Spread Eagle.: "While You Li Live Well." R) E.VC:YT'E.:E) Tfie E) F Aqd Poetry
Spread Eagle.: "While You Li Live Well." R) E.VC:YT'E.:E) Tfie E) F Aqd Poetry
Spread Eagle.: "While You Li Live Well." R) E.VC:YT'E.:E) Tfie E) F Aqd Poetry
Vol. 1, No.1. Sanitarium, Battle Creek, 1 ich., February 25, 1888. Price 10 Cents. Per Copy.
\VHEN THE FINAL END 'VILL life but the scalpel. "h ·l!o'' fellow who makes use of this in- KILLING TUIE.
COl\IE. The Drs. skillfully removed the organ shvment.
of combativeness, inserted in its place
As the Spread Eagle soars far above all "You must learn to kill time," says Mr
one of approbativeness, took several
By Emma Train. m ney making schemee, we will pay each Carlyale, "or time will kill you." The
stitches out of the medula oblongata, eubscriber a dollar for his name and the question is, -how can this be dune? The
When we have learned the laws divine, which was found to be shirred, and put beet looking on&s shall be presented with most successful plan is always to have a
In every blade that grows; a few stitches in the central ganglia a (!bromo.
When we have caught the truths that shine big job on hand, with "million~ in it" ~nd
From every star that glows which had been cut on the bias, after no time for visitors I There IS nothing
We would respectfully call the atten- like a boom, individually, to drown the
When we have counted every grain which strict seclusion and silence were
tioo of our subscribers to the artistic il- sound of the hammer of the clock.-
Of s&nd on every shore; enjoined for tour weeks, which expired luotration on the first page of the Spread Give time no chance to talk-doctor it
When all the links in lif~'s Vl\llt chain this morning. The great mental strain
Eallle. It gives us great pleasure to yourselt. Let the world know you are on
We've counted rightly o'er;
caused loss of memory, and when we ques- deck; and propoae to run a b~g sail,
When we have roamed the depths of space tioned the paper, we learned the sad truth st£\te that we have secured the services of against wind and wave, and you will nev-
And named each glowing sun th'll distinguished ''sketch artist", Z. Q. er hear the call of the hour.-It is those
And found each planet in its place that it had forgotten its name and could Df'nnis of Cincinnati, and that from who have nothing to do, or think th~y
Since time its rounds have run; no* remember where itl!l former dress had tin1e to time we will be able to give our can do nothing, that fe~l time a b?rden.
\vhen we have followed back the thread been stored. But bemg very patriotic, it . , . . '. . be greatest trouble with people IS that
Through centuries untold, h ht · ld l'k t b 11 d th fnenda sketches of the Samtarmm that thev don't think half enough of themselves
Unwound the mysteries long fled t oug It wou 1 e o e ca e e will be true to life and twice as natural. There is a bonanza just in front of you!
And named the strar.ds of gold; Eagle, and, having the largest circulation . Gc for it-and you will forget it-time,
w~th its" doJefn\ tales an~ difeea-;~nd
h f
we av~ _oun , e m1g Y
- th
~re-.::rro:· .:.. i l l g-t5v rq
· ht source of any paper in the world, we decided"1'to
, . • i Ll _ • " ~-r "~ ,., , _
~~ . t ... <>-n ~ - ...;i. ep ~ ,,. ~v .., rv . ~· · '
rom whence have 'started on their course water supply being short, we did not have I - · - - - - - which flesh is hPir to- will not be felt or
The worlds that round us roll; it christened so that the name can yet b 1
heard in the din and bustle of your
d . •• his momtntous question has taxed the aroused energies.
When we have solved the problems deep '
Of one immortal life; chanr~d should our patrons esue, And gigantic intellect of present and past gen-
And learned to read the mystic sleep now with a new name, and new dreaR, erations to their utmost limit. JUST TRY IT.
That quiets all its strife; which latter is made after the Jeness- Students have consumed midnight oil,
yet their labors have been rewarded only
When we have gathered up the tears Miller- Mother- Hubbard combination by the discovery of gum in the lampwick.
That fell through earth's long night, style, we make our llow. G rrespondence on the subject has fail- Bj Laura C. B.t+
When human hopes, and human fears We exceedingly regret what we are ob- ed to develope gum enough to stick the We think that the San. is a very nice place
Wera lost to angel sight; envelope,- the weary correspondent
When we have learned to legislate liged to do with one copy of the Spread throws up his hands in despair and ex- To cure all the ai'ments of body or face,
In God's eternal halls Eagle this evening. We hadfuliyir:tend- claims ''Devel(ope) take the envelope!" We'll tr~at you so well, you'll feel like a
And caught the measnr~ and the weight ed to h~ve a hundred and fifty thousand newman
mhe Postmaster General in answer to If you'll. do as you're told, while you
Of every truth that falls; copies printed on the New Riley general inquiry condescends to elucidate stay at the San.
When thought's sublimest heights are ours Electric Press, but on our way to the in t"rms general and emphatic as follows:
"Enclose stamp for reply." If you've lost your ambitio~, got a spell
With all the light supreme; preas room, we encountered that small The girl whose composition sujol'gests of the blues,
When we have gained life's fullest powers
And dreamed its grandest dreams; black individual without whom a print- the delicate tint of strawberry blonde, Can't breathe as you ought, or wear
When we are sta.Jlding band in ha11d ing office would be incomplete, who in and whose heredity has tended in the di- too tight shoes
all infinity · his mad haste pied the form and i!ent the rect ion of red-head-ity chews gum care- You'll hear sqme good talk on the natur-
With fully culled from the billows ol the.Red al plan,
With every truth at our command,·- type all flying into the place where pied Sea. And we'll give you some "grits'' if you'll
The final end will be!
type always goes. As pie is a scarcity in 'I'he girl with Auburn tresses and flaxen come to the Saa.
EDITORIAL. this institution, there was a general rush bang, bangs the door as she chews her For, we've lots of good doctors to aid he11,
favorite brand of Rmber imported from
made by the office hands to get a piece the south shore of the Baltic, a sure cure in this,
After weary weeks of silen0e, we are and in about three second!! after the acci- for al}.tic-doloreaux. Tho' it may be a bone, or a muscle you'll
at last able to resume the publication of dent not an individual type could be ' ue girl with nut-brown curls chews
gu.u secreted by the butternut tree. She ou, whatever the plan
our society journal. L etters, telegrams found. However, Dr. Kellogg has given mu~h butternut at the Samtarium where egret that you came
and t elephones have been pouring into tlie peremptory orders that no other form chP·tnuts lil;e cheap.
offic~ daily, asking the cause of th pa- shall bt~ pied in this society, Pven if our 'Ihe girl with raven Jocks chews R'Um --- ··------,.
per's non-appearance, but the heart of printing offic~ wns to lose its devil. We manufactured out of sedim. nt from ink-
bot .les still ht'r admirers persist in •·raven"
the paper was too full for utterance and have purchased, at great expense, the ab•mt her beauty.
they have remained unanswered till the sole use of Profeesor Rlley and Edison's '.L1ey all do it. But why do they do it? It is understood that Dr. Kellogg is
present t me. It, become~ our sad duty new elevated electric railway by which Ag11 n W~< ask why do girls ch~w gum? experimenting and hopes soon to discover
to explain why the paper suspended pub- the South Sea Island subsnribers and Bui this time we ask ~ot) a miss. the germ producing the fatal malady of
in p rison for blackmail an~ libel. His the folding room. A private telephone choose gum.
sad fate so grieved the paper that it from our office will connect with every
Evbry premonitory prompting of a glo-
lication. It was devotedly attached to those who summer at the North Pole can rions past leads up to the meritable con- "spooneying". In the meantime, cloee
its late editor, who is now languishing have our paper three hours after it leaves clusion that girls chew gum because they confinement is suggested, as the malady
is so catching. ,
wept its "Voice" away and its brain be- city in the world, and at any time you "Good gracious" said an antiquated ThPre is a balm for Hery pain" aayi the
came paralyzed. A consulta ion with the can call us up and get the latest news Mi the ot httr evening, as she watched Dr. poet. We wonder if the balm referred to
Sanitarium M. D's. r ,sultt'd in the unan from everywhere. To encourage enter- Ri t y's magic wand waving gracefully was hot fomentations, or whether as a
oY th head of a handsome young wid- quick and effectual cure for existing ills,
imous conclusion that it must be sent prise and the dissemination of thought ow 'bow I wish that 'sparking machine a bomb of a more explosive nature was
to the ward, as nothing would save its we will pay a small premium to every had een in use thirty years ago." recommended.
November that a certain man, one o{ the the Queen, London.l whom we are in no wise afraid. Did we Have made our society a holiday fete. ***
a husband yonng enough to adopt so
patients at the Sanit~rium,_ ha:ving no~h --. "~~ 1~ ::..'co~ 1 The dl'bctte o[ tho .Liternry Society on that she can educate him to her taste accept? Will a duck swim? Well I
should say we did accept. After two T is for Tucker our singer and preacher, Domingo An American tourist said that a San
ing to'do and a hard time d.omg It. concmv- '~ g .1 -::: Sahmlay evening was a most in teresting consists of "a few
and mould his opinions to her will. He In our musical soiree~; IJe's our princi- yell~, threerevolution
. ~.~/I ,
r~~'. ' l~--
". one. 'l'h~. l!uestion . Res~~h~rl: ----: That
ed the idea. of forming a literary society ,r_~ ~ ~ months of Sanitarium diet we feel "fresh",
from among the patients. Immediately
he rushed into the Doctor's office and
@rQ!~1 ~~
J:&~ .~ ~
the eundJtlOU or Gr.E'ut Bntm.n I'OillLS to
Victom as t.ho last rr>ig-nin~ Soveng-n,
mnst hav · blue eyes and light hair b" of
an impulsive nHturP, and onP who' doe 8
not object to chewing gum himst>Jf to
and although we get into ao occcsional
pickle we still feel an indescribable long-
pal featun•.
U i. for us poor eJitors we,
or four hoots, some one acci·
dentally wounded, and come bome, darling
-all is forgiven.
found Drs. Riley and Dunlap to whom "-'L/\ . ~ /, ~ l~-~-'1' t ~
oiJJ I waR discussetl Huly on both sH 1es. I<'. A. keep her eompany. One with a decided ing for the ice cream and cake which the
announcemant of a wedding always sug-
\)jho in this kind of work are entirely
he impaded the new idea, whereupon ~~ .._. ' 1
~ Dean ;1n<l A. Harbaugh for the uffirma- Gav., Him Smulay for a ' Holiday.
\ ~"~" ~ -...J '<-1' "' • ~ tive, :mtl E. M. Ahlnch ;mel C. Van Hag- mnaical taste preferred. As said widow .Jtt sea.
• \ 1
~i 1\ ~' ~]{~~~
they both shouted "Eurekil"! From , 1 1s now being treatPd for being too hilar- gests. "Wlly were you not at the o1llcc yester·
them he went straightway to Dr and l\lrs. / · ':! \ I en fo,· the Ilt'gahve The points of dis- ious. she thinks the above dcscribPd hus-
Altboullh we were there long beforA Would you believe u man c01lld make V-is von HagaN, our heavy weight man day1 " questioned an employer of his cklr.ll
Place, both or whom at once s:I.id "It is It ~. ~ ~ \..~ ~ •. ,~~''/.'\ m1ssion on th' all'irmative werE>,-from band would do the hilarity act for 1ier
the appointed time, we found Centennial such headway in so short a time? Great Whose healthful appearance is a card as he entered his o1llce on Tuesday after
would run itself. The machinery must Eagle, Saturday, Feb. 25th. popularity of royalty in England. On moustache and brown eyes. If this the trumpet soundPd. Silence followed ing on wood,
be put in motion and as two were better the nega• ive sidE' Mr. Aldrich arguPd that should not meet the gaze of such an indi- that long loud toot! Every body's heart less that everybody has to resort to the A few weeks more here, and we think day of J:tnuary." ------
than one to start the machine so the man the irumPnso British debt wouM bolJ the vidual a different looking person might excet>t thab of the Spread Eagle's editor newspaper if they want to be well posted. that we could. A Hopeful Irishman.
began to look arotmd among th~ patients ''Wall:!tranger what's thn matter with people together antl that they were not (who Hat facing the audience) seemed put We looked the package over and takin~ Irish convict's letter to his wife: "Dear
apl?lY with a reasonable hope of success. p1ty on Uncle Sam's hard worked clerks, Y is for you, deu friends one and all.
for some one to whom he could coufide you? Look likt~'s though yor hfld dropsv ?" disposed to become a Republic. Mr. Von Bemg out of her teens, shA is no Spring on the spinal column the wrong way, so Mary. This is to let you know I am well
!!tamped him with a new one cent stamp, Wh~>n we make our bow, we ask no re-
his project. He was not long in finding ·'Well you SPO the doctors consulted Hagen hehl that there is no chance of chicken, and wants no foolishness. Only e~ger w... re they to get a peep at the bride. and hope to see you before very long. l've
about my case when I came and eflcb pre- such a change, and that to make such a The Salva ion band struck up the wed- and sent him away As ht~ bas .not re- call. been sentenced for the term of my natural
the right man. There was a right Sll.lart persons meaning business need apply·
young man from Dakota in the law and
loan business and to him he imparted the
scribed 2 glasses of bot water before e: ch change would be considered as improba
meal and there were five doctors but 'm ble by the political leadPrs as to import
afraid ten glass are nine too many.
Send photograph, specimen poem and ao-
cnrate bank account to Miss M., this
ding march, when there came the lively
tread of many ft>et makini us think of
marching through Georgia, a very ecstat-
turned we hope he has been received all
right by his mother to whom be was di-
Z is Zo-ot-a-mist, Dr. Kellogg's one, sure life, but as they allow their prisoners one-
have given you now, all the trash third time for good behavior, you see I 0&11
lyou'll endnri, soon earn my freedom."
new idea and he was overjoyed when he a foreign Prince to rule this country.