Legprof Finals 1

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Fidela Bengco and Teresita Bengco, Complainants, v. of the Rule 2.03, Canon 2 and Rule 3.

01, Canon 3 of
Atty. Pablo S. Bernardo, Respondent the CPR. The respondent was suspended from
A.C. No. 6368, 13 June 2012 practice of law for one year and return the amount of
PhP 200,000.00 to Fidela Bengco and Teresita Bengco
Facts: with 10 days upon receipt of decision. The respondent
Fidela Bengco and Teresita Bengco filed a complaint is required to submit to the Supreme Court proof of
for disbarment against Atty. Pablo S. Bernardo for compliance.
deceit, malpractice, conduct unbecoming a member
of the Bar, and violation of duties and oath as a ATTY. POLICARIO I. CATALAN, JR. vs. ATTY. JOSELITO
lawyer. From 15 April 1997 to 22 July 1997, the M. SILVOSA A.C. No. 7360, 24 July 2012
respondent – with the connivance of Andres Magat –
willfully and illegally committed fraudulent act with Facts:
intent to defraud against the complainants by using Thee Sandiganbayan convicted Atty. Silvosa for direc
false pretenses and deceitful words to the effect that t bribery for bribing his then colleague prosecutor.
he would expedite the titling of land belonging to the Attyy Silvosa claimed that “it is not the lawyer in res
Miranda Family of Tagaytay City, who are the pondent that was convicted, but his capacity as a pu
acquaintance of the complainants. blic officer, the charge against respondent for which
he was convicted falling under the category of crime
It started when the respondent convinced the s against public officers.
complainants to finance and deliver to him PhP
495,000.00 as advanced money to expedite the titling Issue: won Atty. Silvosa should be disbarred consider
of the subject land. He further committed ing that the crime for which he was convicted was in
misrepresentation by presenting himself as the his capacity as public officer.
lawyer of William Gatchalian, the prospective buyer
of the land. He also led complaints to believe that he Ruling:
has contracts at NAMRIA, DENR, CENRO and the Yes.
Register of Deeds which representation he well knew Disbarment follows as a consequence of Atty. Silvosa
were false, fraudulent and were only made to induce ’s conviction of the crime.
the complainants to give and deliver the said amount. His excuse that his conviction was not in his capacity
Upon receipt of the money, he did not comply with as a lawyer, but as a public officer, is unacceptable a
his obligation to expedite the titling of the land but nd betrays the unmistakable lack of integrity in his c
instead use the money for personal use. The haracter. The practice of law is a privilege, and Atty.
complainants demanded the return of the money to Silvosa has proved himself unfit to exercise this privil
no avail. ege.
Atty. Joselito M. Silvosa was DISBARRED.
Whether or not the respondent violated the Elpidio Tiong vs Atty. George Florendo
provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility
(CPR)? Problem Areas in Legal Ethics – Pardon Does Not Bar
Sanction Against an Erring Lawyer – Moral Depravity
Held: – Grossly Immoral Conduct
The Supreme Court held that the respondent
committed the acts complained of. He, himself, Atty. George Florendo has been serving as the lawyer
admitted in his answer that his legal services were of spouses Elpidio and Ma. Elena Tiong. Elpidio, a US
hired by the complainants through Magat regarding citizen is often times away. For two years, he
the purported titling of land supposedly purchase. He suspected that his wife and Atty. Florendo were
used his position as a lawyer in order to deceive the having an affair. Finally in 1995, he was able to listen
complainants into believing that he can expedite the to a telephone conversation where he heard Atty.
titling of the subject properties. He never denied that Florendo mention amorous words to Ma. Elena. Atty.
he did not benefit from the money given by the Florendo confronted the two and both eventually
complainants in the amount of PhP 495,000.00. admitted to their illicit relationship. Atty. Florendo
and Ma. Elena then executed and signed an affidavit,
The Supreme Court find the respondent in violation which was later notarized, stating that they admit of
their illicit relationship; that they are seeking the In the aforecited case, although the Court held that
forgiveness of their respective spouse. Elpidio forgave the privilege speech of the combative lady senator
Florendo and Ma. Elena. But nevertheless, Elpidio was not actionable criminally or in a disciplinary
filed a disbarment case against Florendo. proceeding under the Rules of Court, it however
expressed its deep concern about the language
Florendo said he can no longer be sanctioned because Senator Santiago, a member of the Bar, used in her
he was already pardoned. speech and its effect on the administration of
justice. To the Court, the lady senator has
ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Florendo is correct. undoubtedly crossed the limits of decency and good
professional conduct. It is at once apparent that her
HELD: No. A petition for suspension or disbarment of statements in question were intemperate and highly
a lawyer is a sui generis case. This class of cases is improper in substance. To reiterate, she was quoted
meant to protect the public and the courts of as stating that she wanted “to spit on the face of Chief
undesirable members of the legal profession. As such, Justice Artemio Panganiban and his cohorts in the
pardon by the offended party of the act complained Supreme Court,” and calling the Court a “Supreme
of does not operate to offset the ground for Court of idiots.”
disbarment or suspension. Florendo’s act of having an
affair with his client’s wife manifested his disrespect The offensive and disrespectful words of the lady
for the laws on the sanctity of marriage and his own senator were as follows:
marital vow of fidelity. It showed his utmost moral
depravity and low regard for the ethics of his “x x x I am not angry. I am irate. I am foaming in the
profession. He violated the trust reposed upon him by mouth. I am homicidal. I am suicidal. I am humiliated,
his client (Canon 17, Code of Professional debased, degraded. And I am not only that, I feel like
Responsibility). His illicit relationship with Ma. Elena throwing up to be living my middle years in a country
amounts to a disgraceful and grossly immoral conduct of this nature. I am nauseated. I spit on the face of
warranting disciplinary action. Section 27, Rule 138 of Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban and his cohorts in
the Rules of Court provides that an attorney may be the Supreme Court, I am no longer interested in the
disbarred or suspended from his office for any deceit, position [of Chief Justice] if I was to be surrounded by
malpractice, or other gross misconduct in idiots. I would rather be in another environment but
office, grossly immoral conduct, among others. It not in the Supreme Court of idiots x x x.”
cannot be also said, as he claims, that their
relationship is merely a moment of indiscretion ISSUE: WON Santiago is liable.
considering that their affair went on for more than
two years. Florendo was suspended for 6 months. HELD:
No lawyer who has taken an oath to maintain the
ANTERO J. POBRE vs. Sen. MIRIAM DEFENSOR- respect due to the courts should be allowed to erode
SANTIAGO, A.C. No. 7399, August 25, 2009, the people’s faith in the judiciary. The Court stated
that in this case, the lady senator clearly violated
the Philippine Supreme Court dismissed the letter- Canon 8, Rule 8.01 and Canon 11 of the Code of
complaint of Antero J. Pobre against Senator/Atty. Professional Responsibility, which respectively
Miriam Defensor-Santiago, conformably to Art. VI, provide:
Sec. 11 of the Constitution, but castigated, so to
speak, the feisty and aggressive, if not foul-mouth, "Canon 8, Rule 8.01.––A lawyer shall not, in his
respondent lady senator for using what I would call professional dealings, use language which is abusive,
intemperate and hate-filled language in a privilege offensive or otherwise improper.
speech she had delivered before the Philippine
Senate which was directed against the Philippine "Canon 11.––A lawyer shall observe and maintain the
Supreme Court Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban and respect due to the courts and to the judicial officers
the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC). and should insist on similar conduct by others."

The JBC had previously rejected her nomination as A lawyer is an officer of the courts; he is, “like the
Chief Justice of the Philippine Supreme Court. court itself, an instrument or agency to advance the
ends of justice.” His duty is to uphold the dignity and
authority of the courts to which he owes fidelity, “not as Busmentes collaborating counsel. Noe-
to promote distrust in the administration of justice.” Lacsamanaalleged that upon verification with this
Faith in the courts, a lawyer should seek to preserve. Court and the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, she
For, to undermine the judicial edifice “is disastrous to discovered that DelaRosa was not a lawyer.
the continuity of government and to the attainment
of the liberties of the people.” Thus has it been said Busmente alleged that Dela Rosa was a law graduate
of a lawyer that “[a]s an officer of the court, it is his and was his paralegal assistant for a few
sworn and moral duty to help build and not destroy years. Busmentealleged that Dela Rosas employment
unnecessarily that high esteem and regard towards with him ended in 2000 but Dela Rosa was able to
the courts so essential to the proper administration of continue misrepresenting herself as a lawyer with the
of Regine Macasieb (Macasieb), Busmentes former
secretary. Busmente alleged that he did not
The Court in a subtle way criticized the Senate itself
represent Ulaso in Civil Case No. 9284 and that his
for neglecting its duty to discipline the respondent signature in the Answer1presented as proof by Noe-
senator for her offensive language. The Rules of the Lacsamana was forged.
Senate itself contains a provision on Unparliamentary
Acts and Language that enjoins a Senator from using, The Issue
under any circumstance, “offensive or improper
language against another Senator or against any
The issue in this case is whether Busmente is guilty of
public institution.” But as to Senator Santiago’s
directly or indirectly assisting Dela Rosa in her illegal
unparliamentary remarks, the Senate President had practice of law that warrants his suspension from the
not apparently called her to order, let alone referred practice of law.
the matter to the Senate Ethics Committee for
appropriate disciplinary action, as the Rules dictates The Ruling of this Court
under such circumstance. The lady senator clearly
violated the rules of her own chamber. It is
Canon 9 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
unfortunate that her peers bent backwards and
avoided imposing their own rules on her.
Canon 9. A lawyer shall not, directly or
Noe lacsamana vs bustamante
indirectly, assist in the unauthorized practice
The Antecedent Facts of law.

Noe-Lacsamana alleged in her complaint that she was The Court ruled that the term practice of law implies
the counsel for Irene Bides, the plaintiff in Civil Case customarily or habitually holding oneself out to the
No. SCA-2481 before the Regional Trial Court of public as a lawyer for compensation as a source of
Pasig City, Branch 167, while Busmente was the livelihood or in consideration of his services.5 The
counsel for the defendant Imelda Court further ruled that holding ones self out as a
B. Ulaso (Ulaso). Noe-Lacsamana alleged lawyer may be shown by acts indicative of that
that Ulasos deed of sale over the property subject of purpose, such as identifying oneself as attorney,
Civil Case No. SCA-2481 was annulled, which appearing in court in representation of a client, or
resulted in the filing of an ejectment case before the associating oneself as a partner of a law office for the
Metropolitan Trial Court (MTC), San Juan, docketed general practice of law.6
as Civil Case No. 9284, where Busmente appeared as
counsel. Another case for falsification was filed
against Ulaso where Busmente also appeared as Khan vs. Simbillo, A.C No. 5299, August 19, 2003
counsel. Noe-Lacsamana alleged that one Atty.
Elizabeth Dela Rosa or Atty. Liza Dela Rosa FACTS:
(Dela Rosa) would accompany Ulaso in court,
projecting herself as Busmentes collaborating A paid advertisement in the Philippine Daily Inquirer
counsel. Dela Rosa signed the minutes of the court was published which reads:“Annulment of Marriage
proceedings in Civil Case No. 9284 nine times from Specialist [contact number]”. Espeleta, a staff of the
25 November 2003 to 8 February 2005. Noe- Supreme Court, called up the number but it was Mrs.
Lacsamana further alleged that the court orders and Simbillo who answered. She claims that her husband,
notices specified Dela Rosa
Atty. Simbillo was an expert in handling annulment perjured. He threatened Atty. Linsangan that if said
cases and can guarantee a court decree within 4- affidavit is submitted in court, they shall file a
6mos provided thecase will not involve separation of disbarment case against him. The affidavit was filed
property and custody of children. It appears that and so Risma and Narido filed an administrative case
similar advertisements were also published.An against Linsangan.
administrative complaint was filed which was Linsangan on the other hand filed a separate
referred to the IBP for investigation and administrative case against Risma where he accused
recommendation. The IBP resolved to suspend Atty. Risma of instigating his client to file an administrative
Simbillo for 1year. Note that although the name of case against him; that said administrative case is
Atty. Simbillo did not appear in the advertisement, groundless; that it was only filed to spite him and is
he admitted the acts imputed against him but argued just a mere scheme to threaten him and to ensure
that he should not be charged. He said that it was that Risma and Narido has an edge over the labor
time to lift the absolute prohibition against case.
advertisement because the interest of the public isn’t
served in any wayby the prohibition. ISSUE: Whether or not both administrative cases
should prosper.
ISSUE: Whether or not Simbillo violated Rule2.03 &
Rule3.01. HELD: No. The Supreme Court adopted the findings
of the Solicitor General where it was recommended
HELD: that both administrative cases are not well merited.
Yes! The practice of law is not a business --- it is a In the administrative case against Linsangan, it was
profession in which the primary duty is public service found out that there is no sufficient evidence to prove
and money. Gaining livelihood is a secondary that De Dios’ affidavit is perjured. Or if even so, there
consideration while duty to public service and is no showing that Linsangan was in bad faith for it
administration of justice should be primary. Lawyers was not proven that he has the intention of
should subordinate their primary interest.Worse, misleading the court.
advertising himself as an “annulment of marriage In the administrative case against Risma, it was not
specialist” he erodes and undermines the sanctity of proven that he instigated Narido. It was Risma’s zeal
an institution still considered as sacrosanct --- he in in protecting his client’s interest that made him to
fact encourages people otherwise disinclined to convince Narido to file an administrative case against
dissolve their marriage bond.Solicitation of business Linsangan. There was no bad faith on the part of
is not altogether proscribed but for it to be proper it Risma. He even advanced the expenses because
must be compatible with the dignity of the legal Narido is indigent.
profession. Note that the law list where the lawyer’s HOWEVER, it was found that Risma made an
name appears must be a reputable law list only for arrangement with Narido that he shall collect 15%
that purpose --- a lawyer may not properly publish in from whatever amount they shall collect from De
a daily paper, magazine…etc., nor may a lawyer Dios as a result of the labor case. Risma was
permit his name to be published the contents of admonished for this; that under the Workmen’s
which are likely to deceive or injure the public or the Compensation Act, he’s only allowed to collect a
bar. maximum of 10%. He’s advised to keep abreast of
said law.
Flora Narido vs Atty. Jaime Linsangan

58 SCRA 85 – Legal Ethics – Mutual Bickering Between

Opposing Counsels

This case arose from a labor dispute where Atty.

Rufino Risma represented Flora Narido, an indigent
client against her employer Vergel De Dios, the client
of Atty. Jaime Linsangan. During the proceedings in
the trial court, Atty. Risma vehemently opposed the
submission of a certain affidavit executed by De Dios
because, in the belief of Risma, said affidavit is

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