Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 10149 (1982): Positive list of constituent of styrene

polymers in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water [PCD 12: Plastics]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
(Reaffirmed 2003)
IS : 10149- 1982

Indian Standard

Plastics Sectional Committee, PCDC 12

A-10, Shantinagar, Cantonment, Kanpur

Members Representing
DR P. C. ANTONY Indian Plastics Ltd, Bombay
SHRI N. L. BIRLA ( Alternuts )
SHRI A. S. ATHALYE All India Plastics Manufacturers’ Association,
SECRETARY ( AIPMA ) ( Alternate )
DR P. K. BANERJEE Polyolcfins Industries Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. T. BASAK Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals,
New Delhi
SHRI B. B. RAI ( Alternate )
SRRI K. J. BHATT State Trading Corporation of India Ltd, New
SHRI S. T. BHOJWANI ’ Bright Brothers Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. FI. KHAN ( Alternate )
SHRI T. S. BIDDAPA National Organic Chemical Industries Ltd,
Bombay -
SHRI J. K. VADODARIA ( Alternate )
DR R. P. DAMBAL Indian Telephone Industries Ltd, Bangalore
SHRI G. V. RAO (Alternatc )
DR S. P. SIN~H DHAKAREY Ministry of Defence (DGI)
SHRI N. C. BOSE ( Alternate )
SHRI 0. P. DHAMIJA Export Inspection Council of India, Calcutta
SHRI DION FERNAWDES Plastics h Linoleum Export Promotion Courpcil,
SHRI K. RAMANI ( Alternate )

( Continuedon pugs 2 )

0 Co/pvrght 1982
This publication is protected under the Zndiun Coprright Act (XIV of 1957) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of th
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act

IS :10149-1982
(Continuedfrom pate 1)

Members Reprsscntin~
SHBI M. S. FRANOIS Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and
Tools, Madras
SHRI CHANDRAKANT B. GARWARE Garware Synthetics Pvt Ltd, Bombay
SH~I H. S. SURI ( A~tcrftatc)
SHRI A. GFIO~H National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI S. M. LAHIRI ( A&crnutc )
SHRI S. K. JAIN Hoechst Dyes 8s Chemicala Ltd, Bombay
SERI K. A. T. VARQRESE ( AIttrnatr )
DR S. P. MANIX Railway Board ( Ministry of Railways )
SHRI P. R. MAHALINQAM Chemicals & Plastics ( India ) Ltd, Madras
Saav S. S. GATTANI ( Altrrnatr)
Saar P. R. MALEAN Development Commissioner, Small Scale Indus-
tries, New Delhi
SHRI S. R. Sr~aa ( Alternate )
SERI R. C. MISHRA Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Bhopal
SBBI G. L. ANAND ( Altsrnate )
SERI A. K. BAS~J( Alternate )
SERI S. MITRA Calicgoo~~;;icals ( Plastics and Fibres Division),

DR B. R. C. ANAND ( Alternafr )
SERI K. R. NARASIXHAN Metal Box Ltd, Calcutta
DR S. LAXSEYANAN ( Alternate )
SHRI V. NIJEAWAN Union Carbide India Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI A. K. GTJPTA ( Alternate )

SHBI M. S. RAMAMURTHI Polychem Limited, Bombay

SHRI C. U. KHANDHERIA ( Altsrnate )
SHRI 0. P. RAXXA National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SBRI D. A. Rsms Kosmek Plastics Manufacturing Ltd, Bombay
SHRI 0. P. BANE~JEE ( Altrrnatr )
SERI R. SAXTIZANA~ The Alkali & Chemical Corporation of India
Limited, Calcutta
SERI D. JAIN ( Altsrnatr )
DR P. R. SESHAN Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd,
SHRI A. K. RAY ( Alternatr )
SHRI P. P. SHARMA . Directorate General of Technical Development,
New Delhi
SERI N. K. A~ARWAL (Alternate)
DR J. VAID Peico Electronics Et Electricals Ltd, Pune
DR S. P. BHIDE ( Altcrnatr )
DR S. P. VOHBA Bakelite Hylam Ltd, Hyderabad
SHRI Y. V. CHITTAL (Alternate )
SHRI M. S. SAXENA, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-o&i0 Msmbrr )
Director ( P&C ) ( Secretary)

( Continuedaa pag# 13 )

IS :10149- 1982

Indian Standard

0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards
Institution on 13 May 1982, after the draft finalized by the Plastics
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and
Related Products Division Council.

0.2 Plastics are now being used on a large scale for packaging of foodstuffs
and pharmaceuticals. Where direct contact occurs between the packed
commodity and the plastics, the high-molecular-mass polymer itself does
not pose a toxic hazard being inert and essentially insoluble in food.
There is, however, a likelihood that some transfer will occur of polymer
additives, adventitious impurities, such as monomers, catalyst remnants
and residual polymerisation solvents and of low molecular mass polymer
fractions from the plastics into the packaged material with consequent
toxic hazard to the consumers. The occurrence of acute toxicity due to
plastics materials in contact with food is most unlikely, since only trace
quantities of potentially toxic materials are likely to migrate. However,
the accumulation of these toxic materials with time may lead to hazards
which may be serious.

0.3 Initially the Sectional Committee responsible for the preparation of

this standard had prepared three codes of practice for safe use of
polyvinyl chloride ( IS: 7288-1974” ), polyethylene ( IS : 7277-1974t )
and styrene polymers ( IS : 7961-1976: ) in contact with foodstuffs,
pharmaceuticals and drinking water. Taking cognizance of the pressing
need to monitor the quality of plastics intended to come in contact with
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water which could not be done
on the basis of standard codes of practice, the Committee decided to

*Code of practice for safe use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and its copolymers in
contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water.
tCode of practice for safe use of polyethylene in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceu-
tical and drinking water.
JCode of practice for safe use of styrene polymers in contact with foodstuffs,
pharmaceuticals and drinking water.

IS :10149- 1982
prepare the following series of Indian Standards dealing with various
aspects of plastics for food contact applications:

IS : 9833-1981 List of pigments and colourants for use in plastics in

contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water;

IS : 9845-1981 Method of analysis for the determination of specific

and/or overall migration of constituents of plastics
materials and articles intended to come into
contact with foodstuffs;

IS : 10 14 l- 1982 Positive list of constituents of polyethylene in contact

with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking

IS : 10142-1982 Specification for styrene polymers for its safe use in

contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water;

IS: 10146-1982 Specification for polyethylene for its safe use in

contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water;

IS: 10148-1982 Positive list of constituents of polyvinyl chloride

(PVC) and its copolymers in contact with food-
stuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water;

IS : 10149-1982 Positive list of constituents of styrene polymers in

contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water;

IS : 10151-1982 Specification for polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) and its

copolymers for its safe use in contact with food-
stuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water; and

IS : 10171-1982 Guide on suitability of plastics for food packaging.

Eventually the three codes of practice would be withdrawn with the

publication of the product specification along with the corresponding
positive list for the three plastics. Standards for other plastics for food
contact applications like polypropylene and unsaturated polyester resins
which are under preparation are expected to follow the same pattern,
namely, a product specification with a corresponding positive list. It is
hoped that this set of Indian Standards for plastics considered safe for
food contact applications would help the statutory bodies to effectively
monitor the quality of plastics for this end use.

IS : 10149- 1982 ~

0.4 This list of additives prescribed in these positive lists are based on the
‘information available through published literature like British Plastics
Federation Reports, London (English); FDA Regulations, USA; and other
national legislation reports.


1.1 This standard covers positive list of constituents of styrene polymers,

namely, the polymers, residual monomers, catalysts, emulsifying agents,
suspension agents, miscellaneous polymerization additives like process
oxidants, and chain transfer agents, polymerization ingredients and
auxiliary items for working which may be regarded as safe for use, when
properly processed, in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water and when present in the prescribed limits of concentration.

1.2 The positive list does not purport to establish the suitability of the
ingredient singly in a particular foodstuff from other than toxicological


2.1 Styrene polymers shall mean:

4 Homopolymers of styrene;

b) Copolymers of styrene with one or more of the following

monomers. The copolymers shall contain at least 50 percent by
mass of styrene or substituted styrene ( styrene substituted in the
benzene ring or the vinyl group by halogens or alkyd groups ):

1) Acrylonitrile;
2) Acrylic, fumaric, itaconic, maleic or methacrylic acid;

3) Estersof the acids given in 2.1(b)(2) above with saturated

monohydric aliphatic alcohols ( C, to C, );

4) Vinyl esters of monobasic aliphatic acids;

5) Butadiene;
6) Divinyl benzene;
7) Ethylene, propylene, butene or isobutene;

8) Vinyl esters of saturated monohydric aliphatic alcohols;

9) N-vinyl carbazole; and

10) Acenaphthalene

IS :10149 - 1982

c) Mixtures of the products listed in 2.1(a) and 2.1(b); and

d) Mixtures of the products listed in 2.1(a) and 2.1(b) with one or

more of the following to any level of not more than 50 percent
of the finished polymer. The term ‘mixture’ in this context
refers solely to the two phase nature of the final composition and
not to the method of its manufacture:

1) Polybutadiene;
2) Butadiene copolymer rubbers ( for example, copolymers with
styrene, acrylonitrile, ethylene or isoprene );

3) Polyisoprene;
4) Ethylene/propylene copolymer rubbers;
5) Ethylene/propylene/non-conjugated diene terpolymer rubber;
6) Homo or copolymer rubbers of acrylic acid esters with
monohydric saturated aliphatic alcohols;
7) Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer rubbers; and
8) Isobutene/isoprene copolymer rubbers.


3.1 Basic Resin - To comply with this standard, the styrene polymers
defined in 2.1 shall be made in such a way that they contain no
ingredients or residues of ingredients other than those listed in the
follow;ng clauses.

3.2 Residual Monomers - The total residual monomers, when present,

shall not exceed 0.2 percent by mass of the polymer when tested
according to the method prescribed in IS : 10142-1982”.

3.3 Catalyst - The total residue of catalyst and their decomposition

products unbound to polymer shall constitute less than 0.2 percent by
mass of the plymer polymer. The residue of the following catalysts may
be present:

a) Benzoyl peroxide;
b) Aliphatic acid peroxides ( C, to C,, );
c) tert-Butyl perbenzoate;
d) Cumene hydroperoxide;

*Specification for styrene polymers for its safe use in contact with foodstuffs,
pharmaceuticals and drinking water.

e) tert-Butyl hydroperoxide;

f ) Dicumyl peroxide;

g) Di-tert-butyl peroxide;

h) terf-butyl peroxy diethyl acetate;

j ) Azo-bis-isobutyronitrile;

k) Potassium persulphate;

m) tcrt-Butyl peracetate;

n) 2, 2-Bis-( tert-butyl peroxy ) butane;

p) 2, P-Bis-( tert-butyl peroxy ) hexane; and

q) Azo-bis-cyclohexanyl carbonitrile.

3.4 Emulsifying Agents - The total emulsifying agents shall constitute

less than 0.2 percent by mass of the finished polymer. The residue of the
following emulsifying agents may be present:
a) Alkyl and alkylarylsulphates of sodium, potassium and
ammonium, the alkyl group containing Cl,, to C,,;

b) Alkyl and alkylaryl sulphonates of sodium, potassium and

ammonium , the alkyl group containing Cl, to C,,;

c) Products of condensation of ethylene oxide and mono aliphatic

acids ( CQ, to C,, ) and their sodium and ammonium sulphates;

d) Products of condensation of ethylene oxide and mono aliphatfc

acid alcohols ( Cl,, to C,, ) and their sodium and ammonium

e) Products of condensation of ethylene oxide with phenols having

alkyl groups C, and above and their sodium and ammonium

f ) Polyethylene glycol ( molecular mass at least 300, free of ethylene

glycol and diethylene glycol );

g) Polyethylene glycol mono-oleate;

h) Sodium stearate \ and the corresponding acid ); and

j) Sodium salt of naphthalene sulphonic acid/formaldehyde


IS : 10149 - 1982

3.5 Suspension Agents - The total residue of suspension agents shall

constitute less than 0.2 percent by mass of the finished polymer. The
residue of the following suspension agents may be present:
a) Polyvinyl alcohol ( having a viscosity of at least 4 centipoise at
20°C in 4 percent aqueous solution ),

b) Calcium and sodium phosphates,

C) Phosphoric acids,

d) Calcium chloride,
e) Dicalcium hydrogen phosphate,
f) Tricalcium phosphate,

g) Potassium chloride,

h) Sodium chloride,
3 Acetic acid,
k) Sodium acetate,
ml Bentonite,
4 Gelatine,
P) Poly-N-vinyl pyrrolidone,

9) Polyacrylic acids and their sodium salts,

r) Hydroxyethyl cellulose,

s) Sodium nonyl phosphate,

t) Sodium dioctyl sulpho-succinate,

u) Magnesium sulphate, and

v) Sodium sulphate.

3.6 Miscellaneous Polymerization Additives - The total residues,

unbound to the polymer, of inhibitors, process antioxidants and chain
transfer agents shall constitute less than 0.4 percent by mass of the
finished polymer. The residues of the following may be present.

3.6.1 Inhibi/ors

4-tert-Butyl catechol ( maximum 0.00 1 percent )

3.6.2 Process Antioxidants

a) Tri-( nonylphenyl ) phosphite;

IS : 10149 - 1982.

b) Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol; and
c) 2, 2’-Methylene-bis-( 4 methyl-6-tert-butyl phenol ).

3.6.3 Chain Transfer Agents

a) Terpinolene,
b) Alpha-methyl styrene dimer, and
c) Alkyl mercaptans.

3.7 Other Ingredients

3.7.1 Polymerization Ingredients - Other polymerization ingredients may

be present provided that the manufacturer has obtained specific approval
for their use from the concerned statutory authority and used within any
limitation imposed by such authority.

3.8 Auxiliary Items for Working - These include the following

lubricants, antioxidants and other additives:
a) Lubricants:

1) Aliphatic fatty acids, saturated or unsaturated, higher than


2) Amides of aliphatic fatty acids, saturated or unsaturated,

higher than C, ( maximum 0.3 percent );

3) Aliphatic fatty alcohols higher than Cs;

4) N, N’-Bis-stcaryl ( and/or palmityl ) ethylene diamine

( maximum 2 percent );

5) Microcrystalline waxes, paraffins or paraffin oil, containing

less than 0.1 ppm of noxious polycyclic aromatic hydro-

6) Natural waxes ( carnauba wax, beeswax, japan wax );

7) Esters of montanic acid with ethane dihydric alcohol and

1, 3-butane dihydric alcohol;

8) Esters of diethylene glycol with a olcic, palmitic, ricmoleic

and stearic acids;

9) Esters of glycol with fatty aliphatic acids, saturated or not,

higher than C,;

10) Esters of fatty aliphatic acids, saturated or not, higher than

C, with alcohol from C, to C,;

IS:10149 - 1982

11) Esters of sorbitol and/or sorbitan with fatty aliphatic acids,

saturated or not, higher than C,;

12) Oils and fats of bones, refined with a maximum of 1 percent

non-saponifiable matter;

13) Vegetable oils, edible grade;

14) Octoate, oleate, palmitate and stearate of zinc ( maximum

2 Percent on the whole of these products );

15) Organ0 polysiloxanes with methyl and/or phenol groups

( silicon oil ) the viscosity of which at 20°C is at least 100

16) Polyethylene glycol of molecular mass at least 300 and the

monoethylene glycol content of which is less than 0.1 percent;

17) Poly ( 1, 2-propyleneglycol ) of molecular mass greater than

300 and the 1, S-propylene glycol content of which is less
than O*I percent;

18) Polyoxyethylene (20) monooleate of sorbitan;

19) Salts of calcium, sodium, aluminium, magnesium, lithium,

ammonium ( NH, ) and aliphatic fatty acids, saturated or
not, higher than C,;

20) Salts of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium of

phosphoric acids;

21) 2-Hydroxyethyl-ester of amides of aliphatic fatty acids,

saturated or not, C, and above;

22) Morpholine and its salts of fatty aliphatic acids, saturated or

not, superior to C,;

23) Phthalates of manovalent alcohols C, to Cr, (maximum

2 percent );

24) Ketones obtained from aliphatic acids C, to Crz or from

stearic acids; and

25) DibutyI dithiocarbamate of zinc

b) Antioxidants:

1) Thiodipropionic acid;

2) Dicetyl thiotlipropionate;

3) Dilauryl thiodipropionate or distearyl thiodipropionate;

IS : 10149- 1982

4) 2, P’-Dihydroxy-3, 3’-di ( a-methylcyclohexyl 5, 5’ dimethyl

diphenyl ) methane;
5) 2, 6-tert-But+4-methylphenol;
6) 2 and/or 3 tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisol;
7) 4,4’-Butylidene-bis-(6-fert-butyl-m-cresol );
8) Gallates-dodecyl, octyl and propyl;
9) 2, P’-Methylene-bis-( 4-ethyl-6-tert-butyl phenol );
10) 2, 2’-Methylene-bis-(4-methyl-6-terf-butyl phenol );
11) 4, 4’-Methylene-bis-( 2-6-di-tert-butyl phenol );
12) 2,6-Di-tcrt-butyl-4-methoxy methylphenol;
13) n-Octadecyl-( 4’-hydroxy-3’, 5’-di-tcrt-butyl phenyl ) pro-
14) 2-n-Octyl-thio-4, 6-di-( 4’-hydroxy-3’, 5’-di-tert-butyl )
phenoxy triazine;
15) Thio-bis-di-see-amyl phenol;
16) Thio-bis-( 2-methyl-5-tert-butyl phenol );
17) 4,4’-Thio-bis-( 6-tert-butyl-3-methyl phenol );
18) 2,4,5,-Trihydroxy butyrophenone;
19) 1, 3, 5,-Trimethyl-2-4-6-tris-( 3-5-di-tcrt-butyl-4 hydroxy-
benzyl ) benzene;
c 20) 1, 1, 3-Tris-( 2-methyl-4-hydroxy-5-tert-butylphenyl ) butane;
21) 2-4-Dinonylphenyl-di-(4-mono-nonylphenyl ) phosphite, with
a maximum 20 percent content of di-iso-octyl-nonyl-phenyl
phosphite and products of oxidation;
22) Phenol and/or cresols condensed with styrene and/or l’-l’-
methylstyrene and,‘or olefins ( C, to C,, ); and
23) Octadecyl-3 ( 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl ) propionate.
NOTE- Whatever be the number of antioxidants used, the total content
of antioxidants is limited to 1.5 percent maximum.

c) Other additives:
1) Barium sulphate, without soluble barium;
2) Aluminium sulphate;

IS : 10149- 1982

3) Calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium chlorides;

4) Calcium carbonate;
5) Aluminium and magnesium sulphates;

6) Sodium sulphate;
7) Sodium phosphate, ortho and pyrophosphate of calcium and
sodium and the corresponding salts of potassium and

8) Citric, tartaric, acetic and phosphoric acids;

9) Sodium and magnesium formates;

10) Zinc oxide;

11) Zinc sulphide;
12) 2-ethylhexoate of zinc;

13) Aliphatic alcohols C, to C&,;

14) Carboxymethyl cellulose; ’

15) Methyl cellulose;

16) Hydroxyethyl cellulose; and

17) Methyl hydroxypropyl cellulose.

NOTE - The total zinc content in the material shall be less than
1 percent.

Is:10149 - 1982
( Continued from page 2 )

Plastics in Food Packaging and Allied Industries Subcommittee,

PCDC 12: 12
Convener Representing
SHRI D. S. CHADHA Central Committee for Food Standards ( Director-
ate General of Health Services ), New Delhi

SERI B. ANANDASWAMY Central Food Technological Research Institute
( CSIR ) , Mysore
DR P. K. BANERJEE Polvolefins Industries Ltd, Bombay
SHRI V. DORAIRAJ ( Alternate ) .
SERI S. T. BHOJWANI ’ - ’ Bright Brothers Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. H. KHAN ( Altcrnatc )
SHRI T. S. RIDDAPA National Organic Chemicals Industries Ltd,
Bombay _
SHRI J. K. VADODARIA (Alternate )
SRRI P. V. DATAR Polychem Ltd, Bombay
SHRI C. U. KHANDHERIA ( Alternate )
DR S. S. GOTHOSKAR Drugs Controller ( India ), New Delhi
SHRI D. S. CHADHA ( Alternate )
SHHI D. JAIN The Alkali & Chemicals Corporation of India
Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI S. K. JAIN Hoechst Dyes & Chemicals Ltd, Bombay
SHRI K. A. T. VARCHESE ( Alternate )
SHRI R. KALIDAS Chemicals & Plastics ( India ) Ltd, Madras
SRRI S. S. GATTANI ( Alternuts )
SHRI K. R. NARASIMHAN Metal Box India Ltd, Calcutta
DR S. LAESHMANAN ( Altrrnatc )
SHRI P. V. NARAYANAN Indian Institute of Packaging, Bombay
SHRI G. S. PURU~~HOTHAMAN ( Alternate )
DR N. P. RAO Defence Institute of Food Preservation & Storage,
New Delhi
SHRI V. K. MATEUR ( Alternate )
REPRESENTATIVE Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay
DR B. R. ROY Central Food Laboratory, Calcutta
SERI K. C. SAH Union Carbide India Ltd, Calcutta
SRRI V. NIJHAWAN ( Altmatc )
DR N. SEN Hindustan Lever Ltd, Bombay
DR P. R. SESHAN Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd, Vadodara
SHRI A. K. RAY ( AIternatc )
SHRI P. P. SHARMA Directorate General of Technical Development,
New Delhi
SHRI N. K. AQARWAL ( Alternate )
SHRI L. SHETH Bakelite Hylam Ltd, Hyderabad
SHRI G. K. SRINIVASAN ( Alternate )
SHRI 0. P. SRIVASTAVA Defence Food Research Laboratory, Mysore
(Coverpages 1 and 3, Title ) -Substitute the following for the existing:


(Page 5, Scope, line 1 ) - Substitute ‘polystyrene (crystal and high impact)
maleriaI’/or ‘styrene polymers’.
(Pages 5 and 6, clause 2.1 ) -Substitute the following for the-existing:

‘For the purpose of this standard, the definitions of polystyrene materials

shall mean:

a) Homo polymers of styrcne produced by the polymerization of styrene;

b) Rubber modified polystyrene consisting of basic polymers produced by
combining styrcne-butadiene copolymers and/or poly-buladiene with
polystyrene either during or after polymerization of the polystyrene,
such that the finished basic polymers contain not less than 75 percent by
mass of total polymer units derived from styrene monomer.
c) Mixtures of lhc products listed in (a) and (b) above.’
( Pflge 6, clnirse 3.1, fitle 1 )- Substitute ‘polystyrene materials’ [or
‘slyrene polymers’.

(Page 6, ckse 3.2, line 2 ) - Substitute for ‘0.2’.



Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, lndia

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