Chapter 17

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Lecture 17


Lucerne./ alfalfa (Medicago sativa) It is also called as queen of

fodder or green gold. Lucerne is grown for pastuer, hay, dehydrated
meal and for medicinal purpose. It is an important leguminaceous
fodder grown as a perennial crop in drier regions and as an annual crop
in hot humid regions. It is heat and drought resistant.

Cow pea. Vigna unguiculata. It is the most important leguminous

fodder crop during summer and rainy seasons mainly due to its quick
growing habit, high yielding ability and
high protein content.

Desmodium. D. tortuosum / intortum is commonly known as green

leaf desmodium, is a larges trailing and climbing, perennial rooting at
nods and having a deep tap root. It can be
harvested 2-3 times . Shade tolerant green manure cum fodder
produces profuse seeds.
Protein 22%. It is a tropical legume. It grows well in acid soils.

Stylosanthus guianensis. It is a summer growing perennial pasture

fodder legumes. S.hamata found to thrive in alkaline soils. S.fruiticosa
is from India. It is an herb and small
shrub. It thrives in light soils due to its deep rooting system.

Sangu puspam. Clotoria ternate Suited to dry land pastures highly

self sown crop. Grows well with chenchrus seeds and roots have
medicinal value. Protein 16-28%.
Sirato. Macroptilum atropurpureum. Drought resistant, twiner legume,
component in pasture, grows well with kolukattai grass, suitable in
coconut garden.Protein15%.
Subabul. Leucaena leucocephala. Among the browsing leguminous
trees it lops the best. It provides economic nutritious and highly
palatable forage to livestock and poultry. It has an amino acid mimosin.
Excess feeding leads to fall of hairs, thyroids gland swelling and
stunted growth. Pods can be fed to cattle. Protein 29%.

Glyricidia sepium. It is a medium tall tree grown in tea coffee and

coca plantation for shade. It is pruned for green manure purpose.

Agathi / sithagathi. (Sesbania gandiflora and S. sesban.) It is a fast

growing and leaves are rich in protein and very much relished by all
types of livestock.

Erythin (Erythnina indica) Indian coral leaf is a nirogen fixing

cumfodder green manure tree suited even to high acid soil.


Green manure is generally a leguminous crop raised in a field and
incorporated in situ.
E.g. Sunnhemp, daincha.

Green leaf manure. It is a practice of cutting and applying them to

the dields and
ploughing them e.g. Neem, calotropis, glyricidia.

Sunnhemp. Crotalaria juncea. Erect herbaceous shrub. Cylindrical

stem silky
appearance pods oblong inflated and hairy.

Sesbania speciosa. It was introduced from South Africa. It is a quick

growing and attains
3-4m in about 4 months. The crop stands drought and to some extent
salinity. The stem is
pithy but if allowed To grow for more than 4 or 5 months it becomes

Daincha. ( Sesbania aculeata)It is aquick growing succulent crop

which adpts itself to
varying conditions of soil amd clinmates. It can be grown even under
adverse drought, water logging condition and salinity.

Tephrosia pururea noctiflora. It is a perennial undershrub, growing

wild in sandy or
gravellywaste places. It ia also grown as and annual crop for green

Neem. Azadirachta indica. Evergreen tree with plenty of foliage.

Loppings once or twice
a year.

Pungam. Pongamia glabra. A leguminous ever green tree. Lopping is

done once or twice a year.

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