Von Gierke's Disease

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Regulation of Liver Metabolism by the Endosomal

GTPase Rab5
Graphical Abstract

d Knockdown of Rab5 in the liver leads to hypoglycemia and hepatomegaly

d Rab5 and the endosomal system are required for G6Pase and
Pepck gene expression

d Loss of Rab5 inhibits the activity of transcription factors for gluconeogenic genes
Anja Zeigerer, Roman L. Bogorad, ..., Victor Koteliansky, Marino Zerial

[email protected]

In Brief
Zeigerer et al. uncover a requirement of Rab5 and the endosomal system for the regulation of hepatic
metabolism that goes beyond the classical view of controlling surface expression of nutrient transporters.
Rab5 depletion leads to reduced gluconeogenesis, similar to von Gierke’s disease, suggesting important
implications for metabolic diseases.

Accession Numbers

Zeigerer et al., 2015, Cell Reports 11, 884–892

May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors
Cell Reports


Regulation of Liver Metabolism by the Endosomal

GTPase Rab5
Anja Zeigerer,1,11 Roman L. Bogorad,2 Kirti Sharma,3 Jerome Gilleron,4 Sarah Seifert,1 Susanne Sales,1 Nikolaus Berndt,5
Sascha Bulik,5 Giovanni Marsico,6 Rochelle C.J. D’Souza,3 Naharajan Lakshmanaperumal,1 Kesavan Meganathan,7
Karthick Natarajan,7 Agapios Sachinidis,7 Andreas Dahl,8 Hermann-Georg Holzhu¨ tter,5 Andrej Shevchenko,1
Matthias Mann,3 Victor Koteliansky,9,10 and Marino Zerial1,*
1Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, 01307 Dresden, Germany
2David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
3Department of Proteomics and Signal Transduction, Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, 82152 Martinsried, Germany
INSERM U1065, Centre Me´diterrane´ en de Me´decine Mole´ culaire C3M, Universite´ de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 06108 Nice, France
5Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 10117 Berlin, Germany

6Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Cambridge CB2 0RE, UK
University of Cologne, Institute of Neurophysiology and Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC), 50931 Cologne, Germany
8Deep Sequencing Group SFB655, BIOTEC, Technical University Dresden, 01307 Dresden, Germany
9Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, ul. Novaya, d.100, Skolkovo 143025, Russian Federation
10Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Leninskie, Gory, 1/3, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation
11Present address: Institute for Diabetes and Cancer, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Health, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany

*Correspondence: [email protected]
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


The liver maintains glucose and lipid homeostasis by adapting its metabolic activity to the energy needs of
the organism. Communication between hepato- cytes and extracellular environment via endocytosis is key
to such homeostasis. Here, we addressed the question of whether endosomes are required for
gluconeogenic gene expression. We took advan- tage of the loss of endosomes in the mouse liver upon
Rab5 silencing. Strikingly, we found hepato- megaly and severe metabolic defects such as hypo- glycemia,
hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, and glycogen accumulation that phenocopied those found in von
Gierke’s disease, a glucose-6-phospha- tase (G6Pase) deficiency. G6Pase deficiency alone can account
for the reduction in hepatic glucose output and glycogen accumulation as determined by mathematical
modeling. Interestingly, we uncovered functional alterations in the transcription factors, which regulate
G6Pase expression. Our data highlight a requirement of Rab5 and the endosomal system for the regulation of
gluconeogenic gene expression that has important implications for metabolic diseases.


The liver plays an essential role in the metabolic adaptation to nutrients through processes such as gluconeogenesis, glycogen-
olysis, lipogenesis, and fatty acid oxidation that are under the con- trol of glucagon and insulin. In the absorptive state, when high
glucose levels induce insulin secretion, anabolic pathways, such

884 Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors
as glycogen production and lipogenesis are activated, whereas catabolic processes are inhibited. In the fasted state, when
glucagon is elevated relative to insulin, fatty acid oxidation, glyco- genolysis, and gluconeogenesis are induced to maintain blood
glucose homeostasis (Lin and Accili, 2011). Dysfunction of glucose production leads to severe metabolic diseases. The most
common pathology is associated with insulin resistance, which contributes to type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome (Lin and
Accili, 2011). In this disease, insulin fails to exert an inhib- itory role on gluconeogenesis. Mutations in genes involved in
gluconeogenesis can cause glycogen storage diseases with marked alterations in glucose homeostasis. For example, von
Gierke’s disease, the glycogen storage disease type Ia (GSD-Ia), is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiency of
glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) and characterized by hypogly- cemia, abnormal glycogen accumulations (glycogenesis), hepa-
tomegaly, and hyperlipidemia, among others (Chou et al., 2010). Glucose homeostasis is regulated by endocytosis. Endocy- tosis is
an essential mechanism for the uptake and signal trans- duction of growth factors and hormones (Sorkin and von Zastrow, 2009) but
also for regulating metabolic activities, by changing the expression of hormone receptors and nutrient transporters on the cell
surface. For example, in fat and muscle cells, the amount of internalized glucose can be modulated by varying the rates of endo-
and exocytosis of the insulin-responsive glucose trans- porter, GLUT4 (Antonescu et al., 2014). Endocytosis governs the clearance
of low-density-lipoproteins (LDLs) from the circulation especially in the liver, where mutations in this process cause hy-
percholesterolemia (Koivisto et al., 2001). New evidence suggests that the endo-lysosomal system is also involved in the
regulation of metabolic gene transcription. For example, the transcription factor EB (TFEB) translocates from lysosomes to the
nucleus in response to starvation and activates genes in- volved in lysosomal biogenesis, autophagy, and lipid metabolism

Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 885
(Settembre et al., 2013). Conversely, metabolic activities also regulate endocytosis, since knockdown of metabolic genes in a
genome-wide RNAi screen had dramatic effects on endocytic trafficking (Collinet et al., 2010). Together, these findings suggest that
endocytosis and metabolism are functionally coupled.
Understanding the role of the endocytic system in the regula- tion of metabolism would require molecular perturbations capable of
ablating the function of endosomes. The small GTPase Rab5 regulates the membrane assembly of a multi-pro- tein machinery
conferring early endosome identity and function, such as endosome tethering, fusion, and motility (Wandinger- Ness and Zerial,
2014). Remarkably, liver-specific knockdown of Rab5 by RNAi in mice causes a massive depletion of endosomes and lysosomes,
indicating that it is necessary for endosome biogenesis (Zeigerer et al., 2012). Interestingly, ultra- structural analysis of liver sections
also revealed a strong accu- mulation of glycogen granules and lipid droplets in the liver, raising the question of why depletion of Rab5
and, consequently, of the endosomal system causes severe alterations in hepatocel- lular glucose and lipid metabolism. In the present
study, we ad- dressed this question through a systems biology approach.


Rab5 Is Essential for Lipid and Glucose Metabolism in the Liver

The three Rab5 isoforms were silenced in mouse liver by RNAi through tail vein injection of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) containing small
interfering RNAs (siRNAs) (against Rab5a,b,c or luciferase), as previously described (Zeigerer et al., 2012). Five days after in- jection,
when the reduction in endosome number in Rab5 knock- down (Rab5KD) livers is maximal (Zeigerer et al., 2012), mice were starved
for 6 hr, their liver extracted and analyzed by tran- scriptomics, proteomics, and lipidomics. The transcriptomics analysis was
performed by microarray and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Comparison of the hits from the differentially ex- pressed genes (DEG) in
both data sets revealed 451 common DEG, resulting in 77% overlap (RNA-seq to microarray), showing a high Spearman correlation
(Figures S1A and S1B; Table S1). The data set was split into 328 up- and 123 downregulated genes, which were considered separately
for pathway enrichment anal- ysis (Table S1). Strikingly, we observed severe alterations in genes involved in metabolic pathways.
Among the upregulated genes, there was a significant enrichment for genes associated with cell-cycle and steroid biosynthesis,
suggesting that loss of Rab5 affects cell proliferation and lipid metabolism (Figure S1C). The upregulation of steroid biosynthesis can
be explained by a compensatory increase consequent to the block of LDL internal- ization (Brown and Goldstein, 2009; Zeigerer et al.,
2012). For the downregulated genes, metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome p450, fatty acid, amino acid metabolism, and glucose
meta- bolism were significantly affected (Figure S1D). These data show that Rab5 depletion induces alterations in gene expression for
specific metabolic pathways in the liver.
For quantitative proteomics, control and Rab5KD liver tissues were subjected to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spec-
trometry (LC-MS/MS), and a combined analysis of the spectra from all samples resulted in the identification of ~8,000 proteins

886 Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors
at a false discovery rate (FDR) of 1%. Using the label-free quan- tification algorithm in MaxQuant, we measured the abundance of
5,800 proteins in at least one pairwise comparison (Table S2). We detected 980 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs), of which
553 were up- and 427 downregulated compared to control t test (p < 0.05) (Table S2). Consistent with the transcriptomics data,
most proteins were again involved in cellular metabolism (Figure 1).
Next, we subjected the DEP to pathway enrichment analysis using KEGG (Figures 1A and 1B; Table S2) and a topological
model of central metabolism (Figure S2A). In agreement with the transcriptomics, proteins involved in steroid biosynthesis were
upregulated. Strikingly, most metabolic pathways, such as b-oxidation, fatty acid, and glucose metabolism, etc., were down-
regulated (Figure 1; Table S2). Comparison of the proteomics with the transcriptomics data sets revealed 88 common genes/
proteins (Figure S1E; Table S3). Most hits were well correlated (Figure S1F), suggesting a regulation at the mRNA level. These
candidates were again enriched in metabolic pathways with an upregulation in steroid and terpenoid backbone biosynthesis and
a downregulation of fatty acid and amino acid metabolism (Figures S1G and S1H). Taken together, these data indicate that the
liver responds to Rab5KD by boosting the pathways for ste- roid biosynthesis while reducing glucose and energy metabolism. The
levels of lipids in the liver and serum were determined by shotgun lipidomics. Consistent with transcriptomics and prote- omics, we
found a 2-fold enrichment of cholesterol and choles- terol ester (CE) in liver tissue of Rab5KD mice, with all CE species increased
(Figure 1C). The excess of CE could explain in part the increase in lipid droplets (Miller and Bose, 2011) observed by EM upon
Rab5KD (Zeigerer et al., 2012). In addition, we could not detect an induction of autophagosomes (data not shown), consistent
with the loss of endosomes and lysosomes (Lamb et al., 2013). This implies that also lipophagy may be inhibited (Dong and
Czaja, 2011), thus contributing to the accumulation
of lipid droplets.
Interestingly, lipidomics analysis of sera from Rab5KD animals revealed a 2- to 5-fold increase in all major lipid classes (Figure
1D), leading to an induction of hyperlipidemia and hyper- cholesterolemia at 5 days after LNP injection. Importantly, this increase
was reversible and serum lipids returned back to normal levels after recovery of the endosomal system at 10 days after
injection (Figure 1D; Zeigerer et al., 2012). Alto- gether, Rab5 depletion causes severe changes in the expression of metabolic
pathways associated with steroid biosynthesis, fatty acid, amino acid, and glucose metabolism.

Rab5 Depletion Causes Hepatomegaly

At 5 days post-injection, Rab5KD animals were similar in weight (Figure S3A) but exhibited an increase in liver size (Figure 2A),
raising the liver/body weight ratio from 5% to 7% (Figure 2B). Interestingly, the induction of hepatomegaly coincided with the
accumulation of glycogen (Zeigerer et al., 2012), suggesting that the two events may be linked. Hepatomegaly could either be
caused by an increase in the size or the number of hepatocytes, or both. To distinguish between these possibilities, we performed a
morphological analysis of liver sections and measured a 20%– 30% increase in hepatocyte area in vivo (Figures S3B and S3C).

Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 887
Figure 1. Proteomics and Lipidomics of
Rab5KD Livers Reveal Alterations in Meta-
(A–C) Significantly enriched KEGG pathways of
up- (A) and downregulated (B) proteins. (C)
Representative profiles of all lipid classes
(normalized to phospholipids) (*p < 0.05, n = 4
mice per condition). Inset: lipid species of
cholesterol esters (mean ± SEM).
(D) Time course of lipid profiles in serum (n = 4
mice per condition, mean ± SEM).

ure S3F) consistent with our transcriptom-

ics analysis. Altogether, these data sug-
gest that the hepatomegaly is accounted
by an increase in hepatocytes volume
and a mild increase in their number.

Rab5 Knockdown Induces

The alterations in glycolysis/gluconeo-
genesis together with the accumulation
of glycogen granules suggest a connec-
tion between endosomes and the regula-
tion of sugar metabolism. We therefore
undertook a detailed analysis of the ef-
fects of Rab5 depletion on glucose ho-
meostasis. We found a 30% reduction in
fasting blood glucose levels compared
to control at 5 days post-injection (Fig-
ure 2C). Surprisingly, no alterations in
serum levels of insulin and glucagon
were observed that could account for
the decrease in blood glucose (Figure 2D),
arguing for a more direct effect of Rab5
on glucose homeostasis in the liver. Inter-
estingly, upon endosomal recovery at
10 days post-injection (Zeigerer et al.,
2012), similar to liver size, blood glucose
levels returned to normal (Figures 2B
and 2C), suggesting that hypoglycemia
and hepatomegaly correlate with the
loss of Rab5 and endosomes.

In addition, applying proteome ruler for the proteomics data set re- vealed a 1.4-fold increase in the total protein content per cell and cell
volume (Figures S3D and S3E), in agreement with the image analysis. Such an expansion in cell volume agrees with the obser- vation
that glycogen accumulation causes swelling of hepato- cytes (Froissart et al., 2011). However, H&E staining revealed also a mild
increase in the proliferation index in Rab5KD livers (Fig-

888 Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors
Rab5KD Phenocopies the Loss of G6Pase in von Gierke’s Disease
The accumulation of glycogen granules and lipid droplets, hypoglycemia, hepa- tomegaly,
hypercholesterolemia, and hyperlipidemia observed upon Rab5KD
strikingly resemble the alterations in von Gierke’s disease (glycogen-storage disease type Ia) (Chou et al., 2010). von Gierke’s
disease is caused by a deficiency of G6Pase, the major enzyme controlling glucose release by the liver via glycogenol- ysis and
gluconeogenesis. Therefore, we analyzed the G6Pase mRNA levels after 5 days post-injection. Strikingly, the expres- sion of
G6Pase was almost ablated (Figure 2E and Table S1).

Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 889
Figure 2. Metabolic Effects of Rab5KD
(A and B) Liver size (day 5) (A) and liver/body (B)
weight ratio (time course) for 6-hr-fasted mice.
(C) Time course of blood glucose levels for C57BL/
6N and in db/db mice.
(D) Insulin and glucagon levels of five independent
experiments normalized to control.
(E) Relative expression of G6Pase (time course)
and Pepck in livers of C57BL/6N, db/db mice (day
5), and in primary hepatocytes.
(F and G) (F) Liver glycogen content and (G) py-
ruvate tolerance test (2 mg/kg) at day 5.
Representative experiments shown for (A)–(C) and
(E)–(G); four mice per condition used for (B)–(G);
mean ±SEM; #p > 0.1, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001, ***p <

Since Rab5-depleted animals fail to mobilize their glycogen stores (Zeigerer et al., 2012), we quantified the glycogen in the liver
and measured a 2-3-fold increase in glycogen levels in 6- hr-starved Rab5KD mice (Figure 2F). Glycogen levels are regu- lated by a
balance of synthesis, via glycogen synthase (GS), and breakdown, through glycogen phosphorylase (GP), both regulated by
phosphorylation. In addition, GS is also allosteri- cally activated by glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) (von Wilamo- witz-Moellendorff et al.,
2013). We detected only a slight increase in GS (p = 0.06) but not GP phosphorylation in Rab5KD livers compared to control (Figures
S4A and S4B). However, the G6P levels were increased over 2-fold (Figure S4C). Such in- crease is expected to activate GS, thus
explaining the enhanced glycogen deposition. These data suggest that the glycogen stor- age phenotype is caused by the reduction
in G6Pase, just as in

890 Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors
von Gierke’s disease (Cori and Cori, 1952), leading to the accumulation of G6P and activation of GS.
To directly test whether gluconeogen- esis was inhibited, pyruvate tolerance tests were performed in
control and Rab5KD mice. Rab5KD almost com- pletely abolished glucose production by the liver (Figure
2G). This is consistent with transcriptomics and quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis, which revealed a strong
reduction in Phosphoenolpyruvate kinase (Pepck1), another rate-limiting enzyme for gluconeogenesis
(Table S1 and Figure 2C). Importantly, after
10 days post-injection when the levels of Rab5 and the endosomal pathway recovered (Zeigerer et al.,
2012), the expression of G6Pase was restored (Fig- ure 2E), leading to normal glycemia and receding the
metabolic phenotypes (Fig- ures 2B, 2C, and 2E).
Although Rab5 was silenced specif- ically in the liver (Zeigerer et al., 2012), the reduction in G6Pase and
Pepck expression could be triggered by endo-
crine signals from other organs. To rule out this possibility, we silenced Rab5 in isolated primary hepatocytes. Once again, we
observed a strong decrease in G6Pase and Pepck1 expression (Figure 2E), arguing that it is mediated by a hepatocyte-autono-
mous rather than a systemic effect. Taken together, these data suggest that the expression of G6Pase as well as other gluco-
neogenic genes is subjected to regulation by the endosomal system.

Mathematical Modeling and Simulations Suggest that the Block in Glucose Output and Accumulation of
Glycogen Can Be Explained by Loss of G6Pase in Rab5KD Liver
How does G6Pase loss affect glucose output and glycogen pro- duction? We applied a mathematical kinetic model of hepatic

Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 891
Figure 3. Mathematical Modeling of Glucose
Fluxes and Glycogen Accumulation
(A and B) Model simulation of fluxes for glycolysis
(PFK1, FBP1) (A) and gluconeogenesis (PK, PC) (B)
for control (black), G6Pase knockout (blue), and the
Rab5KD (green) livers.
(C) Simulation of glycogen dynamics in mouse
livers during re-feeding and fasting.

glucose metabolism (Figure S2A) that takes into account meta- bolic regulation through substrates and allosteric effectors,
reversible phosphorylation controlled by plasma insulin and glucagon, as well as changes in the amount of metabolic en- zymes
through variable gene expression. Model parameters (Km and Ki values) were obtained from literature. Vmax values for the reference
state were calibrated to match physiological metabolite concentrations (S.B., H.-G.H., and N.B., unpublished data). Relative changes
in protein levels of 24 proteins (Table S4) upon Rab5KD measured by proteomics were taken to scale the V max values for the
Glycolytic fluxes through PFK1 and PK and gluconeogenic fluxes through FBP1 and PC simulated with the model are de- picted
(Figures 3A and 3B). G6Pase knockout (KO) (blue) in- creases the glycolytic flux and decreases the gluconeogenic flux compared
to control (fasted hepatocyte, black line). The pro- teome changes upon Rab5KD (green) decrease the futile fluxes between the
opposing reactions (PFK1/FBP1 and PK/PC) in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. Flux through gluconeogenesis was stronger
affected by Rab5KD than by complete KO of G6Pase alone, consistent with the reduction in additional rate-

892 Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors
limiting genes of gluconeogenesis (Table S1). The model simulations further sup- port the suggestion that
the reduction in G6Pase expression is sufficient to explain the decrease of glucose production upon
To simulate glycogen dynamics asso- ciated with the fasting-refeeding-fasting cycle, we applied the same
model to compare control, G6Pase KO, and Rab5KD (Figure 3C). Initial fasting and re- feeding (gray-shaded
area) were simu- lated by blood glucose levels of 4 and 10 mM, respectively. Fluxes for glucoki- nase (GK),
G6PPase (G6PP), glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) (represent- ing glycolytic/glyconeogenic flux), phos-
phoglucomutase (PGM) (representing glycogen synthesis/glycogen degrada- tion), and glucose transporter
(GlcT) are shown in Figure S2B. Glycogen is synthe- sized during the refeeding period and degraded in the
fasting period in all con- ditions. Higher glycogen content leads to an increase in the flux through GP re-
sulting in production of G6P. G6P can either be metabolized through glycolysis
or converted to glucose via G6Pase. The loss of G6Pase in von Gierke’s disease and upon Rab5KD leads to (1) a higher flux
through glycolysis shown by GPI, (2) a rerouting back to glycogen production (through higher GS flux), and (3) to the accumulation
of G6P and glycogen (Cori and Cori, 1952; Figures S4C and 2F). The simultaneous accumulation of G6P and glycogen lead to an
increase in the flux through GS and GP without necessarily modifying their phosphorylation state. Inter- estingly, the proteome
changes upon Rab5KD (Tables S2; Table S4) result only in a partial compensation causing higher G6P and glycogen content
compared to control, as observed experimen- tally. Altogether, the model simulations support our conclusion that the reduction of
G6Pase upon Rab5KD is sufficient to explain the accumulation of glycogen.

The Rab5KD Liver Fails to Induce Gluconeogenic Gene Expression due to an Inhibitory Effect on CREB, ChREBP,
and FoxO1 Function
The expression of G6Pase and Pepck1 is under the opposite control of insulin and glucagon (Lin and Accili, 2011). As the
levels of insulin and glucagon did not vary significantly

Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 893
Figure 4. G6Pase Reduction Is Independent
of Insulin Signaling
(A and C) Representative western blots for Akt,
GSK3b (A and C), and p-S6-RP (A) in livers after 6-
hr fast (A) and after insulin stimulation (0.75U/kg,
5 min) (C).
(B) Quantification of five independent experiments
from (A).
(D) Quantification of representative experiment
from (C) (mean ± SEM); #p > 0.1.

(Figure 2D), we inspected their signaling activity. First, we analyzed the activation of Akt and its downstream kinases. We observed a
20% increase in the p-Akt/Akt ratio in liver lysates from Rab5KD animals compared to control; however, this in- crease was not
statistically significant (Figures 4A and 4B). Furthermore, the levels of the downstream kinase GSK3b were increased, but its
phospho/total ratio and that of P-S6-RP were unchanged (Figures 4A and 4B). In addition, the response to insulin stimulation in vivo
was not altered, as Rab5KD animals showed a similar activation of Akt and its downstream kinase GSK3b (Figures 4C and 4D).
Occasionally, animals exhibited a stronger increase in p-Akt levels (up to 200%) in the basal state. However, since such an increase
was not consistent between animals, it cannot be the sole mechanism underlying the loss of G6Pase and Pepck1.
We then verified that glucagon signaling was induced effi- ciently in response to hypoglycemia. Glucagon leads to an in- crease in
cyclic AMP (cAMP) that activates protein kinase A (PKA), which, in turn, phosphorylates CREB, a key transcription factor controlling
gluconeogenic gene expression (Altarejos and Montminy, 2011). The basal cAMP levels and PKA activity were increased in the liver
of Rab5KD animals compared to control (Figures 5A and 5B). As expected, phospho-CREB was also increased (Figures 5C and 5D),
suggesting that the liver re- sponded normally to glucagon.
We next inspected the transcription factors responsible for G6Pase gene expression, CREB, PGC1a, ChREBP, and FoxO1 using a
combination of qPCR, western blot, and quantitative immunofluorescence microscopy analysis. Surprisingly, although the levels of
CREB were increased, the expression of its target

894 Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors
PGC1a (Lin et al., 2005) was repressed (Figure 5E). In addition, ChREBP (Ma et al., 2006) was reduced
by 50% (Fig- ure 5E). FoxO1 is mainly negatively regu- lated by phosphorylation (Matsumoto et al., 2007).
FoxO1 showed a modest (20%) decrease in gene expression but a 100% increase in phospho-FoxO1, sug-
gesting a reduction in activity (Figures 5C–5E).
To verify whether the translocation of CREB, FoxO1, and phospho-FoxO1 between the cytoplasm and
nucleus occurred normally, we visualized their intracellular localization in primary hepa- tocytes and mouse
liver upon Rab5KD.
CREB levels were unchanged and accumulated in the nucleus upon Rab5 depletion in vitro and in vivo (Figures S5A–S5D).
However, total FoxO1 remained largely cytoplasmic (Figures S5A and S5C) with a modest decrease in protein levels (Fig- ure
S5B). This is consistent with a strong increase in the levels of Akt-dependent phospho-Ser256-FoxO1 (Figures 5F, 5G, and S5D)
in primary hepatocytes and mouse liver. Therefore, although the reduction in FoxO1 expression is modest, the increased
phosphorylation and lack of nuclear translocation argue that its function is severely impaired. These data sug- gest that
endosomes exert a regulatory role on the expression, activity, or nuclear translocation of the transcription factors for the
gluconeogenic genes.

Rab5KD Rescues Hyperglycemia in Diabetic db/db Mice Patients with type 2 diabetes fail to respond to insulin, a defi- ciency
known as insulin resistance. Consequently, the liver en- hances gluconeogenesis, contributing to hyperglycemia. If the regulation
of gluconeogenic gene expression via endosomes were part of this mechanism, silencing Rab5 in the liver might rescue the
hyperglycemia in diabetes. To test this possibility, we downregulated Rab5 in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes (db/db; LepR KO)
and tested the effects on blood glucose and gluconeogenic gene expression in the liver of 10-week-old db/ db mice. Strikingly,
depletion of Rab5 5 days post-injection led to a 50% decrease in blood glucose, suggesting that loss of endosomes improved
glucose homeostasis specifically in db/db mice (Figure 2C). Interestingly, the expression of G6Pase and Pepck1 was strongly
reduced upon Rab5 loss in livers of db/db mice (Figure 2E) supporting an involvement

Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 895
Figure 5. G6Pase Transcription Factor Al-
terations upon Rab5KD
(A–E) cAMP amount (A), PKA activity (B), western
blots of p-CREB and p-FoxO1 (C), and quantifi-
cation thereof (E), relative mRNA expression of
CREB, FoxO1, PGC1a, and ChREBP (E) from
livers of 6-hr-starved control and Rab5KD mice
(representative experiment shown; n = 4 mice per
(F and G) (F) Representative confocal images
(maximal projections of three merged middle
sections) of primary hepatocytes stained with p-
FoxO1 plus DAPI and (G) quantification thereof
within cellular masks by QMPIA.
Scale bar, 20 mm (mean ± SEM) *p < 0.05, **p <
0.01, ***p < 0.0001.

of endosomes in the regulation of gluconeogenic gene expression.


In this study, we have uncovered a requirement of Rab5 and the endosomal system for the regulation of hepatic metabolism.
Depletion of Rab5 boosts steroid biosynthesis while blocking

890 Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors
gluconeogenesis. The induction of ste- roid biosynthesis is an expected con- sequence to the inhibition of
LDL endo- cytosis (Brown and Goldstein, 2009; Zeigerer et al., 2012). Much more unex- pected are the
effects on glucose meta- bolism. The accumulation of glycogen granules, the increase in liver size, and the
reduction in G6Pase gene expression all point at a striking similarity with the von Gierke’s disease (Chou et
al., 2010). The loss of G6Pase in von Gierke’s disease appears to be sufficient to induce all the consequent
metabolic abnormalities, e.g., accumulation of glycogen (Cori and Cori, 1952), hepatomegaly (Froissart et
al., 2011), as well as hypercholester- olemia and hyperlipidemia (Bandsma et al., 2002). Mathematical
kinetic modeling and simulation of hepatic glucose metabolism suggest that the reduction in G6Pase
expression alone can explain the marked decrease in glucose production upon Rab5KD.
Rab5 may exert its function through its signaling effectors (Christoforidis et al., 1999; Schenck et al.,
2008; Shin et al., 2005). However, we favor the interpreta- tion that the metabolic alterations are the
consequence of the loss of endo- somes and lysosomes. First, the Rab5 signaling effectors are localized to
endo- somes (Schenck et al., 2008). Second,
the metabolic alterations remarkably correlate with the depletion of endosomal compartments. Third, lysosomes play an impor- tant
role in glycogenolysis (see below). Another indication of such a regulation is that Rab5 depletion was sufficient to over- come the
insulin resistant phenotype of diabetic mice.
Interestingly, a functional genomics screen revealed that the endosomal system is modulated by a number of metabolic
pathways, including glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and steroid

Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 891
biosynthesis (Collinet et al., 2010). This argues that the functional relationship between metabolism and endocytosis is bi-direc- tional.
Such a relationship goes beyond the classical view that endocytosis regulates the surface expression of nutrient sensors and
transporters, e.g., GLUT4 (Antonescu et al., 2014). In our study, the decrease of gluconeogenic gene expression and occurrence of
hypoglycemia upon Rab5KD cannot be explained solely by the 30% reduction of GLUT2 observed by proteomics. Insulin signaling
was also not reproducibly affected.
Clearly, endocytosis is a key cellular process that, when per- turbed, could have multiple direct or indirect effects on meta- bolism.
Among the many possible interpretations, one is that endosomes could exert a regulatory role on the transcription fac- tors
responsible for gluconeogenic gene expression. We found that loss of G6Pase upon Rab5KD is due to impairment in the
transcription factors regulating its expression. CREB was phos- phorylated and translocated to the nucleus upon Rab5 depletion but
failed to induce the expression of its downstream target PGC1a. The levels of ChREBP were reduced, and the nuclear translocation
of FoxO1 was inhibited, while its phosphorylation increased. These results suggest that endosomes are directly or indirectly
necessary for the activity (CREB), expression (ChREBP), and phosphorylation (FoxO1) of the transcription fac- tors for G6Pase
expression. One possibility is that they could interact with Rab5 on the endosomal membrane, or through intermediary molecules.
Endosomes could provide a scaffold for the transport toward the nucleus, as shown for CREB during the retrograde transport fr om
the growth cone to the cell body in neurons (Cox et al., 2008), or for regulating their phosphorylation state, as they regulate signal
transduction (Sorkin and von Zas- trow, 2009). Akt phosphorylates FoxO proteins leading to their association with 14-3-3 and
retention in the cytosol (Obsil and Obsilova, 2008). Addressing this question requires the develop- ment of new tools to detect the
transcription factors intracellu- larly and follow how signals are transmitted from the endosomes to the kinases and phosphatases
controlling their activity.
The functional connection between the endosomal system and metabolism is exemplified by the Target of rapamycin mTOR-TFEB
pathway. The serine/threonine kinase mTOR is localized to lysosomes and responds to nutrients, growth fac- tors, bioenergetic
needs, and cellular stress (Laplante and Sabatini, 2012; Polak and Hall, 2009). When nutrients are avail- able, mTORC1
phosphorylates the transcription factor TFEB and inhibits its activity, whereas under starvation TFEB translo- cates to the nucleus
and induces the CLEAR transcriptional network required for lysosomal biogenesis, autophagy, and lipid catabolism (Settembre et al.,
2013). Despite the severe loss of endosomes and lysosomes upon Rab5KD, we did not observe a significant induction of autophagy
or TFEB activation. We found only 13 genes of the CLEAR network that are transcription- ally affected, 12 of them being upregulated
upon Rab5KD. These results make it unlikely that the mechanism by which Rab5KD leads to the metabolic changes is TFEB
dependent. Further- more, we did not observe an induction of autophagosomes probably due to the loss of endosomes and
lysosomes, which are necessary for their biogenesis (Lamb et al., 2013). The disturbed response to starvation could therefore add to
the observed phenotypes. Clearance of intracellular lipids via

890 Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors
lipophagy is probably perturbed, contributing to the accumula- tion of lipid droplets. In addition, lysosomes have been impli- cated
in the breakdown of glycogen granules (Dong and Czaja, 2011), further substantiating the lack of glycogenolysis.
It is likely that endosomal regulation of metabolic activities is not restricted to the liver but plays a more general role in different
tissues. Dysfunctions of the endosomal system could play a regulatory role also in the development of metabolic diseases such as
hepatic insulin resistance. On the other hand, pharma- cological modulation of selective components of the endosomal system
could be a possible strategy for therapeutic intervention. Our results showing that depletion of Rab5 reduces blood glucose levels
in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes provide a proof of principle for such an approach.


Animal studies were conducted in accordance with German animal welfare legislation and in pathogen-free conditions in the animal facility of the MPI- CBG,
Dresden, Germany. Protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal Welfare Officer (Tierschutzbeauftragter), and necessary licenses were ob- tained from
the regional Ethical Commission for Animal Experimentation of Dresden, Germany (Tierversuchskommission, Landesdirektion Dresden).

Liver tissues were processed according to the FASP method and separated us- ing strong anion exchange (Sharma et al., 2014). MS analysis of resulting pep-
tides was performed by Q-Exactive mass spectrometer coupled on-line to a nanoflow UHPLC instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Spectra were searched
against the Uniprot FASTA database using MaxQuant (Cox and Mann, 2008), version An FDR < 0.01 for proteins and peptides was required. Prote-
ome quantification was performed using LFQ algorithm (Cox et al., 2014).

Shotgun Lipidomics
Lipids were extracted from mouse liver and plasma by a modified Folch proto- col (Folch et al., 1957) and analyzed by shotgun mass spectrometry (Schuh-
mann et al., 2012). Molecular species of 15 lipid classes were identified and quantified by LipidXplorer software (Herzog et al., 2011).

Glucose Flux Modeling

The mathematical kinetic model comprises the pathways of glycolysis/gluco- neogenesis and glycogen synthesis/glycogenolysis. Inputs are the external
glucose and insulin and glucagon concentrations as well as protein abun- dances. Relative protein abundances are mapped as changes in Vmax values on the
respective reactions. Simulations were performed for varying external glucose concentration between 3 and 15 mM. For the simulation of the Rab5KD
condition, a total knockout of G6Pase was assumed.


The accession number for the microarray data reported in this paper is GEO:GSE67227.


Supplemental Information includes Supplemental Experimental Procedures, five figures, and five tables and can be found with this article online at http://


M.Z., V.K., A.Z., and J.G. designed experiments. A.Z., R.L.B., K.S., S. Seifert,
S. Sales, and R.C.J.D. conducted experiments. G.M., K.M., K.N., N.L., and

Cell Reports 11, 884–892, May 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 891
A.D. carried out experimental analysis. N.B. and S.B. performed mathematical modeling. M.M., A. Shevchenko, and H.-G.H. supervised experiments. M.Z. and
A.Z. wrote the manuscript.


We acknowledge I. Patten, L. Rachdi, M. Wieffer, Y. Kalaidzidis, M.P. McShane, and J. Hampe for comments on the manuscript. W e thank H. Mo- rales-
Navarrete for the estimation of cell size. This work was financially sup- ported by the Virtual Liver initiative (http://www.virtual-liver.de) funded by the German
Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), the Max Planck Society (MPG), and the DFG. A.Z. was supported by a grant from Marie Curie Action, Intra-
European Fellowship, and J.G. was supported by a grant from EMBO long-term fellowship.

Received: August 18, 2014

Revised: February 24, 2015
Accepted: April 7, 2015
Published: April 30, 2015


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