were gone, but she and afraid. She wondered whether a more
suffered continual body pain and growing powerful God existed than her former
psychosis, a mental disorder where gods. She remembered a Seventh-day
thoughts are so impaired that a person Adventist woman who had once told her
loses touch with reality. Her husband and about Jesus, and she called for help.
her children deserted her. She tried to The Adventist woman introduced
commit suicide several times. Si-Woo to a retired pastor. As they studied
Then someone hit her car from the Bible together, Si-Woo learned about
behind in an accident that left her the true state of the dead and realized
hospitalized for a month. The accident that she had been serving Satan. She was
perplexed her. She wondered why she baptized in 2016.
could foretell other people’s futures but Si-Woo is determined that Satan won’t
not prevent her own misfortune. have a foothold on her life ever again. She
has taken to heart Luke 11:24, where Jesus
said, “When an evil spirit comes out of a
man, it goes through arid places seeking
Fa s t Fa c t s rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I
will return to the house I left’” (NKJV).
Koreans love kimchi, a traditional She prays and reads the Bible every
fermented Korean side dish made of
morning. She is experiencing peace and
vegetables. From cabbage kimchi and radish
kimchi to cucumber kimchi, there are joy for the first time.
about 250 different types of this delicacy. When Jesus cast demons out of a man
Instead of air heaters, South Koreans
in Mark 5, He commanded, “Go home
have heated floors. Called “ondol” to your friends, and tell them what great
(warm stone), the heat is passed through things the Lord has done for you, and how
pipes under the floor. It’s an ancient He has had compassion on you” (verse
technology, but more than 90 percent of
Korean houses still use it today.
19). Likewise, Si-Woo is proclaiming all
that Jesus has done for her at Adventist
The number “4” is considered very churches across South Korea. And all who
unlucky in Korea. In elevators, the
button for the fourth floor is often shown
hear her story are marveling.
as the letter “F” or is missing altogether. By Byung Ju Lee, Sabbath School and Personal Ministries
director of the Korean Union Conference.
Loving Two
H e e - S o o k Ki m , 6 4
the next visit, I brought commentaries on Fa s t Fa c t s
the books of Daniel and Revelation.
Sometime later, the pastor sent me a South Korea has 715 churches and
a membership of 247,143. With
text message. “It seems that I have been a population of 75,916,000, that
studying the Bible on a very superficial
means there is one Adventist for
level for my whole life,” he wrote. “Would every 307 people.
it be all right if I visited your church?”
More than 50 percent of people in
The pastor seemed to enjoy the church Korea do not claim membership in any
services, and he returned a few times. But organized religion, while 28 percent are
then he stopped. I wondered what was Christian and 16 percent are Buddhist.
going on. Every time I called to ask, he
Seoul’s metropolitan area known as the
gave various excuses about being too busy Seoul Capital Area is home to more than
or not feeling well. Later I found out that 25 million people, making Seoul the
his wife had forbidden him from going to world’s third-largest city.
the Adventist church. She had scolded
him, saying, “You are a pastor. Shame on
you! You should not be doing this.” Still, I
kept inviting him to church. February 2017, the husband and wife
About seven years after our first were baptized together into the Adventist
meeting, I called the pastor and invited Church. The Word of God and our health
him to attend a series of health seminars message changes lives!
at an Adventist church. The seminars By Hee-Sook Kim, as told to Andrew McChesney
included special detox sessions where
attendees could sip various freshly made Hee-Sook Kim [pronounced: hee-sook
juices aimed at cleansing their bodies. kim], 64, is a full-time literature evangelist in
When I told the pastor about the detox South Korea. We’ll read the husband’s side of
sessions, he said, “It would be better if the story next week.
you spoke with my wife about this.” So,
I called his wife, and she agreed to come Hee-Sook Kim with Ki-Jo Moon and his wife.
with her husband. This was the first time
that she had shown any interest in the
Adventist Church.
Then the couple accepted an
invitation to attend an evangelistic
series. The husband seemed convicted
by the message, but he still wasn’t sure
that he wanted to join the church. So,
I invited him and his wife to a second
Mission Post Daniel and Revelation. I thought to
myself, “This is so different. We have a lot
With a population of 51 million and of fluff in my church, but the Adventist
a land area of 38,000 square miles
(100,000 square kilometers), South pastor is serving me a hot spiritual meal.”
After the meetings, the evangelist
Korea has one of the highest population
densities in the world at 1,300 people recommended that I consider baptism. But
per sq. mile (500 people per sq. km.). my wife urged me to wait. She reminded
Compare this to the United States,
which has a population density of 86 me that I was not only a pastor but also a
people per sq. mile (33 per sq. km.). senior church leader. I heeded my wife’s
advice to serve out my term as president of
In Korea, when you are born, you are
considered to be one year old already. my denomination’s local union and then
get baptized.
Sahmyook University was founded in
The Sabbath after I decided to
1906 as a small school called Euimyung
College by American Adventist postpone my baptism, my wife skipped
missionaries to improve the education church services because she wasn’t
of church workers in Korea. It had to feeling well. That afternoon, a church
close twice, once during Japanese rule of member came to our home to encourage
Korea and again during the Korean War.
Today it has 5,787 students, 86 percent my wife. As we spoke, he told us, “You
of whom are non-Adventist. need to be baptized!”
I looked at my wife warily and replied,
“I’ll pray about it. If it is God’s will, then
my wife found a church bulletin among
I’ll get baptized.”
my possessions, and a conflict erupted
My wife, however, was looking at the
between us. I was pondering how to
calendar. “Feb. 4 looks like a good date to
attend church without angering my wife
get baptized,” she said.
when Ms. Kim invited me to health
I couldn’t believe my ears! My wife
seminars at her church. I thought the
had dissuaded me from being baptized
seminars might interest my wife, so I
just a week earlier and now she wanted
suggested that Ms. Kim speak with her.
to be baptized!
I knew that my wife would never agree
My life has been filled with joy after our
to go to a sermon, but a low-key seminar
baptism in February 2017. I look forward
seemed like a good way to introduce her to
to hearing the sermon every Sabbath.
the Adventist Church. I wanted my wife to
I wanted to convert the Adventist
see that Adventists are friendly and always
say, “Hello.” I wanted her to observe the literature evangelist, but she ended up
fellowship meals. In my denomination, the converting me.
pastors always sit at the head table and are By Ki-Jo Moon, as told to Andrew McChesney
served at lunch. But the Adventist pastors
carry their own plates and have to look Ki-Jo Moon [pronounced: kee-jo moon],
around for a place to sit. 71, served as a pastor with a Sunday-keeping
The health seminars softened up my denomination for 37 years. We’ll read his
wife toward the Adventist Church. Later, wife’s side of the story next week.
Sabbath Fills Emptiness
Soon-Ae Byun, 64
[Ask a woman to read this first- church. At first I thought he was going
person testimony.] to another Sunday church, and I found
it odd that he was gone on Saturdays.
G od has helped me plant churches Once while cleaning his office, I found
in South Korea for years. I would an Adventist church bulletin and realized
preach to a small group; it would grow what he was doing.
to about 40 people and become a I didn’t say anything that day. The
congregation; and then God would lead next day was Sunday, so I remained silent
me to start a new church elsewhere. again. On Monday, I confronted my
But even as I was doing God’s work, husband. “You are a minister!” I told him.
I felt something was missing from my “How can you go to that cult?”
heart. Joy filled me while I preached or “You don’t understand,” my husband
Adventist Mission Northern Asia-Pacific Division
participated in revival meetings, but it was replied. “They are not a cult. They have
followed by a deep emptiness afterward. the truth.”
Hoping to fill that emptiness, I studied After hearing those words, I secretly
theology and became a full-time pastor began to read the Adventist books that
just like my husband. But I still felt empty. my husband had lying around the house.
Then one day a Seventh-day Adventist We had received several Ellen White
literature evangelist showed up at our books from the literature evangelist.
home. She gave us some literature, and Reading the books hurt my pride as
my husband began attending an Adventist a pastor, so I read them whenever my
Korean woman was baptized. She became
Mission Post my first convert to the Adventist Church
even though I wasn’t a member!
The first Adventist missionary to After the health seminars, I attended a
Korea, Son Heung Cho, was actually a Sabbath service for the first time. I wanted
Korean who had been converted while
to find something—anything—that would
living in Japan in 1904.
allow me to declare that the church was
The Korean Union Conference a cult. But I couldn’t find anything. I was
oversees the church’s work in South
Korea and is comprised of the East surprised to see that Adventists follow the
Central Korean, Middlewest Korean, Bible closely.
Southeast Korean, Southwest Korean,
and West Central Korean conferences. Message From Jesus
I wanted to be baptized, but I had been
baptized with my husband years earlier. I
prayed, “Why do I need to do this again?”
husband wasn’t home. I quickly returned God seemed to reply, “You need to figure
the books to the bookshelf when I heard this out for yourself.” Finally, I decided
my husband’s car pull up outside. I should be baptized again because I had
sinned by not keeping the Sabbath.
Interest Grows Around that time, an Adventist
My interest in Adventist teachings church member was visiting our home
grew. Then the literature evangelist on a Sabbath afternoon. As we spoke, he
invited me to attend health lectures at an told my husband and me that we should
Adventist church. I thought, “This is my be baptized. My husband said he would
opportunity to see whether Adventists pray about the matter, but I didn’t see
really are part of a cult.” any reason to pray anymore. I suggested
The health seminars lasted several that we get baptized together in February
days. On the third day, a Chinese-Korean 2017—and we were!
woman approached me and said, “Pastor, My dream now is for my seven siblings
people say this church is a cult. What do to accept the Sabbath. I also want to
you think?” travel into the deep countryside where
I wanted to say, “This is a cult.” But people don’t know the Adventist message
I found myself saying, “No, this is not a and teach them about the Sabbath.
cult. This church has the truth, including Please pray for us and our hope to plant
the biblical Sabbath.” I had no idea why I Adventist churches.
said that. Nowadays, I no longer feel empty. What
The Chinese-Korean woman was was missing from my life was the Sabbath
impressed. “In that case, I want to come to truth. My heart is filled with joy in Jesus!
your church with my daughter,” she said. By Soon-Ae Byun, as told to Andrew McChesney
Forgive Me,
H o r i t a Ri s a , 2 4
Ilikewasn’t raised a Christian. I never even But I didn’t have time for church after
thought about God growing up, just I started studying. For six months, my
many of the 127 million people in cousins asked me whether I had found
my home country of Japan. But I had an Adventist church in Los Angeles.
many thoughts about my father. I didn’t Finally, I went to the Glendale Filipino
like him. Seventh-day Adventist Church. My
My parents divorced when I was young. plan was to listen to the sermon and
I ended up living with my mother but then go home to talk to my mother on
visited my father on weekends. When I Skype. But the church was filled with
was 14, my father fell ill, and I had to care young people like me, and they stopped
for him on weekends. I didn’t want to be me when I tried to leave. We ate lunch
his nurse. It was very stressful, and I was together, and they invited me to hang
Adventist Mission Northern Asia-Pacific Division
young and had many other things to do. I out with them in the afternoon.
complained, “Why me?” Whenever I saw My new friends called me the next day
my father, I told him, “I hate you.” I cried and wanted to hang out again. They called
a lot. I think that my father cried, too. every day. I wondered why they were so
After a while, he died. kind to me. After a while, I realized that
I decided to move to the United States God shows His love through Christians,
to study animation. Before I started school and my friends were showing me God’s
in Los Angeles, I visited some cousins in love. I wanted to know more, so I asked
Chicago who are Seventh-day Adventists. many questions about God and the Bible.
One of my friends was a Bible worker, and
she gave me Bible studies. Fa s t Fa c t s
I loved my friends and wanted to be
baptized, but I couldn’t forget how I had Japan is an archipelago, or string of
islands, on the eastern edge of Asia.
treated my father. I wished that I could There are four main islands: Hokkaido,
ask his forgiveness. Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. There
One night, I had a dream. I saw my are also nearly 4,000 smaller islands.
father lying on the floor. His face was Three of the tectonic plates that
very white, as if he were close to death. form Earth’s crust meet near Japan
He stared at me and didn’t say a word. I and often move against each other,
causing earthquakes. More than 1,000
was stunned to see him looking at me like earthquakes shake Japan every year.
that, and I thought, “Oh no, he will never Japan also has about 200 volcanoes, 60
forgive me.” of which are active.
The next night, I had the same dream. Shinto is the largest religion in Japan,
Again, I saw my father lying on the floor. practiced by nearly 80 percent of the
But this time he smiled at me and said, population, yet only a small percentage
of these identify themselves as
“Thank you.” I thought, “My father has Shintoists in surveys.
forgiven me, and this is what God does for
us! Even though we don’t always act the
right way, God forgives us and loves us.”
When my father said, “Thank you” in
the dream, I sensed the joy of salvation
for the first time. The heaviness in my
heart disappeared. I knew I was forgiven. mostly for video games in Japan. I don’t
When I woke up, I prayed, “Thank you, want to make video games. So, I work
God. Jesus has forgiven me. I can feel as an art therapist for children. My
Jesus’ love.” organization uses art therapy to help
The dream eliminated the last barrier to children overcome trauma such as a 2011
baptism. I realized that God could forgive, earthquake in northern Japan.
and I felt His love through the people at I am praying for my mother to accept
church. I understood 1 John 4:12, which Jesus. I also am praying for my church in
says, “If we love one another, God abides Tokyo. The Setagaya Church is training
in us, and His love has been perfected in Japanese Adventist young people like
us” (NKJV). me to spread the gospel across Japan.
My cousins flew from Chicago to Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath
celebrate my baptism three months after Offering will help the church expand its
the dream. They were surprised but happy work with young people.
about my decision. By Horita Risa, as told to Andrew McChesney
ring or force him to touch the ground Sadayuki was baptized in 2015—
with any part of his body other than the becoming the second of three people
bottoms of his feet. who have accepted Jesus through baptism
Christianity was first introduced into since my family moved to this island. He
Japan by Jesuit missions in 1549. Today, doesn’t drink anymore, and he dreams
1 percent to 2.3 percent are Christians. about opening an Alcoholics Anonymous
There are 97 churches in Japan, with program to help other people suffering
a membership of 15,151. With a from alcoholism.
population of 125,310,000, there are Some days, my wife and I are tempted
8,270 Japanese for each Adventist.
to feel discouraged about the great
difficulties we face in sharing the gospel
the words of the apostle Peter, when he among a population that follows Buddhist
told a beggar, “Silver or gold I do not and Shinto traditions. But Sadayuki and
have, but what I do have I give you” his smiling face remind us that God’s ways
(Acts 3:6, NKJV). are not our ways and He can direct us to
I told the man, “I’m sorry. I do not have people who are seeking truth.
a cigarette to give you, but I do have this.” By Kurihara Kimiyoshi
I wondered whether the man would
accept that tattered tract. He took it Kimiyoshi, known to friends as “Kimi,”
without hesitation and read it as I stood is among more than 2,500 Global Mission
there. Then he thanked me profusely. “To pioneers who have established more than
tell you the truth,” he said, “I was just 11,000 new Seventh-day Adventist
preparing to visit a nearby church to ask congregations since 1990. Kimi never
what hope is left in life. But you came to planned to be a Global Mission pioneer.
me before I could go there.” He has a pilot’s license and wanted to be a
When I heard this, I was shocked. It flying missionary, but God had other plans.
was as if our meeting had been divinely Still, he plays with airplanes. Watch Kimi
arranged. I invited the man to study the play with a paper airplane in his classroom at
Bible with me every day and asked whether the link: Read
he needed something to eat. We could two more stories about Kimi in this quarter’s
give him food every day, too. The man Children’s Mission quarterly, which can be
introduced himself and happily agreed to downloaded at:
JAPAN | August 18
Mother to
Ma y u m i N a g a n o , 5 8
Mayumi’s first glimmer of hope came working at a day-care center. The day-
in the sixth grade. An American moved care center set strict rules, and desperate
next door and taught her to speak English parents had to work around them.
and read the Bible. She couldn’t believe A turning point came when the day-
her ears when she read the Golden care center rejected a one-year-old baby
Rule in Matthew 7:12, where Jesus said, with a fever. The mother was desperate to
“Therefore, whatever you want men to do return to work because she wasn’t allowed
to you, do also to them” (NKJV). time off. The next morning, the mother
“When I heard that verse, I know that I returned and pronounced the baby
The music teacher once struck her on the
Fa s t Fa c t s head with a tambourine.
Mayumi looked for other school options
It was customary in ancient Japan for and found an Adventist school nearby.
women to blacken their teeth with
dye as white teeth were considered “The Adventist school was like
ugly. This practice persisted until the paradise in comparison to the public
late 1800s. school,” Mayumi said. “The teachers
There are three Adventist nursery were very nice.”
schools in Japan, all bearing in Her daughter quickly adapted to the
their name the word Saniku. The new school and, several years later, was
name “Saniku” (三育), is a combination baptized. Soon Mayumi, her husband, and
of 三 (san, “three”) and 育 (iku, “to
nourish, to bring up”), means “to make their other daughter were baptized as well.
people whole” in physical, intellectual, After being baptized, Mayumi began
and spiritual attributes. to change. Once overweight, she became
trim and fit. She was happy all the time.
Friends, parents, and even former day-care
well. Mayumi couldn’t understand how children asked her what had happened,
the child had recovered so quickly. She and Mayumi boldly told them about Jesus.
found the answer when she changed the Because of her influence, about 30 of her
baby’s diaper. The mother had inserted a former day-care children, now teens and
suppository to keep the fever down. young adults, are studying in Adventist
“I thought, ‘No, it should not be this schools today.
way,’” Mayumi said. “So, I started my own “I advised my former babies to go to
day-care business with a customer-first Adventist schools long after they had left
policy. I would take children without any the day-care, and many agreed!” she said.
conditions, even those with a fever.” About 45 of her former day-care children
The day-care center, located in and their parents have been baptized over
Mayumi’s home, was open 24 hours a day, the past four years. That’s more baptisms
year-round. Five hundred families flooded than many pastors have had in Japan!
her with applications for the 10 available Today, Mayumi and her staff run a large
spots. It was 50 times the number she Tokyo day-care center with 50 children,
could handle. If a child had a fever, she mainly from non-Christian families. Next,
sent a babysitter to the child’s home so the she plans to open a lifestyle center for
other children wouldn’t be infected. children with mental challenges such as
While Mayumi was taking care of other ADHD and Asperger’s Syndrome.
people’s children, she was having trouble How do we use our influence?
with her own. She had two daughters, Let’s pray for a gentle boldness, like
and the younger child refused to go to Mayumi’s, to win people to Christ.
announcement on his first night in the of Japan’s population of 127 million are
men’s dormitory. “It’s time for evening Christian, and of those only 15,151 are
worship,” a voice said. “Please gather in members of the Adventist Church. The
the meeting room.” country is largely Buddhist.
Aoki followed the other students to the Aoki was not a Buddhist when he
meeting room. He had never seen a Bible or entered the Adventist college. He just
hymnal in his life and certainly didn’t own didn’t have any interest in spiritual things.
either. He listened awkwardly as the other But his classmates and teachers were
students sang and then opened their Bibles. kind. They explained Christianity to him.
“And because they befriended me, my
impression of Christians became good,” Mission Post
he said.
The Japan Union Conference comprises
He enjoyed attending church and
the East Japan and West Japan
conversing with his new friends. He began conferences and the Okinawa Mission.
dating an Adventist woman. But he saw
no reason to be baptized. There are 97 churches in Japan, with
a membership of 15,151. With a
After two years, he received an English- population of 125,310,000, there are
language teaching license and decided 8,270 Japanese for each Adventist.
that he wanted to teach at the Adventist
Japan’s literacy rate is almost
college. But he knew that he would have 100 percent.
to become a Christian first—and that
meant that he needed to study the Bible.
Aoki promptly signed up as a theology
major. He didn’t want to become a pastor;
he just wanted to study the Bible so he
could teach. As soon as he filled out the
paperwork to study theology, the college’s
chaplain called him into his office. “What one free day over the next few months, so
are you thinking?” the chaplain asked. Aoki made that his baptism day.
“What is your plan for the future? Do you Today, Aoki is 42 years old and a leader
want to become a Christian?” of the Japan Union Conference. He also is
“Maybe I will become a Christian the pastor of the country’s only Adventist
someday,” Aoki replied. “But not now.” youth church, Tokyo’s Setagaya Church,
The chaplain looked at Aoki closely. “If which trains young people to be gospel
you are going to be baptized someday, you workers. Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth
must be baptized now,” he said. “Why put Sabbath Offering will help the church
it off? No one know what the future holds. expand its youth work.
You must be baptized now.” Aoki said the secret to introducing
He and Aoki discussed the issue for Japanese young people to Christ is love—
several hours. Aoki understood the the same principle that attracted him to
chaplain’s stance. He finally said, “Please Christ at the Adventist college.
give me more time. I need to think.” “It wasn’t the Bible that first taught
The chaplain wouldn’t let Aoki off me that God is love,” he said. “My
easily. “When you come back next week, friends and teachers taught me that
you must decide the date of your baptism,” God is love through their loving words
he said. and actions.”
Aoki called his Adventist girlfriend, By Andrew McChesney
Adventists returned in 1991. now 27, hasn’t stopped planting Adventist
The first Adventist publications in
churches. Today, he is a Global Mission
Mongolian consisted of a hymn, pioneer and the leader of Mongolia’s
mimeographed at the Russian Mission only Pathfinder church, which he and
press at Harbin, Manchuria; and his wife opened in 2012 in their home, a
sometime later, four small tracts.
traditional Mongolian yurt. The Khutul
Seventh-day Adventist Church has an
meeting! This will be our first meeting as average Sabbath attendance of 60 people,
we start out new!” including 45 Pathfinders. The Adventist
A few days later, several church Church in Mongolia recognized it as an
members joined Bumchin in climbing up official church in March 2017, and its first
the mountain to pray. 10 baptisms took place in June 2017.
Bumchin contacted the pastor of his old Bumchin’s eighth-grade math teacher,
Adventist church and invited him to preach meanwhile, still teaches math. But now
Adventist beliefs at the Sunday church. she lives in Ulaanbaatar and teaches at
The pastor agreed if Bumchin helped him, Tusgal School, the only Adventist school in
and the two gave Bible presentations once a Mongolia and a recipient of the Thirteenth
month for the next six months. Sabbath Offering in 2015.
“I didn’t try to convince the church What does Bumchin want to do next?
members to become Adventists,” “I want to plant churches around
Bumchin said. “I just joined them in Mongolia,” he said.
worshipping and praying.” By Andrew McChesney
But he changed his mountaintop prayer.
Instead of only asking God to use him, he Watch Bumchin Erdenebat sing a Christian
prayed, “Please use me to turn the church song that he loved to sing on the Mongolian
members into Adventists.” mountaintop when he was in the eighth grade.
The church’s membership grew to 27, Video link:
MONGOLIA | September 8
Best Job
Ma n d a k h B o l d , 2 8
was a very hard man and judged After several months, the leaders of the
people. If someone made a mistake, I Adventist Church in Mongolia offered me
let him know what he had done the position of Global Mission pioneer. I
Adventist Mission Northern Asia-Pacific Division
every Adventist in the country.
I asked him, “What do you want to do?”
He didn’t know. I shared with him
the biblical principle that divorce is not health. He told me that the government
allowed except in the case of adultery. would give him two months’ payment at
I told him to ask God’s forgiveness and once that month. I said, “Please, give your
to stop cheating on his wife. I said, “Tell tithe. If you want to see God’s power, test
your wife the truth and then promise her, him. In Malachi 3:10, God says, ‘Test me
‘From now on, I will be a man of God. I be with your tithe money.’”
faithful to you.’” The next Sabbath, the man came to
We prayed together, and I left. church and gave tithe for the first time! A
A week later, the man told me that he week later, he called me and said excitedly,
had ended the affair by announcing to the “I gave this tithe last Sabbath, and today
other woman that he had recommitted his I got a letter from the government saying
life to Christ. He also told the truth to his that my monthly payment has been
wife and, fortunately, she had forgiven him. increased by 50 percent!”
Today, the man comes to church every I’m not an emotional person, but I
Sabbath and is an active church member. become so happy when I see God’s love
Another miracle happened with transforming lives. I cannot express this
a disabled man whose only income feeling with words. I want everyone to
is a disability payment of 160,000 know about God’s love, and that’s why
Mongolian togrog (about U.S.$65) a I’m a missionary. Being a missionary is the
month from the government. best job in the world!
One Sabbath, I said to him, “Please, By Mandakh Bold, as told to Andrew McChesney
teach the children’s Sabbath School I was still praying that prayer several
class. I said, “No, I don’t like children.” months later when a university professor
He encouraged me to try and showed visited our new home in the Philippines.
me some felts of Bible stories. The felts He asked me what I wanted to do for the
intrigued me, but then I saw the children. 2 ½ years that it would take my husband
“No, no, I can’t teach them,” I said. to complete his studies.
I married a university professor, we “Maybe study accounting or nursing,”
had a child, and we moved to a small I said.
Mongolian town to work as missionaries. “Let’s pray together, and maybe God
suggested that I visit a kindergarten run
Fa s t Fa c t s by the university. I was surprised by what I
saw. The children seemed calm and happy.
Among Mongolians aged 15 and
above, 53 percent are Buddhists,
The female teacher looked so comfortable.
while 39 percent are non-religious. I made further inquiries and learned
Christians make up only 2.1 percent of that I could obtain an education degree
the population. in three years because I had taken general
Mongolia is a landlocked country education classes in Mongolia.
between Russia and China. Nearly half My husband and I had a long
the population of Mongolia live in the conversation that night. The Adventist
capital, Ulaanbaatar.
Church didn’t have a school or even an
Mongolia is mountainous, with an Adventist teacher in Mongolia. I wasn’t
average altitude of 5,183 feet (1,580 sure what to do.
meters) above sea level, which makes it
one of the highest countries in the world. My husband said, “Maybe it’s God’s plan
for you to become a teacher for Him.”
“Hmm, maybe,” I said. But all my
distaste for teaching had disappeared.
will show you His plan,” he said. I graduated in 2 ½ years—at the same
I checked out the university’s nursing time as my husband. Back in Mongolia, I
program and learned that it would helped establish the first Adventist school.
take five years to graduate. I went to A few years ago, I became the school
the business department and found principal. I love children and teaching!
out that an accounting degree would Today, the Tusgal [pronounced: TUS-
take four years. I was thinking about gal] School has 124 students, mostly
taking accounting when I passed by the from non-Adventist families. They
education department. study from kindergarten to 12th grade.
An education teacher and I began to Thank you for giving to a Thirteenth
talk, and we immediately established a Sabbath Offering in 2015 that helped
connection when I learned that he had us expand our classrooms. Enrollment
been to Mongolia. He was the first person is growing fast, so we plan to open a
whom I had met in the Philippines who boarding academy for the ninth- through
had visited Mongolia, and I was eager to 12th-grade students. This quarter’s
talk with him! After a few minutes, the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help
teacher suggested that I study education. build that boarding school.
“Hmm, maybe,” I said. I didn’t want Looking back, I really praise the Lord.
to give an emphatic “No” because he Sometimes relatives ask, “But you said you
was so kind. would never be a teacher. Why are you
The teacher said, “Since you a teacher?” I tell them, “You never know
have a daughter, why not try who you will become. Only God knows.
elementary education?” When we are patient and obey, God plans
We talked and talked. Eventually, our lives for us.”
the teacher had to go to a class, but he By Tserenpil “Ogie” Otgontuya, as told to Andrew McChesney
A Second Life
CHINA | September 22
Peter, 40
P eter spent the first 24 years of his life “At that moment, I lost everything,”
pursuing a single goal: to become a Peter said. “I had worked very hard for
math teacher so he could care for his many years to rise above the poverty of my
impoverished parents in a village in parents. It seemed that I had finally reached
rural China. my goal, but everything disappeared in an
But then a health crisis upset his plans. instant. I felt so hopeless.”
Peter lost everything in one moment. That night, Peter stood on a bridge and
“Without such a situation, I would shouted into the dark sky, “Laotian!”—
never have come to God,” Peter said. [pronounced: LAO-tain], which in Chinese
“This is the way that God guided me to means, “Higher Power”— “Laotian! You
Him and to the truth.” are so unfair to me!” He wept bitterly and
Upon graduating from college, Peter briefly considered committing suicide by
was assigned to teach math at a middle jumping off the bridge.
school. His new future and the hope At his parents’ insistence, Peter
Adventist Mission Northern Asia-Pacific Division
of financial security excited him. But checked into the village hospital for
before he and the other students in his treatment. The hospital conditions were
graduating class could teach, they needed poor; the family could not afford to send
to pass a medical checkup ordered by the Peter to a better-equipped city hospital.
provincial education department. After three days, Peter’s mother went
“I played a lot of basketball and soccer to church to ask the pastor to pray for
in college, so I thought it wouldn’t be her son. She sometimes attended the
any trouble to pass the medical checkup,” church on Sundays, and she thought in
Peter said. her grief that it was Sunday. But it was
to provide healing, he would leave the
Fa s t Fa c t s hospital. He rejected his mother’s appeals
to take his medicine home.
More Christians live in China than in
Italy, and China is on track to become “We trust God,” he said. “Let’s leave
the largest center of Christianity in everything here.”
the world. The elderly Adventist told Peter about
The population of China is 1.387 billion a church-owned sanitarium in another
people. This makes up 18.47 percent of village, and he decided to go there. The
the world’s population.
sanitarium staff welcomed him warmly.
According to Christian tradition, “When I was sick and hopeless, I needed
Christianity was first brought to China
by the apostle Thomas, but the first
comfort, but everyone left me,” Peter said.
historically authenticated evidence of “But when I reached that sanatorium, all
Christianity dates from the middle of the people there knelt with me and prayed
the seventh century.
for me. When they prayed, they cried,
‘God, please help this young man.’ They
Saturday, and the Seventh-day Adventists accepted me and loved me.”
who shared the church with the Sunday Peter had never experienced such
worshippers were startled to hear her love before and sensed that it was more
wailing in the sanctuary when they than human. It was divine. He stayed at
arrived for Sabbath School. An elderly the sanitarium for two months, praying,
woman asked, “Why are you so sad?”
studying the Bible, and learning a healthy
Upon hearing about Peter, the woman
lifestyle. “I forgot that I was sick,” Peter
said, “Don’t worry. Ask your son to trust
said. “I was very happy.”
God. God will save him.”
Later that day, the elderly woman After two months, he asked the
visited Peter in his hospital room and sanitarium director for permission to
offered him the same advice. “Young man, return to the hospital for a checkup. The
trust God,” she said. “God will save you.” results shocked him—and his doctor.
The advice was difficult for Peter to He received a bill of clean health. The
accept. His teachers had taught him since doctor couldn’t understand how the poor
first grade that God does not exist. medicine that he had prescribed had
At that point, two paths lay before cured him. But Peter had not taken the
Peter: to stay in the hospital, spending medicine. He had trusted God.
money and putting a bigger burden on his Peter’s was baptized, and his parents
parents, and finally to die, or to trust God. and grandparents also were baptized.
“I didn’t want to put a bigger burden Today, Peter is a 40-year-old Bible
on my parents,” Peter said. “So, I said, ‘I
worker in China.
Thirteenth Sabbath Program
Narrator: This quarter we have met Jin Rong Gao [pronounced: jin rong
people from South Korea, Japan, gow] and his wife joined the 16-member
Mongolia, and China, which are all workshop team when they moved to the
Adventist Mission Northern Asia-Pacific Division
L e a d e r ’s R e s o u r c e s
Be sure to download your free Mission Spotlight video, featuring video reports from around the Northern
Asia-Pacific Division and beyond. Download or stream from the Adventist Mission website at
Adventist Mission Northern Asia-Pacific Division
Children’s Mission contains additional material that can add flavor to your mission presentation. Find the
Children’s Mission online at
Online Information
Following are sources of information that may be helpful in preparing for the mission segment of Sabbath
School. For more information on the cultures and history of the countries featured in this quarterly, visit your
local library or a travel agency, or visit the websites listed on the following page.
China: government website
Travel China Guide
mailing address.
For subscription inquiries, e-mail Veronica
Ceniceros at Veronica.Ceniceros@pacificpress.
NKJV. Bible texts credited to NKJV are from the New King com or call 1-800-447-7377 or 1-208-465-
James Version ® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by 2560. Annual subscription rates per edition:
Permission. All rights reserved. domestic, U.S.$7.50; international, U.S.$14.50.
Russian Federation
Kazakhstan Ulaanbaatar
Beijing North Korea
Seoul Japan
2 South Korea
China 1 4
Bangladesh 5 Taipei
Macao Hong Kong
India Laos