NIH Public Access: Bone Tissue Engineering: Recent Advances and Challenges

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Author Manuscript
Crit Rev Biomed Eng. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 September 07.
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Crit Rev Biomed Eng. 2012 ; 40(5): 363–408.

Bone Tissue Engineering: Recent Advances and Challenges

Ami R. Amini1,2, Cato T. Laurencin1,2,3,5, and Syam P. Nukavarapu1,2,4,5,*
1Institute for Regenerative Engineering, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, C T

2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, C T

3Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, C T
4Materials Science and Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, C T
5Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, C T

The worldwide incidence of bone disorders and conditions has trended steeply upward and is
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expected to double by 2020, especially in populations where aging is coupled with increased
obesity and poor physical activity. Engineered bone tissue has been viewed as a potential
alternative to the conventional use of bone grafts, due to their limitless supply and no disease
transmission. However, bone tissue engineering practices have not proceeded to clinical practice
due to several limitations or challenges. Bone tissue engineering aims to induce new functional
bone regeneration via the synergistic combination of biomaterials, cells, and factor therapy. In this
review, we discuss the fundamentals of bone tissue engineering, highlighting the current state of
this field. Further, we review the recent advances of biomaterial and cell-based research, as well as
approaches used to enhance bone regeneration. Specifically, we discuss widely investigated
biomaterial scaffolds, micro- and nano-structural properties of these scaffolds, and the
incorporation of biomimetic properties and/or growth factors. In addition, we examine various
cellular approaches, including the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), embryonic stem cells
(ESCs), adult stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and platelet-rich plasma (PRP),
and their clinical application strengths and limitations. We conclude by overviewing the
challenges that face the bone tissue engineering field, such as the lack of sufficient vascularization
at the defect site, and the research aimed at functional bone tissue engineering. These challenges
will drive future research in the field.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

bone tissue engineering stem cells; scaffolds; vascularization; immunomodulation; cell homing;
clinical challenges

Bone grafts are utilized in a wide array of clinical settings to augment bone repair and
regeneration. Bone defect repair using the tissue engineering approach is perceived as a
better approach because the repair process may proceed with the patient’s own tissue by the
time the regeneration is complete.1–3 Currently, the United States, as well as other countries
worldwide, is experiencing an exceedingly high demand for functional bone grafts.

© 2012 Begell House, Inc.

Address all correspondence to: Syam P. Nukavarapu, University of Connecticut Health Center, 263 Farmington Avenue, E-7014,
Farmington, CT 06032, [email protected].
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Annually in the United States, more than half a million patients receive bone defect repairs,
with a cost greater than $2.5 billion. This figure is expected to double by 2020 in the United
States and globally due to a variety of factors, including the growing neeeds of the baby-
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boomer population and increased life expectancy.4

Extensive studies have reported the considerable shortcomings, limitations, and

complications of current clinical treatments for bone repair and regeneration; these include
autologous and allogeneic transplantations using autografts and allografts.4–10 To date,
autografts serve as the gold standard for bone grafts because they are histocompatible and
non-immunogenic, and they offer all of the imperative properties required of a bone graft
material. Specifically, autografts possess the essential components to achieve osteoinduction
(i.e., bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and other growth factors), osteogenesis (i.e.,
osteoprogenitor cells) and osteoconduction (i.e., three-dimensional and porous matrix).
However, autografts involve harvesting bone from the patient’s iliac crest, and thus, requires
a second operation at the site of tissue harvest.11 Autologous bone transplants are very
expensive procedures, and they may result in significant donor site injury and morbidity,
deformity, scarring and they are associated with surgical risks as well: bleeding,
inflammation, infection, and chronic pain.12–14 Autografts, further, may be a null treatment
option in cases where the defect site requires larger volumes of bone than is feasible or
available. Allografts represent the second most common bone-grafting technique; they
involve transplanting donor bone tissue, often from a cadaver. Allogeneic bone is also likely
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histocompatible, and is available in various forms, including demineralized bone matrix

(DBM), morcellised and cancellous chips, cortico-cancel-lous and cortical grafts, and
osteochondral and whole-bone segments, depending on the host-site requirements. In
comparison to autografts, allografts are associated with risks of immunoreactions and
transmission of infections. They have reduced osteoinductive properties and no cellular
component, because donor grafts are devitalized via irradiation or freeze-drying
processing.15–17 Although less than autografts, allogenic grafts come with substantial cost
issues. Furthermore, the bone grafting market is experiencing an obvious unmet supply and
great demand; there is currently a shortage in allograft bone graft ma-terial.18 Other
commonly used bone repair techniques may involve distraction osteogenesis, bone cement
fillers, and bone morphogenic proteins. Although the previously mentioned clinical
interventions have been shown to improve repair of bone, none possess all of the ideal
characteristics: high osteoinductive and angiogenic potentials, biological safety, low patient
morbidity, no size restrictions, ready access to surgeons, long shelf life, and reasonable cost.

The field of bone tissue engineering (BTE) was initiated nearly three decades ago. Interest
and progress in the BTE field has seen tremendous growth over the years, with an
exponentially increasing number of studies and reviews published on the PubMed database
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since the mid-1980s (Fig. 1). The field of BTE focuses on alternative treatment options that
will ideally eliminate the previously described issues of current clinically used treatments
(i.e., donor site morbidity, limited availability, immune rejection, and pathogen transfer).
BTE requires the collaborative efforts of scientists, engineers, and surgeons to achieve this
ultimate goal of creating bone grafts that enhance bone repair and regeneration.19 The
classic BTE paradigm highlights several key players: (1) a biocompatible scaffold that
closely mimics the natural bone extracellular matrix niche, (2) osteo-genic cells to lay down
the bone tissue matrix, (3) morphogenic signals that help to direct the cells to the
phenotypically desirable type, and (4) sufficient vascularization to meet the growing tissue
nutrient supply and clearance needs. Specifically, upon implantation, the construct may
influence the host by releasing osteogenic and/or vasculo-genic growth factors (i.e., growth
factor-releasing scaffold, scaffold with growth factor analogs, or seeding with platelet-
enriched plasma), or by housing cells that are genetically engineered to or naturally release
growth factors (Fig. 2). In turn, accelerated cell homing, vascularization, and bone

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regeneration of the defect site results. Although much progress has been made, many crucial
hurdles remain to be cleared on the way to BTE becoming a true clinical reality. The
following review critically considers advances and obstacles for functional BTE.
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Bone tissue engineering (BTE) is based on the understanding of bone structure, bone
mechanics, and tissue formation as it aims to induce new functional bone tissues. In other
words, to successfully regenerate or repair bone, knowledge of the bone biology and its
development is quite essential.

Bone possesses the ability to perform a wide array functions, and bone responds to a variety
of metabolic, physical and endocrine stimuli. Bones (1) represent the foundation for our
bodily locomotion, (2) provide load-bearing capacity to our skeleton and protection to our
internal organs, (3) house the biological elements required for hematopoiesis, (4) trap
dangerous metals (i.e., lead), and (5) maintain the homeo-stasis of key electrolytes via
calcium and phosphate ion storage. In addition, bone is engaged in a constant cycle of
resorption and renewal, undergoing continual chemical exchange and structural remodeling
due to both internal mediators and external mechanical demands. Bone has been previously,
and most appropriately, referred to as the ultimate smart material for its scar-less
regenerative capacity. Functional bone tissue engineering requires the newly restored bone
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to be fully integrated with the neighboring host bone, and importantly, to perform the
previously mentioned functions of native bone.

Bone is a highly dynamic and diverse tissue, both structurally and functionally. Macroscopic
structure and mechanical properties of the more than 200 bones in the human skeletal
system are largely influenced by distinct loading conditions. Skeletal structures range from
long (i.e., tibia, ul-nar, etc.) to short (i.e., phalanges, etc.), flat (i.e., skull, sternum, etc.), and
irregular (i.e., pelvic, vertebrae, etc.). Bone functions range from locomotion to vital organ
protection. Bone tissue may also either take on a compact (i.e., cortical bone) or trabecular
(i.e., cancellous bone) pattern arrangement, ranging in mechanical strength and modulus.
Despite these complex features and forms, it has relative simplicity in terms of its
microscopic, hierarchical architecture. Specifically, bone extracellular matrix (ECM) is
composed of both a non-mineralized organic component (predominantly type-1 collagen)
and a mineralized inorganic component (composed of 4-nm-thick plate-like carbonated
apatite mineralites). The nano-composite structure (tough and flexible collagen fibers
reinforced by hydroxyapatite crystals) is integral to the requisite compressive strength and
high fracture toughness of bone.
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A. Bone Development
Bone formation occurs via two very distinct pathways, intramembraneous and
endochondral. In either case, mesenchymal cellular condensation first occurs and serves as a
template for subsequent bone formation. Intramembraneous bone formation involves
mesenchymal progenitor cells differentiating directly into osteoblasts and the subsequent
development of parts of the mandible, clavicle, and many cranial bones. Most bones in the
body (i.e., all long bones and vertebrae), however, are formed through endochondral bone
formation. This process involves mesenchymal progenitor cells first differentiating into
chondrocytes, which are responsible for depositing a cartilaginous template that is later
mineralized and replaced by bone.

Although distinct differences in the bone composition and structure occur via endo-chondral
and intramembranous ossification, several molecular regulators are shared.20,21 For instance,
several key molecules, including Indian Hedgehog (Ihh), parathyroid hormone related

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peptide (PTHrP), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) and fibroblastic growth factors (FGFs), are critical regulators in both processes.22
In en-dochondral ossification, BMPs are responsible for the initiation of mesenchymal
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condensations, and Ihh and PTHrP form a critical feedback loop that mediate the balance
between chondrocyte proliferation and hypertrophy and regulate the thickness of the growth
plate. Likewise, during intramembranous bone formation, these key players are required to
induce uncommitted mensenchymal progenitor cells along the osteogenic pathway as pre-
osteoblasts, which co-express chondrocytic and osteoblastic markers simultaneously.
Furthermore, in both processes, bone remodeling is required for the maintenance of all
normal healthy bone, which involves a balance between osteoclastic bone resorption and
osteoblastic bone formation.23

1. Bone Defect Repair—Interestingly, upon fracture, bone is repaired by a process that

recapitulates many of the events of both intramembraneous and endochondral bone
formation, and it uniquely heals without the formation of scar tissue.24,25 Initially, hema-
toma formation is accompanied by an inflammatory response, and the recruitment of many
of the signaling molecules involved in the regulation of new bone formation (i.e., ILs, TNF-
α, FGFs, BMPs, PDGF, VEGF, etc.). At the cortex and periosteum, intramembranous bone
formation immediately occurs. The external soft tissues stabilize the fracture by the
formation of a callus, which subsequently undergoes chondrogenesis, and then a process
highly similar to endochondral ossiflcation. More specifically, after the callus forms,
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chondrocyte proliferation decreases as the tissues begin to mature (i.e., hypertrophy) and
calcify the matrix. In-growing blood vessels carry chondroclasts, which are responsible for
resorbing the calcified cartilage and osteoblastic progenitors, which begin the process of
new bone formation. The mechanical continuity of the cortex is achieved via subsequent
remodeling of the newly formed bone.

The question remains: What is the optimal method for bone regeneration? Should BTE focus
more on bone development processes or on bone defect repair? In the opinion of the authors,
BTE should not exclusively focus on one or the other, but both. In situations requiring bone
regeneration, the initial events always involve he-matoma formation and an early
inflammatory response, which is largely responsible for the recruitment of host cells and
release of critical signaling molecules. From there, emulation of some aspects of normal
bone tissue development and remodeling may hold the key to the future success of BTE.
Seminal developmental biology principles that may help the future success of BTE include
the following:
1. The use of pluri- or multipotent stem cells
2. The identification of critical genes, growth factors, and signal transduction
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cascades that mediate bone formation

3. The physical process of bone formation
4. Complex interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme within the underlying
connective tissue
5. The understanding of mesenchyme encoding tissue-specific patterns
6. The understanding that normal tissue healing involves progressive remodeling and
restructuring of pre-existing tissue structures
7. The importance of the tissue microenviron-ment’s physical properties (i.e.,
“mechanother-apy”) (8) Angiogenesis and neo-vascularization of the newly formed
bone tissue

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Incorporation of developmental biology insights will critically impact future tissue

engineering approaches. For instance, future approaches may include appropriate
extracellular matrix molecules or adhesive ligands that target stem cells mediating earlier
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stages of tissue remodeling and regeneration.26 And for the promotion of angiogenesis, BTE
will aim to develop scaffolds that incorporate growth factors and possess the necessary
porosity for vascular ingrowth.27 Furthermore, engineering featuring micro- and nano- meter
surface topography of these scaffolds is critical for directing cellular adhesion, spreading,
and proliferation. On a broader scale, for successful bone tissue engineering, it is critical to
develop a scaffold that is inspired by the natural processes of developmental biology and
promotes tissue remodeling, rather than simply supporting final tissue form and function.


Although bone is a highly vascularized tissue and has the ability to regenerate, beyond a
critical point, clinical intervention measures are required. It is the hope that BTE will be the
future treatment of choice, as it will likely eliminate many of the pitfalls of current
treatments. In this section, we discuss the status and key issues for BTE components (i.e.,
biomaterials, cells, signaling molecules, and vascularization).

A. Biomaterials
1. Osteoinductive Materials—Osteoinductive or “smart” biomaterials have the ability to
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induce ectopic bone formation by instructing its surrounding in vivo environment to form
bone.28–30 Although the biological mechanisms of this phenomenon have not been fully
elucidated, it is well recognized that these materials hold great potential for bone tissue
regeneration. An array of biomaterial families have demonstrated having osteoinductive
properties, including natural and synthetic ceramics (i.e., hydroxyapatite (HA) and
variouscalcium phosphate compositions, and their composites (i.e., HA/ poly(lactic-co-
glycolic acid) (PLGA). A number of studies have illustrated osteoinduc-tion by calcium
phosphate (CaP)-based bioma-terials in various physical forms.31 Specifically,
osteoinductivity has been demonstrated with CaP-based biomaterials in the form of sintered
ceramics,32–36 cements,37,38 coatings,39,40 and coral-derived ceramics41–43 in a variety of
animal models. Other ceramics, such as alumina ceramic and porous bioglass, have also
been recently identi-fied as being osteoconductive.44 In addition, polymer/ceramic
composites, such as PLGA/ HA, have been shown to be osteoinductive and to induce bone
formation ectopically.45–50 However, it is critical to note that other material properties play
a critical role in osteoinduction, aside from the chemical composition of the biomaterial,
which may include porosity of the biomaterial implant and its surface properties, such as
nano/micro topography. To some extent, the level of osteoinductivity also depends on the
species used for the study (i.e., interspecies variation). Two main theories have been
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proposed to explain the observed osteoinductivity. The first is based on the biomaterial
surface features that absorb and present osteoinductive factors to the surrounding cells. The
second hypothesis is that the calcium phosphate–based materials release calcium and
phosphate ions, which later influence stem cell differentiation into bone cells. No conclusive
evidence exists for either of these hypotheses.29

2. Hybrid Materials—A number of synthetic and natural polymers, as well as ceramics

have been developed and identified as biomaterials for BTE. Biomaterials for bone-
scaffolding applications have to possess certain physical, chemical, and biological
properties. Although great strides have been made, it is difficult for any biomaterial to
satisfy all of the listed requirements. Recent efforts have been aimed, however, in the
direction of developing hybrid biomaterials. These are nothing but the combination of two
or more biomaterials, with enhanced functionalities, in the form of either co-polymers,

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polymer–polymer blends, or polymer–ceramic composites. These are considered an

advanced class of biomaterials that are more optimal for bone scaffolding applications.
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a. Co-polymers: Co-polymers are defined as being derived from two or more monomeric
species. For example, poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) co-polymer systems are derived
from poly lactide, which displays a glass transition temperature (Tg) above room
temperature with an unreasonably long degradation time, and polyglycolide, which displays
Tg below room temperature and a shorter degradation time. The development of the PLGA
co-polymer system allowed for the tuning of Tg and degradation based on the need.
Similarly, other co-polymer systems have been developed, such as PLGA-PCL, PLGA co-
polymerized with PLL, and PLA- co-polymerized PCL.54 In addition, DegraPol™ is another
example of a co-polymer that was originally synthesized for bone regeneration.55

b. Polymer–polymer blends: Polymer blends involve a mixture of two polymers. By

choosing polymers with required intermolecular or Van der Walls interactions, it is possible
to design a miscible blend system with enhanced properties. PLGA blends with
polyphosphazenes are a prime example. It is known that PLGA biomaterials produce acidic
byproducts upon degradation, and this has been a major problem, because the long-term
tissue exposure to acidic products may result in tissue necrosis and implant failure. On the
other hand, polyphosphazenes release neutral or basic products in degradation.56 Therefore,
PLGA has been blended with a wide variety of polyphosphazenes to achieve novel
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biomaterials with near-neutral degradation products.57–62

c. Polymer-ceramic composites: Composite materials represent attractive candidates for

BTE applications because bone is, in fact, a composite material composed of a mix of
inorganic hydroxyapatite crystals (HA) and organic collagen fibers.63 Furthermore,
polymer-ceramic composites capitalize the advantages of each of its components (i.e.,
biodegradable polymer and ceramic materials), and have demonstrated success in bone
regeneration that exceeds the results when these materials are used separately.64

Composites of HA and various polymers, including poly(lactic acid) (PLA),65 PLGA,66

gelatin,67 chitosan,68,69 and collagen70 have been successfully fabricated and have
demonstrated enhanced bone formation in vitro and/or in vivo. These materials are
considered to be biomimetic and to stimulate the formation, precipitation, and deposition of
calcium phosphate from simulated body fluid (SBF), resulting in enhanced bone-matrix
interface strength.62 Furthermore, Ma et al. demonstrated porous poly(L-lactic acid)
(PLLA)/HA composite scaffolds to have superior osteoconductivity properties and to
promote enhanced osteoblastic cell survival, proliferation, and expression of bone-specific
markers (i.e., a bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin) in comparison to pure PLLA scaffolds
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during 6 weeks of in vitro cultivation.71

Upon implantation, the addition of HA to natural polymer scaffolds has been shown to
improve the bioactivity and mechanical properties compared to polymer control scaffolds72
and to potentially reduce adverse effects associated with the degradation of some synthetic
polymers.73 For instance, Higashi et al. observed accelerated and increased bone formation
with composite PLA/HA scaffolds in a rat femur defect model, in comparison to pure PLA
scaffolds.74 Overall, polymer/HA composites demonstrate osteoconductivity superior to
their pure polymer counterparts.

3. Advanced Hydrogels—Hydrogels, due to their unique biocompatibility and desirable

physical characteristics, have long been used as materials for tissue engineering. Hydrogels
not only serve as matrices for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine but also are
capable of mimicking extracellular matrix topography and delivering required bioactive

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agents that promote tissue regeneration.75,76 From the naturally derived collagen and gelatin
gels to the synthetic poly(ethylene glycol) materials, poly(vinyl alcohol)-based hydrogel
systems have been utilized for bone tissue engineering.76,77
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Recently, self-assembling peptides have gained attention for forming scaffolds, as they are
completely biological, biocompatible, and biodegradable.78,79 Self-assembling systems aim
to mimic the natural extracellular matrix, and peptides, which may be readily synthesized
chemically and biologically, conveniently serve as the starting material. For example, self-
assembling RAD16-I (i.e., PuraMatrix™, Cambridge, MA) can form an injectable nanofiber
network or hydrogel upon implantation. In other words, RAD16-I peptides may be injected,
and via interactions with body fluids, they will gel and adopt the physical geometry of the
tissue defect. Further, self-assembling RAD16-I, as well as other peptides such as P11-4,
have been shown to support osteogenesis both in vitro and in vivo.80–83 For instance,
Misawa et al. observed bony bridge formation after the injection of RAD16-I into small (i.e.,
3 mm) bone defects of mice calvaria. Lastly, these self-assem-bling nano-featured
biomaterials have been sown to be non-immunogenic and biodegradable, safely breaking
down into amino acids that may be readily and easily cleared in vivo. Thus, SAPs represent
a novel class of biomaterials that offers a promising option for BTE applications.

4. Immuno-modulatory Biomaterials—Immunobioengineering aims to design

materials that have the ability to modulate or manipulate the immune system in a favorable
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manner for enhanced bone repair and regeneration.84 Typically, the host’s immune reaction
to an implant begins with the initial acute response to the surgical injury and innate
recognition of the foreign material, which is subsequently followed by adaptive immunity
mediated chronic inflammation in response specific recognition of antigens. Novel strategies
in immunobioengineering are highlighting the importance of incorporating rational control
and modulation, and importantly not elimination, of host inflammation into the design of
tissue engineering strategies methods. A list of immunomodulating biomate-rial strategies
are presented in Table 1.

Several specific strategies have been proposed in immunobioengineering, namely selection

of appropriate material type, biomaterial surface modulate (i.e., surface treatments, surface
topography), and incorporation of artificial extracellular matrix and/or bioactive molecules.
Although traditionally it has been accepted that the implants should be immune-inert, it is
proving to be more beneficial to design materials that allow for enhanced cell-specific
responses that encourage accelerated wound healing and bone tissue regeneration (i.e.,
increased boneforming cell activity, and decreased NK cell activity and T and B cell-
mediated immunity). One of these strategies is to design biomateri-als of ECM similar
composition and structure. For instance, Smith et al. demonstrated blends of polydioxanon
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and collagen or elastin to have immunomodulating effects by decreasing the activity of

natural killer cells, as well as T- and B-cell proliferation.85 In addition, in immuno-
modulating biomaterials, the biomaterial surfaces may be modified to become more
immuno-compatible. The biomaterial surface is the first most critical factor for host acute
immune response upon implantation, since the surface chemistry is responsible for the type,
intensity, and conformation of serum proteins that are absorbed. The biomaterial surface
should limit macrophage adhesion and activation as well as their fusion into foreign body
giant cells (FBGCs). For instance, hydrophilic surfaces are associated with low-integrin
binding sites and, therefore, decreased dendritic cell maturation and macrophage spreading,
and increased macrophage apoptosis.86,87 Biomaterial surface topography, and micro/nano-
scale architecture play a significant role in modulating and activating the immune system.
Cao et al. demonstrated decreased capsule formation and increased tissue regeneration in
scaffolds with aligned fiber topography compared to scaffolds with randomly aligned
fibers.88 Biomaterial surface treatments may also be employed to shield the biomaterial

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from protein absorption (i.e., coating with mic-roparticle hydrogels, surfactant polymers,
etc.), or to deliver bioactive molecules (i.e., growth factors, anti-inflammatory drugs).88
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Specific immunobioengineering studies have investigated the effects of pharmacologic

modulation of the inflammatory response on bone regeneration in vivo; they involve
cytokine-specific agents, corticosteroids, prostaglandins, non-ste-roidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, and selective prostaglandin agonists.89 For instance, pro-inflam-matory synthetic
thrombin peptide TP508, which activates the same signaling pathways stimulated by TNF-
α, IL-1, and other pro-inflammatory cy-tokines during fracture healing, has been shown to
have anabolic effects and to enhance in vivo bone regeneration.90 In a rat model, a single
injection of TP508 into a femoral fracture resulted in increased strength of the healed bone,
vascularization of fracture site, and accelerated fracture repair and regeneration.91
Furthermore, studies have reported similar effects on bone healing in rabbits, with the
controlled release of TP508 from various biodegradable scaffolds (i.e., PLGA microspheres
and poly(propylene fumarate) scaffolds).92,93

Selective prostaglandin agonists represent another interesting immunomodulating target for

enhanced bone regeneration. Previously, prostaglandins have been avoided as a therapeutic
agent for bone repair, due to the risk of well-recognized side effects, including severe
systemic inflammation. However, the main effects of prostaglandins on bone have been
recently identified to occur selectively via two prosta-glandin receptors (i.e., Prostaglandin
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E2 type 2 (EP2) and EP4 receptors); thus, the systemic side effects may be avoided. Several
studies have demonstrated the positive effects of selective EP2 or EP4 receptor agonists on
bone fracture healing in various animal models.94,95 In dogs, healing of critical-size long-
bone segmental defects in the radius and tibia was accelerated and significantly enhanced
with EP2 agonists encapsulated in a PLGA carrier.95

Although these results are extremely promising thus far, further studies are needed to
investigate more immunomodulating targets. Most importantly, strategies to integrate
inflammatory modulation into tissue engineering strategies to enhance bone regeneration are

B. Biodegradable Scaffolds
1. Scaffold Mechanical Integrity, Structure, and Mechanotransduction—A key
feature of BTE scaffolds is to provide temporary mechanical integrity at the defect site until
the bone tissue is repaired or regenerated, and normal biomechanical function is restored.
For the bone tissue engineering scaffold to be “functional” immediately upon implantation,
its biomechanical properties must match the physical demand of the healthy surrounding
bone.96 In addition, the mechanical strength of the scaffold affects the mechanotransduction
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of the adherent bone cells on the scaffold, which plays a critical role in the bone repair and
remodeling processes. It has been proposed that, generally, the structural biomechanics of
the BTE scaffold is related to the osteoconductive properties of the scaffold, while
mechanotrans-duction is related to its potential osteoinduc-tive properties.97 Biomechanical
stimuli of cells due to the scaffold deformation largely influences osteoinduction (i.e., bone
ingrowth from the host). Therefore, as suggested by Sikavitsas et al., a mechanotransduction
strategy may be used to control the function of bone cells in vivo by designing a scaffold
with mechanical properties that allow ‘osteoinductive fluid flow’ in the scaffold. By
combining three-dimensional imaging, flow modeling, and numerical simulation of scaffold
physical properties, threshold permeability (k = 1/32φr2 where r is the hydraulic radius and φ
is equivalent to the required cut-off radius) may be determined. Specifically, it was verified
that a threshold permeability of ∼3 × 10−11 m2 of a porous bone graft implant was necessary
for inducing vascularization and mineralization in an implant.98,99

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The BTE biomechanical paradigm has been well described in a step-wise fashion, where
each step holds the mechanical aspects of the scaffold central to insure the safety of the
surgical procedure using a BTE scaffold (Fig. 3).97 The first step, which involves the bone
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mechanical properties and loading conditions, is analogous to the primary fixation of the
scaffold. At this point, the BTE scaffold should not induce a stress-shielding effect, which
will result in peri-scaffold bone resorption as seen in metallic joint implants. Also, the
elastic property of the BTE scaffold should not exceed that of bone, to maintain a proper
mechanical stimulation on the peri-scaffold bone, which depends on the loading conditions.
The second step involves interface biomechanics and may be identified as the secondary
fixa-tion. Here, the mechanical properties of the BTE scaffold may be adapted to generate
interface scaffold-bone mechanotransduction, which has been shown to influence tissue
differentiation and osteointegration of the scaffold.100 The third step, which may be termed
‘final fixation,’ involves scaffold evolution, in which the ingrowing bone offers support to
the mechanical load as the BTE scaffold degrades. Thus, each step revolves around
mechanical aspects, which induces a biological reaction in and around the BTE scaffold via
mechanotransduction. It has been suggested that the separation between these steps may be
represent an engineering approach in the mechanical design of bone scaffolds. Ideally, if
mechanical considerations can be used to confer osteoinductivity to a BTE scaffold, the
dependency on osteogenic factors and bioreactors may be reduced. This might eventually
lead to the development of an off-the-shelf product.101
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Mechanical properties of human bone vary tremendously according to location and function
(i.e., load or non-load bearing). Again, the restorative scaffold’s mechanical properties
should be modulated or tailored to match the demands of the defect site, to decrease or avoid
complications such as stress shielding, implant-related osteopenia, and subsequent re-
fracture.102 The scaffold’s material composition largely influences its mechanical properties.
Dense ceramics (HA, calcium triphosphate) possess elastic moduli and compressive strength
similar to human cortical bone; however, they are brittle and display slow degradation rates
(Fig. 4).103 On the other hand, biodegradable polymer scaffolds display human cancellous
bone compatible mechanics with tunable degradation. For this reason, the development of
polymer-ceramic composite BTE scaffolds is becoming increasingly attractive: scaffold
properties can be tailored to the particular mechanical and physiologic demands of the host
tissue by effectively controlling volume fraction, morphology, and arrangement of the
inorganic particulate phase in the polymer matrix. For example, widely investigated
composites for BTE involve the incorporation of bioceramic and bioglass particles, carbon
nanotubes (CNTs), or magnesium metallic or alloy particles.104–107 These inorganic
inclusions positively affect the mechanical properties leading to reinforcement of the
scaffold structure104 compared with non-composite polymer scaffolds. The enhancement of
mechanical properties depends strongly on the inclusion shape and size distribution, as well
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as on the quality of the inclusion distribution in the matrix and on the strength of the
inclusion–matrix interface. Although the composite strategy is promising, the scaffold
mechanical properties are nowhere close to demonstrating the human cortical bone
mechanical properties. On the other hand, composite scaffolds display enhanced
functionality. In a study conducted in our lab on composite CNT/PLGA microsphere
scaffolds, we observed increased biomimetic biomineralization of the composite scaffolds
after a 14-day incubation in simulated body fluid (SBF) in vitro, in comparison to PLGA
polymer scaffolds (Fig. 5). The increased bio-mineralization may be attributed to the CNTs
present in the composite scaffold. The increased mechanical strength of the composite
scaffolds can be attributed to the increased CNTs at the joining microsphere–microsphere
areas. Thus, by forming composites with CNTs, the overall mechanical and biomimetic
properties of a polymer scaffold may be effectively enhanced.104

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Recently, biodegradable metals gained attention as the new generation biomaterials. They
offer good mechanical properties, and therefore may be potent biomaterial options to make
scaffolds with cortical bone–like mechanical properties. Particularly, magnesium metal has
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attracted attention because it has density and mechanical strength similar to cortical
bone.108–110 Moreover, magnesium is present in small quantities in our bones. One
particular disadvantage of magnesium is its rapid and uncontrolled degradation. Although
this problem can be partially addressed by alloying magnesium with other metals such as
zinc and aluminum, further investigations to develop and characterize magnesium-based
scaffold systems for BTE are needed.111

2. Scaffold Porosity—Microporosity is a critical element of the osteoconductive

properties of scaffold material and the resultant bone tissue ingrowth and vascularization.
Scaffold pore structure (i.e., pore size, volume, and interconnectedness) is an essential
consideration for proper cell growth, cell migration, nutrient flow, vascularization, and
better spatial organization for cell growth and ECM production.112,113 Although some
ambiguity remains surrounding the optimal porosity and pore size for a three-dimensional
bone scaffold, studies suggest that scaffolds currently designed with small pore sizes (i.e., <
200 µm) display in vitro and in vivo osteoblast survival and bone formation limited to the
periphery, due to decreased oxygen and nutrient diffusion throughout the scaffolds.27 On the
other hand, scaffolds with a mean pore size of 300 µm display increased osteoblast
proliferation and differentiation throughout the entire scaffold, due to enhanced neo-
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vascularization and mass transport of oxygen and nutrients.114–117 Porogen leaching was
used in combination with several traditional scaffold fabrication techniques, such as gas
foaming,118,119 freeze drying,120 and phase separation121 to fabricate highly porous
scaffolds. Recently, the authors have combined a microsphere sintering technique with
porogen leaching to develop optimally porous and mechanically compatible scaffolds for
BTE.122 As seen in Fig. 6, porogen (i.e., NaCl cystrals) leaching combined with thermal
sinter of PLGA microspheres allows for the fabrication of consistent and reproducible
optimally porous scaffolds with increased porosity and interconnectivity, which
consequently allowed for improved oxygen availability (Fig. 6B), pre-osteoblastic cell
survival (Fig. 6C) and mineralization (Fig. 6D) in the interior of the constructs. However, as
porosity and mean pore sizes increase, mechanical strength is scarified; determination of a
balance between mechanical strength and porosity is crucial. This study by the authors
demonstrated that, by fabricating scaffolds with optimal pore size, it is possible to maintain
oxygen tension and pH levels inside a scaffold that are almost similar to the values measured
on the scaffold exterior. Such scaffolds, called oxygen tension controlled matrices, have
been proven to support cell proliferation and mineralization throughout the scaffold structure
(i.e., fully osteoconductive) in vitro and in static culture, and they may have the potential to
repair large-scale or critical-size bone defects in vivo.123,124
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3. Nano-Featured Scaffolds—Scaffolds are meant to serve as a synthetic and temporary

ECM replica that supports cell attachment and guides three-dimensional bone tissue
formation. It has been well established that native bone cells interact with nano-scale
proteins and minerals. Specifically, the main constituents of bone ECM (i.e., Type I collagen
fibrils and hydroxyapatite (HA) crystals) are nanometers in diameter; all living molecular
building blocks (i.e., proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids) are governed by their
nanoscale sizes, patterns, and folding. Thus, bone cells are predisposed to adhere, grow,
proliferate, differentiate, and produce ECMs based on these nanoscale interactions, making
nano-structural topographical properties of scaffold critical for osteoinductivity.125
Specifically, by decreasing material size to the nanoscale, scientists are able to dramatically
increase the scaffold’s surface area, surface roughness, and surface area-to-volume ratios,
resulting in superior physiochemical properties.

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Nano-topography significantly influences osteoinductivity and osseointegration of the BTE

scaffold.126–129 Specifically, studies suggest that osteoblasts demonstrate increased cell
adhesion and proliferation, ALP activity, and enhanced expression of osteoblast
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differentiation markers RunX2, osteocalcin, and bone sialoprotein (BSP) on nano-featured

biomaterials.130–134 Results from these studies suggest that nanotopography of bone
scaffolds will stimulate bone formation and enhance bone-implant integration, leading to
better tissue repair and regeneration at the bone implant–biomaterial interface.

Scaffold fabrication techniques that allow for development of nano-featured scaffolds

include electrospinning,135–138 molecular self assembly,139–142 and phase separation.143
Nano-featured scaffolds can also be made from self-assembled into nanotubes/nanofibers
that can even more accurately simulate the dimensions of natural entities, such as collagen
fibers. For instance, osteogenic helical rosette nanotubes formed through the self-assembly
of DNA base pairs (i.e., guanine and cytosine) in aqueous solutions have been reported for
use in BTE applications. These osteogenic nanotubes have tailorable amino acid and peptide
side chains that enhance osteoblast adhesion and inhibit fi-broblast adhesion (i.e., lysine and
RGD); they have served as excellent mineralization templates to assemble a biomimetic
nanotube/HA structure.144

4. Scaffold-induced cell homing—Stem-cell homing is a term that describes stem cell

recruitment to injured tissues or their ability to navigate to other target niches/locations
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following mobilization.145,146 For example, a natural healing process in our bodies involves
the inherent ability of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to mobilize into circulation and
migrate to an injury site, allowing for their participation in the regenerative process.147

For better tissue regeneration, various methods are being investigated to achieve enhanced
cell homing to defect sites. These methods involve either cell-based approaches (i.e., stem
cells engineered to be more responsive to the cues), or scaffold-based approaches (i.e.,
defect site, implanted scaffold and/or navigation cues more attractive or obvious to the
cells).148 In the cell-based approach, cells are modified or engineered to express markers
that are useful in guiding them to the regeneration site. For instance, MSCs modified with a
nanometer-scale polymer containing sialyl Lewisx roll toward the inflamed tissue. Sialyl
Lewisx is found on the surface of leukocytes and is responsible for cell rolling via the
interaction with certain types of selectins present in the inflamed tissue. Sarkar et al.
demonstrated surface engineered MSC rolling and homing in an inflamed ear model of the

The latter approach or “scaffold-based homing” is based on releasing the chemokines

responsible for MSC homing through biodegradable scaffolds placed in the defect site.
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Although the mechanisms of the mobilization of key cellular players have not yet fully
elucidated, several key molecules have been identified as important factors. For instance,
specific chemokine receptors (e.g., CCR1, CCR7, CCR9, CXCR4, CXCR5 and CXCR6) are
important mediators. CXCR4 is the receptor of CXCR12 [also referred to as stromally
derived factor-1 (SDF-1)], which has been identified to have a critical role in the recruitment
and cell guidance of MSCs to bone healing sites.150 Furthermore, studies conducted by the
authors have shown SDF-1 to be up-regulated in high-density MSC-seeded scaffolds in
vitro.151 Also, in a mouse tibia fracture model, Granero-Molto et al. demonstrated that
MSCs migrate to the injury site in a CXCR4-dependent manner.152 Another important cell
type for bone regeneration and neovascular-ization of the defect site includes endothelial
progenitor cells (EPCs). Various cytokines responsible for their mobilization include VEGF,
stem cells factor (SCF), monocyte chemoat-tractant protein (MCP)-1/-3, and SDF-1.153 For
example, Schantz et al. demonstrated enhanced cell migration and proliferation within
polycap-rolactone scaffolds that delivered VEGF, SDF-1, and BMP-6 in a subcutaneous rat

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model.154 The incorporation of various mimetic peptide sequences (i.e., arginine-glycine-

aspartic acid (RGD), glycine-phenlalanine-hydroxyproline-glycine-glutamate-arganine
(GFOGER), Tyr-Ile-Gly-Ser-Arg (YIGSR), Arg-Glu-Asp-Val (REDV), and Ile-Lys-Val-
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Ala-Val (IKVAV)) may be used to mediate cell attachment and spreading of the cells
attracted to the defect site, and such scaffolds have ultimately demonstrated enhanced
osteoblast functionality and osseointegration in vivo.155 Engineered cell homing, either cell
based or scaffold based, is gaining interest and may play an important role for effective bone
regeneration in vivo.

5. Engineering Scaffolds for Orthopaedic Tissue Interfaces—Engineering

orthopaedic tissue interfaces remains a significant and challenging endeavor in the field of
BTE. Tissue–tissue interfaces are ubiquitous in our musculoskeletal system, as is their
function in synchronizing joint motion and function. Failure to regenerate these interfaces
results in the compromise of graft stability and long-term clinical outcome.156–158

The complexity of regenerating hard tissue– soft tissue orthopaedic interfaces (i.e., bone to
soft tissues, such as ligament, tendon or cartilage) is a result of a number of factors.
Orthopaedic tissue interfaces are structurally heterogeneous and intricate. The involved
tissues are composed of very distinct cell populations that must operate in unison to
maintain physiologic function and homeostasis. Furthermore, within these tissue interfaces
is a distinct gradient of mechanical properties that allows for load transfer between the tissue
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types. Engineering the mechanical properties progressing from soft tissue to bone should
also account for the native controlled distribution of non-mineralized and mineralized
interface regions, as well as collagen fiber organization. Furthermore, the spatial distribution
and interactions between interface-relevant cells are critical for the formation, maintenance,
and repair of orthopaedic interfacial tissue. Thus, interface tissue engineering should
strategically incorporate these biomimetic parameters into stratified scaffolds that enable
both distinct and continuous multi-tissue regeneration and seamless graft integration.

A variety of multi-phased scaffolds have been designed to structurally and functionally

mimic native soft tissue-to-bone to support the formation of integrated multi-tissue systems.
For example, Lu et al. developed a biomimetic stratified scaffold for ligament-to-bone
interface tissue engineering. Briefly, a tri-phasic stratified scaffold was designed to mimic
the three interface regions (ligament, fibrocartilage, and bone).159 Phase 1 is designed with
PLGA (10:90) mesh intended for soft tissue (i.e., ligament) formation, phase 2 consists of
PLGA (85:15) microspheres and is the interface fibrocartilage region, and phase 3 is
composed of sintered PLGA (85:15) and 45S5 bioactive glass composite microspheres for
bone formation. This innovative scaffold design allowed for three distinct yet continuous
phases to support the formation of the multi-tissue regions observed across a ligament-bone
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junction after 2 months in vivo.160

For a more comprehensive review of the interfacial tissue engineering strategies, the reader
is encouraged to refer to recent reviews by Lu et al. and Yang et al.157,161 Although much
progress has been achieved in regenerating orthopaedic tissue interfaces, significant
challenges remain. More insight into the basic developmental biology of these interfaces is
required to better understand the mechanisms by which these unique transition tissues are
created. Also, more information on the spatial distribution of matrix molecules and the
relation of tissue structure and mechanical properties is needed. With this, biomaterials that
are able to temporally and spatially control the application of cells and soluble factors, as
well as bioreactors that better mimic the native stresses at these interfaces may be created
and improved upon.

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6. New Scaffold Fabrication Techniques—The development of personalized and

anatomically shaped bone grafts has opened new doors for clinically relevant BTE. By
combining computer assisted design (CAD) with computer assisted manufacturing (CAM),
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tissue engineers are able to produce custom-made and individualized complex scaffold
architectures for the repair of complex bone defects that are often encountered in
craniomaxillofacial surgeries. Grayson et al. successfully utilized the CAD/CAM systems to
engineer personalized, clinically sized anatomically shaped bone grafts for the repair of
human temporomandibular joint (TMJ) (Fig. 7).162

In addition, as previously described, micro-and nano-scale architectures play a critical role

in native bone physiology, so scientists are investigating new fabrication techniques that
would allow for multi-scale hierarchical manipulation. Several techniques, including
electrospinning combined with fiber bonding,137,163,164 templating,165–167 and modified
rapid prototyping,168,169 have demonstrated the ability to construct multi-scale synthetic
scaffolds. Moreover, a novel hybrid approach involving the combination of mechanically
strong, porous scaffolds and nano-featured self-assembling peptide hydrogels as an
osteoinductive scaffold system is being investigated.79,80,170 In this approach, the
mechanically strong scaffold component would allow for mechanical stability of the load-
bearing defect site; whereas, the hydrogel phase will allow for efficient cell delivery into the
defect implantation site, cell niche establishment and promotion of mineralization (Fig. 8).
Growth factors for the promotion of accelerated bone and vascularization (i.e., BMP,
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VEGF) may also be covalently tethered to the hydrogel phase to allow for enhanced effects
upon implantation. In a recent study, the authors have incorporated the features described
above and developed a hybrid system comprised of a mechanically load-bearing scaffold
infused with a self-assembling peptide hy-drogel with tethered BMP-2 (Fig. 8). The newly
developed “polymer-hydrogel” hybrid system is robust: it not only satisfies mechanical
needs but also has the ability to load the cells and factors required for osteogenesis and
vasculogenesis. The hybrid system supported the encapsulation of rat bone-marrow–derived
stromal cells and pre-os-teoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells, and it llowed for the later cell
expression of key bone markers (i.e., BSP and RunX2) in vitro. Although BTE methods are
currently not the gold standard in clinical practice, due to related high costs and insufficient
universal manufacturing methods, recent studies have revealed methods for accelerated bone
regeneration that are proving effective and are paving exciting roads for the use of BTE
methods in the clinic.

C. Cellular Approaches
An unresolved debate on the most effective cell type for clinical bone regeneration
continues, but it has been established that cellular-based bone regeneration approach is
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indeed effective. Cellular-based approaches in BTE primarily target the early stages of bone
repair when the recruitment of skeletal progenitors may be impaired. Proposed mechanisms
by which implanted cells enhance bone regeneration in BTE involve (1) early release of key
osteogenic and vasculogenic molecules and growth factors, (2) formation of a template to
recruit host osteogenic and vascu-logenic cells, and (3) actively laying down bone matrix
and vascularizing the bone construct.

The major challenge in making these cellular therapies more efficient is the identification of
the cell sources that can be implanted to the bone defect site and will differentiate into os-
teoblasts and form neo-vasculature.171,172 Thus far, studies have investigated several cell
types for their abilities to promote bone repair and regeneration: mesenchymal stem cells
(MSCs), embryonic stem cells (ESCs), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), adipose
derived stem cells (ADSCs) and stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED).
This variety of possible candidates for cell transplantation can be explained by the finding

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that cells involved in the reconstruction of osseous tissue undergo a progression from
undifferentiated progenitors to biosynthetically mature cells; therefore, therapeutic strategies
can approach supporting the healing process at different stages of bone tissue
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development.173 For successful clinical application in the regeneration of bone, the

properties of choice include isolation and expansion efficiency, expression and stability of
osteogenic markers, “bona fide” bone tissue formation, and long-term safety (i.e.,
immunorejection, graft-versus-host disease, tumorigenicity). Table 2 summarizes the cell
types that have been utilized for clinical bone defect repair thus far.

1. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs)—Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are, by definition,

obtained from ‘embryos,’ which are formed following the fertilization up until the ninth
week of gestation. ESCs are frequently obtained from extra embryos developed by in vitro
fertilization techniques, to bypass ethical debates regarding their usage. Because ESCs are
pluripotent, with high proliferative activity, they can potentially be used as a single source
for the derivation of multiple lineages present in adult bone, including osteogenic cells,
vascular cells, osteoclasts, nerve cells for bone regeneration.174

Since their first isolation more than 30 years ago, ESCs have been intensely investigated.
Specifically, it has been established that undif-ferentiated ESCs express the following
surface antigens: stage-specific embryonic antigen-4 (SSEA-4), tumor rejection antigens
TRA-1–60 and TRA-1–81. However, they lack the expression of SSEA-1.78 ESCs are not
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highly im-munogenic; they express very few major histo-compatibility complex (MHC)
class I molecules. ESCs possess high alkaline phosphatase and telomerase activities, and
expression of transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, and Nanog, which are crucial for the
maintenance of pluripotency. Self-renewal of ESCs is regulated by cytokines of the IL-6
family. Human ESCs are confirmed in vitro by their ability to induce differentiation in
embryoid bodies, which are defined as aggregates of cells cultured in suspension. Also, ESC
confirmation tests involve observing their differentiation potential in vivo and the formation
of tissues from all three germ layers.

ESCs require complex proliferative culture conditions, including various growth factors,
feeder cell layers, specific media and/or coated culture plates.175 For instance, murine ESCs
require presence of leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) or a feeder layer of murine embryonic
fibro-blasts (MEF) to remain in the undifferentiated and proliferative state. On the other
hand, human ESCs should be cultured on Matrigel or laminin in the presence of MEF-
conditioned medium.176 In the absence of these conditions, ESCs differentiate
spontaneously into embryoid bodies. ESCs have the potential to differentiate into numerous
cell types including cardiomyo-cytes, haematopoietic cells, endothelial cells, neurons,
chondrocytes, adypocytes, hepatocytes pancreatic islets, and importantly, osteoblasts.177
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The potential use of ESCs for BTE has gained considerable attention among tissue
engineers.178,179 Osteogenic differentiation of ESCs may be achieved by either first forming
or not forming embryoid bodies. For the first method, embryoid body formation is followed
by its dissociation, re-plating of dissociated single cells, and then administration of
osteogenic supplements (i.e., β-glycerophosphate, ascorbic acid, dexamethasone, retinoic
acid, and 1,25-hydroxy vitamin D3).180,181 However, due to the limited control of lineage-
specific differentiation of ESCs within EBs, this method may result in a limited number of
the cell type of interest. Thus, scientists have searched for more efficient, simple, and
convenient culture strategies by directly differentiating ESCs into the osteogenic lineage,
bypassing EB formation. In this method, ESCs are directly plated as a single-cell suspension
and cultured in the presence of β-glycerophosphate, ascorbic acid and
dexamethasone.182,183 These findings suggest that this may be a good culture strategy for
applying functional ESC-derived osteogenic cells effectively to BTE.

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Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness and potential use of ESCs for BTE
purposes when combined with various three-dimensional scaffolds. For instance, the
expression of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin were significantly enhanced in human
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ESC culture on three-dimensional PLGA scaffolds in comparison with the same cells
cultured on a two-dimensional culture plate.184 Another approach for ESC-based three-
dimensional bone tissue generation involved the development of BMP-inoculated three-
dimensional scaffolds, composed of PLGA and hydroxyapatite, as an ESC-derived
osteoblast delivery vehicle for generating bone-like tissue in vivo. Studies have
demonstrated successful bone tissue formation using ESC-derived osteoblasts
subcutaneously implanted into immunodeficient mice.185

Despite their enormous potential, concerns about ESCs must be addressed prior to their
potential use for tissue engineering applications. It is critical to confirm the stability of the
donor ESCs and that they are not tumorogenic; prolonged culture of undifferentiated ESCs
may result in spontaneous development of abnormal karyotypes, and their implantation
resulting in the formation of teratomas in vivo. Also, the immunological incompatibility
between donor ESCs and host cells must be addressed.

2. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells—Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are

pluripotent stem cells that are artificially derived from a non-pluripotent cell via the
induction of a “forced” expression of specific genes. iPSCs were first produced from mouse
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fibroblasts by retroviral delivery of four transcription factors (i.e., Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and
Myc) in 2006.186 In the following year, terminally differentiated human somatic cells were
also converted into iP-SCs using a similar method.187,188 Studies have shown human iPSCs
to possess properties similar to those of human ESCs, not only in respect to their
morphology, gene expression, surface antigens but also their in vitro differentiation potential
and pluripotency. However, the inherent epigenetic memory of the starting non-pluripo-tent
cell may influence the differentiation potential and in vivo functionality of tissues derived
from such iPSCs.189 Additional research in this area is needed to determine the best starting
somatic cell for iPSC generation for human clinical applications. Furthermore, possible
resultant tumor formation due to integrated oncogenes requires special attention and
investigation. In addition, it is paramount to develop non-viral induction methods to produce
clinically safe iPS cells for BTE.

3. Adult Stem Cells

A. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have long been
recognized for their potential in engineering bone grafts because they differentiate and form
bone during the natural bone development process. Their great potential in BTE has led to
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their characterization and the identification of a plethora of sources for their isolation. MSCs
have been defined through the expression of various CD markers (i.e., negative for CD34,
CD45, CD14, CD11a, CD19, and HLA-DR and positive for STRO-1, CD29, CD73, CD90,
CD105, CD106, CD166, CD146, and CD44).190 Also, MSCs have been isolated from a
number of adult sources including bone marrow,191 peripheral blood,192 umbilical cord
blood,193 sy-novial membrane,194 deciduous teeth,195 dental pulp,196 amniotic fluid,197
adipose tissue,198 brain, skin, heart, kidneys and liver199 through a relatively simple protocol
that primarily relies on their ability to adhere to plastic in tissue culture. 200 In addition, their
high proliferative potential combined with their ability to withstand freezing conditions
allows for their in vitro expansion to obtain clinically relevant cell numbers.191

In addition to adult sources, MSCs have recently been derived from embryonic stem cells, as
well as iPS cells.201 These embryonic- and iPSC-derived MSCs have the same in vitro and
in vivo multi-potent characteristics as MSCs derived from other adult sources (i.e., bone

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marrow). However, unlike MSCs derived from adult sources, iPSC-derived MSCs can be
expanded with a lower rate of senescence. Their enhanced survival potential, both in vitro
and in vivo, may be attributed to higher telomerase activity.201 In any case, MSCs of
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embryonic and iPSC origin must be further tested to rule out the possibility of teratoma
formation before they are considered for clinical application.

The incorporation of MSCs into BTE bio-materials is a widely studied strategy for
accelerated bone formation and osteointegration during bone defect repair and regeneration.
Mechanisms by which enhanced bone regeneration occurs involves directly providing MSCs
for osteogenic differentiation and bone formation, as well as enhanced osteoinductivity of
the biomaterial via the release of osteogenic growth factors and stimulation of the migration
and differentiation of host osteoprogeni-tors. In addition, pre-differentiating MSCs into the
osteogenic lineage before implantation has been shown to further accelerate defect repair
and osteointegration of the construct in vivo by delivering a more mature osteogenic
population capable of immediate bone formation. Pre-clinical trials with MSC-seeded
constructs have proven effective in accelerating bone repair in various scenarios, including
critical-size femoral defects, cranio-maxillofacial deformities, and spinal fusions.202

Although MSCs may seem to represent a great cellular option for enhanced BTE, several
issues with their use have been identified. First, several studies have shown that a maximum
of 24–40 population doublings are reached before MSCs reach senescence-associated
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growth arrest. Also, osteogenic differentiation potential in vitro and bone forming efficiency
in vivo signifi-cantly decreases with increasing donor age and systemic disease.
Additionally, the lack of knowledge about common markers for MSCs isolated from
different sources makes it difficult to define MSCs.190,203 These factors significantly limit
the actual amount and the quality of MSCs obtainable for clinical application.
Approximately 4–6 weeks is required for cell expansion before possible patient treatment.
Furthermore, long-term culture may lead to forced selection under artificial culture
conditions, which increases the possibility of abnormal karyotype development and
malignant cell transformation. Lastly, the use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) during in vitro
expansion poses a risk of transmitting zoonotic or prion-related diseases, which may induce
an immune response triggered by xenogenic proteins. The option of using synthetic serum
with range of recombinant growth factors or serum-free media are being explored as

At present, a number of strategies have been reported that are capable of augmenting the
loss of both proliferative capacity and osteogenic differentiation potential of MSCs after
extensive population doublings ex vivo. These methods include cultivation of MSCs in the
presence of basic fibroblastic growth factor (FGF-2) and maintenance of MSCs on several
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extracellular matrices (i.e., basement membrane-like extracellular matrix produced by

bovine corneal endo-thelial cells, denatured collagen type I matrix) instead of conventional
tissue-culture plastic during progressive passages.202 The mechanism controlling how
various ECMs may influence the retention of MSC osteogenic differentiation potential after
ex vivo expansion remains to be elucidated; however, it has been suggested that the physical
interactions between MSCs and certain ECM motifs (i.e., integrins and their li-gands) may
play a significant role.

The variability of colony formation and culture conditions necessary to sustain prolifera-tive
capacity have led to an interesting proposal regarding the creation of a universal allogenic
human MSC cell line providing “off the shelf” or “ready to use” cells.112 Though it may not
seem possible without requiring the use of im-munosuppressive drugs to reduce associated
risks of rejection, it has recently been shown that cultured MSCs exhibit a poorly immuno-
genic phenotype (i.e., evidenced by MHC class I+, MHC Class II-, and low levels of

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expression of co-stimulatory molecules, CD40, CD80, and CD86). Also, MSCs have been
shown to be immune suppressive (i.e., immune privileged). Specifically, MSCs do not
induce the proliferation of lymphocytes, and they suppress the proliferation of T cells and
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cytokine production in response to alloantigens or insignificant mito-gens, as well as

inhibiting the function of B cells, dendritic cells, and the natural killer cells. These data
greatly enhance the therapeutical appeal of MSCs in BTE.

B. Adipose-Derived Stem Cells: Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) represent an easily

accessible, widely available, and abundant source of autologous osteogenic cells. ADSCs
have multi-lineage differentiation potential (i.e., osteogenic, chondrogenic, adipo-genic,
neural, cardiomyocyte, and endothelial lineages).203–206 Isolation protocols of ADSCs
include density gradient centrifugation of the col-lagenase-digested lipoaspirates (ranging
from 100 ml to several liters), and culture expansion of the adherent cell population.
Lipoaspirates house a relatively high frequency of ADSCs (1 to 5% of isolated cells), in
comparison to MSCs in bone marrow (0.001% to 0.1% of isolated cells). Similar to MSC
isolation, the successful numbers of cell isolated are influenced by the tissue harvesting
procedure, as well as the site of tissue harvesting (e.g., arm, thigh, abdomen, breast). ADSCs
also share a common surface-antigen expression pattern, including CD44, CD90, CD13,
CD29, CD73, CD166 and CD105.205,207 However, the expression of STRO-1 and CD34
antigens remains controversial. Some researchers have reported that ADSCs do not express
STRO-1,208 and others have reported the absence or extremely low levels of expression of
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STRO-1 or CD34 antigens on the surface of ADSCs.198 Expression of surface markers on

ADSCs may vary according to passage number and isolation techniques;209 hence, the
characterization of ADSCs requires further clarification.

The osteogenic differentiation potential of ADSCs has been demonstrated not only in vitro
but also in vivo. Osteogenic differentiation in vitro may be achieved through the addition of
supplements, including β-glycerophosphate, ascorbic acid, and dexamethasone, which are
similar to those used for osteogenic differentiation of bone-marrow-derived
MSCs.205,210,211 It has also been shown that other exogenic factors may be applied to direct
osteogenic differentiation of ADSCs, such as brief treatment of BMP-2.212 Furthermore,
pre-differentiated ADSCs have demonstrated good adhesion, proliferation activity, and
homogenous bonelike tissue formation on various biocompatible three-dimensional
scaffolds in vitro and on ec-topic bone formation in vivo.213–215 In addition, osteogenic
performance of ADSCs has been assessed in orthotopic in vivo environments, which provide
a more inductive, and physiological/ clinically relevant environment. Although enhanced
bone regeneration has been demonstrated with implanted ADSCs,216,217 the mechanisms by
which ADSCs promote bone healing in these orthotopic models has not been investigated.
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ADSCs may further serve as an attractive cell population for the implementation of a one-
step, intra-operative bone grafting approach, avoiding the cost and time of cell expansion. In
this approach, tissue harvest, cell isolation, cell seeding onto a scaffold, and subsequent
implantation could occur within a few hours, with no ex vivo cell culture. As previously
mentioned, because ADSCs frequency in human lipoaspirates is relatively high (i.e., 500-
fold larger numbers of colony forming units than human bone-marrow aspirates), these cells
may represent a suitable cell source for such a one-step surgical procedure.218,219 Muller et
al. offered proof-of-principle for this intra-operative approach by demonstrating
vascularized tissue formation with positive staining of bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin 8
weeks post-implantation of ADSCs, which were implanted ectopically in nude mice 3 hours
after harvest.220 These findings have significant implications for BTE applications in which
ADSCs could be used for the fabrication of tissue-engineered bone.

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C. Peripheral Blood–Derived Stem Cells: The isolation of stem cells from the patient’s
peripheral blood (PB) represents a minimally invasive (i.e., no donor site morbidity) and
convenient method for obtaining two effective cell populations for bone and vascular
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regeneration, namely MSCs and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Traditionally, MSCs
have been isolated from bone marrow; however, recent studies have identified peripheral
blood as a site for MSC isolation (PB-MSCs). In fact, Chong et al. suggested that from 2 mL
of peripheral blood, approximately 0.5–1 million cells were obtainable after 2 weeks from
cell seeding (passage 0) and approximately 5 million PB-MSCs were obtainable at the end
of passage 2. PB-MSCs display the same differentiation potential profile as MSCs isolated
from bone marrow (i.e., tri-lineage; chondrogenic, osteogenic, and adipogenic).221
Furthermore, EPCs, especially those isolated from peripheral blood, have demonstrated high
angiogenic potential and an effective cell population for promoting neo-vascu-larization of
bone defect sites.222 Although the effectiveness of these two cell types, both isolated from
peripheral blood, has not been thoroughly investigated in bone regeneration, other isolation
sources (i.e., bone marrow) have been sought that have demonstrated superior bone
regeneration and vascularization of bone defect sites.223,224 Thus, the effectiveness of PB-
EPCs and PB-MSCs in vivo should be further investigated; they represent a potent
alternative to cell transplantation procedures.

D. Tooth-Derived Stem Cells

a. Dental Pulp–Derived Stem Cells: Interesting findings within the last decade have pointed
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to stem cells residing in dental pulp tissue as an attractive cell source for BTE.225,226 Dental
pulp derived stem cells (DPDSCs) can differentiate into a number of cell types, including
odontoblasts, chon-drocytes, osteoblasts, endothelial cells, adi-pocytes and neural
cells.227,228 DPSCs have been isolated from digested pulp tissue by either a single-colony
selection or an immunomagnetic isolation method using anti-STRO-1 antibody and
magnetically activated cell sorting (MACS). DPDSCs are highly proliferative, and they
display the typical immunoreactivity profile of MSCs.230

Successful osteogenic differentiation of DPDSCs has been demonstrated and involves the
administration of osteogenic medium (i.e., supplements of ascorbic acid, dexamethasone, β-
glycerophosphate). Furthermore, in vivo transplantation of such DPSCs into nude rats
generated living fibrous lamellar bone tissues containing osteocytes.231 Recent BTE studies
have also shown the potential for use of DPSCs in combination with a three-dimensional
scaffolds. For example, highly mineralized tissue formation was reported in an autologous
implantation study with rabbit DPSCs and a poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) scaffold
construct implanted subcutaneously.232
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b. Stem cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth (SHEDs): With the discovery of
DPDSCs in 2000, that of stem cells in deciduous teeth came soon after, in 2003. Stem cells
from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) have a similar differentiation potential as
DPDSCs; however, they also have several key advantages. SHEDs have a higher
proliferation rate, and they may also be readily accessible in young patients that have
disposable primary teeth. Also, SHEDs have a distinctive osteoinductive ability and high
plasticity. Lastly, upon transplantation, SHEDs are capable of differentiating into blood
vessels that anastomose with the host vasculature.233

Numerous studies have proven that tooth-derived DPSCs and SHEDs might be an ideal
resource of stem cells to induce bone regeneration. Further, tooth-derived stem cells are
readily accessible, and provide an easy and minimally invasive way to obtain and store stem
cells for future use (Fig. 9). Due to an increase in interest and demand for tooth-derived stem
cell storage, many dental professionals are now undergoing training for proper recovery and

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transport of the teeth to optimize stem cell recovery. Also, many cell banking companies,
including BioEDEN and Provia Laboratories Inc. (Store-A-Tooth) have been created with
the hope of offering a reasonable and simple option to preserving tooth-derived stem cells.
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BioEDEN, founded in 2006, is the world’s first international private stem cell storage bank
that collects, assesses, and cryogenically stores viable deciduous teeth-derived stem cells.

At this stage, it is not clear how to obtain large amounts of tooth-derived cells. Also,
questions remain about the mineral matrix that will be laid out by these cells and how
different or similar its composition compared to bone.169 Despite these limitations or lack of
understanding about the mineralization, tooth-derived stem cells (DPDSCs and SHEDs)
certainly present an interesting and alternative adult stem cell source for BTE.

4. Genetically Modified Cells: Approaches involving cell and gene therapy offer great
potential for enhanced bone regeneration. Proposed mechanisms for enhanced bone
regeneration include the obvious growth factor release, as well as the recruitment of host
cells to the site of implantation by genetically modified cells, resulting in a reduced number
of exogenous cells that need to be implanted.234 The creation of genetically modified cell
populations expressing growth or transcription factors of interest requires a gene-delivery
vector, which is often vi-rally based. Gene therapy in many BTE studies has involved the
osteoinductive bone morpho-genetic protein (BMP) family for bone repair. Several
investigations have involved the use of BMP-2–transfected bone marrow cells or MSCs and
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their ability to enhance the repair of calvarial and critical-size bone defects in mice and
rats.235– 238 In addition, Breitbart et al. cultured perios-teal cells retrovirally transduced with
BMP-7 in a PGA scaffold in a critical-size calvarial defect model in rabbits for enhanced
bone formation.239 Other genes of interest include transcription factors essential for
osteoblast differentiation (i.e., core binding factor α1 (Cbfa1), and Osterix), factors
enhancing angiogenesis (i.e., VEGF), as well as combinations of several factors. For
example, Jabbarzadeh et al. transfected ADSCs with VEGF and cultured them on PLGA
micro-sphere scaffolds for enhanced vascularization at a bone defect site (Fig. 10A, B).240
Sefcik et al. has demonstrated enhanced vascularization and bone formation via sustained
delivery of sphin-gosine 1-phosphate (S1P) (Fig. 10C, D).241 Also, 70% L-lactide and 30%
DL-lactide co-polymer (PLDL) scaffolds loaded with recombinant human growth factors
(combinations of BMP-2, TGF-β3, and VEGF) were utiltized to promote enhanced vascular
and bone regeneration at a segmental bone defect (Fig. 10E, F).242

Another highly attractive gene therapy approach includes the extension of the in vitro lifes-
pan of cells for tissue engineering applications. As previously described, the proliferative
ability of human MSCs decreases after prolonged culture periods, resulting in senescence.
This observation is largely due to telomere shortening of chromosomes occurring with each
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cell division. However, by ectopically expressing human telomerase reverse transcriptase

(hTERT), the life expectancy of cells can be significantly extended.

Clearly, gene therapy holds great promise for future clinical applications. However, to fulfill
this clinical goal, gene therapy must be proven safe for human use.243 Currently, the
majority of gene therapy BTE studies involve the use of viral gene therapy, which has
unresolved issues involving immunogenicity, stimulation of acute immune-modulatory
responses, and uncontrollable insertional mutagenesis leading to the risk of malignant
transformation. Consequently, a hold by the FDA has recently been imposed on all retroviral
gene therapy clinical trials, and the enthusiasm for the safety and success of viral gene
therapy has decreased.244 Thus, the challenge now lays in developing nonviral gene therapy
strategies. These are mostly based on the direct gene transfer of naked plasmid DNA (i.e.,
nucleofec-tion) via physical and chemical methods. In this approach, the plasmid DNA is
transferred by forming lipoflexes (cationic lipid/DNA complex), polyflex (cationic polymer/

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DNA complex), complexation with cationic nanoparticles, and via chimeric RNA/DNA
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5. Autologous Cells and Factor Cocktail—Tissue regeneration is the result of

interplay between cells and growth factors. In fact, growth factors/singling molecules
regulate cell expression, migration, and tissue formation and its morphogenesis. Multiple
cell types and a number of signaling molecules are involved during bone development, as
well as bone repair processes. To recapitulate some of these events, orthopaedic researchers
and clinicians have proposed the use of bone-marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) and
platelet rich plasma (PRP) as two natural sources for bone regeneration.

A. Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC): Bone marrow aspirate concentrates

(BMACs) are commonly harvested from the patient’s iliac crest to yield a rich source of
osteogenic stem cells and osteoconductive growth factors, ultimately to repair and
regeneration of bone defect. Specifically, BMACs contain a loaded mix of regenerative
cells, including MSCs, endothe-lial progenitor cells (EPCs), hematopoietic stem cells
(HSCs), platelets, lymphocytes, and granu-locytes. Each one of these components plays a
critical role in the bone regeneration process. Namely, EPCs stimulate angiogesis; HSCs
differentiate into growth-factor-releasing platelets; MSCs form osteo- and chondro-
progenitor cells; platelets mediate cell-to-cell adhesion and growth factor release;
lymphocytes support the migration and proliferation of EPCs; and granu-locytes release
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angiogenic factor VEGF. In numerous clinical cases beginning in 1978, BMACs have been
shown to be effective in the treatment of bone defects, including tibial non-unions and
osteonecrosis of the femoral head.247–253 Over the years, BMACs have proven to be a safe
alternative method to promoting bone unions, with effectiveness similar to autologous bone

B. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)—Though not a cell source, platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

may be used as an autologous source of growth factors to be added to BTE constructs for
enhanced bone regeneration. PRP is a concentration of platelets in a small volume of
plasma, and it may be easily isolated from freshly drawn whole blood activated with a
mixture of thrombin and calcium. Autologous PRP may be used to facilitate bone
regeneration, as it contains high levels of growth factors that are involved in chemotaxis,
cell proliferation, differentiation and extracellular matrix synthesis (i.e., TGF-β1, PDGF-BB,
VEGF-A and IGF-1). The use of PRP for enhanced bone regeneration has proven to be
advantageous in several aspects. For instance, PRP is more potent than a single recombinant
growth factor, due the synergis-tic effect of the combination of growth factors present in
PRP.255 In relation to vascularization, PRP not only has pro-angiogenic properties, it also
induces the endothelial cells to express a pro-osteogenic phenotype. However, in vivo
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animal experiments involving PRP offer conflicting results, and perhaps to variations in the
animal species used, protocol designs, types of bone defects, outcome parameters measured,
the presence of MSCs, and types scaffolds or bone substitutes. Furthermore, PRP may have
high variability in GF concentrations, due both to host health factors and to different
preparation methods.256 Although PRP has been investigated clinically for the repair of soft
tissues, including nerve, tendon, cartilage, ligament, its usefulness for bone defect repair and
regeneration has yet to be clinically established.257,258

C. Bioreactors—For functional BTE, the use of bioreactor cultivating systems for three-
dimensional cell-scaffold constructs has been proposed to achieve homogeneous bone tissue
development at clinically relevant sizes (i.e., millimeter to centimeter sizes and beyond).259
The fundamental mechanisms by which this occurs involves (1) improved cell seeding
efficiency, (2) increased mechanical stimulation of osteogenic cells, and (3) overcoming the

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limited diffusional exchange of nutrients and oxygen that is typically observed in static
culture. By enabling reproducible and controlled changes of specific environmental factors
(e.g., pH, temperature, pressure, nutrient supply and waste removal), bioreactors allow for
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automated and standardized tissue manufacturing with reduced production costs, and thus,
they facilitate large-scale use of BTE strategies.

Several different types of bioreactors with unique flow patterns have been investigated for
BTE purposes, including stirred flasks, rotating bioreactors, and perfusion bioreactors (Fig.
11). Stirred (i.e., spinner) flask bioreactors are the most simple and inexpensive systems. In
this system, convective forces are generated by a stir-rer, which allows for medium flow
around the cell-seeded constructs that are positioned in the center of the flask. In comparison
to static controls, there are increased levels of osteogenic cell proliferation, expression of
osteogenic marker genes, and mineralization in stirred-flask bio-reactors.260 However, the
use of a spinner flask system often results in the formation of a dense superficial cell layer,
which may hamper oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells residing in the scaffold
interior.261 In contrast, rotating bioreactor systems produce a laminar flow as its concentric
cylinders rotate horizontally. In particular, studies using a NASA-designed rotating wall
bioreactor showed increased osteo-blast performance and mineralization.262,263 The
limitations are that the scaffolds have to have water equivalent density and certain
dimensions to be able to continuously rotate without falling to the bioreactor center.264 In
addition, rotating bioreactors have been negatively associated with the possible collision of
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scaffolds with the bio-reactor wall, which may damage scaffolds and disrupt attached
cells.265 Unlike the previously described bioreactor systems, perfusion-based bioreactors
enable the mass transport of nutrients and oxygen throughout the entire scaffold. Perfusion
systems generally consist of a chamber that houses the cell-seeded constructs and the
peristaltic roller pump that delivers the culture medium. The mode of the fluid flow (i.e.,
steady, oscillating, pulsed) can significantly influence the stimulation of the osteogenic cells.
Perfusion-stimulated constructs not only show enhanced osteogenic cell distribution,
density, proliferation, differentiation, and deposition of mineralized extracellular matrix
throughout the entire scaffold in vitro,266 but also have shown enhanced bone in vivo
compared to statically cultivated controls.267 Finally, because bone is a mechanically
sensitive and active tissue, some bioreactors have been designed to generate direct
mechanical stimulation on the culture constructs. The cultivation of constructs in a
bioreactor capable of exerting direct mechanical strain has been associated with increased
levels of ALP activity, mineralized matrix production, and osteogenic gene expressions.268

Highly efficient and uniform cell seeding is critical for the success of engineered bone grafts
in clinical application. First, efficient cell seeding not only aids in limiting the biopsy size
but also the extent of cell expansions. Second, the rate of bone mineralization and formation
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is directly associated with the density of the seeded cells. Specifically, constructs with
increased osteo-genic cell density are associated with enhanced osteogenic gene expression,
differentiation, and bone mineralization.269 Manual, static loading of cells onto a scaffold,
although most commonly used in BTE studies, has low seeding efficiencies and non-
uniform cell distributions within scaffolds. Significantly higher efficiencies and uniformities
may be obtained using biore-actors for dynamic seeding. Perfusion bioreac-tors provide the
highest cell seeding efficiency and uniformity; dilute cell suspension is allowed to flow
directly through the pores of the scaffold, allowing for cell deposition throughout the entire

Although bioreactors have proven to be an effective tool for improved bone formation
results in BTE, compliance with “Good Manufacturing Practice’’ (GMP, national quality
assurance guidelines) is necessary before it is considered to be clinically applicable.
Additionally, bioreactor designs that accommodate cell seeding, in vitro expansion, and

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perfusion culture have been proposed for even more efficiency. These designs also aim to
reduce the safety risks associated with the handling and transferring of constructs between
separate bioreactors for the generation of clinically relevant BTE constructs.
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D. Vascularization Techniques—The importance of vascularization to the development

and repair of bone tissue has been extensively documented in BTE investigations.272 The
greatest amount of new bone formation occurs in the most vascularized areas, whereas
inadequate vascularization at bone defect sites is associated with decreased bone tissue
repair and regeneration, and has been identified as the major pitfall to successful BTE.
Specifically, until the timely onset of construct vasculariza-tion, which is typically on the
order of hours to days (i.e., less than 1 mm/day), seeded cells in an implanted BTE construct
rely on diffusion for the uptake of nutrients (i.e., oxygen, glucose, etc.) and the clearing of
metabolic byproducts (i.e., carbon dioxde, lactic acid, etc.), a transport mechanism that is
only efficient over short distances (i.e., less than 200 µm).273 These diffusional constraints
result in viable cells located only superficially (i.e., at the periphery of the constructs) and
thus limit the success of the engineering bone tissue throughout the entire thickness of the
defect. Although in vitro delivery of nutrients to engineered constructs may be alleviated via
bioreactor systems, this only delays the diffusional constraint problem when it is implanted
in the host defect site. There is a critical obstacle in maintaining the survival of large masses
of cells upon transfer from the in vitro culture conditions into the host defect site in vivo.274
To remedy this obstacle, scientists have proposed several methods to accelerate the onset of
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neo-vascualization for survival and integration of BTE grafts with host tissue including (1)
scaffold design, (2) inclusion of angiogenic growth factors, (3) in vitro pre-vascularization
(i.e., co-culture of endothelial and osteogen-ic cells), and (4) in vivo pre-vascularization.
Although it is still unclear which method is the best for successful in vivo application, a
combination of these methods may prove to be most effective. The following is a brief
review of each method and its challenges.

1. Scaffold Design
Scaffold design has a profound effect on the rate of vascularization after implantation.
Specifically, mean pore size of the scaffold is a critical determinant of blood vessel
ingrowth. BTE studies that suggest pore sizes greater than 300 µm are required for vascular
ingrowth.27 Interconnectivity of pores is also critical, as it significantly affects cell
migration, and in turn, vascularization. Scaffold fabrication techniques including gas
foaming, phase separation, and freeze drying are employed in association with porogen
leaching for the generation of increasingly porous scaffolds. Recently, the authors developed
thermal sintering and porogen leaching method and fabricated scaffolds with the desired
pore size and volume. These scaffolds have proven to be superior because they not only
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support vascular in growth but also meet the mechanical requirements for bone
regeneration.122,275 On the other hand, methods such as layer-by-layer deposition (i.e., solid
free-form fabrication) are now commonly used to actively design scaffold porosity and
interconnectivity. With these fabrication systems, production of complex scaffolds with
well-defined architecture and optimized pore in-terconnectivity is possible.276

2. Inclusion of Angiogenic Growth Factors

The local delivery of angiogenic growth factors certainly accelerates vascularization of an
implanted graft. Angiogenic growth factors may be incorporated into the BTE construct
design either by way of the scaffold or seeded cells. In the first scenario, the growth factor
may be (1) incorporated onto the scaffold by simple soaking for resultant fast release, (2)
encapsulated in scaffolds, or (3) covalently immobilized for controlled and extended release.
Otherwise, growth factors may be incorporated into the seeded cells via genetic

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Several critical considerations determine the success of this method. First, the choice of
growth factors is crucial. Several commonly studied angiogenic growth factors in BTE
include vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),
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and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). Secondly, the proper dosage of the growth factor
has been shown to affect the quality of the neo-vascu-lature. For instance, excess amounts of
VEGF have been shown to cause severe vascular leakage and hypotension.277 Finally,
multiple growth factors should be considered along spatial and temporal gradients may
allow for enhanced results, as bone tissue development is controlled by the interaction of
multiple growth factors. Studies have shown that the incorporation of VEGF and bFGF
results in accelerated vascu-larization of engineered tissues via the mobilization and
recruitment of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), though the resulting vessels are often
disorganized, leaky and hemorrhagic.278 For this reason, the addition of growth factors that
stimulate the recruitment of smooth muscle cells or pericytes for the stabilization and
maturation of the vessels may be considered, including PDGF, transforming growth factor-β
(TGF-β) and angiopoietin 1 (Ang1).279,280

The addition of growth factors to scaffolds is a relatively easy and widely studied approach.
Because this type of growth factor delivery is either driven by passive diffusion or coupled
to the rate of biomaterial degradation, growth factor release may be altered only to some
extent by the amount of growth factor added or by varying the degradation rate of the
material. The release profile for this method is, therefore, often not in tune with the actual
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healing process and cellular demands.281 On the other hand, growth factors covalently
linked to the scaffolds may be released according to the cellular demands. It has been
demonstrated that the vasculature formed in this manner via controlled release of VEGF
formed organized vasculature, in comparison to the vasculature that arose from an
uncontrolled VEGF release.282

The incorporation of growth factors into the scaffolds is not an efficient process. Adding the
high price associated with the human recombi-nant growth factors makes the growth-factor-
loaded scaffold approach unattractive. On the other hand, the incorporation of genetically
modified cells, such as VEGF releasing ADSCs, has demonstrated enhanced vascular forma-
tion.240 In addition, cells releasing the combination of osteogenic and angiogenic factors
(i.e., BMP-4 and VEGF, respectively) together have been shown to increase not only
vascular formation but also the quantity of regenerated bone, compared to the each factor
alternatively delivered alone.283 However, gene therapy in general has safety concerns, and
it is not yet approved for clinical use.

3. In Vitro Pre-Vascularization
Current in vitro pre-vascularization strategies of BTE involve the prior seeding and co-
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culture of endothelial cells and osteogenic cells in BTE constructs in vitro.284 The
mechanism underlying this strategy depends on the direct and indirect communication of
these two cell types, and the formation of premature vessels by the endothe-lial cells in vitro,
which may later mature, and anastomose with the host vasculature upon implantation. This
approach has not only demonstrated accelerated vascularization in vivo but also has
enhanced osteogenic differentiation in vitro and bone formation in vivo.222,223 With this
method, anastomoses occurs more quickly in comparison to non-prevascularized constructs,
as host vessels only need to grow into the outer region of the constructs to meet the pre-
vascular structures. This method may decrease the time needed for vascularization from
weeks to days.

An important consideration for in vitro pre-vascularization is the type of utilized cells, and
identifying an abundant source of effective au-tologous endothelial cells. Although mature
en-dothelial cells, isolated from biopsies of skin or saphenous veins, may be used, they

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present major drawbacks, including insufficient numbers with limited proliferative abilities
(i.e., limited in vitro expansion).284 In contrast, various stem cells have recently been the
topic of discussion. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) have been recognized as an
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attractive autologous endo-thelial cell population that may be easily isolated from peripheral
blood or bone marrow in clinical practice. EPCs have very high and long-term proliferative
potential (more than 1,000 population doublings), and may be quickly expanded for clinical
use. EPCs display the typical cobblestone morphology of endothelial cells when culture in
vitro, and they have good angio-genic ability, as demonstrated by complex and intricate
network when cultured on and within Matrigel (i.e., angiogenic assay) (Fig. 12).275 Our
recent work established peripheral blood derived EPCs as a more potent cell population than
the bone marrow-derived EPCs. We co-cultured peripheral blood–derived EPCs with bone
marrow–derived MSCs to demonstrate their synergy (i.e., increased expression of
vasculogenic and osteogenic factor expression) in vitro, and other groups implanted at defect
sites. Our results showed enhanced levels of vascularization and bone formation.285 Yu et al.
also noted that central necrosis is avoided when scaffolds are seeded with EPCs and MSC-
derived osteoblasts, which is not the case when only osteoblasts are seeded alone and

Perhaps the most desirable cell source is one that contains both osteogenic and vasculogenic
progenitor cells. For instance, MSCs, which may be isolated from bone marrow for
osteoprogenitor cells, also have been shown to have the potential to differentiate toward an
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endothelial lineage.288 Another attractive autologous source that may be used to isolate both
osteo- and endothelial- progenitors is the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of adipose tissue,
which is abundantly available, easy to harvest, and associated with minimal donor site
morbidity. In addition, in comparison to bone marrow, it has a much higher frequency of
clono-genic mesenchymal progenitors compared.289

Several issues regarding in vitro pre-vascu-larization remain uncertain. For instance, it is

unclear whether it is better to maintain the pre-vascularization in vitro long term to establish
a premature vascular network formation, or to implant the construct shortly after seeding the
cells to allow the in vivo environment help establish a functional vasculature. Also, even
though endothelial cells have the potential to form new vessels within the scaffolds that may
anastomose with host vasculature when implanted in vivo, it is important to consider the
presence of other cell types (i.e., smooth muscle cells, pericytes) to ensure the formation of
functional vasculature, so a tri-culture approach should be further in-vestigated.290 Finally,
the potential benefits of this approach have been treated with sskepticism because it involves
cell-containing constructs, which, like other approaches, requires immediate supply with
nutrients and oxygen after implantation. One approach to solve this problem may involve
the engineering of a vascular axis within the in vitro construct, which can be surgically
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connected to the host vasculature as it is when vessels are surgically implanted.

4. In Vivo (Surgically-Induced) Pre-Vascularization

In vivo pre-vascularization may be performed to allow for vascularization of bone
constructs. The “flap pre-fabrication” approach utilizes an “extrinsic” mode of
vascularization and involves two main stages. First, the BTE construct is implanted in
axially vascularized tissue (i.e., in subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intraperitoneal sites),
where microvascular network formation within the constructs occurs within several weeks.
The construct is then harvested and transferred as free bone flap to the bone defect site,
where the vascular axis is connected via microsurgical vascular anastomosis techniques,
resulting in instantaneous perfusion of the entire construct. Several drawbacks of this
technique include the obvious requirement of two required surgeries, cost, the formation of a
random vascularization pattern, degree of vascularization based on host tissue vascularity, as
well as donor site morbidity.291 In another method, an “intrinsic” mode of vascularization is

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used where vessels that are suitable for microsurgical transfer (i.e., carotid artery, jugular
vein saphenous bundle, or arteriovenous (AV) loop) are incorporated into the construct.292
Though this procedure has clear advantages over the “flap pre-fabrication” approach,
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including that it does not require two separate operations like the “flap pre-fabrication”
approach, is not dependent upon local vascular conditions and the included vasculature is
not randomly oriented, this method is still very challenging because most load-bearing
osteogenic constructs are not able to be molded or shaped around the AV loops.

E. Functional Bone Tissue Engineering—The term functional bone tissue engineering

was coined more than a decade ago by Dr. Pioletti at an American Society of Biomechanics
meeting. It was defined as an approach that allows for full functional ability of the graft
immediately following surgical implantation. In this approach, the bone graft to be
implanted is required to have carefully defined biomechani-cal properties to allow its
immediate use upon completion surgery. However, functional BTE entails more than just
the ability for immediate mechanical usage. Instead, functional BTE approaches allow for
the newly restored bone to be fully integrated with the neighboring host bone, and
importantly, possess the ability to perform all the functions of native bone. The quality of
the newly regenerated tissue should seamlessly match that of the host bone. In the future,
effective quality assessment tests should be developed to ensure truly functional engineered
bone for patients.
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The field of tissue engineering and in particular, BTE, is rapidly growing. BTE-based
products are beginning to be used in clinical practice. Based on the current success, even
more BTE technologies are expected to become available to patients in the next few years.
Current efforts are focused on developing effective strategies for BTE, but we predict that
the future discussion will turn toward the identification of the most cost-effective BTE
strategies. Although the race to make BTE a clinical reality is well warranted, significant
challenges and limitations in this field still exist (Table 3).

Generally, the field of tissue engineering has undergone tremdous advances in the last
several decades, especially with simple tissues (i.e., skin). Engineering bone tissue,
however, is not only based on principles of cellular and molecular developmental biology
and morphogenesis, it is very much guided by bioengineering and biome-chanics. Bone
tissue structure and mechanical strength varies by distinct and dynamic loading conditions,
as well as location in the body. Perhaps one of the largest challenges facing bone tissue
engineering is developing mechanically strong porous scaffolds that retain proper
vascularization and host integration properties. Currently, the vast majority of reported
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mechanically strong BTE scaffolds experience bone tissue regeneration that is limited to the
periphery of the scaffold upon implantation, due to lack of sufficient and timely
vascularization of the construct. In addition, the incorporation of immunomodulatory
strategies is becoming increasingly popular for modulating the host’s foreign-body response
(i.e., fibrous tissue encapsulation), an event that is often observed to be an inhibitory factor
for optimal tissue regeneration and integration. Scientists are attempting to tackle both
enhanced vascularization and inhibition of fibrous tissue formation by incorporating growth
factors via the scaffold or genetically modified cells that release increased levels of
angiogenic VEGF, or even by coating the scaffold with anti-inflammatory molecules, such
as dexamethasone. Animal models pose another critical challenge to testing various BTE
approaches pre-clinically. In pre-clinical studies, load-bearing large animal models should
generally be used to assess graft functionality because research on small animals (i.e., mice)
does not yield relevant results due to major differences in graft size and healing properties.

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Although many BTE strategies have been investigated, so far only a few have been
approved for clinical use.293 These are mostly single-component strategies involving cells,
factors, or defect-filling materials. For BTE to become a widespread clinical reality, it must
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incorporate the recent technologies that utilize all the necessary components (i.e., scaffolds,
cells, and growth factors) for successful bone repair and regeneration. One concern is that
the technologies that include more components may have difficulty obtaining regulatory
approval. Furthermore, BTE may even pose as a health care burden in its current form, as it
comes with high manufacturing costs and is patient specific. To increase efficiency, patient-
independent methods need to be considered. In addition, more effective cell isolation,
seeding, and cul-turing methods need to be developed to streamline the engineering process
and to decrease the safety risks associated with the handling the constructs during the pre-
implantation period. Bioreactors that can combine all three steps have been proposed for this
purpose and may drive the way for safer and more effective bone tissue engineering.
Ultimately, however, the best bioreactor for BTE scaffolds is bone itself with the idea that a
scaffold could indeed mature into a normal bone tissue if an adequate environment is
provided in vivo. Perhaps the quickest route to clinical success will avoid utilizing the in
vitro bioreactor approach.294 Therefore, further efforts must be made to establish efficient
intraoperative cell seeding methods to minimize in vitro culture of the BTE constructs, and
allow for maximized bone tissue regeneration in vivo.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Drs. Nukavarapu and Laurencin acknowledge funding from the Department of Defence under Grant
W81XWH-11-1-0262. Dr. Amini would like to thank support from NIH through an F-30 Fellowship (NIH-1F30-
DE22477010). The authors also acknowledge support from the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Center for
Biomedical, Biological, Physical and Engineering Sciences Center, and Institute for Regenerative Engineering, the
University of Connecticut.

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(A) Published articles on BTE since mid-1980s on PubMed.
(B) Break-down of the articles published in 2011 according to bone tissue engineering focus
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(i.e., biomolecules, cells, matrices, and other, including vascularization approaches and
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Schematic illustration of bone tissue engineering paradigm. Factors from the implanted graft
at the defect site that influence the host response may include growth factors (or their
analogs, or from platelet-enriched plasma), and cells (genetically modified to release factors,
or naturally produce factors). In response, cell homing and enhanced vascularization and
bone regeneration will occur.
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Illustration of a three-step biomechanical paradigm in BTE. In the first step, upon
implantation, it is critical that the mechanical properties of the BTE scaffold should closely
match that of the surrounding host bone tissue and loading conditions to reduce the stress-
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shielding effect. The second step involves interface biomechanics, and should allow for
interface scaffold-bone mechanotransduction for enhanced osteointegration of the scaffold.
Lastly, as the scaffold degrades, ingrowing bone tissue will begin to support the mechanical
load of BTE scaffold. Adapted from Pioletti (97).
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Elastic modulus versus compressive strength values of various BTE biomaterial classes
compared to human bone. Adapted from Rezwan et al. (103).
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SEM images of (A) PLGA (50/50) microsphere scaffolds, and (B) composite carbon
nanotube/PLGA (50:50) microsphere scaffolds after 14 days in simulated body fluid.
Crystalization is seen the joining areas of mi-crospheres in only composite CNT/PLGA
scaffolds. Scale bar = 40 µm.

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Optimally-porous, mechanically strong biodegradable scaffolds for enhanced bone
regeneration. (A) Reconstructed MicroCT 3D porosity images demonstrating significantly
increased interconnected pore sizes in optimally-porous scaffolds. (B) Schematic illustration
of available oxygen levels throughout the scaffolds in vitro. (Scale from red to green
demonstrating increasing oxygen levels.) (C) Pre-osteoblast cell viability in the center of the
constructs after 14 days in vitro. Scaffolds with increasing porosity resulted significant cell
survival in the interior of the macro-porous construct (right) compared to control scaffolds
(left) (live cells = green; dead cells = red). Scale bar = 200 µm. (D) After 28 days in
osteogenic medium, Alizarin Red staining was performed. Optimally-porous scaffolds
displayed mineralization throughout the thickness of the scaffold, where as scaffolds with
low pore sizes displayed mineralization to limited to the surface of the scaffolds. Scale bar =
1000 µm. Adapted and modified from Amini et al. (122).” (D) After 28 days in osteogenic

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medium, Alizarin Red staining was performed. Optimally-porous scaffolds displayed

mineralization throughout the thickness of the scaffold, where as scaffolds with low pore
sizes displayed mineralization to limited to the surface of the scaffolds. Scale bar = 1000
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µm. Adapted and modified from Amini et al. (122).”

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Tissue engineering of anatomically shaped bone grafts. (A–C) Scaffold preparation. (A, B)
Clinical CT images were used to obtain high-resolution digital data for the reconstruction of
exact geometry of human TMJ condyles. (C) These data were incorporated into MasterCAM
software to machine TMJ-shaped scaffolds from fully decellularized trabecular bone. (D) A
photograph illustrating the complex geometry of the final scaffolds that appear markedly
different in each projection. Adapted from Grayson et al.162
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(A) Illustration of hybrid scaffolds composed of a mechanically strong component, and a
hydrogel phase for enhanced bone regeneration abilities.170 (B) In vitro release kinetics of
biotinylated BMP2. Amount of BMP2 released over time was measured by ELISA. Results
show cumulative release of rhBMP2 for untethered groups (BMP2-biotin, BMP2) versus
tethered group. (C) Survival of pre-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells in hybrid scaffold. Images
show live and dead cells cultured on hybrid scaffolds; green represents live cells. (D) Bone
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Sialoprotein (BSP) and RunX2 gene expression profile of pre-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1

grown in BMP2 untethered versus tethered SAP gel PLGA/nHA hybrid scaffolds (p < 0.05).
Adapted and modified from Igwe et al.170

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(A) Image of extracted teeth that may be used to tooth-derived stem cell isolation. (B) Stem
cells that may be isolated from primary teeth [i.e., stem cells from human exfoliated
deciduous teeth (SHED)], and secondary teeth [i.e., dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs),
periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSC), and stem cells of apical papilla (SCAP)].
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(A) Immunofluorescent staining of VEGF production by transfected adipose stem cells
(ADSCs) cultured for 10 days on PLAG sintered microsphere scaffolds in vitro. ADSCs
were stained with antibody directed against VEGF (green) and nuclei counterstained with
DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 100 mm. Adapted from Jabbarzadeh et al.240 (B) Representative
histological cross sections of transfected ADSCs with VEGF implanted with sintered
microsphere scaffolds 21 days after subcutaneous implantation in SCID mice. Scale bar = 10
mm. Adapted from Jabbarzadeh et al.240 (C) Intravital microscopy images of control PLAG
films (left) or S1P loaded films (right) in a dorsal skinfold window chamber at 7 days post-
implantation. Significant lume-nal expansion of both arterioles (black) and venules (white)

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is induced by S1P over the course of 7 days (arrows). Scale bar = 500 µm. (241) (D) New
bone volume formed within defect area following 6 weeks of healing. (*p<0.05) (238) (E, F)
Micro-CT images of vascular (E) and bone (F) ingrowth several weeks after implantation of
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

70% L-lactide and 30% DL-lactide co-polymer (PLDL) scaffold loaded with recombinant
human growth factors (combinations of BMP-2, TGF-β3, and VEGF). Adapted from
Guldberg et al.242
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Schematic illustration of bioreactors utilized in BTE. Specifically, (A) spinner (red arrows
show movement of the stir bar), (B) rotating wall (red arrows show movement of the vessel),
and (C) perfusion bioreactors (red arrows show movement of the medium) are the most
commonly used. (D) Comparison of bioreactor culture of bone constructs (right) versus
static culture (middle). Bioreactors allow for increased nutrient perfusion throughout
construct, and enhanced bone formation in vitro. Adapted from Martin et al. and Olivier et
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(A) Isolation of rabbit peripheral blood-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) via
terminal exsan-guination. (B) Phase contrast image of PB-EPCs cultured in endothelial
growth media. (C) Two-dimensional angio-genesis assay showing network formation by
PB-EPCs (cells cultured on Matrigel for 8 hours in vitro). Scale bar = 500 mm. (B)
Hematoxylin/eosin staining demonstrating capillary network and branch point formation of
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PB-EPCs cultured in Matrigel after 7 days in vitro. Scale bar = 250 mm. Adapted and
modified from Amini et al.222

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Immunomodulation Strategies for Biomaterials
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In vitro: Decreased dentritic cell maturation (decreased levels of

CD40,CD80, and CD86, HLA-DQ HLA-DR, CD83); increased secretion of TNF–a
Biomaterial choice Material type (295,296)
In vitro: Decreased natural killer cell activity, decreased T- and
B-cell proliferation85

Surface treatments
In vitro: Increased apoptosis of adherent primary human
Hydrophilic surface macrophages; increased levels of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10
and decreased levels of inflammation-associated chemokine IL-8297,298

In vitro: Decreased passive cell attachment and cell activation

Anti-fouling coating
Surface property (i.e., non-specific cell-material interaction)299, 300
Surface topography
In vitro: Decreased initial monocyte adhesion
Aligned structures
In vivo: Increased cell infiltration; decreased fibrous capsule88

In vitro: Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6, TNF-a301

Micro/Nano structures
In vivo: Decreased/ thinner fibrous capsule302
Providing integrins In vitro and in vivo: RGD and PHSRN domains increased
adhesion sites formation of FBGC303,304
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Coupling of anti- In vivo: Decreased anti-inflammatory cytokines, prostaglandins,

Bioactive molecule inflammatory drugs to proteolytic enzymes, free oxygen radicals and nitric oxide;
incorporation biomaterials Decreased T helper (Th)1-directed immunity305,306

Delivery of growth
In vivo: Increase macrophage chemotaxis and activation307
molecules In vivo: Decreased capsule formation308

In vivo: host response dependent on species of origin, tissue of

origin, processing materials, method of terminal sterilization309
Artificial ECM
Artificial ECM coatings
for synthetic implants In vitro and in vivo: Increased cell adhesion and proliferation310,311
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Cell Choices for Bone Tissue Engineering
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Cell type Source Clinical use

Embryonic stem cells
Embryonic bodies (EBs) N/D

Induced Pluoripotent Any cell type that could be induced to

stem cells (iPSCs) become osteoblasts

Segmental defects of long bones312

Large bone diaphysis defects313
Bone marrow Maxillary sinus augmentation314
Posterior spinal fusion251
Bone tumor resection315

Large calvarial defect316

Adipose tissue Osteonecrotic femoral heads317
Adult stem cells Hip osteonecrosis318

Peripheral blood N/D

Teeth (pulp, exfoliated teeth) N/D

Cord blood N/D

Amniotic fluid N/D

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Stem cells derived from ESCs and iPSCs N/D

Any cell type that could be genetically

Genetically modified cells N/D

Necrosis of femur head, avascular

Autologous cells and Platelet-rich plasma
necroses, Non-unions319
growth factor cocktail bone marrow aspirate
Sinus graft320
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Current limitations and challenges facing the field of bone tissue engineering.
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Selecting most effective:

- cell type
- scaffolds (mechanically-compatible, porosity)
Fundamental Challenges - growth factors (which?, combination)

Achieving proper vascularization

Achieving seamless host integration

Donor versus host cell contribution

Appropriate immunomodulatory biomaterials/agents

Knowledge Limitation
Possible side effects/ complications of donor cells/growth factors

Most appropriate animal models

Regenerated Bone Quality

Evaluation Challenges Regenerated Bone Functionality

Long –term tracking of the regenerated bone

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FDA approval

Multi- vs. single- component

Clinical Challenges

Patient specific
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Crit Rev Biomed Eng. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 September 07.

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