Nandan Acarya

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or twenty times He asked this question.

In the dress
of a maha avadhuta He appeared extremely formidable. In
NANDANA ACARYA fact I don't think that I have seen anywhere before anyone
as powerful as He. Seeing Him, I felt very much awed and
Nandana Acarya saw the best of the Maha- so I inquired: "May I know something of Your
Bhagavatas standing before him, His bodily effulgence distinguished and illustrious self?" Then He laughed and
shining like the rays of the sun. Dressed in the garb of an replied, "I am Your brother. We will make each others
avadhuta, His body appeared very large, like the trunk of a acquaintance tomorrow." When I heard these words, My
great tree. He was continuously and intensely absorbed in happiness increased even further. I even began to forget
a very grave mood and appeared very serene and calm. He my own existence, feeling that I had become the same as
incessantly repeated the name of Krsna and thus it is this wonderful visitor."
understood that he is the other, one without a second, While speaking of His dream, Prabhu's external
abode of Caitanya. In other words it is he who reveals consciousness retreated far away and He began to roar
Lord Caitanya to the inhabitants of the three worlds. very loudly again and again, totally imbued with the mood
Occasionally he would roar very loudly while and manner of Sri Haladhara.
experiencing ecstatic love within Himself. He appeared to "Bring me my wine, bring me liquor!", called
be highly intoxicated like Balarama Himself. His lotus Prabhu. His menacing shouts were almost enough to
face was so captivating that it stole the mind away, a shatter one's eardrums. Srivasa tried to pacify Him, "Hear
beauty which defeated ten million moons. His charming me Gosai! The liquor that you want is just by Your side.
smile, which plays on His lips, gives life to this otherwise Whatever You wish to distribute to someone, he will easily
dead and dying world. The rays of light, which shine from obtain that." The devotees retreated to some distance, their
His teeth, defeat the splendour of pearls. And His wide, bodies trembling with fear, while they simply gazed with
reddish eyes, the colour of the eastern sky in the early wide open eyes upon what was happening. In their minds,
morning, enhance the radiance of His lotus face. His arms the devotees considered, "There must be some explanation
extend down to His knees and His chest is raised and for all this!
erect. Though His lotus feet are very soft, He is a very Prabhu continued to storm in a rage, his eyes
accomplished traveller. Bestowing His mercy on everyone, shining like the morning sky during th sunrise. His gait
He makes them completely satisfied. Simply by hearing was unsteady, as He laughed to Himself. Truly He
His sweet words one becomes free from the bondage of his appeared just like Sankarsana.
material activities. After a few moments however, Prabhu again
Nityananda Raya has now come to Nadiya pur appeared situated in His normal self. Then Murari Gupta
and so the whole world raises an uproar with loud cries of began to explain Prabhus dream according to his
joy. Who is there, who is formidable enough, to pronounce interpretation. "To me it appears that some Mahapurusa
His glories? He who broke the sannyasa staff of Sri has come here (to Nadia). Prabhu exclaimed, "I already
Gauranga. The whole universe is purified by uttering the told you that much. I asked you all where that distin-
name of Him, who delivered so many fallen fools and guished person is, whom I am destined to meet. Go Hari
merchants. Thus Nandana Acarya was very delighted to dasa! Go Srivasa Pandita! Go and look everywhere to see
have such a person in his home and so he kept Him there if anyone has recently arrived here."
and served Him to the best of his ability. Whomsoever Thus these two stalwart Mahabhagavata
hears of the arrival of Sri Nityananda Candra in devotees, in accordance with the order of the Lord, began
Navadvipa, will undoubtedly be able to procure the great to wander throughout Navadvipa, keeping their eyes open,
wealth of love of God. Boli hari jai! and their hearts filled with the joy of expectation. While
Sri Visvambhara could understand that they looked hither and thither, they remarked to each
Nityananda had arrived and this filled Him with unending other, "It is my conjecture that Lord Sankarasana Himself
happiness. He would make remarks alluding to this fact, has arrived here." Though they looked and wandered,
but no one could penetrate into the inner meaning of His - being as they were overwhelmed with ecstasy, their actual
words. "O my brothers! Within two or three days a great inquiries, which amounted only to the space of half a
Mahapurusa will come here." moment, bore no result. Finally, after wandering
On the actual day of Nityananda Prabhu's around Nadia nagara for nine hours, they returned to
arrival, the Vaisnavas happened to all come together in the Prabhu, only to report, that they had seen no one. This
morning at Sri Gauracandra's house, while He was news they submitted at the Lord's lotus feet, saying, "We
engaged in worshiping Lord Visnu. He then narrated to did not see anyone specifically possessed of any
them, "Today I saw a very wonderful dream. A chariot, uncommon attributes. Though we looked in the homes of
decorated with a flag on which was emblazoned the everyone, be they Vaisnava, Sannyasi's, householders, or
insignia of a palm tree, came and stopped before my door. even the infidels. As far as Navadvipa goes, we have
I could understand that this chariot had come to give looked everywhere. The only places we were not able to
substance to this otherwise meaningless world. search, are in the nearby villages.
Seated upon that chariot, was a very powerful Sri Gauracandra simply laughed at hearing their
looking personality, carrying a great plough on His report. By some artifice, He now began to intimate
shoulder. He appeared to be restless. In His left hand, He something of the mysterious and esoteric position of
carried a cane, to which was tied his waterpot. He wore Nityananda. During this incarnation, some people sing the
blue cloth on his head, as well as the other parts of His glories of Sri Gauracandra, but when they hear mention of
body. In his left ear hung a very dazzling earring. I the name Nityananda, they get up and run away. However,
thought that His mood and manners exactly resembled this is likened unto those who worship Govinda, but who
those of Sri Haladhara. Then that wonderful personality have no regard for Lord Sankara. Due to this sin, many
inquired, "Is this the house of Nimai Pandita?" At least ten

will have to go to the house of Yamaraja. The incarnation
of Lord Nityananda is a treasure house of many profound
and concealed secrets. Only those who have been shown
these mysteries, by Sri Caitanya, are able to penetrate their
hidden meaning. However, those who, without proper
understanding criticise Nityananda Prabhu's unfathomable
character, though they may even possess some devotion to
Lord Visnu, must nevertheless meet with many im-
pediments and hindrances. Srivasa, and the other devotees
are perfectly conversant with all of the truths regarding
Him. It was only part of the pastime of the Lord, that they
were not able to find Him.
After a few moments, Prabhu smiled and told
them: "Come along with Me, and I will show you were He
is." So it was that with great exultation the devotees set
out with Mahaprabhu all the while raising a hue and cry
of "Jaya Krsna!" Sri Gaurasundara took them directly to
Nandana Acarya's house, wherein He Himself
immediately entered. There was seated a very high souled
and saintly person, appearing like a valuable gem stone,
and who appeared to those present as the simultaneous
presence of ten million suns. His imperceptible absorption
in devotional service, was beyond understanding.
Totally absorbed in the object of His meditation,
His lotus face displayed a perpetual smile. Through union
in devotion, Nityananda could understand that His Prabhu
had arrived. And thus He offered His salutations to the
Lord along with all of His associates. All of the devotees
remained standing in order to show proper respect, as they
all remained perfectly silent, while simply taking in this
scene through their eyes. Mahaprabhu, Visvambhara
remained in front, having recognised Nityananda, the
Lord of His life.
The form of Sri Visvambhara is like that of
Cupid himself, adorned with heavenly scented flower
garlands and first class clothes, which are very light and
soft to the touch. What is the effulgence of gold compared
to the radiance emanating from His body? By seeing His
beautiful face the moon himself develops a longing for
such beauty. The captivating and enchanting forms of Sri
Gauranga-Nityananda Raya literally steal ones mind away.
As they wander throughout the town of Nadia, in the
company of their devoted followers. Simply by seeing the
radiance emanating from their teeth one forgets about the
value of pearls. And by seeing their beautiful locks of hair,
bound with strings of pearls, one loses his consciousness
all together, and falls into a swoon.
By seeing their wide expanded eyes, one can
think only of lotus flowers. Their hands extending down to
their knees, with their chest highly raised, and decorated
with very fine strands of white thread (i.e. brahman
threads). Their foreheads were decorated with beautiful
lines of tilaka and though Their bodily limbs are
unadorned by ornaments, still they appear very attractive.
Simply by seeing the radiance emanating from the nails of
Their lotus feet, one forgets entirely about the splendour of
tens of millions of jewels. By seeing the laughter which
emanates from Their lotus faces, one forgets all about the
qualities of nectar.
Thus Vrndavana dasa sings of the lotus feet of
Sri Krsna Caitanya and Nityananda Candra, who are his
life and soul.

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