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AN ISO 9001:2000 COMPANY

Rust Remover and Passivator

DESCRIPTION Excess application may sometimes give

RUSTICIDE is a single component sulphate whitish black surface.
and chloride free liquid, which in one  After a minimum of 24 hours remove the
operation removes rust and prevents further freed loose rust particles by brush.
rusting of steel.  Sometimes after the detachment of loose
scales, reddish rusted surface is still left
APPLICATIONS exposed. This has to be retreated with
Removes rust and prevents further rusting of RUSTICIDE.
 New/ old reinforcement steel in new  After the surface totally dries up (around
construction. 48 hours later) a passivating coating like
 Embedded steel in repairable structures. POLYALK FIXOPRIME may be applied.
 Various steel structures like tanks, water
pipelines, effluent pipelines, trusses, COVERAGE
purlins, rafters and other structural Depending on the extent of rusting and
members. roughness of the surface, 1 L RUSTICIDE
covers 7 to 8 m2 of plate like monolithic
RUSTICIDE performs rust removal and rust
prevention in one operation in mild CONFORMANCE
conditions. I.S. 9077-1979 (reaffirmed–1997) Appendix
B, Clause 5.3.3 for application procedure.
 In case of corroded reinforcement steel, PRECAUTION
pipelines, structures or any other rusted  During application direct contact of
surface, first remove the loose rust by RUSTICIDE with the skin should be
mechanical means like wire brushing, avoided. Use gloves. Accidental
chipping, hammering etc. depending on spillage on the body must be washed
the extent of corrosion. immediately with plenty of water.
 Using cotton waste swab, apply sufficient
RUSTICIDE on the affected metal PACKING
surface. 1, 5, 20 ltrs. HDPE containers.
 Leave it in contact with the surface till the
red colour of the corroded surface has STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE
changed to nearest original black. It has a shelf life of 12 months when stored in
original container in a cool, dry place.
AN ISO 9001:2000 COMPANY


Health hazards: No particular hazard known. Environment Care: Clean small spillages
If the product spills on to the skin and dries immediately with water. Contain large
up, some irritation may occur. spillages with suitable absorbent materials.
Dispose the waste water/absorbent material
FIRST AID MEASURES in accordance with local regulations.
Skin contact: Immediately wash thoroughly
with soap and water. QUALITY ASSURANCE
Inhalation: Remove to open air. Seek All products are manufactured under a
medical attention. Quality Management System for Design,
Contact with eyes: Immediately wash under Manufacturing and Selling of Construction
running water with eyelids open for at least Chemicals as per the standards of ISO 9001:
15 minutes. Seek medical attention. 2000.
Ingestion: Rinse mouth thoroughly and drink
plenty of water. Seek medical attention.

This information is accurate and reliable to the best of the knowledge. It is meant as a guideline only. Sunanda Speciality Coatings Pvt. Ltd. (SSCPL) cannot give any guarantees under any
circumstances for the results, or assume any obligation or liability in connection with the use of this information. It is recommended that the product be tested to determine its suitability for specific
applications. Since, SSCPL has no control over how others may use its products; it is recommended that the Specifier, Architect, Engineer, Contractor and Owner assume all the responsibilities in
connection therewith.

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