ID Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Metode Balanced Scorecard Pada Kusuma Sahid P PDF
ID Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Metode Balanced Scorecard Pada Kusuma Sahid P PDF
ID Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Metode Balanced Scorecard Pada Kusuma Sahid P PDF
Kusuma Sahid Prince Hotel (KSPH) is one of the hotels in Surakarta. The
performance measurement at KSPH Surakarta all this time is only viewed from financial
aspect. The financially measurement of performance is not enough to reflect the actual
company performance, so it is needed the more comprehensive method of performance
measurement as a benchmark of target attainment of the company. Balanced Scorecard
is an alternative choice for the measurement of a company performance. The objective of
the research is to gain result about the application of Balanced Scorecard in measuring
performance at KSPH Surakarta in the year of 2011-2013 through four perspectives;
financial, customer, internal business process, also learning and development
perspective. This research used qualitative approach with descriptive method type job
and activity analysis. Data analysis technique used in this research was interactive
model. The result of this research shows that performance at KSPH Surakarta in the year
of 2011-2013 based on the analysis result toward the four perspectives of Balances
Scorecard achieves at 64,583%, it means that KSPH Surakarta has the good
performance quality in achieving target strategy for every perspective in Balanced
Farida : Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan… (32-43) 33
2010-2011 2011-2013
Kepuasan Good Good 4 = Excellent 3
pelanggan 3 = Good (Baik)
2 = Fair
1 = Poor
Retensi 23,903% 26,330% 4 = 76%-100% 2
pelanggan 3 = 51%-75% (Cukup Baik)
2 = 26%-50%
1 = <25%
Akuisisi 5,101% 6,664% 4 = >8% 3
pelanggan 3 = 6%-8% (Baik)
2 = 3%-5%
1 = <2%
Skor yang Dicapai 8
Total Skor 12
Skor Kinerja Perusahaan 66,667%
Kesimpulan Baik
Sumber: Pengolahan data (2014)
Kualitas kinerja KSPH strategis dalam perspektif pelanggan
Surakarta secara keseluruhan pada tahun 2011-2013 adalah “baik”.
berdasarkan penilaian dari perspektif Kinerja yang baik menjadikan
pelanggan dapat mencapai nilai pelanggan dapat bertahan dan
66,667%. Pencapaian nilai tersebut menjadi pelanggan loyal.
menunjukkan bahwa kinerja KSPH
Surakarta dalam mencapai sasaran
3. Perspektif Proses Bisnis Internal
Kinerja KSPH Surakarta dengan memperdalam hubungan
dalam mencapai sasaran strategis dengan pelanggan, dan
dari perspektif proses bisnis internal meningkatkan inovasi produk pada
seperti meningkatkan pelayanan, tahun 2011-2013 mengalami
proses manajemen pelanggan perbaikan.
Tabel 3. Penilaian Kinerja KSPH Surakarta dari Perspektif Proses Bisnis Internal
Tolak Ukur Realisasi Skala Skor Hasil
Strategis 2011 2012 2013 Penilaian Penilaian
Proses Maks. 24 24 24 24 4 = 24 jam 4
Pelayanan Jam Jam Jam Jam 3 = 17-24 jam (Sangat
2 = 9-16 jam Baik)
1 = <8 jam
Proses Customer 4 kali 4 kali 4 kali 4 = >6 kali 2
Manajemen Gathering 3 = 5-6 kali (Cukup
Pelanggan minimal 4 2 = 3-4 kali Baik)
kali dalam 1 = 1-2 kali
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