Paat Vs CA: Facts

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Paat vs CA

The deceased spouses Jose and Salvacion Tayengco were the lawful owners of the properties under
receivership, under G.R. No. 60076, where the court affirmed the validity of the appointment of petitioner
Traders Royal Bank (TRB) as receiver pendente lite. TRB rendered its final accounting of the funds under
receivership wherein it retained the amount of P219,016.24 as its receiver's fee, instead of turning over
the entire fund to the Tayengcos (winning party of case concerning the funds of the tayengcos). The
Regional Trial Court of Iloilo, Branch 5, in an order dated July 5, 1988, approved the final accounting
submitted by TRB, including the deduction of its fee from the fund under receivership.

The Tayengcos assailed said order before the Court of Appeals, contending that TRB's compensation
should have been charged against the losing party and not from the funds under receivership.

In resolving this issue the Court of Appeals, in its decision dated February 12, 1993, ruled that TRB cannot
deduct its fee from the funds under its receivership since this must be shouldered by the losing party or
equally apportioned among the parties-litigants. Consequently, TRB was ordered to return the
P219,016.24 to the Tayengcos, and the losing parties, Cu Bie, et al., were held solely liable for TRB's

Who must shoulder the receivership fee? Whether or not TRB was correct in charging the fee to
the estate of The Tayengcos?

The Court held in the negative. Nobody questions the right of TRB to receive compensation. Section
8, Rule 59 of the Rules of Court, however, explicitly provides for the manner in which it shall be paid for its
services, to wit:

"SEC. 8. Termination of receivership; compensation of receiver.- Whenever the court, of its own motion or
on that of either party, shall determine that the necessity for a receiver no longer exists, it shall, after due
notice to all interested parties and hearing, settle the accounts of the receiver, direct the delivery of the
funds and other property in his hands to the persons adjudged entitled to receive them, and order the
discharge of the receiver from further duty as such. The court shall allow the receiver such reasonable
compensation as the circumstances of the case warrant, to be taxed as costs against the defeated party,
or apportioned, as justice requires." (Underscoring supplied)

It is, therefore, clear that when the services of a receiver who has been properly appointed terminates,
his compensation is to be charged against the defeated party, or the prevailing litigant may be made to
share the expense, as justice requires. Consequently, the trial court's order approving TRB's compensation
to be charged solely against the funds under its receivership is without legal justification; hence, it was
correctly reversed by the Court of Appeals.

IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the decision appealed from is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.


Regalado, (Chairman), Mendoza, and Torres Jr., JJ., concur.

Puno, J., no part, due to relationship.


G.R. No. 73317 August 31, 1989


Respondent spouses Ricardo and Milagros Morante brought an action against petitioner Thomas Yang
and Manuel Yaphockun before the RTC of General Santos City for the recovery of possession of two (2)
Isuzu-cargo trucks alleging that:

a) that they had actual use and possession of the two (2) cargo trucks, having acquired them
during the period from 1982 to 1984.
b) The trucks were, however, registered in the name of petitioner Thomas Yang who was the
Treasurer in the Morante spouses' business of buying and selling corn.

c) that they were deprived of possession of the vehicles in the morning of 3 January 1985,
when petitioner Yang had the vehicles taken from where they were parked in front of the
Coca-Cola Plant in General Santos City, to the warehouse of Manuel Yaphockun and there
they were thereafter held. Despite repeated demands, the complaint alleged, petitioner
Yang refused to release the trucks to respondent spouses.

To obtain immediate possession of the Isuzu trucks, respondent spouses applied for a writ of replevin and
put up a replevin bond of P560,000.00 executed by respondent Milagros Morante and Atty. Bayani
Calonzo (counsel for respondent spouses). The respondent judge issued an order of seizure directing the
Provincial Sheriff of South Cotabato to take immediate possession and custody of the vehicles involved
which was carried out by the sheriff.

Consequently, Manuel Yaphockun filed a motion seeking repossession of the cargo trucks, and posted a
replevin counter-bond of P560,000.00 executed by himself and one Narciso Mirabueno.

The respondent spouses reacted by amending their complaint on 13 January 1985 by excluding Manuel
Yaphockun as party-defendant. The following day, i.e., 14 January 1985, the respondents submitted an
opposition to Yaphockun's counter-bond, contending that since Manuel Yaphockun was merely a nominal
defendant, he had no standing to demand the return of the cargo trucks. Respondent judge disapproved
the counter-bond filed by Manuel Yaphockun, since the latter had been dropped as party-defendant and
accordingly no longer had any personality to litigate in the replevin suit. The trial court also ordered the
immediate release and delivery of the cargo trucks to respondent spouses.

Petitioner Yang moved for an extension of fifteen (15) days within which to file an answer to the
complaint for replevin. Four days later, petitioner put up a counter-bond in the amount of P560,000.00
which counter-bond was, however, rejected by the respondent judge for having been filed out of time.
PETITIONER’S CONTENTION: firstly, respondent judge had committed a grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in approving the replevin bond of respondent spouses since the
replevin bond was merely an undertaking of the bondsmen Milagros Morante and Atty. Calonzo to pay
the sum of P560,000.00, that no tangible security, such as "cash, property or surety," was placed thereby
at the disposal and custody of the court; secondly, that the replevin bond was defective considering that it
had been filed by only one of the two (2) private respondents and that the bondsmen thereon had failed
by its terms to undertake to return the cargo trucks to petitioner should he (the petitioner) be adjudged
lawful owner thereof; thirdly, since the respondent spouses are not the registered owners of the cargo
trucks involved, the writ of replevin should not have been issued and lastly, that the dropping of Manuel
Yaphockun as party-defendant in the amended complaint was fraudulently intended to deprive him
(Yaphockun) of the right to demand the return of the vehicles in dispute
ISSUE: Whether or not respondent judge had committed a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction in approving the replevin bond of respondent spouses and rejecting petitioner's
counter-bond on the ground of prescription?

HELD: NO. Petitioner's right to file a counterbond had already prescribed.

A bond that is required to be given by law is commonly understood to refer to an obligation or

undertaking in writing that is sufficiently secured. 2 It is not indispensably necessary, however, that the
obligation of the bond be secured or supported by cash or personal property or real property or the
obligation of a surety other than the person giving the bond. Most generally understood, a "bond" is an
obligation reduced to writing binding the obligor to pay a sum of money to the obligee under specified

The sufficiency of a bond is a matter that is addressed to the sound discretion of the court which must
approve the bond. In the case at bar, the replevin bond given by the respondent Morante spouses was
properly secured by the sureties themselves who declared their solvency and capacity to answer for the
undertaking assumed, through an Affidavit of Justification. This sworn declaration of solvency which was
submitted to the judge together with the bond, in effect secured the replevin bond. We note also that the
sureties or bondsmen under the bond included not only Milagros Morante who was party-plaintiff below,
but also a third person, Atty. Bayani L. Calonzo who was not a party-litigant. Petitioner Yang never put in
issue the financial capability of these two (2) sureties. It follows that the approval of the replevin bond by
respondent judge, before whom it was presented and who was in a better position than this Court to
appreciate the financial standing of the sureties, is not a grave abuse of discretion.

A defendant in a replevin suit may demand return of possession of the property replevied by filing a
redelivery bond within the periods specified in Sections 5 and 6 of Rule 60:

Section 5. Petitioner may "at any time before the delivery of the property to the plaintiff" require the
return of the property; in Section 6, he may do so, "within five (5) days after the taking of the property by
the officer." Both these periods are mandatory in character. 9 Thus, a lower court which approves a
counter-bond filed beyond the statutory periods, acts in excess of its jurisdiction. In the instant case, the
cargo trucks were taken into custody by the Sheriff on 7 January 1985. Petitioner Yang's counter-
replevin bond was filed on 25 January 1985. The matter was treated at length in the trial court's order of
28 February 1985:

... It is also borne by the record that defendant, thru counsel, was served with copy of the amended
complaint dropping defendant Manuel Yap from the complaint on January 14, 1985 and hence, said
receipt of the amended complaint was tantamount to a summons issued to the defendant Thomas
Yang. It is a truism that the primary purpose of summons is to acquire jurisdiction over the person of the
parties, and jurisdiction can be acquired by the voluntary submission of the defendant to the jurisdiction
of the Court. Hence, after defendant had been duly represented by counsel even at the inception of the
service of summons and a copy of the order of replevin on January 7, 1985, defendant Thomas Yang had
already been duly served, especially so, when counsel manifested in their comment to the opposition filed
by plaintiffs that Manuel Yap has been duly authorized to represent Thomas Yang.

From then on defendant should have been on guard as to the provision of Section 6, Rule 60 of the Rules
of Court — re — the five (5) days period within which to file the counter-replevin for the approval of the
court, counted from the actual taking of the property by the officer or the sheriff on January 7, 1985. It
is honestly believed that the five-day period spoken of by the Rule begins from the taking of the
property by the sheriff and not from the service of summons to the defendant, for even if summons was
already duly served to the defendant but the property has not yet been taken by the sheriff, the provision
above cited does not apply. Hence, it is clear that the prescriptive period for filing a counter-replevin bond
must be counted from the actual taking of the property by the sheriff, subject of the replevin bond and in
this particular case on January 7, 1985.
True indeed, that defendant Manuel Yap filed the counter-replevin bond on January 10, 1985, which was
denied by this court, that was three (3) days after the property was taken on January 7, 1985 but when
the said defendant was dropped from the complaint on January 14, 1985, defendant Thomas Yang should
have immediately filed the proper counter-replevin bond after Manuel Yap has been dropped from the
complaint on January 14, 1985 considering that the counter-replevin bond filed on January 10, 1985 by
Manuel Yap has become obsolete on this date, January 14, 1985. Hence, irrespective of the order of this
court dated January 18,1985, denying the counter-replevin bond filed, defendant
Thomas Yang should and must have filed his counter replevin bond within two (2) days from service of
the amended complaint, the same must have been)'filed on January 18, 1985, to conform with liberal
interpretation of the rules and not on January 25, 1985, for then the counter replevin bond had been filed
beyond the period provided by the Rules.

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