Cyprus Wine Routes 4600414 en

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The document provides an overview of cities, regions and wine routes across Cyprus. It also lists contact details for Cyprus Tourism Organisation offices both within Cyprus and overseas.

Some of the main cities and regions mentioned include Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca, Paphos, Troodos, Karpasia and Mesaoria.

Some of the wine routes described are Laona-Akamas, Vouni Panagias-Ampelitis, Krasochoria of Limassol, Commandaria Mountainous, Larnaka-Lefkosia and Pitsilia.


All seven Wine Routes have special road signs to assist your trip!

Laona-Akamas Vouni Panagias- Diarizos valley Krasochoria of

Beautiful locations and Ampelitis Idyllic expedition to the Lemesos
beaches, picturesque Panoramic route through natural beauties of a Well known wine villages,
villages with rich cultural mountainous terrain with relatively ‘unknown’, yet each with its own
and wine traditions. an endless choice of local rich in vineyards, route. character, all with
wines. remarkable winemaking


Kormakitis Lapithos Karavas


Morfou A R Lefkosia


Kato Pyrgos Mammari

Pomos Astromeritis
Cape Peristerona
Kato Koutrafas Agioi Trimithias
Vyzakia Kato
Argaka Deftera Tseri
SOLEA Mitsero
Polis Kampos Evrychou
T Kykkos Kalo Chorio
Drouseia R Kapedes
Ineia O O Μ Α R AT H A S A G EChandria P I T S I L I A
Akourdalia Fikardou
Kato Arodes D O S Polystypos Gouri
Pano Arodes Asprogia Kyperounta Alona Lythrodontas
Κannaviou Pano Panagia
Troodos Dymes
Κathikas Chrysorrogiatissa Potamitissa Agros Farmakas
Agia Moni Kato Platres
Houlou Agios Pelendri Agios Agios Theodoros Vavatsinia
Pegeia Stroumpi Polemi Koilineia Pera Ioannis Agios Odou
Statos Arminou Nikolaos Μandria Agios Zoopigi Lefkara
LemonaGalataria Pedi Konstantinos Ora
Letymvou Omodos
Praitori Trimiklini Mamas Agios Pavlos
LΑΟΝΑ Kourdaka Mesana Kofinou
Kallepeia Pentalia Filousa Arsos Silikou Kalo Chorio
Tsada Koilani Kato
Amargeti Κedares
Vasa Lofou LaneiaKapileio Louvaras Vavla Drys
Mesogi Vouni Doros Gerasa
Eledio Ag. Skarinou
Κelokedara Malia GeorgiosMonagri
Stavrokonnou Agios Apsiou KalavasosTochni
Choletria Agios Georgios Alassa
Agia Varvara Mamonia Pachna Amvrosios Paramytha
Fasoula Souni Parekklisia
Pano Kivides Palodeia
Αcheleia Anogyra
Souni-Zanakia Agia Fyla
Paphos Zygi
Kouklia Avdimou Kantou

Erimi Kolossi Lemesos


Cape Cape
Zevgari Gata

Commandaria Pitsilia Mountainous Apostolos Andreas

Known and unknown Beautiful scenery along Larnaka-Lefkosia Apostolos

corners that preserve the with excellent wine. Superb locations with Andreas

legend of the island’s living traditions.

most notable wine. Rizokarpaso




A N G Bogazi
Klepini R
Κythrea Leykonoiko




I O Lysi
N 4 Famagusta
S I N 1 9 7 Acheritou

Athienou Deryneia
Pyla Sotira
Ormideia Agia Napa

Aradippou Cape Gkreko

L A R N A K A B AY Cape Pyla
Pyrga Kalo Chorio


inou Cape Kiti


Wine making regions of Cyprus



A very long history
Vouni Panayias -
The varieties of the
Diarizos Valley
Krasochoria of
CTO Information

along the Wine Routes
Everywhere, in most of
the villages along the
wine routes, there are
agrotourism units and
other accommodation.
For information and

reservations: he rich wine history of presently operate on the island
Cyprus Agrotourism Cyprus has been alive and and taste their wines. Agrotour-
Company ongoing for something like ism and other small units,
Telephone: 6,000 years. Take any of our seven tavernas and restaurants with
+357 22 340071 routes to experience Cypriot high modern standards are here
Εmail: helpdesk@ hospitality and be introduced to to provide you with accommoda- the world of Cyprus wine. Visit any tion and the unique dishes of the of the 41 modern wineries that Cypriot kitchen. Go back in time

by visiting restored traditional been implemented by the Cyprus s Vineyards in

wine presses and museums that Tourism Organisation with Choulou.
Live testimony
demonstrate the life, culture and co-funding from the structural
to centuries-old
traditions of the rural population. funds of the European Union for wine tradition.
See the grape harvest, join the initial six routes and by the
traditional feasts and enjoy European Fund for Agricultural
superb local wines in abundance. Development for the seventh.
The Wine Routes programme has
(ΑRSINOI) Κynousa
Νeo Chorio

Chrysochou Agios Isidoros

Androlikou Karamoullides Steni
Lysos Μelandra
Ε709 Peristerona
Fasli Goudi Zacharia
Drouseia Tera
Kritou Tera Loukrounou SKARFOS
Kato Arodes Akourdaleia
Pano Arodes Μiliou
e Drymou Lasa
sg Giolou
Kathikas Thrinia
Theletra Agios Dimitrianos
Ε709 Β7
Pegeia Stroumbi

Koili Letymvou

Legend Tala Tsada

Kissonerga Tremithousa Β7

Lempa Mesogi
Main road
Secondary road
Empa Mesa Chorio
Motorway Chlorakas Episkopi
Wine route Armou
Antiquity Marathounta
Place of worship



Up to 300- 600- THE KINGS

300m 600m 1200m Α6

Agia Marinouda

0 2000 4000 6000 8000m

Αgia Varvara

Route 1

Laona Akamas

Pafos, Mesogi, Tsada, Stroumbi, Kathikas, Akourdaleia, Pano Arodes,

Kato Arodes, Ineia, Drouseia, Polis, Pegeia.

his route is in the north-west- visitor may enjoy a unique geography,
ern part of Cyprus. It is of unlike anywhere else on the island.
unique interest, as it is not Travel along the main roads E701 and
devoted exclusively to wine. In E709, which climb to elevations provid-
a this area, the wine lover and the ing some fascinating views, with various
gourmet can visit four wineries and greenery, substantial expanses of forest
taste their varied and individualistic and a liberal lacing of vineyards combin-
wines, in combination with the tasty ing to attract our attention.
specialities of Cypriot food. Tavernas, of The outstanding feature of this
which there are plenty along the route, unique wine zone is the Akamas
will be sure not to disappoint. Together peninsula. The diverse characteristics of
with these delicious attractions, the the Akamas morphology, the flora and

s View of Akamas from the high altitude locations in the area.


s Vast areas with green vineyards.


the wildlife rightfully make it a rare

habitat. The visiting explorer/wine-lover
truthfully has a feast for the eye, the
ears, and the taste-buds.

General characteristics

The route is mainly located on the

Akamas peninsula. It is a unique area
with a remarkable and rare variety of
geology, growth and wildlife. The
relatively untouched environment and
the charm of the communities, make it a
joy for the walker and nature lover.
The area is rich in viniculture and vast
areas are covered by vineyards. Along the
route, there are four wineries worth
s Entrance to a house in Pano Arodes.
Climate: The area varies from 400 to
650 metres and has an annual rate of Franc, Alicante B., Grenache, Shiraz,
rainfall of about 610mm. It has a Merlot.
generally mild climate.
Terroir: Most vineyards of this route are The route
on lime (asbestolithic) ground, some in
loamy-gypsum. This tour starts by taking the B7,
Vines: The Kathikas area is famous for which is the main road to Polis Chryso-
its white grape varieties, mainly the chous. After 5km, make the first stop at
native Xynisteri. Most of the villages in Mesogi village. On the left side of the
the area belong to the Appellation road, within the industrial area, well
Controllé (OEOP) “Laona Akamas”. In all, worth a stop is one of the best known
a further 19 different varieties are producers in the area, the Fikardos
cultivated in the areas. Winery. Even though the winery does
White varieties: Xynisteri, Malvasia G, not own a significant area of its own
Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Semillon, vineyards, the quality dynamic is quite
Chardonnay, Muscat. remarkable. Recently, the winery
Red varieties: Mavro, Ofthalmo, invested extensively in a unified vineyard
Lefkada, Maratheftiko, Carignan, of 2.5 hectares in Kato Arodes and 3.5
Mataro, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet hectares in Choulou.

Red wine with meat, white with fish

We’ve all heard of the “rule”. But how correct
is it? In most cases, red wine goes better with
meat, simply because the tannins contained
in red wines blend with the proteins of
the meat. So, the more tannins a wine has,
the more robust and rich meat it requires.
Chicken, for example, is matched better with
a lighter red wine, the rest of the white meats
(pork, rabbit, turkey) with a slightly more
robust red wine and the red meats, such as
beef, game, etc., with a vintage, complex and
full bodied wine.

The varieties planted there are Pafos region wines.

Yiannoudi, Xynisteri, Moschato Samou, Before continuing your wine explora-
Maratheftiko, Mataro and Shiraz. This tion, it is worth visiting the monastery of
acquisition supplements the long-time Agios Neofytos, by taking the rural road
co-operation between the winery and that turns off the B7 at Mesogi. The
carefully chosen local contracted monastery, at an altitude of 412 metres,
vinegrowers. is considered one of the most important
All this means the winemaker here in Cyprus and was built on the spot
has a good knowledge of the dynamic in where the hermit saint lived (1134-1214).
the area which, in less than two decades Return to the B7 and head north
(the unit was established in 1990), towards the village of Tsada. A small trip
allowed the natural development of on the narrow paths is worth the visit.
labels with a varietal synthesis that The limestone fountains (Yerolakkos,
utilises the strengths of the vineyards. A Rodkias and Pyadkia) have a unique
noticeable thing about Fikardos Winery beauty of their own. But what is worth
is the production of a large selection of to stop for is the exquisite view to the
wines from different grapes; such as the sea and the vineyards that surround the
reds, Maratheftiko, Lefkada, Shiraz, village.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and the The road to Stroumbi is twisty and
whites Xynisteri, Chardonnay and steep with the impressive gorges as its
Semillon. On your visit you may taste the main feature. Stroumbi is located at an
rosé Valentina, the whites, Amalthia and altitude of 450 metres. The local grape
Alkisti and the reds Shiraz and Marathef- variety cultivated in the area is mainly
tiko. The winery welcomes visitors and the indigenous red Mavro, followed to a
offers a good introduction to the style of lesser extent by the white Xynisteri. Of

equal importance today is the cultiva- advanced unit built in 2004, it is one of
tion of international varieties, under- the most important wine production
taken in recent years. Every August, facilities in the area. Visit the museum of
Stroumbi hosts the annual “Dionyssia” historical machinery and winery
grape festival, an event not to be missed. equipment, the modern tasting room
Before leaving the this picturesque wine and the restaurant. The view of the
village you may make a short trip to visit almond groves which welcomes the
the churches and chapels in the area. visitor to the winery is truly magical,
Just outside Stroumbi, about 1km unexpected yet a complementary
away, is the village of Polemi, home to combination with the vineyards of the
the Kamanterena Winery that area that reach out to the edge of the
belongs to the SODAP Co-operative winery itself. A unique wine which is
Organisation of Vine Products. A made here is the Kamanterena Riesling,
modern, large and technologically which expresses the new identity of the

s The salt-beaten vineyards of the area provide cool and sinewy wines with a refined aroma.

“Stroumbeli” range, in which the intense

local variety Maratheftiko are the basis
for interesting rosé and red wines. A
fulsome Shiraz is also in this range. The
story of the SODAP cooperative partner-
ship started in 1947 when about 10,000
families from 144 wine villages of Cyprus
united and decided to establish this
Co-operative wine making enterprise.
Continuing northwest for 1km after
Stroumbi, leave the B7 and turn left to
What goes well with white wine? the Ε711 headed to Kathikas. It is situated
A white wine stands better with a fish dish,
among green hills which in the past was
mussels, or various shellfish. The reason?
White wine is generally softer and lighter considered the heartland of north-west-
than red and, of course, has no tannins, ern Cyprus. Apart from the charming
although it can also have a pleasing acidity. area surrounding Kathikas, there are
So it matches that lovely ocean flavour that also a pair of wineries worth visiting and
comes from fresh fish and seafood. Our local
delicious Cypriot dishes to be enjoyed in
Xynisteri will match all our fresh fish – wild
or farmed, and we have Chardonnays and the local tavernas.
Semillon varietals and blends for fish pies, The Vasilikon Winery is one of the
risottos, prawns and lobsters, soups and first to be established in western Cyprus
stews. in 1993. Today, it is housed in a brand
new facility built on three levels that
SODAP-Kamanterena Winery. The include a wine laboratory, storage
Mountain Vines (white Semillon and red cellars, administration, a wine museum,
Cabernet/ Maratheftiko) are also worth tasting room and shop wine shop, and
tasting, as is the new, high quality conference facilities. The winery has 14

s The Kathikas area is famous for its white varieties of grapes such as the Xynisteri.

tasting takes place with narration in

Greek, English, Russian and German.
The view northeast of the winery’s
balcony is amazing. Of interest are the
small natural caves, found within the
winery’s boundaries. They remind us of
catacombs and were used to store wine
in ideal conditions millennia ago. The
grapes of this winery come mainly from
the 13 hectares (32 acres) of its own
vineyards. Try their Xynisteri wine from
Kathikas grapes.
Leaving Kathikas and after 2km turn
left, taking the rural road that leads to a
collection of pretty villages, well worth
stopping at to enjoy the environment

s Traditional houses built with local stone at

hectares (35 acres) of its own vineyards,
which provide a variety of grapes for two
very popular wines: the white varietal
Xyinsteri “Vassilikon” and the red “Ayios
Onoufrios”, a blend of Mourvèdre
(Mataro), Cabernet Sauvignon,
Grenache and local varieties. Wines
produced by the Vasilikon Winery are
considered to be excellent value for
money. Recently the winery added a
And the rosés?
rosé named “Einalia”. A classy premium
Today rosé is less misunderstood and
red is also made in moderate quantities, underestimated than it used to be. It is a
mainly from Cabernet Sauvignon with a good food match for our Cyprus Mezze
minority amount of Cabernet Franc. and other local dishes. as well as seafood,
A small producer which has a friendly such as prawns, oysters and lobster. A
crisp, dry one sits well with salmon, and
welcome for visitors is Sterna Winery,
also with pasta sauced with tomatoes and
located east of Kathikas. From the basil, and seafood or mushrooms. Perhaps
centre of the village head towards their best match is with the mixed flavour
Akourdaleia. The owner will give you a of Chinese and other far-eastern dishes.
multilingual tour of the winery where

s Stonebuilt houses in Drouseia.


and the view. The first village on the way,

Pano Arodes, is characterised by a well
preserved architectural environment
embracing stone-built houses and the
restored church of Agios Kalantionas. It
is located at the edge of a well presented
square which can be enjoyed sitting at
the village coffee shop.
A further kilometre northwards is
Kato Arodes. It would be best to stop
and take in the white community office.
It reminds you of an 18th century church
but without its bell-tower. Continue
north and you will get to the village of
Ineia, from where you will enjoy a
s Renovated architecture, Pano Arodes.
breathtaking panoramic view of the sea.
At Ineia, the visitor will notice that the word “oinos” for wine. The village also
local signs refer to the village as “Oineia”, has a basket weaving museum.
respecting the root of the name from the Nearby is the next village of Drouseia.

t Basket weaving museum in Ineia, a village whose name derives from the Greek word for wine.

Like Ineia, it is extremely popular among

Cypriot holidaymakers, especially at
weekends, both because of the natural
beauty of the area and the traditional
dishes served in the eating places. The
magical view to the sea follows you here
as well. Drouseia is also home to
vineyards, without however, having a
winery of its own. The village has a
popular hotel which was recently
refurbished. It is worth visiting the
Textile Museum in the village.
This Route 1 adventure is coming
towards its close. Polis Chrysochous is
the short distace of 10km away. Return- s The chapel of Ayios Georgios in Pegeia.
ing to the E709 make a small detour to
the right and visit Kritou Terra. The
t Panoramic view of Coral Bay from Pegeia. water mill, the old coffee-shop with its
murals and the cobbled threshing areas
are unique features that are worth
making a final stop before heading to
Polis Chrysochous. There you can have
an overnight stay and enjoy Cypriot
wines at the restaurants and tavernas of
this modern coastal town, with plenty
of options for entertainment. Other-
wise, you could embark on your return
south, this time driving through the
lively hillside village of Pegeia.


The main spoken languages at the wineries are

Greek and English.

Fikardos Winery
Tel.: 26 949814, 99 647005

Fax: 26 938517 Imogen’s Tavern

Website: Tel.: 26 633269, 99 618177
Blog: 33 Georgiou Cleanthous str.,
Email: [email protected], Kathikas
Kyparissos Restaurant
SODAP Kamanterena Winery Tel.: 26 633600, 99 557545
Stroumbi Kathikas
Tel.: 26 633000
Fax: 26 633503 Yiannis
Website: Tel.: 26 633353, 99 914067
Εmail: [email protected] 11 Georgiou Cleanthous str.,
K&K Vasilikon Winery
Kathikas Petradaki Restaurant
Tel.: 26 633237, 99 647004, 99 466960 Tel.: 26 814191, 99 596528
Fax: 26 33500 45 Kato Vryssi road,
Website: Kathikas
Email: [email protected]
Meze Meze Tavern
Sterna Winery Tel.: 26 632076
Kathikas Kathikas
Tel.: 99 699082, 26 991922
Fax: 26 991820 N.M. Hadjiomorfos Tavern
Website: Tel.: 99 341155, 26 818919
Email: [email protected] Mesogi

Pagkratios Restaurant
Tavernas / Restaurants
Tel.: 99 578007
Phinikas Tavern
Tel.: 26 332276, 26 332336, 99 458316
10 Agiou Georgiou str.,
Drouseia l It is necessary to call the winery in advance of
any visit.
l Many villages offer special accomodation pack-
Farma Tavern ages in agrotourism and other units.
Tel.: 26 632745, 99 421706 For information visit
16 Zacharia
Legend Kios
Loukrounou SKARFOS
Main road BRIDGE Anadiou
Secondary road Miliou Simou
Wine route Fyti Kitou Pano
Winery Drymou Marottou Asprogia Panagia
Antiquity Giolou Lasa
Place of worship
Kannaviou Mamountali
Agios Dimitrianos Chrysorrogiatissa
Up to 300- 600-
300m 600m 1200m
Psathi Lapithiou Agia
Akoursos Polemi Ε703
Stroumbi Choulou Agios Fotios
Koili Β7
Letymvou Lemona

AGIOS Faleia
NEOFYTOS Kourdaka Pentalia
Tala Tsada Kallepeia TOU SINTI
Kissonerga Tremithousa Agia Marina
Lempa Mesogi
Empa Eledio
Β7 Mesa Chorio
Chlorakas Episkopi Axylou

Marathounta Ε606
Stavrokonnou Agios
Nata Georgios
Konia Choletria


Agia Marinouda
Geroskipou Fasoula
Agia Varvara
Acheleia Timi Souskiou

0 2000 4000 6000 8000m


Route 2

Vouni Panagias-Ampelitis

Pafos, Mesogi, Tsada, Stroumbi, Polemi, Psathi, Kannaviou, Asprogia,

Pano Panagia, Chrysorrogiatissa, Agia Moni, Statos-Agios Fotios,
Koilineia, Galataria, Pentalia, Amargeti, Eledio, Agia Varvara, Acheleia
a or Choulou, Lemona, Kourdaka, Letymvou, Kallepeia.

n this region which, of course, has wineries open to visitors.
long wine traditions, among its Climate: The area reaches an altitude of
profusion of vineyards, sprinkled 1,144m (3,753 feet) and enjoys above
here and there with modern average rainfall. It has a relatively mild
wineries, you will encounter a welcome climate.
not only from the winemakers but Terroir: The river valley soil is of loamy
everyone else - they are lively, they to clay technical composition.
appreciate good wine and enjoy sharing Vineyards: Most of the villages in the
their enthusiasm and their feelings. area belong to the “Vouni Panayias
ara Good wine and good company are all - Ambelitis” Appellation Controlé
you need - that is their motto. (OEOP), with 27 grape varieties of grape
vine, of which there is an impressive
General Characteristics showing of Carignan Noir and Cabernet
The route lies east of Pafos in a
mountainous area with relatively high
altitudes. The steep slopes are covered
by forest and vineyards. The environ-
ment creates habitats for a large
number of flora typified by the clusters
of oak (Quercus infectoria). The pine
forests are mainly in the north east. The
area has many types of mammals,
amphibians, reptiles and birds. Along
this route, the visitor will find seven

s Vineyard with white grape varieties at Panagia.


kilometres. A little further on you soon

reach Tsada. In another five kilometers,
take the side road to the right, E703,
leading to Polemi. This is a large village,
with a multitude of vineyards and groves
all around. It still maintains some
traditional features, with the most
important being the “Metochi of Kykkos”.
In recent years its ownership has been
transferred to the local community and
The wine on the table currently operates as a cultural centre
The great moment! The time has come for which can be visited daily and has
the wine to offer pleasure to your senses –
beautiful; gardens. In the centre of the
first the look; secondly, the aroma; finally, the
taste. It’s had a varied journey, beginning village the visitor finds a coffee shop and
with growing the vines in the vineyard, other stores. Polemi is home to the
harvesting the grapes when ready and, in the Tsalapatis Winery which produces
winery, carrying out the wine making high quality wines. In a specially created
process. Then, maturation, bottling, further
space at cellar level visitors can taste the
maturation and onwards to the market place.
wines where they are made. Don’t forget
Finally, the wine is on your table, opened,
poured; to be enjoyed by you, your family to try the Xynisteri! The Ε703, on the way
and friends. For all kinds of foods, a glass of out of the village, leads to Psathi after
your chosen wine is the perfect companion. two kilometers to the north east. The
village is on a beautiful hilltop, covered
White varieties: Xynisteri, Palomino, in greenery and overlooking the wine
Malvasia L., Malvasia G., Ugni Blanc, producing valley of the Polis (Chryso-
Plant X., Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, chous) river.
Semillon, Chardonnay, Sultana, Malaga, A kilometre further down, in a
Muscat of Alexandria. similar setting to the previous commu-
Red varieties: Mavro, Ofthalmo, nity, lies Agios Dimitrianos, a smaller but
Maratheftiko, Lefkada, Carignan, equally green village. Between the two
Mattaro (Mourvèdre), Oellade, Cabernet communities there is the start of a
Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Alicante B., nature trail calles “Arnies”. Three kilom-
Black Muscat, Grenache, Shiraz, Merlot. eters further away, in the depth of the
Ezousa river valley, is the village of
The route Kannaviou, with a panoramic view to
the left. At the entrance of the village
From Pafos town, heading north one finds the Ezousa Estate Winery.
east, climb the B7 towards Mesogi for 5 This is a modern winery, built in

2003, that produces select wines both kilometers will lead to the scenic Kritou
family-owned vineyards and other Marottou and Fyti villages. Both are
selected vineyards nearby. At the winery small, traditional communities. The first
one can try Cypriot varieties in a pleas- is on a plateau, with green gardens,
ant surrounding of a small tasting room while the second surrounds a church on
with a view. Recommended is the Ayios the hilltop. Houses in both villages have
Chrysostomos, a white dry from local a traditional style carved from the local
Xynisteri grapes, light on the palette and stone. They have single and double
an aftertaste of lemon. The Marathef- arches, and the rooftops on the older
tiko rosé is also one to taste. ones were built in the traditional way of
Kannaviou is also where the “Pal- “volidja” canes and earth.
loures” nature trail begins. A vast Fyti beckons the visitor to take a
number of plants grow in the area, walk, offering a magical view towards
cultivated or wild, including, almond Kritou Marottou, Kannaviou and Agios
groves, oranges, olives, walnut, eucalyp- Dimitrianos to the east. The square has a
tus, oak, oleander (arodafni), etc., and, taverna that doubles as a coffee-shop
naturally, grapes. and meeting place for the locals. This
Leaving the village heading north, used to be the first school built in the
just as you see the Kannaviou dam area and is 170 years old. Nearby is an
ahead, a small detour to the left of four interesting museum of folk and weaving

s Mountainous view with the Kannaviou dam dominating the background.


art. Returning to the exit of Kannaviou, route, Pano Panagia. You drive uphill
turning left, the road takes you six along steep hillsides to meet just outside
kilometers to Asprogia, a small wine the village at an altitude of 850 metres,
village on the edge of the thick Pafos the Vouni Panagia Winery. This is one
forest. From here, the road leads to the of the biggest regional wineries and
most important destination of this produces it wines exclusively from local

s Scenery with impressive vineyards along the Panagia route.


Cypriot varieties. The truly panoramic the sea and Pafos airport in the south. To
views from its balconies form a pano- the south east one can see the Chrysor-
rama embracing the whole of Paphos rogiatissa Monastery, embraced by the
district, from the bay of Chrysochous on famous Vouni which is the ridge that has
the northwest and the Akamas (Laona an abundance of vineyards.
peak) to the west, all the way down to The Vouni Panagia Winery is housed

The pleasant exceptions

Do you know a rule that does not have an exception? Of
course not. So, in our case, according to knowledge, mood and
imagination, the rule that dictates that red wines accompany
meat and the whites with fish, could have many exceptions.
And of course, these exceptions can occur because of ingredi-
ents and cooking methods. If, for example, we prepare chicken
with a red hot sauce, it is difficult to escape from the rule. But
if we dress the chicken with a simple, white sauce with, say
mushrooms, then one can easily combine a full-bodied oak-
aged white wine, which will have a concentrated and robust
taste. On the other hand, if we are going to eat a fish with
plenty of fat, such as swordfish, eel or salmon, to be cooked
with herbs and spices, a chilled light and fruity red can be
perfectly suitable.

in modern buildings which include a of traditional grape products.

restaurant. The tour around the large As well as the better known Cyprus
and elegant “cava”, as well as the rest of varieties, this winery make wines from
the winery, should not be missed. And the Spourtiko and Morokanella varietals
then the visitor may also enjoy the and has recently planted several vine-
winery’s multi media presentation of yards of the Yiannoudi variety, of which
winemaking and the winery. Spirit lovers the first production is expected in the
can also taste our Cyprus grappa, the market soon.
“Zivania”. The tasting session is accompa- Pano Panagia is just a kilometer
nied by a plate of cheeses. If you prefer, away. It is a beautiful and large village,
you may taste wines and cheese, too, with traditional stone-built houses
noting that all you are drinking is made dotted on the steep hillsides. It is the
from local grape varieties grown and centre of the Vouni Panagias-Ambelitis
nurtured in the family vineyards. area and offers a wide selection of
Varieties like Promara and Alina whites agrotourism activities. The vineyards in
supplement the Paphos Hills Xynisteri. the area include more than 25 grape
Move on, then to sample Plakota red, varieties.
which is light fruity, with a smooth finish Two kilometres outside the village,
on the palate. This is an excellent red on the right lies the wine-making
wine for the summer months, which Chrysorrogiatissa monastery, which
benefits from being served slightly dates back to 1152. Wine has been made
chilled. In addition to the wines the here for several hundreds of years.It is a
Vouni-Panagia winery shop has a variety visitor-friendly monastery, restored after

s A view of Pano Panagia with the beautiful mountain tops behind.


the biggest part was destroyed by fire in Winery is a little further down the road
1967. From the blaze, the main chapel on the right. It is a modern unit, with a
dating back to 1770 was saved. In the panoramic view to the whole Ezousa
basement of the monastery one can see valley, just on the edge of the vineyards
the old winery, with the cistern press along the Vouni ridge, at a height of
fused into the building, as well as the about 1,000 metres. The grapes are
huge clay vessels called “pitharia”, in mostly cultivated from own vineyards.
which wine used to be made, and the The winery includes a small but most
old storage barrels. The monastery pleasant restaurant, which operates
owned Chrysorogia Winery, is now only by reservation, from Monday to
located 100 metres further down within Saturday (closed on Sundays). When the
the vineyards and groves, but it can only cellars of the winery were being con-
be visited by request. The monastery’s structed an underground spring was
wines are sold at the local shop nearby. discovered and this has been trans-
The produce includes the dry red Agios formed into a delightful fountain. Here
Elias from the local grape varieties you may try the proprietor-winemaker’s
Mavro, Ofthalmo and Maratheftiko, and red, Agios Fotios, produced from the
the dry white Agios Andronikos, made family’s own Mavro and Maratheftiko
from the region’s Xynisteri. grapes. This has good body and tannins
A kilometer further down lies the with forward earthy notes providing an
Statos-Ayios Fotios road. The Kolios essentially local and individual taste. Try,
too, the Kollios Shiraz, reckoned to be
t The Chrysorrogiatissa Monastery which has its one of the island’s best, which is rich,
own winery.
round and fruity. A well-balanced and
delicious Cabernet Sauvignon completes
the winery’s reds. For those with a
leaning towards a dry and friendly rosé,
try the winery’s excellent Cornetto.
Kolios’ dry and medium-dry whites, both
under the title of Persefone, are young,
fresh and fruity Xynisteri and are
extremely popular with locals and
visitors alike.
In the centre of the village, a hundred
metres from the square, is the Makkas
Winery. This is presently housed in the
family home of the owner, Andreas
Psaras. It is more “boutique” in style.

crossroad that leads on the right to

Choulou village. To the left, you enter
the Statos-Agios Fotios village, which
has the highest altitude in Pafos. The
community was created in the early
1970s to house the people from the two
villages of Statos and Agios Fotios
whose ground had suffered land-sliip.
This small village sits on a plateau with
many of the residences enjoying beauti-
s Old winery in the basement of the ful gardens. The community centre also
Chrysorrogiatissa Monastery.
has a coffee-shop and taverna.
There is a special area for wine tasting From Statos-Agios Fotios there are
and this can only be visited by prior two choices: south, towards Pentalia or
arrangement. Recommended Makkas west, to Choulou. If heading south, a
wines are a very fine cellar-aged red - a kilometer outside of Statos-Agios Fotios
varietal Maratheftiko, and a Shiraz.
There is also a Lefkada/Maratheftiko
blend rosé and of course the ubiquitous
white Xynisteri, which, nevertheless,
seems different in the hands of every
Cyprus winemaker. Doubtless the
varying “terroir” and the individualism of
the winemakers account for this.
Just before leaving the village you
find the Avacas Winery on the left
s The monastery of Agia Moni is considered
hand side of the road, at an altitude of
to be one of the oldest in Cyprus.
900 metres (2,592 feet). This is a modern
winery housed in a new building. Visitors is a side road to the left with a very sharp
can choose from nine different wines, turn towards Koilineia and Galataria.
made mostly from Cyprus varieties and The road passes through dense vine-
try them at the tasting room. The most yards, masses of almond trees and lots
popular is the Avacas white dry (Xynis- of oak and cypress, that continue all the
teri), the Ayia Moni red dry and the way to Koilineia.
Kornilios red semi-sweet vinified from In the centre of the scenic village you
Maratheftiko, Mavro, Ofthalmo and will find the Shoufas Winery. This is a
Mattaro. small family winery which, like many has
Further down you will reach the generation-upon-generations of wine

s The chapel of Agios Nikolaos in Galataria.

making knowledge and tradition, where dry reds called Agia Sotira, vinified from
grandfather Costas Philippou tended Mataro. The white, Livades is also
vineyards for many decades. Taste and offered dry and semi-dry and produced
compare the local grapes in this dry red from Xynisteri. Zivania, aged in oak-
Maratheftiko and the dry white Xynisteri barrels may also be tasted. Produced by
with the others you have sampled. the winery’s owner, Nicos Ignatiou, this
The road continues a short distance is a real eye-opener. Tastings are
to Galataria. Returning to the point accompanied by a selection of cheeses
where you did a very sharp turn, on the and nuts. There is a charge for visiting
left is the road that leads to Pentalia and groups.
on to Amargeti, a beautiful village on the From Amargeti there is a wonderful
right hand side of the road along a green trip that leads to Lemona. Staying on the
hillside. The community has some original road, leading downwards you
restored stone houses, working as will reach Eledio, a small village almost
coffee-shops and tavernas. Very near the joined to the community of Axylou
church, in the centre of the village is the further south. From here, the distance
Kalamos Winery. Here you can sample to Agia Varvara, closest to the highway
wines produced from both local and and the sea, is about ten kilometers.
“foreign” grapes, cultivated in the family From Statos-Agios Fotios choose the
vineyards. Try both the dry and medium direction west towards Choulou, then

drive five kilometers enjoying un- crosses a large green area along the
matched natural beauty, literally unique eastern side of the Ezousa river with
in Cyprus. The road goes downhill plenty of vineyards, olive groves and oak
through vineyards, grazing land and trees.
some steep hillsides. The old “stepped” Ezousa winery is located in a modern
land has wild shrubbery and sparse building of traditional style where you
forest trees. can taste and buy winemaker’s prod-
Arriving in Choulou, a scenic village ucts. The young owner, Angelos Tsan-
with a lot of stone-built, traditional garides, inherited the art of winemaking
houses, some of which were part of a from his grandfather and is proud of his
long forgotten village. In the centre of wines. The outstanding ones are the red
the community, next to the church and dry reds Mataro and Cabernet Sauvi-
the nearby mosque, are coffee-shops gnon. The winery has invested heavily in
and tavernas where the senior citizens organic farming and producing wines
– grandfathers all - ready to tell their from these varieties.
tales of the locality. All this gives off an Leaving Lemona, and returning to
almost medieval aura. Walk the narrow the same road, head left towards
streets and look at the fields where the
drama of Arodafnousa unfolded: the
daughter who stole the heart of the lord,
causing the rage of the lady who lived in
a tower that no longer exists. The story
is set in Frankish times when the village
was owned by a feudal lord named Julio,
hence the name of Choulou. By another
coincidence the nearby village of
Lemona has the same name of a Basque
town in present-day Spain.
When you leave Choulou, you turn
left and arrive in Lemona - the two
villages are almost joined together.
Lemona is a small community with a
traditional style. It has stone-built
house, some of which have been
restored, some kept in good original
condition and others abandoned. The
road that leads to the Tsangarides
Winery, immediately after the church,

s Seemingly endless vineyards along the route.


Letymvou. At the entrance to the village Fax: 26 320091

the visitor can sip the cool refreshing Email: [email protected]
water from the stone-built fountain in
the walnut tree lined square. Most Ezousa Farm
houses have beautiful gardens and Kannaviou
traditional vines, producing table grapes Tel.: 70 008844, 99 415909
for the family and others for home-made Fax: 26 732525
wine. In July, Letymvou hosts the “Resi” Email: [email protected]
festival, which celebrates the traditional
Cypriot dish of wheat cooked in meat Vouni Panagia Winery
stock like a pilaf. The Resi used to be Panagia
offered to the large crowds and well- Tel.: 26 722770, 26 722878, 99 453138
wishers who would turn up for the Fax: 26 722879
celebration after a wedding. Website:
The next village is Kallepeia, off a side Email: [email protected]
road on the left. The village has restored
the central part of the community and Kolios Winery
the church square. From here, Tsada, Statos-Agios Fotios
which you discovered in the first part of Tel.: 26 724090, 99 479330
the route, is nearby and the road leading Fax: 26 953435
downhill will bring you back to the Email: [email protected]
starting point in town.
Whichever road you choose for the Avacas Winery
second part of the route, the total Statos-Agios Fotios
distance does not exceed 100 km, with Tel.: 26 945792, 99 632562
many points at which to make a stop to Fax: 26 220909
relax and refresh, something which is Email: [email protected]
highly desirable when on a wine tasting
trip. Chrysorogia Winery
Tel.: 99 626642, 26 942263
Fax: 26 942263
The main spoken languages at the wineries are Email: [email protected]
Greek and English.
Chr. Tsangarides Winery
Tsalapatis Winery Lemona
Polemi Tel.: 26 722277, 26 963789, 99 863205
Tel.: 26 938101, 99 624929 Fax: 26 722766

Website: Letymbou Tavern

Email: [email protected] Tel.: 99 510393
Shoufas Winery
Koilineia Elia Tavern
Tel.: 99 447424, 99 435436, 22 442744 Tel.: 99 469378
Fax: 22 442733, 26 935846 Polemi
Email: [email protected] Spring of Life for Ever
Tel.: 99 771592
Kalamos Winery Amargeti
Tel.: 26 723224, 99 519268, 99 450568 Cedar Valley Restaurant
Fax: 26 723223 Tel.: 99 464586
Email: [email protected] Panagia

Makkas Winery Green Leaf Tavern

Statos-Agios Fotios Tel.: 99 352032
Tel.: 77 772221, 22 531014, 22 465364, Panagia
97 770772
Fax: 22531014 l It is necessary to call the winery in advance of
Website: any visit.
Email: [email protected] l Many villages offer special accomodation pack-
ages in agrotourism and other units.
For information visit
Tavernas/Restaurants and

Phiti Village
Tel.: 26 732540, 99 138573

Tel.: 99 460523

To Konatdjin Tis Kalepias

Tel.: 26 642368, 99 677744
Archbishop Kyprianou road

The varieties of the island l Muscat of Alexandria Some wineries

produce dry or sweet wines, whilst others
mix it with Xynisteri, creating a unique
White varieties blend.
l Promara or Morokanella A rare white
l Xynisteri Its the indigenous white variety which produces good sized grape
grape of Cyprus. Modern technology and bunches, large berries. It withstands the
winery practice have combined in recent dry weather and lime soil which character-
years to produce a fresh, fruity, pleasing ize Cypriot vineyards. Skilful vinification
white wine, which is best drunk within a brings out citrus and flowery aromas.
year of bottling. Many good examples of l Spourtiko This is an early variety with
100% Xynisteri are available, and it also a short growth cycle. The bunch is sparse,
blends well with varieties such as Semillon. medium sized with large berries of golden
l Chardonnay Cyprus vineyards would yellow colour. As well as producing a wine
not be complete without the most famous with its own moderately flowert aroma It
white variety in the world! Originating in has a vital use in the vineyard where it is
Burgundy in France, it has “emigrated” all very helpful in the vineyard in the pollina-
over the world due to its ability to ad- tion of the rather difficult red grape, the
just easily to a variety of soil and climate Maratrheftiko.
features. Here it gives us pleasant, fresh
wines, which also have complex layers of Red varieties
flavour, especially when fermented and/or
matured in oak. l Mavro The traditional and most plant-
l Sauvignon Blanc France’s Loire Valley ed indigenous variety in Cyprus that covers
is the home of Sauvignon Blanc appeared about 60% of the Cypriot vineyard areas.
in Loire in France, where the wines are An average-strength grape that gives good
grassy, full of gooseberry and other fruity table wines for short term consumption,
notes, sinnewy and aromatic. In Cyprus, it with fair colour density, mild acidity, bland
is cultivated in relatively few places, with aromas and light taste. In recent years
consequently limited quantities. One for considerable areas of Mavro have been
the Sauvignon Blanc buff to search out! replaced with international varieties such
l Semillon This variety is noted as the as Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot,
base of the grand sweet wines of Bor- Mataro, Grenache and others. Some win-
deaux. As a dry white it has has success in eries use it in blends.
the Rhône valley and has settled well here, l Maratheftiko Its an important in-
very much as a marvelous match is the digenous variety, full of earthy notes and
minor (10-20%) blender with our Xynisteri. power that has the clout to give full and
The island participates with the indigenous aromatic wines, with ageing potential. Re-
Xynisteri in the winemaking of white discovered quite recently it is now achiev-
wines with increased - compared to simple ing varied and interesting results in the
Xynisteri wines - body and greater aro- hands of different winemakers, and it is a
matic intensity. This produces some most good blender. At the moment its cultiva-
interesting and characterful wines. tion is limited to less than 2% of the total

vine growing area. Worthy reds may be versatile grape that it is can produce very
sampled, and some fine rosés. good results when blended with Grenache
l Ofthalmo Another local variety that is and Mourvèdre/Mataro.
cultivated in small amounts on the island, l Mataro or Mourvèdre The Spanish
mainly in the Pitsilia area, but in some variety, that has adjusted so well to our
parts of Paphos as well. Usually produces land and climatic conditions, offering ex-
wines with pale colour, character and cellent wines with body, rich tannins, fruit
aroma, light body and low acidity, which and aging potential. One critical factor of
must be consumed when fresh. this grape is that the vintner must know
l Lefkada A variety that originates form exactly when his grapes are ready - Mataro
the Greek island of Lefkada, which has for is not tolerant in this respect!
decades been cultivated in Cyprus. These l Carignan Both Lemesos and Pafos
wines usually have a deep red colour, regions have hundreds of hectares of
strong and characteristic aroma and some- vineyards with this type. Most Carignans
what astringent taste, due to its partly are rich in acidity, tannins, colour and bit-
hard tannins. Good blender. terness. Best drunk after two years or so,
l Cabernet Sauvignon The most fa- or blended.
mous grape in the world has been culti- l Grenache Very successful in Cyprus,
vated for several decades in Cyprus. The where it is often found as a dry or medium-
local Cabernet Sauvignons are usually deep dry varietal rosé, which, nicely chilled is a
purple, with aromas of green peppers, lovely drink with a light summer Mezze.
greens and cedar and noticeable tannins. It is a very well suited wine for the island.
Some age well. The reds have an open colour and less
l Cabernet Franc A variety that is cul- dense in aroma and flavour, compared
tivated fairly widely on the island, is more with Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, etc. It’s a
grassy and less fruity than the Cabernet good blender, too, with Shiraz, Mataro or
Sauvignon. In taste it provides lesser body Cabernet Sauvignon.
and somewhat open colour. The wines ma- l Yiannoudi This recently re-discovered
ture faster than the Cabernet Sauvignon, local variety is beginning to make a name
with which it can make a fine blend. for itself as our winemakers experiment
l Merlot Few wines of this type are avail- with it in the vineyard and the winery. The
able in Cyprus.However, the first attempts wines produced so far have encouraged
are not disappointing. It is, as they say, more plantings. They are of a splendid ruby
“work in progress” and the next few years’ colour; there is good fruit and acidity,
vintages will decide its future here. along with body and tan-
l Syrah / Shiraz Of the so-called “foreign” nins. Its aroma is of
grape varieties grown in Cyprus, the Shiraz berries and the flora of
is the most dynamic and promising. The the Cyprus country-
wines are rich, full in flavour and age well. side denote this as
The addition of oak chips, or aging in oak an up-and-coming
barrels, adds layers of flavour, producing Cyprus red. Watch
some excellent wines. It may also be made out for Yiannoudi!
and enjoyed un-oaked, and, being the
32 Zacharia
Kios Legend

Anadiou Main road

Simou Secondary road
Fyti Kritou Motorway

Drymou Marottou Asprogia Wine route

Pano Panagia Winery
Milia Antiquity
Thrinia Mamountali Place of worship
Agios Dimitrianos Kannaviou Chrysorrogiatissa
Up to 300- 600-
Psathi Lapithiou Agia Moni 300m 600m 1200m

Statos/ Koilineia
Agios Fotios DJELEFOS
Stroumbi Choulou Galataria Agios
Agios Ioannis Arminou Nikolaos
Letymvou Faleia
Kourdaka Pentalia
Mesana Filousa
Kallepeia TOY SINTI Praitori
Pitargou Salamiou
Agia Marina Kedares
Axylou Eledio Gerovasa

Episkopi Kidasi

Marathounta Stavrokonnou F616 os


Agios Georgios

Choletria Mousere

Agia Varvara Foinikas Fasoula
Pano Archimandrita
Acheleia Anogyra
Timi Anarita Souskiou
AIRPORT Agios Thomas
Kouklia Alektora Platanisteia



0 2000 4000 6000 8000m ROMIOU

Route 3

Diarizos Valley

Pafos, Acheleia, Kouklia, Nikokleia, Choletria, Stavrokonnou,

Kelokedara, Salamiou, Mesana, Arminou, Filousa, Agios Nikolaos,
Praitori, Kedares, Agios Georgios, Mamonia, Fasoula.

ast of the town of Pafos, there
are three fertile valleys – of the
rivers Ezousa, Xeros and
ri Diarizos. This route climbs
towards the Troodos mountains
following the winding Diarizos riverbed,
crossing it on occasions and passing 14
hilly villages, with an opportunity to visit
just two, yet significant wineries.

General Characteristics

The valley lies west/southwest of

Troodos and includes various types of
habitats in a relatively small area. The
flora and fauna has not yet been fully
explored but so far a lot of endemic,
protected and other species have been
Climate: The area has a relatively mild
climate, quite cold in winter and cool in
s Viniculture in the region’s valley.
Terroir: It is the outcome of the depos- special and complex tectonic collection
its from the rivers sourced in the Troodos of igneous, sedimentary and morphed
mountains. In this area we will find the rocks that date back to the Middle
Mamonia Belt. This cluster comprises a Triassic and up to the Upper Cretaceous

age (230-75 million years ago). you will come across 18 different types of
Vineyards: This route does not cross a vines, with the predominant being the
specific appellation (OEOP) region, Mavro.
nevertheless the wines produced in the Red varieties: Mavro, Ofthalmo,
area are remarkable. Climbing upwards, Maratheftiko, Lefkada, Carignan,

s The Venetian bridge of Djelefos on the Diarizos river.


Mattaro, Oellade, Cabernet Sauvignon, The route

Cabernet Franc, Alicante B., Grenache,
Shiraz, Merlot. Setting off from the Pafos highway
White varieties: Xynisteri, Palomino, junction and heading east towards
Malaga, Chardonnay, Sultana. Lemesos (Limassol) for eight kilometres,

you turn off and go under the highway

and over a section of the Xeros river,
which leads from the Asprokremos dam
down to the sea. The side road to
Nikokleia is on your left having exited
just before the bridge on the passage to
the dam. The road to Nikokleia is on the
left bank of the Diarizos and climbs on
the sides of the valley far from the
riverbed. In four kilometres you will get
to the village with a view to the wide
river valley. On the other bank, to the
east, is the ancient settlement of
Palepafos, the present day Kouklia, the
centre of adoration of the Cypriot godess
With Nikokleia behind you, climb
towards Choletria, a small village and
upon leaving the northern edge of the
village, a further four kilomtres away, is
the Stavrokonnou settlement. This is a
small village which, in contrast to the
previous one, maintains a well preserved
architecture. The scenery that surrounds
the village, looking northwards, has
identical characteristics, only that the
difference in elevation starts to be felt as
the vineyards thicken. Kelokedera, at an
altitude of 700 metres is a small village
with mostly traditional housing. Here,
too, you will find elongated vineyards,
visible from the road. From Kelokedara,
turning left, you can visit the restored
monastery of Panagia of Sinti, about
three kilometres west of the village, in
the depth of the Xeros valley, on the
other bank. The road is rough and
requires four wheel drive vehicles. Going
northwards, at various points you can

s The monastery of Panagia of Sinti deep in the Xeros valley, near Kelokedara.

s Exploring the Xeros valley with adorable donkeys.

see the dazzling view of the valley. The area with benches, tables and covered
sides, some of them accessible at a few areas, this time with a view to the Xeros
points, others with deep ravines, dotted valley. Further down, at crossroad just
by vineyards, olive groves, farms and before the village and lying on your left is
grazing ground with low growth, as well another dirt road that leads to Panagia
as cypress trees, pine and eucalyptus. of Sinti, while on the right is a small,
Before reaching Salamiou, halfway rural road going to the Lakria ridge, with
along the six kilometres between the the winery of the same name.
two villages, the road offers an amazing This ridge, about 40 to 50 metres
double view: on your left (west) is the above the rest of the village, covers just
Xeros valley and on your right the under a square kilometer and is full of
Diarizos valley, at an altitude of 700 vineyards, while bushes, shrubs and
metres. well-spaced trees cover the rough and
Outside Salamiou, you will find an rocky points. The vineyards are planted

at various levels, with different gradi- tional villages of Cyprus has been
ents, at a prominent position, absorbing inhabited for four to five thousands
the plentiful sunshine. Even though years, with many preserved houses and
waterless, with their deep roots piercing others being restored. You will see them
the rocky ground, the Lakria vines, and on the road to the church, very near the
other varieties of the area produce high centre of the village with its restored
quality wines. fountain and a square with its coffee
The Lagria Winery is owned by shops and stores.
residents of the Salamiou community, In Salamiou, at a point near the
whose families have traditionally been fountain ideal for a brief stop, you can
involved in vine growing and vine see the majestic cypress tree, which is
products. This is a winery that produces about seven centuries old, and is
small quantities, which do not take up dedicated by the locals to the Panagia
all the production capacity. It aims to (Virgin Mary).
produce quality wines, utilizing both Nearby, among a profusion of
grapes from their own vineyards and vineyards, groves and gardens, is the
oithers from contracted growers nearby. monastery of Panagia of Salamiotissa.
It produces four wines: a white from the Of the ancient compound remains only a
local Xynisteri, a red dry from local and small, stone built and arched building
foreign varieties, a Cabernet Sauvignon dating to the 16th century. Archdeacon
and a rosé from the Cypriot Ofthalmo Kyprianos referred in writing in 1788 to
grape. The vineyard tour ends at a Salamiotissa as a “functioning monas-
purpose-built area for wine tasting tery, subject to the Pafos prelature”. The
where you may also buy the range of icon of the Assumption of Eleousa was
wines. saved of the various predations of the
Salamiou is one of the larger tradi- past and, today, attracts throngs of

If you plan to try many
wines and want to
keep a clear head and
opinion, as well as to be
able to leave standing,
all you have to is: sip,
run the wine around
your tongue, but do
not swallow. Expel the
wine into the vessel
or bin provided by the

faithful every year. most of the winery’s wines, such as the

The road northwards is short and Mavro /Moschato, a sweet red from
after two kilometres reaches Mesana, a mature grapes, to be drunk chilled. The
small and picturesque village covered Nelion is one of the few wineries that
with greenery, on the edges of the use the Cyprus grape, the Moschato. You
Troodos national forest. This is the may also try two dry reds: the Shiraz and
highest point of our journey. From there, a blend of Cabernet Franc, Grenache and
the route leads to Arminou and ends up Cinsaut. Two kilometers out from the
in Filousa and the village of Praitori, winery, headed north, is Agios Nikolaos.
where we will find the Nelion Winery. This is a somewhat large village with its
Here, visitors can take a tour and later vineyards and groves extending into the
taste the full range of wines, produced forest, interesting scenery, with the
from wholly-owned vineyards. In the green top of a mosque’s minaret, visible
front of the winery you can walk above the rooftops.
through the vineyards that produce The surrounding area has a number
of bridges worth visiting: six kilometres
north in the forest are the bridges of
Routhkia, Xeros river (6 kilometres west
of Djelefos) and Elia, on a tributary of the
From Agios Nikolaos, head back
down towards Praitori and within three
kilometres is Kedares village, another
scenic wine village, and again one with
lots of greenery.
Further down you will find the rocks
of the Hasamboulia, providing an
extraordinary natural paradox. This pair
of vast boulders lean forward, touching
each other, with a passage between
them. They are named after three
legendary bandits who took shelter
there as they were being chased by the
authorities towards the end of the 19th
century.Some 14 kilometres from
Kedares you will find Agios Georgios, a
specially fertile point of the valley, right
next to the riverbank. Your next stop,
Mamonia village, is about 3-4 kilometres

s Traditional sulfuration of the vineyard.


s Agios Nikolaos. Vineyards and groves that reach deep into the forest.

s Forest scenery along the route with rich growth around.

south. This area took its name from a nearby archaeological sites of Kouklia,
unique collection of tectonic rock the Sanctuary of Aphrodite, the Asrpro-
formations that comprise the Mamonia kremmos dam and the abandoned
belt. The specific rocks of the Diarizos village of Souskiou, where cross-shaped
Group are of the igneous (lava) and statuettes were discovered from the
sedimentary (chrystallised limestone) chalcolithic period. Nearby is a signifi-
type. cant chalcolithic cemetery where
After Fasoula, return to Nikokleia archeologists found intact graves, the
and visit the agro-tourism units which offerings of which are now prominently
are used as an exploration base fro the displayed in the Cyprus Museum.


The main spoken languages at the wineries are

Greek and English.

Lagria Winery
Tel.: 26 952411, 99 346990, 99 612719,
99 425273
Fax: 26 953435
Email: [email protected]

Nelion Winery
Tel.: 25 442445, 99 536550
Fax: 25 442442
Email: [email protected]
Facebook/Nelion winery
Observe the colour
Taverns / Restaurants Place a small amount of your wine in a large
stemmed glass, making sure not to exceed
a quarter of its volume. Literally a few table-
Vasilias Nikoklis Tavern spoonsful will do. Hold the glass in front of a
Tel.: 26 432211, 99 309279 white background to examine the clarity of
Nikokleia the wine’s colour. Swirl the wine around the
glass, to see both its colour and its viscosity.
Stou Violari Tavern Is it a deep or light colour? Is it viscous or
watery? Is it clear or cloudy? Is it new or old?
Tel.: 26 442929, 99 632385
The more you immerse yourself into the
1 Agias Varvaras road, world of wine, the more conclusions you
Salamiou will reach from observing the colour.
Deep coloured wines are usually richer
Pericles aroma and taste, as, you will also learn that
wines that flow on the sides of the glass
Tel.: 99 467079
suggest they are viscous, i.e. quite dense
Nata and un-watery. The pale yellow or greenish-
yellow colour of most white wines when
l It is necessary to call the winery in ad- younger, in time turn a deeper yellow-
vance of any visit. golden. With reds, the purple-like colour of
l Many villages offer special accomodation youth, will turn to real deep brick red as it
packages in agrotourism and other units.
matures, and thence hints of brownish red
For information visit www.agrotourism. and in a well-aged wine.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000m
Troodos Kyperounta

Palaiomylos Pano
Main road Amiantos
Secondary road PANAGIA
Wine route
Winery Pelendri
Antiquity Foini
Place of worship

Up to 300 600- 900-

300m 600m 900m 1200m Kato Platres
Pano Platres
Agios Nikolaos Moniatis

Filousa Omodos Pera Pedi Agios Mamas

Praitori Vasa Koilani Trimiklini
Kedares Vouni Laneia
Gerovasa Lofou Agios
Georgios Doros Limnatis

Amvrosios Kato Kivides

Pano E601
STAVROS Prastio Souni-Zanakia



Avdimou Paramali
B6 Episkopi

Route 4

Krasochoria of Lemesos

Lemesos (Limassol), Kolossi, Erimi, Kantou, Souni-Zanakia, Pano

Kivides, Agios Amvrosios, Lofou, Vouni, Koilani, Pera Pedi, Mandria,
Kato Platres, Omodos, Vasa, Malia, Arsos, Pachna, Anogyra, Avdimou.

his beautiful wine region
comprises 20 scenic villages
that decorate the southern
slopes of the Troodos moun-
tains. The wineries scattered along this
route, each in its own way generously
reward the visitor seeking a unique and
eclectic wine experience.

General Characteristics
The route takes you through one of
the most traditional viniculture areas on
the southern face of the Troodos
mountains with many winemaking
villages and stands out with its unique
flora and fauna. The geology of the area
is of international interest as it compris-
es an ophiolite cluster dating 90 million
years, 8,000 metres below sea level..
s Every courtyard with its own vines in Koilani.
The geographic and climatic conditions
in the area favour the cultivation of two Climate: The altitude of the area rises to
basic indigenous grape varieties, the 1,100 metres and at the higher points, in
Mavro and Xynisteri. Along this route winter it is cold.
you will find 16 wineries that welcome Terroir: The ground in general is
visitors. shallow to somewhat deep, gravelly and

with large but smooth gradients. It is Merlot, Lefkada.

ideal for vine growing. White varieties: Xynisteri, Palomino,
Vineyards: The 20 villages along the Malvasia L., Malvasia G., Sauvignon
route belong to the fourth appellation Blanc, Riesling, Semillion, Chardonnay,
region (OEOP) with 23 different varietals Malaga.
cultivated here.
Red varieties: Mavrro, Ofthalmo, The route
Maratheftiko, Carignan, Mattaro,
Oellade, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Starting off from Lemesos (Limas-
Franc, Alicante B., Grenache, Shiraz, sol), head west on the A6 highway and

s The Cyprus Wine Museum in Erimi.


take the exit to Kolossi for a quick visit to religious courts of Europe.
the well preserved castle which dates At the exit of Erimi, two kilometres
back to the times of the Crusaders. further west, you will see on the left the
Tradition has it that the island’s unique Cyprus Wine Museum. It is housed in a
wine, the Commandaria, takes its name beautiful two-storey villa and a vist there
from the knights who were stationed will satisfy every wine lover. The Cyprus
here. Their order was called the “Grande Wine Museum will take you back in time
Commanderie of the Knights of St. John” through the history of winemaking in
and from here, the local wine they so Cyprus with a fulsome audiovisual
loved was exported to all the royal and presentations, ancient ‘pitharia’ (large
clay barrels) and ‘kioupia’ (jars), medieval
vessels, old documents and tools,
presenting all aspects of winemaking
Leaving Erimi behind you, turn right
and head to the mountains. Go past the
village of Kantou to reach the communi-
ties of Souni and Zanadjia or Zanakia.
Climbing further, you will see a pine
forest unfurling in front of you and in the
valley that follows the first village of the
boundaries of the wine making region.
This is Pano Kivides and some four
kilometres away down a long slope lies
Agios Amvrosios, with a spectacular
landform that brings together high hills
and ravines. At the centre of the village is
a traditional coffee-shop that welcomes
every visitor, with a balcony that looks to
the opposite ridge. In Agios Amvrosios,
the wine-lover will be delighted to see
the name Gaia Oinotechniki. The
winery, with mainly own grapes,
produces wines from organic vineyards.
Their organic rosé Oinanthe is com-
mendable derived from the Grenache
varietal. It is also worth tasting the
Ampelida, a popular yellowish white

and methods. All this has resulted in a

production of wines which have an
elegance and international style. There
are two whites: A Xynisteri and a
Semillon/Sauvignon Blanc. Perhaps the
Lefkada/Cabernet Franc rosé, which is
luscious, is the winery’s flagship. The
two reds are also extremely good and
worth tasting: the Maratheftiko and the
Shiraz-Lefkada. They’re good to drink
now but they also have the capability of
keeping for some years.
We continue on a pleasant drive
towards Vouni. Here the houses are

s Traditional pitharia in Lofou.

wine with very soft aromas, made from

the local Xynisteri grape.
Three kilometers south of the village
is the beautiful chapel of Saint Elizabeth
that was built in the 16th century on the
foundations of an older church. This
temple, which is a true jewel and a
priceless treasure for the village, is small
in size, yet beautiful and very well
preserved. It has a single-aisle basilica
with a steep tile-covered roof.
Before leaving this place, a visit to the
Zambartas Winery is a must. Akis
Zambartas, founder of the winery, was
for many years the manager of KEO
(Cyprus’s largest wine and beer produc-
ers), gaining valuable experience and
knowhow. His son Markos studied
oenology in Australia, France and New
Zealand, bringing with him new ideas

charmingly stacked around a large spring. Nearby is the Vouni Wine

saucer shape in the hillside, many of Centre which you can visit if you call
them of typical hill-village architecture, ahead. It tells the story of the wines of
stone-built, red-tiled and most having the region.
pretty, secluded shaded courtyards. Vouni is one of the oldest wine-mak-
Walking around, or stopping your car ing villages of Cyprus, well known for its
every now and then, there are wonderful quality grapes. The hillsides are bursting
balcony-like places to take in the with vines, producing thousands of tons
splendid panoramic view to the sea and of grapes for both sale to large wineries
Lemesos port. There are plantings of and small in other villages, for there is no
many trees all around, among them: Vouni winery. However, just outside,
eucalyptus tree, cypress, planes and a nominally in the boundaries of Koilani is
myriad of almond trees, which are an something exciting and new. As you
amazing site when in blossom in early leave Vouni, admiring the glorious

s Vouni with its remarkable architectural style.


s Relaxing in a coffee-shop in the green Koilani.


scenery up to Mount Olympus, on the Koilani, surrounded by high hilltops and

right you will see Vlassides Winery a rich abundance of vineyards. In
with its splendid modern buildings, essence, this beautiful village is the
erected by one of Koilani’s sons, Sopho- epicentre of the Lemesos winemaking
cles Vlassides. He is a young, utterly region, built at the foothills of the
dedicated vine grower and wine-maker, Afames peak. It is one of the biggest
who graduated from of Davis University winemaking communities and it is no
California with a degree in oenology. coincidence that here you will find two
Here he applies his learning to his own more wineries. The Agia Mavri
local terroir and the best vines for it. His Winery, initially known as Koilani, was
recently completed winery is architec- established in 1983 by Dr and Mrs
turally breathtaking, and houses Ioannides. It was one of the first regional
state-of-the-art wine making equip- wineries and justly enjoys success and
ment, maturation and storage facilities. renown, with one if its wines a regular
Like so many others, Vlassides has international medal winner. The
proved wrong the doubters who said delicious Moschato semi-sweet dessert
good wine could not be made from the wine, which first appeared in 2004, has
White Xynisteri. His is an award winner. an impressive golden colour, with bursts
Wine lovers should also try his rosé and of rich and refined aromas, comple-
two varietal reds, Shiraz and Cabernet mented by a gorgeous golden sunlight
Sauvignon. flavour and exemplary balance. A
Four kilometres from Vouni lies sampling and buying “must”.

s A characteristic multicoloured path uphill in Koilani.


s Within the beautiful untouched nature, Koilani is the heart of the wine villages of Lemesos.

Back down on to the main road, a This is the traditional “Palouzé”. On the
few metres will take you to the first Sunday of October when the Afamia
Erimoudi Winery. Costas Erimoudis festival is held every year, this sweet is
has followed family traditions and offered free to all visitors. It is made from
created this small and modern winery sweet grape juice.
with a lot of love and passion. Wines The architectural style of the village
produced from his own vineyards are remains traditional, with narrow
famous for their individuality and alleyways and stone-built houses, where
unique character and their country-style you will see many of the very large
presentation. Most have the names of pitharia clay vessels formerly used for
family members, and have a family feel the fermenting of wines in the older
about them, too. Try the ‘Constantino’, times. All of which add an artistic touch
Cabernet Sauvignon; ‘Εrimoudes’, by using the colours of the asbestos
Shiraz; ‘Nikolina’ and ‘Miltiades’ reds, white to the indigo-violet on many
‘Αthina’ white, ‘Lucy’ rosé, as well as the walls. There is a small Viniculture
‘Moschato’. Musem which is being restored and the
There is a lot more to taste and enjoy Church Museum where the skull of the
in Koilani than wine. On of them is a vine patron saint of the village, Agia (female
product and you should give it a whirl. Saint) Mavri is kept.

Heading to Pera Pedi, the next stop taste to the wines. The main grapes
of the journey, you will see by the chapel cultivated here are the Mavro and the
of Agia Mavri a gigantic plane tree that Xynisteri. The M. Antoniades Winery is
spreads out its branches proudly in all at a short distance from the centre of
directions. the village, where, as with other family
Pera Pedi is well known for its wineries, the traditional tools of the
vineyards and for its apples. To the east trade are kept on show and their use
you will see a direction sign for the described to visitors. The first floor of the
Constantinou Winery, run by the very winery has a balcony and an ideal space
active winemaker Costas Constantinou. for tasting. The view is truly magnificent.
His modern facility has specially made
areas for tasting wines and offers a tour
of the premises. The tasting may include,
firstly: the dry or medium-dry Ayioklima,
reckponed to be one of the best Xynist-
eris. Next is the semi-dry Levanta rosé, a
blend of Grenache, Syrah and Cabernet
Sauvignon. Last but not least is the red
blend of Grenache, Syrah, Mourvèdre
and Cabernet Sauvignon, called “Vello-
don”, or in English, “Velvet”. These are
three uncomplicated, very pleasing
easy-drinking wines.
The main road heads northeast and s Vine by the Agios Georgios church in Mandria.
after six kilometres reaches Mandria.
The village rests at an altitude of 900 Nearby is a lonely hill that beckons
metres and enjoys a large amount of visitors to sit down on the bench under
rainfall every year. This allows the grapes the shade of the lonely pine tree. There
to mature more slowly, offering a unique you can taste the red Castellani, as well

Tasting the wine

Wine hides inside it the efforts and the agony
of a whole harvest. Each wine has its own char-
acter, unique texture, aromas and flavours that
reflect its origins. That’s why we don’t swallow it
immediately. We examine it, smell it, let it settle
in the mouth for a few seconds, before drinking
or spitting it.

Read the label

The label is the wine’s identity. A careful read of the front
and, as many that have a label on the back, will inform
us of very important features, such as the year of harvest,
the country and region of origin, the variety or varieties
from which it was produced, the name of the producer,
the alcohol content level and other information of lesser

the winery’s popular white. community’s cultural centre is named

At an altitude of more than 1,000 after the poet Seferis and hosts events
metres, you will get to Kato Platres, a and conferences all year round, as the
village with unique beauty and pano- village boasts a number of hotels,
ramic views. Near the church dedicated restaurants and taverns.
to Agios Demetrios is the Lambouris The journey continues by turning
Winery. Here they have been producing back to Mandria and then heads
wines since 1989, of which the dry white southwest down towards Omodos. Just
“Seaside Dream stands” out, a 100%, before you get there, drop by the Zenon
with simple, clear aromas and light taste Winery, a small family-owned unit with
in the mouth. Unique among Cyprus a limited production. They make five
wineries, here you can find the only types of wines from Cypriot varieties
Kosher wine made in Cyprus. The Υa’ in (Mavro, Ofthalmo, Maratheftiko and
Kafrisin or the wine of Cyprus is an Xynisteri), as well as three others
excellent balanced, rounded red dry that (Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Mataro).
truly represents the good name that They bottle their own Zivania. The
Cyprus wines used to have during the winery has a small museum with items
times of the Old Testament and which used during the cultivation and produc-
were praised by the prophet David. tion of wine inherited from previous
About two kilometres away and at generations. Here, the visitor can see the
an altitude of 1,200 metres is Platres, various agricultural implements used by
well known summer resort, linked to the four generations, taste the wines and
Nobel laureate poet George Seferis who the zivania as well as the grape must.
visited in 1953 and in his poem Eleni men- A hundred metres further down is
tioned “the nightingales do not let you the Olympus Winery that belongs to
sleep in Platres”. The village is ideal for ETKO (the Cyprus Wine Company). ETKO
hiking trips, with its unique trails was established in 1844 by the Haggi-
towards the Caledonia Falls and the pavlu family and is the oldest winery in
Millomeri, as well as bicycle tracks. The Cyprus, with a long tradition and

experience of Mediterranean winemak- include three whites, one rosé, three

ing. Olympus is one of the biggest reds and two sweet wines. You must try
regional wineries and produces a wide the rosé which is made from the
range of wines. Most recommended is indigenous Maratheftiko, the red dry
the Cabernet Sauvignon rosé, the Ktima from the same variety, as well as one of
Haggipavlu Xynisteri, from their own the wines from the sun-dried Moschato
vineyards, as well as the dry red Marath- Alexandria grapes. The winery also
eftiko. produces a small quantity of Zivania.
Getting back to the Omodos road, a The next stop is the attractive and
hundred metres further down turn right impressive village of Omodos, standing
towards Agios Nikolaos, where on the on the western bank of the Ha Potami
right side of the road you will see the river and at an altitude of 810 metres,
Profitis Elias Winery. Established in surrounded by hills. The annual rainfall is
2009, this winery utilises a large harvest also high, at 710mm. which ensures the
from 13 hectares of own vineyards. land is accommodatingly fertile, lovely
Athinodoros and Haris Athindorou are not just for vines, but apples, prunes,
brothers who produce nine labels under apricots, peaches and pears as well. The
the Ktima Yerolemos brand. These central square, which takes its name

Take a gulp
At last! The time has come to drink wine. Take a good gulp but only enough to fill a third of the
mouth. Be careful not to drink it all at once. Give it time. Let it pass along all parts of the tongue,
which has buds that identify four flavours - sweet, sour, salty and bitter. The sweet taste is at the
front of the tongue, which is why it is quickly realised, the sour is further behind on the sides of
the tongue, and the bitter at the back of the
tongue, which senses it most as we swallow. As
for the salty, this is a taste that rarely appears
in any wine. The big secret of tasting lies in the
back of the mouth, in a cavity that in essence is
part of the nose. You see, what we perceive as
being taste is in fact a large quantity of aroma,
as the mouth’s cavity communicates with the
smelling centre, where all the aromatic signals
are carried. So, keep the wine in your mouth and
try at the same time to inhale a little through
the mouth. This helps to express aromas more
intensely. Mimic the chewing action a little bit,
allow the wine to cover all of the tongue, the
teeth and the gums, before producing your final
verdict. Do you like it or not?

from the adjacent Timios Stavros (Holy Lemesos road, where you will find the
Cross) monastery, is a blend of restored Linos Winery. There is a full range of
buildings, cafés, restaurants and shops wines, made from both local and foreign
selling traditional goods. According to varieties, grown in family-owned and
tradition, the monastery has kept a leased vineyards, by family headed by
small piece of the rope with which the Herodotos Herodotou. Leaing the
Roman soldiers tied Jesus Christ. The products is Linos white dry, based on the
monastery’s compound includes the Xynisteri, ideal for the everyday table.
Icon repository, the Folklore Museum Looking out of the winery you can enjoy
and the Centre for the Preservation of the view to the east, the limestole ridge
the Traditional Lace. And don’t forget to of Afames with its famous vineyards,
visit the restored Linos (old winepress) in and at a lower elevation the Koupetra,
the centre of the village. the point where the ancient kingdom
It’s a little town where you can once stood, recalled in history by
wander and enjoy the little shaded Vicenzo Cornaro in the book Herotocri-
streets, the welcoming populace and its tus.
many places to relax and enjoy some- Continuing south on the E601 and
thing to eat and drink. after four kilometres from Omodos is a
After the pleasures of Omodos, the turning right to Vasa. The road crosses
journey continues on the Ε601 Erimi- through a hilly area with vineyards atop

s The historic Omodos, one of the most popular destinations for thousands of tourists all year.

ping it with the latest in modern

technology, but maintaining the
character of the area. Today, his work
continues in the hands of his two
daughters and his wife. In part of the
winery the visitor can see the museum
pieces, authentic tools for agriculture,
pitharia, hampers, etc., and can under-
stand the traditional methods of
viniculture and winemaking. Here, the
wines are made exclusively from the
s Exquisite and fashionable traditional lace.
grapes of the family’s own vineyards.
stone-built levels and some even hidden The quantities are quite small, the
away. quality very good indeed. These have a
Vasa is a traditional village of powerful feeling of mother earth and
winemakers with many restored, the terroir. You should make the ac-
stone-built homes. At the entrance of quaintance of: the dry red varietal
the community, low on the left, you can Mourvèdre; the Merlot-Cabernet dry red
see the ancient chapel of Agios Geor- blend and the impressive white Char-
gios. Further down to the right is the donnay and the Maratheftiko, a red of
Argyrides Winery. The restored old international class that can age very
building houses the winery where four well.
generations of the family have made The village also has coffee-shops and
wine. Perfectionist Pambos Argyrides taverns. The Folklore Museum includes
built and expanded the winery, equip- many items and a lot of information

Swirl the wine and sniff

By swirling the wine in the glass you will allow the full
release of its aromas, thus, you maximise the joy that
it provides you. After swirling the wine in a stemmed
glass, approach with your nose the the upper lip of
the glass and try to trace the intensity, the finesse, the
complexity and the type of aromas of the wine. Repeat
the same action until you feel you have clearly received
all the aromatic signals of the wine. Only through the
gradual familiarisation of your nose to the aromas that
exist in the various types of wines will you be able to
store aromatic memories which will be recalled every
time you try another wine.

it beckons wine-lovers to explore it.

Worthy of our attention is the Ktima
KEO Winery, one of the oldest wineries
on the island, initially founded in 1927 but
later restored to its present state in the
1990s. Land of 5 hectares includes
vineyards planted with both indigenous
and foreign varieties. The winery
produces wines of the KEO group many
of which should be on the wine tourists’
tasting lists: the attractive Ktima KEO
rosé made from Cabernet Sauvignon
and Sauvignon Blanc; the white blend of
Chardonnay and Xynisteri, as well as the
reds: Cabernet Sauvignon, Lefkada and
Shiraz and Merlot.
Four kilometres out of Malia the road
s Vasa, a traditional winemaking village with leads to Arsos, with traditional houses
many restored stone-built houses.
built of elaborately carved stones, that
from the viniculture and winemaking lies on the eastern slope of the valley
tradition. Remember that in the old with its high green slopes. The ground is
times each house had made its own not exclusively limestone and the
wine, usually in the great clay pots called conifers are in abundance around the
Pitharia. A walk to the top of the hill houses and vineyards. To visit the
overlooking the village will take you to Nikoletino Winery follow the road that
the Model Cultural and Conference Hall, passes outside the village, right towards
next to the restored buildings that used Pafos where, after a short distance you
to be the school. The village also has an will see it on the western slope, across
educational museum and a museum from the village. From the verandahs
about Zivania. you can enjoy the view to the village and
The rural road from Vasa to Malia the surrounding vineyards, down to the
runs parallel to the E601 and crosses a dept of the valley and to the nearby
number of vineyards on the left bank of mountainsides. The winery produces
the Ha Potami river, along a journey of wines from the local vineyards and the
superb beauty. Xynisteri is worth tasting.
Malia is one of the winemaking Arsos, well known for its vineyards
villages that maintains its character. and wines, used to be a big and rich
Less developed than Omodos and Vasa, village, as witnessed by its restored

houses and market. There is a taverna in

the middle of the village, opposite the
church, among the traditional coffee-
shops. The village has a Folklore Mu-
seum within a beautiful, restored old
house. The tavernas in the village offer
visitors a unique opportunity to try local
gastronomic delicacies.
From Arsos head back to Malia and
then southeast to the next stop, Pachna,
a big village quite high in altitude. Today,
it is one of the administrative centres of
the region. The roads around Pachna
criss-cross through dense vineyards and
after seven kilometres the road leads to
Anogyra. The journey that will bring you s In good old times, Arsos was a big and
prosperous village.
here cuts through vineyards with
perennial olive trees and many carob Anogyra has has coffee-shops,
trees, which is a trademark of the taverns, inns, an olive theme park, a
village. carob museum and many small handi-

s Standing on the sides of the Laona mountain, Arsos has a cool and dry climate in summer.

s A stone-paved courtyard with traditional winemaking pitharia in Anogyra.

craft units. In the village you will find the Sauvignon Blanc. One can also try the
Nikolaides Winery, managed by Nikos rosé Afrodino, the red Erythros
Nikolaides, a trained oenologist who has Nikolaides, Syrah Nikolaides and Conte
combined family viniculture tradition Nicholas.
with winemaking education. The grapes Outside Anogyra the road goes down
from the family-owned vineyards are a steep hill and into the small valley of
produced using modern methods of Avdimou. The village is very near the
production. The winery has wines from highway and halfway between Lemesos
indigenous and foreign types of grape, and Pafos. It has some modern residen-
such as the white Xynisteri, the sweet tial development, but maintains its
Moschato, Chardonnay, Livadi and the traditional features. A short distance

away is the isolated and beautiful beach Lambouris Winery

of Avdimou. Kato Platres
For the wine-lovers who are staying Tel.: 25 422525, 99 440048
in Lemesos, a choice beyond this fourth Fax: 25 422525
route is the Ktima Hadjantonas Website:
winery in Parekklisia, 15 minutes from Email: [email protected]
the centre of Lemesos. The roots of this
winery date back to the start of the M. Antoniades Winery
previous century when the current Mandria
owner, Dhoros Hadjiantonas’ great Tel.: 25 384121, 25 422638, 99 824475
grandfather established a winery in Pera Fax: 25 384121
Pedi. Wine production passed from Website:
generation to generation until it Email: [email protected]
stopped in 1978. About 21 years later, the
young Dhoros decided to revive the Zenon Winery
family business by creating a modern Omodos
winery, with the production based on Tel.: 25 423555, 99 492979
grapes from their own vineyards in Fax: 25 423110
Parekklisia, Pera Pedi and Pachna) and
Nikoletino Winery
from other co-operating vineyards. Try
the Chardonnay that is fermented and
Tel.: 25 723700, 99 437137
matured for six months in oak barrels, as
Fax: 25 397977
well as the Shiraz. Of special interest is
the semi-sparkling sweet wine from the
Email: [email protected]
Moschato variety,
Argyrides Winery
Wineries Vasa
Tel.: 25 945999, 99 588848
The main spoken languages at the wineries are Fax: 25 734744
Greek and English. Website:
Email: [email protected]
Agia Mavri Winery
Koilani Ktima KEO
Tel.: 25 470225, 25 370777, 99 491649, Malia
99 341535 Tel.: 25 942131, 99 692295
Fax: 25365233 Fax: 25 573429
Website: Website:
Email: [email protected] Εmail: [email protected]

Linos Winery Email: constantinouwinery@cytanet.

Tel.: 25 422700, 99 672104
Fax: 25 421354 Vlasides Winery
Website: Koilani
Εmail: [email protected] Tel.: 25 471482, 99 441574
Fax: 25 355593
Nikolaides Winery Website:
Anogyra Email: [email protected]
Tel.: 25 221709, 99 649655
Fax: 25 221709 Olympus Winery
Website: Omodos
Email: [email protected] Tel.: 25 573391, 25 422380
Fax: 25 573338
Profitis Elias Winery Website:
Omodos Εmail: [email protected]
Tel.: 99 667903, 99 696031, 25 422122
Website: Hadjiantonas Winery
Email: [email protected] Parekklisia
Tel.: 25 991199, 99 553351, 99 636904
Zambartas Winery Fax: 25 991075
Agios Amvrosios Website:
Tel.: 25 942424, 99 300166 Εmail: [email protected]
Fax: 25 943424
Website: Taverns / Restaurants
Email: a.zambartas@zambartaswiner- Lofou Tavern
Tel.: 25 470202, 99 468151
Erimoudis Winery Tsintouri road,
Koilani Lofou
Tel.: 25 470669, 99 625826 Email: [email protected]
Fax: 25 339090
Εmail: [email protected] Ariadne Restaurant
Tel.: 25 942185
Constantinou Winery Vasa Koilaniou
Pera Pedi
Tel.: 25 433770, 99 681341 Stou Kyr Yiani
Fax: 25 387120 Tel.: 25 422100, 99 308555

Linou 15, Omodos 39 Panayia Halkidikis,

Email: [email protected] Omodos

Skylight Restaurant To Panorma tis Annas Restaurant

Tel.: 25 422244 Tel.: 99 437137, 99 661891
Phaneromenis road, Arsos
Pano Platres Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Agrino Restaurant
Agora Tavern (Apokryfo Agrotourism)
Tel.: 25 943223, 99 888856 Tel.: 25 813777, 25 813776, 96 475530
1 Ap. Philippou square, Lofou
Arsos Email: [email protected]

Pyrkos Tavern To Anoi Restaurant

Tel.: 25 942655, 99 491455 Tel.: 25 422900, 99 652679
Vasa Koilaniou Platres
Email: [email protected]
Elaionas Tavern
I Orea Ellas Tavern Tel.: 25 932948, 99 688871
Tel.: 25 944328 1 Ellinikon Str.,
Elladas 3, Episkopi
Email: [email protected] Xenios K. Roti Restaurant
Tel.: 96 512775
To Vouniotiko Restaurant Koilani
Tel.: 25 942057, 99 316979
Agios Amvrosios-Vouni road, Mezedes tis Marias
Vouni (Korineo)
Email: [email protected] Tel.: 99 825253, 99 608196
Ktima Hadjiantonas Restaurant
Tel.: 25 991199, 99 633424
Parekklisia l It is necessary to call the winery in advance of
any visit.
Email: [email protected] l Many villages offer special accomodation pack-
ages in agrotourism and other units.
Themistocles Tavern For information visit
Tel.: 25 422649, 99 405297, 99 605463
64 Chandria
0 2000 4000 6000 8000m
Legend Agridia Palaichori
Kato Agros
Amiantos Dymes
Main road
Pelendri Agios Theodoros
Secondary road
Kato Agios
Wine route Mylos Ioannis
Place of worship Zoopigi Konstantinos
Up to 300- 600- 900-
300m 600m 900m 1200m Mamas Agios
Trimiklini Kalo Chorio

Silikou Kapileio Louvaras

Vouni Laneia
Lofou Limnatis
Georgios Monagri Korfi
Gerasa Apsiou

Therapon B8 Apesia

Kato Kivides Alassa Spitali
Fasoula Akrounta
Pano Kivides Palodeia



Sotira Agia Fyla


SANCTUARY OF Ypsonas (Limassol)

kas Route 5


Lemesos (Limassol), Kolossi, Erimi, Monagri, Agios Georgios, Silikou,

Doros, Laneia, Trimilkini, Agios Mamas, Kapileio, Zoopigi, Kalo
Chorio, Agios Pavlos, Agios Konstantinos, Louvaras, Gerasa, Apsiou.

his route belongs to Com- scape with thick, bushy wild growth and
mandaria, the legendary wine sparse woods.
of the region. The 14 villages The first stop is the village of Kolossi,
that produce it are to be found location of the castle which dates back
at an altitude of 500 to 900 metres. to the age of the Crusaders. The Order of
They are surrounded by vineyards of Knights of St John who were stationed
indigenous red Mavro and white here were early sponsors and developers
Xynisteri, the grapes that for centuries of the unique sweet wine of the area,
have been the backbone of this gorgeous and provided the name that it proudly
sweet wine. The vines share the land- carries till today. Some researchers
suggest that this is probably the mellow
“Napa” known from historical times, first
mentioned by the Greek poet Hesiod,
who flourished sometime between 750
and 650 BC, in his writing “Work and

General Characteristics

The rich flora and fauna are quite

impressive, as well as the historic and
archaeological monuments hereabouts.
Here, too is the modern Kouris Dam, the
biggest in Cyprus, by virtue of which, the
land below it is gradually being trans-

s Grapes soaking the sun at the start of the

Commandaria production process.

formed into an important wetland, with The route

great ecological value. The area around
the dam is ideal for nature walks, sports Even though this tour has a northward
and environmental pastimes. orientation, at its start we travel west,
Along the route you will find two making the first stop at Kolossi, about 14
significant wineries. kilometres from Lemesos, taking the B6
Climate: All 14 Commandaria villages rural road. Kolossi is in the middle of a
Commandaria are at the height of 500 fertile agricultural valley which for
to 900 metres (1640 to 2625 feet) above centuries supplied the local communi-
sea level. The region is divided into two ties. The area has a long history and is
soil types: limestone and volcanic-sandy. often mentioned in the journals of
It has limited levels of rainfall, which medieval travellers. The rich vegetation
gives very dry growing conditions of sugar-cane, vineyards and cotton
because the vineyards are not watered. (among others) made it a natural centre
They survive and prosper with what of authority for the Frankish nobles.
available rain water there is. These Kolossi Castle was built in the 13th.
conditions of high temperature, sun- century to serve as a military and
shine and reduced humidity during administrative base for the Order of the
summer, the altitude, the ground soil Knights of St John. A wider area around
and the unique method of processing the castle constituted important feudal
the grapes, combine to give Com- land of the Knights. As the administra-
mandaria its very special flavour and tive centre, it was known as the “Grande
aroma. Commanderie” eventually giving its
Terroir: In contrast with other wine name to the local wine, the Com-
producing zones, this area has a lot of mandaria.
shallow ground together combined with This wine is an appellation product,
steep slopes and comparatively higher as its features – the sweetness, unique
levels of calcium carbonate. Quite harsh taste and special aroma – can only be
in fact, and as a result, the vineyards’ achieved when certain local criteria are
crop per hectare is noticeably lower than met. Firstly, the grapes must come from
those of the Pafos region. the completely natural non-irrigated
Vineyards: All the villages along this vineyards of the southern slopes of
route belong to the “Commandaria” Troodos. Secondly, the traditional
OEOP appellation. As indicated above, production method must be main-
most vineyards cultivate the indigenous tained: harvested grapes are arranged to
grape varieties. dry in the sun for five to 20 days,
Red varieties: Mavro. according to weather conditions.
White varieties: Xynisteri. Thirdly, after the vinification, there

s Tradition has it that Commandaria takes its name from the Grande Commanderie of the
Knights of Saint John, which used Kolossi castle as its base.

follows an ageing process of at least two fortified with alcohol. Its alcohol-by-
years, using the “Mana” method, in volume level is around 15%.
which from the large barrel one third of We leave Kolossi and take a short
the wine is drawn off for bottling and drive on the B6 to Erimi. Here you, will
the remainder is topped up with fresh find the “Cyprus Wine Museum”, which
wine – a variation of the “Solera” system opened in 2004. It is located in an
used in the making of sherry and other attractive, stone-built two-storey
fortified wines. Commandaria is also building in the rural vernacular, by the

s The Cyprus Wine Museum is housed in a two-storey traditional building in the village of Erimi.

side of the Kouris river. Before becoming the highway, turn off at the Troodos exit
a museum it was the family home of the taking the B8 that takes us into the hills.
Cypriot composer Anastasia Guy. The The road passes the Kouris dam, the
story of Cyprus wine is told graphically, biggest on the island, on your left and on
textually and audio-visually. Here is a your right Alassa village.
rich collection of exhibits from different Driving on at an altitude of 450
periods, artistic reconstructions with a metres (1467 feet), you can turn down
vinous theme and a 10-minute presenta- into the valley to Monagri, a traditional
tion with music soundtrack by Anasta- wine village where it is worthwhile
sia. All this is on the main entrance floor, visiting the chapel of Archangelos and,
while the level downstairs is used for very near the village, the nunnery of
wine tasting and functions. All this Panagia of Amasgou. The village has a
combines to take the visitor back in traditional handicrafts workshop. At the
time. Well worth a visit! bottom of the village, opposite the
Leaving Erimi, and after a drive east church of Agios Georgios, is the
of 8 kms or so back towards Lemesos on Menargos Winery, run by Nicos

Aristidou since 1987, who is keeping up a coffee at the youth centre in the village’s
long family tradition. Apart from his restored square, next to the new church.
Commandaria, which, of course is The Panayiotis Karseras Winery,
produced in the time-honoured fashion, right next to the Agios Epiphanios
there is a range of table wines, all dry: church, which dates to the 16th century,
red, white and rosé. Of these the white is one of the suggested stops. Outstand-
Xynisteri is recommended. Also worth ing in their range is the Commandaria.
trying, too, is the Alexandrino, and made The winery has been operating here for
from sun-dried Moschato Alexandritis the past ten years. As is often the case,
grapes. grapes used come from both the
Heading northwest and 50 metres
higher you will come across the village of
Agios Georgios, with a limestone ground
ideal for viniculture. Here, the vineyards’
output is exclusively reserved for making
Commandaria. Continuing north and
rising to 650 metres is the village of
Here, the wine buff can explore the
abandoned traditional presses, known
as the “Linos”. The village fountains are
pretty and this is a pleasant place for a
rest-stop and stroll. As you will see this
area is semi-mountainous, but there is
plenty of flat and gently sloping land for
agricultural pursuits. It’s fertile and s Monagri. Yet another traditional wine
making village.
fruity. Silikou is noted for its high quality
raisins. winery’s own vines, plus others pur-
Head back to Agios Georgios and chased from contracted growers close
from there to Monagri, turn left and you by.
are soon in the village of Doros. The From here, head back to the junction
distance between these three communi- you passed earlier, then turn right, off
ties is no more than a kilometre and a the B8 signposted to Laneia. This
half. Built on plateaus and on the banks beautiful village is remarkable for the
of the Mesa Potamos river, they are degree to which its traditional architec-
characteristic of the western side of the ture has been preserved, making it most
Commandaria region. Doros is ideal for a interesting. Its streets are a pleasure to
stroll along its cobbled roads or for a walk around, with lots of photo oppor-

s Cobbled street and pleasant greenery in magical Laneia village.


tunities. Here too, those interested in growers and others around the Com-
wine history can find a really old ‘Linos’ mandaria region. Besides the Revekka
press which has been restored. Laneia Commandaria, the winery also makes
has a number of restaurants, as well as two dry wines in small quantities, using
shops where the visitor can enjoy the predominantly Mavro and Xynisteri
home-made soudjouko, wines, zivania grapes. Before you leave, you must try
and of course Commandaria. It is a the local zivania, also made in small
scenic village and cosmopolitan, too. It quantities.
is the home of many foreign people and Driving on, and as the forest thickens
of writers and artists as well. There are and the slopes get steeper, you get to
several art studios and craft workshops Kapileio, built on a solitary hill which
which welcome visitors. overlooks the Limnatis river valley, also
Drive onwards and upwards by going known as Ambelikos. The village name
back to the B8 and turning right. Amid says a lot about its history. The seven old
wonderful views of the pine-clad wine presses in the village used to
Troodos hills and the summit of Mount double as taverns for passers-by taking
Olympus, head to Trimiklini, a straggly their produce to market and returning
village which holds attractive markets with supplies.
and has some interesting buildings. Returning to Agios Mamas, some
There’s a petrol station here, too. 500 metres after entering the village you
Shortly afterwards, about 2 kms, you turn left for Kalo Chorio. Here you must
will find Agios Mamas at an altitude of drive carefully as the asphalt road often
600 metres. Here, Commandaria is turns into a dirt road. At some point you
produced at the local Co-operative will pass a quarry. As you get to Kalo
company and the Revecca Winery, Chorio, you will feel in the air that you
which runs a traditional museum are in one of the main areas of Com-
housed in a restored farm. Commanda- mandaria production.
ria is made using base wine from local Some 500 metres onwards, heading

Dessert wines
Dessert wines, are naturally made – no added sugars here! Fer-
mentation of the wine is stopped at a point when natural sugars
give the wines their sweetness. A good “sweetie” is a wonderful
complement to many sweets and desserts as the last course of a
meal. They may also be served on their own, at the end of a meal,
replacing a dessert. A glass of Commandaria or a Moschato can
easily become the grand finale of a wonderful gastronomic even-
ing. There are those who hold that a slightly chilled sweet wine and
a slice of Madeira cake make a delightful mid-morning break.

east, you will see on your right the learn about the magic of wine by
church of Agios Georgios and on your watching a short but passionately
left the Co-operative Vinegrowers presented locally-made video. Greek and
Company and the winery of the same English are the languages mostly
name. This winery used grapes exclu- spoken, but there is a welcome here for
sively from nearby vineyards and has a all – they are good communicators!
characteristic mild aroma. Here you will The next village is Zoopigi that

s A rebuilt wine press is a visitor attraction in Laneia.


houses the Commandaria Historical Continuing east, you will shortly find
Museum, which has a unique perma- the villages of Agios Pavlos and Agios
nent exhibit with a timeline and themes Konstantinos. The central square of
extending through four halls. To arrange Agios Pavlos has an old wine press while
for a visit you must call in advance in Agios Konstantinos is a church with
(Tel.: 99656288, Commandaria road, unique architecture, dedicated to the
4565 Zoopigi, Lemesos). saints Constantine and Helen. Worthy

s On all wine routes there are agro-tourism units that provide the comforts any visitor desires.

sites to see in the village are the tradi- sparse forest above the Garyllis river. The
tional olive press and the fountain. vineyards cultivated in this area are at an
The next village on this route is altitude of 430 metres (1410 feet) and are
Louvaras, built on a plateau, right above mostly of the Mavro variety.
the beginning of the Garyllis river valley From these two villages, Lemesos is
and surrounded by a thick forest that is just 10 to 12 kilometres away, heading
interrupted only by steep slopes and south. Passing Paramytha and Palodeia,
small ravines. Near the village is the you will get to Agia Fyla and onto the
small church of Agios Mamas, built in highway, with your car’s trip-meter
1455 and which contains murals attrib- telling you that you have driven for more
uted to Philippe Goul. than 100 kilometres!
The final and lowest altitude villages
of the Commandaria region are Apsiou
and Gerasa. Even though there is a dirt
road, running parallel to the river, it The main spoken languages at the wineries are
would be easier to drive via Kalo Chorio. Greek and English.
From there, head down and left and in
five kilometres you will get to Apsiou on Co-operative Vinegrowers Company
your left and Gerasa on your right. Kalo Chorio
Apsiou is located on a fertile plateau in a Tel.: 25 542266, 99 534060

Panayiotis Karseras Winery Silikou Village Tavern

Doros Tel.: 25 470056, 99 794187
Tel.: 99 413238, 99 589325 Silikou
Fax: 25 433885
Philitos Restaurant
Menargos Winery Tel.: 25 543344, 99 608135
Monagri Gerasa
Tel.: 25 433674, 99 478279
Fax: 25 433674 Platanos of Laneia
website: Tel.: 25 434273
Email: [email protected] Laneia

Revecca Traditional Winery and Lania Tavern

Museum Tel.: 25 432398, 99 464759
Agios Mamas Laneia
Tel.: 99 608333
Fax: 25 433433
Email: [email protected]

Taverns / Restaurants
l It is necessary to call the winery in advance of
any visit.
Raftis Tavern
l Many villages offer special accomodation pack-
Tel.: 25 774001 ages in agrotourism and other units.
Michalaki Karaoli road 16, For information visit
0 2000 4000 6000 8000m
Chandria Platanistasa
Polystypos Fterikoudi
Kyperounta Alona
Agridia Agros
Kato Askas
Amiantos Dymes
Main road
Secondary road Potamitissa
Motorway Kato
Wine route
Pelendri Agios
Agios Theodoros
Place of worship Ioannis
Up to 300- 600- 900- Agios
300m 600m 900m 1200m Pavlos
Zoopigi Konstantinos
Pera Pedi Kouka
Trimiklini Agios Kalo Chorio
Koilani Mamas
B8 Louvaras
Laneia E110
Vouni Lofou Doros Limnatis
Ioannis Gerasa
Agios Therapon Apesia Apsiou

Kato Kivides Spitali Akrounta
Fasoula Ακρούντα
Pano Kivides B8


Sotira Agia Fyla


Kantou Ypsonas

APOLLON YLATIS Erimi (Limassol)
Episkopi Kolossi

Route 6
kas Pitsilia

Lemesos (Limassol), Trimiklini, Pelendri, Potamitissa, Dymes,

Kyperounta, Chandria, Polystypos, Alona, Agros, Agios Ioannis,
Agios Theodoros.

his route passes through the rounded by four forests: Troodos in
s mountainous area east of the west, Machairas in the east, the
the highest peak of Troodos. “Adelphoi” in the north and the Limassol
This is Pitsilia, a popular name forest in the south. It has several high
in folk songs. The wine lover can visit peaks, the main one being Papoutsa at
11 villages, nestling below three proud 1,540 metres (5052 feet). Due to good
mountaintops – Olympus at 1,950 levels of levels of rainfall the area is ex-
metres (6391 feet), Madari at 1,600 (5249
feet) and Papoutsa at 1,400 (4593 feet) -
overlooking Pitsilia’s vineyards.
In this rugged landscape, every
accessible slope - and hence cultivated -
is regarded as a gift from God and the lo-
cal people have not left an inch unplant-
ta ed: almond trees, olive groves, walnuts
τα and apples adorn every street and every
yard. But of, perhaps, greater interest
is images provided by the expanse of
vineyards, with the pine forests behind
them. The long-ripening grapes here,
the highest vineyards in the country, are
picked and taken to two local winemakers.

General Characteristics

Pitsilia, one of the most complex

mountainous areas of Cyprus, is sur-

s Idyllic mountainous scenery in Kyperounta.


tremely fertile. Apart from the local Mavro and Xynis-

Climate: The region has a pleasant teri, a further 11 grapes are cultivated.
moderate climate, with more variation Red varieties: Ofthalmo, Vamvakada
between seasons than elsewhere. In (Maratheftiko), Cabernet Franc, Caber-
winter the temperature drops below net Sauvignon, Mattaro, Mavro, Shiraz,
zero, often with ice and snow at its high- Lefkada, Yiannoudi.
est levels. In summer it is mild, warm White varieties: Xynisteri, Sauvignon
and enjoyable. Spring and autumn seem Blanc, Chardonnay, Malaga.
quite short.
Terroir: The region is intensely moun- The route
tainous, but the arable lands are inter-
spersed harmoniously with tracts of wild Starting from Lemesos (Limassol), on
growth and forest. The soil is usually the A1 highway, turn on to the B8 sign-
rather grey in colour, mild to mid-me- posted to Troodos. The drive upwards
chanical composition with a high level will take you past the Kourris dam. Carry
of sand. on and in about 10 kilometres you will
Vineyards: The region has 32 villages reach Trimiklini village, which is the start
within the “Pitsilia” OEOP appellation. of the journey in mountainous Pitsilia.

Forget the carved glasses, they are no longer right for serving wine. The choice of the right
glass for every wine is very important as it most often influences the final delight. Good
wine glasses must always have a stem. Made from thin, clear glass or crystal, with a big and
somewhat long cup that narrows at the upper lip, thus capturing the aromas and allows a
quicker and easier determination and, finally, have the right
size each time according to the type of wine we serve. For
reds we prefer tulip-shaped that allow the wines to breath
and express themselves better, while for whites we choose
shorter stems in order to pour smaller quantities preventing
the wine from staying in the glass to long and its tempera-
ture from rising. Naturally, we never fill the glass more than
half, allowing the rest of the space to collect the aromas.
For champagnes and all the sparkling wines choose a flute,
with a long narrow tubular casing that allows the grandeur
of the sparkles to reveal themselves in all their might. Finally,
for sweet wines the best is a slightly smaller glass which we
only fill to a third, as on the one hand dessert wines are al-
ways served chilled (7°C-9°C), while, one the other, they are
served in small quantities at the end of each meal, replacing
or complementing a dessert.

The village has seen a fair degree also making major efforts to revive the
of development whilst keeping many re-discovered Cypriot variety of Yian-
traditional features. The main road noudi.
is wide here and you may see many The enthusiasm and pride Costas
road-side stalls (some with wonderful and Marina have for their vines and
apples, in season), and on some days a winery is evident and they are very forth-
lively market. For the epicure there are coming to visitors’ questions. The winery
some appetising good things in both the also has a shop and a purpose-built tast-
commercial emporia and coffee-shops. ing room. The Tsiakkas are particularly
Here are local sweet-meats, tasty jams, proud of their own Commandaria which
honey, fresh fruit and dry nuts, not for- is only available here.
getting the vine products such as raisins, Going back down the track to the
soudjouko and wine. E806, turn left to Pelendri, which is a
At the northern point of Trimilklini,
you will see a road junction - turn right
here on to the E806 to Pelendri. A brief
left detour on the way allows the visitor
to see the biggest double bridge on the
island. The Pelendri road passes through
a forest with berry trees, golden oaks
and other varieties of shrubs and trees.
After about five kilometres, before you
reach the village, you will see on the left
side the sign directing you to Tsiakkas
Winery, which is a few hundred metres
up the track. The stone-built main
building with its traditional architecture
οverlooks an amphitheatre vineyard.
The Tsiakkas have long had a wide s Pelendri, one of the biggest villages in
Lemesos district.
range of wines and have always experi-
mented and taken in knowledge and fairly large village, at the head of the
advice from within Cyprus and abroad. Limnatis river valley. The “main” road
Their constantly evolving Xynisteri is winds narrowly and twistily through its
highly rated, as is the Grenache rosé “Ro- busy main street, where - if you make a
dinos”. You may call their “Porfyros”, the stop - you will see a vibrant community,
Tsiakkas “house red” - it’s good, as is the with traditional taverns, coffee-shops,
Cabernet Sauvignon, which keeps well charcuterie and bakery. It is worth visit-
and improves year on year. The winery is ing the church of the Holy Cross which

is listed among the Cultural Heritage icons and frescoes of the Italian-Byzan-
Monuments of UNESCO and includes tine influence.
amazing frescoes from the 12th to 15th Driving on, in about three kilo-
centuries. The main church of the Virgin metres, you will note the Potamitissa
Mary the Catholic also has significant village, then pass through Dymes, and

s Potamitissa offers the visitor an unusual sense of peace and calm.


carrying on for four more kilometers

arriving at Kyperounta. This is one of the
bigger regional centres of the Pitsilia
area and enjoys a fairly good level of
development. Around the village one
can see what are said to be the highest
vineyards in Europe, according to the
Vasilikon Kyperounta Winery, which
is situated within the village on the east-
ern exit towards Chandria.
This winery of is purpose-built and
of recent construction. Situated on a
hillside, the visitor enjoys uninterrupted
views of greenery, homesteads and
glorious mountains. Kyperounta winery
utilises the most modern equipment
and under the guidance of long-serving
oenologist Minas Mina produces wines
that regularly win awards. The know-
how of people of older generations,
s Traditional pithari in a winery in Kyperounta.
such as Mrs Fani, who is a viticulturist
with half a century of experience, is not tude of 1,300 metres (4265 feet) and its
ignored, either. As is general practice Madari peak some 300 metres higher,
among the larger producers, Kyperounta over-looking the village. A peak to take a
takes in grapes from both its own vine- peak at!
yards and those of contracted growers. The next village is Lagoudera, a
The range of wines is small, but the scenic little place built like an amphi-
wines are of high quality. The two whites theatre on the northern face of Madari,
are contrasting: an excellent true-to- that looks after its traditional character.
type Chardonnay and “Petritis”, a varietal Further up from Lagoudera and headed
Xynisteri which has demolished the old north west towards Saranti, you should
image of Xynisteri wines being unable visit Panagia tou Araka, a 12th century
to last for more than a year or two. The church with exquisite murals and a
two reds, the Cabernet Sauvignon and memorable architectural structure, typi-
the Shiraz maintain the level set by the cal of the churches at that time, which is
winemaker. kept in excellent condition. The church
Driving on in the same direction, very is listed among the UNESCO World Cul-
near the winery is Chandria at an alti- tural Heritage sites.

From Lagoudera, the road leads yards planted with Mavro and Xynisteri.
south to our next stop, Polystypos. At From here, head east to Alona some
1,150 metres (3773 feet) it is a beautiful four kilometres away. Just before the vil-
settlement, rich in almond, walnut and lage, the last turning hides the “Vrysi ton
cherry trees, and surrounded by vine- Poulion” (Fountain of Birds). The village,

s The main village of Pitsilia, the beautiful Kyperounta is the third highest village in Cyprus.

with its vines providing shade over the Big Agros is just southwest of Alona,
street and the stone pathways leading some 15 kilometres away. The first half
to traditional neighbourhoods is ideal of the road is rural and passes through
for walking. Alona is also known for its some quite wild looking areas, but later
hazelnut trees. you drive through Mavro vineyards. To

blending with the surrounding forest.

Agros has a variety of places where you
can buy and see the making of char-
cuterie, dessert sweets and the rose-
water - for which the village is famous.
As well as rosewater manufacture, you
may visit the zivania distillery and take
a break at the well known Agros hotel.
Finally, you may go and have a look at
the museum dedicated to the painter
Solomos Frangoulides.
The road now leads south and after
three kilometres crosses through the
small scenic village of Agios Ioannis, vir-
tually adjacent on its eastern side with
Agios Theodoros, the last village on our

s Traditional neighbourhood in Alona.

get to Agros you turn right on the E903,

driving a further seven kilometres to
one of the most important villages of
the Pitsilia area. At an altitude of 1,200
metres (3937 feet) Agros is the pulsating
heart of the region, as well as being at its
geographical heart. It is a splendid base
for the trekker or walker and possesses
many types of shops, coffee-shops, res-
taurants and hotels. It is has a modern
sports centre, too. On foot, exploring
Agros, you will see well preserved alleys
and little streets which indicate the his-
tory of this community. Every house has
a garden and every balcony at least one
potted plant. The orchards and the vine-
yards are omnipresent, harmoniously

Zivania. The drink of good company

It is not only Commandaria that has been tied to tradition and joy in Cyprus. The other ‘national’
drink of the island is Zivania. With roots that date back to historical times, Zivania is a distillate
of wine, clear in colour, with very high alcohol content. The production process for Zivania is
relatively simple. Once grapes are pressed in order to extract the part
used for wine making, the remainder of the grape with still some
must in it ends up in steel tanks. The first part is called the ‘kefales’
(heads). The largest part of the alcohol is distillated after that with
the necessary aromas added. This part is called the ‘kardia’ (heart).
Finally, the upper parts of the alcohols is distillated, called the ‘oura’
(tail). Quality zivania results from slow distillation, low temperatures
and the right separation of the distillate in the three aforementioned

route before returning to Lemesos. Here of Kapnistis,” planted with traditional

you will find the biggest single vineyard varieties. Surrounded by greenery,
of the village, known as the “Vineyard the “Eptalofos” (Seven Hills) as Agios

s Στενό δρομάκι στο γραφικό χωρουδάκι Άγιος Ιωάννης.

s Panoramic view to Agros, the popular resort that attracts many visitors every year.

s A vine on a house rooftop in a picturesque narrow street in Agios Ioannis.


Theodoros is known, it is a village with Adventure Mountain Park

unique character. Tel.: 25 532730, 99 772177, 99 674126
Leaving behind the Pitsilia region, Kyperounda-Spilia Road
take the road down towards Zoopigi Kyperounta
that then passes through Gerasa and Email: info@adventuremountainpark.
Paramytha, before reaching Palodeia, com
to complete this memorable journey,
ending in the northern Lemesos suburb To Pezema
of Agia Fyla. The total distance covered Tel.: 25 521046, 99 551381
is about 120 kilometres, and we trust the 50 Steliou Hadjipetri road,
beautiful images you have seen will long Agros
remain with you.
To Symposio
Wineries Tel.: 99 404348, 99 632285
The main languages spoken at the wineries are
Greek and English. Polydentri
Tel.: 99 406549
Vasilikon Kyperounta Winery Pelendri
Tel.: 25 532043, 99 613362
Fax: 22 486526 l It is necessary to call the winery in advance of
Website: any visit.
l Many villages offer special accomodation pack-
Email: [email protected] ages in agrotourism and other units.
For information visit
Tsiakkas Winery and

Tel.: 25 991080
Fax: 25 344683
Email: [email protected]

Taverns / Restaurants

Kyperia Restaurant
Tel.: 99 681360, 99 358167
66 Deisis, Kyperounta
Email: [email protected]
88 A T I O
H O Legend
T U Ortakioi


Lefkosia 9

Mammari 7 Main road
(Nicosia) 4 Secondary road
Kokkinotrimithia Wine route
Palaiometocho Winery
Agioi Antiquity
Trimithias Place of worship
Meniko Geri
Kato Deftera Up to 300- 600- 900-
300m 600m 900m 1200m
Pano Deftera A1
Anageia Agios
Agios Tseri Sozomenos Athienou
Ioannis Ergates
Arediou Episkopeio Potamia
Agrokipia Margi Petrofani
Malounta Pera Nisou Dali
Klirou TAMASSOS Kotsiatis
Politiko Analiontas IDALION
Kalo Chorio Avdellero
Agia Varvara
E903 Αlambra
Kataliontas Lympia A2

Kapedes Kochi A3
Fikardou Sia Mosfiloti
Gourri Lythrodontas
Agia Anna
Kornos Larnaka
Pyrga Kalo Chorio
Delikipos AGIA VARVARA Klavdia
Agioi Vavatsinias STAVROVOUNI A5 Dromolaxia
Lefkara Alethriko Meneou
Melini F112
Ora E105
Αkapnou Anglisides Kiti
Kato Skarinou Menogeia Kivisili
Kellaki Vikla Vavla Drys Aplanta Perivolia
Klonari Kofinou Anafodita
Prastio Sanida Vasa Alaminos
Choirokoitia Mazotos
Asgata Tochni Agios
Monagrouli Kalavasos
Pyrgos Maroni
Parekklisia Moni Pentakomo
Agios Tychon Mari

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000m


Route 7

Mountainous Larnaka-Lefkosia

Lefkosia (Nicosia), Skarinou, Lefkara, Kato Drys, Vavla, Ora, Odou,

Farmakas, Gourri, Fikardou, Kalo Chorio.

his is a route takes in the rural The route passes through the Machairas
areas of Larnaka and Lefkosia, forest which covers part of both Lefkosia
making its way through ten and Larnaka districts, with an altitude
villages, and including three ranging from 300 metres (984 feet) to
wineries, small museums and work- the 1,423 metres (4668 feet) of Kionia
shops. Even though it is outside the peak. Geologically, the area belongs to
traditional wine regions, there are active the Troodos ophiolithic complex, cover-
winemakers here who have planted ing a forested area of igneous rocks.
vineyards with the Assyrtiko, Malvasia Climate: Mild climate with very low

ka Aromatica, Chardonnay and Marath- levels of humidity.

eftiko grape varieties. The route also Terroir: Combines limestone with ophi-
includes a visit to the very well known
village of Lefkara, popular for its lace and
N silverware, as well as Fikardou where
you can see one of the oldest traditional
wine presses in Cyprus.

General Characteristics

The geology of this area is quite interest-

ing, as it combines the limestone and
ophiolite rocks (long-ago rocks from
the sea-bed, forced upwards above
sea level). Quite a large portion of the
Lefkara range is of limestone, with a
landscape of steep slopes and deep
ravines, into which rainwater tumbles.

s Nostalgia rules on a narrow street along the route.


olithic rocks within a range of 100-1,400 gnon Blanc and the Greek Assyrtiko. The
metres. relatively newly planted vines around the
Vineyards: Although outside the winery include Maratheftiko, Sauvignon
boundaries of the traditional winemak- Blanc, Chardonnay and Assyrtiko.
ing regions, growers in the area have Just one kilometre after Ktima Da-
produced robust vineyards. fermou you are greeted by Pano Lefkara,
White varieties: Assyrtiko, Malvasia located at an altitude of 650 metres
Aromatica, Chardonnay, Xynisteri, Sauvi-
gnon blanc.
Red varieties: Maratheftiko, Cabernet,

The route

On the Lefkosia-Lemesos highway

heading for Lemesos, take the E105 exit
at Skarinou and drive towards Vavatsinia.
Passing through Skarinou, on the left
you will see the Centre for Environmen-
tal Information of Rural Larnaca which
has a permanent exhibit about the flora,
fauna and geology of the area. Next to
the centre you may stop for a taste of
halloumi and yogurt.
About 10 minutes after you leave
Skarinou and driving up towards Lefka-
ra, on the left you will see the Ktima
Dafermou Winery, owned by Savvas
Fakoukakis, which, as well as wine offers
a function facility. The main building’s
architecture is of simple lines and the
way it has blended into the surrounding
area is of interest. Visitors should try the
Dafermou red and the Dafermou white.
The first is a blend of the foreign varieties
Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah, matured
for 12 months in oak barrels, while the
white has blended Chardonnay, Sauvi-

from where the view is magical. Head- observe the traditional architecture of
ing down to the village centre, ideal the area. The village is world renowned
for a stroll and a stop for a coffee, you for its “Lefkaritika” lace. In older times,
will see the Holy Cross school house, this agile and delicate hand-work of the
built in 1920, presently accommodating women of Lefkara provided an oppor-
the Lefkara primary school. Wander- tunity for them to attain a measure of
ing through the narrow streets you can independence, because it gave them a

s Lefkara is well known both for its lace and its silverware.

respectable income, very often more Leaving Lefkara, head right and in
than their husbands. about three kilometres you will find Kato
Apart from the needlepoint, an- Drys, signified at the village entrance by
other traditional handicraft of Lefkara an enormous plain tree, the “Platanos”,
is silverwork. Until today, you will find planted by G. Kafetzis in 1907. This giant
fine work of rings, spoons, church items, tree offers cooling shade in which to
candlesticks, cherubims, crosses and relax with a cup of coffee, or the tradi-
silver-plated or gold-plated icons or tional dishes at the adjacent restaurant.
bible cases. Lefkara also has a number In the centre of the village, next to the
of tavernas and restaurants, where one traditional coffee-shop, is a shop that
should try the local dishes. produces and sells its own home-made

s A scenic street view among the traditional houses of Lefkara.


Between the whites and reds is an

excellent Maratheftiko rosé. There are
three reds: firstly the house blend called
“Armonia”, and then two red varietals, a
Cabernet Sauvignon and a Maratheftiko.
The latest development at this winery is
a sweet red from sun-dried Xynisteri and
Mavro grapes. It is somewhat similar to
Commandaria, but without the oxida-
tive ageing in oak barrels and with lesser
residual sugars - unusual, interesting
s Tradition has it that Leonardo da Vinci and worth trying. As typical country
bought Lefkara lace to adorn the altar in
Milan’s cathedral. wines, the Xynisteri and the Marathef-
tiko can be confidently recommended.
jams. In a typical rural house nearby is Whilst here, have a taste of the win-
the Museum of Folk Art, which used to ery’s own version of the ubiquitous Cy-
belong to Gavriel and Eleni Papachris- prus sweet-meat the ‘Soutjouko’ , which
toforou. The house, a typical example is made from grape must and almonds
of the local architecture of the 19th
century, is stone-built with five rooms
on the ground floor and one upstairs. It
has a traditional courtyard in the back.
Another place to visit is the Melissa
Museum, opened in 2007, depicting the
“good old days” of village life – the peo-
ple, their daily chores and various other
activities. It also has a small shop where
local and traditional products are sold.
Leaving Kato Drys behind you, head
towards Vavla where, after about three
kilometres, you will see on your left,
below road level, the Ktima
Christoudia Winery, operated by the
Christoudia family for about a decade.
The winery produces seven wines. Of the
two whites, the first is a Xynisteri vari-
etal and the second from the Moschato
Alexandria, also known as Malaga. s A flower-dressed house in Lefkara.

or walnuts. It is aromatic, naturally

made (with no added sugar), soft, chewy Serving temperatures
and tasty. Try the new flavour with
chocolate, as well as the “Palouzé”, the
Champagnes, sparkling wines, dessert wines
liqueur, the zivania and the spring water
from the nearby source.
White dry wines
It is interesting to note that Kato
Drys boasts the largest vineyard in the
White wines aged in oak barrels
Larnaka district, which covers 150 hec-
tares (37.06 acres) on which are planted
Rosé wines
thousands of Cabernet Sauvignon,
Merlot and Chardonnay vines.
Red light wines, red nouveau type
Leaving Ktima Christoudia, drive
towards Vavla, a village built on the 150-160C
Red wines with medium body
unique white rocks of Lefkara and with
a strong traditional character. You may 160-180C
Rich and aged red wines
take the Nature Trail which extends

seven kilometres, from the centre of the

village and ends at Panagia tis Agapis
(Holy Virgin of Love). At the village exit,
on your left, you will see the nunnery of
Agios Minas, built in an ebullient green
area, near the banks of the river Maroni.
The first reference to the monastery
dates back to 1562.
After Vavla, turn right and head to
Ora and Odou. In the centre of Ora is the
beautiful church of Agia Marina, built in
the late 19th century. Driving upwards,
through low but thick growth, after a
blind corner you will come across Odou,
laid out like an amphitheatre on a steep
slope, with a clear view of the horizon.
The villagers are primarily involved in
growing vegetables and with beehives
for honey production.
Driving up towards Farmakas, the

s A typical neighbourhood in Kato Drys.


s The Folk Art Museum in Kato Drys is in a traditional house.

twisty corners and the wild natural serve traditional local dishes and which
beauty provide the visitor with some will happily provide you sustenance at an
superb views. The village is at an altitude early morning stop or a coffee late in the
of 970 metres (3182 feet), on a plateau at afternoon. The village also has a weav-
the edge of Machairas forest. Entering ing centre and a Folk Art museum worth
the village, if you enjoy locally made tra- visiting.
ditional sweets, try some here. Turn right From Gourri, keep driving towards
and head towards Lefkosia where after typically old Cypriot rural Fikardou, less
several kilometres, having turned right than 10 minutes away. Looking at this
again, you will drive towards Gourri. village, you will think that you have
At the village entrance, you must see been transported back where time has
the huge metal structure topped by an stopped. Of particular interest is the
enormous metallic courgette. It literally old ‘Linos’ (grape press) in the House of
dominates the village, with decora- Katsinioros, which is now a museum.
tions of many of smaller “courgettes” as The traditional houses built of mud-
it crosses the road. On the left and right brick and rough-hewn rocks from the
of the road you will find tavernas that area, the narrow cobbled alleys, the tiled

s The small settlement of Fikardou is included in the UNESCO World Heritage list of preserved monuments.

roofs, all hidden in a natural surround-

ing beckon visitors to explore every old
nook and cranny. The homes of Katsin-
ioros and Achilleas Dimitri have received
the Europa Nostra award for Preserved
Museums. Hard by the village taverna
offers a wide range of unique dishes old
and new.
Moving on and having made you
way back to Gourri, follow the road signs
to Kalo Chorio Oreinis and after you pass
it turn left at the crossroad (right way
shows to Klirou) to get to the Palaichori-
Lefkosia main road.
Turning right, drive for less than
10 minutes and you will see on your
left, on a gentle slope, Aes Ambelis
Winery, set up some 20 years ago.
With its round red structure it is quite
a landmark. This main hall houses the
steel fermentation tanks. Temperature-
controlled rooms, housing American
and French oak maturation barrels are
nearby. Owned by Yiorgos Tripatsas, s A traditional wine press in Fikardou, one of the
oldest in Cyprus.
the winery produces a variety of qual-
ity wines. Three hectares of vines are varietals: Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon
owned, and grapes are also purchased and “Omeros” Maratheftiko.
from growers in several regions. Finally, there is a delicious “sweetie”,
Mr. Tripatsas produces a wide range, produced from sun-dried grapes. The Aes
nine wines in all. There are two whites: Ambelis range has many devotees and it
Aes Ambelis blends Xynisteri and Sémil- is well represented in hotels and restau-
lon; and there is a varietal Chardonnay. rants. The white Xynisteri is noted for its
The rosé is vinified from the old Greek freshness and aroma, whilst the rosé is
Lefkada grape. There are no less than among the two or three best produced
five reds: firstly, a blend of Lefkada and in Cyprus - dry, crisp and with good fruit.
Maratheftiko; secondly, the house Aes Among our Marathefticos, the Omeros
Ambelis Red (Cabernet Sauvignon, is highly regarded for its powerful nose,
Grenache and Lefkada). Then come three good body and long finish.

Wineries Elia Restaurant

Tel.: 99 536637
The main spoken languages at the wineries are 41 Agios Loukas str. Skarinou
Greek and English.
To Spiti ton Anemon
Aes Ambelis Winery Tel.: 24 342532
Kalo Chorio Oreinis Irakli Strouthou str.,
Tel.: 99 651361, 99 812474 Pano Lefkara
Fax: 22 818057 Email: Panagiotisdimitriou@hotmail.
Website: Am- com
Email: [email protected] Ayios Georgios
Tel.: 22 633755, 96 322105
Ktima Christoudias 36 Gregori Afxentiou str. Gourri
Kato Drys
Tel.: 99 034828, 99 813075 To Koultouriariko
Fax: 24 342199 Tel.: 22 633455, 99 625695
Email: [email protected] 40A-B Gregori Afxentiou str.,
Ktima Dafermou
Lefkara Revekka’s Restaurant
Tel.: 70 008373, 99 635469 Tel.: 22 634140
Fax: 22 491945 1 Gestrion str.
Website: Gourri
Email: [email protected]
Tavernas / Restaurants Tel.: 22 633311
Ktima Georgiade
Tel.: 99 620736 Farmakas Restaurant
Old Station, Skarinou Tel.: 22 642508, 97 725957
Email: [email protected] 12 Agias Irinis str.
Archontiko Papadopoulou
Tel.: 22 531000
67 Arch. Makariou str.
Kornos l It is necessary to call the winery in ad-
vance of any visit.
Periptero Lefkara l Many villages offer special accomodation
Tel.: 24 342211, 99 593196 packages in agrotourism and other units.
For information visit www.agrotourism.
1 Gregori Afxentiou str. and
Pano Lefkara

Ten Proposals for Good Wine Service

1 It is usually the rule to start wine service

with the white, followed by the rosé and 9 Don’t leave wines for too long in the
fridge, long cooling can deteriorate the
then the red. quality.

2 If serving only white wine, start from

the lighter and milder ones and then 10 Keep a wine cooler on a table to keep
white and rose wines at an appropriate
progress to the full-bodied, which are serving temperature.
usually those fermented and/or aged in
oak barrels.

3 Younger wines are served first, moving

through to the oldest.

4 Simpler wines are generally served

first gradually rising to more complex,
depending on their quality.

5 Champagne and sparkling wines are

usually served first, mostly as aperitifs.

Sweet “sparklers” can accompany
deserts or are served at a conclusion of
a meal.

7 Glasses: a stemmed glass is advised, for

both appearance and handling’s sake.
For red wine a generous size of glass
is recommended, whose top is slightly
narrower than the middle, which allows
you to get a good “nose”. White wine
glasses may be a little smaller. When
pouring NEVER fill any glass more than
a third full – in the case of large red
glasses, slightly less is ideal. This allows
the wine to “breathe” and release its
aroma and some of its acidity.

8 Never put wine in the freezer to cool,

because the sudden drop in tempera-
ture could damage it. 20-60 minutes in
the fridge should suffice.

CTO Information Offices Agia Napa

12 Kryou Nerou Ave., CY 5330 Ayia
Tel.: 23 721796, Fax: 23 724507
11 Aristokyprou str., Laiki Yitonia Paralimni-Protaras
(east of Eleftheria Square) 14 Protaras ave., CY 5296 Paralimni
CY 1011 Lefkosia (Nicosia) Tel.: 23 832865, Fax: 23 832864
Tel.: 22 674264, Fax: 22 660778
Pano Platres
Lemesos CY 4820 Platres
142 Agiou Andreou str., Tel.: 25 421316, Fax: 25 813080
CY 3036 Lemesos (Limassol)
Tel.: 25 362756, Fax: 25 746596

22/A Agiou Georgiou str., Overseas CTO offices

CY 4047 Lemesos (Limassol)
Potamos Yermasoyias
(east entrance near Dasoudi beach)
Tel.: 25 323211, Fax: 25 313451 United Kingdom
Lemesos Port 13 St. James’s Square
P.O.Box 55605, CY3781 Lemesos (Cyprus Embassy Building)
(serving all cruiseships) SW1Y 4LB London, United Kingdom
Tel.: 25 571868, Fax: 25 560343 Email: londonadmincto@btconnect.
Larnaka Tel.: +44 207 321 4183
Vasileos Pavlou square, CY 6023 Fax: +44 207 321 4166
Tel.: 24 654322, Fax: 24 653492 France
Larnaka International Airport Paris
CY 7130 Larnaka 23, Rue de Galilée
Tel.: 24 008368, Fax: 24 008369 75116 Paris, France
Email: [email protected]
Pafos Tel.: +33 142 614 249
8 Agoras str., CY 8010 Paphos Fax: +33 142 604 853
Tel.: 26 932841, Fax: 26 953341
63A Poseidonos Ave., CY 8042, Kato Berlin
Pafos Kurfürstendamm 182
Tel.: 26 930521, Fax: 26 930519 D-10707 Berlin, Germany
Email: [email protected]
Pafos International Airport Tel.: +49 303 086 8312
Tel.: 26 007368 (serving all flights), Fax: +49 303 086 8308
Fax. 26 007369 Frankfurt
Zeil 127
Polis Chrysochous 60313 Frankfurt, Germany
2 Vasileos Stasioikou str., CY 8820, Email: [email protected],
Polis Chrysochous [email protected]
Tel.: 26 322468, Fax: 26 321327 Tel.: +49 692 519 19

Fax: +49 692 502 88 Building 2

Tel. number for Austrian market: 121069 Moscow, Russia
0800808013 Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +74 952 239 684
Greece Fax: +74 995 750 319
Saint Petersburg
2 Xenophontos ave., 3rd floor
Furshtatskaya Street 27
10557 Athens, Greece
191123 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: + 30 210 3610178
Tel.: +78 123 325 808
+ 30 210 3610057
Fax: +78 123 325 809
Fax: + 30 210 3644798

Tel Aviv
Cypern Turistråd
Top Tower, 14th Floor Dizengoff Centre
Solna torg 19
50 Dizengoff Street
17145 Solna
64332 Tel Aviv, Israel
Email [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: 08-10 50 25
Tel.: +972 352 574 42
Fax 08 10 64 14
Fax: +972 352 574 43

Gottfried Keller – Strasse 7
Via Andrea Solari 13
8001 Zurich, Switzerland
20144 Milano, Italy
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +41 (0) 44 262 33 03
Tel.: +39 0258 319 835
Fax: +41 (0) 44 251 24 17
Fax: +39 0258 303 375

Vorovskogo Street 24
Keizersgracht 424 II
01054 Kiev, Ukraine
1016 GC Amsterdam, Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +380 444 996 454
Tel.: +31 206 244 358
Fax: +380 444 996 455
Fax: +31 206 383 369

70 Jaroslawa Dabrowskiego Street
02-561 Warsaw, Poland
Email: [email protected] Text: Giannos Konstantinou
[email protected] Text translation: Patrick Skinner
Tel.: +48 228 279 036 Map artwork/Page set-up: Wings Design
Fax: +48 228 279 034 Photography: Charalambos Αrtemis,
CTO archive, Wings Design, Markus
Russia Bassler, Nathanael Αndreou, Elias
Moscow Lambrou, Cyprus Agrotourism Company
Povarskaya Street 9 Printing: Lithoweb Ltd, 2015




19 Lemesos Avenue, P.O.Box: 24535 CY

1390 Lefkosia (Nicosia) Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22 691100, Fax: +357 22 331644
Email: [email protected]
The project was implemented by the Cyprus Tourism Organisation and co-
financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Europe investing in rural areas.

ISBN 978-9963-44-137-2

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