Internal Processes and Information Systems

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1. How are the videos and the article related?

The videos and the article show the relation between art and people's lives.
The videos display how art can influence the society and the article talks about a
man how did not appreciate the beautiful things in life.

2. According the the Aesthetics: What Is It Good For? video - what are some
functions of art? According the Aristotle, what is catharsis?
Art is considered an escape from life, a distraction. It alters the idea that
people have of the world and their interaction with it. Art also encourages morality
According to Aristotle, catharsis is the emotional purge that comes with the
experience of negatives feelings caused by the view of a tragedy.

3. What are the views of autonomists? What are the views of aesthetic moralists?
Autonomists consider art and morality separate. According to them, a work
of art is invulnerable to morality and artists have a false concept of morality.
Oppositely, aesthetic moralists state that art and morality are related. Any artistic
work expressing immorality goes against their beliefs.

.....that the rational part of the soul should always predominate. They state
that art helps people to think with the spiritual and emotional part of an
individual's soul, and it chooses the imaginary as it was real.
.....affirm that people's bodies need to feel different types of emotions to
have an equilibrated life.

4. Define some of the ways that art adds value to life, and discuss a few of the various
ways that creativity has positively shaped society.

Art forms part of our culture and every day we presence its manifestation in
various ways. Art provokes different emotions on us, something that makes us feel
alive. We can experience it while listening to music, dancing, and appreciating a
work of art.

Without creativity, we would not be humans. Creativity provides more

energy and a better state of mind that challenges society to see new opportunities
and possibilities. As a consequence, people success in different phases of their
lives, they achieve a higher education, success in their businesses, or become
entrepreneurs to help the rest of the world and themselves.
1. The videos and the article show the relation between art and people's lives. The
videos display how art can influence the society and the article talks about a man how
did not appreciate the beautiful things in life.

2. Art is considered an escape from life, a distraction. It alters the idea that people have
of the world and their interaction with it. Art also can help you be moral or encourage

According to Aristotle, catharsis is the emotional purge that comes with the
experience of negatives feelings caused by the view of a tragedy.

3. Autonomists consider art and morality separate. According to them, a work of art is
invulnerable to morality and artists have a false concept of morality. Oppositely,
aesthetic moralists state that art and morality are related. Any artistic work expressing
immorality goes against their beliefs.

4. Art forms part of our culture and every day we presence its manifestation in various
ways. Art provokes different emotions on us, something that makes us feel alive. We
can experience it while listening to music, dancing, and appreciating a work of art.

Without creativity, we would not be humans. Creativity provides more energy and a
better state of mind that challenges society to see new opportunities and possibilities.
As a consequence, people success in different phases of their lives, they achieve a
higher education. success in their businesses, or become entrepreneurs to help the rest
of the world and themselves.

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