Bios:Megafauna 2nd Edition Living Rules

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Bios:Megafauna 2 ​ ​(living rules) 

The Second Game in the Bios Trilogy.

A boardgame of the evolution of life for 1 to 4 players
SMG38a, ​Version: ​Feb 25, 2018
Copyright 2017 Sierra Madre Games, Publication Date: Oct. 2017, Barcode: ​653341040169
Link to the prototype files (this link lets you view and print) :
Playtest reports here (this link lets you edit, do not delete anything):
Main Playtesters: ​ See ​https://

Game Designer:​​ ​Phil Eklund, Jon Manker​ of Ion Game Design, ​Andrew Doull
Game Developer:​​ ​Andrew Doull​, Neal Sofge of Fat Messiah Games
Rules Editing​​: ​Michael Dillenbeck​, ​Samuel Argento,​ ​Sebastian Radu,​ ​Tina Wolff
Production Manager: ​Nicole Morper​ of Sierra Madre Games
Art Director/Iconography: ​Karim Chakroun​ of Sierra Madre Games
Illustration Artist: ​Johanna Pettersson​ of Ion Games Design
Entomology Advisor:​​ ​Dr. Brad Metz
Vassal Implementation: ​Alfonso Velasco Aparicio​,
Tabletopia Implementation:
French Translation: ​Raphaël Arsenault ​([email protected])
Spanish Translation​​: Manuel Suffo (​[email protected]​) (address label made) See:
Living German Translation: ​Nikolaj Brucker​, See
Italian Translation​​: ​Gabriele Quaresima​ ​[email protected]
Main Playtesters:​​ ​Adam Gastonguay, Rob McVie, Josh Rea,​ Ivan Lindberg of Ion Game Design, Pierre
Bertinchamps, ​Nikolaj Brucker​, ​Raimund Ruppel​, ​Dr. John Douglass, Jim Gutt,​ ​Nils Herzmann (Cyrills
Brettspiele),​ ​Chris Peters, Louise and Jerome in France​. Also see
Green​ = complementary game address label or order installed in ​Collmex​ or ​ShipNaked​. ​Red = already ordered
Magenta = changes to the 2nd edition.​ ​Blue​ = Achterbahn game rules.
NOTE​​: Card 93 has been edited out from the game, so the card numbers skip #93.

The owl spermatophore landed on a branch, and pinged the forest with sonar, searching for a female owl to
impregnate. It detected what seemed to be a falling leaf. But actually a great fungus had deployed a glider,
and the sperm sprayed its ink aerosol defense too late. The fungus attached, and without haste invaded its
host with consuming hyphae​.

​ ​edition​​ starts where the predecessor game ​Bios:Genesis​ left off, with the invasion of the
Bios:Megafauna 2​nd
land about 450 million years ago. Starting as a phylum of either a plant1, mollusk, insect, or vertebral skeletal

PLANT-ANIMAL HYBRIDS. The players can start as plants? This seems a rather dull existence! But plants do not have to end up as statically rooted
to the ground. Indeed, a plant able to detect and move into the sunlight has competitive advantages, as does one that supplements its diet with

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 1

type, from one to four players make a beachhead on one of the four drifting ​cratons​ in the Ordovician. From a
founding ​archetype​ species, you will sire squawking, flapping, and paddling species, represented by different
shaped ​figures. Shapes are important because, for instance, a flying shape can only be preyed upon by another
flying shape. Disperse these ​creeples​ across the weedy, forested, swamp, and sea biomes of your craton, or
even to ​raft​ to new cratons. Each shape is a ​species​, and each species has its own ​tableau​. ​Mutation cards​ and
organ cubes​ in this tableau enable the creeples of that shape to win in ​contests​ with other ​herbivores​ or
carnivores.​ At the end of each 5-turn era, you will be awarded ​fossil​ ​tokens​ as Victory Points based on where
you rank in terms of living creeple populations. Your struggle for terrestrial dominance may eventually
include ​mutualism​, ​emotions​, ​tools​, and ​language​, worth VPs at the game’s end. Although these achievements
elevated a certain mammal species to notoriety, in your game things may occur differently.2

The Bios Trilogy 

This edition of ​Bios:Megafauna​ is an evolutionary descendant of ​“American Megafauna”​ (see Wikipedia), but
as a part of the Bios series of games it is linked to the game ​Bios:Genesis​. It plays well independently but if
you have both games you can start this game with the macroorganisms you created in a game of Bios:Genesis
(see ​C2​​). A successor game, called ​Bios:Origins​ (which would be a descendant of ​Origins​), is planned to
cover the events of the Pleistocene epoch (Era IV) including the rise of ideas and technology.
● Terms being defined are listed in ​bold​​, or ​italicized​ if defined elsewhere. Capitalized terms are defined
in the glossary.
● Variants​​. The tooth and claw game ignores rules in ​blue font​. The Achterbahn game includes all rules.
There is a ​solo campaign game​ for the Bios Trilogy (​C3​​), a ​Martian solitaire game​ (​Part K​​), and a
Venusian multiplayer variant​ (​Part L​​).
● The Golden Rule. ​If the text on a card contradicts these rules, the card has preference.
● Colorblind Braille.​​ As an aid for colorblind players, the red organ icons have a small white dot to
distinguish them, and the red emotion has angry eyes.
● Card Errata.​​ The reverse side of card 29, “hyoid apparatus”, should have the “burrower” icon , as
shown on the front side. Cards 86, 89, and 91 are missing the dice symbol on the back side.

A. Sequence of Play (4 phases per turn) 

A1. Phase 1: Events (Part D). 
a. Reveal the next Event Card​​ from the ET3 Event Deck. For the first turn, ​skip this phase​ (​C1p​​). For
the tooth & claw game, ignore all Events except for ​mutagen​ (​D7​​), ​radiation​ (​D8​​), and ​crowd​ ​disease

b. Stable Biosphere. Event cards are either ​ET​​ (extraterrestrial)4 or ​biosphere​​ (too hot, goldilocks,
or too cold). The ​stable biosphere icon​​ on the ET event card means that ​no​ biosphere event card is
drawn for this turn.

scavenging or herbivory. In nature, plants team up with certain jellyfish, molluscs, and flatworms to form green “plant-animals” able to move,
defend, and find the sun.
​In any non-self running simulation, there must be Lamarckian appeals.​ Mike Wasson, Fat Messiah Games

ET stands for “extraterrestrial”. Following the tradition of Bios:Genesis, extraterrestrial (ET) events are those that come from outside the biosphere of
Earth. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, the biosphere is struck from above by comets, radiation, and space weather from the solar wind, and
from below by volcanos and earthquakes, products of magma weather. Both the sun and earth have a magnetic dynamo, which influence each
other by mechanisms not well understood.
ET EVENTS. In 1997, Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Fris-Christensen published ​“Variation of Cosmic Ray Flux and Global Cloud Coverage – a Missing
Link in Solar–Climate Relationships”​. They present evidence that when Sol is inactive, the heliosphere shrinks and allows more galactic cosmic rays
to penetrate the Earth’s magnetic field. The secondary particles from the cosmic rays increase cloud formation. The latest sunspot cycle (Cycle 24)
started in March of 2012 and peaked in April of 2014, and has been declining ever since. Thus ending the smallest sunspot cycle since Cycle 14, in
February of 1906. A quiet Sol means more cosmic rays, clouds, and wet weather for the decade. Longer term climate changes are generated as Sol
enters or leaves the galactic arms, since the galactic cosmic ray flux is higher within the arms.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 2

c. Draw Biosphere.​​ Unless the biosphere is stable, draw 1 biosphere event card from the current
biosphere deck (either too hot, goldilocks, or too cold, as indicated by the Atmosphere from last turn).
Lay the 2 event cards side-by-side. If the biosphere deck runs out, reshuffle all 12 of its cards for a new
d. Impacted Craton.​​ ​Each​ Craton has a unique icon. The ​collision/drift-by​ (​D3​​), ​latitudinal drift (​ ​D1​​),
and ​crater​ (​D2​​) events only impact a single Craton, called the ​impacted craton​​. For the
collision/drift-by e​ vent this is the Craton indicated by the icon on the ET Event card, but occurs only if
this Craton contains a Latitude Dice. For ​latitudinal drift​ and ​crater​ events this is the Craton specified
by the icon in the upper left corner of the turn’s biosphere card. However, a latitudinal drift event is
canceled​ if the impacted craton has no Latitude Dice.
e. Event Resolution Order​​. Resolve each event row by row, beginning with the top row and reading left
to right; resolving all ET card events before Biosphere card events. Resolve each Event per ​D1-D14​​.
f. End Of Era.​​ If the ET Event card drawn is the 5th and last ET Event, set the era card to the next era,
and reshuffle all 15 ET Event cards and place 5 of them facedown half on the era card. Remember to
award fossils​ (​I4b​​) at the end of the turn.
g. Reset Latitude.​​ If ​after an event​ the Atmosphere has changed, be sure to check and, if necessary,
change the Latitude Strip to be correct for the current climate, see setup diagram ​(C1)​​.5
h. Check Habitability.​​ At the end of the Event Phase, any Creeples on Biomes they cannot ​inhabit​ (​F3c​​)
become Endangered. This may result from Disks of Damocles or Biome changes caused by ​Deluge

A2. Phase 2: Actions (Part E), ​in Player Order (A5). 

a. Action Maximum. ​All players receive (tooth & claw game) 2 actions, or (Achterbahn game) a
maximum number of actions indicated by the current Oxygen level (from 1 to 4). ​This is indicated by
the number visible in the gear icons just above the highest climate disk.
b. Green Exception​​. In the Achterbahn game, Player Green gets a maximum number of actions as
indicated by the current greenhouse level of the Atmosphere.
c. Action Sequence. ​In ​player order​ (​A5​​), each player performs all his actions. ​He can choose the same
action multiple times, or different actions in any order, on the same or different species. ​The actions are:

E1. Mutate - ​select a Mutation from the Display and play it into the Tableau of one of your Species. The
combined costs of all the selections a Species makes cannot exceed the number of its Unborn.

E2. Promote - ​Promote a Mutation (flip it, choose 1 of its orientations and gain its Plus Organs).

E3. Speciate -​​ This is a promote to a new Creeple Shape. This creates a new Genotype with ​Inheritance
(​E3b​​). Replace one Creeple of the old Shape with a Creeple of the new Shape.

E4.​​ ​Populate - ​Move some of your Unborn Creeples to your Newborn Card. They will be dispersed in the
next phase (​A3​​).

E5. Neoteny - ​Discard up to 1 Basal Organ from each Genotype.

E6. Resize ​each ​Species​ by up to 1 step.

E7. Resurrect​​ - If Lazarus, restore your Archetype.

E8. Claim Medea​​ - Requires spending all your actions: Take the Medea card.
d.​ After all your ​actions have been performed​​, refresh the Display per ​E1e​​. It is suggested to perform all mutate

EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE is divided into the lower troposphere and the upper stratosphere, separated by a boundary called the tropopause. Both
regions are important in keeping the planet warm by inhibiting the escape of long wave radiation. The lower region loses heat by convection, with
vigorous vertical mixing and turbulence of the primary greenhouse gas: water. In humid areas such as the tropics, the air is almost 100% opaque to
infrared, such that doubling or even 10X carbon dioxide has no effect on the climate. The atmosphere above the tropopause is much calmer, with
heat loss dominated by radiation rather than convection. As long as surface temperatures stay below 350 K, little water gets into the troposphere,
and other greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are more important.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 3

actions before making other types of actions.

A3. Phase 3: Mothers & Dispersal (Part F), ​in Player Order (A5).
a. Action Sequence.​​ In ​player order​ (​A5​​), each player ​chooses a mother​ for each Creeple on his Newborn
Card (​F1​​), and then ​disperses​ it (​F2​​), until all his Newborns are dispersed. Then go on to the next
b. Inhabiting A Biome​​. Upon entering the Biome the Newborn is to inhabit, it immediately makes a
Trophic Choice​ (​F6​​). If this choice is contested, then immediately perform an ​herbivore contest​ (​Part
G​​) or a ​carnivore contest​ (​Part H​​) to determine the winner.
Tip​: A creeple should spread as a Herbivore to either an empty hex, or one where it can win the herbivore
contest against existing herbivores. It should spread as a Carnivore to a hex with a Herbivore to eat, and where
it can beat any other Carnivores in a carnivore contest. Since each predator-prey relationship is a stable one,
Carnivores never harm Herbivores in contests, see “Circle of Life” (H ​ 2a​).

A4. Phase 4: Burials & Fossil Awards (Part I). 

a. Disperse Endotherms. ​In ​player order​ (​A5​​), each player disperses all his endangered ​endotherms​ into
uninhabited Trophic Levels and stands them upright per​ I1.
b. Bury Endangered.​​ Convert all Endangered Creeples into Unborn Creeples (​I2​​).
c. Fossil Awards or Final Scoring​​. If you drew the last ET Event of the Era during phase 1, then ​award
fossils​ per ​I4b​​. If it’s the ​final era​ (​A6​)​ , instead conduct ​final scoring​ per ​A7​​. ​Otherwise, discard all
Event cards and go to the next turn.

A5. Player Order. 

In the upper middle of each ET event card is a row of three colored icons. The leftmost icon indicates the color
of the ​first player​​, and then the second color in the row shows the second player, etc. If the first player is a
color who is not in the game, the second color is the first player, etc. The first player is the first to perform his
​ trophies​ or ​deaths​ in certain events
actions etc. in phases ​A2​​, ​A3​​, and ​A4a​​. He is also the first to choose A
(​D7g, D8d, D9​​).
● First Turn.​​ Player order is from highest to lowest Skeletal Number (​C1p​​).

A6. Game Length. 

The game lasts 10 event cards, ending at the end of Era II (Mesozoic). The game can also end due to ​runaway
greenhouse​ (​D10h​​) or ​language ​(​J6f​​).​ ​The game continues even if all players have become Lazarus. When the
game ends, do ​final scoring​ (​A7​​) to determine the winner.
a. Long Game. ​The ​Apocalyptic​​ ​Chicxulub Game ​continues into Era III (Cenozoic). However, the card
“Chicxulub Class Comet” is shuffled into the ET event deck for Era III as one of the 5 cards. When this
Event is drawn, the game ends suddenly at the end of the Event Phase, ​with ​dispersal of endotherms​ (​I1​​)
and ​burial​ (​I2​​) taking place for scoring purposes​. Therefore, this game is from 11 to 15 Events long.
The long game can be flowed into a solo campaign game (​C3​​) or a ​Bios:Origins​ game (​N​).
b. Short Game.​​ The ​Apocalyptic​​ ​P-Tr Game ​is the same as the long game (above), but it skips the 5
events of Era II. Therefore, the game can end suddenly on the 7th to 11th turns.

A7. Final Scoring. 

In the final era, instead of the ​Fossil Awards​ (​I4b​​) count victory points as follows:
a. Fossil Record.​​ 1 VP for each ​Fossil​.
b. Population​​. 1 VP for each Living Creeple of your color on the map.
c. Tableau​​. 1 VP for each card in your Tableau with the Fossil icon (includes Tools, Medea, and

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 4

d. Mutualism​​. 1 VP for each ​Host Creeple​ (​J2​​) on your mutualism cards.
e. Emotions.​​ 1 VP for each Emotion, and ​3 ​additional​ VP​ if you have ​language​ (​J6f​​).
f. Bios:Genesis.​​ If playing a campaign game, add your VP score earned from the ​Bios:Genesis​ game.
The winner is the player with the most VP. If 2 or more players have an equal amount VP, they share the
position they end up on.

A8. The Tooth & Claw Game. 

I recommend that you play the ​tooth & claw game​​ first, which ignores all game rules in ​blue​ font. This game is
best for beginners, and is also preferred by competitive players who prefer pure infighting. The full game
includes all the rules, and is known as the ​Achterbahn6 game​​ because it adds the chaos of surviving in a
roller-coaster climate engine. The tooth & claw game features the following:
a. The Creeples are always at size one​​, so the r​ esize​ action and the ​size dice​ are not used. Dispersal
Points (DP) for a Species is therefore always one plus the number of blue organs.
b. Only the ET Event cards are used​​, so the biosphere event cards are not used. On the ET cards, only
the ​mutagen,​ ​radiation,​ and ​crowd disease e​ vents are used. If a mutagen event occurs, make a ​mutagen
roll​​ using a number of dice equal to 1 plus the Era number (​C1m​​). Then remove all the dice except the
highest face number. The highest number is the ​dark heart limit​ to the number of Organs, see ​D7b​​.
c. The climate is not tracked​​, so the ​Reservoirs​ and ​Latitude Strips​ are not used. Each player gets two
actions per turn.
d. The Cratons do not move​​, so the ​collision/drift-by, latitudinal drift,​ and ​rift​ events on the ET cards are
ignored, and ​Latitude Dice​ are not used.
e. No disks are needed​​ since there are no mountains, ice, forests, or climate.
f. In Herbivore Contests,​​ the ​humidity niche​ (​G5​​) is always green (since the climate is permanently
humid, see ​D5a​​).
g. Medea supervillain, Venom ​and​​ Monsters​ ​are not used.
h. Player Green​​ is treated as an ordinary Species.

ACHTERBAHN is German for “roller coaster”. Some biologists believe that species must struggle against extinction due to competition with other
species, or even (the selfish gene model) individuals versus individuals. Others, such as the evolutionary biologist Olivia Judson, believe that the
struggle against extinction is mainly a struggle against the “Achterbahn” of nature’s catastrophes. Dr. Judson has identified 5 stages of increasing
biological control of free energy sources for survival. These stages are: geochemical energy (i.e. refugia in the Bios:Genesis game), solar energy
(Genesis promoted mutations), oxygen (Genesis ​macroorganisms​), flesh (Genesis/Megafauna Carnivory), and fire (Megafauna/Origins promoted
mutations). The Achterbahn game envisions the development of a life-planet system as “the interplay between the planet’s cosmic situation, its
intrinsic properties, and the paths evolving life can potentially take (in their) transformations of their planetary home.” Olivia Judson, 2017.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 5

B. Game Components 
See Card, Placard, and tile list here:
Retail 2-Pc Box.​​ (320mm X 158mm X 60mm) 4/0C
Rule Book ​ (300mm x 150mm) 4/4C 128gsm gloss art paper 36 pages.

B1. Cards ​57 X 87mm (bridge) (310gsm Ivorycore cardstock) qty = 160 
● 92 Mutation cards​​,​ 4/4C double-sided (4 colors: nervous (red), circulatory (yellow), digestive (green),
reproductive (blue)).

● 51 Event cards​​,​ 4/4C single-sided ​INSERT EVENT CARD ANATOMY HERE

● 4 Archetype​​ ​cards​​, 4/4C double-sided. 1 of each player color. List is ​here​. ​INSERT ARCHETYPE
● 4 Newborn Cards,​​ ​4/4C double-sided
● 4 tool​​ ​cards​​, ​4/4C double-sided
● 1 era​​ ​card​​, 4/4C double-sided.
● 1 Medea card, ​4/4C double-sided
● 3 Player Aid cards,​​ 4/4C double-sided

B2. Placards ​qty = 6 placards,  

● 4 Craton punchboards, 2​​97 X 150mm. 8 Craton Placards​​ (composed of 7 hexes). 1mm thick, 4C/0
single-sided. These are assembled to form 4 Cratons, with terrestrial on one side, and ET on the other.
Each Craton has a unique icon. If you wish, they can be optionally glued into this configuration, with
Earth on one side, and Mars or Venus on the other (it doesn’t matter which Earth goes with which
Mars/Venus Craton). If you do so YOU MUST GLUE THEM SO THAT THEY FORM 3 SHELVES,

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 6

AS SHOWN IN THE DIAGRAM BELOW. If you glue them correctly, each side will have 3 white
shelves. ​Each white shelf represents an ​Offshore​ (​D10g​​).​ If you glue them incorrectly, you will have to
tear them apart.
● 1 ​Latitude ​Strip punchboard, 297 X 150mm. 3 Latitude Strips,​​ size = 280 x 42mm, 1mm thick,
4/4C double-sided. Use for the 6 Greenhouse Levels.
● 1 Reservoir placard​​, 297 X 150mm. ​ 1mm thick, 4C/0 double-sided. Use for the 3 Reservoirs.

● 16 Fossil Tokens​​ (part of the Reservoir punchboards, 4 per punchboard).

● 16 Monster Tiles​​ (part of the Reservoir punchboards, 4 per punchboard).


B3. Wooden Creeples ​(18 x 10mm, 5mm thick) qty = 140 

● 28 wooden Creeples​​. Shape Archetype: 7 green, 7 orange, 7 black, 7 white
● 28 wooden Creeples​​. Shape Armored: 7 green, 7 orange, 7 black, 7 white
● 28 wooden Creeples​​. Shape Swimmer: 7 green, 7 orange, 7 black, 7 white
● 28 wooden Creeples​​. Shape Flyer: 7 green, 7 orange, 7 black, 7 white
● 28 wooden Creeples​​. Shape Burrower: 7 green, 7 orange, 7 black, 7 white

B4. Wooden Cubes ​(8mm) qty = 110 

● 100 Organ cubes​​ (25 each of yellow, red, green, blue)
● 10 Organ cubes​​ (white)

B5. Disks ​(15mm Disks, 2mm thick). Qty = 42 

● 12 black disks ​(climate disks that represent carbon cycle and mountains).7
● 12 white disks​​ (climate disks that represent water cycle and ice).
● 18 green disks​​ (climate disks that represent oxygen cycle, forests, and upwellings).

CLIMATE MODELS (such as this game) suffer from the same limitations as weather forecasters: the lower atmosphere is dominated by chaotic
turbulence and the upper atmosphere can only be modeled by a dense grid of radiative transfer equations. (The latter, called the “gray gas model”
problem, is modeled by making the gross assumption that the atmospheric optical thickness is independent of wavenumber of the individual gases.)
Despite these fundamental limitations, the results of global computer models (GCMs) have come to dominate the political discussions.​ “But the
increased (government) funds have mostly been poured into computer simulations of the global climate, rather than into observations of the real world
of roots and shoots, trees and termites... (Models have become) a substitute for real-world observation.”​ Freeman Dyson, 1990. Its an old argument,
between rationalism (reason is the only way to acquire knowledge) versus empiricism (our senses are the primary means of knowledge). ​“The
problem with rationalism, simply put, is that it tends to leave out the facts. Reality is complex and facts have many aspects that one must consider to
form knowledge. Thus Descartes’ physics, built on rationalistic assumptions about motion, is wildly wrong, while Newton’s physics, derived according
​ hawn Klein, ​The
to the motto ‘I don’t hypothesize [in the absence of facts],’ is essentially true and remains part of the scientific canon to this day.” S
Atlas Society,​ 2010.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 7

B6. 6-sided Dice (d6) ​(12mm resin). Qty = 24 
● 24d6 ​(12mm resin) 5 green, 5 orange, 5 black, 5 white, 4 brown
● Zip bags​​ (100 X 120mm PE Plastic) qty = 10.

B7. Component Limits ​All components except for dice are limited to what is supplied. 
● Cube Genetic Drift.​​ If the pool has no more cubes of the color you need for a Mutation or promotion,
you may take the required cubes from any other Species, including those of opponents. This simulates
genetic drift. You must steal Plus ​Organ​ cubes if any are available anywhere, ​then​ (as involuntary
neoteny) Basal Organ cubes.
● Disks.​​ The number of disks in the game is fixed, so they should not run out. ​This fixed number of disks
shuttles between the map and the Reservoir during events per ​D10​​. This can be modified by the
supervillain per ​D13​​ and ​D14​​. See glossary for the Liberation and Degas of disks to and from the
● Monster Tokens​​. If you promote a Monster and no monster tokens remain, use a substitute.
● Tools​​. You can claim a tool only if one of its cards is available.

C. Setup 

C1. Setup (non-campaign). 
a. Tooth & Claw or Full? ​Players decide if they wish to play the ​tooth & claw (​ ​A8​​) or the ​Achterbahn
game​. The rules in ​blue​ font are for the Achterbahn game only! If you choose Tooth & Claw, then you

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 8

do not need disks, Reservoirs, or biosphere cards, and need only 3 dice. If you want to play with
experimental ​apomorphies​ (​J8​​), decide this now.
b. Sort Cards.​​ Remove the 4 Archetype cards, 4 Newborn Cards, and the 1 Medea card, which are
assigned in the next step. Remove the 4 tool cards and form a public deck. Remove the era card (it will
be setup during ​C1m​​). Separate the remaining cards into 6 decks: yellow & red (Metabolic Mutations),
green and blue (Darwin Mutations), ET Events, too hot events (reddish), goldilock events (green), and
too cold events (blue). Unless playing the Achterbahn game, the last 3 decks are not used.
c. Player Color.​​ Each player is randomly assigned a color, and receives his color’s 35 Creeples, 5 dice,
Archetype card, and Newborn Card. Each player places his Archetype card on the table in front of him,
with the continental icon (upper left corner) faceup. He places his 7 Archetype Creeples (domes) on this
d. Medea.​​ The player with the lowest​ ​Skeletal Number​​ (shown in upper center of the Archetype card)
receives the Medea card.
e. Starting Size​​. Each player places​ 1 ​dice of his color, set to 1 pip, in the square marked “size”.
f. Tooth & Claw Pangea.​​ For each player in the game, find his starting Craton placard. It has an icon of
the starting Creeple in the player’s color. Other Cratons will not be used. ​Arrange these Cratons in a
random adjoining arrangement, so that they form a supercontinent.
g. Achterbahn Craton ​Row​​.​ In the Achterbahn game, all 4 Cratons are used, even if some are
unoccupied. ​Set these placards in a row, with a space between. The order is random (if you wish to use
the historical setup, it is left to right: Laurentia, Baltica, Siberia and Gondwana). ​Place a brown
six-sided dice in the square in the center of each Craton with 4 pips faceup, indicating each Craton starts
h. Offshore Disks.​​ For each of the 4 Cratons, place one ​adjacent​ black disk in the northernmost slot and
another in the southernmost. ​On Earth,​ these are on the east coast, see Diagram (​D3f​​).8 These 8 disks are
offshore carbon deposits. On top of each of the 4 southernmost black disks, place a green disk (this is
called a ​bloom​​ and indicates upwellings where plankton flourishes).
i. Continental Disks.​​ On Laurentia, Baltica, and Gondwanaland, place a white disk in the center hex ​of
the craton.​ In Siberia, place a black disk there.
j. Latitude Strip:​​ Place the “GOLDILOCKS: EDEN” Latitude Strip faceup to the left of the map so that
each Craton is in line with Latitude 4.9 Set aside the other 2 Latitude Strips for later.
k. Clouds, Oxygen, & Atmosphere.​​ Starting in the bottommost spot, place one disk in each spot indicated
by a ​disk icon​​ for the 3 Reservoirs. On the Oxygen, place 14 green disks so that it reads 7% oxygen. On
the Clouds, place 6 white disks so that it reads albedo = 0.4.10 On the Atmosphere, place 3 black disks
then 3 white disks, so that the ​name next to the disk reads “Eden”​.
l. Starting Creeple.​​ Each player places one of his Archetype Creeples (these are domes) as an Herbivore
(i.e. below the predator triangle) into the map hex shown with his Archetype color.
m. ET Event Deck.​​ Shuffle the ET Event cards and place 5 of the cards facedown to form the first era.
Place the ​era card​​ half underneath the ET Events so that the part saying “​ERA I P​ ALEOZOIC​” is shown.
n. Three Biosphere Decks.​​ Shuffle the too hot biosphere cards and form a facedown deck. Do the same
with the goldilocks and too cold cards so that there are three biosphere decks in all.
o. Draw Decks & Display.​​ Shuffle the metabolic Mutations (red and yellow cards) into a draw deck.
From this deck deal 4 cards into the top Display row, with promoted side down. Do the same with the
Darwinian Mutations (green and blue cards), in a bottom Display row just beneath the top Display row.
The draw decks are placed just to the right of each row (see Diagram YYY). The Display will now have
2 rows of 5 cards each, counting the card on top of the draw decks.

THE WEST COAST is assumed to be a continental subduction zone, such that any carbon deposited there is “swept under the rug” as the oceanic
plate is subducted by the continental plate. This is the situation in the west coast of Laurentia, now the west coast of North America. This is the oldest
known landform on the planet, still recognizable from the beginning of this game to today.

GOLDILOCKS is taken from a British fairy tale about a hungry golden-haired girl who tries to eat the porridge she finds in a house where the occupants
are gone. There are three bowls, and one is too hot, one is too cold, and one is “just right”. Astronomy uses the term “Goldilocks Zone” to signify the
right distance from a star such that a planet orbiting there can support oceans and life.

ALBEDO is the ratio of visible light reflected from the surface to the incident radiation. Clouds are very reflective, making the Earth’s albedo quite
sensitive to cloudiness. Ice and snow also drive the albedo towards a value of 1 (perfect reflector).

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 9

p. Boring Ordovician.11 ​Skip the event phase without drawing an event card ​and begin with the Action
Phase per ​A2​​. ​The ​player order​ (​A5​​) is from the highest to lowest Skeletal Number.

C2. Setup (Campaign continuing from Bios:Genesis). 

If you ended a game of ​Bios:Genesis​ (that did not end in Armageddon) with a surviving Macroorganism, and
continue to a game of ​Bios:Megafauna,​ you are assigned a color as follows (instead of ​C1c​​):
a. Mosses, Mushrooms (plants & fungi): ​Terrestrial Player Green (cytoskeletal); Dickinsonia,
Seaweed: Marine Player Green.
b. Snails, Earthworms (mollusks & annelids):​​ Terrestrial Player Orange (hydroskeletal); Lamp
Shells, Flatworms: Marine Player Orange.
c. Eurypterids, Insects (arthropods): ​Terrestrial Player Black (exoskeletal); Trilobites, Arrow Worms:
Marine Player Black.
d. Amphibians (tetrapods):​​ Terrestrial Player White (endoskeletal); Sea Stars: Marine Player White.
e. Velvet Worms:​​ Either Player Orange or Player Black (your choice); Marine if Opabinia.
f. Terrestrial Macroorganisms​​ start with as many Basal Organs as Organ cubes on your Genesis
Macroorganism. The Organs should match in color as well. For each B​iont​ on your Genesis
Macroorganism, including the Trophic Biont, deal one random unpromoted Mutation of the matching
color into the Archetype’s tableau and place one Plus ​Organ​ on it. Your creature starts as an
Archetype Creeple on your starting hex. Your Macroorganism card from Genesis counts as a fossil,
so store it in your Fossil Record.
g. Marine Macroorganisms​​ start with the marine side of the Archetype card faceup, ​and with 1 starting
Organ, chosen among the ones your marine Macroorganism had.​ The starting Creeple is a swimmer
instead of an Archetype Creeple, and it starts in any sea hex of your choice ​in your assigned craton​.
The first resize on this Species generates an Archetype ​kiwi​ (​E6b​​) which i.e. means that you flip the
card to its normal archetype card side.
h. If two players are qualified​​ for the same player color, the player with the higher Genesis score
chooses first, and the loser takes another color per ​C2a​​ or ​C2b​​ above.
i. Organs​​ inherited from your Genesis Macroorganism may be converted into white Basal Organs.
Every two organs of a single color may be converted one white organ, limited to one conversion per
j. Players without Macroorganisms​​ and players who did not play ​Bios:Genesis​ assign themselves
Archetypes normally after players with surviving Macroorganisms. However, they can only select
zero-cost cards ​(​E1a​​)​ for the first turn.
k. Endosymbionts​​. If your macroorganism had endosymbiont bionts owned by another player who is
part of this Megafauna game, your starting Archetype or swimmer is a mutualist host (​J2​​). Give each
endosymbiont player one of your starting Creeples to put on their starting Archetype card. Their
starting Archetype card is also treated as a mutualism mutation for the purposes of the mutualism

C3. Solo Campaign. 

You can string your solitaire games together in an epic campaign, trying to stay alive from protolife to
language-based consciousness (in ​Bios:Origins​). ​See ​C2a​​ to ​C2e​​ for your starting Megafauna card.
a. Solo Win. ​If you win a solitaire game of ​Bios:Genesis a​ s ​a marine macroorganism, then start as a
land-based Archetype using the solitaire rules​ (Part K). ​If you win as a terrestrial macroorganism,
you additionally start with mutations per​ C2f, ​but no basal organs.​ If you win as a plant, then see

ORDOVICIAN. The game starts in the early Ordovician (500 Mya), after the coasts have been invaded by fungi and small plants, living off organic
material washed ashore. The continental interiors are still barren, there are no vascular plants or trees, and the only animals are those who briefly
come ashore to breed or lay eggs in a predator-free world.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 10

Note:​ If you win Genesis with 2 or more macroorganisms in a multi-player game, you should (in the spirit of Gaia) offer the extra to
trailing players in the subsequent Megafauna campaign.
b. Solo Fail. ​If you didn’t win, start with just a base Archetype as if playing a regular game of
Megafauna, but ​draw an event car​d for the Boring Ordovician instead of skipping ​it​. This simulates
the longer time for Macroorganisms to form due to your mismanagement. Will you be able to get
them to thrive under this handicap?

D. Events 
During the ​event phase​ (​A1​​), the Events are resolved in the order set by ​A1e​​.

D1. Latitudinal Drift (ET Event).  

If the ​impacted craton​ (​A1d​​) is a ​landmass​​ (i.e. either a Craton or a Continent) with a Latitude Dice, the
landmass moves either north or south by one or two Latitudes (single or double arrow icon). However, the
Latitude Dice cannot be set farther north than 1, or farther south than 6.
a. Latitude Dice. The face of the Latitude Dice of a Craton or Continent indicates its Latitude, from 1 to 6.
Decrease the Latitude Dice if moving north or increase it if moving south.

D2. Crater (ET Event).  

If a ​crater event​​ occurs, one of the Biomes in the ​impacted craton​ (​A1d​​) will suffer a ​crater​​, indicated by
Degassing a black disk. This is a Disk of Damocles. To determine the crater location​,​ roll a single die. The
biome displaying the number matching the die result is the target.12

D3. Collision or Drift-by (ET Event).13  

This Event moves a ​landmass​​ (i.e. either a Craton or a Continent) to either the east or west as indicated, towards
a neighboring landmass. This Event can have 3 outcomes: (1) the ​impacted craton​ (​A1d​​) is ​not​ a Craton with
a Latitude Dice, whereupon the Event does not occur, (2) the ​impacted craton​ has Biomes or adjoined Biomes
that are in the same Latitude as another landmass, whereupon the two ​collide ​per​ ​the bullets below, or (3) the
impacted craton​ has no Biomes or adjoined Biomes that are in the same Latitude as any other landmass. In
this case, it will ​drift-by​​, swapping the positions of the moving landmass with one neighbor, so the one that
was to the west is now to the east of the other.
a. Colliding​​. If there is a collision, line up the 2 landmasses correctly, then move the moving landmass in
the direction indicated until one of its hexes touches a Coast hex in ​the​ ​same​ ​Latitude​ of the “smashed”
landmass. Note that it may drift-by 1 or 2 Cratons to make this collision.
b. Collisional Wrap-Around​​. The world is spherical, so that the westernmost moving landmass drifting
west may smash the east Coast of the easternmost landmass.
c. Collisional Orogeny.​​ Degas a black “Disk of Damocles” to each Biome in the ​smashed​ landmass that is
adjacent to a biome in the ​moving​ landmass. No mountains are formed in the moving landmass.

CRATERS in this game avoid the center of cratons. This is because volcanoes are almost always at the edges of cratons, and not the center.
Although impact craters can occur anywhere, the craton coasts are susceptible to impact tsunamis. ​Moreover, a 2017 study published in ​Scientific
Reports​ concluded that the Chicxulub impact was devastating only because the impact zone in Yucatan was rich in hydrocarbons, over 10 Tg/km​2​.
This added to the sulfates and soot that blanketed the Earth. Only about 13% of the Earth’s surface, all in coastal regions, have enough
hydrocarbons to have such an effect.
A CATACLYSM that suddenly kills off all terrestrial life would release less than 1000 Gt of carbon into the atmosphere, from all the rotting logs and
corpses. That is only 1.5 black disks in the game, and shows that biology takes a back seat to geology and tectonics for major carbon release
episodes. Most carbon is stored in the ocean or crust, both represented by offshore black disks in this game. Black disks on continents represent
mountains, which through their erosion move atmospheric carbon to the offshore as part of the carbon cycle. Non-volcanic mountains are a carbon
sink rather than a carbon emitter.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 11

d. Collisional Subducted Offshore Disks. ​In a collision, the hemispherical shelves of one landmass
interlock with the half-moon bays of the other landmass. Any disks that were on these shelves are
Liberated and any swimmers ​become​ ​Endangered, and must disperse from the mountain (black disk)​.
e. Loss Of Latitude Dice.​​ The collision forms a ​Continent​​ (two or more adjoining Cratons). The ​Latitude
Dice​ (​D1a​​) is lost by the smashed landmass and retained by the moving landmass.

Example.​ During the C.A.M.P. Event, the Craton of Laurentia drifts east, towards Siberia (see left side of
diagram below). Its center is at Latitude 4, and its northern coast (at Latitude 3) strikes the southern coast of
Siberia (right side of diagram). As the smashed craton, Siberia loses its Latitude Dice. Two mountains are
degassed in Siberia where they contacted the eastern shoreline of Laurentia. Two Offshore disks were
subducted in the collision: a black disk Liberated into the Atmosphere, and a green disk Liberated into the
Oxygen. The mountain formation Liberates a forest and Endangers a creeple.

D4. Pangea Rift (ET Event).  

Any Continent that has 3 or more Cratons joined together is called ​Pangea​​. If a “Pangea Rift” Event occurs,
Pangea breaks up so that each of its Cratons separate from each other. ​Each Craton gets a ​Latitude Dice​ (​D1a​​)
indicating its current Latitude. ​However, if its Latitude is less than 1 or greater than 6, its Latitude becomes 1
or 6 respectively. The Cratons end up in a left to right order preserving their relative positions before the
break-up. ​Medea decides if ambiguous.

D5. Climax (ET Event).14  

Each ​climax icon​​ has one, two, or three dice faces, representing the up to three individual Latitude(s) in which
empty weeds become either forests or ice on all Biomes in all Cratons in this Latitude(s).
a. Forested Humid Latitudes.15 The current Latitude Strip has 8 dice icons, one for each Latitude. If the
Latitude is a ​green​​ ​dice icon​​, first Liberate all continent​al​ white disks in weed biomes. Then Degas a

WEEDS represent low climax regimes, while forests are high climax. The term “climax” defines the maturity of a community, as a culmination of an
ecological or evolutionary succession. After a major extinction event, such as the P-Tr events, the fossil record consists of astronomical numbers of
just one or two “weedy” species. One such “disaster species” are quillworts, which look like small spiky grass with hollow leaves and roots. These
weeds radiated from swamps to dominate floodplains and deserts. The oceans became paved with a single species of tiny scallop, ​Claraia​, whose
fossils form entire pavements in early Triassic rocks from Utah to China. A megafaunal weed is ​Lystrosaurus​, an ugly hog-sized therapsid that
monopolized herbivory worldwide. Such opportunistic disaster species dominate the first 15 million years of the early Triassic. In contrast, high
climax regimes have high biodiversity. I live in a mixed evergreen/hardwood forest, with the former coming from the time of the dinosaurs and the
latter from recent deciduous flowering species. Biodiversity is even more extreme in tropical rainforests. This is an artifact of global cooling: the Ice
Age came so suddenly, that the entire world of tropical plants got jammed into the equator.

HUMIDITY. When the atmosphere becomes hotter, it can absorb more water. Conversely, during Ice Ages the chilled atmosphere can hold little
water. Moreover, most of the Earth’s water is locked up in ice caps and glaciers, making Ice Ages bone dry.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 12

green disk on each weed hex (that has no disks). These disks, representing forests, do not disturb any
Creeples present.
b. Arid Latitudes.​​ If a Latitude is a ​white dice icon​​, first Liberate all continent​al​ green disks in weed
biomes.16 Then Degas a white disk on each ​weeds​ hex that has no disks (​weeds, seas, swamps​). These
disks represent ice caps or deserts.17
Example:​ Siberia experiences a 1-6 climax during a Warm greenhouse. Siberia is far north, with a weed and a
swamp biome at Latitude 0, one mountain, forest, and weed biome at Latitude 1, and two sea biomes at
Latitude 2. Latitude one is green dice, so the one weeds in Latitude 1 becomes forested.

D6. Deluge (ET Event).  

a. Rising Sea Levels. ​If a ​deluge​​ occurs during too hot or goldilocks, Liberate all disks ​(black or green)​ on
seas (but not Offshores).
b. Falling Sea Levels. ​If a deluge occurs during too cold, all seas (but not Offshores) become land, either
forested or ice (because the oceans are being sequestered into icecaps). On each sea biome, first Liberate
any disks present, and then Degas a white disk in arid (white dice) latitudes, and a green disk in humid
(green dice) latitudes (​D5a​​). Each degassed white disk is a Disk of Damocles.18 A sea biome is treated
as land for as long as it retains its green disk.

D7. Mutagen (ET or Biosphere Event).  

This Event causes the 8 Display cards not on top of the draw decks to be discarded from the game, and replaced
with new ones from the draw decks. It also causes each Species to suffer Mutation Atrophy (see glossary) if it
has too many Organs. If this causes the loss of a Basal Organ, it goes ​extinct​ (​I3​​) with its Creeples killed
outright (i.e. not becoming Endangered).19
a. Tooth & Claw Game.​​ Make a ​mutagen roll​ (​A8b​​) to determine the dark heart limit for all players.
Example:​ During Era I, the mutagen roll is 1 and 2. Therefore, the dark heart is 2. Player Black has two
Species: his Archetype with two basal cubes and 3 cubes on Mutations, plus a daughter species with 5 basal
cubes. The Archetype loses all its Mutations, and the daughter goes extinct. If the mutagen roll had been snake
eyes, Player Black would have gone Lazarus.
DEFORESTATION represents replacing forests with grasslands. Grasses are weeds responding to today’s CO​2​ famine. Today over 40% of the
Earth’s vegetated land area, once covered with forests, have been replaced by this advanced wind-pollinated flower. Grass has evolved only
recently, during the last 55 million years (so there were no grazing dinosaurs). Even more recently, 35 Mya, grasses have pioneered the C4
photosynthetic pathway, far more efficient than the C3 pathway used by 97% of plant species. This adaptation is in response to the dry climate and
extremely low carbon dioxide levels of today’s Ice Age. Today’s air is so impoverished in CO​2​ that C3 plants struggle to breathe, having been
adapted to levels 15X higher throughout most of Earth’s history. This struggle can be seen from space; even the modest CO​2​ increases of the last
50 years make the planet visibly greener. If CO​2​ drops to 150 ppmv, as it almost did during the last deep freeze and may well do during the next
one, C3 photosynthesis would shut down and 95% of the world’s biomass would quickly suffocate. But C4 grasses can survive down to 10 ppmv
PLANT GROWTH CLIMAX is set both by climate and by consumers (including fire and megafauna). Consumer-driven vegetation has left much of
the globe out of equilibrium with the climate. W.J. Bond, 2005.

WINTER IN A GREENHOUSE WORLD. The beginning of this game in the early Paleozoic had high greenhouse, as shown by the formation of
minerals such as Aragonite which are sensitive to CO​2​ concentrations. Yet the Paleozoic was also increasingly punctuated by brief glacial episodes.
The next era, the Mesozoic, also saw high atmospheric CO​2​ concentrations starting around 600 ppmv in the early Triassic, rising to perhaps 2400
ppmv by the Cretaceous, and falling to today’s icy values of 400 ppmv. Atmospheric humidity, which accounts for 75% of the greenhouse effect,
also rose correspondingly. The insects, mammals, dinosaurs, and flowers got their kickstart and thrived in a warm humid incubator set to “ideal” in
an entirely ice-free world with jungles from pole to pole. And yet there were mysterious “cold snaps”, cold enough that bewildered dinosaurs
encountered snow and ice, substances unknown in their evolutionary history. The puzzling combination of glaciers in a greenhouse world is easiest
to reconcile by considering that greenhouse is only one factor in climate, with the primary factors being solar and other extraterrestrial influences.
We live in a cosmic environment.

MASS EXTINCTION is a loss of species that is over 2X the base extinction rate, as calculated from the long-term life expectancy of a species. It is
often asserted that we live in a human-caused mass extinction, but there is no evidence for this. North America is a well studied case, having about
1000 mammal species since the Pleistocene. Since studies of the fossil record indicate that mammal species survive for about a million years, this
equates to a base extinction rate of 1 mammal per 1000 years. A speciation rate of at least 1 per 1000 years is necessary to maintain mammal
biodiversity. The known number of North American extinctions since the Pleistocene is 45 mammals in 10,000 years, and this qualifies as a mass
extinction. Among the losses were megafauna such as horses, giant sloths, mammoths, and sabertooth cats. However, in the 500 years since
Columbus landed, there has been but one extinction, a Mexican rabbit that may have been a subspecies. This is in line with the expected base
extinction rate. (I ignore subspecies in this tally because they are undefinable. I also ignore species from predator-free islands, such as the ​Steller’s
Sea Cow, since they have no genetic future in the world with predators.) If you look at birds, plants, insects, etc., calculating the base extinction rate
is harder because these organisms don’t fossilize well. However, from what is known the results do not change much. Nor do they change much on
other continents. There was a mass extinction in the Pleistocene, in which humans may have been a factor, but that extinction ended centuries ago.
On the other hand, North America has at least 31 introduced mammal species, so biodiversity is up 3%, and this may be causing a speciation
explosion. There is at least as much evidence for an “Anthropocene Explosion” as there is for a “Anthropocene Extinction”. Man is the only species
that gives sanctuary to more species than it drives extinct. Domestic and semi-domestic species from aurochs to camels to ginkgos would be long
extinct if not for the intervention of humans.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 13

b. Dark Heart Limit​​. For Players Black, White, and Orange, the ​lowest​ ​dark heart icon​​ ​visible​ ​on
the Oxygen sets the maximum number of Organs each Species can have if a mutagen event occurs.
Example:​ A mutagen event strikes when the oxygen level is 4% with a dark heart of 2. Don’t forget to first
churn the Display. Player Orange has an Archetype with 3 Basal ​Organs​ and a flyer with 2 Basal Organs and 3
Plus Organs. The Archetype goes extinct, and the flyer loses a​ ll 3​ Plus Organs.

c. Green Heart Limit.​​ ​For Player Green, the ​lowest​ ​green heart icon​​ ​visible​ on the Clouds sets the
maximum number of Organs each of his Species can have if a mutagen event occurs.20
d. White Organ Shield​​. For every white organ a Species has, its heart limit (dark or green) is increased
by two. ​If a Species loses white organs during an event, its heart limit decreases right after the event.
e. Monsters. ​If a monster token suffers an Atrophy during mutagens, the species size is reduced instead.​ If
it suffers an Atrophy at the minimum size (size 1), remove the monster​ ​token instead​. See ​J4.
f. Haustorium​​. During a ​mutagen event​, a Species with a haustorium Skeletal Number of ​5​ must use the
dark heart limit​ (​D7b​​) and a Species with a haustorium Skeletal Number of ​0​ must use the ​green heart
limit​ (​D7c​​). See ​J5​​.
g. Order.​​ Atrophy Organs in ​player order ​(​A5​​).
Example:​ The albedo level is 0.2 (green heart = 3) when a mutagen strikes. Don’t forget to first churn the
display. Player Green has a size 3 Species with 3 basal cubes and one monster token, which counts as 3 Plus
Organs. The Species loses 2 organs by shrinking twice to size one and loses a third organ by discarding the
monster token along with its mutation card. Another Species has 4 basal cubes, including one white cube, and
this Species is unharmed.

D8. Metabolism/Darwinian Radiation (ET Event).  

This Event simulates two types of ionizing radiation. ​Metabolism radiation​​ (red/yellow) forces each Species to
Atrophy one Plus Organ, either red or yellow (owner’s choice). ​Darwinian radiation​​ (green/blue) forces
each Species to Atrophy one Plus Organ, either green or blue (owner’s choice).21
a. Mutation Loss.​​ Except for ​Cheshire Cats,​ remove a Mutation that loses its last Plus Organ.
b. Monsters​​. If a monster token Atrophies during radiation, the species size is reduced instead, see
“Atrophy”. ​If it suffers an Atrophy at the minimum size, remove the monster token instead​. See ​J4​​.
c. Immunity​​. Radiation has no effect on a Species with no Plus Organs of the color specified.
Note:​ Cards that gain no Plus Organs when promoted can never be lost.
d. Order.​​ Atrophy Plus Organs in ​player order​ (​A5​​).
Example:​ The hypercapnia event occurs, with a metabolism radiation event. Your Archetype has two blue Basal
Organs, which are unaffected by radiation. It also has one yellow Plus Organ, and this being the only choice,
must be the one removed, along with its Mutation.

D9. Crowd Disease (ET Event).  

The Species with the most Creeples on the map, including Endangered, loses half its Creeples, rounding down.
The owner chooses which ones are killed outright (i.e. removed to the Unborns, and not becoming
Endangered). If two (or more) Species are tied, all suffer the disease, choosing in ​player order​ (​A5​​).
Example:​ When a crowd disease strikes, your Archetype Creeples are tied for the most populous, with 5
Creeples on the map. You lose 2 of them, and you choose 2 that are being preyed upon by your opponent’s
birds, so that those 2 carnivores become Endangered. Player Orange has two Species with 5 Creeples, his

ANGIOSPERMS are a totally new plant type evolved during the Cretaceous, rapidly colonizing landscapes across the world with flower- and
fruit-bearing shrubs, trees, and herbaceous browse. The secret of their success is coevolution with animals, especially insects, to disperse their
genetic material.
HIGH OR LOW METABOLISM PHYSIOLOGY seemed to determine the winners and losers in mass extinctions. In the biggest, the twin P-Tr
extinctions, the losers were low-metabolic genera, especially marine filter feeders. Possibly high concentrations of CO​2​ overwhelmed their ability to
supply oxygen to their tissues, while the higher metabolism animals survived with a closed and well buffered system with active circulation and gills.
On land, the neopterous insects (those with hinged foldable wings) survived, possibly because their complete metamorphosis allowed larva, pupae,
and higher metabolism adults. The paleopterous insects (not able to fold their wings, like dragonflies) took heavy losses, in the only mass extinction
in arthropod history.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 14

Archetype and his predatory birds. Both Species lose 2 Creeples, and for the bird losses Player Orange
chooses the 2 Endangered ones.

D10. Reservoir (​​ET​​ or Biosphere Event).22 

Each of these Events shifts one disk from the ​Reservoir​​ or map indicated on the left, to the one indicated on the
right. The Reservoirs are the Oxygen, Clouds, and Atmosphere, and the map includes all the Biome hexes and
Offshore shelves. The color of the disk shifted is indicated by the color of the triangular arrow. Here are the
Offshore, Continental, Clouds, Atmosphere, and Oxygen icons:

a. Triggerhappy Superpower​​. If an Event includes the ​gun icon​​, the ​Medea supervillain​ (​E8​​) can
decide that all the disks of that color are moved, not just one. They all come from the indicated reservoir
and go to the indicated reservoir. This superpower must be applied globally, e.g. if the Event liberates a
continent​al​ green disk, the gun would liberate all continent​al​ green disks.
b. Ricochet Rule. ​If the Medea triggers a gun, he must immediately surrender the Medea card to another
player of his choice. The ricochet rule is only used if Player Green is in the game.

c. Microbe, Conflagration Events.23 An Event that has the or ​icon does NOT occur​ ​if
oxygen levels specify “no microbes” ​(6 or fewer green disks)​ or “no conflagration”​ (more than 6 disks)
Example:​ The first wetlands eutrophication event has the “requires microbe” icon, so it occurs only if oxygen
levels are ​more than 6 disks​ (since the anaerobic bacteria only function in low oxygen).24

d. Precipitation Events.​​ An Event with the icon occurs ​unless​ the cloud level indicates “no
precipitation” (because there are no clouds). ​This region extends from zero to three white disks, and the
“cloud-cover precipitation” extends from 8 or more disks.25
Example.​ During a megamonsoon, the 3 Events bracketed by precipitation occur. However, the Earth’s albedo
is ​3 white disks​ (“no precipitation”), which cancels these Events.
e. Cloud-Covered.​​ An Event marked with the ​cloud-covered icon​​ only occurs if the cloud level is
cloud-covered, as indicated on the Clouds.26

RESERVOIRS. “Photosynthesis partitions carbon on the Earth into two great reservoirs: the organic carbon reservoir of almost everything living as
well as of coal, oil, and other organic remains, and a larger reservoir of inorganic carbon that has not passed through living things, including the
limestone in a reef and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. At the close of the Permian a massive amount of organic carbon was released into the
atmosphere and oceans. Where it came from is the critical issue. Among the possibilities is that it reflects the carbon in all the plants and animals
that died, or the burning of massive coal deposits in Siberia, or the release of methane gas trapped in sediments on the outer shelf of the
continents.” ​Douglas Erwin, “Extinction”, 2006.
WITHOUT FIRE, vast areas of humid C4 grasslands and savannas, especially in South America and Africa, would become closed forests. W.J.
Bond, 2004. This assumes CO​2​ levels are high enough to favor C3 trees over C4 grasses, see footnote ​16​. ​As this game goes to press, a discovery
was announced that humans are not the only animal to use campfires (card #82). Two species of fire-foraging raptors in Northern Australia have
been observed to deliberately start brushfires by carrying firebrands in their talons from other brushfires.

DECOMPOSERS break down dead or decaying organisms. Most breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, such as fungi and aerobic bacteria. In
low oxygen conditions, anaerobic decomposition is performed by acetic acid-forming bacteria (​acetogens​) and methane-forming ​archaea
(methanogens). The latter are found in the guts of deer, giraffes, cattle, and termites to digest cellulose. The cycling of the white disk to the
atmosphere represents the belching of the potent greenhouse gas methane.
“PRECIPITATION is determined by complex atmospheric circulation patterns that are not solely determined by the local temperature. A region with
no precipitation will not form glaciers no matter how cold it gets.” Pierrehumbert, ​Principles of Planetary Climate,​ 2010.

CLOUDS are climate neutral in this game. They reflect sunlight, which cools the planet. But on the other hand, they are a powerful greenhouse,
which warms the planet. A cloudy planet like Venus has an albedo of 0.8 (80% of sunlight reflected), compared to a partially cloudy Earth with an

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 15

f. Continents​​. If the ​destination is on a Craton​, the disk is Degassed (see glossary) onto a Biome hex
chosen by the Medea. ​Unless constrained by ​rain-shadow​ (​D12a​​) or presence of a ​Disk of Damocles
(​D12d​​), the destination can be any non-offshore Biome (weeds, sea, swamp).​ The disks are either green
(forests), black (mountains), or white (ice), to a maximum of one disk per Biome. ccc
g. Offshore​​. If the destinatio​n is​ Offshore, the disk is Degassed into one of the semicircular ​shelves​​ on the
east coast of a Craton, ​see ​D12​​. The disks are either black (stored carbon or methane)27 or green
(plankton bloom). There is a maximum of one black disk per offshore position, and a maximum of one
green disk that can sit on top of the black disk (representing upwelling of carbon to the ocean surface).
Note​: A green disk can only be Degassed onto an Offshore black disk. If the black disk is Liberated, any green disk on it
must also be Liberated.
h. Change Greenhouse.​​ If disks were Liberated to or Degassed from the Atmosphere, check to see if the
Latitude Strip must be changed. If so, replace it with the new valid Latitude Strip (see glossary). If at the
end of events the Atmosphere is full (13 disks), the game ends at the end of the turn (Phase ​A4​​) due to
runaway greenhouse​​ ​(A6)​​. ​Player Green gets 5 actions on this final turn.
Note​: Load the atmosphere disks from the bottom empty spot on up, and it does not matter in what order the black and
white disks are in. If say, a black disk is removed from the Atmosphere, it can be removed from any position, but the
remaining disks slide downward to fill in the gap​.28 29

D11. Windy Event.  

This Event blows the Wind in all Latitudes and in both directions this turn. This enables ​rafting​ in all Latitudes,
see ​F5c​​.

D12. Biosphere Superpower. 

If a disk is Degassed to Continent​al​ or Offshore, the Medea specifies to which Biome it is added, constrained by
D12a​​. Conversely, if a disk is Liberated from Continent​al​ or Offshore, the Medea specifies which Biome it
comes from.

a. Rain-Shadow Constraint​​. This icon indicates the white disks Degassed to Continent​al​ during a
Reservoir Event always go into a ​rain-shadow biome​​: either (1) the center hex of any Craton or (2) into
a Biome adjacent and downwind of any mountain (black disk). For each mountain, look at the ​wind
indicator​ on the Latitude Strip for the mountain’s Latitude to see the direction of the Wind. If there are
several possibilities, the Medea decides. If there are no possibilities because all rain-shadows have a
Disk of Damocles of a higher hierarchy, the event is canceled.

albedo of 0.3. You can easily feel the cloud greenhouse by walking outside before dawn. If it’s cloudy the air will be not much cooler than during the
day, but if it’s a clear night under starry skies, you can almost feel the heat escaping into the vastness of space.

METHANE OUTGASSING is simulated in the game by cycling offshore carbon to the atmosphere. It is the prime suspect for the greatest extinction
events, such as the late Permian extinctions. The reason is that the fossil record across the P/Tr boundary shows two spikes of isotopically very
“light” carbon (enriched in C-12, indicating a biological source) released in a very brief amount of time (<160,000 years). The effects were global,
involving at least 2500 Gigatonnes (Gt) of methane. Only marine methanogens, which produce very “light” methane in the continental shelves, could
have suddenly released so much stored carbon this light. In less than a century, the released methane would have oxidized to CO​2​, either in the
oceans (by bacteria) or in the atmosphere (by OH radicals). Methane is a strong greenhouse gas, so the greenhouse would have skyrocketed, with
a gradual reduction as it is converted to the much weaker greenhouse gas CO​2​.​ (Note however that although the absorption coefficient of methane
is almost the same as CO​2​, the methane absorption spectra is shifted so that is is not eclipsed by that of water vapor, making methane seem a
much stronger greenhouse gas.) ​Because the oceans became hypoxic with the oxidation of so much carbon, immobile filter-feeding corals,
crinoids, bryozoans, and brachiopods took catastrophic losses. These creatures, which absorb O​2​ through the skin without gills or a significant
circulation system, were unbuffered against the new ocean chemistry. The few survivors were mobile creatures with relatively high metabolism
(vertebrates, clams, snails, and crabs). These creatures had a closed and buffered system able to deliver sufficient oxygen to their tissues in spite of
massive CO​2​ or CH​4​. Similar extinction patterns occurred on land as well, among insects and vertebrates.
IN EARTH’S GREENHOUSE EFFECT, “we find that water vapor is the dominant contributor (˜50% of the effect), followed by clouds (˜25%) and then
CO​2​ with ˜20%. All other absorbers play only minor roles. In a doubled CO​2​ scenario, this allocation is essentially unchanged, even though the
magnitude of the total greenhouse effect is significantly larger than the initial radiative forcing, underscoring the importance of feedbacks from water
vapor and clouds to climate sensitivity.”​ Gavin Schmidt, NASA Goddard, 2010.
On a summer’s day in my hometown of Tucson, the interior of a parked car can soar above 50°C. There are two possible explanations: (a)
greenhouse backscatter (some of the heat trying to escape through the glass is backscattered, heating the interior), or (b) convection blockage
(heated air that is blocked from rising gets much hotter than air free to rise and draw in cooler air). Which explanation accounts for most of the
temperature rise in an actual parked car or greenhouse? This question is debated, and could be resolved by a high school level science experiment.
Yet to my knowledge the experiment has not been performed.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 16

b. Plankton Die-off. ​Sometimes an Offshore will have a black disk covered by a green disk​. If so,
Liberation of the black disk also Liberates the green ​one​. Removal of a green Offshore disk (bloom)
makes any swimmers there Endangered.
c. Brown Plankton.​​ If a green disk is to be Degassed to an Offshore, but there is no Offshore Shelf with a
black disk to place it on, the Event is canceled.
d. Damocles Hierarchy. ​A white or black disk Degassed to the map is a Disk of Damocles (see glossary).
For example,​ you can’t add a new white disk to a biome that has a white or black disk there already.
Example:​ A CO​2​ desert event occurs during an Ice Age, placing a white disk in a rain-shadow. All the center
hexes already have white or black disks. There are several mountains, but only two in windy latitudes. Medea
chooses to place the white disk over a sea where an opponent’s swimmer is living downwind from a mountain.
The swimmers become Endangered, presumably because the sea has become supersaline.

D13. Cloud Seed Superpower. 

If a white disk is Liberated for any reason, the Medea decides if it goes into the Clouds or Atmosphere. This
choice is indicated by the half clouds/half atmosphere icon on certain Events.
Example:​ The icon below shows a reservoir event liberating a white disk from the continenta​ l​s to either the
Atmosphere or the Clouds. The Medea, using his cloud seed superpower, decides which Reservoir it goes into.
Since this is a gun, if Medea pulls the trigger all the white disks on all the continent​als​ are Liberated, d​ eciding
which reservoir each one goes into​.

​White disk “gun” from continent​al​s to either Atmosphere or Clouds.

D14. Empty Reservoir Superpower.  
If an Event requires a disk to be taken from a Reservoir ​or Biome​, but there is no disk of that color left, the
Medea ​must​ remove the required disk from any​ reservoir if possible, and otherwise from a Biome​. This
superpower cannot be used during a gun event.

E. Actions 
During the ​action phase​ (​A2​​), each player performs a number of ​actions​​ (​E1​​ - ​E8​​) as determined by ​A2a. ​You
can choose the same action multiple times, or different actions in any order, on the same or different species.

E1. Mutate - ​select and play a mutation.  

Use this action to ​select​​ a card in the Display and immediately add it to the Tableau ​of​ one of your Species.
There is no hand.
a. Mutation Costs.30 Each Mutation has a ​cost​​ as shown by the Table below. The total costs of cards
selected ​for​ ​a​ ​given​ ​Species​ during this phase cannot exceed the number of Unborn Creeples it has when
it starts its purchases.31

DARWIN’S DILEMMA. Small ponds favor rapid evolution. Chapter 6 of “On The Origins of Species” (1859) is entitled “Difficulties with the Theory”. In
it, Darwin wrote: ​"Firstly, why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable
transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?" T ​ he fossil record shows that
speciations normally go through initial rapid change, and then as they reach large populations, they enter a period of phenotypic stasis, in which
their gross morphology changes little. The game simulates this stasis by counting unborns. This is sometimes called ​punctuated evolution​​, and
without this effect, there would be no species, only a blur of varying individuals, some of which can interbreed. Large central populations are
stabilized by their large volume and the process of panmictic gene flow. New and even beneficial mutations are diluted by stabilizing selection, in
which ​genetic diversity​ decreases and the ​population​ mean stabilizes on a particular ​trait​ value. Large populations also increase koinophilia, the
tendency of breeding animals to preferentially seek ​mates​ with a minimum of unusual or mutant features.

WEED ANIMALS are species that initially radiate in astronomical numbers, but then go into stasis or even extinction as the environment matures in
climax. The spark is often a disaster, which can range from a plowed field to a meteor strike. Two recent (post-Columbian) weed animals are
passenger pigeons (once the most common bird in America), and Rocky Mountain locusts (one swarm estimated at 12 trillion grasshoppers, a
Guinness record). Such decimations are usually blamed on hunting, but hunting has rarely, if ever, driven American mainland species to extinction.
How could hunters drive passenger pigeons extinct while leaving intact at least 909 of the 914 other nearctic bird species? According to Charles
Mann, in his book “1491” (2005), the disaster that spawned huge numbers of weeds (including the American bison) was the decimation by disease
of aboriginal humans (sometimes misnamed “native Americans”, even though they were an invasive species). As keystone species, they managed
the forests through widespread anthropogenic fires and fire-stick farming, and crafted much of the landscape he calls “the artificial wilderness”. In
Christmas bird counts in my hometown of Tucson Arizona, we documented the rise of the Inca Dove, a recent immigrant from Mexico related to the

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 17

Example:​ You have 4 actions this turn. You have 2 Species, one with 2 Unborn, and one with 6 Unborn. For
your first Species, you select a Mutation that costs 2. For your second Species, you make 3 selections, for
Mutations costing 0, 0, and 6. In both cases, you have spent the maximum allowed for each Species. Note that
you have not permanently spent any Unborn, and on your next turn you once again can spend 2 for your first
Species and 6 for your second species.

b. Emotional Bonus.​​ The cost required to select any card is ​halved​ if since the beginning of this phase that
Species has had one or more ​emotions ​(​J6​​) of the card’s color. If it had more than one, see ​J6e​​.
Example:​ Your only Species has 4 Living Creeples and thus 3 Unborn Creeples. It has the blue emotion (sexual
jealousy). You want to select the second and third cards from the left on the Darwinian (bottom) row, which
have a cost of 2 and 4 respectively. Both Mutations are blue, so your costs are halved. You have 3 Unborns,
enough to select both cards.
c. Plus Organ​​. After playing a Mutation into your Tableau, put the Organ (sometimes 2 Organs) of the
color specified on the Mutation card. Place the cube over the cube icon marked with a “+”. This cube is
called the ​Plus Organ​​.
d. Player Green​​ is not allowed to select any Mutation from the upper row (i.e. the metabolism row with

yellow and red cards) unless the Mutation has the ​Horror-plant icon​​ next to the card title.32
e. Refresh​​. After all your ​actions have been performed​, refresh the Display so that it once again has 5 cards per row.
Do this by moving each card in the Display to the leftmost empty position in its row. Then draw new cards to fill
any remaining empty positions so there are again 5 cards in each row. Draw cards from the respective metabolism
or Darwinian draw deck to fill the rows from the leftmost empty slot.
Note:​ In the unlikely event a deck runs out, make a new deck from discarded Mutations of the appropriate colors.

E2. Promote ​a mutation. 

Use this action to flip one of the Species’ unpromoted mutations to its promoted side.
a. Preview​​. On the top of each unpromoted Mutation is a ​preview​​ of what the promoted side looks like. It
consists of two sets of icons, one for each ​orientation​ (next bullet). See anatomy above.
b. Orientation​​. The promoted side has two ​orientations​​. Choose one orientation to be upright in your
Tableau. You must not be beyond the maximum size specified for the orientation chosen. Important: If you
choose an orientation with a new Creeple Shape, this is a ​speciation​, see ​E3​​.
c. Plus & Basal Organs​​. The promoted orientation adds the ​Plus Organs​ (​E1c​​) specified, placed on the
Mutation card where indicated by the “+” sign. The original Plus Organ (or Organs) from the unpromoted
side ​is​ transferred to anywhere on the Genotype card, and becomes a ​Basal Organ​​.

passenger pigeon. In southwestern cities where grass seed is used to create irrigated lawns, the annual counts were many thousands in the 1990’s,
down to just 8 this year. Other dove species remain untouched, so the reason for this shocking decline is unknown.

METABOLISM is the aerobic activities of the circulatory (yellow cards) and nervous (red cards) systems. Plants have mitochondria and thus breathe
oxygen and make ATP, like animals. Nevertheless, without muscles or nerves their metabolism is limited. Some plants, such as skunk cabbage, use
their relatively high metabolism to melt through snow and thus gain a competitive advantage in the spring. These adaptations, the first steps toward
plant endothermy, may someday turn the arctic green. This has not happened yet perhaps because the ice and snow of today’s Ice Age is so

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 18

d. Plus Organ Monsters.​​ If the Plus Organ icon has the ​monster icon​​, a monster token of the
correct color is placed here instead of a cube. This token is considered to be many Organs, from 1 to 6,
depending upon the current species size. This Organ number is used for all purposes.
Example:​ You have a 2 ton cow (size 5). The single green Plus Organ on its “cud-chewing” mutation is
considered to be 5 green cubes, allowing this monster to dominate the forests and weeds. If hit by radiation,
and this is its only Plus Organ, the cow will need to shrink to size 4 to effectively get rid of one green organ
(see “Monster” in the glossary).

e. Maximum Size.​​ You are not allowed to promote a card to an orientation with a ​maximum size​ (​J1​​) less than
your current size, unless the card would speciate into a kiwi (E3e).
f. Mutualism Icon.​​ See ​J2​​.
g. Venom Icon.​​ See ​J3​​.
h. Personality Formation.​​ Each promotion allows you to rearrange the promoted cards of the Species,
including the formation of both halves of an emotion as part of its ​personality​ per ​J6​​. ​However you cannot
remove emotions​. Organize the Species Tableau so that the uppermost Mutation is part of its personality
i. Speciation Promotion​​. If you promote to an orientation depicting a Creeple shape, this promotion is treated
as a ​speciation​ ​(E3) ​instead. This speciation is disallowed if you already have any Living Creeples of the
resulting​ Shape.

E3. Speciate ​a mutation into a new species.33 

This action is a variant of ​promotion​ (​E2i​​), with extra rules.​ If you promote a Mutation to spawn a new Species,
the Species with the Mutation is called the ​mother​​ and the new Species is the ​daughter​​. Promote this Mutation,
moving​ ​all​ ​its​ ​cube​(s) (if any) onto the Genotype of the mother as ​basal cubes​ (​E2c​​). Then remove the Mutation
from the mother’s Tableau and use it to create the new Species following these steps:
a. Creating the Genotype.​​ Use the removed Mutation to start a new Tableau for the new daughter species.
This card becomes the ​Genotype​​ of the daughter (i.e. the first card in her Tableau).
b. Daughter’s Inherited Basal Organs & Size.​​ Duplicate all the Basal Organs (but not the Plus Organs) of
the mother. Note this means the Plus Organ on the promoted card becomes a Basal Organ on ​both​ mother
and daughter, see example. Place these new cubes on the daughter’s Genotype as Basal Organs. ​Also
duplicate the Size Dice, at the same size as the mother. ​See “Heritable” in the glossary.
Example: ​Your Archetype has no Basal Organs and 1 red Plus Organ on its electrolocation mutation. It
promotes this mutation into an infrared pit sensor, thus speciating into a burrower. The red cube becomes a
Basal Cube on the mother, which is inherited by her burrowing daughter.

c. Recession.​​ If the promotion shows the ​recession icon​​ for a color, then the new Species must discard
one of its new Basal cubes of that color (if it has any). This is an involuntary ​neoteny​ (​E5​​) and thus does not
drive the new Species extinct.
d. Newborn Daughter.​​ Take 1 Unborn Creeple of the new Species and use it to ​immediately​ replace one of
the mother’s creeples. This drives the mother ​extinct​ (​I3​​) if it was her last Living Creeple. ​The daughter
starts Endangered if she can’t inhabit the Biome. Put all other creeples for this species on its Genotype card​.
e. Maximum Size.​​ If the mother is larger than the ​maximum size​ (​J1​​) of her daughter, the daughter becomes a
kiwi​ (​E6b​​) using the archetype shape. If this is not possible because the archetype is already in use, or if it
is a tooth & claw then the promotion is not allowed.

CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION is a speciation event that occurred on turn 0 of this game. It included the proliferation of a dozen new plant and animal
morphologies judged novel enough to be ranked as new phyla (including the 4 players in this game). Never again would there be such a burst of
morphological innovations, even after severe holocausts. For instance, the Permian-Triassic (P-Tr) mass extinctions ended over 90% of the world’s
marine species, returning to a world at least as barren as before the Explosion. One would expect that the depopulated ecospaces would trigger
many innovations. Yet, the slowly recovering populations created nothing distinct enough to be judged as a new class or phylum. It is as if the
developmental processes constructed during the Cambrian would constrain subsequent reorganization over time. ​Douglas Erwin, 2006.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 19

Example: ​You speciate an armored species from a swimmer. You choose a swimming mother in an offshore,
and replace the creeple with the armored creeple. This armored creeple is instantly endangered, because it
can’t swim. So you must populate and expand from this Endangered Creeple before it goes extinct.

E4. Populate ​a new creeple. 

Use this action to take 1 Unborn Creeple ​of a chosen Species​ plus up to one Creeple per reproductive organ
(blue cubes currently on ​that​ Species) and place on your Newborn Card. They will be moved to the map in the
mother phase​ (​Part F​​).
Example: ​For your three actions, you choose speciate (placing 1 armored Living Creeple), Populate (creating 2
Archetype Newborns), and Populate (creating 2 more armored Newborns). A ​ lternately, you could speciate
and then populate twice with the new species.

E5. Neoteny - ​Discard Basal Organ from Each Species.34 

Use this action to discard up to 1 Basal Organ from each of your Species, ​without driving the Species extinct​.
Removing Basal Organs is useful to avoid extinction from mutagens.
Example:​ Your swimmer has two blue Basal Organs on its Genotype. With two neoteny actions, you remove
both of them, making it safe from extinction.

E6. Resize ​each of your species​. 

Use this action to change the Size Dice of each of your Species by up to one step (up or down).
a. Mutation Maximum Size.​​ If the Size Dice of a Species goes beyond the maximum listed on any
promoted Mutation (​J1​​), the card is Atrophied (see glossary).
b. The Kiwi Rule.35 If, after a resize or speciate, the size of your Genotype is larger than the maximum
size printed on its card, it is replaced by a new Archetype species called a ​kiwi​​ (so-named because it has
lost its ability to fly, swim, etc.). However, this replacement is only possible if your Archetype is
extinct ​(or else the species goes Extinct) OR if you started the game as a marine archetype (from
transferring from a game of Bios:Genesis, see ​C2​​)​. The Genotype goes into your Fossil Record​ (except
if the kiwi rule is caused by a resize of an aquatic archetype in which case you just flip the card to its
terrestrial side) ​. To create the kiwi, remove the Genotype card and replace it with your Archetype card,
preserving all the Organs and Mutations of the former Genotype. Convert all the ​Genotype’s Creeples
into Archetype Creeples.
Example:​ Your last species is a furry alary muscle flyer, with a maximum size of one. You deliberately resize it
to 2, which replaces the alary muscle genotype card with your Archetype card. The fur is retained. There are 3
flyers on the map, and all are replaced with domes.

E7. Resurrect ​your Archetype. 

This action is only for Lazarus players (see glossary). Use it to reestablish your Archetype card with its Size
Dice set at size = 1,​ ​just as if in setup. ​ ​Place any Cheshire Cat emotions to the right of the Archetype.
a. Start Location. ​Place an Archetype Creeple to any ​uninhabited trophic level​ on the map that is
habitable​ (​F3c​​).

NEOTENY, the retention by adults of traits previously seen only in the young, is seen in animals such as the Axolotl, a Mexican salamander.
Normally salamanders, like all amphibians, go through a gilled larval phase and metamorphose into air-breathing adults. But although the Axolotl is
descended from terrestrial tiger salamanders, it is totally aquatic. It retains its gills throughout its life cycle and breeds in its larval form. Thus
biological neoteny has shed the adult characteristics, in a "backward" step in evolution.

THE KIWI RULE is so named because one of the designers (Doull) comes from New Zealand, which has no native mammals except two species of
bat and where birds (and some insects) fill most of the ecological niches traditionally inhabited by mammals, in many instances becoming flightless
as they did so. Given the size adjustment, it would have been better to call this a moa or elephant bird rule. Or a dodo rule, since the idea is that the
new creature has evolved on a predator-free island and thus has no anti-predator specializations.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 20

E8. Medea - ​Claim The Supervillain Card.36   
This requires spending your entire action phase. You take the Medea card (​C1b​​) from whoever is holding it. The
Medea card is not in the Tableau of any of your Species, and is not lost if you become a Lazarus. With this card,
you have ​superpowers​ per ​D10a, D12, ​and​ D14​​, and it is worth a VP if held at the end of the game. You are also
in charge of keeping the game moving by announcing the phases, using the SOP on the back of this card.

F. Mothers & Dispersals 

In the ​mother & dispersal phase​ (​A3​​), in ​player order (​ ​A5​​), each player chooses a mother and disperses all of
his Newborn Creeples before going to the next player.

F1. Choosing a Mother. 

For each Newborn, choose a ​mother​​ on the map of the same Shape.
a. Daisy-Chain Rule.​​ Each Newborn placed on the map can act as a mother for the next Newborn.
b. Orphan Rule​​. You can choose a mother even if she is an Endangered Creeple.
Example: ​On your Newborn Card, you have 2 archetypes and 1 burrower. You choose an archetype on the map
to be the first mother, disperse a newborn archetype to the west coast, then from this newborn raft another
newborn to a new Continent. The final burrowing newborn disperses from a burrowing mother to become a
carnivore on one of the archetypes.

F2. Dispersal. DP = +  
Starting from its mother, disperse the Newborn Creeple up to its Dispersal Points​ (including zero DP),​ ending up
in a Biome as an Herbivore or Carnivore (​F6​​). If you fail to disperse to a ​habitable place​ (​F3c​​), return the
Newborn to Unborns.
a. Dispersal Points​​. Each Creeple individually has a number of​ dispersal points (DP)​​ equal to the number of
blue​ organs plus ​size​ of the Species.37 To disperse a Newborn, move it from hex to hex, costing dispersal
points (DP) for each hex entered. ​It does not cost any extra DP to enter a hex with creeples. ​See ​F3a​​ for DP
costs to enter each Biome, and ​F3c​​ and ​F4​​ for restrictions on inhabiting a Biome. See ​F5​​ for the special
rafting​ maneuver.
Example:​ On turn one, your Archetype has 1 DP, because of its starting size of 1 (​C1e​).

Example (Speciation & Dispersal):​ For your first action, you speciate your archetype, giving birth to a
swimming daughter. You choose an archetype dome in a forest to be replaced with a swimmer shape. The
swimmer starts endangered, because swimmers can’t live in forests. An enemy predator in the forest also
becomes endangered, because its prey is endangered. To save the new species, you also perform a populate
action. Because your new swimmer has a blue organ, you place 2 swimmer newborns. During dispersal, these
two disperse starting from the endangered mom. One disperses as a predator to a nearby swamp, and the
second daisy-chains from the swamp to a bloom in the offshore.

THE MEDEA SUPERVILLAIN refers to anaerobic microbes under heavy selection pressure for hundreds of thousands of years to eliminate all
macroorganisms and return the planet to the single-cell only paradise it was for its first 4 billion years. The superpower “methanogen” refers to the
microbes bred to store their methane waste products under an icy cap. The evil plot is to opportunistically await a good earthquake, meteor, or drop
in sea level that releases such a huge plume of supergreenhouse gases that the oxygen-breathers go extinct, leaving the methanogens to spread
their genes and inherit the Earth. Medea mediated methane releases are suspected of causing the biggest extinction event recorded, the twin P-Tr
extinctions. The Medea concept was introduced in card 60 in Bios:Genesis, and I hope including a supervillain in the game will be in keeping with
movie trends nowadays.

LOCOMOTION COSTS decrease with increasing size. When running at the trot-gallop transition speed, a 30 gram mouse uses 6X the amount of
watts/kg than a 300 kg horse does. This is because small animals take more strides per second, and because smaller animals generate larger
forces in their running muscles relative to their body mass. Walking, flying and swimming migratory animals tend to be larger than their
non-migratory relatives. Locomotion costs on land have an important physics advantage over flyers and swimmers. When traveling by momentum
exchange with a fluid, with for instance the beating of fins and wings, conservation of momentum and energy dictate that perhaps half of the energy
expended is wasted moving the fluid backward. Whereas the feet of a land runner move the planet only insignificantly backward, transferring almost
100% of the energy into forward motion. Strange as it may seem, a runner is always faster than an equivalently muscled flyer (in level flight), and an
auto is faster than a plane or boat with the same powerplant.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 21

F3. Entering & Inhabiting Biomes. 
The ​Biome hexes​​ have 3 basic colors: green, brown, or blue. The Biome hex color is superseded if it contains a
Biome disk​​, either green, black, or white. See the table above:
a. Biome Entry Cost​​. The number indicates the number of ​dispersal points​ (​F2a​​) it costs to enter each hex.
b. Bloom Disks.​​ An Offshore with a green disk is treated as a separate Biome ​with a yellow ​Roadrunner
Niche​ (​G4, H3​​).​ It may be inhabited exactly like a sea biome, so that both Herbivores and Carnivores can
inhabit it if they can swim. It may only be entered (for 1 DP) by a swimmer, and only from the hex it is
adjacent to, or from an adjacent Offshore to the north or south, ​or from rafting​. Other than this, an
Offshore is ignored for dispersal or rafting.38
In other words​, ​you raft​ to or from the hex that a bloom is connected to (without moving to the bloom first).
c. Uninhabitable Biomes​​. If the table shows an “X”, then a Creeple can enter it but not inhabit it ​(i.e.
cannot end movement there).​ ​A Creeple may ​not ​move to inhabit a Biome as a Carnivore unless there is
one Herbivore Creeple there that is ​suitable​ for it to eat (​F4​​).
d. Roadrunner Niche.​​ The upward red or yellow arrows describe the ​Roadrunner Niche​ (​G4, H3​​).

F4. Prey Suitability. 

A Carnivore becomes Endangered if at any time it has no Herbivores to eat that are ​suitable​​.
a. Shape Requirement.​​ The Carnivore must have the same Shape as its prey, except that Archetypes can be
eaten by any Shape. For instance, flying can only be eaten by flying.39
b. Size Requirement If The Prey Is Venomous. ​The Carnivore must either be venomous itself, or be larger
SWIMMERS represent species that once walked on land, but have returned to the sea. How is this possible? Typical shark documentaries,
containing the line “the shark, nature’s perfect eating machine”, make it seem that clumsy air-breathers could not possibly survive in shark-infested
waters, let alone compete with them for the apex marine predator slot. And yet they did, over and over again. Mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs,
lizards, snakes, turtles, pinnipeds, otters, dolphins, whales, and penguins have taken over slots that sharks once enjoyed. It’s a mystery (at least to
me) why landlubber tetrapods so effortlessly defeat predators “perfectly adapted” to the oceans since the Ordovician. My best guess is my
“Achterbahn” (roller-coaster) hypothesis, which theorizes that any biological order able to survive in the harsh and swingy terrestrial environment can
become dominant anywhere. Supporting this hypothesis is the fact that the earliest sharks are freshwater xenacanths, so even sharks evolved in a
semi-terrestrial environment. Against this hypothesis is the fact that the other skeletal types have not re-invaded the ocean from the land. Offhand, I
can’t think of a single marine air-breathing invertebrate, unless you count the seagrasses (a flowering plant) as an invertebrate.
ENDOTHERMY was not a necessity for the evolution of flight (as insects demonstrate). The muscle physiology of a reptile is fully capable of
launching a turkey-sized primitive bird into the air from the ground, where short bursts of wings may propel the animal to where they can use
thermals to glide long distances. A bird of this size does not use the constant highly aerobic flight we see in migratory birds of northern temperate
climates. Paladino, Spotila, Dodson 1997.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 22

than its prey if the prey has one or more venom Mutations (​black widow icon​​).
c. No Cannibalism.​​ You cannot move a Creeple into a Biome as an Herbivore where the same Species is
already present as a Carnivore (​either endangered or not​), and vice versa.
Note​: You c​ an​ have one Species of your color as a Carnivore on another Species, also of your color.
d. Endangered Herbivores​​ cannot be suitable prey.

F5. Rafting.40  
A Creeple may ​disperse​ from one Coast Biome to another Coast Biome in the same Latitude (including
wrap-around,​ see ​D3b​​). Rafting is possible between Continents/​Cratons​, stopping at the first encountered
Coast, or even between 2 Coasts of the same Continent. ​Rafting is only possible in Latitudes with Wind and
the Creeple must follow the Wind (i.e. directly west or east, no turning) and must move from one Coast to
another. Rafting costs 1 DP for flyers or swimmers, and 3 DP for others (this is in addition to the cost to enter
the hex).
a. Tooth & Claw Game:​​ The wind direction is always blowing from the east to the west (i.e. right to left).
b. Achterbahn game:​​ Wind only blows in Latitudes 1, 3, 4, and 6, and only in the direction shown on the
Latitude Strip.

c. Windy Event.​​ If this biosphere event occurs, then for that turn only the Wind blows in all
Latitudes and in both directions.41
d. Blooms.​​ Rafting to a bloom costs +​1 DP to enter (swimmers only).
e. You cannot raft over ​any biome​​ within a Craton.

F6. Trophic Decision. 

The Creeple chooses to inhabit its destination Biome as either an Herbivore or a Carnivore (regardless of
whether its mother was a carnivore or herbivore).
a. Enter as Carnivore. ​To inhabit a Biome as a carnivore, the Biome must have a prey suitable for the
Creeple to eat (​F4​​).​ ​If there is already a carnivore present, then there is an immediate ​carnivore contest
(​Part H​​).
b. Enter as Herbivore. ​To inhabit a Biome as an Herbivore where there is already an herbivore present,
then there will be an immediate ​herbivore contest​ (​Part G​​).42
c. Settling Down.​​ Assuming your Creeple wins its contest (if any), unless it ​is or​ becomes an ​endotherm
(​I1​​) it will never move from that Biome again, until its death. It may only make a ​trophic shift (​ ​G8​​)
from Herbivore to Carnivore.
Example:​ Your armored newborn invades a forest where your opponent has an Archetype herbivore and a flyer
carnivore. Both have more red organs than you, so if you invade as a carnivore, you will lose the carnivore
contest because of the roadrunner niche. But if you invade as an herbivore, you win because you are inedible to
the flying carnivore.

MASSIVE RAFTS dislodged from the Amazon jungle have been observed to include monkeys and jaguars. However, on the scale of this game, the
rafts are mainly “lost world” islands or subcontinents that rift from the mainland, and travel via plate tectonics to fetch up on a foreign shore. This can
happen because the island is attached to an oceanic slab of lithosphere which is being subducted at the foreign shore. Examples include Iberia and
India. The latter rifted from Madagascar, and traveled northward to hit Asia at speeds of up to 15 cm/year, something of a plate tectonic speed

THE PREDOMINANTLY EASTERLY GLOBAL WIND would have been reversed on the western coast of a supercontinent. During the Triassic,
surface convergence of these winds with the Pangea high pressure system brought increased seasonality and megamonsoons, leaving the Pangea
interior so dry as to be virtually uninhabitable.

CHEWING, the preprocessing of vegetation with teeth, is one of the most dramatic herbivore inventions of all time. Reptiles, both herbivore and
carnivore, do very little chewing. But both dinosaurs and mammal herbivores normally masticate their vegetables thoroughly, or in the case of
ruminants, rechew them. Cheeks are used to keep the bolus of food in place while chewing, contrasted to reptiles that allow pieces of food to fall to
the ground when bitten. Dinosaurs continuously replace their teeth throughout their lives, like sharks, as contrasted to mammals, who have only one
adult set of teeth that must last their entire lives. An old elephant, for instance, is doomed when finally her last tooth wears away to nothing. The
battery of teeth and tooth-making apparati in ceratopsids helps make the Triceratops skull among the heaviest in terrestrial history. The conveyor
belt molars in hadrosaurs are such that its duckbill mouth can support a thousand teeth, although only the outer edge of each of the four tooth
batteries are active. The skulls of dinosaur carnivores, in contrast, are very light and gracile. Chewing is unimportant for carnivores, and their jaws
only move fore and aft, the better to shear meat off the bone. If the jaws could move from side to side, like herbivore jaws, it would be like trying to
shear paper with scissors with a loose joint. The difference in dentition is the most defining physiological trait that distinguishes dinosaurs from
mammals, a theme explored in my game ​American Megafauna​.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 23

G. Herbivore Habitability & Contests  
G1. Herbivore Habitability. 
An Herbivore becomes Endangered immediately if the biome it is in is ​uninhabitable​ (see ​F3c​​).

G2. Herbivore Contests. 

Each Biome can support one Herbivore Creeple. If after a dispersal a Biome has two herbivores, perform an
herbivore contest​​ by following steps ​G3​​ through ​G7​​ below to identify the losers that become Endangered. In
case of a tie, go to the next step, until only one Herbivore Creeple is left standing.
a. Endangered Creeples​​ are ignored in contests, as if they were not there.

G3. Edibility Contest Losers.  

If (and only if) there is a ​non-endangered​ Carnivore present, both Herbivores check to see if they are inedible
(because of Shape or venom, see ​F4​​). If only one is edible, it becomes Endangered.43
Example:​ A moose and squirrel (both Archetypes) sit in the weeds. Since a Biome can only support one
Herbivore, one must die. Suppose the moose is venomous and a predatory pterodactyl too small to eat the
moose is present. Thus the squirrel is the only edible prey and it dies (and the pterodactyl will starve in the
carnivore contest, since only the poisonous moose remains as prey). However, i​ nstead​ a large carnivore was
present,​ able to eat the moose. Then no winner can be declared, and the contest continues with G ​ 4.​

G4. Roadrunner Niche Losers.  

Each Biome has a ​roadrunner niche ​indicated by the​ ​color of the ​arrow icon ​on the Biome, either red
(ambush) or yellow (pursuit). See Table ​F3 (​ note that the arrow icon changes from yellow to red if a forest is
present)​. If (and only if) there is a ​non-endangered​ carnivore present, both Herbivores check to see how many
Organs of this color they have. If one Herbivore has more than the other, the one with fewer becomes
Endangered​. If they are tied, or if there are no carnivores, skip this step.
Example.​ The moose and squirrel from the previous example are vying for dominance in the weeds, and there is
a carnivore that can eat both. This biome has roadrunner yellow, and the squirrel is faster with one yellow
Organ. Therefore the moose dies. However, if there were no carnivore, then no winner can be declared, and
​ 5.​
the contest continues with G

G5. Humidity Niche Losers.  

Each Latitude has a ​humidity niche ​indicated by the color of the​ dice icon ​on the Latitude Strips, either green
(humid) or white (arid). ​Both Herbivores check to see how many Organs of this color they have. If one
Herbivore has more than the other, the one with fewer becomes Endangered. If tied, skip this step.
a. Tooth & Claw Game:​​ Since the climate is always ​humid​ (​A8f​​), the humidity niche is always green.

Example.​ The moose and squirrel from the previous example are vying for dominance in the weeds. The
climate is hothouse and the weeds are in a humid latitude. The squirrel has 3 green Organs, and the moose
only 2, so the moose dies. But if instead it is an Ice Age with a white dice icon, and neither moose nor squirrel
have any white organs, then the contest continues with ​G6.

G6. Size Matters.  

If still tied, the smaller Herbivore becomes Endangered.

ENDANGERED SPECIES are normally threatened by habitat loss or by niche competition. Unless they evolved on a predator-free island, carnivores
are only a factor in extirpation, with the major factor being starvation in competition with herbivores bearing anti-predator defenses. In this game,
herbivores are more afraid of other herbivores then they are of carnivores.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 24

G7. Tie-Breaker Skeletal Losers.  
As a final tie-breaker, the Herbivore with the lower ​Skeletal Number​ survives and the other becomes
a. Same Color Final Tie-breaker.​​ If two Creeples Species of the same color are competing, and are tied
in an Herbivore contest, then the owner chooses which Shape wins.
Example.​ The moose and squirrel from the previous example are tied in the herbivore contest. But the moose is
controlled by Player Green (skeletal number = 1), and the squirrel by Player Black (skeletal number = 3).
Therefore the squirrel dies.​

G8. Trophic Shift Survival.  

If an Herbivore Creeple loses an Herbivore contest or if the biome is not habitable ​(i.e. diving bell species), ​it is
allowed to shift to becoming a Carnivore instead of becoming Endangered, if it meets ​prey suitability​ (​F4​​). If
there is already a Carnivore there, they are involved in an immediate Carnivore contest.
Note​: This shift is only allowed from herbivore to carnivore, and not the other way around.44

CARNIVORES have a very short digestive system compared to herbivores. Vegetation consumed by a small carnivore would simply pass through
without being digested. Large carnivores have an advantage, because food spends more time in their digestive systems. Whereas an herbivore
might actually benefit from nibbling on a carcass. Indeed, herbivores with simple vat stomachs, such as elephants, horses, and giant sloths,
occasionally eat meat, if they have the opportunity.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 25

H. Carnivore Prey Suitability & Contests  

H1. Carnivore Prey Suitability.45  

A Carnivore becomes Endangered if at any time it has no Herbivores to eat that are ​suitable​ (​F4​​). This could be
because the Carnivore is the wrong Shape, or (in the case of venomous prey) the wrong siz​e.

H2. Carnivore Contests. 

Each ​predator triangle​ can support one Carnivore. If after a dispersal ​or trophic shift (​I2a​​)​ a Biome has two
Carnivores, perform a ​carnivore contest​​ by applying rules ​H3​​ through ​H6​​ below to identify the loser. In case
of a tie, go to the next rule, until only one Carnivore is left standing. If a Carnivore loses a contest, it becomes
a. Endangered Creeples​​ are ignored in contests, as if they were not there.
Important (circle of life): ​Herbivore Creeples represent thousands of individuals and are never endangered by
being eaten by Carnivores. They ​can​ be endangered by competing Herbivores. See “Scale” in the glossary, or
google the Lotka–Volterra equations on predator-prey population dynamics.

H3. Roadrunner Niche Losers.   

Each Biome has a ​roadrunner niche ​indicated by the​ ​color of the ​arrow icon​​ on the Biome, either red
(ambush) or yellow (pursuit). See Table ​F2​.​ Both Carnivores check to see how many Organs of this color they
have. If one Carnivore has more than the other, the one with fewer becomes endangered. If tied, skip this step.
Example.​ On an offshore green disk, a dolphin and a crocodile are both trying to be the carnivore. The
roadrunner in the sea is always yellow therefore, if the dolphin only has one yellow organ and the croc has
two, the dolphin dies.46

H4. Prey Size Losers.  

A Carnivore that has a size difference with its prey loses to one who has a lesser size difference to the prey.47
Losers become Endangered. If tied, skip this step.

H5. Size Matters.  

If still tied, the smaller Carnivore becomes Endangered.

PREDATOR’S DILEMMA (strategy tip). Imagine a forest with two herbivores: a caterpillar and a porcupine. Without predators, it seems peaceful.
But it’s not. The herbivores are locked in a deadly eating contest, and the caterpillars are winning since they are better adapted to eating trees than
porcupines. Give them 10 million years, and the porcupines are extinct. But suppose you are a bird entering the forest, eating the caterpillars. With
fewer caterpillars eating the trees, the porcupines enjoy a population boom, and in 10 million years, both the caterpillars and the birds have starved.
This is the ​predator’s dilemma​​. If you fly into the forest, you kill both your favored prey and yourself, so it is better to stay out until the porcupines
are extinct. (This fable is not a rule, it’s a consequence of the rules).

EPEIRIC SEAS were common in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, when sea levels were high enough to reduce Baltica to a smattering of small islands
and bisect Laurentia (now North America). The shallow (<200 meter) waters over flooded continental shelves provided habitat for over 90% of
marine species, then as now. One reason for the high biodiversity is that sea life depends upon nutrients washed down from the continents, and
another reason is that ocean photosynthesis is confined to the surface. Accordingly, sea life suffers in an Ice Age, when the sea levels drop
exposing the shelfs, and there is little run-off. Ocean biodiversity also suffers if there is a supercontinent, which has limited coastlines and whose
nutrient supply is seasonally limited. Most of the animal classes of the Mesozoic Epeiric Seas, such as ammonites, ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs, and
plesiosaurs, are now extinct.

PREY SIZE is about the same as predator size in today’s African Serengeti or in dinosaur assemblages. Solitary hunters can attack animals up to 3X
their size, or 5X in the case of pack hunting. This is a one step size difference in the game. In Africa, herbivores over 1-tonne (i.e. sizes 5 & 6) are
generally immune to predators, although their eggs and young are attacked. Extreme size differences between predator and prey, such as between
echolocating bats or whales and their prey, are rare.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 26

H6. Tie-Breaker Skeletal Losers.48  
As a final tie-breaker, the Carnivore with the ​higher​ ​Skeletal Number​ survives and the other becomes
a. Same Color Final Tie-breaker.​​ If two Creeples Species of the same color are competing, and are tied
in a carnivore contest, then the owner chooses which Shape wins.49

I. Burials & Fossil Awards 

I1. Dispersal of Endotherms.50 
An ​endotherm ​is a Species with at least one white organ or is size 6.51 In ​player order ​(​A5​​), each player may
move his Endangered Endotherm Creeples ​t​o uninhabited habitable Biomes or Trophic Levels, using its
dispersal points​ and moving per ​F3​​, ​F4​​, ​F5​​, & ​F6​​. ​He may move carnivores into uninhabited herbivore
Trophic Levels and vice versa. ​He buries any endotherms that cannot find any spot to live, and stands the
survivors upright​ during ​I2​​.
a. Endangered Trophic Levels​​. Trophic Levels inhabited only by Endangered Creeples are considered
uninhabited. Perform a contest if your endotherm ends its move in a Trophic Level with another
Endangered Creeple. The Endangered losing this contest are buried unless they are also ​endotherms a​ nd
have not yet had opportunity to disperse.
Example.​ An event drops ice on your flyer creeples, making all of them endangered. During your actions, you
promote a flyer mutation to gain a white cube. This allows all your endangered flyers to flee to safety during
​ 4​.
Phase A

I2. Burial of Endangered. 

If a Creeple is Endangered (i.e. lying on its side), stand it upright if it is in an uncontested habitable Trophic
Level. Otherwise, ​bury​​ all Endangered Creeples by placing them onto their Genotype card as Unborns. Also
bury any Creeples in an uninhabitable biome.
a. Trophic Shift​​. An Endangered Creeple is not buried if it can survive by performing a ​trophic shift​ (​G8​​),
assuming the carnivore Trophic Level is uninhabited or inhabited only by endangered (the latter
generates a carnivore contest per ​I2b​​).
b. Multiple Endangered​​. If multiple Endangered Creeples are in and can inhabit the same uncontested
trophic level, they perform a contest. All losers are buried.

SCAVENGERS. The lower the skeletal number, the more likely it is to adopt a scavenger or detritivorous (decomposer) ecological role. Most
terrestrial scavenging is by Player Green, especially the hyphae of fungi. Second place is by earthworms, one of Darwin’s pet creatures. Third place
goes to Player Black, and the larvae of beetles and flies dominate rotting compost piles and corpses. Vertebrates have very few scavengers.
Hyenas, for instance, get most of their nutrition from hunting, not scavenging.
CARNIVORY is an almost parasitical “hakuna matata” lifestyle. Some herbivore has already done the hard part of transforming salad into fresh meat
so similar to your own tissues. Most of the animals that made the Ordovician beachhead were carnivores, including marine snails, arachnids,
amphibians, and reptiles. Even today these groups remain almost totally carnivorous. One wonders just what it was that was eating the plants, or
were the first land animals only scavenging beached remains of ocean life? ​Studies of ocean floors in very low oxygen regimes indicate that
carnivores require 3 to 10% oxygen to appear in the food web.

ENDOTHERMS are “warm-blooded” creatures with high metabolic rates, bringing the body temperature to an ideal for muscle performance. This
temperature is often maintained by the insulation of fur or feathers. The basal metabolic rates of small endotherms such as birds and mammals are
at least 10X than those of equally-sized ectotherms such as reptiles, fish, and mollusks. Endotherms are considered keystone species in this game,
with a disproportionately large effect on their environment.

GIGANTOTHERMY refers to the high volume to surface area ratio of megafauna, conferring an advantage when the outside temperature is too hot
or too cold for efficient metabolism. Since an animal loses heat through its surface area, and generates or stores heat with its volume, it can
maintain an ideal temperature with its mass alone. This “inertial homeothermy” is helpful for both endotherms and ectotherms. High metabolism
would have been a disadvantage to big dinosaurs, which would have had trouble getting rid of excess heat. Elephants are prone to heat stroke, and
help avoid this with radiative ears and spraying water. The dinosaur metabolism, whatever it was, certainly partially depended on gigantothermy:
size 3 dinosaurs (20 kg) are very rare, and there are no size 1 (mouse-sized) dinosaurs (that are not birds). This dependency very likely led to their
sudden extinction. The distinction between the metabolic strategies of endothermy and ectothermy is greatest at small sizes, and disappear at the
size of large sauropods.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 27

I3. Extinctions.52 
Your Species becomes ​extinct​​ if it loses ​its Genotype card​, any Basal Organs, or all its Living Creeples.​ ​Discard
its Mutations, and return its dice, disks, and tokens to the general pool. All its Creeples go to your pool.
a. Extinct Archetype. ​If your Archetype goes extinct, the Archetype card goes into your Fossil Record. It
can be reused by becoming a ​kiwi​ (​E6b​​) or Lazarus.
b. Fossils.​​ If any card in the Tableau of the extinct species has a ​fossil icon​​ in the upper right corner,
including its Genotype Card and tools, put the card in your Fossil Record. Each will be a victory point at
the ​game’s end​ (​A7c​​). Do not put it into your Fossil Record if the fossil icon is upside-down.
c. Lazarus Exception.​​ If this is your last Species, so that you have no more ​Living Creeples​ of any
Species, then you become a ​Lazarus​​. This allows you to use the ​resurrection​ action (​E7​)​ .53

I4. Fossil Awards. 

If the last ET Event of an Era has been drawn, at the end of that turn (phase ​A4​​) each player counts his
population and receives fossil awards. If it’s the ​final era ​(​A6​​), instead score as per ​A7​​.
a. Population Count.​​ Each player counts his ​Living Creeples​​ (i.e. all those of his color on the map,
counting all Species). Also count as your population any ​Host Creeples (​ ​J2​​) that are on mutualism cards
in your Tableau.
b. Fossil Awards.​​ For each player that has fewer Creeples than you, take one fossil token from the public
pool and put it into your personal Fossil Record as a permanent record of your earned VP.
Example:​ The first era ends in a 3-player game. At the end of the turn, Players White and Orange have 3
Creeples each, and Player Green has only 2. Players White and Orange each get 1 fossil token, but Player
Green gets no fossils.

J. Traits   

Traits​​ are non-heritable adaptations depicted by an icon on a Mutation. ​Effects of venom, emotions, etc. are
active even if the Plus Organ is lost (e.g. Cheshire Cat). Monster effects end if the monster token is removed.

J1. Maximum Size.  

The dice depicted in the upper right corner of all promotions indicates its ​maximum size. ​If a Genotype grows
to a size beyond the maximum size shown on one of its Mutations, you must discard the Mutation and all its
cubes. If it is a ​Cheshire Cat​ (​J6g​​), it loses its cubes but is not discarded. If a Genotype grows beyond the
maximum size listed on its card, it either goes extinct or becomes a ​kiwi​ (​E6b​​).

J2. Mutualism.  
When you promote to an Orientation with the ​mutualism​​ ability, and only then, you ​must​ choose a ​host ​(if any
are suitable).​ A host is another Species which shares a Biome with your promoting Species (as predator or

EXTINCTIONS are rare at the scale of this game, where players are phyla and Creeples are classes. While species rarely last the length of one
game turn, phyla and classes have proven to be practically immortal.

POLAR BEARS seem headed for extinction as global warming melts the Arctic ice, but not all is as it seems. The polar bear is actually not a distinct
species, but a subspecies of brown bear. Brown bears and polar bears can mate, and the hybrid offspring is called a “Pizzly” (so-named because
brown bears are called “Grizzlies” in the USA). During the last 2 million years, the earth has generally been in a deep freeze, but punctuated by a
dozen or so brief interglacials warm enough to melt the polar ice. We live in the latest such interglacial. An isotope analysis of a 130,000 year old
fossil jaw, combined with a molecular clock study of living polar bears and brown bears, suggests that polar bears switched from an omnivorous
forest diet to a diet of seals in just 20,000 years. At the time, the ice was just forming after the Eemian interglacial, the most recent interglacial with a
climate rather warmer than today’s. How can a totally new lifestyle evolve so quickly? I believe the answer lies in the latent genetic blueprint carried
by brown bears, containing the genes for the polar bear’s behavior, sealing jaw, and white coat. This genotype has been perfected during the
millions of years of the present Ice Age, but introgresses during each interglacial when the ice melts, only to be resurrected again during the next
deep freeze. (Introgression is a gene flow between species by backcrossing of hybrids.) Thus the polar bear is a type of Ice Age Lazarus, and for it
extinction is not necessarily forever. This story of the polar bear is similar to that of the peppered moth in Industrial Britain, a famous tale of
evolution in action.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 28

prey). Take one Creeple from either the Unborn or Newborn Creeples (your choice) of the host species and
put it on your mutualism mutation card. This Creeple is called a ​Host Creeple.
a. Limit. ​You may not choose a Species as a host which has no Unborn or Newborn Creeples to steal.
With 2 mutualism cards, you may mutualize the same species twice, etc. If you promote with no suitable
host, then no Host Creeple is placed.
b. Population Bonus​​. Each Host Creeple on your mutualism card counts as 1 population during ​fossil
awards​ (​I4b​​) and gives you 1VP at the end of the game (​A7d)​​.
c. Magic Mushroom Rule. ​Player Green can choose any Species with an ​unpromoted​ Mutation with the
Horror-plant icon as a host, even if not co-located.54
d. Loss of Mutualism.​​ If the host goes extinct, return the Creeple from the card to the Unborn of its color.

J3. Venom.  
Venom ​is a Trait conferred to a Species by the black widow icon on one of its Mutations. A venomous herbivore cannot
be eaten by a Carnivore unless the Carnivore is either venomous itself, ​immune (​J7​​),​ or larger (​F4b​​).

J4. Monster.  
A​ monster ​is a Trait that places a monster token on the Mutation. This token​ is considered to be multiple Plus Organ
cubes, as many cubes as the Size Dice of the Species. This monster token, of the specified color, is placed during
promotion​ (​E2d​​) to a monster. If a monster token Atrophies, e.g. during radiation or mutagens, the species size is
reduced instead, see “Atrophy”. A monster token ​and its card ​cannot be removed until the Species is at size 1,​ and if so
the removals are permanent​. The monsters are Godzilla, Kong, Kraken, Dragon, and Yeti, with apologies to the monsters
too many to be ​represented​.
Example.​ Your size 2 Species has a tentacled head, which is a green monster conferring 2 effective green Plus
Organs. You suffer a double Atrophy during a mutagen event. You absorb one Atrophy by reducing size to 1,
and the second Atrophy by removal of the monster token. This discards the tentacles card, unless it is part of a
personality and lingers due to the Cheshire Cat rule.

J5. Haustorium.  
If a Species has a promoted ​haustorium​​ mutation (card 56), this Species has a specific Skeletal Number (either 0 or 5) that
overrides the player’s normal skeletal number for this Species only. Thus in ​contests​ (​G7, H6​​), this Species always has
the lowest number (if parasitic plant), or the highest (if parasitic fungus). During a ​mutagen event​, a Species with a
haustorium Skeletal Number of 5 must use the ​dark heart limit​ (​D7b​​) ​and a Species with a haustorium Skeletal Number
of 0 must use the ​green heart limit​ (​D7c​​).

THE DOMINANT HERBIVORE in today’s New World tropics is not a vertebrate but the leaf-cutting ant Atta. I have seen my garden in Arizona being
carried away like the Great Birnam Wood in Macbeth. The ant doesn’t actually eat the leaves, but instead feeds them to subterranean gardens of
fungi (once again, the real dominant herbivore). Thus the ants have invented agriculture. The fungi they harvest is a unique coadapted species,
which like maize could not survive without the farmers who have bioengineered them.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 29

J6. Emotions.55  
Many promoted cards depict one or two “half-emoticons”. Each right-left match establishes an ​Emotion​​, either
anger (red), fear (yellow), happiness (green)56, jealousy (blue), or curiosity (purple).
a. Heads, Tails, Brains.​​ There are 3 kinds of cards in a Personality: ​heads,​ ​tails​, and ​brains​. ​Heads​​ have
their half-emoticon to the right edge of the card, while ​tails​​ have it on the left edge. ​Brains​​ have
half-emoticons on both edges.
b. Personality Formation.​​ A ​Personality​​ is a row of ​2 or more cards linked by emotions. Below this row,
arrange your other Mutations in a column​. Each adjacent card in the Personality must have established
at least one Emotion, by providing for the right or left half of its emoticon. During each ​promotion​ of a
Mutation (​E2​​h​), examine the Species repertoire of promoted cards to see if you have both halves of one
color of Emotion. If so, you may use them (with their Organs) to form a Personality to the right of the
Tableau column.
Note:​ Upside-down emoticons are not in play.
Example.​ You have a Tableau with 3 Mutations and 5 Organs. For one action, you promote your air sacs into a
bronchoalveolar lung. During this same action, you combine this lung with the olfactory antenna, also in your
Tableau, to form the “fear” emoticon, with the cards arranged as shown above. You imagine this strange
beast using its antenna​ e​ to sense danger, and its lungs to timidly flee from danger. With another action, you
could promote your aggregation pheromones into a mobbing behavior, and insert it as a “brain” between the
antennae head and the lunged tail. This duplicated emotion gives it an additional bonus for purchasing yellow
cards and increases the number of cards you have with Cheshire Cat immunity and endgame VP value.

EMOTIONS are a primitive form of language, defining “language” as a cognitive tool for organizing sense data and thereby setting a behavioral
mode. This mode sets an imperative: “eat”, “mate”, “fight”, “flee”, along with the complex algorithms for accomplishing these biological functions. In
all vertebrates since jawed fish, emotions are programmed by the limbic system. The decision-making algorithms of invertebrates are often heavily
influenced by pheromones. In tense mating situations between carnivores like spiders, the emotional state of the female determines whether her
suitor gets eaten or not. The decisions in eusocial insects like honey ​bees​ are also state-dependent — they interpret ambiguous stimuli more
negatively following experience of an aversive event.

HAPPINESS here is less Aristotle’s eudaemonia and more the satisfaction of a full belly. Accordingly, the green emotion is the hunger drive, the blue
emotion is the sex drive, the yellow emotion is flight, and the red emotion is fight.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 30

c. Multiple Personalities Forbidden.​​ Each Species is allowed one Personality (remember, each
Personality can have multiple Emotions), which can contain only one head and one tail. Allowed
configurations include head-tail, head-brain-tail, brain-brain-tail, etc. ​Ignore the emoticons on any
promoted mutations that do not fit into the personality.
Example.​ Your bird species has two promoted cards with head emoticons, and one limbic system brain that
accepts an angry head and a fear tail. You form a Personality for it by joining an anger horned head to the
brain, making it an angry bird. Now that it has a head in its Personality, its other heads cannot be added. But if
it promotes adrenal glands brain, which accepts a fear head, this could be added to the limbic system to form a
Personality with one head and two brains.
d. Personality Insertion.​​ New cards can be added to the Personality to form new emotions. However,
cards can never be ejected from the Personality to make room for new ones.
e. Reduced Cost.​​ Once a Species has one of the anger (red), fear (yellow), happiness (green), or jealousy
(blue) Emotions, halve the ​cost​ (​E1a​)​ when acquiring that color of card for the Species. If it has two or
more Emotions of a color, all cards ​of that color​ except for the leftmost (free) card have a cost of 1.
Example.​ When acquiring red Mutations for your angry bird of the previous example (and not for your other
Species), the cost (​E1a​) is halved.
f. Language.​​ If one of your Species gets 3 total Emotions consisting of two or more colors, you acquire
language57 and ​end the game​ (​A6) ​if you are in Era 3 or as soon as you enter Era 3 event phase.
g. Cheshire Cat.58 ​Personalities can lose their Organs during Atrophy, but they cannot be ​demoted or
discarded unless the Species goes extinct.

LANGUAGE has nothing to do with communication. The two have very different functions, and creatures can have one without the other. Only in the
genus ​Homo​ are the two so intimately intertwined as to be inseparable. As modeled in Bios:Genesis, communication can be between cells or
individuals, using a variety of chemical or sensory means. Most animal communications are variations of “come hither!”, “stay away!”, or “take cover
everyone!”. Language, on the other hand, is a tool of cognition. Its function is to organize the kaleidoscopic succession of sensory material, the
“blooming, buzzing confusion” as William James calls it, and integrate them into cognitive units called concepts. Language is useful, even essential,
for a man alone on a desert island. These ideas are developed further in the third game of the Bios trilogy: ​Bios:Origins.​

CHESHIRE CAT refers to the smile left behind when the cat is gone, likened here to the persistence of a personality.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 31

J7. Tools. 
For every purple (curiosity) Emotion acquired, you may immediately choose one of the ​unclaimed​ ​tool public
cards​ (​C1b​​).59 Each tool is a predator weapon allowing it to to hunt the Shape shown on the card. It can also
be used by Herbivores per ​J7​​d​. Choose one side of the card to play into the Tableau of the tool-using creature.
a. Fossil Tools. ​A tool goes into your Fossil Record if the Species using it goes extinct.
b. Diving Bells. ​The diving bell tool allows you to inhabit as a Carnivore any Biome with swimming prey.
This allows the Carnivore to inhabit normally ​uninhabitable ​(​F3c​​)​ ​seas and Offshores. However, the
Diving Bell does not allow an Herbivore to inhabit seas or Offshores.
c. Tool-Using Carnivores​​. A tool-user can hunt the shape shown on the tool card.
d. Tool-Using Herbivores​​. A tool-user cannot be preyed upon by Carnivores of the shape shown on the
tool card (​except​ tool-using Carnivores per the previous bullet). As soon as your Species gets a tool,
perform a ​prey suitability​ check (​F4​​) on any Carnivores preying on them to see if they become
e. Antivenom​​. All tools allow your Carnivore to ignore venom.
Example.​ A swimmer moves from a swamp and over a forest, in order to inhabit a sea as an Herbivore. This
requires 3 DP. A burrower also moves from the swamp to the sea, but as a carnivore. Normally a burrower
cannot inhabit a sea, but since he has a diving bell and is able to eat the swimmer, this is allowed. Note that
the diving bell does not allow it to survive as an Herbivore in the sea.

J8. Experimental Apomorphies. 

These rules are optional and experimental. They can be used, for instance, to help a newbie player, or one that is
“sandwiched” (i.e. an intermediate Skeletal Number that is neither the highest nor the lowest in the game).

CURIOSITY, the purple emoticon in this game, is associated with experimentation and learning, otherwise known as intelligence. It is associated with
the cerebral cortex in mammals and the corpora striata in birds. These structures of the nervous system allow expectations based upon generalities,
a type of percept formation and subconscious induction. However, associative learning is a universal adaptive mechanism shared by plants and
animals, as proven, for example, by experiments with pea seedlings in a Y-maze. The psychologist Julian Jaynes argues that intelligence has
nothing to do with consciousness, the strange ability to review a collection of past experiences in a mental re-enactment. This distinguishes tools,
and tool-use, from technology, i.e. a tool whose function can be visualized even before it is made. This distinction will be explored further in
Bios:Origins, the third game in the Bios trilogy.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 32

a. Player Orange Radiation Immunity.​​ Due to the reduced nervous system needed for hydraulics, Player
Orange (hydroskeletal) is immune to ​Darwinian Radiation​ (green/blue icon, see ​D8​)​ .
b. Players White and Green Growth​​. Due to their ever-growth, Players White (vertebrate) and Green
(plant-fungi) can perform one free ​resize​ (​E6​​) once per their action phase. If they resize an Herbivore
however, any of its predators also get one free optional resize, at the same time.
c. Player Black Metamorphosis.​​ Due to the proven ability of insects to shrug off mass extinctions, Player
Black (exoskeletal) can perform one ​Neoteny​ (​E5​​) per game turn without expending an action. This can
be at any time, even to avoid extinction during a mutagen event. However, he must always surrender
one fossil to do so.60

K. Mars Solitaire Game ​Achterbahn game  

Both Venus and Mars seem to have started out like Earth, with oceans and a CO​2​ atmosphere, but then plate
tectonics and thus continent formation stalled, and their oceans were somehow lost.61 If organisms had gotten
started, they would have to cope with sluggish Cratons and dwindling super-salty oceans. In the ​one-player
game​​, you play both an animal and a semi-automated plant (Player Green) on Mars, (optionally Venus or
Earth). The goal for your animals is to gain VP while keeping the oceans from drying up. You will need the
plant to stay alive, but it could turn on you as a horror plant.
a. The Plant.​​ Player Green, hereafter known as the ​plant​​, follows all the Horror Plant rules: ​action
maximum​ (​A2b​​), ​green heart​ limit (​D7c​​), cannot select metabolic cards without the horror plant icon
(​E1.d​​), and ​magic mushroom​ (​J2c​​).
b. The Animal.​​ You start as any other color you wish, and will be hereafter referred to as the ​animal​​.
c. Game Ends​​ in Era III per ​A6a.​​ It also ends on phase I of any turn if either the seas are gone ​(no more
map white disks)​ or if there is a ​moist greenhouse runaway​ (​K5e​​).
d. Victory​​. Win by surviving and keeping the seas from evaporating away (​K5a, K5c​​).​ ​To decisively win,
you must obtain ​15​ VP.
e. Plant Protagonist Variant. ​ You may alternatively play as the plant, while controlling one animal
player (as sort of a parasite). This could be useful for campaign games in which you ended the Genesis
game as a plant. Since the plant is a player, skip the ​semi-automated plant rules​ (​K8​​a,b,c​​). To
decisively win as a plant, the plant must obtain 10 VP and prevent the animal from going extinct.

K1. Sequence Of Play - Special for Solitaire Game. 

a. Events​​. Ignore ​climax events​ (​D5​​). Ignore events (such as craters) that strike Cratons not in the game.
Ignore ​deluge events​ (​D6​​), unless it’s too hot, then Liberate a white disk (​K5c​​). If a Reservoir Event
marked with the rain-shadow icon occurs, then Liberate a white disk (​K5a​​). Ignore events that transfer
green disks, except for gun events that liberate green disks (​K5d​​). With the ​Raindance superpower
(​K6​​), you can expend one plant action to make it rain during the end of the event phase.
b. Actions​​. On the plant’s turn, first check to see if it can select any horror plant mutations in the
metabolism row (​K8a​​). Then check to see if it can promote any cards to venom or mutualism. Then you
are free to choose any remaining actions.
c. Mother​​. On the plant’s turn, first check to see if any of its Newborns can successfully disperse ​per​ ​K8d​​.
d. Burial​​. Skip the scoring rounds in the solitaire game.

A RIGID EXOSKELETON is vulnerable to impacts since it is filled with incompressible body fluids. Small arthropods may survive falls due to a very
low terminal velocity, but larger spiders and millipedes split open if they fall. The giant cricket called the weta cannot survive jumping stresses that a
similar-sized mouse can easily handle.

OCEAN LOSS on Mars and Venus dumped the water into the atmosphere, some of which made it into the ionosphere. Here it was ionized by cosmic
rays, and the lighter hydrogen lost to space with the solar wind. And the leftover oxygen? This apparently combined with a carbon source to form
the carbon dioxide atmospheres of both planets today. The source of the carbon is unknown. It’s the same problem for the Earth. Was it mostly
organic (C- H- containing molecules) to begin with, or lots of CO​2​, or something else? For the Earth to have been warm early in its history, when the
sun was faint, there must have been plenty of carbon-bearing molecules around. Hundreds of times more CO​2​ than today, or lots of methane.
Regardless, thanks to the long-term presence of oceans and the hydrologic cycle, most of that is now in the form of carbonates in the ocean
seafloor or deep in the crust. On Venus or Mars, loss of ocean would have made such a sequestration impossible. ​Jonathan Lunine, 2017

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 33

K2. Trophic Levels - Solitaire Game. 
There are three Trophic Levels in the game: Plant, Herbivore, and Carnivore. The plant can be an Plant or an
Herbivore, never a Carnivore. An animal can be an Herbivore or a Carnivore, never a plant. Creeples in a hex at
these 3 Trophic Levels are lined up as follows (from bottom to top): first plants, then herbivores, then carnivores
at the top. ​Each Herbivore needs a Plant to eat or it becomes Endangered.
a. Herbivore Contests ​are changed to be the same as Carnivore Contests (​Part H​​). Therefore, an
Herbivore needs to be the same Shape as the plant to eat it. See ​K7b​​.
b. Cactus Eaters.​​ As a special rule, an Herbivore with at least 2 green organs can eat armored plants

K3. Setup - Solitaire Game. 

Setup is as per a terrestrial ​Achterbahn​ game (​C1​​) with the following exceptions:
a. Starting Disks. ​If starting on Mars, there are only 6 black, 6 white, and 0 green disks in the game. If
starting on Venus or Earth, there are 12 black, 12 white, and 0 green disks.
b. Cratons & Seas. ​For Mars, use the Tharsis and Arabia Cratons.62 For Venus, use the Aphrodite and
Ishtar Cratons.63 For Earth, use the standard 4 Cratons. Set the Cratons in any order and separated at
Latitude 4. Place a white disk into each basin or sea hex. Place a black disk into the 6 available
Offshores on Mars or Venus, but on Earth place only one black Offshore per Craton. Because climax
events and wind latitudes are not used, Latitude strips are unnecessary ​(although Latitudes are still
tracked with Latitude Dice)​, and the ​humidity niche​ (​G5​​) is always green.
c. Reservoirs​​. Place remaining black disks into the Atmosphere, and remaining white disks split evenly
between Clouds and Atmosphere. For Mars, you should end up with one white disk in the Clouds and
another in the Atmosphere.
d. Plant Starting Creeples.​​ Starts with only 20 Creeples: 5 Archetypes, 5 burrowers, 5 swimmers, and 5
armored. For variants where the plant is player-controlled (​L1, ​Ke​​), it starts out with 17 Creeples: 5
Archetypes, 4 burrowers, 4 swimmers, and 4 armored. The extra Creeples including all the green flyers
are put aside and will not be used. The plant cannot speciate into flyers.
e. Plant Creeple Setup.​​ The plant places 2 Archetype Creeples onto the map, into ​any 2 hexes​ that are
adjacent to a sea (hex with a white disk).
f. Animal Setup.​​ The animal ​will start on the first turn as a​ ​freshly-resurrected ​Lazarus, so no setup
g. Green Disks​​ are not used in the solitaire game! Place all the Unborn green Creeples on the Oxygen, as
if they were green disks. This yields 3% Oxygen.
Note:​ Each unborn green Creeple for each species in the oxygen track counts when paying paying that species’ mutation
costs during ​E1​.
Example:​ If two Archetypes are placed on the map, the 3 unborn Archetypes, 5 unborn burrowers, 5 unborn
swimmers, and 5 unborn armored would bring the oxygen level to 3%.

K4. Oxygen Management. 

Green Creeples take the place of green disks for all purposes! Unborn Creeples reside on the Oxygen to indicate
the animal action maximum. Place dead green Creeples into the Oxygen as if they were green disks, i.e., one
Creeple per slot, loaded from the bottom up.

THE RUGGED SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS OF MARS tower kilometers over the smooth basins of the northern hemisphere. It is mysterious why the
two hemispheres of Mars are so different, no other planet has such a division. If Mars had an ocean during its Hesperian Era, the north would have
been underwater and the south high and dry. Unlike those on Venus, the Martian highlands are heavily cratered and thus ancient, making a
continental origin unlikely. However, Pathfinder identified one highland rock with an elemental composition consistent with andesite, and Mars
Surveyor discovered faint magnetic traces of parallel magnetic strips, perhaps ancient spreading centers. This scenario assumes that Mars still has
two very slow-moving cratons, divided by Valles Marineris.

THE HIGHLAND PLATEAUS OF VENUS may contain light-colored granites, according to recent infrared data from Venus Express. You may
remember from ​Bios:Genesis​ that terrestrial granite comprises the low-density chemical "scum" of continents buoyantly supported with a deep root
into the mantle. Another indication of continents on Venus are the arcuate trenches known as chasmata found around Aphrodite. Similar to trenches
at terrestrial subduction zones, they may indicate ancient continents, produced by past volcanic activity and once surrounded by oceans.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 34

a. Birth​​. Remove green Creeples for Newborns from the Oxygen.
b. Offshore Seaweed​​. A green swimmer can inhabit a black offshore disk, becoming a bloom. If there is a
green swimmer in an Offshore, the hex it is adjacent to is considered to be a ​habitat​ (​K7b​​) that is 1 hex
from water.
c. Breathtaking Rule​​. On an animal’s turn, the oxygen level at that instant tells how many actions it has.

K5. Event Phase. 

Since you play without a climate strip, before executing any events draw a biosphere card depending on the
Atmosphere. ​The Events are modified as follows:
a. Rain-shadow Sublimation​​. If a Reservoir Event with the rain-shadow icon occurs, do not perform the
specified action. Instead simply Liberate one white disk.
b. Anticlimactic​​. Always ignore climax events.
c. Deluge Evaporation​​. Ignore a ​deluge event (​ ​D6​​), unless the ​Atmosphere is Warm or higher​. If so, then
Liberate one white disk.
d. No Greening Events & Plant Extinction.​​ Ignore all Events that would transfer green disks, except a
gun event that Liberates green will (if possible) destroy one ​non-archetype​ Species of plant (of the
owner’s choice). Place dead green Creeples into the Oxygen. The plant populations are ignored in
crowd diseases​ (​D9​​).
e. Moist Greenhouse Runaway.64 A ​runaway greenhouse​ (​D10h​​) cannot occur on Mars, and only occurs
on Earth or Venus if the Clouds and Atmosphere contain all 24 white and black disks.
f. Radiation.​​ Mars and Venus have no protective magnetic field, so radiation events, instead of being
either red ​or​ yellow, or blue ​or​ green, are instead red ​and​ yellow, or blue ​and​ green.
g. Olympus Mons.​​ The black disk in the northernmost Offshore of Tharsis cannot be removed except by
a collision that subducts it. Exceptionally for an Offshore, it is uninhabitable by Creeples or plankton. If
a crater occurs on Mars due to a volcanism event, the crater is automatically in the hex adjacent to
Olympus Mons ​(regardless of what the impacted craton symbol is, including cratons not present on
Mars and regardless if there is still the Offshore carbon or not).
h. Snail Tectonics. ​Mars and Venus Cratons move extremely slowly, so that no rifts, collisions, drift-bys,
or Latitude moves occur when the event card is resolved. Instead, the “biosphere stable” icon
additionally indicates that if the previous turn had a rift, collision drift-by, or latitudinal drift, it is
performed now.
Note:​ The first card of each era, even if it does have a “biosphere stable” icon, does not generate snail tectonics.65 66
Example​: This turn’s event calls for continental drift-by, but it is not performed because of snail tectonics. On the next turn
the event is “biosphere stable”. Only now is the drift-by specified on the previous turn performed.
i. Valles Marineris.67 A Pangea rift event ​on Mars or Venus​ will always split the two Cratons if they are
- if there is any continental movement on the event card, do nothing
- if there is "biosphere stable" icon, then (and only then) resolve the continental movement on the
previous​​ event card

MOIST GREENHOUSE RUNAWAY occurs if water vapor from overheated oceans increases the troposphere humidity to 20%. Water vapor is the
biggest driver of the greenhouse effect and unless it is lost to space rapidly, it allows the atmosphere to accumulate even more water. The
atmospheric temperature could rise to 1000°C, enough to melt the surface and decompose limestone. The runaway greenhouse threshold is largely
independent of CO​2​, since the IR opacity is overwhelmed by the greenhouse of water vapor.

SNAIL TECTONICS ON MARS may be due to the small size of the cooling Martian core. Around 4.1 Gya, this also shut down its magnetic field and
halted most volcanism.

SNAIL TECTONICS ON VENUS may have been responsible for its global resurfacing 300–600 Mya ago, estimated from cratering records and the
time of the Late Heavy Bombardment as dated by lunar rocks brought back from the Apollo mission. But the tectonics then halted, possibly because
Venus became so dry and hot. Dry rocks retain greater strength at high temperatures than do wet rocks, and dry melts have viscosities that are
orders of magnitude higher than those of wet melts. Moreover, a surface temperature a couple of hundred Kelvin hotter than Earth and a thick
basaltic crust make the lithosphere less dense than the underlying convecting mantle. And instead of splitting into cratons as on Earth, the hotter
cracks healed faster. Both factors may have halted plate bending and subduction. Once subduction stopped, there was nothing to stop the buildup
of CO​2​ in the Venusian atmosphere.

VALLES MARINERIS, possibly a huge tectonic subduction valley, divides the two equatorial cratons Tharsis to the west and Arabia to the east.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 35

K6. Event Phase - Raindance Superpower. 
The Medea enjoys this superpower only if its ​population​ (​I4a​​) is greater than its ​heart limit​, either dark (​D7b​​) or
green (​D7c​​)​ ​as appropriate ​and ignoring white organs​. If so, you can make it rain during the end of an event
phase by degassing one white disk from the Clouds to any ​basin (dark)​ hex. You may additionally choose to
move one mountain from any Continent​al​ to any Offshore, which represents erosion. This can be done only
once per event phase. If you choose this action, the plant has one less action during the following action phase.
a. The Medea controls the superpowers​​.68 In the solo game, this is always the solo player.

K7. Mother Phase - Biome Entry. 

The Biomes are either highlands or basins. Both are wastelands, costing 1 DP to enter (2 DP for swimmers).
Nothing grows there until they are occupied by a green Creeple. You may only ​inhabit​ a Biome as an Herbivore
if there is a plant there (i.e., a green Creeple). As usual, you may only ​inhabit​ a Biome as a Carnivore if there is
an Herbivore to eat.
a. Land and Sea​​ are the only two habitable Biomes. If the Biome has no white disk, it is land. If it has a
white disk or if it is Offshore, it is ​sea​ (​F3​​a​). (If it has a black disk, it is a mountain.)
Note​: Per ​F3a,​ it costs 2DP for a non-swimmer to enter a sea.
b. Alien Plants.​​ The green Creeples ​at the lowest Trophic Level​ are plants with the following ​habitats​​ and
Alien Plant Habitat Roadrunner Niche ​(G
​ 4, H3​​)

Swamp Plant (green 1 hex from water red


Seaweed (green swimmer) In water, or carbon offshore yellow

Tubers (green burrower) 1 hex from water red

Cactus (green armored) 1 or 2 hexes from water yellow

c. Wilt Rule.​​ A plant that is not in its proper ​habitat​ will die and be removed during the ​burial phase​ (​I2​​).
Note:​ If the seas lose all their white disks (water), the planet dies and everyone loses.
d. Winds.​​ ​On Mars, the Winds are Earth normal​. ​In the solitaire game​, the Winds are ​westerlies​, always
blowing from ​left​ to ​right​ in all Latitudes ​(but blowing both directions during windy events)​.69
Example:​ A seaweed lives on a white disk. During a rain-shadow, the white disk disappears. During the action
phase, the seaweed populates, and during the mother phase its daughter moves to a remaining white disk. The
wilted mother then dies and is buried in Phase A4.

K8. Semi-Automated Plant Rules - Solitaire Game. 

Use these rules if there is no Plant player.
a. Event Phase.​​ During radiation or mutagen events, you may choose horror plant mutations only if there
are no other cards to legally take losses from.
b. Action Phase.​​ On the plant turn, you may perform actions as you wish, except:
●If there is a card available with the horror plant icon, the plant must select it if it can, starting with the
cheapest (leftmost). You choose the acquiring Species.
●If it has an unpromoted card with venom or mutualism in its Tableau, the plant must promote it to that

MEDEA is alive and well on Mars! Sporadic releases of methane are a possible indication of clathrate hydrates in a Mars cryosphere, which makes a
gun episode possible. The source of methane is likely not volcanic, due to the lack of sulfur dioxides. One possible source are Martian
methanogens living deep in the crust.

HURRICANE WINDS blow constantly on Venus in a westerly direction, the same backwards direction that Venus rotates. At some altitudes, the
winds blow at 700 km/hr, twice that of Earth jet streams. Although the surface winds are only a few km/hr, at 93X Earth atmospheric density this is
enough to move small rocks. Winds on Mars are occasionally 300 km/hr, yet with an atmospheric density only 0.6% that of Earth at sea level, such
winds feel like a gentle breeze of around two kilometers per hour—hardly enough to move fine dust. The game assumes the atmosphere of Mars
was once far thicker.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 36

●You can only resize up, not down with a plant. Furthermore, you can only pass with a plant action if all
its Species are at the maximum size for its mutations.
c. Extinction is Forever.​​ No ​resurrection​ (​E7​​) is allowed in the solitaire game ​for the plant​.
d. Mother Phase - Plant Dispersal. ​On the plant turn, you may disperse them as you wish, except ​that if
your plant or new plant species disperses to a location with an existing plant, it must become an
Herbivore​ if it is possible, including competition with your own Creeples if this would be successful. ​If
it is not possible (e.g. the plant trophic level is not edible to a dispersing plant species), then it enters as
a plant and competes using the herbivore contest rules (​G2​​), which might change the Niche.

L. Venus Multiplayer Variants70 ​Achterbahn game

Special rules for Venus: Setup disks (​K3a​​), Cratons (​K3b​​), Winds (​K7d​​).71

L1. Venus Plant Vs. Animal Game. 

This is a 2-player game, with one player being the plant, and the other player his choice of orange, black, or
white. Use all the Solitaire Game rules (​K1 - K7​​), but skipping ​K8​​a,b,c​​, ​since the plant is not-automated.
a. Superpowers​​. The plant always holds the Medea card, but the animal always controls the ​cloud-seed
superpower​ (​D13​​).72 If the animal goes extinct, no more black disks can enter the atmosphere (because
the animals which exhale carbon are dead).
b. Scoring Rounds.​​ Each animal creeple counts as 2 population when awarding fossils, but only 1
population in the end scoring (​A7​​).
c. Victory​​. Win if by the end of the game you have the most VP and if the seas are not lost (i.e., there are
still white disks remaining on the map). However, neither player wins if one is extinct at the end of the

L2. Venus Animal Game. 

This variant is the same as the ​plant vs. animal game​ (​L1​​), except it plays with two or three players, who are all
animals. Therefore, the plant is ​semi-automated​, using rule ​K8​​.
a. Start Color.​​ All players randomly select their colors and start as Lazarus.
b. Claim Medea.​​ Although the lowest skeletal initially hold the Medea card, it can be claimed per ​E8​​.
The Medea controls the plant as well as the superpowers.
c. Victory.​​ Win if by the end of the game you have the most VP and if the seas are not lost.

M. Example Turn ​2-Player Achterbahn game, Adam Gastonguay  

Gary and Brenda sit over the world. Gary controls 3 species of Green plants: the archetype (1 red & 1 yellow
basal cubes) with a venomous stinger (85) and herbivorous tree (68), a swimmer (1 red basal cube) with just
its original salt expel tubenose (14), and a brand new armored shape (1 red ​& 1 blue basal cubes​) with cerci
WET VENUS is assumed to have started in a state similar to Mars and Earth: hot from accretion and wet from the impacts of aqueous bodies from
beyond the solar system’s snowline. The simplest interpretation of the D/H ratios of Venus:Mars:Earth:Sun (2000:70:10:1) is that Venus has lost the
vast majority of its water, while Mars lost about 85% of its water to space, with the rest sequestered into polar ice-caps and subsurface permafrost.

HOT VENUS is closer to Sol than Earth, yet its Bond albedo is so high (0.8), its surface actually receives less solar energy as does Earth. So why is
Venus so hot? The molecular weight of diatomic gases such as O​2​ and N​2​ is only ⅔ that of a triatomic gases, such as CO​2​. In a column of
atmosphere a hundred kilometers high on a planet the size of Venus or Earth, the heavy gas CO​2​ leads to a pressure of 93 bar, versus 1 bar under
a diatomic atmosphere. Gas under high pressure is hotter, just touch your bicycle pump after vigorous pumping. The greenhouse effect should be
larger on Venus, mainly because higher density atmospheres have a larger thermal backscatter. The almost pure CO​2 ​air of Venus cannot have
much of an effect on the greenhouse, since the day and night surface temperature of Venus are the same. See the next footnote for the effect of
clouds on Venus.

VENUSIAN CLOUDS have accumulated into 3 thick banks, a greenhouse blanket preventing the radiation of heat into space. As players of ​High
Frontier r​ ecall, radiation losses increase as the 4th power of temperature increases, so one terraforming strategy on Venus would be to remove the
clouds so that it can come to a much cooler temperature. One reason that the clouds can accumulate so thick is that the planet rotates so slowly: 2
m/s on the equator compared to 1700 m/s on Earth.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 37

pincers (38). Brenda controls the Black insects: her archetype (3 green & 1 red basal cubes), her burrowers (1
green &1 yellow basal cubes) with night vision (36), and brand new flyers (1 green & 1 yellow basal cubes)
with a wing finger (21).

Brenda is content because she won the previous scoring round and holds the bonus ​fossil token​ (​I4b​​). Being east
of Gary on Siberia at latitudes 3 and 4, she is able to raft her creeples over to invade as she wishes. Gary is
happy because the planet has been heating up, resulting in more humid rainforests. Most of his lifeforms have
more red cubes than Brenda, which give him an edge under their canopy. A few attacks have been going back
and forth on Baltica, but it is now turn 9, and Brenda needs to finish Gary off now to ensure the earlier Fossil
token wasn’t for naught.

M1. Events​​. Gary turns over the next event card revealing flood basalt traps (7). This is not a stable biosphere,
so Brenda checks the Atmosphere. It’s Eden, so she flips a goldilocks biosphere card, placing silicate
weathering (33) beside the basalt traps. Reading the card from top to bottom, we see:
a. Basalt Traps​​ explode somewhere in Siberia. A roll of the d6 shows a crater location in hex 6, and the 1
black disk in the Atmosphere is degassed there. The 2 creeples in hex 6, a Black archetype and its Black
burrowing predator, are inverted to show their new, endangered status.
b. Gondwana shifts West​​, smashing the newly damaged Siberia in the north. A Siberian mountain grows
in hex 1, inverting another Black archetype.
c. Climax​​ spawns some more forests, a boon for Brenda as it raises her ​dark​ heart limit to six!
d. A mountain​​ (chosen by Gary, who holds the Medea card) is liberated into the Atmosphere. This
replenishes disks degassed in the previous event.
e. Biosphere Event. ​Gary uses Medea to his advantage with the silicate weathering card, ​adding​ a carbon
and a plankton bloom disk on an offshore near his swimmers so they can expand there. He also removes
a mountain between himself and Brenda, allowing for greater attack potential. It’s good to be the

M2. Actions Phase.​​ Looking at the top of flood basalt traps again, we see Gary is set to go first (​A5​​).
a. Gary​​ has 2 actions in the Eden climate. He uses the first to populate his armored, adding two armored
newborns (two because of the inherited blue basal cube). His plan is to attack Brenda’s flyers preying
upon his archetypes on Baltica hexes 4 & 5. He uses his other action to resize his armored plants to size
3, so that he won't be poisoned should he have to increase his own archetype's size later for mobility or
defense purposes.
b. Brenda​​ is worried now. She just took a big hit, losing 3 Creeples. Right now all she can think of doing
is getting as much population on the board as possible to regain her footing. Looking at the display, she
sees that yolky eggs (74) is available and she has enough unborn to select it. She grabs the card and
adds two blue cubes to her burrowers. Next she populates them, but limits the newborns to 2 so she
retains enough unborns to possibly buy sparring dimorphism (92) next turn, which is coming down the
line. At 12% oxygen, she has one last action this turn, which she uses to populate her flyers. She only
gets one, but they are the most agile of shapes, so she'll be able to disperse them ​somewhere.​

M3. Mother & Dispersal Phase.

a. Gary​​ disperses his two armored creeples on the two forest hexes where Brenda's flyers sit. In the
ferocious carnivore contest, Gary’s armored plants have more red cubes and drive both flyers into
endangered status (​H3​​).
Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 38
b. Brenda​​ is lucky to be able to place her one newborn flyer the next hex over, again becoming a
carnivore upon Gary's archetype. She then sends her burrowers east, away from Gary, realizing that
Siberia is ruled by the plants, and she'll have to rethink next turn on how to take it back.

M4. Burial & Fossil Award Phase. ​Brenda loses 5 Creeples off the map: 2 flyers, 2 archetypes and a burrower.
She puts them into her unborn. This is not a scoring round, so the players go to the next turn.

N. Flowing Bios:Megafauna into Origins: How 

We Became Human. 
At the end of Era III (​A6a​​), you may decide to enter Era IV and start either a ​Origins: How We Became Human
game (Sierra Madre Games, 2007), or a ​Bios:Origins​ game (2019).
Note:​ Era IV in the Bios:Megafauna game is the same as Epoch I (Pleistocene) in either Origins or Bios:Origins. Use one
of your Species and its acquired emoticons as your starting hominin in the game.
a. Brainmap Assignment.​​ The winner in ​Megafauna​ is awarded first choice of Brainmaps; the runner-up has
second choice, etc.
b. Starting Encephalization.​​ All Brainmaps start with the ​instinct icons u​ ncovered according to the emoticons
achieved in ​Megafauna​: red or yellow = alpha, green = natural history, blue = language, purple = manual
dexterity. Players without Emoticons start with all instincts covered on the Brainmap, ​and must waste their
first turn revealing one brain map cube from the available red icons​. Extra cubes needed to cover icons come
from ​population​, and excess cubes not needed on the Brainmap go into the ​innovation track​.
c. Greenhouse.​​ The ​Origins​​ game starts in an Ice Age if the Megafauna Greenhouse ended at “too cold”, and
in a Tropical Age otherwise.73

The Carbon Cycle ​Phil Eklund

This essay discusses the controversial relationship between climate and carbon. I avoid talking about the human impact on
the carbon cycle, because humans don’t make an appearance until the next game in the series: ​Bios:Origins.​ This game
takes a timid mainstream approach: it treats CO​2​ as a mild greenhouse gas (20% of Earth's greenhouse effect according to
NASA), and makes greenhouse a significant factor in biosphere climate. Both claims are uncertain, and I hasten to say
that mainstream does not make something true, or is even an indication that it is true. Only evidence does that.

Although the carbon cycle in this game uses mainstream data, it is not "carbon only". Like most paleoclimatologists, I see
the fossil record as evidence that Earth is driven by mighty events rather than carbon: the crash of continents, the impact
of asteroids, continent-wide flood basalts, and tremendous solar eruptions. I call this view "​Achterbahnism​", from the
German word for "roller coaster". If you have played any of my other games, and watched your hard work and grand
planning die in scientifically interesting but no less heartbreaking ways, this term needs no further explanation.

One such Achterbahnist is Syun-Ichi Akasofu of the International Arctic Research Center. He looks at recent big and little
chill events like the "Little Ice Age" (LIA), the Younger Dryas, and the "Big Ice Age" (i.e. the last Glacial Maximum).
These three events (see diagram below, adapted from NOAA) are so recent that humans suffered through them.

ICE AGE is a period when ice exists on the planet. Through most of Earth’s history, ice was unknown. But recently, less than 1/10 of a game turn
ago, Earth was plunged into an Ice Age, with a series of periods with carbon dioxide levels so low, the planet came close to killing off its plants. For
the last 15,000 years, the climate has been thankfully climbing out of the last deep freeze. But if it follows the last dozen cycles, it will soon peak and
fall into the next deep freeze. Anthropogenic carbon releases from the industrial era are sometimes said to prevent this from happening, but this may
be a false hope. First, climate records clearly show brief Ice Ages occurring even with carbon dioxide levels 15X today’s (e.g. in the Jurassic and
Cretaceous). Second, over the long run the loss of Earth’s precious carbon dioxide is inexorable, and the small increases due to cars and factories
will not change this. The situation is like a brisk September morning. In the short run it will get hotter as midday approaches, yet over the longer run
it will get colder as winter sets in.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 39

Abrupt climate changes are common in the record, even during the greenhouse dinosaur days. But the most recent "gun" is
the Younger Dryas of 12,800 years ago. Sedimentology in Ireland reveals temperatures plummeted 10°C in months, not
years. Then after a brief deep freeze of 1300 years, temperatures skyrocketed 15°C in just a decade or two. Thus humans
experienced Achterbahn swings in the late Pleistocene, a "gun" event far beyond today's warming rates of fractions of a
degree. In game terms this took Earth from Ice Age to Icehouse, and back again, converting Europe from forests to an
uninhabitable ice sheet in just a few seasons, and recovering even faster.

The cause of both these guns (the plunge and the skyrocket recovery) is unknown. In my game ​Origins​ (2009), I suggested
a solar-driven Dansgaard-Oeschger event as a cause. Or a huge ice dam may have busted, interfering with ocean currents.
Whatever the cause, the Earth is still recovering from this very recent catastrophe, less than 0.0005 game turns ago. Even
more recent is the LIA, and we are still in this recovery, which is about a half a degree rise per century. Dr. Akasofu has
demonstrated that the temperature oscillates around this trend line in multi-decadal wavelengths, which has shown great
predictive power.

As opposed to the very long-range traditional paleoclimate change studies, programmers of "GCM" computer climate
simulations rely on accurate digital data only available since 1970. These hope to forecast the weather the same way that
the 9-day weather forecast is produced. And this suffers the same shortcomings, namely that it is useless beyond a few
weeks due to the chaotic nature of the atmosphere, the massive computational power required, and the fragmentary
understanding of atmospheric processes. Such models have failed both long-range forecasting and hindcasting.

Gamers may have the impression, in today's propaganda blizzard, that the CO​2​ levels today are tremendously high and
climate change is unprecedented. Much of the carbon debate is between the paleoclimatologists and the GCM
programmers. The programmers assume that carbon is the sole driver of climate, and dismiss paleodata as inaccurate.
However, the total range of "accurate" data the programmers work with would be but a tiny dot on the far right of the
graph. Any understanding of the Earth requires a study of its deep past, and the solar, cosmic, and geological factors that
drive it.

One such factor is the LIA, which the programmers claim never existed. Look at the most publicised versions of the "MBH
hockey stick" graphs, such as the one reproduced in my game ​Origins.​ Each shows a sharp bend and a long flat stick
going backwards in time. Because the stick is flat, such graphs claim that neither the Little Ice Age nor the Medieval
Warming ever existed, and thus global warming is only a few decades old. But studies of glaciers the world over show
that they were in retreat during the Medieval warming, but advanced during the LIA, and started to retreat again
beginning in 1600. Studies of sea levels and ice cover follow this scenario closely. Indeed, my game ​Greenland​ was

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 40

designed around the LIA and its likely causal agent, the Maunder Minimum.

The abrupt recovery from the Younger Dryas is equally contentious. Atmospheric carbon began rising sluggishly a
thousand years after the skyrocket. The most straightforward explanation is that this was an effect, not a cause of the
event, as carbon is released from the warmed land and sea. Nothing about the Younger Dryas can be explained by

A design goal in this game was to model the greenhouse climate of Mars and Venus using the same rules and reservoir
scale as on planet Earth. I failed, and thus was unable to put a scale bar on the Atmosphere Reservoir. Earth currently has
400 ppmv CO​2​ in a 1 bar atmosphere, so that’s about ½ millibar of CO​2​. Compare this to Mars, with 6 millibar pressure
and ​100%​ CO​2​. So Mars should have 10X the greenhouse effect from carbon than the Earth does. Even with Mars
getting only 40% the solar energy, it still should be warmer than the Earth. Or take Venus at an altitude of 55 km, above
the haze but below the clouds. In my game ​High Frontier,​ it is clement enough to establish manned floating Xities here.
In spite of the 1000 millibar pressure (Earth normal) and 95% CO​2​, the temperature is a pleasant afternoon on Earth, the
same temperature as calculated with no greenhouse effect.

I wrote to a planetary scientist asking why my game models failed to link carbon and greenhouse. His reply: “you’ve
stumbled on one of the central problems in planetary atmospheres...Good luck.”

The carbon greenhouse effect is supposed to work because a CO​2​ intercepts an escaping IR beam and backscatters it. A
problem is that CO​2​ is so rare that it is measured in parts per million on Earth, and parts per 10 on Mars or Venus. An
escaping IR beam on Earth would encounter 2600 other molecules for every CO​2​ molecule it encountered, and including
hundreds of water molecules that backscatter in the same range as CO​2​. And the configuration of carbon and oxygen in
the CO​2​ molecule make it a very weak greenhouse effect. A terrestrial greenhouse scale won’t work on Venus or Mars.

Why is the surface of Venus so hot, is it greenhouse or pressure? If it’s greenhouse, there should be a difference between
the day and night temperatures. This is because the greenhouse effect is a result of IR backscatter: the more sunlight, the
more backscatter. But the temperature of Venus is isothermal, even in the dead of a night that lasts 58 Earth-days!
Because of the geometry of a sphere, a planetary equator gets more sunlight than the poles. But everywhere on Venus is
462°C, north and south, day and night. There should be Hadley circulation cells on Venus (event 37), transferring warm
equatorial air to the poles. But there isn't. I conclude that the hell on Venus comes from the pressure of its heavy CO​2
atmosphere, like how hot your bike pump gets from inflating a tire. The carbon greenhouse effect does not scale to other

This essay explains why I am not on the "carbon only" bandwagon, instead including other climatic drivers ranging from
bolides to CMEs. This is a "lukewarm" position similar to that of Matt Ridley, the author of ​The Red Queen,​ a book
which dominated parasite theory in the predecessor game ​Bios:Genesis.

The objectivity of science is threatened by its funding source, whether this source is oil companies or the government. And
the "carbon only" researchers are funded hugely by politicians whose regulatory careers and revenues depend on created
crises. There are trillions at stake, and the politicians have absolute control over their employees. Even with no overt
threats, the pressure to please the boss is tremendous, with fame and fortune coming to those who support carbon only,
and loss of grants, telescope time, and careers to those opposed.

And the threats are not always so covert, as the 2009 climate-gate proves. These leaked emails showed a collaboration to
withhold data, prevent papers being published, get journal editors sacked, and evade freedom-of-information requests.
And the extremely short-ranged climate graphs are so easy to manipulate, as I discovered when considering various
versions of the hockey stick while I was collaborating on a book on the planet Earth in 1998. Just give a different weight
to some data, and you can bend it wherever way you like. The National Academy of Sciences in the USA has discredited
the hockey stick as a deliberate distortion. The high-level whistleblower John Bates of the NOAA has shown how the
pause-buster data was falsified. And the IPCC has adopted the shabby tactic of increasing the error bands on their
prediction, in effect presenting their data as more certain by making it less certain. Politics and science do not mix.

Phil Eklund

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 41

A mainstream (IPCC) climate graph over the period of this game, with selected game events added (e.g. “E5” is game event
5). The overall downward trend of atmospheric carbon is because the Earth is gradually eating its own atmosphere as
carbon is sequestered and subducted. Glacial periods (blue bars) sometimes occur when CO​2​ is low, possibly because of
a backscatter effect of CO​2​ and water vapor. We live in an Ice Age. Adapted from IPCC 2007.


Suppose you finished an epic game of ​Bios:Megafauna,​ and the world ended in a state the same as today's
world. And you naturally want to know, which player won? In other words, which skeletal type dominates
the continents today, as measured by biomass? Since the publication of the 2nd edition, a new study by
Bar-Do, Phillips, and Mito (​The Biomass Distribution on Earth​, 2018) attempts to answer this question.
Although the biomass estimates in this study have large error bands, they benefit from a integrated
encompassing approach (unlike an amalgamation of many different approaches as in Wikipedia). All masses
are in gigatonnes of carbon, with 1 Gt C = 10^15 g of carbon.

This study finds terrestrial plants to dominate the global biomass, at 320 Gt C. This does not count another 130
Gt C in subsoil plant-parts like roots. Unfortunately for the cytoskeletal player, the winner is determined only
the biomass of consumers, that is, herbivores and carnivores, and not producers like green plants.

The most successful group of animals seem to be fish, estimated at 0.7 Gt C biomass. Unfortunately for the
endoskeletal player, winners can only be terrestrial consumers, not marine ones. If you only count terrestrial
vertebrates, the biomass is perhaps 0.3 Gt C. Player White seems to be last place.

Somewhat better are the hydroskeletal animals, mainly mollusks and segmented worms. Their stated biomass is
0.4 Gt C, but I am unsure how much of this is in the oceans. It could be that Player Orange is last place.

Significantly better are the exoskeletal arthropods, at 1 Gt C. Again I am unsure how much of this is in the
oceans. A lot of this is insects, and there are no marine insects for some reason. On the other hand, the report
mentions that a single species of Antarctic krill has a biomass of 0.05 Gt C.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 42

However, the cytoskeletal have an ace up their sleeves. The biomass of fungi is crudely estimated at 12 Gt C,
more than the other players combined. Fungi are all consumers, and overwhelmingly terrestrial. So at last we
have our winner in the contest for terrestrial supremacy!

All of these estimates are in today's carbon-impoverished atmosphere. All of these biomasses could easily be
5X to 10X more during goldilocks or hothouse conditions. Under high CO​2​, plant life explodes until it hits the
next bottleneck, which could be water, phosphorous, or nitrogen.

I run the risk of being smeared as an animal chauvinist if I don't mention the microbes: bacteria (70 Gt C),
archaea (7 Gt C), protists (4 Gt C), and viruses (0.2 Gt C). However, I am unsure what percentage of these are
consumers. For bacteria, for example, the great majority might be phototrophs, chemoautotrophs, or other
producers. Play ​Bios:Genesis​ for more on this.

Glossary and Index 

Definitions of Capitalized game terms:

Archetype (C1c, C1l)​​ is the original forerunner of your plant or animal dynasty, ​also called a stem animal​. Both your
starting Genotype card and its corresponding dome Creeples are called ​Archetypes​​.

Atmosphere ​(​C1j​​) is a Reservoir indicating Earth’s greenhouse gases: water (white disks) and carbon dioxide (black
disks). ​These disks can be in any order, and if one is removed shift other disks to fill in the gap. The uppermost disk​ sets
the Latitude strip and ​the space above the uppermost sets the​ ​green action maximum​ (​A2a​​). ​If ​the Atmosphere is full,
runaway greenhouse​ can happen (​D10h​​) and additional Liberated disks (if white) go into the Clouds or (if black) into the
Atmosphere, displacing white disks into the Clouds. ​(In other words, if the Atmosphere cannot accept a Degassed black
disk because it is full, move one of its white disks to the Clouds. The game ends that turn due to ​runaway greenhouse
(​D10h​​), with Player Green getting 5 actions). ​The lowermost scale, labeled “icehouse”, corresponds to about ​10000
ppmv H​2​O and 175 ppmv CO​2​ (ppmv = parts per million volume). ​This corresponds to 1% humidity (the primary
greenhouse gas) and 0.02% CO​2 (a ​ minor greenhouse gas). The next level, today’s Ice Age PAL, is 2% humidity and
0.04% CO​2​. An Eden atmosphere might have 10% humidity and 0.5% CO​2​, values attained by the first mission of
Biosphere 2 in Arizona and perhaps during the Mesozoic salad days of planet Earth.

Atrophy (D7)​​ is the process of removing cards and cubes during ​mutagen​ events (​D7​​). It can also occur as a result of
radiation​ (​D8​​) or ​resize​ (​J1, J4​​). If the last Organ of a Mutation is lost, then the card is discarded unless it is a Cheshire
Cat (see below).
● Atrophy Extinction​​. If a Basal Organ on a Genotype (​E2c​​) is removed, the Species goes extinct.
● Atrophy Dwarfism​​. If an Atrophy is taken from a ​monster​ (​J4​​), instantly reduce the size of the Species to get rid
of the desired number of cubes. This resize is instant and free. For instance, if a mutagen event with a dark heart 4
occurs, a size 6 megafauna with one monster token and one blue cube can reduce instantly to size 3 to get rid of its
excess cubes.
● Cheshire Cat Rule (J6g)​​. Cards in your Personality are immune from discarding during Atrophy. If they lose
their cubes, the cards remain ​and form emotions normally.​ Personality cards are never lost unless the Species goes
extinct. ​If the card would be lost through ​resize​ (​J1, J4​​), just its plus cube is lost.
● Promoted Mutations​​ that do not have Plus Organs are unaffected by Atrophy.

Basal Organ​​ (​E2c​​) is a cube on a Genotype card. Because it represents a defining phenotypic framework for that Species,
if atrophied that Species goes extinct.

Biome​​ (​F3​​) is a hex on the map whose color represents a vegetation habitat: green = weeds, brown = swamp, blue = sea.
(Biologically, biomes are structurally and functionally similar vegetation units, without reference to species
composition.) Each Biome can support only one Herbivore plus one Carnivore Creeple. If a second arrives, a contest is
performed to see who dies. On Venus or Mars, there are only two Biomes, highlands and basins, and each can support
one plant, one Herbivore, and one Carnivore.
● Craton Biome Disks.​​ A disk on a biome supersedes the hex’s color: black = mountain, white = desert or ice, green =

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 43

● Sea Level Falls​​. Falling sea levels indicate that ocean water is being stored as ice at the poles. If a sea biome acquires a
green disk during a ​deluge event​ (​D6b​​), it is a terrestrial forest instead of a sea. Any swimmers become Endangered. If it
loses the green disk, it re-floods and all Creeples that can’t swim ​o​r fly​ become Endangered.
● Offshore Biome Disks.​​ An Offshore green disk (Bloom) is treated the same as a sea hex. It is entered per ​F3b​​.

Bloom (D10g).​​ An offshore with an overlying green disk is called a bloom, and is inhabitable by a swimmer. A bloom may
only be entered (for 1 DP) by a swimmer, and only from the hex it is adjacent to, or from an adjacent offshore on the
same Continent to the north or south. See Offshore.

Carnivore​​ (​Part H​​) is any Creeple in a predator’s triangle. Sometimes called ​predator​​.

Cheshire Cat (J6g)​​, see Atrophy.

Clouds ​(​C1j​​) is a Reservoir indicating the planetary albedo. It can hold only Liberated white disks (water). It sets the ​green
heart limit​ (​D7c​​), limiting how many organs a carbon-breathing Genotype (e.g. Player Green) can support, should there
be a mutagen event. Plants are stressed if the albedo is too high (not enough sunlight) or too low (not enough rain).​ ​If
Earth were cloudless, its albedo would be about 0.2.

Coast​​ (​F5​​) is either the west or east edge of a Craton or Continent, with open ocean or Offshore positions beyond. Seas do
not define a coast. You can embark a ​raft​ (​F5​​) from a coast. Mountains form in coasts during Craton ​collisions​ (​D3a​​).

Continent​​ (​D4​​). Multiple Cratons are collectively called a ​continent​​, see Craton. ​Continental​​ means from any map hex,
excluding the Offshores.

Craton (B2)​​ is a placard representing the core of a drifting block of continental crust. Multiple cratons are collectively
called a ​continent​​. One craton of a continent will contain the ​Latitude Dice​ (​D1a​​).

Creeple​​ (​B3​​) is a wooden figure, which represents either an Herbivore or Carnivore depending on its position in the hex. It
has a player color, and one of five Shapes: Archetype, burrower (subterranean or nocturnal), flyer, swimmer, or armor.
Creeples on the map are called ​living creeples​​, and this includes​ Endangered Creeples ​(those on their side or upside
down). A Creeple on your mutualism card is called a ​host creeple, ​which counts toward your population even though it
is not your color.​ ​ The Creeples on your Genotype card are called ​unborn creeples​​. ​Place them during ​setup​ (​C1c​​) and
speciation​ (​E3d​​). ​The Creeples on your Newborn Card are called ​newborn creeples​​. ​Place them during ​populate​ (​E4​​).

Degas (D10f) ​moves a disk from a Reservoir to the map (either Continental, ​which holds a maximum of one disk​, or
Offshore, ​which holds a maximum of one black disk covered by a green disk​). If the disk is black or white, it is a Disk of
Damocles. ​You cannot degas a green disk onto a black or white disk on land, but can onto a black disk in an Offshore.​ If
there is a choice between Clouds and Atmosphere, the Medea supervillain decides (​D13​​). If the Reservoir is empty, the
Medea supervillain can take the disk from anywhere (​D14​​). Degas is the opposite of Liberate. ​For the Atmosphere
(which can have both black and white disks), remove the disk from any position, and slide remaining disks down to fill
the gap.

Disk of Damocles (D2, D3c, D6) ​is a black or white disk Degassed to a Craton for any reason. This disk, which could be
from a crater, orogeny, or climate change, Liberates any disks already there ​and makes Creeples Endangered​ ​if present at
the end of the Event Phase​. Note that a Disk of Damocles cannot be Degassed to a Biome that already has a disk of the
same color. Note also that these disks have the hierarchy: black beats white, and either beats green. For instance, a black
disk can be Degassed to a white disk, which Liberates it, but not the other way around.

Dispersal (F2a), ​biologically the vector of gene flow, is in this game the spread of a Species by taking an Unborn Creeple,
choosing its mother on the map, and moving it from the mother to a habitable Biome. This movement in dispersal points
(DP) is equal to the number of blue cubes plus size of the Species. For instance, a Species of size = 5 and with 1 blue
organ has 6 dispersal points.

Display​​ (​C1o​​) is the two rows of 5 cards that you may select cards from (​E1​​). The top row is the ​Metabolic Row,
containing yellow and red Mutations. The bottom row is the ​Darwin Row​​, containing green and blue mutations. The
Metabolic Row is concerned with achieving a high metabolic rate, while the Darwin Row is concerned with eating and

Emotion (J6)​​ is the behavioral mode of an animal that causes a sequence of actions and priorities when triggered by a

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 44

stimulus. A completed emotion is formed from the right and left halves of an emoticon in a Species Personality row. The
emotions in the game are anger (red), fear (yellow), happiness (green), jealousy (blue), or curiosity (purple). They are
worth VP and give an ​emotional bonus​ (​E1b​​) during the mutate action. ​The most basic emotions are fight or flight,
corresponding to anger and fear respectively. The fight emotion couples to an angry weapon like tooth or claw, and the
flight modes couple to vigilant but fearful eyes or ears​.

Endangered Creeple (I2).​​ Whenever a Creeple is killed, whether by a Disk of Damocles, a contest, or something else, lay
it on its side or back to indicate it is ​endangered​​. A Creeple is also endangered if its food is lost or endangered. This
Creeple is dying, yet still is ​alive​ and able to be a mother during Phase A3, assuming it has Newborns. Endangered
Creeples are ignored in contests, as if they were not there. ​The trophic level of an endangered Creeple can be invaded by
(and lose to) any unendangered Creeple.​ Each endangered is converted into an Unborn Creeple during Phase A4, with
the exception of ​endotherms​ (​I1​​) or per ​I2a​​. ​If an Endangered ends its move in the same Trophic Level as another
Endangered, perform an immediate contest in which the loser is buried.

ET (A1a)​​ is short for “extraterrestrial”. Following ​Bios:Genesis​ tradition, this means anything from outside the biosphere
of Earth.

Event​​ (​Part D​​) is a single unique occurrence which is resolved in its entirety before resolving the next event on the event
card. An event is represented by either a single icon or two icons connected by an arrow, and each event is either
separated by a vertical dotted line or placed at the start of a new row.

Fossil Record ​(​I3b, I4b​​) is a personal stack of ​fossils​​ (i.e. tokens and cards with the fossil icon). Fossils include tokens
stored during the ​fossil award phase​ (​A4c​​), and dead Genotypes, Archetypes, and Tools. Each fossil counts 1 VP at the
game’s end​ (​A6​​). Cards can only be stored here if their fossil icon was not upside-down when it was lost.

Genotype​​ (​E3a​​) is the lowermost card in the Tableau of each Species. For the Archetype, it is your starting Archetype
Card in your player color. For your other Species, it is the promoted Mutation that shows the Shape of the new Species.
A Genotype card plus its Mutations, Organs, and Size Dice completely defines the characteristics of a Species on the

Haustorium​​ (​G7, H6​​). If a Species has a promoted haustorium mutation (card 56), this Species has a specific skeletal
number (either 0 or 5) that overrides the player’s normal skeletal number for that Species only. Thus this Species always
the lowest number (if parasitic plant), or the highest (if parasitic fungus). During a ​mutagen event​, a Species with a
Haustorium Skeletal Number of 5 must use the ​dark heart limit​ (​D7b​​) and a Species with a Haustorium Skeletal Number
of 0 must use the ​green heart limit​ (​D7c​​).

Herbivore​​ (​Part G​​) is any Creeple ​sitting in the lower part​ of a Biome. Sometimes called ​prey​​.

Heritable​​ (​E3b​​) is what a new Species inherits from its mother Species. A Species color, Skeletal Number, Size Dice, and
Basal Organs are automatically inherited. Shape, Plus Organs, and Traits (Monsters, Venom, etc.) are not heritable.

Horror-plant (E1e) ​is​ ​a plant-fungus hybrid that basks green in the sunlight, lazily breathing CO​2​ and making sugar like
any plant, but at night switches to high metabolism oxygen and supplements its diet with plants or flesh. (All plants
breathe oxygen at night, and some form hybrids with aerobic fungi such as living lichens and extinct prototaxites.) All
Species of Player Green are Horror-plants.
a. Horrible Green Heart. ​Horror-plants use a green heart limit instead of a dark heart during a ​mutagen event​ (​D7c​​),
as shown on the Clouds. This is because a plant suffers if clouds block the sunlight, and also suffers if there are not
enough clouds for rainfall.
b. Horrible Mutation Limits.​​ Since Horror-plants have no aerobic muscles, Player Green is not allowed to select a
red or yellow Mutation unless it has the Horror-plant icon in the upper right corner. Other players may select the
Horror-plant cards normally.
c. Horrible Action Maximum.​​ Unlike the other players, the number of actions Player Green has each turn is linked
to cloud cover, as shown on the Atmosphere.
d. Horrible Mind Control.​​ A Horror Plant has a “magic mushroom” advantage in ​mutualism​ (​J2c​​).

Host Creeple. ​See​ ​Creeple​.

Latitude (C1i). ​The 8 levels on each Latitude Strip, numbered from zero (north pole) to seven (south pole). Every Biome
on the map is in one of these latitudes. ​If the Latitude is greater than seven, treat it as seven. If the Latitude is less than
zero, treat it as zero.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 45

Latitude Dice (C1g) ​sit on a Craton to show which Latitude its center row is in (constrained from 1 to 6). If a Craton is at
latitude 4, its northern row is at latitude 3, and its southern row is at latitude 5. Each Continent has one latitude dice.

Latitude Strips (C1i).​​ There are 3 double-sided latitude strips, each defining the 8 ​latitudes​​ from north to south pole. The
latitude colors are reddish (too hot), green (goldilocks), and blue (too cold). Furthermore, each color has two sides:
icehouse and Ice Age (blue), cool and Eden (green), and warm and hothouse (reddish). The latitude strip, as set by the
Atmosphere, is placed to the left side of the map, so as to define a latitude for every Biome on the map.
a. Latitude Indicator.​​ The 8 dice faces each indicate a Latitude.
b. Dice Color​​. The color of this icon indicates the humidity. A green dice is ​humid​​, and a white dice is ​arid​​. This
sets the the ​climax​ (​D5​​) and the ​humidity niche​ (​G5​​).
c. Wind​​. Some latitudes have a Wind direction, see “Wind”.

Lazarus (I3c)​​ is a player without any Living Creeples. He is assumed to have a cryptic small population of his Archetype,
in numbers too small to leave a Fossil Record. Until resurrected, you may perform only the following two actions:
Resurrect ​(​E7​​) and ​Medea ​(​E8​​). ​The name “Lazarus” comes from the Bible, and is applied in biology to species missing
from the fossil record for many millions of years before reappearing as if mysteriously "rising from the dead". This is an
observational artifact caused by incomplete fossil records.

Liberate​​ (​D5​​) moves a disk from the map (either Continental or Offshore), to a Reservoir. Green disks always liberate to
the Oxygen Reservoir and black disks always liberate to the Atmosphere Reservoir. If there is a choice between Clouds
and Atmosphere, ​or if there is no disk to liberate,​ the Medea supervillain decides (​D13, ​D14​​). Note that if a black
offshore disk is liberated, a green disk on top of it is also liberated (but not the other way around). Liberate is the
opposite of Degas.

Living Creeple, ​see​ ​Creeple​.

Maximum Size (J1). ​A dice icon on promoted Mutations which indicates the largest size a Species can attain without
sacrificing the Mutation.

Medea (E8) ​is the player holding the Medea card, and enjoying superpowers.

Monster ​(​E2d​​) is a token that represents a special Plus Organ considered to be multiple cubes, as many cubes as the Size
Dice of the Species. ​During Speciation, the daughter inherits a single Monster cube, which becomes a Basal Organ in
the daughter.​ If a Monster Atrophies, e.g. during radiation or mutagens, the species size is reduced instead, see
“Atrophy”. A ​monster token​ cannot be removed ​unless it suffers Atrophy while​ the Species is at size 1. The monsters are
Godzilla, Kong, Kraken, Dragon, and Yeti, with apologies to the monsters too many to mention.

Mutation​​ (​B1​​) is a card that indicates adaptations, including Organs, Traits, and Emotions. If in the Display, it can be
selected per ​E1​​. If placed in a Tableau, it adds the Plus Organs indicated to the Mutation card. If promoted, it may add
Traits, Emotions, or more Plus Organs.
● Mutation Promotion. ​While in the Tableau, a Mutation can be flipped to its promoted side (​E2​​), whereupon it
may confer Traits, Emotions, and Size Limits. All former Organs become Basal Organs, and new Plus Organs (if
any) are placed on its card where indicated.

Mutualism (J2). ​A trait which steals an opponent’s Creeple, and stores it on your card with this icon.​ ​This Creeple is
worth a VP, and represents some sort of mutualistic or parasitic relationship between the two Species.

Newborn Card (E3d, E4)​​ is a card where you place Creeples generated as a result of the populate action. Move these
Creeples from this card to the map during the mother phase.

Newborn Creeple, ​see Creeple.

Niche​​ (​G4, G5, H3​​) is a winning Organ color in a ​contest​ (​Parts G, H​​). There are two types: ​Roadrunner​​ and ​humidity​​.
The first is set by the Biome ​arrow​ icon, and the second is set by the Latitude Strip dice icon. For instance, if there are
carnivores, the Niche for a forest is the red Roadrunner, giving a competitive advantage to those with red Organs. If the
forest is carnivore-free, but is very polar, the humidity niche is white, giving a competitive advantage to those with white

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 46

Offshore​​ (​D10g​​) is one of the three shelf positions on the east coast of each Craton ​(west coast of Mars/Venus cratons).
Each ​is considered a Biome​ and can contain one black disk or one black disk with a green disk over it. An offshore with
an overlying green disk is called a ​bloom​​, and is inhabitable by a swimmer. A bloom may only be entered (for 1 DP) by
a swimmer, and only from the hex it is adjacent to, ​rafting​, or from an adjacent offshore on the same Continent to the
north or south. Other than this, offshores have no effect on dispersal or rafting.

Organ​​ (​E2c​​) is a cube on a Genotype or Mutation. It indicates an adaptation for that Species according to its color: red
(nervous system), yellow (circulatory system), green (digestive system), blue (reproductive system), or white (cold
adaptations). It can be one of two types: ​Plus Organ​​ or ​Basal Organ​​. Plus organs, representing “derived” traits, are
found on the “+” icon on Mutations. Basal Organs are found on Genotype cards.

Oxygen ​(​C1j​​) is a Reservoir for Liberated green disks that indicates how much oxygen is in the Atmosphere (which is
today at 21%). The more green disks, the ​less​ oxygen there is. Because all macroorganisms burn oxygen for their
metabolism, the oxygen level determines how many ​actions (​ ​A2a​​) Players Orange, Black, and White receive during each
action phase. It sets the ​dark heart limit​ (​D7b​)​ , limiting how many organs an oxygen-breathing Genotype can support,
should there be a mutagen event. If oxygen is too high, no “microbe” biosphere events occur, and if too low, no
“conflagration” events occur (​D10c​​).

Personality​​ (​J6​​) is an row of 2 or more promoted cards in the Tableau of a Genotype. Each adjacent card in the personality
must have established at least one Emotion, by providing for the right or left half of its emoticon. A personality is
allowed only one head and one tail, but can have multiple brains (​J6b​​), representing one bigger brain.

Plus Organ​​ (​E2c​​), see Organ.

Radiation (D8). ​An event that removes a Plus Organ from each Species, either red or yellow (metabolism radiation), or
blue or green (Darwinian radiation).

Rain-Shadow​​ (​D12a​​)​.​ ​A Biome located in (1) the center hex of any Craton or (2) in each Biome adjacent and downwind
of any mountain (black disk).

Reservoir​​ (​D10​​) is the placard where disks are stored in the Clouds, Oxygen, and Atmosphere.
● Reservoir Disk Management.​​ Disks are stored in Reservoirs starting at the spot just above the one labeled “NO
DISKS”. The uncovered values immediately above the highest disk indicate the current parameters. For instance,
if there is one disk in the Clouds, the albedo is 0.1 and the green heart is 2.
● “PAL”​​ stands for “Present Atmospheric Levels”, and shows today’s climate values. This has no effect on game
● Climate​​ is indicated by the space the highest disk is on (see next bullet), while the parameters (e.g. actions, dark
heart) are indicated by the visible space immediately above the disk.
● Atmosphere​​. No disks = icehouse, 1 disk = ice age, 2-3 disks = cool, 4-6 disks = eden, 7-10 disks = warm, 11-12
disks = hothouse, 13 disks = runaway greenhouse, one last turn (with the plant having 5 actions).

Roadrunner​​ (​G4, H3​​) is a predatory mode as set by the color of the roadrunner icon on each Biome. Roadrunners can
either be red (meaning that the prey is ambushed), or yellow (meaning the prey is pursued). Red roadrunners are in
biomes where there are many hiding places, such as forests, or swamps. Yellow roadrunners are found in biomes out in
the open, such as weeds, seas, or blooms. The name is inspired by the Warner Brothers cartoon.

Scale (B2). ​Each turn is 30 million years, and the whole game is two Gal-years (1 Gal-year = time it takes Sol to orbit the
galaxy, almost 250 million years). Each Biome is 2500 km across, containing 1​ 0,​ 000 Mt C of vegetation ​(assuming a
CO​2​ impoverished atmosphere like today’s; much higher in the past).​ Each Creeple is 60 Mt C of animals if herbivorous,
or 2 Mt C if predatory (Mt C = megatonnes of carbon, or 10^​9 ​kg). On the map, each black disk is 1000 Gt C (Gt =
gigatonnes, or 10^1​ 2​ kg), and each green disk is 1 Gt C of plankton. (Despite having a biomass 1000X lower than
terrestrial plants, marine phytoplankton produce nearly as much - 55 Gt C/yr. This is because the turnaround time of
plankton is days instead of years.) In the atmosphere, each black disk is 700 Gt carbon and each white disk is 12,000 Gt
water vapor. Note that 700 Gt C is comparable to the total amount of carbon in today’s atmosphere, about a third of
which can be attributed to humans. This is trifling compared to past “gun” episodes which dumped from 5000 to 13,000
Gt C into the atmosphere. Although 8000 Gt of oxygen are lost for every 3000 Gt of carbon burned, this loss is small
compared to the -100,000 to -300,000 Gt of oxygen each green disk represents.

Shape (B3). ​Each player has 7 Creeples of 5 Shapes: Archetype (dome), armor (snail), flyer (fly), swimmer (ichthyosaur),

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 47

and burrower (worm). Except for the Archetype, each represents a different Species phenotype adapted to a particular
ecological domain. Worms, for instance, are subterranean/nocturnal.

Size Dice​​ (​E3e​​) is a 1d6 placed on the Genotype of each Species when it is created (​E2i​​) and indicates the size (from 1 to
6) of that Species. A Size Dice can be altered as an action (​E6​​). A size dice icon depicted on a promoted Mutation
indicates the maximum size a Species can be, and still retain that Mutation.
● Size 1 = 200 grams - rats, largest spiders & extinct insects, living amphibians.
● Size 2 = 2 kg - largest land arthropods (coconut crabs, extinct scorpions & millipedes), largest living snails &
giant earthworms, largest extinct frogs.
● Size 3 = 20 kg - beavers, velociraptors, largest lagomorphs (extinct rabbits), largest living burrowing armadillos,
badgers & tortoises, largest flying birds & pterosaurs.
● Size 4 = 200 kg - Dimetrodon, largest burrowers (extinct armadillos), largest living ratites (ostriches), deer
(reindeer & moose), primates (gorillas), and felines (tigers).
● Size 5 = 2 tonnes - largest foregut digesters (giraffe, cattle & extinct deer), largest riverine mammals (hippos),
largest carnivora (bears & seals), largest living crocodiles, largest armored turtles, ammonites, glyptodonts, and
thyreophorans (stegosaurs & ankylosaurs).
● Size 6 = 20 tonnes - largest land carnivores (theropods such as tyrannosaurs), largest marine predators (sperm
whales), largest hindgut digesters (straight-tusked elephants, Indricotherium, ornithopods, & typical sauropods).

Skeletal Number (C1d)​​ is listed on the fishbone icon on your Archetype: Player Green = 1, Player Orange = 2, Player
Black = 3, and Player White = 4. This number is in effect for all your Species except for a Species with a promoted
haustorium​ mutation (​J5​​). It is used in herbivore (​G7​​) and carnivore (​H6​​) contests. The first Medea player is the one
with the lowest Skeletal. The lower skeletal numbers are best for herbivory, and the higher are better for carnivory.

Species ​refers to all of the Creeples of a particular color and Shape, plus its corresponding Tableau which defines its
Mutations, Size, Organs, and Traits. Each player can have up to 5 species: Archetypes, swimmers, flyers, burrowers, and
armored. The game scale is such that each “species” is actually more like a phylum of many species.

Tableau ​is a column of cards that defines all characteristics of a Species. It starts with the Genotype above, and continues
with any Mutations staggered behind. Personality cards are part of the Tableau, and are in a row ​just above the column
of Mutations​. The Genotype contains Basal Organs, and the size dice. The Mutations contain Plus Organs. See
illustration in ​J6b​​.

Token Management. ​See ​B7​​.

Traits​​ (​Part J​​) are non-heritable adaptations for a Species depicted by an icon on a Mutation. They include ​maximum size
(​J1​​), ​mutualism​ (​J2​​), ​monster​ (​J4​​), ​haustorium​ (​J5​​), ​emotions​ (​J6​​), ​tools​ (​J7​​), and ​apomorphies​ (​J8​​).

Trophic Levels (F6) ​describe a nutritional hierarchy of life: with carnivores at the top, feeding on the next lower trophic
level - the herbivores. The herbivores in turn consume the lowest trophic level - the energy-producing plants. All Species
in the standard game are either carnivores or herbivores, and can easily switch between the two. A single Species can
even have both carnivore and herbivore creeples present (this is called ​omnivory​​). Alien ecologies have all 3 trophic

Unborn Creeple (E1a),​​ see Creeple.

Venom (F4b)​​ is an Trait conferred to a Species by the black widow icon on one of its Mutations. A venomous Herbivore
cannot be eaten by a Carnivore unless the Carnivore is either venomous itself, or larger (​F4​​). The largest venomous
creature known is Megalania, an extinct size 4 version of the venomous Komodo dragon.

Wind​​ blows from either the east or west as indicated by the Latitude Strip. Wind only blows in Latitudes 1, 3, 4, and 6.
This represents easterly and westerly trade winds and currents. Wind affects ​rain-shadow​ (​D12a​​) and ​rafts​ (​F5​​).


About the Cover. This view of an alternate Earth stars a myriapod the size of the extinct millipede ​Arthropleura.​ Here this
giant has assumed the role of a gigantic termite during the lignin crisis, a period in which wood piled up into vast logpiles
instead of rotting. The many legs and the shovel head are for bulldozing through the piles. Among the spectators to the

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 48

side include a salamander and a fungus in some sort of mutualism, perhaps a zombie-master relationship. Artist:
Johanna Pettersson.



Player Order (A5) Plus Organs (E1)

Biosphere Stable Horror-plant (E1d)


Latitudinal Drift (D1) Recession (E3c)


Crater (D2) Maximum Size (J1)


Collisions or Drift-by Mutualism (J2)


Pangea Rift (D4) Venom (J3)


Climax (D5) Plus Organ Monsters (J4)


Deluge (D6) Haustorium (J5)


Mutagen (D7) Emotions (J6)



n Radiation (D8)

Crowd Disease (D9) Roadrunner (G4 / G3)


Atmosphere Humidity Niche (G5)

Reservoir (D10)  

Cloud Seed Edibility / Prey contest

Superpower (D13)   (G3 / H1)

Cloud Reservoir Skeletal number (G7 /

(D10) H5)

Oxygen Reservoir Fossil (I4)


Offshore Reservoir CRATONS (D)


Continent Reservoir Laurentia / Aphrodite

(D10) (Venus)

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 49

Conflagration Event Siberia / Ishtar (Venus)
condition (D10)

Microbe Event Gondwana / Tharsis

condition (D10) (Mars)

Cloud-covered Event Baltica / Arabia (Mars)

condition (D10)

Precipitation Event Direction dice

condition (D10)

Triggerhappy Roadrunner (G4 / G3)

superpower (D10)  

Windy (D11)

Constraint (D12a)

D7, ● Neoteny & Resize changed from one species to multiple species.
● Ricochet rule (D10b) added.
Ma ● Added Endangered vs. Endangered contests
y 11 ● Added A1h (habitability check at the end-event phase) to prevent edge cases.

D6, ● E8 Claim Medea changed from 2 actions to all your actions.

● Mutualism Creeple counts toward population, and can claim Newborns with Mutualism.
Apr ● Alien swamp plants can only live on edge of water, not in it.
16 ● Speciation change to replacing one Creeple instead of populating.
● Insert one step into contest procedure, going to 5-steps. The extra step is a size contest.
● Karim’ new cards are in the files for D7. Here is a list of the latest cards and placard files:
● 4 BIOS Megafauna Archetype card front 170425 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Archetype card back 170410 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Era card 170402 back & front ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna events ET 170416 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Events COLD 170405-2 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Events GOLDILOCKS 170412 - 2 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Events HOT 170412 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● 51 BIOS Megafauna events backs ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Medea Card 170425 with 2 comments
● 92 BIOS Megafauna mutations 170424 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna mutations back 170414 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● 4 BIOS Megafauna Newborn card front 170405 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Newborn card back 170412 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● 3 BIOS Megafauna Player aid 170425 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● 4 BIOS Megafauna Tools 170416 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Tools backs 170416 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Box 170413 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Latitude Strips Punchboard 170404 front & back ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Reservoir strips punchboard 170425 with a comment
● BIOS Megafauna cratons punchboards marsvenus v2 170416 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna cratons punchboards earth v2 170413 ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS
● BIOS Megafauna Rulebook 170511 with comments
● Endpage Iconogrpahy. ​FINISHED, NO COMMENTS

D5, ● Added endotherm exception, ​D5c​. I1, and gave them some immunity to Burial.
● Added Endangered Creeples. Added Burial, phase I2.
Mar ● Replace “Required Unborn Capacity” with “Cost”

D4. ● Changed SOP so that contests are resolved as they occur, during the Mother Phase.
● Added cloud seed superpower D13, replacing flower superpower.
Mar ● Changed solitaire game to Plant vs. Animal, and added these ideas to the Mars and Venus variants.
16 ● Mutagen Events additionally cause the Displays to be flushed.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 50

D1, ● Redefine Dispersal Points as size plus blue cubes. Take away starting Basal Cube.
● Boring Ordovician change for 1st player in 1st turn.
Mar ● Kiwi Rule redefined as speciation action.
14 ● Populate a numbers of creeples = to one plus number of blue cubes
● Claiming Medea requires 2 actions ​unless Player Green
● Increase rafting cost from 2 to 3 for non-swimmers or flyers
● Removed dino and mammoth size contests from the Latitude strips
● Added hidden end to Era III endgame.

D0, ● Karim’s new Mutation and Event Cards are in the files!!!!
● “Cycle” changed to “Liberate”
Mar ● Changed Flower Event to make forests roadrunner yellow instead of red.
10 ● Replace Medea Order with Player Order (A5). Place a Player 1, 2, 3 icon on the ET event card, just like in Bios
Genesis. In the Basic Game, Medea is not used since the superpowers are useless, and it is not needed for
Player Order.
● Actions are performed in Player Order.
● Added a gameplay overview
● Replace the Planning Board with a “Newborn card” that stores Unborn Creeples that will be dispersed,
including speciation. When you choose a disperse or speciate action, instead of performing it on the map, place
it on this card.
● During a new "Mother" phase (Phase F, done in Player Order after the Action Phase), each player chooses his
mothers and performs his dispersals.
● Basic Game, for a mutagen event, roll a number of dice = 1 + Era Number.
● Recession changed to Radiation and reduced in effects.
● Replaced Hot and Cold Shelf rule with Deluge event (D6)
● Changed D5 Climax to be Latitude dependent, not Craton dependent.
● Populate able to create one or two Newborns.
● Simplified Fossil Awards (I4b)
● Demotion removed as a game concept.

C1, ● Combine suppression and radiation into a new effect called recession.
● Horror Plant remake. Now is Player Green Only, with Skeletal Number #1, but handicapped by being able to
Mar acquire Only red & yellow mutations with the Horror Plant icon. Horror Plant icon removed from green and
7 blue. New green heart limits based upon Cloud cover, with sweet spot. New Player Green actions tied to
● Basal Cubes placed on Genotype when the card promotes.
● Changed Climax Roll (D5) so that rolling is no longer involved.

C0, ● Rev C0 Mutation and Event cards now added to Google Drive.
● Added 2-3alt as an alternate to the Planning Board. The concern raised by the playtesters (principally Dr. Brad
Mar Metz) is that the Planning Board did not actually reduce the importance of player order, which was the main
2 reason for adopting it. So an playtest alternative is being provided.
● Modified solitaire game. Added Campaign game (C3)
● Add Spores and Imagos special ability for players black and green, I4
● Mars and Venus variants added.

B1, ● Changed speciate from 2 actions to 1 action reserved using the daughter*s Unborn Creeple. This means it is a
special promotion. This allows Species that suffer Species stasis to speciate their way out of trouble. Added
Feb Resurrect action.
22 ● Corrected amount of components in the component list
● Per D7d, white cubes add to mutagen shielding. ​2 organs shielded for every white cube.

B0, ● Changed tools, venom, horror plant, and scoring.

● Language now requires 3 instead of 4 different emotions, but they must be on same species.
Feb ● Skipped the Boring Ordovician, so an event happens first turn.
19 ● Speciation now requires two actions instead of one.
● New size contest added to Carnivore Contest, removing the bothersome “automatic Predator resize” rule.
● Got rid of genes.
● Because of concerns with player order dominating winning strategy, Jon*s simultaneous plotting is now
● Greenhouse and climax roll is now on the biosphere card. Note that it thus does not occur when biosphere
stable is in the ET Event (and no biosphere card is drawn) and only occur if the biosphere event is not
prevented, (by “No Precipitation” for example)
● Dodo rule deleted (K2a).
● Deleted Gene Flow Action.
● Claiming Medea no longer requires being behind in population, and is used for the basic game.

A0, Feb Original first beta version when external playtesting started.

Bios Megafauna 2 - Living rules © Sierra Madre Games 2017 51

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