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Article ID: WMC004708 ISSN 2046-1690

"Simplifying designing of a cast partial denture in

Kennedy class 1 partial edentulous situation to
enhance its self-cleansing ability"
Peer review status:

Corresponding Author:
Dr. Khurshid Mattoo,
Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics, College of Dental sciences, Hayal Mathar, 13004 - Saudi Arabia

Submitting Author:
Dr. Khurshid Mattoo,
Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics, College of Dental sciences, Hayal Mathar, 13004 - Saudi Arabia

Other Authors:
Dr. Amit Sivach,
Lecturer, Department of prosthodontics, Kalka dental college, Meerut\nUttar Pradesh, 250005 - India

Article ID: WMC004708

Article Type: Case Report
Submitted on:29-Sep-2014, 06:12:25 PM GMT Published on: 30-Sep-2014, 06:06:40 AM GMT
Article URL:
Subject Categories:DENTISTRY
Keywords:Dental surveyor, undercut, oral hygiene, direct retainer, prosthodontics, clasp
How to cite the article:Sivach A, Mattoo K. "Simplifying designing of a cast partial denture in Kennedy class 1
partial edentulous situation to enhance its self-cleansing ability". WebmedCentral DENTISTRY
Copyright: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License(CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
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"Simplifying designing of a cast partial denture in

Kennedy class 1 partial edentulous situation to
enhance its self-cleansing ability"
Author(s): Sivach A, Mattoo K

Abstract simplified conventional design.

Case Report(s)
Removable partial dentures in the form of a cast
partial denture are becoming extinct as a treatment An adult male patient aged 38 years, came to the
option for patients who cannot receive a fixed department of Prosthodontics of Subharti University
prosthesis. In most of the cases where a fixed with chief complaint of inability to masticate since the
prosthesis is not indicated, they are still the treatment loss of his maxillary posterior right sided teeth. Medical
of choice especially in medically compromised patients. history revealed that the patient was hypertensive and
However, most of the patients are reluctant to wear was taking medicines regularly as advised. Dental
because of the maintenance associated with them. history recorded a loss of maxillary right side first and
Making a complex designed cast partial denture does second molar and left side second molar due to caries.
not solve the problem but rather complicates it. A cast Social, drug and history of habits was not significant.
partial denture design should be kept simple. When Extra oral functional examination disclosed a low high
kept simple, the prosthesis in itself becomes lip line (smiling line). Intra oral examination revealed a
self-cleanable. This article describes a simple design Kennedy class 1 situation with missing first molar on
for Kennedy class I partial edentulous situation that the left side and missing second molars on both sides
would keep the prosthesis self-cleansing. (Fig.1). Wear facets in relation to posterior teeth were
Introduction present with loss of anterior guidance in relation to
maxillary and mandibular canines. Diagnosis and
treatment plan was done after radiographic
investigations and a diagnostic mounting on a semi
With more than 65,000 possible combinations of
adjustable articulator. After presenting different
partial edentulous situations in either of the dentulous
treatment options, the patient opted for a cast partial
arches, the focus of attention in the field of cast partial
denture in relation to maxillary arch.
denture has been its classification with less emphasis
on the treatment outcomes. With advances in the field Primary cast obtained for diagnostic evaluation was
of fixed partial dentures and implant supported surveyed on a dental cast surveyor and four principal
prosthodontics, the field of partial removable factors were evaluated, namely the path of insertion
prosthodontics has suffered both in research as well and removal, esthetics, interferences and guiding
application. However, there are situations, when planes. Mouth preparations were then done in the
financial, systemic or local conditions preclude the use next appointment following which final impressions
of fixed Prosthodontics. 2 In such cases a well - were made using different consistencies of Addition
designed removable partial denture (RPD) can be an polyvinyl siloxane material (Reprosil, Dentsply/Caulk;
excellent treatment alternative. 3, 4 Milford, DE, USA) on a special tray. The metal
framework for the RPD was then tried in the patient’s
One of the drawbacks of an RPD that prevents its use
mouth following which the denture base and the
by patients is the change it induces in the quality and
artificial teeth were attached to the RPD (Fig. 2 and 3).
quantity of plaque. 5 - 7 many studies have been
The patient was put on a strict follow up protocol for a
conducted that have shown the effects of RPD on
period 3 months during which he adapted well to the
dental plaque. Some of these studies have concluded
that approach to designing of a cast partial denture
should be kept simple without compromising the Discussion
principles of RPD designing. 8 -12 this article in the form
of a clinical case report presents a patient with a
Kennedy class I situation successfully managed with a Planning of direct retainers with available and

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non-available undercuts that would place the retentive partial dentures supported by blade-vent implants
arms in most esthetic location was done first, followed and removable partial dentures. Part IV:
Comparisons of patient satisfaction between two
by support and reciprocation. Use of functional treatment modalities. J Prosthet Dent 1991;
impression that would compound the indirect retention 66:517–530.
was then planned, followed by the design of major 5. Chamrawy E. Quantitative changes in dental
connectors. The modifications in designing included a plaque formation related to removable partial
dentures. J Oral Rehabil 1976;3:115–120.
mesially approaching simple circlet clasp in relation to
6. Chamrawy E. Qualitative changes in dental plaque
maxillary right second premolar (high lip line in the formation related to removable partial dentures. J
patient did not expose the mesial aspect of the second Oral Rehabil 1979;6:183–188.
premolar because of long maxillary lip inherent to the 7. Mihalow DM, Tinanoff N. The influence of
patient), and a similar clasp on the maxillary left first removable partial dentures on the level of
Streptococcus mutans in saliva. J Prosthet Dent
molar with reciprocal arm attached to minor connector. 1988;59:49–51.
An indirect retainer was located on the left side of the 8. Chamrawy E, Runov J. Offsetting the increased
maxillary arch on the mesial side of the first premolar plaque formation in partial denture wearers by
and major connector was simplified to a palatal type tooth brushing. J Oral Rehabil 1979;6:399–403.
with anterior borders placed 8-10 mm away from 9. Bates JF, Addy M. Partial dentures and plaque
accumulation. J Dent 1978;6:285–293.
marginal gingiva (Fig.2).
10. Addy M, Bates JF. Plaque accumulation following
Areas of concern in a Kennedy partial denture the wearing of different types of removable partial
designing that need to be self-cleansing are surfaces dentures. J Oral Rehabil 1979;6:111–117.
11. Bissada NF, Ibrahim SI, Barsoum WM. Gingival
of framework near the proximal surfaces of abutment,
response to various types of removable partial
area under the major connector and interproximal dentures. J Periodontol 1974;45:651–659.
areas. During the course of follow up, the partial 12. McHenry KR, Johansson OE, Christersson LA.
denture was evaluated at these three places to check The effect of removable partial denture framework
the efficiency of both self-cleansing ability and patient design on gingival inflammation: A clinical model.
J Prosthet Dent 1992; 68:799–03.
care, by recording denture plaque index.13
13. Jeganathan S, Chan YC. A clinically viable index
for quantifying denture plaque. Quintessence Int
Conclusion 1996; 27: 569-573.

Simple but well-designed removable partial denture is

an excellent choice for patients who cannot receive a
fixed prosthesis. Proper contours and contacts of
different components of the direct retainer and major
connector are key to incorporate self-cleansing action
of the partial denture.


1. McGivney GP, Castleberry DJ. Principles of

removable partial denture design. In: McCracken's
Removable Partial Dentures, Ed 8. St Louis:
Mosby, 1989:157–184.
2. Lil W, Solar P. Indications, diagnosis, and recall.
In: Watzek G (Ed). Endosseous Implants:
Scientific and Clinical Aspects. Chicago:
Quintessence, 1996:153–182.
3. Kapur KK. Veterans Administration cooperative
dental implant study--Comparisons between fixed
partial dentures supported by blade-vent implants
and removable partial dentures. Part III:
Comparisons of masticatory scores between two
treatment modalities. J Prosthet Dent 1991;
4. Kapur KK. Veterans Administration cooperative
dental implant study--Comparisons between fixed

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Illustration 1

Intra oral view of maxillary partially edentulous arch

Illustration 2

Cast partial framework fitted on master cast

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Illustration 3

A self cleansing cast partial denture in place

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