Fantom x8 Rhythms

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The Rhythms of the Fantom-X

© 2005 Roland Corporation U.S.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in
any form without the written permission of Roland Corporation U.S.

About the Fantom-X Workshop Booklets About This Booklet
The Fantom-X Workshop booklets explain some of the exciting In this booklet, we’ll be exploring the many rhythm sounds in
features of Roland’s Fantom-X family of products. Each the Fantom-X. You’ll learn how to select and edit rhythm sets,
Workshop booklet covers a single topic, and is intended as a and how to play them from the drum pads or the keyboard.
companion to the Fantom-X manuals. We’ll also discuss the Fantom-X’s drum pads in detail, giving
you tips for maximizing their expressive potential to create
This booklet requires Fantom-X O.S. Version 2 or higher. To realistic drum performances.
learn about the latest Fantom-X software, visit www.RolandUS.
com, or call Roland U.S. Product Support at 323-890-3745. We’ll introduce you to the Fantom-X’s powerful built-in drum
machine, and show you how to edit preset rhythm patterns
Other Fantom-X Workshop Booklets and create your own. You’ll also learn how to assign rhythm
patterns to rhythm groups, so that you can trigger rhythm
• The Fantom-X Experience—A quick tour of how the major patterns in realtime from the drum pads.
Fantom-X creative tools interact.
• The Sounds of the Fantom-X—A tour of the Fantom-X Understanding the Symbols in This Booklet
sounds and Patch mode.
Throughout this booklet, you’ll come across information that
• The Fantom-X Effects—This booklet helps you get the most
deserves special attention—that’s the reason it’s labeled with
out the powerful effects processing in the Fantom-X.
one of the following symbols.
• Sequencing on the Fantom-X—Learn how to record using
the Fantom-X sounds and its full-featured sequencer. A note is something that adds information about the topic at hand.
• Sampling on the Fantom-X—Capture loops, vocals, or any
other sound with the Fantom-X’s built-in sampler.
A tip offers suggestions for using the feature being discussed.
• Smart Storage in the Fantom-X—Learn all about the
Fantom-X’s storage options for samples and other data.
Warnings contain important information that can help you avoid possible
• Performing with the Fantom-X—Splits, layers, realtime damage to your equipment, your data, or yourself.
controllers, and more make the Fantom-X hot onstage.
• Making a CD of Your Fantom-X Music—Learn how to turn
your Fantom-X music into a final audio CD.
• Advanced Fantom-X Sequencing Techniques—Learn how
to use time-based effects, create arpeggios, work with
mastering effects, and record realtime patch tweaks.
• Audio Tracks—This booklet explains how to record live
vocals and instruments in your Fantom-X songs.

About The Fantom-X Rhythm Sets Selecting Rhythm Sets in Patch Mode
A Fantom-X rhythm set is a special kind of patch that allows In Patch mode, you can play a rhythm set on the pads or on the
each drum pad—or key on the keyboard—to play its own keyboard. Most often, you’ll play a rhythm set on the pads.
instrument. This puts lots of percussion sounds at your
fingertips, ready for banging out rhythms or fills. Selecting a Rhythm Set for the Pads

Each of the instruments in a rhythm set is played by what 1. Press PATCH/RHYTHM so it lights.
we’ll call a “drum key.” The drum keys in a typical rhythm set 2. Press F8 (Part Pad) so “Pad” lights in blue on
play instruments that a real drummer or percussionist would the display.
have at his or her disposal. These include the individual
components of a real drum set—such as a bass drum, snare
drum, or hi-hat—and various percussion instruments—such
as a tambourine, shaker, or conga drum.

A rhythm set isn’t limited to traditional rhythm sounds,

though. In fact, you can assign any of the Fantom-X’s built-in
waveforms—or any samples you capture or import into the
Fantom-X—to one of the 88 drum keys in a rhythm set. You
can easily create your own unique Fantom-X rhythm sets,
custom-tailored to the music you like to create.

3. Press F1 (Patch List) to display the Patch List screen.

Selecting Rhythm Sets
You can select and use rhythm sets in both Patch mode and
Performance mode. Like patches, rhythm sets are stored in
groups, or “banks.” The banks are:
• User—The User bank contains 32 memory locations in
which you can store your own rhythm sets, or edits of the
factory rhythm sets.
• Preset—The Preset bank holds 40 factory-programmed
rhythm sets.
• GM—The GM bank holds nine General MIDI rhythm sets.
• Card—An installed PC memory card holds up to 32 rhythm
4. Press F2 (↓) and/or F1 (↑) to display the desired rhythm
set bank.

5. Turn the VALUE dial to select a rhythm set—you can While playing a rhythm set on the keyboard, you may find a particular
audition the rhythm set by pressing and holding down F7 sound that you like and wish you could play from a drum pad. Fortunately,
(Preview), or by playing the pads. the Fantom-X makes it easy to assign sounds to the pads. We’ll cover this
6. Press F8 (Select) to confirm your choice. procedure a little later.

The Fantom-X’s drum pads now play the selected rhythm set. Selecting a Rhythm Set for the Keyboard
A rhythm set can be designated as a “favorite” for quick selection. See The 1. Press PATCH/RHYTHM so it lights.
Sounds of the Fantom-X Workshop booklet for instructions on adding a
2. Press F7 (Part Kbd) so “Kbd” lights blue on the display.
sound to the Favorites list.
3. Press F1 (Patch List)—the Patch List screen appears.
Playing Rhythm Sets: The Pads vs. The Keyboard 4. Press F6 (Rhythm).
5. Press F2 (↓) and/or F1 (↑) to display the desired rhythm
The Fantom-X’s drum pads obviously provide the most intuitive
set bank.
way to play a rhythm set: The pads’ size and layout make it
easy to tap out rhythms or play fills. And with 16 pads, you 6. Turn the VALUE dial to select the desired rhythm set.
can have all of the sounds in a standard drum set—as well 7. Press F8 (Select) to confirm your selection.
a few percussion instruments—available at one time. That
You can now play the selected rhythm set on the
said, why would you ever want to play a rhythm set using the
Fantom-X’s keyboard.

Well, the answer is in the numbers—numbers of sounds, that Exploring the Fantom-X Rhythm Sets
is. A Fantom-X rhythm set can contain far more instruments
than can be addressed by the 16 drum pads. When you select Now that we’ve discussed how to select rhythm sets, let’s
a rhythm set for the keyboard, you have more of its drum try out some preset rhythm sets that demonstrate the large
keys—61, 76, or all 88, depending on which Fantom-X model variety of rhythm sounds available in the Fantom-X.
you own—at your fingertips, ready to play. And you can easily Take time to select the following rhythm sets for both the pads
get to any drum keys outside the keyboard’s range by using and the keyboard. Play up and down the keyboard’s keys to
the -OCT and +OCT buttons. hear all the sounds in each rhythm set. Compare the feeling
For more info on using the -OCT and +OCT buttons, see Page 24 of the of playing a rhythm set on the pads versus playing it on the
Fantom-X Owner’s Manual. keyboard.

So, if 16 sounds are enough, use the pads. If you need more, Many rhythm set sounds are programmed to be “velocity-sensitive”—
use the keyboard. Or, if you want, use both. It’s up to you. their sound changes depending on how hard or soft you play. Try playing
the following rhythm sets with varying degrees of force.

Rhythm Set Description Each wave can play:
PRST:033 StudioX Kit1 A great sounding all-around drum set, useful • a stereo waveform or sample, or
for many styles of music. • two mono waveforms or samples.
PRST:008 909 808 Kit Features the sounds of Roland’s classic TR-series A drum key may or may not use all four of its waves, depending on the
drum machines. complexity of the sound the programmer is trying to achieve.
PRST:006 Brush Jz Kit A collection of drums struck with brushes.
PRST:007 Orch Kit A collection of orchestra percussion, including A drum key is a lot like an entire standard patch. The Sounds of the
timpani. Fantom-X Workshop booklet explains how a patch works, if you’re curious.
PRST:031 Percussion An array of Latin percussion instruments. Each wave has its own set of parameters that determine how its
PRST:030 FX/SFX Menu A collection of special effects: wind noise, bird waveforms or samples play. In addition, there are parameters
chirps, glass breaking, etc. that control the behavior of the entire drum key.
PRST:037 Neo-Wrld Kit Percussion sounds with an international flavor.
Editing or Creating Your Own Rhythm Sets

About Rhythm Sets in Performance Mode In this booklet, we discuss making rhythm sets on the Fantom-X itself. If
you prefer, you can do the same thing on your computer with the Fantom-X
When you want to layer sounds, create keyboard splits, Editor (and Librarian) software on the Fantom-X Editor Ver. 2.0 CD-ROM.
or record a full music arrangement, you’ll use the
Fantom-X’s Performance mode. A single Fantom-X Tweaking a rhythm set that’s already close to what you want can be a lot
performance can contain up to 16 different rhythm sets. quicker than constructing a rhythm set from the ground up.

To learn about using rhythm sets in live performance, see the Performing 1. Select a rhythm set for the pads or keyboard.
with the Fantom-X Workshop booklet. Sequencing on the Fantom-X discusses 2. Press PATCH EDIT—the first Zoom edit screen appears.
the use of rhythm sets in recording.

How a Rhythm Set Works

Each rhythm set drum key is comprised of four sound-
producing devices called “waves.” A wave in a drum key serves
the same purpose as a “tone” in a regular patch: It plays the
recordings that make up the sound.
When you’re editing a rhythm set, the word “tone” onscreen refers to a

3. While the Zoom edit screens are great for patch editing, Changing a Drum Key’s Sound
the Rhythm Edit screen is best for rhythm set editing, so
press F6 (Pro Edit) to display it. Since a drum key is made up of its waves, you change its sound
by selecting the desired waveforms or samples for each wave
and adjusting the waves’ parameters to taste.

Activating and Selecting Waves

Press F8 (Wave Sw/Sel) to display the Wave Sw/Wave Select


• To turn each of the four waves on or off—press the desired

F1-F4 button. When a wave is active, its button lights
To select a specific drum key for editing, play it. Use the pads
yellow onscreen.
when you’re editing a rhythm set intended for use on the
pads to ensure that they respond the way you want. If • To edit a wave’s parameters—press the corresponding
the rhythm set will be played on the keyboard, use the F5-F8 button. When a wave’s selected for editing, its
keyboard for editing. button turns red. To edit the parameters of multiple waves
simultaneously, press their F buttons at the same time.
To learn about Zoom editing, see the Sounds of the Fantom-X Workshop
booklet. To return to the drum key parameters, press EXIT.

The top-center of the Rhythm Edit screen shows the currently The Drum Key Parameters
selected drum key, identified by both note number and
name. The drum key parameters are arranged in sections from top
to bottom on the Fantom-X display. To move from section to
section, press F2 (↓) and/or F1 (↑). To edit a parameter within
the selected section, press 5 or 6 to highlight it, and then
turn the VALUE dial to adjust its setting.

What’s in Each Parameter Section

During editing, keep an eye on the drum key’s note number/name to make
Your Owner’s Manual—starting on Page 87—provides more
sure you’re changing settings for the right drum key.
details than we have room for in this booklet, but here’s a
general overview to get you started.

• General—The only parameter that applies to the entire • TVA Env (TVA Envelope)—The TVA envelope allows you to
rhythm set is here: Rhythm Level adjusts the overall automatically shape a drum key’s volume as it’s played.
level of the rhythm set. Other General parameters name See Page 94 in the Owner’s Manual.
the currently selected drum key, assign it to a mute group, • Output—The Output parameters determine where a drum
set its controller response, and turn its One-Shot mode on key’s sound goes: to effects or directly to selected physical
or off. See Page 87 in the Owner’s Manual for more. outputs. You can also set how much of a drum key is to
• Wave—These parameters allow you to select each wave’s be sent to the desired effects. See Page 95 in the Owner’s
PCM waveform(s) or samples(s), and set their basic Manual.
behavior. See Page 88 in the Owner’s Manual.
• WMT (Wave Mix Table)—Set the pitch, level, pan, and Rhythm Edit Utilities
velocity range for each waveform/sample here. See Page
89 in the Owner’s Manual. The Fantom-X provides a few specialized tools when you’re
editing drum keys. They’re found in the Rhythm Edit screen’s
• Pitch—Set the drum key’s basic tuning here. See Page 90
Utility menu.
in the Owner’s Manual.
• Pitch Env (Pitch Envelope)—The pitch envelope allows you
to automate changes to the drum key’s pitch as it plays.
See Page 91 in the Owner’s Manual.
• TVF (Time Variant Filter)—The Time Variant Filter can
remove frequency ranges from the sound of a drum key.
Set the properties and basic behavior of the filter here. See
Page 92 in the Owner’s Manual. Initializing a Drum Key
• TVF Env (TVF Envelope)—The TVF envelope allows you to
automate changes to the drum key’s frequency content as Before editing a drum key, you can “initialize” it, resetting all of
it’s played. See Page 93 in the Owner’s Manual. its parameters to their default settings. Here’s how:
• TVA (Time Variant Amplifier)—The Time Variant Amplifier 1. On the Rhythm Edit screen, select the desired drum key.
sets the drum key’s basic level and panning. The velocity 2. Press F4 (Util Menu) to display the Utility menu.
curve and velocity sensitivity can be set here as well. See 3. Select Rhythm Key Initialize.
Page 94 in the Owner’s Manual.
If you’d like to create a rhythm set from scratch, select Rhythm Set Initialize
One of the things you’re most likely to want to do to a drum key is to adjust instead—this initializes all of the rhythm set’s drum keys.
its volume or change its stereo location in the mix. To change a drum key’s
volume, set the TVA section’s Tone Level parameter. To change its stereo 4. Press F8 (Select).
panning, set the same section’s Tone Pan parameter as desired. 5. When the Fantom-X asks if you’re sure you want to
proceed, press F8 (Exec).

Copying a Drum Key Advanced Rhythm Set Editing Tips
If you’d like to copy the settings of one drum key to another Tips for Any Rhythm Set
within the same rhythm set—or the settings of a drum key
from another rhythm set—use the Tone Copy feature. • Assign different velocity ranges for each wave in a drum
1. On the Rhythm Edit screen, press F4 (Util Menu) to display key—This lets you trigger different sounds depending
the Utility menu. on how hard you play the drum key, enhancing the
expressiveness of your rhythm sets. Velocity ranges are
2. Select Rhythm Tone Copy to display the Rhythm Tone Copy
set in the WMT parameter section. Check out PRST:034
window in which you can select the drum key you want to
StudioX Kit2—especially the hi-hat drum keys—for an
copy (the Source rhythm set and drum key number) and
example of using velocity ranges to good advantage.
to where you want to copy it (the Destination drum key
number). You can also program a drum key to play completely different sounds at
different velocities.

• Experiment with effects—Effects can add even more

personality to your rhythm sounds, and each drum key in
a rhythm set has its own effect settings. See the Workshop
booklet The Fantom-X Effects for details.
• When simulating an acoustic drum kit, use realistic panning
for placing instruments in the stereo field—Place acoustic
drum sounds in stereo as they’d be heard in an actual kit
When the Source or Destination drum key number is selected (highlighted to make them sound more real. Drum key panning is set in
in blue), a different drum key can be chosen by playing it on the keyboard the TVA section. Check out the drums in PRST:033 StudioX
or by turning the VALUE dial. If you’re editing a rhythm set that’s been Kit1 for an example of realistic drum key panning.
selected for the pads, you can use the pads as well.
Tips for Sample-Playing Rhythm Sets
To audition the copy source rhythm set, press F6 (Compare) so the Compare
button lights red. • Use rhythm sets for playing beat loops—A rhythm set’s 88
drum keys provide 88 triggers for playing beat loops you
3. Press F8 (Exec) to make the copy.
sample or import into the Fantom-X.
4. When the Fantom-X asks if you’re sure you want to
• Incorporate your own unique samples into existing rhythm
proceed, press F8 (Exec).
sets—Be creative and sample anything you can think of.
See the Workshop booklet Sampling on the Fantom-X for more information
on sampling, and on using samples in rhythm sets.

Saving New or Edited Rhythm Sets To name a rhythm set:
1. The first character position is underlined, so turn the VALUE
Whether you’ve been editing an existing rhythm set or creating
dial to select the first character of the desired name.
a new one, store your work in the Fantom-X’s memory before
selecting another rhythm set or powering off to avoid losing 2. Press 4 to move the underline to the next character’s
your work. To do so, “write” the rhythm set. Here’s how. position, and then dial in the name’s second character.
3. Repeat Step 2 to enter the characters of the rhythm set
Start by pressing WRITE—the Write Menu screen name you want.
appears, ready to store a rhythm set since you’re
coming from a rhythm-set editing screen. As you name the rhythm set, you can:
• Press F1 (Change Type) repeatedly to jump between
upper-case, lower-case and numeric characters.
• Press F2 (Delete) to remove the character at the underline’s
current location.
• Press F3 (Insert) to insert a blank space for selecting a new
character at the underline’s current location.

When you’ve finished naming the rhythm set, press F8 (Write).

The Rhythm Set Write window pops up:
1. F2 (↑) and F3 (↓) allow you to select the internal Fantom-X
user memory as the location in which the rhythm set is to
Press ENTER to display the screen on which you’ll name the be saved, or Card if you’ve installed a memory card.
rhythm set, or if you prefer, press F2 (Patch/Rhythm). (If Patch/ 2. Turn the VALUE dial to select the user or card location in
Rhythm isn’t already selected, press F2 (Patch/Rhythm).) which you’d like to store the rhythm set, and then press F8
(Write) to store the rhythm set.
If you’d like to audition a rhythm set already in a location you may want
to use, press F4 (Compare) so it turns red. As long as Compare is on, you
can try out rhythm sets to see which one you want to replace. To turn off
Compare, press F4 (Compare) again.
Don’t worry about replacing one of the factory user rhythm sets. They’re all
copies of preset rhythm sets permanently stored in your Fantom-X.

3. The Fantom-X asks if you’re sure you want to proceed.

Press F8 (Exec) to finish storing the rhythm set.

The Drum Pads • they’re pressure-sensitive—Also known as “aftertouch,”
pressure-sensitivity can let you continuously change a
So far, we’ve discussed selecting, playing, and editing rhythm sound after its pad’s been struck and held down, by
sets using both the pads and the keyboard. Most of the time, varying the amount of finger pressure you apply.
though, the Fantom-X’s drum pads will be your first choice for
playing rhythm sounds. In addition to the 16 drum pads, there are two additional pads
that can further enhance your rhythm performances:
• The ROLL pad—When the ROLL pad is on
(lit orange), striking and holding a drum
pad causes its sound to play repeatedly.
Varying the amount of finger-pressure while holding the
pad affects the dynamics of the roll. See Page 160 of the
Owner’s Manual for more details.
• The HOLD pad—When the HOLD pad
is active (lit or blinking orange), a pad’s
Officially known as the “Dynamic Pad Bank,” the drum pads sound plays continuously after the pad
are the command center for Fantom-X rhythm activities. is struck. This is most useful when you’re
In addition to playing the drum keys in a rhythm set, the playing a sampled beat loop on the pad. See Page 160 of
pads can trigger rhythm patterns and RPS (Realtime Phrase the Owner’s Manual for more on using the HOLD pad.
Sequence) patterns.
Some Not-So-Stupid Pad Tricks
For information on creating and playing RPS patterns, see the Workshop
booklet Performing with the Fantom-X. When you’re not playing them, you can use the drum pads for
some non-musical Fantom-X activities, such as:
Using the Pads • changing the screensaver’s appearance—When the
Fantom-X’s screensaver kicks in, tap a drum pad to change
As you’ve probably discovered, it’s fun to play rhythm sets on its appearance. See Page 233 in the Owner’s Manual for
the Fantom-X’s 16 drum pads since: more on adjusting screensaver parameters.
• they feel good—The pads are made of a semi-soft rubber • entering name characters—When you’re performing a
material that provides a “bounce” when they’re played, naming procedure, you can enter alpha-numeric characters
making them pleasing to percussion-playing fingers. by tapping the pads. See Page 36 in the Owner’s Manual for
• they’re velocity-sensitive—Each pad senses the force with more information.
which you strike it, and its sound responds accordingly. • bookmarking  screens—The Bookmark feature lets you use
the pads for storing and recalling 16 of your favorite Fantom-X
screens. See Page 37 in the Fantom-X Owner’s Manual.
Customizing What the Pads Do The Roll Resolution note value is a subdivision of a single beat. Therefore,
the speed of the roll is also influenced by the current Tempo setting.
Press PAD SETTING to display the Pad Setting screen.
Changing a Pad’s Drum Key and Responsiveness

Here’s how to change the drum key played by a pad, and/or

change the pad’s velocity sensitivity:
1. On the Pad Setting screen, strike a pad to select it—it
becomes highlighted in orange on the display, and its
name appears next to “Pad Number.”
2. Use 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to highlight the Note value.
3. Turn the VALUE dial to select the desired drum key.
4. Use 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to highlight the Velocity value.
The Performing with the Fantom-X Workshop booklet explains how to use 5. Turn the VALUE dial to choose the desired setting. If
the pads for changing arpeggio styles and chord forms. COMMON is selected, the pad’s velocity response is the
global Pad Common Velo value. If you want the pad to
Settings That Apply to All the Pads produce a fixed velocity, select that velocity value (1-127).
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 to change the drum key assignment and
In the lower right-hand corner of the Pad Setting screen, you’ll
velocity sensitivity for other drum pads as desired.
find settings that affect all 16 drum pads.
Exchanging Settings Between Two Pads

It’s often handy to swap the drum key settings of two pads:

• Pad Common Velo—sets the velocity response for the pads. 1. On the Pad Setting screen, press F6 (Pad Exchg)—the bottom
If you want them to respond to the force of your touch, of the screen shows the Pad Exchange parameters.
select REAL. If you want them to act as if you’re always
playing at a fixed velocity, select that velocity (1-127).
• Pad Sens—determines the amount of force that’s required
to play a pad’s rhythm set at maximum velocity.
2. Use 3 and 4 and the VALUE dial to select the two pads
• Aftertouch Sens—adjusts the pad’s overall sensitivity to
whose settings you wish to exchange.
finger pressure.
3. Press F8 (Exec) to perform the swap or F7 (Exit) to cancel
• Roll Resolution—sets the musical note value for rolls played
the procedure.
on the ROLL pad.

Using Quick Setup Using the Fantom-X’s Drum Machine
The Pad Setting screen’s Quick Setup feature allows you to The Fantom-X contains a full-featured drum machine, with
set up all of the pads’ drum keys in one action using a preset built-in beats that are great for jamming, songwriting, and
template. To open the Quick Setup screen, press F7 (Quick creating rhythm arrangements. You can also make your own
Setup) on the Pad Setting screen. beats and store them in the Fantom-X’s user memory.
Rhythm patterns you create or edit can be saved in internal user memory
locations only.

When you’re using the Fantom-X’s drum machine, you’ll be

working with:
The Fantom-X provides three Quick Setup templates:
• rhythm patterns—Rhythm patterns are the onboard drum
• Note—assigns Pads 1-16 to consecutive ascending drum
beats. The Fantom-X has 256 preset rhythm patterns
keys, beginning with the drum key chosen as the Base
covering a large variety of musical styles, and 256 user
Note value.
locations for storing your own rhythm patterns.
• Rhythm—configures the pads for using a GM rhythm set.
• rhythm groups—A rhythm group can hold a set of rhythm
• Multi Velo—sets all of the pads so they play the same drum patterns. In a rhythm group, each of the 16 drum pads can
key, with a different fixed velocity setting on each of the play a different rhythm pattern. There are 32 preset rhythm
pads, ascending from Pad 1 (lowest) to Pad 16 (highest). groups and 32 user locations for storing your own rhythm
Select the desired drum key using the Base Note value. groups.
After you’ve chosen the desired Quick Setup template, press
F8 (Select) to complete the setup, or F7 (Cancel) to abort it. Using Rhythm Patterns
A Fantom-X rhythm pattern is a short drum beat you can play
Saving Your Pad Settings over and over in a continuous loop. Unlike a sampled beat
To save changes made in the Pad Setting screen, press F8 loop—which is an audio recording—a rhythm pattern is a
(System Write). Pad settings are stored in system memory, and MIDI recording. It’s a set of instructions that tell the Fantom-X
are used by the pads in Patch mode with any rhythm set. how to play the rhythm pattern’s notes. Because it’s made up
of MIDI data, a rhythm pattern can be easily modified to suit
If the RHYTHM button is lit, the pads use the settings in the currently your needs.
selected rhythm group. We’ll cover rhythm groups in the next section.
A rhythm pattern isn’t linked to any particular rhythm set—you can play
Each Fantom-X performance has its own unique drum pad settings. See the any rhythm pattern using any rhythm set.
Workshop booklets Sequencing on the Fantom-X and Performing with the
Fantom-X for more on using the pads in Performance mode.
Playing Rhythm Patterns Selecting and Auditioning Rhythm Patterns

To turn on the drum machine, press RHYTHM so it lights. 1. Hold SHIFT and press RHYTHM.
2. Press F2 (Rhythm) to display the Rhythm Pattern screen.

Look at the drum pads. Notice how some pads are now dark,
while other pads remain lit.

3. With the Pattern value highlighted—as shown above—

When a pad is unlit, it plays a rhythm pattern. When a pad is lit,
turn the VALUE dial to select any rhythm pattern.
it plays a drum key.
4. To audition the selected rhythm pattern, press F6 (Preview)
To play rhythm patterns with the pads: so its indicator lights red—the selected rhythm pattern
1. Strike an unlit pad—its rhythm pattern plays and the pad plays continuously in a loop.
flashes. 5. Use the REALTIME CONTROL knobs to adjust the rhythm
pattern’s tempo and rhythm accent level as it plays.
The pads’ velocity-sensitivity affects playing rhythm patterns—the harder
you strike a pad, the louder its rhythm pattern plays.

You can press the TEMPO button and turn the VALUE dial to change the
rhythm pattern’s tempo if you like. Press F8 (Close) when you’re done.

2. Strike other unlit pads to hear different rhythm patterns. 6. To stop playback, press F6 (Preview) again.
Note how the Fantom-X switches between rhythm patterns
without losing the beat.
3. To stop rhythm pattern playback, strike a flashing pad.

We’ll show you how to set up the pads to play different rhythm
patterns a little later.

Rhythm Pattern Playback Parameters It’s All About the Grid. And Little Green Boxes.

The Rhythm Pattern screen has parameters that globally affect The available notes of a rhythm pattern are laid out in a grid in
the playback of all rhythm patterns: which you can turn individual drum keys on and off for each
• Rhythm Accent—adjusts rhythm-pattern dynamics. beat subdivision—or “step”—in the rhythm pattern.
• Arp/Rhythm Grid—adjusts the timing and feel of the The length and number of the steps is set by the Rhythm Pattern screen’s
rhythm patterns. Arp/Rhythm Grid parameter. A rhythm pattern can have up to 32 steps.
Rhythm patterns and arpeggios share Arp/Rhythm parameter values. Each drum key has its own little note box at every step. When
• Arp/Rhythm Duration—sets the duration of the rhythm a drum key is turned on for a step, its note box there becomes
pattern’s notes. outlined in black, and it’s filled with green—the more green,
the higher the note’s velocity, and thus the louder the note
• Rhythm Pattern Velocity—adjusts how rhythm patterns
plays relative to the rhythm pattern’s other notes.
respond to velocity when played from the drum pads.
For more information about the rhythm pattern playback parameters, see
Page 137 in the Owner’s Manual.
No note plays The loudest note A soft note
at this step. possible plays here. plays here.
Understanding How Rhythm Patterns Work
The overall level of the rhythm pattern can be affected by how hard you
You can edit any of the preset rhythm patterns, or create your
strike the pad that plays it, so each note’s velocity value sets the note’s level
own from scratch, storing them in 256 user rhythm pattern
relative to other notes in the pattern—it’s not an absolute level setting.
locations. Let’s explore how rhythm patterns are put together.

From the Rhythm Pattern screen, press F7 (Edit) to display the To create or edit a rhythm pattern, you turn drum key notes on
Rhythm Pattern Edit screen, where rhythm patterns are made. or off for each step as desired.

Rhythm Set drum keys are arranged in the grid vertically, as

shown by the keyboard along the screen’s left edge.

To select drum
keys, use 5 and
6 to move up and
down the onscreen

You can press F4 (Zoom In) and/or F5 (Zoom Out) to change the number of Creating or Editing a Rhythm Pattern
drum keys visible at once.
Setting Up the Rhythm Pattern
You can use up to 16 different drum keys in a rhythm pattern, as many
times as you like. On the Rhythm Pattern Edit screen, press F1 (Rhythm Setup) to
open the Rhythm Setup window.
The rhythm pattern’s steps—and the note boxes for each
drum key—run from left to right across the screen.
The note boxes for Drum Key C3

There are two parameters to set in this window:

• End Step—allows you to set the number of steps in the
The currently selected step is signified by the dotted blue rhythm pattern, up to a maximum of 32.
vertical line at its left edge.
Since most songs have a 4/4 time signature, you’ll usually want to set the
number of steps to a number divisible by 4—i.e., 32, 16, 12, or 8.

• Input Velocity—sets the velocity for drum key notes entered

by playing the pads and keyboard in Step Recording,
which we’ll described a little later. To set the velocity of
notes by playing them with the desired amount of force,
select REAL. To enter drum key notes with a fixed velocity,
select the desired velocity value (1-127).

A dotted blue horizontal outline encircles the currently selected drum key’s When you’re finished setting the desired parameters, press F8
note boxes, as shown at the bottom of the grid above. (Close) to return to the Rhythm Pattern Edit screen.

Initializing a Rhythm Pattern

While you’re free to edit any of the Fantom-X’s built-in rhythm

patterns, you may want to create your own rhythm pattern
from scratch. To start with a clean slate—a totally empty
rhythm pattern—you can initialize the one that’s currently

Don’t be concerned about initializing a rhythm pattern you may want Viewing Already-Entered Notes’ Velocities
to use later on. The rhythm pattern you’re initializing is loaded into the
Fantom-X’s temporary work RAM, so you’re not ruining a rhythm pattern If a drum key note is already turned on at a step, its velocity is
that’s stored in the Fantom-X’s preset or user memory. displayed beneath the grid as a vertical bar. When you select a
note box, its velocity bar is also selected, and a pop-up Velocity
1. From the Rhythm Pattern Edit screen, hold SHIFT and press balloon shows the note’s velocity value as a number.
F1 (Init).
2. The Fantom-X asks you if you want to initialize the rhythm The velocity bars for all
pattern. Press F8 (Exec) to complete the procedure, or F7 of the selected drum
(Cancel) to abort it. key’s notes turn green
when any of the drum
Selecting Drum Key Note Boxes key’s note boxes are
Before you can turn a drum key note on or off at a step—or
edit its velocity value—you have to move the blue selector to
the drum key’s note box for the desired step, as shown here. Just a reminder: The overall level of the rhythm pattern can be affected by
how hard or soft you hit the pad that plays it, so each note’s velocity setting
sets the note’s volume relative to the rhythm pattern’s other notes—it’s
not an absolute volume setting.
To select a note box, press:
Manually Entering Drum Key Note Box Values
• 3 and/or 4—to move the blue selector forward or back
in time in order to select the desired step. One of the ways you can edit or create a rhythm pattern on the
• 5 and/or 6—to select the desired drum key’s note. Rhythm Pattern Edit screen is by selecting note boxes one-by-
one and setting them as desired.
Each drum key in the currently selected rhythm set plays when
it’s selected, and its name is shown on the display: Once you’ve selected a note box, you can:
• turn the VALUE dial and/or press DEC/INC—to set the note
box as desired. The available values are:
• all the way down—The Velocity balloon disappears and
You can jump directly to a drum key by playing it on the keyboard. the note box is turned off.
• 1-127—Any of these values turns on the drum key
While working with drum key note boxes, you can audition the rhythm
note and set its volume relative to the rhythm pattern’s
pattern at any time by pressing F6 (Preview) so it turns red. To stop
other notes.
playback, press F6 (Preview) again.

• TIE—You can select this value when the note box 5. When you’re finished, press F8 (Step Rec) so it turns gray to
immediately to the left of the current note box is turn off Step Recording.
turned on. TIE lengthens the earlier note box’s note so
it extends through the current note box’s step. Don’t worry too much about getting drum key velocities just right during
Step Recording—you can always go back and edit them manually as we’ve
TIE works only with sounds that are long enough to last more than a step. already described.
It’s handy for long, sampled sounds such as beat loops, or when a rhythm
pattern is playing a patch instead of rhythm set. Clearing Drum Key Notes

• strike a drum pad—to set the note box’s velocity. Each of There are a two ways you can remove individual drum key
the 16 pads enters one of 16 available velocity values, with notes from a rhythm pattern. You can:
Pad 1 entering the lowest value and Pad 16 the highest. • turn a note box’s velocity off—by selecting the note box
After you strike a pad to enter a note box’s velocity, the next note box for and lowering the Velocity value down to nothing.
the current drum key is automatically selected for your convenience. • change the note to a rest—by selecting the desired note
box and pressing F3 (Rest (Clear)).
Entering Drum Key Notes Using Step Recording
After you press F3 (Rest (Clear)), the next note box for the current drum key
Step Recording allows you to capture the desired drum key is automatically selected for your convenience.
notes as you perform them on the pads or keyboard.
To remove all of a drum key’s notes:
1. On the Rhythm Pattern Edit screen, press F8 (Step Rec) so
1. Use 5 and/or 6 to select the desired drum key.
it lights red to turn on Step Recording.
2. Hold down SHIFT and press F2 (Clear Note).
2. Press 3 and/or 4 to select the step at which you want to
begin entering notes. 3. Press F8 (Exec) when the Fantom-X asks if you’re sure you
want to proceed, or F7 (Cancel) to abort the operation.
3. Strike a drum pad and/or play the keyboard to enter its
drum key note at the current step. After a drum key note is To remove all drum key notes at the selected step:
entered, the next step is automatically selected.
1. Use 3 and/or 4 to select the desired step.
Strike multiple pads and/or keys to enter notes for multiple drum keys at 2. Hold down SHIFT and press F3 (Clear Step).
the same step. 3. Press F8 (Exec) when the Fantom-X asks if you’re sure you
want to proceed, or F7 (Cancel) to abort the operation.
4. Repeat Step 3 to enter additional notes as desired, or:
• press F3 (Rest (Clear))—to enter a rest at the current
step and move to the next step.
• press 3 and/or 4—to move to any step at which you
want to enter additional notes.
Saving a Rhythm Pattern About Rhythm Groups
To save a rhythm pattern: A rhythm group is a collection of pad settings. You’ll normally
1. From the Rhythm Pattern screen, press F8 (Write). use rhythm groups to play rhythm patterns, since they allow
you to assign rhythm patterns to the drum pads. Stored in a
You can also save a rhythm pattern directly from the Rhythm Pattern Edit rhythm group are:
screen by pressing the WRITE button and performing the following steps.
• Settings for all 16 pads—Within a rhythm group, any pad
2. Using the procedure described on Page 9 of this booklet, can be set to play either a drum key or a rhythm pattern.
name your rhythm pattern. (Click here to jump to Page 9.) Each pad also has its own velocity setting.
3. Press F8 (Write). • A rhythm set—This rhythm set provides the sounds played
by the pads and by the rhythm patterns in the rhythm
Though rhythm groups are primarily used for playing rhythm patterns with
the pads, you don’t have to use them that way. They’re also great for saving
your favorite rhythm set and drum key settings.

Selecting a Rhythm Group

1. Hold SHIFT and press RHYTHM—the Rhythm Group screen

4. Turn the VALUE dial to select the user location in which appears.
you’d like to store the rhythm pattern, and then press F8
Don’t worry about replacing one of the factory user rhythm patterns—
they’re all copies of preset rhythm patterns permanently stored in your

5. The Fantom-X asks if you’re sure you want to proceed.

Press F8 (Exec) to finish storing the rhythm pattern.

If you’re in the Rhythm Pattern screen, you can also get to the Rhythm
Group screen by pressing F1 (Rhythm Group).

2. Turn the VALUE dial to select the desired rhythm group. Selecting a Pad for Editing
The display shows the name of selected rhythm group’s
rhythm set, as well as the rhythm group’s drum pad Select a pad for editing by:
assignments. Light green signifies that a drum key is • striking the pad.
assigned to a pad, while light blue indicates that a rhythm • using 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to highlight the Pad value, and
pattern is assigned to a pad. then turning the VALUE dial to select the pad’s number.
The RHYTHM button must be lit for the pads to use the settings in the The currently selected pad is highlighted in orange on the
currently selected rhythm group. display, and its number is displayed next to “Pad.”

Editing a Rhythm Group Assigning a Drum Key to a Pad

From the Rhythm Group screen, press F7 (Edit)—the Rhythm 1. Select the desired drum pad as described above.
Group Edit screen appears. 2. Use 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to highlight the Pad Mode value,
and then turn the VALUE dial to select Note.
3. Use 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to highlight the Pad Note value,
and turn the VALUE dial to select the desired drum key.
4. Use 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to select the Pad Velocity value
and set it to REAL—if you want to control the pad’s velocity
with your playing—or to the desired fixed velocity value.

Assigning a Rhythm Pattern to a Pad

1. Select the desired drum pad as described above.

2. Use 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to highlight the Pad Mode value,
Selecting a Rhythm Set for a Rhythm Group and then turn the VALUE dial to select Pattern.
3. Use 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to highlight the Rhythm Pattern
1. Use 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to highlight the Recommended value, and then turn the VALUE dial to choose the desired
Rhy value. rhythm pattern.
2. Turn the VALUE dial to select the desired rhythm set.
You can audition your rhythm pattern selection by striking its pad.

4. Use 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to select the Rhythm Pattern

Velocity value and set it to REAL—if you want to control
the pad’s velocity with your playing—or to the desired
fixed velocity value.
Saving a Rhythm Group
To save a rhythm group:
1. From the Rhythm Group Edit screen, press F8 (Write).
2. Using the procedure described on Page 9 of this booklet,
name your rhythm group. (Click here to jump to Page 9.)
3. Press F8 (Write).
4. Turn the VALUE dial to select the user location in which
you’d like to store the rhythm group, and then press F8
5. The Fantom-X asks if you’re sure you want to proceed.
Press F8 (Exec) to finish storing the rhythm pattern.

The End
We hope you’ve enjoyed this introduction to the rhythms of
the Fantom-X. Check out the other Workshop booklets, as well
your Fantom-X Handbook, Owner’s Manual, and Audio Track
Expansion guide. We’re confident you’ll have a great time with
the exciting, inspiring Fantom-X.
For the latest Fantom-X updates and support tools, visit the Roland U.S.
Web site at If you need personal assistance, call our
amazing Product Support team at 323-890-3745.


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