AC7122-R Rev C
AC7122-R Rev C
AC7122-R Rev C
Issued 2007-10
161 Thorn Hill Road
Warrendale, PA 15086-7527 Revised 2015-09
Note: AC7122 Rev A previously included details on the accreditation process utilizing the AC7122 series documents and
all questions for P, I and R. For Revision B, the AC7122 document has been broken into four documents:
• AC7122 (base document) - Contains details on the accreditation process utilizing the AC7122 series documents.
• AC7122-P - Contains questions only applicable to Part Manufacturers Captive Laboratories
• AC7122-I - Contains questions only applicable to Independent Test Laboratories
• AC7122-R - Contains questions only applicable to Raw Material Manufacturers Captive Laboratories
This checklist contains the requirements for Raw Material Manufacturer Captive Laboratories seeking
accreditation to AC7122-R. Supplemental checklists provide additional detailed questions on the specific
disciplines to be accredited.
In completing this assessment, auditors are instructed to respond with a “YES” or “NO” to address
compliance with each statement of requirement. For any negative responses, the auditor must clearly
indicate if the “NO” reflects noncompliance with respect to existence, adequacy, and/or compliance.
Existence relates to evidence of a documented procedure or policy, adequacy relates to the completeness
of the procedure or policy, and compliance relates to evidence of effective implementation.
In case of conflict between checklist and controlling engineering, engineering takes precedence.
All questions require a response. For Captive Laboratories (AC7122/P and AC7122/R), the applicable
checklist questions will be completed for the Audited Test Codes. Checklist questions for the Test Codes
that are not audited will not be completed and will remain blank. The Test Code Table shall identify the
PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality
sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent
infringement arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user."
PRI values your input. To provide feedback on this document, please contact the appropriate commodity staff engineer.
(Contact information is located at under “Contact Us”.)
Copyright 2015 Performance Review Institute. All rights reserved.
t-frm-15 06-Jan-2015
PRI AC7122-R Revision C -2-
This checklist is intended to be utilized by the candidate laboratory to perform a detailed internal audit
before the on-site audit visit for accreditation to PRI/Nadcap Audit Criteria AC7122-R. The laboratory
should complete a full evaluation of its systems, utilizing all applicable checklists. All internally identified
nonconformances should be corrected prior to the actual audit. .
The laboratory, when possible, shall forward the following information, as directed by PRI, prior to the
scheduled audit:
a. Quality Assurance/Control Manual
b. List of test codes and methods for which the laboratory is seeking accreditation
c. Applicable documented procedures pertaining to the test method(s) being audited
d. Copy of most recent Inter-laboratory Proficiency Test (IPT) results (for Reaccreditation Audits
e. Example copy of a traveler/work instructions or equivalent
NOTE: Due to proprietary/classified or export control information, it may not be possible for the Laboratory
to forward all the information listed above.
PRI AC7122-R Revision C -3-
The selection of job audits shall be all inclusive. However, this counts as one job audit. For example a
non-ambient tensile test is inclusive of the ambient test. Typically one non ambient and one strain
measurement will be included in the job audit selection.
Additionally an effort should be made on following audits to select test codes that were not audited in the
previous audit. The idea is to perform job audits on all accredited codes within a few audits.
Following is the order of precedence for choosing job audits:
• In-process jobs from a Nadcap Subscriber.
• Retains of previously prepared Nadcap Subscriber’s specimens.
• In-process job for product with industry test methods (e.g. ASTM, EN, etc.). This may be needed
to meet the 50% in-process job audit requirement.
• Retains of previously prepared specimens for product with industry test methods (e.g. ASTM, EN,
Following is a list of unacceptable job audits:
• Historical jobs
Nadcap accredits AC7122 to Aerospace laboratories working in the field of Non Metallic Materials Testing.
The process of accreditation is through Nadcap auditing of the facility seeking accreditation. While some
Subscribers are mandating their Supplier base, others although engaged in the process, do not at this
time; they may however in the future. All Suppliers being audited to AC7122 must make auditors aware of
all subscribing Nadcap Subscriber products fabricated at their site. The auditor may then choose the
products they wish to audit regardless of the Subscriber. This given, there may be extenuating
circumstances where a certain Subscriber may request that a certain product not be audited. It is
incumbent upon the Supplier to be able to demonstrate this formally to the auditor prior to the audit, either
by written document, Subscriber PO or a contractual document.
An AC7122 audit is not Subscriber specific. Rather, it is a review of the Supplier’s
conformance/compliance to Subscriber/customers specification/drawing/PO requirements "flowed down"
to that Supplier. It is not acceptable for Suppliers to select particular Subscribers or parts for review rather
they should be able to present all components for review. General
The Laboratory shall provide for an in-briefing with the auditor. Key members of the applicant’s staff
should attend the in-briefing so the audit purpose, methods, and assessment processes can be discussed.
Working space for the auditor with desks or tables, chairs, computer, web access, telephone, etc. shall be
made available. Clerical, typing and reproduction services are to be provided, as required. This is not a
full time assignment. A final out-briefing shall be conducted at the completion of the audit. Each
nonconformance and observation will be reviewed and the Laboratory will be given the opportunity to
discuss proposed corrective action or to provide any additional information.
NOTE: The Task Group may, upon review, change the auditors’ determination of a finding or observation.
Test Laboratories shall provide a written response to each nonconformance identified by the auditor, Staff
Engineer, or Task Group.
PRI AC7122-R Revision C -4-
In accordance with Nadcap Operating Procedures, the Laboratory has a specified period of time from the
close of the audit to submit a corrective action plan and identify effectivity dates for each NCR. The
response must address the immediate action taken to resolve the discrepancy, the root cause of the
nonconformance from a systems management approach, evaluation of impact to product, and the actions
taken or to be taken to preclude reoccurrence. Objective evidence shall be submitted.
PRI Staff or the Task Group may, after review of the audit report, require additional information or find
cause to issue additional findings.
NOTE: Final authority over the audit report, acceptability of corrective actions, and accreditation
recommendation rests with the Task Group.
PRI AC7122-R Revision C -5-
PRI AC7122-R Revision C -6-
3.1 For re-accreditation audits, was corrective action from previous audits YES NO N/A
implemented and sustained?
4.2 Does the laboratory have one of the following active certifications: AS/EN/JISQ YES NO N/A
9100 (AS/EN9110)?
The Nadcap Composites Task Group - Non Metallic Materials Manufacturing Sub-Group recognizes
AS/EN/JISQ9100 (AS/EN9110). If the supplier has been audited and approved by any Nadcap
recognized agency for compliance with AS/EN/JISQ9100 (AS/EN9110), then no further assessment for
quality management systems will be required. Although specific audit criteria for evaluation of the general
quality management system is not included within the text of this checklist, the requirements of
AS/EN/JISQ9100 (AS/EN9110) do form a part of the standard used in the Nadcap Non Metallic Materials
Testing Accreditation program.
As such, auditors may identify and record nonconformances related to the quality management system.
The supplier must address these nonconformances in order to obtain Nadcap Accreditation.
4.3 Is the testing environment designed to minimize vibrations, electrical transients, YES NO
voltage fluctuations, RF pollution, and atmospheric contamination?
4.4 Does the laboratory maintain cleanliness, housekeeping, and orderly handling of YES NO
4.5 Is equipment used in an environment that is not detrimental to their function? YES NO
5.2 Are written procedures or computer programs, under revision control and (as YES NO
applicable) software quality assurance control, issued and followed for all
applicable tests?
5.3 Do test procedures include specimen preparation, and are they sufficiently detailed YES NO
so that the test can be consistently repeated in that laboratory?
5.4 Are test procedures or test methods being used of the latest revision, unless YES NO
otherwise specified by the customer?
PRI AC7122-R Revision C -7-
6.1 Is there a unique identification assigned to each test specimen to ensure YES NO N/A
traceability from the certificate issued to the customer?
6.2 Are there documented procedures/work instructions established to uniquely YES NO N/A
identify specimens so they are traceable to the material lot number or part number
they represent?
7.1 Does the laboratory's system provide for tracking and accountability of all YES NO
7.2 Are specimens stamped, tagged or otherwise identified to avoid inter-mixing, until YES NO
disposal or return?
7.3 Does a procedure exist that defines specimen handling policies, including YES NO
specimen protection for possible future examination?
8.1 Is computer controlled and/or data acquisition equipment calibrated as a system? YES NO
9.1 Are calibration status labels posted on each calibrated test machine and YES NO
measuring device? (Where a status sticker is impractical, other means shall be
used to identify the status of the calibration.)
10.1 Are standards clearly identified to prevent mixing between primary, secondary, and YES NO
working standards and non-calibrated equipment and standards?
11.1 Is out of service equipment identified and segregated (if possible) from equipment YES NO
in use?
12.1 Is there a procedure addressing the calibration and usage of “employee-owned” YES NO
equipment used for acceptance purposes?
PRI AC7122-R Revision C -8-
13.1 Are all gage dimensions that are used in calculations measured and recorded? YES NO
13.2 Is a documented procedure in place to verify all other specimen drawing YES NO N/A
13.3 Are specimens visually inspected for surface anomalies prior to test? YES NO
13.6 Are irregularities, when present, listed in the test record, if the test is performed? YES NO N/A
14.3 Are parts of fixture assemblies matched by number when meant to be used YES NO N/A
together? Refers to large pieces only.
14.4 Are fixtures traceable to test, if requested by the customer? YES NO N/A
15.2 Are thermocouples that are attached to specimens inspected for damage (kinked YES NO N/A
or twisted wire, damaged or oxidized junction) prior to re-use?
15.3 Are exposed wires free of twists prior to junctions or per customer requirements? YES NO
15.5 If thermocouples are reused, does the laboratory have a procedure addressing YES NO N/A
15.6 If thermocouples are not individually calibrated, is wire calibrated (certified) in YES NO N/A
accordance with standards as specified by the customer (e.g. ASTM E220 or
15.7 Do limits of error and min/max temperature used appear on the calibration? YES NO N/A
15.8 If calibrations are performed in-house, are thermocouple calibration procedures YES NO N/A
16.1 Is there a written policy for specimen replacement testing and retesting (in YES NO
accordance with customer requirements), established and referenced through the
Quality System?
16.2 When an outlier is identified in a set of specimen results, is there an assignable YES NO N/A
cause investigation?
PRI AC7122-R Revision C -9-
17.1 Are all specimens tested by the laboratory accounted for, whether tested to YES NO
completion or failure, including replacement tests and retest?
17.2 Are replaced specimens documented in the laboratory’s internal records? YES NO
18.1 Is invalidation of test results authorized by the material specification, or other YES NO
contractual documents?
19.1 Do the laboratory’s procedure concerning replacement testing require that invalid YES NO
tests, subject to replacement testing, be assigned a probable cause?
20.1 Is a written policy for errors in testing established and referenced through the YES NO
Quality System?
20.2 Does the written procedure document the designation of individuals (or job titles) YES NO N/A
responsible for action and notification (if required)?
20.3 Is the suspect population defined and documented, when errors in testing are YES NO
20.4 Does the laboratory notify all customers to whom the laboratory sent incorrect or YES NO N/A
suspect test results within five (5) working days, if affected material is not
contained and correctness of results verified, unless otherwise specified by the
21.1 Does the laboratory document all valid test results in a test report? For captive YES NO
laboratories, this is controlled by a quality assurance function.
21.2 Are the certification statements signed and released, only after a review of the test YES NO N/A
results for completeness and accuracy?
PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 10 -
21.3 Are the following items included in each test report, in addition to requirements YES NO N/A
established by the applicable specification:
a. The laboratory’s identification: Name and Address
b. The company for whom the testing was performed
c. The number(s) and issue(s)/revision(s) of the specification(s) against
which material was tested
d. The test method used, if not called out by the material specification
e. The disclosure of non-standard practices
f. All valid test results, and if required, failing test results
g. If certifying to a specification (as opposed to certification statements which
encompass many individual specifications), the results were obtained in
accordance with the requirements of that specification.
h. A description of the results (e.g., conforms or does not conform) for all
tests for which the material specification does not establish numerical
i. Any unusual observations (identified as “Observation”).
j. Conforming and non-conforming results. (separate test report is not
k. The unique description or identification number (e.g., lot number) of the
samples submitted
22.1 Is each page of the test report numbered "page __ of__", and has unique YES NO N/A
identification traceable to the job and laboratory identification?
22.2 Is the use of `white-out' or erasures on the signed test reports, test record YES NO
documents or copies prohibited?
22.3 Are test results for all specimens in the same set included on the same test report? YES NO
22.5 Are all specimens provided to an independent laboratory accounted for? YES NO N/A
23.1 Is the conformance clearly stated when testing is performed against a material YES NO
specification that requires certification statements to state that a test result
"conforms to specification"?
24.1 Are revisions to test reports handled in one of the following manners: YES NO
a. A new test report number is issued, and referenced to the erroneous test
b. An amended test report is issued.
c. If not addressed as in section a. or b., there is a procedure specifying the
method used by the laboratory.
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 11 -
25.1 Guidance on the acceptance of alternate Inter-laboratory test programs exists in AC7122 Appendix A.
(N/A if initial assessment)
Report No.:
25.3 If an NCR was written as a result of the inter-laboratory proficiency test, was it YES NO
25.4 Is the two year frequency of the inter-laboratory proficiency testing requirement YES NO
26.1 Are the following subcontracted processes, as applicable, traceable to a customer YES NO N/A
approved or specified facility:
a. Lay-up of test panels
b. Cure and post cure of test panels
c. Bonding of tabs to test panels
d. Machining of test specimens
e. Bonding of fixtures to test panels (e.g. flatwise tensile blocks)
f. Bonding of strain gages to test specimens
g. Environmental conditioning (temperature/humidity/time)
h. Testing
27.2 Are testing, data review, and data preparation personnel qualified by at least one YES NO
of the following:
a. Training by individual with a technical degree and/or related experience
b. Periodic overcheck of work (documented for testing personnel)
c. Round Robin comparison among personnel (testing staff)
27.3 Do written training plans exist, encompassing all testing personnel? YES NO
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 12 -
27.8 Are personnel records containing the names and relevant qualifications (education YES NO
+ training + experience) of laboratory personnel responsible for test results
If a degree “or equivalent” is required, justification for “equivalent” shall be
documented. The quality system documents shall define equivalency
28.1.1 Are temperature and humidity requirements of the testing environment monitored? YES NO
28.1.2 Are the tests performed within the requirements of temperature and humidity? YES NO
28.2.1 Are conditioned specimens tested within customer specified time after removal YES NO
from the conditioning chamber?
28.2.2 If specimens are not tested immediately upon removal from conditioning, are they YES NO N/A
stored per customer requirements?
28.2.3 Are holes, which are relevant to the test, drilled before specimen conditioning? YES NO N/A
28.2.4 Are fasteners for FHC or FHT tests inserted either before or after conditioning as YES NO N/A
per customer requirements?
28.3.1 Is the load measuring system calibrated according to standards as specified by the YES NO
customer (e.g. ASTM E4 and/or ISO 7500-1)?
28.3.2 Is the load cell calibrated with the range of use to ensure accurate load data? YES NO
28.4.1 Is there a written strain gauge application procedure available which includes: YES NO
a. Specimen Surface Preparation
b. Strain Gage Alignment and Location
c. Bonding of strain gage to the specimen
d. Compatibility of the adhesives and gages to the material and test
28.4.2 Is adhesive cure temperature below the specimen’s minimum cure temperature? YES NO
28.4.3 Are chemicals and adhesives used for strain gauging properly identified and YES NO
28.4.4 Are strain gages, if used, a minimum size of 6mm, unless otherwise specified? YES NO N/A
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 13 -
28.5.1 Are extensometers or compressometers directly attached to the gage length or as YES NO
required by the test specification and is the method of attachment recorded?
28.5.2 Are extensometers class B2 (ASTM E83), class 0.5 (ISO 9513) or better used, YES NO
unless otherwise specified by the test specification?
28.5.3 Are deflectometer class C (ASTM E83), class 1 (ISO 9513) or better used, unless YES NO
otherwise specified by the test specification?
28.6.1 Does the laboratory identify the method in the test procedure? YES NO Has a temperature gradient profile verification of the test chamber been YES NO
performed? Is there a written procedure to evaluate Temperature Gradient Profile in the Test YES NO N/A
Chamber, and does it include specimen size and material type? Are thermocouples and the measuring devices used, calibrated and traceable to YES NO
national standards? Is the maximum temperature of operation for the test chamber and permissible YES NO
variation in the procedure identified? Are specimen sizes that are to be evaluated annually identified? YES NO Is at least one thermocouple attached to the specimen during the test? (Proximate YES NO
placement is acceptable where demonstrated equivalent.) Is the temperature recorded and maintained during the test? YES NO Does the written procedure for testing have a mandatory requirement to attach two YES NO
thermocouples and distance between them for each specimen type with a gauge
length longer than 0.5 inch (13 mm) or in accordance with standard/customer
requirements? Does the written procedure for testing require temperature/s to be logged and not YES NO
exceed the specified ± 5°F (3°C) up to 500°F (260°C) and ± 1% thereafter or in
accordance with standard/customer requirements? Are at least two thermocouples, or as required by the customer, attached to the YES NO
specimen during the test, unless gage length is 0.5 inch (13mm) or less? Are thermocouple wires attached such that they will not interfere with the test YES NO
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 14 - Is there a written procedure for carrying out alignment check? YES NO N/A Is the alignment check procedure compliant with ASTM E 1012, Appendix A or YES NO
customer requirements? Are strains at zero load (un-gripped and gripped) and at an average of 1000 YES NO
microstrain recorded? Are strain gages not zeroed after installation (gripping)? YES NO Are bending strains and Percent Bending Strain calculated for each of the three YES NO
axial locations? Is the accuracy of the strain measuring equipment verified through the use of a YES NO
shunt resistor (shunt calibration) or equivalent technique? Is the configuration used per ASTM E1012, Appendix A or as specified by the YES NO
customer, and identified to the correct drawing, and number of gages? For the thin, rectangular 4-gage specimen, are the strain gages numbered and YES NO
positioned in accordance with Figure 3 of ASTM E1012 or Figure A.2 of Appendix
A? Are there records indicating that the alignment specimen dimensions were YES NO
inspected and are in accordance with the drawing in Appendix A or ASTM E1012
or as specified by the customer? Is the specimen tested, for at least one iteration, in each of the four loading YES NO
configurations (end-to end and side-to side)? Are the proper calculations used for the given specimen configuration? YES NO
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 15 - Does the laboratory demonstrate maximum bending strain per standard or YES NO
customer requirements? Does the lab report the Bending Class per ASTM E1012 or customer YES NO
requirements? Does the grip face texture prevent slipping or uneven loading? YES NO If the laboratory uses other material between grip faces and the specimen, is this YES NO N/A
practice documented in the written procedure? Does the grip face texture prevent slipping or uneven loading? YES NO If the laboratory uses other material between grip faces and the specimen, is this YES NO N/A
practice documented in the written procedure? Is the grip pressure recorded or documented for each specimen type? YES NO
28.9.1 Is parallelism of compression platens flat within 0.001 inch (0.025 mm)? YES NO
28.10.1 Does the laboratory carry out tests under crosshead displacement control? YES NO
28.10.2 Is the crosshead displacement rate during the test 0.05 in/min ± 0.01 in/min or 1 YES NO
mm/min ± 0.3 mm/min unless otherwise specified by the customer?
28.10.3 Is crosshead displacement rate verified per a documented procedure or applicable YES NO
industry standard?
28.10.4 Does the test report identify the crosshead displacement rate used? YES NO Does a handling procedure exist to protect parts and materials from damage and YES NO
contamination during manufacturing, handling, and storage? Are fiber alignment and orientation maintained during test panel lay-up, tabbing, YES NO N/A
and test specimen fabrication as required by customer or supplier procedures? Are specimen surfaces prepared and primed per customer requirements? YES NO N/A
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 16 - Is mold release fully cured prior to lay-up or adhesive bonding? YES NO Do procedures include instructions for cleaning tool prior to lay-up? YES NO Are documented thermal uniformity surveys for ovens, autoclaves and presses on YES NO N/A
file, per customer requirements? Are shelf life and out time of age sensitive materials controlled? YES NO Is prepreg/adhesive allowed to warm/thaw prior to removing from bag when YES NO N/A
applicable? If kits are prepared, are they stored per applicable customer specifications? YES NO N/A If kits are prepared, are they properly labeled for traceability? YES NO N/A Is intermixing of lay-up materials performed per customer requirements? YES NO N/A If trimming is performed with a utility knife or equivalent, is a shim used to protect YES NO N/A
other plies or tolls from being cut? Are procedures in place for debulking per customer requirements? YES NO N/A Are shelf life and out time of age sensitive materials controlled? YES NO Is adhesive allowed to warm/thaw prior to removing from bag, when applicable? YES NO N/A If kits are prepared, are they stored per applicable customer specifications? YES NO N/A If kits are prepared, are they properly labeled for traceability? YES NO N/A Is mixing of adhesive materials performed per customer/supplier requirements? YES NO N/A If trimming is performed with a utility knife or equivalent, is a shim used to protect YES NO N/A
other materials from being cut? Are procedures in place for vacuum debulking per customer requirements? YES NO N/A
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 17 - Do procedures exist for bagging (breathers, bleeders, release films, bags, tacky YES NO
tape, tapes and pressure pads) per customer/supplier requirements? Prior to bagging, are tool fittings and orifices checked for cleanliness and YES NO
obstructions? Are bagged parts/assemblies checked for leaks prior to cure by applying vacuum? YES NO
28.11.5 Cure Are cure requirements monitored, recorded and verified per customer YES NO
requirements? Does the process instruction contain detailed curing instructions reference to YES NO
computer program, or references to customers curing specification? Are records of the cure cycle with traceability to the test specimen maintained? YES NO Are panels identified for traceability to test specimen? YES NO N/A
28.12.1 Is specimen traceability maintained throughout the machining and bonding YES NO N/A
28.12.3 Is the identification sufficient to be able to reconstruct the panel from the YES NO N/A
specimens remaining after testing?
28.12.4 Is the fiber orientation identified and maintained throughout specimen YES NO N/A
28.13.1 Is it ensured that coolants used for specimen machining are not detrimental to the YES NO
specimen material? Are process variable criteria established for rough machining and blanking different YES NO
types of materials? Do work instructions reference the process specification tolerances or engineered YES NO
tolerances? Is it ensured that rough machining/blanking shall not cause damage to the YES NO
specimen gage section area?
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 18 -
28.14.1 Are approved tabbing materials, adherend and adhesive materials as specified YES NO
and processed per customer/supplier requirements?
28.14.2 For tensile specimens, is the taper machined correctly (approximately .005 to YES NO N/A
0.015 inches in height) or per customer requirement?
28.14.3 Is chemical processing, grit blasting or hand abrading performed to tab panels or YES NO
on adherends as per customer/supplier requirement where stock does not have a
peel ply?
28.14.4 Is the tab panel solvent cleaned and allowed to air dry prior to use? YES NO
28.14.5 Is grit blasting or hand abrading performed to test panel tabbing area as per YES NO
customer requirements where stock does not have a peel ply?
28.14.6 Is the test panel/adherends solvent cleaned per customer/supplier requirements? YES NO
28.14.7 Are test panels, specimens and tab faying surfaces free of damage due to grit YES NO
blasting or hand abrading?
28.14.8 Are control procedures in place describing shelf life and out time controls for YES NO
tabbing adhesive?
28.14.9 Is shelf life of expired tabbing adhesives extended with a lap shear or alternate YES NO
mechanical test that meets specification requirements?
28.14.11 Is the tabbing adhesive allowed to warm/thaw to room temperature without the YES NO
application of heat source prior to removing from bag?
28.14.12 If a press is used, is it checked for parallelism within .010 inch? YES NO N/A
28.14.13 Is there a temperature profile of the press platen or autoclave and is it checked YES NO
28.14.14 Are records of the cure cycle with traceability to the test specimen maintained? YES NO N/A
28.14.15 Is tooling used to minimize excess adhesive in the gage area? YES NO
28.15.2 Where drilling is performed, are breakouts controlled within specification YES NO
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 19 - Is each specimen visually inspected for surface damage prior to testing? YES NO Does the finished surface exhibit uniform surface texture? YES NO
29.1.1 Are temperature and humidity requirements of the testing environment monitored? YES NO
29.1.2 Are the tests performed within the requirements of temperature and humidity? YES NO
29.2.1 Are conditioned specimens tested within customer specified time after removal YES NO
from the conditioning chamber?
29.2.2 If specimens are not tested immediately upon removal from conditioning, are they YES NO N/A
stored per customer requirements?
30.1.1 Are temperature and humidity requirements of the testing environment monitored? YES NO N/A
30.1.2 Are the tests performed within the requirements of temperature and humidity? YES NO N/A
30.2.1 Are conditioned specimens tested within customer specified time after removal YES NO
from the conditioning chamber?
30.2.2 If specimens are not tested immediately upon removal from conditioning, are they YES NO N/A
stored per customer requirements?
30.3 General
30.3.1 Are verification/calibration logs (or outside certification documents) maintained for YES NO
all chemical /analytical equipment? Logs include the following information.
a. Verification/calibration date
b. Procedure used
c. Technician’s name
d. Actual results
e. Required results range
f. Pass/Fail statement
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 20 -
31.1.1 Are temperature and humidity requirements of the testing environment monitored? YES NO
31.1.2 Are the tests performed within the requirements of temperature and humidity? YES NO
31.2.1 Are conditioned specimens tested within customer specified time after removal YES NO
from the conditioning chamber?
31.2.2 If specimens are not tested immediately upon removal from conditioning, are they YES NO N/A
stored per customer requirements?
31.3.1 Is all analytical testing equipment which is used less frequently than weekly YES NO
verified prior to use?
31.3.2 Is all analytical testing equipment which is used at least once per week verified YES NO
31.3.3 Is analytical testing equipment verified whenever suspect results are obtained? YES NO
31.3.5 Are verification/calibration logs (or outside certification documents) maintained for YES NO
all chemical/thermal/analytical equipment? Logs include the following information.
a. Verification/calibration date
b. Procedure used
c. Technician’s name
d. Actual results
e. Required results range
f. Pass/Fail statement
32.1.1 Are temperature and humidity requirements of the testing environment monitored? YES NO
32.1.2 Are the tests performed within the requirements of temperature and humidity? YES NO
32.2.1 Are conditioned specimens tested within customer specified time after removal YES NO
from the conditioning chamber?
32.2.2 If specimens are not tested immediately upon removal from conditioning, are they YES NO N/A
stored per customer requirements?
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 21 -
32.3 General
32.3.1 Are specimens conditioned in accordance with standard or customer specification YES NO
prior to test?
32.3.2 Does the specimen holder meet the requirements of FAR / JAR/CCAR? YES NO
32.3.3 Does the test cabinet meet the requirements of FAR / JAR/CCAR? YES NO
32.3.4 Is the burner a Bunsen type, having a nominal 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) inside diameter YES NO
barrel, and does it meet the requirements of FAR / JAR/CCAR?
32.3.5 Is the burner fuel methane gas of 99 percent minimum purity? YES NO
32.3.6 Is the gas regulated and delivered to the burner in accordance with standard? YES NO
32.3.7 Is the temperature of the flame in accordance with standard? YES NO N/A
32.3.8 Can the burner be moved a minimum of 3 inches (76 mm) from the test specimen? YES NO
32.3.10 Is the edge of the specimen to which the flame is applied un-finished, and without YES NO
a protective edge?
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 22 -
Appendix A – Alignment
The alignment shall be performed in accordance with ASTM 1012, AC7122/R Appendix A or in accordance with customer
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 23 -
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PRI AC7122-R Revision C - 24 -
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The alignment specimen shall have all strain gages “zeroed out” in the free state prior to installing in the test machine. Re-
zeroing of strain gages after installing the specimen is not permitted. A minimum of 1 iteration shall be performed. An
iteration shall include the loading of the alignment specimen to the required strain level, unloading the specimen and then
removing the specimen from the test set up. It shall also include turning the specimen end to end and/or side to side to
evaluate the test system alignment with all orientations of the alignment specimen. If any portion of the load train is
removed during test set up, it shall also be removed and reinstalled in the course of the alignment verification.
Step 1
With the alignment specimen lying in a free state outside of the test frame, connect all of the strain gages to an
appropriate and calibrated strain gage conditioning device or alignment calibration system.
Step 2
With the alignment specimen still lying in a free state or with one end gripped, zero out all the strain gages. Record these
zero readings on the alignment data sheet.
Step 3
Load the alignment specimen into the test stand grips with gages on the transducer specimen face in the original 0°
orientation (this will change for steps 6, 7, and 8). Close both grips. Make sure the test stand load is at zero and record
these values as "Clamped".
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Step 4
DO NOT re-zero the gages. Load the specimen to 1000 microstrain and record the load and strain output for each gage. If
the calculated bending for all three planes (top, center and bottom) is less than specified in the applicable material class at
1000 microstrain, go to next step. If the bending is larger, then make necessary adjustments and repeat steps 2 through 4
until the maximum allowable bending or less is obtained at 1000 microstrain.
Step 5
Return to zero load and record the strain from each gage.
Step 6
Remove the specimen and rotate the specimen 180° (the gages on the transducer face are now facing 180° from their
original position.) Install specimen in the grips and record the clamped values. Repeat Steps 2 through 5. NOTE: No
adjustments should be needed to the set up. If at any time an adjustment in the setup is required, the alignment check is
void and shall be performed again from the beginning.
Step 7
Remove the specimen and rotate the specimen 180° (the gages on the transducer face are now facing back in their
original 0° position.) Install specimen in the grips and record the clamped values. Repeat Steps 2 through 5. NOTE: No
adjustments should be needed to the set up. If at any time an adjustment in the setup is required, the alignment check is
void and shall be performed again from the beginning.
Step 8
Once Step 7 is completed, remove the specimen and Flip the alignment specimen end over end (maintaining transducer
gage face orientation in the 0° orientation). Repeat steps 2 through 5. NOTE: No adjustments should be needed to the set
up. If at any time an adjustment in the setup is required, the alignment check is void and shall be performed again from
the beginning. Several possibilities exist for the inability to achieve the required alignment in all orientations of the
specimen including, misaligned load train, unrepeatable specimen loading technique and distorted or malfunctioning
alignment specimen.
Step 1
With the alignment specimen lying in a free state outside of the test frame, connect all of the strain gages to an
appropriate and calibrated strain gage conditioning device or alignment calibration system.
Step 2
With the alignment specimen still lying in a free state, zero out all the strain gages. Record these zero readings on the
alignment data sheet.
Step 3
Install the alignment specimen into the test stand grips using all of the same load train fixturing that will be used during
specimen testing. Secure the grips. Make sure the test stand load is at zero and record these values as "Clamped".
Step 4
DO NOT re-zero the gages. Load the specimen to 1000 microstrain and record the load and strain output for each gage. If
the calculated bending for all three planes (top, center and bottom) is less than or equal to the maximum bending
requirement (See specific material class) then go to next step. If the bending is not acceptable, then make the necessary
adjustments and repeat steps 2 through 4 until proper alignment is achieved.
Step 5
Return to zero load and record the strain from each gage.
Step 6
Remove the specimen, record the free state strains and re-zero the strain gages. Reinstall the specimen in the grips and
record the clamped values. Repeat Steps 2 through 5. NOTE: No adjustments should be needed to the set up. If at any
time an adjustment in the setup is required, the alignment check is void and shall be performed again from the beginning.
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Step 7
Once Step 6 is completed, remove the specimen and record the free state strains.
NOTE: Several possibilities exist for the inability to achieve the required alignment including, misaligned load strain,
unrepeatable specimen loading technique and distorted or malfunctioning alignment specimen.
A.2.1 - Thin Rectangular Specimens – Three Strain Sensors mounted as indicated in Figure A.1
% Bending Face =
% Bending Edge
This formula is only valid for the specimen shown in figure A.1 with strain gages mounted in the locations shown.
The strain values e1, e2, and e3 correspond to gage positions 1, 2, and 3 respectively as illustrated in drawing A.1.
The absolute value of these formulae must be taken to ensure positive results.
Note: The procedures and equations provided for the Flat 4 Gage, Cylindrical 3 Gage, and Cylindrical 4 Gage options are
in accordance with ASTM E1012, and are summarized below
Three strain gages spaced at 0, 120, and 240 degrees in a perpendicular plane to the axial direction of the specimen.
Axial strain is the average strain measured at the three specified locations.
Bending strain is a calculated value listing the normalized strain values at each gage location. Represented by b =
bending strain and 1 to=ethe
2. dire ction of m a xim um be nding m e a s ure d from
given: e1 ≥ e2 ≥ e3
b1 = e1 - a
b2 = e2 - a
b3 = e3 - a
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2 b 2
3 b1
) )
Maximum Bending is the bending strain calculated from trigonometric function between the largest two strain sensors
within the circumference of the specimen in the transverse direction. It is the maximum around that instrumented section
of specimen represented by the symbol B, and percent bending is represented by PB.
B = b1/cos(θ)
PB = B( a )× 100
A.2.3 - Cylindrical Specimens, Four Strain Sensors
Four strain gages spaced at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees in a perpendicular plane to the axial direction of the specimen.
Axial strain is the average strain measured at the four specified locations.
Bending strain is a calculated value listing the normalized strain values at each gage location. Represented by b =
bending strain.
given: numbered ordering indicates the order around the specimen
b1 = e1 – a
b2 = e2 – a
b3 = e3 – a
b4 = e4 – a
Maximum Bending is the bending strain calculated from the specimen in the transverse plane. It is the maximum around
that instrumented section of specimen represented by the symbol B, and percent bending is represented by PB.
B= 1
(b1 − b3 )2 + (b2 − b4 )2
PB = B( a )× 100
A.2.4 - Thin Rectangular Specimens, Four Strain Sensors
Four strain gages, two to each of the wide sides placed at some distance d from each side of the specimen in a
perpendicular plane to the axial direction of the specimen.
Axial strain is the average strain measured at the four specified locations.
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(e + e8 ) w
e1 = a − a − 5
2 (w − 2d )
(e5 + e6 )
e2 =
(e + e7 ) w
e3 = a − a − 6
2 (w − 2d )
(e7 + e8 )
e4 =
A.2.4.3 - Determination of maximum bending strain and Percent Bending
Maximum Bending is the bending strain calculated from the specimen in the transverse plane. It is the maximum around
that instrumented section of specimen represented by the symbol B, and percent bending is represented by PB.
b1 − b3 b2 − b4
B= +
2 2
PB = B ( a )× 100
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This appendix provides a typical tabbing procedure. Other equivalent tabbing procedures may be used
B.1 - Determining fiber orientation, panel quality and locating reference line/edge
Fiber orientation should be identified during panel fabrication. This orientation shall be maintained throughout specimen
There are four methods of positively locating the fiber direction in order to establish a machining reference line.
a. For all 0° tape panels only: Split the panel in the 0° direction approximately 3/4" to 1" from one edge. Panel
straightness shall be verified by placing the split edge against a surface plate. Panels that are difficult to split or do not
split cleanly, shall be reported prior to machining/testing. The split edge shall be used as the reference line edge to be
used for alignment during machining. 0° and 90° unidirectional tape panels can have a reference line established by
pulling out surface fibers the length of the panel. If fiber cannot be pulled out, 0° fiber direction can be marked with a paint
pen following the fiber direction.
b. Woven fabrics: If supplied, a machining reference may be obtained by the tracer. The integrity of the tracer must
be verified by comparing it with tows of fiber in the panel.
c. Woven fabrics: When tracers are not provided or the integrity of the tracers are in question, a reference line shall
be drawn on the panel. Place a straight edge along a tow in the 0° direction. Draw over the tow using a paint pen.
d. Tape and woven panels: If included in panel fabrications, use "molded in" reference line for machining specimens.
For tensile specimens, machine proper taper on edge of tab. Tab shall not be tapered to a knifed or feathered edge
(approximately .005-.015 inches in height should remain on tapered edge).
If tab stock does not have a peel, then grit blasting or hand abrading is required. A uniform ply matte finish is required
over the entire tab. The abraded area should be cleaned with a solvent to remove any residue. Allow tab to air dry a
minimum of 15 minutes before bonding to specimen.
If test panel does not have a peel ply, then grit blasting or hand abrading in the tabbing area is required. Care shall be
taken to prevent damage to the gage section area when preparing tab section. A uniform matte finish is required in the tab
NOTE: Abrading shall only remove the surface resin. No fiber damage is permitted. The abraded area shall be cleaned
with a solvent to remove any residue. Allow panel to air dry a minimum of 15 minutes before using.
Supported film adhesives suitable for the testing environment and temperature are recommended. The following are
adhesives that have been found to be satisfactory under these conditions:
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Manufacturer's specification for shelf life and maximum time at room temperature shall be followed. Records for time out
of the freezer shall be maintained. Adhesive shelf life may be extended for a period of the customer specification, or
manufacturer’s recommendation in absence of customer requirement, by testing lap shear specimens or other appropriate
specimens at the test temperature of their intended use. The test results shall meet adhesive specification requirements in
order to extend shelf life.
Note: To reduce the amount of out of freezer time, many test labs cut and rebag the adhesives into smaller amounts
known as "Kits". These kits shall be traceable back to the original roll. Records of total time out of the freezer shall be
maintained for each kit.
B.5.3 - Application
Adhesive shall be thawed and used at room temperature. (Use of heat gun, etc., to thaw adhesive is prohibited.)
To insure a uniform bondline when using a press, parallelism of the press platens shall be verified to be within .010”
(.25mm) (in accordance with paragraph 4.27.3 or equivalent) at least annually.
Temperature profile: Uniformity of press platen or autoclave temperature shall be within ±10°F (± 6°C) in the working area.
Profile can be performed using a "dummy" panel (metal) with the thermocouples applied to both sides. Profiles shall be
checked annually, or anytime temperature is in question.
Tabbing material, adhesives and application methods shall meet customer requirements. The tabbing adhesive cure
temperature shall be at least 50 degrees F (28º C) below the cure temperature of the material. In the event that the
adhesive and material curing temperatures differ by less than 50 degrees F (28º C) customer approval shall be
documented or substantiation shall be documented to demonstrate material properties are not affected.
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AC7122-R Appendix C
INTERNAL ROUND ROBIN TESTING: An intra-laboratory study or measure of the reproducibility of results
generated by the facility personnel using the laboratory procedure(s). The intent of an internal Round Robin
test is to address the reproducibility of results by multiple operators.
(A) Basic Design – The testing protocol should be designed such that the results obtained from the chosen
method can be classified easily to study the reproducibility of multiple operators without the influence of
secondary effects (equipment, facilities, materials etc.).
(B) Reproducibility, deals with the variability between single test results obtained from multiple operators,
each of which has applied the test method to the test specimens taken at random from a single quantity
of homogeneous material obtained or prepared for the study. The operators shall be from the same
(C) Data Classification – One form of classification suggested is a separate matrix table for each property
tested, in which the rows represent the operators and the columns represent the materials (or vice
versa). Each cell, the intersection of a row with a column, contains the test results made by a particular
operator for a particular material. (The terms material and property may be interchanged in this
(D) Test Method – The actual measurement process and the written description of the process. A written
test method shall be constructed that describes the test procedure, identifies test conditions affecting
the test results, and specifies the proper degree of control of the test. The number of significant digits
to be reported shall also be designated and shall follow ASTM E29, as a minimum. The test method
shall include any special calibration procedure and the frequency of calibration required, if applicable.
(E) Coordinator - The name and contact information of the key person(s) coordinating and supervising the
Round Robin testing should be provided in the protocol. The participating operators shall be instructed
to contact the coordinator when any questions arise as to the conduct of the Round Robin testing.
(F) Test Identification – Clearly identify the test method, equipment, and procedure selected. Test units,
accuracy, and test data sheets should be given for each option.
(G) Material Consistency - Each material selected shall be supplied by one source and made to be as
homogeneous as possible, prior to its subdivision into test specimens. The location of every test
specimen from the bulk material shall be traceable through a letter and/or number designation indicated
on each sample. In other words, a log or schematic of the location referencing where each test
specimen originated from the bulk material shall be maintained. The samples shall be randomized
before distribution and a record shall be maintained of which operators are testing which sample
(H) Calibration Procedures – Calibration procedures required before every test result should be described
in detail in the test method, if applicable.
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(I) Specific Conditions Analyses – Characterize any special circumstances that must be addressed in
executing the repeatability conditions (e.g. the length of time between obtaining the test results for the
same material).
(J) Handling and Conditioning – Stipulate the required care, handling and conditioning of the material(s) to
be tested, if applicable. Describe the coding system used to identify the material(s) to be tested.
(K) Data Collection – The coordinator may provide data sheets for recording the raw data as observed.
Supply sheets on which test results can be calculated or combined with the raw data sheet(s), if
applicable. Request that all raw data be sent as soon as the testing is completed, or at regular intervals
for testing which extends over several weeks.
(L) Data sheets should be provided so that each operator can record any special events that arise during
any phase of the testing. In addition to a ‘comments’ section, questions pertinent to the test method
may be asked to get a better idea of how the test was carried out as long as the information is not
proprietary. Any information that would ensure that the operator complied with the requirements
specified for the test method or that may be needed to prepare for the final report should also be
requested. The recorded comments will serve as a valuable source of information both in handling
outlying data and for improving the test method for future proficiency testing. Obtain suggestions for
future testing regarding the test method and test materials.
(M) Replacement – The protocol must contain information about the availability of the material(s) for
replacement tests. It is recommended that enough of each material is prepared to supply 10% more
than needed (50% when possible) by the number of operators committed to the testing program.
Instruct the operators to notify the test coordinator immediately whenever an error in test procedure
occurs. It can then be determined whether a new set of test specimens needs to be provided for a
replacement test of the material(s).
(N) Final Report – A formal report shall be distributed by the coordinator to all participants, containing a
description or summary of the test method, materials, analysis methods, limits of acceptance of
operator variance, and the reported test results from all participants. Participants shall be identified by
code to minimize the possibility of bias during data analysis. Each participant shall be informed of its
code assigned by the coordinator to maintain confidentiality.
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