Dbms Mcqs

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1. The following are components of a database except ________ .

A. user data B. metadata C.reports D.indexes

2. Which of the following products was the first to implement true relational algebra
in a PC DBMS?

A.IDMS B.Oracle C. dBase-II D.R:base

3.The different classes of relations created by the technique for preventing

modification anomalies are called:

A.normal forms B. referential integrity constraints.

C.functional dependencies. D. None of the above is correct.

4. A relation is in this form if it is in BCNF and has no multivalued dependencies:

A.second normal form. B. third normal form.

C.fourth normal form. D. domain/key normal form.

5. Row is synonymous with the term:

A.record. B.relation. C.column. D. field.

6. The primary key is selected from the:

A.composite keys. B. determinants. C. candidate keys. D.

foreign keys.

7. Which of the following is a group of one or more attributes that uniquely identifies
a row?

A.Key B. Determinant C. Tuple D. Relation

8. A relation is considered a:

A.Column. B.one-dimensional table. C.two-dimensional table.

D.three-dimensional table.

9.In the relational model, relationships between relations or tables are created by

A.composite keys. B. determinants. C. candidate keys.

D. foreign keys.

10. A functional dependency is a relationship between or among:

A.tables. B. rows. C. relations. D. attributes.

11. For some relations, changing the data can have undesirable consequences
A.referential integrity constraints. B. modification anomalies.

C.normal forms. D. transitive dependencies.

12.An attribute is a(n):

A.column of a table. B. two dimensional table. C. row of

a table. D. key of a table.

13. A key:

A.must always be composed of two or more columns. B.can only be one


C.identifies a row. D. identifies a


14. A recursive relationship is a relationship between an entity and ________ .

A.itself B.a subtype entity C. an archetype entity D.

an instance entity

15. Properties that describe the characteristics of entities are called:

A.entities. B.attributes. C.identifiers. D.


16. Which of the following is NOT a basic element of all versions of the E-R model?

A.Entities B.Attributes C. Relationships D. Primary


17. Which of the following is NOT a type of SQL constraint?



18. What is an SQL virtual table that is constructed from other tables?

A.Just another table B.A view C. A relation D. Query


19. What SQL structure is used to limit column values of a table?

A.The LIMIT constraint B.The CHECK constraint C.The VALUE constraint

D. None

20. A transaction for which all committed changes are permanent is called:

A.atomic. B.consistent. C.isolated. D. durable.

21. Which of the following locks the item from change but not from read?

A.Implicit lock B.Explicit lock C. Exclusive lock D. Shared


22. A transaction in which either all of the database actions occur or none of them
do is called:

A.atomic. B. consistent. C.isolated. D.durable.

23. An oval represents which of the following in an EER?

A.Attribute B.Entity C. Optional One D.Relationship

24. A rectangle represents which of the following in an EER?

A.Attribute B.Entity C.Optional One D.Relationship

25. Which one of the following symbols is not used in an ERD?

A.Rectangle B.Oval C. Diamond D.Circle

26. The SQL WHERE clause:

A.limits the column data that are returned. B. limits the row data are

C.Both A and B are correct. D. Neither A nor B are correct.

27. To remove duplicate rows from the results of an SQL SELECT statement, the ________ qualifier
specified must be included.


28. SQL is:

A.a programming language. B.an operating system. C.a data sublanguage.

D. a DBMS.

29. If a table has been normalized so that all determinants are candidate keys, then
that table is in:

A.1NF. B.2NF. C. 3NF. D. BCNF.

30. Which of the following is one of the basic approaches for joining tables?

A.Subqueries B. Union Join C. Natural join D. All

31. What is the language used by most of the DBMSs for helping their users to
access data?

A.High level language B. Query language C. SQL

D. 4GL E.None
32. In SQL, which command is used to make permanent changes made by
statements issue since the beginning of a transaction?


33. The data dictionary tells the DBMS

A.what files are in the database B. what attribute are possessed by the

C.what these files contain D. All

34. A database management system

A.allows simultaneous access to multiple files B. can do more than a

record management system

C.is a collection of programs for managing data in a single file D. both

(a) and (b)

35. Which command is used to remove a table from the database in SQL?


36. The highest level in the hierarchy of data organization is called

A.data bank B. database C. data file D. data record

37. In SQL, which command is used to add a column/integrity constraint to a table



38. n a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called

A.Relations B. Domains C.Queries D. All of the above

39. The language used in application programs to request data from the DBMS is
referred to as the

A.DML B. DDL C. query language D. All of the above

40. An audit trail

A.is used to make back-up copies B.is the recorded history of

operations performed on a file

C.can be used to restore lost information D.All of the above

41. Which of the following is not characteristic of a relational database model?

A.tables B. treelike structure C.complex logical relationships

42.tables can be joined if :

A.they have a row in common B.they have a field in


C.they have no records with the same value in the common field D. both
(b) and (c)

43. A data dictionary is a special file that contains

A.the names of all fields in all files B.the data types of all fields in all

C.the widths of all fields in all files D.All of the above

44. A logical schema

A.is the entire database B. is a standard way of organizing

information into accessible parts

C.describes how data is actually stored on disk D. All of the above

45. Queries to a database

A.are written in English B. can use aggregate functions like SUM and

C.both (a) and (b) D. All of the above

46. Database management systems are intended to:

A.eliminate data redundancy B. establish relationships among

records in different files

C.manage file access D. maintain data integrity E. All of

the above

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