Paper Lb-3034 Private International Law

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, [This question paper contains 4 printed pages.] 1247 Your Roll No. SITET HOG LL.B. — Js. Ty Term Paper LB-3034 PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 wr: 3 We / wot: 100 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) (a wera & fart A awa Re we Rafer PTR HTT SRA Fete 1) Note :~ Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. Ror :- sa wea a ER ate a RAT RP car on T df, tar wht sent ar meas va Bf Bar ae) Answer any Five questions including Q. No. 1 which is, compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. aitard wer aes 1 aft aa ita wer ahr | wR reat a star war F 1 P.T.O.- 1247 2 1. ‘Attempt any four of the following :— (a) Domicile of dependent person {b) Intended matrimonial home {c) Proof of foreign law (d) Proper law for tort (¢) Direct enforcement of foreign judgement Prieta 4 8 feel ue F sax fata : (&) ate afte ar afrarer (a) mafia tata ae (a) facet fa ar ager (a) omger 8g sare fafa (=) fat Pola ar weet water 2. “Proper law of contract is the one with which the transaction has its closest and real connection.” Comment. “der A suges PRY ae 2 Pred wer deme Hn Pea ah arafaa ward eet 21” font fafa 3. What are the defences, available in an action to enforce a foreign judgement in India? suet 3 edt BA ofr er war at St fe aepate F aa wierd sree 2? 1247 3 4, Distinguish between public and Private International Law: Is unification of Private International Law desirable ? ardufter sik wade aandsfta fa SB sta Ye ere wf ar wee gerieta fait ar vtec asta 2? Discuss the rules of Private International Law in determining the essential validity of marriage. fae ot ares Rene serena we A wee wee fafa & fad ar fader afte | Distinguish between domicile and nationality. Explain the status of domicile of married women in India. afters afk ufgaen Baa ae cutee | ans F Raat @ afters at wflaa eee ates Mohd. Hanif domiciled in India married Jane domiciled in England. Their marriage took place in England. After their marriage both husband and wife settled ‘down in India. After sometime the husband dissolved the marriage by pronouncing ‘Talaq’ according to Muslim law. It was pronounced in India. Jane returned to England and married Robert in England. Examine whether Jane’s marriage with Robert was valid. tere wine ar aftr wee. For Sat gels A aired aa d am faaie fre saan flare gets ¥ at gm P.T.O.

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