JBASE Data Provider
JBASE Data Provider
JBASE Data Provider
Version 4.1
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jBASE, jBASE BASIC, jED, jSHELL, jLP, jEDI, jCL, jQL, j3 j4 and jPLUS files are
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Errata and Comments
If you have any comments regarding this manual or wish to report any errors in the
documentation, please document them and send them to the address below:
Please include your name, company, address, and telephone and fax numbers, and email
address if applicable. [email protected]
NAV_UTIL.................................................................................................................................. 11
What is NAV_UTIL................................................................................................................... 11
Example of commands ............................................................................................................... 11
EXECUTING SQL ............................................................................................................................. 13
SETTING UP JDP FOR EACH SUPPORTED MODE ................................................................................. 14
Standard datasource.................................................................................................................... 15
TABLEFILE datasource............................................................................................................. 19
Catalogue datasource.................................................................................................................. 24
Documentation Conventions
Convention Usage
BOLD In syntax, bold indicates commands, function names, and options. In text,
bold indicates keys to press, function names, menu selections, and MS-
DOS commands.
UPPERCASE In syntax, italic indicates information that you supply. In text, italic also
Italic indicates UNIX commands and options, filenames, and pathnames.
Courier Bold Courier Bold In examples, courier bold indicates characters that the user
types or keys (for example, <Return>).
[] Brackets enclose optional items. Do not type the brackets unless indicated.
{} Braces enclose nonoptional items from which you must select at least one.
Do not type the braces.
ItemA | itemB A vertical bar separating items indicates that you can choose only one
item. Do not type the vertical bar.
... Three periods indicate that more of the same type of item can optionally
⇒ A right arrow between menu options indicates you should choose each
option in sequence. For example, “Choose File ⇒Exit” means you should
choose File from the menu bar, and then choose Exit from the File pull-
down menu.
Syntax definitions and examples are indented for ease in reading.
All punctuation marks included in the syntax—for example, commas, parentheses, or
quotation marks—are required unless otherwise indicated.
Syntax lines that do not fit on one line in this manual are continued on subsequent lines.
The continuation lines are indented. When entering syntax, type the entire syntax entry,
including the continuation lines, on the same input line.
Limitations of this documentation
Because Attunity is a 3rd party product this manual is intended to be nothing more than an
introduction to the functionality that is available using Attunity. If you require more detailed
examples please read the Attunity manual.
jDP is the jBASE driver for the attunity connect software, this provides an interface for the
attunity software to access jBASE data files.
Using attunity, any products adhering to the ODBC, OLE DB, JDBC or ADO standards can
retrieve data from the jEDI interface (directly from the jBASE database)
• Allows connectivity to jBASE files via, ODBC \ ADO \ OLDB \ XML type technologies
• Allows applications (front end) to use SQL (Standard Query Languages) syntax
• Multi-values, Sub-values are supported, and can be grouped together as associated sets.
• Attunity is available on all supported jBASE platforms except iSeries and zSeries.
Mode 1
This is the default mode and allows access to all the files, a user running the jDP driver can open
files that:
Can be opened without specifying a path
Have filenames that are valid SQL table names and have dictionaries.
This mode is useful for ad hoc queries, or for users using shrink-wrapped client software
Mode 2
This mode restricts the view of database files to only those specified in a ‘TABLEFILE’. (a
TABLEFILE is a hash file, which contains an item for each data file you want to make ‘visible’).
This method allows access to be restricted to a nominated set of files by using a special
Mode 3
A ‘Catalogue’ described simply as a ‘Database’ – a collection of tables that hold data and belong
to the database – the database acting as a logical boundary. Unlike the other two methods of
accessing the data through jDP, this method allows a good security and permissions strategy to be
set up on all the individual files in the database, thus allowing various users access to only
specified data.
For the catalogue to maintain a list of users, schemas, tables and permissions, a catalogue directory
is set up to hold ‘system files’. These system files hold all the needed information that to
administer the catalogue.
Within a catalogue, it is possible to create ‘Schemas’: described as workspaces where users can
place\attach their tables. If no Schemas are used, the catalogue will use the public schema (this is
the default schema). Schemas are used to hold files for individual users (e.g., Bob) or a logical
group of users (e.g. SalesTeam). Each individual schema must have its own working directory
where it stores its tables.
When referencing a table in a catalogue, the full explicit reference would be:
Example Catalogue:
Contains four schemas: NutsAndBoltsPlc:Public
With in the SalesTeam schema you may find the following tables:
Getting Started
Within the jdp directory there should be all that is needed to run the jDP demo, however if you
have not installed jBASE into its default location,
C:\jbase4.1 (Windows)
/usr/jbc (UNIX)
In order for jDP to function correctly you need to ensure that both jBASE and jDP are configured
On UNIX system
It should point to the location where jDP has been installed (default /usr/jdp )
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH / $LIBPATH / $SHLIBPATH ( depending on system )
Should contain $NAVROOT/lib, as well as any additional subroutines that are needed by your
On WINDOWS system
Should point to the location where jDP has been installed ( default C:\jBASE4.1\jDP )
Should contain the location of any additional subroutines that are needed by your dictionary’s
On both UNIX and windows systems if you are having problems starting the irpcd demon there
should be a description of the last error in one of the log files in $NAVROOT/tmp.
Generally most common errors are down to the environment not being set correctly, a good test is
to open a “jshell” using the same environment that you are using for jDP and see if you can list
your files.
On Windows systems use “services” in start >> settings >> control panel >> administrative tools
>> Services
Description of scripts & files
On WINDOWS system if you have not installed jBASE to its default location, or on UNIX
systems if you are not using a symbolic link to /usr/jbc, you will have to amend to following
scripts :-
These scripts are needed to setup the environment for jDP when it first launches a client or server,
don’t forget that jDP will need to see the same sort of things that jBASE does.
For example you may use subroutines from within your dictionaries or using a different MD for
jDP users, in both these example’s jDP will fail if you have not setup your jBASE environment
variables in the relevant script.
These scripts can be found in $NAVROOT/bin, and should have a working example that points to
the default jBASE/jDP locations.
addon.def This file is needed to tell the Attunity driver how to connect to jDP.
license.pak These are the default demo licence supplied by Attunity.
Upgrading the jDP Environment to Version 3.0
The installation procedure of jDP version 3.0 gives you the option to upgrade to version 3.0 all
elements of your existing jDP system. If you decline this automatic comprehensive upgrade, you
can later use the UPDGRADE_TO_3 utility to upgrade to version 3.0 selected elements of your
existing jDP system.
The UPGRADE_TO_3 utility transfers existing elements of your jDP configuration into object
store, jDPs new internal storage mechanism. This utility transfers into object store the following
elements in your jDP system:
• jDP metadata
• The results of all nav_util upgrade_to_3 operations are written to a log residing in either the
default location (\tmp under NAVROOT) or the directory specified in the CTL_TRACE_DIR
parameter in the jDP environment file.
• When connecting to a data source using the ODBC driver on a non-Windows platform.
• When using the data connector and user defined data types SDK. For details see jDP Open Data
Connectivity and the Developer SDK.
What is NAV_UTIL
NAV_UTIL is a collection of Attunity utilities. The utilities include troubleshooting utilities and
metadata utilities. All of the utilities run from NAV_UTIL. NAV_UTIL can be used for any thing
from creating a datasource, running a SQL query or even checking on the status of any running
Example of commands
The following are examples of useful commands, for a more detailed description please read the
Attunity documentation.
Generating metadata
Now put an entry in the remoteMachines section
<remoteMachines name='NAV'>
<remoteMachine name='10_48_3_102' address=''/>
Executing SQL
You can write and execute SQL in the NavSQL environment, as follows:
On-the-fly: Write a sql statement and end it with a semi-colon. Press Enter to execute the
If the SQL contains data from more than one data source, use a colon (:) to identify the data source
(that is, datasource_name:Table_name).
From a file: Enter the full name of a file that contains sql, prefixed by @. Press Enter to execute
the sql contained in the file. For example:
NavSQL> @C:\sql\sql-query.sql;
will execute the sql contained in the file sql-query.sql.
You can access the NavSQL environment and run a file immediately by entering the following
where data_source is the name of the data source as defined in the binding file and file is the name
of the SQL file.
If you want to run all the queries in the file without the overhead of displaying query information
on the screen for each query, enter the following command:
In this case, only queries that fail cause information to be displayed to the screen during the run. A
message is displayed after all the queries have been run, stating the number of queries that
succeeded and the number that failed.
From within a transaction: Enter the command begin-transaction (optionally with either read-only
or write permission) to start a transaction where you can commit a number of sql statements
together. Use commit to update the data sources with any changes or rollback if you decide that
you do not want to accept the changes.
In the introduction to this document we mentioned that jDP can be ran in 3 different modes, the
following are typical examples of each mode,
Standard datasource
This example shows how to use the standard jBASE environment with jDP, in our sample account
we have 3 files
WINDOWS: C:\Sample
UNIX: /home/Sample
It also has its own MD, but this is just to demonstrate that it is actually can be used, create a file
pointer called CUSTOMERS.
a. Create the sample tables and dictionaries, and then populate them with some meaningful data.
b. Adding a datasource.
You will need to let both the client and server know what type of datasource you are creating,
which can be done by using one of the following:
“Attunity Configuration Manager”, this is a GUI interface installed with the windows version of
Attunity, it also allows you to configure remote servers, (UNIX and WINDOWS)
nav_util is a multi-functional utility supplied by attunity, it allows jDP to setup and maintain
datasources, and it can also execute queries.
To add a datasource via nav_util execute the following from the server.
nav_util UPD_DS SAMPLE jDP jDP
When a client connects the attunity driver needs to be able to see where the jBASE account is.
This is done by using the following script.
WINDOWS: nav_login.bat
UNIX: site_nav_login.sh
Add the following lines to let jBASE know where things are:
jed $NAVROOT/bin/site_nav_login.sh
001 #
002 # Modify Attunity 3.2 environment for jBASE 3.x
003 #
035 # Make sure Attunity can see our demo data files
036 JEDIFILEPATH=/usr/jbc/jdp/demo
039 #
040 # Any additional site specific changes should follow
Add the following lines to let jBASE know where things are..
036 JEDIFILEPATH=/home/Sample
038 JEDIFILENAME_MD=/home/\Sample
040 HOME=c:\Sample
041 export HOME
On the client machines you also need to add a reference to the remote datasource, this can be
done via the GUI or by executing the following command :
d) Creating a link between the attunity driver and the jBASE files.
If you are using a file that contains multivalues you will need to configure jDP so that the jDP
driver treats the multivalued columns as tables, physically they are still stored as multivalues in the
jBASE files, jDP simply creates an internal virtual table that the jDP driver can use.
You can list all data sources with the following command :-
The file viewer will vary depending on whether you are running on windows or UNIX in this
example we are not using multi-values so all tables should be usable via ODBC without any
TABLEFILE datasource
We can use the files that where created for the previous example:
ITEMID 1 foreign key to item details
CUSTID 2 foreign key to customer details
WINDOWS: C:\Sample
UNIX: /home/Sample
We also need to create a jBASE H4 file called TABLEFILE, this file will hold reference to the
above files. Each entry in a TABLEFILE is very similar to having an F Pointer in your “MD”
UNIX: /home/TSample
If you are using a UNIX system, <<ACCOUNT>> will be /home/sample, WINDOWS c:\Sample.
e. Adding a datasource.
You will need to let both the client and server know what type of datasource you are creating, this
can be done by using on of the following :
“Attunity Configuration Manager”, This is a GUI interface installed with the windows version of
Attunity, it also allows you to configure remote servers, (UNIX and WINDOWS )
nav_util is a multi-functional utility supplied by Attunity, it allows jDP to setup and maintain
datasources, and it can also execute queries.
To add a datasource via nav_util execute the following from the server..
When a client connects the Attunity driver needs to be able to see where the jBASE account is.
This is done by using the following script.
WINDOWS: nav_login.bat
UNIX: site_nav_login.sh
Add the following lines to let jBASE know where things are..
jed $NAVROOT/bin/site_nav_login.sh
001 #
002 # Modify Attunity 3.2 environment for jBASE 3.x
003 #
035 # Make sure Attunity can see our demo data files
036 JEDIFILEPATH=/usr/jbc/jdp/demo
039 #
040 # Any additional site specific changes should follow
Add the following lines to let jBASE know where things are..
036 JEDIFILEPATH=/home/Sample
038 JEDIFILENAME_MD=/home/\Sample
040 HOME=c:\Sample
041 export HOME
On the client machines you also need to add a reference to the remote datasource, this can be done
via the GUI or by executing the following command :
g. Creating a link between the Attunity driver and the jBASE files.
If you are using a file that contains multivalues you will need to configure jDP so that the jDP
driver can treats the multivalued columns as tables, physically they are still stored as a multivalues
in the jBASE files, and jDP simply creates an internal virtual table that the jDP driver can use.
You can list all data sources with the following command :-
The file viewer will vary depending on whether you are running on windows or UNIX in this
example we are not using multi-values so all tables should be usable via jDP without any
Catalogue datasource
DSN Name
This is the datasource name that the program will write into the binding file; the ‘jDP’ software to
connect to the catalogue uses this file.
Catalogue Directory
This is the directory that the catalogue can find all its required system tables.
Public Tables Path
The directory the catalogue uses to hold the tables for the default schema.
jsh ~ -->CreateJDPCatalog
Enter absolute directory pathname in which to locate the Catalog or <Q>uit: c:\cat
Enter absolute directory pathname in which to create tables for the Public schema or <Q>uit:
• Updating Security...
jsh ~ -->
After the program has run, you will have to let jDP know about the new datasource.
Nav_util UPD_DS CATSAMPLE jDP catalogdir=c:\cat
If a client machine accesses the data (i.e. the server and the client are separate machines) then the
client will also need to setup a datasource entry.
The jBASE Dictionary Configurator (or jDC) is designed to amend standard jBASE Dictionaries
to store extra data needed by jDP in order to carry out tasks in SQL, which require more
information to perform operations such as joins. The jDC also allows configuration of which files
are visible and updateable. By default, all files are read-only through jDP.
The jDC only operates on locally accessible files. To configure server based files, a network share
mechnism needs to be set up.
Normal jBASE files contain data in one file in multi-valued format which would normally be spread
amongst a number of hierarchical tables in a relational database. The jDC allows the configuration of a
number of logical sub tables to allow SQL constructs to work against jBASE multi-value data in the
normal manner.
To configure the settings for a file, select it and click on the properties button. A dialog should appear
similar to this which allows configuration of the visibility / read-only attributes of the file.
These options are as follows;
Description Some tools can be supplied with the string you enter here as a TABLE
Visible to jDP Specifies whether the columns are hidden form jDP or not. the default, provided
by the driver, is that the table is visible. Override the default here. You can
override the file defaults on an individual column (dictionary entry).
Allow update Specifies whether dictionary elements in this file are updatable by default.
Allow SQL If a dictionary element is updateable, this property allows or denies its update
NULL Update using the SQL value NULL. Note that SQL NULL is not the same as a null
string "". It is roughly equivalent to "Unassigned Var", in the jBC language.
SQL read When reading from a column, (dictionary element), you can specify whether to
returns NULL return an empty element (null string "", or "" in a numeric field for instance), as
the special SQL NULL or not. The driver default shell should only be
overridden if you fully understand the concepts of SQL NULL.
Process Dictionary elements that are A or S types, may have conversions/correlatives on
Attribute 7 both attribute 7 and attribute 8 of their definition. By default, anything specified
on Attribute 7 is ignored. You can choose to process this attribute by default or
File visible to By default, the driver advertises all files that it can see. However, you can
jDP choose to remove this file from the list of advertised TABLES.
Add New Inserts, Deletes and Updates are forbidden by default, for what should be
Items obvious security concerns. If you want users to be able to add new rows (items
etc), to the file, then specify this here.
Delete Items Specify whether users are allowed to delete rows (items etc), from this file or